Re: L&I Johnson: Tuesday summary/Closing arguments

1998-04-08 Thread DocCec

DocCec <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

In a message dated 98-04-07 22:46:05 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

<< "People like Suzanne Johnson do not kill," Carlos said repeatedly.
 "People like Suzanne Johnson nurture life...The state's case is based on
 a need to blame someone for Jasmine Miller's death. And who do they
 blame? The last person to hold the baby, my client, Suzanne Johnson." 

Frankly I think this is a weak argument.  People like (whatever) do,
unfortunately, sometimes do things that seem out of character.  That's not to
say she did what she is accused of doing, just that the argument is weak.

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Re: L&I Re: Mitchell Johnson--victim of sexual abuse

1998-04-08 Thread DocCec

DocCec <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

In a message dated 98-04-07 21:32:22 EDT, you write:

<< The case under appeal is a hearing on Miranda rights.  The state is
 wanting the lower court's decision to suppress the confession because
 Miranda rights weren't given at the beginning of the interview with the
 suspect, but about 15 minutes into the videotaped interview >>

Be sure to let us know the outcome of that one, jackief.

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L&I Uh-oh... and oops!

1998-04-08 Thread Kaye

Kaye <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

A defendant was on trial for murder. There was strong evidence indicating
guilt, but there was no corpse. In the defense's closing statement the
lawyer, knowing that his client would probably be convicted, resorted to a

"Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, I have a surprise for you all," the
lawyer said as he looked at his watch. "Within one minute, the person
presumed dead in this case will walk into this courtroom." 

He looked toward the courtroom door. The jurors, somewhat stunned, all
looked on eagerly. A minute passed. Nothing happened. Finally the lawyer
said, "Actually, I made up the previous statement. But you all looked on
with anticipation. I therefore put to you that you have a reasonable doubt
in this case as to whether anyone was killed and insist that you return a
verdict of not guilty." 

The jury, clearly confused, retired to deliberate. A few minutes later, the
jury returned and pronounced a verdict of guilty. 

"But how?" inquired the lawyer. "You must have had some doubt; I saw all of
you stare at the door." 

The jury foreman replied: "Oh, we did look, but your client didn't."

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Re: L&I Biased Judge Forgives Clinton

1998-04-08 Thread hallinan


>moonshine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
>> Ridiculous!  Any CEO who did not have complete control of the company would
>> be destroyed by doing what Clinton did.  He would be out on his behind for
>> much less.
>I didn't know that Clinton was found guilty of doing anything.
>> A local politician was prosecuted for asking for sex with a
>> college girl applying for a job.  People are willing to forgive Clinton for
>> far worse than most any businessman or smaller politician could survive.
>Don't you think maybe people are waiting for the investigation to be over
beforethey are
>willing to forget or agree on prosecuting?

No, Mac, I don't.  People have not hesitated to condemn Clinton's accusers
on the flimsiest excuse.  Anybody know of any books by Willey or Jones?
Hear anything about movies lately?  Have they sold their stories to the

Maybe Jones will profit in the future.  I hope so.  She has withstood
assault that would have destroyed most long ago.  All she ever did was get
assaulted by a sexual pervert.  

People like Anita Hill and Gloria Steinem have even said that sexual
molestatation by an employer doesn't matter though they would have gone
ballistic if it had been done by anyone else.  They have plainly conceded
the guilt of Clinton.

The defense is that it doesn't matter even if you can prove Clinton is
guilty of the things we all know he is guilty of.

BTW you are right that many charges are not proven.  But people were
celebrating the fact that Judge Wright prevented many charges from even
being heard, possibly forever.  The celebration is a bit early.

>> Don't bet on it.  The opinion that the dismissal was correct is far from
>> unanimous and Clinton has a date with Starr in the near future.  Clinton is
>> likely to survive (if the Republicans' good fortune continues) but it is not
>> yet assured.  The summary judgment in Jones' case quite likely deprived
>> Clinton of a favorable verdict and may have harmed his prospects.
>> The effects of Clinton's failings will be felt for a very long time.  People
>> now actually accept what horrified them only a short time ago.  More people
>> accept the abuse of employees by a lecherous boss as just one of the
>> vicissitudes of life.
>67% approval rating and the republicans cannot get over it. They have
>money and time by not dealing with the issues that they were put into office
>for. If anyone needs to be tossed from office I think the House leadership
would be a
>great place to start.
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Best, Terry 

"Lawyer - one trained to circumvent the law"  - The Devil's Dictionary 

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Re: L&I Nixon beat his wife

1998-04-08 Thread hallinan


>moonshine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> People do not hesitate in the slightest to trash those they dislike
>> repeating the grossest and flimsiest rumors as absolute truth while
>> complaining loudly that the most obvious flaws of their heros are just
>> unfounded rumors.
>It seems to me you are doing quite a bit of trash talking and repeating
thegrossest and
>flimsiet rumors as the truth yourself.

Have a good day, Mac.
Best, Terry 

"Lawyer - one trained to circumvent the law"  - The Devil's Dictionary 

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Re: L&I Re: Mitchell Johnson--victim of sexual abuse

1998-04-08 Thread moonshine

moonshine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

William J. Foristal wrote:

> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (William J. Foristal) writes:
> Hi Mac,
> Oh, I agree.  I just think it's odd that this should come out only after
> the murders. It almost sounds like a defense attorney asking leading
> questions and the kid figuring out what the right answers are.
> It DOES make a difference, IMO, that these kids are only 11 and 13 years
> old.  I can't see throwing them into a prison with hard cases who are
> adults.  But I don't think they should be turned back into society for a
> long, long time.
> Bill

Mornin' Bill,
I agree prison is not the answer regaurding children but a long term mental health
facility may be in order.

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Re: L&I Nixon beat his wife

1998-04-08 Thread moonshine

moonshine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:


> People do not hesitate in the slightest to trash those they dislike
> repeating the grossest and flimsiest rumors as absolute truth while
> complaining loudly that the most obvious flaws of their heros are just
> unfounded rumors.

It seems to me you are doing quite a bit of trash talking and repeating thegrossest and
flimsiet rumors as the truth yourself.

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Re: L&I Biased Judge Forgives Clinton

1998-04-08 Thread moonshine

moonshine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:


> Ridiculous!  Any CEO who did not have complete control of the company would
> be destroyed by doing what Clinton did.  He would be out on his behind for
> much less.

I didn't know that Clinton was found guilty of doing anything.

> A local politician was prosecuted for asking for sex with a
> college girl applying for a job.  People are willing to forgive Clinton for
> far worse than most any businessman or smaller politician could survive.

Don't you think maybe people are waiting for the investigation to be over beforethey 
willing to forget or agree on prosecuting?

> Don't bet on it.  The opinion that the dismissal was correct is far from
> unanimous and Clinton has a date with Starr in the near future.  Clinton is
> likely to survive (if the Republicans' good fortune continues) but it is not
> yet assured.  The summary judgment in Jones' case quite likely deprived
> Clinton of a favorable verdict and may have harmed his prospects.
> The effects of Clinton's failings will be felt for a very long time.  People
> now actually accept what horrified them only a short time ago.  More people
> accept the abuse of employees by a lecherous boss as just one of the
> vicissitudes of life.

67% approval rating and the republicans cannot get over it. They have wastedtaxpayers
money and time by not dealing with the issues that they were put into office
for. If anyone needs to be tossed from office I think the House leadership would be a
great place to start.

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Re: L&I Most say Starr should close probe: poll

1998-04-08 Thread Leonard Booth

Leonard Booth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Bill, Sue, et al

Now that Paula Jones has been removed as the right wing wacko's political
puppet, Monica is the perfect replacement.  Starr and the rest of them will
get all the mileage they can outa her.


At 12:13 PM 4/6/1998 EDT, you wrote:
>[EMAIL PROTECTED] (William J. Foristal) writes:
>Hi Sue,
>Clearly Starr has no case against Lewinsky unless he can get
>corroborating evidence to show that she DID have sex with Clinton and
>that Clinton told her to lie about it.  Her affadavit given under oath
>states that she did not have sex with Clinton. All she has to testify in
>defense of any indictment is that her statements to Tripp amounted to an
>immature woman's bragging to a person who loved gossip and made a great
>audience by reacting with wide eyes and open mouth.  There is no crime in
>bragging to someone an lying when not under oath.  So to indict her would
>be more ridiculous than what Starr has done already.
>IMO, based on what the public has been told, no indictments will be
>forthcoming and Starr will send his report to Congress and that will be
>the end of it.  The lawyers get rich and the taxpayers get a bit poorer.
>On Sun, 05 Apr 1998 13:39:30 -0700 Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>Hi Bill:
>>I have been listening to the news shows, and MSNBC all morning, and 
>>pretty much say the same thing that you do.  Even the republican
>>senators that have been on the shows.  They want Starr to come out and
>>say that he plans to end this thing within the next couple of months,
>>and either indict someone or send it to congress.  All of them seem to
>>think however that if Starr were to indict Monica the public would
>>really get upset.  Most want it sent to congress and be over with.
>>> HI Sue,
>>> The thing that will finally end Starr's witch hunt is the thing that
>>> started it all, with respect to Starr being appointed.  That is the
>>> political machinations of the right wing conspiracy group.  These 
>>are the
>>> same people that jumped all over Starr when he dared to try to 
>>resign and
>>> go to Pepperdine.  And the same people who directed him to jump on 
>>> Lewinsky case when that occurred.
>>> Now that the Jones case is dismissed and even Newt Gingrich is 
>>> Clinton for his courage, I think we'll see a quick wrap up and a 
>>> going to Congress where the committee will conclude that no further
>>> action is required.  For political reasons they may offer a 
>>> censure of the president.
>>> And after all of this dims in the memory of people historians will 
>>> Clinton down as one of the finest presidents in the 20th century and 
>>> man who led the economy out of the Reagan/Bush dark ages and into 
>>> sunlight of a Dow Jones index that breaks the 10,000 mark.
>>> Bill
>>Two rules in life:
>>1.  Don't tell people everything you know.
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Re: L&I Re:School days, school days..

1998-04-08 Thread Jackie Fellows

Jackie Fellows <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi Sue

LOL--And they were *pink* and those rather baggy ones at that.  The ones that come down
to the middle of your upper leg and have balloon legs.  What a sight!!


Sue Hartigan wrote:

> Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Hi Jackie:
> Boy am I glad to hear that.  LOL
> But it is still quite a story to say the least.  A nun with her
> underwear down around her ankles.  
> Sue
> >
> > Hi Sue
> >
> > LOL--we didn't lose her underwear, she did.  The elastic on the waistband must
> > have gave way and she was monitoring the convocation.  Down they came around her
> > ankles, her mouth dropped and of course those of us who had seen this happen said
> > quite loudly--Oh Sister Josephina, be careful you don't trip.  Of course everyone
> > around turned to see.  Somehow I think that all the mischevous makers of that time
> > were all in my class.  We were the last graduating class from the old' mansion as
> > they were building a brand new school in the suburbs, so maybe we wanted to leave
> > more of a mark on the history of the school.  : ).  We did do some silly things
> > though--we had to I guess, there were no boys at the high school, as Catholic high
> > schools then were all segregated by sex in MN, except for St Michael's.
> >
> > jackief
> --
> Two rules in life:
> 1.  Don't tell people everything you know.
> 2.
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In the sociology room the children learn
that even dreams are colored by your perspective

I toss and turn all night.Theresa Burns, "The Sociology Room"

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Re: L&I Joe Six-Pack

1998-04-08 Thread Leonard Booth

Leonard Booth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Come on Ron. Your not insulted.  You'll just use any excuse you can to
knock Clinton.  You should know by now you're not fooling anyone around here.


At 07:46 AM 4/6/1998 -0700, you wrote:
>"Ronald Helm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>President Clinton says that if he were an average citizen, "Joe Six-Pack",
>he might regret not getting his day in court against Paula Jones.  I don't
>know about the rest of you, but this a pretty demeaning comment about the
>people that elected him, and I for one am insulted.   Ron
>Jury - Twelve people who determine which client has the better lawyer.
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Re: L&I Biased Judge Forgives Clinton

1998-04-08 Thread hallinan


Hi Sue,

>According to every legal person that I have heard since the suit was
>overthrown, if Jones does decide to appeal they don't think that it will
>go anywhere.  Also if this had not been the President and just some CO
>from Pepsi or another big company, it wouldn't have gotten as far as it

Ridiculous!  Any CEO who did not have complete control of the company would
be destroyed by doing what Clinton did.  He would be out on his behind for
much less.  A local politician was prosecuted for asking for sex with a
college girl applying for a job.  People are willing to forgive Clinton for
far worse than most any businessman or smaller politician could survive.

>Whatever happens, it can't possibly get to court now until Clinton is
>out of office, and by that time no one will even give a darn.

Don't bet on it.  The opinion that the dismissal was correct is far from
unanimous and Clinton has a date with Starr in the near future.  Clinton is
likely to survive (if the Republicans' good fortune continues) but it is not
yet assured.  The summary judgment in Jones' case quite likely deprived
Clinton of a favorable verdict and may have harmed his prospects.

The effects of Clinton's failings will be felt for a very long time.  People
now actually accept what horrified them only a short time ago.  More people
accept the abuse of employees by a lecherous boss as just one of the
vicissitudes of life.   If you don't think life is becoming more debased
what do you think of Howard Stern on CBS?
Best, Terry 

"Lawyer - one trained to circumvent the law"  - The Devil's Dictionary 

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L&I Admissibility of DNA Enters a New Phase in Courts

1998-04-08 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

I thought some of you might be interested in this.

The Time has passed, a California appellate panel told convicted rapist
Scott A. Wright, for challenging the admissibility of DNA evidence based
on polymerase chain reaction testing. 

Not a single defense expert testified "that this evidence was not
scientifically valid," the court noted in a unanimous opinion Feb. 17.
People v. Wright, A068667 (1st App. Dist.). 

Polymerase chain reaction, or PCR, analysis has been a hot-button issue
for prosecutors and defense attorneys because it allows wider processing
of crime scene materials than does the more commonly accepted method of
analysis, restriction fragment length polymorphism. PCR, which has been
compared to molecular photocopying in a test tube, provides genetic
profiles in hours rather than weeks and requires only the merest speck
of blood, saliva or semen. 

Last year, for the first time, a federal appellate court signaled the
end of challenging PCR as junk science. The 8th U.S. Circuit Court of
Appeals noted that, of a number of state courts that had considered the
PCR-processed evidence, the "vast majority" had accepted it. U.S. v.
Beasley, 95-3362. 

By year's end, three more state high courts--Massachusetts', New
Jersey's and Tennessee's--had come into the fold. Particularly
significant was New Jersey's opinion in the Nathaniel Harvey prosecution
because that state has a more rigorous standard for DNA than that
provided by the federal rules of evidence. (In New Jersey, there must be
a finding the test is "nonexperimental.") 

The Next Frontier 

The newest crop of cases on the DNA front offers further proof that the
frontier has moved from the laboratory to the trenches: 

* If human DNA is acceptable, how about dog DNA? Prosecutor Timothy
Bradshaw says the best evidence he has showing that defendants George
Tiulefano and Kenneth Leuluanialiu were at the scene of a 1996 murder of
a South Seattle couple is the splatters of blood from the couple's
mortally wounded pit bull on the defendants' jackets. Earlier this
month, King County Superior Court Judge Richard Jones held dog DNA

* What about DNA derived from a virus? A Louisiana appellate court found
that the legal standards for assessing DNA tests on humans also apply to
viruses. The case involves a physician accused of injecting his former
girlfriend with HIV-tainted blood. Prosecutors say the virus later found
in the woman closely resembles the virus in an HIV-positive patient from
whom the doctor had had a sample drawn. Louisiana v. Schmidt, 97-0249
(La. Ct. App. 3d Dist.). 

* And how about that old favorite: Can we trust the police? Cuyahoga
County, Ohio, prosecutor Stephanie Tubbs Jones has refused to ask a
grand jury to consider whether Richard Eberling is the real killer of
Marilyn Sheppard. Dr. Sam Sheppard's son is pressing for a review based
on newly developed evidence that shows a DNA match between the blood of
Mr. Eberling, a Sheppard family handyman now doing time for another
murder, and blood found at the murder scene. Ms. Tubbs Jones says that
the sample traveled to California before being lost and that 43-year
chain-of-evidence problems are insurmountable.
Kathy E
"I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
isn't looking too good for you either" Law & Issues Mailing List - Cowboy Histories Crime photo's

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Re: L&I Nixon beat his wife

1998-04-08 Thread hallinan


Hi Sue,

>Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>I think that we have the right to know the truth about what is going on
>in the WH in regards to things like Watergate, White Water, Vietnam,
>Iraq, Bosnia, etc.  But when it comes down to the personal lives of
>anyone, I don't think so.  I certainly don't want anyone to delve into
>my personal life.  But even so, putting that aside, these people are
>dead.  They can't possibly defend themselves.  All this does is hurt the
>survivors.  And IMO that is wrong.

I doubt many are worried about the feelings of the survivors.  The feelings
of those harmed by journalists are seldom of the slightest concern.  People
have been driven to suicide by reporters.  William Kennedy Smith's victim,
Patricia Bowman, tried to kill herself after her name was revealed along
with the most intimate details of her life.  Her case was destroyed long
before she got to court by the ridicule to which she was subjected.  If you
heard any journalists saying they were sorry I sure missed it.

In a book about Lizzie Borden a writer dug up much new information despite
the resistance of institutions which still resented the exposure of a
shameful part of their history.  Institutional pride is of far more concern
than any considerations of personal privacy.

People do not hesitate in the slightest to trash those they dislike
repeating the grossest and flimsiest rumors as absolute truth while
complaining loudly that the most obvious flaws of their heros are just
unfounded rumors.
>I certainly did not approve nor even like Nixon, but even if he had beat
>Pat, what possible good can it do the country now, or anyone for that
>matter for it to be brought out now.

It could be of aid to understanding the man, the position of women, and
certainly be an aid to battered wives.  Understand I haven't made the
slightest comment on the accusation.  I haven't the foggiest notion whether
it is true or not though many will immediately take up positions on it.

Does it matter that Kennedy had an affair with a mobster's girlfriend?
Since Kennedy later made initiatives to try to have the mob perform a hit on
Castro I would say it did.

The myths of Camelot are best revealed for what they are just as the myths
of Vietnam would best be understood rather than just having the old lies
repeated. Truman sent the first American soldiers to Vietnam when he
supported the French overthrow of Ho Chi Minh's newly established republic
after the war.  Kennedy campaigned for a more active American participation
(Eisenhower had resisted the demands for a more active American
participation by Nixon and John Foster Dulles) and devised the Special
Forces for combatting guerilla forces with counter-terrorism.  The war in
Vietnam owes its genesis and main impetus to these two men despite all the lies.

Truman's ignorance combined with Kennedy's impulsive bravado gave us the
mess that cost so many lives.  Maybe if people realized it was the personal
failings of the men most responsible that gave us the Vietnam War, they
would be less casual about those they choose to represent them.
Intelligence and knowledge have long been a particular handicap to gaining
elective office.
Best, Terry 

"Lawyer - one trained to circumvent the law"  - The Devil's Dictionary 

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Re: L&I tammy wynett

1998-04-08 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Sue your trying :) But that wasn't Tanya's husband that died of alcohol
poisoning, that was Lorrie Morgan's husband Keith Whitley, who was also
a up and coming country music star.

Sue Hartigan wrote:
> Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Hi Kathy:
> Thanks.  But the one that I got the husbands mixed up with was Tanya
> Tuckers husband, who died of alcoholism.
> All three, Loretta Lynn, Tanya Tucker, and of course Tammy Wynett sing
> beautiful music.  :)
> Sue
Kathy E
"I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
isn't looking too good for you either" Law & Issues Mailing List - Cowboy Histories Crime photo's

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L&I Racist killer confesses to more killings

1998-04-08 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Racist serial killer Joseph Paul Franklin, who says he shot Hustler
magazine publisher Larry Flynt and civil rights leader Vernon Jordan,
has confessed to two 1979 slayings he says were racially motivated.

Franklin, who is on death row in Missouri for the murder of a Jewish man
who was killed leaving a synagogue, confessed last week to killing
Mercedes Lynn Masters, 15, and restaurant manager Harold McIver, 27,
DeKalb County District Attorney J. Tom Morgan said Thursday.

He called Franklin "the most evil individual I have ever come across." 
The prosecutor said Franklin, 47, a drifter born in Mobile, Ala., was
motivated by racial hatred in both killings.

In a jailhouse interview, Franklin said he had had a sexual relationship
with Masters, who was white, and killed her after she told him she had
sex with blacks.
McIver, who was black, was gunned down by a sniper after he left the
Doraville Taco Bell where he worked. Franklin told investigators he had
noticed McIver working with young, white women and thought  "he was
using his position to hit up" the women.
Flynt was on trial in Gwinnett County on obscenity charges in 1978 when
he and his lawyer were shot by a sniper with a high-powered rifle
outside the courthouse. Flynt was permanently paralyzed.

Jordan was president of the Urban League in 1980 when he was seriously
wounded by a sniper in Fort Wayne, Ind., after a white female staff
member dropped him off at the motel where he was staying.

In 1982, Franklin was aquitted of federal charges of violating Jordan's
civil rights, even though jurors said they were convinced that he shot

Just last month, Franklin pleaded guilty to killing a black man in
Chattanooga, Tenn., in 1978.

The plea was Franklin's seventh murder conviction. He is suspected in at
least 10 other murders in a spree that began in 1977 and ended in 1980,
prosecutors said.
Kathy E
"I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
isn't looking too good for you either" Law & Issues Mailing List - Cowboy Histories Crime photo's

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L&I Boy indicted in killing

1998-04-08 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

After being stabbed once in her kitchen, retired librarian June
Stillman fled to her garage and tried to lift the main door, hoping to
escape her attacker, police now say. 

But the door wouldn't budge, and her killer continued to hack and beat
at her, following her through the garage and finally bringing her down
with a deep cut to the neck, they say. 

As expected, a grand jury Wednesday indicted her 14-year-old neighbor,
Jonathan Arce, as an adult in her slaying. Arce is charged with
first-degree premeditated murder, armed assault during a burglary, car
theft and petty theft. 

Because of his age, if found guilty, his maximum sentence would be life
in prison without parole. 

``He's 14, but he's a young man. He made a man's decision that day,''
said Oviedo police investigator George Ilemsky. 

Authorities have continued to investigate Stillman's slaying since her
bloody, battered body was found curled in a fetal position on her garage
floor March 10. 

The 68-year-old retired librarian suffered at least 15 significant stab
or bludgeon wounds from the neck up, Ilemsky said. 

There were a similar number of wounds from the neck down, however many
of those were not so serious, he said. 

Stillman's body, clad in a housecoat but no undergarments, was found
laying on one knife. Nearby was a larger carving knife with a bent
blade, Ilemsky said. 

The autopsy has not formally been completed, but preliminary indications
are those knives caused most of her wounds, said police Lt. Dale

A vertical cut beneath Stillman's left ear was probably the fatal wound,
police say. It severed her carotid artery, the one that carries blood
from the aorta to the brain. She also was beaten with a blunt object. 

Arce's family did not return a phone call Wednesday. 

Arce has no previous criminal record, and police say they can find no
evidence he was ever in trouble with the law, except for truancy. 

Three witnesses testified before the grand jury Wednesday: Ilemsky, the
officer to whom Arce made a videotaped confession; Seminole County
Medical Examiner Sara Irrgang; and William Benton, the handyman who
discovered Arce in Stillman's Toyota Corolla, trying to back it out of
the driveway. Benton also found Stillman's body. 

Coleman said police are not sure how or why Arce entered Stillman's
house that morning. 

But blood splatter experts have told them she was probably stabbed first
in her kitchen, then fled to her garage. Authorities found her
handprints on the main garage door, suggesting she tried but failed to
open it. 

She was attacked again there, then ran across the garage to a wall,
changed direction and wound up near her washing machine, where her neck
was cut and she probably bled to death, they say. 

In his confession, Arce said Stillman was angry and came at him with a
knife. Coleman said police have found no evidence to support that. 

Arce is to appear today in adult court at the Seminole County Jail,
where a judge will read the charges against him. 
Kathy E
"I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
isn't looking too good for you either" Law & Issues Mailing List - Cowboy Histories Crime photo's

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L&I BrainBenderz: Speaking Of Children

1998-04-08 Thread Sue Hartigan

Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

-=Today's Puzzle:
 "We -- Aaron, Brian, and Clyde -- each have some children.
 1) Aaron has at least one girl and twice as many boys as girls.
 2) Brian has at least one girl and three times as many boys as
 3) Clyde has at least one girl and three more boys than girls.
 4) When I tell you the number of children we have altogether --
a number less than 25 -- you will know how many children I
have, but not how many children each of the other has.
Altogether we have ..."
 Who is the speaker?*
 -=Yesterday's Answer:
 Almost Prime -
  1 1 1
  3 3 3
  5 0 0
  0 7 7
+ 0 9 0
1,1 1 1

Two rules in life:

1.  Don't tell people everything you know.

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L&I Love Triangle verdict

1998-04-08 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

A man was convicted Monday of helping his lover kill his wife, ending a
murder trial that exposed a sordid tryst and allegations of drugs,  
witchcraft, human sacrifice and greed.

Michael Dally was convicted of murder, kidnapping, conspiracy and lying
in wait in the May 1996 death of his wife, Sherri Dally. He could get
the death penalty during the sentencing phase of the trial.

Mrs. Dally, 35, a mother of two, was kidnapped from a department store
parking lot, stabbed then dumped in a remote area. Her remains were
found nearly a month later.

Investigators claimed the woman was killed by Dally's lover, Diana Huan,
36. Ms. Huan was convicted in November and sentenced to life in prison,
partly because jurors believed she was influenced by Dally.

During her trial the prosecution said Ms. Haun followed occult practices
and killed the woman as a sacrifice and as a birthday gift for Dally.
But the defense said Ms. Haun's lover duped her into committing the
killing so that he could avoid a costly divorce.

At the trial of Dally, 37, prosecutors said he was financially strapped
and persuaded Ms. Haun to murder his wife to avoid a costly divorce and
collect insurance money.

Dally's defense attorneys argued Ms. Haun was an obsessed lover who
feared losing him and kidnapped and murdered Mrs. Dally without his help
or knowledge.

``My two nephews lost their mother two years ago and today they lost
their dad. It's very sad for the boys,'' said Scott Guess, Mrs. Dally's
brother, after the verdict.
Kathy E
"I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
isn't looking too good for you either" Law & Issues Mailing List - Cowboy Histories Crime photo's

Subscribe/Unsubscribe, email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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L&I Jokes for Tuesday

1998-04-08 Thread Sue Hartigan

Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Two guys were sitting outside a medical clinic.  One of them 
was crying, tears were pouring down his face. 

The other guy asked, " Why are you crying?" 

The first one replied, " I came here for blood

The second one asked, "So?  Why are you crying?  Are you 

The first guy replied,  "No.  Not that.  During the blood test they 
cut my finger."  

Hearing this, the second one started crying.  

The first one was astonished and asked the other, "Why are 
you crying?"  

Then the second guy replied,  "I have come for a urine test.
The Top 16 Books Purchased by Monica Lewinsky  
16> The Tapes of Wrath  
15> Horton Hatches A Scandal  
14> Midnight in the Rose Garden of Good and Evil  
13> Lowered of the Fly  
12> How to Give Ahead in Business Without Really Trying  
11> Bill Clinton's Private Parts  
10> Men are from Mars, Kneepads are from Reebok  
 9> I'm OK, You're Subpoenaed  
 8> The Art of the Kneel  
 7> Linda Tripp is a Big Fat Idiot  
 6> All I Really Needed to Know I Learned From Vacuum Cleaners
 5> Getting To Oh, God, Yes!  
 4> Releasing the Giant Within  
 3> Everything You Always Wanted to Know About the Underside 
of the Desk in the Oval Office But Were Afraid to Ask  
 2> Profiles in Cleavage  
and the Number 1 Book Purchased by Monica Lewinsky...
 1> Great Expectorations  
-= Top Ten Other Ways Bill Clinton is the Luckiest Man in the World =-

10. Everyone assumes that all of Tipper Gore's kids are Al's.
 9. According to the latest letter from Ed McMahon, he may be
the winner of ten million dollars!
 8. New Air Force One will be equipped with a Mexican love hammock.
 7. Can eat as much as wants and not gain...well, he can eat as
much as he wants.
 6. He's got a patient, understanding wife, and Hillary's never
found out about her.
 5. Nobody knows he killed Jacques Cousteau.
 4. As president, receives copies of the "Garfield" comic strip
several days in advance.
 3. Portrayed in movie by John Travolta, not George "Goober"
 2. The American people haven't drop-kicked his fat butt back to
 1. Starting next week -- a fresh crop of interns.
An American, a Canadian, and an Australian were sitting in a
seedy bar enjoying a few beers.

The American grabbed his beer, knocked it back in one gulp,
then he threw the glass into the air and shot it with his
handgun. As he set the handgun on the bar, he told the
Canadian and the Australian that in the great U.S. of A, they
had so much money they never drank out of the same glass

Next the Australian drank his beer, threw the glass into the air
and shot the glass with the American's gun. As he was setting
the gun back on the bar he proclaimed that in Australia they
had so much sand that glass was cheap and he too never
drank out of the same glass twice.

Next the Canadian drank his beer, grabbed the gun off the bar,
and shot the American. As he was setting the gun back on the
bar, he told the Australian that in Canada we have so many
Americans you never have to drink with the same one twice.
Modem Times - Maxims for the Internet Age

 1. Home is where you hang your @

 2. The E-mail of the species is more deadly than the mail.

 3. A journey of a thousand sites begins with a single click.

 4. You can't teach a new mouse old clicks.

 5. Great groups from little icons grow.

 6. Speak softly and carry a cellular phone.

 7. C:\ is the root of all directories.

 8. Don't put all your hypes in one home page.

 9. Pentium wise; pen and paper foolish.

10. The modem is the message.

11. Too many clicks spoil the browse.

12. The geek shall inherit the earth.

13. A chat has nine lives.

14. Don't byte off more than you can view.

15. Fax is stranger than fiction.

16. What boots up must come down.

17. Windows will never cease.

18. In Gates we trust.

19. Virtual reality is its own reward.

20. Modulation in all things.

21. A user and his leisure time are soon parted.

22. There's no place like

23. Know what to expect before you connect.

24. Oh, what a tangled website we weave when first we

25. Speed thrills.

26. Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach him
to use the Net and he won't bother you for weeks.
Keep America beautiful.
Swallow your beer cans!

 An off-duty police officer, familiar with radar guns, 
 drove through a school zone within the legal speed limit 
 when the flash of a camera went off, taking a picture of 
 his license plate.  

 The officer, thinking the radar was in error, drove by again;
 even more slowly.  Another flash.  He did it again for a third 
 time, at an even slower speed.  Same result.  

 "This guy must have screwed up the settings," the off-duty 
 officer thought. 

 A few weeks later