KR> Retractable Landing Gear / full stall landings

2011-04-05 Thread
Jim Morehead's tri-gear is capable of full-stall landings I'm pretty
sure, especially easy to do with two people in it since the CG shifts to
the rear.  I didn't have enough time with it to actually do a full stall
landing but I was really pleased with the ability to get a high angle of
attack on landing.  We were close.  With my taildragger I can't even come

Regarding doing three-point landings in high winds, especially
crosswinds, I learned long ago (with my first KR, a standard retractable)
that it was just asking to get blown off the runway.  You can't BEGIN to
get the wing down low enough to counter the crosswind without hitting the
runway with the wingtip.  

Light crosswinds yes, you can fool around with three-point landings
(taildragger I'm talking about), but you get 25 knots gusting at 90
degrees to the runway (as we recently had a couple weeks ago here) and
the only way you'll get it on the runway is to fly it on and pin it down.
  I LOVE doing pattern work when we get really strong winds around here -
it's practice for those times when landing in Raton, NM or St. Johns, AZ
in the middle of the afternoon with the winds howling.  The idea of
three-pointing in these conditions is ludricrous.  


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KR> Radio

2011-04-05 Thread
I second or third those who have suggested the SP400.  I've got two very
good ICOM handhelds already and have been putting off buying the SP400
since it just seems extravagant.  That ILS is a wonderful feature however
and the writing is on the wall . . . just a matter of time and impulse.  


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2011-04-05 Thread

I've got one of Sporty's handhelds that I've had for about 10 years and I'm 
 quite happy with it. I flew MU-2's in the middle of the night for several 
years  and always had it in my flight bag. I've never really had to use  it 
, but it's always work for me. I understand if you're going to use it in the 
 plane much an external antenna really helps.

KR> Retractable Landing Gear / full stall landings

2011-04-05 Thread Larry Flesner
At 08:59 PM 4/5/2011, you wrote:
>I can tell you after 600+ hrs on 1 of the first KR2 streached before 
>it was called an S I made full stall landing all the time. My gear 
>was a Deil with 3" added and after about 2000 hrs tail wheel time, 
>(I also own a 47 Bellanca Cruiseair) I land full stall and my 
>tailwheel will hit first every time if I do it right.

If you are touching tail first, your wing is still flying and not 
stalled.  Once the tail touches, the mains continue down and lessens 
the angle of attach, resulting in the wing never "fully 
stalling".  You are surely landing at the slowest possible airspeed 
but in fact are not making a "full stall landing".  On my first 
flight I touched tail first and it resulted in the most unstable 
touchdown in my 400 hours in my KR.  I "tail low" wheel land, even in 
cross winds, and have never had to use brakes for directional control 
and only need minor rudder inputs for directional control.

My KR is stretched 24 inches but has 30 inch Diehl legs instead of 
the standard 24 inch legs.  In the three point attitude, my wing 
incidence at the root is still only at 12 degrees, several degrees 
below stall angle, and that is with the 3.5 degrees AOA called for in 
the plans.  If I had set my wing AOA at a lower angle, as a number of 
builders have,  I would be at an even greater angle below the 
stall.  I'm guessing the KR's that can get closes to a stall on 
landing would be a plans built KR2 on a tall gear like the Grove 
aluminum gear or similar long leg gear.  Even then, if they use a 
tall tail wheel, I guessing they can't fully stall on landing.  IMHO..

Larry Flesner

KR> Why No Retractable Landing Gear on KRs Anymore?

2011-04-05 Thread Mark Langford
I concur with Randy...three point it or hit the tailwheel first and it's 
done flying, period.  It's very controllable that way.  That very thought 
occurred to me this afternoon when I decided I was going to try to wheel 
land it just to remind myself how that goes.  It was squirrelly and I 
thought "that's why I keep thinking it's so easy...I just three point it or 
hit tailwheel first and it's a non-event, rather than landing faster and 
trying to stay on top of it and keep it going in the right direction".  Of 
course you have to put your concentration into speed control, but given a 
long enough runway, that's dirt simple...just fly along a little above the 
runway until it quits flying.  I do it on a 2600' runway and only brake 
slightly to get stopped by the far end. Or you can fly it onto the runway 
and figure out how to get rid of all that energy while staying in one 

Mark Langford
ML at
website at

KR> T-88 Question

2011-04-05 Thread sean duggan
Here is a quick question. Does excess T-88 have to be removed from a wood 
surface before another piece of wood can be bonded to that surface? 

In my situation, excess glue has pooled on and around the outside of some of my 
fuselage truss joints. The plywood and partial longerons that will be glued to 
the fuselage trusses in the upcoming steps will need a good structural bond. 
Will I need to sand off the excess glue so that I have a clean wood surface to 
bond to, or can I just sand things level and bond to the cured T-88?


Sean Duggan

KR> carb for 1835 VW?

2011-04-05 Thread Clay
I am finally ordering the carb for my KR2 and am looking for honest

Aerocarb or Revflow?

They look about the same to me with only a slight difference in price.

Thank you,



KR> Radio

2011-04-05 Thread Craig Williams
Here's what I am going with

Sportys SP400


--- On Wed, 4/6/11, PatS  wrote:

> From: PatS 
> Subject: KR> Radio
> To: "Corvair Forum" , "KRnet" 
> Date: Wednesday, April 6, 2011, 1:38 AM
> Guys;  I am to the point of
> thinking seriously about buying a hand held radio. 
> What are the recommendations of the community?  Are
> there any one in particular that is the top buy? 
> Thanks for your help.
> PatS
> Seminary, MS
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KR> Why No Retractable Landing Gear on KRs Anymore?

2011-04-05 Thread Randy Smith
I can tell you after 600+ hrs on 1 of the first KR2 streached before it was 
called an S I made full stall landing all the time. My gear was a Deil with 3" 
added and after about 2000 hrs tail wheel time, (I also own a 47 Bellanca 
Cruiseair) I land full stall and my tailwheel will hit first every time if I do 
it right. If the tailwheel hits a secound or 2 first it will help straighten 
the plane out if you are a little sideways. I also have time in a # of other 
tailwheel planes and I treat them all the same. Don't get into landing on the 
mains in a cross wind. I land tail first ALL the time and have not had a full 
groung loop yet.

--- On Tue, 4/5/11, Larry Flesner  wrote:

From: Larry Flesner 
Subject: Re: KR> Why No Retractable Landing Gear on KRs Anymore?
To: "KRnet" 
Date: Tuesday, April 5, 2011, 8:22 PM

At 12:17 PM 4/5/2011, you wrote:
>The plans for the KR-2 I have seen have a retract system. I have got the
>impression that they have fallen out of favour. Is it just too much hassle or
>are the castings not available anymore?

Several reasons have already been posted as to why builders are going 
to fixed gear.  In additional to the original gear being unreliable, 
the fixed gear is several miles per hour faster and lighter by 
several pounds.  I firmly believe there is not a KR out there that 
can make a "full stall - three point landing without the tail 
touching first.  Even a KR2S tri-gear on Diehl gear will probably 
touch the tail without fully stalling the wing.  I had a tri-gear 
pilot attest to that fact on one occasion while discussing full stall 

Larry Flesner

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KR> Why No Retractable Landing Gear on KRs Anymore?

2011-04-05 Thread Mark Jones
>Larry Flesner wrote:  Even a KR2S tri-gear on Diehl gear will probably
>touch the tail without fully stalling the wing.  I had a tri-gear
>pilot attest to that fact on one occasion while discussing full stall

Very true statement Larry. I have slammed my tail on the runway more than 
once and the tie down ring on my tail bears the wear to attest to the fact. 
The first time my tail hit first, there was such a loud bang that I thought 
I had actually broken something back there. Thankfully not. After that, I 
painted the bottom of the tie down ring red just to see how long the paint 
would remain there. It did not take long for me to wear it off till I 
finally learned how to land the tri-gear without hitting the tail. Never 
have stalled it onto the runway.

Mark Jones (N886MJ)
Stevens Point, WI

KR> Radio

2011-04-05 Thread PatS
Guys;  I am to the point of thinking seriously about buying a hand held radio.  
What are the recommendations of the community?  Are there any one in particular 
that is the top buy?  Thanks for your help.
Seminary, MS

KR> Why No Retractable Landing Gear on KRs Anymore?

2011-04-05 Thread Larry Flesner
At 12:17 PM 4/5/2011, you wrote:
>The plans for the KR-2 I have seen have a retract system. I have got the
>impression that they have fallen out of favour. Is it just too much hassle or
>are the castings not available anymore?

Several reasons have already been posted as to why builders are going 
to fixed gear.  In additional to the original gear being unreliable, 
the fixed gear is several miles per hour faster and lighter by 
several pounds.  I firmly believe there is not a KR out there that 
can make a "full stall - three point landing without the tail 
touching first.  Even a KR2S tri-gear on Diehl gear will probably 
touch the tail without fully stalling the wing.  I had a tri-gear 
pilot attest to that fact on one occasion while discussing full stall 

Larry Flesner

KR> RE: Firewall attachment

2011-04-05 Thread phillip matheson
I swore I would never "instrument panel dive" again!

Do as Mark and many others have done, make the forward deck removable.

Phil Matheson
SAAA Ch 37

KR> Why No Retractable Landing Gear on KRs Anymore?

2011-04-05 Thread

If that gear would fit a KR-1 I'm interested in buying it.


Oliver McMahon
Nashua NH

Obama Urges Refinance
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KR> Why No Retractable Landing Gear on KRs Anymore?

2011-04-05 Thread
I think one of the main reasons is weight, the original retract system is  
quite heavy. I have the original set up that came with my project, but am  
planning to go with the Diehl fixed. Properly faired they don't create more  
drag than the original and are much lighter, and the chance of them folding 
on a  botched landing is much reduced. 

In a message dated 4/5/2011 11:19:24 A.M. Mountain Daylight Time, writes:

The  plans for the KR-2 I have seen have a retract system. I have got the  
impression that they have fallen out of favour. Is it just too much hassle  
are the castings not available anymore? I know airplanes with wheel  
fairings can 
have good cruise speed but it seem like it would just be that  much better 
retracts. Digging through old posts I have read that  because of the short 
legs the plan can't get as close to a stall  since the tail wheel contracts 
ground first, this result in higher  landing speeds, but this doesn't seem 
an overwhelming  problem.

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KR> Why No Retractable Landing Gear on KRs Anymore?

2011-04-05 Thread Jay W. Hughes
I have a retract set less the latching pieces which failed on first landing. It 
is for sale if you want it. Rather than redesign the latch, I went to fixed 
--Original Message--
From: Brock Schuler
ReplyTo: KRnet
Subject: KR> Why No Retractable Landing Gear on KRs Anymore?
Sent: Apr 5, 2011 12:17 PM

The plans for the KR-2 I have seen have a retract system. I have got the 
impression that they have fallen out of favour. Is it just too much hassle or 
are the castings not available anymore? I know airplanes with wheel fairings 
have good cruise speed but it seem like it would just be that much better with 
retracts. Digging through old posts I have read that because of the short wheel 
legs the plan can't get as close to a stall since the tail wheel contracts the 
ground first, this result in higher landing speeds, but this doesn't seem like 
an overwhelming problem.
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Sent via BlackBerry by AT

KR> Why No Retractable Landing Gear on KRs Anymore?

2011-04-05 Thread

There are still a few out there happy with their retracts. I enjoy  mine.  
Having said that, they do have some inherent problems.  The  original 
locking mechanism left a lot to be desired.  Apparently it was  possible,if you 
had any bounce at all upon touchdown, to have the  mechanism let go and then 
land with the gear unlatched.  I have never  actually seen this as I am a 
latecomer to KR2s.  Mine has a good latch  system using pins, but has it's own 
drawbacks.  namely, I am not the same  size as the builder, so depending on 
how I happen to be seated in the airplane  it either works very easily, or I 
have a hard time reaching forward enough to  unlock the gear from the up 
position and drop them. I will either work this  out with practice, or design 
a different way to pull the pins when the gear is  up and let it drop.  
Also, the spring bar that the original gear is mounted  on is quite springy, 
set in pretty close proximity to the upper wing skins  when the gear is 
down.  So it is possible with any kind of a hard landing  to have the gear flex 
up and through the upper wing skins.  Easily  repairable, but many of us 
have learned this lesson the hard way.  Now I  make sure either grease it on 
or go around.  It's not a trainer.

Todd Thelin
Spanaway, WA

In a message dated 4/5/2011 10:19:24 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

The  plans for the KR-2 I have seen have a retract system. I have got the  
impression that they have fallen out of favour. Is it just too much hassle  
are the castings not available anymore? I know airplanes with wheel  
fairings can 
have good cruise speed but it seem like it would just be that  much better 
retracts. Digging through old posts I have read that  because of the short 
legs the plan can't get as close to a stall  since the tail wheel contracts 
ground first, this result in higher  landing speeds, but this doesn't seem 
an overwhelming  problem.


KR> Why No Retractable Landing Gear on KRs Anymore?

2011-04-05 Thread Brock Schuler
The plans for the KR-2 I have seen have a retract system. I have got the 
impression that they have fallen out of favour. Is it just too much hassle or 
are the castings not available anymore? I know airplanes with wheel fairings 
have good cruise speed but it seem like it would just be that much better with 
retracts. Digging through old posts I have read that because of the short wheel 
legs the plan can't get as close to a stall since the tail wheel contracts the 
ground first, this result in higher landing speeds, but this doesn't seem like 
an overwhelming problem.

KR> RE: Firewall attachment

2011-04-05 Thread
Sorry guys it sent before I was ready. Anyway the header tank removes allowing 
complete access to the back of the panel, brakes, etc. 
I can send pics when I get off work in three weeks if you are interested. 
Victor Taylor

Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 5, 2011, at 8:30 AM, "Teate, Stephen"  

> Hello Stef,
> If you are building a 2S then the firewall has already been reinforced for a 
> 100 HP engine. Actually the framing behind the firewall is what was changed. 
> The top cross beams and shelf were all increased and I believe the gussets 
> are also larger if I remember correctly. I will make one suggestion to you as 
> I am in the engine installation phase myself. First install the firewall with 
> temporary screws as you will probably want it on and off several times before 
> you are finished. I cut a small access door through my firewall, similar to a 
> lot of Pipers, for inspection and access to components mounted in this area 
> because I swore I would never "instrument panel dive" again! I am also 
> installing all components without the SS firewall in place so that when 
> everything is up and running then I will only cut the holes I need. As I am 
> liquid cooled there is a certain amount or R involved and sometimes you end 
> up putting holes in the firewall that will interfere with something else. 
> Regards,
> Stephen Teate
> Paradise, Texas
> -Original Message-
> From: [] On Behalf Of 
> Sent: Tuesday, April 05, 2011 7:31 AM
> To: kr net
> Subject: KR> Firewall attachment
> Hey guys,
> Over here in the Netherlands we are bussy with the fwd deck, canopy frame and 
> the aft deck. If I am looking at the next stage we have to think about the 
> fire wall. We have made the decision to go for an 100 HP engine. Did any of 
> you make the connection from the firewall to the fuselage stronger ? How did 
> you do it?  
> Thanks Stef 
> Stef and Ted are building the KR-2S see   
> ___
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KR> RE: Firewall attachment

2011-04-05 Thread
In regards to the access hole in the firewall I did something different. My 
header tank is removable which allows j l

Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 5, 2011, at 8:30 AM, "Teate, Stephen"  

> Hello Stef,
> If you are building a 2S then the firewall has already been reinforced for a 
> 100 HP engine. Actually the framing behind the firewall is what was changed. 
> The top cross beams and shelf were all increased and I believe the gussets 
> are also larger if I remember correctly. I will make one suggestion to you as 
> I am in the engine installation phase myself. First install the firewall with 
> temporary screws as you will probably want it on and off several times before 
> you are finished. I cut a small access door through my firewall, similar to a 
> lot of Pipers, for inspection and access to components mounted in this area 
> because I swore I would never "instrument panel dive" again! I am also 
> installing all components without the SS firewall in place so that when 
> everything is up and running then I will only cut the holes I need. As I am 
> liquid cooled there is a certain amount or R involved and sometimes you end 
> up putting holes in the firewall that will interfere with something else. 
> Regards,
> Stephen Teate
> Paradise, Texas
> -Original Message-
> From: [] On Behalf Of 
> Sent: Tuesday, April 05, 2011 7:31 AM
> To: kr net
> Subject: KR> Firewall attachment
> Hey guys,
> Over here in the Netherlands we are bussy with the fwd deck, canopy frame and 
> the aft deck. If I am looking at the next stage we have to think about the 
> fire wall. We have made the decision to go for an 100 HP engine. Did any of 
> you make the connection from the firewall to the fuselage stronger ? How did 
> you do it?  
> Thanks Stef 
> Stef and Ted are building the KR-2S see   
> ___
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> The information in this email is confidential and may be 
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> you should delete this message.  Access to this email by 
> anyone else is unauthorized, and any disclosure, copying, 
> distribution or action taken or omitted in reliance on it 
> is prohibited and may be unlawful.
> **
> ___
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KR> RE: Firewall attachment

2011-04-05 Thread Teate, Stephen
Hello Stef,

If you are building a 2S then the firewall has already been reinforced for a 
100 HP engine. Actually the framing behind the firewall is what was changed. 
The top cross beams and shelf were all increased and I believe the gussets are 
also larger if I remember correctly. I will make one suggestion to you as I am 
in the engine installation phase myself. First install the firewall with 
temporary screws as you will probably want it on and off several times before 
you are finished. I cut a small access door through my firewall, similar to a 
lot of Pipers, for inspection and access to components mounted in this area 
because I swore I would never "instrument panel dive" again! I am also 
installing all components without the SS firewall in place so that when 
everything is up and running then I will only cut the holes I need. As I am 
liquid cooled there is a certain amount or R involved and sometimes you end 
up putting holes in the firewall that will interfere with something else. 


Stephen Teate
Paradise, Texas

-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf Of
Sent: Tuesday, April 05, 2011 7:31 AM
To: kr net
Subject: KR> Firewall attachment

Hey guys,

Over here in the Netherlands we are bussy with the fwd deck, canopy frame and 
the aft deck. If I am looking at the next stage we have to think about the fire 
wall. We have made the decision to go for an 100 HP engine. Did any of you make 
the connection from the firewall to the fuselage stronger ? How did you do it?  

Thanks Stef 

Stef and Ted are building the KR-2S see

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The information in this email is confidential and may be 
legally privileged. If you are not an intended recipient, 
you should delete this message.  Access to this email by 
anyone else is unauthorized, and any disclosure, copying, 
distribution or action taken or omitted in reliance on it 
is prohibited and may be unlawful.

KR> Firewall attachment

2011-04-05 Thread
Hey guys,

Over here in the Netherlands we are bussy with the fwd deck, canopy frame and 
the aft deck. If I am looking at the next stage we have to think about the fire 
wall. We have made the decision to go for an 100 HP engine. Did any of you make 
the connection from the firewall to the fuselage stronger ? How did you do it?  

Thanks Stef 

Stef and Ted are building the KR-2S see

KR> firewall material connection.

2011-04-05 Thread
Hey guys,

Over here in the Netherlands we are bussy with the fwd deck, canopy frame and 
the aft deck. If I am looking at the next stage we have to think about the fire 
wall. We have made the decision to go for an 100 HP engine. Did any of you make 
the connetion from the firewall to the fuselage stronger ? How did you do it?  

Thanks Stef 

Stef and Ted are building the KR-2S see