Re: lingo-l Memory Inspector

2004-09-17 Thread Kurt Griffin
I'm using Dir MX (not 2004) with MacOS 10.3.4.
I went to use the Memory Inspector and could not find it. I looked up
the manual and it says it should be under Window/Memory Inspector. The
Help says the same but it is not there. And I cannot see it anywhere
There is no memory inspector on Mac. The way OSX manages memory...
apparently Director wouldn't be able to tell what was actually going
on. That feature became Windows-only with DMX.
RPSystems, Ltd.
You can use the Activity Monitor (Applications/Utilities) to keep an 
eye on things.

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lingo-l OSX stub projector

2004-09-01 Thread Kurt Griffin
I just noticed something annoying.
I have a CD-ROM series. It's a director shell that's skinnable and gets 
its content from external XML. The shell is a dxr. called from the 
usual stub projector (DMX). In the past, I'd change the name of the 
stub projector to match the product, swap content and skins, and be 
done... no need to go back to Dir.

These run in a window. I just noticed that OSX puts a menu in the menu 
bar for it... with the name that the projector was created with. This 
pretty much makes a stub projector useless, as the name doesn't match 
the product. The name in the title bar is the projector's new name.

Just tried MX2004. Same deal - the name of the projector in publish 
settings is what's used for the menu. In the display template, there 
are title bar options, but nothing for the menu bar.

Anybody got a simple solution, like an ini file entry along the lines 
of Don'tUseMenu=1?

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Re: lingo-l RE: Stub protection technique?

2004-08-19 Thread Kurt Griffin
One preliminary thought I had was to embed a user specified key in the
published stub that the author would set a global to in the actual
Very little security in that on its own. As you're trying to protect 
this from unscrupulous developers, using an open global is not the best 
approach, as somebody who routinely works outside the bounds of ethics 
is likely to know that running your dxr or dcr as a miaw or ldm lets 
them use the message window to showGlobals(), among other things.

You'll want to obfuscate it a bit more. Using a global *object* instead 
of variable, and calling some unusual method name to verify the key 
would take it a step further.

Perhaps you could read some image data from a particular graphic 
member's image (like one of your buttons or something), and use that as 
your key. That, you could store in an object in the stub, and your 
project would check it against the image data from member(whatever). 
Yes, it's easy to get media from a dxr, but the hacker would have to 
guess which image the key is taken from (after first guessing that 
there's an image involved). Add a little encryption to the equation, 
and you're making it pretty difficult to get around.

Check the dir-game-l archives - protecting scoring info is a major 
concern on that list, and is essentially the same problem you've got. 
Security has been beaten pretty hard on that list.


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RE: lingo-l Director Multilingual IDE

2004-07-29 Thread Kurt Griffin
In OSX.3, you can set the language you prefer (though, the list is not 
comprehensive), and Apple's applications will use that language 
(Safari, Mail, QT, iCal, iMovie, Garageband, etc.). I can't find any 
third-party apps that do so, though. Even stuff that's bundled with the 
system, like Art Director's toolkit, don't switch from English. Seems a 

Date: Thu, 29 Jul 2004 10:49:08 -0400
Organization: Cyberian Tiger Software
Thanks. Pity there are these limitations. Let's say in
Dreamweaver you can install some other language packages that
would change the default UI language
Can you do that in DreamWeaver? It would be nice, but I don't know of a
single application that allows you to use your choice of language. Do
I've done one product where you could switch the UI from English to
Spanish, and vice-versa. Lots of issues with just one [known] language.
Think about what it means to do a UI in a new language. All the
text--menus, prompts, etc.--have to be translated. All the dialog boxes
have to be resized. The help has to be translated. If you go outside 
8859.1, you have to allow for other code pages.

There are cross-platform issues. Mac and Windows have different
encodings. If everybody used Unicode, it would be easier, but we don't.
Cultural issues are important, too, in localization. You might want a
different version for Taiwan and Beijing, even though they speak the
same language. Usage is different. There are other cultural issues you
would never think of. You like the Robin Hood-like fox character in 
math program? His green hat would never sell in China.

There's the marketing and sales side, too. Publishers would lose a lot
of unit sales if the UI language could be changed at will.
No, it's a nice idea, but, at this point in the computer industry, I'm
afraid it's no more than a wishful thinking.
Kerry Thompson
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Re: lingo-l controlling multiple dvd players

2004-07-20 Thread Kurt Griffin
I believe there are some piracy safeguards that don't allow more than 
one app to have control of a DVD player, and I'm pretty sure you can't 
have two instances of the player open (though I don't have two DVD 
drives, so I can't test the theory). I could be wrong.

is it possible to control 2 or more dvd players via lingo?
i would like to know if some internal dvd players have a video output 

thanks list
Pierre-Yves Fave
paris france
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Re: lingo-l xmlparse

2004-07-19 Thread Kurt Griffin
Any ideas why XMLParse fails to produce correct XML-file when I load
SW-movie for the first time? It returns successful parse and a list 
some kind, but it's definitely not the one expected (there seems to be 
of information missing, cut strings etc.).

Strange thing is, that when page is refreshed, XML is parsed perfectly.
Sounds like the movie isn't fully loaded when you first call the 
method. Try waiting for all of the media to load and then issuing the 
call. You can do so by using a frame script in frame one that loops the 
frame until the mediaReady of your last cast member = 1, then goes to 
the next frame and calls your init methods.

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Re: lingo-l sound stop doesn't stop sound (test dir)

2004-07-12 Thread Kurt Griffin
Works fine here. Mac, Panther, in both MX and MX2004.
I'm beginning to think that directors sound engine is as bad as its 
engine. In fact, I always have to find workarounds for sound bugs in
Director, but this one really bites.

When I stop a sound and play a new one in its place, I hear a small 
of the previous sound before the new sound plays if less time has 
then the length of the sound. This indicates that the sound is still 
but not audible. I have uploaded a test film for you to try and let me 
it this happens to you to. Pehaps someone can also try this in Dir 
My soundManager now plays a silent sound anytime it stops a sound to 
this bug. (My soundManager is really a sound bug elimination script or 
is what Director is supposed to do when a sound is faded out, a miaw is
forgotten, a sound is stopped, )

Another problem I have noticed is that, in Dir MX, I can still hear a 
when the sound level or it's sound volume is set to 0 on my Dell 
8000. The same code in Dir 8.5 works as expected.

What aggrevates me is that every new version of Director causes me to
reevaluate code in areas where no improvements or changes have, 
taken place.

Dir MX Windows 2000
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Re: lingo-l stopEvent and the Function keys

2004-07-02 Thread Kurt Griffin
I'm trying to intercept and cancel function key presses by using 
statements like this in the handler that is assigned as the 

if the keyCode = 11 then  --the F 12 key
end if
The values of keyCode for the function keys are between 96 and 101, 
and also 103, 109, and 11. The reason I want to intercept these 
keypresses is that they enter junk into the editable member that has 
the focus.

My intercept works for all function keys except F1, F2, F4, and F12. 
The interesting part is that any of these keypresses is detected, but 
only the other function key presses can be stopped. The F1, F2, F4, 
and F12 seem to be impervious to stopEvent. What am I doing wrong? How 
do I stop these keys from entering junk into editable members?

This is in Dir MX (9) and Windows XP.
Well, you could tackle it from the other direction. Make a string of 
acceptable characters, and do something like this:

(untested email code, in the form of a behavior for your editable text 
property pAcceptableCharsString = 
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890!,.:;'? etc.

on keyUp me
  if offset(the key, pAcceptableCharsString)  0 then
  end if
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Re: lingo-l preserve regpoint with imported png at runtime

2004-06-16 Thread Kurt Griffin
with code like the following you can restrict the sensitive area to the
non-transparent part of the image:
on mouseUp me
  col=m.image.extractAlpha().getPixel(the mouseloc-point(s.left,
  if col=0 then return -- or use ilk(col)#color
  if col.paletteIndex=0 then return
You can also set the alpha threshold.
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Re: lingo-l exitFrame

2004-05-11 Thread Kurt Griffin
I have a project with two sounds. Sound(1) is supposed to come on a few
seconds before sound(2) and continue together.  The direction of
sound(1) is controlled by one of 5 buttons on the screen.  The
direction (or pan value) of sound(2) is controlled by the mouse.  I
want to make a record of the pan values of sound(2).I call these
within an exitFrame handler.  When I try to get the pan value of
sound(2)  by putting it to the message window, it gives me 5, which
must correspond to the number of  buttons i have.  When I try to call
both sounds from a custom handler, I get only sound(1).  I know this is
an elementary question but
Perhaps, but I didn't really see a question in there... perhaps you 
could rephrase the problem?


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RE: lingo-l Dynamic Flash Sprite

2004-05-04 Thread Kurt Griffin
Next question--is there a way to get Flash to call an object in the
Director movie? I have a navigation manager object, and it would be 
to have it get the callback.

The Flash movie has this: getURL(lingo:flashAnimDone);

The only way I can figure to get the flashAnimDone call to the object 
to catch it in a movie-level handler or a behavior attached to the
sprite. Neither is particularly onerous, but it would be nice if I 
call the object directly.
Alternatively, the object can check up on the flash sprite (which seems 
logical, if it's assigning the sprite in the first place) via a timeout 
object and a check on sprite.playing. Then you don't need to add code 
to every Flash animation that you might use.


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lingo-l OT: Flash and Linux

2004-04-30 Thread Kurt Griffin
Hey all,

Sorry to use the F-word here, but I have an issue I've never had to 
deal with before. Got a big CD ESL project, done in Dir, which the 
client wants to port to Linux because Spain has decided to go with 
Linux in schools and government offices. Dir doesn't support it, but 
Flash does, so they want to look into doing the whole thing over again 
in Flash.

I have three functionalities that I don't believe can be reproduced by 

One, recording - I know there's a microphone object in Flash. Has 
anyone gotten it to work reliably?

Two and three, saving and printing reports on the user's activity.

In our Flash CDs, we've been using Dir as a backend app to do all three 
of those. But, no Dir for Linux.

Does anyone know if these are possible in Flash, or know a 
Linux-friendly backend app that could do the grunt work?


PS - Tom, if you're listening, any plans on the Linux front?

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Re: lingo-l progress bar

2004-04-24 Thread Kurt Griffin
You can use a timeout object and a counter property to get the same 
functionality as a repeat loop. I use this approach often, when I'd 
like something going on that a repeat loop mike choke. Skeleton code 
for an object below:

property pCounter
property pListToLoop
property pTimerObject
property pLimit
on new me
  return me
on mStartLoop me
  pCounter = 1
  pLimit = pListToLoop.count
  pTimerObject = timeOut(loop timer).new(100, #mServiceLoop, me)
on mServiceLoop me
  if pCounter  pLimit then
--Do your thing here
whatever = somePath  pListToLoop[pCounter]
pCounter = pCounter + 1
pTimerObject = void
  end if

Thanks Jeff.  I think I was a little misleading though.  No problem 
with the
progress indicator either way, I am more interested in avoiding the 
loop to copy the files one at a time.  I have a folder containing 
about 20
MPG files, but the user only chooses a handful of them to copy.  These
filenames are then placed in a list - paths are determined and stored
earlier on.  Currently, I am using a repeat loop to create a full path 
each individual filename in the list.  Therefore, when I am caught in 
repeat loop pulling one file name at a time to copy, the progress 
chokes.  Is there anyway to avoid the repeat loop altogether?
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Re: lingo-l SIL again

2004-04-18 Thread Kurt Griffin

property sp

on beginSprite(me)
  sp = sprite(me.spriteNum)
sp is not going to get set here. BeginSprite has fired before you 
attach your script.

on exitFrame(me)
  sp.locH = sp.locH + 1

I run the movie and in the Message Window:
t = script(MoveObject_Behavior).new()
and get a script error: Property not found.
Easiest thing to do is pass the spritenumber to the new handler:

 t = script(MoveObject_Behavior).new(sprite(1))
(replace the beginSprite with this)
on new me, whatSprite
  sp = whatSprite
  return me
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lingo-l Panther DirMX Heads Up

2004-04-07 Thread Kurt Griffin
Hi all,

Just thought I'd share a little problem I had to work through today. I 
recently installed shockwave 10 on my work computer. Today, I started 
having problems with authoring in MX. When trying to create a filmloop, 
I kept getting an error that said Not enough memory to do this. 
Quitting and restarting Director had no effect. Rebooting had no 

So, I repaired disk permissions in Panther (which I had done recently, 
but before upgrading shockwave). A number of permissions related to 
shockwave were repaired. And the problem in authoring went away.

So, if anybody is having strange errors in authoring in MX on Panther, 
this might help.


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Re: lingo-l PrintOMatic and Panther

2004-03-31 Thread Kurt Griffin
register xtra PrintOMatic, PMAT170-923-38748

is working for me under Panther. Any chance you've got the classic 
version installed? That would likely show up in the xtra list, but 
wouldn't function (or let you add it to the movie).

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lingo-l RE: QuickTime Director

2004-03-17 Thread Kurt Griffin
1. When I go into QuickTime control panels- video settings and change 
it to
safe mode, I never crash anymore. But I am not allowed to give this
instruction to my users, considered too technical.
If it was a Mac, I'd try to write an Applescript that would do that on 
startup. Perhaps some Win guru can suggest a way.

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Re: lingo-l Polling a Flash sprite for its current frame

2004-02-28 Thread Kurt Griffin
Any hints?

any reason why  mySprite.Frame  wouldn't work?
Nope - that works perfectly.

When you look in the script window's Lingo pull down for Flash members 
or Flash sprites, frame isn't there (at least in MX). I guess I 
should have dug deeper into the docs, but it was late, and I was 
looking for a quick answer - I suppose I should have tried frame as 
it's obvious, but I was only seeing framecount in the list of Flash 
props. Should have gone to the Lingo dictionary... sorry for the stupid 
question. I ought to know better than to think that the script window 
pulldowns are inclusive, but it's been a long year (and it's only 

Thanks to you and macmec for pointing out the obvious... I really need 
some sleep.

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lingo-l Polling a Flash sprite for its current frame

2004-02-27 Thread Kurt Griffin
I think this has been covered, but I can't seem to find it in the 
archives. Must be searching on the wrong terms.

Anyway, I've got a little Flash animation of a curtain dropping, 
pausing for a 1/2 second or so, then rising. I need to swap another 
sprite's member out when the curtain has dropped, so that when the 
curtain animates up again, the sprite behind it has changed. I don't 
have the fla file for the curtain, just a swf in a Dir cast, so I can't 
send a message out from Flash.

I can get the fla on Monday, and split it into a drop animation and a 
rise animation - thus being able to tell when the first has finished 
and proceed. Or send a message out from Flash to do the sprite swap at 
the required time.

But, if there's a way to check the Flash movie's frame, I could use a 
timeout to trigger the sprite change by polling the Flash sprite. I 
don't see anything obvious in the Lingo that controls Flash sprites or 
members that does this. Any hints?

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Re: lingo-l Video in perspective

2004-02-16 Thread Kurt Griffin
Basically I would like to skew a video sprite to simulate a perspective
panel for video playback (I'll worry about performance issues a bit 
Anybody got any tips or pointers on the best way of approaching this?
It can be done in 3D, though I don't know what the machine specs would 
be. Here's a post from dir-game-l :

Message: 4
Date: Mon, 03 Feb 2003 08:58:06 +
Subject: Re: [dirGames-L] playing a movie on a 3D TV Model in shockwave
Hiya Francis,

It is possible to do manually, you have to grab an image of the movie (
if it's quicktime, the sprite has to be non-DirectToStage, and you have
to grab the image from the stage ) and update the texture in the 3D
world to be this image.
Here's an example ( go to the 3D cinema behind the initial camera and
click on a movie poster )...

Francis Reed wrote:


I was wondering if it were possible to play an mpeg, AVI, or MOV on a
3D TV modeled in Maya and then exported into shockwave? If it is
possible, is it REALLY cpu-intensive?
Thanking you in advance

Francis  Digital Image Undergrad

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Re: lingo-l Dot syntax (was: Merits of JS in Director)

2004-02-12 Thread Kurt Griffin
-- Welcome to Director --
put version
-- 10.0
put castlib(1).member[1].name
-- foo
put the name of member 1 of castlib 1
-- foo
Returns  if you do it on an empty member.

One of the main thrusts (shaddup, Grimm ;) of MX04 was plugging the
holes (I've warned you already) in .syntax. You should find that a lot
of the issues (!) with #field members have been addressed as well.
Nice. I'm one of those who prefers dot, and the (I don't understand 
that) holes were always annoying.

On the original topic - after spending 3 long days working on a Flash 
project, I jumped back into my current Dir project today, and kept 
thinking in AS syntax when writing loops or conditionals. Plus, I was 
dropping semicolons all over the place (You can't go in that 
direction). So, there are times when having JS available will be a real 
plus. I imagine that it will make projects where you embed Flash in Dir 
and talk back and forth much more straightforward... I can guarantee 
you that any Dir script I write to talk to Flash will be in JS syntax, 
though I'll likely stick with lingo for a lot of things (Your lantern 
has gone out).


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lingo-l A little heads-up

2004-01-17 Thread Kurt Griffin
Hey all,

I just ran into a weird problem that I thought I would share. I came up 
with a workaround, so I'm posting just in case I can save somebody from 
my 2-day headache.

I have a nav button which turns into a cascading menu (which expands 
and contracts via a film loop). When the user chooses a menu option, 
the menu contracts (a film loop). The film loop has a sendallsprites 
message to tell the button it has reached the last frame. That call 
triggers a call to my navigation object, which has a go movie call, 
among other things.

The go movie call wasn't doing anything. The handler it's wrapped in 
was getting called, as were the various callbacks inherent in the 
structure. It just wasn't switching movies. I assume it has something 
to do with the use of the filmloop and its behavior that calls the 
button's behavior, because simply calling go movie from the mouseDown 
event on a menu option worked.

The solution was to not call the nav object directly from the collapse 
loop done handler. I put in a timeout object with a period of 100, 
which then calls a handler which then calls the nav object's go movie 
handler. The delay makes the go movie call work.

I suppose I could use another sprite for the loop, because it seems 
that having a behavior in a loop that then gets swapped into a sprite 
with a behavior attached messes things up (haven't tested the theory, 
but it seems logical). It's just odd that everything in the button's 
behavior gets called correctly, but trying to trigger a go movie from 
within those calls doesn't work.

Anyway, just a bit of weirdness (to me, at least) that I thought I'd 


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Re: lingo-l rightMouseUpOutside?

2004-01-13 Thread Kurt Griffin
Thanks, Buzz and Kerry. Turns out that the onMouseUp handler was the 
culprit... I reset the locZ of the sprite to its original locZ there, 
and the property storing the sprite's original locZ was in the 
mouseDown handler. So, the locZ was getting set to 0 in the rightmouse 

However, mouseUpOutside getting fired off by a rightMouseUpOutside 
doesn't make any sense to me... if there are separate events for down 
and up, why not upOutside?


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lingo-l rightMouseUpOutside?

2004-01-12 Thread Kurt Griffin
I tried searching for this, because part of it seems like it should be 
logged a bug, but I'm not sure if I searched on the correct terms. 
Regardless, here's my problem.

I have a simple drag and drop activity, where the user left-clicks on 
a bitmap sprite, drags it to a target, and releases. Works fine. Except 
when the user right-clicks on the sprite, drags, and releases. The 
sprite disappears. However... the place where the sprite should be on 
screen still changes cursor, and clicking in that area makes the bitmap 
appear. Until release, when the bitmap goes away again. Odd - I guess 
the sprite is still there... or the behavior is still there, and the 
channel is retaining the sprite's rect. Instead of worrying about the 
root of this strange effect, I thought I'd just lock off the rightmouse 
button. So, I dropped some dummy event handlers (on rightMouseDown/UP, 
nothing) into the sprite behavior, which help... except now the cursor 
leaves the sprite, and the rightMouseUp happens outside the sprite, so 
only the condition of clicking and releasing inside the sprite is 

Here's what I think is a bug - I put a simple put command in the on 
mouseUpOutside handler, and that handler is getting triggered on a 
right mouseUpOutside.

There is no rightMouseUpOutside event handler, apparently.

Of course, no user should be rightMouse dragging - at least, I can't 
think of any app where you would use the right mouse to drag anything - 
but the client has flagged it as a major (yeah, right) bug. So, 
putting don't try to drag with the friggin' right mouse button in the 
readme won't cut it, Warren.

I suppose I could try dropping a screen-sized not-ghosted sprite on top 
of everything on a global rightmouseDown, and remove it on a global 
rightmouseUp, but I'd prefer something a tad less sledgehammer-like.

Any thoughts?


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lingo-l RE: Prevent Second Click

2004-01-08 Thread Kurt Griffin
The solutions presented will lock off a double click on a button, but 
that's only part of the issue - the button under the second mouse click 
might not be the same one as under the first mouse click, so it could 
easily be getting only a single click.

I'd throw a little delay into the second button's activation - create a 
timeout() on beginsprite, set its handler to one that sets an active 
property, and give it a period of 500 (1/2) or so. Then just make your 
mouse events conditional to whether that property is true or false.

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lingo-l RE: Dir MX 2004

2004-01-06 Thread Kurt Griffin
And yet there's still even more to talk about beyond all this...
Feel free to talk on. The info posted at MM doesn't go into any depth 
the more you talk it up the more we users slaver in anticipation.
No, no - please, stop. I can't take it any more. I was sold with the 
DVD thing. All of this other stuff is just making me pissed off at MX. 
Can't you just hold it in for another month or so? Because this is 
torture. I haven't felt like this since I was 10 years old, Christmas 
was a few days away, and that Atari console was sitting right there in 
the store window - so close, but yet so far...


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lingo-l RE: Director MX04

2004-01-06 Thread Kurt Griffin
Note: we're also hoping to put together a list of bug fixes (XML memory
leak, embedded fonts on user restricted systems, dot-syntax with field 
members and user installed menus, etc.). That's on top of some 
DevNet articles about the details of JS syntax usage in Director. Oh 
another few hours each day...
Okay, even though I said I didn't want any more torture ;)

How about Unicode support? This is an area where Dir is trailing Flash, 
and it makes a difference when deciding which product to use for those 
of us who make multi-language products. Even just making it possible to 
use Flash's unicode support via a Flash object in Dir would do the 
trick (I haven't had success with that in MX, but it could just be me).


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Re: lingo-l Shared cast error

2003-12-14 Thread Kurt Griffin
I know this is a real Shockwave newbie question, but:
I'm adapting several existing director movies to shockwave for internet
distribution. They utilize a shared cast, cleverly titled Shared.cst. 
is in the same directory as the movies.

I publish the movies, and put them up with ftp.

The first movie has no background picture (a member of the shared 
and about the time it tries to load the second movie I get an error:

Shared.cct is not a Director file.

Everything I can find on this says to make sure it's in the right
directory (if it was in a folder, put it in a folder) and it is. 
in the same directory. I've updated all of them with the xtra. I've
saved and compacted them. I've tried preloading. No help.

I just know this is something obvious. Help!, please?
Are you making sure that the shared cast is fully loaded? Check out 
preloadNetThing.  You'll want to add some frames to the front of your 
first movie, or create a loader movie that launches the first movie 
when the load is done. The basic approach is this - fire off a 
downLoadnetThing call for your shared cast, then keep checking the 
status of that op until it's complete. Then you can launch your first 
movie, and the shared cast's members will be available to it. You can 
make a progress bar that updates while this is happening by checking 
the status of the download op - this stuff should be in the docs for 

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Re: lingo-l Using Lingo to compress Casts

2003-11-26 Thread Kurt Griffin
Is there a 'lingo access' to the Update Movies option that we use to
compress and 'encrypt' the cast libraries? I want to make a projector
that is able to do it
Nope. Been asking for it off and on since 1999 at least.
1998, I think ;)

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Re: lingo-l 'Failure while compositing bitmap member' error message

2003-11-18 Thread Kurt Griffin
 Has anyone ever gotten this error message:
 'Internal error: Unexpected failure while compositing bitmap member 7
 The technote
 says it's the result of a sound.playFile command.  But when this occurs
 for me, I'm just queueing it up.
 More accurately I believe it's the result of a corrupted sound
 *member*. Try getting rid of/replacing that sound.

I get that when setting the filename of a sound on the fly, to a sound that
doesn't exist at the pathname I specify. If your sound is linked or being
set on the fly, perhaps the preload is giving a positive even though the
sound isn't there.

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lingo-l Re: Fake James Newton post?

2003-08-14 Thread Kurt Griffin
 I think you're right, Grimm--it's a virus. The .scr is pretty much a
 dead giveaway.
 I don't think it's from James, though--the e-mail address was
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] I know James' e-mail address, and that's not
 it, unless he's using a new one. And, James is more than savvy enough
 I just got one as well - but slightly different sender address and
 From: James Newton [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 subject: Re: lingo-l MUI question @AllUsers
 The attachment is called 146.pdf.src.
 Sneaky virus thing, this one. It is clever enough to pick a good
 'sender' and change the sender email  subject.

Yeah, got one from James too. We all are susceptible when we don't have time
to grab the latest patch. No big deal - we all can recognize the difference
between that email and James' usual posts. Everyone gets bit from time to
time. He'll purge the beast (I'm sure lots of you contacted him as well as
me), and all will go back to normal.


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lingo-l Re: Lingo-l digest, Vol 1 #885 - 19 msgs

2003-07-17 Thread Kurt Griffin
 Have you checked a copy of the replicated disc against the gold master?
 I'd check all file sizes and dates to make sure they are the same.

Yep, the client did that before calling us.
 I'm assuming you have an installer that writes the app to the hard
 drive. I'd run an install from both the gold master and a replicated
 copy to see if there are any differences in the install.

No. Runs off the CD.

 I had a similar problem once and the reason turned out to be quite simple:
 The client had made a copy of my master using some method that didn't copy
 hidden files. However, if I recall it right, some Acrobat installation stuff
 consisted of hidden or system files. That was the problem in that particular

No third party installers on this disk, and no hidden files of my own.

 Another possibility is that if you've created a Standard projector, it
 still needs to unpack the .dll files to the temp folder. This /may/ cause
 problems for users with restricted access.

I've been using fast-start projectors for my projects since I had one of
those dll problems ;)

 But why would the error happen on duplicated CDs, but not with the
 duplication master?
 It doesn't make much sense, does it? There must be something abnormal going
 on at the duplication center. Or something odd about the CD-R burning
 software or drive? I would probably try a different dupe house, burn a CD
 from a different machine with different software, and/or try a shocked
 projector - given time and budget anyway.
 If they're like my local dupe center, they handle short runs in-house and
 out-source large quantity orders. Once in a while I get an error report
 from a large run order if there is the slightest flaw on the CD-R. I wonder
 if there might be a slight flaw that gets amplified somehow in the
 duplication process? Just a single bit that forces that error.

I'm sure it's the dupe house - I just need to prove it, and also let the
client know that I've researched the error.

 I faced a similar problem recently - and couldn't figure out what the
 problem was. So I ended up resending the Master - just refixed the CD-R and
 created the iso image once again. That kinda solved all issues.

That's what we've done, so I'm hoping that will end it. We'll see.

Thanks everybody.

The client said The dupe guy claims it happens on 2 of his machines with
the master - I'm sure he's not lying. Well, a few years ago, a client
called, rather angry with us, because she had sent a master to be duped
(like 2 months after it went gold), and the dupe house told her there was a
technical problem with the master - could we send another master?

I said, well, if there's a problem with the master, I want to look into it.
Have the dupe house send me the master so I can check it out.

Turns out the technical problem was that they had lost the disk. Hey,
thanks for lying about it and getting my clients angry at me.

If you ever get a bug report from a dupe house, ask them to send the disk
back so you can verify.


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lingo-l Error I haven't seen before

2003-07-16 Thread Kurt Griffin
Hey all,

Sent out a gold master a month and a half ago, and now the client is calling
with an error that's happening after duplication. The master I sent works on
all of their PCs (14 or so). The duplicated disks do not. The error happens
on launching the projector, and is The application can not start as it
cannot create needed files. There may not be enough free disk space.

Anyone gotten that before? Again, PC only, and I believe just 2000 and XP
(though I'm not positive on that). Xtras are in an xtras folders on the CD,
so there shouldn't be an unpacking problem with them. And, as I said, it
only happens on the client's machines after duplication - but, the
duplicator says he gets the error on some machines with the master. Still,
the fact that it does not happen at all at the client's, then happens
consistently after reproduction, points to the duplication.

Any insights would be appreciated.


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RE: lingo-l Re: where is the file start.dir?

2003-07-08 Thread Kurt Griffin
BTW, it's really weird. I tried a different stub projector calling 
myfirstmovie.dxr and the stub still look for myfirstmovie.dir on 
even if it works perfectly without it, so, checking if  
exist with buddy api or fileIO Xtras do not provide any solution.

Setting a search path is not a solution either because the problem is 
the file name, not location.

I also tried an other myfirstmovie.dxr as a test movie and everything
works ok without opening window appearing.
Giving that my project file is rather big and recreating  it is not an
issue, is there any other way to debug it i miss?
Um... it might not be coming from the stub. Check to see if the first 
movie might have an LDM member of that name (like, somehow you dragged 
the dir file into the cast by mistake, and it can't find it now). 
Sounds like the stub is fine, because it will load a different movie 
without error. Check your first movie, because where is such and such 
linked file always comes up before the movie starts playing, so it 
might only seem like the stub is failing, if you see my point.

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lingo-l acrobat reader

2003-07-02 Thread Kurt Griffin
 I'm trying to open a pdf file in lingo.  I can open the file by
 specifying the location of the acrobat reader, hover I may not know
 where the reader is on each computer.  How can I find out the location
 of the acrobat reader exe file without using buddy api?

If it's on a CD-ROM, you could include Acrobat Reader on the CD, where you
know the pathname. If this is running from a HD, no such luck.

Lingo alone can't search a hard drive. You could use another xtra, like
fileXtra3 (free, but a whole lot of effort to use for this) or masterApp.
But, I think the Buddy way is the best way - baOpenFile(path) is short and
sweet - it does all of the app finding for you.


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Re: lingo-l phantom scripts?

2003-06-29 Thread Kurt Griffin
6) dumb user realizes he's a much better at perl than lingo
lol. Don't beat yourself up too much - happens to us all from time to 


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Re: lingo-l making thumbnail bitmap cast from digital video

2003-06-28 Thread Kurt Griffin
   i want to make a thumbnail bitmapped cast member from a digital
video(mpeg) running on the director stage. how can i do this.
You need a little bit of imaging lingo for that. Put your video 
onstage, with DTS turned off (this is important... if it is DTS, you'll 
just get a box of stage's color where the video is - you can turn DTS 
back on after the op for performance). Grab the stage's image, then 
copy the rect where the video is into a bitmap of the size you'd like.

sourceimage = (the stage).image.duplicate()
thumbImage = image(120, 80, 32)
thumbImage.copypixels(sourceimage, thumbImage.rect, rect of the video 
on stage)


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lingo-l creating a new sprite using lingo

2003-06-22 Thread Kurt Griffin
I want to create a lot of text
fields to display information on the stage and dont want to
do it by hand. So i thought to create a script to generate
child objects and display them on the screen. I can easily
cretae a new field in the cast, but how can i assign that new
cast member to a sprite using lingo?
Sprite(x).member = someTextMember

You used to have to do a puppetSprite, but since Director 7, I believe,
you implicitly puppet a sprite by manipulating it.
Before you do this, though, I would strongly recommend that you create 
range of dummy sprites. I just use a 1-pixel bitmap and place it
offstage. When it comes time to use it, I put it onstage with
sprite(x).locH and locV.

You do want the dummy sprites, though. Don't create sprites from thin
air. That's an unsupported feature, and while it will work most of the
time, there are some hidden gotchas that could bit you.
I used to want to create sprites out of air as well, but I now go with 
a score full of holder sprites - sprites that are zero-pixel bitmap 
instances (and the credit goes to Irv). It's simple and effective. It 
takes about 20 seconds to paste a zero member bitmap into 100 channels, 
and then they are ready for use, without any puppeting hassles. No need 
to place an instance off stage, because the sprite's member is an empty 
member. I then use a master parent object to manage the usage of the 
sprites - assigning them to certain uses, then resetting them to a base 
state via one control object. It's a comfortable system, for me, 
anyway. I've been toying with behaviors that reserve their channels 
with the master object, thus removing their IDs from the main object's 
open channel list... but that's another subject.

2 centsing,
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Re: lingo-l Editable of member -- more

2003-06-19 Thread Kurt Griffin
 Any other idea?

Try setting the keyboardFocusSprite as well, just to give it an extra nudge.

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RE: [OT] lingo-l Disney Interactive...not

2003-06-17 Thread Kurt Griffin
 Researching a bit more, I find it's written by Infogrames (what kind of
 name is that?).

It's French for Atari.


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Re: lingo-l progress bar with goToNetMovie

2003-06-06 Thread Kurt Griffin
 Could someone please share the concept of scripting a progress bar for
 It's different from loading just frames inside a single dcr, isn't it?

Use preloadNetThing to download the new dcr to the cache. You can check the
progress of the stream using getStreamStatus() and update a progress bar.
Finally, when it's done, you jump to the new movie. Here's an example (from
a parent script). Yes, I hard coded the progress bar locs... I was in a
hurry ;)

on mCheckLoad me
  if getStreamStatus(pCurrentNetId)[#state] = inProgress then
if voidP(pTotalBytes) then
  pTotalBytes = getStreamStatus(pCurrentNetId)[#bytesTotal]
end if

percentageDone =
pLoadingBarSprite.right = 276 + integer(200*percentageDone) + 1
  else if getStreamStatus(pCurrentNetId)[#state] = complete then
if getStreamStatus(pCurrentNetId)[#error]  OK then
  pLoadingBarSprite.right = 476
  --Go to the movie
end if
  end if

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Re: lingo-l ERROR!!

2003-03-14 Thread Kurt Griffin
 I want to make .EXE with director 8.5,
 in director there is no error,
 but when i create projector and run it, error message is appear
 title : director player error
 message : script error, continue?
 I click ok but it still continue to show the error message
 what is wrong, where is the error?
 in director I import .W3d is the error because of this?

To start, you should get a more detailed error message from Director. To
that, create an ini file with the same name as your projector (if your
projector is named my projector.exe, then your ini file would be named my

Put the following text in the ini file:


This sets the messaging to what *should* be the default, a useful,
meaningful error message that should point you to the problem.


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Re: lingo-l Is this an error?

2003-03-07 Thread Kurt Griffin
And, by the way, which event triggered --yada yada?
If all the previous discussion is correct, 'keyDown'.

It's easily proved, just set a breakpoint. Running the movie doesn't
trigger it, but pressing a key does.
Yes, easily proved, as I found 5 minutes after posting... forgive my 

I got excited by some fantasy of sloppy recursion. Ah, well, I guess 
I'll just have to go back to WarCraft for my fun.


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RE: lingo-l Is this an error?

2003-03-06 Thread Kurt Griffin
Flakey movie everywhere would break!   :)

Amen to that. All your movie belong to us.

It's amazing what you can get away with in Lingo.

I took over a project not long ago, and one of the first things I
noticed was this movie handler:
on prepareMovie
on keyDown
--yada yada
end keyDown
end prepareMovie
Somebody set us up the bomb. Now you've given us geeks something to 
play with (can't help but wonder what else I can get away with, purely 
from a curiosity standpoint).


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RE: lingo-l Is this an error?

2003-03-06 Thread Kurt Griffin
on prepareMovie
on keyDown
--yada yada
end keyDown
end prepareMovie
And, by the way, which event triggered --yada yada?


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Re: lingo-l mouseLine from a text member

2003-03-04 Thread Kurt Griffin
 easy one: how can i get the number of the line clicked on a text sprite,
 the same way with fields using the mouseLine? i just can´t figure it out,
 but i´m sure it´s simple.

It's not obvious. The equivalent is to use pointToLine(sprite, the
mouseLoc - sprite.loc). pointToLine works on the coordinate system of the
text member, which is why you have to adjust for the sprite loc.

You also have access to pointToChar(), pointToItem(), pointToWord(), and


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Re: lingo-l XML parser xtra... still buggy?

2003-02-24 Thread Kurt Griffin
 Hey all,
 Way back, I switched over to Andrew White's lingo-based xml
 parser, due to certain problems with the xml parser xtra. Now,
 that code is a bit dated, and doesn't do certain things that the
 latest xml parser handles. My questions are, have the earlier
 memory leaks been resolved, and has anyone seen any bugginess in
 the latest version?
 I'm a little confused by your pronouns, but I'll try to answer some
 To my knowledge, the Xtra that ships with Director has gotten any
 changes since d8.
 On the other hand, Andy's parser has gotten some bug fixes  improvements.
 Which were you asking about?

Sorry, English is my first language ;)

To clarify, I wanted to know if the leaks in the xml parser xtra had been
fixed--apparently not--and if it (the xtra, not Andy's scripts) had been
fixed, were there any new bugs to be aware of. So, thanks for the answer,
right on target.

I'll make sure I've got Andy's latest version. I've got workarounds for what
it doesn't do, so no big deal. I was simply looking for something elegant to
replace my kludges.


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Re: lingo-l Linked Sound Cast Members in Shockwave file

2003-02-21 Thread Kurt Griffin
Have you made sure to include the swa xtras in your shockwave (swa
import/export, swa decompression, etc.), and mark them for download?


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lingo-l Re: Cuepointing tool in Director

2003-02-05 Thread Kurt Griffin
And now my little thread has come full-circle. Thanks for all of the 
insights... Brennan, you brought me back to where I started, with 
Applescript as the means to the final end product. It is indeed a nice 
tool for those of us that prefer to live on the Mac side (Yes, it is 
nicely accessible to Lingo people - well worth the time to investigate).

I was hoping for a completely Dir/xtra solution, but I kinda knew from 
the outset that it wasn't up to the task. But, I hope this thread 
inspired a few list members to pursue Lingo's possibilities as the 
scripting language that it is... we get tend to get bogged down in its 
playback engine, and forget how powerful a tool it is for making 
utilities. I tend to use Director and fileIO instead of bbEdit or 
similar tools for manipulating xml docs these days... batching really 
complex greps is just simpler to do in Lingo, at least for me. Dir is a 
great tool for building stuff, outside of just making stuff that 
plays back in the projector or shockwave environments.

Thanks for all the fish,

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lingo-l [OT] Authorware cracking

2003-01-27 Thread Kurt Griffin
Hi all, sorry for the OT...

A client wants us to redo an authorware CD for them. They would like to pick
up a bunch of the content, but they don't have the source for some stupid

I know how to crack protected Dir files - anyone know of similar
tools/methods for authorware files?

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Re: lingo-l content of the TextMember

2003-01-23 Thread Kurt Griffin
 firstWord = member(text,4).text.word[1]

Just an aside - when dealing with chunks of a text or a field member, you
don't need the text reference.

member(text, 4).word[1] is equivalent to member(text, 4).text.word[1]

2 cents,

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Re: lingo-l bluring rounded bitmaps

2003-01-22 Thread Kurt Griffin
 hi, imaging lingo gurus out there
 i´m trying to simulate the effect of an image that goes in and out of focus
 according to the lens position on a telescope. you can see it at the problem is that
 the image must be rounded, and when the blur effect takes place, it spreads
 in order to take the whole rectangular area of the image, disregarding the
 alpha channel of the original bitmap.
 i tried to put a mask (the background with a hole in the middle) above the
 blured sprite, but it seems that the effect is kinda direct to stage.  is
 there a way to constrain the blur effect on a circular area, or prevent it
 to happen on an alpha channel area?

Try extracting the alpha channel, then applying your blur effect, and then
sticking the original alpha back on the image. Sort of like this:

originalAlpha = theImage.extractAlpha()

--do your blur to theImage

theImage.useAlpha = TRUE


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lingo-l Sound channel re-use problem

2003-01-03 Thread Kurt Griffin
Hi all,

Forgive me if this has been answered before, but I'm not quite sure how 
to search for it in the archives. Believe it or not, I haven't used 
sound(x).queue before now - I've always used soundbusy() to check for 
the end of one sound before starting another.

Background - I'm making an alphabet picture-book app for my 3 year old 
niece and nephew (Dir MX.). There's a nav bar of letter buttons at 
the bottom of the screen, and when they click a button, a series of 
sounds plays, along with various graphic displays. There's also a game 
component where they have to click on things after an audio cue. So, I 
cut up the sound bytes so that I could string various sounds together 
for use in the two parts, using sound(1).queue() to load up a series of 

Say you click on the A button. I queue up the sounds a, a pause 
sound, and a is for. This button behavior is shared between all of 
the letter buttons, and the sound files are properties of the behavior 
- except for the pause sound. the pause sound is just a 1 second swa of 
silence, simply for a silent pause between elements.

The problem is this - the behavior's instances always use sound(1), and 
the first call is sound(1).stop() to stop any current playlist. If you 
click on a, the sequence starts. If you click on b while anything 
but the pause sound is playing, the a playlist stops, and the b 
playlist will play through. But, if you click on b during the pause 
sound, all audio is then dead for the duration of the session. I'm 
guessing that it's because the pause sound is pure silence - perhaps if 
I made it slightly noisy that would fix the problem (since there's no 
audio loss if I interrupt the sequence at any point), or perhaps 
there's a lingo way to introduce a pause in a queue list?I don't have a 
mic at home, so I can't make a noisy pause. Anyone have a tip?


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Re: lingo-l Copypixels from one alpha-ed image to another

2002-12-19 Thread Kurt Griffin
Thanks, Pranav, James - saved me a bit of tail chasing, there ;)


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lingo-l Copypixels from one alpha-ed image to another

2002-12-18 Thread Kurt Griffin
This is a bit brain-dead on my part, and I will figure it out 
eventually, but I thought I'd throw it out to the list in hopes of a 
quick solution ;)

I'm copying a dupe of the image of a text member into a dupe of the 
image of a png member. Given the fact that both carry alpha images, the 
result is not surprising - the copypixels op pastes the text in, but 
also cuts a rect the size of the text image out of the background image 
(as in, the alpha is getting copied to, as well as the image). I can 
think of three ways around this - one, extract the alpha from the 
destination image up front, copy, and put the alpha back; two, make an 
interim image that has no alpha, copy the text to that, and then paste 
the sucker into the final image; three, use the text member's alpha as 
the image to copy from.

Specifically, I'm looping through the data from an xml doc, and 
building cascading menus from it (drop each menu item into a text 
member, grab the image, copy away, store the dest rect and relevant 
info for mousing stuff). Since the menu panels overlay the other stuff 
on screen, I thought it would look nice to have a drop shadow beneath 
the panels. And it does... except now there are nice big holes around 
the menu text.

Anyway, I guess I'm just asking if somebody knows which of the above 3 
approaches is more expedient, or if there is another way. I'll go ahead 
and try them out, but I'm sure somebody has trod this path already - 
James? ;)


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Re: lingo-l Embedded font problem

2002-12-13 Thread Kurt Griffin
 I have embedded arial into a director movie.  On windows 2k and xp
 machines and Mac OS X it looks fine.  On windows 98 SE, I have strange
 kerning problems and text suddenly wraps that didn't before.  Any

I ran into that bug a while back - text wrapping after a few characters of a
word, but never in the same place. 12 point Arial, by any chance? Try
changing the fontsize (yep, stupid, but that solved the problem for me).


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Re: lingo-l Irregular shape of rollover 2

2002-12-10 Thread Kurt Griffin
 I want to create a sprite which will response (more or less like html
 image map).

A while back I needed to do this kind of thing for a map of the U.S., where
rolling over a state triggered a variety of actions. I ended up having two
map graphics as cast members, both the same size. The pretty one was
displayed on stage, and the other was used only for rollover tests. In
photoshop, I created the second map by filling each state with a unique
solid RGB color (avoid antialiasing). By mapping the mouseloc on the
staged image to the offstage map image and testing with getpixel(), I
could check against a prop list of names (props) and rgb values (values),
and return a name for a specific colored area. Once I had a name, I could do
whatever I needed with the info.

This is a bit work intensive, however (when compared to using invisible
rects, for example), and I only use it when I need a relatively high degree
of accuracy in the rollovers.


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RE: lingo-l ANN: Director MX

2002-11-25 Thread Kurt Griffin
 Beyond the above two examples please also know that you can create these
 objects directly from Lingo as well:
 pArray = sprite(1).newObject(Array,hi,Charlie,how,are)
 or do it without a sprite at all!!!:
 pArray = newObject(Array,hi,Charlie,how,are)
 The global methods (those without a sprite ref) are supported via the Flash
 Asset Xtra but you don't have to have a sprite on stage, just the Xtra in your
 Xtras folder.

Oh, that's good - Flash's array functions will be nice to have available.

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Re: lingo-l object snapping

2002-11-22 Thread Kurt Griffin
There's a set of articles on doug about collision detecting, you might try
there as a first step.

Personally, I'd use the intersect() function instead of sprite.intersects().
This compares 2 rects and returns the rect of the shared space. So, stepping
through and using intersect((sprite x).rect, (sprite y).rect), you can check
to see if the returned rect is not rect(0,0,0,0). If so, store the sprite
and the returned rect, then do a second loop on the new list, to see which
sprite has the bigger area of intersection, and snap to that one. This will
be less accurate for non-rectangular shapes, but still a more precise way of
determining which target the user is aiming for.

 Two things:
 1) The intersects means that the whole sprite rectangle will be checked,
 so if you want to limit it just to the center you might want to see if,
 say, the loch/v of the sprite, or maybe the mouseloc interesects some
 particular sprite
 2) Step through it with a debugger.  Because you say it always goes to the
 lower right, I'm guessing that maybe it does snap correctly to the right
 one, EXCEPT that you never leave the loop, so it might continue on and
 eventually qualify for the lower right - presuming that's the direction
 you're going.  For instance, put a return statement after you set the loc
 (in the if statement) to kick you out after the first one that qualifies -
 see how that affects the performance.  But this is a good example of where
 to use the debugger so you can see what's happening.  Put a breakpoint
 (click the mouse on the 'if' statement and then press ctrl-9) on the if
 statement and run it, and see what happens when you get there.
 - Tab
 At 08:56 AM 11/22/02, mike m wrote:
 hello, i am making a jigsaw game (i am a newbie), i have made a grid for
 the jigsaw pieces to snap onto, this works, but the pieces seem to snap to
 whichever grid piece there bottom right corner is in and not the center of
 the piece, i have checked the registration point and that is in the center
 of the piece. i am baffled!
 this is the code i am using to make the pieces snap to the grid pieces
 on snapper
 repeat with x = 17 to 32
 repeat with y = 1 to 16
 if sprite x intersects sprite y then
 sprite(x).loc = sprite(y).loc
 end if
 end repeat
 end repeat
 end snapper
 thanks in advnace :)

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RE: lingo-l Since we're on the topic of bugs

2002-11-13 Thread Kurt Griffin
 Anyone know if there's a cure to the periodic This movie was created with
 an older version of Director... bug? It's been happening quite frequently
 External read-only castlibs?

I'm using external castlibs, but they're all open.

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RE: lingo-l Start the PC-machine when dead.. Lost gone

2002-11-07 Thread Kurt Griffin
All your base are belong to us.

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Re: lingo-l more than 1 ancestor

2002-10-28 Thread Kurt Griffin
 Is it possible to have more than 1 ancestor script?


 me.ancestor1 = new(script blah)
 me.ancestor2 = new(script blah2)
 I know that you can nest ancestor scripts but this is not what I want. What I
 want to do it to have a library of scripts and then add them to other scripts
 as and when needed.

You could *sort of* simulate multiple inheritance by compiling scripts on
the fly from various method strings. So, if you have a bunch of classes, and
you want an object to inherit from, say, 3 of them, you would build a string
from the 3 class strings (these could be scripts, a result of a net op,
stored in a field or member comments - whatever), make a new script member,
assign the scriptText of it to your new string, then start pumping out


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Re: lingo-l List archives?

2002-10-25 Thread Kurt Griffin
 Sorry, I don't get this header. And on penworks there is no link to an
 archive. Thank you very much

The headers don't mention archives, just list maintenance. But, it's on the
same page. To search, you'll have to download the full archive and search it
yourself (via Lingo is one way ;))

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Re: lingo-l Getting rid of Internal?

2002-10-23 Thread Kurt Griffin
 a) is no problem, just click on the internal cast to make it the active
 window, then use the Property Inspector to change the name.
 D'oh! Why did I think that couldn't be done? I'm certain I must have tried
 it before sometime...
 Something else that might be useful is if you could reorder the casts
 Yes, that actually would be quite useful because of the fact that Lingo
 searches through each cast in order, starting with the first (actually, it
 starts with the current cast, and restarts at the first if it misses). This
 could be used to optimise your movies a bit.
 On thinking mose more, why can't Director just save all the window
 positions, including casts? That would make more sense. Then there would be
 no need to grumble about the bad choice of primary cast.

Brennan has been after this kind of thing at a more meta level for a while -
the ability to script Director. If we could script Director, you could run a
script on startmovie that would check to see if the activeCastLib (already a
lingo property that can be tested... but not set) is 1, and then close the
sucker. One powerful tool can solve a whole lot of It only matters to one
guy problems.


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Re: lingo-l hit rect question.

2002-10-19 Thread Kurt Griffin
No, each screen has multiple rects.

Ie the full presentation is a bigass proplist with each screen having a
proplist of hitrects. Each rect actually has different things to do, so
with the repeat loop returns the right one within the hitlist, the
behavior knows what function to call.

I think it's just messy code to tell you the truth (this is one of those
painful agencies that keeps changing their mind and never giving you 
than 2 minutes to change something).

So really what I'll end up doing is having another proplist of 
if not(inside(the mouseloc, pActiveHit) then (rip through the hitlist).

Hmmm... interesting optimization question. The first thing I think of in 
these situations is grouping stuff so that entire groups can be ignored. 
Perhaps you can do a run through the rects on entering a screen, and 
make sub-groups. You could group rects in the top left quadrant, top 
right, bottom right, and bottom left, and then dump any that overlap 
quadrants into a fifth group. Then you could first check if the mouse is 
inside a quadrant's rect, and limit your check to that quadrant group 
and the overlap group. There's probably a better way to group them so 
that you don't have the fifth group - perhaps some of the smarter list 
members can think of an elegant way to do that ;).

2 cents,

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Re: lingo-l Audio xtra

2002-10-17 Thread Kurt Griffin
 I got a project from another client. In those scripts he uses the
 register command to register the Audio Xtra on PC. The problem is that
 my Director gives an error on that command. #register: handler not
 defined While I use the Authoring version of the Xtra

Do you have version 4 or something earlier? They changed the registration
methods (along with everything else) in version 4.


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Re: lingo-l Text and Field cast member

2002-10-16 Thread Kurt Griffin

 for text cast member, i'm getting error lineHeight property not
 found for text cast member. What's substitute or option available
 in text cast members to find out lin height.

 Hi Shailendra,

 There is no substitue: you have to work it out by hand:

   tLineHeight = member(Text).charPosToLoc(1).locV + 1

Actually, there is an equivalent - fixedLineSpace - but I've found that 
this property is 0 unless you specifically set it via lingo, in which 
case you already know the value. The nice thing about it is that you can 
set specific lines to different leadings via lingo, unlike fields which 
have one overall leading.


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Re: lingo-l What's the best way to try and make your movie play at the same speed across different speeds of computer?

2002-10-10 Thread Kurt Griffin

 What's the best way to try and make your movie play at the same speed 
 different speeds of computer?

Best way? Always debatable.

Colin wrote:

 If you're talking about an animation sequence, you could do something
 like this:

 on exitframe
  go label(first frame) + (the timer)*.5

 That will make the animation play at 30 FPS on faster machines, and
 slower machines will skip frames to keep up.

(That's cool Colin, I never thought of that for score-based stuff)

Another approach is to ditch frames, and just go time-based, 
substituting a timeout object for the usual frame events. Of course, 
that could mean ditching the score as well, and driving your boat via 
lingo. I tend to do it all via lingo, substituting frame transitions for 
imaging lingo transitions, and frames for timeouts. Some say I'm crazy. 
That's the beauty of Dir, though - you can do it one way or the other, 
or come up with a nicely blended version.

dos centavos,

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lingo-l Re: How can I install a minimum QT Player without going...

2002-10-04 Thread Kurt Griffin

 Well, we always ship with QT4 on the basis that it works and it's better
 than nothing. We use two files (remembering this name, might not be right) -
 QTinstaller.exe and QTInstallcache.qdat (the latter being the bit that the
 QT installer usually tries to download). QTInstaller.exe automatically uses
 the installchache information without going to any web sites - it also does
 not need to go to the web to check for newer versions, or indeed need to go
 to the web for anything. If you would like to use it, I'll look into
 uploading the files somewhere you can get them, as I can't honestly say
 whether they're still on the Apple site or not.

They're not, because you can't legally distribute them any more. It's all in
the SDA - once a new version has been out for 6 months, you can't distribute
an earlier version.

Here's the link to the SDA page (which is where the stand-alone installer
downloads are found):


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Re: lingo-l insert animation to director

2002-10-02 Thread Kurt Griffin

 I am looking for a way to compress the animation before I insert it into the
 Director,  without any limitations of the frame size

I've told Art Directors to insert entire CDs before, but I'm not sure if
those suggestions were successful or not (and, I wouldn't compress anything
in such a situation) ;)

I think your best bet is to make these animations mpegs, and play them back
with QT on the Mac or the mpeg xtra on the PC. But, I'm just guessing.


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Re: lingo-l problem moving cast members in OS 10.2

2002-09-12 Thread Kurt Griffin

 i just upgraded my macintosh system to 10.2 (jaguar) and have noticed
 that when i move cast members within a cast lib, they are
 automatically duplicated (instead of just being moved). this happens
 almost about 90% of the time. the other 10% of the time, i can move
 the members normally without their being copied. holding down the
 spacebar allows me to move cast members more or less normally
 (although they are still duplicated from time to time). has anyone
 had this problem or know how to fix it?

Sure. Boot up in 9.2 - Dir is not carbonized.


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Re: lingo-l Best way of setting up cuepoints in video

2002-09-11 Thread Kurt Griffin

 Firstly, I've found the movieTime to be really inaccurate (but I've reduced
 the need for such accuracy in my structure plan).

How so? I've done lots of video driven projects, and not had a problem with
the movietime. One project in particular, the author wanted to pause dvs at
every jump cut - on the frame just before the jump. If that's not accurate,
I don't know what is.

I use cuepoints in all of these projects, but not in order to use cuepoint
lingo. I store the cuePointTimes of a member in a list, and use that in
conjunction with the movieTime to drive things, after converting the list of
cuePointTimes from ticks to milliseconds.

 I think someone already mentioned using the movieTime instead of cuepoints,
 but I'll echo it again.  It's a lot simpler than having to use cuepoints,
 because to change them, all you have to do is change a number in your code,
 as opposed to (with cuepoints) leaving Director and messing around with
 other programs which will take a lot longer.

The reason I use cuepoints is that if the dv is edited in any way, the
cuepoints shift with the edits. This happens a lot - an author may not like
the fact that there are 5 frames of black at the beginning of a movie,
meaning you would have to go and change all of your times after the edit...
as opposed to doing nothing at all.


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Re: OT: last names (was Re: lingo-l To Ockrassa and others)

2002-09-11 Thread Kurt Griffin

 I'm sure that if Warren is ex-military, he won't mind being called Okrassa.

You could also shout Prisoner 824762! Fall in! and see if he flinches.

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Re: lingo-l Are we going over the top now? (was no errors...)

2002-09-04 Thread Kurt Griffin

 many of the tricks that it helps with could've been done before, but
 they were cumbersome  convoluted.

I'll second that. I took a crossword engine that I wrote a while back, which
used a sprite for every letter in the grid (max grid, 22x22), and rewrote it
with IL. Instead of a 500 sprite channel movie, I now have a 15 channel
movie. Instead of 484 text members, I have one (simply for grabbing text
images). And it looks *much* nicer on screen. The code is a tad more
complex, but simple enough once you start to think in IL terms.


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Re: lingo-l Director color and image color don't match

2002-08-20 Thread Kurt Griffin

 To be efficient, I am using Director's shape tools to create parts of my
 interface.  There are also graphics that I created in Photoshop that
 butt up
 against the shapes made in Director.  As you have probably have
 they don't match so well.
 Hmm. Are the PSD files saved under RGB, or some other format such as
 Are they actual PSDs, as opposed to JPEGs or some other format?
 What's the color depth on your monitor? If the images are 24- or 32-bit,
 and your display is 16-bit, you may get into trouble.
 When I do a print screen and take it into
 Photoshop, Director's color is actually a little darker even thgough the
 assigned color has the same RGB value in Director.
 Does this show in Director too? And if not, why are you copy/pasting?

Also, check your color space settings in PS - it defaults to sRGB. Try
changing to monitor rgb and see what happens.


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lingo-l Re: Lingo-l digest, Vol 1 #424 - 16 msgs

2002-08-16 Thread Kurt Griffin

 you can save some cpu cycles if you store the reference to the
 sprite object in a property:

 property mySprite

 on beginSprite
   mySprite = sprite(me.spriteNum)

 the cost. of course. is a miniscule amount of RAM
 - a worthy tradeoff

 Nearly EVERY sprite behavior I write begins that way.

Yeah, ditto... and it makes it easier to transition the behavior if you 
decide to attach it on the fly through the scriptInstanceList, when you 
*have* to manually set the spriteNum. A lot of my behaviors now look 
something like this:

property pMySprite

on beginSprite
   pMySprite = sprite(me.spriteNum)

on new me, mySprite
   pMySprite = mySprite

Which covers both cases.

2 more cents... have we got a dollar yet?,

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Re: lingo-l and if its a folder?

2002-08-16 Thread Kurt Griffin

 how to i manage to retreive the next directory?

Well, I would certainly use Buddy for digging around in directories. You 
have baFolderList() which returns all folders at a given path, and 
baFileList() which returns all the files at a given path. Using the two 
in tandem can map a drive nicely.


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RE: lingo-l message window with projector?

2002-07-31 Thread Kurt Griffin

 I get the message window too - but you have to make sure you're not in
 full-screen mode, obviously, and that you set it up properly.  In fact, I
 don't know I've ever seen a text dump to the hard drive, but maybe that's
 some other option I'm not familiar with.

I think Tom was speaking about shockwave, not projector.


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lingo-l Unable to load movie playlist error (some info)

2002-07-03 Thread Kurt Griffin

I've seen this error mentioned on the list a few times before, so I thought
I'd pass on what I found when this error suddenly popped up here.

The full error message is Unable to load movie playlist. Does the .INI file
exist? It must contain a section '[Movies]' with an entry

This occurred when I tried to run the projector from a temporary partition
that I created for burning a CD (on a Mac). Now, the partition's name just
happened to be the project's name... which is also the name of the drive
partition where my working files are located. It seems that the projector
was looking for the movie file on the wrong partition (the file structures
are different on the two partitions). Changing the name of either partition
solved the problem. Interestingly enough, the burned CD doesn't show the
problem when there is a drive of the same name.

Hope this was helpful to someone,

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Re: lingo-l Best way to do it?

2002-07-02 Thread Kurt Griffin

 I need to create a multi-languages e-learning cd-rom where you can save
 your settings and answers on a floppy disk.
 The cd-rom will as well look for the floppy at the beginning to load
 those parameters to avoid starting everything again.
 I would like to avoid buying too many Xtras. So, how would you do it? I
 was thinking about vList, v12, Dialogs Xtra, FileIO and EasyBase but as
 far as I have never really used them, I am not sure which one to use.
 I need to:
 load/save/update an XML structured file on/from a floppy disk.
 Load different external texts (either text file based or from a DB)
 included on the cd based on the user's choice (languages).

What's a floppy disk?

You probably only need fileIO for the xml. You can import the text into a
text member with lingo.


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Re: lingo-l patch

2002-07-02 Thread Kurt Griffin

 is it possible to make a patch for a director movie.

If you set it up ahead of time, you can just stick your code in an external
cast. Have the program look for that cast at a specified place on the HD,
and if it's there, link to it (if not, use the default cast... I'm assuming
a CDR here).

Then you can distribute your patch with an installer that puts it in the
specified location. Or, you could do a search of the HD for the cast on
startup, eliminating the need for a hard pathname, but that would be slow.


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Re: lingo-l Numeric Range Search in List

2002-06-27 Thread Kurt Griffin

 The area consists of 9500 non-overlapping rectangles, and you want to
 test a point to see which rectangle it's within. Go through all the
 rects and fill an area of an image with a particular color (perhaps
 make it a 16 bit image, which would be enough for testing up to 32768
 rects). The first rect would be filled with color 1, second with
 color 2, etc. That should all happen fairly quickly, but it doesn't
 matter. It can take all day and not affect the bit that needs to be
 You now have a bitmap. You say:
 whichrect = member(colorrects).getpixel(x,y)
 Surely that will be faster than 9500 inside tests!

If the rects are not overlapping, might it be possible to bust them up into
a grid emulating array, in which case you could reduce the search to
rows/columns, and cut out a big chunk of the search?

Just a thought.


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Re: lingo-l multi cd (6 cd's) application

2002-06-20 Thread Kurt Griffin

 Sure, but DVD is not the market standard yet. Tough sell to a client who
 doesn't want to cut out a healthy chunk of legacy machines.
 If this is being developed in Dir85, that question is moot anyway. ;)

How so? There are plenty of machines being sold right now with CDR drives,
not DVD drives?

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lingo-l [OT] Recording audio in Flash

2002-06-13 Thread Kurt Griffin

Does anyone know if it's possible to record the user on the fly in Flash (as
you would with the audio xtra in director) or from the browser via a plug-in
of some sort?


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lingo-l API calls in double-byte operating systems

2002-06-10 Thread Kurt Griffin

 For my next trick I am creating a CD-ROM which will have global
 distribution, nothing to complicated or tricky, just video in an interface
 and subtitles (which will be graphics as opposed to live text), apart from
 one part which requires copying some files across to the desktop (they are
 actually PowerPoint template files). As far as my RD has shown so far, it
 seems that registry data is stored in English, even in non-English language
 OS, so in theory there should be no problems. I'm trying to get hold of a
 Japanese OS/laptop to check out my theory (easier said than done), but has
 anyone had any experience of using API calls of this type on CD-ROMs with a
 global audience and are there any problems/pitfalls I should be aware of?
 My only other fear is that there might be problems with the copied
 PowerPoint files (which will be in English) when they land on a system with
 double-byte or other non-Roman character sets.
 Any pointers will be gratefully received

Well, I don't have a Japanese OS/laptop, but I do have a Japenese Win '98
system running on a Dell here. Using Buddy, I had no problem copying a Word
doc from the CD to the desktop:

baCopyFile(the moviePath  Personnel.doc, baSysFolder(desktop) 
Personnel.doc, always)

(the last param is an overwrite variable)

I don't have any powerpoint files on hand to test, but the Word doc was
*mostly* fine. There were character substitutions in the higher chars, but
if your stuff is in English, you're only likely to have problems with things
like en and em dashes.


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Re: lingo-l Help! List madness.

2002-06-07 Thread Kurt Griffin

 Not sure if this is appropriate in your project/product or not, but why not
 just check to verify it doesn't already exist before adding it in?
 if (not getPos(myList, someNumber)) then
 add(myList, someNumber)
 end if
 And just avoid the whole culling-out thing altogether...

Since we're on the 2 cents track, I'll toss in mine. Along with the same
disclaimer - might not apply. I always do what Tab says above for these
situations (in my case, that usually means tracking user input in a variety
of activities across a CD). A single method can create or modify an entry to
a massive prop list, depending on whether the entry already exists. Here's
an example for prop lists:

if voidP(myList.getAProp(someProp)) then
  myList.addProp(someProp, someValue)
  myList[someProp] = someValue
end if

In other words, if the entry doesn't exist, add it. If it does exist, modify

Maybe this was helpful to somebody :),

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Re: lingo-l Javascript to refresh Shockwave?

2002-06-07 Thread Kurt Griffin

With some cgi calls to change the params first, of course.

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Re: lingo-l Javascript to refresh Shockwave?

2002-06-07 Thread Kurt Griffin

 With some cgi calls to change the params first, of course.

There I go again, throwing in my 2 cents without reading the whole thread.
What is initiating the refresh? The shock, or the HTML?

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Re: lingo-l Bitmap as Cursor

2002-05-31 Thread Kurt Griffin

 (I don't think it supports 32 bit members, but you can dither your
 embers down to 8)

dither your embers... that's vaguely disturbing.


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Re: lingo-l quicktime sprite

2002-05-28 Thread Kurt Griffin

 How can I detect if a certain sprite contains a quicktime movie or not?

if sprite(x).member.type  #quickTimeMedia then...

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Re: lingo-l is acrobat reader installed?

2002-05-28 Thread Kurt Griffin

 but how do i check whether the user actually has acrobat reader installed so
 i can annoy him with a sorry, you need to install acrobat reader first
 alert? essentially i need a
 check if reader is installed
 if yes
 open document
 if no
 put out an alert
 it's not do-able without an xtra, right? please help.

BuddyAPI is an option (and it's free if you're only using that one function)
- BAFindApp() is the function.

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Re: lingo-l Lingo questions

2002-05-20 Thread Kurt Griffin

 (c'mon, where's the attack of the groans?!?)
 All right, all right, send in the clones. There ought to be clones.

Holy groans, bhakti-man.

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Re: lingo-l linked director movie experts

2002-05-18 Thread Kurt Griffin

 For those of you who have worked with linked director movies...
 Well, I've battled some LDM's and here's my rule of thumb:
 Always let LDM's do to themselves.
 That means: You can tell *variables* to change in the LDM-scope from
 the outside, but any real change in media should happen from within
 the LDM's own scope.
 IOW. If the event leading to a change of 'arms' comes from 'the
 stage', then you should try to let this 'stage-event' set a 'flag' in
 the LDM, and then let the LDM asynchronously handle the 'message from
 its own internally originating event.

I've battled a bit with LDMs, myself, and it's clear why they're not
officially supported :). Bhakti suggested film loops, Jakob gave you some
tips above, and I'll toss in one more 2 cents - MIAWs. LDMs and MIAWs are
fairly close cousins, so if you can't resolve the issues, try running your
linked movies in MIAWs. Of course, this won't allow you to have sprites in
the main movie on top of the MIAW, but it doesn't sound like that's an issue
for you. Your control calls will be slightly different, but the basic
communication is similar - you'd likely only have to change the code that
sends the message, not the message itself.


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Re: lingo-l Re: QT communicating with director.

2002-05-03 Thread Kurt Griffin

 I don't think Flash supports QT, or ever will.
 QT supports Flash though.
 Flash MX uses Sorenson Spark, which is not QT, which is sort of the point.
 Right, but going with Flash MX in Director for video, just to get away
 from QuickTime, will mean far less control, operability, streaming
 options, and video quality in the bargain.

Apple is suing MM over this very thing.,,t269-s2109473,00.html

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Re: lingo-l Re: QT communicating with director.

2002-05-03 Thread Kurt Griffin

I wrote:

 Apple is suing MM over this very thing.,,t269-s2109473,00.html

I *meant* to write:

Apple is suing Sorenson over this very thing.

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RE: lingo-l baOpenFile question

2002-05-01 Thread Kurt Griffin

 on mouseUp me
 baOpenFile (the moviepathCDresources/advancesales.pdf)
 Now see here you're doing the 'polite' thing and using UNC notation,
 in the form of a '/' for your path delimiter -- that's great.
 Unfortunately it doesn't work with BAPI, FX3 or FileIO, if I recall
 correctly. These Xtras want legitimate -- system-specific -- path
 Arg, eh? So try this instead:
 on mouseUp me
 baOpenFile ( the moviePath  CDResources  \
 the last char of the moviePath  \
 advancesales.pdf )
 END mouseUp

Perhaps the path delimiter is an issue, but the error is due to the
statement having the wrong number of parameters. baOpenFile() requires two
parameters, the second of which is ignored on the mac, and I can't remember
what it does on windows.

baOpenFile(path to file, ) is the correct call.


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Re: lingo-l under a major crunch, quick imaging lingo solution

2002-04-27 Thread Kurt Griffin

 Hey all,I hate to ask such a basic question, I am just juggling several
 things at the moment. Could someone drop up a quick script of
 imaging lingo that would take an image and rotate it 180degrees. I am
 major stressed, we are installing our piece, and I FOUND THAT THE
 DEGRESS. VERY  odd. but it seems to work consistently. if i keep the
 sprites rotated at 0 degrees, the framerate is  half of what it is if i
 rotatethem 180 degrees.thanks

I did some basic flipping and rotating imaging not too long ago. Hope this


--Sample call: member(testDest).image =
mirrorImage(member(test).image.duplicate(), diagonalTLBR)

on mirrorImage sourceImage, axis
  --need a square image to avoid distortion
  squareDimension = max(sourceImage.width, sourceImage.height)
  destinationImage = image(squareDimension, squareDimension,
  tempImage = image(squareDimension, squareDimension, sourceImage.depth)
  destinationRect = rect((squareDimension - sourceImage.width)/2,\
  (squareDimension - sourceImage.height)/2,\
  squareDimension - (squareDimension - sourceImage.width)/2,\
  squareDimension - (squareDimension - sourceImage.height)/2)
  tempImage.copypixels(sourceImage, destinationRect, sourceImage.rect,
  sourceImage = tempImage
  case axis of
  flipQuad = [point(0, destinationImage.height),\
point(destinationImage.width, destinationImage.height),\
point(destinationImage.width, 0),\
point(0, 0)]
  flipQuad = [point(destinationImage.width, 0),\
point(0, 0),\
point(0, destinationImage.height),\
point(destinationImage.width, destinationImage.height)]
  flipQuad = [point(destinationImage.width, destinationImage.height),\
point(destinationImage.width, 0),\
point(0, 0),\
point(0, destinationImage.height)]
  flipQuad = [point(0, 0),\
point(0, destinationImage.height),\
point(destinationImage.width, destinationImage.height),\
point(destinationImage.width, 0)]
  put Invalid axis - choices are horizontal, vertical, diagonalTLBR,
  end case
  destinationImage.copyPixels(sourceImage, flipQuad, sourceImage.rect)
  return destinationImage

--member(testDest).image = rotateImage(member(test).image.duplicate(),

--This only deals with 90 degree increments.
on rotateImage sourceImage, degree
  --need a square image to avoid distortion
  squareDimension = max(sourceImage.width, sourceImage.height)
  destinationImage = image(squareDimension, squareDimension,
  tempImage = image(squareDimension, squareDimension, sourceImage.depth)
  destinationRect = rect((squareDimension - sourceImage.width)/2,\
  (squareDimension - sourceImage.height)/2,\
  squareDimension - (squareDimension - sourceImage.width)/2,\
  squareDimension - (squareDimension - sourceImage.height)/2)
  tempImage.copypixels(sourceImage, destinationRect, sourceImage.rect,
  sourceImage = tempImage
  case degree of
  rotateQuad = [point(0, destinationImage.height),\
point(0, 0),\
point(destinationImage.width, 0),\
point(destinationImage.width, destinationImage.height)]
  rotateQuad = [point(destinationImage.width, destinationImage.height),\
point(0, destinationImage.height),\
point(0, 0),\
point(destinationImage.width, 0)]
  rotateQuad = [point(destinationImage.width, 0),\
point(destinationImage.width, destinationImage.height),\
point(0, destinationImage.height),\
point(0, 0)]
  put Invalid degree - choices are 90, 180, 270
  end case
  destinationImage.copyPixels(sourceImage, rotateQuad, sourceImage.rect)
  return destinationImage

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lingo-l wav files work outside of Director but not inside aprojector

2002-04-16 Thread Kurt Griffin

 They are in Europe ( I am in the US, so I can't just run over there and
 look.)  and have purchased a number of new computers (business purpose).  I
 have a sound issue on these computers.  (I have repeatedly asked for machine
 specs, but they have not provided this information.)

This is essential. You have to take a stand, and demand machine specs -
unless they can tell you what the machine is made up of, you can't support
it. Otherwise, you're guessing in the dark. I'd get software specs, too -
you never know what might be installed that conflicts with your app.

If they aren't computer-literate enough to give you specs, walk them through
the process until you get all of the info you need. Push them on it. Answer
any complaints with I haven't received full specs on problem machines -
please provide. Asking is not the same as telling. Make it a demand.

2 cents,

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lingo-l Re: Password Text fields using ***** instead of text

2002-04-11 Thread Kurt Griffin

 Is there any way in the properties of an input text field to make it like a
 password field that only displays ***s.  I know how to do it in flash, it's
 a simple check box on the properties of the text field.  Is there something
 similar to this in Director, or do you have to accomplish it with scripting.
 I could probably pull it off in scripting if I needed to, but if this is the
 way I have to go, if someone could jump start me that would be ideal!

Take a peek at your library palette. Someone has already scripted it for


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RE: lingo-l make CD (PC Mac) from PC

2002-04-04 Thread Kurt Griffin

 Legally, you need to have a copy of Director for the Mac and a
 Macintosh. Then you just make a stub on both machines--a stub being a
 projector that does nothing but launch the main movie (and maybe put up
 a splash screen).
 Not sure if this is entirely kosher, but you could probably hire a
 consultant to build the Mac stub for you. The licensing implications are

Actually, that action is explicitly forbidden by the licensing agreement.


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