[lace-chat] Manner over matter?

2004-02-09 Thread Tamara P. Duvall
Gentle Spiders,

As a child -- y'all know how uncompromising childen can be -- I had a 
problem lying, even in a good cause... Used to embarass my parents no 
end, and my Mother in particular tried to get me more civilised, 
especially after my famous/infamous but, definitely, un-gracious 
reception of a 6th b-day gift (a box of chocolates): I don't like 
chocolate; wish you'd bought me a *book*.

My Mother's gentling had *some* effect; 30+ yrs in Virginia, under my 
DH's (who came  to Poland announced as the last gentleman of the 
South g) tutelage smoothed the hard edges *some* more... But I still 
don't like to lie; the core has remained roughg Nor do I like to be 
beholden. And, being put in a situation where I'm *both* -- beholden 
and forced to lie -- is beyond contemplation...

Which is why I never joined any of the Secret Pal exchanges; *having 
to* think of something clever to send out, for 6 months running, *and* 
with a deadline is a problem. But nowhere near as big a problem as 
having to gush -- in public, yet -- over something that I didn't 
particularly like getting... *Not* my cup o'T :)

Recently, however, I got (from an e-friend) a *formula* Thank-You note, 
which, perhaps, might ease my entry into the ranks of the SP 
echanges... I'm enclosing it in hopes it will help those of you who're 
as gush-shy as I am:

Dear Secret Pal, I came back from a hard day at _ and I was 
thrilled to
find your  in my mailbox! I mean, here I was feeling so crummy 
my family member  and my husband running away with  and my son 
arrested again for _, but your little _ just made the sun 
shine into
my dreary little life!!! It lifted my spirits and made my heart 
I'm sorry but the staff at _ Home had to take the  out of your
treasure. We're not allowed to have sharp objects except under close
supervision, especially after therapy sessions.
The formula has, also, made me think (again), about the relative 
importance of good manners vs unvarnished truth, and what the best 
middle ground between them might be, should they come into conflict... 
A couple of people have written me -- within the past 24 hrs -- about 
their *unhappy* experiences with the SP exchanges. I'd judge one as 
somewhat aggrieved and the other as very aggrieved; only one of 
them (very aggrieved) has decided to do anything about it (report to 
the organiser), and then only because I'd already opened the can of 

Manner over matter, for sure; excellent for giving the finger to old 
Karl (Marks), who claimed thaat matter was all that counted :) But...

If one always keeps the stiff upper lip, manfully swallows one's 
disappointments, writes the correctly gushing thank-you notes no 
matter the personal dissatisfaction, and never admits to feeling I've 
been had, because it's so unworthy, or because it's too small a matter 
to raise a big stink about... The organiser has no idea of the true 
feelings of the participants, unless she's *told*. What's more, the 
*sender* might not be aware that she's being seen as deficient 
(though, if one spends some time reading all the TY notes, one gets 
*some* idea of what's being circulated). As a result, the 
deficiencies continue to be perpetrated, the grievances fester, but 
everyone suffers in polite silence...

Stuff it...
Tamara P Duvall
Lexington, Virginia,  USA
Formerly of Warsaw, Poland
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[lace-chat] re: Australian Bricklayer Report

2004-02-09 Thread nicky.h-townsend
Hi spiders
Read this one with some amusement. The tale reads just like the song
entitled Murphy and the Bricks
which I have on CD by Noel Murphy and the Mahogany Gaspipes in session. A
very amusing collection of folk music.

Nicky in Suffolk

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[lace-chat] SP THANK YOU

2004-02-09 Thread alessandra









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[lace-chat] Manners

2004-02-09 Thread Webwalker
Thought this was amusing and ya'll might enjoy as well.  My Mother's 
best friend is a woman about 10 years her junior, who comes from a 
proper southern family but now lives near Mother.

Mother said that her friend had come for dinner and commented that the 
cobwebs in the lampshade sparkled so beautifully when the light was on.

Susan Webster
Canton, Ohio
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[lace-chat] RE: seasonal disgruntle disorder

2004-02-09 Thread Helen Bell
I haven't seen heart shaped doughnuts, but our favourite take and bake
pizza place offers a large heart shapped pepperoni pizza on Valentine's
day :-)  I'll be getting one for my 2 little cherubs, and I'll cook
something special for my big Cherub and I :-)

The one that bugs me is Christmas stuff coming in in July (I understand
with crafts, one needs time to complete projects), but why does it
overshadow Thanksgiving?  I love Thanksgiving - it's a great holiday
with the best sorts of sentiment.

Helen, Aussie living in Dazzling Denver, where the sun is shining from a
lovely blue sky on some pretty white snow.

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[lace-chat] Test; please ignore

2004-02-09 Thread Tamara P. Duvall
It's worked for Sue, let's see if it'll wok for me.. It'd be nice to be 
able to see my own messages (other than in the archives or in my sent 
box) after all these months :)
Tamara P Duvall
Lexington, Virginia,  USA
Formerly of Warsaw, Poland

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Re: [lace-chat] RE: seasonal disgruntle disorder

2004-02-09 Thread Ruth Budge
Christmas stuff is in the stores during June/July in Australia, because some
years ago a person clever in selling started promoting Christmas in Winter.  

In the full heat of summer at Christmas, the Australian climate is really not
very suitable for preparing and eating all the traditional hot, heavy, cooked
Christmas fare. So someone in a holiday destination not far from Sydney, where
the climate in winter (June, July, August) is more similar to the northern
hemisphere's winter, had the bright idea of offering a traditional Christmas
dinner in June.  The idea took off - and wherever one goes now, all sorts of
hotels and restaurants are offering Christmas in June or July  occasions.

Maybe your stores are also trying to cash in on this craze, without
understanding the reasoning behind it, Helen!! (vbg)

Ruth Budge (Sydney, Australia)

--- Helen Bell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  
 The one that bugs me is Christmas stuff coming in in July (I understand
 with crafts, one needs time to complete projects), but why does it
 overshadow Thanksgiving?  

http://greetings.yahoo.com.au - Yahoo! Greetings
Send your love online with Yahoo! Greetings - FREE!

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[lace-chat] spider news .......

2004-02-09 Thread dominique
with a twist ...

Spider silk is an extremely strong material and its on-weight basis has 
been proven to be stronger than steel. 
  Experts suggest that a pencil-thick strand of silk could stop a Boeing 
747 in flight.

i AM impressed .

dominique from Paris

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[lace-chat] Little Tommy ; )

2004-02-09 Thread Clay Blackwell
I think I've sat next to this Salesman from ___ on a
number of flights...

Subject: Fw: Little Tommy

 Little Tommy was in his seat on an airplane when a fellow
passenger took
 the seat next to him.  The stranger said Hias long as
we are going to
 be traveling companions for the next three hours lets talk
. I've heard
 that flights will go quicker if you strike up a
conversation with your fellow passenger.

Little Tommy, who had just opened his book, closed it
slowly, and said to the stranger, What would you like to
discuss?   Oh, I don't know, said the stranger. How
about nuclear power?  OK, said Little Tommy. That could
be an interesting topic. But let me ask you a question
first.A horse, a cow, and a deer all eat grass. They all
eat the same  stuff.   Yet a deer excretes little pellets,
while a cow turns out a flat patty, and a horse produces
clumps of dried grass. Why do you suppose that is?

Jeez, said the stranger. I have no idea.

Well,then, said Little Tommy, How is it that you feel
qualified to
discuss nuclear power when you don't know shit?

Clay Blackwell
Lynchburg, VA

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[lace-chat] chat

2004-02-09 Thread Wfalconsmate
Last night I was so lonely because no body was on the computer..tonight I 
had 36 emails  Halleluah I  loved it.

You guys have a good evening.  I am gonna go make lace.  :) :)

Lynn Wfalconsmate
Clarksburg, WV

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