Autriche-Turquie : l'Europe capitaliste va-t-elle continuer avec des fascistes au pouvoir ?

2000-02-02 Thread Roger ROMAIN

a/conseiller communal

sites web :

- Original Message -
From: "H. Gremming" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, February 02, 2000 12:52 AM
Subject: Re: Autriche


 Le quotidien Özgür Bakis à Istanbul,  le 30 janvier 2000, p. 6

  Dogan Özgüden

  L'Europe est terrorisée... Si le FPÖ, le parti d'extrême-droite de
Heiders, arrive à constituer un gouvernement de coalition avec le parti
hrétien ÖVP en Autriche? Si ce parti anti-européen et anti-sémite fait parie
du pouvoir?

D'après les dernières nouvelles il y a un accord sur la constitution d'un
gouvernement avec la participation des fascistes.

 Cependant, juste 55 ans après, le 25 janvier 2000, les sirènes
d'alarme retentissent encore en Europe. Les fascistes se précipitent pour
saisir le pouvoir en Autriche.

Si on rapelle les événements d'il y a 55 ans, il faut aussi rappeler
l'insurrection des ouvriers autrichiens en Février 1934, lors de la prise du
pouvoir par les fascistes.

"Comme les communards du Paris de 1871, les héros de l'insurrection
autrichienne vivent, eux aussi, dans le grand coeur du prolétariat, qui dans
tous les pays du capitalisme mène le combat contre le fascisme. Les ouvriers
autrichiens ont livré une bataille d'une
grandeur gigantesque et ont écrit de leur sang une page glorieuse de
l'histoire. La formidable insurrection du mois de février a été la première
insurrection armée contre le fascisme. Ces luttes héroïques de la petite
Autriche ont tenu pendant six jours et six nuits le monde en haleine. La
bourgeoisie a tremblé devant la force formidable de la classe ouvrière. Elle
a tremblé pour son système capitaliste pourri, pour son édifice
anqueroutier, qui ne saurait s'appuyer que sur la pointe des baïonnettes. Et
elle n'a eu qu'un avant-goût de ce que les ouvriers sont capables lorsqu'ils
s'engagent sur la voie de la lutte révolutionnaire !"

"Les masses travailleuses du monde entier - les ouvriers, les masses
travailleuses  opprimées, les esclaves coloniaux - ont tourné un regard
plein d'espérance vers l'Autriche; elles ont suivi avec la sympathie et
l'enthousiasme le plus grand l'héroïque combat des ouvriers autrichiens.
Cette insurrection leur a clairement démontré que la
victoire finale des masses opprimées sur le fascisme est certaine."

Extrait d'une brochure du Secours Rouge Français de 1934.
Le texte complet est disponible à l'adresse suivante:

 Cela montre que la bourgeoisie cherche toujours son salut par les même
moyens. Or, si le Parti Social-démocrate Autrichien a déjà trahi les
ouvriers autrichiens en 1934, aujourd'hui il se fait carrément complice des


Fw: ILHAN YELKUVAN: Call for a urgent action + italian version

2000-02-02 Thread Roger ROMAIN

Roger ROMAIN a/conseiller 
communalB6180 COURCELLES

sites web : 
- Original Message - 
From: Marcellino 
To: Stödgrupp Mumia Abu-Jamal ; Stödgrupp 
Mumia Abu-Jam ; SPG 
Soligroep ; Roger Romain ; Robert (Malcom X) ; PJW (Norvegia) ; 
Pere Miralles 
Salse ; Niloc ; Neville Romaniuk ; Mumuia 
Soli Gruppe ; Mumia 
Espana ; MLintnazlibertad ; Marcellino (Coord Contro Repr e per MAJ) ; LE COSIMAPP ; jamesede ; info.msi ; Higinio Carrocera ; Hannes Hopf ; Hamburg SPG ; Gorka ; El 
Vocero Disidente ; Danesi per MAJ ; Cruz Negra 
Anarquista Barcelona ; Comunistes de Catalunya ; comitè Mumia 
Besançon ; Comitè de soutien à MAJ ; Comitè 
de soutien à MAJ ; Comitè de solidarietè avec les prisonniers 
politiques ; Butlletí Aixeca't! ; Autonomus Center 
Edimburgh ; ARSG (Gran Canaria) ; António Louçã ; AMCSmoin (Dublin) ; Alan for MML ; 
colectivo anarquista ; Libertad ; CSVI/GPDI ( in support of the people's resistence in 
Indonesia) ; c_rust (Australia) ; Clark Kissinger ; 
Majordomo ; Moésio Santos/Agencia de 
Noticias Anarquistas-ANA (Brasil) ; nattyreb ; Prison Radio ; Refuse and Resist ; Refuse and Resist ; Silver (filippine) 
; youth4mumia ; Buxheim 

Sent: Wednesday, February 02, 2000 3:12 AM
Subject: ILHAN YELKUVAN: Call for a urgent action + italian 

Libertad! - Organizzazione per la liberazione di tutte/i le/i Prigioniere/i 
politiche/i nel mondo
Libertad! - Organización para la libertad de todos los pres@s 
politic@sLibertad! - Organisation for the freedom of all political 
prisonersLibertad! - Initiative für die Freiheit der politischen 
GefangenenweltweitFalkstr.72-74, 60 487 Frankfurt, Alemania/Germany, 
Tel: +49 - 69 - 70 79 4811, Fax: +49 - 69 - 79 20 1774, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
0. Messaggio in italiano/ 1. Mensaje en Castillano/ 2. Message in English/ 
3.Deutscher Text:
Alle organizzazioni e persone nel mondo che si occupano di diritti umani e 
Oggi è il sessantaduesimo giorno dello sciopero della fame e il terzo giorno 
dello sciopero della sete del prigioniero politico turco Ilhan Yelkuvan, 
detenuto nel carcere di Amburgo, Germania. Ilhan Yelkuvan non si può alzare dal 
letto e può morire da un giorno allaltro.
Questo prigioniero politico sta esigendo linnalzamento delle condizioni 
carcerarie, rispetto al regime speciale di isolamento imposto dal tribunale di 
Amburgo contro di lui. Questo regime speciale prevede che Ilhan venga tenuto 
rinchiuso in cella per 23 ore al giorno e che lunica ora daria che gli è 
concessa sia tra le 4 e le cinque della mattina. Gli è proibito in particolare 
qualsiasi contatto con altri prigionieri di nazionalità turca, per il pericolo 
di influenzarli politicamente, secondo il giudice responsabile. Il turco è 
lunica lingua che Ilhan domina realmente, e così lui qualifica questo regime 
come un "sistema di aparthaid".
Ilhan Yelkuvan è condannato allergastolo in prima istanza dal tribunale di 
Amburgo, per delitti relativi alla sua militanza nel DHKP-C (Fronte 
Rivoluzionario per la Liberazione del Popolo Turco); questorganizzazione è 
dichiarata illegale e perseguita in Germania dal 1998, così come dal 1993 
lorganizzazione Kurda PKK.
Altre e altri prigionieri politici turchi detenuti in varie carceri in 
Germania, Francia, Belgio e Svizzera si sono uniti allo sciopero della fame di 
Ilhan Yelkuvan, esigendo linnalzamento delle condizioni del regime carcerario 
di isolamento e la fine della persecuzione politica del DHKP- C.
1300 prigionieri politici detenuti nelle carceri turche sono entrati dal 12 
gennaio in sciopero della fame in solidarietà con Ilhan e i suoi compagni.
Ishan Ersoy, che si era aggiunto allo sciopero della fame, ieri ha perduto 
coscienza ed è stato trasferito nellospedale carcerario di Berlino, dove le 
autorità negano al suo avvocato di visitarlo. Anche Ali Ekti, prigioniero 
politico detenuto ad Amburgo, si trova in condizioni di estrema debolezza e sta 
sputando sangue nel suo 55° giorno della fame.
I prigionieri politici hanno annunciato che continueranno le loro azioni fino 
a che non siano esaudite le loro richieste. questa è una questione di vita o di 
morte, ed è una questione di ore o di giorni.
Noi, lorganizzazione Libertad, pensiamo che le loro richieste siano giuste e 
debbano essere esaudite.
Facciamo questappello urgente a tutte le organizzazioni e persone nel mondo 
che si occupano di diritti umani e solidarietà: aiutate con la vostra protesta a 
salvare la vita di Ilhan yelkuvan e dei suoi compagni. Adesso!
Inviate un fax di protesta al giudice responsabile e una mail ai ministri 
tedeschi dellinterno e della giustizia, chiedendo che si esaudiscano le 
richieste di Ylhan Yelkuvan 

wwnews Digest #36

2000-02-02 Thread heikki sipilä

WW News Service Digest #36

 1) U.S. Role in Kidnapping Cuban Child
 2) Miami Protest Defies Cuban Right Wing
 3) Free Leonard Peltier--Now!
 4) Albany, N.Y.: "Justice for Diallo!"
 5) Vieques: P.R. Movement Says "No Deal"

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Date: Wed, 2 Feb 2000 21:37:27 -0500
Content-type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
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Subject: [WW]  U.S. Role in Kidnapping Cuban Child

Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the Feb. 10, 2000
issue of Workers World newspaper


By Gloria La Riva

The Clinton administration, the Justice Department, and
specifically the Immigration and Naturalization Service must
bear responsibility for the abduction of little Eli=A0n
Gonz=A0lez by the U.S.-based Cuban right-wing, which has now
entered its third month.

It was the INS that turned the six-year-old shipwreck
survivor over to distant relatives in Miami in the first
place. It has continued to grant them temporary custody
despite requests from his father, Juan Manuel Gonzalez, to
return Eli=A0n home to Cuba immediately.

It was Attorney General Janet Reno who, defying
international, Cuban and U.S. law, agreed to allow the Miami
relatives--themselves dupes of the right-wing--to take their
case to court before the INS's own ruling to return Eli=A0n
could take effect.

And now the federal authorities have forced his
grandmothers to return to Cuba without the boy after their
heroic trip to the United States in late January to try to
secure his release.

Five-year-old Eli=A0n was rescued at sea in international
waters on Nov. 25, 1999. The boat on which he was taken from
Cuba sank and his mother, along with nine other adults,

Without hesitation Eli=A0n gave U.S. medical doctors his
father's address and telephone number in Cuba, but the U.S.
authorities handed him over to his great-uncle in Miami
without requiring any proof of his relationship to the boy.
Within one day of his rescue, the right-wing launched a
grotesque campaign to exploit the boy's plight for their
anti-Cuba agenda.

Later, the same U.S. officials would force Eli=A0n's father
to jump through hoops to prove he was a father intimately
involved in his upbringing.


Clear evidence of a set-up during Eli=A0n's meeting with his
grandmothers at the house of a Catholic nun shows that the
U.S. government is playing a duplicitous role that has
delayed his return home.

The INS went out of its way before the meeting to promise
the Miami relatives in writing that Eli=A0n would not be
removed from them. Then in the meeting, when the
grandmothers handed the boy a phone to speak with his
father, a Miami cop grabbed it out of his hand. They didn't
want him "influenced" by his own father.

Two days later, Jean O'Laughlin, the "neutral mediator"
whose house was chosen by the government for the meeting,
came out strongly advocating his stay in the U.S.

The most vociferous opponents of Eli=A0n's return to Cuba
are Miami right-wing thugs like Jose Basulto of Brothers to
the Rescue and Jorge Mas Santos of the Cuban American
National Foundation. They could easily be slapped down by
the biggest power on earth if the U.S. ruling class really
wanted to do that. For years, however, they have served as a
convenient cover for Washington to continue its aggressive
policy against Cuba through the U.S. blockade.

Much has been made over the years of the sway that the
right-wing is said to hold over Florida politicians, right-
wing members of Congress and U.S. presidents.

It is certainly true that opportunist politicians like
Robert Torricelli, Jesse Helms, Dan Burton and Dan Smith
have jumped on the anti-Cuba bandwagon to further their
political careers. Some, like Burton, Helms and Torricelli,
have sponsored monstrous bills against Cuba designed to
inflict greater hardship on the Cuban people.

But in reality, the Miami fascist movement was a creation
of the U.S. imperialist rulers. The defeated forces of
former Cuban dictator Fulgencio Batista have been nurtured,
funded and armed to the tune of tens of billions of dollars
over 40 years for the convenience of the U.S. overall
strategy of trying to destroy the Cuban revolution. While at
times their fascist ideology does create problems for the
U.S. government, they still are backed financially and
politically by their masters.

In the present case, the overwhelming support by the big
capitalist media for sending the child home reveals a split
in the ruling 

wwnews Digest #36

2000-02-02 Thread heikki sipilä

Teresa Gutierrez, a national organizer for the Committee,
told the rally that the committee would not stop its work
until Eli=A0n sets foot on Cuban soil.

Rep. Dan Burton, who was in Miami the same day, and other
right-wing politicians are moving ahead with plans to make
Eli=A0n a U.S. citizen. According to news reports, however,
this has little support. Even Republican elected officials
have said they would not support a citizenship process.

Federal Judge William M. Hoeveler will hear an appeal by
Eli=A0n's Miami relatives on Feb. 14 in U.S. District Court in
Florida. The hearing is to determine whether the Immigration
and Naturalization Service ruling that granted Eli=A0n's
father in Cuba custody will prevail over any state court.


A front-page headline in The Jersey Journal of Jan. 31
reads: "Hudson to Eli=A0n: Go Home to Your Father and
Motherland--Poll also shows desire to normalize relations
with Cuba."

What gives this headline special significance is that it
refers to Hudson County, N.J., which has the second-
largest concentration of Cubans in the United States,
after south Florida.

The article reports on a poll taken in the county by New
Jersey City University. It shows that over half the
county's residents were for sending Elian home. And almost
half were also for normalizing relations with Cuba.

Hudson County has been the political base of two of the
most rabidly anti-Cuban politicians in Congress--Robert
Torricelli and Robert Menendez. Torricelli was the sponsor
of a law tightening the blockade against Cuba.

 - END -

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Date: Wed, 2 Feb 2000 22:25:58 -0500
Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
Content-transfer-encoding: 7BIT
Subject: [WW]  Free Leonard Peltier--Now!

Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the Feb. 10, 2000
issue of Workers World newspaper


By Moonanum James

Feb. 6 is the 25th anniversary of the arrest and unjust
imprisonment of Leonard Peltier. Leonard Peltier is an
American Indian Movement warrior who was wrongfully
convicted in 1976 of shooting two FBI agents at Pine Ridge
Reservation in South Dakota the previous June.

Peltier's trial was filled with manufactured evidence,
intimidated witnesses and outright lies. It has been proven
that the FBI and federal prosecutors intentionally withheld
evidence that would have proven Peltier's innocence.

Even the prosecutor of the case now admits that the
government has no idea who committed the crime for which
Peltier is serving two consecutive life sentences. Yet the
courts have refused to grant Leonard Peltier a new trial,
and the U.S. government has consistently denied Peltier

Peltier has had an executive clemency petition pending
before President Bill Clinton since 1993. During a recent
visit to Pine Ridge Clinton was confronted by Peltier
supporters carrying banners and signs demanding freedom for

Clinton is reported to have asked, "Who is Leonard
Peltier?" How dare he ask such a question after millions
from across the United States and around the world have
written him demanding Peltier's freedom.

The Canadian government recently issued a report on the
circumstances surrounding Peltier's arrest and extradition.
At that time, the U.S. government did not have enough
evidence to warrant extraditing him.

A Native woman has admitted that the FBI and U.S.
prosecutors coerced her into signing affidavits claiming she
was Peltier's girlfriend and witnessed him murder the
agents. When she later confessed to not knowing Peltier and
not being at Pine Ridge on the day the agents were shot, her
confession was suppressed by the FBI and never entered into
evidence at Peltier's trial.

Former Attorney General Ramsey Clark, along with other
attorneys, has filed a habeas corpus petition challenging
the Parole Commission's refusal to recognize Peltier's
procedural parole rights.

The Parole Commission has repeatedly refused to grant
parole, saying that Peltier has "not yet taken criminal
responsibility for the deaths of the two agents."

During the latest hearing, held in December of 1995, the
commission went on the record as "... recognizing that the
prosecution has conceded having no direct evidence that
Peltier participated in the killing of the two FBI agents."

The commission still refused to grant parole because of
Peltier's "... evident decision not to accept criminal

How can he accept responsibility for something he did not
do? If this is unsuccessful, Leonard's next 

Korean Central News Agency Feb 2

2000-02-02 Thread heikki sipilä

Greetings to Vietnamese Communist Party

Pyongyang, February 2 (KCNA) -- The Central Committee of the Worker's
Party of Korea today sent a
congratulatory message to the c.c., the Vietnamese Communist Party on the
occasion of the 70th anniversary of its
It reads:
The Vietnamese Communist Party, founded and strengthened and developed
by Ho Chi Minh, organized and
led the struggle against the imperialists' colonial rule and the struggle
of national salvation against the U.S. to
victory and achieved complete liberation of the country and national unity.
Under the leadership of the party led by Le Lha Phieu, the Vietnamese
people have made great progress in
socialist construction and defense of the country with Marxism-Leninism and
Ho Chi Minh's idea as guidelines.
Expressing belief that the friendly and cooperative relations between
the two parties and two peoples would be
further consolidated and developed, it wished the party and the people of
Vietnam greater success in their struggle
for the victory of the socialist cause.

Gift to Kim Jong Il

   Pyongyang, February 2 (KCNA) -- General Secretary Kim Jong Il received a
gift from the delegation of the
National Assembly of People's Power of Cuba that visited the DPRK.
Jose Luis Toledo, president of the Permanent Commission of
Constitutional and Juridical Affairs, who is
heading the delegation handed it over to an official concerned.

Preparatory committees formed abroad

Pyongyang, February 2 (KCNA) -- Preparatory committees for celebrating
the 58th birthday of General
Secretary Kim Jong Il were inaugurated in different countries.
Inaugural meetings were recently held in the Czech Republic, Ethiopia
and Zimbabwe.
Speakers at the inaugural meetings said that the preparatory committees
were formed to more significantly mark
February 16, common holiday of humankind, and called for widely introducing
and propagandizing the idea and
leadership exploits of Kim Jong Il through colourful functions.
The meetings discussed on the publication of bulletins and colourful
functions to be conducted during the
celebration period.
Messages of greetings to Kim Jong Il were adopted in the Czech Republic
and Zimbabwe.

International Kothongryon preparatory committee formed

Pyongyang, February 2 (KCNA) -- A preparatory committee of the
International United Confederation of
Koreans (International Kothongryon) for celebrating the 58th birthday of
General Secretary Kim Jong Il was
inaugurated on January 24.
Sok Myong Son, Honorary Chairman of the International Kothongryon, was
elected chairman of the
The committee set a period of celebration from February 3 to 18 and
decided on action program.

Korean people's struggle supported by Guinean President

Pyongyang, February 2 (KCNA) -- Guinean President Lansana Conte met
with the DPRK ambassador to his
country on January 27.
On the occasion the President said that the friendly and cooperative
relations between Guinea and Korea are
special ones and Guinea will always side with the Korean people.
He went on:
Korea is a united country strong in independence. Korea will surely be
a prosperous country because the
Korean people are single-heartedly united around Marshal Kim Jong Il and
their military power is strong.
Kim Jong Il is now pursuing the policy of attaching importance to the
matters of educating people in one
ideology, strengthening the army and developing science and technology,
which is very important and just.
The reunification of Korea will surely be achieved because the policy
set forth by Kim Jong Il for national
reunification is just and all the people unanimously support it.

U.S.-S. Korea military maneuvers

   Pyongyang, February 2 (KCNA) -- The U.S. and the South Korean
authorities kicked off provocative joint
military maneuvers in the sea around the Korean peninsula from January 31,
according to a foreign press report.
Involved in the maneuvers to be continued until February 3 were seven
warships including latest U.S.
nuclear-powered aircraft carrier Stennis and cruiser Port Royal.
The warmongers announced they would conduct operations for detecting
submarines of the "enemy."
It shows that their DPRK-targeted war provocation moves are committed
at a practical stage.

Ridiculous argument about "engagement"

Pyongyang, February 2 (KCNA) -- South Korean "Minister of Foreign
Affairs and Trade" Ri Jong Bin, when
meeting foreign representatives in Seoul, said he would steadily promote
the "engagement policy toward the north,"
according to a report.
The utterances of the newly-appointed Foreign Minister indicate that
the South Korean authorities will continue
the "engagement policy" in diplomatic policy.
This betrays the sinister attempt of the South Korean authorities to
continue pursuing the policy of north-south
confrontation and lead the situation of the Korean peninsula to