[Lift] Re: how / where to set the runmode of a lift application?

2009-09-13 Thread george

Thanks Xavi

 I believe you can also modify web.xml in some way, but I'm not really sure.

that would be useful as I don't have the ability to set properties on
the production environment.

I wonder if anyone else can confirm?
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[Lift] using jquery 1.3.2 and 'tabs'

2009-09-13 Thread David

I'd like to use the latest jquery, 1.3.2.  I'm new to both jquery and
lift but I like what I see!
script type=text/javascript src=../js/jquery-1.3.2.js/
script type=text/javascript src=../js/ui/ui.core.js/script
script type=text/javascript src=../js/ui/ui.tabs.js/script
script id=json src=/classpath/json.js type=text/javascript/

script type=text/javascript
  $(function() {
lift:surround with=default at=content

I get this error:

$(#tabs).tabs is not a function
Line 33

Is it possible to mix separately downloaded jquery?  If I save the
'source' of the html after lift has processed, from the browser,
jquery tabs are working.  But from the dynamic jetty instance, the
tabs do not work and I get that error.

Thanks for any help you can provide.

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[Lift] Re: lift-json

2009-09-13 Thread Lincoln
Sorry, here's the full code I'm using:

case class MyName(first:String, last:String)
case class MyUser(id:String, name:MyName, url:String) {
  val wtf = wtf

implicit val formats = net.liftweb.json.DefaultFormats
val json =
(id - me.id) ~
(name -
(first - me.name.first) ~
(last - me.name.last)
) ~
(url - me.url)
val output = JsonDSL.pretty(render(json))
val jsonCopy = parse(output)
val user = jsonCopy.extract[MyUser]
println(user = +user)

On Sun, Sep 13, 2009 at 12:07 AM, linxbetter linxbet...@gmail.com wrote:

 Hello, I saw a post about lift-json on the scala-user list so I
 decided to check it out.  I was particularly interested in the ability
 to call something along the lines of json.extract[MyClass].  I set up
 a little test case for this though, and apparently having a val of any
 sort in my case class causes the below exception.  Any thoughts?

 My classes looked like this:
 case class MyName(first:String, last:String)
 case class MyUser(id:String, name:MyName, url:String) {
  val wtf = wtf

 And the output of my test

 [info]   lift-json should
 [info]   x do pain-free json conversion on nested objects
 net.liftweb.json.MappingException: Expected JField but got JNothing,
 json='JField(name,JObject(List(JField(first,JString(Lincoln)), JField
 (last,JString(Hochberg)', path='wtf'
at net.liftweb.json.Extraction$.net$liftweb$json$Extraction$
at net.liftweb.json.Extraction$.fieldValue$1(Extraction.scala:
at net.liftweb.json.Extraction$.build$1(Extraction.scala:78)
at net.liftweb.json.Extraction$$anonfun$1.apply
at net.liftweb.json.Extraction$$anonfun$1.apply
at scala.List.flatMap(List.scala:1132)
at net.liftweb.json.Extraction$.build$1(Extraction.scala:84)
at net.liftweb.json.Extraction$$anonfun$1.apply
at net.liftweb.json.Extraction$$anonfun$1.apply
at scala.List.flatMap(List.scala:1132)
at net.liftweb.json.Extraction$.build$1(Extraction.scala:84)
at net.liftweb.json.Extraction$.extract0(Extraction.scala:109)
at net.liftweb.json.Extraction$.extract(Extraction.scala:60)
at net.liftweb.json.JsonAST$JValue.extract(Json.scala:109)
at com.hotpotato.core.SerializationSpec$$anonfun$1$$anonfun
at com.hotpotato.core.SerializationSpec$$anonfun$1$$anonfun
at org.specs.specification.ExampleExecution$$anonfun$3$$anonfun
at org.specs.specification.Example.execute(Example.scala:121)
at org.specs.specification.ExampleLifeCycle$class.executeTest
at org.specs.Specification.executeTest(Specification.scala:28)
at org.specs.specification.Sus.executeTest(Sus.scala:147)
at org.specs.specification.ExampleExecution$$anonfun$3.apply
at org.specs.specification.ExampleExecution$$anonfun$3.apply
at org.specs.specification.ExampleExecution$$anonfun$2.apply
at org.specs.specification.ExampleExecution.execute
at org.specs.specification.Example.execute(Example.scala:117)
at org.specs.specification.Example.errors(Example.scala:143)
at org.specs.specification.Sus$$anonfun$successes$1.apply
at org.specs.specification.Sus$$anonfun$successes$1.apply
at scala.List.filter(List.scala:859)
at org.specs.specification.Sus.successes(Sus.scala:122)
at org.specs.Specification$$anonfun$successes$1.apply
at org.specs.Specification$$anonfun$successes$1.apply
at scala.List.flatMap(List.scala:1132)
at org.specs.Specification.successes(Specification.scala:84)
at sbt.impl.SpecsRunner.sbt$impl$SpecsRunner$
at sbt.impl.SpecsRunner.runTest(TestFrameworkImpl.scala:123)
at sbt.BasicTestRunner.run(TestFramework.scala:38)
at sbt.TestFramework$$anonfun$7$$anonfun$apply$8.runTest$1
at sbt.TestFramework$$anonfun$7$$anonfun$apply$8$$anonfun$apply
at sbt.TestFramework$$anonfun$7$$anonfun$apply$8$$anonfun$apply
at sbt.NamedTestTask.run(TestFramework.scala:57)
at sbt.ScalaProject$$anonfun$sbt$ScalaProject$$toTask$1.apply
at sbt.ScalaProject$$anonfun$sbt$ScalaProject$$toTask$1.apply
at sbt.TaskManager$Task.invoke(TaskManager.scala:62)
at sbt.impl.RunTask.runTask(RunTask.scala:78)
at sbt.impl.RunTask.sbt$impl$RunTask$$runIfNotRoot

[Lift] lift-json

2009-09-13 Thread linxbetter

Hello, I saw a post about lift-json on the scala-user list so I
decided to check it out.  I was particularly interested in the ability
to call something along the lines of json.extract[MyClass].  I set up
a little test case for this though, and apparently having a val of any
sort in my case class causes the below exception.  Any thoughts?

My classes looked like this:
case class MyName(first:String, last:String)
case class MyUser(id:String, name:MyName, url:String) {
  val wtf = wtf

And the output of my test

[info]   lift-json should
[info]   x do pain-free json conversion on nested objects
net.liftweb.json.MappingException: Expected JField but got JNothing,
json='JField(name,JObject(List(JField(first,JString(Lincoln)), JField
(last,JString(Hochberg)', path='wtf'
at net.liftweb.json.Extraction$.net$liftweb$json$Extraction$
at net.liftweb.json.Extraction$.fieldValue$1(Extraction.scala:
at net.liftweb.json.Extraction$.build$1(Extraction.scala:78)
at net.liftweb.json.Extraction$$anonfun$1.apply
at net.liftweb.json.Extraction$$anonfun$1.apply
at scala.List.flatMap(List.scala:1132)
at net.liftweb.json.Extraction$.build$1(Extraction.scala:84)
at net.liftweb.json.Extraction$$anonfun$1.apply
at net.liftweb.json.Extraction$$anonfun$1.apply
at scala.List.flatMap(List.scala:1132)
at net.liftweb.json.Extraction$.build$1(Extraction.scala:84)
at net.liftweb.json.Extraction$.extract0(Extraction.scala:109)
at net.liftweb.json.Extraction$.extract(Extraction.scala:60)
at net.liftweb.json.JsonAST$JValue.extract(Json.scala:109)
at com.hotpotato.core.SerializationSpec$$anonfun$1$$anonfun
at com.hotpotato.core.SerializationSpec$$anonfun$1$$anonfun
at org.specs.specification.ExampleExecution$$anonfun$3$$anonfun
at org.specs.specification.Example.execute(Example.scala:121)
at org.specs.specification.ExampleLifeCycle$class.executeTest
at org.specs.Specification.executeTest(Specification.scala:28)
at org.specs.specification.Sus.executeTest(Sus.scala:147)
at org.specs.specification.ExampleExecution$$anonfun$3.apply
at org.specs.specification.ExampleExecution$$anonfun$3.apply
at org.specs.specification.ExampleExecution$$anonfun$2.apply
at org.specs.specification.ExampleExecution.execute
at org.specs.specification.Example.execute(Example.scala:117)
at org.specs.specification.Example.errors(Example.scala:143)
at org.specs.specification.Sus$$anonfun$successes$1.apply
at org.specs.specification.Sus$$anonfun$successes$1.apply
at scala.List.filter(List.scala:859)
at org.specs.specification.Sus.successes(Sus.scala:122)
at org.specs.Specification$$anonfun$successes$1.apply
at org.specs.Specification$$anonfun$successes$1.apply
at scala.List.flatMap(List.scala:1132)
at org.specs.Specification.successes(Specification.scala:84)
at sbt.impl.SpecsRunner.sbt$impl$SpecsRunner$
at sbt.impl.SpecsRunner.runTest(TestFrameworkImpl.scala:123)
at sbt.BasicTestRunner.run(TestFramework.scala:38)
at sbt.TestFramework$$anonfun$7$$anonfun$apply$8.runTest$1
at sbt.TestFramework$$anonfun$7$$anonfun$apply$8$$anonfun$apply
at sbt.TestFramework$$anonfun$7$$anonfun$apply$8$$anonfun$apply
at sbt.NamedTestTask.run(TestFramework.scala:57)
at sbt.ScalaProject$$anonfun$sbt$ScalaProject$$toTask$1.apply
at sbt.ScalaProject$$anonfun$sbt$ScalaProject$$toTask$1.apply
at sbt.TaskManager$Task.invoke(TaskManager.scala:62)
at sbt.impl.RunTask.runTask(RunTask.scala:78)
at sbt.impl.RunTask.sbt$impl$RunTask$$runIfNotRoot
at sbt.impl.RunTask$$anonfun$runTasksExceptRoot$3.apply
at sbt.impl.RunTask$$anonfun$runTasksExceptRoot$3.apply
at sbt.Distributor$Run$Worker$$anonfun$2.apply
at sbt.Distributor$Run$Worker$$anonfun$2.apply
at sbt.Control$.trapUnit(Control.scala:19)
at sbt.Distributor$Run$Worker.run(ParallelRunner.scala:130)
[error]   net.liftweb.json.MappingException: Expected JField but got

[Lift] Re: how / where to set the runmode of a lift application?

2009-09-13 Thread Indrajit Raychaudhuri

If you are modifying web.xml, doing it via env-entry/ and having it
available via JNDI (java:comp/env) [1] seems closest.
However, I am not sure that would be available via System.getProperty

Alternately, try jetty.xml (or jetty-env.xml, if possible) [2][3] to
do something like:
Call class=java.lang.System name=setProperty

[1]: http://docs.codehaus.org/display/JETTY/JNDI#JNDI-enventry
[2]: http://docs.codehaus.org/display/JETTY/Syntax+Reference
[3]: http://docs.codehaus.org/display/JETTY/jetty-env.xml

On Sep 13, 1:47 pm, george geo...@mattandgeorge.com wrote:
 Thanks Xavi

  I believe you can also modify web.xml in some way, but I'm not really sure.

 that would be useful as I don't have the ability to set properties on
 the production environment.

 I wonder if anyone else can confirm?
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[Lift] how to send an attachment using Mailer?

2009-09-13 Thread george

hello all

I need to send a pdf attachment with my xhtml mail body.

At first I thought I might be able to treat it as an inline image
(byte array). But this doesn't seem to work (the pdf file has 0 bytes
when received).

Then I thought I could make my own MailBodyType and include it that
way, but it seems the design of the Mailer singleton doesn't allow me
to do this.

I need to be able to do something like this:

val attachment = new MimeBodyPart
attachment.setDataHandler(new _root_.javax.activation.DataHandler(new
_root_.javax.activation.DataSource {
def getContentType = application/pdf
def getInputStream = new _root_.java.io.ByteArrayInputStream
def getName = fileName
def getOutputStream = throw new _root_.java.io.IOException(Unable to
write to item)

The ability to somehow add arbitrary attachments to an email would be
a very useful feature I think.

Is there a way to do it that I have missed?

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[Lift] Re: how to send an attachment using Mailer?

2009-09-13 Thread george


ok, so it turns out that you can send pdfs as inline attachments using
XHTMLPlusImages. (the byte array being empty was my fault).

however, it would still be good to be able to add arbitrary
attachments. a pdf isn't really an image.

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[Lift] Re: lift-json

2009-09-13 Thread Lincoln
Got it.  Thanks for the info.  I was afraid I was doing something wrong.

On Sun, Sep 13, 2009 at 9:48 AM, Joni Freeman freeman.j...@gmail.comwrote:


 Your example should work if you take the val away from your case

 case class MyName(first:String, last:String)
 case class MyUser(id:String, name:MyName, url:String)

 The reflection code currently fails to find the primary constructor of
 case class if there's extra fields. This will hopefully be fixed some
 day when the reflection story of Scala gets better (using Java
 reflection is very awkward).

 Cheers Joni

 On Sep 13, 7:55 am, Lincoln linxbet...@gmail.com wrote:
  Sorry, here's the full code I'm using:
  case class MyName(first:String, last:String)
  case class MyUser(id:String, name:MyName, url:String) {
val wtf = wtf
  implicit val formats = net.liftweb.json.DefaultFormats
  val json =
  (id - me.id) ~
  (name -
  (first - me.name.first) ~
  (last - me.name.last)
  ) ~
  (url - me.url)
  val output = JsonDSL.pretty(render(json))
  val jsonCopy = parse(output)
  val user = jsonCopy.extract[MyUser]
  println(user = +user)
  On Sun, Sep 13, 2009 at 12:07 AM, linxbetter linxbet...@gmail.com
   Hello, I saw a post about lift-json on the scala-user list so I
   decided to check it out.  I was particularly interested in the ability
   to call something along the lines of json.extract[MyClass].  I set up
   a little test case for this though, and apparently having a val of any
   sort in my case class causes the below exception.  Any thoughts?
   My classes looked like this:
   case class MyName(first:String, last:String)
   case class MyUser(id:String, name:MyName, url:String) {
val wtf = wtf
   And the output of my test
   [info]   lift-json should
   [info]   x do pain-free json conversion on nested objects
   net.liftweb.json.MappingException: Expected JField but got JNothing,
   json='JField(name,JObject(List(JField(first,JString(Lincoln)), JField
   (last,JString(Hochberg)', path='wtf'
  at net.liftweb.json.Extraction$.net$liftweb$json$Extraction$
  at net.liftweb.json.Extraction$.fieldValue$1(Extraction.scala:
  at net.liftweb.json.Extraction$.build$1(Extraction.scala:78)
  at net.liftweb.json.Extraction$$anonfun$1.apply
  at net.liftweb.json.Extraction$$anonfun$1.apply
  at scala.List.flatMap(List.scala:1132)
  at net.liftweb.json.Extraction$.build$1(Extraction.scala:84)
  at net.liftweb.json.Extraction$$anonfun$1.apply
  at net.liftweb.json.Extraction$$anonfun$1.apply
  at scala.List.flatMap(List.scala:1132)
  at net.liftweb.json.Extraction$.build$1(Extraction.scala:84)
  at net.liftweb.json.Extraction$.extract0(Extraction.scala:109)
  at net.liftweb.json.Extraction$.extract(Extraction.scala:60)
  at net.liftweb.json.JsonAST$JValue.extract(Json.scala:109)
  at com.hotpotato.core.SerializationSpec$$anonfun$1$$anonfun
  at com.hotpotato.core.SerializationSpec$$anonfun$1$$anonfun
  at org.specs.specification.ExampleExecution$$anonfun$3$$anonfun
  at org.specs.specification.Example.execute(Example.scala:121)
  at org.specs.specification.ExampleLifeCycle$class.executeTest
  at org.specs.Specification.executeTest(Specification.scala:28)
  at org.specs.specification.Sus.executeTest(Sus.scala:147)
  at org.specs.specification.ExampleExecution$$anonfun$3.apply
  at org.specs.specification.ExampleExecution$$anonfun$3.apply
  at org.specs.specification.ExampleExecution$$anonfun$2.apply
  at org.specs.specification.ExampleExecution.execute
  at org.specs.specification.Example.execute(Example.scala:117)
  at org.specs.specification.Example.errors(Example.scala:143)
  at org.specs.specification.Sus$$anonfun$successes$1.apply
  at org.specs.specification.Sus$$anonfun$successes$1.apply
  at scala.List.filter(List.scala:859)
  at org.specs.specification.Sus.successes(Sus.scala:122)
  at org.specs.Specification$$anonfun$successes$1.apply
  at org.specs.Specification$$anonfun$successes$1.apply
  at scala.List.flatMap(List.scala:1132)
  at org.specs.Specification.successes(Specification.scala:84)
  at sbt.impl.SpecsRunner.sbt$impl$SpecsRunner$

[Lift] Re: Lift deal breakers

2009-09-13 Thread valotas

I also think that javascript should go just before the boby's closing
tag. The main reason: Yahoo's YSlow and Google's Page speed both
telling you that is better to have as less scripts as possible and all
of them placed at the end of the page. The optimal would be one
javascript at the end of the page no matter how big it is as it would
be cached by any modern browser and it will be used from the local
cache on other requests from the same domain.

Of course optimal is not always what you can get. Assuming that you
have many javascript files it is also better to have them at the
bottom of the page. You will see a major performance boost because
browsers pause the rendering of the page in order to download
javascript. That is because javascript code could contain a
document.write witch means that it will change the dom of the page and
this is something that the browser will not be able to know in advance
in order to continue the parsing of the page. Moving javascript at the
bottom of the page will not decrease the page loading time BUT will
give the user something to see (the whole page) making him thing that
the page loads faster. Of course the browser will still have to get
the javascript and eval it.

As for unobtrusive, jquery (and the most js frameworks) provides a
solution binding an event on an html element after the page has been
loaded. So instead of having somthing like:
button onclick=liftAjax.lift_ajaxHandler
null, null, null); return false;Press me/button

you could have something like:
button id=liftajax_{some_generated_id}Press me/button

and at the end of the page add the javascript:
text type=text/javascript
$(function() {

If the ajax handle call is basically the same for most of the elements
you could instead of adding an id, add a class to the the button for
button class=liftajaxPress me/button

and then at the end of the page add:
text type=text/javascript
$(function() {
$(.liftajax).click(function() {the_lift_ajaxHandler_call_here()})

I personally use jQuery but the above can be done without the help of
any javascript framework. And to make things much more better you
could have all the handler scripts in a separete dynamicaly created
file and the at the end of the html have something like:
script type=text/javscript src=/path/to/the/dynamicaly/created/js/

One reason for keeping me away from using lift for a project is this
mess with javascript. I mean, I first want plain html and nothing
else. If I get the html to work for me the I just add the javascript I
want or let the framework add it, but that should be done in an
elegant way in order to be able to switch it off or on or completely
replace it with my own. I don't want any framework to add by default
the javascript for me because it makes things harder to understand and
this is something bad for someone new to it.

I would be glad to help in this matter in any way possible.

Sorry for my English,
it's not my mother language!


On Sep 13, 6:35 am, marius d. marius.dan...@gmail.com wrote:
 Technically it could (as I implied above) but this can be lucrative
 and IMHO the benefits are simply not that big. I'm not saying that
 things are nailed down but I'd love to see a list of practical
 benefits for Lift to not add event handlers such as on click to the
 elements but rather programatically using synthetic (lift generated)
 JS functions that would add events (i.e. JQuery, YUI ways).


 On Sep 12, 9:05 pm, Naftoli Gugenheim naftoli...@gmail.com wrote:

  Maybe adding javascript event handlers could be delegated to something that 
  depends on which library is being used?


  Kevin Wrightkev.lee.wri...@googlemail.com wrote:

  Moving the script import shouldn't be too difficult, we have the lift:tail
  element and tail merge (which acts exactly the same as head merge) for just
  this sort of problem.

  On Sat, Sep 12, 2009 at 8:07 PM, Dustin Whitney 

   One nice thing about jquery's events, if done wisely, is they are applied
   after the DOM is loaded.  With an onclick a button can be clicked and some
   ajax call is fired that returns and tries to modify a part of the DOM that
   hasn't been loaded.  This is especially true if you have lots of 
   includes at the top of the page.  I have waded my way through many wonky
   javascript bugs like this.  They don't happen in your local environment
   because they load so quickly, but when pushed to production, problems
   ensue.  Maybe there is a hook in the lift ajax js that waits to fire the
   call until after the DOM is loaded?


   On Sat, Sep 12, 2009 at 2:48 PM, Charles F. Munat c...@munat.com wrote:

   I, too, would like to be able to move the liftAjax script call to 

[Lift] Best way to write a wizard

2009-09-13 Thread Josh Suereth

I write to you (unfortunately still) as a lift n00b.  I'm trying to modify a
form such that it looks more wizard like.  i.e.  I want it to specifically
state You've completed part 1, you're on step 2 of 5, etc.

How should I accomplish this in view-first rendering?  Normal MVC, I'd make
one controll that redirects you to the appropriate wizard screen depending
on what steps have already been accomplished (i.e. the controller figures
out which step you're on and sends you to the appropraite view.

In Lift, I'm thinking I have a few options:

1) Have my stateful snippet actually return the various pages in code.  I'm
not happy with this, as my view would reside in the controller, but I could
git'r'done this way.

2) Attempt to learn the lift-wizard library (is this stable/released?)

3) Spend more time trying to be inventive.

Anyone have any thoughts?

- Josh

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[Lift] Re: using jquery 1.3.2 and 'tabs'

2009-09-13 Thread Indrajit Raychaudhuri


1. Lift includes jquery-1.3.2, just do:

script id=jquery src=/classpath/jquery.js type=text/
javascript/script and your done.

2. For the other stuff:

a. Put the files in src/main/resources/toserve/ui (e.g., src/main/

b. Add them to ResourceServer.allowedPaths by adding this to Boot:
ResourceServer.allow {
  case ui :: _ = true

c. Refer them as script id=jquery src=/classpath/ui/ui.tabs.js

Hope this helps.

Cheers, Indrajit

On Sep 13, 9:43 am, David david.b...@gmail.com wrote:
 I'd like to use the latest jquery, 1.3.2.  I'm new to both jquery and
 lift but I like what I see!
     script type=text/javascript src=../js/jquery-1.3.2.js/
     script type=text/javascript src=../js/ui/ui.core.js/script
     script type=text/javascript src=../js/ui/ui.tabs.js/script
     script id=json src=/classpath/json.js type=text/javascript/

     script type=text/javascript
       $(function() {
         lift:surround with=default at=content

 I get this error:

 $(#tabs).tabs is not a functionhttp://localhost:8080/hello
 Line 33

 Is it possible to mix separately downloaded jquery?  If I save the
 'source' of the html after lift has processed, from the browser,
 jquery tabs are working.  But from the dynamic jetty instance, the
 tabs do not work and I get that error.

 Thanks for any help you can provide.
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Lift group.
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For more options, visit this group at 

[Lift] Re: Lift deal breakers

2009-09-13 Thread marius d.

On Sep 13, 11:33 am, valotas valo...@gmail.com wrote:
 I also think that javascript should go just before the boby's closing
 tag. The main reason: Yahoo's YSlow and Google's Page speed both
 telling you that is better to have as less scripts as possible and all
 of them placed at the end of the page. The optimal would be one
 javascript at the end of the page no matter how big it is as it would
 be cached by any modern browser and it will be used from the local
 cache on other requests from the same domain.

 Of course optimal is not always what you can get. Assuming that you
 have many javascript files it is also better to have them at the
 bottom of the page. You will see a major performance boost because
 browsers pause the rendering of the page in order to download
 javascript. That is because javascript code could contain a
 document.write witch means that it will change the dom of the page and
 this is something that the browser will not be able to know in advance
 in order to continue the parsing of the page. Moving javascript at the
 bottom of the page will not decrease the page loading time BUT will
 give the user something to see (the whole page) making him thing that
 the page loads faster. Of course the browser will still have to get
 the javascript and eval it.

 As for unobtrusive, jquery (and the most js frameworks) provides a
 solution binding an event on an html element after the page has been
 loaded. So instead of having somthing like:
 button onclick=liftAjax.lift_ajaxHandler
 null, null, null); return false;Press me/button

 you could have something like:
 button id=liftajax_{some_generated_id}Press me/button

 and at the end of the page add the javascript:
 text type=text/javascript
 $(function() {


That looks a little cleaner but we'll have to look more into it if
we'd want to go on this path. Perhaps accumulate those function into
synthetic js file .. we'll see

 If the ajax handle call is basically the same for most of the elements
 you could instead of adding an id, add a class to the the button for
 button class=liftajaxPress me/button

 and then at the end of the page add:
 text type=text/javascript
 $(function() {
 $(.liftajax).click(function() {the_lift_ajaxHandler_call_here()})})

Two reason why I don't prefer this:

1. Lots of selectors could slow things down
2. Other JS frameworks may not have nice selectors as JQuery


 I personally use jQuery but the above can be done without the help of
 any javascript framework. And to make things much more better you
 could have all the handler scripts in a separete dynamicaly created
 file and the at the end of the html have something like:
 script type=text/javscript src=/path/to/the/dynamicaly/created/js/

 One reason for keeping me away from using lift for a project is this
 mess with javascript. I mean, I first want plain html and nothing
 else. If I get the html to work for me the I just add the javascript I
 want or let the framework add it, but that should be done in an
 elegant way in order to be able to switch it off or on or completely
 replace it with my own. I don't want any framework to add by default
 the javascript for me because it makes things harder to understand and
 this is something bad for someone new to it.

 I would be glad to help in this matter in any way possible.

 Sorry for my English,
 it's not my mother language!

I think this is a great post !


 On Sep 13, 6:35 am, marius d. marius.dan...@gmail.com wrote:

  Technically it could (as I implied above) but this can be lucrative
  and IMHO the benefits are simply not that big. I'm not saying that
  things are nailed down but I'd love to see a list of practical
  benefits for Lift to not add event handlers such as on click to the
  elements but rather programatically using synthetic (lift generated)
  JS functions that would add events (i.e. JQuery, YUI ways).


  On Sep 12, 9:05 pm, Naftoli Gugenheim naftoli...@gmail.com wrote:

   Maybe adding javascript event handlers could be delegated to something 
   that depends on which library is being used?


   Kevin Wrightkev.lee.wri...@googlemail.com wrote:

   Moving the script import shouldn't be too difficult, we have the 
   element and tail merge (which acts exactly the same as head merge) for 
   this sort of problem.

   On Sat, Sep 12, 2009 at 8:07 PM, Dustin Whitney 

One nice thing about jquery's events, if done wisely, is they are 
after the DOM is loaded.  With an onclick a button can be clicked and 
ajax call is fired that returns and tries to modify a part of the DOM 
hasn't been loaded.  This is especially true if you have lots 

[Lift] Getting Maven Offline Mode Working

2009-09-13 Thread Peter Robinett

Hi all,

I'm having problems running mvn -o jetty:run with my version of Lift
(1.1-SNAPSHOT) because Maven thinks that net.liftweb:lift-core:jar:1.1-
SNAPSHOT is missing. How do I fix that? My pom.xml is here:

I've got an international plane flight in 24 hours, so I'd love to
have offline mode working for then. Thanks for the help!

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Lift group.
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[Lift] Re: Getting Maven Offline Mode Working

2009-09-13 Thread Kevin Wright
Try updating to the latest maven, older versions have known issues with
offline behaviour for snapshots.

On Sun, Sep 13, 2009 at 8:55 PM, Peter Robinett pe...@bubblefoundry.comwrote:

 Hi all,

 I'm having problems running mvn -o jetty:run with my version of Lift
 (1.1-SNAPSHOT) because Maven thinks that net.liftweb:lift-core:jar:1.1-
 SNAPSHOT is missing. How do I fix that? My pom.xml is here:

 I've got an international plane flight in 24 hours, so I'd love to
 have offline mode working for then. Thanks for the help!


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Lift group.
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For more options, visit this group at 

[Lift] Re: Lift deal breakers

2009-09-13 Thread Timothy Perrett

A synthetic file sounds good to me and would probably be preferable.

Cheers, Tim

On 13 Sep 2009, at 20:31, marius d. wrote:

 That looks a little cleaner but we'll have to look more into it if
 we'd want to go on this path. Perhaps accumulate those function into
 synthetic js file .. we'll see

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Lift group.
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[Lift] Why isn't this a trait in lift-json?

2009-09-13 Thread Timothy Perrett

Just had a browse over the latest commit and found the following in

public @interface path {
public String value();

Any reason were not using a trait etc to complete the same

Cheers, Tim
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Lift group.
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[Lift] Re: Why isn't this a trait in lift-json?

2009-09-13 Thread Joni Freeman


That annotation is used to configure the json path when extracting
values. By default the extraction code assumes that case class
parameter names match with json field names. For instance these match:

case class Foo(bar: String, baz: Int)
{ bar: qwerty, baz: 10 }

But sometimes json field names can contain characters which are not
allowed in Scala identifiers. For example:
{ foo-bar: qwerty, baz: 10 }

Now, to able to extract this we have to somehow tell the extractor the
exact path explicitly. Currently @path annotation is used for that:
case class Foo(@path(foo-bar) bar: String, baz: Int)

I don't see how a trait can accomplish this, maybe I'm missing

The reason why it is in Java is that Scala annotations are not
accessible at  runtime.

Cheers Joni

On Sep 13, 11:03 pm, Timothy Perrett timo...@getintheloop.eu wrote:
 Just had a browse over the latest commit and found the following in

 public @interface path {
     public String value();


 Any reason were not using a trait etc to complete the same

 Cheers, Tim
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Lift group.
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[Lift] Re: Best way to write a wizard

2009-09-13 Thread Timothy Perrett

It just seems to me that you can already do what you detailed using  
chooseTemplate? My concern about having multiple ways to do a single  
task IMHO makes it more confusing for n00bs... Much better if there is  
a clear problem:solution relationship :-) we already have  
chooseTemplate right?

About wizard, you are right that is what dpp said - however, it's been  
my experience of dave that if the comunity is discussing soemthing and  
it keeps comming up (like the wizard) then he generally rolls his  
sleeves up and gets the job done somehow!

Cheers, Tim

Sent from my iPhone

On 13 Sep 2009, at 21:35, Naftoli Gugenheim naftoli...@gmail.com  

 What do you mean mixed messages?
 Do you object to committing bindSwitch--after all it's much more  
 general and basic than wizards--or that it's what Josh should use?
 Also, I read that DPP said it would take him 2-3 days once he found  
 2-3 days free to apply himself to lift-wizard. Did I miss a message  
 where he said that he found the time already?

 Timothy Perretttimo...@getintheloop.eu wrote:


 Whilst I commend your idea of bindSwitch, im really not sure that is
 the right way forward and would only confuse people (we dont want
 mixed messages). DPP will in two days or less have the wizard in a
 workable state so i would recommend doing just hanging out until that
 is completed... by the sounds of it that will provide a much better
 solution for Josh.

 Cheers, Tim

 On 13 Sep 2009, at 20:33, Naftoli Gugenheim wrote:

 I will try, G-d willing, to commit code today that allows you to
 bindSwitch -- that is, you give it a list of nodes, one of which
 is bound; and the others are replaced with NodeSeq.Empty. I used it
 in a view that had several parts that depend on the state. E.g., if
 you have not selected a client you see a search box with a button
 that either chooses a client if there's 1  result, or taked you to a
 search page. Once a client is selected, you see the clients info
 with a hyperlink to edit his info, and a button to unselect the
 So you could also use it for wizards. But there's also lift-wizard,
 which is a work in progress and may be more than what you need; I
 haven't looked at it myself. But my understanding is that there are
 usable pieces, it just needs to be polished and tied together.

 Josh Suerethjoshua.suer...@gmail.com wrote:


 I write to you (unfortunately still) as a lift n00b.  I'm trying to
 modify a
 form such that it looks more wizard like.  i.e.  I want it to
 state You've completed part 1, you're on step 2 of 5, etc.

 How should I accomplish this in view-first rendering?  Normal MVC,
 I'd make
 one controll that redirects you to the appropriate wizard screen
 on what steps have already been accomplished (i.e. the controller
 out which step you're on and sends you to the appropraite view.

 In Lift, I'm thinking I have a few options:

 1) Have my stateful snippet actually return the various pages in
 code.  I'm
 not happy with this, as my view would reside in the controller, but
 I could
 git'r'done this way.

 2) Attempt to learn the lift-wizard library (is this stable/ 

 3) Spend more time trying to be inventive.

 Anyone have any thoughts?

 - Josh


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[Lift] Re: Lift deal breakers

2009-09-13 Thread marius d.

I think so too. Does anyone have an opinion against this? I'll
probably have some time this week or next weekend to work on it.


On Sep 13, 2:59 pm, Timothy Perrett timo...@getintheloop.eu wrote:
 A synthetic file sounds good to me and would probably be preferable.

 Cheers, Tim

 On 13 Sep 2009, at 20:31, marius d. wrote:

  That looks a little cleaner but we'll have to look more into it if
  we'd want to go on this path. Perhaps accumulate those function into
  synthetic js file .. we'll see
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Lift group.
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For more options, visit this group at 

[Lift] Re: Best way to write a wizard

2009-09-13 Thread Naftoli Gugenheim

Well, you could do it with bind too, or just write your own xml recursion. :)
With chooseTemplate, you (1) need to have a specific location in the xml that 
you're binding the results of chooseTemplate to, i.e., the BindParam that 
holds the chosen part of the view. (2) The part of the view selected with 
chooseTemplate is contextless -- there's no particular place in the view it 
belongs. (3) Whichever template is not being used has to be replaced with 
Now these issues are solved if you put the alternatives inside the node that's 
being used in bind, but what if you accidentally include another xml element 
with the same prefix/label somewhere else?
I'm not saying there isn't a place for chooseTemplate, but for this usage, to 
me it seems much cleaner using an inline switch. For a two-way switch you need 
2 nodes, not 3, and they go in the right place in the view.
If I'm not being clear I'll try to post illustrational examples later.
As to confusing newbies looking through the code, as per David's suggestion it 
will go into a separate object, which I called BindPlus (any other suggestion 
for a name?), which also will have an implicit allowing you to call the bind 
methods on a NodeSeq, allowing one to chain bind calls (useful for multiple 
prefixes  nested binding like binding a name inside a link). The idea is that 
all sorts of binding extras can go there.
I obviously have no problem with Josh using lift-wizard if it's good enough now 
or in two days, as was pretty clear from my original message! But his main 
concern seemed to be switching the view, so I mentioned this option as well.

Timothy Perretttimo...@getintheloop.eu wrote:

It just seems to me that you can already do what you detailed using  
chooseTemplate? My concern about having multiple ways to do a single  
task IMHO makes it more confusing for n00bs... Much better if there is  
a clear problem:solution relationship :-) we already have  
chooseTemplate right?

About wizard, you are right that is what dpp said - however, it's been  
my experience of dave that if the comunity is discussing soemthing and  
it keeps comming up (like the wizard) then he generally rolls his  
sleeves up and gets the job done somehow!

Cheers, Tim

Sent from my iPhone

On 13 Sep 2009, at 21:35, Naftoli Gugenheim naftoli...@gmail.com  

 What do you mean mixed messages?
 Do you object to committing bindSwitch--after all it's much more  
 general and basic than wizards--or that it's what Josh should use?
 Also, I read that DPP said it would take him 2-3 days once he found  
 2-3 days free to apply himself to lift-wizard. Did I miss a message  
 where he said that he found the time already?

 Timothy Perretttimo...@getintheloop.eu wrote:


 Whilst I commend your idea of bindSwitch, im really not sure that is
 the right way forward and would only confuse people (we dont want
 mixed messages). DPP will in two days or less have the wizard in a
 workable state so i would recommend doing just hanging out until that
 is completed... by the sounds of it that will provide a much better
 solution for Josh.

 Cheers, Tim

 On 13 Sep 2009, at 20:33, Naftoli Gugenheim wrote:

 I will try, G-d willing, to commit code today that allows you to
 bindSwitch -- that is, you give it a list of nodes, one of which
 is bound; and the others are replaced with NodeSeq.Empty. I used it
 in a view that had several parts that depend on the state. E.g., if
 you have not selected a client you see a search box with a button
 that either chooses a client if there's 1  result, or taked you to a
 search page. Once a client is selected, you see the clients info
 with a hyperlink to edit his info, and a button to unselect the
 So you could also use it for wizards. But there's also lift-wizard,
 which is a work in progress and may be more than what you need; I
 haven't looked at it myself. But my understanding is that there are
 usable pieces, it just needs to be polished and tied together.

 Josh Suerethjoshua.suer...@gmail.com wrote:


 I write to you (unfortunately still) as a lift n00b.  I'm trying to
 modify a
 form such that it looks more wizard like.  i.e.  I want it to
 state You've completed part 1, you're on step 2 of 5, etc.

 How should I accomplish this in view-first rendering?  Normal MVC,
 I'd make
 one controll that redirects you to the appropriate wizard screen
 on what steps have already been accomplished (i.e. the controller
 out which step you're on and sends you to the appropraite view.

 In Lift, I'm thinking I have a few options:

 1) Have my stateful snippet actually return the various pages in
 code.  I'm
 not happy with this, as my view would reside in the controller, but
 I could
 git'r'done this way.

 2) Attempt to learn the lift-wizard library (is this stable/ 

[Lift] Re: Why isn't this a trait in lift-json?

2009-09-13 Thread marius d.

On Sep 13, 3:15 pm, Joni Freeman freeman.j...@gmail.com wrote:

 That annotation is used to configure the json path when extracting
 values. By default the extraction code assumes that case class
 parameter names match with json field names. For instance these match:

 case class Foo(bar: String, baz: Int)
 { bar: qwerty, baz: 10 }

 But sometimes json field names can contain characters which are not
 allowed in Scala identifiers. For example:
 { foo-bar: qwerty, baz: 10 }

 Now, to able to extract this we have to somehow tell the extractor the
 exact path explicitly. Currently @path annotation is used for that:
 case class Foo(@path(foo-bar) bar: String, baz: Int)

 I don't see how a trait can accomplish this, maybe I'm missing

 The reason why it is in Java is that Scala annotations are not
 accessible at  runtime.

Right but I'd also suggest removing Java code from Lift stack. The
above can be easily achieved by introducing a trait such as:

case class Foo(bar: String with Nominator, baz: Int)

Lift is a 100% Scala code with zero Java code. We also have strong
opinions in the team that we should stay away from annotations.

one option would be something like this:

Lift would have :

trait Nominator{
  def name : String

In user's code:

case class Foo(bar: String with MyNominator, baz: Int)

trait MyNominator extends Nominator {
 def name = foo-bar

Yes it is more verbose then the annotation but IMHO it is more Scala-
ish  Lift-ish.

 Cheers Joni

 On Sep 13, 11:03 pm, Timothy Perrett timo...@getintheloop.eu wrote:

  Just had a browse over the latest commit and found the following in

  public @interface path {
      public String value();


  Any reason were not using a trait etc to complete the same

  Cheers, Tim
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[Lift] Re: Getting Maven Offline Mode Working

2009-09-13 Thread Kevin Wright
Maven is essentially a java application, so you *should* just be able to
download and run.  I'm afraid I can't really give better advice for OS-X
One other idea is to work with 1.1-M5, which should let you go offline on
the older maven version - assuming you have no other snapshot dependencies.

On Sun, Sep 13, 2009 at 10:51 PM, Peter Robinett pe...@bubblefoundry.comwrote:

 Thanks. I have version 2.0.9, which was installed by the Lift OS X
 installer. What is the best way to upgrade to 2.2.1?


 On Sep 13, 12:57 pm, Kevin Wright kev.lee.wri...@googlemail.com
  Try updating to the latest maven, older versions have known issues with
  offline behaviour for snapshots.
  On Sun, Sep 13, 2009 at 8:55 PM, Peter Robinett pe...@bubblefoundry.com
   Hi all,
   I'm having problems running mvn -o jetty:run with my version of Lift
   (1.1-SNAPSHOT) because Maven thinks that net.liftweb:lift-core:jar:1.1-
   SNAPSHOT is missing. How do I fix that? My pom.xml is here:
   I've got an international plane flight in 24 hours, so I'd love to
   have offline mode working for then. Thanks for the help!

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[Lift] Re: Lift deal breakers

2009-09-13 Thread Charles F. Munat


I would much prefer it if all JS were in external files (synthetic as 
necessary) and simply attached to the DOM via ids or classes. I have 
been building my sites this way for years, and I find it the best 
practice for reasons already put forth in this discussion.


Timothy Perrett wrote:
 A synthetic file sounds good to me and would probably be preferable.
 Cheers, Tim
 On 13 Sep 2009, at 20:31, marius d. wrote:
 That looks a little cleaner but we'll have to look more into it if
 we'd want to go on this path. Perhaps accumulate those function into
 synthetic js file .. we'll see

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For more options, visit this group at 

[Lift] Re: Lift deal breakers

2009-09-13 Thread Xavi Ramirez

If I understand everything correctly, the proposal is to dynamically
create a js file for each page request to add event handlers?

If this is true, then I'm against the proposal for the following two reasons:

1. Every page will load slower

Since the js file is dynamically create on each request, the js file
will be un-cacheable.  This means the browser be will forced to make
an addition HTTP request to the server to render each page.  This adds
roughly 150ms to the page load time (50ms to 200ms for network lag,
50ms for download, 10ms for js execution).

2. Each page will be more fragile

Requiring the synthetic js file will add another point of failure.
Even now-a-days with the ubiquity of broadband, connects still get
lost and files still get corrupted.

It's true that most modern web pages already depend a number of
external JS and CSS files, but typically these files are static and
easily cached.

Just adding my 2 cents.


On Sun, Sep 13, 2009 at 5:41 PM, marius d. marius.dan...@gmail.com wrote:

 I think so too. Does anyone have an opinion against this? I'll
 probably have some time this week or next weekend to work on it.


 On Sep 13, 2:59 pm, Timothy Perrett timo...@getintheloop.eu wrote:
 A synthetic file sounds good to me and would probably be preferable.

 Cheers, Tim

 On 13 Sep 2009, at 20:31, marius d. wrote:

  That looks a little cleaner but we'll have to look more into it if
  we'd want to go on this path. Perhaps accumulate those function into
  synthetic js file .. we'll see

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Lift group.
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For more options, visit this group at 

[Lift] Re: Best way to write a wizard

2009-09-13 Thread Naftoli Gugenheim

Okay, here's what I mean.
Using chooseTemplate:
person:code /
person:fullname /
bM:/b person:mobile /br /
Last: person:last /br /
First: person:first /br /
bind(person, xhtml,
  code - person.code.is,
  info - ( if(!detailedView)
bind(person, chooseTemplate(xhtml, personinfo, concise),
...)   // did I get the parameter order right? :)
bind(person, chooseTemplate(xhtml, personinfo, detailed), ...)

Using bindSwitch, with the implicit enabling bind chaining:
person:code /
  person:fullname /
  bM:/b person:mobile /br /
  Last: person:last /br /
  First: person:first /br /
def bindDetailed: NodeSeq=NodeSeq = (ns: NodeSeq) = { ... }
  code - person.code.is
).bindSwitch(personinfo, Seq(concise, detailed)) (
1 - bindDetailed
0 - {(ns: NodeSeq) = ns.bind(person, fullname -
person.calcFullname(), ...)}

On Sun, Sep 13, 2009 at 5:46 PM, Naftoli Gugenheim naftoli...@gmail.com wrote:

 By the way, I would be curious to see a link to a post where a newbie was 
 confused by multiple ways to do something -- not curious about the 
 difference, but having a harder time with even one than if there hadn't been 
 the alternative. I'm not doubting what you said--just curious to see such a 

 Timothy Perretttimo...@getintheloop.eu wrote:

 It just seems to me that you can already do what you detailed using
 chooseTemplate? My concern about having multiple ways to do a single
 task IMHO makes it more confusing for n00bs... Much better if there is
 a clear problem:solution relationship :-) we already have
 chooseTemplate right?

 About wizard, you are right that is what dpp said - however, it's been
 my experience of dave that if the comunity is discussing soemthing and
 it keeps comming up (like the wizard) then he generally rolls his
 sleeves up and gets the job done somehow!

 Cheers, Tim

 Sent from my iPhone

 On 13 Sep 2009, at 21:35, Naftoli Gugenheim naftoli...@gmail.com

  What do you mean mixed messages?
  Do you object to committing bindSwitch--after all it's much more
  general and basic than wizards--or that it's what Josh should use?
  Also, I read that DPP said it would take him 2-3 days once he found
  2-3 days free to apply himself to lift-wizard. Did I miss a message
  where he said that he found the time already?
  Timothy Perretttimo...@getintheloop.eu wrote:
  Whilst I commend your idea of bindSwitch, im really not sure that is
  the right way forward and would only confuse people (we dont want
  mixed messages). DPP will in two days or less have the wizard in a
  workable state so i would recommend doing just hanging out until that
  is completed... by the sounds of it that will provide a much better
  solution for Josh.
  Cheers, Tim
  On 13 Sep 2009, at 20:33, Naftoli Gugenheim wrote:
  I will try, G-d willing, to commit code today that allows you to
  bindSwitch -- that is, you give it a list of nodes, one of which
  is bound; and the others are replaced with NodeSeq.Empty. I used it
  in a view that had several parts that depend on the state. E.g., if
  you have not selected a client you see a search box with a button
  that either chooses a client if there's 1  result, or taked you to a
  search page. Once a client is selected, you see the clients info
  with a hyperlink to edit his info, and a button to unselect the
  So you could also use it for wizards. But there's also lift-wizard,
  which is a work in progress and may be more than what you need; I
  haven't looked at it myself. But my understanding is that there are
  usable pieces, it just needs to be polished and tied together.
  Josh Suerethjoshua.suer...@gmail.com wrote:
  I write to you (unfortunately still) as a lift n00b.  I'm trying to
  modify a
  form such that it looks more wizard like.  i.e.  I want it to
  state You've completed part 1, you're on step 2 of 5, etc.
  How should I accomplish this in view-first rendering?  Normal MVC,
  I'd make
  one controll that redirects you to the appropriate wizard screen
  on what steps have already been accomplished (i.e. the controller
  out which step you're on and sends you to the appropraite view.
  In Lift, I'm thinking I have a few options:
  1) Have my stateful snippet actually return the various pages in
  code.  I'm
  not happy with this, as my view would reside in the controller, but
  I could
  git'r'done this way.
  2) Attempt to learn the lift-wizard library (is this stable/
  3) Spend more time 

[Lift] Re: Getting Maven Offline Mode Working

2009-09-13 Thread Naftoli Gugenheim

You could probably just overwrite where ever the lift installer
installed maven to. Or maybe run a newer lift installer?

On Sun, Sep 13, 2009 at 7:00 PM, Kevin
Wrightkev.lee.wri...@googlemail.com wrote:
 Maven is essentially a java application, so you *should* just be able to
 download and run.  I'm afraid I can't really give better advice for OS-X
 One other idea is to work with 1.1-M5, which should let you go offline on
 the older maven version - assuming you have no other snapshot dependencies.

 On Sun, Sep 13, 2009 at 10:51 PM, Peter Robinett pe...@bubblefoundry.com

 Thanks. I have version 2.0.9, which was installed by the Lift OS X
 installer. What is the best way to upgrade to 2.2.1?


 On Sep 13, 12:57 pm, Kevin Wright kev.lee.wri...@googlemail.com
  Try updating to the latest maven, older versions have known issues with
  offline behaviour for snapshots.
  On Sun, Sep 13, 2009 at 8:55 PM, Peter Robinett
   Hi all,
   I'm having problems running mvn -o jetty:run with my version of Lift
   (1.1-SNAPSHOT) because Maven thinks that
   SNAPSHOT is missing. How do I fix that? My pom.xml is here:
   I've got an international plane flight in 24 hours, so I'd love to
   have offline mode working for then. Thanks for the help!


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Lift group.
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[Lift] Re: Lift deal breakers

2009-09-13 Thread Naftoli Gugenheim

You mean cached by the browser? Isn't that a matter of setting headers, since 
it won't change in the session--or will it? Can one app switch dynamically from 
JQuery to YUI?

Xavi Ramirezxavi@gmail.com wrote:

If I understand everything correctly, the proposal is to dynamically
create a js file for each page request to add event handlers?

If this is true, then I'm against the proposal for the following two reasons:

1. Every page will load slower

Since the js file is dynamically create on each request, the js file
will be un-cacheable.  This means the browser be will forced to make
an addition HTTP request to the server to render each page.  This adds
roughly 150ms to the page load time (50ms to 200ms for network lag,
50ms for download, 10ms for js execution).

2. Each page will be more fragile

Requiring the synthetic js file will add another point of failure.
Even now-a-days with the ubiquity of broadband, connects still get
lost and files still get corrupted.

It's true that most modern web pages already depend a number of
external JS and CSS files, but typically these files are static and
easily cached.

Just adding my 2 cents.


On Sun, Sep 13, 2009 at 5:41 PM, marius d. marius.dan...@gmail.com wrote:

 I think so too. Does anyone have an opinion against this? I'll
 probably have some time this week or next weekend to work on it.


 On Sep 13, 2:59?pm, Timothy Perrett timo...@getintheloop.eu wrote:
 A synthetic file sounds good to me and would probably be preferable.

 Cheers, Tim

 On 13 Sep 2009, at 20:31, marius d. wrote:

  That looks a little cleaner but we'll have to look more into it if
  we'd want to go on this path. Perhaps accumulate those function into
  synthetic js file .. we'll see

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[Lift] Re: Getting Maven Offline Mode Working

2009-09-13 Thread Peter Robinett

Thanks, Kevin. Dropping in the latest version didn't seem to work (mvn
--version kept saying I still had 2.0.9) but switching to 1.1-M5 did.


On Sep 13, 4:00 pm, Kevin Wright kev.lee.wri...@googlemail.com
 Maven is essentially a java application, so you *should* just be able to
 download and run.  I'm afraid I can't really give better advice for OS-X
 One other idea is to work with 1.1-M5, which should let you go offline on
 the older maven version - assuming you have no other snapshot dependencies.

 On Sun, Sep 13, 2009 at 10:51 PM, Peter Robinett 

  Thanks. I have version 2.0.9, which was installed by the Lift OS X
  installer. What is the best way to upgrade to 2.2.1?


  On Sep 13, 12:57 pm, Kevin Wright kev.lee.wri...@googlemail.com
   Try updating to the latest maven, older versions have known issues with
   offline behaviour for snapshots.

   On Sun, Sep 13, 2009 at 8:55 PM, Peter Robinett pe...@bubblefoundry.com

Hi all,

I'm having problems running mvn -o jetty:run with my version of Lift
(1.1-SNAPSHOT) because Maven thinks that net.liftweb:lift-core:jar:1.1-
SNAPSHOT is missing. How do I fix that? My pom.xml is here:

I've got an international plane flight in 24 hours, so I'd love to
have offline mode working for then. Thanks for the help!

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[Lift] Re: Lift deal breakers

2009-09-13 Thread marius d.

I kinda used the term js file a bit too loosely. It is true that each
page would likely have different functions there and even the same
page on subsequent load would have different content so the file can
not really be cached.

I'm thinking that instead of:

button onclick=liftAjax.lift_ajaxHandler
('F1029758482780OTA=true',null, null, null); return false;Press me/

We could have:

button onclick=liftAjax('F1029758482780OTA')Press me/button


.. and at the end of the page:

script type=text/javascript

function liftAjax(id) {
   liftAjax.lift_ajaxHandler(id + '=true',null, null, null); return


Likely there will be more synthetic functions that would need to be
generated depending on specific cases. This approach would result in a
slightly larger markup but I'm not sure if the impact is negligible or
not. In essence we are replacing a function call with another one more
concise which helps just in having a more concise function calls in
the markup.

BUT most likely for functions like liftAjax above we should put them
in liftAjax.js that lift generates and those would just be helper
function. This means that the script block above will not be needed
anymore. Thoughts?

Thanks Xavi for the good points.


On Sep 13, 7:03 pm, Xavi Ramirez xavi@gmail.com wrote:
 If I understand everything correctly, the proposal is to dynamically
 create a js file for each page request to add event handlers?

 If this is true, then I'm against the proposal for the following two reasons:

 1. Every page will load slower

 Since the js file is dynamically create on each request, the js file
 will be un-cacheable.  This means the browser be will forced to make
 an addition HTTP request to the server to render each page.  This adds
 roughly 150ms to the page load time (50ms to 200ms for network lag,
 50ms for download, 10ms for js execution).

 2. Each page will be more fragile

 Requiring the synthetic js file will add another point of failure.
 Even now-a-days with the ubiquity of broadband, connects still get
 lost and files still get corrupted.

 It's true that most modern web pages already depend a number of
 external JS and CSS files, but typically these files are static and
 easily cached.

 Just adding my 2 cents.


 On Sun, Sep 13, 2009 at 5:41 PM, marius d. marius.dan...@gmail.com wrote:

  I think so too. Does anyone have an opinion against this? I'll
  probably have some time this week or next weekend to work on it.


  On Sep 13, 2:59 pm, Timothy Perrett timo...@getintheloop.eu wrote:
  A synthetic file sounds good to me and would probably be preferable.

  Cheers, Tim

  On 13 Sep 2009, at 20:31, marius d. wrote:

   That looks a little cleaner but we'll have to look more into it if
   we'd want to go on this path. Perhaps accumulate those function into
   synthetic js file .. we'll see
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[Lift] Re: Lift deal breakers

2009-09-13 Thread Charles F. Munat

I'm afraid I have to disagree. As a website developer, I've been putting 
all my JS into an external file (per page when necessary) for many years 
without any problems. Every good JS programmer I know does the same. It 
is considered *more* not less robust to put the JS in an external file 
and attach event handlers to the DOM from there.

Page loading is in the eye of the beholder. Moving the JS to external 
scripts and the script tags to the bottom of the page actually makes the 
page appear more quickly, hence load faster in the mind of the user.

Fragility is a non-issue. If the JS is all in the external file and the 
file does not load, then the page loads without JS. Put the event 
handlers in the HTML and the external file to which they refer doesn't 
load, same problem (except now you get a raft of JS errors).

With best practices, the JS file can be cacheable, albeit per-page.

Ideally, here's what I'd like. I add Lift tags to my page for each JS 
file I want included with the page. In each tag I designate whether that 
file is cacheable or dynamic and whether it is site-wide or specific to 
that page.

Lift then takes all the site-wide cacheable pages, in the order I 
specified them, and gzips them up into a single file. Then it inserts a 
script tag for that file at the bottom of the page.

Similarly, it takes all the page-specific cacheable pages, adds Lift's 
own page specific stuff at the end (the event handlers of which we 
speak), gzips it, gives it a name unique to that page, and adds another 
script tag for that file.

Finally, it gzips up all dynamically-generated JS and gives it a 
timestamp for a filename so it won't be cached.

This way I get jQuery, Ext JS, etc. all downloaded and cached in one big 
gzipped file. I get all page-specific but unchanging JS in another 
gzipped file for each page (cacheable, too). And I get my 
dynamically-generated, changing JS (if any) in a final gzipped file.

My page is clean, all the scripts load in the proper order at the end, 
and everything is gzipped and, where applicable, cacheable for the best 
speed. We've just eliminated several points of failure, as I see it.

Note also that since I use Ext JS, some of my JS files are very long and 
complex. I'm building a rich client, after all. I want to separate these 
scripts out into simple modules to make it easier to code them. But when 
they are served, I want them combined together in the proper order into 
one file. Another benefit of this system.

On final option might be to indicate in the Lift tag whether the 
combined JS should be an external resource or inserted into the HTML 
page. Then you could insert the dynamic stuff into the page if you 
wanted to. (Of course, if nothing in the HTML changes, you've just 
prevented the caching of the HTML page, but it might be a useful option.)

I wish I could offer to do this, but I'm desperately swamped at the 
moment (OK, forever). But this is what I would suggest as the best way 
to do things.


Xavi Ramirez wrote:
 If I understand everything correctly, the proposal is to dynamically
 create a js file for each page request to add event handlers?
 If this is true, then I'm against the proposal for the following two reasons:
 1. Every page will load slower
 Since the js file is dynamically create on each request, the js file
 will be un-cacheable.  This means the browser be will forced to make
 an addition HTTP request to the server to render each page.  This adds
 roughly 150ms to the page load time (50ms to 200ms for network lag,
 50ms for download, 10ms for js execution).
 2. Each page will be more fragile
 Requiring the synthetic js file will add another point of failure.
 Even now-a-days with the ubiquity of broadband, connects still get
 lost and files still get corrupted.
 It's true that most modern web pages already depend a number of
 external JS and CSS files, but typically these files are static and
 easily cached.
 Just adding my 2 cents.
 On Sun, Sep 13, 2009 at 5:41 PM, marius d. marius.dan...@gmail.com wrote:
 I think so too. Does anyone have an opinion against this? I'll
 probably have some time this week or next weekend to work on it.


 On Sep 13, 2:59 pm, Timothy Perrett timo...@getintheloop.eu wrote:
 A synthetic file sounds good to me and would probably be preferable.

 Cheers, Tim

 On 13 Sep 2009, at 20:31, marius d. wrote:

 That looks a little cleaner but we'll have to look more into it if
 we'd want to go on this path. Perhaps accumulate those function into
 synthetic js file .. we'll see

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[Lift] Re: Lift deal breakers

2009-09-13 Thread Naftoli Gugenheim

Is the DOM approach ruled out? I.e., generate a short script tag that is 
generated from the events needed to be listened for, which are delegated to a 
javascript generator that depends on the library. The actual JS files would be 
Maybe I missed where this option was eliminated?
Also, what did you mean by lucrative?

marius d.marius.dan...@gmail.com wrote:

I kinda used the term js file a bit too loosely. It is true that each
page would likely have different functions there and even the same
page on subsequent load would have different content so the file can
not really be cached.

I'm thinking that instead of:

button onclick=liftAjax.lift_ajaxHandler
('F1029758482780OTA=true',null, null, null); return false;Press me/

We could have:

button onclick=liftAjax('F1029758482780OTA')Press me/button


.. and at the end of the page:

script type=text/javascript

function liftAjax(id) {
   liftAjax.lift_ajaxHandler(id + '=true',null, null, null); return


Likely there will be more synthetic functions that would need to be
generated depending on specific cases. This approach would result in a
slightly larger markup but I'm not sure if the impact is negligible or
not. In essence we are replacing a function call with another one more
concise which helps just in having a more concise function calls in
the markup.

BUT most likely for functions like liftAjax above we should put them
in liftAjax.js that lift generates and those would just be helper
function. This means that the script block above will not be needed
anymore. Thoughts?

Thanks Xavi for the good points.


On Sep 13, 7:03?pm, Xavi Ramirez xavi@gmail.com wrote:
 If I understand everything correctly, the proposal is to dynamically
 create a js file for each page request to add event handlers?

 If this is true, then I'm against the proposal for the following two reasons:

 1. Every page will load slower

 Since the js file is dynamically create on each request, the js file
 will be un-cacheable. ?This means the browser be will forced to make
 an addition HTTP request to the server to render each page. ?This adds
 roughly 150ms to the page load time (50ms to 200ms for network lag,
 50ms for download, 10ms for js execution).

 2. Each page will be more fragile

 Requiring the synthetic js file will add another point of failure.
 Even now-a-days with the ubiquity of broadband, connects still get
 lost and files still get corrupted.

 It's true that most modern web pages already depend a number of
 external JS and CSS files, but typically these files are static and
 easily cached.

 Just adding my 2 cents.


 On Sun, Sep 13, 2009 at 5:41 PM, marius d. marius.dan...@gmail.com wrote:

  I think so too. Does anyone have an opinion against this? I'll
  probably have some time this week or next weekend to work on it.


  On Sep 13, 2:59?pm, Timothy Perrett timo...@getintheloop.eu wrote:
  A synthetic file sounds good to me and would probably be preferable.

  Cheers, Tim

  On 13 Sep 2009, at 20:31, marius d. wrote:

   That looks a little cleaner but we'll have to look more into it if
   we'd want to go on this path. Perhaps accumulate those function into
   synthetic js file .. we'll see

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[Lift] Re: Lift deal breakers

2009-09-13 Thread Charles F. Munat

marius d. wrote:
 I'm thinking that instead of:
 button onclick=liftAjax.lift_ajaxHandler
 ('F1029758482780OTA=true',null, null, null); return false;Press me/
 We could have:
 button onclick=liftAjax('F1029758482780OTA')Press me/button

This is not what I had in mind at all. You still have the event handler 
in the HTML. The idea, I thought, was to attach the event handler from 
an external file using the id (or class) of the button element.

Maybe I'm living on a different planet (a distinct possibility and one 
I've been giving much thought to recently), but virtually every JS 
programmer I know considers this a best practice, and it has been 
considered so for many years.

Frankly, and maybe I'm just a bit dull, but I can't conceive of what the 
advantage to the above change might be. What am I missing?


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[Lift] Re: Why isn't this a trait in lift-json?

2009-09-13 Thread Josh Suereth
Scala does support annotations, they're just anemic at this point.

I hadn't tried, but does extending ClassfileAnnotation allow runtime
visibility?  That would give you a pure scala implementation.  If not, I
think we need to rally for StaticAnnotation/ClassfileAnnotation to be joined
by their future brother RuntimeAnnotation.

- Josh

On Sun, Sep 13, 2009 at 6:31 PM, marius d. marius.dan...@gmail.com wrote:

 On Sep 13, 3:15 pm, Joni Freeman freeman.j...@gmail.com wrote:
  That annotation is used to configure the json path when extracting
  values. By default the extraction code assumes that case class
  parameter names match with json field names. For instance these match:
  case class Foo(bar: String, baz: Int)
  { bar: qwerty, baz: 10 }
  But sometimes json field names can contain characters which are not
  allowed in Scala identifiers. For example:
  { foo-bar: qwerty, baz: 10 }
  Now, to able to extract this we have to somehow tell the extractor the
  exact path explicitly. Currently @path annotation is used for that:
  case class Foo(@path(foo-bar) bar: String, baz: Int)
  I don't see how a trait can accomplish this, maybe I'm missing
  The reason why it is in Java is that Scala annotations are not
  accessible at  runtime.

 Right but I'd also suggest removing Java code from Lift stack. The
 above can be easily achieved by introducing a trait such as:

 case class Foo(bar: String with Nominator, baz: Int)

 Lift is a 100% Scala code with zero Java code. We also have strong
 opinions in the team that we should stay away from annotations.

 one option would be something like this:

 Lift would have :

 trait Nominator{
  def name : String

 In user's code:

 case class Foo(bar: String with MyNominator, baz: Int)

 trait MyNominator extends Nominator {
  def name = foo-bar

 Yes it is more verbose then the annotation but IMHO it is more Scala-
 ish  Lift-ish.

  Cheers Joni
  On Sep 13, 11:03 pm, Timothy Perrett timo...@getintheloop.eu wrote:
   Just had a browse over the latest commit and found the following in
   public @interface path {
   public String value();
   Any reason were not using a trait etc to complete the same
   Cheers, Tim

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[Lift] Re: Getting Maven Offline Mode Working

2009-09-13 Thread Josh Suereth
Check your PATH variable, probably pointing to the wrong maven still.  You
really need to get off of maven 2.0.9.   The offlline mode is broken.

2.0.10 should be the minimum version you need to fix that issue.

On Sun, Sep 13, 2009 at 8:33 PM, Peter Robinett pe...@bubblefoundry.comwrote:

 Thanks, Kevin. Dropping in the latest version didn't seem to work (mvn
 --version kept saying I still had 2.0.9) but switching to 1.1-M5 did.


 On Sep 13, 4:00 pm, Kevin Wright kev.lee.wri...@googlemail.com
  Maven is essentially a java application, so you *should* just be able to
  download and run.  I'm afraid I can't really give better advice for OS-X
  One other idea is to work with 1.1-M5, which should let you go offline on
  the older maven version - assuming you have no other snapshot
  On Sun, Sep 13, 2009 at 10:51 PM, Peter Robinett 
   Thanks. I have version 2.0.9, which was installed by the Lift OS X
   installer. What is the best way to upgrade to 2.2.1?
   On Sep 13, 12:57 pm, Kevin Wright kev.lee.wri...@googlemail.com
Try updating to the latest maven, older versions have known issues
offline behaviour for snapshots.
On Sun, Sep 13, 2009 at 8:55 PM, Peter Robinett 
 Hi all,
 I'm having problems running mvn -o jetty:run with my version of
 (1.1-SNAPSHOT) because Maven thinks that
 SNAPSHOT is missing. How do I fix that? My pom.xml is here:
 I've got an international plane flight in 24 hours, so I'd love to
 have offline mode working for then. Thanks for the help!

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[Lift] Re: Lift deal breakers

2009-09-13 Thread Josh Suereth
This is how we do JavaScript/ExtJS development at my work place, except with
a twist.

We actually have a javascript-only project for a our javascript library.
We use the maven-javascript-tools plugins to create a javascript project
that relies on others (in our case, things like Simile Timeline and
ExtJS).   We then compile/minify the javascript into an 'artifact' that gets
used by our main webapp, where the alchim yui-compressor takes all the
CSS/Javascript and bundles as much of it as possible into a single huge JS

The library project can make use of JSUnit tests (slow-to-run, recommend for
integration tests only), and has its own stubbed out controllers and jetty
for testing.

It's a very interesting setup, but I'm very happy with it.  We have very
modular JS code, and very very very very very very little JSP/HTML code (we
didn't select lift at work).  If I were to start using Lift for my backend
to ExtJS I would need support for a similar setup (i.e. expect little or no
HTML generated outside of the Javascript).

Also, the ability to cache dynamically created pages works great for our
product in production, however, we're only dynamically creating a javasript
file containing very static resources (externalized string library for use
when rendering in javascript.  This ensures our Javascript and Java
externalization works similarly.)  I highly recommend the approach if using
something like ExtJS,  however for lift's templates I'd agree that a
page-unique-id would be required for every synthetically created js file
so that caching works appropriately.  You can also force the browser to
check if something's changed.  We have a development hack that checks
class-load time of the  synthetic-js-generator and ensures the cached copy
is up-to-date from that time.   This means jetty-reloads will reload the
class and ensure the next refresh pulls a new version.  It's a bit tricky to
get set up at first, but worked great!

Hopefully this input is helpful!

- Josh

On Sun, Sep 13, 2009 at 8:48 PM, Charles F. Munat c...@munat.com wrote:

 I'm afraid I have to disagree. As a website developer, I've been putting
 all my JS into an external file (per page when necessary) for many years
 without any problems. Every good JS programmer I know does the same. It
 is considered *more* not less robust to put the JS in an external file
 and attach event handlers to the DOM from there.

 Page loading is in the eye of the beholder. Moving the JS to external
 scripts and the script tags to the bottom of the page actually makes the
 page appear more quickly, hence load faster in the mind of the user.

 Fragility is a non-issue. If the JS is all in the external file and the
 file does not load, then the page loads without JS. Put the event
 handlers in the HTML and the external file to which they refer doesn't
 load, same problem (except now you get a raft of JS errors).

 With best practices, the JS file can be cacheable, albeit per-page.

 Ideally, here's what I'd like. I add Lift tags to my page for each JS
 file I want included with the page. In each tag I designate whether that
 file is cacheable or dynamic and whether it is site-wide or specific to
 that page.

 Lift then takes all the site-wide cacheable pages, in the order I
 specified them, and gzips them up into a single file. Then it inserts a
 script tag for that file at the bottom of the page.

 Similarly, it takes all the page-specific cacheable pages, adds Lift's
 own page specific stuff at the end (the event handlers of which we
 speak), gzips it, gives it a name unique to that page, and adds another
 script tag for that file.

 Finally, it gzips up all dynamically-generated JS and gives it a
 timestamp for a filename so it won't be cached.

 This way I get jQuery, Ext JS, etc. all downloaded and cached in one big
 gzipped file. I get all page-specific but unchanging JS in another
 gzipped file for each page (cacheable, too). And I get my
 dynamically-generated, changing JS (if any) in a final gzipped file.

 My page is clean, all the scripts load in the proper order at the end,
 and everything is gzipped and, where applicable, cacheable for the best
 speed. We've just eliminated several points of failure, as I see it.

 Note also that since I use Ext JS, some of my JS files are very long and
 complex. I'm building a rich client, after all. I want to separate these
 scripts out into simple modules to make it easier to code them. But when
 they are served, I want them combined together in the proper order into
 one file. Another benefit of this system.

 On final option might be to indicate in the Lift tag whether the
 combined JS should be an external resource or inserted into the HTML
 page. Then you could insert the dynamic stuff into the page if you
 wanted to. (Of course, if nothing in the HTML changes, you've just
 prevented the caching of the HTML page, but it might be a useful option.)

 I wish I could offer to do this, but I'm desperately 

[Lift] Re: Lift deal breakers

2009-09-13 Thread Xavi Ramirez

Hi Marius,

Ahh yes I see.  That's very different from what I originally
understood.  Your implementation makes sense.


On Sun, Sep 13, 2009 at 8:43 PM, marius d. marius.dan...@gmail.com wrote:

 I kinda used the term js file a bit too loosely. It is true that each
 page would likely have different functions there and even the same
 page on subsequent load would have different content so the file can
 not really be cached.

 I'm thinking that instead of:

 button onclick=liftAjax.lift_ajaxHandler
 ('F1029758482780OTA=true',null, null, null); return false;Press me/

 We could have:

 button onclick=liftAjax('F1029758482780OTA')Press me/button


 .. and at the end of the page:

 script type=text/javascript

 function liftAjax(id) {
   liftAjax.lift_ajaxHandler(id + '=true',null, null, null); return


 Likely there will be more synthetic functions that would need to be
 generated depending on specific cases. This approach would result in a
 slightly larger markup but I'm not sure if the impact is negligible or
 not. In essence we are replacing a function call with another one more
 concise which helps just in having a more concise function calls in
 the markup.

 BUT most likely for functions like liftAjax above we should put them
 in liftAjax.js that lift generates and those would just be helper
 function. This means that the script block above will not be needed
 anymore. Thoughts?

 Thanks Xavi for the good points.


 On Sep 13, 7:03 pm, Xavi Ramirez xavi@gmail.com wrote:
 If I understand everything correctly, the proposal is to dynamically
 create a js file for each page request to add event handlers?

 If this is true, then I'm against the proposal for the following two reasons:

 1. Every page will load slower

 Since the js file is dynamically create on each request, the js file
 will be un-cacheable.  This means the browser be will forced to make
 an addition HTTP request to the server to render each page.  This adds
 roughly 150ms to the page load time (50ms to 200ms for network lag,
 50ms for download, 10ms for js execution).

 2. Each page will be more fragile

 Requiring the synthetic js file will add another point of failure.
 Even now-a-days with the ubiquity of broadband, connects still get
 lost and files still get corrupted.

 It's true that most modern web pages already depend a number of
 external JS and CSS files, but typically these files are static and
 easily cached.

 Just adding my 2 cents.


 On Sun, Sep 13, 2009 at 5:41 PM, marius d. marius.dan...@gmail.com wrote:

  I think so too. Does anyone have an opinion against this? I'll
  probably have some time this week or next weekend to work on it.


  On Sep 13, 2:59 pm, Timothy Perrett timo...@getintheloop.eu wrote:
  A synthetic file sounds good to me and would probably be preferable.

  Cheers, Tim

  On 13 Sep 2009, at 20:31, marius d. wrote:

   That looks a little cleaner but we'll have to look more into it if
   we'd want to go on this path. Perhaps accumulate those function into
   synthetic js file .. we'll see

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To post to this group, send email to liftweb@googlegroups.com
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For more options, visit this group at 

[Lift] Re: Lift deal breakers

2009-09-13 Thread marius d.

On Sep 13, 8:00 pm, Charles F. Munat c...@munat.com wrote:
 marius d. wrote:
  I'm thinking that instead of:

  button onclick=liftAjax.lift_ajaxHandler
  ('F1029758482780OTA=true',null, null, null); return false;Press me/

  We could have:

  button onclick=liftAjax('F1029758482780OTA')Press me/button

 This is not what I had in mind at all. You still have the event handler
 in the HTML. The idea, I thought, was to attach the event handler from
 an external file using the id (or class) of the button element.

I understand that but this is a bit impractical because lift would
have to generate artificial ID-s OR id-s could be tampered with or
other JS libraries may generate their own ID-s etc. Selectors by class
is also a little impractical from a framework standpoint. Also we'd
have to add code for each underlying JS library (JQuery, YUI etc).
This would require IMHO significant code to write and not a
significant gain. But I'd love to prove me wrong.

 Maybe I'm living on a different planet (a distinct possibility and one
 I've been giving much thought to recently), but virtually every JS
 programmer I know considers this a best practice, and it has been
 considered so for many years.

I know this is practical from applications perspective when writing
specific JS etc. but from a framework perspective, this is not.

 Frankly, and maybe I'm just a bit dull, but I can't conceive of what the
 advantage to the above change might be. What am I missing?

I'm not 100% buying any proposal so far ... as I explained above the
disadvantages as we replace a JS expression with another JS function
call. It just adds a bit of conciseness .. nothing more.

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[Lift] Re: Lift deal breakers

2009-09-13 Thread Charles F. Munat

Well, conciseness is always good. I haven't looked at (and don't have 
time to look at) the code that inserts this stuff, so I'll take your 
word for it that it's a big undertaking. Lord knows, I don't have time, 
so I'm certainly not complaining.

But we've got a desideratum, anyway. Maybe down the road someone will 
have time to look at it.

Thanks for the clarification!


marius d. wrote:
 On Sep 13, 8:00 pm, Charles F. Munat c...@munat.com wrote:
 marius d. wrote:
 I'm thinking that instead of:
 button onclick=liftAjax.lift_ajaxHandler
 ('F1029758482780OTA=true',null, null, null); return false;Press me/
 We could have:
 button onclick=liftAjax('F1029758482780OTA')Press me/button
 This is not what I had in mind at all. You still have the event handler
 in the HTML. The idea, I thought, was to attach the event handler from
 an external file using the id (or class) of the button element.
 I understand that but this is a bit impractical because lift would
 have to generate artificial ID-s OR id-s could be tampered with or
 other JS libraries may generate their own ID-s etc. Selectors by class
 is also a little impractical from a framework standpoint. Also we'd
 have to add code for each underlying JS library (JQuery, YUI etc).
 This would require IMHO significant code to write and not a
 significant gain. But I'd love to prove me wrong.
 Maybe I'm living on a different planet (a distinct possibility and one
 I've been giving much thought to recently), but virtually every JS
 programmer I know considers this a best practice, and it has been
 considered so for many years.
 I know this is practical from applications perspective when writing
 specific JS etc. but from a framework perspective, this is not.
 Frankly, and maybe I'm just a bit dull, but I can't conceive of what the
 advantage to the above change might be. What am I missing?
 I'm not 100% buying any proposal so far ... as I explained above the
 disadvantages as we replace a JS expression with another JS function
 call. It just adds a bit of conciseness .. nothing more.

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[Lift] Re: Lift deal breakers

2009-09-13 Thread Charles F. Munat

This is pretty close to what I'm doing. I have a REST backend (in Lift) 
that serves the data, and a separate Ext JS front end (one single page 
with a lot of Ext JS) running in a separate Lift app. It's still in 
progress and I haven't worked out all the details yet, but I'm very 
happy with it so far. It has really simplified things.

The difficult part is authentication/authorization. Ugh.

I, too, am  planning to combine and minimize my cacheable JS files when 
it goes live. Sounds like your system is much more sophisticated...


Josh Suereth wrote:
 This is how we do JavaScript/ExtJS development at my work place, except 
 with a twist.
 We actually have a javascript-only project for a our javascript 
 library.  We use the maven-javascript-tools plugins to create a 
 javascript project that relies on others (in our case, things like 
 Simile Timeline and ExtJS).   We then compile/minify the javascript into 
 an 'artifact' that gets used by our main webapp, where the alchim 
 yui-compressor takes all the CSS/Javascript and bundles as much of it as 
 possible into a single huge JS file.
 The library project can make use of JSUnit tests (slow-to-run, recommend 
 for integration tests only), and has its own stubbed out controllers and 
 jetty for testing.
 It's a very interesting setup, but I'm very happy with it.  We have very 
 modular JS code, and very very very very very very little JSP/HTML code 
 (we didn't select lift at work).  If I were to start using Lift for my 
 backend to ExtJS I would need support for a similar setup (i.e. expect 
 little or no HTML generated outside of the Javascript).
 Also, the ability to cache dynamically created pages works great for our 
 product in production, however, we're only dynamically creating a 
 javasript file containing very static resources (externalized string 
 library for use when rendering in javascript.  This ensures our 
 Javascript and Java externalization works similarly.)  I highly 
 recommend the approach if using something like ExtJS,  however for 
 lift's templates I'd agree that a page-unique-id would be required for 
 every synthetically created js file so that caching works 
 appropriately.  You can also force the browser to check if something's 
 changed.  We have a development hack that checks class-load time of 
 the  synthetic-js-generator and ensures the cached copy is up-to-date 
 from that time.   This means jetty-reloads will reload the class and 
 ensure the next refresh pulls a new version.  It's a bit tricky to get 
 set up at first, but worked great!
 Hopefully this input is helpful!
 - Josh
 On Sun, Sep 13, 2009 at 8:48 PM, Charles F. Munat c...@munat.com 
 mailto:c...@munat.com wrote:
 I'm afraid I have to disagree. As a website developer, I've been putting
 all my JS into an external file (per page when necessary) for many years
 without any problems. Every good JS programmer I know does the same. It
 is considered *more* not less robust to put the JS in an external file
 and attach event handlers to the DOM from there.
 Page loading is in the eye of the beholder. Moving the JS to external
 scripts and the script tags to the bottom of the page actually makes the
 page appear more quickly, hence load faster in the mind of the user.
 Fragility is a non-issue. If the JS is all in the external file and the
 file does not load, then the page loads without JS. Put the event
 handlers in the HTML and the external file to which they refer doesn't
 load, same problem (except now you get a raft of JS errors).
 With best practices, the JS file can be cacheable, albeit per-page.
 Ideally, here's what I'd like. I add Lift tags to my page for each JS
 file I want included with the page. In each tag I designate whether that
 file is cacheable or dynamic and whether it is site-wide or specific to
 that page.
 Lift then takes all the site-wide cacheable pages, in the order I
 specified them, and gzips them up into a single file. Then it inserts a
 script tag for that file at the bottom of the page.
 Similarly, it takes all the page-specific cacheable pages, adds Lift's
 own page specific stuff at the end (the event handlers of which we
 speak), gzips it, gives it a name unique to that page, and adds another
 script tag for that file.
 Finally, it gzips up all dynamically-generated JS and gives it a
 timestamp for a filename so it won't be cached.
 This way I get jQuery, Ext JS, etc. all downloaded and cached in one big
 gzipped file. I get all page-specific but unchanging JS in another
 gzipped file for each page (cacheable, too). And I get my
 dynamically-generated, changing JS (if any) in a final gzipped file.
 My page is clean, all the scripts load in the proper order at the end,
 and everything is gzipped and, where applicable, cacheable for the best
 speed. We've 

[Lift] Ajax example from the book

2009-09-13 Thread jack

Could somebody please explain to me how this example from the book

 def myFunc(html:NodeSeq):NodeSeq  = {
bind(hello,html,button -
 ajaxButton(Text(Press me),
{ () =
  println(Got an Ajax call.)
 SetHtml(my-div, Text(That's it))

In particular, what do I pass in as the html parameter?
What is 'hello'?
How does the div work?

I don't understand 'bind'.
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[Lift] Using Ajax to send text to browser as it is generated.

2009-09-13 Thread jack

I have some code that generates a list of urls but it takes awhile to
generate all of them. I would like to send them to the browser as they
are generated. How do I use Ajax to accomplish this.

I can put the urls in a List as they are generated if that works. But
how do I hook up the List to the Ajax code.  I do not understand the
ajax examples in the book.

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[Lift] Re: Why isn't this a trait in lift-json?

2009-09-13 Thread Joni Freeman

Extending ClassfileAnnotation does not work at the moment. Excerpt
from Programming Scala (http://programming-scala.labs.oreilly.com/

Another child of scala.Annotation that is intended to be a parent of
other annotations is the trait scala.ClassfileAnnotation. It is
supposed to be used for annotations that should have runtime
retention, i.e., the annotations should be visible in the class file
so they are available at runtime. However, actually using it with the
JDK version of Scala results in compiler errors Hence, if you
want runtime visibility, you have to implement the annotation in

Cheers Joni

On Sep 14, 4:18 am, Josh Suereth joshua.suer...@gmail.com wrote:
 Scala does support annotations, they're just anemic at this point.

 I hadn't tried, but does extending ClassfileAnnotation allow runtime
 visibility?  That would give you a pure scala implementation.  If not, I
 think we need to rally for StaticAnnotation/ClassfileAnnotation to be joined
 by their future brother RuntimeAnnotation.

 - Josh

 On Sun, Sep 13, 2009 at 6:31 PM, marius d. marius.dan...@gmail.com wrote:

  On Sep 13, 3:15 pm, Joni Freeman freeman.j...@gmail.com wrote:

   That annotation is used to configure the json path when extracting
   values. By default the extraction code assumes that case class
   parameter names match with json field names. For instance these match:

   case class Foo(bar: String, baz: Int)
   { bar: qwerty, baz: 10 }

   But sometimes json field names can contain characters which are not
   allowed in Scala identifiers. For example:
   { foo-bar: qwerty, baz: 10 }

   Now, to able to extract this we have to somehow tell the extractor the
   exact path explicitly. Currently @path annotation is used for that:
   case class Foo(@path(foo-bar) bar: String, baz: Int)

   I don't see how a trait can accomplish this, maybe I'm missing

   The reason why it is in Java is that Scala annotations are not
   accessible at  runtime.

  Right but I'd also suggest removing Java code from Lift stack. The
  above can be easily achieved by introducing a trait such as:

  case class Foo(bar: String with Nominator, baz: Int)

  Lift is a 100% Scala code with zero Java code. We also have strong
  opinions in the team that we should stay away from annotations.

  one option would be something like this:

  Lift would have :

  trait Nominator{
   def name : String

  In user's code:

  case class Foo(bar: String with MyNominator, baz: Int)

  trait MyNominator extends Nominator {
   def name = foo-bar

  Yes it is more verbose then the annotation but IMHO it is more Scala-
  ish  Lift-ish.

   Cheers Joni

   On Sep 13, 11:03 pm, Timothy Perrett timo...@getintheloop.eu wrote:

Just had a browse over the latest commit and found the following in

public @interface path {
    public String value();


Any reason were not using a trait etc to complete the same

Cheers, Tim

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[Lift] Re: Why isn't this a trait in lift-json?

2009-09-13 Thread Naftoli Gugenheim

Is there a list of rules for committers to stick to? Especially considering the 
review board system being put into place.

Joni Freemanfreeman.j...@gmail.com wrote:

Extending ClassfileAnnotation does not work at the moment. Excerpt
from Programming Scala (http://programming-scala.labs.oreilly.com/

Another child of scala.Annotation that is intended to be a parent of
other annotations is the trait scala.ClassfileAnnotation. It is
supposed to be used for annotations that should have runtime
retention, i.e., the annotations should be visible in the class file
so they are available at runtime. However, actually using it with the
JDK version of Scala results in compiler errors Hence, if you
want runtime visibility, you have to implement the annotation in

Cheers Joni

On Sep 14, 4:18?am, Josh Suereth joshua.suer...@gmail.com wrote:
 Scala does support annotations, they're just anemic at this point.

 I hadn't tried, but does extending ClassfileAnnotation allow runtime
 visibility? ?That would give you a pure scala implementation. ?If not, I
 think we need to rally for StaticAnnotation/ClassfileAnnotation to be joined
 by their future brother RuntimeAnnotation.

 - Josh

 On Sun, Sep 13, 2009 at 6:31 PM, marius d. marius.dan...@gmail.com wrote:

  On Sep 13, 3:15 pm, Joni Freeman freeman.j...@gmail.com wrote:

   That annotation is used to configure the json path when extracting
   values. By default the extraction code assumes that case class
   parameter names match with json field names. For instance these match:

   case class Foo(bar: String, baz: Int)
   { bar: qwerty, baz: 10 }

   But sometimes json field names can contain characters which are not
   allowed in Scala identifiers. For example:
   { foo-bar: qwerty, baz: 10 }

   Now, to able to extract this we have to somehow tell the extractor the
   exact path explicitly. Currently @path annotation is used for that:
   case class Foo(@path(foo-bar) bar: String, baz: Int)

   I don't see how a trait can accomplish this, maybe I'm missing

   The reason why it is in Java is that Scala annotations are not
   accessible at ?runtime.

  Right but I'd also suggest removing Java code from Lift stack. The
  above can be easily achieved by introducing a trait such as:

  case class Foo(bar: String with Nominator, baz: Int)

  Lift is a 100% Scala code with zero Java code. We also have strong
  opinions in the team that we should stay away from annotations.

  one option would be something like this:

  Lift would have :

  trait Nominator{
  ?def name : String

  In user's code:

  case class Foo(bar: String with MyNominator, baz: Int)

  trait MyNominator extends Nominator {
  ?def name = foo-bar

  Yes it is more verbose then the annotation but IMHO it is more Scala-
  ish  Lift-ish.

   Cheers Joni

   On Sep 13, 11:03 pm, Timothy Perrett timo...@getintheloop.eu wrote:

Just had a browse over the latest commit and found the following in

public @interface path {
? ? public String value();


Any reason were not using a trait etc to complete the same

Cheers, Tim

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[Lift] Re: Why isn't this a trait in lift-json?

2009-09-13 Thread Joni Freeman


Here's another example.

id: 5,
winning-numbers: [2,45,34,23,7,5,3],
draw-date: 2009-09-14T18:00:00Z,
winners: [
  {winner-id: 23, numbers: [2,45,34,23,3,5] },
  {winner-id: 54, numbers:[52,3,12,11,18,22] }

At the moment I'm extracting this with following case class structure.

case class Winner(@path(winner-id) id: Long, numbers: List[Int])
case class Lotto(id: Long, @path(winning-numbers) winningNumbers:
List[Int], winners: List[Winner],
 @path(draw-date) drawDate: Option[Date])

Using a trait approach it would be something like:

case class Winner(id: Long with WinnerIdNominator, numbers: List[Int])
case class Lotto(id: Long, winningNumbers: List[Int] with
WinningNumbersNominator, winners: List[Winner],
 drawDate: Option[Date] with DrawDateNominator)

trait WinnerIdNominator extends Nominator {
  def name = winner-id

trait WinningNumbersNominator extends Nominator {
  def name = winning-numbers

trait DrawDateNominator extends Nominator {
  def name = draw-date

Now, there's some problems.

1. Mixin a trait with a primitive fails:

scala case class Winner(id: Long with WinnerIdNominator, numbers: List
console:5: error: ambiguous reference to overloaded definition,
both method == in class Object of type (AnyRef)Boolean
and  method == in class Long of type (Long)Boolean
match argument types (Long with WinnerIdNominator)
   case class Winner(id: Long with WinnerIdNominator, numbers: List

2. How to get access to Nominator.name using reflection?

When extracting values we have json and type of target instance, in
this example classOf[Lotto]. It is not clear to me how those traits
should be reflected at runtime.

Cheers Joni

On Sep 14, 1:31 am, marius d. marius.dan...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Sep 13, 3:15 pm, Joni Freeman freeman.j...@gmail.com wrote:


  That annotation is used to configure the json path when extracting
  values. By default the extraction code assumes that case class
  parameter names match with json field names. For instance these match:

  case class Foo(bar: String, baz: Int)
  { bar: qwerty, baz: 10 }

  But sometimes json field names can contain characters which are not
  allowed in Scala identifiers. For example:
  { foo-bar: qwerty, baz: 10 }

  Now, to able to extract this we have to somehow tell the extractor the
  exact path explicitly. Currently @path annotation is used for that:
  case class Foo(@path(foo-bar) bar: String, baz: Int)

  I don't see how a trait can accomplish this, maybe I'm missing

  The reason why it is in Java is that Scala annotations are not
  accessible at  runtime.

 Right but I'd also suggest removing Java code from Lift stack. The
 above can be easily achieved by introducing a trait such as:

 case class Foo(bar: String with Nominator, baz: Int)

 Lift is a 100% Scala code with zero Java code. We also have strong
 opinions in the team that we should stay away from annotations.

 one option would be something like this:

 Lift would have :

 trait Nominator{
   def name : String


 In user's code:

 case class Foo(bar: String with MyNominator, baz: Int)

 trait MyNominator extends Nominator {
  def name = foo-bar


 Yes it is more verbose then the annotation but IMHO it is more Scala-
 ish  Lift-ish.

  Cheers Joni

  On Sep 13, 11:03 pm, Timothy Perrett timo...@getintheloop.eu wrote:

   Just had a browse over the latest commit and found the following in

   public @interface path {
       public String value();


   Any reason were not using a trait etc to complete the same

   Cheers, Tim

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[Lift] Re: Why isn't this a trait in lift-json?

2009-09-13 Thread Naftoli Gugenheim

Can't you require back ticks and name the case class members the same as in the 
Also if it comes to traits you may as well just allow an adapter that can read 
and write values -- maybe a map of String to setter/getter functions.

Joni Freemanfreeman.j...@gmail.com wrote:


Here's another example.

id: 5,
winning-numbers: [2,45,34,23,7,5,3],
draw-date: 2009-09-14T18:00:00Z,
winners: [
  {winner-id: 23, numbers: [2,45,34,23,3,5] },
  {winner-id: 54, numbers:[52,3,12,11,18,22] }

At the moment I'm extracting this with following case class structure.

case class Winner(@path(winner-id) id: Long, numbers: List[Int])
case class Lotto(id: Long, @path(winning-numbers) winningNumbers:
List[Int], winners: List[Winner],
 @path(draw-date) drawDate: Option[Date])

Using a trait approach it would be something like:

case class Winner(id: Long with WinnerIdNominator, numbers: List[Int])
case class Lotto(id: Long, winningNumbers: List[Int] with
WinningNumbersNominator, winners: List[Winner],
 drawDate: Option[Date] with DrawDateNominator)

trait WinnerIdNominator extends Nominator {
  def name = winner-id

trait WinningNumbersNominator extends Nominator {
  def name = winning-numbers

trait DrawDateNominator extends Nominator {
  def name = draw-date

Now, there's some problems.

1. Mixin a trait with a primitive fails:

scala case class Winner(id: Long with WinnerIdNominator, numbers: List
console:5: error: ambiguous reference to overloaded definition,
both method == in class Object of type (AnyRef)Boolean
and  method == in class Long of type (Long)Boolean
match argument types (Long with WinnerIdNominator)
   case class Winner(id: Long with WinnerIdNominator, numbers: List

2. How to get access to Nominator.name using reflection?

When extracting values we have json and type of target instance, in
this example classOf[Lotto]. It is not clear to me how those traits
should be reflected at runtime.

Cheers Joni

On Sep 14, 1:31?am, marius d. marius.dan...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Sep 13, 3:15?pm, Joni Freeman freeman.j...@gmail.com wrote:


  That annotation is used to configure the json path when extracting
  values. By default the extraction code assumes that case class
  parameter names match with json field names. For instance these match:

  case class Foo(bar: String, baz: Int)
  { bar: qwerty, baz: 10 }

  But sometimes json field names can contain characters which are not
  allowed in Scala identifiers. For example:
  { foo-bar: qwerty, baz: 10 }

  Now, to able to extract this we have to somehow tell the extractor the
  exact path explicitly. Currently @path annotation is used for that:
  case class Foo(@path(foo-bar) bar: String, baz: Int)

  I don't see how a trait can accomplish this, maybe I'm missing

  The reason why it is in Java is that Scala annotations are not
  accessible at ?runtime.

 Right but I'd also suggest removing Java code from Lift stack. The
 above can be easily achieved by introducing a trait such as:

 case class Foo(bar: String with Nominator, baz: Int)

 Lift is a 100% Scala code with zero Java code. We also have strong
 opinions in the team that we should stay away from annotations.

 one option would be something like this:

 Lift would have :

 trait Nominator{
 ? def name : String


 In user's code:

 case class Foo(bar: String with MyNominator, baz: Int)

 trait MyNominator extends Nominator {
 ?def name = foo-bar


 Yes it is more verbose then the annotation but IMHO it is more Scala-
 ish  Lift-ish.

  Cheers Joni

  On Sep 13, 11:03?pm, Timothy Perrett timo...@getintheloop.eu wrote:

   Just had a browse over the latest commit and found the following in

   public @interface path {
   ? ? public String value();


   Any reason were not using a trait etc to complete the same

   Cheers, Tim

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[Lift] Re: Why isn't this a trait in lift-json?

2009-09-13 Thread Joni Freeman

Using back ticks could work, I'll have to check that out. Another
approach is to use map function, it works but there's a small
performance and verbosity hit.

import net.liftweb.json.JsonParser.parse
import net.liftweb.json.JsonAST.JField

implicit val formats = net.liftweb.json.DefaultFormats

case class Winner(id: Long, numbers: List[Int])
case class Lotto(id: Long, winningNumbers: List[Int], winners: List
 drawDate: Option[java.util.Date])

val json = parse(
id: 5,
winning-numbers: [2,45,34,23,7,5,3],
draw-date: 2009-09-14T18:00:00Z,
winners: [
  {winner-id: 23, numbers: [2,45,34,23,3,5] },
  {winner-id: 54, numbers:[52,3,12,11,18,22] }

val json2 = json map {
  case JField(winning-numbers, x) = JField(winningNumbers, x)
  case JField(draw-date, x) = JField(drawDate, x)
  case JField(winning-id, x) = JField(id, x)
  case x = x


So, I can remove @path feature (and maybe reintroduce it when Scala
gets runtime visible annotations) if the community feels that Java
annotations should not be used.

Cheers Joni

On Sep 14, 8:14 am, Naftoli Gugenheim naftoli...@gmail.com wrote:
 Can't you require back ticks and name the case class members the same as in 
 the JSON?
 Also if it comes to traits you may as well just allow an adapter that can 
 read and write values -- maybe a map of String to setter/getter functions.


 Joni Freemanfreeman.j...@gmail.com wrote:


 Here's another example.

     id: 5,
     winning-numbers: [2,45,34,23,7,5,3],
     draw-date: 2009-09-14T18:00:00Z,
     winners: [
       {winner-id: 23, numbers: [2,45,34,23,3,5] },
       {winner-id: 54, numbers:[52,3,12,11,18,22] }


 At the moment I'm extracting this with following case class structure.

 case class Winner(@path(winner-id) id: Long, numbers: List[Int])
 case class Lotto(id: Long, @path(winning-numbers) winningNumbers:
 List[Int], winners: List[Winner],
                 �...@path(draw-date) drawDate: Option[Date])

 Using a trait approach it would be something like:

 case class Winner(id: Long with WinnerIdNominator, numbers: List[Int])
 case class Lotto(id: Long, winningNumbers: List[Int] with
 WinningNumbersNominator, winners: List[Winner],
                  drawDate: Option[Date] with DrawDateNominator)

 trait WinnerIdNominator extends Nominator {
   def name = winner-id


 trait WinningNumbersNominator extends Nominator {
   def name = winning-numbers


 trait DrawDateNominator extends Nominator {
   def name = draw-date


 Now, there's some problems.

 1. Mixin a trait with a primitive fails:

 scala case class Winner(id: Long with WinnerIdNominator, numbers: List
 console:5: error: ambiguous reference to overloaded definition,
 both method == in class Object of type (AnyRef)Boolean
 and  method == in class Long of type (Long)Boolean
 match argument types (Long with WinnerIdNominator)
        case class Winner(id: Long with WinnerIdNominator, numbers: List

 2. How to get access to Nominator.name using reflection?

 When extracting values we have json and type of target instance, in
 this example classOf[Lotto]. It is not clear to me how those traits
 should be reflected at runtime.

 Cheers Joni

 On Sep 14, 1:31?am, marius d. marius.dan...@gmail.com wrote:

  On Sep 13, 3:15?pm, Joni Freeman freeman.j...@gmail.com wrote:


   That annotation is used to configure the json path when extracting
   values. By default the extraction code assumes that case class
   parameter names match with json field names. For instance these match:

   case class Foo(bar: String, baz: Int)
   { bar: qwerty, baz: 10 }

   But sometimes json field names can contain characters which are not
   allowed in Scala identifiers. For example:
   { foo-bar: qwerty, baz: 10 }

   Now, to able to extract this we have to somehow tell the extractor the
   exact path explicitly. Currently @path annotation is used for that:
   case class Foo(@path(foo-bar) bar: String, baz: Int)

   I don't see how a trait can accomplish this, maybe I'm missing

   The reason why it is in Java is that Scala annotations are not
   accessible at ?runtime.

  Right but I'd also suggest removing Java code from Lift stack. The
  above can be easily achieved by introducing a trait such as:

  case class Foo(bar: String with Nominator, baz: Int)

  Lift is a 100% Scala code with zero Java code. We also have strong
  opinions in the team that we should stay away from annotations.

  one option would be something like this:

  Lift would have :

  trait Nominator{
  ? def name : String


  In user's code:

  case class Foo(bar: String with MyNominator, baz: Int)

  trait MyNominator extends Nominator {
  ?def name = foo-bar


  Yes it is more verbose then the annotation but IMHO it is more Scala-
  ish  Lift-ish.

   Cheers Joni

   On Sep 13, 11:03?pm, 

[Lift] mvn war has no love for yui compressor

2009-09-13 Thread jon


I have my js and css in my webapp directory and for a long time I had
been blissfully assuming that everything was nicely minified in my
deployed wars. So, I was very shocked to notice that although yui
compressor appears to be doing its magic during the compile stage, its
output is overwritten by mvn during the war stage.  Grrr.

I believe that this is not a problem if js css are put in the
resources directory? but that seems less than ideal.  I played around
a bit with the pom and got to this working solution:

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[Lift] Re: Getting Maven Offline Mode Working

2009-09-13 Thread Peter Robinett

Ahh, thanks Josh. It turns out I had a third version of Maven at /
Applications/liftweb-1.0/apache-maven, in addition to /user/share/java/
apache-maven-2.0.9 and the 2.2.1 version I downloaded. Removing it
from my PATH got me using the 2.2.1 version.

Who's responsible for the OS X Lift installer? Can we update it to use
the latest versions of Lift, Maven, and JavaRebel? How can I help?


On Sep 13, 6:21 pm, Josh Suereth joshua.suer...@gmail.com wrote:
 Check your PATH variable, probably pointing to the wrong maven still.  You
 really need to get off of maven 2.0.9.   The offlline mode is broken.

 2.0.10 should be the minimum version you need to fix that issue.

 On Sun, Sep 13, 2009 at 8:33 PM, Peter Robinett 

  Thanks, Kevin. Dropping in the latest version didn't seem to work (mvn
  --version kept saying I still had 2.0.9) but switching to 1.1-M5 did.


  On Sep 13, 4:00 pm, Kevin Wright kev.lee.wri...@googlemail.com
   Maven is essentially a java application, so you *should* just be able to
   download and run.  I'm afraid I can't really give better advice for OS-X
   One other idea is to work with 1.1-M5, which should let you go offline on
   the older maven version - assuming you have no other snapshot

   On Sun, Sep 13, 2009 at 10:51 PM, Peter Robinett 

Thanks. I have version 2.0.9, which was installed by the Lift OS X
installer. What is the best way to upgrade to 2.2.1?


On Sep 13, 12:57 pm, Kevin Wright kev.lee.wri...@googlemail.com
 Try updating to the latest maven, older versions have known issues
 offline behaviour for snapshots.

 On Sun, Sep 13, 2009 at 8:55 PM, Peter Robinett 

  Hi all,

  I'm having problems running mvn -o jetty:run with my version of
  (1.1-SNAPSHOT) because Maven thinks that
  SNAPSHOT is missing. How do I fix that? My pom.xml is here:

  I've got an international plane flight in 24 hours, so I'd love to
  have offline mode working for then. Thanks for the help!

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