Re: Hebrew anti-clockwise clock

2024-04-12 Thread Boruch Baum
Thanks, Boris. Your advice seems like the way to go. The link to
UsingQuilt[1] seems like it will be particularly helpful.

On 2024-04-12 12:25, Boris Shtrasman wrote:
>  I'm not a debian developer, however I sent some patches in the past for
>  the Debian project.
>  Open a bug on the BTS describing the issue (you can use reportbug).
>  Check in if the project is there, if it is , you need
>  to create an account , create a patch using the quilt system and do an
>  MR inside of that patch. mention in the MR that you are fixing bug X
>  If it's not on salsa, get the source that exist in debian , and create
>  quilt pactch and send it to the mailing list that is related to that
>  project.
>   [1]
>  it might take some time that the maintainer would reply , so asking
>  around over IRC iat OFTC might help to find how to reach to the person
>  correctly.
>  From experience it's better to push changes first to the upstream and
>  only then update Debian with the updated version , that way other
>  distributions would enjoy these features too.
>  p.s. it might be a problem to  send patches to the Debian project post
>  Debian Project Leader actions in recent months.

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Hebrew anti-clockwise clock

2024-04-10 Thread Boruch Baum
I stumbled upon an ancient (year 1995) X11 app called xarclock that runs
anti-clockwise. You might figure that its purpose was to mimic the
Medieval Hebrew clock in Prague, but the author seems to have just
wanted to gag life in the Southern hemisphere, where sundials (he
claims) run in reverse. I added Hebrew support and published it to
github along with a debian package and a stand-alone executable.

Debian already has the original version (patched) in its repositories.
Is there a debian person (preferably a developer) on the list who can
guide me how to suggest my modifications be added to the debian package?

A modern QT version of this would be fun, but I don't know QT

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Re: ZFS error correction and encryption

2022-02-10 Thread Boruch Baum
Thanks, Vordoo and Micha. I was hoping someone on-list was administering
ZFS at work. This is something for which I'm not comfortable making a
commitment without either a confidence-inspiring authoritative answer,
or my own time and effort to figure out how to test the scenario. For
starters, I suppose I could force a 'bad block' by *carefully* using dd
or a hex editor...

On 2022-02-10 12:50, Vordoo wrote:
> * Not a ZFS or encryption expert by any means *

On 2022-02-10 11:23, Micha Bailey wrote:
>Regarding 1) I’m not sure, but from a cursory search I’m seeing talk of
>Regarding 2) I believe you want the `-w / --raw` flags to `zfs-send`.

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ZFS error correction and encryption

2022-02-10 Thread Boruch Baum
Can anyone on-list answer two related ZFS questions?

1) block checksum data in 'sent' snapshots

   One of the attractive features of ZFS is that it offers a form of
   "error correction". My understanding is that what ZFS does actually
   is checksum its blocks and upon noticing that one has gone bad,
   checks for a copy *somewhere*, where *somewhere* is documented as a
   RAID mirror.

   I'm considering using ZFS for SSD elements of a home network, for
   which I don't see justification for setting up an NFS or RAID mirror
   array. Is there an alternative technique to benefit from ZFS error

   The idea that occurs to me is to perform periodic backups using ZFS
   send and then to immediately copy the 'sent' snapshots to different
   media. My thought here is that if the 'sent' data includes the block
   checksums, then should I ever need to perform a restore and be
   confronted by a bad block, I could mount the copy as a mirror and
   have ZFS perform the correction.

   Is such the case? Is this possible? Is there a 'better' technique?

2) native encryption of 'sent' snapshots

   For a ZFS pool with native encryption, are its 'sent' data also
   natively encrypted? If not, are there any known problems or issues
   related to piping 'sent' data through gpg or other encryptor?

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Re: Lenovo ideapad 710S-13IKB bios/boot issue

2020-04-29 Thread Boruch Baum
On 2020-04-29 19:06, Gabor Szabo wrote:
>ps. The camera still does not work, but it does not work in Linux
>either. So maybe it was already broken when I bought
>the computer second-hand. Now I'll need to find and buy a small camera
>that can be attached to it.

Since you say that the machine was pre-owned... You never can tell what
the prior owner may have done. If s/he's available to be asked, great,
but here are some ideas that might save you time and money and
convenience of getting an external camera:

It may be that the prior owner at some point opened up the device, and
that in the course of that the connector to the camera became loose, or
the owner just neglected to re-connect it. Most laptops are pretty easy
for a non-technical person to perform the minor partial dis-assembly
necessary to access and service that connector. Sites such as youtube
have plenty of demonstrations and walk-throughs; you may even find some
specifically for your model, but the industry is a mass-market, and so
it tends to build products very similarly. Typically, you would need to
unscrew several ... screws, then use a blade to separate and pop the
panel surrounding the keyboard, and then carefully move and detach the
keyboard from the motherboard. At that point, you would typically be
looking at an aluminum panel that insulates the motherboard from the
keyboard rf. It should have a bunch of holes, each of which exposes a
connector on the motherboard. Each motherboard connector is typically
labeled pretty obviously (eg. mic, spkr, camera).

A more involved but still doable repair is to replace the internal
camera. Again, there are youtube videos. I did it once just for giggles,
without using any special tools, and I wouldn't hesitate to do it again.
Just be patient and follow the instructions.

If I were to do it again, I'd prefer to use the specialty separator tool
instead of using a thin blade, but the thin blade worked.

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Re: What's so secure about sudo?

2019-06-18 Thread Boruch Baum
In addition to Omer's answer, it used to be common on large multi-user
systems to have the sudo use of each user logged, for accountability.

On 2019-06-18 09:23, Shlomo Solomon wrote:
> This has bothered me for years and I decided to "get it off my chest".
> For many years I used su to do administrative tasks, but "everyone"
> uses sudo and the claim is that it's more secure than actually logging
> in as root.
> In principal, of course, root login is not a good thing, but let's
> remember something I've never seen discussed. I would assume that on
> most systems the root password is MUCH more secure than that of a
> regular user. Now if I give user david sudo privileges, anyone who
> cracks david's (weak) password now has access to root privileges.
> And before anyone says that this is only a one-time authorization, what
> if the guy who cracked david's password now does:
>sudo passwd root
> So what's so secure about using sudo?

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Re: newboat bidi

2019-04-09 Thread Boruch Baum
On 2019-04-09 20:17, Rabin Yasharzadehe wrote:
>  not tested, but maybe you can use a terminal with bidi support like
>  mlterm ?

I've submitted a github 'issue' for this[1], and the developer has
expressed his interest in fixing the matter internally, as it really
should be. If you or anyone on-list is interested, you can follow any
progress there[1].


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Re: newboat bidi

2019-04-09 Thread Boruch Baum
On 2019-04-09 15:27, Efraim Flashner wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 08, 2019 at 01:19:29PM -0400, Boruch Baum wrote:
> > Does anyone on-list have advice for how to configure a command-line rss
> > reader (ie. newsboat/newsbeuter) for Hebrew feeds so the bidi displays
> > properly?
> >
> from man newsboat:
> pager (parameters: [/internal]; default value: internal) If
>set to internal, then the internal pager will be used.
>Otherwise, the article to be displayed will be rendered to
>be a temporary file and then displayed with the configured
>pager. If the command is set to an empty string, the
>content of the "PAGER" environment variable will be used.
>If the command contains a placeholder %f, it will be
>replaced with the temporary filename. (example: pager "less
> so you could set 'bidiv' as the pager for newsboat. Alternatively you
> could bind a key to pipe those articles to bidiv.

Yes, I did read the man page before posting. I had thought about both
those options before posting, and did try the pipe idea. Both ideas only
address RTL in actual article text, not for the article headline screen
(ie. the listing of articles lists each headline in reverse). The pipe
idea would actually need to be something like "bidiv |less"; 'less'
isn't a great choice though, because it doesn't deal nicely with
embedded links, so what turns out to be better is just to pipe the
output to emacsclient, without the bidiv. Still doesn't address the
reversed text of the article listing screen, though.

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newboat bidi

2019-04-08 Thread Boruch Baum
Does anyone on-list have advice for how to configure a command-line rss
reader (ie. newsboat/newsbeuter) for Hebrew feeds so the bidi displays

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kiwix - off-line wikipedia

2019-03-07 Thread Boruch Baum
I would normally post the core of this message to somewhere
liwix-specific, but I find their project infrastructure and organization
are so poor that I don't see any web-searchable resource for it.

The kiwix[1] idea is great, and seems to be at least semi-officially
supported by the wikimedia foundation. You can download a huge selection
of wikimedia databases[2], including the many Hebrew ones, and use their
local cross-platform GUI program or their localhost web-server to view.
Works great...

... except for the database that everyone really wants, the complete english
file 'wikipedia_en_all_novid_2018-10.zim'[3], which is probably very
frustrating for all the people who spent hours or days downloading the
79 gigabyte file.

Here are the issues, and the fix.

Once the file is downloaded and checked against the md5sum link[4] on the
download page, the kiwix program will indicate that the file is not a
valid zim file. This seems to be because it was prepared with an
incompatible zim version, but the only real reason is a single flipped
bit in the file's "magic number". Change the bit, and the hours or days
you spent downloading the file have been redeemed. Use your favorite hex
editor to change the value of byte number five from '06' to '05'.In
linux, to observe the issue, compare the file to a recognized zim file
using 'xxd -l 5 [filename]'. And, when you perform the edit using your
favorite hex editor, you probably don't want to rename the output file,
since that would change the duration of the operation from instantaneous
to however long it takes your system to copy 79 gigabytes. What worked
for me was the debian ncurses program 'hexeditor'.

Now you can use the kiwix GUI program to open the file and add it to
your library.

A second and very general issue is the quality of the project's
documentation. For the purposes of this post, what's relevant is that in
order to use the kiwix localhost web-server for a database, one seems to
need to first open that zim file using the kiwix GUI program, which adds
the database to the kiwix 'library'. Then you can start / restart the
web-server and view / search the data.

A third issue is a hiccup that seems to be misleading or just plain
wrong in an error message produced by the kiwix web server. It will
complain that it cannot open the search index for the 79Gb file.
However, it does seem to perform "search ahead"s for that database just
fine. Go figure.

All in all, this has become a project that I love to hate. A great idea,
with just enough awful in the code and in the support to remind me what
it was like to be a computer user in the 1980's.

Really. for a file this large, use the bittorrent option.

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Hebrew on virtual consoles

2018-12-22 Thread Boruch Baum
I wanted to propose an update to the Linux Hebrew HOW-TO that exists
here[1], and supposedly also here[2]; however, my attempt to contact the
maintainer listed there has failed.

Although that documentation is quite old, it still is the principal
English-language guide on the subject, so if my proposals have merit,
there should be some way to amend the document. Is anyone on this list
able to contact the author?

What I wanted to address in that document was to update how it directs
users to configure Hebrew for virtual consoles (ie. not within X11) in
order to account for modern unicode fonts.

I'm experimenting now, using debian 9, and I find:

a) /usr/share/consolefonts includes some unicode fonts that
   include Hebrew (eg. setfont Uni1-{foo}), but most don't seem to.

b) /usr/share/consolefonts doesn't include the Joel Hoffman font
   mentioned in the HOWTO, but it does include several non-unicode
   Hebrew-* ones (eg. setfont Hebrew-VGA14).

c) For proper unicode support, there now exist commands 'unicode_start'
   and 'unicode_stop'. The command 'kbd_mode' will tell you if you're in
   unicode mode.

d) For people who have defined more than two keyboard layouts in
   /etc/default/keyboard, the toggling amongst them within a virtual
   console operates differently than it does within an X11 virtual
   terminal. The toggling sequence is layout-1, layout-2, layout-1,
   layout-3, ... layout-1, layout-n.


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Hebrew Date for the xfce4 panel

2018-12-03 Thread Boruch Baum
I just did the following for someone, so I thought I would share it. The
technique can be used for any command-line output; the number of output
lines displayed is a function of the height of your panel and your
selected font. Enjoy.

# xfce4-hdate-plugin
# This one-line script illustrates a simple method for displaying the
# Hebrew date in an xfce4 panel, using the hdate command-line program,
# and the xfce4-genmon-plugin. Save this one-liner to some location,
# say ~/.local/bin/xfce4-hdate-plugin, mark it executable, add an
# instance of the 'generic monitor' plugin to your panel, and
# configure the plugin to point to this script. In the plugin's
# configuration, I needed to explicitly specify the absolute pathname
# to the executable, and found that it did not like pipes. The plugin
# configuration also allows one to set the refresh interval and font,
# for example 60 seconds and 'Liberation sans narrow condensed 12'

hdate -qSb | awk 'NR==2{$NF=""; $1=""; print $0}'

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Re: English Hebrew dictionary.

2018-11-12 Thread Boruch Baum

On 2018-11-12 10:44, Eli Marmor wrote:
>אי שם לפני מיליון שנה, קיבלתי אישור ממיקרוסופט לפרסם את מילון המונחים
>שלהם, והעליתי את זה לאתר הפרה-היסטורי הקודם שלי (אזהרה: הוא כתוב
>בטכנולוגיות של שנות ה-90 ומאז לא נגעתי בו):

מעולה, תודה!

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Re: Memory consumption on a per user basis

2018-11-11 Thread Boruch Baum


On 2018-11-11 18:25, Constantine Shulyupin wrote:
> github mirror:

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Re: Memory consumption on a per user basis

2018-11-11 Thread Boruch Baum

On 2018-11-11 18:03, Meir Kriheli wrote:
>  On Sun, Nov 11, 2018 at 5:48 PM Boruch Baum <[1]>
>  wrote:
>I have a quasi- pet-peeve against gitlab because of its needless
>javascript and XHR requirements.
>  Use the "raw" url:
>  curl
>  '[3]'

Thanks, Meir.

Generically, my peeve does still remain, because I would either need to
remember to always manually edit urls s,/blob/,/raw/, s,$,.md, or write
an extension to do it for me. Even so, it wouldn't help for browsing a
repository hosted there, or effectively navigating the site. Good tip to
remember though for when I'm not able to use X11.

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Re: Memory consumption on a per user basis

2018-11-11 Thread Boruch Baum
On 2018-11-11 17:26, Constantine Shulyupin wrote:
> I am using this bash functions for years:

AAARGH! OH NO! It's gitlab!

I have a quasi- pet-peeve against gitlab because of its needless
javascript and XHR requirements. Just in order to simply _view_ your
script, I needed to to use a GUI browser (instead of a text browser),
and to allow nine separate javascript elements from two separate source
to do whatever mysterious things they want to try doing. Even then,
all that wasn't enough - I needed to further allow two more XML

I encourage anyone open to listening to avoid using gitlab and other
sites / packages that have similar attitudes to javascript.

end rant; I feel better now.

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Re: Memory consumption on a per user basis [FOLLOW-UP]

2018-11-11 Thread Boruch Baum
I hit _send_ to quickly... The simple script that I proposed suffers
from the problem that it would kill one of your own processes if you are
the offending user, ont one of your students; likewise, it would
blithely kill a system process, or an essential cronjob, or a server.

You can modify the 'smem' command to use its 'user filter' option (see
the man page) to come up with a regex to limit its output to just those
users whose processes you are comfortable killing. The regex can be as
simple as (user1)|(user2)|...|(usern) ; I don't see how to use UID
numbers, but it might be possible.

  smem -U "$YOUR_REGEX" -c pid | tail -n1

On 2018-11-11 10:16, Boruch Baum wrote:
>   NAUGHTY="$(smem -c pid | tail -n1)"
   smem -U "$YOUR_REGEX" -c pid
if [ -z "$NAUGHTY" ] ; then
  printf "The guilty party isn't one of the students... its
  $(smem |tail -n1)\n"
>   for SIG in 15 15 15 9 9
>   do
> kill -$SIG $NAUGHTY
> printf "Sending signal $SIG to process $NAUGHTY\n"
> sleep 1
> ps -$naughty || exit
> printf "Process $NAUGHTY is Still alive\n"
>   done
> [1]
> [2]

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Re: Memory consumption on a per user basis

2018-11-11 Thread Boruch Baum

On 2018-11-11 16:36, Josh Roden wrote:
>Hi everyone
>I have a CentOS 6 machine used by around 20 to 30 students
>at a time and I need to do one of two things:
>1. find and kill top memory user with script

You can use 'smem'[1] to ferret out the process hogging the most memory
by as computed by 'proportional set size'[2]. A basic command to
retrieve the worst offending PID would be:

   smem -c pid | tail -n1

How about this for a simple script?:

  NAUGHTY="$(smem -c pid | tail -n1)"
  for SIG in 15 15 15 9 9
printf "Sending signal $SIG to process $NAUGHTY\n"
sleep 1
ps -$naughty || exit
printf "Process $NAUGHTY is Still alive\n"

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Re: English Hebrew dictionary.

2018-11-11 Thread Boruch Baum

On 2018-11-11 13:25, vordoo wrote:
>Looking for an English Hebrew technical-computer dictionary. Best if it
>is a web site or file, with words like: mount, volume, partition,
>sector, block, etc...
>Any pointers appreciated,

Hmm, can't find my favorite word-list site among my zillion bookmarks,

1) For individual word, I just now found:
which seems reasonable.

2) The Hebrew Academy of language is the Israeli official organization
for standardizing modern Hebrew:
They have mailing list on which you could pose your question. If you do,
please let me know what happened!

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Re: ANNOUNCE: FriBidi 1.0.0

2018-02-23 Thread Boruch Baum
On 2018-02-23 17:20, Shlomi Fish wrote:
>On Fri, Feb 23, 2018 at 9:46 AM, Dov Grobgeld
><[1]> wrote:
>It's been a long time since in 1999 I announced the initial version of
>fribidi to this list. Now, almost twenty years later, I'm proud to
>present that FriBidi version 1.0.0 has been released! With this version
>I have returned to be the maintainer.
>Thanks for that!
>(Actually since the announcement below, version 1.0.1 has been released
>as well.)
>The new home page of fribidi is at [2]

Excellent news!

When will the new release(s) be packaged for debian?

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Emacs Hebrew footnotes [CODE SNIPPET]

2017-12-17 Thread Boruch Baum

I honestly don't remember if ever in the past I've used Hebrew footnote
numbering in emacs, but the current state of affairs is that although the
documentation indicates that the option is available, the file seems
nowhere to be found. The above reference reports the issue, and includes
the following code snippet, so if anyone has an improvement, please post
it there first.

(defconst footnote-hebrew-regex "[אבגדהוזחטיכלמנסעפצקרשת]+")
(defconst footnote-hebrew '(
  ("א" "ב" "ג" "ד" "ה" "ו" "ז" "ח" "ט")
  ("י" "כ" "ל" "מ" "נ" "ס" "ע" "פ" "צ")
  ("ק" "ר" "ש" "ת" "תק" "תר"" תש" "תת" "תתק")))
(defun Footnote-hebrew(n)
  "Supports  footnotes, then rolls over."
((n (+ (mod n 1) (/ n 1)))
 (thousands (/ n 1000))
 (hundreds (/ (mod n 1000) 100))
 (tens (/ (mod n 100) 10))
 (units (mod n 10))
 (special (if (not (= tens 1)) nil
   (or (when (= units 5) "טו")
   (when (= units 6) "טז")
 (when (/= 0 thousands) (concat (nth (1- thousands) (nth 0 
footnote-hebrew)) "'"))
 (when (/= 0 hundreds) (nth (1- hundreds) (nth 2 footnote-hebrew)))
 (if special special
(when (/= 0 tens) (nth (1- tens) (nth 1 footnote-hebrew)))
(when (/= 0 units) (nth (1- units) (nth 0 footnote-hebrew
(add-to-list 'footnote-style-alist `(hebrew Footnote-hebrew 
,footnote-hebrew-regex) t)

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mutt, bidi, t-prot solution

2017-07-17 Thread Boruch Baum
This is for anyone of you who use mutt as your e-mail client, and like
me until just a few minutes ago, couldn't get the `t-prot' display
pre-processor to play nicely with bidi (using the command-line `bidiv'

The trick that's working for me on the emails I currently have
available to test with, is to set `bidiv's line width parameter very
very wide. Like 400 characters wide!

Here's the relevant snippet from my .muttrc:

#+BEGIN_SRC conf
# ┏┓
# ┃ Display filtering  ┃
# ┃┃
# ┃ M-0   Turn off ┃
# ┃ M-1   Turn on t-prot / bidiv   ┃
# ┃┃
# ┗┛
set my_tprot='bidiv -w400 | t-prot -cmekatlS --max-lines=250 --bigq \
--pgp-short --pgp-move-vrf -Mmutt -L/etc/t-prot/footers \

set display_filter=$my_tprot

macro generic \e0 ":unset display_filter\n" \
  "Turn OFF all display filters"
macro generic \e1 ":set display_filter='$my_tprot'\n" \
  "Turn ON tprot / bidiv display filter"

macro pager \e0 \
  ":unset display_filter; exec exit\n:exec display-message\n" \
  "Turn OFF all display filters"
macro pager \e1 \
  ":set display_filter='$my_tprot'; exec exit\n:exec display-message\n" \
  "Turn ON tprot / bidiv display filter"

# highlight tprot elements
color body  brightmagenta   default "^\\[---.*"
color body  green   default "^#v[-+]"

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Re: [LibreOffice 5.3/Ubuntu 17.04] Culmus Fonts not detected

2017-07-03 Thread Boruch Baum
If anyone else received a 550 error when trying to send Amichai a
response, the email address that worked for me is, as buried in the email header.

@Amichai: if people tell you that they are having trouble sending you
email, it may be because your outgoing configuration is using an alias
which isn't resolving correctly. The error message that I received was:

   "550 invalid DNS MX or A/ resource record"

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Re: [LibreOffice 5.3/Ubuntu 17.04] Culmus Fonts not detected

2017-07-03 Thread Boruch Baum
On 2017-07-03 16:56, Amichai Rotman wrote:
>Can any of you do the magic so this package becomes available for
>installation from the Ubuntu Repos?

With the circulating claim that my work is inferior, I don't feel
comfortable recommending it be packaged for a distribution, especially
since others say they have produced better product. However, as
someone who doesn't print to cellulose, I personally haven't noticed
any deficiency in my versions of the fonts, so what I do feel
comfortable with is suggesting that until the better product is made
available, you evaluate my versions.

If, after a few months, no one publishes a superior font set and there
does develop a consensus that my work isn't somehow deficient, then I
would be willing to do the packaging work.

You can use the fonts immediately, as a local user is creating
directory ~/.fonts, and copying the fonts files there. If libreoffice
is running, it may possibly be necessary to exit and restart the

>2017-06-27 20:14 GMT+03:00 Boruch Baum <[1]>:
>  If Dov is correct and your results are superior, let me know when
>  you
>  upload yours for public distribution and I'll immediately delete my
>  repository with a link to yours.
>  On 2017-06-27 19:28, E.S. Rosenberg wrote:
>  > I converted to OpenType using Adobe FDK and the fonts work in
>  LibreOffice.
>  >
>  > 2017-06-27 15:12 GMT+03:00 Dov Grobgeld
>  <[2]>:
>  > > Though I haven't followed the story closely, you should note
>  that this
>  > > conversion is problematic. Converting to OpenType while
>  retaining the Type1
>  > > outlines would have been a better idea, if OpenOffice supports
>  it.
>  > >
>  > > Here's a relevant link that describes the problem in Type1→TTF
>  conversion:
>  > > [3]
>  converter-type-1-truetype/
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> References


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Re: [LibreOffice 5.3/Ubuntu 17.04] Culmus Fonts not detected

2017-06-27 Thread Boruch Baum
If Dov is correct and your results are superior, let me know when you
upload yours for public distribution and I'll immediately delete my
repository with a link to yours.

On 2017-06-27 19:28, E.S. Rosenberg wrote:
> I converted to OpenType using Adobe FDK and the fonts work in LibreOffice.
> 2017-06-27 15:12 GMT+03:00 Dov Grobgeld :
> > Though I haven't followed the story closely, you should note that this
> > conversion is problematic. Converting to OpenType while retaining the Type1
> > outlines would have been a better idea, if OpenOffice supports it.
> >
> > Here's a relevant link that describes the problem in Type1→TTF conversion:
> >

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Re: [LibreOffice 5.3/Ubuntu 17.04] Culmus Fonts not detected

2017-06-27 Thread Boruch Baum
On 2017-06-27 12:59, Rabin Yasharzadehe wrote:
>Q1: can you share show did you converted the fonts (manually/script),

  #+BEGIN_SRC sh
  #!/usr/bin/fontforge -lang=ff
  # Accepts args *.pfa or *.pfb

  while ( i < $argc )
Open( $argv[i] )
Generate( $argv[i]:r + ".ttf")
i = i+1

>Q2: do you know how can I patch together 2 fonts, for example
>   I like to have some subset of glyps from one font and some other
>sub-set from another and and combine them together to a new font.
>   my use case it to have a monospaced-font with Hebrew support
>(which not all of them have).

No idea. I'm not a font expert, and just dived into this fray
because it was something I realized I could do.

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[LibreOffice 5.3/Ubuntu 17.04] Culmus Fonts not detected

2017-06-25 Thread Boruch Baum
If just uploaded TTF versions of the fonts to:

Please let me know if:

a] This is packaged for a distribution, so I can link to it.

b] The original package is updated to include TrueType fonts, so I can
   delete the repository.

c] Some superior version of this collection exists elsewhere, so I can
   defer to it.

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Re: [LibreOffice 5.3/Ubuntu 17.04] Culmus Fonts not detected

2017-06-22 Thread Boruch Baum
On 2017-06-22 11:53, Nadav Har'El wrote:
> What does it take to "convert" a Type 1 font into OpenType or TrueType?
> Is it just a trivial format conversion issue, or something more
> involved? Is something lost in this conversion - precision, ability to
> edit, or anything else?

I just did a series of tests, and it doesn't seem to be a big deal.

1] In debian, install package 'fontforge'.

2] Create folder ~/.fonts

3] Copy a font's file to your home folder (I chose

4] Follow the instructions at ref[1], but before saving, for the
purpose of the test, go to menu 'element > font info' and change the
name of the font in all fields to something new and unique and
original, like ''.

5] When saving the font per the instructions at ref[1], select your
~/.fonts folder, and for the purpose of the test, name the saved font
file ''.

6] From the command line 'fc-list ' should return the path to your
new font.

7] Open libreoffice and test the font.

8] What about running in batch mode? Whoa, Google tells me that
'fontforge' supports python scripting[2], and the "simple example"[2]
is none other than converting a Type1 PostScript font (a pfb/afm
combination) into a TrueType font! I didn't play with that.


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Re: Eliminating binary from a text file

2015-07-20 Thread Boruch Baum
I see that I'm late to the discussion and that your original problem has
morphed a bit. Maybe the simplest and oldest solution is the `tr -d'
command. See `man tr'.

On 07/20/2015 04:56 AM, Orna Agmon Ben-Yehuda wrote:
 Hello everyone,
 I often have damaged text files (due to a lovely storage system). The files
 are of different formats, although I can usually assume they contain
 spaces. The files are structured as lines.
 Every once in a while, the lovely destruction (ahmstorage) system
 inserts binary garbage to the file. I wish to fix the files by removing the
 cancer without leaving any leftovers. That is, I want to lose partial lines.
 I tried using grep with all sorts of keys, but it did not do the trick.
 strings catches too little - it leaves partial lines.
 Is there an elegant  way to  do the trick line-wise?
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libhdate release announcement (version 1.6)

2012-01-15 Thread Boruch Baum
libhdate release announcement (version 1.6)

LibHdate is a small library for the Hebrew calendar, dates, holidays,
and reading sequence. It is written in C and includes bindings for
pascal, perl, python, php, ruby.

hcal and hdate are small example command line programs, written in C.

This release brings many new options, features, and bug fixes to the two example
programs hcal and hdate. The changes to the underlying function library include
a few minor bug fixes, deprecation of a series of string functions in favor
of a single new one with better memory allocation, and hard-coding of core
elements of the Hebrew localization so that Hebrew can be displayed in all

Some selected highlights:

* config files for storing defaults
* user-defined menus (defined in config file)
* sunset awareness, based on coordinates given or system timezone and guesswork
* optional easier entry of coordinates (N, S, E, W, dd:mm:ss)
* minhag customization for Shabbat times
* Hebrew information in Hebrew characters (for all locales)
* hcal can display in 3-month mode, in color, with footnotes and Shabbat 
* hdate can output data in csv format, suitable for spreadsheets, awk, etc.
* hdate has many format enhancements

Here's the LibHdate project page:

or you could just go directly to the download page:
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