looking for graphics designer

2000-05-05 Thread Joop Stakenborg

There must be a ham out there who uses The Gimp on a regular basis...

We are looking for a skilled graphics designer, who can give
the web interface of our hamsoft database on
a major facelift.

Please reply to this group, or fill out the feedback form at:


Joop Stakenborg - Debian GNU/Linux developer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

--> Woody is as hard as a Frozen Potato?
(More woody jokes at

Re: no sign of!

2000-04-25 Thread Hamish Moffatt

On Tue, Apr 25, 2000 at 12:08:56AM +, Terry Dawson wrote:
> Hamish Moffatt wrote:
> > 
> > seems to have disappeared from the DNS!
> > Does anyone know where it's gone? I can't remember TerryD's email address.
> Sorry. Yes we're experiencing DNS problems. It's a bit of a cock-up
> frankly, our primary failed and that wasn't a good time to discover that
> our secondary had never actually been configured!
> We're working on getting it back again, but the Easter weekend isn't
> making it easy with people away.

No problem, Terry. I discovered a way to access it anyway, not
that I recommend it -- since appears to be a virtual
host of (which IS in the DNS), I added an entry
for to my /etc/hosts with www's IP.


Re: no sign of!

2000-04-24 Thread Terry Dawson

Hamish Moffatt wrote:
> seems to have disappeared from the DNS!
> Does anyone know where it's gone? I can't remember TerryD's email address.

Sorry. Yes we're experiencing DNS problems. It's a bit of a cock-up
frankly, our primary failed and that wasn't a good time to discover that
our secondary had never actually been configured!

We're working on getting it back again, but the Easter weekend isn't
making it easy with people away.


Re: no sign of!

2000-04-24 Thread Joop Stakenborg

On Mon, Apr 24, 2000 at 08:56:01PM +1000, Hamish Moffatt wrote:
> seems to have disappeared from the DNS!
> Does anyone know where it's gone? I can't remember TerryD's email address.


I have cc'd this message to him
> thanks
> Hamish
> -- 

Joop Stakenborg - Debian GNU/Linux developer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

--> Is that a woody distro in your pocket, or are you just happy
to see me?
(More woody jokes at

Re: no sign of!

2000-04-24 Thread Bob Nielsen

This is interesting -- has disappeared, as well.

The last address I saw for Terry Dawson was [EMAIL PROTECTED]


On Mon, Apr 24, 2000 at 08:56:01PM +1000, Hamish Moffatt wrote:
> seems to have disappeared from the DNS!
> Does anyone know where it's gone? I can't remember TerryD's email address.
> thanks
> Hamish
> -- 

Tucson, AZ DM42nh  QRP-L #1985  SOC #77

no sign of!

2000-04-24 Thread Hamish Moffatt seems to have disappeared from the DNS!
Does anyone know where it's gone? I can't remember TerryD's email address.



2000-03-06 Thread Riley Williams

Hi there.

 >> Can any kind reader tell me if the little goldmine that is
 >> the box also has an 44 network
 >> address...

I can't help with that query...

 >> ...and if so, is it accessible via the encap wormholes ?

...but that has me curious: What exactly is "the encap wormhole" ?

If it's some sort of Ham <=> Internet gateway, how does a
licenced ham like me get to use it?

Best wishes from Riley GM7GOD / KB8PPG.

 * Copyright (C) 2000, Memory Alpha Systems.
 * All rights and wrongs reserved.

| There is something frustrating about the quality and speed of Linux  |
| development, ie., the quality is too high and the speed is too high, |
| in other words, I can implement this  feature, but I bet someone |
| else has already done so and is just about to release their patch.   |


1999-12-16 Thread vk3fis

Terry Dawson wrote:

> On 11 Dec, Gareth Rowlands wrote:
> > Can any kind reader tell me if the little goldmine that is the
> > box also has an 44 network address,
> > and if so, is it accessible via the encap wormholes ?
> It doesn't yet, but I'm seriously considering it, especially if there
> is serious demand for it.

Terry, I reckon it would be a very worthwhile addition to the site

Thanks for all your hard work. Blayne


1999-12-11 Thread Terry Dawson

On 11 Dec, Gareth Rowlands wrote:
> Can any kind reader tell me if the little goldmine that is the 
> box also has an 44 network address,
> and if so, is it accessible via the encap wormholes ?

It doesn't yet, but I'm seriously considering it, especially if there
is serious demand for it.



1999-12-11 Thread Gareth Rowlands

Can any kind reader tell me if the little goldmine that is the box also has an 44 network address,
and if so, is it accessible via the encap wormholes ?

73, Gareth.


ANNOUNCE: hamsoft, client for

1999-10-29 Thread Joop Stakenborg

Hamsoft is a reader for new hamradio linux software at
When you select an entry in the list and click on read, the link will be 
opened in a netscape window. Netscape has to be running already.

You need to have gtk and libgtk-perl installed on your system, this comes 
with most distributions.

The client will show packages which have been entered in the last month.

Hope you like it.


 Joop Stakenborg PA4TU, ex-PA3ABA 
 Linux Amateur Radio Software Database

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

#hamsoft, version 0.1.1, Oct 29, 1999
# Copyright (c) 1999 Joop Stakenborg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
# This code is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License.
# This is a hacked up script from Alex Shnitman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, who
# wrote '' for reading slashdot news, I fixed a couple of things
# and wrote support for the hamsoft db.
# You need to have gtk and libgtk-perl installed on your system, this comes 
# with most distributions.
# Hamsoft is a reader for new hamradio linux software at
# When you select an entry in the list and click on read, the link will be 
# opened in a netscape window. Netscape has to be running already.
# If you leave the program idle, it will refresh every 'REFRESH_TIMEOUT'
# seconds. You might also have to set the $PROXY string and the path to your 
# netscape executable in the configuration section below.
# - Make window come up before the connection is made
# - Detect if netscape is running
# - Distribute with debian
#Send me your remarks/improvements, I will try to add them!

use Gtk;
init Gtk;
use Socket;
use IO::Handle;
use strict;

 Start of configuration ###

# You can tell the script to use a proxy. If $PROXY is empty it will not use 
# one. By default the script takes the value of the http_proxy environment 
# variable.

my $PROXY = "";
my $PROXYPORT = 0;
if($ENV{http_proxy}) {
  $ENV{http_proxy} =~ m$http://(.*?):(.*?)/$;
  $PROXY = $1;
  $PROXYPORT = $2;

# Number of seconds before a refresh is performed.


# Path to netscape executable.

my $BROWSER_CMD = "/usr/X11R6/bin/netscape -remote 'OpenURL(##, new_window)'";

 End of configuration #

# $clist and $status hold the references to the Gtk CList holding the
# articles, and the status line which is actually a label. @articles
# holds the URLs of the articles.
my($clist, $status, @articles);

sub MainWindow {
my $mainwin = new Gtk::Window;
$mainwin->set_title("Linux Hamsoft Database");
$mainwin->signal_connect("destroy", \&Gtk::main_quit);
$mainwin->signal_connect("delete_event", \&Gtk::false);

# vertical box with scrolled window and clist
my $scrolled_win = new Gtk::ScrolledWindow(undef, undef);
$scrolled_win->set_policy('automatic', 'automatic');
my $vbox = new Gtk::VBox(0,5);
$clist = new_with_titles Gtk::CList("Link", "Title", "Version", "Date");
$clist->set_column_width(0, 290);
$clist->set_column_width(1, 150);
$clist->set_column_width(2, 65);
$clist->set_column_width(3, 65);
  sub {
  my $event = $_[1];
  if ($event->{button} == 2) { 
$event->{button} = 1;
Gtk::Gdk::event_put($clist, $event);
  return 1;
  sub {
  my $event = $_[1];
  my $button = $event->{button};
  my $x = $event->{"x"};
  my $y = $event->{"y"};
  my ($r, $c) = $clist->get_selection_info($x, $y);
  if ($button == 2 && defined $r && defined $c && $r!=-1 && $c!=-1) {
$clist->select_row($r, $c);
  return 1;
$vbox->pack_start($scrolled_win, 1, 1, 0);

# horixontal box with 3 buttons
my $hbox = new Gtk::HBox(0,0); 
my $but;
$but = new_with_label Gtk::Button("  Refresh  ");


1999-08-09 Thread terry

On  7 Aug, Riley Williams wrote:
> Quick apology on my part - it's not you that's the problem...

That's ok.

> Not with that 25-27 second lag en route, no...

There are some things we can do to make life a little easier though.
We can muck with some http headers that relate to proxy/cache
behaviour. I'll think about what might be some good settings.




1999-08-08 Thread KD1CA - Dennis

Just for the record, your site refreshes with 4-5 seconds here in the US.
Nice Job

 Dennis A. Lauzon (kd1ca)
 North East TCP Association / Vice President
 IP Address Coordinator 44.56/16 44.44/16


1999-08-08 Thread Riley Williams

Hi Terry.

 >> One obvious reason would be to make it more attractive to people
 >> using it, as many people give up on a site that regularly times
 >> out on them. I've so far tried three times, and each time, you
 >> time out on me!!! Since I don't get to set the timeout - that's
 >> built into the proxy we are forced to use - you are effectively
 >> closed to me...

 > What sort of timeout are you experiencing? Your proxy is timing
 > out?

Quick apology on my part - it's not you that's the problem...

I just did a traceroute to and it shows horrible
transit times earlier in the route, and that's clearly where the
transit times are...

Here's a summary...

 1. From me, across and through to
( takes between 160 and 180 ms.
No problems there. That's 12 steps.

 2. The next two steps are shown as "* * *" so I can't comment on

 3. Step 16 is (
and is showing times in the 25000-27000 ms range (25-27 SECONDS)
so there's obviously problems by this stage.

I then get three more rows of "* * *" followed by
( then and
finally at step 22...

 > The page takes single digit seconds to generate. I doubt the
 > timeouts have much to do with the page being generated
 > dynamically.

 > A complete, uncached refresh takes about 6 seconds from request
 > to completion of rendering here, via a 33k6bps dialup and 10
 > network hops.

 > It's safe to assume that the dynamic building of the page is
 > completed well within the 6 seconds. Do you think saving a
 > couple of seconds is going to make much difference?

Not with that 25-27 second lag en route, no...

 > What are your network latency times like to the server?

See above...

Best wishes from Riley.

| There is something frustrating about the quality and speed of Linux  |
| development, ie., the quality is too high and the speed is too high, |
| in other words, I can implement this  feature, but I bet someone |
| else has already done so and is just about to release their patch.   |


1999-08-08 Thread Terry Dawson

On Sat, Aug 07, 1999 at 09:45:04AM +0100, Riley Williams wrote:
> One obvious reason would be to make it more attractive to people using
> it, as many people give up on a site that regularly times out on them.
> I've so far tried three times, and each time, you time out on me!!!
> Since I don't get to set the timeout - that's built into the proxy we
> are forced to use - you are effectively closed to me...

What sort of timeout are you experiencing? Your proxy is timing out?

The page takes single digit seconds to generate. I doubt the timeouts
have much to do with the page being generated dynamically.

A complete, uncached refresh takes about 6 seconds from request to
completion of rendering here, via a 33k6bps dialup and 10 network hops.

It's safe to assume that the dynamic building of the page is completed
well within the 6 seconds. Do you think saving a couple of seconds is
going to make much difference?

What are your network latency times like to the server?




1999-08-07 Thread Riley Williams

Hi Terry.

 >> It looks like that the default php3 page queries to the mySQL
 >> engine for New Software... (checking the date i guess!) every
 >> time the page is asked... is that right?

 > yes, that is correct.

 >> It will be a good idea to have the first page as a static one
 >> and updated with a crontab or every time that new software
 >> appears into the database... i will be very please to write some
 >> PHP3 code if it is needed...

 > Why would we want to do that?

One obvious reason would be to make it more attractive to people using
it, as many people give up on a site that regularly times out on them.
I've so far tried three times, and each time, you time out on me!!!
Since I don't get to set the timeout - that's built into the proxy we
are forced to use - you are effectively closed to me...

Best wishes from Riley.

| There is something frustrating about the quality and speed of Linux  |
| development, ie., the quality is too high and the speed is too high, |
| in other words, I can implement this  feature, but I bet someone |
| else has already done so and is just about to release their patch.   |


1999-08-07 Thread Terry Dawson

On Fri, Aug 06, 1999 at 12:20:18PM +0200, alberto escudero wrote:

> It looks like that the default php3 page queries to the mySQL engine for New 
>Software... (checking the date i guess!)
> every time the page is asked... is that right?

yes, that is correct.

> It will be a good idea to have the first page as a static one and updated with a 
>crontab or every time that new
> software appears into the database... i will be very please to write some PHP3 code 
>if it is needed...

Why would we want to do that?

> I also agree with Julian comments to include docs into the database...

One thing at a time.




1999-08-06 Thread alberto escudero

Each time that main page is downloaded i guess that a query 
to the mySQL database
is made...

It looks like that the default php3 page queries to the mySQL engine for New 
Software... (checking the date i guess!)
every time the page is asked... is that right?

It will be a good idea to have the first page as a static one and updated with a 
crontab or every time that new
software appears into the database... i will be very please to write some PHP3 code if 
it is needed...

Hard work have been done and i do not want my comments look like i am asking you to do 
it... i am just offering
to help if it is needed...;-)

I also agree with Julian comments to include docs into the database...

Thanks again to those that have been involved in the Linux Amateur Radio Database for 
this work for the community



1999-08-06 Thread Craig Small

Joop Stakenborg said:
> How the heck do I grep for '_' in a filename?
find . -name '*_*'

  - Craig
Craig Small VK2XLZ, PGP: AD 8D D8 63 6E BF C3 C7  47 41 B1 A2 1F 46 EC 90
Eye-Net Consulting <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


1999-08-06 Thread Joop Stakenborg

On Thu, Aug 05, 1999 at 10:57:40AM +0300, Tomi Manninen OH2BNS wrote:
> Hi!
> Am I the only one that gets an error message when trying to look at the
> package description:
>   1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax near '§pat=packet' at line 1
>   Warning: 0 is not a MySQL result index in /home/pa4tu/radio/pkgdetail.phtml on 
>line 22
> Manually changing the '§' in the URL to a '&' fixes th problem. A typo
> somewhere?

Hmm, don't see it here... Don't see any strange characters in pkgdetail.phtml.

Tomi, do you see this with every package?

How the heck do I grep for '§' in a filename?
> -- 
> --- Tomi Manninen / [EMAIL PROTECTED] / OH2BNS @ OH2RBI.FIN.EU ---


 Joop Stakenborg PA4TU, ex-PA3ABA 
 Linux Amateur Radio Software Database


1999-08-05 Thread Tomi Manninen OH2BNS

On Thu, 5 Aug 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> > is § a defined SGML/HTML entity? I'm betting if we renamed the
> > variable to something else it wouldn't happen.
> > 
> > I'm betting also it's a browser bug.

That would make sense. My dictionary describes § as section mark...
Clearly a browser bug.

> Try it now, I reordered the variables so § doesn't appear.
> If my hunch is correct it will work ok now.

Works fine now. Thanks!

--- Tomi Manninen / [EMAIL PROTECTED] / OH2BNS @ OH2RBI.FIN.EU ---


1999-08-05 Thread Andrew Benham

On Thu, 5 Aug 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> is § a defined SGML/HTML entity?

Yep. From my HTML reference, § is § and displays as §

> I'm betting also it's a browser bug.

I'd agree.

Andrew, G8FSL

Andrew Benham   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Nortel Networks Plc, London Road, Harlow, Essex CM17 9NA, United Kingdom
Tel: +44 1279 402372Fax: +44 1279 405746

I speak for myself, my views are not necessarily the views
of Nortel Networks or any other corporation.


1999-08-05 Thread terry

On  5 Aug, To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> is § a defined SGML/HTML entity? I'm betting if we renamed the
> variable to something else it wouldn't happen.
> I'm betting also it's a browser bug.

Try it now, I reordered the variables so § doesn't appear.
If my hunch is correct it will work ok now.




1999-08-05 Thread terry

On  5 Aug, Tomi Manninen OH2BNS wrote:

> Hmm... It seems to be dependent on he browser version. Just tested with
> Nescape 4.61 (Linux) and viewing the document source (the first item on
> the first page):
>   7plus/FBB
> This link works without any problems. But with Netscape 3.04 Gold (HP-UX):
>   7plus/FBB

I wonder if it is a browser bug? I'm thinking that the browser is
mistakenly translating:


into that funny squiggly character ..

is § a defined SGML/HTML entity? I'm betting if we renamed the
variable to something else it wouldn't happen.

I'm betting also it's a browser bug.




1999-08-05 Thread terry

On  5 Aug, Tomi Manninen OH2BNS wrote:

> Am I the only one that gets an error message when trying to look at the
> package description:

You're the second person to report this. What browser are you using?




1999-08-05 Thread Tomi Manninen OH2BNS

On Thu, 5 Aug 1999, BBAGGER wrote:

> I didn't get it when I looked at PB/PG for Linux.

Hmm... It seems to be dependent on he browser version. Just tested with
Nescape 4.61 (Linux) and viewing the document source (the first item on
the first page):


This link works without any problems. But with Netscape 3.04 Gold (HP-UX):


This gives the error I mentioned before. I don't know what's going on but
maybe this can be fixed somewhere...?

Other than that looks very nice! Thanks Joop and Terry.

--- Tomi Manninen / [EMAIL PROTECTED] / OH2BNS @ OH2RBI.FIN.EU ---


1999-08-05 Thread BBAGGER

I didn't get it when I looked at PB/PG for Linux.

Best 73 de Bent/OZ6BL

-Original Message-
Sent: 5. august 1999 10:58


Am I the only one that gets an error message when trying to look at the
package description:

  1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax near 'ºpat=packet' at line 1
  Warning: 0 is not a MySQL result index in /home/pa4tu/radio/pkgdetail.phtml on
line 22

Manually changing the 'º' in the URL to a '&' fixes th problem. A typo

--- Tomi Manninen / [EMAIL PROTECTED] / OH2BNS @ OH2RBI.FIN.EU ---


1999-08-05 Thread Arno Verhoeven

Tomi Manninen OH2BNS wrote:
> Hi!
> Am I the only one that gets an error message when trying to look at the
> package description:
>   1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax near '§pat=packet' at line 1
>   Warning: 0 is not a MySQL result index in /home/pa4tu/radio/pkgdetail.phtml on 
>line 22
> Manually changing the '§' in the URL to a '&' fixes th problem. A typo
> somewhere?
> --
> --- Tomi Manninen / [EMAIL PROTECTED] / OH2BNS @ OH2RBI.FIN.EU ---

I just browsed through the site but did _not_ get any errors.

73, Arno  pe1icq

1999-08-05 Thread Tomi Manninen OH2BNS


Am I the only one that gets an error message when trying to look at the
package description:

  1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax near '§pat=packet' at line 1
  Warning: 0 is not a MySQL result index in /home/pa4tu/radio/pkgdetail.phtml on line 

Manually changing the '§' in the URL to a '&' fixes th problem. A typo

--- Tomi Manninen / [EMAIL PROTECTED] / OH2BNS @ OH2RBI.FIN.EU ---

RE: and AX25-HOWTO and software licenses and getwith it for goodness sake.

1999-07-15 Thread schoon

Well, since my email address was left in Terry's response, I think I owe
the list at least an explanation of my position. My position was
simple confusion, based on many postings to the list, reading the
current docs, etc. I fully understand how the GPL works, I do software
development on a daily basis using GPL software, tools, OSes, etc, and
agree with Terry in what he's said. My confusion was purely logical -
the Howtos are GPL'd so I didn't understand why Terry would have
problems with someone wanting to help out. All I did was ask a question,
maybe too short and it could possibly be confrontational, but that's why
the emoticon was added to the end - hopefully to show that it wasn't

I am interested in updating the AX.25 Howto. I can do parts of it, but
not all - there's just a wide variety of tools that can be used, and I
don't know how Terry managed to cover it all in the first place. Terry
spoke volumes, not just about Linux-Hams, but for amateur radio as well
- all the reasons why I don't attend club meetings, RACES/ARES anymore.
It's the same story - show up to a few meetings, introduce yourself to
some people, and then pretty much be ignored for the rest. Happens a
lot! Don't know if it's my age, gender or hair color, it just happens.
Gone are the days of Elmering, etc.

I just wanted to make things straight and hopefully I have.



 Mark Schoonover KA6WKEIS Manager
 Trail Runner,HAM[EMAIL PROTECTED]   ka6wke-1 145.05
   Mobile: 146.52 & 28.470
   Long: 32.85380 Lat: -117.00980 Grid: DM12LU

>On 12 Jul, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> Wow! Does this offer include updating the AX25 Howto?? :)
>(Not a personally directed messsage, just a general gripe)

... snipped ..

RE: and AX25-HOWTO and software licenses and get with it for goodness sake.

1999-07-14 Thread K. David Prince

Dear Terry,

I have been following the chatter regarding the AX25-HOWTO, and I've been
wondering why there was this perceived "problem" with updates, etc.  To
say the least, I've been surprised at some of the comments regarding this
issue.  I just want say that your remarks on this issue could not be
better stated!  Thank you for spending your time constructing a reasoned
response that integrates the GPL concept into what Amateur Radio should be
all about.

Best Wishes,

On Wed, 14 Jul 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> You know, one of the things that annoys me most about the Amateur
> Radio community is that it has almost zero appreciation of one of the
> key factors behind the success of Linux - licensing. The AX25-HOWTO is
> covered by the GPL, I made that decision, and I made it on purpose. I
> wasn't a lamb following behind everybody else, I used the GPL because I
> believed it was the appropriate license to use.

> Terry
> -- 

RE: and AX25-HOWTO and software licenses and get with it for goodness sake.

1999-07-14 Thread John Daniel Bird

>On 12 Jul, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> Wow! Does this offer include updating the AX25 Howto?? :)
>(Not a personally directed messsage, just a general gripe)

In the spirit of Terry's "rant" I have attached a couple of files which some
will find interesting and useful.These files have come about just through
learning the hardway i.e. " have a go ".
When installing ax25 I did not wish to utilise the rc files as in the event
of a stuffup wud make it that much harder.So I just started up a bash file
initially and got each bit up and running then started the next bit.So the
attached file " ax25run " is the result.
I also wished to shut the ax26 system down gracefully so " ax25fini " was
the result.

Both files are continually being modified as I alter or modify the system (
of course I keep an emergency floppy in case I really stuff things up ).


Have a G'day
Regards John vk3bcq
snail mail:- J.D.Bird,136 Railway Crescent,Dallas,Vic,Australia,3047
phone:- (03) 9309-5613

Re: and AX25-HOWTO and software licenses and get with it for goodness sake.

1999-07-14 Thread Ian Morrison

Well said, Terry!

...from a non programmer, desperately trying to learn.

Ian (ve3iem)
-Original Message-
Date: Tuesday, July 13, 1999 8:41 PM
Subject: RE: and AX25-HOWTO and software licenses and get
with it for goodness sake.

>On 12 Jul, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> Wow! Does this offer include updating the AX25 Howto?? :)
>(Not a personally directed messsage, just a general gripe)
>You know, one of the things that annoys me most about the Amateur
>Radio community

RE: and AX25-HOWTO and software licenses and get with it for goodness sake.

1999-07-14 Thread John Melton - Sun UK - ENS



... lots clipped ...


Great rant Terry ;-)

-- John Melton  n6lyt/g0orx


RE: and AX25-HOWTO and software licenses and get with it for goodness sake.

1999-07-13 Thread terry

On 12 Jul, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Wow! Does this offer include updating the AX25 Howto?? :)

(Not a personally directed messsage, just a general gripe)

You know, one of the things that annoys me most about the Amateur
Radio community is that it has almost zero appreciation of one of the
key factors behind the success of Linux - licensing. The AX25-HOWTO is
covered by the GPL, I made that decision, and I made it on purpose. I
wasn't a lamb following behind everybody else, I used the GPL because I
believed it was the appropriate license to use.

The GPL allows you to take the work, use it for whatever you will,
modify it, redistribute it. If anybody has ever wanted to do that with
the AX25-HOWTO, they always could have, they don't need to seek my
permission, I have already granted it for goodness sake.

If the ham community were even half as smart as the majority of the
Linux community, amateur radio would be growing, not dying.

Just working on the software database has been almost enough to put me
off it completely. Just take a look at the variety of licenses with all
sorts of arbitrary restrictions on use, redistribution etc.

Software developers: if you want your software used, then use an open
license that allows people to contribute to it.

Can any of you imagine what Linux would be like if its license were
something like "Computer Hacker use only, no commercial use,
redistribute only in original form". Gad, barely any of you would even
be here to discuss it if it had.

Linux is about "just doing it". Don't talk about it, do it. Do
something, anything, just don't whinge/whine/complain. Contribute, add,
suggest, modify, plan, write, give .. The community isn't here for your
benefit, people do things because they want to do them for their own
reasons, you should do the same. If you don't like the way something
works then find a way of making it work the way you want, or find a
replacement. It's all survival of the fittest. DO DO DO.

It isn't good enough to say you're not a programer, or not a this or
not a that. Do you guys sit on your local repeater saying things like
"Gee, I wish someone would come around and give me a better antenna, I
don't know anything about antennas", or "Gee, I can't help out with
installing the clubs new repeater because I don't know anything about
repeaters" ? Of course not. You know damn well that you can learn if
you want to. Linux/Computers are no different to soldering irons or
pliers in the shack. They're just tools that assist you in doing
amateur radio. To get any benefit from it you need to learn how to use
the tool. The best way to learn is to DO.

Some idea for people who want to actually help:

- Learn shell script. There are heaps of useful things that could be
done in shell script such as scripts to assist in the configuration of
the ax25-utils for example, or other major pieces of software. There are
small scripts that could be usefully deployed and used behind Tomi's
node software for example.

- Write some updates to existing documentation and send them off to
whoever owns the document. At no time has anyone ever actually
submitted an update to the AX25-HOWTO to me. If you know what needs
updating in the HOWTO but don't want to involve yourself in teh
nitty-gritty of dealing with SGML or the LDP then write the changes
that are required and send them to me, or didn't you read that bit in
the HOWTO?

- Write some new documentation. Just a plain text file is heaps better
than nothing as you all no doubt well know. That piece of plain text
could be written by you.

- Test software. Take a piece of software that interests you. Use it and
document, simply, the troubles you have with it and email that to the
*author* of the software. Don't send bug reports to this list, authors
are probably too damn busy to read lists like this, they're probably
already on bundles of others and life is short. Make sure you include
relevant details like the version of the software you are using, the
name and version of the Linux distribution you are running the software
on, and cut'n'pasted sections showing the errors or problems you

- Suggest ideas for new software or documentation. Convince others to
help you in working on it and produce them. I'm sure there are lots of
people on the list wanting to do something but just don't have the
ideas that you might have. Your suggested idea might inspire someone to
do something useful.

- Learn about licensing, now theres an interesting idea. Go read the
GPL, think about what it means and why it is like it is. Go read about
OpenSource licensing and why it is like it is. Consider the
differences. Then convince the authors of the software you like of the
benefits to them and all of us, or them changing their licensing terms
to something more free and open.

- Package software for Debian, RedHat, SuSE, . If you want Linux used for amateur radio then make
it easy for your peers. Put in some effort and help with packaging the


1999-07-13 Thread Terry Dawson

On Mon, Jul 12, 1999 at 12:10:04PM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Wow! Does this offer include updating the AX25 Howto?? :)

Absolutely, if someone wants to take over the AX25-HOWTO, they're
welcome to it.




1999-07-12 Thread schoon

Wow! Does this offer include updating the AX25 Howto?? :)



>From:  Terry Dawson[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent:  Sunday, July 11, 1999 10:41 PM
>Subject:   Re:
>On Thu, Jul 08, 1999 at 08:38:45PM -0400, Benedict P. Barszcz wrote:
>> A new ham software database has been up for a few days now. It is to
>> which served its porpose quite well.  Personally I must say
>> the new one is a far cry from what on casema server we were offerred.
>and just as soon as we finish it we'll announce it, then people can have
>a look. What you've seen is about 20 minutes work, give us a chance.
>Joop probably doesn't even know I've built the backend yet.
>Put up or shut up. If you think you can do better, then DO BETTER, keep
>your pointless criticism to yourself.


1999-07-12 Thread Terry Dawson

On Thu, Jul 08, 1999 at 08:38:45PM -0400, Benedict P. Barszcz wrote:

> A new ham software database has been up for a few days now. It is to replace
> which served its porpose quite well.  Personally I must say that
> the new one is a far cry from what on casema server we were offerred.

and just as soon as we finish it we'll announce it, then people can have
a look. What you've seen is about 20 minutes work, give us a chance.
Joop probably doesn't even know I've built the backend yet.

Put up or shut up. If you think you can do better, then DO BETTER, keep
your pointless criticism to yourself.




1999-07-09 Thread Benedict P. Barszcz

On Fri, 09 Jul 1999, Joop Stakenborg wrote:

> Tell us more. Where did you get it? What is it.

Here is some information on what WDBI is:
WDBI stands for 'Web DataBase Interface'. WDBI is a program written in Perl that lets 
you use a Web browser to
  interact with a database. You can search your data, enter new data, and update 
or delete existing data using your
  favorite Web browser. 

  WDBI is built on top of other Perl modules written specifically for the database 
you want to use. The master database
  interface controller is called DBI. DBI controls a variety of database drivers 
that let you use Perl programs to hit against
  your favorite database. The database drivers are called DBD::mysql, DBD::Sybase, 
DBD::Postgres, etc. The idea is to
  let programmers write database programs once that can be used against any 
database that has a Perl DBD module to
  support it. 

  Databases Supported: 

mSQL 1,2 
Oracle (coming soon!) 
Informix (coming soon!) 

The above can be found here:

Dbengine is easier to install. Like I said, it worked for me out of the box.
Here is an exerpt from postgres-howto:
14.2 WWW Web interface for PostgresSQL - DBENGINE 

dbengine a plug 'n play Web interface for PostgreSQL created by Ingo Ciechowski. It is 

About DBENGINE : dbengine is an interface between the WWW and Postgres95 which 
provides simple access to any existing
database within just a few minutes. 

Hope it helps.



1999-07-09 Thread Joop Stakenborg

On Thu, Jul 08, 1999 at 08:38:45PM -0400, Benedict P. Barszcz wrote:
> Hi,
> A new ham software database has been up for a few days now. It is to replace
> which served its porpose quite well.  Personally I must say that
> the new one is a far cry from what on casema server we were offerred.
> It looks ugly and is unreadable. I don't want to descourage the authors, who
> kill themselves doing stuff for us, but if things remain the way they are now
> then we are doomed to total failure: out of date ax25how-to, liquidation of
> ham-how-to and ugly software database. Jee, is this a kind of alien aggression
> on the ham community or what?

Let's wait a while and see what will happen. The site is up for only
a few days now. I am sure it will improve! 

Like you say, people kill themselves doing stuff for the hamradio
community. You cannot expect to get what you want 100% of the time.
We do this in our spare time. Maybe you would like to pay one
of us, to get all this work finished? Or maybe you would like
to spend some of YOUR spare time and start working on something?
> Anyway, I grabbed WDBI, installed it. And felt so elated to see my database
> look like a bird. You can update, delete, insert remotely. Perhaps this would
> be the way?
> Also, I got dbengine and it looked even prettier than WDBI. It is a web
> interface to many database engines. It uses perl and DBI, DBD drivers. More
> importantly, it worked out of the box! 

Tell us more. Where did you get it? What is it.
> Unfortunately I am not a database expert:-

Neither am I. Neither is terry. But at least he found the courage
to start learning about it and he even got something going now.

I say he did very well !
> kb2qzv


 Joop Stakenborg PA4TU, ex-PA3ABA <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Linux Hamradio Applications and Utilities Homepage

1999-07-08 Thread Benedict P. Barszcz

A new ham software database has been up for a few days now. It is to replace which served its porpose quite well.  Personally I must say that
the new one is a far cry from what on casema server we were offerred.
It looks ugly and is unreadable. I don't want to descourage the authors, who
kill themselves doing stuff for us, but if things remain the way they are now
then we are doomed to total failure: out of date ax25how-to, liquidation of
ham-how-to and ugly software database. Jee, is this a kind of alien aggression
on the ham community or what?

Anyway, I grabbed WDBI, installed it. And felt so elated to see my database
look like a bird. You can update, delete, insert remotely. Perhaps this would
be the way?

Also, I got dbengine and it looked even prettier than WDBI. It is a web
interface to many database engines. It uses perl and DBI, DBD drivers. More
importantly, it worked out of the box! 

Unfortunately I am not a database expert:-
