KR> Gathering report

2009-10-31 Thread Dana Overall

> Subject: KR> Gathering report

> I just collected for the last hat and shirt sale and have sent the 
> closing financial report to Bob Lee for posting on the Gathering web 
> site.  
> Dana has hosted past Gathering as well as several recent RV fly-ins 
> so I think we're in good hands.  I just hope he has some pull with 
> the weather Gods when picking a date. :-)
> Larry Flesner

Thanks Larry.  Being a Certified Public Accountant with my own practice, I 
think what you will find is I'm a tickler for balancing to the penny.  I too, 
will be forwarding financial info to Bob, probably more detailed than 
neededbut that's just me:-)

As for the weather, someone did a dance this past yearseemed pretty good to 

Dana Overall 

1999 & 2000 National KR Gathering host
Richmond, KY i39

do not archive 

Windows 7: I wanted more reliable, now it's more reliable. Wow!

KR> Gathering report

2009-10-30 Thread Larry Flesner

I just collected for the last hat and shirt sale and have sent the 
closing financial report to Bob Lee for posting on the Gathering web 
site.  In spite of the lower turnout this year, with the additional 
donations made, we were able to increase our Gathering fund by approx 
$50 over last year to a total of $4,800.  A big Y HA thank 
you to all that helped to make this, and the past five year 
Gatherings, a financial success.  A special thanks again to all who 
contributed to the special jacket I was presented for my efforts in 
hosting the past six Gatherings.  It won't be long and the weather 
will be cold enough for me to show it off. :-)

On the matter of financial control, I received ten replies.  They 
break down as follows:

6 for the host controlling the funds
1 suggested I keep control of the funds ( I'll lump that with the 
following vote)
3 recommended a treasure or two signature system

Combining the last two makes it 6 to 4 in favor of passing the funds 
to Dana.  Each of the ten replies had valid reasons for their 
recommendations.  With the fund balance approaching $5000, it might 
ought to be an item of business at next years Gathering to set up 
some official system.  I would say right now that voting at the 
banquet would not work.  To cumbersome and chaotic.  I would suggest 
a special meeting / forum to discuss and make a decision.

Dana has hosted past Gathering as well as several recent RV fly-ins 
so I think we're in good hands.  I just hope he has some pull with 
the weather Gods when picking a date. :-)

Larry Flesner

KR> Gathering Report

2008-10-12 Thread Brian Kraut
Excuse me if I ramble on, but I am in San Diego for work with nothing better
to do right now.

I got back home Saturday to Jacksonville from another great gathering.  Many
thanks to Larry again for a great job.  Also thanks to Bob Glidden for his
hospitality and work as the camp master.

The M1 was great to fly.  I have about 80 hours on it now and the odometer
on my GPS is showing that I have flown it nearly 10,000 miles.  I did most
of my flying to the gathering and back at 9,500' and 145 knots.

I left Thursday while the outer bands of Ophelia were still over
Jacksonville.  I never expected to make it out, but I needed to do some work
on the plane and I had everything packed just in case.  I got to the airport
in the morning and worked for a few hours before I had all the must finish
items done.  There were a few other minor things I wanted to work on when I
saw a small blue hole in the overcast layer so I put it all back together
and jumped in.  Winds were something like 17 and gusting to 24.  I got up
and found that there was a broken layer about 1,500', one around 2,000', and
a third around 2,700'.  The holes were big enough that I could get on top
and still stay legal.  The tops of the clouds were 4,500' and it was
perfectly smooth and clear above there.

I seem to be having bad luck with fuel lately.  I have 15 gallons and that
gets me 2 hours and 20 minutes.  On the way there I was going to land and
get fuel on an airport that was on the sectional, but I got over the airport
and saw that it was closed down with big yellow Xs on the runway.  Instead
of going on to the next airport that was a little further I diverted to
another closer airport.  I got there and found one hangar and no services or
people at all.  I have read too many accident reports where people pass an
airport and continue on to a crash so I landed there.  Luckilly, there were
two people walking near there that gave me a ride to the nearest gas station
15 miles away to get a can of 93 octane.

On the way home I decided to make an early fuel stop at a fairly good sized
airport, but nobody was home.  It had a good sized aviation college, but no
one there on the weekends.  Since I stopped early I was able to take back
off and fly to another airport 15 miles away that had a self serve pump.  Of
course all of these airports were in the middle of nowhere with no cell
phone coverage.

Anyway, I made it home the 700 and something miles in about 5 hours and
can't wait until next year.

Brian Kraut
Engineering Alternatives, Inc.

KR> Gathering Report

2008-10-12 Thread Mark Jones
Again, the KR Gathering was an event which should not have been missed. What
a great group of people!. You really missed some great camaraderie if
you were not there. The very first arrival to the Gathering was a very nice
fellow from Czechoslovakia. Pavilio (spelling ?) was his name but we
nicknamed him Czech Dude and he loved it. Czech Dude was a great swimmer too
as he made good use of the lake by the camp ground. We had planes flown in
from all over the country. Many showed up on Thursday. Friday brought in a
few more as well as Saturday. Orma Robbins would have won the most
determined to fly to the Gathering as he had engine problems and finally
arrived Saturday about two hours before the Gathering Banquet. Again the
Gathering was well orchestrated and we have Larry Flesner to thank for that.
Here is a big YeeeH to you
Larry. Unfortunately a few KR Pilots were not able to stay for the whole
weekend and had to depart early. We really missed those guys. The evenings
brought camp fires and lots of great stories and probably even some tall
tales. Especially when we began talking about whose KR was the fastest.
There were all types of KR's there. Some were still under construction but
flying. Some needed to be rebuilt but were still were flying. Some were show
quality planes. But all the planes were beautiful!. It was a great
pleasure to fly my plane to the Gathering as that kinda of put the icing on
my building process. Getting to the Gathering in your own KR can only be
compared to an accomplishment such as reaching the summit of Mt Everest.
Prime Rib was served at the Banquet Saturday night along with chicken. What
a meal that was. I have got to quit eating so good cause Langford's plane
can easily out run mine. We went up for a photo shoot as Langford led the
way, behind him was Brian Kraut in his Midget Mustang the me. I was about
1/4 mile behind Brian and he did a barrel roll right in front of me. Too
Cool On another flight, I chased Jim Faughn all over the sky and we
executed many low passes and missed approaches which were really high speed
passes. What a blast as I played follow the leader behind Jim. On a couple
of passes he banked about 80° and made abrupt pull ups. I followed but not
as severe. The skies brought us extreme high heat and very hazy conditions.
Visibility was very low. Most of the time it was marginal VFR at the best.
This raised the question should we do the Gathering late Sept or early
October for cooler temps and hopefully better skies. This will be discussed
later. And as a final note, it was voted on at the banquet to keep the 2006
Gathering in Mt Vernon. More on that later too. Hope everyone made it home

Mark Jones (N886MJ)
Wales, WI  USA
E-mail me at
Visit my KR-2S CorvAIRCRAFT web site at

KR> Gathering Report

2008-10-12 Thread Jim Faughn
Mark gave a great overview and I'm sure there will be quite a few web
sites showing the event. The one thing that I am personally promoting,
beyond continuing to attend KR Gatherings, is the 35th Anniversary of
the KR. This will be an Oshkosh EVENT and I will be flying there in
2007. I believe we should be able to get at least 35 KR's at the 35th
Anniversary of the KR. This has to be a passion and commitment of
everyone and it has now become my slogan.

Plan on attending the KR Gathering next year and then Oshkosh in 2007.

By the way. I don't really have a bank indicator in my KR but I do think
I could look straight down and my wing was at a right angle to the
ground. I still say these were 30 degree banks but I should probably get
some kind of bank indicator because I have a problem judging these when
pulling a couple of G's with 50 feet of altitude. I don't think I will
be doing this at my home controlled airport in 3 weeks once I received
the feedback that I may have been a little over the 60 degree aerobatic


Jim Faughn 
35 KR's for the 35th Anniversary at Oshkosh 2007
St. Louis, MO 
Email - sub @ for "at" jfaughn "at"
Web Site

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Mark
Sent: Sunday, September 11, 2005 4:57 PM
To: KR Net
Subject: KR> Gathering Report

Again, the KR Gathering was an event which should not have been missed.
What a great group of people!. You really missed some great
camaraderie if you were not there. The very first arrival to the
Gathering was a very nice fellow from Czechoslovakia. Pavilio (spelling
?) was his name but we nicknamed him Czech Dude and he loved it. Czech
Dude was a great swimmer too as he made good use of the lake by the camp
ground. We had planes flown in from all over the country. Many showed up
on Thursday. Friday brought in a few more as well as Saturday. Orma
Robbins would have won the most determined to fly to the Gathering as he
had engine problems and finally arrived Saturday about two hours before
the Gathering Banquet. Again the Gathering was well orchestrated and we
have Larry Flesner to thank for that. Here is a big
YeeeH to you Larry.
Unfortunately a few KR Pilots were not able to stay for the whole
weekend and had to depart early. We really missed those guys. The
evenings brought camp fires and lots of great stories and probably even
some tall tales. Especially when we began talking about whose KR was the
fastest. There were all types of KR's there. Some were still under
construction but flying. Some needed to be rebuilt but were still were
flying. Some were show quality planes. But all the planes were
beautiful!. It was a great pleasure to fly my plane to the Gathering
as that kinda of put the icing on my building process. Getting to the
Gathering in your own KR can only be compared to an accomplishment such
as reaching the summit of Mt Everest. Prime Rib was served at the
Banquet Saturday night along with chicken. What a meal that was. I have
got to quit eating so good cause Langford's plane can easily out run
mine. We went up for a photo shoot as Langford led the way, behind him
was Brian Kraut in his Midget Mustang the me. I was about 1/4 mile
behind Brian and he did a barrel roll right in front of me. Too Cool
On another flight, I chased Jim Faughn all over the sky and we executed
many low passes and missed approaches which were really high speed
passes. What a blast as I played follow the leader behind Jim. On a
couple of passes he banked about 80° and made abrupt pull ups. I
followed but not as severe. The skies brought us extreme high heat and
very hazy conditions. Visibility was very low. Most of the time it was
marginal VFR at the best. This raised the question should we do the
Gathering late Sept or early October for cooler temps and hopefully
better skies. This will be discussed later. And as a final note, it was
voted on at the banquet to keep the 2006 Gathering in Mt Vernon. More on
that later too. Hope everyone made it home safe.

Mark Jones (N886MJ)
Wales, WI  USA
E-mail me at
Visit my KR-2S CorvAIRCRAFT web site at

Search the KRnet Archives at
to UNsubscribe from KRnet, send a message to
please see other KRnet info at

KR> Gathering Report

2008-10-12 Thread Lee Van Dyke


Bet it tasted like CHICKEN

- Original Message - 
From: "Mark Jones" <>
To: "KR Net" <>
Sent: Sunday, September 11, 2005 2:57 PM
Subject: KR> Gathering Report

Again, the KR Gathering was an event which should not have been missed. What
a great group of people!. You really missed some great camaraderie if
you were not there. The very first arrival to the Gathering was a very nice
fellow from Czechoslovakia. Pavilio (spelling ?) was his name but we
nicknamed him Czech Dude and he loved it. Czech Dude was a great swimmer too
as he made good use of the lake by the camp ground. We had planes flown in
from all over the country. Many showed up on Thursday. Friday brought in a
few more as well as Saturday. Orma Robbins would have won the most
determined to fly to the Gathering as he had engine problems and finally
arrived Saturday about two hours before the Gathering Banquet. Again the
Gathering was well orchestrated and we have Larry Flesner to thank for that.
Here is a big YeeeH to you
Larry. Unfortunately a few KR Pilots were not able to stay for the whole
weekend and had to depart early. We really missed those guys. The evenings
brought camp fires and lots of great stories and probably even some tall
tales. Especially when we began talking about whose KR was the fastest.
There were all types of KR's there. Some were still under construction but
flying. Some needed to be rebuilt but were still were flying. Some were show
quality planes. But all the planes were beautiful!. It was a great
pleasure to fly my plane to the Gathering as that kinda of put the icing on
my building process. Getting to the Gathering in your own KR can only be
compared to an accomplishment such as reaching the summit of Mt Everest.
Prime Rib was served at the Banquet Saturday night along with chicken. What
a meal that was. I have got to quit eating so good cause Langford's plane
can easily out run mine. We went up for a photo shoot as Langford led the
way, behind him was Brian Kraut in his Midget Mustang the me. I was about
1/4 mile behind Brian and he did a barrel roll right in front of me. Too
Cool On another flight, I chased Jim Faughn all over the sky and we
executed many low passes and missed approaches which were really high speed
passes. What a blast as I played follow the leader behind Jim. On a couple
of passes he banked about 80° and made abrupt pull ups. I followed but not
as severe. The skies brought us extreme high heat and very hazy conditions.
Visibility was very low. Most of the time it was marginal VFR at the best.
This raised the question should we do the Gathering late Sept or early
October for cooler temps and hopefully better skies. This will be discussed
later. And as a final note, it was voted on at the banquet to keep the 2006
Gathering in Mt Vernon. More on that later too. Hope everyone made it home

Mark Jones (N886MJ)
Wales, WI  USA
E-mail me at
Visit my KR-2S CorvAIRCRAFT web site at

Search the KRnet Archives at
to UNsubscribe from KRnet, send a message to
please see other KRnet info at

KR> Gathering Report

2008-10-12 Thread Scott William

--- Mark Jones  wrote:

> Again, the KR Gathering was an event which should
> not have been missed. 


Man, what a great read!!  Thanks for the descriptions
of the good time. I have aquired a Corvair engine for
my projectbecause the motor is my favorite part. I
shall buy the manual from William Wynne and utilize
his knowledge.  I feel almost guilty about it because
as an engine builder, I know Mr. Wynne has learned
much from experience, some of it bad. To skip all the
bad because he has been good enough to assemble a
manual makes me feel.great!!  I thank him for
that.  Next, I shall start on aquiring all the
necessary materials for the job.  I'm a scrounger, and
my goal is to build a KR2S with A) large safety
margins B)low cost C) good looks D)As many low cost
recycled parts as I can find. I may call it the
Boneyard Flier, or better yet, the Garage Sale
Gazelle.   Dunno yet...

Anyay, thatnks for the great read on the gathering. 

Yahoo! for Good 
Watch the Hurricane Katrina Shelter From The Storm concert 

KR> Gathering Report

2008-10-12 Thread Bob Glidden
Mine was really good
Bob Glidden
KR2S N181FW (building)
Corvair 110
- Original Message - 
From: "Lee Van Dyke" <>
To: "KRnet" <>
Sent: Sunday, September 11, 2005 5:29 PM
Subject: Re: KR> Gathering Report



Bet it tasted like CHICKEN

- Original Message - 
From: "Mark Jones" <>
To: "KR Net" <>
Sent: Sunday, September 11, 2005 2:57 PM
Subject: KR> Gathering Report

Again, the KR Gathering was an event which should not have been missed. What
a great group of people!. You really missed some great camaraderie if
you were not there. The very first arrival to the Gathering was a very nice
fellow from Czechoslovakia. Pavilio (spelling ?) was his name but we
nicknamed him Czech Dude and he loved it. Czech Dude was a great swimmer too
as he made good use of the lake by the camp ground. We had planes flown in
from all over the country. Many showed up on Thursday. Friday brought in a
few more as well as Saturday. Orma Robbins would have won the most
determined to fly to the Gathering as he had engine problems and finally
arrived Saturday about two hours before the Gathering Banquet. Again the
Gathering was well orchestrated and we have Larry Flesner to thank for that.
Here is a big YeeeH to you
Larry. Unfortunately a few KR Pilots were not able to stay for the whole
weekend and had to depart early. We really missed those guys. The evenings
brought camp fires and lots of great stories and probably even some tall
tales. Especially when we began talking about whose KR was the fastest.
There were all types of KR's there. Some were still under construction but
flying. Some needed to be rebuilt but were still were flying. Some were show
quality planes. But all the planes were beautiful!. It was a great
pleasure to fly my plane to the Gathering as that kinda of put the icing on
my building process. Getting to the Gathering in your own KR can only be
compared to an accomplishment such as reaching the summit of Mt Everest.
Prime Rib was served at the Banquet Saturday night along with chicken. What
a meal that was. I have got to quit eating so good cause Langford's plane
can easily out run mine. We went up for a photo shoot as Langford led the
way, behind him was Brian Kraut in his Midget Mustang the me. I was about
1/4 mile behind Brian and he did a barrel roll right in front of me. Too
Cool On another flight, I chased Jim Faughn all over the sky and we
executed many low passes and missed approaches which were really high speed
passes. What a blast as I played follow the leader behind Jim. On a couple
of passes he banked about 80° and made abrupt pull ups. I followed but not
as severe. The skies brought us extreme high heat and very hazy conditions.
Visibility was very low. Most of the time it was marginal VFR at the best.
This raised the question should we do the Gathering late Sept or early
October for cooler temps and hopefully better skies. This will be discussed
later. And as a final note, it was voted on at the banquet to keep the 2006
Gathering in Mt Vernon. More on that later too. Hope everyone made it home

Mark Jones (N886MJ)
Wales, WI  USA
E-mail me at
Visit my KR-2S CorvAIRCRAFT web site at

Search the KRnet Archives at
to UNsubscribe from KRnet, send a message to
please see other KRnet info at

Search the KRnet Archives at
to UNsubscribe from KRnet, send a message to
please see other KRnet info at

KR> Gathering Report

2008-10-12 Thread Mark Jones
Guess what was on the table tonight. My wife knows how to torture me

Mark Jones (N886MJ)
Wales, WI  USA
E-mail me at
Visit my KR-2S CorvAIRCRAFT web site at

- Original Message - 
From: "Lee Van Dyke" <>
To: "KRnet" <>
Sent: Sunday, September 11, 2005 5:29 PM
Subject: Re: KR> Gathering Report



Bet it tasted like CHICKEN

- Original Message - 
From: "Mark Jones" <>
To: "KR Net" <>
Sent: Sunday, September 11, 2005 2:57 PM
Subject: KR> Gathering Report

Again, the KR Gathering was an event which should not have been missed. What
a great group of people!. You really missed some great camaraderie if
you were not there. The very first arrival to the Gathering was a very nice
fellow from Czechoslovakia. Pavilio (spelling ?) was his name but we
nicknamed him Czech Dude and he loved it. Czech Dude was a great swimmer too
as he made good use of the lake by the camp ground. We had planes flown in
from all over the country. Many showed up on Thursday. Friday brought in a
few more as well as Saturday. Orma Robbins would have won the most
determined to fly to the Gathering as he had engine problems and finally
arrived Saturday about two hours before the Gathering Banquet. Again the
Gathering was well orchestrated and we have Larry Flesner to thank for that.
Here is a big YeeeH to you
Larry. Unfortunately a few KR Pilots were not able to stay for the whole
weekend and had to depart early. We really missed those guys. The evenings
brought camp fires and lots of great stories and probably even some tall
tales. Especially when we began talking about whose KR was the fastest.
There were all types of KR's there. Some were still under construction but
flying. Some needed to be rebuilt but were still were flying. Some were show
quality planes. But all the planes were beautiful!. It was a great
pleasure to fly my plane to the Gathering as that kinda of put the icing on
my building process. Getting to the Gathering in your own KR can only be
compared to an accomplishment such as reaching the summit of Mt Everest.
Prime Rib was served at the Banquet Saturday night along with chicken. What
a meal that was. I have got to quit eating so good cause Langford's plane
can easily out run mine. We went up for a photo shoot as Langford led the
way, behind him was Brian Kraut in his Midget Mustang the me. I was about
1/4 mile behind Brian and he did a barrel roll right in front of me. Too
Cool On another flight, I chased Jim Faughn all over the sky and we
executed many low passes and missed approaches which were really high speed
passes. What a blast as I played follow the leader behind Jim. On a couple
of passes he banked about 80° and made abrupt pull ups. I followed but not
as severe. The skies brought us extreme high heat and very hazy conditions.
Visibility was very low. Most of the time it was marginal VFR at the best.
This raised the question should we do the Gathering late Sept or early
October for cooler temps and hopefully better skies. This will be discussed
later. And as a final note, it was voted on at the banquet to keep the 2006
Gathering in Mt Vernon. More on that later too. Hope everyone made it home

Mark Jones (N886MJ)
Wales, WI  USA
E-mail me at
Visit my KR-2S CorvAIRCRAFT web site at

Search the KRnet Archives at
to UNsubscribe from KRnet, send a message to
please see other KRnet info at

Search the KRnet Archives at
to UNsubscribe from KRnet, send a message to
please see other KRnet info at

KR> Gathering Report

2008-10-12 Thread
As you probably figured out, I didn't make the trip in my "red haired
step child."  However, since I did have the week off, I spent the whole
week doing nothing but KR work.  Boy do I hate sanding!!!  The good news
is that the major modifications are completed, it is mostly painted again
and should be flying again in 2 - 3 weeks.  Still a number of mods to do
yet, but they are mostly minor in nature.  As I get started flying off a
new phase 1 test period, I'll post photos and descriptions of the changes
and the results.

As you guys think about the schedule for next year's gathering, I'll ask
that you please try to not schedule it as a conflict with the major EAA
fly ins.  I'm thinking of the Copperstate Fly-in in particular which is
in early October .  If you can do that, I'll
do my best to have my KR at next year's gathering.

Jeff Scott

On Sun, 11 Sep 2005 16:57:16 -0500 "Mark Jones" 
> Again, the KR Gathering was an event which should not have been 
> missed. > This raised the question should we do the Gathering late Sept
> early
> October for cooler temps and hopefully better skies. This will be 
> discussed
> later. And as a final note, it was voted on at the banquet to keep 
> the 2006
> Gathering in Mt Vernon. More on that later too. Hope everyone made 
> it home
> safe.
> Mark Jones (N886MJ)
> Wales, WI  USA
> E-mail me at
> Visit my KR-2S CorvAIRCRAFT web site at

KR> Gathering Report

2008-10-12 Thread pole shed
I would still be grazing on it, given the opportunity.
The food was great.

> Mine was really good
> Bob Glidden

> Lee
> Bet it tasted like CHICKEN

Larry Lipe

Yahoo! for Good 
Donate to the Hurricane Katrina relief effort. 

KR> Gathering Report

2008-10-12 Thread Orma
You didn't get any of the prime rib at the gathering, so my guess is that 
you had Chicken.


KR> Gathering Report

2008-10-12 Thread Dan Heath
You did not miss anything! 

See you in Mt. Vernon - 2005 - KR Gathering

See N64KR at - Then click on the pics 

There is a time for building and a time for FLYING and the time for building
has expired.

Daniel R. Heath - Columbia, SC

---Original Message---

You didn't get any of the prime rib at the gathering, so my guess is that

you had Chicken.

KR> Gathering Report

2008-10-12 Thread Mark Jones
That's right, I ordered Prime Rib but someone named Glidden who was behind
me in line somehow managed to fly-by me and grab the last piece of Prime
Rib. Oh year I am first in line... :-)

Mark Jones (N886MJ)
Wales, WI  USA
E-mail me at
Visit my KR-2S CorvAIRCRAFT web site at

- Original Message - 
From: "Orma" <>
To: "KRnet" <>
Sent: Monday, September 12, 2005 4:03 PM
Subject: Re: KR> Gathering Report

> You didn't get any of the prime rib at the gathering, so my guess is that
> you had Chicken.
> Orma
> ___
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