Re: Problems printing out PDF files

2003-11-19 Thread kwall
On Wed, Nov 19, 2003 at 06:05:10AM -0700, Collins Richey wrote:
> On Tue, 18 Nov 2003 22:46:47 -0500 Joel Hammer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > My daughter is printing out pdf applications for grad school. We
> > get various errors with acroread, but basically some documents don't
> > print. Here is one type of error. If I print the document to a file,
> > here is what I get with gv.
> > 
> > Error: /invalidfont in -dict-

Any chance the PDFs were created with MS Word? I've had this problem
at work, and the issue is that Word embeds some funky font code that
prevents the thing from printing.

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SCO Subpeonas Linus...

2003-11-12 Thread kwall
...and others:

"SCO said Wednesday that it has filed subpoenas with the U.S. District
Court in Utah, targeting six different individuals or organizations. Those
include Novell; Linus Torvalds, creator of the Linux kernel; Richard
Stallman of the Free Software Foundation; Stewart Cohen, chief executive
of the Open Source Development Labs; and John Horsley, general counsel
of Transmeta."


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(fwd) Re: [XFree86] Problems with font anti-aliasing

2003-01-11 Thread kwall
Geez! This came from the XFree86 mailing list. If a KDE developer
doesn't know how to fix this fairly common problem, tell me again
why I should *use* KDE?

- Forwarded message from Sven Lueppken <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -
% Date: Sat, 11 Jan 2003 16:13:04 +0100
% From: Sven Lueppken <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
% Subject: Re: [XFree86] Problems with font anti-aliasing
% Hi again!
% Ok, it seems, the problem went away...weird, I did nothing.
% But there's one problem left (which prevents me from coding for KDE again 

Hmm. Hacking new features instead of fixing existing broken ones, 
no doubt.

% ;)...the key with the pipe, > and < is dead on my german keyboard...I already 
% checked my XF86Config file and it looks correct (still using XFree CVS).
% Regards,
% -- 
% s v e n  l ? p p k e n
% Get ready for KDE 3.1 (out early January 2003)
- End forwarded message -

He *really* meant, "Look out for KDE 3.1 (ready early January 2003)".

Forms follow function, and often obliterate it.
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Re: New CD won't play

2003-01-11 Thread kwall
Feigning erudition, Tim Wunder wrote:
% Don't know if this is a linux issue or not, but here goes...
% I have a brand new audio CD that plays perfectly well on my stereo and in my 
% car, but won't play on my PC. I have a Yamaha SCSI CD-RW (6x4x16x) and a 
% LiteOn IDE CD-RW (24x10x40x). Neither of which like the CD. 
% Other audio CD's seem to work fine, this new one doesn't. FWIW, it's an import 
% from Australia (the Dead Ringer Band).
% Any ideas on what could be causing the problem and how to overcome it?

Congratulations. You've just been bitten by RIAA and digital rights
management, that is, by RIAA managing your digital rights and deciding
on your behalf where you can play your music. I'd return the CD as
defective, because it *is* defective.

Tact is the ability to tell a man he has an open mind when he has a
hole in his head.
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Re: my printer may have died

2003-01-10 Thread kwall
Feigning erudition, Bonez wrote:
% Help:
% I went to print to my trusty HP laser jet iii and it stopped responding. 

What's changed between the last successful print session and now?


Shaw's Principle:
Build a system that even a fool can use, and only a fool will
want to use it.
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Re: mtrr setup?

2003-01-10 Thread kwall
Feigning erudition, Douglas J Hunley wrote:
% Hash: SHA1
% David A. Bandel spewed electrons into the ether that resembled:
% > If you don't have an entry that seems to match your video card's memory,
% > it's almost certainly not optimized.  What version of X are you running?
% > Perhaps you need to upgrade?  Or maybe a quick note to the driver's author
% > is in line?
% 4.2.1

I did a bit of googling:

When I said "we", officer, I was referring to myself, the four young
ladies, and, of course, the goat.
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Re: Mozilla mail question

2003-01-10 Thread kwall
Feigning erudition, Susan Macchia wrote:
% Hi all,
% I use Mozilla connecting to the exchange server which is POP.  I like mozilla
% much better, with its color coding of the inbox, etc.  When I receive outlook
% html formatted email, it looks like plain text in mozilla.  This is a real
% problem because in lengthy conversations, it becomes much more difficult to
% follow since color coding and font changes may be used.  I have tried saving an
% Outlook mail that I've sent as html and then reading it with mozilla, and it
% looks fine.  This leads me to believe that the html produced by outlook is
% readable by mozilla.  When I read email that I've sent (formatted as html), it
% looks fine in both outlook and mozilla.
% I've searched the mozilla preferces over and over to see if there is some kind
% of setting, but don't see anything.  Does anyone have any idea what mozilla
% could be doing?
% BTW, I tried Kmail and it has the same problem!  So it could be something in
% outlook?  Ideas of where I could start to look would be welcome.

Hmm. What I would do is to look at the HTML Outlook produces and see what 
it is doing that may be confusing Mozilla.  Could it be something that is
fixed in a newer version of Mozilla?

Main's Law:
For every action there is an equal and opposite government
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Please Fix List's Reply-To: Header

2003-01-09 Thread kwall
Say, Doug, would you mind fixing the Reply-To: that Mailman puts on
messages to the list? Currently, it is 
Reply-To: General Linux discussion and help <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
which is the same as the List-Id: header:
List-Id: General Linux discussion and help 


'I believe in getting into hot water; it keeps you clean."
-- G. K. Chesterton
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2003-01-09 Thread kwall
Feigning erudition, Jerry McBride wrote:
% On Wed, 08 Jan 2003 22:06:43 -0800 Ted Ozolins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
% > Since installing KDE-3.1rc6 when login as root I get a message that I 
% > can not run KPF as root. I thought that this was fixed as of 3.0.4.. 
% > Anyone else see this?
% > 
% Hmmm... I am running rc6 here and... what is KPF?

Kde Pukes Flawlessly ;-)

A triangle which has an angle of 135 degrees is called an obscene
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Re: CSS Help, Please

2003-01-08 Thread kwall
Feigning erudition, Ian Stephen wrote:
% I don't think putting the 

Re: knowledge base sotware

2003-01-08 Thread kwall
Feigning erudition, Net Llama! wrote:
% Can anyone recommend knowledge base software?  I'm looking for something 
% web based that stores articles of commonly found problems in categories 
% that are all indexed so that you can easily search through it.

I just happened to see this the other day. I've not looked at it, but
the description sounded promising.

The right to revolt has sources deep in our history.
-- Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas
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Re: Interesting News

2003-01-08 Thread kwall
Feigning erudition, Matthew Carpenter wrote:

% I followed a link from the "Linux and Windows Highlights from Around The
% Web" at 
% It was supposed to be news article detailing the Indian government paving
% the road o Linux and OSS acceptance in their country.  The part that
% intrigued me in the summary was "There was consensus in the meeting that
% Linux was a secure, robust and cost-effective system."  I thought I'd read
% it and possibly send it to my boss...
% when I followed the link, however, I found that the News site is using
% Windows.  Look at the screenshot (sorry, but this one's just too good not
% to send:

ROFLMAO! This would be a good one to send to your boss, too -- Why
We Shouldn't Use Windows.

It will be advantageous to cross the great stream ... the Dragon is on
the wing in the Sky ... the Great Man rouses himself to his Work.
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Re: [OT] Hardware Info Help

2003-01-08 Thread kwall
Feigning erudition, Net Llama! wrote:
% Also worth noting is that there are Xeons out there with 1MB cache (i
% think 2MB as well, but i'm not 100% sure).

And costing a king's ransom, I should think.

"The sooner all the animals are dead, the sooner we'll find their
-- Ed Bluestone, "The National Lampoon"
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Re: CSS Help, Please

2003-01-08 Thread kwall
Feigning erudition, ronnie gauthier wrote:
% Not sure if this will help but seeing as its sorta netscape based try adding
% MEDIA=SCREEN to the style tag.

It didn't work.

% On Tue, 7 Jan 2003 22:41:15 -0500 - [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote the following
% Re: CSS Help, Please
% >So, I was playing with CSS on a web page. If I use the following
% >style.css file, I don't get the body settings I want (as viewed
% >in Mozilla 1.2.1):
% >
% >