Re: [Lift] Re: Ajax button + submitting a form

2010-01-13 Thread Adam Warski

the problem is that some form elements are updated, then the function is 
called, and then the rest of the form elements are updated.
My code is more or less something like this:

def editElement(elementTemplate: NodeSeq): NodeSeq = {
  container.elements.flatMap { element: Element =
  bind(element, elementTemplate,
name - { println(bind element name  +; 
  (s: String) = {println(set element name  + s);; }) }

bind(cont, containerTemplate,
  name - { println(bind container name  +; 
  (s: String) = {println(set container name  + s);; 
}) },
  elements - editElement _,
  addElement - ajaxButton(Text(Add), edit_formid, () = { 
println(executing function); cont.addElement; reDraw })

And the output, when I submit a form where 1 element is already added is:

09:04:23,450 INFO  [STDOUT] set container name a
09:04:23,474 INFO  [STDOUT] executing function
09:04:23,474 INFO  [STDOUT] bind container name a
09:04:23,475 INFO  [STDOUT] bind element name 0
09:04:23,476 INFO  [STDOUT] bind element name 1
09:04:23,478 INFO  [STDOUT] set element name 0a

So as you can see first is set, then the button function is executed, 
and later the element.names are set.

I can try creating a small lift app which would demo this if you'd like.
Also, I'm using 1.1-M8. Maybe I should try some newer version? (2.0-SNAPSHOT? 


On Jan 12, 2010, at 6:03 PM, Marius wrote:

 I must have misread your post. I did test the ajaxButton above (with
 your corrections) and the behaviour is correct. Form field functions
 are invoked first and then your ajax function provided to ajaxButton.
 Thus this is a good way for adding submit functions for ajax form
 without the need of using hidden fields and I'll promote this for
 addition in Shtml (probably with slight modifications). I think the
 method name should be ajaxSubmit
 I don't quite get why you're saying this is a problem. What does step
 3 needs to accomplish? . all form fields functions are called (except
 if you have a Shtml.submit because form serialization does not include
 submits). Then you function is invoked and the response is sent to
 You mentioned that you just need to add multiple buttons for a ajax
 form ... this version of ajaxButton does just that. Can you please
 clarify your used case for for for those 3 steps? ...
 On Jan 12, 4:20 pm, Adam Warski wrote:
 this *almost* works :).
 I modified your code a bit and now I have:
 def ajaxButton(text: NodeSeq, formId: String, func: () = JsCmd, attrs: 
 (String, String)*): Elem = {
 attrs.foldLeft(fmapFunc(contextFuncBuilder(func))(name =
 button onclick={makeAjaxCall(JsRaw(
   LiftRules.jsArtifacts.serialize(formId).toJsCmd +  +  + 
 Str( + name + =true).toJsCmd)).toJsCmd +
 ; return false;}{text}/button))(_ % _)
 Now the form submits and the right function is executed on the server, and 
 the form is redrawn in the browser.
 However, the problem is in the ordering of operations.
 The sequence basically is:
 (1) update some elements of the form
 (2) execute the function
 (3) update the rest of the elements of the form
 The problem of course is that (2) returns the new content of the form (a 
 SetHtml JsCmd), generated basing on state without all fields updated.
 I don't quite yet get the rule deciding which fields get updated before 
 calling the function, and which after.
 One thing I noticed is that if I move the field that is bound first (in 
 bind(...)) to be the last field, it gets moved from group (1) to (3).
 Also, I thought that maybe the ordering of POST values matters, but swapping 
 Str( + name + =true).toJsCmd and 
 LiftRules.jsArtifacts.serialize(formId).toJsCmd doesn't have any effect.
 I tried the form many times and always get the same behaviour, so the (1) 
 vs. (3) division seems to be deterministic :)
 On Jan 11, 2010, at 10:58 PM, Marius wrote:
 Adam I was thinking of a slightly different approach that does not
 involve hidden fields:
 Say you have your current form with SHtml.text, checkboxes or whatever
 have you:
 then your ajax buttons (outside the form) like:
  def ajaxButton(text: NodeSeq, formId: String, func: () = JsCmd,
 attrs: (String, String)*): Elem = {
 (name =
button onclick={makeAjaxCall(JsRaw
 (LiftRules.jsArtifacts.serialize(formId) +  + name.encJs +
 =_)).toJsCmd +
; return false;}{text}/button))(_ % _)
 I haven't tested though but you get the idea ... When we do the ajax
 call, we serialize the form and add the name parameter as well. This
 will cause your field functions to be called, and at the end you

[Lift] Re: Ajax button + submitting a form

2010-01-13 Thread Marius
Yes please a small app would be best. Please use 2.0-SNAPSHOT.

Also please see this thread:


On Jan 13, 10:07 am, Adam Warski wrote:

 the problem is that some form elements are updated, then the function is 
 called, and then the rest of the form elements are updated.
 My code is more or less something like this:

     def editElement(elementTemplate: NodeSeq): NodeSeq = {
       container.elements.flatMap { element: Element =
           bind(element, elementTemplate,
             name - { println(bind element name  +; 
               (s: String) = {println(set element name  + s);; }) }

     bind(cont, containerTemplate,
       name - { println(bind container name  +; 
               (s: String) = {println(set container name  + s);; }) },
       elements - editElement _,
       addElement - ajaxButton(Text(Add), edit_formid, () = { 
 println(executing function); cont.addElement; reDraw })

 And the output, when I submit a form where 1 element is already added is:

 09:04:23,450 INFO  [STDOUT] set container name a
 09:04:23,474 INFO  [STDOUT] executing function
 09:04:23,474 INFO  [STDOUT] bind container name a
 09:04:23,475 INFO  [STDOUT] bind element name 0
 09:04:23,476 INFO  [STDOUT] bind element name 1
 09:04:23,478 INFO  [STDOUT] set element name 0a

 So as you can see first is set, then the button function is 
 executed, and later the element.names are set.

 I can try creating a small lift app which would demo this if you'd like.
 Also, I'm using 1.1-M8. Maybe I should try some newer version? (2.0-SNAPSHOT? 


 On Jan 12, 2010, at 6:03 PM, Marius wrote:

  I must have misread your post. I did test the ajaxButton above (with
  your corrections) and the behaviour is correct. Form field functions
  are invoked first and then your ajax function provided to ajaxButton.
  Thus this is a good way for adding submit functions for ajax form
  without the need of using hidden fields and I'll promote this for
  addition in Shtml (probably with slight modifications). I think the
  method name should be ajaxSubmit

  I don't quite get why you're saying this is a problem. What does step
  3 needs to accomplish? . all form fields functions are called (except
  if you have a Shtml.submit because form serialization does not include
  submits). Then you function is invoked and the response is sent to

  You mentioned that you just need to add multiple buttons for a ajax
  form ... this version of ajaxButton does just that. Can you please
  clarify your used case for for for those 3 steps? ...


  On Jan 12, 4:20 pm, Adam Warski wrote:

  this *almost* works :).

  I modified your code a bit and now I have:

  def ajaxButton(text: NodeSeq, formId: String, func: () = JsCmd, attrs: 
  (String, String)*): Elem = {
      attrs.foldLeft(fmapFunc(contextFuncBuilder(func))(name =
              button onclick={makeAjaxCall(JsRaw(
                LiftRules.jsArtifacts.serialize(formId).toJsCmd +  +  + 
  Str( + name + =true).toJsCmd)).toJsCmd +
                      ; return false;}{text}/button))(_ % _)

  Now the form submits and the right function is executed on the server, and 
  the form is redrawn in the browser.

  However, the problem is in the ordering of operations.
  The sequence basically is:
  (1) update some elements of the form
  (2) execute the function
  (3) update the rest of the elements of the form

  The problem of course is that (2) returns the new content of the form (a 
  SetHtml JsCmd), generated basing on state without all fields updated.
  I don't quite yet get the rule deciding which fields get updated before 
  calling the function, and which after.
  One thing I noticed is that if I move the field that is bound first (in 
  bind(...)) to be the last field, it gets moved from group (1) to (3).

  Also, I thought that maybe the ordering of POST values matters, but 
  swapping Str( + name + =true).toJsCmd and 
  LiftRules.jsArtifacts.serialize(formId).toJsCmd doesn't have any effect.

  I tried the form many times and always get the same behaviour, so the (1) 
  vs. (3) division seems to be deterministic :)


  On Jan 11, 2010, at 10:58 PM, Marius wrote:

  Adam I was thinking of a slightly different approach that does not
  involve hidden fields:

  Say you have your current form with SHtml.text, checkboxes or whatever
  have you:

  then your ajax buttons (outside the form) like:

   def ajaxButton(text: NodeSeq, formId: String, func: () = JsCmd,
  attrs: (String, String)*): Elem = {
  (name =
             button onclick={makeAjaxCall(JsRaw

[Lift] Re: SessionVar that loses it contents

2010-01-13 Thread Juha Syrjälä
I am using only one tab.  The app itself is rather simple, it just
contains forms where fields are submitted to objects stored in

I'll try the thing you suggested later today.

Is there a some way I could add some logging to sessionVar when it's
value is changed?

On Jan 13, 9:40 am, Marius wrote:
 Hmmm  ... I never saw this behavior. Do you happen to use multiple
 browser tabs using different sessions of your app?

 Can you trace the sessionID in your app with (
 (_.uniqueId) openOr ') or trace the HTTP session Id by
 (_.request.session.sessionId) ?


 On Jan 13, 9:01 am, Juha Syrjälä wrote:

  Hello all,

  I am having a problem with SessionVar that keeps losing its contents.

  I have defined the SessionVar like this:

  object MyObject {
     object myVar extends SessionVar[Box[MyObject]](Empty)


  Then I set value once for myVar:


  My problem is that after some time (0-5 mins) myVar will lose its
  value, that is, it will have value Empty again. This seems not to be
  due inactivity since I am clicking pages constantly. My code is not
  setting value to Empty. During this 0-5 mins the myVar will work
  correctly. The logs contain no related messages.

  I am requesting pages that all reference the session var. Sometimes
  session var becomes empty in the first request, sometimes after
  several dozen requests.

  I tried to add shutdown method to myVar, but it is not getting called.

  override protected def onShutdown(session: CleanUpParam): Unit = {
     Log.error(shutdown executed + session)


  I am running Lift in jetty via mvn jetty:run command. I am using 1.1-
  SNAPSHOT of Lift. I am not creating explicitly any kind of cookie or

  Any ideas what is happening? It could be that session expires or
  invalidates somehow, but why and by whom? How can I found out when
  session invalidates?

  I even tried to disable liftGC with (LiftRules.enableLiftGC = false)
  but that does not affect the problem.

  Juha Syrjälä
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[Lift] Re: SessionVar that loses it contents

2010-01-13 Thread Marius
I think you can override:

override protected def setFunc(name: String, value: T): Unit

put a trace there and then call super.


On Jan 13, 10:06 am, Juha Syrjälä wrote:
 I am using only one tab.  The app itself is rather simple, it just
 contains forms where fields are submitted to objects stored in

 I'll try the thing you suggested later today.

 Is there a some way I could add some logging to sessionVar when it's
 value is changed?

 On Jan 13, 9:40 am, Marius wrote:

  Hmmm  ... I never saw this behavior. Do you happen to use multiple
  browser tabs using different sessions of your app?

  Can you trace the sessionID in your app with (
  (_.uniqueId) openOr ') or trace the HTTP session Id by
  (_.request.session.sessionId) ?


  On Jan 13, 9:01 am, Juha Syrjälä wrote:

   Hello all,

   I am having a problem with SessionVar that keeps losing its contents.

   I have defined the SessionVar like this:

   object MyObject {
      object myVar extends SessionVar[Box[MyObject]](Empty)


   Then I set value once for myVar:


   My problem is that after some time (0-5 mins) myVar will lose its
   value, that is, it will have value Empty again. This seems not to be
   due inactivity since I am clicking pages constantly. My code is not
   setting value to Empty. During this 0-5 mins the myVar will work
   correctly. The logs contain no related messages.

   I am requesting pages that all reference the session var. Sometimes
   session var becomes empty in the first request, sometimes after
   several dozen requests.

   I tried to add shutdown method to myVar, but it is not getting called.

   override protected def onShutdown(session: CleanUpParam): Unit = {
      Log.error(shutdown executed + session)


   I am running Lift in jetty via mvn jetty:run command. I am using 1.1-
   SNAPSHOT of Lift. I am not creating explicitly any kind of cookie or

   Any ideas what is happening? It could be that session expires or
   invalidates somehow, but why and by whom? How can I found out when
   session invalidates?

   I even tried to disable liftGC with (LiftRules.enableLiftGC = false)
   but that does not affect the problem.

   Juha Syrjälä
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Re: [Lift] Loc id

2010-01-13 Thread Jeppe Nejsum Madsen
Naftoli Gugenheim writes:

 The first argument to Loc is a unique id for the menu. Is it used anywhere?

lift:Menu.item  name=menuId/

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[Lift] Re: binding form fields while using jquery plugin

2010-01-13 Thread Madhav

hi marius,

I tried using -% but it says value %- is not a member of
Actually what i am trying to achieve is to make a web page in which
there are some text fields as Text1,Text2,Result
so that when user types some number in Text1 and Text2 their addition
appears dynamically  in Result textfield(without submitting the form).
I am using jquery plugin for doing this and it was working fine in
simple html format but when i try to run the template using lift the
calculation does'nt occurs (demo of this plugin working  can be seen
under interactive example heading on page
so Naftoli has helped me out in this and i am working on solution he
suggested .If you have any suggestion or ideas they are also welcomed.

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[Lift] Re: binding form fields while using jquery plugin

2010-01-13 Thread Madhav
hi marius,

I tried using -% but it says value -% is not a member of
Actually what i am trying to achieve is to make a web page in which
there are some text fields as Text1,Text2,Result
so that when user types some number in Text1 and Text2 their addition
appears dynamically  in Result textfield(without submitting the form).
I am using jquery plugin for doing this and it was working fine in
simple html format but when i try to run the template using lift the
calculation does'nt occurs (demo of this plugin working  can be seen
under interactive example heading on page
so Naftoli has helped me out in this and i am working on solution he
suggested .If you have any suggestion or ideas they are also welcomed.

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Re: [Lift] Re: Ajax button + submitting a form

2010-01-13 Thread Adam Warski

 Yes please a small app would be best. Please use 2.0-SNAPSHOT.

Here it is:

Steps to reproduce:
1. checkout from git :)
2. run mvn jetty:run
3. go to http://localhost:8080
4. click add once
5. fill in the two fields with some values e.g. container, room
6. click add again
7. the container value will stay, while the room value will disappear. In 
the logs, you can see:

set container name cont
executing funtion
bind container name cont
bind room name 
bind room name 
set room name room

 Also please see this thread:
Yeah, I saw it, as far as I understand the ajaxSubmit is more or less the same 
as the ajaxButton you did (and I corrected)?

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Re: [Lift] Re: Ajax button + submitting a form

2010-01-13 Thread Adam Warski
Also, interestingly, if you change the order of binding from:

bind(cont, containerTemplate,
  name - { println(bind container name  +; 
  (s: String) = {println(set container name  + s); = 
s; }) },
  rooms - editRoom _,
  addRoom - ajaxButton(Text(Add), cont_edit,
() = { println(executing funtion); cont.rooms += new Room; reDraw })


bind(cont, containerTemplate,
  rooms - editRoom _,
  addRoom - ajaxButton(Text(Add), cont_edit,
() = { println(executing funtion); cont.rooms += new Room; reDraw }),
  name - { println(bind container name  +; 
  (s: String) = {println(set container name  + s); = 
s; }) }

then the container name is also lost on submit. The log output is then:

executing funtion
bind container name 
bind room name 
bind room name 
set container name container
set room name room


On Jan 13, 2010, at 10:13 AM, Adam Warski wrote:

 Yes please a small app would be best. Please use 2.0-SNAPSHOT.
 Here it is:
 Steps to reproduce:
 1. checkout from git :)
 2. run mvn jetty:run
 3. go to http://localhost:8080
 4. click add once
 5. fill in the two fields with some values e.g. container, room
 6. click add again
 7. the container value will stay, while the room value will disappear. In 
 the logs, you can see:
 set container name cont
 executing funtion
 bind container name cont
 bind room name 
 bind room name 
 set room name room
 Also please see this thread:
 Yeah, I saw it, as far as I understand the ajaxSubmit is more or less the 
 same as the ajaxButton you did (and I corrected)?
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[Lift] Show the deprecated messages

2010-01-13 Thread GA
Hello guys,

I have a very silly question.

when I run the mvn command to compile the classes, I receive the following 

warning: there were deprecation warnings; re-run with -deprecation for details
one warning found

How can I do to see the messages? I tried to add -deprecation to the mvn 
command but it does not recognize it.

Thanks in advance,


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[Lift] Re: Show the deprecated messages

2010-01-13 Thread Timothy Perrett
Something like:


On Jan 13, 10:01 am, GA wrote:
 Hello guys,

 I have a very silly question.

 when I run the mvn command to compile the classes, I receive the following 

 warning: there were deprecation warnings; re-run with -deprecation for details
 one warning found

 How can I do to see the messages? I tried to add -deprecation to the mvn 
 command but it does not recognize it.

 Thanks in advance,

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[Lift] NGinx and sticky sessions

2010-01-13 Thread Marius
Hi all,

Did anyone here used nginx with sticky sessions? What I'm looking for

if a request comes in with e certain HTTP header or query string
paramers the request should be dispatched to a given node. So I have a
header like server_id=1 - dispatch the request to node1, if
server_id=2 dispatch the request to node2 and so on.

Is it possible to configure nginx like this?

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Re: [Lift] Scheduling the San Francisco Scala Lift Off

2010-01-13 Thread Miles Sabin
On Wed, Jan 13, 2010 at 3:31 AM, David Pollak wrote:
 For the last two years, the San Francisco Scala Lift Off has happened the
 day after JavaOne.  It's looking like JavaOne might not happen this year, so
 I'm starting to think about a time in the April-June timeframe when there
 are a lot of Scala and/or Java folks in San Francisco.  If you all have any
 ideas of good dates, please post them.

A bit early maybe, but EclipseCon 2010 is 22nd - 25th of March.



Miles Sabin
tel: +44 (0)7813 944 528
skype:  milessabin
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Re: [Lift] Squid with lift?

2010-01-13 Thread Timothy Perrett
Only if you want a caching proxy im not sure what your driving at really as 
the nginx wiki does a pretty good job of explaining what it is used for. 

We only really recommend NGINX because its what we use, however, you are free 
to use whatever you want... jetty standalone, some other proxy upfront like 
helicon or whatever. Your setup can be anything - its what works for you.

Cheers, Tim

On 13 Jan 2010, at 02:14, Naftoli Gugenheim wrote:

 Does that at all imply that it could be beneficial to use Squid instead of 
 Nginx with Lift?

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Re: [Lift] NGinx and sticky sessions

2010-01-13 Thread Timothy Perrett
Nginx offers weighted round robin requests if memory serves... what does your 
config look like? The upstream module should be cool for what you want.

See that it uses class-c ip hashing to always distribute requests to the same 
backend node... making the query string redundant :-)

Cheers, Tim

On 13 Jan 2010, at 11:29, Marius wrote:

 Hi all,
 Did anyone here used nginx with sticky sessions? What I'm looking for
 if a request comes in with e certain HTTP header or query string
 paramers the request should be dispatched to a given node. So I have a
 header like server_id=1 - dispatch the request to node1, if
 server_id=2 dispatch the request to node2 and so on.
 Is it possible to configure nginx like this?
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[Lift] Re: NGinx and sticky sessions

2010-01-13 Thread Marius

On Jan 13, 1:42 pm, Timothy Perrett wrote:
 Nginx offers weighted round robin requests if memory serves... what does your 
 config look like? The upstream module should be cool for what you want.

 See that it uses class-c ip hashing to always distribute requests to the same 
 backend node... making the query string redundant :-)

I'm not sure about that. The flow I have is this:

1. client sends a login request with not server_id info.
2. LB needs to dispatch to any node
3. The node that responds back is setting the server_id information in
the HTTP response header (based on config files info from each node)
4. The next subsequent requests for this session will also include the
server_id information received and here is the balancing rules I

I'm not sure I should use client's IP address because clients may be
behind NATs etc. and this may unbalance the cluster.

Currently I have no config, so I'm still not sure how to config my
case described here.

 Cheers, Tim

 On 13 Jan 2010, at 11:29, Marius wrote:

  Hi all,

  Did anyone here used nginx with sticky sessions? What I'm looking for

  if a request comes in with e certain HTTP header or query string
  paramers the request should be dispatched to a given node. So I have a
  header like server_id=1 - dispatch the request to node1, if
  server_id=2 dispatch the request to node2 and so on.

  Is it possible to configure nginx like this?

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Re: [Lift] Re: Show the deprecated messages

2010-01-13 Thread GA
It worked! 


On Jan 13, 2010, at 11:37 AM, Timothy Perrett wrote:

 Something like:
 On Jan 13, 10:01 am, GA wrote:
 Hello guys,
 I have a very silly question.
 when I run the mvn command to compile the classes, I receive the following 
 warning: there were deprecation warnings; re-run with -deprecation for 
 one warning found
 How can I do to see the messages? I tried to add -deprecation to the mvn 
 command but it does not recognize it.
 Thanks in advance,
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[Lift] Re: NGinx and sticky sessions

2010-01-13 Thread Marius

Thanks SO MUCH about the info from the offline talk we've had. If
other are interested, this may be helpful:


On Jan 13, 2:02 pm, Marius wrote:
 On Jan 13, 1:42 pm, Timothy Perrett wrote:

  Nginx offers weighted round robin requests if memory serves... what does 
  your config look like? The upstream module should be cool for what you want.

  See that it uses class-c ip hashing to always distribute requests to the 
  same backend node... making the query string redundant :-)

 I'm not sure about that. The flow I have is this:

 1. client sends a login request with not server_id info.
 2. LB needs to dispatch to any node
 3. The node that responds back is setting the server_id information in
 the HTTP response header (based on config files info from each node)
 4. The next subsequent requests for this session will also include the
 server_id information received and here is the balancing rules I

 I'm not sure I should use client's IP address because clients may be
 behind NATs etc. and this may unbalance the cluster.

 Currently I have no config, so I'm still not sure how to config my
 case described here.

  Cheers, Tim

  On 13 Jan 2010, at 11:29, Marius wrote:

   Hi all,

   Did anyone here used nginx with sticky sessions? What I'm looking for

   if a request comes in with e certain HTTP header or query string
   paramers the request should be dispatched to a given node. So I have a
   header like server_id=1 - dispatch the request to node1, if
   server_id=2 dispatch the request to node2 and so on.

   Is it possible to configure nginx like this?

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Re: [Lift] Re: NGinx and sticky sessions

2010-01-13 Thread Timothy Perrett
To follow up this thread for completeness, I communicated to Marius that he 
needs to use:

Which should do what he wants. 

Cheers, Tim

On 13 Jan 2010, at 12:02, Marius wrote:

 On Jan 13, 1:42 pm, Timothy Perrett wrote:
 Nginx offers weighted round robin requests if memory serves... what does 
 your config look like? The upstream module should be cool for what you want.
 See that it uses class-c ip hashing to always distribute requests to the 
 same backend node... making the query string redundant :-)
 I'm not sure about that. The flow I have is this:
 1. client sends a login request with not server_id info.
 2. LB needs to dispatch to any node
 3. The node that responds back is setting the server_id information in
 the HTTP response header (based on config files info from each node)
 4. The next subsequent requests for this session will also include the
 server_id information received and here is the balancing rules I
 I'm not sure I should use client's IP address because clients may be
 behind NATs etc. and this may unbalance the cluster.
 Currently I have no config, so I'm still not sure how to config my
 case described here.
 Cheers, Tim
 On 13 Jan 2010, at 11:29, Marius wrote:
 Hi all,
 Did anyone here used nginx with sticky sessions? What I'm looking for
 if a request comes in with e certain HTTP header or query string
 paramers the request should be dispatched to a given node. So I have a
 header like server_id=1 - dispatch the request to node1, if
 server_id=2 dispatch the request to node2 and so on.
 Is it possible to configure nginx like this?
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[Lift] Re: Two database are broken in 1.1-M8, works fine in 1.1-M7 .

2010-01-13 Thread Neil.Lv
Hi David,

   I'm sorry about it that i write it wrong.

   But I change the second DBVendor name to DBVendor_2, and it create
a db file named lift_proto2.db.h2.db.
And it doesn't work, I add this method to the User model to specify
the default db connection.

override def dbDefaultConnectionIdentifier = bootstrap.liftweb.OneDB

   I use this code in M7 and it's fine.

   How can i define a vendor for the DefaultConnectionIdentifier in

   Thank you very much!


On Jan 13, 1:35 pm, David Pollak
 The problem with this code is you are using the same connection vendor
 for both connection identifiers *and* you're not defining a vendor for
 the DefaultConnectionIdentifier

 On Jan 11, 7:05 am, Neil.Lv wrote:

  Hi all,

     There is a problem when i upgrading the 1.1-M7 to 1.1-M8, the db
  connection is broken.

     I use two database connection in my app, it's broken in 1.1-M8.
  object OneDB extends ConnectionIdentifier {
   override def jndiName = lift_proto}

  object TwoDB extends ConnectionIdentifier {
   override def jndiName = lift_proto2}


     The error message is:

  Problem accessing /. Reason:

      Looking for Connection Identifier ConnectionIdentifier(lift) but
  failed to find either a JNDI data source with the name lift or a lift
  connection manager with the correct name

    Maybe I missing something else configure in M8 that it's different
  from M7.

    The test demo address is :

    Thanks for any help very much!

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[Lift] Recommendations for a Web Designer familiar with Lift?

2010-01-13 Thread Matyjas

Can anyone in the group recommend someone from the creative side (Web
Design, User Experience, etc.) who is comfortable working with Lift?

I understand that the Lift philosophy allows designers to work their
magic in the webapps directory, but I would appreciate working with
someone on the design side who already knows the lay of the land.

Alternatively, what materials would you recommend that a designer
review before embarking on a Lift project?


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Re: [Lift] Re: NGinx and sticky sessions

2010-01-13 Thread Alex Boisvert
I'm not sure if you discussed this but based on my experience, the
JSESSIONID cookie is used most often in Jetty/Tomcat/J2EE environments for
load balancing (over using client IP).

I haven't used nginx for load balancing yet but I've used both HAProxy and
Varnish in the past.


On Wed, Jan 13, 2010 at 4:22 AM, Timothy Perrett timo...@getintheloop.euwrote:

 To follow up this thread for completeness, I communicated to Marius that he
 needs to use:

 Which should do what he wants.

 Cheers, Tim

 On 13 Jan 2010, at 12:02, Marius wrote:

  On Jan 13, 1:42 pm, Timothy Perrett wrote:
  Nginx offers weighted round robin requests if memory serves... what does
 your config look like? The upstream module should be cool for what you want.
  See that it uses class-c ip hashing to always distribute requests to the
 same backend node... making the query string redundant :-)
  I'm not sure about that. The flow I have is this:
  1. client sends a login request with not server_id info.
  2. LB needs to dispatch to any node
  3. The node that responds back is setting the server_id information in
  the HTTP response header (based on config files info from each node)
  4. The next subsequent requests for this session will also include the
  server_id information received and here is the balancing rules I
  I'm not sure I should use client's IP address because clients may be
  behind NATs etc. and this may unbalance the cluster.
  Currently I have no config, so I'm still not sure how to config my
  case described here.
  Cheers, Tim
  On 13 Jan 2010, at 11:29, Marius wrote:
  Hi all,
  Did anyone here used nginx with sticky sessions? What I'm looking for
  if a request comes in with e certain HTTP header or query string
  paramers the request should be dispatched to a given node. So I have a
  header like server_id=1 - dispatch the request to node1, if
  server_id=2 dispatch the request to node2 and so on.
  Is it possible to configure nginx like this?
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Re: [Lift] Recommendations for a Web Designer familiar with Lift?

2010-01-13 Thread Mads Hartmann Jensen
Hello Maceij 

As I see it desgining and creating the acctual template is two completely 
different tasks which rarely are done by the same person. 

When i work on projects the designer usally works his/her magic and creates a 
stunning Photoshop file which is then handed to a front-end developer who in 
turn slices the photoshop file into appropiate sprites and creates the xhtml 

So you find a designer who is able to design a site to your satisfaction and 
find a front-end developer to implement it after. 

Any think that any front-end developer would do acctualy so just do a google 
 - I recommend that the front-end developer reads this and 
probably a few other articles on the wiki to get a grasp of what is expected of 
him/her :) 

Hope this is to some help

On 13/01/2010, at 15.07, Matyjas wrote:

 Can anyone in the group recommend someone from the creative side (Web
 Design, User Experience, etc.) who is comfortable working with Lift?
 I understand that the Lift philosophy allows designers to work their
 magic in the webapps directory, but I would appreciate working with
 someone on the design side who already knows the lay of the land.
 Alternatively, what materials would you recommend that a designer
 review before embarking on a Lift project?
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[Lift] Re: Recommendations for a Web Designer familiar with Lift?

2010-01-13 Thread Mads Hartmann
Sorry I got your name wrong, wasn't my intention :)

On Jan 13, 4:00 pm, Mads Hartmann Jensen wrote:
 Hello Maceij

 As I see it desgining and creating the acctual template is two completely 
 different tasks which rarely are done by the same person.

 When i work on projects the designer usally works his/her magic and creates a 
 stunning Photoshop file which is then handed to a front-end developer who in 
 turn slices the photoshop file into appropiate sprites and creates the xhtml 

 So you find a designer who is able to design a site to your satisfaction and 
 find a front-end developer to implement it after.

 Any think that any front-end developer would do acctualy so just do a google 
 ( - 
 I recommend that the front-end developer reads 
 probably a few other articles on the wiki to get a grasp of what is expected 
 of him/her :)

 Hope this is to some help

 On 13/01/2010, at 15.07, Matyjas wrote:

  Can anyone in the group recommend someone from the creative side (Web
  Design, User Experience, etc.) who is comfortable working with Lift?

  I understand that the Lift philosophy allows designers to work their
  magic in the webapps directory, but I would appreciate working with
  someone on the design side who already knows the lay of the land.

  Alternatively, what materials would you recommend that a designer
  review before embarking on a Lift project?


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[Lift] Re: Externalizing log4j configuration

2010-01-13 Thread Mark Feeney
(Apologies for the very late reply.)

 -Dlog4j.configuration={file URL} ?

Thanks!  This seems to do pretty much exactly what I need (that is:
full control over logging).

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Re: [Lift] Re: Binding a snippet in a comet actor?

2010-01-13 Thread Felipe Rodrigues

The problem was using Google Chrome to see this page. On firefox it
shows up normally.

Alex Boisvert wrote:
The issue is here:
It was fixed in 1.1M7 and later.
  On Tue, Jan 12, 2010 at 1:47 PM, Felipe

I have a similar problem here. I didn't
this issue on github.
Is this issue solved?



On Oct 9 2009, 5:17 pm, David Pollak
   This is a defect.  I've opened a ticket:
 I'll have a fix checked in later today

 On Fri, Oct 9, 2009 at 1:02 AM, Somindra Bhattacharya


  Thanks for responding.

  I have hosted the example athttp://

  The code is athttp://
  Here are the steps to reproduce the issue:

  1. Openhttp://
a browser window. This
a comet actor which listens for messages.
There is no form present on
  this page.

  2. Openhttp://
another browser
window. Juxtapose these two windows.

  3. Click on the "Click here" button in the window opened in
  Submitting this form results into a lift:Snippet
block being sent to
  the actor on the index page. This makes the index page show a
  that was not previously present.

  4. Click on the button that has appeared on the index page.
This does
  not result into calling the handler at the server end.

  Please let me know if you need more information.

  Thanks again...


  On Oct 8, 9:40 pm, David Pollak
   The chat example in
(source in examples/example) has a
   that is presented after the initial form is rendered.
 It works just
   Please put together a small example of the failure so I
can see the

   On Wed, Oct 7, 2009 at 9:13 PM, Somindra Bhattacharya

Apologies for bumping this.

Is there a way to get the submit button (or an
ajaxButton) to work if
the snippet which was not originally part of the
page is bound by a
comet actor?


On Oct 7, 12:32 pm, Somindra  Bhattacharya
 Thanks for responding, Naftoli.

 I tried changing the code to:

     def handleSubmit() =

       bind("elem", xhtml,
            "submit" - submit("Click", ()
= handleSubmit() ),
          ) ++ hidden(() = handleSubmit())

 The handleSubmit method is still not called. I
tried using ajaxButton
 instead of submit but that did not help either.

 What am I doing wrong?

 On Oct 7, 5:06 am, Naftoli Gugenheim wrote:

  What about an Ajax form?

  On Tue, Oct 6, 2009 at 9:52 AM, Somindra

   Hi Everyone,

   I have a comet actor that binds
XHTML. The XHTML corresponds to a

   XHTML for comet actor -

    lift:comet type="RCActor"
      Act:act /

   When the comet actor receives a
certain message, the render
  method of
   the comet actor binds the following

         elem:submit /

   The Discuss snippet's "invite"
method definition is:

    def invite(xhtml: NodeSeq): NodeSeq

       def handleSubmit() =

       bind("elem", xhtml,
           "submit" -
submit("Click", () = handleSubmit()))

   The page does not contain this form
when it is first loaded. When
   actor receives a certain message, it
binds the XHTML
   to the page and the form and the
"submit" button are rendered

   However, when I click on the submit
button, the "handleSubmit"
   is not called. Instead, the browser
displays a page with the text
   If I use the browser back button and
re-visit the page with the
   actor, the submit button works
(i.e., handleSubmit() is called
  and I
   can see the info log).

   Is this approach "legal"? Is there a
way to make a form submit if
   was not originally part of the page?


   Lift, the simply functional web framework
   Beginning Scala
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[Lift] Re: binding form fields while using jquery plugin

2010-01-13 Thread Madhav
Thanks Naftoli and Marius .
I got it working using both of your suggestions.

On Jan 13, 2:00 pm, Madhav wrote:
 hi marius,

 I tried using -% but it says value -% is not a member of
 Actually what i am trying to achieve is to make a web page in which
 there are some text fields as Text1,Text2,Result
 so that when user types some number in Text1 and Text2 their addition
 appears dynamically  in Result textfield(without submitting the form).
 I am using jquery plugin for doing this and it was working fine in
 simple html format but when i try to run the template using lift the
 calculation does'nt occurs (demo of this plugin working  can be seen
 under interactive example heading on 
 so Naftoli has helped me out in this and i am working on solution he
 suggested .If you have any suggestion or ideas they are also welcomed.

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[Lift] MappedForeignKey compared to Hibernate relationships

2010-01-13 Thread Guy
hi all,

stupid question about MappedForeignKey - it seems that it must be
interacted with by setting the value with the actual key (as opposed
to the 'object' that the key belongs to).  is there an equivalent so
that the value can be set with the actual object (a la Hibernate)?

i arrived at this in a roundabout way - i'm trying to validate a form
field against another form field that maps to an object - both fields
are being updated.  during the validation phase, the key value in the
MappedForeignKey has been updated ( but x.obj is still caching
the 'old' value.  is there a way around this (apart from just doing a
lookup against the new key)?

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Re: [Lift] MappedForeignKey compared to Hibernate relationships

2010-01-13 Thread David Pollak
On Wed, Jan 13, 2010 at 8:06 AM, Guy wrote:

 hi all,

 stupid question about MappedForeignKey - it seems that it must be
 interacted with by setting the value with the actual key (as opposed
 to the 'object' that the key belongs to).  is there an equivalent so
 that the value can be set with the actual object (a la Hibernate)?

 i arrived at this in a roundabout way - i'm trying to validate a form
 field against another form field that maps to an object - both fields
 are being updated.  during the validation phase, the key value in the
 MappedForeignKey has been updated ( but x.obj is still caching
 the 'old' value.  is there a way around this (apart from just doing a
 lookup against the new key)?

Sounds like you're using Lift 1.0  This behavior was changed around Lift 1.1


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Lift, the simply functional web framework
Beginning Scala
Follow me:
Surf the harmonics

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Re: [Lift] MappedForeignKey compared to Hibernate relationships

2010-01-13 Thread Naftoli Gugenheim
Is LongMappedMapper now superfluous?

David wrote:

On Wed, Jan 13, 2010 at 8:06 AM, Guy wrote:

 hi all,

 stupid question about MappedForeignKey - it seems that it must be
 interacted with by setting the value with the actual key (as opposed
 to the 'object' that the key belongs to).  is there an equivalent so
 that the value can be set with the actual object (a la Hibernate)?

 i arrived at this in a roundabout way - i'm trying to validate a form
 field against another form field that maps to an object - both fields
 are being updated.  during the validation phase, the key value in the
 MappedForeignKey has been updated ( but x.obj is still caching
 the 'old' value.  is there a way around this (apart from just doing a
 lookup against the new key)?

Sounds like you're using Lift 1.0  This behavior was changed around Lift 1.1


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Lift, the simply functional web framework
Beginning Scala
Follow me:
Surf the harmonics
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[Lift] Re: Scheduling the San Francisco Scala Lift Off

2010-01-13 Thread Stuart Roebuck
Or Edinburgh? :-)

On Jan 13, 12:22 pm, Mads Hartmann wrote:
 Was is 'Scala Lift Off' ?
 I live in Denmark so i might be able to make it in either London or
 Norway :)

 On Jan 13, 12:32 pm, Miles Sabin wrote:

  On Wed, Jan 13, 2010 at 3:31 AM, David Pollak wrote:
   For the last two years, the San Francisco Scala Lift Off has happened the
   day after JavaOne.  It's looking like JavaOne might not happen this year, 
   I'm starting to think about a time in the April-June timeframe when there
   are a lot of Scala and/or Java folks in San Francisco.  If you all have 
   ideas of good dates, please post them.

  A bit early maybe, but EclipseCon 2010 is 22nd - 25th of March.



  Miles Sabin
  tel: +44 (0)7813 944 528
  skype:  milessabin
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Re: [Lift] Re: Scheduling the San Francisco Scala Lift Off

2010-01-13 Thread Timothy Perrett
There is an EU meet-up at EPFL in April... thats as good as we are going to get 
(until there is more UK lift following)!

Cheers, Tim

On 13 Jan 2010, at 17:35, Stuart Roebuck wrote:

 Or Edinburgh? :-)
 On Jan 13, 12:22 pm, Mads Hartmann wrote:
 Was is 'Scala Lift Off' ?
 I live in Denmark so i might be able to make it in either London or
 Norway :)
 On Jan 13, 12:32 pm, Miles Sabin wrote:
 On Wed, Jan 13, 2010 at 3:31 AM, David Pollak wrote:
 For the last two years, the San Francisco Scala Lift Off has happened the
 day after JavaOne.  It's looking like JavaOne might not happen this year, 
 I'm starting to think about a time in the April-June timeframe when there
 are a lot of Scala and/or Java folks in San Francisco.  If you all have any
 ideas of good dates, please post them.
 A bit early maybe, but EclipseCon 2010 is 22nd - 25th of March.
 Miles Sabin
 tel: +44 (0)7813 944 528
 skype:  milessabin
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Re: [Lift] Recommendations for a Web Designer familiar with Lift?

2010-01-13 Thread Ransford Segu-Baffoe
As far as materials to review you can try this Exploring Lift at

or you can also buy the book.
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attachment: paksegu.vcf

[Lift] Choose template in a custom Loc

2010-01-13 Thread Misha Korablin
I'm writing a custom Loc for a page and want to choose a different
template in lift:surround if a certain URL parameter is present.

Basically, I have a template like this:

lift:surround with=t1 at=content

And at runtime I want to substitute t1 for t2 if necessary and leave
everything inside lift:surround intact.

How can I do this?

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Re: [Lift] Choose template in a custom Loc

2010-01-13 Thread Mads Hartmann Jensen
I believe you might be able to solve your problem with a snippet :) Like so;

lift:surround dynamic:template= at=content


and in you snippet

Class MySnippet {

def dynamicTemplatePicking(xhtml :NodeSeq) :NodeSeq = {
bind(dynamic, xhtml, AttrBindParam(template, Text(t1 or t2 
would go here), with))

Disclaimer: This code was written in and is pretty likely to contain 
errors ;) 

On 13/01/2010, at 20.37, Misha Korablin wrote:

 I'm writing a custom Loc for a page and want to choose a different
 template in lift:surround if a certain URL parameter is present.
 Basically, I have a template like this:
 lift:surround with=t1 at=content
 And at runtime I want to substitute t1 for t2 if necessary and leave
 everything inside lift:surround intact.
 How can I do this?
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Re: [Lift] Choose template in a custom Loc

2010-01-13 Thread Naftoli Gugenheim
Didn't David answer your question the first time you asked it?

Mads Hartmann wrote:

I believe you might be able to solve your problem with a snippet :) Like so;

lift:surround dynamic:template= at=content


and in you snippet

Class MySnippet {

def dynamicTemplatePicking(xhtml :NodeSeq) :NodeSeq = {
bind(dynamic, xhtml, AttrBindParam(template, Text(t1 or t2 
would go here), with))

Disclaimer: This code was written in and is pretty likely to contain 
errors ;) 

On 13/01/2010, at 20.37, Misha Korablin wrote:

 I'm writing a custom Loc for a page and want to choose a different
 template in lift:surround if a certain URL parameter is present.
 Basically, I have a template like this:
 lift:surround with=t1 at=content
 And at runtime I want to substitute t1 for t2 if necessary and leave
 everything inside lift:surround intact.
 How can I do this?
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[Lift] Re: Recommendations for a Web Designer familiar with Lift?

2010-01-13 Thread Timothy Perrett
Provided they know (and care) about XHTML, any designer can learn
lift templates... its one of its major selling points IMHO.
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[Lift] Re: Parcing Json

2010-01-13 Thread Randinn
I assume I use the save method but am stumbling on implementing it...

On Jan 11, 5:49 pm, Joni Freeman wrote:

 I'm sorry but I'm not totally sure what you are trying to accomplish.
 What would be the key in that map and what would be its values?

 Cheers Joni

 On 11 tammi, 03:14, Randinn wrote:

  I should explain what we are planning, the idea is to get the json
  file into a string, parse it and save the caught information into a
  Observation map.

  On Jan 11, 11:23 am, Randinn wrote:

   Forgive my ignorance but I was wondering why (json \
   observations).extract[Observation], is it to save as a flat file?

   On Jan 4, 7:13 am, Randinn wrote:

I tried some of the changes you made but not all of them, and (json\
observations).extract[Observation], I had no idea about that one.
Thank you very much for your help, it is appreciated.

On Jan 4, 1:00 am, Joni Freeman wrote:

 Google Groups does not shine in formatting code snippets. Here's nicer

 Cheers Joni

 On 3 tammi, 12:20, Joni Freeman wrote:


  That's almost correct. I did following changes after looking 

  1. 'notice' and 'header' areJSONarrays just like 'data'. Therefore:
  case class Observation(notice: List[Notice], header: List[Header],
  data: List[Data])

  2. There's optional data inJSON(some datapoints are nulls and Scala
  Int or Double can't take null values). This can be fixed by 
  into Option.

  3. The extracted Observation is inJSONfield 'observations'.
  (json\ observations).extract[Observation]

  Your error stack trace suggests that you have an old version of 
 json. Please upgrade to M8, there was a critical bug in case class
  extraction in older versions.

  Full example which works for me:

    implicit val formats = net.liftweb.json.DefaultFormats
    case class Notice(copyright: String, copyright_url: String,
  disclaimer_url: String)
    case class Header(refresh_message: String, ID: String, main_ID:
  String, name: String, state_time_zone: String, time_zone: String,
  product_name: String, state: String)
    case class Data(sort_order: Int, wmo: Int, history_product: 
  local_date_time: String,
                    local_date_time_full: String, air_temp: Option
  [Double], dewpt: Option[Double], apparent_t: Option[Double],
                    rel_hum: Option[Int], delta_t: Option[Double],
  wind_dir: String, wind_spd_kt: Option[Double], gust_kt: Option
                    wind_spd_kmh: Option[Double], press: 
  rain_trace: String)

    case class Observation(notice: List[Notice], header: List[Header],
  data: List[Data])

    (json\ observations).extract[Observation]

  Cheers Joni

  On 3 tammi, 09:17, Randinn wrote:

   I'm having a bit of trouble with LiftJsonparcing, I know I'm not
   doing it correctly but looking at the examples I cannot figure out
   what, anyway, here is the code in question. If someone could 
   me in the right direction that would be great, thanks in advance.

   class HelloWorld {
     def howdy = spanWelcome to hello-lift at {new}/span
   val http = new Http
   val bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream
   val myRequest = new Request(
   val rawdata = http(myRequest  bos)
   val bs = bos.toString
   val db = :/(

   valjson= parse(bs)

   implicit val formats = net.liftweb.json.DefaultFormats
     case class Notice(copyright: String, copyright_url: String,
   disclaimer_url: String)
     case class Header(refresh_message: String, ID: String, main_ID:
   String, name: String, state_time_zone: String,
                       time_zone: String, product_name: String, 
     case class Data(sort_order: Int, wmo: Int, history_product: 
   local_date_time: String,
                     local_date_time_full: Int, air_temp: Double, 
   Double, apparent_t: Double,
                     rel_hum: Double, delta_t: Double, wind_dir: 
   wind_spd_kt: Double, gust_kt: Double,
                     wind_spd_kmh: Double, press: Double, rain_trace:
     case class Observation(notice: Notice, header: Header, data: 

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[Lift] Lift - GAE Version

2010-01-13 Thread __kaveh__
Introduction: I apologize in advanced for I am naive about Scala, Lift
and elegant design decisions in Lift. I am a C#/ASP.NET/Windows
Application developer. I played with Scala and it was the C# I was
looking for! My job is on .NET platform. But for enjoying something
(and maybe put into real use later) Scala and Lift are really nice
choices (IMHO).

Could there be an official GAE (Google App Engine) version of Lift?

It appears that - for some reason I can not figure out; one of them
for sure is elegance - Lift and Scala are attracting to those who want
to use GAE/J. This can be a winning/dominated playground for both of
them (even if we put aside concurrency features in GRE) for those who
want to use GRE/J.

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[Lift] Re: Backbutton for Ajax

2010-01-13 Thread greekscala

I would really would like to have this type of support from lift.
I looked at GWT and think this is a nice way. They use url parameters
after a '#'. I dont understand the process because I have very little
javascript knowledge.

But I am thinking, lift is creating unique function names and is
calling them with ajax.
Maybe there is a way to have the functions be called over a way like

Just creating some thoughts...

best regards

On 12 Jan., 13:23, greekscala wrote:
 Hello Timothy,

 there is nothing stoping me from using it.
 But when I think of a framework it would be nice to activate
 backbutton support.
 I think this is somethink a lot of people would appreciate to have and
 not everybody
 should have to build this from the ground up.

 I do not have to deal with this now but in near future. I will have to
 what ways are avalable. And if I can intergrate this im my app, maybe
 can find a way to abstract it.

 with best regards

 On 12 Jan., 00:35, Timothy Perrett wrote:

  I'm not sure what is stopping you using something like this in  
  conjunction with lift?

  If you want something baked in, can you be specific with what and how  
  you might want it to work?

  Cheers, Tim

  Sent from my iPhone

  On 11 Jan 2010, at 23:13, greekscala wrote:

   Hello Alex!

   I will take a look at sammy.js .
   I would like to have some way for this in Lift too.
   Since with Lift it is easy to do alot of ajax.

   with best regards

   On 11 Jan., 23:05, Alex Boisvert wrote:
   I've been playing with sammy.js  
   and I like the way they update the URL fragment identifier (hash)  
   when doing
   AJAX which makes apps more back-button friendly, in a manner that's  
   to GMail.

   It would be nice to have something similar in Lift.


   On Mon, Jan 11, 2010 at 4:55 PM, greekscala wrote:
   Hello Lift people!

   I would like to know how experienced lift devs think and what they  
   ajax backbutton support.

   with best regards

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Re: [Lift] Re: Lift - GAE Version

2010-01-13 Thread Timothy Perrett
This is correct - many part of lift don't work on GAe... So far, we've  
seen little need for it as the vast majority of users simply want more  
than GAE can offer.

Cheers, Tim

Sent from my iPhone

On 13 Jan 2010, at 22:51, Randinn wrote:

The problem as far as I know is the GAE sandboxing inhibits most of
what makes lift, lift.

On Jan 14, 8:56 am, __kaveh__ wrote:
Introduction: I apologize in advanced for I am naive about Scala,  

and elegant design decisions in Lift. I am a C#/ASP.NET/Windows
Application developer. I played with Scala and it was the C# I was
looking for! My job is on .NET platform. But for enjoying something
(and maybe put into real use later) Scala and Lift are really nice
choices (IMHO).

Could there be an official GAE (Google App Engine) version of Lift?

It appears that - for some reason I can not figure out; one of them
for sure is elegance - Lift and Scala are attracting to those who  

to use GAE/J. This can be a winning/dominated playground for both of
them (even if we put aside concurrency features in GRE) for those who
want to use GRE/J.


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[Lift] Re: Lift - GAE Version

2010-01-13 Thread __kaveh__
Agreed; things like Comet Style request processing; yet Lift model for
separating concerns and it's powerful template system can really makes
a complete web application ecosystem on GAE.

On Jan 14, 1:51 am, Randinn wrote:
 The problem as far as I know is the GAE sandboxing inhibits most of
 what makes lift, lift.

 On Jan 14, 8:56 am, __kaveh__ wrote:

  Introduction: I apologize in advanced for I am naive about Scala, Lift
  and elegant design decisions in Lift. I am a C#/ASP.NET/Windows
  Application developer. I played with Scala and it was the C# I was
  looking for! My job is on .NET platform. But for enjoying something
  (and maybe put into real use later) Scala and Lift are really nice
  choices (IMHO).

  Could there be an official GAE (Google App Engine) version of Lift?

  It appears that - for some reason I can not figure out; one of them
  for sure is elegance - Lift and Scala are attracting to those who want
  to use GAE/J. This can be a winning/dominated playground for both of
  them (even if we put aside concurrency features in GRE) for those who
  want to use GRE/J.

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[Lift] Re: Default Schema for DefaultConnectionIdentifier

2010-01-13 Thread aw
I found DB.globalDefaultSchemaName, but the Schemifier is still

java.util.NoSuchElementException: key not found: mytablename
at scala.collection.Map$class.default(Map.scala:169) [scala-
at scala.collection.mutable.HashMap.default(HashMap.scala:33)
at scala.collection.Map$class.apply(Map.scala:80) [scala-
at scala.collection.mutable.HashMap.apply(HashMap.scala:33)
at net.liftweb.mapper.Schemifier$$anonfun$6$$anonfun$apply
$8.apply(Schemifier.scala:193) [lift-mapper-1.1-M8.jar:1.1-M8]
at net.liftweb.mapper.Schemifier$$anonfun$6$$anonfun$apply
$8.apply(Schemifier.scala:193) [lift-mapper-1.1-M8.jar:1.1-M8]
at net.liftweb.mapper.Schemifier$.net$liftweb$mapper$Schemifier
$$using(Schemifier.scala:44) [lift-mapper-1.1-M8.jar:1.1-M8]
at net.liftweb.mapper.Schemifier$$anonfun$6.apply
at net.liftweb.mapper.Schemifier$$anonfun$6.apply
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[Lift] Submenu disappeared

2010-01-13 Thread Naftoli Gugenheim
For some reason all of a sudden all the menus under Home do not display. Any 
idea where to look?
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[Lift] Developing with IntelliJ IDEA 9.0?

2010-01-13 Thread Sasha Ovsankin
Hello all --

I have tried to compile the quickstart project with the latest Scala
plugin for IntelliJ 0.3.385, not very successfully: it either
complains about LIFT libraries compiled with the wrong version of the
compiler (the plugin comes with 2.8)  or if I set the plugin to use
the 2.7 compiler it doesn't work at all.

Even posted the question to the plugin page (
confluence/display/SCA/Scala+Plugin+for+IntelliJ+IDEA) but no response

Did anybody manage to make this setup work? Any insight?

-- Sasha
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Re: [Lift] Developing with IntelliJ IDEA 9.0?

2010-01-13 Thread Margaret
I am working with IDEA
Maia-IU-90.122 . it works very well


On Thu, Jan 14, 2010 at 9:41 AM, Sasha Ovsankin wrote:
 Hello all --

 I have tried to compile the quickstart project with the latest Scala
 plugin for IntelliJ 0.3.385, not very successfully: it either
 complains about LIFT libraries compiled with the wrong version of the
 compiler (the plugin comes with 2.8)  or if I set the plugin to use
 the 2.7 compiler it doesn't work at all.

 Even posted the question to the plugin page (
 confluence/display/SCA/Scala+Plugin+for+IntelliJ+IDEA) but no response

 Did anybody manage to make this setup work? Any insight?

 -- Sasha

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Re: [Lift] Re: Backbutton for Ajax

2010-01-13 Thread Alex Boisvert
Just thinking out loud as to how this could work...

On modern browsers, it's possible to monitor the state change of the
browser's URL hash (aka window.location.hash /  '#' / document fragment) in
the browser with the 'onhashchange' DOM event.  It gets fired whenever the
location.hash changes.  On older browsers, it's also possible to poll for
change which is less efficient but that's life.

So the idea would be to:

1) add a snippet or utility method to set up a listener on onhashchange that
would callback Scala functions associated with given hash (e.g. #foo, #bar,
...).  Hashes could support parameters too (e.g., #foo/:param1/:param2)

2) add a method S.ajaxHash(hashPath, callback): JsCmd that would bind a hash
path/pattern to a Scala function (by registering the path/pattern with the

3) add a method S.changeHash(hashPath, params): JsCmd to programmatically
change the browser's hash as a result of some AJAX processing.

I don't have time to work on this yet but I'd be happy to hear what others
think of the idea.


On Wed, Jan 13, 2010 at 2:45 PM, greekscala wrote:


 I would really would like to have this type of support from lift.
 I looked at GWT and think this is a nice way. They use url parameters
 after a '#'. I dont understand the process because I have very little
 javascript knowledge.

 But I am thinking, lift is creating unique function names and is
 calling them with ajax.
 Maybe there is a way to have the functions be called over a way like

 Just creating some thoughts...

 best regards

 On 12 Jan., 13:23, greekscala wrote:
  Hello Timothy,
  there is nothing stoping me from using it.
  But when I think of a framework it would be nice to activate
  backbutton support.
  I think this is somethink a lot of people would appreciate to have and
  not everybody
  should have to build this from the ground up.
  I do not have to deal with this now but in near future. I will have to
  what ways are avalable. And if I can intergrate this im my app, maybe
  can find a way to abstract it.
  with best regards
  On 12 Jan., 00:35, Timothy Perrett wrote:
   I'm not sure what is stopping you using something like this in
   conjunction with lift?
   If you want something baked in, can you be specific with what and how
   you might want it to work?
   Cheers, Tim
   Sent from my iPhone
   On 11 Jan 2010, at 23:13, greekscala wrote:
Hello Alex!
I will take a look at sammy.js .
I would like to have some way for this in Lift too.
Since with Lift it is easy to do alot of ajax.
with best regards
On 11 Jan., 23:05, Alex Boisvert wrote:
I've been playing with sammy.js
and I like the way they update the URL fragment identifier (hash)
when doing
AJAX which makes apps more back-button friendly, in a manner that's

to GMail.
It would be nice to have something similar in Lift.
On Mon, Jan 11, 2010 at 4:55 PM, greekscala wrote:
Hello Lift people!
I would like to know how experienced lift devs think and what they

ajax backbutton support.
with best regards
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Re: [Lift] Re: Backbutton for Ajax

2010-01-13 Thread Naftoli Gugenheim
I haven't really used Ajax much but it seems to me there are two kinds of 
1. Modifying the view, e.g., clicking an emal in Gmail, or Expand All. One can 
make an analogy to a GET request, in that there's no permanent change.
2. Taking actions, e.g., invoking an action on the server, or deleting the 
viewed email in Gmail. The analogy would be to a POST.
It seems to me that Lift's Ajax is often used for #2. However backbutton 
support doesn't really make sense in that scenario.

Alex wrote:

Just thinking out loud as to how this could work...

On modern browsers, it's possible to monitor the state change of the
browser's URL hash (aka window.location.hash /  '#' / document fragment) in
the browser with the 'onhashchange' DOM event.  It gets fired whenever the
location.hash changes.  On older browsers, it's also possible to poll for
change which is less efficient but that's life.

So the idea would be to:

1) add a snippet or utility method to set up a listener on onhashchange that
would callback Scala functions associated with given hash (e.g. #foo, #bar,
...).  Hashes could support parameters too (e.g., #foo/:param1/:param2)

2) add a method S.ajaxHash(hashPath, callback): JsCmd that would bind a hash
path/pattern to a Scala function (by registering the path/pattern with the

3) add a method S.changeHash(hashPath, params): JsCmd to programmatically
change the browser's hash as a result of some AJAX processing.

I don't have time to work on this yet but I'd be happy to hear what others
think of the idea.


On Wed, Jan 13, 2010 at 2:45 PM, greekscala wrote:


 I would really would like to have this type of support from lift.
 I looked at GWT and think this is a nice way. They use url parameters
 after a '#'. I dont understand the process because I have very little
 javascript knowledge.

 But I am thinking, lift is creating unique function names and is
 calling them with ajax.
 Maybe there is a way to have the functions be called over a way like

 Just creating some thoughts...

 best regards

 On 12 Jan., 13:23, greekscala wrote:
  Hello Timothy,
  there is nothing stoping me from using it.
  But when I think of a framework it would be nice to activate
  backbutton support.
  I think this is somethink a lot of people would appreciate to have and
  not everybody
  should have to build this from the ground up.
  I do not have to deal with this now but in near future. I will have to
  what ways are avalable. And if I can intergrate this im my app, maybe
  can find a way to abstract it.
  with best regards
  On 12 Jan., 00:35, Timothy Perrett wrote:
   I'm not sure what is stopping you using something like this in
   conjunction with lift?
   If you want something baked in, can you be specific with what and how
   you might want it to work?
   Cheers, Tim
   Sent from my iPhone
   On 11 Jan 2010, at 23:13, greekscala wrote:
Hello Alex!
I will take a look at sammy.js .
I would like to have some way for this in Lift too.
Since with Lift it is easy to do alot of ajax.
with best regards
On 11 Jan., 23:05, Alex Boisvert wrote:
I've been playing with sammy.js
and I like the way they update the URL fragment identifier (hash)
when doing
AJAX which makes apps more back-button friendly, in a manner that's

to GMail.
It would be nice to have something similar in Lift.
On Mon, Jan 11, 2010 at 4:55 PM, greekscala wrote:
Hello Lift people!
I would like to know how experienced lift devs think and what they

ajax backbutton support.
with best regards
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[Lift] Schemifier broken for Oracle

2010-01-13 Thread aw
I'm pretty sure that I discovered that a bug was introduced that
breaks Schemifier with Oracle...

First of all, Oracle's JDBC driver has the odd behavior of being case
sensitive when it comes to acquiring metadata.  For example:
DatabaseMetaData.getColumns(null, MYSCHEMA, MYTABLE, null) is not
the same as DatabaseMetaData.getColumns(null, MYSCHEMA, myTable,
null)...  In fact, the latter option yields no results...

Well, looking at 1.0 Schemifier source, see line 189:
You can see that it used:  table.dbTableName

If you look at the latest source, see line 193:
You can see that it uses:  table._dbTableNameLC

This change broke ensureColumns for Oracle.

As a side note -- there was no useful error message explaining that no
column metadata was found for table X.  This took a while to trace.

I must admit that I am surprised by Oracle's behavior.  Since the
database isn't case sensitive, the table name parameter should not be
case sensitive -- but it certainly is by my testing (and I am using

Why was the code changed to specify a lower case value?
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[Lift] Lift app memory cost

2010-01-13 Thread XiaomingZheng
Hello everyone:
I have a questions confused me right now. today i try to publish my
lift website by using mvn package, and got a war package sized more
than 10M, the lib folder is the largest. i put this package in a jetty
server found out it takes considerable memory cost. if there are lots
lift web application in one jetty server, the cost maybe a disaster...

any idea for lower down the lift app memory cost? I thought a idea
that put these lib files to the jetty lib folder, but only suitable
for the libs like scala-library and H2 library. When put lift-webkit
lib in jetty lib folder, there must be logic errors i think, because
different apps shared one LiftRules obj...

so any good idea ? thanks guys
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[Lift] Re: Developing with IntelliJ IDEA 9.0?

2010-01-13 Thread Steve Swing
I use IntelliJ IDEA IU-93.13 with Lift. I don't typically run and
debug in the IDE too much yet. I know what's the point? I actually
like the editor. For build and run I use mvn clean install to build
non-web modules and mvn jetty:run for web modules. I'm hoping as the
Scala plugin improves code insight  completion will as well. I expect
that will help me learn Scala and features of Lift too.

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Re: [Lift] Submenu disappeared

2010-01-13 Thread David Pollak
On Wed, Jan 13, 2010 at 5:28 PM, Naftoli Gugenheim naftoli...@gmail.comwrote:

 For some reason all of a sudden all the menus under Home do not display.
 Any idea where to look?

What version of Lift?  Do you have a repro case?  There was a bug introduced
3 weeks ago and fixed last week related to this, but it should be fine in
2.0-SNAPSHOT and 2.0 M1 (did M1 happen today?)


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Lift, the simply functional web framework
Beginning Scala
Follow me:
Surf the harmonics

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Re: [Lift] Re: Lift - GAE Version

2010-01-13 Thread David Pollak
On Wed, Jan 13, 2010 at 3:13 PM, __kaveh__ kaveh.shahbaz...@gmail.comwrote:

 Agreed; things like Comet Style request processing; yet Lift model for
 separating concerns and it's powerful template system can really makes
 a complete web application ecosystem on GAE.

The all of the standard parts of Lift work on GAE except Comet and Mapper.
 Comet doesn't work because of the ban in GAE of creating threads (Actors)
and Mapper doesn't work because there's no JDBC source on GAE.

With that being said, I personally think GAE is the worst of all possible
worlds.  GAE has a severely limited run-time (the idea of not being able to
have asynchronous messages is a huge limitation).  BigTable is good for a
limited number of things, but even the most trivial apps (e.g., yet another
Twitter Clone) is going to require a relational database or some other model
beyond what BigTable offers.

GAE nominally scales well, but if you're moving to Twitter-like traffic,
you're not going to want to be tied to Google's infrastructure... it's just
too scaring from a business perspective.

For $10/mo, you can rent a slice at SliceHost or that will run a
nice app and allow it to scale to hundreds or maybe thousands of users.

So, if you have an actual need for Lift on GAE for an actual production site
and Lift is not offering a particular something you need, please tell us
about it and we'll see about scheduling a fix.



 On Jan 14, 1:51 am, Randinn wrote:
  The problem as far as I know is the GAE sandboxing inhibits most of
  what makes lift, lift.
  On Jan 14, 8:56 am, __kaveh__ wrote:
   Introduction: I apologize in advanced for I am naive about Scala, Lift
   and elegant design decisions in Lift. I am a C#/ASP.NET/Windows
   Application developer. I played with Scala and it was the C# I was
   looking for! My job is on .NET platform. But for enjoying something
   (and maybe put into real use later) Scala and Lift are really nice
   choices (IMHO).
   Could there be an official GAE (Google App Engine) version of Lift?
   It appears that - for some reason I can not figure out; one of them
   for sure is elegance - Lift and Scala are attracting to those who want
   to use GAE/J. This can be a winning/dominated playground for both of
   them (even if we put aside concurrency features in GRE) for those who
   want to use GRE/J.

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Re: [Lift] Schemifier broken for Oracle

2010-01-13 Thread David Pollak
Please try with Lift 2.0-SNAPSHOT.  We made a number of significant fixes to
Schemifier over the course of the year including improving support for
case-sensitive RDBMS.

On Wed, Jan 13, 2010 at 6:54 PM, aw wrote:

 I'm pretty sure that I discovered that a bug was introduced that
 breaks Schemifier with Oracle...

 First of all, Oracle's JDBC driver has the odd behavior of being case
 sensitive when it comes to acquiring metadata.  For example:
 DatabaseMetaData.getColumns(null, MYSCHEMA, MYTABLE, null) is not
 the same as DatabaseMetaData.getColumns(null, MYSCHEMA, myTable,
 null)...  In fact, the latter option yields no results...

 Well, looking at 1.0 Schemifier source, see line 189:
 You can see that it used:  table.dbTableName

 If you look at the latest source, see line 193:
 You can see that it uses:  table._dbTableNameLC

 This change broke ensureColumns for Oracle.

 As a side note -- there was no useful error message explaining that no
 column metadata was found for table X.  This took a while to trace.

 I must admit that I am surprised by Oracle's behavior.  Since the
 database isn't case sensitive, the table name parameter should not be
 case sensitive -- but it certainly is by my testing (and I am using

 Why was the code changed to specify a lower case value?

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Re: [Lift] Re: Two database are broken in 1.1-M8, works fine in 1.1-M7 .

2010-01-13 Thread David Pollak
On Wed, Jan 13, 2010 at 6:18 AM, Neil.Lv wrote:

 Hi David,

   I'm sorry about it that i write it wrong.

   But I change the second DBVendor name to DBVendor_2, and it create
 a db file named lift_proto2.db.h2.db.
 And it doesn't work, I add this method to the User model to specify
 the default db connection.

 override def dbDefaultConnectionIdentifier = bootstrap.liftweb.OneDB

   I use this code in M7 and it's fine.

   How can i define a vendor for the DefaultConnectionIdentifier in

The same way you define it in every version of Lift:
DB.defineConnectionManager(DefaultConnectionIdentifier, DBVendor)

   Thank you very much!


 On Jan 13, 1:35 pm, David Pollak
  The problem with this code is you are using the same connection vendor
  for both connection identifiers *and* you're not defining a vendor for
  the DefaultConnectionIdentifier
  On Jan 11, 7:05 am, Neil.Lv wrote:
   Hi all,
  There is a problem when i upgrading the 1.1-M7 to 1.1-M8, the db
   connection is broken.
  I use two database connection in my app, it's broken in 1.1-M8.
   object OneDB extends ConnectionIdentifier {
override def jndiName = lift_proto}
   object TwoDB extends ConnectionIdentifier {
override def jndiName = lift_proto2}
  The error message is:
   Problem accessing /. Reason:
   Looking for Connection Identifier ConnectionIdentifier(lift) but
   failed to find either a JNDI data source with the name lift or a lift
   connection manager with the correct name
 Maybe I missing something else configure in M8 that it's different
   from M7.
 The test demo address is :
 Thanks for any help very much!

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Re: [Lift] Submenu disappeared

2010-01-13 Thread Naftoli Gugenheim
1.1-SNAPSHOT, and I don't think it's very up to date.
This bug would hide even active submenus?

David wrote:

On Wed, Jan 13, 2010 at 5:28 PM, Naftoli Gugenheim naftoli...@gmail.comwrote:

 For some reason all of a sudden all the menus under Home do not display.
 Any idea where to look?

What version of Lift?  Do you have a repro case?  There was a bug introduced
3 weeks ago and fixed last week related to this, but it should be fine in
2.0-SNAPSHOT and 2.0 M1 (did M1 happen today?)


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Re: [Lift] Submenu disappeared

2010-01-13 Thread David Pollak
On Wed, Jan 13, 2010 at 8:53 PM, Naftoli Gugenheim naftoli...@gmail.comwrote:

 1.1-SNAPSHOT, and I don't think it's very up to date.
 This bug would hide even active submenus?


 David wrote:

 On Wed, Jan 13, 2010 at 5:28 PM, Naftoli Gugenheim

  For some reason all of a sudden all the menus under Home do not display.
  Any idea where to look?

 What version of Lift?  Do you have a repro case?  There was a bug
 3 weeks ago and fixed last week related to this, but it should be fine in
 2.0-SNAPSHOT and 2.0 M1 (did M1 happen today?)

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Re: [Lift] Lift app memory cost

2010-01-13 Thread David Pollak
On Wed, Jan 13, 2010 at 8:00 PM, XiaomingZheng xiaomingzhen...@gmail.comwrote:

 Hello everyone:
 I have a questions confused me right now. today i try to publish my
 lift website by using mvn package, and got a war package sized more
 than 10M, the lib folder is the largest. i put this package in a jetty
 server found out it takes considerable memory cost. if there are lots
 lift web application in one jetty server, the cost maybe a disaster...

 any idea for lower down the lift app memory cost? I thought a idea
 that put these lib files to the jetty lib folder, but only suitable
 for the libs like scala-library and H2 library. When put lift-webkit
 lib in jetty lib folder, there must be logic errors i think, because
 different apps shared one LiftRules obj...

 so any good idea ? thanks guys

I routinely run low-traffic Lift-based web sites in Jetty with a 32MB heap
size on the JVM.  I doubt you're going to get it smaller than that.  What
are your constraints?

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Re: [Lift] Re: Code generation plugin for SBT

2010-01-13 Thread David Pollak
Oh I just started using SBT as well and love it.

Looking forward to serious Lift support in SBT!

On Mon, Jan 11, 2010 at 8:43 PM, Brian Hsu wrote:

 Hello, I'm interested in this project.

 Just in case that there are someone eles is working on this too.

 Currently I have started working on the part of generate Lift website
 skeleton corresponding to lift-archetype-blank / lift-archetype-basic
 in mvn repo.

 I've not finished it yet, but as soon as I finished and tested it
 works, I will send a pull request on GitHub.

 On 1月11日, 上午2時22分, Timothy Perrett wrote:
  Hi all,
  I've started a little project to add code-generation to SBT and I
  would like to hear from anyone who wants to collaborate (and has time
  This could be very important for the lift community, and my aim is to
  make something like thus:
   generate lift snippet WhateverName
  where generate is the sbt plugin command, lift is the library
  defined in the plugin/project def, snippet is the action/template
  and WhateverName is the args* that the action or template takes.
  Im thinking of producing template libraries as JARs and then they
  could just be distributed via the maven repository system.
  So, if you want to help out on this, id love to hear from you. If
  would be an extra bonus if you are an SBT master or have written other
  plugins as that is where my knowledge is weakest.
  Cheers, Tim

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[Lift] [netbeans] getting lift-archetype-blank to work inside netbeans

2010-01-13 Thread carlosayam

I followed the instructions here
to install the 6.8 plugin for Scala.

Problem is that the lift-archetype-blank says scala-version 2.7.7.

And the netbeans plugin comes with its own version (scala-compiler.jar/  version.number=2.8.0.r19918-b20091128085106)

Whereas the latest  - which I installed as per instructions - is

Well, I modified the pom.xml generated by the archetype and put the
latest available version of scala according to

But when using netbeans to download the Lift classes I'm getting:
[ERROR]error: error while loading Loc, Scala signature Loc has wrong
 expected: 5.0
 found: 4.1 in C:\Documents and Settings\carlos\.m2\repository\net

.. among others ..

.. Hum, the modern nightmare of open source is versioning between
IDE, compilers and frameworks ...

I am guessing it's because the Lift framework was compiled against 2.7
and the scala 2.8 compiler doesn't like them.

Any ideas on how to move forward? I know some people prefer not to use
IDEs, but I want to give it a good try.

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Re: [Lift] [netbeans] getting lift-archetype-blank to work inside netbeans

2010-01-13 Thread Naftoli Gugenheim
Either use an older version of Netbeans or another IDE, or checkout the 
unsupported 280_port branch from git and mvn clean install.

- wrote:


I followed the instructions here
to install the 6.8 plugin for Scala.

Problem is that the lift-archetype-blank says scala-version 2.7.7.

And the netbeans plugin comes with its own version (scala-compiler.jar/  version.number=2.8.0.r19918-b20091128085106)

Whereas the latest  - which I installed as per instructions - is

Well, I modified the pom.xml generated by the archetype and put the
latest available version of scala according to

But when using netbeans to download the Lift classes I'm getting:
[ERROR]error: error while loading Loc, Scala signature Loc has wrong
 expected: 5.0
 found: 4.1 in C:\Documents and Settings\carlos\.m2\repository\net

.. among others ..

.. Hum, the modern nightmare of open source is versioning between
IDE, compilers and frameworks ...

I am guessing it's because the Lift framework was compiled against 2.7
and the scala 2.8 compiler doesn't like them.

Any ideas on how to move forward? I know some people prefer not to use
IDEs, but I want to give it a good try.

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[Lift] Re: Lift app memory cost

2010-01-13 Thread XiaomingZheng
my colleagues and i develop portals and other web apps for lots of
small companies. One portal is low-traffic, so we put many small
portals in one jetty server. we hope each portal cost as lower memory
as better, because there are many portals in only single one server.
In Lift framework, each web app must have its stuffs like LiftRules
obj and S obj, can we shall them in different apps for saving memory?
could you give me some advice?

On Jan 14, 5:01 am, David Pollak
 On Wed, Jan 13, 2010 at 8:00 PM, XiaomingZheng 

  Hello everyone:
  I have a questions confused me right now. today i try to publish my
  lift website by using mvn package, and got a war package sized more
  than 10M, the lib folder is the largest. i put this package in a jetty
  server found out it takes considerable memory cost. if there are lots
  lift web application in one jetty server, the cost maybe a disaster...

  any idea for lower down the lift app memory cost? I thought a idea
  that put these lib files to the jetty lib folder, but only suitable
  for the libs like scala-library and H2 library. When put lift-webkit
  lib in jetty lib folder, there must be logic errors i think, because
  different apps shared one LiftRules obj...

  so any good idea ? thanks guys

 I routinely run low-traffic Lift-based web sites in Jetty with a 32MB heap
 size on the JVM.  I doubt you're going to get it smaller than that.  What
 are your constraints?

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Re: [Lift] Re: Lift app memory cost

2010-01-13 Thread David Pollak
On Wed, Jan 13, 2010 at 9:52 PM, XiaomingZheng xiaomingzhen...@gmail.comwrote:

 my colleagues and i develop portals and other web apps for lots of
 small companies. One portal is low-traffic, so we put many small
 portals in one jetty server. we hope each portal cost as lower memory
 as better, because there are many portals in only single one server.
 In Lift framework, each web app must have its stuffs like LiftRules
 obj and S obj, can we shall them in different apps for saving memory?
 could you give me some advice?

If memory size is your prime concern, PHP is probably your best bet.  Lift
is not going to give you the memory efficiencies you sound like you're
looking for.  Sorry.

 On Jan 14, 5:01 am, David Pollak
  On Wed, Jan 13, 2010 at 8:00 PM, XiaomingZheng 
   Hello everyone:
   I have a questions confused me right now. today i try to publish my
   lift website by using mvn package, and got a war package sized more
   than 10M, the lib folder is the largest. i put this package in a jetty
   server found out it takes considerable memory cost. if there are lots
   lift web application in one jetty server, the cost maybe a disaster...
   any idea for lower down the lift app memory cost? I thought a idea
   that put these lib files to the jetty lib folder, but only suitable
   for the libs like scala-library and H2 library. When put lift-webkit
   lib in jetty lib folder, there must be logic errors i think, because
   different apps shared one LiftRules obj...
   so any good idea ? thanks guys
  I routinely run low-traffic Lift-based web sites in Jetty with a 32MB
  size on the JVM.  I doubt you're going to get it smaller than that.  What
  are your constraints?
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[Lift] Re: Lift app memory cost

2010-01-13 Thread XiaomingZheng
got it, thanks David

On Jan 14, 6:00 am, David Pollak
 On Wed, Jan 13, 2010 at 9:52 PM, XiaomingZheng 

  my colleagues and i develop portals and other web apps for lots of
  small companies. One portal is low-traffic, so we put many small
  portals in one jetty server. we hope each portal cost as lower memory
  as better, because there are many portals in only single one server.
  In Lift framework, each web app must have its stuffs like LiftRules
  obj and S obj, can we shall them in different apps for saving memory?
  could you give me some advice?

 If memory size is your prime concern, PHP is probably your best bet.  Lift
 is not going to give you the memory efficiencies you sound like you're
 looking for.  Sorry.

  On Jan 14, 5:01 am, David Pollak
   On Wed, Jan 13, 2010 at 8:00 PM, XiaomingZheng 

Hello everyone:
I have a questions confused me right now. today i try to publish my
lift website by using mvn package, and got a war package sized more
than 10M, the lib folder is the largest. i put this package in a jetty
server found out it takes considerable memory cost. if there are lots
lift web application in one jetty server, the cost maybe a disaster...

any idea for lower down the lift app memory cost? I thought a idea
that put these lib files to the jetty lib folder, but only suitable
for the libs like scala-library and H2 library. When put lift-webkit
lib in jetty lib folder, there must be logic errors i think, because
different apps shared one LiftRules obj...

so any good idea ? thanks guys

   I routinely run low-traffic Lift-based web sites in Jetty with a 32MB
   size on the JVM.  I doubt you're going to get it smaller than that.  What
   are your constraints?

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[Lift] Re: Two database are broken in 1.1-M8, works fine in 1.1-M7 .

2010-01-13 Thread Neil.Lv
  David, Thank you very much!

  It works now, I'm so sorry about that I didn't see the yak demo
yesterday .



On Jan 14, 12:43 pm, David Pollak
 On Wed, Jan 13, 2010 at 6:18 AM, Neil.Lv wrote:
  Hi David,

I'm sorry about it that i write it wrong.

But I change the second DBVendor name to DBVendor_2, and it create
  a db file named lift_proto2.db.h2.db.
  And it doesn't work, I add this method to the User model to specify
  the default db connection.

  override def dbDefaultConnectionIdentifier = bootstrap.liftweb.OneDB

I use this code in M7 and it's fine.

How can i define a vendor for the DefaultConnectionIdentifier in

 The same way you define it in every version of Lift:
 DB.defineConnectionManager(DefaultConnectionIdentifier, DBVendor)

Thank you very much!


  On Jan 13, 1:35 pm, David Pollak
   The problem with this code is you are using the same connection vendor
   for both connection identifiers *and* you're not defining a vendor for
   the DefaultConnectionIdentifier

   On Jan 11, 7:05 am, Neil.Lv wrote:

Hi all,

   There is a problem when i upgrading the 1.1-M7 to 1.1-M8, the db
connection is broken.

   I use two database connection in my app, it's broken in 1.1-M8.
object OneDB extends ConnectionIdentifier {
 override def jndiName = lift_proto}

object TwoDB extends ConnectionIdentifier {
 override def jndiName = lift_proto2}


   The error message is:

Problem accessing /. Reason:

Looking for Connection Identifier ConnectionIdentifier(lift) but
failed to find either a JNDI data source with the name lift or a lift
connection manager with the correct name

  Maybe I missing something else configure in M8 that it's different
from M7.

  The test demo address is :

  Thanks for any help very much!


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Re: [Lift] Ajax forms and (multiple) submit buttons

2010-01-13 Thread Adam Warski
I would of course be very +1 to include the ajaxSubmit :). Thanks for the work.

This looks a bit different to the button I tried before, maybe you have a patch 
so that I can try it out on the test app?


On Jan 12, 2010, at 8:39 PM, Marius wrote:

 Dear all,
 Recently (and not only) there have been discussions about ajax forms
 and their submit Scala functions not being called and that's because
 JQuery's form serialization doesn't serialize  the input submits (for
 pertinent reasons). The workaround is as you know to use hidden
 Adam also wanted an ajax form with multiple submit buttons taking
 different actions depending on which button is being called. This is
 also *doable* using hidden fields  but not quite from elegant.
 I've experimented a way to allow ajax form submission but after all
 form field functions are being called your own ajax Scala function is
 being called (with no hidden fields).  the idea is this:
 1. I added an SHtml.ajaxSubmit which has the same signature with
 2. At js level I added a liftAjax.lift_uriSuffix
 3. When clicking the ajaxSubmit button we set the
 liftAjax.lift_uriSuffix with the function name value. This is the
 function name of your scala function. Hence your scala function for
 ajaxSubmit will be called after form field functions are called.
 In short we piggy back the Scala function info on top of the
 serialized form info.
 I tested it and it works just fine for me:
 Using it looks something like like:
  ajaxForm(bind(hello, xhtml,
   field1 - text(, (s) = {println(field1 =  + s)}),
   field2 - text(, (s) = {println(field2 =  + s)}),
   field3 - text(, (s) = {println(field3 =  + s)}),
   submit - ajaxSubmit(Press me, () = {
  println(my ajax func called.)
 ... you got the idea.
 This of course allows putting virtually any number of ajax submit
 buttons and the right function will be called on server side.
 I'm thinking to add this to Lift but first I'd like to know your
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