Linux-Networking Digest #933

1999-07-18 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Networking Digest #933, Volume #11 Sun, 18 Jul 99 17:13:43 EDT

  two problems with netatalk (SuSE 5.3) (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Bernd_Gr=FCndling?=)
  Dead daemons? (R. Christopher Harshman)
  getting Email for domain ("Paul Richards")
  Re: Linux Internet Email gateway and MS Exchange (Bernd Eckenfels)
  How to permanent add route command to startup sequence? (John H. Chauvin)
  Re: NIC card configuration 3c905B-TX ("Bruce Phillips")
  Re: How to connect dumb terminals via Lan and more? (Graham Harris)
  Slow transfers out but fast coming in ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Diald goes up every 4-5 min? (rbinning)
  Re: phoneline/wireless networking drivers (Joseph Wang)
  Installing a D-Link DFE-530TX NIC into Redhat6.0 (Stephen)
  US Robotics Modem Question (Robert B. Love)
  Re: Auto check for email (Scott Marlowe)
  Error: Can't get terminal parameters: I/O error (Netjah)
  Re: help.. (Scott Marlowe)
  Re: How to permanent add route command to startup sequence? (Scott Marlowe)
  linux, PPP, ATT Worldnet - looks like PPP does not start??? ("Elizabeth Larrey 
  Serial Connection ("Sebastian Speiser")
  Re: IP masq amd PPPd diald on demad (Nomad)
  Block specific IP with ipchains? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Q: ISDN Gateway with Linux ("choi")

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Bernd_Gr=FCndling?=)
Subject: two problems with netatalk (SuSE 5.3)
Date: Sun, 18 Jul 1999 19:52:51 +0200

Today I finally found some time to install SuSE Linux 5.3 (I know, its
old - my PC is older ;-). I want to install CVS Server that I need to
access from a Macintosh. So I decided to install the predefined "Devel1"
configuration and added only netatalk.

Linux runs, but I have two strange network effects.

a) the two machines do not communicate via TCP/IP. Pinging each other 
   does not work. 
b) netatalk works, but it takes 40 seconds until a volume gets mounted.

Maybe those problems are related, maybe not. Since I am completely new
to any UNIX, I feel somehow lost.

Some infos:

the linux machine is, the Mac No connection to
any other network yet. According to the info in SuSE's support database,
the configuration is ok. ifconfig returns very well looking data,
interrupt and IO address are ok. Pinging itself and the loopback device

starting/stopping netatalk does not matter. Enabling/disabling AppleTalk
on the Mac does not help, either.

during the 40 second wait the Mac (G3, German OS 8.6) is frozen. TCP/IP
is always active. When using the chooser to select the linux server, I
get a barber pole dialog called "Verbindungsstatus" (something like
"connection state" in English, I hope). Text inside: "UEberpruefen von:"
("checking:") with no indication what it is going to check, running
forever. If I cancel, I briefly see "reverting to AppleTalk", then I
wait for those 40 seconds. After that, it works.

If I manually add the server's TCP/IP address via the chooser, it gets
shown after "checking" in the dialog mentioned above. Besides that, it
does not make any difference.

The Mac, the cabling and my PC's Ethernet Card are ok: when running NT
4.0 on the PC everthing works fine.

Any ideas?


Bernd Gruendling[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Systemberatung Softwaredesign   Telefax: +49 5363 20901
Wendenstrasse 87, Wolfsburg, Germany   


From: R. Christopher Harshman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc,alt.os.linux
Subject: Dead daemons?
Date: Sun, 18 Jul 1999 18:11:12 GMT

I've got a box that I administrate in California (this summer,
I'm in Missouri).  It's running kernel 2.2.9 and Slackware 3.5
(heavily modified).  I telnet in occasionally (once a day or
so) to make sure everything's more or less kosher, and logfiles
get rotated and emailed to me very night.

A few days ago, the box wasn't responding to telnet or ftp
connections, but ping and apache were still working.  I
figured inetd had somehow stopped responding, and remembered
that we had installed 'sshd' after the fact, and that it
was running from /etc/rc.d/rc.local, so I was able to get
in using secure shell.  Sure enough, inetd was not listed
among the processes when I did a ps -aux.  So, as root,
I fired it back up, and all was well.

Now, yesterday, the messages file that arrived in my inbox
was completely blank (unheard of, even in the summer; there
are always people POP'ing in to check mail, etc), so
I telnetted in to find syslogd not running.  No problem,
I su'd to root and fired it back up, and /var/log/messages
is growing accordingly.

But now I'm troubled.  What would cause two more or less
reliable pieces of an oth

Linux-Networking Digest #933

1999-04-21 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Networking Digest #933, Volume #10 Wed, 21 Apr 99 17:13:45 EDT

  Re: Newbie--3c509b can't recognize (Joop Marijne)
  Help - networking (Simon Su)
  remote access to samba server... (Andy Skunza)
  Configuration problem with xntp and Linux... (BERTRAND Joel)
  Re: D-Link DFE530-TX into Redhat 5.2 problem ("Daniel G. Hyams")
  Re: DSL (Keith Keller)
  Answering the phone ("Gert Veldhuis")
  HELP token ring (Brett Bensley)
  Problems with traffic shaping ("Bernat Ginard Lladó")
  Re: Routing and Hostnames of "" (John Kenyon)
  Re: Why won't RedHat see my network card? ("Carl Kramer (RobotFan)")
  Come In NOW! All Free! ("Xarj")
  Re: Configure 2 ethernets  SMC Elite 16( WD8013) with RH 5.2 ("dino")

From: Joop Marijne [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Newbie--3c509b can't recognize
Date: Wed, 21 Apr 1999 20:37:57 +0200

Try to disable the option "plau and play OS" in your Bios, that did it for me,
else you could try to disable the PnP option with the driver disk

Kind regards,
Joop Marijne

Kevin wrote:

 I can't get linux to find or recognize my ethernet card it's a 3c509b.
 It works fine in NT but I've tried to get it to go in Xwindows, no luck.
 I've redone the kernel and made sure it was enabled--nothing. When I go to
 ifconfig eth0 says it's not a device. It's listed as supported? I'm using
 redhat 5.2. Tthe book I'm using the guy is using the same card as reference.
 Please help. Email replies please to [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Subject: Help - networking
Date: Tue, 20 Apr 1999 12:47:56 -0500

  I have a RTL 8139 Fast Ethernet Adapter Card and RedHat 5.2 in my PIII
box. I recompiled the kernel to include the driver for RTL 8139.
Everything, including the network, works fine during the first few
moment of machine startup. However, after a while, maybe about 15
minutes, I keep getting an error message on my screen.

eth0: Transmit timeout, status 0d 2000

sometimes I get

eth0: Transmit timeout, status 0d   message.

I also have NT on my machine and everything works great and no complain
from NT. Anybody have any idea what the error message means?
Any advise is greatly appreciated.




From: Andy Skunza [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: remote access to samba server...
Date: Wed, 21 Apr 1999 14:44:25 -0400

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
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Is this possible with Linux:

I would like to have one Linux box do NAT and firewalling, and another
as a Samba server for a workgroup of about 30 win95 clients.  Is it
possible for a win95 user at home to access the Samba server through
their own ISP?  Would the Linux firewalling box have to do some kind of
port forwarding?  What are the "securest" ways to do such a crazy thing?

eth0___ eth1 __
eth0  _
  valid IP  | firewall | | 24 port |  ||
ISP |   and|-|   hub
|---|  Samba |
|   NAT|
|_|   ||
|__|   |   |  |
   |   |  |
   |   |  |
   |   |  |
   ~30 win95/98 clients

Right now we are running novell 4.11 and to do all this it seems we need
to upgrade to netware 5 (min $2000) and to buy novell Bordermanager
($2000 for 5 user license)!

Thanks for any suggestions,


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!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en"
ttfont size=-1Is this possible with Linux:/font/font 
pttfont size=-1I would like to have one Linux box do NAT and firewalling,
and another as a Samba server for a workgroup of about 30 win95 clients.nbsp;
Is it possible for a win95 user at home to access the Samba server through
their own ISP?nbsp; Would the Linux firewalling box have to do some kind
of port forwarding?nbsp; What are the "securest" ways to do such a crazy
brttfont size=-1/font/ttnbsp;ttfont size=-1/font/tt
pttfont size=-1nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; eth0nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;