[lace-chat] weather and wishes (lace-chat)

2004-12-28 Thread Helene Gannac
Helen wrote:
>Heard from Mum and Dad who are at Mallacoota, (far eastern Victoria, on
the coast), and they said it was pretty cold there today (28th Oz time),
and they weren't going out fishing.  Next thing, Noelene'll be reporting
that it's snowing :-)

Maybe not snowing, Helen, but hail and pouring, cold, rain! DH was watching the
cricket (in Melbourne)and roared with frustration as the weatherproof canvas 
went on
again and the game was finally suspended on Monday, we could see the hail on 
TV! And
Tuesday wasn't much better. We've had to put a second blanket back on the bed 
having had to sleep in the nude a few days ago because it was too hot to have
anything on!
We did have a nice picnic with the boys and the grandson on Boxing Day, though, 
my potato and egg salad went down a treat.
Our Christmas is always very quiet, as we never have DH's children (their mother
said once "children need to be with their family at Christmas", which was her 
for having them at her place every year!!!I would have liked to strangle her but
refrained), and since they're adults, one out of three doesn't speak to at 
least one
of the other two, so we can never invite the 3 of them together, and DH said 
see them at other times, not at Christmas, since they can't behave as a
family...Life can be complicated! I've been having Christmas lunch at a French
friend's place since I've been in Melbourne, so I still do that, and DH comes
alongThat means I don't have to cook, which suits me. 
Anyway, Chrsitmas never feels like Christmas here. I was used to midnight mass 
the snow, and a skiing holiday, so I never get the right feeling in the heat. 
We do celebrate New Year, though, and I wish you all a very good and lacy one.

Yours in lace, Helene, the froggy from Melbourne.

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[lace-chat] Re: beautiful frost!

2004-12-28 Thread Joy Beeson
At 10:58 PM 12/27/04 -0500, Tamara P. Duvall wrote:

> . . . Though I was 
>saddened to hear that, in some nearby areas, even tree branches broke; 
>ours just hung down low, ponderous and majestic, like rich dowagers at 
>an Opera premiere, with all their sparkly diamonds... :)

When I was a child, Mom would say "Look at the trees, look at the beautiful
trees!" whenever we went anywhere.  We lived on the border between the snowy
north and the rainy south, and tree branches broke *every* winter.

Joy Beeson
west of Fort Wayne, Indiana, U.S.A.
where the snow still sticks -- and we have to *cut* branches off the trees.

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[lace-chat] Re Weather

2004-12-28 Thread Shirley
Noelene wasn't the only one with snow on the highlands, we had it here in
Victoria too, and we lit a fire last night, it is supposed to be Summer after
all. We are just spoilt from the drought and all the years of warm weather we
had so shouldn't complain I suppose.
Shirley in Corio, Oz.

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Re: [lace-chat] RE: Weather

2004-12-28 Thread Ruth Budge
After Noelene's comments about how cold she was in Cooma, I listened more
carefully to the weather reports - and there *was* snow somewhere in the
highlands of  New South Walesso that explained why Noelene was so cold!
In Sydney, it was cold, but not bad enough to warrant a fire.

And another heatwave on its wayoh dear!  Shirely, can't you keep that in
Adelaide, instead of pushing it east??   After all, you've got all those
lovely beaches close by!

Ruth Budge (Sydney, Australia - laughing at the vagaries of the Aussie
weather, after years of listening to the Australians poking fun at the
English weather!)   (No offence, chaps, just joking!!)
- Original Message - 
From: "Tregellas Family" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Helen Bell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, December 28, 2004 11:29 PM
Subject: Re: [lace-chat] RE: Weather

> Hi to you all,
> At 08:57 PM on 27-12-04 -0700, Helen Bell wrote:
> >Heard from Mum and Dad who are at Mallacoota, (far eastern Victoria, on
> >the coast), and they said it was pretty cold there today (28th Oz time),
> >and they weren't going out fishing.  Next thing, Noelene'll be reporting
> >that it's snowing :-)
> I was talking to a lady in Tasmania last night on the ham radio
> she said that snow had been forecast for the Tasmania Highlands  -  go
> figure, it's supposed to be *summer*!!!
> A Happy New Year to you all,
> Shirley T. - Adelaide, South Australia where its quite coolish, only 21
> C today.  But, Ruth and Noelene and all those east of Adelaide, Perth had
> yesterday so I guess the hot weather is on its way.
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Re: [lace-chat] Flavour wave oven

2004-12-28 Thread Ruth Budge
OK, I'll bite - what is a Flavour Wave oven?

Ruth Budge (Sydney, Australia)

- Original Message - 
Sent: Tuesday, December 28, 2004 11:13 PM
Subject: [lace-chat] Flavour wave oven

> Hi, especially to our American members. I have a Flavour Wave oven. It is
> great but I only really cook meat in it. I know you can do a whole meal in
> Can any of you give me any recipes or a link to where I can find some?
There is
> nothing available in England as it is fairly new and only just catching
> Many thanks, Vivienne
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[lace-chat] Weather

2004-12-28 Thread W & N Lafferty
> I was talking to a lady in Tasmania last night on the ham radio and
> she said that snow had been forecast for the Tasmania Highlands  -  go
> figure, it's supposed to be *summer*!!!

Yep, Shirley (and Helen),
We didn't actually get snow in Cooma, but it did snow up in the nearby
Snowy Mountains - couple of centimetres, I hear.

It was s cold and windy yesterday, I invited over a lacemaking friend
and we spent the day by the fire, chatting and making lace, and polishing
off the last of the Christmas chocolates - get them out of temptation's 
way before New Year Resolutions!

Noelene in Cooma

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[lace-chat] secret pal

2004-12-28 Thread JMMAcademy
To apply, send an email message to  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  with the
following information:

1. Your name  Hannah Moad

2. Email address  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

3. Complete mailing address  502 N Elmwood Ave  Springfield  MO  65802

4.  For USA applicants only, preference for USA or overseas pal.  USA
(Remember, overseas
has larger postage costs and takes longer to be delivered).  Because 
most people prefer
an overseas pal this option will not be available to non-USA people

5. Affirmation of the following statements:
x_I have read and understand the rules of participating.
__x___I will mail my packages by the 5th of each month.
_x___I will email a thank you message to Lace-chat within
  THREE DAYS of receiving each package.
x_I will notify the coordinator immediately if something will
  prevent mailing my package on time or if I have to withdraw.
___x__I understand that I will be summarily removed from the round
  if I fail to fulfill my agreement.

6. Give a brief bio of yourself to assist your Pal in selecting items
for you - stage in life, family, pets, favourite activities, favourite 
types of lace you make or like, non-lace hobbies, pierced ears or not, 
allergies or diet restrictions (no nuts, sugar, chocolate, etc), 
bobbin styles if you do BL, and anything else you wish to share.  The 
more info
you give about yourself the easier it will be for your secret pal to 
goodies for you. I am a 45 YO homeschooling SAHM of 3 chilren,  Amanda 16, 
Darrell Jr, 10 and Ernest, 7.  I also have a great husband  Darrell.  I turn 46 
the 26th day of May.  We have three guinea pigs that weigh over 21/2 pounds 
each.  They are so spoiled.  I do not have pierced ears. and have no allergies. 
  I love coffees, cocoas, and teas, goodies of all kinds.  My favorite colors 
are blues, purples and pastels.  I have long hair.  I collect teapots and 
teacups and ladybugs.  I am making knitted lace, Torchon, Beds, Bucks, Russian, 
Battenberg, Romanian Point Lace and now working on Milanese.  I want to really 
get busy with Honiton this year.  I also love to TAT.  My 16 year old daughter 
makes Torchon and Tats with me.  We get to demonstrate  lace as often as we 
can.  I use midlands, and any continentals I get my hand on.  I am starting 
over since our housefire so any bobbins are a joy.  I also like to sew, knit, 
crochet, crotat,  loom knitting, needlepoint, counted, ribbon, crewel, and 
regular embroidery, drop spindle spinning, rug hooking, quilting and plastic 
 I also do quillwork with porcupine quills and beadworkand leatherwork  for 
my Husbands mountain man outfit for FCF.  I also love to read Christain and 
anything crafty related books.  
7. Please tell me the names of people with whom you have already been 
with in previous rounds of secret pal exchanges.

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[lace-chat] Re: Festive Fruit Cake

2004-12-28 Thread Joy Beeson
At 05:24 PM 12/27/04 -0500, Martha Krieg wrote:

>And for those concerned about liquid versus dry measure, the 
>authoritative Joy of Cooking says that in America, the "liquid/fluid" 
>measure is used not only for liquids, but also for flour, sugar, and 
>shortening and such-like

The "dry" measures are fractions of a bushel, while the "liquid" 
measures are fractions of a gallon.  Dry measures used to be used 
for selling produce, but a "quart" of strawberries in the supermarket 
is now the smaller liquid quart -- if not a pint or a cup -- and you can 
pretty much forget about any dry measure smaller than a peck.

Joy Beeson
http://www.timeswrsw.com/craig/cam/ (local weather)
west of Fort Wayne, Indiana, U.S.A.
where we had a white Christmas.

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[lace-chat] Re: Festive Fruit Cake

2004-12-28 Thread Joy Beeson
At 07:14 AM 12/28/04 +1100, Faye Owers wrote:

>I would like to ask if anyone has a recipe for  "A Festive Fruit Cake", my
>sister bought one with her from America when she visited and it was delicious
>but she did not make it herself but said it was typical of American Christmas
>Cakes, it is made with very little cake mixture but has lots of dried fruit
>and glazed fruit.

Fruitcake is very simple.  Make a pound cake, and stir in as much fruit and
nuts as the batter will stick together.  I like dried fruit much better than
candied fruit --  candied fruit is pretty and translucent and all that, but
hasn't much flavor, and the texture is nasty.  (You may have a better grade
of candied fruit available.)

Instead of pound cake (one pound each of flour, butter, sugar, and eggs) I
use an old family recipe called Mrs. Stanley's Spice Cupcakes.  Since
Australians can buy the required muscat ("seeded") raisins at Wooly's -- I
have to use inferior substitutes -- I'll copy a section of my cookbook below.  

This year I left the spices out of one batch, substituted "golden" raisins
for the muscats, and stirred in a pound of dried apricots and a cup of
sliced almonds.  (It wasn't until halfway through the subsequent date cakes
that I thought of covering the bottom of the baking pan with sliced almonds
to make the cake come out of the pan whole.  But this cake is so buttery
that I didn't have *much* trouble.)  The niece I gave it to intercepted me
in church yesterday to praise my "apricot bread".  (I don't call anything
with sugar as a structural ingredient "bread".)

For the other batch, I substituted brown sugar for the white sugar, seedless
raisins for the muscats, and stirred in a cup of dates and a cup of sliced
almonds.  Any nut will do, but I had a bag of pre-sliced almonds.  Walnuts
don't need to be cut up first.   Hazelnuts are delicious, but a chore to chop.


Since I've used everything from "small" eggs to "jumbo" with perfect
success, I'd imagine that you could use any convenient cup to measure the
ingredients, as long as you use the same cup for all of them, and put in
half as much baking powder as you'd usually use for that much flour, plus
the same amount of baking soda.  

Butter comes in half-cup sticks here, but you can measure it in a cup:
pour out half the water in the measuring cup, then add lumps of butter until
the cup is full again.  Dump all into the batter.  Or weigh your cupful of
water, and use half that weight of butter.  (The difference in density
between butter and water doesn't matter.)

The recipe says to beat the egg, but I just make sure it's mixed with the
sugar before I put the water in. 

Mrs. Stanley's Spice Cupcakes 

1 egg 
1 cup sugar 
1/2 cup butter 
1 cup muscat raisins (seedless raisins will work, but haven't the 
flavor of the seeded variety) 
1 teaspoon cinnamon 
1 teaspoon cloves 
1 cup water 
2 cups sifted flour (all-purpose or bread, not cake) 
1 teaspoon baking powder 
1 teaspoon soda 

Beat eggs.  Add sugar, raisins, butter, 
cinnamon, cloves, and water.  Bring to a boil.  Cool.  Add flour, baking 
powder, and soda.  Bake in loaf or cup cakes at 350 F.   (Moderate)

Honey Spice Cake

Substitute 7/8 cup honey for the sugar, and reduce water by three 
tablespoons.  You can get honey out of a measuring cup if you butter 
the cup before you use it. 

The eggs do not curdle under this treatment, though I never 
believe the recipe is going to work.  I used to use this batter to stick 
candied fruit together and bake little fruitcakes in toy loaf pans.  I've 
lost my taste for candied fruit and think Christmas cakes are much 
better if filled with raw nuts and dried fruit. 

If you haven't got butter, use cooking oil, not margarine. 
(Nut oil is best.)

Crumb Pie 

1 cup flour 
1 cup sugar 
1 teaspoon baking powder 
1 egg 

Crumb together like peas.  Spread thin. 

Mom would put fruit, usually canned peaches, in her 9 x 13 pan, 
sprinkle this mixture on top, and bake it.  

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Re: [lace-chat] RE: Weather

2004-12-28 Thread Tregellas Family
Hi to you all,

At 08:57 PM on 27-12-04 -0700, Helen Bell wrote:

>Heard from Mum and Dad who are at Mallacoota, (far eastern Victoria, on
>the coast), and they said it was pretty cold there today (28th Oz time),
>and they weren't going out fishing.  Next thing, Noelene'll be reporting
>that it's snowing :-)

I was talking to a lady in Tasmania last night on the ham radio and
she said that snow had been forecast for the Tasmania Highlands  -  go
figure, it's supposed to be *summer*!!!

A Happy New Year to you all,

Shirley T. - Adelaide, South Australia where its quite coolish, only 21 deg
C today.  But, Ruth and Noelene and all those east of Adelaide, Perth had 38
yesterday so I guess the hot weather is on its way.

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[lace-chat] Flavour wave oven

2004-12-28 Thread WaltonVS
Hi, especially to our American members. I have a Flavour Wave oven. It is 
great but I only really cook meat in it. I know you can do a whole meal in it. 
Can any of you give me any recipes or a link to where I can find some? There is 
nothing available in England as it is fairly new and only just catching on. 
Many thanks, Vivienne


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[lace-chat] Secret Pals - reminder

2004-12-28 Thread Brenda Paternoster
This is a reminder that the new round of Secret Pals will start in 
January and that the deadline for applications is midnight 31 Dec/01 

Arachnians who wish to participate should apply by 31st December.  I 
will try
to have the secret pal assignments out by 3rd January so the packages 
have time to
be assembled.  They should be mailed by 5th January.

This exchange will run from January 2005 until June 2005 when you will 
your identity.  This is a SIX-MONTH COMMITMENT.

To apply, send an email message to  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  with the
following information:
1. Your name
2. Email address
3. Complete mailing address
4.  For USA applicants only, preference for USA or overseas pal.  
(Remember, overseas
has larger postage costs and takes longer to be delivered).  Because 
most people prefer
an overseas pal this option will not be available to non-USA people

5. Affirmation of the following statements:
_I have read and understand the rules of participating.
_I will mail my packages by the 5th of each month.
_I will email a thank you message to Lace-chat within
 THREE DAYS of receiving each package.
_I will notify the coordinator immediately if something will
 prevent mailing my package on time or if I have to withdraw.
_I understand that I will be summarily removed from the round
 if I fail to fulfill my agreement.
6. Give a brief bio of yourself to assist your Pal in selecting items
for you - stage in life, family, pets, favourite activities, favourite 
types of lace you make or like, non-lace hobbies, pierced ears or not, 
allergies or diet restrictions (no nuts, sugar, chocolate, etc), 
bobbin styles if you do BL, and anything else you wish to share.  The 
more info
you give about yourself the easier it will be for your secret pal to 
goodies for you.

7. Please tell me the names of people with whom you have already been 
with in previous rounds of secret pal exchanges.

1. Please be prompt in mailing by the 5th of each month so that your 
pal gets the package by the 15th of the intended month.  It is 
to expect a package and not get one.  If you must be late, email me
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  before the mailing deadline so your special 
can be notified.

2. Include a real, usable return address, not your own. Mine will be 
for UK use. Overseas please find a friend who will let you use his/hers.
All packages need a return address in case of delivery problems.  
sent abroad should bear the necessary customs declaration.

3. When the package arrives, as soon as possible post a brief note to
LACE-CHAT (not Lace!!!) to say Thank You.  This lets your sending pal 
that it was safely received.  It's not necessary to write a long 
just acknowledge the package.  You can send your thank you messages to
lace-chat@arachne.com  even if you don't take chat.

4. Pack carefully. A padded bag may not protect a fragile item.  Liquids
aren't good in containers going overseas, and are not recommended in any
package.  UK's Royal Mail states that anything "resembling a powder" is 
avoided or at least double wrapped.

5. If you have not received a package by the 20th, tell the 
so she can find out what has happened.  If a person cannot continue the
exchange, the pal will be given to someone else so he/she will not be 
out.  Please let the administrator know if you cannot continue.

 6.  It is nice to include (or send separately) a personal note to your
secret pal. Be aware, a letter included inside a package could cost 
postage, at least in the USA.  From UK small packets are OK with a 
You may choose to send the letter in an envelope separately.

7. Enjoy!!  It's fun to receive mystery packages, and to send them.
Brenda Paternoster in Kent England
Arachne Secret pal administrator
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[lace-chat] Re: [lace] Christmas Card Exchange and Beautiful Lace

2004-12-28 Thread Brenda Paternoster
Hello Barbara
What a lovely idea, thank you for offering to do this.
I look forward to seeing all the pictures
On 28 Dec 2004, at 06:37, Barbara Joyce wrote:
After receiving an absolutely beautiful piece of lace (a silver 
from Jane Viking Swanson) in the Christmas Card Exchange, I had a 
that I hope will appeal to others.

It started with my plan to scan the lace and put it on a web page so 
of my distant lace friends could see it. From that sprang the idea 
that if
others would email me a .jpg image of the lace they received, I could 
set up
a web page for all of us to see and admire all the different gifts we
exchanged with each other.

So--here's my offer: email me ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) with your name and 
and the name and location of the person who sent the lace to you. 
Attach a
.jpg image of your lace to the email (this can be a digital photo or a
scan). If you have any additional information about the lace--the kind 
lace for example--include it and I'll be happy to put a caption with 

I hope lots of us respond to this--it would certainly be fun to have a 
where we could ooh! and ah! over our lovely work. If I get even a few
pictures, I'll set up the page and post the URL.

Barbara Joyce
Snoqualmie, WA
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