How to disable popping math bar?

2009-10-18 Thread Jan Willemson
Hi all,

I have been an addicted LyX user in the past and enjoyed
it very much. However, there is a feature in recent releases of LyX that
keeps annoying me. Namely, any time I enter math mode with ctrl-m, a
math bar is popping in the lower area of the screen, and it disappears
as soon as I leave the math mode. I understand that this feature is very
useful for beginners or people who like to select stuff from menus, but
I am an old LaTeX-user and I know all my LaTeX keywords by heart, so I
do not really need this kind of help. On the othyer hand, constant
popping and unpopping is visually very distracting. 

I was
looking for a box to untick in LyX preferences, but did not find
anything reasonable that would disable this feature. Am I overlooking
something trivial? My LyX version is and I am using the Linux
version on Arch Linux.

Thanx in advance for any help!

Re: How to disable popping math bar?

2009-10-18 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
Jan Willemson wrote:
 I was
 looking for a box to untick in LyX preferences, but did not find
 anything reasonable that would disable this feature. Am I overlooking
 something trivial? My LyX version is and I am using the Linux
 version on Arch Linux.

The UI is all but obvious: unchecking View  Toolbars  Math (auto) while 
you're _inside_ mathed (and the toolbars are shown) should do it.


Re: Lyx/BibLaTeX/Memoir problems

2009-10-18 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
Jasper Diego-Story wrote:
 \bibliography{/Users/xxx/Desktop/THESIS/CENTRAL BIB/CENTRAL BIB}

Bibtex cannot handle spaces in paths IIRC.


Need help redefining Latex definitions

2009-10-18 Thread Axel

for my field of studies, a greater sectioning depth than lyx normally offers
is needed. For my purpose, I need at least 7 levels. I need to use all
levels from part to subparagraph. I formated all headings with the titlesec
package. Now I need to stop the page breaks before and after \chapter and
\part. As far as I learned, the only proper way to do this is to redefine
Latex definitions. I'm relatively new to lyx and latex, and don't know how
to do this.

Could someone help me?

My document class is report [koma].

Thanks ahead,


LyX Issue with Beamer Package

2009-10-18 Thread Clemens Cap
Dear all,

writing some slides in LyX 1.6.3 with the Beamer package and running into a
nasty problem and I need some help.

Researching gmane I found and I believe the then
mentioned issue still is a bug and I assume the bug is in an internal LyX data
structure, as suggested by the original poster.

It looks like the poster of that thread found a different workaround which,
unfortunately, is not working in my case. Moreover the then discovered bug still
exists and is reproducible.

I attach a minimal LyX example below (File 1). If this file is exported as plain
LaTeX we get (File 2). Moreover I attach the beginning of the plain LaTeX export
of another LyX document produced with beamer and not showing the mentioned
problem (File 3).

The reason for the error is quite clear: The export in File 3 contains a line


whereas the export of the faulty file, File 2, does NOT contain this line and
consequently leads to an error.

This phenomenon shows up although the beginning of a working LyX file (File 4)
is completely identical to the beginning of the not working lyx file. To me it
looks like an internal glitch is responsible that the first 5 lines of the lyx
file in one case import the correct Latex header whereas in the other they
unexpectedly drop one line.

Thanx for your help.

PS: I do observe the suggestion of the above mentioned post and have an
end_frame in the non-working lyx file. So the suggestion of the old thread is
not the correct hint.

== FILE 1 ==
#LyX 1.6.3 created this file. For more info see
\lyxformat 345
\textclass beamer
% oder ...

% oder auch nicht


% \usepackage{pgfpages}
% \setbeameroption{show notes on second screen}

\setbeamersize{text margin left=.5cm,text margin right=.5cm} 
\options slidestop
\use_default_options false
\language ngerman
\inputencoding auto
\font_roman times
\font_sans default
\font_typewriter default
\font_default_family default
\font_sc false
\font_osf false
\font_sf_scale 100
\font_tt_scale 100

\graphics default
\paperfontsize default
\spacing single
\use_hyperref false
\papersize default
\use_geometry true
\use_amsmath 2
\use_esint 0
\cite_engine basic
\use_bibtopic false
\paperorientation portrait
\secnumdepth 2
\tocdepth 2
\paragraph_separation indent
\defskip medskip
\quotes_language danish
\papercolumns 1
\papersides 1
\paperpagestyle default
\tracking_changes false
\output_changes false


\begin_layout Title

\begin_layout BeginFrame

\begin_layout Separator


\begin_layout Standard
\begin_inset ERT
status open

\begin_layout Plain Layout


\begin_layout Plain Layout


\begin_layout Plain Layout


\begin_layout Plain Layout


\begin_layout Plain Layout


\begin_layout Plain Layout




\begin_layout Separator


\begin_layout EndFrame



== FILE 2 ==

%% LyX 1.6.3 created this file.  For more info, see
%% Do not edit unless you really know what you are doing.

%% Textclass specific LaTeX commands.
 % this default might be overridden by plain title style
 \def\lyxframeend{} % In case there is a superfluous frame end

%% User specified LaTeX commands.
% oder ...

% oder auch nicht


% \usepackage{pgfpages}
% \setbeameroption{show notes on second screen}

\setbeamersize{text margin left=.5cm,text margin right=.5cm}




\title{Example }

Re: Need help redefining Latex definitions

2009-10-18 Thread rgheck

On 10/18/2009 06:45 AM, Axel wrote:


for my field of studies, a greater sectioning depth than lyx normally offers
is needed. For my purpose, I need at least 7 levels. I need to use all
levels from part to subparagraph. I formated all headings with the titlesec
package. Now I need to stop the page breaks before and after \chapter and
\part. As far as I learned, the only proper way to do this is to redefine
Latex definitions. I'm relatively new to lyx and latex, and don't know how
to do this.

Could someone help me?

Look at how section, etc, are defined in the class you are using. Then 
follow that pattern.


Problem with latex conversion

2009-10-18 Thread Gunnar
I'm having a problem with previewing the postscript or exporting to latex and 
running latex on the file.

The problem is that in the latex code I get: \end{sol}\end{ug} at the end of 
the line and it seems to ignore the \end{ug} part and thus fail.

I'm only getting the \end{sol}\end{ug} stuff at some of the places and not 
all, elsewhere I get

I attach an example lyx file. 
The problem occurs with the environment called GGGUG and seems to vanish if I 
change the part of the environment GGGSats to something else.
I've attached the nessecery module.

Have I gotten some of my environments  wrong or is LyX doing something wrong?

Any help on this matter is very much appreciated.

Description: application/lyx
#Gunnars modul

Style GGGExample
  LatexType Environment
  LatexName EE

  ParSkip   0.4
  Align Left
  AlignPossible Left
  LabelStringExempel #.
  OptionalArgs  1

  # label font definition
Series  Bold

# Sats style definition
Style GGGSats
  LatexType Environment
  LatexName Ss

#  ParSkip   0.4
#  ParSep   1
#  TopSep0.4
  Align Left
  AlignPossible Left
  LabelStringSats #.
  OptionalArgs  1

  # label font definition
Series  Bold

# Definition style definition
Style GGGDefinition
  LatexType Environment
  LatexName DD

  ParSkip   0.4
  Align Left
  AlignPossible Left
  LabelStringDefinition #.
  OptionalArgs  1

  # label font definition
Series  Bold

# Definition style definition
Style GGGDefinitionEnv
  LatexType Environment
  LatexName DDe

  ParSkip   0.4
  Align Left
  AlignPossible Left
  LabelStringDefinition #.
  OptionalArgs  1

  # label font definition
Series  Bold

# Bevis style definition
Style GGGBevis
  LatexType Environment
  LatexName BB

  ParSkip   0.4
  Align Left
  AlignPossible Left
  LabelStringBevis #.
  OptionalArgs  1

  # label font definition
Series  Bold

# Uppgift style definition
  LatexType Environment
  LatexName ug

  ParSkip   0.4
  Align Left
  AlignPossible Left
  OptionalArgs  1

  # label font definition
Series  Bold

Re: Urgent: Latex error with version

2009-10-18 Thread Nicola Molinari
Guys, I've found a solution for this shittiest error finally. 
There were nothing wrong with the software, 
just a little thing that often you don't think.

The fact is that to write my thesis a friend of mine 
passed me a folder with a thesis already done. 
In this folder there were files model with the right graphic settings. 
So, I just overwrite my stuff with them.
But, I didnt' eliminate the backup/temporary files 
(whatever you call them) and once I tried to compile 
them, the error showed up.

So, I just eliminated them and all work perfectly.

I really didn't think of, I'm apologize for your time spent! 



Re: Problem with latex conversion

2009-10-18 Thread rgheck

On 10/18/2009 08:52 AM, Gunnar wrote:

I'm having a problem with previewing the postscript or exporting to latex and
running latex on the file.

The problem is that in the latex code I get: \end{sol}\end{ug} at the end of
the line and it seems to ignore the \end{ug} part and thus fail.

I'm only getting the \end{sol}\end{ug} stuff at some of the places and not
all, elsewhere I get

I attach an example lyx file.


Add a newline to the \end{sol} ERT.

The problem occurs with the environment called GGGUG and seems to vanish if I
change the part of the environment GGGSats to something else.
I've attached the nessecery module.

Have I gotten some of my environments  wrong or is LyX doing something wrong?

When the next layout is an environment, LyX does not write the newline 
before writing the closing tag. There's a reason it's done that way, 
mostly to avoid excessive space between successive environments and it 
seems to work with all of LyX's own environments. When you use ERT, 
though, that can cause problems and you may need to add your own 
newlines where necessary.


How do you enter additional arguments?

2009-10-18 Thread Rick DeShon
Hi All.

I'm missing something obvious here.  I'm  using moderncv to construct my CV.

One of the paragraph environments is \cventry

I need to have a cventry look like the following:
\cventry{date} {major} {University}{School} {City} {title}

When I use the paragraph environment in Lyx for an Entry I get the
following code:

Only one argument is listed but I need six.  How do I get it
to enter the next argument?  I've tried '\{' with no luck, it just
buries the bracket inside the existing bracket.  How do I move out of
the first set of argument brackets and start the 2nd set of argument
brackets?  To be concrete...

How do I move from


Thanks in advance,


Re: LyX Issue with Beamer Package

2009-10-18 Thread Paul A. Rubin

Clemens Cap wrote:

Dear all,

writing some slides in LyX 1.6.3 with the Beamer package and running into a
nasty problem and I need some help.

Researching gmane I found and I believe the then
mentioned issue still is a bug and I assume the bug is in an internal LyX data
structure, as suggested by the original poster.

The problem mentioned in that thread was not a bug as I recall, it was 
just user error.  In any case, I do not think it pertains to your file. 
 Your file #1 contains a LaTeX command \begin{topcolumns}%{}.  When I 
try to compile your file, LaTeX complains that the topcolumns 
environment is undefined -- which does not surprise me, since I've never 
heard of it and you are not loading any packages in the preamble that 
define it.

It looks as though you want to create two parallel columns (aligned at 
the top?). Does the attached file do what you wish?


Description: application/lyx

Tufte-book Layout File

2009-10-18 Thread Jason Waskiewicz

I recently made a .layout file for the Tufte-book class.

I had good luck making it work with my materials, but I know nothing 
about LyX .layout files. I simply took the existing tufte-handout.layout 
file on the website and modified it appropriately. I also added 
the full-width figure class figure* which seemed to be missing.

Anyway, I'm hoping those with more skills can evaluate this .layout 
file, improve it, and, possibly, find some use for it.

--Jason Waskiewicz
 Bowman County High School

#% Do not delete the line below; configure depends on this
#  \DeclareLaTeXClass[tufte-book]{book (Tufte)}
# tufte-book textclass definition file.
# Jason Waskiewicz, 2009/10/18
# Adapted from the tufte-handout.layout file from
# Juergen Spitzmueller, 2008/10/22

Format 4

Provides geometry 1
Provides natbib-internal 1

# General textclass parameters
Input book.layout

% This should be in the class file, actually

Style Full_Width
Margin  Static
LaTeXType   environment
LaTeXName   fullwidth
ParSkip 0
ItemSep 0
TopSep  0.5
BottomSep   0.5
ParSep  0
Align   Block
AlignPossible   Block, Left, Right, Center
LabelType   No_Label

NoStyle Subsubsection
NoStyle Subsubsection*
NoStyle Paragraph
NoStyle Paragraph*
NoStyle Subparagraph
NoStyle Subparagraph*

# FIXME: this should step the figure counter
  Name  marginfigure

# FIXME: this should step the table counter
  Name  margintable

# This defines the full width figure environment.
# I honestly don't know what I'm doing, so I hope someone 
# better with LyX than I am can fix it!
Type  figure*
GuiName   Figure*
Placement tbp
Extension lot
NumberWithin  none
Style plain
ListName  List of Figures
LaTeXBuiltin  true

Type  margintable
GuiName   MarginTable
Placement tbp
Extension lot
NumberWithin  none
Style plain
ListName  List of Tables
LaTeXBuiltin  true

Type  marginfigure
GuiName   MarginFigure
Placement tbp
Extension lof
NumberWithin  none
Style plain
ListName  List of Figures
LaTeXBuiltin  true

CharStyle NewThought
LatexType Command
LatexName newthought
  Family  Roman
  Color   red

CharStyle AllCaps
LatexType Command
LatexName allcaps
  Family  Roman
  Color   blue

CharStyle SmallCaps
LatexType Command
LatexName smallcaps
  Shape   Smallcaps
  Family  Roman
  Color   green

Re: Lyx/BibLaTeX/Memoir problems

2009-10-18 Thread Jasper Diego-Story
I have corrected the spaces in the path, and still receive the same problem.

As an aside, I have encoded the bibliography in a range of different
ways, not just UTF-8.



Re: How do you enter additional arguments?

2009-10-18 Thread Paul A. Rubin

Rick DeShon wrote:

Hi All.

I'm missing something obvious here.  I'm  using moderncv to construct my CV.

One of the paragraph environments is \cventry

I need to have a cventry look like the following:
\cventry{date} {major} {University}{School} {City} {title}

When I use the paragraph environment in Lyx for an Entry I get the
following code:

Only one argument is listed but I need six.  How do I get it
to enter the next argument?  I've tried '\{' with no luck, it just
buries the bracket inside the existing bracket.  How do I move out of
the first set of argument brackets and start the 2nd set of argument
brackets?  To be concrete...

How do I move from


Thanks in advance,


Not sure this is the right way to do it, but the following works. 
After the Entry:  prompt, type the date, insert an ERT widget (the TEX 
button on the toolbar) and type a right brace, a left brace, whatever 
makes you feel good, another right brace/left brace pair if you need 
another argument, and so on ... everything but the final right brace. 
It might help to have View-View Source on so that you can see this 
unfold in real time.

BTW, you're not the Rick DeShon at MSU, are you?

/Paul (the Paul Rubin at MSU) (accept no cheap substitutes)

Epsilon ran off ...

2009-10-18 Thread Paul A. Rubin
... and took varrho with it.  This is some sort of screen font problem, 
but one I don't recall seeing reported before.

I've got a copy of LyX 1.6.3 installed on Mint Gloria (a Linux distro 
built over Ubuntu -- Jaunty Jackalope, I think).  Of the Greek letters 
in the math palette, all but two (\epsilon and \varrho) display 
correctly in formulas; those two show up as text in the GUI (display 
correctly in output).

Usually missing math glyphs are the result of a missing screen font, but 
it seems unlikely to be the case here since only two glyphs are missing. 
 I've also got LyX 1.6.3 installed on an Ubuntu (Jaunty) box, and the 
glyphs are present there.

Any suggestions where I could look for the cause?


Re: Page numbers in abstract, section numbering, and TOC modification

2009-10-18 Thread Pete Crite
I hate to bump this, but my thesis is close to its due date, and I'm  
hoping to have these issues sorted so I can print it!

Would anyone be able to help me at all?

Thank you!

On 13/10/2009, at 10:00 AM, Pete Crite wrote:

Hi, I am attempting to write a thesis using LyX, and have a few  
questions. I have Googled extensively, but can't seem to find the  
answers. I am using the report class.

1. How do I get the page numbers to continue in the abstract? The  
abstract is the third page in, and appears to reset the page count.

2. I have two major Parts in my document. The first Part consists of  
sections (no chapters), with the second Part including chapters. I  
don't want chapters in the first section, for both inline effect  
(e.g. don't want new pages), and Table of Contents listing (i.e.  
don't want bold and no dots. What I _would_ like, if possible, if  
for the sections to be numbered similarly to chapters. i.e. 1  
instead of 0.1, with the rest of its formatting remaining as a  
section. Is it possible to change the numbering of the sections (in  
the first Part only) without changing anything else?

3. In the second Part, I'd like the chapters in the TOC to be listed  
as Chapter 1. Foobar rather than 1 Foobar. i.e. I'd like it to  
be consistent with the inline chapter headings.

Thanks in advance!

How to disable popping math bar?

2009-10-18 Thread Jan Willemson
Hi all,

I have been an addicted LyX user in the past and enjoyed
it very much. However, there is a feature in recent releases of LyX that
keeps annoying me. Namely, any time I enter math mode with ctrl-m, a
math bar is popping in the lower area of the screen, and it disappears
as soon as I leave the math mode. I understand that this feature is very
useful for beginners or people who like to select stuff from menus, but
I am an old LaTeX-user and I know all my LaTeX keywords by heart, so I
do not really need this kind of help. On the othyer hand, constant
popping and unpopping is visually very distracting. 

I was
looking for a box to untick in LyX preferences, but did not find
anything reasonable that would disable this feature. Am I overlooking
something trivial? My LyX version is and I am using the Linux
version on Arch Linux.

Thanx in advance for any help!

Re: How to disable popping math bar?

2009-10-18 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
Jan Willemson wrote:
 I was
 looking for a box to untick in LyX preferences, but did not find
 anything reasonable that would disable this feature. Am I overlooking
 something trivial? My LyX version is and I am using the Linux
 version on Arch Linux.

The UI is all but obvious: unchecking View  Toolbars  Math (auto) while 
you're _inside_ mathed (and the toolbars are shown) should do it.


Re: Lyx/BibLaTeX/Memoir problems

2009-10-18 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
Jasper Diego-Story wrote:
 \bibliography{/Users/xxx/Desktop/THESIS/CENTRAL BIB/CENTRAL BIB}

Bibtex cannot handle spaces in paths IIRC.


Need help redefining Latex definitions

2009-10-18 Thread Axel

for my field of studies, a greater sectioning depth than lyx normally offers
is needed. For my purpose, I need at least 7 levels. I need to use all
levels from part to subparagraph. I formated all headings with the titlesec
package. Now I need to stop the page breaks before and after \chapter and
\part. As far as I learned, the only proper way to do this is to redefine
Latex definitions. I'm relatively new to lyx and latex, and don't know how
to do this.

Could someone help me?

My document class is report [koma].

Thanks ahead,


LyX Issue with Beamer Package

2009-10-18 Thread Clemens Cap
Dear all,

writing some slides in LyX 1.6.3 with the Beamer package and running into a
nasty problem and I need some help.

Researching gmane I found and I believe the then
mentioned issue still is a bug and I assume the bug is in an internal LyX data
structure, as suggested by the original poster.

It looks like the poster of that thread found a different workaround which,
unfortunately, is not working in my case. Moreover the then discovered bug still
exists and is reproducible.

I attach a minimal LyX example below (File 1). If this file is exported as plain
LaTeX we get (File 2). Moreover I attach the beginning of the plain LaTeX export
of another LyX document produced with beamer and not showing the mentioned
problem (File 3).

The reason for the error is quite clear: The export in File 3 contains a line


whereas the export of the faulty file, File 2, does NOT contain this line and
consequently leads to an error.

This phenomenon shows up although the beginning of a working LyX file (File 4)
is completely identical to the beginning of the not working lyx file. To me it
looks like an internal glitch is responsible that the first 5 lines of the lyx
file in one case import the correct Latex header whereas in the other they
unexpectedly drop one line.

Thanx for your help.

PS: I do observe the suggestion of the above mentioned post and have an
end_frame in the non-working lyx file. So the suggestion of the old thread is
not the correct hint.

== FILE 1 ==
#LyX 1.6.3 created this file. For more info see
\lyxformat 345
\textclass beamer
% oder ...

% oder auch nicht


% \usepackage{pgfpages}
% \setbeameroption{show notes on second screen}

\setbeamersize{text margin left=.5cm,text margin right=.5cm} 
\options slidestop
\use_default_options false
\language ngerman
\inputencoding auto
\font_roman times
\font_sans default
\font_typewriter default
\font_default_family default
\font_sc false
\font_osf false
\font_sf_scale 100
\font_tt_scale 100

\graphics default
\paperfontsize default
\spacing single
\use_hyperref false
\papersize default
\use_geometry true
\use_amsmath 2
\use_esint 0
\cite_engine basic
\use_bibtopic false
\paperorientation portrait
\secnumdepth 2
\tocdepth 2
\paragraph_separation indent
\defskip medskip
\quotes_language danish
\papercolumns 1
\papersides 1
\paperpagestyle default
\tracking_changes false
\output_changes false


\begin_layout Title

\begin_layout BeginFrame

\begin_layout Separator


\begin_layout Standard
\begin_inset ERT
status open

\begin_layout Plain Layout


\begin_layout Plain Layout


\begin_layout Plain Layout


\begin_layout Plain Layout


\begin_layout Plain Layout


\begin_layout Plain Layout




\begin_layout Separator


\begin_layout EndFrame



== FILE 2 ==

%% LyX 1.6.3 created this file.  For more info, see
%% Do not edit unless you really know what you are doing.

%% Textclass specific LaTeX commands.
 % this default might be overridden by plain title style
 \def\lyxframeend{} % In case there is a superfluous frame end

%% User specified LaTeX commands.
% oder ...

% oder auch nicht


% \usepackage{pgfpages}
% \setbeameroption{show notes on second screen}

\setbeamersize{text margin left=.5cm,text margin right=.5cm}




\title{Example }

Re: Need help redefining Latex definitions

2009-10-18 Thread rgheck

On 10/18/2009 06:45 AM, Axel wrote:


for my field of studies, a greater sectioning depth than lyx normally offers
is needed. For my purpose, I need at least 7 levels. I need to use all
levels from part to subparagraph. I formated all headings with the titlesec
package. Now I need to stop the page breaks before and after \chapter and
\part. As far as I learned, the only proper way to do this is to redefine
Latex definitions. I'm relatively new to lyx and latex, and don't know how
to do this.

Could someone help me?

Look at how section, etc, are defined in the class you are using. Then 
follow that pattern.


Problem with latex conversion

2009-10-18 Thread Gunnar
I'm having a problem with previewing the postscript or exporting to latex and 
running latex on the file.

The problem is that in the latex code I get: \end{sol}\end{ug} at the end of 
the line and it seems to ignore the \end{ug} part and thus fail.

I'm only getting the \end{sol}\end{ug} stuff at some of the places and not 
all, elsewhere I get

I attach an example lyx file. 
The problem occurs with the environment called GGGUG and seems to vanish if I 
change the part of the environment GGGSats to something else.
I've attached the nessecery module.

Have I gotten some of my environments  wrong or is LyX doing something wrong?

Any help on this matter is very much appreciated.

Description: application/lyx
#Gunnars modul

Style GGGExample
  LatexType Environment
  LatexName EE

  ParSkip   0.4
  Align Left
  AlignPossible Left
  LabelStringExempel #.
  OptionalArgs  1

  # label font definition
Series  Bold

# Sats style definition
Style GGGSats
  LatexType Environment
  LatexName Ss

#  ParSkip   0.4
#  ParSep   1
#  TopSep0.4
  Align Left
  AlignPossible Left
  LabelStringSats #.
  OptionalArgs  1

  # label font definition
Series  Bold

# Definition style definition
Style GGGDefinition
  LatexType Environment
  LatexName DD

  ParSkip   0.4
  Align Left
  AlignPossible Left
  LabelStringDefinition #.
  OptionalArgs  1

  # label font definition
Series  Bold

# Definition style definition
Style GGGDefinitionEnv
  LatexType Environment
  LatexName DDe

  ParSkip   0.4
  Align Left
  AlignPossible Left
  LabelStringDefinition #.
  OptionalArgs  1

  # label font definition
Series  Bold

# Bevis style definition
Style GGGBevis
  LatexType Environment
  LatexName BB

  ParSkip   0.4
  Align Left
  AlignPossible Left
  LabelStringBevis #.
  OptionalArgs  1

  # label font definition
Series  Bold

# Uppgift style definition
  LatexType Environment
  LatexName ug

  ParSkip   0.4
  Align Left
  AlignPossible Left
  OptionalArgs  1

  # label font definition
Series  Bold

Re: Urgent: Latex error with version

2009-10-18 Thread Nicola Molinari
Guys, I've found a solution for this shittiest error finally. 
There were nothing wrong with the software, 
just a little thing that often you don't think.

The fact is that to write my thesis a friend of mine 
passed me a folder with a thesis already done. 
In this folder there were files model with the right graphic settings. 
So, I just overwrite my stuff with them.
But, I didnt' eliminate the backup/temporary files 
(whatever you call them) and once I tried to compile 
them, the error showed up.

So, I just eliminated them and all work perfectly.

I really didn't think of, I'm apologize for your time spent! 



Re: Problem with latex conversion

2009-10-18 Thread rgheck

On 10/18/2009 08:52 AM, Gunnar wrote:

I'm having a problem with previewing the postscript or exporting to latex and
running latex on the file.

The problem is that in the latex code I get: \end{sol}\end{ug} at the end of
the line and it seems to ignore the \end{ug} part and thus fail.

I'm only getting the \end{sol}\end{ug} stuff at some of the places and not
all, elsewhere I get

I attach an example lyx file.


Add a newline to the \end{sol} ERT.

The problem occurs with the environment called GGGUG and seems to vanish if I
change the part of the environment GGGSats to something else.
I've attached the nessecery module.

Have I gotten some of my environments  wrong or is LyX doing something wrong?

When the next layout is an environment, LyX does not write the newline 
before writing the closing tag. There's a reason it's done that way, 
mostly to avoid excessive space between successive environments and it 
seems to work with all of LyX's own environments. When you use ERT, 
though, that can cause problems and you may need to add your own 
newlines where necessary.


How do you enter additional arguments?

2009-10-18 Thread Rick DeShon
Hi All.

I'm missing something obvious here.  I'm  using moderncv to construct my CV.

One of the paragraph environments is \cventry

I need to have a cventry look like the following:
\cventry{date} {major} {University}{School} {City} {title}

When I use the paragraph environment in Lyx for an Entry I get the
following code:

Only one argument is listed but I need six.  How do I get it
to enter the next argument?  I've tried '\{' with no luck, it just
buries the bracket inside the existing bracket.  How do I move out of
the first set of argument brackets and start the 2nd set of argument
brackets?  To be concrete...

How do I move from


Thanks in advance,


Re: LyX Issue with Beamer Package

2009-10-18 Thread Paul A. Rubin

Clemens Cap wrote:

Dear all,

writing some slides in LyX 1.6.3 with the Beamer package and running into a
nasty problem and I need some help.

Researching gmane I found and I believe the then
mentioned issue still is a bug and I assume the bug is in an internal LyX data
structure, as suggested by the original poster.

The problem mentioned in that thread was not a bug as I recall, it was 
just user error.  In any case, I do not think it pertains to your file. 
 Your file #1 contains a LaTeX command \begin{topcolumns}%{}.  When I 
try to compile your file, LaTeX complains that the topcolumns 
environment is undefined -- which does not surprise me, since I've never 
heard of it and you are not loading any packages in the preamble that 
define it.

It looks as though you want to create two parallel columns (aligned at 
the top?). Does the attached file do what you wish?


Description: application/lyx

Tufte-book Layout File

2009-10-18 Thread Jason Waskiewicz

I recently made a .layout file for the Tufte-book class.

I had good luck making it work with my materials, but I know nothing 
about LyX .layout files. I simply took the existing tufte-handout.layout 
file on the website and modified it appropriately. I also added 
the full-width figure class figure* which seemed to be missing.

Anyway, I'm hoping those with more skills can evaluate this .layout 
file, improve it, and, possibly, find some use for it.

--Jason Waskiewicz
 Bowman County High School

#% Do not delete the line below; configure depends on this
#  \DeclareLaTeXClass[tufte-book]{book (Tufte)}
# tufte-book textclass definition file.
# Jason Waskiewicz, 2009/10/18
# Adapted from the tufte-handout.layout file from
# Juergen Spitzmueller, 2008/10/22

Format 4

Provides geometry 1
Provides natbib-internal 1

# General textclass parameters
Input book.layout

% This should be in the class file, actually

Style Full_Width
Margin  Static
LaTeXType   environment
LaTeXName   fullwidth
ParSkip 0
ItemSep 0
TopSep  0.5
BottomSep   0.5
ParSep  0
Align   Block
AlignPossible   Block, Left, Right, Center
LabelType   No_Label

NoStyle Subsubsection
NoStyle Subsubsection*
NoStyle Paragraph
NoStyle Paragraph*
NoStyle Subparagraph
NoStyle Subparagraph*

# FIXME: this should step the figure counter
  Name  marginfigure

# FIXME: this should step the table counter
  Name  margintable

# This defines the full width figure environment.
# I honestly don't know what I'm doing, so I hope someone 
# better with LyX than I am can fix it!
Type  figure*
GuiName   Figure*
Placement tbp
Extension lot
NumberWithin  none
Style plain
ListName  List of Figures
LaTeXBuiltin  true

Type  margintable
GuiName   MarginTable
Placement tbp
Extension lot
NumberWithin  none
Style plain
ListName  List of Tables
LaTeXBuiltin  true

Type  marginfigure
GuiName   MarginFigure
Placement tbp
Extension lof
NumberWithin  none
Style plain
ListName  List of Figures
LaTeXBuiltin  true

CharStyle NewThought
LatexType Command
LatexName newthought
  Family  Roman
  Color   red

CharStyle AllCaps
LatexType Command
LatexName allcaps
  Family  Roman
  Color   blue

CharStyle SmallCaps
LatexType Command
LatexName smallcaps
  Shape   Smallcaps
  Family  Roman
  Color   green

Re: Lyx/BibLaTeX/Memoir problems

2009-10-18 Thread Jasper Diego-Story
I have corrected the spaces in the path, and still receive the same problem.

As an aside, I have encoded the bibliography in a range of different
ways, not just UTF-8.



Re: How do you enter additional arguments?

2009-10-18 Thread Paul A. Rubin

Rick DeShon wrote:

Hi All.

I'm missing something obvious here.  I'm  using moderncv to construct my CV.

One of the paragraph environments is \cventry

I need to have a cventry look like the following:
\cventry{date} {major} {University}{School} {City} {title}

When I use the paragraph environment in Lyx for an Entry I get the
following code:

Only one argument is listed but I need six.  How do I get it
to enter the next argument?  I've tried '\{' with no luck, it just
buries the bracket inside the existing bracket.  How do I move out of
the first set of argument brackets and start the 2nd set of argument
brackets?  To be concrete...

How do I move from


Thanks in advance,


Not sure this is the right way to do it, but the following works. 
After the Entry:  prompt, type the date, insert an ERT widget (the TEX 
button on the toolbar) and type a right brace, a left brace, whatever 
makes you feel good, another right brace/left brace pair if you need 
another argument, and so on ... everything but the final right brace. 
It might help to have View-View Source on so that you can see this 
unfold in real time.

BTW, you're not the Rick DeShon at MSU, are you?

/Paul (the Paul Rubin at MSU) (accept no cheap substitutes)

Epsilon ran off ...

2009-10-18 Thread Paul A. Rubin
... and took varrho with it.  This is some sort of screen font problem, 
but one I don't recall seeing reported before.

I've got a copy of LyX 1.6.3 installed on Mint Gloria (a Linux distro 
built over Ubuntu -- Jaunty Jackalope, I think).  Of the Greek letters 
in the math palette, all but two (\epsilon and \varrho) display 
correctly in formulas; those two show up as text in the GUI (display 
correctly in output).

Usually missing math glyphs are the result of a missing screen font, but 
it seems unlikely to be the case here since only two glyphs are missing. 
 I've also got LyX 1.6.3 installed on an Ubuntu (Jaunty) box, and the 
glyphs are present there.

Any suggestions where I could look for the cause?


Re: Page numbers in abstract, section numbering, and TOC modification

2009-10-18 Thread Pete Crite
I hate to bump this, but my thesis is close to its due date, and I'm  
hoping to have these issues sorted so I can print it!

Would anyone be able to help me at all?

Thank you!

On 13/10/2009, at 10:00 AM, Pete Crite wrote:

Hi, I am attempting to write a thesis using LyX, and have a few  
questions. I have Googled extensively, but can't seem to find the  
answers. I am using the report class.

1. How do I get the page numbers to continue in the abstract? The  
abstract is the third page in, and appears to reset the page count.

2. I have two major Parts in my document. The first Part consists of  
sections (no chapters), with the second Part including chapters. I  
don't want chapters in the first section, for both inline effect  
(e.g. don't want new pages), and Table of Contents listing (i.e.  
don't want bold and no dots. What I _would_ like, if possible, if  
for the sections to be numbered similarly to chapters. i.e. 1  
instead of 0.1, with the rest of its formatting remaining as a  
section. Is it possible to change the numbering of the sections (in  
the first Part only) without changing anything else?

3. In the second Part, I'd like the chapters in the TOC to be listed  
as Chapter 1. Foobar rather than 1 Foobar. i.e. I'd like it to  
be consistent with the inline chapter headings.

Thanks in advance!

How to disable popping math bar?

2009-10-18 Thread Jan Willemson
Hi all,

I have been an addicted LyX user in the past and enjoyed
it very much. However, there is a feature in recent releases of LyX that
keeps annoying me. Namely, any time I enter math mode with ctrl-m, a
math bar is popping in the lower area of the screen, and it disappears
as soon as I leave the math mode. I understand that this feature is very
useful for beginners or people who like to select stuff from menus, but
I am an old LaTeX-user and I know all my LaTeX keywords by heart, so I
do not really need this kind of help. On the othyer hand, constant
popping and unpopping is visually very distracting. 

I was
looking for a box to untick in LyX preferences, but did not find
anything reasonable that would disable this feature. Am I overlooking
something trivial? My LyX version is and I am using the Linux
version on Arch Linux.

Thanx in advance for any help!

Re: How to disable popping math bar?

2009-10-18 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
Jan Willemson wrote:
> I was
> looking for a box to untick in LyX preferences, but did not find
> anything reasonable that would disable this feature. Am I overlooking
> something trivial? My LyX version is and I am using the Linux
> version on Arch Linux.

The UI is all but obvious: unchecking View > Toolbars > Math (auto) while 
you're _inside_ mathed (and the toolbars are shown) should do it.


Re: Lyx/BibLaTeX/Memoir problems

2009-10-18 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
Jasper Diego-Story wrote:
> \bibliography{/Users/xxx/Desktop/THESIS/CENTRAL BIB/CENTRAL BIB}

Bibtex cannot handle spaces in paths IIRC.


Need help redefining Latex definitions

2009-10-18 Thread Axel

for my field of studies, a greater sectioning depth than lyx normally offers
is needed. For my purpose, I need at least 7 levels. I need to use all
levels from part to subparagraph. I formated all headings with the titlesec
package. Now I need to stop the page breaks before and after \chapter and
\part. As far as I learned, the only proper way to do this is to redefine
Latex definitions. I'm relatively new to lyx and latex, and don't know how
to do this.

Could someone help me?

My document class is report [koma].

Thanks ahead,


LyX Issue with Beamer Package

2009-10-18 Thread Clemens Cap
Dear all,

writing some slides in LyX 1.6.3 with the Beamer package and running into a
nasty problem and I need some help.

Researching gmane I found and I believe the then
mentioned issue still is a bug and I assume the bug is in an internal LyX data
structure, as suggested by the original poster.

It looks like the poster of that thread found a different workaround which,
unfortunately, is not working in my case. Moreover the then discovered bug still
exists and is reproducible.

I attach a minimal LyX example below (File 1). If this file is exported as plain
LaTeX we get (File 2). Moreover I attach the beginning of the plain LaTeX export
of another LyX document produced with beamer and not showing the mentioned
problem (File 3).

The reason for the error is quite clear: The export in File 3 contains a line


whereas the export of the faulty file, File 2, does NOT contain this line and
consequently leads to an error.

This phenomenon shows up although the beginning of a working LyX file (File 4)
is completely identical to the beginning of the not working lyx file. To me it
looks like an internal glitch is responsible that the first 5 lines of the lyx
file in one case import the correct Latex header whereas in the other they
unexpectedly drop one line.

Thanx for your help.

PS: I do observe the suggestion of the above mentioned post and have an
end_frame in the non-working lyx file. So the suggestion of the old thread is
not the correct hint.

== FILE 1 ==
#LyX 1.6.3 created this file. For more info see
\lyxformat 345
\textclass beamer
% oder ...

% oder auch nicht


% \usepackage{pgfpages}
% \setbeameroption{show notes on second screen}

\setbeamersize{text margin left=.5cm,text margin right=.5cm} 
\options slidestop
\use_default_options false
\language ngerman
\inputencoding auto
\font_roman times
\font_sans default
\font_typewriter default
\font_default_family default
\font_sc false
\font_osf false
\font_sf_scale 100
\font_tt_scale 100

\graphics default
\paperfontsize default
\spacing single
\use_hyperref false
\papersize default
\use_geometry true
\use_amsmath 2
\use_esint 0
\cite_engine basic
\use_bibtopic false
\paperorientation portrait
\secnumdepth 2
\tocdepth 2
\paragraph_separation indent
\defskip medskip
\quotes_language danish
\papercolumns 1
\papersides 1
\paperpagestyle default
\tracking_changes false
\output_changes false
\author "" 
\author "" 


\begin_layout Title

\begin_layout BeginFrame

\begin_layout Separator


\begin_layout Standard
\begin_inset ERT
status open

\begin_layout Plain Layout


\begin_layout Plain Layout


\begin_layout Plain Layout


\begin_layout Plain Layout


\begin_layout Plain Layout


\begin_layout Plain Layout




\begin_layout Separator


\begin_layout EndFrame



== FILE 2 ==

%% LyX 1.6.3 created this file.  For more info, see
%% Do not edit unless you really know what you are doing.

%% Textclass specific LaTeX commands.
 % this default might be overridden by plain title style
 \def\lyxframeend{} % In case there is a superfluous frame end

%% User specified LaTeX commands.
% oder ...

% oder auch nicht


% \usepackage{pgfpages}
% \setbeameroption{show notes on second screen}

\setbeamersize{text margin left=.5cm,text margin right=.5cm}




Re: Need help redefining Latex definitions

2009-10-18 Thread rgheck

On 10/18/2009 06:45 AM, Axel wrote:


for my field of studies, a greater sectioning depth than lyx normally offers
is needed. For my purpose, I need at least 7 levels. I need to use all
levels from part to subparagraph. I formated all headings with the titlesec
package. Now I need to stop the page breaks before and after \chapter and
\part. As far as I learned, the only proper way to do this is to redefine
Latex definitions. I'm relatively new to lyx and latex, and don't know how
to do this.

Could someone help me?

Look at how section, etc, are defined in the class you are using. Then 
follow that pattern.


Problem with latex conversion

2009-10-18 Thread Gunnar
I'm having a problem with previewing the postscript or exporting to latex and 
running latex on the file.

The problem is that in the latex code I get: \end{sol}\end{ug} at the end of 
the line and it seems to ignore the \end{ug} part and thus fail.

I'm only getting the \end{sol}\end{ug} stuff at some of the places and not 
all, elsewhere I get

I attach an example lyx file. 
The problem occurs with the environment called GGGUG and seems to vanish if I 
change the part of the environment GGGSats to something else.
I've attached the nessecery module.

Have I gotten some of my environments  wrong or is LyX doing something wrong?

Any help on this matter is very much appreciated.

Description: application/lyx
#Gunnars modul

Style GGGExample
  LatexType Environment
  LatexName EE

  ParSkip   0.4
  Align Left
  AlignPossible Left
  LabelString"Exempel #."
  OptionalArgs  1

  # label font definition
Series  Bold

# Sats style definition
Style GGGSats
  LatexType Environment
  LatexName Ss

#  ParSkip   0.4
#  ParSep   1
#  TopSep0.4
  Align Left
  AlignPossible Left
  LabelString"Sats #."
  OptionalArgs  1

  # label font definition
Series  Bold

# Definition style definition
Style GGGDefinition
  LatexType Environment
  LatexName DD

  ParSkip   0.4
  Align Left
  AlignPossible Left
  LabelString"Definition #."
  OptionalArgs  1

  # label font definition
Series  Bold

# Definition style definition
Style GGGDefinitionEnv
  LatexType Environment
  LatexName DDe

  ParSkip   0.4
  Align Left
  AlignPossible Left
  LabelString"Definition #."
  OptionalArgs  1

  # label font definition
Series  Bold

# Bevis style definition
Style GGGBevis
  LatexType Environment
  LatexName BB

  ParSkip   0.4
  Align Left
  AlignPossible Left
  LabelString"Bevis #."
  OptionalArgs  1

  # label font definition
Series  Bold

# Uppgift style definition
  LatexType Environment
  LatexName ug

  ParSkip   0.4
  Align Left
  AlignPossible Left
  LabelString"Uppgift "
  OptionalArgs  1

  # label font definition
Series  Bold

Re: Urgent: Latex error with version

2009-10-18 Thread Nicola Molinari
Guys, I've found a solution for this shittiest error finally. 
There were nothing wrong with the software, 
just a little thing that often you don't think.

The fact is that to write my thesis a friend of mine 
passed me a folder with a thesis already done. 
In this folder there were files model with the right graphic settings. 
So, I just overwrite my stuff with them.
But, I didnt' eliminate the backup/temporary files 
(whatever you call them) and once I tried to compile 
them, the error showed up.

So, I just eliminated them and all work perfectly.

I really didn't think of, I'm apologize for your time spent! 



Re: Problem with latex conversion

2009-10-18 Thread rgheck

On 10/18/2009 08:52 AM, Gunnar wrote:

I'm having a problem with previewing the postscript or exporting to latex and
running latex on the file.

The problem is that in the latex code I get: \end{sol}\end{ug} at the end of
the line and it seems to ignore the \end{ug} part and thus fail.

I'm only getting the \end{sol}\end{ug} stuff at some of the places and not
all, elsewhere I get

I attach an example lyx file.


Add a newline to the \end{sol} ERT.

The problem occurs with the environment called GGGUG and seems to vanish if I
change the part of the environment GGGSats to something else.
I've attached the nessecery module.

Have I gotten some of my environments  wrong or is LyX doing something wrong?

When the next layout is an environment, LyX does not write the newline 
before writing the closing tag. There's a reason it's done that way, 
mostly to avoid excessive space between successive environments and it 
seems to work with all of LyX's own environments. When you use ERT, 
though, that can cause problems and you may need to add your own 
newlines where necessary.


How do you enter additional arguments?

2009-10-18 Thread Rick DeShon
Hi All.

I'm missing something obvious here.  I'm  using moderncv to construct my CV.

One of the paragraph environments is \cventry

I need to have a cventry look like the following:
\cventry{date} {major} {University}{School} {City} {title}

When I use the paragraph environment in Lyx for an "Entry" I get the
following code:

Only one argument is listed but I need six.  How do I get it
to enter the next argument?  I've tried '\{' with no luck, it just
buries the bracket inside the existing bracket.  How do I move out of
the first set of argument brackets and start the 2nd set of argument
brackets?  To be concrete...

How do I move from


Thanks in advance,


Re: LyX Issue with Beamer Package

2009-10-18 Thread Paul A. Rubin

Clemens Cap wrote:

Dear all,

writing some slides in LyX 1.6.3 with the Beamer package and running into a
nasty problem and I need some help.

Researching gmane I found and I believe the then
mentioned issue still is a bug and I assume the bug is in an internal LyX data
structure, as suggested by the original poster.

The problem mentioned in that thread was not a bug as I recall, it was 
just user error.  In any case, I do not think it pertains to your file. 
 Your file #1 contains a LaTeX command \begin{topcolumns}%{}.  When I 
try to compile your file, LaTeX complains that the topcolumns 
environment is undefined -- which does not surprise me, since I've never 
heard of it and you are not loading any packages in the preamble that 
define it.

It looks as though you want to create two parallel columns (aligned at 
the top?). Does the attached file do what you wish?


Description: application/lyx

Tufte-book Layout File

2009-10-18 Thread Jason Waskiewicz

I recently made a .layout file for the Tufte-book class.

I had good luck making it work with my materials, but I know nothing 
about LyX .layout files. I simply took the existing tufte-handout.layout 
file on the website and modified it appropriately. I also added 
the full-width figure class figure* which seemed to be missing.

Anyway, I'm hoping those with more skills can evaluate this .layout 
file, improve it, and, possibly, find some use for it.

--Jason Waskiewicz
 Bowman County High School

#% Do not delete the line below; configure depends on this
#  \DeclareLaTeXClass[tufte-book]{book (Tufte)}
# tufte-book textclass definition file.
# Jason Waskiewicz , 2009/10/18
# Adapted from the tufte-handout.layout file from
# Juergen Spitzmueller , 2008/10/22

Format 4

Provides geometry 1
Provides natbib-internal 1

# General textclass parameters
Input book.layout

% This should be in the class file, actually

Style Full_Width
Margin  Static
LaTeXType   environment
LaTeXName   fullwidth
ParSkip 0
ItemSep 0
TopSep  0.5
BottomSep   0.5
ParSep  0
Align   Block
AlignPossible   Block, Left, Right, Center
LabelType   No_Label

NoStyle Subsubsection
NoStyle Subsubsection*
NoStyle Paragraph
NoStyle Paragraph*
NoStyle Subparagraph
NoStyle Subparagraph*

# FIXME: this should step the figure counter
  Name  marginfigure

# FIXME: this should step the table counter
  Name  margintable

# This defines the full width figure environment.
# I honestly don't know what I'm doing, so I hope someone 
# better with LyX than I am can fix it!
Type  figure*
GuiName   Figure*
Placement tbp
Extension lot
NumberWithin  none
Style plain
ListName  "List of Figures"
LaTeXBuiltin  true

Type  margintable
GuiName   MarginTable
Placement tbp
Extension lot
NumberWithin  none
Style plain
ListName  "List of Tables"
LaTeXBuiltin  true

Type  marginfigure
GuiName   MarginFigure
Placement tbp
Extension lof
NumberWithin  none
Style plain
ListName  "List of Figures"
LaTeXBuiltin  true

CharStyle NewThought
LatexType Command
LatexName newthought
  Family  Roman
  Color   red

CharStyle AllCaps
LatexType Command
LatexName allcaps
  Family  Roman
  Color   blue

CharStyle SmallCaps
LatexType Command
LatexName smallcaps
  Shape   Smallcaps
  Family  Roman
  Color   green

Re: Lyx/BibLaTeX/Memoir problems

2009-10-18 Thread Jasper Diego-Story
I have corrected the spaces in the path, and still receive the same problem.

As an aside, I have encoded the bibliography in a range of different
ways, not just UTF-8.



Re: How do you enter additional arguments?

2009-10-18 Thread Paul A. Rubin

Rick DeShon wrote:

Hi All.

I'm missing something obvious here.  I'm  using moderncv to construct my CV.

One of the paragraph environments is \cventry

I need to have a cventry look like the following:
\cventry{date} {major} {University}{School} {City} {title}

When I use the paragraph environment in Lyx for an "Entry" I get the
following code:

Only one argument is listed but I need six.  How do I get it
to enter the next argument?  I've tried '\{' with no luck, it just
buries the bracket inside the existing bracket.  How do I move out of
the first set of argument brackets and start the 2nd set of argument
brackets?  To be concrete...

How do I move from


Thanks in advance,


Not sure this is the "right" way to do it, but the following works. 
After the "Entry: " prompt, type the date, insert an ERT widget (the TEX 
button on the toolbar) and type a right brace, a left brace, whatever 
makes you feel good, another right brace/left brace pair if you need 
another argument, and so on ... everything but the final right brace. 
It might help to have View->View Source on so that you can see this 
unfold in real time.

BTW, you're not the Rick DeShon at MSU, are you?

/Paul (the Paul Rubin at MSU) (accept no cheap substitutes)

Epsilon ran off ...

2009-10-18 Thread Paul A. Rubin
... and took varrho with it.  This is some sort of screen font problem, 
but one I don't recall seeing reported before.

I've got a copy of LyX 1.6.3 installed on Mint Gloria (a Linux distro 
built over Ubuntu -- Jaunty Jackalope, I think).  Of the Greek letters 
in the math palette, all but two (\epsilon and \varrho) display 
correctly in formulas; those two show up as text in the GUI (display 
correctly in output).

Usually missing math glyphs are the result of a missing screen font, but 
it seems unlikely to be the case here since only two glyphs are missing. 
 I've also got LyX 1.6.3 installed on an Ubuntu (Jaunty) box, and the 
glyphs are present there.

Any suggestions where I could look for the cause?


Re: Page numbers in abstract, section numbering, and TOC modification

2009-10-18 Thread Pete Crite
I hate to bump this, but my thesis is close to its due date, and I'm  
hoping to have these issues sorted so I can print it!

Would anyone be able to help me at all?

Thank you!

On 13/10/2009, at 10:00 AM, Pete Crite wrote:

Hi, I am attempting to write a thesis using LyX, and have a few  
questions. I have Googled extensively, but can't seem to find the  
answers. I am using the report class.

1. How do I get the page numbers to continue in the abstract? The  
abstract is the third page in, and appears to reset the page count.

2. I have two major Parts in my document. The first Part consists of  
sections (no chapters), with the second Part including chapters. I  
don't want chapters in the first section, for both inline effect  
(e.g. don't want new pages), and Table of Contents listing (i.e.  
don't want bold and no dots. What I _would_ like, if possible, if  
for the sections to be numbered similarly to chapters. i.e. 1  
instead of 0.1, with the rest of its formatting remaining as a  
section. Is it possible to change the numbering of the sections (in  
the first Part only) without changing anything else?

3. In the second Part, I'd like the chapters in the TOC to be listed  
as "Chapter 1. Foobar" rather than "1 Foobar". i.e. I'd like it to  
be consistent with the inline chapter headings.

Thanks in advance!