L&I Thursday Jokes

1998-04-02 Thread Sue Hartigan

Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:


Someone mistakenly leaves the cages open in the reptile 
house at the Bronx  Zoo and there are snakes slithering all over 
the place.

Frantically, the keeper tries everything, but he can’t get them 
back in their cages.  Finally he says, “Quick, call a lawyer!”

“A lawyer?  Why??”

“We need someone who speaks their langauge!”
The Top 16 Ways to Celebrate Spring Internationally  
16> RUSSIA: Get off the mile-long line for firewood; get in the
mile-long line for umbrellas.  
15> HOLLAND: Annual Easter Clog Toss ("Watch out, Hans!")  
14> VATICAN CITY: The Pope presides over the ceremonial casting 
out the first sinner.  
13> ISRAEL: Throw cute little stuffed animals filled with rocks 
at the Palestinians.  
12> LIECHTENSTEIN: Send annual "we're still a country" notification
to the U.N.  
11> CHERNOBYL: Night Parade Of the Glow-In-The-Dark Chickens  
10> JAKARTA: Child-Labor Factory #4 switches from making Kathie Lee
scarves to Nike running shoes.  
 9> TEHRAN: Can now attend "Death to America" rally in shorts.  
 8> BAGHDAD: Before inspectors begin their hunt, replace anthrax  
eggs with slightly less nauseating Cadbury eggs.  
 7> PRAGUE: Tank tops (with real tanks).  
 6> TOKYO: Godzilla turns his fancy from a path of destruction to
thoughts of love.  
 5> FRANCE: French Army stocks up on white flags at annual White
 4> ENGLAND: Leichester Larry comes out of his flat and smiles.  
If any teeth are straight, 6 more weeks of rain -- otherwise,
5.5 more weeks of rain.  
 3> IRELAND: Swimsuit issue of "Soccer Hooligan Illustrated" hits
 2> BOSNIA: Annual switch to "Daylight Bombing Time" requires  
setting your quality of life back another decade.  
  and the Number 1 Way to Celebrate Spring Internationally...  
 1> GERMANY: Order the flowers to bloom.  
The top 10 things you'll never hear a man say:

 10. Here honey, you use the remote.

 9. You know, I'd like to see her again, 
but her breasts are just too big.

 8. Ooh, Antonio Banderas AND Brad Pitt? 
That's one movie I gotta see!

 7. While I'm up, can I get you anything?

 6. Sex isn't that important; sometimes, I just want to be held.

 5. Why don't you go to the mall with me 
and help me pick out a pair of shoes?

 4. Aww, forget Monday night football, let's watch Melrose Place.

 3. Hey let me hold your purse while you try that on.

 2. We never talk anymore.

 1. Yes, Dogbyte: You may date my daughter!

 -=*=-   -=*=-   -=*=-   -=*=-   -=*=-

The top 10 things you'll never hear a woman say:

 10. What do you mean "today's our anniversary"?

 9. Can we not talk to each other tonight? I'd rather just watch TV.

 8. Ohh, this diamond is way too big!

 7. And for our honeymoon we're going fishing in Alaska!

 6. Can our relationship get a little more physical? 
I'm tired of being "just friends".

 5. Honey does this outfit make my butt look too small?

 4. Aww, don't stop for directions, 
I'm sure you'll be able to figure out how to get there.

 3. Is that phone for me? Tell 'em I'm not here.

 2. I don't care if it is on sale, 
300 dollars is too much for a designer dress.

 1. Hey, pull my finger!
11. Dogs come when you call them. Cats take a message and get back to
10. Dogs look much better at the end of a leash.
9. Dogs will let you give them a bath without taking out a contract on
your life.
8. Dogs will bark to wake you up if the house is on fire. Cats will
quietly sneak out the back door.
7. Dogs will bring you your slippers or the evening newspaper. Cats
might bring you a dead mouse.
6. Dogs will play Frisbee with you all afternoon. Cats will take a
three-hour nap.
5. Dogs will sit on the car seat next to you. Cats have to have their
own private box or they will not go at all.
4. Dogs will greet you and lick your face when you come home from work.
Cats will be mad that you went to work at all.
3. Dogs will sit, lie down, and heel on command. Cats will smirk and
walk away.
2. Dogs will tilt their heads and listen whenever you talk. Cats will
yawn and close their eyes.
1. Dogs will give you unconditional love forever. Cats will make you pay
for every mistake you've ever made since the day you were born.

Top 10 Benefits From a White House Internship:

10. First-hand knowledge of domestic affairs
9. Pay is lousy, but the hush money is great
8. Gives new meaning to MTV slogan ``Rock the Vote''
7. Observe the President's commitment to young
people first 
6. Learn intricacies of statutory ra

L&I Thursday Jokes

1998-03-26 Thread Sue Hartigan

Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

The Top 15 Movie Quotes We'd Like to See 
(Part I)  
15> "Wait.  Why don't we look for a campground that isn't 
 plagued by a homicidal maniac?"  
14> "Oh come on Clarisse, just a nibble?"  
13> "That's great, Will.  Now solve *this* equation: How many 
 times does a toilet have to back up before the whole damn 
 math building stinks?"  
12> "The truth?  You can't handle the truth -- You're a freakin'
11> "Since there's ten of us surrounding Mr. Van Damme, 
 let's attack him one at a time... it just makes sense."  
10> "Dad, can I borrow the Death Star tonight?"  
 9> "Okay Jack, I will.  But only because we're probably gonna 
 be dead in an hour."  
 8> "He can't be bargained with.  He can't be reasoned with.  He
 doesn't feel fear, or pain, or remorse.  And until he is found
 guilty of *something*, there's no stopping the Clintonator!"
 7> "The name's Jeremy... Ron Jeremy."
 6> "Mrs. Robinson, promise me you'll never discuss this with the
 Independent Counsel."  
 5> "You know, Sally, rather than waste that talent in a deli, 
 why don't we open a phone sex line?"
 4> "I'm sorry, Dave, I can't do that without MS PodBay 2.1."
 3> "Wardrobe!  See if you can find Ms. Stone some panties."
 2> "Thelma, I think we missed our turn."  

and the Number 1 Movie Quote We'd Like to See...  
 1> "This could be the beginning of a beautiful friendsh... 
 Hey!!  Get your hand off my ass!"  
Two carrots were walking down the road when a huge truck 
slammed into one of them. An ambulance was called and they 
rushed the little fellow off to the hospital where he immediately 
went into hours of surgery. 

Finally the doctor emerged and approached the other carrot 
who had been anxiously awaiting in the waiting room.
"Tell me" said the carrot, "how is he?"

The doctor replied, "He's going to live, but he'll be a vegetable 
for the rest of his life."
 Top 47 Oxymorons

 47. Act naturally

 46. Found missing

 45. Resident alien

 44. Advanced BASIC

 43. Genuine imitation

 42. Airline Food

 41. Good grief

 40. Same difference

 39. Almost exactly

 38. Government organization

 37. Sanitary landfill

 36. Alone together

 35. Legally drunk

 34. Silent scream

 33. American history

 32. Living dead

 31. Small crowd

 30. Business ethics

 29. Soft rock

 28. Butt Head

 27. Military Intelligence

 26. Software documentation

 25. New York culture

 24. New classic

 23. Sweet sorrow

 22. Childproof

 21. "Now, then ..."

 20. Synthetic natural gas

 19. Passive aggression

 18. Taped live

 17. Clearly misunderstood

 16. Peace force

 15. Extinct Life

 14. Temporary tax increase

 13. Computer jock

 12. Plastic glasses

 11. Terribly pleased

 10. Computer security

 09. Political science

 08. Tight slacks

 07. Definite maybe

 06. Pretty ugly

 05. Twelve-ounce pound cake

 04. Diet ice cream

 03. Working vacation

 02. Exact estimate

 And the Number one top OXY-Moron

 01. Microsoft Works
You Always Remember Your First!

I remember my first ISP.  You always remember your first. 
Halcyon.com in Seattle.  So quick, so light, so ... responsive.  She
was never too busy for me.  It felt almost wrong, we were both so
young.  But how can love be wrong?  It was a magical time.

Then we were ripped apart.  I moved to Boulder, for a job.  How many
relationships have been ruined by money?  We tried to pretend at
first, we told each other that nothing would change, it would just be
a long distance relationship.  But I couldn't afford the phone bills,
and there was the time zone difference.  So we had to face reality,
and parted ways.

I soon discovered that I can't bear to be alone.  There was an
emptiness in my life.  I tried reading the Halcyon newsgroups from
work, but of course I was blocked.  Probably best, it was an
unhealthy thing to do. What was next, fly to Seattle and stand
outside the POP, in the rain?

I searched the yellow pages, hoping I could find a relationship that
way. But I was fearful.  What if long distance got in the way again? 
Then I found what I thought I needed.  Netcom.  They were everywhere!
 I could travel, or change jobs, and never be without my provider. 
And they wanted me.  They told me so, right on the phone.

It was a relief, but looking back I'm sure it was a rebound
relationship. And I kept getting mixed signals from Netcom, busy
signals.  She said she wanted me, but at the same time she implied
that she wouldn't be creating any new shell accounts.  But a shell
account was the foundation of our relationship.  I felt insecure, I
couldn't be sure sh

L&I Thursday Jokes

1998-03-13 Thread Sue Hartigan

Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

A defendant in a lawsuit involving large sums of money was talking to
his lawyer. 

 "If I lose this case, I'll be ruined." 

 "It's in the judge's hands now," said the lawyer. 

 "Would it help if I sent the judge a box of cigars?" 

 "Oh no! This judge is a stickler or ethical behavior. A stunt like that
would prejudice
 him against you. He might even hold you in contempt of court. In fact,
you shouldn't
 even smile at the judge." 

 Within the course of time, the judge rendered a decision in favor of
the defendant. 

 As the defendant left the courthouse, he said to his lawyer, "Thanks
for the tip about
 the cigars. It worked!" 

 "I'm sure we would have lost the case if you'd sent them." 

 "But I did send them." 

 "What?? You did???" 

 "Yes. That's how we won the case." 

 "I don't understand," said the lawyer. 

 "It's easy. I sent the cigars to the judge, but enclosed the
plaintiff's business card." 
The Kingdom of Peecee

In the beginning, there was nothing but Apple. And the PC was without
form and void, and the darkness was on the face of its hard drive. And
Bill said, Let there be DOS: And there was DOS. And Bill looked upon
it, and it was good, and with it the PC slew the Apple. And DOS grew
and grew, until its number was legion if you counted the decimal
points, and still it was good.

And Bill grew large with ambition, and he decreed there should be a
processor of words; and lo, there was Word. And Bill sayeth, Let there
be a thingy for the crunching of numbers, and lo, there was Excel, and
did his kingdom grow apace.

But there had arisen in the land the thing called Macintosh, sprung
from the intransigent Apple-men, and Bill looked upon it, and it was

Rapidly did he decree that Word should be made to run upon it, and
after that Excel, and then all the other fruits of his efforts, but
still he was wrathful.

So Bill did order his minions to come forth with Windows, and when
they did, he looked upon it, and it was bad.

So he sent them back to try again, assuring all the world they would
get it right this time, yet they did not.

Unrelenting, Bill forced yet a third mighty blow, and when it came
forth, Bill did order his trumpets to blow, and his chorus to sing,
and, his criers to cry, until the din could be heard throughout the
land; and when he looked upon this third version of Windows, he saw it
was not all that great, but like hotcakes did it sell.

And thus did Bill gloat, for the world proclaimed he had matched the
lowly Macintosh, and his praises were sung throughout the land.

And so he ordered another, mightier, more magnificent version made,
and his henchmen and henchwomen did labor hard.

Still it was not forthcoming in the year promised, nor the year
promised next, and rumors did abound, and magazines did overflow with
secret peeks, and columnists did heap their scorn upon it. And came
the minions of the Justice Department, bent upon proving Bill
monopolous, yet before his wrath did they quail, and proclaim him
innocent, mostly.

And that which was once called Chicago became known as Windows 95, and
the suspense built throughout the land, and Bill, remembering what had
gone before, set about building a great Hype.

Into his Hype he put the greatest mouths of the land, and scattered
the fruits of his profits so heavily that he bought hosts of angels to
sing, and Rolling Stones songs, and trumpets and horns and drums
without number. As the time of birthing grew nigh, he purchased
television time without end, and appeared thereon himself, and bought
entire editions of newspapers to give away unto the faithful, and
traveling circuses to visit each great city.

And so when Windows 95 was born did hysteria rule the land, as the
choirs sang and the trumpets and horns did blare and the televisions
and the newspapers charge their followers to go forth and buy.

Heeding this, the populace did rush to the marketplace at the stroke
of midnight, when even the cock doth sleep, and did push and shove and
come even to blows the better to secure their own copies lest they be
thought ignorant, or uncool, or hamsters in the eyes of Bill.

And Bill looked upon what he had wrought, and he giggled, and rubbeth
his hands together, and even in the moment of his triumph, began to
think of Next Time.

= Top Ten Other Things That Will Get You Kicked Out
of the White House =-

10. Ask Hillary, "So which number mistress are you?"
 9. Tell President he looks even more dishonest in person.
 8. Press button that summons the late Dwight Eisenhower.
 7. Scream at tour guide, "White House? I thought we were going
to White Castle?"
 6. Ask what number President Hugh Downs was.
 5. Deface President's life-size statue of Ronald McDonald.
 4. Ask Secretary of the Navy, "What's happenin', Popeye?"
 3. Request a refill on your thousand dollar cup of coffee.
 2. Say to guard, "Hi, I'm the President's brother, Roger..."
 1. Chan