Re: Using windows dll

2004-06-02 Thread vijayasiva
hi Juan,
Thanks for your interest.
My requirement is to set (or) write values to the 'summary attributes'
property window under windows 2000/XP.
I have directly called Version.dll from labVIEW Call Library
function and set type as 'Adopt to Type' and pass the values
particular function variable (string datatype). I have tried this, but
when i am running, program quits from labview environment. Can you get
back to me regarding this.Thanks in advance.

Re: how can i read/write data to files compatible to code composer ?

2004-06-02 Thread ryank
You might want to check out this product:

Ryan K.

Re: Serial Read Different from Hyperterminal

2004-06-02 Thread ScottieB
This is a good answer; I don't know of any issues where data gets
corrupted somewhere between the VISA and Windows Serial API layers so
there has to be some difference in settings.

Check the baud rate, data bits, etc.  I assume that you're using the
exact same setup as far as cable, computer, port, and so on.

If this is still a problem make sure that you have the latest version
of VISA, or at a minimum tell me what your VISA version is so that I
can look into it further.  Have you tried using VISA interactive
control to do the basic read/write operations?  You can access this in
Measurement and Automation Explorer under Tools...NI VISA...Visa
Interactive Control.

Also, I would like to make sure that you're using the shipping example
of LabVIEW -

Scott B.
Applications Engineer
National Instruments

Re: Image acquisition using video capture card

2004-06-02 Thread mhaag

We have a few options that we might be able to use depending on what
video capture card you have.  If you are using a National Instruments
frame grabber to acquire the images, then this will integrate easily
into LabVIEW.  You can use any number of shipping examples and VIs to
acquire the images or video and then save and display them.

If you are using a 3rd party capture card, then, unless that company
has provided VIs or DLLs that allow you to acquire and save the
images, then most likely it will be difficult to create a program to
acquire the images from this card into LabVIEW.  The best way to do
this may be to use the software or functions that came with your video
card to save the images to file.  Once you have saved them, you can
use LabVIEW to open the images, display them, and (if you have Vision)
do all types of processing of the image.

Again, the hardware you have and the software/functions provided with
it will dictate how easy it will be to incorporate it into LabVIEW and
develop a single application to acquire, save, and display these

I hope this helps and gives you a few ideas of what can be done and
what you need to look into.  If you still have any questions on what
the IMAQ functions in LabVIEW can do, then let us know and we will see
what else we can do.

Applications Engineer
National Instruments

Visa 3.1 and LabVIEW 6.0.2 - some questions

2004-06-02 Thread Gabs
by now, I have programmed interface VIs for communicating with our
devices by using the old serial I/O and GPIB VIs. Now, I would like
to switch to NI VISA, because I need USB, Ethernet and CAN
communication functions now, and because I heard that even the serial
functions are supposed to work better than the old versions. Is
NI-VISA fully included in the LabVIEW FDS/PDS licence? Are there any
restrictions using NI-VISA for company-specific device drivers? Can I
use VISA 3.1 together with LabVIEW 6.0.2 without any problems?
Thanks for your help,
best regards,

fatal error datatpye.cpp (6380) when I make changes to type def

2004-06-02 Thread Otto Fluder
When ever I make changes to any of my type defs or global variables in
my large application (24MByte) I receive the following error:
D:\lvworm\src\lvsource\datatype.cpp(6380) : DAbort: unknown type
$Id: //labview/branches/Wormhole/dev/lvsource/datatype.cpp#236 $
0x005350EF - LabVIEW CompareTD + 96FF
0x0052B998 - LabVIEW CompareTDForCopy + 118
0x0052BBDE - LabVIEW CompareTD + 1EE
0x0052BCA9 - LabVIEW CompareTD + 2B9
0x0052CAE4 - LabVIEW CompareTD + 10F4
0x0052CEE2 - LabVIEW CompareTD + 14F2
0x0052BA72 - LabVIEW CompareTD + 82
0x008CEE48 - LabVIEW ProgrammaticFindHiliteResult + 9408
0x00819291 - LabVIEW OMGetClassPropListIds + 3D021
0x008EBDA7 - LabVIEW ProgrammaticFindHiliteResult + 26367
0x0081923C - LabVIEW OMGetClassPropListIds + 3CFCC
0x008EC9CE - LabVIEW ProgrammaticFindHiliteResult + 26F8E
0x008ED2DF - LabVIEW ProgrammaticFindHiliteResult + 2789F
0x005A1B03 - LabVIEW PostLVUserEvent + 5B73
0x00819291 - LabVIEW OMGetClassPropListIds + 3D021

Re: non reentrancy for TCP/IP VIs.

2004-06-02 Thread sumitrishi

I am not sure if the trouble is at TCP read and write. I have attached
my VIs  and a hierarchy diagram for you to understand my doubt
better.They are in a different discussion thread with Mads . I am sure
you should be able to see them from there.

I am using LabVIEW 6.1 .


Re: lvlog

2004-06-02 Thread Uwe Frenz
you asked on June 1st, 2004:
The last two times I have logged into LabVIEW 7 I have gotten an error
and a file was created called lvlog with date and time appended to it. 
Does anyone know what this file is? I didn't see anything on the 
NI website or archives.
This is some kind of an NI-support tool AFAIK.
LV keeps a log where it stores some -possibly important- status information 
in case of a crash/abort etc. This is appended to the lvlog file. At its 
next startup LabVIEW usually detects the existance (or a changing since 
last start) of this file. It than asks you to provide this info to NI 
(investigate that error).
I had this situation several times in the last months. While providing this 
error report you are guided to search for the specified error code in NIs 
public support ressources (and so possibly help yourself). Usually the 
error code was not yet mentioned, at least in my cases. But this little 
effort does not really hurd and may help me or my 'successors' min the future.

My special situation (as I am from Germany with a german mail adress) is a 
little worse than the public, because any support requests from Germany are 
forwarded back to NIG in Munich. And this takes extra time and will often 
again require some 'callbacks' from the german support personal to Austin.
NI is not willing to change this or offer the standard support path on 
special request. I have asked 'em several times, personally as well as via 

Greetings from Germany!
Uwe Frenz
Dr. Uwe Frenz
getemed Medizin- und Informationtechnik AG
Oderstr. 59
D-14513 Teltow
Tel.  +49 3328 39 42 0
Fax   +49 3328 39 42 99

web publishing tool

2004-06-02 Thread ivan_chiu
I am using the web publishing tool in the upload a control panel to
internet. In my VI, there is a sub-VI that creat by IMAQ vision
builder. This sub-VI have an script that' Image buffer: retrieve copy'
which will return the image that i snapped in new window.
But I found that when i am using the IE to control the main VI, the
image cannot be returned. Anything can I solve this problem?

Thank you very much


Re: PXI or SCXI impedance analyzer?

2004-06-02 Thread Uwe Frenz
you asked on 1 Jun 2004:
 I need to measure the impedance (low frequency, low power) of
 up to 16 leads. So I need an impedance analyzer and a multiplexer.
 Currently we have a GPIB controlled multiplexer and impedance
 analyzer, but would like a more compact system. Is there anyway
 to do this using PXI or SCXI so that we can have a smaller package?
 I can't seem to find an impedance analyzer for either chassis -
 just resistance measurement.
I do not really know what an impedance analyser does other than measuring 
the resistance or impedance = 1/resistance of an object. IMHO a resistance 
measurement should be sufficient.
BUT keep in mind that multiplexing adds some extra (and variable) 
resistance into the path, either from the relais or the semoconductors. In 
order to get reliable results you should use a 4-wire technique, e.g. 
loading the UUT with a current using two wires and sensing its voltage with 
another two wires.
This is also the way if you need an impedance-voltage-relation or some 
other dependencies.
HTH   and
Greetings from Germany!
Uwe Frenz

Dr. Uwe Frenz
getemed Medizin- und Informationtechnik AG
Oderstr. 59
D-14513 Teltow
Tel.  +49 3328 39 42 0
Fax   +49 3328 39 42 99

RE: Not quite off-topic: List misuse

2004-06-02 Thread Rolf Kalbermatter
Ross, Michael [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

As a list administrator for a small specialized mailing list and a
participant in Info-LabVIEW I have some opinions on this topic.

This list has never been commmercial content free, but commercial
mailings are expected to be kept inobtrusive and brief.  That seems to
work and who am I to argue.

Just my two cents here. From the original post I got the impression
that the poster had previous contacts with this person, as an answer
to some question he had put on Info-LabVIEW. At that time the mailing
was appearently appreciated or at least no hard feelings were present.

If that is really the case (and I really don't know if my impression
is right) then what has been happening was that the advertiser appaerently
kept the posters address in his address book and later on sent again
some marketing mailing out to these addresses, maybe not really related
to the original inquiry.

As such the whole issue would be a little bit unclear. I for myself
probably wouldn't think to good about such an advertiser but on the
other hand I certainly wouldn't report him as a spammer to blocklists
either and most probably just delete the mail without thinking much
further. If I however receive a mailing out of the blue, it would
almost certainly be reported to the blocklists I use and maybe even
manually reported to its ISP and then disposed off.

Rolf Kalbermatter
CIT Engineering Nederland BVtel: +31 (070) 415 9190
Treubstraat 7H  fax: +31 (070) 415 9191
2288 EG Rijswijk
Netherlands mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Is there any way to count how many cycles there has been using Function Generator VI??

2004-06-02 Thread ThomasD
there some functions in the Frontpanel under
NI-Messtechnik--Datenerfassung--Z=E4hler--Ereignis oder Zeit z=E4hlen
or Data Acquisition--Counter which you can use possibility. I=B4ve you
like to search for example codes visit the following link

Thomas D.
NI Germany
(SRQ 203602)

Re: how can I increment documentation?

2004-06-02 Thread isabelle.jean

What do you mean by documentation ? Directory ?

Sincerely yours,

Isabelle Jean
National Instruments

Re: Polymorphic functionality of Delete From Array

2004-06-02 Thread Rolf Kalbermatter
George Gatling (Contractor) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

The Delete From Array function has some interesting polymorphic behavior... 
it changes the type of one of its output terminals based on *whether* an 
input terminal is wired (as opposed to what type is wired to the input 
terminal).  In particular, if length is unwired, a scalar is output.  If 
length is wired, an array is output.  I would *love* do duplicate this 
exact behavior for a Read Row(s) From File function.  Anyone know if this 
is possible?

No, this is not possible as you want it. This dynamic adaption needs direct
manipulation of the code generator in LabVIEW and as such is only possible
in LabVIEW built-in nodes. What you can do is create polymorphic VIs and make
some of the inputs not present in all versions of the subVIs. There won't be
automatic adaption when wiring, but you can right click and select the version
of the VI you want to use. 

Rolf Kalbermatter
CIT Engineering Nederland BVtel: +31 (070) 415 9190
Treubstraat 7H  fax: +31 (070) 415 9191
2288 EG Rijswijk
Netherlands mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Inserting into queue from within an event case

2004-06-02 Thread shoneill
I seem to be having a problem with inserting into a Queue.

I have a data acquisition system running with several VIs running
independently int he background (loaded with VI Server) and
communicating via Queues.

I want to add the ability to load a previously-recorded data set,
capturing the load button push through events.  However, after
parsing the data for the queue and sending it to the queue (no error
mesasge is generated), the Queue info function still reads 0 entries
in the queue.

My question is: Can queues be used within Event cases?  Everything
else seems to be working, but the data insertion simply seems to be
doing nothing.

Thanks in advance


replace current version in scc with older version

2004-06-02 Thread AOrtin
I have made some changes in a vi, and I have made the check in in
the SCC (Built-in).
Now, I have seen that is better to use the previous version of that
vi. Then, I go to retrieve version in the scc, and try to check
in, but I have the error 25557, that says that the version of the
server is newer than the one I want to check in.

So the question is: how can I replace the current version of a vi in
the SCC with an older version?

Thanks in advance for your help.

Re: Maybe off topic - freeware and commercial ad

2004-06-02 Thread Rolf Kalbermatter
Irene He [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Sure we would appreciate real freeware and thanks for it,
but there is no need to depreciate non freeware, I would
have understand if these people are from some non-profit
organization like university, but people from industry
they should accept non freeware just as with freeware if
they don't provide free service themselves.

Who doesn't like freebees? :-)
And of course it is easier to look over an advertisement for
some free tools than an aggressive commercial ad. 
However to actually sell LabVIEW add-ons is a very tough thing
for anyone who is not National Instruments. It requires usually
more in effort such as marketing, support, documentation and
such than you can in most cases earn through its sales.

Regarding the ad, I like to see some short ad in this list. I
like to get notified about new things in LabVIEW world, so that
I know one day if I need this feature, there is a way to go
rather than sitting in the dark. There are too many information
in internet, but there are only few places to hang out for me
like this forum, so I would like to get notified here to make
me feel it's powerful to work with LabVIEW, because you can do
so many things...or would you rather not knowing things that
is capable with LabVIEW?

I have nothing against a short announcement for some new tools or
products related to LabVIEW on this list, and in fact our former
list maintainer Tom had a policy of explicitedly allowing such
advertisements if they were brief and not intrusive, and offered
people in case of doubt to ask his opinion about if a message was
appropriate for the list or not. I certainly assume that this
also applies to the current list maintainer.

What I consider absolutely intolerable would be to harvest some or
all of the email addresses from the Info-LabVIEW posts and start
to mail out advertisements even for free stuff.

Hope this makes sense.

Of course it does ;-)

Rolf Kalbermatter
CIT Engineering Nederland BVtel: +31 (070) 415 9190
Treubstraat 7H  fax: +31 (070) 415 9191
2288 EG Rijswijk
Netherlands mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

(W) Load Init file for Motion error

2004-06-02 Thread Juergen . Buhrz
Hi all

How can I load a different setting file for my motion controller
I use the Initialize Controller.flx VI
When I write the name of my Init file in the control stettings name I 
got a error

Error -78007 occurred at Initialize Controller.flx.
Motion:  An invalid initialization settings name was specified.

What does the error mean and what have I to do

I am using MAX

Any example



GKSS research center
Jürgen Buhrz
Max-Planck-Str. 1
21502 Geesthacht

Tel.  +49 (0)4152 87 2708
FAX +49 (0)4152 87 2727

Re: Inserting into queue from within an event case

2004-06-02 Thread shoneill
Oops, found the problem.  Sorry, wiring mistake.


Re: More doubts on: non reentrancy for TCP/IP VIs

2004-06-02 Thread Mads
The server part is OK. I see the session handler opens a database, my
guess is there is something there that prevents parallell replies. If
you strip down the session handler to just reply with a string
generated in the handler; are things still not able to run side by
side? If it's not could you post the stripped handler?

find value in a table

2004-06-02 Thread Esther.Lopez
I have a table, with two columns. Both column contains strings. The
first one is an indicator, and the second one the value of this
indicator. The format is like this:
  indicator1   value1
  indicator2   value2
How can I find in this table the string inidicator1 and return the
corresponding value1? thank you very much for your help

Re: More doubts on: non reentrancy for TCP/IP VIs

2004-06-02 Thread sumitrishi
I would have to try it ( I mean stripping of handler).
But I am not sure if I would be able to  feel any difference until
unless the size of the string returned by the handler is of
considerable size and would make the other handlers wait.

As far as database is concerened I have the admin privileges for it
and I can monitor the number of connection and every time a new client
comes I can see a new session getting reflected.I was just wondering
if it has anything to do  on the client side I was trying to set the
operation mode for tcp read to immediate but to no avail.

Re: Programme written in 6.1 is not writing to file in 7.0

2004-06-02 Thread sweden
  Here is the detailed information.
I am running this Labview VI for collecting data through a network
analyser and controlling motion of motors through DAQ card. I have
already run the cd of drivers given with Labview 7.0
 The exact subvi used for writing file is the hp8720 collect data.
This thing has been installed in the Laptop with version 6.1 of
Labview. What I have done is that I have taken the same programme and
changed its algorithm in Labview 7.0 on a different comp and copied
the file back. Then I installed labview 7.0 on the Laptop and tried
running the new programme. But everything is working except the
writing to file. Error handling has been put up and the message I get
is Error reading/writing from/to file. Check file name.
Kindly help out.


Problem on filter design by using Signal Processing Toolset

2004-06-02 Thread Bill Choy
Hi all,

I'm now designing a filter with particular shape by using NI Digital
Filter Design provided in Signal Processing Toolset. I use the
Arbitrary FIR Filter Dsesign with my frequency response data file to
build the filter and use it in LabVIEW. However, when I put the
filtered signal to calculate THD by using Harmonic Distortion, the result was larger that the correct value. I found
that when I increase the filter order, the actual frequency response
become the desired response but the THD result is also increased. I
tried to use 500 as the filter order and each harmonic level was quite
simular to the correct level, but the THD value was wrong. Are there
any suggestions?


Re: Operating system support

2004-06-02 Thread Steven Bird

In order to answer your query there is a Knowledge base online at :

This should answer your issue.

Kind Regards

Steven Bird
Applications Engineer
National Instruments

how to obtain plot list from xy graph

2004-06-02 Thread _hmann_

I have a XY Graph and I wnat to get the number of Plots in that Graph.
There is no Property for this.
Anyone knows how to do this?


Re: how to call LabVIEW_VI in VBScript(activex Com server) with (ByVaL, ByRef)parameters

2004-06-02 Thread reddys
thanks, sorry
it is working fine.


Re: [W] user specific LabVIEW ini file

2004-06-02 Thread Coffmon, Roger [LBRT/LNA]


Yes, there is.

Create a new shortcut on your desktop that points to the labview executable.
Once created, right click on the new shortcut and select properties.
In the text box labeled target will be the full path to the labview
example - C:\program files\national instruments\labview\labview.ex
At the end of the entry place the path to your new ini file.
example - C:\program files\national instruments\labview\labview.ex
-pref C:\my preferences\\labview\labview.ini
Note that  must be used if your paths have spaces. Also, the entry '-pref'
must have a space before and after.


Is there any way to get LabVIEW to read a user specific LabVIEW.ini file?


Roger A. Coffmon
Senior Design Engineer, ATE
Liebert, NA
Emerson Network Power
Consider It Solved

This e-mail is intended only for the addressee named above.
As this e-mail may contain confidential or privileged information,
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retain, read, copy or disseminate this message or any part of it.

RE: [W] user specific LabVIEW ini file

2004-06-02 Thread Bookwalter, Dan

It's a real kludgy way of doing it but you could write a LabVIEW program
that fires up LabVIEW, first get the users name then swap the current .ini
with their .ini and launch LV

Just a thought

Dan Bookwalter N8DCJ
Hi-Stat a Stoneridge Co.
345 South Mill St.
Lexington, Ohio 44904

(419) 884-1219 Phone
(419) 884-4172 Direct
(419) 884-4195 Fax


 -Original Message-
 Sent: Tuesday, June 01, 2004 9:04 PM
 Subject: [W] user specific LabVIEW ini file
 Is there any way to get LabVIEW to read a user specific LabVIEW.ini file?
 I don't have write privileges to the Program Files directory and am
 therefore stuck with the default choices from NI. Aren't well-behaved
 applications supposed to store preferences in the 'Documents and
 Settings/User Name' folder anyways?
 An amusing idea just occurred, copy the entire LabVIEW directory to an
 area I have write privileges to and run it from there. This being windows
 I'm sure the registry would get corrupted.
 Jason Corwin
 (858) 592-4025

This electronic mail transmission contains confidential information 
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received this transmission in error, please send an electronic mail 
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Re: find value in a table

2004-06-02 Thread d11in
it's simple, if i think the same as you. a table is a two-dimensional
array of strings. first split up your table in two 1d-arrays (one for
1st column, one for the 2nd). to search a string in the 1st column
(index 0) use the search 1d array function which returns the index
of the element. the second array contains the values. now use the
function index array again to get the understood?

best regards

Re: how to obtain plot list from xy graph

2004-06-02 Thread d11in

i don't know, but try it with the array size function... a xy-graph
is a 1d-array of clusters. in these clusters there are two 1d-array
which represent x and y coords. the array size function should
return the number of plots (clusters) of the xy-graph try it and
let me know if it works..


Re: Programme written in 6.1 is not writing to file in 7.0

2004-06-02 Thread sweden
the errror code that i am getting is d-1300

the hp8720 network analyser was installed with the previous setup. Can
it be that I have to install it with th enew Labview??? For now I have
just copied the directory hp8720 from the Labview 6.1 instr directory
into the corresponding diresctory of Labview 7.0

Re: how to call LabVIEW_VI in VBScript(activex Com server) with (ByVaL, ByRef)parameters

2004-06-02 Thread reddys
Hai Ingo,

One more request from you, is it posible to call LabVIEW from
TestDirecotr8.0, what you gave script will work? if it will work how
give the procedure.
or any other procedure is there?

i want to excecute this script in TestDirector8.0.

thank alot

Re: Is anyone aware of a timing problem when using Notifiers ?

2004-06-02 Thread Tony Rivera
Try setting the 'ignore previous(F)' flag to true.

Re: Parallel access of database

2004-06-02 Thread Brian Beal

That probably is it.  I learned a while back to use my own Open
Database Connection VI.  It is just a loop that tries to open the
connection, once per second for 10 seconds, until it is successful or
it doesn't work.  That greatly reduced the number of errors, but there
is still an occasional problem.  I have seen the .ldb file become
corrupt for some reason, and I have seen where the data doesn't get
written to the table, or should I say can't be seen by Access, but I
am able to query that table for the data(one time) and it is there.
It is then gone forever!

Reading a text file with Time V Voltage info

2004-06-02 Thread Floss
Hi, I have text files with Time and voltage info in a separate column
in each which i want to plot. The problem is that the time values are
not read in correctly so I must read in the data as strings, line by

The data looks somthing like this


The=B4colons in the time mean that if i simply read in the file directly
that the time gets messed up, so i am trying to read it line by line,
without success. I have tried using shift registers and while loops
without success. I have tried the =B4match pattern=B4 idea, but have been
unable to generate the two columns that I want. Is there an easier
solution (e.g. being able to read in the time in a way that doesn=B4t
get messed up?)
John M

Re: how to call LabVIEW_VI in VBScript(activex Com server) with (ByVaL, ByRef)parameters

2004-06-02 Thread IS
Sorry, I am not familiar with that Software. But as long as it
supports VBA or VBS it should work similarly.

Re: how can I increment documentation?

2004-06-02 Thread isabelle.jean

Here it is an example which allow you to create a directory :

Hope this help !

Isabelle Jean
Application Engineer
National Instruments

Re: [W] user specific LabVIEW ini file

2004-06-02 Thread Jean-Pierre Drolet

Like others have said, have a shortcut with the -pref switch on the command line.

I use to have one shorcut and one labview.ini file for each project. That has the 
advantage to set the default directory to the
project directory and to have a different Recently Opened Files lists.

For those using builtin SCC, setting different default directories for projects allows 
to use different SCC repositories and

Jean-Pierre Drolet

RE: PXI or SCXI impedance analyzer?

2004-06-02 Thread Mahoney, Richard C
This is a great idea. The '1%' that you left out has to be cost. Lets
face it...
PXI is expensive. Your approach has the ability to be a much more cost
solution, Although depending on who is doing the custom HW design, this
could be 
the trade off... 
Its not my intent to start a new discussion branch here, but while COTS
does has its advantages, I think the trend has been to cast aside custom
based solely on cost, too often lately. I for one prefer the custom
Maybe its just more challenging, and what engineer doesn't like a

My .02 cents

Rick Mahoney
Equipment Test Design
Lockheed Martin Corp
Syracuse NY

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of David A. Moore
Sent: Wednesday, June 02, 2004 8:49 AM
To: Info LabVIEW Mailing List
Subject: Re: PXI or SCXI impedance analyzer?

This probably won't help you, but for one project I've worked on we
replaced a big HP impedance analyzer by a function generator, a high
speed digitizer, and some custom circuitry. It lets us send a chirp
and get impedance as a function of frequency in about 1% of the time and
for 1% of the weight.
--David Moore

At 02:01 AM 2004-06-02 -0400, you wrote:
Subject: PXI or SCXI impedance analyzer?
From: Seifert, George [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Tue, 1 Jun 2004 12:27:21 -0500

I need to measure the impedance (low frequency, low power) of up to 16 
leads. So I need an impedance analyzer and a multiplexer. Currently we 
have a GPIB controlled multiplexer and impedance analyzer, but would
a more compact system. Is there anyway to do this using PXI or SCXI so 
that we can have a smaller package? I can't seem to find an impedance 
analyzer for either chassis - just resistance measurement.



-- David A. Moore - Moore Good Ideas, Inc.
-- (801) 773-3067 - NI Alliance Member
-- 1996 Allison Way ---
-- Syracuse, Utah 84075 - [EMAIL PROTECTED]


How to call LabVIEW from TestDirector

2004-06-02 Thread reddys
Hai to all,
I want to call LabVIEW function from TestDirector. That TestDirector
using VBScript. is it posible? if posible can you give the procedure.

thanks for advance!

Upgrading from LabVIEW 6.1 to 7.1, get a MS C++ Runtime Error

2004-06-02 Thread ranger
After upgrading from LabVIeW 6.1 to 7.1, I get a Microsoft Visual C++
Runtime Error

It states:
Runtime Error!
Program:...ogram Files\National Instruments\LabVIEW 7.1\LabVIEW.exe

abnormal program termination

I am using Windows NT, ver 4.0 SP 6.

Re: best way to launch a large audio file

2004-06-02 Thread D0M

You could use an activeX container (activeX controls palette) to embed
windows media player (or any other media player) into your app. Then
use an invoke node from the application control palette to control the


Re: when running an application I built, I keep getting error 7

2004-06-02 Thread tcmahone
I changed the order of the elements but the problem still persists.
You said something before about checking to make sure that the
properties are included in the runtime engine, otherwise they will not
work.  I tried to check but I could not figure out how to find that
information.  I right clicked and then went to help but the
information is not there.  Could that be my problem?

Re: Maybe off topic - freeware and commercial ad

2004-06-02 Thread Irene He

Everyone,Thank you for all your replies and I appologize for any "trouble" 
ormisunderstanding that I may have caused whatever that is.Yes, I 
understand the list policy and will do my best to followIf I have 
too much time, I will rearrange it...(sorry off-topic again,just can't stop 
express feeling).Have a nice day, everyone 

Saving the Control Values on a Front Panel

2004-06-02 Thread mkess
I am creating a VI in which I have approximately 10 front panel
controls that can be changed by a user.  Instead of entering the same
values over an over again, I would like to provide the user the option
to save a set of control values that can then be loaded the next time
around via a drop-down box.  Before I began I just wanted to see if
anyone had done anything similar.  I was stumped as to how to approach
it.  Any suggestions?


lors d'une aquisition avec nue carte PCI6034E, j'obtiens l'erreur 10401

2004-06-02 Thread millard rodolph
j'utilise LAbView 6.1, windows 2000

Re: Problem on filter design by using Signal Processing Toolset

2004-06-02 Thread LocalDSP
There are many things that could cause the behavior you see.
Is your filter settled before your perform your THD measurement?
If each harmonic component seems correct but the THD too high, it
could be because your fundamental tone is attenuated more than

Can you be more specific and explain your concerns in more details?
What is your measured THD and what would you like it to be and why?
How do you know it should be that value? Eventually if you could post
your VIs with input data saved at default that would be helpful.

Re: Serial Communication speed is very low under WinXP but its good under WinMe

2004-06-02 Thread Brian Powell
I agree with Dan's suggestion, but I have an additional question.

Are you reading large amounts of data, or small?

If large, then Dan's suggestion is sufficient.

If small, then I would follow Dan's suggestion, but also investigate
configuring your Reads and Writes to do I/O synchronously.  (There's a
popup setting on the Read and Write nodes for this.)

By default LabVIEW does the I/O asynchronously, so that if it takes a
long time to transfer, it doesn't tie up one of LabVIEW's execution
threads.  But for small transfers where you know the data's going to
be available, the asynchronous setup can take a long time compared to
dealing with the actual data transfer.

I hope this helps.


Re: i am gettign objheap.cpp error

2004-06-02 Thread DonRoth
I am also getting this identical objheap.cpp error at the same line
number 592.  I was editing my VI yesterday on a computer using winXP
operating system.  Today, I am trying to bring it up on win2K OS and
it will not even open due to this error!!   I would like to send the
code to NI but it has a lot of subVIs and since I cannot open it, I
cannot get the heirarachy. I suppose I could send the directory(s) to
them.  Any advice is appreciated.



Re: find value in a table

2004-06-02 Thread Esther.Lopez
Thanks!! finaly I changed the table and I put an array, but your
solution also works

VI hangs while attempting to save

2004-06-02 Thread Deep
When we try to save the VI, it hangs and we have to reopen the
LabVIEW, also no modifications are saved. Size of VI is around 1MB.
There are no SubVI's in the top level VI. (LabVIEW 6.1)

Re: find value in a table

2004-06-02 Thread Esther.Lopez
Thanks!! I don=B4t have an array, I had a table, but after reading your
answer I have changed it, and it works.

Accelerometer application DAQ programming

2004-06-02 Thread Lab Student
I inherited a program and project from some seniors who have since
graduated. They were using strain gauges to measure motion. They
developed this rather large DAQ program in Labview to acquire the
signals, compare them, calculate some things, It would take me
months to decipher the code.
I need help in developing a labview program that acquires both the
accelerometer and horn data. Then the two are compared and the
difference is calculated and sent to a data file as a Response time
along with the original data of first movement and horn sounding. Can
anyone please help me out?

Re: How would you recommend that I schedule a file-creation...

2004-06-02 Thread jcrooke
Thanks for your response, Ryan.  The only problem with that approach
is that I am getting data every two seconds and I would like the data
to go with the date of the file, i.e. I could potentially get about 10
seconds worth of data in the previous day's file.  Not a big deal, but
I already have such an approach in place and I'm looking for a
precisely scheduled event.

Re: best way to launch a large audio file

2004-06-02 Thread Brian Powell
Yes, the provided VIs that work with wave files just like to treat
them as one enormous buffer, so that doesn't work very well for large

Another approach would be to look at the wave file VIs and split them
apart.  There's part that reads the header, and there's part that
reads the data.  If you split that into two VIs--one for reading the
header, and one for reading the data--I think you'll have good

The reading the data part is essentially just a File Read function.

As you read the data in chunks like this, you'll also want to take
advantage of the SO Set Num Buffers function (or something like
that).  It was described very well in the most recent LabVIEW
Technical Resource (LTR, see  You can also look at the
continuous sound output example for information about the buffer
management.  (I'm assuming you have LV 7 or later.)

I hope this helps.


Re: Maybe off topic - freeware and commercial ad

2004-06-02 Thread George Gatling (Contractor)
At 10:11 AM 6/2/2004, you wrote:
 might engender a similar warning as would a discussion of whether the 
Grateful Dead were the greatest all time rock band.
I cast my vote for Floyd oh.. maybe that was rhetorical?  :P
But I do agree with you Scott... the list is most useful as a place for 
like minded people to bring their collective technical knowledge to bear on 
each others problems.  I have always felt the general rule of thumb here as 
been that it was better to ask forgiveness than permission when posting a 
question that seems off topic.  Of course, when the post is not solicited 
or a question, perhaps there is a different rule of thumb?

And I can't help wondering if an off topic discussion about off topicness 
is something recursive that we might never escape... :))  Good thing 
recursion isn't allowed in LabVIEW!

George Gatling
Applied Technology Division, SFA Inc.
Space Physics Simulation Chamber
US Naval Research Laboratory
202-404-5405 (phone)
202-767-3553 (fax)
If trees could scream, would we be so cavalier about cutting them down?
We might, if they screamed all the time, for no good reason.  --Jack Handy  

RE: Maybe off topic - freeware and commercial ad

2004-06-02 Thread Bookwalter, Dan
I'll have to vote for Floyd ,Allman Bros , Eric Clapton and Muddy Waters :-)

Dan Bookwalter N8DCJ
Hi-Stat a Stoneridge Co.
345 South Mill St.
Lexington, Ohio 44904

(419) 884-1219 Phone
(419) 884-4172 Direct
(419) 884-4195 Fax


 -Original Message-
 From: George Gatling (Contractor) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, June 02, 2004 10:40 AM
 To: Scott Hannahs
 Subject: Re: Maybe off topic - freeware and commercial ad
 At 10:11 AM 6/2/2004, you wrote:
   might engender a similar warning as would a discussion of whether the
  Grateful Dead were the greatest all time rock band.
 I cast my vote for Floyd oh.. maybe that was rhetorical?  :P
 But I do agree with you Scott... the list is most useful as a place for
 like minded people to bring their collective technical knowledge to bear
 each others problems.  I have always felt the general rule of thumb here
 been that it was better to ask forgiveness than permission when posting a
 question that seems off topic.  Of course, when the post is not
 or a question, perhaps there is a different rule of thumb?
 And I can't help wondering if an off topic discussion about off topicness
 is something recursive that we might never escape... :))  Good thing
 recursion isn't allowed in LabVIEW!
 George Gatling
 Applied Technology Division, SFA Inc.
 Space Physics Simulation Chamber
 US Naval Research Laboratory
 202-404-5405 (phone)
 202-767-3553 (fax)
 If trees could scream, would we be so cavalier about cutting them down?
 We might, if they screamed all the time, for no good reason.  --Jack Handy

This electronic mail transmission contains confidential information 
intended only for the person(s) named. Any use, distribution, copying 
or disclosure by any other person is strictly prohibited. If you 
received this transmission in error, please send an electronic mail 
message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: HTML posts

2004-06-02 Thread Info-LabVIEW List Maintainer
At 10:53 +0200 6/2/04, Rolf Kalbermatter wrote:
Would it be possible to not post with HTML to this mailing list as it
is a text mailing list?

The list software does it's best to strip all HTML from the mail.  This is hard since 
people use incorrect HTML so there is no sure way to do this.  The list is *supposed* 
to reject all mail that it can't strip the HTML from.  Certain people have a problem 
sending non-HTML mail (Braindead AOL mailers for example have no way to do this). The 
rest are clueless about how to turn this feature off.

I just looked thru the recent past set of messages in my inbox and only found one that 
had the x-flowed attribute though the mailer incorrectly marked the message content 
as text/plain.  But I looked in the trash and my filters had dumped one Yahoo mail 
that had gotten thru.  Again, it is hard to remove HTML on this free service.  It had 
incorrect headers and listed it as multipart/alternative but did not have any 
multiparts.  Sigh.  Other than rejecting everyone from (that would simplify 
my life, they are most of the bad addresses that bounce) I don't have a good way of 
blocking it, but I will work on it.


  Dr. Scott Hannahs, National High Magnetic Field Lab
   Info-LabVIEW List Maintainer

Subscribe: mailto://[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Unsubscribe: mailto://[EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: Maybe off topic - freeware and commercial ad

2004-06-02 Thread Mahoney, Richard C
This off topic Discussion on Off Topicness is making me dizzy,
But as long as I'm here... I vote, and I vote head bangin' (Sabbath, VH,
and just to be complete, I'll reference the off topic of recursion  
Wasn't Pluto actually Goofy's Pet? Whats up with that? 

Rick M

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Bookwalter, Dan
Sent: Wednesday, June 02, 2004 10:45 AM
To: 'George Gatling (Contractor)'; Scott Hannahs
Subject: RE: Maybe off topic - freeware and commercial ad

I'll have to vote for Floyd ,Allman Bros , Eric Clapton and Muddy Waters

Dan Bookwalter N8DCJ
Hi-Stat a Stoneridge Co.
345 South Mill St.
Lexington, Ohio 44904

(419) 884-1219 Phone
(419) 884-4172 Direct
(419) 884-4195 Fax


 -Original Message-
 From: George Gatling (Contractor) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, June 02, 2004 10:40 AM
 To: Scott Hannahs
 Subject: Re: Maybe off topic - freeware and commercial ad
 At 10:11 AM 6/2/2004, you wrote:
   might engender a similar warning as would a discussion of whether
  Grateful Dead were the greatest all time rock band.
 I cast my vote for Floyd oh.. maybe that was rhetorical?  :P
 But I do agree with you Scott... the list is most useful as a place
 like minded people to bring their collective technical knowledge to
 each others problems.  I have always felt the general rule of thumb
 been that it was better to ask forgiveness than permission when
posting a
 question that seems off topic.  Of course, when the post is not
 or a question, perhaps there is a different rule of thumb?
 And I can't help wondering if an off topic discussion about off
 is something recursive that we might never escape... :))  Good thing
 recursion isn't allowed in LabVIEW!
 George Gatling
 Applied Technology Division, SFA Inc.
 Space Physics Simulation Chamber
 US Naval Research Laboratory
 202-404-5405 (phone)
 202-767-3553 (fax)
 If trees could scream, would we be so cavalier about cutting them
 We might, if they screamed all the time, for no good reason.  --Jack

This electronic mail transmission contains confidential information 
intended only for the person(s) named. Any use, distribution, copying 
or disclosure by any other person is strictly prohibited. If you 
received this transmission in error, please send an electronic mail 
message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

which command I can use to exit from a subvi without exiting from labview in run-time?

2004-06-02 Thread sahinci
Similiar to 'Exit Sub' command in Visual Basic.

Suggestion for the list

2004-06-02 Thread Lewis Drake
It would be greatly appreciated if you could configure the InfoLabVIEW
server so it would reject non-text based e-mail and return them to the
sender with a message that they should resend as text.  As you know, the
list frequently gets cluttered up with stuff like this:

Content-Type: text/html;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN
META HTTP-EQUIV=3DContent-Type CONTENT=3Dtext/html; =
META content=3DMSHTML 6.00.2737.800 name=3DGENERATOR/HEAD
DIVSPAN class=3D447192722-01062004FONT face=3DArial color=3D#ff =
DIVSPAN class=3D447192722-01062004FONT face=3DArial color=3D#ff =
DIVFONT face=3DArialFONT color=3D#ffFONT size=3D2YSPAN=20
class=3D447192722-01062004our Bird/SPANSPAN =
getting nice.nbsp; Thanks for all the =
DIVFONT face=3DArialFONT color=3D#ffFONT size=3D2SPAN=20
DIVFONT face=3DArialFONT color=3D#ffFONT size=3D2SPAN=20
class=3D447192722-01062004My wish for the Bird:nbsp;nbsp; some sort =
of pick -=20
maybe Alt-Dbl-Click - in the Bird window and the BD centers at that =
This would eliminate all that =
DIVFONT face=3DArialFONT color=3D#ffFONT size=3D2SPAN=20
DIVFONT face=3DArialFONT color=3D#ffFONT size=3D2SPAN=20
DIV class=3DOutlookMessageHeader lang=3Den-us dir=3Dltr =
face=3DTahoma size=3D2-Original Message-BRBFrom:/B PJ M =

Lewis Drake
Process Automation Corporation
Belle Mead, NJ
908 359-1011

RE: Suggestion for the list

2004-06-02 Thread Bookwalter, Dan

I am all too familiar with this feature, the list use to reject all my email
and send me a nice notice with links to sites to explain how to fix the
problem every time IT reconfigured Outlook, you wouldn't believe how hard it
can be sometimes to get Outlook to send Text Only ALL the time. So maybe it
can be turned back on.

Dan Bookwalter N8DCJ
Hi-Stat a Stoneridge Co.
345 South Mill St.
Lexington, Ohio 44904

(419) 884-1219 Phone
(419) 884-4172 Direct
(419) 884-4195 Fax


 -Original Message-
 From: Lewis Drake [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, June 02, 2004 9:47 AM
 To: Comments Info-LabVIEW
 Cc: ListMgr Info-LabVIEW
 Subject: Suggestion for the list
 It would be greatly appreciated if you could configure the InfoLabVIEW
 server so it would reject non-text based e-mail and return them to the
 sender with a message that they should resend as text.  As you know, the
 list frequently gets cluttered up with stuff like this:
 Content-Type: text/html;
 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
 !DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN
 META HTTP-EQUIV=3DContent-Type CONTENT=3Dtext/html; =
 META content=3DMSHTML 6.00.2737.800 name=3DGENERATOR/HEAD
 DIVSPAN class=3D447192722-01062004FONT face=3DArial color=3D#ff =
 DIVSPAN class=3D447192722-01062004FONT face=3DArial color=3D#ff =
 DIVFONT face=3DArialFONT color=3D#ffFONT size=3D2YSPAN=20
 class=3D447192722-01062004our Bird/SPANSPAN =
 getting nice.nbsp; Thanks for all the =
 DIVFONT face=3DArialFONT color=3D#ffFONT size=3D2SPAN=20
 DIVFONT face=3DArialFONT color=3D#ffFONT size=3D2SPAN=20
 class=3D447192722-01062004My wish for the Bird:nbsp;nbsp; some sort =
 of pick -=20
 maybe Alt-Dbl-Click - in the Bird window and the BD centers at that =
 This would eliminate all that =
 DIVFONT face=3DArialFONT color=3D#ffFONT size=3D2SPAN=20
 DIVFONT face=3DArialFONT color=3D#ffFONT size=3D2SPAN=20
 DIV class=3DOutlookMessageHeader lang=3Den-us dir=3Dltr =
 face=3DTahoma size=3D2-Original Message-BRBFrom:/B PJ M =
 Lewis Drake
 Process Automation Corporation
 Belle Mead, NJ
 908 359-1011

This electronic mail transmission contains confidential information 
intended only for the person(s) named. Any use, distribution, copying 
or disclosure by any other person is strictly prohibited. If you 
received this transmission in error, please send an electronic mail 
message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: Problems using DAQmx Channel Property Node in Labview

2004-06-02 Thread DBryant
Hi Ian,

You can wire a DAQmx Channel directly to the channel property node.
For that matter, you can wire a DAQmx Channel to any DAQmx node/input
that takes a DAQmx Task. LV does the conversion to a Task for you.


Re: Shared memory function call NEED HELP

2004-06-02 Thread dirtyb15
Works great, thank you for the help.

Re: pc-dio-96

2004-06-02 Thread jhoskins
Thanks for all your help. I'm Not that great with IO. It works just
like you said. So now all I have to do is create a task then write
zero's to it at the beginning of my program. then it should work
correctly right.


Re: which command I can use to exit from a subvi without exiting from labview in run-time?

2004-06-02 Thread uscmagz
Are you trying to exit a subVI to get back to a Main VI? If so, use a
simple state machine.  There is a template for this in LabVIEW. Put
the SubVI inside the state machine to be called.

For the subVI, under the VI Property Window Appearances, customize
the window to Show Front Panel when called, and Close afterwards if
originally closed.

If this is what you are looking for I can send an example.

Re: how to call LabVIEW_VI in VBScript(activex Com server) with (ByVaL, ByRef)parameters

2004-06-02 Thread reddys
Hai, Ingo,

I ahve one dobut in you script,
call oVI.Call2(sIONames, sIOValues, true, true)

in that call2, it is in LabVIEW?
if it is in LabVIEW, here how to see that function name in LabVIEW.

how to configure LabVIEW?
please give the procedure.

Why can I not view my channels configured in MAX in order?

2004-06-02 Thread uscmagz
I am using the GET NAMES.VI to get the Virtual channel names from MAX,
and I am calling them one at a time, starting with Channel 0. However,
it spits them back out in the order they were CREATED. I thought it
was my mistake but apparently if I look at the DAQ Channel Viewer
inside Labview, this is still the case. Why are they organized this
way and not by channel? Is there an easy way around this or do I need
to start programming?

MAX 2.2
NI DAQ 6.9.1


Re: Application Builder for labVIEW 7 Doesn't support any report generation function

2004-06-02 Thread Liz F

These are all great suggestions, and I would like to add to them by
mentioning that you can programmatically return whether the program is
being run as an executable or a VI.

To do this, call the application property App.Kind.  This property
returns whether the program is currently being run in the Development
System or Run-Time System.  You can then use a case structure to
use a different number of Strip Path functions depending on the

Hope this helps!

Liz F
National Instruments

How to control an Electronic Load to give me a constant power output.

2004-06-02 Thread wrathofskidog
I need to keep a constant power output on my electronic load.  The
voltage and more so the current will be dynamic in order to keep the
power constant.  I am new to Labview and am trying to write code to
accomplish this task.

Re: which command I can use to exit from a subvi without exiting from labview in run-time?

2004-06-02 Thread uscmagz
In LabVIEW, go to the FIND EXAMPLES menu. View the bNew Event
Handler.VI/b or the bOld Event Handler.VI/b and either of these
will do if this is indeed what you are looking for... =0)

Re: Image acquisition using video capture card

2004-06-02 Thread mhaag

The video capture card will be the device that you connect your image
source to and that is responsible for acquiring the image that you
want.  Unfortunately National Instruments does not develop any image
acquisition device that will acquire from a basic RC jack.  We do have
a board that will acquire images from an S-Video connection, so some
customers can acquire images from high-end, commercial VCRs to our
image acquisition board through an S-Video connection.

Also, currently our IMAQ and Vision products are only supported and
developed on the Windows platform, and we do not have IMAQ/Vision
support for Linux.  Because of this, you will not be able to use the
IMAQ or Vision functions on a Linus machine, unless you can find or
create a 3rd party driver that interfaces properly.

Applications Engineer

Upgrading LabView program from 3.0.1 to 6.1

2004-06-02 Thread danl00

I have a LabView program which was written and run in LabView Version
3.0.1. We are upgrading our test system to LabView 6.1 and would like
to port this program over to the new environment.

When I tried opening up the program in 6.1 I got a message saying the
version the program was written in was too old to upgrade to 6.1.

Is there a way of porting an older version lab view program to a newer
one without reentering everything?

Thanks in advance...


Re: Programmatically retrieve Past versions of a control item

2004-06-02 Thread Z
Your answer suggests even I change the structure, I can keep using the
same datalog file. This definitely helps. I do have to remember (i.e.
store) all the past versions (structures) in my program and use the
correct one to retrieve the item it was saved in, don't I?

Re: deletion of arrays during specific time to get it working?

2004-06-02 Thread ryank

The VI which you posted is not executable, and doesn't make very much

A few tips:
1.  Is this a SubVI?  Or your main VI?  If this is your main VI you
should have an overall while loop which controls when the averages are

2.  You should use local variables instead of value property nodes,
and you should generally use wires and shift registers in place of
local variables.

3.  What do you mean that you want to delete the array of peak values?
Do you mean that you want to actually delete those valus from your
original data or that you just don't need to use them any more?  In
LabVIEW it's not neccessary to delete an array after you use it, just
don't use the wire again.

You might want to look into buying a book or taking a class on LabVIEW
programming, as I think that you may need to learn some more about
dataflow programming.

Ryan K.

Re: New to active X, why does this not work

2004-06-02 Thread jhoskins
I got this work with mpg, mp3, and wav files. what version of labview
and windows are you running.

Re: Parallel access of database

2004-06-02 Thread ryank
Yes, the approach you use to opening a connection is exactly the
approach to take to get around that problem.  Not sure what to tell
you about the other one except to maybe try it with a different DB.

Ryan K.

Re: Upgrading LabView program from 3.0.1 to 6.1

2004-06-02 Thread dan bookwalter

follow this link

here is th eimportant part:

To load a VI from LabVIEW 3.x or earlier, you must use the LabVIEW VI
Conversion Kit, which is available free of charge from National
Instruments. The part number of this kit for Windows and Macintosh is
776874-03. VIs from UNIX must be transferred to a Mac or PC where the
VI can be converted to LabVIEW 4.0 and then transferred back to UNIX.
The LabVIEW VI Conversion Kit is not available in the online catalog.
Please contact the National Instruments Sales Department directly to
request this free conversion kit.

good luck


Re: New to active X, why does this not work

2004-06-02 Thread Eyecheck2003
I have 6.1 and XP.  My partner tried running and got nothing.  Then he
ran an MP3 file, it worked, then the .wav file worked?


Re: Saving the Control Values on a Front Panel

2004-06-02 Thread jhoskins
What you need to is write a configuration file. There is a shipping
example on how to do this called write configuration settings file.


Re: New to active X, why does this not work

2004-06-02 Thread Eyecheck2003
The wave file that I am trying to load is 90Mb.  I just did a 30Mb
wave file and it worked fine.  Suggestions, anything I can do to make
more robust?

Re: LabVIEW stores data to disk without being told to

2004-06-02 Thread altenbach
Is it possible that the OS is increasing the swap file size (What is
you OS?) due to increasing memory demands? Try setting a minimum swap
file size in the OS configuration. You should pick a value for the
minimum size slightly above the size after a few runs of the program.

You might also want to carefully inspect your code to eliminate
unnecessary extra data copies.

Re: Obtain error 2 after long execution, Labview 6.1

2004-06-02 Thread Jeremy Marquis
No, if I could simply wire the queue reference to both sections of
code, I would have.  That code is just the basic structure, I
need/really, really prefer to use Obtain for the full
program.  Also, this is still growing and I need to figure out what is
the problem for future development.

I found the following on NI page Differences Between Queues in
LabVIEW 6.1 and Previous Versions:
...for named queues, each call to Obtain Queue with the same name
will result in a new refnum that points to the original queue.

So I guess there is some Labview-set limit to the number of refnums in
memory, since the computer still has 97% free.  I will try using
Release within the loop as well as at program termination and
report back.

Re: Using windows dll

2004-06-02 Thread JuanCarlos
Crashing LabVIEW when calling external code is usually the way you
know that some parameters are wrong. What function are you calling?
may be I can give it a try here.

All of the suggestions here are very valuable when calling external
code. Make sure you have the right calling convetion, use C string and
reserve the memory in LabVIEW beofre calling the dll.

I hope this helps.

Juan Carlos

Re: XY graph

2004-06-02 Thread Les Hammer
Under LabVIEW Help, click Find Examples, then search for XY
Graph.  It shows examples of different types of plots.


Re: Autoscale Y axis

2004-06-02 Thread Grass_Pitch
   Thanks for your comments, but I am afraid I do not follow your
   advice. In the property node, I cannot see any context menu. I
   previoulsy had several property nodes so that the user could either
   autoscale or set the max and the min manually. Could you please
   elaborate on your comment? Thanks.

Re: Problems using DAQmx Channel Property Node in Labview

2004-06-02 Thread DBryant
Hi Ian,

I can run your VI with success when wiring the chanel names in
directly. What is the incorrect result that you are seeing? What
property node is failing you? What is the error and result from that


Re: HTML posts

2004-06-02 Thread PJ M
Hi all

Beeing a yahoo user, I am a guilty party. While I kind
of know I was sending HTML email, I forgot It could be
a problem for others. It is quite easy to switch back
to text only email [in yahoo](select Plain instead of
Colors and Graphics in the compose window). I will try
to remember to do so from now on.



--- Info-LabVIEW List Maintainer
 At 10:53 +0200 6/2/04, Rolf Kalbermatter wrote:
 Would it be possible to not post with HTML to this
 mailing list as it
 is a text mailing list?
 The list software does it's best to strip all HTML
 from the mail.  This is hard since people use
 incorrect HTML so there is no sure way to do this. 
 The list is *supposed* to reject all mail that it
 can't strip the HTML from.  Certain people have a
 problem sending non-HTML mail (Braindead AOL mailers
 for example have no way to do this). The rest are
 clueless about how to turn this feature off.
 I just looked thru the recent past set of messages
 in my inbox and only found one that had the
 x-flowed attribute though the mailer incorrectly
 marked the message content as text/plain.  But I
 looked in the trash and my filters had dumped one
 Yahoo mail that had gotten thru.  Again, it is hard
 to remove HTML on this free service.  It had
 incorrect headers and listed it as
 multipart/alternative but did not have any
 multiparts.  Sigh.  Other than rejecting everyone
 from (that would simplify my life, they
 are most of the bad addresses that bounce) I don't
 have a good way of blocking it, but I will work on
   Dr. Scott Hannahs, National High
 Magnetic Field Lab
Info-LabVIEW List Maintainer

Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Re: VI hangs while attempting to save

2004-06-02 Thread altenbach
Sorry, I don't have a solution, just a comment.

A single VI of 1MB seems quite large and I wonder where all the bulk
is coming from. It would be hard to believe it's all code. Could it
be that all your indicators (arrays, graphs, charts, etc.) contain
huge arrays as default vaules? It might be worth clearing all,
followed by set current values to defaults before saving the VI.

Go to File..VI properties..memory usage. What are the numbers for
objects, code and data?

Re: Display the indicator bigger when the user clicks on it

2004-06-02 Thread altenbach
For the first question, you probably should create a seperate subVI
for each indicator.

About (2). There are many ways to stop the loops in the subVIs (You
seem to use a global variable). You could just use the numeric itself
and test for a value that never can occur during normal runs (e.g.
NaN, -Inf, or Inf, etc.), then, when you stop the main VI just write
these to all the indicators and everything else will stop. (This can
be useful during development. Once this VI is deployed in a production
environment, stopping is probably not needed, just a sane shutdown of
the entire application.)

Re: Autoscale Y axis

2004-06-02 Thread S.Klumpp
Dear Karthik,

sorry, I was a bit unprecise!
There is no context menu for the property node, but if you click right
on the graph belongig to it on the front panel than you will get a
context menu.
There you have to disable auto scale for the y axis.
This should be menu item under y axis or similar (unfortunate I have a
german version of LabVIEW, so I'm not aware how the correct names of
the menu items og the english version might be).


File size above 2 GB, is that possible in LabVIEW.

2004-06-02 Thread Allan
I want to stream data to disk for a long period, in the format waveform data
type - my problem is that the data files tends to reach the limit of 2 GB.

Is it possible to make files in LabVIEW greater than 2 GB ?

My OS is Windows XP and the disk is NTFS formatted.

I really appreciate your help on this one!


Re: LabVIEW stores data to disk without being told to

2004-06-02 Thread mhtl
Rolf,  that seems to be the problem... I can see from the system
monitor that Labview starts up with something like 14 or 15 MB
assigned and then climbs up to around 400 MB when I start running the
program.  Once it gets to around 400 MB it seems to run fine.

Do you have any quick hints for what you mean by inefficient wiring.
The program is quite large and I am asking it to do a lot.  Since I am
not a programmer by trade I may have caused some problems there.

As well, is there any way in Windows to assign a program a certain
memory usage allotment.  I looked around on the web but couldn't find
anything.  Since I am only running this program, If I can get it to
allocate the amount of memory up front then I might as well try it?

Re: Display the indicator bigger when the user clicks on it

2004-06-02 Thread Coop
About question 1:

I will have up to 10 or more indicators on the final fron panel of my
main VI. I thought of making subVI for each indicator but would that
be too many subVIs.
I guess they are not that big so it doesn't take much memory.
Regarding this topic of making subVIs can you remind what is the way
of adding all those subVIs that my application calls into one library?
Is that done during compiling into the actual application and then you
just select all subVIs?...something like that I think.

Thanks for everything.


Re: LabVIEW stores data to disk without being told to

2004-06-02 Thread altenbach
Swapping memory is relatively fast unless the OS needs to constantly
incremetally grow the swap file. Above, I have mentioned to make sure
the swapfile does not need to be dynamically resized.

Here is a relevant aplication note:

a href=
Can Virtual Memory Help With Memory Issues in LabVIEW?/b/a

An excellent writeup on issues related to dealing with large data sets
is the following document:

Large Data Sets in LabVIEW/b/a.

This is certainly something you should read.

Basics - edge detect or software counter

2004-06-02 Thread AeroDan
I'm trying to build a basic counter in software - push a button and a
number increments - with a while loop (or any other way).  Can't get
it to work.  The loop clears and doesn't hold a boolean in a shift
register when the enable is cleared so I can't single step it.  This
should be real easy stuff yet can't find any info anywhere, search for
software counter comes up with nothing.  Just using LabView, no
hardware.  Where is all the basic beginner stuff that would have this?

how to convert time (X-axis) from seconds to minutes

2004-06-02 Thread Coop
I have Graph indicator and I am trying to change the units of time
axis (x) from seconds to minutes.
I wrote the small VI that increments the voltage at the output of the
power supply in steps of 100 V every 1 min.
After each time interval of 1 minute passes by the voltage is
incremented by 100V.
The resulting plot looks like stairs going up.
Since my time interval will always be fixed to 1 minute I wish I can
change the x axis so that it is scaled in minutes instead of seconds.
So let's say I wanna go from 1 to 20 minutes on x axis in increments
of 1 minute. Is that possible?

What are the options I have?


RE: Bird's Eye View 1.5.0 Available

2004-06-02 Thread Michael C. Ashe
PJM wrote:
Let me use this opportunity to mentioned that if
anyone has ideas to improve upon this tool, please
feel free to contact me. ... PJM

It would be interesting to have this work remotely, or does it already do

Very Nifty Utility, and almost as interesting for the Picture Control
programming example as for the intended viewing functionality.

Michael C. Ashe Imaginatics
Control  Test Systems
11 Quinley Way
Waterford, CT 06385
Phone: 860-444-2141
Cell:  860-961-0876

How to set the SE_SHUTDOWN_NAME privilege?

2004-06-02 Thread allenf
How do I set the SE_SHUTDOWN_NAME privilege so that I can execute
ExitWindows on LabView 6.1 / Windows 2000?

KnowledgeBase document 2CTJ76G4 says that a CIN is used to set the
necessary privilege: what function / DLL?

(The attachment to KB #2CTJ76G4 is for LV 7.0; I am running 6.1.)

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