L&I Spielberg: Update

1998-04-24 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Delayed Steven Spielberg's stalker, in his sentencing, so his lawyer can
challenge California's "three strikes" provision that could send him to
prison for life. Jonathan Norman, 31, was brought to Superior Court in 
handcuffs on Wednesday. Judge Steven Suzakawa ordered him to return for
sentencing on June 17. 
Kathy E
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isn't looking too good for you either"
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L&I Somewhat here :)

1998-04-24 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi All :)

I have company presently staying with me for a bit so I will be in and
out in the next couple days/weeks. My apologies to the list, I had
expected the company to arrive last week but due to circumstances beyond
their control they didn't arrive until last night.

I'll still be participating with the list, but not as much as usual for
now. I appreciate your understanding.
Kathy E
"I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
isn't looking too good for you either"
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Re: L&I "Lunatic Fringe of Psychotherapy" according to Lawyer

1998-04-24 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi Jackie :)

>From what I was told, a psychologist can't prescribe the drugs but will
work with a psychiatrist or a MD who can and they can recommend a
prescription to their associates, who I am sure would have no problem
just rubber stamping their prescriptions.

I do think this so called Dr needed some help though. A mind is a
terrible thing to play with, and it looks like that is what she did to
her patient from what I saw.

Jackie Fellows wrote:
> Hi Kathy
> Just a couple of questions maybe someone can answer on this.  I thought
> psychologists could not use drugs in their treatment of someone.  Isn't that
> the difference between a psychologist and psychiatrist??  Second, she has a
> doctorate in school psychology, not clinical psychology--wouldn't that make
> a difference in her ability to treat this woman??
> And, how many personalities??  Whoa, I think the defendant belongs in
> Ripley's book.
> jackief
Kathy E
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Training/breaking was Re: L&I Child death sentence

1998-04-24 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi Jackie :)

Sounds to me like you dog was just letting you know he was having the
last word! LOL

Jackie Fellows wrote:
> Jackie Fellows <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Hi Kathy and Terry
> I agree that you train a horse, just like you train a dog.  However, I think maybe
> it might be in reverse (hahaha).  When we were training the dobes, we came to the
> conclusion that they were training us.  Still think so at times, especially when
> Freud makes his mouth motions with no sound so he can have the last word .
> jackief
Kathy E
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Breaking/Training was Re: L&I Child death sentence

1998-04-24 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi Terry :)

Sometimes one does not need to tell someone they are ignorant the facts
make it obvious to all.

I personally have seen horses and cowboys that were broke, a cowboy will
heal, well most will unfortunately some of the Rodeo cowboys hurt
recently won't, Tuff Hedemen who had a career ending injury two weeks
ago won't be back (number one bull rider in the world) and Jerome Davis
who is now paralyzed for life, but they can go on to different careers.
A horse doesn't get back it's spirit though.


> Any fellow who took a correspondence course in how to break horses is not
> likely to be told much of anything.  Can't say I saw any broken horses but I
> saw a lot of broken cowboys.
> Best, Terry
Kathy E
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isn't looking too good for you either"
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Re: L&I Furhman off probation

1998-04-25 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

By what authority did this judge have the right/power to expunge MF's
record and discontinue his probation? MF pled guilty to a felony I am
truly interested on how this judge threw out that plea and his
reasoning. Was this a CA judge or a Idaho judge? Is there any more
information on this?

Sue Hartigan wrote:
> A judge just released Furhman from probation today.  He also dropped the
> felony charges.  So now that he doesn't have a record, and is off
> probabtion maybe he can get on with his life.
> I bet Simpson is stewing in his own juices today.  LOL  Nothing is going
> right for him.  Maybe this is worse than any prison sentence that he
> could have gotten.
> Sue
Kathy E
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L&I COTD: Nesset, Arnfinn

1998-04-25 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Norway's all-time record-holding killer was exposed in 1981 as a result
of journalistic curiosity. The Orkdal Valley Nursing Home was opened
during 1977, and its patients soon experienced a high rate of mortality.
Considering their ages, this was not especially unusual; in early 1981,
however, local journalists received a tip that hospital manager Arnfinn
Nesset had ordered large quantities of curacit, a derivative of curare,
the same poison used by South American Indians on the tips of their
hunting arrows. Under questioning, Nesset first claimed he purchased the
poison for use on a dog, later confessing to the murders of twenty-seven
patients between May 1977 and November 1980.

At forty-six, Nesset had already cinched the Scandinavian record for
mass murder, but he was not finished talking, yet. "I've killed so many
I'm unable to remember them all," he told authorities, prompting police
to request lists of patients who died in three institutions where Nesset
had worked since 1962. In all, detectives were left with a list of
sixty-two possible victims, but autopsies were useless, since curacit
becomes increasingly difficult to trace with passage of time.

Nesset offered a variety of motives for the murders mercy killing, 
schizophrenia, simple morbid pleasure in the act itself - which led
defense attorneys to suggest that he was mentally unbalanced. Four
psychiatrists examined the balding, bespectacled killer, each
pronouncing him sane and fit for trial. Before his day in court, the
suspect proved his sanity by suddenly recanting his confessions, leaving
prosecutors in a quandry. He was finally charged with killing only 25 of
the established Orkdal Valley victims; five counts of forgery and
embezzlement were added, based upon the killer's misappropriation of
some $1,800 from his victims.

Nesset pleaded innocent on all counts when his trial opened in October
1982. Five months later, on March 11, 1983, jurors convicted him on 22
counts of murder, one count of attempted murder, plus five counts of
forgery and embezzlement. Nesset was acquitted on the three remaining
murder charges, but it scarcely mattered. Judges were unmoved by the
defense plea that Nesset considered himself a "demigod," holding the
power of life and death over his elderly patients. Upon conviction, he
drew the maximum sentence possible under Norwegian law: 21 years in
prison, with a possibility of ten more years preventive detention.
Kathy E
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isn't looking too good for you either"
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L&I Graham: Pretrial decision

1998-04-25 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Over strenuous objections by the defense, the judge presiding over 
David Graham's impending murder trial ruled today that Graham's written
confession that he killed a classmate could be used in his trial. 

Judge Don Leonard said he would allow the confession after a surprise  
prosecution witness yesterday told of Graham's admission of murdering  
classmate Adrianne Jones, with whom he allegedly had an affair. Graham's
girlfriend, Diane Zamora, was convicted of Jones' murder earlier this
year but is it believed that both Zamora and Graham participated in the

Defense lawyers said they were, however, not surprised by the judge's
ruling, noting the difficulty of suppressing such evidence without proof
of gross misconduct by investigators. 

However, they also contended that Graham was not informed of his rights
when the confession was given and intimidated him into confessing his
alleged crime. 

Graham made the confession at a military detention center in Fort
Carson, Colorado in 1996, hours after his arrest. He had been attending
the Air Force academy in Colorado as a cadet. 

Jury selection in Graham's trial is scheduled to begin July 6. 
Kathy E
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isn't looking too good for you either"
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L&I Graham: Pretrial Updated Apr 23, Surprise witness

1998-04-25 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Prosecutors surprised David Graham's defense team today when they  
presented a witness who claimed Graham admitted to being Adrianne Jones'
murderer hours after his confession during his police interview. 

This state witness, who was a staff sergeant at the Colorado Air Force
Academy where Graham was based, testified during the fourth day of
Graham's pretrial hearings that he saw Graham hours after his interview
with police. According to the sergeant, Graham told him about his
interrogation. The sergeant asked Graham whether he had a lawyer, to
which he allegedly responded, "I don't need a lawyer...I did it. I'm the

The surprised defense lawyers for Graham objected to this witness'
testimony and asked that it be stricken from the record. Graham was
expected to take the stand during the day's proceedings, but his lawyers
decided overnight that he would not testify. Graham's lawyers conceded
that they would have more to potentially lose than gain from their
client's testimony and admitted that they did not expect to win their
motion to have his written confession barred from his trial. 

Over the past four days, Graham's lawyers have argued that his
confession was obtained illegally and therefore should be inadmissible
at his trial. They claim that Air Force officials erred by not following
Texas law when they read Graham's Miranda rights. The defense also
argued that investigators threatened Graham by telling him that they
would seek the death penalty against him if he did not give them a
written confession after his oral confession. In addition, the
defense claimed, police promised Graham probation if he gave them the
written confession. These threats and promises, combined with an
atmosphere of staged shouting matches between investigators allegedly
coerced Graham's confession. 

The judge did not rule immediately on the defense's motion to bar
Graham's confession but took it under advisement. Jury selection in
Graham's trial is scheduled to begin July 6. 
Kathy E
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isn't looking too good for you either"
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L&I Triumph of Justice

1998-04-25 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Thanks to Yvonne for passing this on :)
by Daniel Petrocelli with Peter Knobler
(Crown, $25.95)
ISBN: 0609601709
Mock Trial:
The Question of Race

One month before the trial was to begin, we conducted a day-long jury
research session, a mock trial. With so much preparation and work still
ahead to get ready for trial, I debated whether we had the time for the
mock trial. But we didn't want to leave any stone unturned, so we made
the time. 

Decision Quest was renowned for their work in compiling jury research
--- to help trial lawyers better understand the issues in the trial, how
to best present those issues, and how to identify jurors most receptive
to both your case and your opponent's. There is a large segment of
lawyers who scoff at jury research; they believe in picking juries the
old-fashioned way --- by experience and instincts. Jury research is, by
no means, a substitute for a trial lawyer's skills; rather, by giving
the lawyer information that is more than anecdotal --- data that is
scientifically and statistically determined --- it enhances his skills.
Don Vinson, DQ’s founder, urged us to do a series of the research
sessions, and assigned two of his top people, Steve Patterson and Norma
Silverstein, to head up the work.

To conduct the mock trial, DQ recruited thirty-three people off the
street, divided them into two groups and paid each person $100 to act as
a juror during our presentation and then discuss the case afterward.
Because most of these individuals were either not gainfully employed or
were retired or between jobs, as a group they were a little skewed. But
this was Decision Quest’s business, they assured me this was a
representative sample of the Santa Monica jury pool we could expect at
our trial, and we were satisfied with their methods.

Each "juror" was asked to sign a confidentiality agreement. They were
not told they would be hearing the O.J. Simpson case, but once they got
inside and began to fill out our questionnaire, they figured it out
pretty quickly.

The mock trial was held in a relatively large rented conference room.
Fortunately, its location had been kept secret and no press was aware of
our actions. When we pulled up to the parking structure next to the
building where it was to be held, I said, "I can't believe this." We
were right next door to Bob Baker's office building. I worried that he
would see us, the word would get out, and the press would hound us about
our results. We wanted to perform this exercise in private, absorb the
lessons it would teach us, and not give the defense anything good to
play with.

We had collaborated with DQ on a 106-question questionnaire very much
like the ones given to a real jury prior to a trial. This was given to
the mock jurors to complete before hearing the mock trial. It is used to
ascertain the jurors’ perspectives, opinions, and points of view before
they hear the presentations by the lawyers.

Before we began the "trial," the jury was polled on whether each of them
thought Simpson had killed Ron and Nicole. I was stunned when their
pretrial verdict came in: Only 55 percent thought Simpson was guilty. A
full 45 percent --- fifteen out of thirty-three people --- thought he
was innocent.

How could that be?

It was one thing for the criminal trial jury to acquit him; they were
under tremendous pressure, they weren't in possession of all the facts,
they had been racially inflamed, they were sequestered, they were
dazzled by a powerful defense team with a dizzying display of smoke and
mirrors. But the mock jurors had had the opportunity to hear it all,
they could read the newspapers and hear the commentary --- and still
they voted to acquit. I had to hand it to Cochran and that crowd, they
had done such a brilliant job of sewing confusion that, despite clear
and powerful evidence, even now Simpson's obvious guilt was in doubt.

The "trial" was to unfold in two hour-long presentations, first our case
and then the defense's. The jurors sat in a room much like a classroom
and were asked to respond to the lawyers' arguments by turning dials at
their desks, in much the same way market research is handled for movies
and television shows.
Their responses were recorded in lines that ran across the bottom of a
bank of video monitors in an adjoining control room; we could watch the
lawyers argue and see the effectiveness of each argument immediately as
it was being made.
The jury's responses were broken down by racial group, and we could see
exactly where and when an idea made an impression on the blacks, whites,
Hispanics, and Asians. A blended line gave us the jury as a whole. We
videotaped the entire proceedings.

I gave the presentation for the plaintiffs' side of the case. Ed
Medvene, Tom Lambert, Peter Gelblum, Yvette Molinaro, Steve Foste

L&I Tawana Brawly case

1998-04-26 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

The judge in the Tawana Brawley slander trial is expected to make a new
push for a settlement in the decade-old slugfest amid signs both sides
may be willing to talk. 

Sources told The Post that Judge S. Barrett Hickman wants to open  
negotiations when he meets lawyers on Monday to discuss the future of
the trial in the wake of a car accident that left an alternate juror
critically injured. 

The juror, 51-year old Leslie Lail, was reported to be alert and talking
at St. Francis Medical Center yesterday while recovering from a
fractured skull. 

Officially, David Bookstaver, spokesman for the Office of Court
Administration, says the trial is scheduled to resume Tuesday. 

But behind the scenes, there are concerns about whether other members  
of the close-knit jury panel - reportedly shaken by Thursday's accident
- want to continue listening to the tense and often bewildering
testimony that has dominated the trial, now in its sixth month. 

"The critical question is going to be the state of mind of the jurors
and whether they want to continue," said Michael Hardy, lawyer for the
Rev. Al Sharpton. 

Hickman is also under mounting pressure from superiors in Albany to put
an end to the circus-like trial in which ex-Dutchess County prosecutor
Steven Pagones is suing Tawana Brawley and advisers Sharpton, C. Vernon
Mason and Alton Maddox for $395 million. 

Hickman tried once before, during Easter week, to promote settlement   
talks - only to be spurned by both sides.

But with concerns about the jury's patience - amid expectations that the
trial will extend into the summer - sources said both sides may be
willing at least to explore the possibility of a settlement in order to
avoid a mistrial. 

"If the jury says they've had it and the case falls apart at this time,
I'll feel devastated," said Pagones, who has spent $250,000 on this

Pagones says it will take a lot for him to settle his suit against the
Brawley advisers who accused him of kidnapping and raping Brawley 10   
years ago. 

But an apology would seem unlikely - especially at this juncture, when 
Pagones is on the witness stand. 

Mason and Maddox are trying to settle a decade worth of bad blood and to
try to prove that Pagones was Brawley's rapist. 

Sources close to the case said the key to any possible settlement is
Sharpton, the civil-rights leader and former mayoral candidate, who is
distancing himself from his co-defendants in this case. 

He is trying to prove that he was acting in "good faith" and was never
trying to "harm" anyone when he called for Pagones' arrest. 

Hardy said his client will not agree to any language which forces him
issue a formal apology or to admit he's a "liar," but hinted he might be
willing to listen to other ways to settle. 
Kathy E
"I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
isn't looking too good for you either"
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Re: L&I Arnelle Simpson arrested

1998-04-26 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

And of course we all know that what OJ said about the kids was flat out
lies, they have asked about their mother and what happened, according to
what he said in other interviews and others close to them have said.

Sue Hartigan wrote:
> Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Hi Joan:
> The only thing that I have heard about any of them is that Simpson said
> that they have never asked about their mom's murder, nor has he ever
> brought it up.  When that "banana" interviewer said that she thought
> that it should be brought up and talked about, he said that they had
> gotten plenty of counseling and help, and all of the counselors said to
> leave it go.  If they wanted to talk about it they would, otherwise
> forget it.
> And of course you know about Arnelle.
> I can't wait for the book either.  I want to find out if what Steve said
> is in there.
Kathy E
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isn't looking too good for you either"
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Re: L&I Back Home

1998-04-26 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi Joan :)

I disagree with you :) If you remember a couple of years ago I stated
that the problem was in the training of the LAPD according to their
training they were following the procedures used at the time. OTOH that
does not lift the responsibility off of the officers and what they did,
nor does it lift the responsibility off of RK and what he did.

Joan Moyer wrote:
> "Joan Moyer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Hello Vi,
> Glad the surgery was successful.  I had a house on the market once for a
> year and it was a real worry since I had bought another.  Glad to read your
> posts.  We are probably the only 2 who believe King had to be subdued and
> the officers were not totally at fault.
>     Joan
Kathy E
"I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
isn't looking too good for you either"
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Re: L&I Kathy: Mark Fuhrman's perjury probation ends

1998-04-26 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Thanks Sue :) This is more clear on what happened, I was taken aback
that his record was cleared without a request that it be expunged. Now I
see what happened :)

Sue Hartigan wrote:
> LOS ANGELES (CNN) -- Former
> Los Angeles police detective Mark
> Fuhrman is no longer on probation
> for lying under oath during the O.J.
> Simpson trial, his attorney tells
>  CNN.
Kathy E
"I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
isn't looking too good for you either"
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Re: L&I Re: 4-year-old shoots and kills 6-year-old playmate in North Carolina

1998-04-26 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Why would anyone think it's necessary to take a gun to a child's
birthday party?

Ronald Helm wrote:
> "Ronald Helm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> This four year old did not kill the six year old!  This comes as close to a
> good example that guns kill!  Ron
> GREENSBORO, N.C. (April 26, 1998 00:49 a.m. EDT http://www.nando.net) --
> A North Carolina boy was fatally shot Saturday on his sixth birthday by
Kathy E
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[Fwd: L&I Noe: Update]

1998-04-26 Thread Kathy E

Hi all this was sent to me in email I thought you all would be
interested in it also :)
Kathy E
"I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
isn't looking too good for you either"
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(Please excuse the interruption, but I thought that this may present
another angle on the Noe case.  I tried to post this to the L&I list, but
I'm not a subscriber.)

--- Letter posted to the Philadelphia Magazine ---

Dear Ms. ,

The copy of the magazine arrived today, and I was most intrigued my Mr.
Fried's story "Cradle To Grave".  Thank you for the gift of the magazine.

After reading Mr. Fried's article, "Cradle To Grave", I find myself
agreeing with Dr. Robert Naviaux (founder of the MMDC at UCSD, and also
assistant professor of internal medicine at UCSD) and Angie Longenecker
(clinical nurse coordinator), both of the Mitochondrial and Metabolic
Disease Center at the University of California, San Diego; that the Noe
case has all of the hallmarks of a family possibly suffering from a
mitochondrial myopathy-based or related disorder.  

All of the children's deaths could be consistent with the symptoms and
complications associated with mitochondrial myopathy-based disorders, as
can be shown by the various case histories of the 127 families in our
Mitochondrial Myopathies and Related Disorders support group
(listserv-based), the MMRD-List.  Even my own wife's case would show
similarities to the Noe's, with the loss of three children (one additional
child survived, my son is currently 11 yo and symptom free, "nda", "not
diagnosed with anything"), and her mental deterioration and death (in '92).
One note, my wife's mental deterioration was much more pronounced than
Mrs. Noe's.  There is a downloadable PDF file at our website containing a
condensed version of my wife's case history, should you or Mr. Fried desire
to read it.

I would not be adverse to presenting a survey of Mr. Fried's questions to
our group should Mr. Fried desire to get their opinions on the Noe case. 
The group is already aware of the case via the Philadelphia Inquirer/Daily
News articles of recent print.

I also agree that it's possible that the blood test, and/or the fresh
muscle biopsy test done by Dr. John Shoffner at Scottish Rites Children's
Medical Center in Atlanta, GA. would be helpful to the current
investigation.  Unfortunately, neither test is 100% successful in
diagnosing a mitochondrial disorder (though, in the opinion of our support
group folk, the fresh muscle biopsy test is preferred over frozen muscle or
the blood test.)

Sincerely yours,

Mike Jackson, Director/Administrator
MELAS Online Network & the Following Listservs:
MMRD-List  -=-  KIDS_MMRD-List  -=-  MITO_NET-List
  Dad to Mike, a tiggerrific son (11 & nda), two Gerbils & a Bunny
MELAS Online Network: <http://www.melas.org>

Re: L&I Arnelle Simpson arrested

1998-04-27 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi Sue and All :)

>From what I remember he was saying they were turning the children
against him, and they told the kids that he murdered Nicole. They denied
this of course, but no one knows the truth about that except for the

Sue Hartigan wrote:
> Hi Kathy:
> Correct me if I am wrong but didn't he say something about the Brown's
> giving the kids the idea that he killed Nicole or something along those
> lines.
> The man wouldn't know the truth if it came up and bit him on the ass.
> In fact that is just what he is a big ass, IMO.
> Sue
Kathy E
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isn't looking too good for you either"
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L&I Wife wins $45 Million

1998-04-27 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

A homemaker has won an equitable distribution award of $45 million, an 
amount that is believed to be the largest ever in New York State.

In making the award, Justice Walter B. Tolub wrote that, through 33
years of marriage, the homemaker and her husband's "fortunes were

 The decision will be published tomorrow.

Justice Tolub concluded in Goldman v. Goldman, No. 313111/96, that the 
homemaker, Vira H. Goldman, was entitled to half the couple's assets,
which total approximately $90 million. Ms. Goldman's husband, Robert I.
Goldman is the chairman and chief executive officer of the Congress
Finanical Corporation, a lending institution. 

Mr. Goldman's lawyer, Lawrence Pollack, of Midgal, Pollack, Rosenkrantz
& Sherman, said an appeal is likely.

According to Norman S. Sheresky, who represented Ms. Goldman, it is
common for courts to give a spouse a 50-percent share of a couple's
assets when the value of their property is in the $10 million range. But
there has been uncertainty in the matrimonial bar as to whether courts
would award a 50-percent share for a large estate when that figure   
would generate far more income than necessary to maintain a homemaker's
lifestyle, said Mr. Sheresky, of Sheresky Aronson & Mayefesky.

In Ms. Goldman's case, a 50-percent share would yield about $2.25
million in after-tax income, an amount far larger than she needed to
live on, Mr. Sheresky said. Justice Tolub recognized that fact as well
in ruling that an award of maintenance was unnecessary in light of "the
sizeable equitable distribution award and its liquidity."

Justice Tolub cited Ms. Goldman's substantial contributions as a
homemaker to the marriage. She raised their child, who is now grown,
without help, entertained without a full-time maid until 1986, and gave
Mr. Goldman haircuts until they separated in 1996, he noted. 

Ms. Goldman also oversaw, in the manner of a general contractor, the
renovation of the couple's Sutton Place townhouse as well as several
investment properties on the East End of Long Island and in the
Catskills. In sum, Justice Tolub wrote, "Ms. Goldman was involved with
every phase of Mr. Goldman's existence."

The major portion of the couple's assets was in stock that Mr. Goldman
holds in Congress Financial Corporation, which has an after-tax value of
$63.5 million, Justice Tolub said. The couple's other significant assets
included the Sutton Square townhouse, with $3.1 million in equity;
furniture and furnishings valued at $2.9 million; and bank accounts,
stocks and other similar investments valued at $7.8 million.

Justice Tolub also rejected Mr. Goldman's argument that the appreciation
on about 25 percent of his stock holdings in Congress Financial should
not be considered marital property because it was acquired prior to the
couple's marriage. That argument, Justice Tolub, wrote "denigrates the
true genius that is Robert Goldman."

Corestates Bank which acquired a majority interest in Congress Financial
in 1968 relied heavily on Mr. Goldman's expertise and went to
substantial lengths to fashion a financial package to keep him with the
company, Justice Tolub explained.

Alan Mayefsky, of Sheresky Aronson, also represented Ms. Goldman.
Kathy E
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isn't looking too good for you either"
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L&I New Trial for the list, locally tried

1998-04-27 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi all :)

Today a new trial started here in Virginia Beach, I will be covering it
for the list, the reason I am interested in this is I live about 6
minutes from Regent University which is a law school here in VA that is
owned by Pat Robertson, recently it was announced CBN layed off 600
people, doing a bit of investigating, I see the reason to be due to the
trial that started today, Pat Robertson is being sued for libel. 

The short history of this case is, back in 1994 Robertson fired the Dean
of Regent Univ. several of the professors at Regent wrote letters of
protest, Robertson wrote a letter back accusing them of having "third
rate minds" evidently that started the ball rolling and some of their
careers were ruined. Robertson is now being sued for $10 million

I will do a more detailed summary of this tonight for the list :)
Kathy E
"I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
isn't looking too good for you either"
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L&I Welcome to two members

1998-04-27 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi all :) Please welcome Mike and Kelly to the law list :) 

Mike sent me the Noe Update that I posted to the list and he then 
joined the list to answer any questions anyone has concerning this :)

Kelly is a friend of mine that used to lurk on this list but she had to
unsub during finals. She has now rejoined us :) 

I hope the two of you enjoy the list, if you have any questions feel
free to ask :)
Kathy E
"I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
isn't looking too good for you either"
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L&I COTD: Player, Michael

1998-04-28 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

The life of homeless vagrants in Los Angeles has never been an easy one.
Despite the pleasant climate, poverty and hunger take their toll, and
random violence is a daily fact of life along "Skid Row." Since 1974,
the drifter's plight has been further complicated by a succession of
serial killers, preying on vagrants as the ideal "targets of
opportunity." Easily reached and seldom missed in death, L.A.'s homeless
rank low on the average homicide detective's list of priority victims.
The appearance of another "Skid Row Slayer," in September 1986, provided
Angelenos with an opportunity to act concerned while risking nothing of

The first to die, ironically, was not a transient. Visiting L.A. from
San Diego, 54-year-old Rudolfo Roque was killed on the street by a
gunman who stepped up behind him, firing a .22-caliber slug through the
back of his head. The same weapon was used to kill 66-year-old Rick
Stamps, a few days later, and the hunter claimed two victims on
September 13: 31-year-old Rojello Sirven was killed outright, by a shot
to the head, while a second victim, 47-year-old Joseph Griffin, lived
until October 5. Michael Singer, age 66, was shot in the back of the
head on September 20, and 36-year-old David Towns, another vagrant, was
killed in his sleep three days later. September 30 marked another
double-header, with victims Christopher Boyle, 25, and Leon Gaines,
56, murdered in separate attacks. Chang Kang, a 23-year-old Korean
resident of Texas, was gunned down while visiting L.A. on October 7, and
44-year-old vagrant Wayne Ellis was killed in Athens Park the following
day. That same afternoon, a surviving gunshot victim described his
assailant as a youngish black man, offering police their first solid
lead in the case.

Detectives were still beating the brush for a suspect on October 10,
when a well-dressed black man checked into a Wilshire Boulevard hotel,
paying in cash and signing the register as "Marcus Nisby." In his room,
the guest removed his jacket, hung it in the closet, then lay down upon
the bed and calmly shot himself to death. Upon discovery of his corpse,
next day, a fingerprint comparison identified "Nisby" as 26-year-old
Michael Player, convicted over the past two years on charges of theft,
armed robbery, violating probation and carrying a concealed pistol.
Player had been questioned as a suspect in the Roque murder and released
for lack of evidence. A search of his belongings led police to name him
as the Skid Row Slayer, and the case was closed in February 1987.
Kathy E
"I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
isn't looking too good for you either"
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Re: [Fwd: L&I Noe: Update]

1998-04-28 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi Mike and All :)

The one thing everyone should remember is though the links given are
quite interesting, not everyone has web access so they can't read the
pages that are being used for reference for this conversation, thus some
have no idea what is being discussed, I suggest maybe a short
description be offered in layman's terms of what this is :)

I don't think people were quick to jump on the bandwagon of convicting
anyone due to the number of children killed, this women confessed to the
murders, her husband tried to come out with an excuse on why she
confessed and why people should forget about the confession, it seems
some here have decided to forget the confession. 

IMHO to use her case and circumstances as a possible way of enlightening
people to mitochondria is not a example I personally would do,
especially since she confessed to the murders, it would seem much better
for all concerned to use a actual case of someone who was/is affected by
this instead of a confessed killer.

Mike wrote:

> Actually, I just want to see the truth come out in the Noe's case.  Whether
> that leads to murder *or* a medical explanation, or even both.  The support
> that I offered to the folks in Philly, came after I heard of the interest
> in the case by Dr. Robert Naviaux (founder of the MMDC at UCSD, and also
> assistant professor of internal medicine at UCSD) and Angie Longenecker
> (clinical nurse coordinator), both of the Mitochondrial and Metabolic
> Disease Center at the University of California, San Diego.
> I'd hate to see someone convicted of a crime just because folks *think*
> that they did it.
Kathy E
"I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
isn't looking too good for you either"
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Re: L&I Arnelle Simpson arrested

1998-04-28 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi Bill :)

I think your forgetting the custody trial when some of the reports from
the psychiatrist were released and those reports did say what Sydney and
Justin thought, since the Psychs had talked to the kids.

William J. Foristal wrote:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (William J. Foristal) writes:
> Hi Sue,
> I'm a bit confused here.  When did anyone actually speak to Sydney and
> report what she said to the media?  And the media has certainly not been
> allowed to speak to her, have they?  It seems that all we have are the
> statements from biased family members, either the Simpsons or the Browns.
>  I don't see how anyone can conclude anything from this with respect to
> what she really knows or believes.
> Bill
Kathy E
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isn't looking too good for you either"
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Re: L&I "Goodbye, My Little Ones"

1998-04-28 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi Sue :)

I have read the book concerning Tinning, I had mentioned it on here
before it was one the only true crime book I had read that I almost
didn't finish due to the crimes. The actual killings weren't horrific,
it was my thought process that made me debate on finishing the book, I
personally couldn't stomach the thought of someone killing their
children like she did, and I found it rather repulsive. The only reason
I did finish the book is I was out of town staying in a hotel attending
a Management course that lasted for one week, and I didn't have anything
else to read. The book was well written though.

Sue Hartigan wrote:
> Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Has anyone heard of two cases of mass baby killings:
> Marybeth Tinning killed nine of her babies and got away with it for 14
> years, and Waneta Hoyt killed five of her babies and got away with it
> until the DA finally exposed her.
> I just found two books that tell of these Goodbye, My Little Ones is
> about the Hoyt babies, and From Cradle to Grave is about the Tinning
> babies.  I don't have the books but was wondering if anyone else had
> heard about these cases.
> Sue
> --
> Two rules in life:
> 1.  Don't tell people everything you know.
> 2.
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Kathy E
"I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
isn't looking too good for you either"
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L&I News from all over

1998-04-28 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

SCARLET LETTER: Delaware has just passed a new law requiring sex 
offenders to get a special mark on their driver's licenses. People 
convicted of sex offenses will get a "Y" designation on the front of 
their license upon release from prison. On the back, in the area where 
it shows regular driving restrictions, such as the need to wear 
glasses, will be a fuller explanation. (AP) ...Remember, kids: before 
accepting a ride from a stranger, be sure to ask to see his license 

POLITICS AS USUAL: Alberto Russi's wife is glad he was convicted --
maybe now he'll stop meddling in politics, she says. "But I love
politics," Russi, 92, retorted after he pleaded no contest to four
counts of voter fraud for tampering with absentee ballots in the recent
Miami, Fla., mayoral election. Sentencing guidelines called for a
one-year jail term  but the judge, citing Russi's age, instead sentenced
him to two years of probation.  (UPI) ...He may actually have preferred
jail -- it would have been a good way to spend a year with well-known

FIGHTING WORDS: "I was wrong. I should not have said what I said," Jane
Fonda admits. "My comments were inaccurate." She was backing off from a
speech she made to the United Nations Population Fund agency where she 
said, "In the northern part of Georgia, children are starving to death.
People live in tar-paper shacks with no indoor plumbing, and so forth."
Georgia Gov. Zell Miller, a native of the northern part of the state, 
was outraged. "Maybe the view from your penthouse apartment is not as 
clear as it needs to be," he told Fonda, referring to her living area 
on top of the CNN Tower in Atlanta, Ga. (AP) ...Hey, cut her some 
slack. Maybe she was having flashbacks from her days in North Vietnam.

DON'T DO IT: Now that everyone knows smoking is dangerous, the U.S. 
Surgeon General is turning his attention to other pressing health 
problems. Dr. David Satcher says a new surgeon general's report will 
argue that the country needs to pay more attention to suicide. "It is 
hard for many to believe that more people in this country die from 
suicide than homicide, but it is true," he proclaimed at a meeting of 
the American Society of Suicidology. The report is due in about a year 
and will include recommendations on how to improve suicide awareness. 
(Reuters) ...Surgeon General's Warning: Suicide may be dangerous to 
your health.

DREAM ON: When Jimmy Carter was president of the U.S., Eleanor Mondale,
daughter of the vice president, said she had a problem one night while 
sleeping in the vice president's mansion. "I was so scared, I fainted,"
she writes in Swing magazine. "Upon coming to, I reached for the phone 
and picked up the 'hot line' to the Secret Service Command Post. I 
whispered that there was a man in my room and hung up. Minutes later, 
two agents busted into the room, guns drawn." There was no man in the 
room: she told the bodyguards she had seen a ghost. Secret Service 
agents "requested that I NEVER DO THAT AGAIN!" (AP) ...She wasn't be 
the first, or last, Democrat haunted by Caspar Weinberger.

EDUR WOH: "We often have to seek help from the German or French language
departments of Victoria University to clarify the meaning or 
pronunciation of names," notes a spokesman for a New Zealand horse 
racing association. But the language experts didn't help when it came 
to Tulsy Tsan, a filly entered to race in Wellington. The name wasn't 
German or French, it was English -- spelled backwards. When the name's 
etiology was discovered, she was pulled from the race, but was allowed 
to re-enter after being renamed "Ben Again". (Reuters) ...After "Ben 
Dover" was rejected too.

THERE AND BACK: The road to Hell needs work. "It'll close the whole 
town," complains Hell Chamber of Commerce President Jim Ley. "That's 
where our money comes from. It'll kill us." A bridge on the main road 
that leads to Hell, Mich., is in bad shape and the repair crew needs 
three months to fix it. "It's probably going to put a couple of us out 
of business," one shop owner conceded. (AP) ...They shouldn't worry: 
the road crew's intentions are good.

RAGEOUS INTERRUPTUS: In an attempt to reduce "road rage", police in 
Ontario, Canada, are pulling over drivers that look angry to give them 
a survey, asking 10 questions about driving habits. "When you get a 
situation where one or two people are road raging, they'll tell us why 
they got in that state of mind," claims Provincial Police Sergeant 
Peggy Gamble. (Reuters) ...While others just scream, "You made me late 
to work for this?"

MAN'S BEST FRIEND: When an elderly couple saw their dog

Re: L&I Wife wins $45 Million

1998-04-28 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Obviously Ron you haven't visited most divorce courts or you wouldn't
have said Women have always had the advantage in a divorce, quite the
opposite is true. Most women lose more than men in a divorce, it's time
the courts start recognizing what a housewife does, I think most of us
realize that they don't just sit around doing nothing all day, while
their husband is out working. Of course if you think different go hire
someone to do all the jobs a housewife does then maybe you'll see the
financial worth of a wife.

Ronald Helm wrote:
> "Ronald Helm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >Lets hear it for the Judge.  It's about time they came to their senses and
> >do the right thing for the wives.
> >Len
> >
> Obviously Len has not been in the dame divorce court that I had the
> opportunity of viewing.  Women have always had the advantage in a divorce
> court :-)   Ron
Kathy E
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isn't looking too good for you either"
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Re: L&I New Trial for the list, locally tried

1998-04-28 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi Bill :)

Yes this was a new trial they were reporting it all day here in Virginia
Beach, it was the third time Robertson was being sued for libel, today
though he settled out of court for a undisclosed sum, so much for that
trial! You would think after three times the man would learn to keep his
mouth shut.

William J. Foristal wrote:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (William J. Foristal) writes:
> Hi Kathy,
> Is this a repeat of an old trial?  I saw a trial like this on Court TV a
> long time ago.  When I still got Court TV.  I remember Robertson
> testifying.
> Bill
Kathy E
"I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
isn't looking too good for you either"
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L&I All members please read

1998-04-29 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi all :)

I have been considering something lately and I have made my decision, I
really enjoy this list and what we have become :) Sure there are
differences of opinions and sometimes some pretty heavy debating but
through it all a common respect for each other has prevailed, that is
appreciated :)

One thing has been laying heavy on my mind though. I posed this in
private to a couple of people and I was met with strong objections and
some even threatened to leave if I do this, well I hope they don't carry
out on their threats but I have to do what is best for me, and right now
is not a good time for me to be the list owner of this list. I have
several ongoing projects right now and it is not giving me the time to
do what I need to as the LO of this list, that isn't fair to you the
members. Plus I also want a break if not permanent at least temporary

I suggest if you are interested in running this list you contact me in
private, if so desired there can be a vote on the new LO of the Law
list, and I will offer them complete support in the admin of the list
and how to do the different files and configurations, I will also have
Esosoft turn the list over to their name and have mine removed. As of
right now I have the list payed up until November 1998.

I will be stepping down effective May 4, I think that is more than
enough time for you all to decide who you want as the new LO. In case
anyone is wondering no I'm not leaving the list I'm just stepping down
as the LO and I'll still post the COTD's and summaries of trials I watch
and so on :)

Thanks for your time :)
Kathy E
"I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
isn't looking too good for you either"
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Re: L&I Wife wins $45 Million

1998-04-29 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I can't say but I suspect you haven't visited most divorce courts, Kathy. 

Wrong. I have.
> Oddly it seems the womens' rights movement has greatly worsened the position
> of women in divorce court.  Greatly superior finances more likely in the
> hands of the husband would surely allow the husband in many cases to
> overcome the natural advantage that women still possess IMO.  That would be
> the exception rather than the rule.  If anyone has any statistics to refute
> that I would be interested in hearing them and would be quite frankly shocked.

Well since your the one that has decided that every news show that says
the opposite is wrong, please show me where you came up with your
information, I am truly interested, national statistics do show that
after a divorce the women is in a lot worse shape than the man even if
he gets the children, economically the women suffers more than the man.
Also your looking at child custody cases as they used to be not as they
are now. I'll wait for your statistics to back up what you say.
Kathy E
"I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
isn't looking too good for you either"
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L&I COTD: Daniels, Robert Wayne, Jr.

1998-04-29 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

A native of Lowell, Oregon, Daniels was convicted of manslaughter in
1970, winning parole from his sentence in 1981. Within a year, he had
stopped checking in with his parole officer at Eugene, and new Oregon
warrants charged him with parole violation, passing bad checks , and
driving with a suspended license. Along the way, more serious charges
began to surface, making Daniels a suspect in at least six homicides and
two attempted murders.

The first to die, on December 10, 1981, were 60-year-old Harold Pratt
and his wife Betty, 55. The Tucson residents were camping out on
Arizona's desert, 75 miles southeast of Phoenix, when they were robbed
and shot in the back of the head, execution-style, their bodies left as
food for scavenging predators.

On June 25, 1982, 62-year-old Arthur Gray, Jr., was killed in similar
fashion at the Twin Springs Campground, 80 miles east of Eugene, Oregon.
The following month, Arizona residents Benjamin and Edith Shaffer, both
in their sixties, were robbed and shot to death in Mendocino County,
California, their bodies lying undiscovered through December 1983.
Ernest Corral, 38, was the victim for November 1982, shot
execution-style and dumped in a desert ravine near his hometown of
Apache Junction, Arizona.

There had also been survivors of the murder spree, with Edwin and Ida
Davis, both 64, reporting that they had befriended a younger couple near
El Cajon, California, in March of 1982. On March 22, Edwin and Ida were
overpowered by their "friends," injected with powerful horse
tranquilizer and left to die, but they were discovered in time for
physicians to save their lives. Recuperating from their ordeal, both
identified Robert Danielson, from mug shots, as one of their attackers.

On February 9, 1984, an all-points bulletin was issued on Danielson,   
accompanied by a federal warrant charging unlawful flight to avoid 
prosecution in Oregon. Formally charged in the Gray and Shaffer
homicides, he remained a suspect in several other cases while
investigations were continuing. Two months after federal warrants were
issued, on April 7, FBI agents traced Danielson to his job with a
traveling carnival, then playing in Odessa, Texas. He was arrested
without incident and returned to Oregon for trial, facing a maximum
sentence of life imprisonment in a state where the death penalty had
been abolished
Kathy E
"I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
isn't looking too good for you either"
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L&I Stupid Judge Tricks

1998-04-29 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Today is national Law day here is the top 10 list of the most amazing
antics by judges:

Richard Jones: 'I Was Venting' 

"Gazillion pengos" was among the bail amounts set by Douglas County
Judge Richard M. Jones, and was one of 17 charges Nebraska's Judicial
Qualifications Commission investigated against him. He testified that it
was a matter of opinion whether the amounts he set were nonsensical and
added that when he signed court documents as "Snow White" or "Judge
Crater," he was just keeping court personnel alert. It was a simple
disagreement--not bald defiance--that led the judge to perform two
weddings after he'd been notified that the Supreme Court had suspended
him, he contended. The ceremonies were held around noon, before a state
trooper driving down from the capitol had officially served the judge
with the suspension papers. 

He has denied more serious charges, among them having improper meetings
with a handful of probationers and touching the breast of a female
colleague in an elevator. In an Eastertime interview with the Omaha
World Herald that was scheduled after the judge sought the counsel of an
out-of-state public relations specialist, he complained of "public
crucifixion" and said the female colleague, as well as a state senator,
were out to get him. 

None of this, of course, explains his sending an anonymous threat to a
male colleague who sits on the Douglas County bench. The note led the
other judge to seek and get round-the-clock police protection. Judge
Jones termed it a "prank" that went wrong and said it was unfair to
bring it up, given that he and the note's recipient had long since made
up. More recently, however, lighted firecrackers were thrown into the
office of the same colleague, and Judge Jones admitted he did the

"I was venting," he testified. 

Although the commission didn't find that all 17 charges had been proven,
there was enough wrong, the commission concluded, that Judge Jones
should be removed from the bench permanently. The state Supreme Court
has set hearings for June, so while Richard "Deacon" Jones still has a
crack at getting back on the bench in time for Law Day 1999, he's
sitting this one out. 

James Barr: 'Lack of Social Graces' 

Another judge who's banking on his Supreme Court to reinstate him is
James Barr, who was suspended last December from Texas' 337th District.
If it weren't for politicking against him by deputy sheriffs, he
maintains, the bundle of complaints against him would have never gotten
the attention of Texas' Commission on Judicial Conduct. 

The judge purportedly engaged in a less-than-Solomonic tug-of-war in a
courthouse corridor, trying to pull a defendant who had been acquitted
moments before toward an elevator while two deputies pulled on the other
arm trying to keep the man in custody long enough to process him for
other warrants. 

The commission unanimously concluded that it isn't necessary to support
your local sheriff to condemn a judge's use of "self help." More
ominously, the commission found other examples of improper battling with
the sheriff, including the judge's having had a deputy jailed overnight. 

But it was Judge Barr's treatment of three women prosecutors--his
"all-babe court," as he reportedly called it--that cinched his ouster. 

A tribunal of seven appellate judges confirmed that crude comments were
made to the women both in court and at a social gathering. "You are so
nice to look at, if you leave, all I'll have to look at all afternoon is
swinging dicks," the tribunal found he told one assistant district
attorney. He told another that she must be "on your period" because she
was carrying a purse. And, still according to the tribunal, he curled
his index finger to summon one of the women and then joked, "I wanted to
see if I could make you come with one finger." 

Not helping his defense was a comment to an unidentified lawyer: "I feel
like coming across the bench and slapping the crap out of you." 

The tribunal tried to understand what it termed the judge's "lack of
social graces," giving as possible explanations "a misguided sense of
humor, insecurity, an inability to relate on an acceptable basis with
individuals of the opposite sex, or some other maladjustment." But it
concluded that it didn't matter what the problem was; he was out. 

Joseph Troisi: A Bite Out of Crime 

Joseph Troisi's career was ended not for threatening to slap a lawyer,
but for actually biting a defendant. 

Judge Troisi was a highly regarded member of the West Virginia bench
last June when he apparently lost it at a bail hearing and made dental
history along with the likes of boxer Mike Tyson, sports announcer Mar

L&I Judge rules on evidence in Ennis Cosby case

1998-04-30 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

A racial slur allegedly made to a friend and jailhouse letters written
by the man accused of killing Ennis Cosby may be used as evidence of a
confession, a judge says.

Over defense objections, Superior Court Judge David Perez agreed
Wednesday to let prosecutors use the purported comment by Mikhail
Markhasev, as well as letters he allegedly wrote in jail. Jury selection
for his trial begins June 16.

Cosby, son of entertainer Bill Cosby, was shot Jan. 16, 1997, while
changing a flat tire on a roadside.  Markhasev, a 19-year-old Ukrainian
immigrant, was arrested nearly two months later.

The judge said prosecutors may introduce the racial statement if they
call the friend as a witness to testify about it.

According to prosecutor Anne Ingalls, Markhasev told friend Michael
Chang: ``I shot the nigger. It's all over the news.''

Deputy Public Defender Henry Hall said use of the word would be
inflammatory and told reporters outside court that prosecutors were
trying to bring up the language to hide weaknesses in their case.

``The prosecution's motive throughout this entire case has been that it
was an attempted robbery,'' he said. ``For them to try to interject this
race thing into it at this point seems to me to be reflective of some
kind of concern that maybe it isn't what they thought it was.''

Hall also disputed the authenticity of the six letters he said were
brought to authorities by an inmate identified as David Gomez. He said
Gomez cannot be trusted because he has been convicted of attempted
murder, is a perjurer, has a pending rape trial and wants leniency in
his own cases.

``It's our position that Mr. Markhasev didn't write the letters,'' Hall

Ingalls argued that handwriting analysis proved the letters were written
by Markhasev and that Gomez ``only acted as a conduit.''

The content of the letters were not revealed.

Court papers say Chang and another man, Christopher So, told police that
Markhasev called Chang days after the slaying and asked for help in
finding the gun he had thrown away the night of the shooting.

The three looked for the gun but could not find it, and So later
reported the matter to police, according to the papers.
Kathy E
"I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
isn't looking too good for you either"
http://members.delphi.com/kathylaw/ Law & Issues Mailing List
http://pw1.netcom.com/~kathye/rodeo.html - Cowboy Histories
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L&I Lawyer in Brawley case jailed

1998-04-30 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

A lawyer for one of the three defendants in the Tawana Brawley slander
trial spent the night in jail as punishment for his third contempt of
court charge in two days.

Stephen Jackson, a lawyer for C. Vernon Mason, was taken to the Dutchess
County Jail in a sheriff's van Wednesday after he finished his
cross-examination of Steven Pagones and court ended for the day. Jackson
was released this morning.

Miss Brawley, who is black, claimed a group of white men abducted and
raped her in November 1987, when she was 15. Pagones, a former assistant
district attorney, sued the three defendants after they identified him
as one of the white men. A special grand jury specifically exonerated
Pagones after finding no evidence to support Miss Brawley's claims.

Another defendant in the case, the Rev. Al Sharpton, predicted that
Justice S. Barrett Hickman's decision to jail Jackson would backfire by
rallying support for the defense. The judge had turned aside Sharpton's
offer to serve the jail time for Jackson, who has an infant at home.

``We're getting calls from all over the country,'' an angry-looking
Sharpton said as he strode through downtown Poughkeepsie. ``This will be
the turning point in terms of mobilization for this trial.''

The courtroom brawl erupted moments after court began Wednesday as
Hickman chastised Mason for not adhering to a gag order banning the
lawyers from talking to media about discussions in chambers. Hickman
said he would hold a hearing to consider filing contempt charges against

When Jackson began to argue on behalf of his client, the judge ordered
him to sit down, but Jackson continued to protest.

``You want to play rough? All right, you're in contempt again,'' Hickman
said. ``I sentence you to spend a night in the Dutchess County Jail.
Let's see if that's what you want to do.''

``This is outrageous, your honor. You are a disgrace to the bench,''
Jackson shouted.

``Thank you very much,'' Hickman responded.

Hickman on Wednesday also imposed a blanket gag order barring lawyers
from talking to the media. Maddox left court at lunchtime with a
handkerchief stuffed in his mouth.

Outside the courthouse, Jackson said he was prepared to go to jail and
attributed the judge's decision to racism. He said he has been
practicing law for 12 years and has never before even been threatened
with contempt.

The bitterness began Tuesday as Hickman made a clear attempt to speed up
the 6-month-old trial and rein in the defense team. When he gave Jackson
a deadline to finish questioning Pagones, Jackson objected vehemently 
and was hit with two contempt charges.
Kathy E
"I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
isn't looking too good for you either"
http://members.delphi.com/kathylaw/ Law & Issues Mailing List
http://pw1.netcom.com/~kathye/rodeo.html - Cowboy Histories
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Re: L&I Woman Accused of Endangering Sons

1998-05-01 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

The women moved due to the military, the one base mentioned is right by
my inlaws house.

Viola Provenzano wrote:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Viola Provenzano) writes:
> Hi Sue,
> This woman moved in and out of several States ,apparently.  The Feds get
> involved when felons cross State lines.  I'll try to find out more.
> Vi
> "What the world needs more of is not love, but justice."  Anon.
> __
> You wrote:
> <<>>
> _
> You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail.
> Get completely free e-mail from Juno at http://www.juno.com
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> Subscribe/Unsubscribe, email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Kathy E
"I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
isn't looking too good for you either"
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http://pw1.netcom.com/~kathye/rodeo.html - Cowboy Histories
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Re: L&I All members please read

1998-05-01 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Well Len I posed it in private when I first decided I needed a break I
then did take a week break, but decided I want more than a week and I'm
going to take that come Monday, I have a right also to talk to some
friends in private not everything I do is on put out on this list.

The final reason for the decision is I did have one nice thing happen
and I want to devote some time to that, one of my Rodeo friends his
mother contacted me, she had read my cowboy's histories and liked them,
well she is also a fourth grade teacher and is recommending that my
histories be taught to her schools fourth grade class, I admit that
really surprised me and made me feel good :) I have had others in the
past ask me for my permission to use the histories and of course I have
no problem with that, but this is the first time I am having a school
ask to use it for all their 4th grade class, so I am going to knuckle
down and start doing some more of those for them to use :)

If no one is willing to take over as LO I am notifying Esosoft to close
down the list so I am not held financially responsible for it, and I
don't continue getting all the email related to running the list.

Short notice? Maybe, but a week's time is usually long enough to decide
if your willing to do something or not.

The financial cost for the list is inexpensive - it costs $50 for a
year. The biggest burden is time, you need to have some time every day
to devote to the list. I devote anywhere from 3-4 hours per day when a
trial isn't on going more if there is a trial. Now if someone decides to
be an inactive LO, then there really isn't much to do except for all the
unsubs/subs and bounced messages that the LO does, and of course reading
all the messages. I myself tend to be more of an active LO, trying to do
up reports and such and find interesting new things to discuss for the
list if possible, and of course a bit of research when members ask for
information and you need to go find it for them, so on and so on.

If you find someone else that you are comfortable working with let me
know and I will forward your name on to Esosoft and talk to you in
private about the rest of the details. Of course I will be here to offer
any assistance that is needed :)

Leonard Booth wrote:
> Leonard Booth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Kathy
> Thanks for bringing us in on this.  It seems like pretty short notice to
> me.  If you're going to bail out for a while,  why did you pose this in
> private to only a couple of people.
> What did you propose that you met with strong objection to.
> What will the monthly cost be to keep the list going after November.  What
> is involved and how much time per day or week is required to keep the list
> going.
> I'm willing to volunteer some time if someone else will also.
> Len
Kathy E
"I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
isn't looking too good for you either"
http://members.delphi.com/kathylaw/ Law & Issues Mailing List
http://pw1.netcom.com/~kathye/rodeo.html - Cowboy Histories
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Re: L&I New Trial for the list, locally tried

1998-05-01 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi Sue :)

He didn't reach his goal for the money, it was pretty funny, he
announced then that God had decided to give him more time, the pathetic
thing is people really believe him and send him money! 

Sue Hartigan wrote:
> Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Hi Bill:
> I knew someone sat on a mountain or something, just didn't know who.  I
> wonder if that race track person thinks he is responsible for saving a
> life.  :)
> If Oral Roberts was so religious and believed in everything he was
> saying why did he want to interrupt "God's" plan.  I thought that these
> guys were in a hurry to see the other side.
> BTW, he must have gotten his million dollars, hugh?  What did he do with
> it?  Bet on a horse.Sorry I couldn't resist.
Kathy E
"I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
isn't looking too good for you either"
http://members.delphi.com/kathylaw/ Law & Issues Mailing List
http://pw1.netcom.com/~kathye/rodeo.html - Cowboy Histories
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Re: L&I Did Simpson have help in cover-up?

1998-05-02 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

This is the most ludicrous thing I have read in a long time. I suggest
you both learn a bit more about homosexuality and domestic violence
before trying to theorize on something you have clearly shown you know
nothing about.

The easiest thing to do is to base knowledge on myths instead of facts.
It's comments like this that just turn my stomach and clearly show me
that the advancement of knowledge has a long way to go in human behavior
no matter what people claim.

Viola Provenzano wrote:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Viola Provenzano) writes:
> Hi Yvonne,
> I've wondered about OJ's sexuality myself.  Certainly his womanizing
> could be  classified as "\Don Juanism" which is a case of the male
> fending off his desire for men by bedding a never ending series of women,
> preferably in one-night standsto show his contempt for the opposite sex.
> His treatment of Nicole would certainly fit into this pattern.
> Vi
> "What the world needs more of is not love, but justice."  Anon.
> __
> You wrote:
> <<>>.
> . .
Kathy E
"I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
isn't looking too good for you either"
http://members.delphi.com/kathylaw/ Law & Issues Mailing List
http://pw1.netcom.com/~kathye/rodeo.html - Cowboy Histories
http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/Lobby/2990/law.htm Crime photo's

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L&I OT: What is the meaning of these?

1998-03-10 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Kinky, sane hen art
 Sneaky 'n' a thinker
 Kinky 'n' sane heart
 Any snake thinker
 Eh! kinky ants near.
 Think sneaky near
 Skinny hen karate
 Thin rank Yankees

Give up??? Scroll down for the answer

What those are, are words all made out of my name! LOL If you want to
have some fun go to this link and try your own name :) It's kind of fun.

Kathy E
"I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
isn't looking too good for you either"
http://members.delphi.com/kathylaw/ Law & Issues Mailing List
http://pw1.netcom.com/~kathye/rodeo.html - Cowboy Histories
http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/Lobby/2990/law.htm Crime photo's

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L&I COTD: Shawcross, Arthur John

1998-03-10 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Since I forgot to post the COTD yesterday here is a long one to makeup
for it, a rather famous SK.
New York's premier serial killer of the 1980s was born in Kittery,
Maine, on June 6, 1945. His family moved to Watertown, New York, a few 
months later, and much of what we know about his early life is drawn
from psychiatric interviews recorded after Arthur Shawcross was  
arrested on eleven counts of homicide, in January 1990. The reliability
of those accounts is open to debate, but some points have been verified
by reference to school and hospital reports.

Arthur Shawcross describes his childhood home as a virtual war zone,
marked by violent arguments that included his mother accusing Arthur's
father of infidelity, sometimes while brandishing a kitchen knife. 
Both parents reportedly took time off from their quarrels to beat the  
children, and Arthur suffered a series of head injuries, beginning with
a rock fight in childhood that left him unconscious. Around age ten, he
nearly drowned in Lake Ontario, overtaken by sudden paralysis while
swimming, and physicians at a nearby hospital diagnosed an inflammation
of the brain.

Sexual problems had begun to surface for Shawcross around the same time.
At age nine, he alleges, an aunt introduced him to oral sex. A short
time later, when his mother caught him masturbating, Shawcross says she
threatened to cut off his penis. At ten or eleven, he recalls his first
homosexual experience, with an older boy. Their relationship was still
in the early stages, Shawcross says, when the owner of a nearby farm
taught both boys the pleasure of having sex with sheep. Around age
fourteen, Shawcross reportedly broadened his horizons by performing
cunnilingus on one of his sisters and a female cousin. When a
girlfriend's brother caught Art "going down" on her, he ensured the
boy's silence by performing oral sex on him, as well.

Shawcross made A's and B's in first and second grade, then unaccountably
turned "lazy" and began to fail his classes. (Later IQ tests would place
him in the "borderline retarded" range of subnormal intelligence.) At
the same time, he was outgrowing his playmates, bullying smaller
children, earning a reputation for unpredictable violence, stealing on a
regular basis from neighbor-hood stores. By his early teens, Arthur's
strange behavior--including chronic nightmares and persistent
bed-wetting--had earned him the nickname "Oddie." After wrecking his
first car, he went back to riding a bicycle, claiming that "driving
makes me nervous."

In December 1963, Shawcross was sentenced to 18 months probation for   
smashing a department store's window. Married nine months later, he
became the father of an infant son in October 1965. The following month,
he drew another six months probation on charges of unlawful entry: Art
had barged into a private home to punch a boy who hit him with a
snowball. It was all too much for Sarah Shawcross, and Art quickly found
himself divorced.

Drafted by the army in April 1967, Shawcross was shipped to Fort
Benning, Georgia, for basic training. While there, he allegedly suffered
yet another head injury, plunging from a forty-foot ladder to land on
his skull. While home on leave from boot camp, he was married for the
second time, but it did not prevent his being shipped to Vietnam in
October 1967.

Accounts of Arthur's Asian service vary widely. Twenty years after the
fact, facing prosecution for multiple murders, Shawcross would call
himself as victim of post-traumatic stress disorder dating from his
months in Vietnam. He described himself to psychiatrists as a
night-prowling commando and prolific killer on the battlefield, going so
far as to confess the cannibalistic murders of several Vietnamese women.
It made dramatic reading, but official army documents insist that
Shawcross never saw a day of combat; instead, he was assigned to a
support company where he spent all his time at a desk, shuffling papers.
Whatever the case, he was back in the States with an honorable discharge
in the spring of 1968, looking for work in the neighborhood of Auburn,
New York.

It wasn't long before Shawcross found himself in trouble once more, this
time for setting fires in Auburn. One, in April 1969, caused major
damage to a local paper mill. Arrested that September, Shawcross freely
confessed and was sentenced to five years in prison. While in Attica, he
claims to have been gang-raped by black inmates, later dishing out some
brutal payback of his own, but there is no official record of the
incidents described. Paroled in October 1971, he returned to Watertown
and soon began dating Penny Sherbino. She was pregnant when they married
on April 22, 1972 ... and by that time, Shawcross had already committed
his first confirmed mur

L&I Budzyn: Complete update Monday March 9

1998-03-10 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Today, defense attorneys for Walter Budzyn ended their case by focusing
on discrediting the testimony of prior state witness Teresa Pace. The
defense has continued to try to undermine Pace's credibility by showing
that investigators may have given her preferential treatment in trying
to build their case against Budzyn -- and may have influenced her
testimony by giving her an usually high amount of "witness fees" that
totaled hundreds of dollars. 

Two former police officers in the homicide division at the time of the 
investigation into the Malice Green case were brought to the stand to
answer questions about alleged police attempts to destroy copies of a
statement given by Pace that would have damaged the state's case against
Budzyn. Vernon Humes, a former sergeant in Detroit homicide, refused to
admit under oath that he had had a conversation with investigators about
destroying Pace's statement. 

Humes admitted that he was asked by his supervisor to see that several 
prosecution witnesses with outstanding arrest warrants (including Ralph
Fletcher, Teresa Pace and Robert Knox) had their trials adjourned.
However, he would not admit that the judge knew these were prosecution
witnesses in a pending trial, or that they received any special

Stanyar then questioned Humes about an alleged meeting between Pace and
Humes's supervisors after another officer had taken her first statement
in early November of 1992. Humes was evasive, saying that he was not
present if the meeting took place. Humes did admit that his supervisors
later asked him to take a second statement from Pace but vigorously
denied that they asked him to destroy Pace's first statement. 

During cross-examination, Humes said that everyone involved with the   
investigation was aware Pace made the first statement. He reiterated his
claim that Pace did not receive any special treatment for testifying for
the prosecution. 

Stanyar's redirect focused on conflicting statements between Pace's
first and second statements. Humes admitted that the first statement was
more favorable to Budzyn. He also denied that he had anything to hide,
even though he did not sign the second statement. 

In a direct contradiction of Humes's testimony, former officer and Humes
colleague Daniel Maynard said that there was discussion about discarding
Pace's statement. "He [Humes] said that they wanted him to take a second
statement from Miss Pace, 'Redbone,'" Maynard said. "Then he said, 'They
want me to get rid of the first statement.' I said, 'Vern, I'm not so
sure that's a good idea.'" (In the end, the Pace's statement was not

During his cross examination, Maynard acknowledged that it is not  
particularly uncommon for police to get a follow-up statement from a
witness, particularly if there is a point of confusion. But the witness
ended his testimony on a strong point for the defense, telling defense
attorney Carole Stanyar on redirect that he believed police and
prosecutors had targeted Walter Budzyn and Larry Nevers in the days
following the death of Malice Green. When asked why he did not approach
his superiors with this attempted tampering with the investigation,
Maynard said, "There was a pervasive mood at the time to get these guys
(Budzyn and former partner Larry Nevers) no matter what...I told them,
'Listen, we can't do this...this is wrong'" 

Jurors also were shown two recreations of the alleged actions of Budzyn
on the night in question. On Monday morning, prosecutors surprised the
defense by having Malice Green's 1984 Topaz towed to the courthouse, and
announcing that they intended to reenact Green's beating within the car.
The defense strenuously objected. However, after Judge Jackson indicated
that he would allow the demonstration, defense attorneys decided to
include it within their case. So jurors were escorted outside and
allowed to walk about the car while two different scenarios were played
The first scenario, staged by prosecutors, depicted "Budzyn" straddling
"Green" and beating him on the head with his flashlight. The second,
staged by the defense, put two different players in the same position --
but this time, the flashlight wielded by "Budzyn" kept banging into the
Topaz's ceiling or windshield. 

Jurors were not addressed during the demonstrations, merely allowed to 
observe the scene. Ultimately, the entire endeavor may have been for

Judge Jackson throughout the trial has allowed jurors to send him notes
on questions that they would like to have answered. Following today's  
demonstration, one juror wrote, "Was the person swinging the flashlight
supposed to be Budzyn or Nevers?" 

It is unclear whether the defense succeeded in undermining

L&I Juvenile Justice Resources

1998-03-12 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi All :)

I received this in email and I thought some of you might be interested
in this, I myself have NOT had the time to check these out, so I'm not
sure if you want to review these tapes or not, but just in case here
they are and a link to them:

Link: http://www.triune.ca/rcc4.htm

Resolving Conflict Creatively between Victims & Youth Offenders - "
Diversion " & " Transformation "  (http://www.triune.ca/rcc4.htm) is an
educational resource intended to raise public awareness of an
alternative to the existing justice system's approach, to provide
training and to encourage citizens to participate in community justice

The first part, "Diversion" addresses the issue of alternatives to
incarceration for low-risk offenders.  The procedure and effectiveness
of these processes are revealed through the computer-assisted
communication between a "concerned" citizen and legal professionals
including a police officer, criminologist, probation and parole officer,
prosecutor, judge and community justice representative.

The second part, "Transformation" demonstrates that principles of
reconciliation and inter-personal healing not only play a role in
preventing recidivism and restoring the community¹s overall sense of
well-being but helps victims deal with the psychological consequences of

An optional video entitled "Healing Circles " containing scenes from
Part Two, is of special interest to facilitators, school administrators,
community activists and volunteers who plan to implement this process in
their own community at any stage of a dispute between two parties.

" As a person who goes out and addresses the public on the myths and
realities of crime, I feel your video package is a worthwhile
educational program.  What I found most important was the fact that you
had real people in real situations to demonstrate your point.  ...  your
video would be an excellent instrument in teaching new and existing
staff about the issues of Diversion and Victim-Offender Mediation. The
memory of the "Healing Circle" video still invokes a strong emotional
response."  -  Troy Bolton,
Supervisor, Community Development, Operation Springboard, Scarborough

"Tape One -  excellent overview to present to volunteers and to
communities to promote understanding; Tape Two - also excellent for
training and education purposes; Tape Three - so like family group
conference model, is good resource to educate volunteers and model after
the illustrated example ..." - Sandra Sobkowich, Coordinator
Victim/Offender Reconciliation,
Calgary John Howard Society

"Healing Circles is quite interesting and a good learning tool in
getting communities to begin to discuss and explore more satisfying and
healing responses to crime"   -   Rick Prashaw, Communications
Coordinator, The Church Council on Justice and Corrections, Ottawa

Resolving Conflict Creatively in the School Community
Resolving Conflict Creatively in the Multicultural Community

For inquiries about ordering, previewing, and costs please contact:

Triune Arts
517 Wellington Street West
Suite 207
Toronto, Ontario
M5V 1E9

Fax: 416.586.0879
Kathy E
"I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
isn't looking too good for you either"
http://members.delphi.com/kathylaw/ Law & Issues Mailing List
http://pw1.netcom.com/~kathye/rodeo.html - Cowboy Histories
http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/Lobby/2990/law.htm Crime photo's

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L&I Vampire Slaying case

1998-03-12 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

I think most of us remember when this case happened and watching the
extradition proceedings for the various teens involved, here is a
complete summary of the case from beginning to end for you. Enjoy! :)

On February 12, 1998, seventeen-year-old Rod Ferrell pled guilty to
killing a Eustis, Florida couple with a crowbar. The leader of a teenage
vampire cult, Ferrell was allegedly helped in the double slaying by his
then-girlfriend, Charity Lynn Keesee, and two other members of the cult. 

The victims, Richard Wendorf and Naoma Queen, were the parents of
Heather Wendorf, a friend of Ferrell's, and were beaten to death in
their home on November 25, 1996. 

The road to the murders began some three days earlier, on November 22.
Late that night or early in the morning of the 23rd, Ferrell -- along
with Keesee and the two cult members, Howard Scott Anderson and Dana
Cooper -- left his hometown of Murray, Kentucky to drive down to Eustis. 

After the four arrived in Eustis, Ferrell, who had lived there for
several years before moving back to Murray to live with his mother,
tracked down Wendorf and told another acquaintance, Audrey Presson, that
he was in town for unfinished business. 

  A Disturbing Upbringing

When Ferrell was born on March 28, 1980, his mother, Sondra Gibson was
only 17 years old, and his father, Rick Ferrell, was also a teen. The
two were married nine days after baby Rod was born, but split up weeks

Rick Ferrell filed for a divorce and joined the military, while Sondra
kept the child. Her parents also looked after Rod, who claimed Sondra's
father -- his grandfather -- raped him when he was 5. 

Rod also claimed that as a young child, he was exposed to occult rituals
and human sacrifices, and was introduced to the "Dungeons & Dragons"   
role-playing game. 

Sondra Gibson eventually remarried and moved frequently with Rod before
leaving him in Murray, Kentucky and moving with her new husband to 
Michigan. He allegedly told Rod that they were never coming back, and
Gibson apparently became so upset that she divorced him and moved back
to Murray to be with Rod. (Her second husband also allegedly engaged in
satanic rituals.) 

Around this time, Rod began to undergo some sort of transformation. He
walked in cemeteries at night, cut himself so others could drink his
blood, and told people he was a 500-year-old vampire named "Vesago." His
school work slipped and he began flagrantly disobeying his schools'
policies, skipping class, smoking on campus and generally defying
teachers and school officials. He also indulged in playing "Vampire: The
Masquerade," a realistic role-playing game in which players act out
vampiric scenarios in real-time. 

His mother allowed him to stay out all night, use drugs, and skip
school, and he frequently spent time with a young man named Stephen
Murray, who brought the teenage Ferrell into the vampire world and
"crossed him over," turning him into a presumptive vampire and giving
him his name. 

By the spring of 1996, Rod was also talking long-distance to Heather
Wendorf, who apparently told Rod that her parents were hurting her and
that she wanted him to come get her, but that he would have to kill them
to do so. 

In September 1996, Murphy attacked Ferrell, who refused treatment when
taken to a local hospital. Murphy was convicted for the attack. Shortly
after, Sondra Gibson was charged with soliciting a minor -- Murphy's
14-year-old brother -- whom Gibson wrote love letters, imploring him to
"cross her over" and have her as his vampire bride. 

"Vesago" Attacks

On November 25, the day of the murders, Ferrell and his companions were
stopped by law enforcement officers and questioned because their vehicle
had a flat tire. The flat caused Ferrell to change his plans. He told
Wendorf and another friend, Jeanine LeClaire, about this and allegedly
discussed with the group a plan to kill Wendorf's parents and take their
Ford Explorer to use as a getaway vehicle. 

Ferrell and friends arrived near the Wendorf home and met Heather
Wendorf down the road from her house. He sent the three young women --
Heather Wendorf, Cooper and Keesee -- to visit Heather's boyfriend and
pick up LeClaire. Ferrell and Anderson stayed behind, armed with clubs. 

The two young men searched the outside of the Wendorf home, looking for
some way to get inside. They entered through an unlocked door to the
garage and searched the garage for better weapons. Ferrell finally
settled on a crowbar. 

Ferrell and Anderson then went inside the house, yanked one phone from
the wall, and came upon 49-year-old Richard Wendorf, asleep on the
couch. Ferrell beat him several times with the crowbar, fracturing his
skull and giving him numerous chest 

L&I You have been warned (G)

1998-03-13 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi all just a warning, I'm finally getting back up on my feet health
wise, I was a bit sick, and now I am going to be catching up on email.
And Netcom was so nice they decided to hold 90% of my email and dump it
all on me at once this morning, almost 400 messages! So expect a lot
of output over the weekend from Moi :) Sorry some of it is delayed.

On the private side some of you have written me private notes, and I
just looked in my "to do" folder and I apologize some of those are up to
a month old, I will be getting to those also. And anyone who wants to
try their hand as a private secretary is more than welcome to apply! LOL
Just joking there :) I do answer the mail myself just not in the time
span most expect :)

Greeting to all the new members :)  We even have a new member from
Japan:) :) Now we have the U.S., the UK and Japan, and one person I am
talking to from Australia who is a lawyer (barrister) there, as soon as
his schedule is freed up some he plans on joining in with us :)
Kathy E
"I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
isn't looking too good for you either"
http://members.delphi.com/kathylaw/ Law & Issues Mailing List
http://pw1.netcom.com/~kathye/rodeo.html - Cowboy Histories
http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/Lobby/2990/law.htm Crime photo's

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L&I COTD: Atlanta Child Murders

1998-03-13 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi all this is the case of the day for the weekend, one of the rare
cases where a black man was convicted of being a SK. For the new members
I put out something called COTD (Case of the Day) on Fridays I do a
larger case to cover the weekend. Enjoy!
The curious and controversial string of deaths that sparked a two-year
reign of terror in Atlanta, Georgia, have been labeled "children's"
murders even though a suspect, ultimately blamed for 23 of 30 homicides,
was finally convicted only in the deaths of two adult ex-convicts. 
Today, nearly a decade after that suspect's arrest, the case remains, in
many minds, an unsolved mystery.

Investigation of the case began, officially, on July 28, 1979. That
afternoon, a woman hunting empty cans and bottles in Atlanta stumbled on
a pair of corpses, carelessly concealed in roadside undergrowth. One   
victim , shot with a .22-caliber weapon, was identified as Edward Smith,
14, reported missing on July 21. The other was 13-year-old Alfred Evans,
last seen alive on July 25. The coroner ascribed his death to "probable"
asphyxiation. Both dead boys, like all of those to come, were black.

On September 4, Milton Harvey, age 14, vanished during a neighborhood
bike ride. His body was recovered three weeks later, but the cause of
death remains officially "unknown." Yusef Bell, a 9-year-old, was last
seen alive when his mother sent him to the store on October 21. Found
dead in an abandoned school November 8, he had been strangled manually
by a powerful assailant.

Angel Lenair, age 12, was the first recognized victim of 1980. Reported
missing on March 4, she was found six days later, tied to a tree with
her hands bound behind her. The first female victim, she had been
sexually abused and strangled with an electric cord; someone else's
panties were extracted from her throat.

On March 11, Jeffrey Mathis vanished on an errand to the store. Eleven 
months would pass before recovery of his skeletal remains, advanced
decomposition ruling out a declaration on the cause of death. On May 18,
14-year-old Eric Middlebrooks left home after receiving a telephone call
from persons unknown. Found the next day, his death was ascribed to head
injures, inflicted with a blunt instrument.

The terror escalated into summer. On June 9, Christopher Richardson, 12,
vanished en route to a neighborhood swimming pool. Latonya Wilson was  
abducted from her home on June 22, the night before her seventh
birthday, bringing federal agents into the case. The following day,
10-year-old Aaron Wyche was reported missing by his family. Searchers
found his body on June 24, lying beneath a railroad trestle, his neck
broken. Originally dubbed an accident, Aaron's death was subsequently
added to the growing list of dead and missing blacks.

Anthony Carter, age 9, disappeared while playing near his home on July
6, 1980; recovered the following day, he was dead from multiple stab
wounds. Earl Terrell joined the list on July 30, when he vanished from a
public swimming pool. Skeletal remains discovered on January 9, 1981,
would yield no clues about the cause of death.

Next up on the list was 12-year-old Clifford Jones, snatched off the
street and strangled on August 20. With the recovery of his body in
October, homicide detectives interviewed five witnesses who named his
killer as a white man, jailed in 1981 on charges of attempted rape and
aggravated sodomy. These witnesses provided details of the crime
consistent with the placement and condition of the victim's body, but
detectives chose to file their affidavits, listing Jones with other
victims of an "unknown" murderer.

Darron Glass, an 11-year-old, vanished near his home on September 14,  
1980. Never found, he joins the list because authorities don't know what
else to do about his case. October's victim was Charles Stephens,
reported missing on the ninth and recovered next day, his life
extinguished by asphyxiation. Capping off the month, authorities
discovered skeletal remains of Latonya Wilson on October 18, but they
could not determine how she died.

On November 1, 9-year-old Aaron Jackson's disappearance was reported to
police by frantic parents. The boy was found on November 2, another
victim of asphyxiation. Patrick Rogers, 15, followed on November 10. His
pitiful remains, skull crushed by heavy blows, were not unearthed until
February 1981.

Two days after New Year's, the elusive slayer picked off Lubie Geter,  
strangling the 14-year-old and dumping his body where it would not be
found until February 5. Terry Pue, 15, was missing on January 22 and was
found the next day, strangled with a cord or piece of rope. This time,
detectives said that special chemicals enabled them to lift a suspect's
fingerprints from Terry's corpse. Unfortunat

L&I Jonbenet: Police want grand jury

1998-03-13 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Police investigating the brutal murder of six-year-old beauty pageant
winner JonBenet Ramsey asked the district attorney Thursday to convene a
grand jury, saying it was necessary to obtain more evidence in the case.

A decision on whether to take the case before a grand jury would be made
by Boulder County District Attorney Alex Hunter. But the police   
recommendation was one of the biggest steps in the investigation since
the child was found murdered in her Boulder home in December 1996.

No arrests have been made and no suspects named in the high-profile
murder case that has captured worldwide attention.

``We only made this request/recommendation after 14 grueling months of 
investigation, much consideration and thought, and after consultation
with attorneys familiar with, and experienced in the use of grand
juries,'' Police Commander Mark Beckner said.

``The appropriate step at this time is to ask for a grand jury to assist
us in gathering additional admissible evidence,'' Beckner said.

Grand jury proceedings determine whether someone should be put on trial.

A grand jury can be used to obtain sworn testimony, obtain evidence not
otherwise available to investigators and to review the case for purposes
of seeking an indictment.

A spokeswoman for Hunter said he would have no comment on the police  
announcement. The current grand jury's term expires in May but Hunter  
would not be expected to make his decision before then because of the  
volume of evidence to examine, spokeswoman Suzanne Laurion said.

The case would most likely go before the grand jury that would be
convened in May. Laurion said that while grand juries were always on
call in Boulder, it was ``many years'' since one had been convened to
hear evidence in a case.

Much attention in the case has focused on JonBenet's parents -- rich and
attractive -- who police say remain under an ''umbrella of suspicion.''

But the parents, John, a computer company executive and Patricia, a
former beauty pageant contestant, have strongly denied any connection
with the murder and have criticized police for not solving the case.

The parents could be made to appear at the secret grand jury
proceedings, although they would be able to invoke the Fifth Amendment
against self-incrimination, said Denver trial lawyer Scott Robinson, who
is not involved in the case. A spokeswoman for the Ramseys was
unavailable to comment. The parents have moved to the Atlanta area with
their 11-year-old son Burke.

Police have said they wanted to interview the parents without conditions
and most recently have tried to speak again with Burke Ramsey. The 
Ramseys and Burke were in the family home the night JonBenet was   

Her father found the girl's body in the basement some eight hours after
her mother said she found a ramsom note demanding $118,000 for the safe
return of the child.

In December, police said they faced three options: seeking an arrest
warrant, asking for a grand jury or putting the case on inactive status
until more information became available.

But police have completed 64 out of 90 tasks and see no reason to drop
their probe. ``The longer we worked on the case, the clearer it became
that inactivating the case would not be appropriate,'' Beckner said.
Kathy E
"I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
isn't looking too good for you either"
http://members.delphi.com/kathylaw/ Law & Issues Mailing List
http://pw1.netcom.com/~kathye/rodeo.html - Cowboy Histories
http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/Lobby/2990/law.htm Crime photo's

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L&I Slater released from jail early

1998-03-14 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Actor Christian Slater was released from jail today after serving 59
days on battery and drug charges. Good behavior cut down his   
three-month sentence. 

"He was a model inmate," Lt. Carl Brubaker said. Slater left jail with
his attorney, who brought him a fresh change of clothes, and told about
30 people, including local college students gathered outside, that he
was excited to rejoin society. 

He was so elated he shouted to the crowd as he and his attorney drove
around the block several times before leaving. 

Slater began his sentence Jan. 14 in the suburban jail, where comforts
included television, a VCR and a telephone in the cell he shared with up
to three other inmates. He spent his time cleaning toilets, mopping
floors, preparing meals and washing police cars. 

He pleaded no contest to battery and drug charges for an incident last
August, when he binged on drugs and alcohol, beat his girlfriend during
a brawl and tossed a police officer down stairs. 

Slater still must serve three months in a drug treatment program and a
year in a treatment program for batterers. 
Kathy E
"I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
isn't looking too good for you either"
http://members.delphi.com/kathylaw/ Law & Issues Mailing List
http://pw1.netcom.com/~kathye/rodeo.html - Cowboy Histories
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Idiots and Snakes was Re: L&I Photo Gallery

1998-03-10 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi Sooz :)

Those are the type of people I consider idiots, you just don't forget
you have your snake crawling around the house especially if you have a

It most likely was a Python or Boa since they are Boids which means they
constrict to kill their prey. I question why their snake was that
hungry? Sounds like they didn't know how to take care of it. And it had
to be a pretty big snake, believe it or not a snake will not kill
anything it can't eat. IOW's if it's to big for it to swallow it will
leave it alone. Unless it's an accidental killing, that happened in
Houston where this idiot kid decided to ignore all the rules on feeding
a snake and he had the snake around his neck and had picked up a chicken
to feed the snake, you NEVER handle a snake after handling it's food, it
is going by smell and think's your the food then, you must wash your
hands. Well the snake smelled food and squeezed, the kid was found dead.
Okay I say kid he was 19.

What most people don't realize is snakes don't see like you and I, they
see through heat shields and testing the air with their tongues., red
and blue, red being a heat source which to them is prey and if they're
hungry they will attack what they see is red. 

Sooz wrote:
> Hello,
> A few years ago there was a case here in which a boa constrictor did in
> fact kill a baby in it's crib.  I don't remember details except that the
> baby was asleep in its crib, it was maybe a year (?) old and the parents
> found the snake wrapped around their baby in the crib.  If memory serves
> me right (?) I think that the snake had to be cut in order to get it to
> release the body.  I don't  recall if the snake had escaped from it's
> cage or what but I remember feeling so awful for that family.  Charges
> were brought against the parents, they were found guilty (I think) but
> did not serve any time because of their loss.
> Tragic.
> Sooz
Kathy E
"I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
isn't looking too good for you either"
http://members.delphi.com/kathylaw/ Law & Issues Mailing List
http://pw1.netcom.com/~kathye/rodeo.html - Cowboy Histories
http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/Lobby/2990/law.htm Crime photo's

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L&I Re: Mania

1998-03-10 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Well Mania likes to play games, she loves to climb trees, and of course
it's hard to get her down once she is in one since she wraps it, so
we'll let her just get to the tree then drag her away LOL, it's a little
game we all play :)

Yea I'm a softy for animals :) I hate seeing them hurt or mistreated.
But I am limited I would never own a "hot" snake (poisonous) I think
those people are crazy! LOL

Sue Hartigan wrote:
> Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Hi Kathy:
> What you just said kinda reminds me of our friend Hoss.Big man,
> even bigger heart.  :)
> But still, I certainly wouldn't want to get on the bad side or even be
> there on a "bad hair day" with Mania.  :)
> What do you do if she decides that she wants to do something and you
> don't want her to?  If it were me anything she wanted to do would be
> perfectly alright with me.
> Sue
Kathy E
"I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
isn't looking too good for you either"
http://members.delphi.com/kathylaw/ Law & Issues Mailing List
http://pw1.netcom.com/~kathye/rodeo.html - Cowboy Histories
http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/Lobby/2990/law.htm Crime photo's

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Re: L&I Juvenile Justice Resources

1998-03-14 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi Jackie :)

Glad I could be of some help :) Hmm your director is welcome to sign up
here (G).

Jackie Fellows wrote:
> Jackie Fellows <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Hi Kathy
> Thanks this will be useful for me.  I meet with the Law
> Enforcement/Corrections director on Monday and will give him the information
> also.  He doesn't have the benefit of being on the law list like I do.
> jackief
Kathy E
"I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
isn't looking too good for you either"
http://members.delphi.com/kathylaw/ Law & Issues Mailing List
http://pw1.netcom.com/~kathye/rodeo.html - Cowboy Histories
http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/Lobby/2990/law.htm Crime photo's

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Re: L&I Long weekend

1998-03-14 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi Doc :)

Enjoy yourself :) Also if your email bounces for more than one day I'll
set you to nomail until you return and can empty your mailbox. I do that
for anyone on the list that way I don't get a whole bunch of returned
emails or any complaints from Esosoft :)

DocCec wrote:
> DocCec <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Just to let folks know I'm going to be gone until Tuesday.  If messages start
> bouncing because of a full mailbox, don't fret.  I haven't died or anything --
> just gone to Philadelphia.
> Don't start any interesting wars without me.
> Doc
> Subscribe/Unsubscribe, email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Kathy E
"I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
isn't looking too good for you either"
http://members.delphi.com/kathylaw/ Law & Issues Mailing List
http://pw1.netcom.com/~kathye/rodeo.html - Cowboy Histories
http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/Lobby/2990/law.htm Crime photo's

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Shhhh don't tell was Re: L&I Message from Ed

1998-03-14 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi Bill :) I think that commercial is a riot! 

Here's a secret just don't tell Ed, I know I can trust y'all to keep my
secret (G). Ed's computer didn't REALLY crash, well NOT like he thought,
I sent him this message the subject being "ED READ do not do anything
else even breathe before you read this!" I figured that might get his
attention! LOL Then as soon as he opened up that little message Kaboom!
Bye bye computer LOL And we could all have some fun and he would be none
the wiser :) :)

The things I must do to satisfy everyone! (SEG)

William J. Foristal wrote:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (William J. Foristal) writes:
> Hi Kathy,
> ROTF...reminds me of the commercial where the boss calls in from the
> beach to say he's cut his vacation short and will be in the office in 10
> minutes.
> Bill
> On Fri, 13 Mar 1998 10:59:27 -0500 Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >Aww damn! The fun times are over, time to be good again.
> >
> >
> >Thanks Doc for the message :)
Kathy E
"I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
isn't looking too good for you either"
http://members.delphi.com/kathylaw/ Law & Issues Mailing List
http://pw1.netcom.com/~kathye/rodeo.html - Cowboy Histories
http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/Lobby/2990/law.htm Crime photo's

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Re: L&I Report: Windows 98 Will Be Released

1998-03-14 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi All :)

Sue your a dear but I agree you should NOT be a tester for computer
programs LOL.. Of course it could make things very interesting for you
:) :) 

Concerning Windows98 I have kind of looked at it, I know they were
accepting testers for it, I was tempted to try it, but I held back since
at the time there were a lot of glitches that hadn't been worked out
yet, and It's not a lot of fun trying to fix those. My understanding is
it is supposed to be better than win95 with some added features that
were not put on w95. The big question of course is have they or have
they not worked out the glitches? I myself plan on waiting until I see a
couple of reviews and talk to friends of mine who use it.

Testing new software for companies if you have the time can be fun
though plus they'll usually give you a free copy. I did that with one
program I use Cupic32, it's a great program I love and since I tested it
I got a free registered copy of it :)  And you really don't have to do
that much with the program, I happen to use this program a lot, since I
use it as a screen saver, I have over 350 photo's I have in it for my
screen saver. Yet when we tested it if it crashed or hung up all I had
to do was write up a report telling them exactly what I was doing and
the error I received. And they would check it out :) IMO it's not that
hard to do that :)

Sue Hartigan wrote:
> Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Hi Jackie:
> At least yours told you that you did something illegal.  Even if you
> don't know what it was.  Mine just slowly fades away to nothing.  :(
> There is no way I am going to put a new program on this thing.  At least
> with this one, even though it took me two years, I have figured out what
> to do when something goes wrong.  Well most of the time anyway.
> Sometimes.  :)
> Sue
> >
> > Hi Sue
> >
> > Join the crowd.  I was sitting here reading your message when I got the message
> > I had performed an illegal operation--jeez, reading is illegal now I
> > muttered--hadn't touched the keyboard.  So had to start all over again.  Will
> > Windows98 be worse or better I wonder.
Kathy E
"I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
isn't looking too good for you either"
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Re: L&I General Comments

1998-03-14 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

I guess it is a little confusing isn't it? (G)

I have unsubbed you from the digest and put you back on to the regular
list :)

Richard Soderstrom wrote:
> Richard Soderstrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I have been using the digest for the last week or so.  It is a little
> confusing.
> I understand that bill is tossing and turning all night long because he has
> a ball on his back!!!  If I was Bill I'd remove the ball and get some sleep.
> Jackie raises snakes in  a coffee shop!!  Seems like a strange place to
> raise snakes.  I get a few copper heads in the back yard  but I catch them
> with a stick and put them in the neighbors yard.  He's not home very much
> so they don't bother him.
> I can use juno free. But it is a long distance call and this diatribe would
> cost  $4.00 in long distance charges.
> Kathy has been sick from snakes but she is better now and is sending
> everybody Emails.!!!  Better than snakes I guess.  Its a good thing she is
> not my neighbor.  I haven't run across any copperheads so far this year I
> guess it is still too cold.
> Ed has been having trouble with windows 92???  . Ed you should really get a
> Mac. No Dos, no windows, no windows 98, and no Bill Gates , No programs
> also.
> Kathy If you get a chance could you tell me how I get undigested.  I had a
> post from you that got me here but I can't figure out how to get back.
> The dirty old Gandy Dancer
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Kathy E
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isn't looking too good for you either"
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Re: L&I Report: Windows 98 Will Be Released

1998-03-14 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi Jackie :)

All you need do is go to the companies, and test a couple of their Beta
programs, then write a report up to them and send it, eventually they'll
start contacting you and sending you the programs if you're interested
:) The main thing to remember is you have to detail exactly what you
were doing when an error happened and what the exact error was :)

Jackie Fellows wrote:
> Jackie Fellows <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Hi Kathy
> How do you go about doing that?  I'm a glutton for punishment I guess.  But they 
> have a good guinea pig.  If anyone can mess up a program, its ZiggyII here.
> jackief
Kathy E
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isn't looking too good for you either"
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The diaries was Re: L&I Computers/Admissions

1998-03-14 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi Jackie :)

The Civil trial allowed in the diaries, the criminal trial allowed in
letters from both Oj and Nicole.

Jackie Fellows wrote:
> Jackie Fellows <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Hi Kathy
> Can't remember--was that at both trials?  I know there was a lot of debate
> about it.  Oh getting old and forgetful can be a b### sometimes.
> jackief
Kathy E
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isn't looking too good for you either"
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Re: L&I Thanks Everyone

1998-03-14 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi all :) Just to drive a point home, Steve's email is the reason I ask
people to cut the postings when replying, in the UK they don't have
unlimited time on line like we do, they have to pay for it, thus when
people repost a long posting they are costing others money.

Steve Wright wrote:
> Thanks everyone, its been a absolute nightmare the past couple of days.  My
> ISP's connection to New York went down for a couple of days.  So I have no
> idea where the vast amount of my mail has gone.  If we were running l
Kathy E
"I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
isn't looking too good for you either"
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Re: L&I Computers/Admissions/Kathy

1998-03-14 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi Linda :)

They have been airing the MO trial here, yet when that verdict was
announced it was all over the news, so it's rather boring watching that

The reports I do a mixture :) As you have pointed out :) I try to keep
my comments to myself unless I find things in the report that should be
there, when doing the reports I don't like to show the way I feel and
prefer them to be unbiased but there are times one has to say something
that most don't know happened. Example in the Budzyn trial the one man
testified he saw Budzyn vomiting when he saw malice's body, no one else
reported that, another thing is Friday the jury passed a note to the
Judge asking to rehear the complete testimony of Budzyn, not just
portions of it which is normal. That tells me they are being fair in
evaluating the evidence. If they should convict him again, I may not
agree with their decision but at least I see they are taking this
seriously and that is all we can ask for any jury to consider all the
evidence and forget public opinion.

I did see that the girl was convicted for murder, as she should have
been IMHO from what I read of the case, if you want I can post the case
summary for the group, some on here do not have web access so they're a
bit in the dark about the case and what is being discussed. Just let me
know :)

Dr.L.D.Misek-Falkoff wrote:
> :) Hi Kathy - for some reason hereabouts, the case is airing now, but I
> can't watch all of it - will probably miss the last parts.  If you ever
> do hear of a verdict, or commentary on the computer file aspects, please
> post on it; I have been reading your posts this week on other cases and
> it is very valuable to have them. I have never known whether you are
> able to use digests or write them all, but I find them good reading (and
> now and then there is a Kathy note in the middle!). Thx for responding;
> I am not sure how to ever know if the computer files where he was
> writing about doing a murder will ever be discussed again, but it was
> very interesting. :) LDMF.
Kathy E
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L&I Montana Freemen Trial to begin Monday

1998-03-14 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Six Montana Freemen with attitudes head into court Monday for the first
trial resulting from the anti-government group's 1996 armed standoff
with the FBI.

The trial may last several weeks, but how long the defiant Freemen will
remain in the courtroom with a no-nonsense federal judge is anybody's

All six have refused court-appointed lawyers and will defend themselves.
They deny the American courts have any jurisdiction over them. They dump
documents on the courtroom floor, argue with judges and generally
express contempt. One has threatened a federal magistrate in court.

U.S. District Judge John C. Coughenour of Seattle, however, has laid the
groundwork to swiftly expel Freemen who cross the line.

He has appointed lawyers to act as standby counsel for each Freeman, so
the trial can continue if he banishes any defendant to a holding cell to
watch on a TV monitor. The standby counsel would step in to protect   
the interests of the absent defendant.

About two dozen Freemen have been jailed since June 13, 1996, when they
surrendered after an armed, 81-day standoff with FBI agents at their
isolated farm compound in the remote outback of eastern Montana's ``Big

Charges against various Freemen include wire and bank fraud and
threatening the life of a federal judge and other public officials.

The FBI says some 800 people from around the country visited the rural
stronghold for Freemen lessons in issuing the worthless liens and
``warrants'' the Freemen claim are legal tender. They also heard
lectures on what the Freemen claim as their legal principles, a mishmash
of odds and ends from the Bible, the Constitution, the Magna Carta and
the Uniform Commercial Code.

Appearances by Freemen supporters have faded from few to none in the 21
months since the standoff ended, but courthouse security will be tight.
Federal marshals have diverted city buses away from a transfer station
beside the federal building since March 2.

These six defendants are not the major figures of the standoff -- those
trials begin in late May -- but they include Edwin F. Clark, who emerged
as a leader late in  the standoff and helped bring it to a bloodless 

Clark is an original owner of the foreclosed farm where the Freemen
operated for two years and the only Montanan in this group. He also is
charged with attempted bank fraud for trying to deposit a $100 million
Freeman check in the Garfield County Bank at nearby Jordan and writing
checks on the account to pay real estate loans.

The other defendants are Steven C. Hance and his sons, John R. Hance and
James E. Hance, all of Charlotte, N.C.; Elwin Ward of Salt Lake City;
and Jon Barry Nelson, whose home is given simply as Kansas.

All six are charged with being accessories by aiding federal fugitives,
other Freemen in the stronghold, to avoid arrest during the 81-day

All three Hances are charged with being fugitives in  possession of
firearms -- assault rifles and pistols --  when they came to the Freeman
stronghold. They were charged in North Carolina in connection with an
assault on a police officer.

Steven Hance was removed from a hearing last June when he jabbed his
finger toward U.S. Magistrate Richard Anderson and said, ``You're going
down, son.''

Ward also is charged with trying to pay his federal taxes with a
worthless check for $282,634, twice what he owed, and asking for a
refund of the balance.

Two others charged as accessories in the same indictment, Casey Clark
and Stewart Waterhouse, pleaded guilty last September.

Top leaders in the Freeman organization are among 14 defendants
scheduled for trial here May 26. They include LeRoy M. Schweitzer of
Belgrade, Mont.; Daniel E. Petersen of Winnett, Mont.; and Rodney O.
Skurdal of Roundup, Mont.

The standoff at the remote Clark farm compound in eastern Montana began
March 25, 1996, when undercover FBI agents lured Schweitzer and Petersen
outside with a sting operation. For the next 81 days more than 100 FBI
agents at a time, augmented by Montana Highway Patrol officers, ringed
the compound.

The General Accounting Office estimated the total cost at $7.5 million,
but said $3.7 million would have been spent anyway for such expenses as
salaries and benefits.
Kathy E
"I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
isn't looking too good for you either"
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L&I Lesson learned: Some jokes aren't funny

1998-03-15 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

A Pinellas County, Fla., jury has acquitted a man who was charged with
plotting to murder the Rev. Henry Lyons, the embattled president of the
National Baptist Convention USA. 

Fifty-two-year-old Dale Hutchins had been accused of offering an  
acquaintance $1,100 to kill the controversial Lyons, who last week was 
charged with racketeering and grand theft for his alleged mishandling of 
convention funds. 

Prosecutors said that on August 12, Hutchins walked into a St.  
Petersburg doughnut shop where both he and Arthur Siemers were regular 
customers, slapped a wad of cash down on a counter in front of Siemers 
and told him he could earn the money by killing Lyons. 

Siemers, a 59-year-old piano teacher, told police of the incident, and
Hutchins was charged with solicitation to commit murder. 

But Hutchins told investigators he had merely been kidding with  
Siemers, who was the frequent butt of his jokes. 

Hutchins told St. Petersburg police detectives, ``Everybody had a  
little chuckle about it and it was over. He said his only intent was 
''to upset Arthur.`` 

Jurors apparently believed Hutchins did not intend to arrange Lyons'  
death. After the verdict was announced, juror Joseph Alexander told 
reporters, ``I think it was a bad, stupid joke.'' 

Assistant Public Defender David Parry had told the jury that the  
prosecution pursued the case against Hutchins so as to appear even- 
handed in its dealings with Lyons -- a suggestion one prosecutor called 

When Circuit Judge Douglas Baird told him he was free to leave,
Hutchins, who had faced up to nine years in prison if convicted, turned 
to prosecutors and said, ``No hard feelings.'' 
Kathy E
"I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
isn't looking too good for you either"
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L&I Here is the definition of sex Mr. President

1998-03-15 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

I thought this was hilarious!

Lawyers for Paula Jones took the precaution of presenting President
Clinton with an explicit written definition of ``sexual relations''
before questioning him under oath on Jan. 17, according to court papers
released Friday. 
Jones alleges that Clinton exposed himself to her and asked for oral sex
in a Little Rock hotel in May 1991 when he was Arkansas governor and she
was a low-level state employee, an allegation Clinton has denied. 

Jones' lawyers asked Clinton in the January sworn statement if he had
had sexual relations with a number of women. He denied having done so
with all except Gennifer Flowers, a former cabaret singer with whom
Clinton said he had sex once in 1977. 

The meaning of ``sexual relations'' is important because of speculation
that Clinton would try to use a narrow definition to try to avoid
admitting any impropriety. 

Here is the text of the definition as it was presented to the president
on Jan. 17: 

``For the purposes of this deposition, a person engages in sexual
relations when the person knowingly engages in or causes: 

-- contact with the genitalia, anus, groin, breast, inner thigh, or
buttocks of any person with an intent to arouse or gratify the sexual
desire of any person; 

-- contact between any part of the person's body or an object and the
genitals or anus of another person; or 

-- contact between the genitals or anus of the person and any part of
another person's body. 
-- Contact means intentional touching, either directly or through
Kathy E
"I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
isn't looking too good for you either"
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L&I This man REALLY has women problems

1998-03-15 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

An Iranian man has been in and out of prison for the past year, sued
alternately by his three wives, a secret former spouse and several other
people he cheated, a newspaper reported Thursday. 

A year ago, Saeed's three wives sued him after learning they had  
a common husband, the daily Iran said. 

But in front of the court they started fighting "tooth and nail," and
when their husband tried to intervene, they "beat him unconscious." 

In an about turn, Saeed, a real estate broker, became the plaintiff and
filed a suit against his wives, forcing them to pay compensation. 

But as he stepped out of the court, he was confronted by several people
who were suing him for cheating them out of their money by selling them
the same house, a fraud which cost him a three-year jail sentence and 74
lashes of the whip. 

Last week, Saeed was released on parole but, as he was preparing to
leave the prison with his three wives waiting outside to greet him, a
guard informed him that he had to return to his cell because of a new
suit filed against him, by a former wife. 

Akram, 34, was suing because a check from her former husband had
bounced. Saeed had given her the check for seven million rials (around
1,500 dollars) as a backup to his marriage vow, which is customary in

But she charged that her former husband had "cheated me out of my money
then left me without any news." 

"This man is a wolf in the guise of a sheep. He doesn't deserve any
pity," she told the judge, adding that she got a divorce in absentia
after two years. 

The court sent Saeed back to prison.  
Kathy E
"I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
isn't looking too good for you either"
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L&I It's about time!

1998-03-15 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

The House is considering stricter regulation of the nation's bounty

A bill before the House Judiciary Committee calls for bounty hunters  
to undergo background checks, carry liability insurance, and announce 
themselves before bursting into a home. 

Committee members today praised the profession for catching as many
as 88 percent of the bail jumpers they pursue -- compared to the 10 
percent recovery rate of conventional law enforcement. But Rep. Robert 
Toricelli, D-N.J., who sponsored the bill, said abuses by ``overzealous 
or even criminal bounty hunters...have become far too common.'' 

Rep. Asa Hutchinson, D-Ark., compiled a litany of 27 recent bounty
hunter abuses. In one case, a New York woman was abducted from her front 
porch and brought handcuffed to Alabama, where the sheriff confirmed 
what she and the New York police had already said -- the bounty hunters 
had the wrong person. 

In another instance, armed bounty hunters broke into the hotel room
of a vacationing Rhode Island family in Flordia and held a gun to the 
mother's head, until they realized she was not the convicted prostitute 
they were looking for. 

Other cases included a pregnant woman beaten until she miscarried, a  
bystander shot in the chest, and fugitives transported in car trunks or 
tied to the roofs. 
The bill would ask a national bail enforcement agency to run quick
background checks to ensure that convicted felons are not working as 
bounty hunters. It also directs the attorney general to set out uniform 
bail bond guidelines for states, particularly a requirement that bounty 
hunters must ``knock and announce'' before entering a home. 

And the bill would hold bail bond companies liable for the excesses
of the bounty hunters they hire. 
Kathy E
"I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
isn't looking too good for you either"
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Re: L&I Report: Windows 98 Will Be Released

1998-03-15 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

LOL True that thought entered my mind also, wondering how many HELP
messages I would get LOL But your learning :) :) And that is what counts
:) :) I guess writing up some HTML is out of the question for now Huh?
LOL Thinking of that I have to change my home page :) Yesterday was
Ashley's b-day she turned eight, amazing how fast time flies by...

Sue Hartigan wrote:
> Hi Kathy:
> I am really LMAO with this one. 
> Make life interesting for me !!!  Wouldn't it be your life that would be
> made interesting, with all the HELP KATHY subject lines.  
> Hey everyone, I am being very serious about that!  Kathy spent a year
> telling me how to make an address book and how to use it, only to go to
> a server!  Now you all tell me is that fair?  I now know how to use an
> address book, and don't have any reason to use it.  But I do have one
> now.  :)  And I know how to use it. :)  Never mind downloading a program
> or a picture. :)  I just save them.
> I was on the CTV list for months talking in private to everyone, before
> Bill informed me that if you hit the send all you could talk to everyone
> at once.  I haven't shut up since.  
> Want to put Bill Gates out of business?  Put me in his class.  Microsoft
> will never be the same.  
Kathy E
"I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
isn't looking too good for you either"
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Re: L&I Report: Windows 98 Will Be Released

1998-03-15 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hey Jackie :) Your not Alone a LOT of people can't program their VCR's,
Scott has never been able to do it, I always have to do it for him LOL
yet I couldn't hook up a VCR to a tv if my life depended on it. So far
you and Sue have asked for help in what I consider pretty basic area's
and I don't mind helping, I figure if the situation was reversed others
would do the same :)

Jackie Fellows wrote:
> Jackie Fellows <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Oh Sue
> A "true sister," one I never have had.  If it says user friendly I can find
> out where it is not without even trying.  I am not known as the "nemesis" to
> the computer services people at all the schools I have been at for 
Kathy E
"I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
isn't looking too good for you either"
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Re: L&I There won't be camera's in his courtroom. :)

1998-03-15 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

So when is Justice Souter going to tell us how he really feels (VBG)

Sue Hartigan wrote:
> No matter how the question is asked, Supreme Court Justice David H.
> Souter has the same answer on whether television cameras will be allowed
> into the nation's highest court:  Forget it.
Kathy E
"I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
isn't looking too good for you either"
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L&I Graham: Update (Second cadet)

1998-03-15 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

I expect this motion to be denied, it's normal to try to have a
confession thrown out, but in this case David typed up his own
confession for the police and it was not coerced from what I have seen.

Lawyers for an ex-Air Force academy cadet are hoping to get his murder
confession thrown out on grounds it was acquired through illegal threats
and promises. 

Motions filed by lawyers for David Graham say police told him he would
face the death penalty if he did not own up to the 1995 slaying of 
Adrianne Jones and probation if he confessed. 

Attorneys for Graham have filed more than a dozen motions in the
past week. The motions say officers discouraged Graham's request for an 
attorney, saying, ``If you get a lawyer involved, all bets are off and 
we'll seek the death penalty.'' 

Graham and Zamora, both 20, were accused of killing the 16-year-old
Jones in December 1995 after Graham admitted a one-time sexual encounter 
with Jones. 

At her trial, Zamora told the court it was Graham's idea to murder
Jones to prove the purity of his devotion to Zamora. 

Zamora received a life sentence for capital murder.  

Graham is suspected of killing Jones with two gunshots to the face
after Zamora clubbed her over the head with a metal bar. 

In his Sept. 1996 confession, Graham wrote: ``When this precious  
relationship we had was damaged by my thoughtless actions, the only 
thing that could satisfy her womanly vengeance was the life of the one 
that had, for an instance (sic), taken her place.'' 
Kathy E
"I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
isn't looking too good for you either"
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L&I News from all over

1998-03-15 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:


* Social Security Administration investigators revealed in January
that they had uncovered massive fraud involving members of a
single extended Georgia family.  300 relatives over four
generations were on the rolls, including 181 collecting from the
Supplemental Security Income program for people unable to work
because of disability, with a large number claiming some form of
mental impairment, many through the recommendations of a single
local doctor.  So far, 90 of the original claims have been found to
be fraudulent, but in the course of the investigation, more relatives
turned up, running the number under suspicion up to around 500. 

* Slam-Dunkers at Risk:  Peter Martin Vella, 18, filed a lawsuit
against the city of Milford, Conn., in December, claiming that he
ripped his nose open during a city playground basketball game.  He
said his nostril caught on a protruding hook (on which the net
hangs) on the basket rim.  And a 20-year-old man was killed in
Melbourne, Australia, in January when the brick wall of a garage
collapsed; the wall had a basketball backboard attached, and the
man had held onto the rim after a slam-dunk, bringing the
backboard and the wall down on top of him. 

* In January, the executor of the estate of the late Larry Lee
Hillblom agreed to pay out at least $90 million each to four Pacific
Islands teenagers whose DNA showed Hillblom was their father. 
Hillblom, who founded the DHL international courier firm and
died in a 1995 plane crash, was described by one lawyer in the case
as a pedophile who obsessively pursued teenage virgin bargirls in
the Philippines and the Micronesian islands.  At least one of the
children will see quite an income bump this year, from the $125 a
month he and his grandmother now earn in Palau. 


* The Washington Post reported in November on the unusual cat
obsession of Kristin Kierig in Fairfax County, Va., unusual
because the 114 cats that live with her are well-fed, and her
townhouse is clean and orderly.  More typical stories were of foul-
smelling houses in Oshawa, Ontario, in August (120 cats),
Edmonton, Alberta, in September (59 cats), and Piedmont, Calif.,
in October (150 cats, most of them diseased, plus another 250 dead
cats in the freezer).  Said Piedmont police Capt. Fred Gouveia,
"One litter box and 150 cats.  You have a problem."

* In October, the Kentucky Department of Public Advocacy, which
provides defense attorneys on capital punishment cases, briefly
suspended lawyer Timothy T. Riddell and a colleague for an inept
last-minute appeal in June to spare the life of convicted killer
Harold McQueen Jr.  Riddell had been lightly punished for another
indiscretion the year before, having acknowledged in a child-
custody case that he several times had recorded his own solo
sexual activity over state-owned videotapes that contain official-
record sessions of capital punishment trials.  According to
newspaper reports, the tapes show Riddell dressed in women's
underwear and engaging in, among other things, various activities
with his own urine. 

* Latest Indoor Landfill:  In November, a 27-year-old woman in
Swansea, Mass., was so distraught when she took a peek at the
inside of her stepmother's home that she called 911.  In most
rooms, garbage was piled to the ceiling, and some rooms couldn't
be entered because of trash blocking the doors.  Apparently, the
stepmother and her two sons lived in the house uneventfully,
although the boys told police that they didn't like it that the house
had been so dirty for a couple of years now.  The stepmother was
said to have become distraught when some relatives died. 

* Speaking to an audience at the Folger Shakespeare Library in
Washington, D. C., in October, novelist Kathryn Harrison (who
previously had written about her four-year affair with her father)
read a letter she had written to her dead grandmother, in which she
confessed to sticking her finger into the woman's cremated ashes
and licking it off, then doing the same thing with her whole hand. 
According to the New York Post, "The crowd responded with
polite applause." 

* In October, librarians at several Ohio colleges reported that
hundreds of their books had been vandalized by someone's clipping
photographs from them, all of young boys.  Targets included
children's books, fine arts books, and health and medical books,
and pictures of Anglo, Middle Eastern, and Asian boys were taken. 
The vandal or vandals are still at large. 

* The Weirdo-German Community:  In a November letter to the
New England Journal of Medicine, three physicians describe the
case of a German female hospital-lab technician, age 45, who was
treated for 13 episodes of malaria during 1994-1996.  Because of
the frequency and the fact that the underlying parasite genotypes
were different in several of the attacks, the physicians quizzed

L&I US settles with Whitehurst

1998-03-15 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Some of you may remember him from the OJ trials.

The U.S. government said Wednesday it would pay whistleblower Frederic
Whitehurst $300,000 in exchange for his dropping his lawsuits against
the Justice Department under the Privacy Act. 

Whitehurst's attorney Stephen Kohn told Reuters the Justice Department
would also provide Whitehurst, who alerted the public about shoddy work
at the FBI crime lab, with some 200,000 pages of documents on 5,000
state and federal criminal cases handled by the lab. 

The FBI reached a separate settlement with Whitehurst in February that
included payment of $1.16 million to cover the income he would have
earned if he had kept working at the lab. 

In a statement about that settlement, the FBI acknowledged the
significant role Whitehurst played in identifying problems at the crime
lab, actions that led to ``vast improvements in its policies and

Wednesday's settlement, which included attorneys' fees and damages,
represented the highest amount ever awarded under the 1975 Privacy Act,
a law that bars disclosure of confidential information without a
person's consent, Kohn said. 

Under the settlement, the government did not admit liability on any of
Whitehurst's claims. 

But Kohn said the government's agreement to settle the case showed that
``they knew they were wrong. They were desperate to stop Whitehurst and
resorted to the circulation of either confidential personnel information
or false information, and now they're paying for it,'' he said. 

Whitehurst had sued the government for allegedly releasing confidential
data from his personnel records, and false information, in its attempt
to discredit him after he started calling attention to wrongdoing and
negligence at the lab. 

Whitehurst had complained about the alteration of reports, false
testimony, inadequate attention to proper scientific procedures and
other other problems at the lab. 

His charges led Justice Department Inspector General Michael Bromwich to
criticize the lab in a 500-page study released last April. 

Bromwich said shoddy work at the lab resulted in flawed testimony
presented at the World Trade Center bombing trials in New York and the
Oklahoma City bombing cases in Denver. 

Under Wednesday's settlement, the government agreed to post on the
Internet Whitehurst's response to that report, which examined some 20
cases handled by the crime lab, and to flag Whitehurst's response in
printed versions of the report. 

``There is no doubt this has major national impact on the entire
criminal justice system,'' Kohn said, noting the expedited release of
new documents could lead to convictions being overturned in some cases. 

``The nation's premier crime lab had systemic problems and now the
government is acknowledging those problems and turning over the
records,'' Kohn said. ``They're setting up a procedure so there can be
final accountability.'' 

The government will turn over 15,000 documents a month to the Forensic
Justice Project that Whitehurst will head at the National Whistleblower
Center in Washington. 

Kohn, who heads the National Whistleblower Center, said the group would
review the records and inform the Justice Department if problems were
found in the way the cases were handled by the lab. 
Kathy E
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isn't looking too good for you either"
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L&I Williams case finally goes to trial

1998-03-15 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

This is the case we followed when it broke, it has finally gone to
A family member testifying at the murder trial of Jacqueline Williams
says the 31-year-old Schaumburg, Ill., woman called family members to
boast she had just given birth, hours after Debra Evans was killed and
Evans' unborn son was cut from her womb. 

Williams and two men are accused of killing Evans and two of her
children in 1995 because Williams wanted Evans' unborn child. 
Prosecutors contend Williams pretended for months to be pregnant to hide 
the scheme to kill Evans and steal Evans' unborn child. 

They allege Williams, unable to become pregnant, planned the attack
because she desperately wanted a light-skinned baby for boyfriend, with 
whom she could not conceive. Williams and Caffey are black. Evans was 
white, but the baby's father, Lavern Ward, is black. 
Caffey and Ward also face murder charges. They will be tried separately. 

Williams's sister Tina Martin was one of two prosecution witnesses to  
testify Thursday that Williams had lied about being pregnant. 

Martin testified that Williams, a mother of three, told her in April  
1995 that she was pregnant but kept changing the due date from August to 
October and then November. 

Finally, on Nov. 17., Martin received a call from Williams saying she  
had just had her baby. 

Evans was found dead in her Addison, Ill., apartment early that  
morning. She had been shot in the head and a had large incision in 

Evans' 10-year-old daughter, Samantha, was stabbed seven times in
the neck. Seven-year-old Joshua was taken from the apartment by the 
attackers and stabbed to death hours later, authorities allege, because 
he talked about the crime and identified the attackers to another

In opening statements Wednesday, defense lawyers blamed the
killings on Ward and Caffey. 
Kathy E
"I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
isn't looking too good for you either"
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L&I Update: Teen killers

1998-03-15 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

The maximum sentences have been handed down in the case of six Kentucky
teen-agers who admit they killed three members of a Tennessee family
just to steal their van. In proceedings that took more than an hour,
Judge James Beckner addressed each defendant seperately. Killed were
Vidar and Delphina Lillelid and their six-year-old daughter Tabitha. He
sentenced each to serve life in prison without the possibility of
parole. In addition, he sentenced each to an additional 25 year sentence
for the attempted murder of the couple's two year old son, who surived
the massacre. The six agreed to plead guilty in return for a promise
they would not be sentenced to death. 
Kathy E
"I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
isn't looking too good for you either"
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L&I Jonbenet: Public pressure on

1998-03-15 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

An announcement by Boulder police that they want a grand jury
investigation in the JonBenet Ramsey murder case shows how important
public perception of this highly publicized case has become.

On Thursday, Boulder, Colo. police formally asked District Attorney Alex
Hunter to convene a grand jury, saying it was needed to assemble more

That the request would be made public was unusual. ``It was designed to
put increased public pressure on Alex Hunter,'' Denver trial attorney
and legal analyst Scott Robinson said. 

`If this was done behind closed doors it would be just another step in
the procedure,'' Robinson added. 

Instead it was done publicly, putting the 14 month-old  
murder case back in the headlines. 

It is no secret that the police and prosecutors have not seen eye to eye
on this case since the body of the beauty pageant winner was found in
her Boulder home on Dec. 26, 1996. She was strangled and suffered a
terrible gash on her head. The murder of the pretty, blue-eyed blond who
seemed headed for a charmed life has captured worldwide attention. 

``It shows you that the parties in this case are as interested in public
relations as they are in anything else in this case,'' said Craig
Silverman, a defense attorney and a former prosecutor in Denver. 

A decision on whether to take the case before a grand jury  
would be made by the district attorney. 

Interestingly enough only a few days before the police announcement,
Hunter said he was looking more seriously at the prospect of convening a
grand jury. 

A grand jury can compel witnesses to appear, although they cannot be
forced to testify. In a grand jury proceeding, which is secret,
participants can vote to have someone put on trial. 

The big question is whether the child's wealthy parents John and
Patricia Ramsey and her 11-year-old brother Burke would appear at the
grand jury. 

Although no arrests have been made and no suspects named police have
said the parents remain under an ``umbrella of suspicion.'' The Ramseys
who now live in the Atlanta area have strongly denied any connection to
their daughter's murder and have criticized police for not solving the
But the Ramseys have always spoken affectionately about the people of
Boulder whom they say have supported them during their terrible
suffering. Trying to avoid an appearance before a grand jury of Boulder
citizens would look strange, Silverman said. 

''The Ramseys are in a tough spot.'' 

Attorneys for the Ramseys did not return phone Another interesting angle
is that in child abuse cases in Colorado the spousal privilege claim
does not exist. The privilege allows people not to have to testify
against a husband or wife in a criminal case. 

Both Silverman and Robinson said the Ramseys attorneys would surely tell
their clients not to testify and instead invoke their fifth amendment
privilege against self-incrimination. 

Mny people, including innocent ones, invoke the fifth amendment, the
attorneys noted. However, such a prospect would put the Ramseys in a
terrible light, given that the grand jury would be trying to determine
who should go on trial for the murder of the couple's daughter. 

But even if an indictment were handed down it would not be a  
certainty that a trial would be held, despite the public outrage 
that would follow. ``The nightmare scenario for Alex Hunter Hunter would
be if a grand jury handed down an indictment and the evidence was
somewhere between probable cause and proof beyond a reasonable doubt,''
Silverman said. 
Kathy E
"I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
isn't looking too good for you either"
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L&I Au Pair: Update

1998-03-15 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Prosecutors in the Louise Woodward case filed final court briefs
Thursday, arguing for the reinstatement of a murder verdict for the
British au pair found guilty in the death of a baby. 

In a separate action, the police chief of Marblehead, Mass. rejected
Woodward's request to help at the seaside town's animal shelter.
Woodward, who has been staying at her lawyer's home in the posh
community, had volunteered to work at the shelter. 

But shelter volunteers require the approval of the local police chief.
He rejected her bid saying that ``such approval would not be in the best
interests of the Marblehead Police Department.'' 

The prosecutors' filing followed a decision by Massachusetts' highest
court to grant a rarely allowed motion to let lawyers in the case file
what are known as ``post-argument'' briefs. The court is expected to
hand down its decision in the next two to four months. 

The Supreme Judicial Court's decision to allow such arguments was the
latest in a series of unusual events that have been a feature of this
case, which has gained worldwide attention. 

A jury in October convicted Woodward, 20, of Elton, England, of
second-degree murder in the death of 8-month old Matthew Eappen. The
baby died of severe head injuries in February 1997. 

But trial Judge Hiller Zobel invoked a rarely used rule to set aside the
jury's verdict. He found Woodward guilty of manslaughter and sentenced
her to time served -- 279 days. 

Prosecutors argued before the Supreme Judicial Court Monday that Zobel
abused his authority under the rule that gives him wide discretion. They
are seeking to have the jury's verdict reinstated and to return Woodward
to prison.The au pair's lawyers, in their post-argument papers, 
submitted material supporting previous arguments that medical evidence
provided incontrovertible proof that baby Matthew's fatal injuries could
not have been inflicted when the prosecution said they were. 
Massachusetts court officials said the seven justices were thinking
about issuing their decision over the Internet. Judge Zobel tried to
make his controversial decision only on the Internet, but a power
failure short-circuited what would have been a legal first. 

``The Supreme Court is just thinking about it,'' a  spokeswoman for the
high bench said. ``No decision has been made on that yet.'' 
Kathy E
"I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
isn't looking too good for you either"
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Re: L&I Verdicts & Decisions/Sue

1998-03-15 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

HI Linda and Sue :)

Yes there is an easy way :) Well the way I use :) First if it's a trial
on CTV they post the decision, if it's a trial in TX I go to the AG
page, they list all the verdicts there. Each state has a page where you
can look up a case to find out the status and such. Here are a couple of
bookmarks you might find handy:


Matterfact it would probably be a lot easier if I sent you my bookmarks,
I have a lot of listings under Justice and crime for looking up cases,
let me know if you would like me to send them to you :)

Sue Hartigan wrote:
> Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Hi Dr. L:
> To be honest I don't know.  Kathy would probably be able to give a
> better way of doing it.  I just scan everything until I find what I
> want.
> Sue
> The Supreme Court site is easiest because everything is labeled.
> >
> > Hi Sue: I have a question which regards a distinction between Decisions
> > (Opinions, Judgments, Slip Opinions, Memoranda of Law etc.) and trial
> > verdicts. Is there a general clue as to how to look for Trial verdicts,
> > where its all happening in the trial court? :) LDMF.
Kathy E
"I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
isn't looking too good for you either"
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L&I I'm bewildered! I'm Shocked! In reality I'm fed up with the BS

1998-03-16 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

After watching 60 minutes tonight and thinking back on the official word
from the WH concerning these allegations launched against the Prez, all
I can say with 100% certainity is we have the most bewildered and
shocked president in the History or this country! During tonights
interview I counted Bewildered and shocked being used at least eight
times each concerning the reacton from the president! 

So now we can say we had Reagan in the 80's running up our debt, and we
had Clinton running up our confusion with all his shocked and bewildered

Me? I'm personally fed up with the same old statements no matter what
the allegation. And I did watch that interview closely, all I can say is
Mr. Prez Kathleen Willey was VERY believable and your PR person wasn't,
and for the first time I do think Mr. Prez is in trouble if the
statements made on 60 minutes are true, especially about perjury and the
Prez denying her allegations in his depo.
Kathy E
"I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
isn't looking too good for you either"
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Re: L&I American Radio Shows - Request for information

1998-03-16 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi Alex :)

I can help you with the country music one :) I listen to 100.5FM here in
Virginia, WCMS :) It's a pretty good station I even link to them on the
web :) 

Alex Butler wrote:
> "Alex Butler" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I am considering the purchase of a high end World Receiver, the kind that
> lets you receive radio broadcasts from "half-way round the globe"
> Can anyone suggest some good U.S.A radio stations (and their wave bands)
> that I may be interested in. I would want to check that I can receive
> selected stations before I spend my hard-earned money 
> My main interests include:-
> American legal affairs/current issues
> Talk Shows
> Country & Western music
> I guess I need to know the short waveband details (unless anyone knows
> different)
> Thanks
> Alex Butler
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Kathy E
"I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
isn't looking too good for you either"
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Re: L&I Verdicts & Decisions/Kathy

1998-03-16 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Okay I'm sending you my bookmarks in private email :) The only thing I
ask is you delete all of them under the title of Account and Mailing
Lists, the ones you'll be interested in are under:

Serial Killers (maybe)

If others would like them just let me know and I'll send them to you :)
matterfact I'm going to play with these and see if I can't make up a
separate book mark file to send out to those who want it first :) That
way none of the stuff you don't want is included :)

Dr.L.D.Misek-Falkoff wrote:
> "Dr.L.D.Misek-Falkoff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> :) Kathy, what a great offer, yes please do send the bookmarks!
> Meanwhile I am going off to try the ones you have sent in your post;
> thanks a lot!
> -------Kathy E wrote:-
Kathy E
"I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
isn't looking too good for you either"
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L&I Bray - Ayers: Murdered Mom trial - summary and verdict

1998-03-16 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Amber Bray, 20, and her boyfriend, Jeffrey Ayers, 23, were charged with
murder and conspiracy to commit murder in the beating and stabbing death
of Bray's mother in January 1996. Bray and her mother, Dixie Hollier,
had a strained relationship, and prosecutors claimed that Bray coerced
Ayers into killing her mother with promises of marriage and his share of
an inheritance worth $300,000. In addition, prosecutors said Bray told
Ayers that she would kill herself if he did not kill her mother. 

In a videotaped confession, Ayers admitted to his role in the murder and
insisted that although Bray knew about his intentions, he alone planned
the crime. During his confession, Ayers said that he decided to kill
Hollier when Bray threatened to kill herself because her mother
allegedly abused her so much. (At one point, Ayers even breaks down and
begs police to let him take the blame for the murder and spare Bray.)
Ayers's attorneys argued that Bray manipulated his love for her and
forced him into the slaying. 

On the other hand, Bray contended that Ayers decided to kill Hollier
entirely on his own. Bray's defense claimed that she is only guilty of
associating with Ayers. 

  Deterioration of a Mother-Daughter Relationship

The victim, Dixie Hollier, was a divorced single mother who was a
manager of special projects at Warner Brothers and was involved in
management of the Red Hot Chili Peppers. She lived with her two teen-age
daughters and five-year-old son in a modest duplex in Burbank. 

According to Bray's younger sister, Bray and Hollier fought about issues
such as curfews and household chores. Their relationship became
increasingly strained in the fall of 1995, when Bray began cutting
school often and was transferred to Monterey Continuation High School, a
school geared towards students with academic or attendance problems.
Sometimes the arguments between Bray and her mother escalated into
shoving matches, as they fought over Bray's schoolwork and the crowd
with which she associated. 

Around this time, Bray also started dating Jeffrey Ayers, a high school
dropout who lived with his mother and was an avid "Dungeons and Dragons"
fan. Ayers soon became Bray's confidant, especially after numerous
fights with her mother. Eventually, Ayers became convinced that Hollier
was abusing Bray and became concerned for her mental well-being.
According to friends of both defendants, Bray and Ayers began making
plans to marry and live together. 

   The Murder

On January 16, 1996, Ayers entered Bray's house just before 5 am. Police
suspected that Bray met him at the door and let him in. Ayers then
entered Hollier's room and fired five shots at her. Two bullets hit
Hollier, grazing her forehead and shattering her upper right arm. When
Hollier started yelling for help, Ayers began to beat her in the head
with the butt of the gun. Then Ayers went into the kitchen, grabbed
three knives, and stabbed Hollier 24 times. 

Awakened by the gunfire, Bray's younger sister ran out of her room to
find Ayers attacking her mother. She tried to call police, but Bray
pulled out the phone cord. The younger sister put the plug back in, but
Bray then allegedly pulled the phone out of the wall and ordered her to
look after her younger brother. As the attack continued, Bray barricaded
herself and her siblings in the back bedroom. 

A neighbor heard the gunfire and called police. When they arrived, they
saw Ayers through a window straddling Hollier and continuing to stab
her. With Hollier's blood covering his hands and clothes, Ayers
surrendered without resistance to police. He confessed on video three
hours later. Police began to suspect Bray after her sister told them
that she had pulled out the phone cord when she tried to call the police
during the attack. The authorities also found various letters between
Bray and Ayers in Bray's bedroom that outlined their plan to kill

"Someday in November"

In one of the letters between Ayers and Bray, dated "Someday in
November," Bray suggested that she and Ayers arrange to have her sister
and mother killed while they take her younger brother out to a movie. "I
come home and discover them, call the police...and it goes on record as
another unsolved homicide," she writes. In that letter, Bray also
discusses how she and Ayers would spend her inheritance from her mother.
Ayers responded to the letter by writing, "Your mother and sister will
trouble you no more." 

Bray and Ayers were tried together in front of two different juries.
(Ayers's confession was not shown to Bray's jury.) Prosecutors attached
two special circumstances to the defendants' indictments or first-degree
murder and conspiracy to commit murder: (1) the murder was intentional
and carried out for financial gain (

L&I OT: Rodeo - Jerome Davis

1998-03-16 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi all sorry for the off topic post, but some on here would have me send
them the results and such, one person y'all may recognize is Jerome
Davis, he earned the title of world Champion Bull rider last year, and
he's a all around good guy from North Carolina.

This past weekend he was riding "Knock 'em down John" a bull I have seen
perform myself, one we call an eliminator, he's one of the largest bulls
we have in the rodeo circuit right now, and he's pretty hard to ride, he
weighs over 2,000lbs. Unfortunately about 5 seconds into the ride Jerome
was in the wrong position and he butted heads with John, and his horn
also broke Jeromes jaw, he was then tossed into the arena, they got john
out of there right away so he couldn't hurt Jerome anymore, Jerome was
airlifted to the hospital and is in guarded condition now, the doctors
aren't sure if he'll live or not, he is paralyzed in the lower
extremities so far, and he has crushed his spinal cord in his neck, they
performed surgery on Sunday to relive the pressure off of the spine.

The good news is Jerome is awake. Yet he's still in guarded condition,
I'll let you know what happens in the near future. 

For any who would like to send Jerome a message a page has been set up
where all the messages will be delivered to him at the hospital.

Kathy E
"I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
isn't looking too good for you either"
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L&I List limits

1998-03-16 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi All :)

Just FYI if your sending a file to the list watch how large the file is,
if it's longer than 27k it will not go to the list, it will bounce to my
email, because the file is to large for the list. I suggest if you are
only sending that for one person you send it in private email instead.
If a group of people would like it you'll have to send it in parts to
the list. 

I will usually repost the bounced messages but the last couple I
received had all been transferred into numeric numbers so it made it
impossible for me to split up the file and post it for the person
forwarding it.
Kathy E
"I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
isn't looking too good for you either"
http://members.delphi.com/kathylaw/ Law & Issues Mailing List
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L&I Freemen: Trial update

1998-03-16 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Four anti-government Freemen arrested after an 81-day standoff with the
FBI were ejected from a courtroom today as they cursed the judge and a
prosecutor on the first day of their criminal trial.

Federal marshals had to drag three of the defendants in and out of the
courtroom because they refused to walk and pushed the fourth in a
wheelchair. Two defendants were allowed to remain at the defense table.

The six are among two dozen people charged in connection with the
Freemen's two-year operation from their isolated farm compound in a
remote area of eastern Montana.

The FBI says some 800 people from around the country took lessons at the
rural stronghold on issuing the worthless liens and ``warrants'' the
Freemen claim are legal tender. People also heard lectures on what the 
Freemen claim as their legal principles, a hodgepodge of odds and ends
from the Bible, the Constitution, the Magna Carta and the Uniform
Commercial Code.

Members of the group deny that U.S. courts have any jurisdiction over

Today's fireworks began even before prospective jurors  were brought
into the courtroom.

Federal marshals said the Freemen refused to change out of their jail
coveralls or to leave their cells. Marshals forcibly changed their

As marshals dragged Steven C. Hance, 48, across the  courtroom, he
shouted insults at the judge and prosecutors.

U.S. District Judge John C. Coughenour ordered Hance and his son James
E. Hance, 25, along with Jon Barry Nelson, 42, taken to a holding cell
to watch the proceedings on closed-circuit television.

James Hance joined in the outburst, saying he was placing the judge
under arrest. He jeered at U.S. Attorney Sherry Scheel Matteucci,
calling her an obscene name that is derogatory toward women.

John R. Hance, 21, another son of Steven Hance, was taken into court by
wheelchair. He was ejected from court later when he ripped up his name

Only two defendants -- Edwin F. Clark, 47, the original owner of the
farm that became the Freemen compound, and Elwin Ward, 57, of Salt Lake
City -- walked into the courtroom without disruption and were allowed to

The Hances are all from Charlotte, N.C. Nelson has been identified only
as being from Kansas.

All six are charged with being accessories by aiding federal fugitives,
other Freemen in the stronghold, to avoid arrest during their 81-day
standoff in 1996.

Clark also is charged with attempted bank fraud for trying to deposit a
$100 million Freeman check in the Garfield County Bank at nearby Jordan
and writing checks on the account to pay real estate loans.

Matteucci has said she expects the trial will last several weeks.
Kathy E
"I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
isn't looking too good for you either"
http://members.delphi.com/kathylaw/ Law & Issues Mailing List
http://pw1.netcom.com/~kathye/rodeo.html - Cowboy Histories
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Re: L&I Verdicts & Decisions/Kathy

1998-03-16 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

all bookmark files have to have htm on the end. So what I did was saved
my regular bookmarks to bookmark2.htm and I deleted the ones you
wouldn't need then sent them to you :) You can do the same with your
medical ones, just call it medical.htm and go into bookmarks and have it
load that one instead of the default bookmark file :)

Dr.L.D.Misek-Falkoff wrote:
> "Dr.L.D.Misek-Falkoff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Kathy - can bookmark files be swapped? In other words, can I go into my
> filelist and rename my bookmark file, as in 'bookmark.med' for medical,
> and then swap it in as 'bookmark.htm' when I want to? Or something
> similar. (I am just wondering how you managed to subdivide your bookmark
> file.)
> But I guess it would become complicated; say I had my medical bookmark
> file active and saw something on law, and didn't want to save it in the
> medical bookmark file.  If there is a tip on doing this please post;
> thanks a lot, LindaMF.
> Kathy E wrote:-
> >
> > Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >
> > Okay I'm sending you my bookmarks in private email :) The only thing I
> > ask is you delete all of them under the title of Account and Mailing
> > Lists, the ones you'll be interested in are under:
> >
> > Crime
> > Justice
> > Serial Killers (maybe)
> >
> > If others would like them just let me know and I'll send them to you :)
> > matterfact I'm going to play with these and see if I can't make up a
> > separate book mark file to send out to those who want it first :) That
> > way none of the stuff you don't want is included :)
> >
> > Dr.L.D.Misek-Falkoff wrote:
> > >
> > > "Dr.L.D.Misek-Falkoff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > >
> > > :) Kathy, what a great offer, yes please do send the bookmarks!
> > > Meanwhile I am going off to try the ones you have sent in your post;
> > > thanks a lot!
> > > LDMF.
> > > ---Kathy E wrote:-
> > --
> > Kathy E
> > "I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
> > isn't looking too good for you either"
> > http://members.delphi.com/kathylaw/ Law & Issues Mailing List
> > http://pw1.netcom.com/~kathye/rodeo.html - Cowboy Histories
> > http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/Lobby/2990/law.htm Crime photo's
> >
> > Subscribe/Unsubscribe, email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > In the body of the message enter: subscribe/unsubscribe law-issues
> Subscribe/Unsubscribe, email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> In the body of the message enter: subscribe/unsubscribe law-issues

Kathy E
"I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
isn't looking too good for you either"
http://members.delphi.com/kathylaw/ Law & Issues Mailing List
http://pw1.netcom.com/~kathye/rodeo.html - Cowboy Histories
http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/Lobby/2990/law.htm Crime photo's

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Re: L&I Au Pair: Update/Kathy

1998-03-16 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi Linda :)

I have thought on what you said, and to me the old stand by still comes
into action as it has through history, there are two court systems in
this world, one we all know which is the court of law, the hardest court
to pass through though is the court of public opinion. If you lose your
case there you have basically messed up your life for years, Louise lost
in the court of public opinion. She is a liability as far as being
associated with anyone in public, and I can understand why the Sheriff
denied her request, I myself would have done the same. He has to
consider the publicity that would have been generated if he allowed her
to work there, a lot of that publicity wouldn't be good, and he has to
consider what is good for his town, and yes even for his own career.

It is fair? Is it right? That isn't for me to answer, but sometimes one
may walk away from a court of law with a clean record, but they will not
be able to walk away from the court of public opinion in the same
manner. Oj is a prime example of that. Louise is another example.

One other thing I consider is part of this is her fault also, she has
asked for some of this media attention, one finds out sooner or later
that having all that media attention isn't always an asset, sometimes it
can be quite the opposite.

Dr.L.D.Misek-Falkoff wrote:
> "Dr.L.D.Misek-Falkoff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> :) Kathy, hi - I was a bit sorry to hear about the argument that having
> Woodward as a volunteer would not be in the 'best interest' -- because
> she has been through the justice system at this time and according to
> the law she has served her time.  I say this without reference to what
> one might think 'should' have happened, and with definite reference to
> what 'did' happen. The same with appeals; until and unless one side wins
> the appeal,the status is that she has served her time, again, without
> regard to whether one feels this was 'right or wrong'. Does anyone else
> think this is reminiscent of (loosely used) social double jeopardy (used
> metaphorically)?
> But this idea of course could get into the matter of sex offenders being
> identified (ex sex offenders at that point) to the community, after they
> are released. Come to think of it, perhaps the two things are related.
> What think you? :) LDMF
Kathy E
"I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
isn't looking too good for you either"
http://members.delphi.com/kathylaw/ Law & Issues Mailing List
http://pw1.netcom.com/~kathye/rodeo.html - Cowboy Histories
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Re: L&I Media Trial

1998-03-16 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi Mac :) 

I'm gonna have to disagree with you here. This is why. First off you
have taken as truth something we don't know is truth at all. Your saying
she defiantly asked someone to lie, I don't think she did. If you
remember in the interview the one person caught in a lie was President
Clintons own attorney not Kathleen. Now her friend is now saying she
lied, yet when originally questioned she verified the story that
Kathleen told. So to be fair how can you believe she is lying or telling
the truth? When she claims when she was telling the truth she was really
lying? Kathleen answered those charges on the show and said she felt
someone had gotten to her friend. I think that is quite possible. I have
a problem believing a women who already says she lied. I would think
most people would.

I believed Kathleen, why? A lot of reasons, first I watched her body
language she didn't do anything most people do when lying, diverting her
eyes when answering, wringing of her hands or such, that is unconscious
actions people do when lying, she was straight forward. Also the fact
she had been a supporter of Clinton, including being a volunteer for his
campaign and donating money to his campaign. She went to him as a
friend, nothing else. She was shocked by what he did, as would anyone
be. She did NOT leak her story out to the highest bidder instead she was
clever enough to go to a respectable news show and let them tell her

You then question why do it at all? Let me ask you this, everything is
being leaked to the press which is better to try to plug the leaks or to
come right out and say this is what happened nothing less nothing more.
And stop any rumors? I would do as she did.

I now wonder how long did Clinton and his PR team try to work on a
believable story? Their first story didn't work, where it was denied the
meeting even took place, that could easily be proved to be a lie, so now
they come up with the "bewildered and shocked". I'm tired of that line
of BS. And that is exactly what it is to me Mac a line of BS. The new
line now is he gave her a friendly hug and now he's even admitting he
might have kissed her on the forehead. So what is going to be the next
line? That he may have accidentally rubbed her breast? Come on! 

You question why she said anything at all, remember Mac she was forced
to testify she didn't do it willingly. The next logical question is well
how would they know to even subpoena her? Well it was obvious to me,
right after it happened she talked to women around her telling them what
happened. She was amazed he did that. Women who have had this happen
usually will tell their friends about it, because they will try to
evaluate every single thing they did wondering if somehow they caused
it. That is what she did IMHO.

I never heard her say she was damaged by this, I did hear her say she
felt betrayed. I understand that, you don't expect a friend to do that.
The other thing you have stated confuses me, you question why are we
just hearing about this now? yet she herself said she planned on taking
this to the grave but she was tired of seeing people's lives destroyed
and all the lies being thrown around.  Why do you question what she has
already clearly answered? And IMO her NOT talking before blows away your
she's lying about this to make money. If she wanted to make money she
could have, without any problem. She didn't do that Mac, she took the
higher ground and told what happened to her free of charge.

Tell me what credibility problem you had, I am clearly interested in
that. I saw no problem with her credibility matterfact she had a very
good record and that is the problem the WH is facing this women is
believable because she is relating something that happened to her by the
president, and they haven't been able to put a chink in her story.
That's called a PR nightmare. She is more credible than the president
IMO. Just look at consistency she is consistent the president is not,
his story has changed. If he has to change things that means he is
trying to hide something to me.

moonshine wrote:
> moonshine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Mornin' All,
>Before everyone jumps to the conclusion that Ms.Wiley is credible I think one 
> ask themselves "..why did she ask someone to lie about this incident.." If she was so
> damaged and upset about this why are just now hearing about it. Why is it that the 
>case of
> Paula Jones, who's story seems to change as fast as the weather here in New England,
> has been coupled with the Whitewater investigation.
> IMO, both the Paula Jones case and the Monica story and now Ms. Wiley are about
> money. Monica has been offered 4 million for her story but is holding out for at 
>least 5
> million. The two state troppers that brought for

Re: L&I Another Woman

1998-03-17 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Do you all still need me to do a summary of the show or not? Just let me
know and I'll do one up if you need me to :)

Sue Hartigan wrote:
> Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Hi Dr. L.:
> I'm not too good at doing that, but maybe we could get Kathy to do it.
> She is wonderful when it comes to those sorts of things.
> I was impressed with this woman.  I still haven't taken her word as
> being the absolute truth, but I can't discount her either.
> She sounded very sincere, and her story did sound very plausible, IMO.
> And she certainly didn't fit the image that we have been having of these
> women who are telling these stories.  She was more mature, and came
> across as not the kind of woman who would be soliciting sexual advances.
Kathy E
"I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
isn't looking too good for you either"
http://members.delphi.com/kathylaw/ Law & Issues Mailing List
http://pw1.netcom.com/~kathye/rodeo.html - Cowboy Histories
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Re: L&I I'm bewildered! I'm Shocked! In reality I'm fed up

1998-03-17 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Well let's see we have a Willey trying to say Willy did something wrong
by forcing her hand on his little willy, my question is, isn't there a
saying called a wet willie???

I know I'm Bad! LOL

William J. Foristal wrote:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (William J. Foristal) writes:
> Hi Kathy,
> Certainly if the statements Willey made on 60 Minutes are true, then the
> President has committed perjury and should resign immediately.
> The question is, who is lying?  Willey or Willy. 
> Bill
Kathy E
"I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
isn't looking too good for you either"
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L&I Kathleen Willey interview summary

1998-03-17 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Days after Paula Jones's lawyers gave a detailed look at their 
sexual harassment case against President Clinton, former White House
volunteer Kathleen Willey told the nation about her own unwanted alleged
sexual encounter with Clinton in an interview with 60 Minutes. 

Willey, whose deposition about Clinton's alleged sexual misconduct was 
included in the documents released by Jones's legal team last week.,
told CBS's Ed Bradley that during an incident on Nov. 29, 1993, the
President kissed her on the lips and fondled her breasts. The former
Clinton campaign volunteer claimed that Clinton forced himself upon her
after she asked him for a paying job. 

"I remember thinking, 'What in the world is he doing?,'" Willey said in
the interview. "He touched my breasts with his hand, and he whispered,
'I've wanted to do this ever since I laid my eyes on you.' And that's
when I pushed away from him and decided it was time to get out of

Willey's story, along with the testimony of four other women presented
by Jones's lawyers last week, would help show a pattern of sexual
misconduct on part of President Clinton. Willey said that she was
visibly distraught when she approached Clinton because her husband , Ed
Willey, had been accused of embezzlement earlier that day. (Mr. Willey
committed suicide that same day.) But, Willey claimed, she did not
expect Clinton's "reckless" advances and considered slapping him.
However, she thought that she could not slap the President of the  
United States. Willey also claimed that Clinton further startled her by
allegedly placing her hand on his aroused genitals. 

Clinton's attorney, Robert Bennett, labeled Willey a "bald-faced liar"
and said that President Clinton was "absolutely bewildered" and angered
by her charges. In his deposition for the Jones case, Clinton said that
there was nothing sexual about his November 1993 meeting with Willey.
The President claimed that Willey was distraught about her husband and
that he was only trying to calm her down and comfort her. Clinton said
that he embraced her and may have kissed her on the forehead but
insisted there was no sexual impropriety on his part. 

"I have a very clear memory of the meeting, and I have done everything
in my power to clarify the situation," Clinton said this morning to
reporters at a conference at a Maryland high school. "I am telling the
truth. I am deeply mystified and disappointed by this turn of events." 

The conflicts between Clinton and Willey's version of their encounter
means that one of them has committed perjury, an impeachable offense.
When asked whether Clinton has lied under oath about their meeting in
the Jones deposition, Willey answered, "Yes." 

During her interview, Willey was also asked about why she kept her
allegations against Clinton a secret for several years. "I have gone
over this so many times. 'Did I bring this on? Did I send the wrong
signal?,'" Willey said. "I didn't feel intimidated. I just felt
over-powered. I just could not believe the recklessness of that act.
Later on, I was feeling angry. I was feeling that I had been taken 
advantage of. My circumstances had been taken advantage of." 

Willey also commented on Julie Steele, her friend to whom she had
confided the alleged incident. Steele initially supported Willey's story
but later recanted, claiming that Willey asked her to lie to
investigators and support her story. 

"My personal belief is that she was pressured," Willey said. "I think
that the White House wanted try to discredit me, and they found a pawn
in her." 
Kathy E
"I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
isn't looking too good for you either"
http://members.delphi.com/kathylaw/ Law & Issues Mailing List
http://pw1.netcom.com/~kathye/rodeo.html - Cowboy Histories
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L&I Peterson plea agreement

1998-03-17 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Brian Peterson, 19, captured national headlines after being accused with
his girlfriend Amy Grossberg of murdering their newborn son and dumping
his body in a Delaware motel dumpster. With the prospect of an impending
May 4th trial, Peterson plead guilty to manslaughter on March 9, 1998.
As part of the agreement, he now faces a maximum of 10 years in prison
instead of life in prison or the death sentence that he would have faced
if convicted of murder. The following is the plea agreement.

   Superior Court of the State of Delaware, New Castle County 

   Plea Agreement

   State of Delaware v. Brian C. Peterson, Jr.

   Case No.(s): 9611007811
   Cr.A#s: IN96-12-0129 and IN96-12-0130

This Defendant is not Boot Camp Eligible.
   This plea is not made pursuant to Superior Court Criminal Rule

Defendant will plead guilty to: 

The included offense of Manslaughter which is Cr.A.#IN96-12-0129 found
in Count I of Indictment No. 9611007811.

Upon the sentencing of the defendant, a nolle prosequi is entered on the
following charge(s) on this indictment:

Murder by Abuse or Neglect in the First Degree which is
Cr.A.#IN96-12-0130 found in Count II of Indictment No. 9611007811. 

  State's Sentencing Recommendation:

The State recommends Level V incarceration for a period to be determined
by the Court upon completion of a Pre-Sentence Investigation and after
resolution of the co-defendant's charges. While the State makes no
recommendation regarding the length of the Level V sentence the State
advocate that incarceration is appropriate. Furthermore, at the time of
sentencing the State will advise the Court of those factors it considers
relevant in mitigation to sustain the entry of this plea. The State will
argue any mitigating or aggravating factors it considers relevant at the
time of sentencing.

State and Defendant agree to the following:

1) The defendant and counsel agree that the defendant will provide a
full and truthful statement to State investigators regarding his
involvement and that of the co-defendant in the charges pending this
Indictment. The defendant shall provide all relevant physical items of 
evidence or other suitable verification available to or in the
possession of the defendant or his counsel; and,

2) The defendant shall testify truthfully in any proceedings relating to
the pending charges in this Indictment. The defendant and his counsel
agree to make defendant available to testify in any and all proceedings
relating to the charges pending in this Indictment upon reasonable
notice and with or without process of the Court having been served.
Kathy E
"I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
isn't looking too good for you either"
http://members.delphi.com/kathylaw/ Law & Issues Mailing List
http://pw1.netcom.com/~kathye/rodeo.html - Cowboy Histories
http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/Lobby/2990/law.htm Crime photo's

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L&I Budzyn: Verdict Watch

1998-03-17 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

After three days and approximately 15 hours of deliberations, a Detroit
jury still has not been able to reach a verdict in the retrial of Walter

Since jurors began deliberations on Thursday, they have asked for to
hear an audiotape of Budzyn's testimony from his March 5 direct
examination and today had the testimony of Ralph Fletcher and Robert
Knox read back to them. During Budzyn's first trial in which he was
convicted of second-degree murder in the death of Malice Green, the jury
deliberated for eight days before reaching the verdict. 
There is no decisive way of speculating which direction jurors may be  
swaying in Budzyn's second trial. But prosecutor Douglas Baker spoke
briefly to reporters late Monday afternoon and insisted that he was not
worried by the fact that the jury has yet to reach a decision. Noting
that the trial was a long one, the prosecutor said the jurors' continued
requests for testimony indicate that they are indeed working toward
reaching a verdict and that he is not expecting a hung jury. 

Jurors did not deliberate over the weekend and are not sequestered. On 
average, they have come to court at 9 am and deliberated until
approximately 4:15 in the afternoon each day. The jury will return to
continue deliberations first thing tomorrow morning. 
Kathy E
"I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
isn't looking too good for you either"
http://members.delphi.com/kathylaw/ Law & Issues Mailing List
http://pw1.netcom.com/~kathye/rodeo.html - Cowboy Histories
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L&I Freemen: Opening statements Tuesday

1998-03-17 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

It took only one day to seat a jury in the trial of six members of the 
Freeman group on charges stemming from their 1996 standoff on the  
Montana plains. Opening statements are set to begin Tuesday morning. 

Before the panel of five women and seven men were selected, Monday's
session was highlighted by outbursts in the court, with a  federal judge
banishing four cursing and shouting members of the Freeman group to
holding cells even before prospective jurors were brought in. 

Three of the members were dragged, in and out, by federal marshals 
because they refused to walk into the courtroom. A fourth was ferried 
in a wheelchair. 

Two other members were not disruptive and were allowed to remain at the
defense table. A panel of 100 prospective jurors was summoned to the
federal courthouse and questioned into the late afternoon. 

The six are the first group members to face trial on charges stemming  
from the group's 81-day standoff with the FBI on the plains of eastern 
Montana in 1996. It is being heard by U.S. District Judge John
Coughenour of Seattle, Washington. 

   Defendant calls judge 'traitorous bastard'

Federal marshals said the defendants refused to change out of their jail
coveralls or leave their cells. Marshals forcibly changed their clothes
and dragged them to the courtroom. 

Jon Barry Nelson, 42, of Kansas, ripped up his name plate as he was
brought to the defense table. Steven C. Hance, 48, and his sons, John R.
Hance, 21, and James E. Hance, 25, all of Charlotte, North Carolina,
also were brought into the courtroom against their will. 

But as marshals dragged Steven Hance halfway across the courtroom, he
shouted, "You're a bunch of criminal bastards." After that, Coughenour
ordered the disruptive defendants taken to a holding cell where they
could watch proceedings on closed-circuit television. 

As he ordered them expelled, Coughenour began: "Let the record show ..." 

James Hance broke in, yelling, "Let the record show I'm placing you
under arrest, you traitorous bastard." 

He jeered at U.S. Attorney Sherry Scheel Matteucci: "Remember that,   

  2 defendants allowed to remain

John Hance, who was wheeled in and out the courtroom in a wheelchair,
was told he could remain if he conducted himself appropriately. But
after returning from a recess, Hance lunged at his nameplate and ripped
it up, and the judge ordered him expelled as well. 

Two defendants -- Edwin F. Clark, 47, who emerged as a leader late in  
the standoff and helped bring it to a bloodless conclusion, and Elwin  
Ward, 57, of Salt Lake City -- walked into the courtroom and took  
their seats without disruption. 

All six are charged with being accessories by aiding federal fugitives 
-- other group members in the stronghold -- to avoid arrest during the 
standoff. The U.S. attorney has said she expects the trial to last 
several weeks. 

The defendants, who say U.S. courts have no jurisdiction over them,   
have all refused court-appointed lawyers and will defend themselves. 

The standoff at the compound, 30 miles west of Jordan, Montana, began
March 25, 1996, when undercover FBI agents lured two Freeman leaders,
LeRoy Schweitzer and Daniel Petersen, outside with a sting operation. 

More than 100 FBI agents at a time, augmented by Montana Highway  
Patrol officers, ringed the compound until June 13, when the last 
holdouts surrendered. 

Schweitzer, Peterson and 12 others face a separate trial in May. 
Kathy E
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isn't looking too good for you either"
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L&I News from all over

1998-03-17 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

THOU SHALT NOT STEAL: A survey in Chicago has revealed the most-stolen 
books from area libraries: the Bible and the Koran. Next are study 
guides to police and military entrance examinations. (UPI) ...Certainly
no one can expect people to have morals BEFORE they study.

THOU SHALT NOT STEAL II: Retired Cottonwood, Ala., Police Chief Eugene 
Coker was on a fishing trip in nearby Malone, Fla., when he saw three 
armed men put on masks and walk into a bank. He borrowed a rifle and 
waited for them to come out. "I had it on his head. I had him dead to 
rights," Coker, 69, said. "He hadn't shot nobody, so I lowered it and 
shot him in the butt." The suspect limped to the getaway car, so Coker 
shot a hole in its gas tank. "They never got four blocks." When the car
rolled to a stop the three men, identified as local college students, 
were arrested and charged with bank robbery. (AP) ...Florida fishing 
licenses sure are comprehensive.

HUH? An Australian performance artist has announced plans for his latest
artistic feat: he will grow an extra ear." Stelarc" says that a plastic
surgeon will insert "a little rubber balloon" under his skin. "It will 
be inflated over the period of a month or so to leave a packet of 
excess skin," the 53-year-old man explained. "Then I will put in an ear
scaffold beneath the skin. What you will have is a third ear." (AFP) 
...He'll need more than that if he expects to hear any applause.

THERE GOES THE NEIGHBORHOOD: God will return to Earth March 31 -- 
according to followers of God's Salvation Church. But He won't appear 
just anywhere, they say. Specifically, He'll show up at 3513 Ridgedale 
Drive in Garland, Texas. "This will happen," says Heng-ming Chen, who 
moved from Taiwan with 140 followers for the event. "I would stake my 
life on it." Chen and company have purchased about 30 houses in the 
area to ensure front-row seats. Neighbors are afraid of what could 
happen "if God pulls a no-show," thinking back to the Heaven's Gate 
cult suicide a year before. Police are taking a wait-and-see approach, 
but are asking TV networks how many satellite trucks to expect on The 
Day. "Whether God shows up or not, we know there are still going to be 
a lot of press out here and we're getting ready," a police spokesman 
said. (AP) ...Don't let Dan Rather in. He'll claim his own presence 
fulfills the prophecy.

I'M SORRY, DAVE: A computer designer at the Massachusetts Institute of 
Technology says she has made advances toward computers with "heart". 
Rosalind Picard says her new computers will be "beyond human" in 
friendliness and empathy. Picard says current computers "are like 
autistics. They have a lot of verbal and mathematical skills, but they 
really don't have any emotional skills." (UPI) ...We don't want 
computers with hearts. We want computers with brains.

CALL IN THE STUNT DOUBLE: At 83, you might think Nilo Silvi of Rome
would be enjoying a retired life of leisure. But the Italian pensioner
is ready to start a new career after a talent scout spotted him in a
disco with his grandson. The scout asked him if he would mind "making a
film with beautiful young girls." The scout is a producer of
pornographic movies, but that doesn't give Silvi any problems. "We
talked about the possibility of filming some group scenes. I said I was
willing," he assured the filmmakers. "I'm not ashamed at all." However,
Silvi does have two concerns: "I won't use a condom," and, after
considering how many sex scenes he might have to perform in, he worried,
"Will I have to pay?" (Reuters) ...No: no one said life was fair.

FIRE UP THE STUDENTS: The Los Angeles Unified School District board has
voted to arm their school police force with shotguns. The officers, who
already carry sidearms, say they needed the extra firepower because 
they spend so much time in gang areas. The district will buy 75 
shotguns and provide extra firearms training for the officers. "This 
was long overdue," said a relieved school police spokesman.  (AP) 
...Forget shotguns. The cops won't be safe until their firepower at 
least matches what the kids carry.

GENESIS 3:16: Canadian Lesli Szabo, 44, is suing her doctors and
McMaster Hospital for $2.4 million because she had pain while giving
birth. The Hamilton, Ont., woman claims her doctors told her the birth
would be "so pain-free, she could knit or read a book during the
procedure." But she said her pain so traumatized her that she had
"intrusive thoughts," such as an unfounded belief that the hospital had
called her dentist to tell him to make sure "I have as much pain as
possible during dental treatment," she testified

Re: L&I Another Woman

1998-03-17 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Oh man I'm LMAO! Thanks for that Linda :) The summary is in another
message :)

Dr.L.D.Misek-Falkoff wrote:
> "Dr.L.D.Misek-Falkoff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Direct exam:  What if anything did you want Kathy to do?
> Opposition counsel: objection, leading.
> Witness: I wanted (as to state of mind) a summary from Kathy.
> Cross Exam: Isn't it true you wanted Kathy to do a summary?
> Opposition Counsel: Objection, asked and answered.
> Witness: I thought I said that...
> Judge: Counsel approach.
Kathy E
"I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
isn't looking too good for you either"
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Re: L&I Verdicts & Decisions/Kathy

1998-03-17 Thread Kathy E

Here you go :)

Jackie Fellows wrote:
> Jackie Fellows <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Hi Kathy
> Would really appreciate you sending them to me.  Thanks a heap
> jackief
Kathy E
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isn't looking too good for you either"
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Re: L&I I'm bewildered! I'm Shocked! In reality I'm fed up

1998-03-17 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

I don't know, but I can tell you something when Wile. E. Coyote makes an
appearance I can clearly say things have gone "Bleep Bleep" :)

Dr. L. [Ph.d., J.D.] wrote:
> "Dr. L. [Ph.d., J.D.]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Good questions there Kathy, one doesn't know, *willy* ever tell the
> whole story?
Kathy E
"I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
isn't looking too good for you either"
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Re: L&I Media Trial

1998-03-17 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi Mac :)

I have been watching the news on the book deal and such, yet I am stuck
again does writing a book automatically cast doubt on a person? I never
thought it did and I can't help but wonder why it suddenly does now? Do
all authors have credibility problems? That's something new to me.

Ms. Steele has said she lied about her knowledge, I don't know or find
anything saying Kathleen lied yet. the only person I am convinced lied
was Bennet, and Steele. 

The question now is if he did this why did she continue a friendship? Or
write letters? Let me ask anyone think seriously there has been sexual
harassment for years, are you seriously saying if someone is harassed
they should immediately quit their job? In the real world that doesn't
happen, people try to work through the problem and go on. Hopefully the
one incident won't happen again. It looks like it didn't in this case.
You don't forget it happened but you don't dwell on it either. You just
move on. She did, he did. 

Again I did not see her as distraught in the interview, I saw her as
surprised that someone she considered a friend doing something she
wouldn't expect from someone in his position. You just don't expect the
President of the US to act like a dog in heat.

moonshine wrote:
> moonshine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Mornin' Kathy,
> According to an avadavit signed by her friend Ms. Steele she did lie. So someone
> is lying here. Ms. Willey, IMO, was following a script that apppears to be a little 
>to cozy with
> the Paula Jones allegations. He distraught appearence was a little much considering 
>the length
> of time since this alledged encounter. Her own letters have suggested a warm and 
> relationship with the president. She may have fought giving her depo but
> she was more than willing to state her case to the public without being asked the 
> questions. Then we have the financial concerns. She is deeply in dept and since the 
> didn't give her an ambassadorship her book deal should help with the bills.
> Her story makes for great headlines but when put under the microscope it doesn't 
>hold up.
>Her own actions and words have undermined her credibility and I don't think she
> realized that those letters were kept. If she did, I think, we would've heard 
>something about
> them during her interview.
> ...Mac
Kathy E
"I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
isn't looking too good for you either"
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Re: L&I Re: law-issues-digest V1 #695

1998-03-18 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi Sue :)

And what light does the book deal shed? None I'm aware of. Also
concerning it being a he said she said. That is the way sexual
harrassment always has been, most people don't try a move when there is
an audience to watch. They do it in private. 

Sue Hartigan wrote:
> Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Hi Vi:
> Actually I thought her to be very creditable also.  But then I heard
> tonight, and I am waiting to find out where the information came from,
> that she has a book deal, or a book already.  Don't know which.
> Seems to me that everyone in this sordid tale has said something one way
> and then turned around and said it another way.  I doubt that we ever
> will come to find out what the truth is.  Besides every time this
> allegedly happened the only people involved in it were Clinton and the
> woman involved.  And it is always a he said, she said type of thing, so
> how can anything be proved.
> Sue
Kathy E
"I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
isn't looking too good for you either"
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Re: L&I Another Woman

1998-03-18 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi Jackie :) My replies are below :)

Jackie Fellows wrote:
> Here comes the ole' devil's advocate here.

Isn't it fun doing that at times? LOL

> Question:  if Willey was so concerned about her husband's whereabouts, why
> was she making an appointment to see the President to ask for a job??
> Wouldn't she be trying to find out where he was??  Where did the husband
> commit suicide (home, office, ?).

Now I ask you how many times will anyone cancel an appointment with the
president of the US? From my understanding it was hard for her to get
the appointment she finally got one, and her ultimate goal was to help
her husband out of the mess he was in. I wouldn't cancel, tragically her
husband had killed herself that day. That is a terrible thing, yet how
was she to know he was going to? I see her as thinking this might end
their problems if the president comes through with a job for her.
> Second question:  if Willey was one of the Clintons friends, which it sounds
> like they were, and Bill was really the 'womanizer--no time for work, only
> sexual games guy' that people are alleging, then she would surely be aware
> of his reputation--why would she believe he wouldn't do the same to her ??

Are all of your friends and associates 100% moral? Does anyone talk
behind their backs? Do you hear rumors? If so are you ever alone with
them? Sometimes we don't want to believe what we hear, we only believe
what we know no matter what others say. Not believing something and not
wanting to believe something are two different things.

> ("I just couldn't believe this was happening") Remember she asked for the
> meeting, and I guess as a female I learned very young how to avoid
> situations where I had to be alone with a man who was a known
> womanizer--brought a friend, wandered in and sat down in a more public area
> to talk with him, etc..  This is not to excuse his behavior if he really is
> doing these things--hanging by his genitals might be an appropriate
> punishment.  (I wonder though how he got this far in public life if he was
> as horney as is implied by all these "true confessions" we are hearing today
> and had such poor lack of control over his physical responses.  All I see is
> a walking "h#$%-on" if all these stories are to be believed.  (I apologise
> for my language here).

This is the way Scott explained it to me and what he saw happening,
there are all different types of men, there are gentlemen, there are
average guys and there are dogs in heat. The gentleman would never do
anything to offend the women, he's not like that, the average Joe would
ask the women and wait for an answer, the dog in heat would assume the
women would want the attention and do whatever he felt like, not
realizing he's harassing. Scott sees Clinton as the dog in heat.

An example Scott used was a friend of his from grade school who was
kicked out of college, the kid was on the honor roll all through school,
suddenly he came back from college expelled, Scott asked why. The guy
said he couldn't understand what went wrong, he knew a girl got drunk
one night and decided to go have sex with her, she was asleep in her
dorm room, as were her room mates, he felt she enjoyed it, but when her
room mates woke up they started screaming and such. He was kicked out.
It was a clear case of rape to me, but to this guy he does not believe
he did anything wrong, he still doesn't understand it. He said they had
gone out a couple of times and he didn't understand the big fuss. In his
mode of thinking he had the right to do what he did. Most people would
disagree. Mark was a dog in heat personality.
> Her story credible--yes, so was Mata Hari.  Her telling of the story
> theatrical--yes.  The makeup was perfect, the hesitant little wounded victim
> demeanor was perfect, her emotions needed a little more rehearsal.

I disagree, I don't think every one is a actor/actress I saw sincerity
in what she said. I find it amazing that some decide any one who makes
allegations against the president is automatically a liar and actress to

> Now to poor, maligned Bill, if you believe the w.h..  His story
> credible--not really.  His telling of the story theatrical--yes.  I couldn't have 
>cast a better actor for the soap opera we are now staying tuned to on a daily basis, 
>especially weekends when we know something will break.  "Days at the Oval House" 
>should win an emmy this year, I would think.>>>>>>>

His story or this version is not believable to me. He is doing the same
old thing he has done against every women who talks, attack the person
do whatever you can do cast doubt, he's just a poor misunderstood man,
who in reality should be the pope he's s

Re: L&I Verdicts & Decisions/Kathy

1998-03-18 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

oops! That was supposed to be private. sorry.

Kathy E wrote:
> Here you go :)
> Jackie Fellows wrote:
Kathy E
"I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
isn't looking too good for you either"
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Re: L&I Willey Letters

1998-03-18 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Damn Mac! I'm glad you don't serve as judge for all otherwise hell when
I had a LCDR rub his groin against me and I told him if he did it again
I would put him on report in which I would have, the way your speaking I
should have left and never gone back.

I didn't quit work I didn't fall into a slobbering heap on the floor
unable to go on, hell I dealt with it and I worked with him for two
years after the incident but I guess since I continued to work with him
my credibility has been shot to hell huh and the incident never

He even signed my evals after this, he had to since he was in my chain
of command. I guess that would be used to show I lied since he didn't
lower my marks due to the fact I wouldn't have an affair with him. OTOH
he was finally caught, having an affair with a e-3 and was taken to
court martial for it. Guess I could have went and testified against him,
but I didn't. You know why? Because some of us who work with mainly men
have learned how to deal with the harassment and to let the men know
what will and will not be tolerated, It's part of life for a lot of
women Mac. It's not a pretty part but it's there. Not all men sexually
harass women just as not all women are innocent either but to think one
would leave immediately if it happens is pretty unrealistic of you to
think that. It doesn't work that way, it didn't with me or with most
women I know. It's nice to think that is what we would do, but reality
is much different.

moonshine wrote:
> moonshine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Evenin',
>It didn't take long for Ms. Willey's credibility to get blown out of the water.
> I think if Ken Starr did his homework she never would've appeared on 60 mis.
> Sorry Ken, your little ruse to get this info out has backfired. If this was your 
> gun I think you just shot yourself in the foot. How many holes does that make now?
>IIMO, she will never make it to a court room to either testify or be charged with
> perjury. Today's revealing events again bolster my claim that this is nothing more 
>than a
> political witch hunt and the slandering of the president is now becoming criminal. 
> beginning to think that the one person that should be investigated for obstruction of
> justice
> and subbornation of perjury is the dishonorable Ken Starr himself.
> ...Mac
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Kathy E
"I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
isn't looking too good for you either"
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L&I Reco Jones: Family Massacre trial

1998-03-18 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

This is a new trial that will be broadcast on CTV starting Wednesday,
below is a summary of the case.
In a case that stunned Detroit, Reco Jones faces trial for five counts
of first-degree murder in the slayings of his ex-girlfriend, Yolanda
Bellamy, her two children and her young nephew and niece. The children's
ages ranged between three and five years-old; all the victims had their
throats slashed and suffered multiple stab wounds. 

Prosecutors believe that Jones, 23, killed Bellamy because she had ended
their relationship the day before. The children were murdered because
they witnessed the crime, and Jones allegedly felt he had to kill them.
Jones told police that he was at Bellamy's house the night of the
murders and argued with her about their relationship. But, Jones said,
when he left Bellamy's house, she and the children were still alive. 

However, according to two female friends of Jones whom he allegedly saw
hours after the crime, the defendant confessed the murders to them. (One
of them even admits to helping him destroy evidence.) And investigators
claim that Jones implicated himself during initial questioning for the
murders by showing that he knew how the victims died before detectives
had even told him about the specific details of the crime scene. 

If convicted, Jones could face life in prison. 

  The Rocky Relationship

Jones and Bellamy began dating in December 1996. Apparently, they were a
happy couple until Jones began serving a prison term in January 1997 for
aggravated assault during a separate prior incident. Jones was
imprisoned for six months. Although Jones and Bellamy maintained contact
through phone calls from prison, their relationship eventually became
strained. Jones began accusing Bellamy of cheating on him. 

When Jones was released from prison, he and Bellamy reunited, but their
problems persisted. And Jones began dating at least one other woman in 
addition to Bellamy. On August 11, 1997, Bellamy ended her relationship
with Jones. According to the defendant's mother, Bellamy came to Jones's
house and demanded to both see him and retrieve some of her belongings.
Jones's mother, who knew that Jones was in the house basement, refused
to let Bellamy into the house and asked her to leave. When Bellamy
refused, Mrs. Jones called the police. 

Bellamy left before police arrived. Mrs. Jones told her son what
happened and claimed that she later saw him asleep in the basement at
1:30 in the morning. Mrs. Jones also said she sat in the living room
until 4 am and when she awoke at 8 am, her son was not home. 

The Slayings and their Various Versions

What happened between after time Mrs. Jones said she last saw Reco Jones
is in dispute. Jones gave the police two different accounts of his
confrontation with Bellamy after the incident involving his mother. In
his first story, Jones told police that he arrived at Bellamy's house
between 12:30 and 1 am. According to Jones, Bellamy threatened to kill
his mother, brother, and sister, and in response, he began to choke her.
However, Jones claimed he released his grip on Bellamy before he could
cause any damage and left her as she was still coughing. Then, Jones
said, he went home and went to sleep until around 5:45 am when he went
to visit another girlfriend, Maliaka Martin. 

However, Jones's second version of the events is quite different. He
reportedly told one officer that when Bellamy told him that she would
not bear his child, he "snapped" and killed her. 

Maliaka Martin told police that Jones, whose sneakers were covered in
blood, came to her house after the killings and admitted to the murders.
According to Martin, Jones said that Bellamy had told him that she would
tell her legal husband (and the father of her two sons) that Jones had
beaten her and the children. Apparently, the threat triggered a violent
response in Jones, and he stabbed Bellamy 11 times. Awakened by the
commotion, Bellamy's children and niece and nephew came down the stairs
upon the murder scene. Allegedly, Jones told Martin that to avoid
leaving witnesses, he had to kill the children. 

Martin also told police that she let Jones shower and change his clothes
when he came to her house. She then drove him to the house of another
friend, Tamikah Terrell. According to Terrell, Jones also confessed
Bellamy's murder to her and wanted to use her washing machine to clean
his bloody clothes. However, since Terrell did not have a washing
machine, she took Jones's clothes, placed them in a garbage can, and
helped him burn them. 

 The Gruesome Discoveries

On August 13, 1997, at around 10:30 am, Bellamy's sister, Erika, called
the victim's house to see when she could pick up her two children, who
had been sleeping over at their aunt's place. 

Re: L&I Budzyn: Verdict Watch

1998-03-18 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

HI Bill :)

It's possible but I'm going to wait another couple days before I start
thinking in that direction. There was a lot of testimony and evidence
for the jury to go over, and unfortunately a lot of conflicting
statements it's going to be a mess for the jury to try to find out what
they believe and don't believe. The first jury took 8 days, this one has
only really had 5 days of deliberations so far. So we'll see. I do hope
we don't have a hung jury.

William J. Foristal wrote:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (William J. Foristal) writes:
> Hi Kathy,
> Hung jury perhaps?
> Bill
Kathy E
"I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
isn't looking too good for you either"
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