Re: How to insert a tabular array to LyX

2022-08-17 Thread Enrico Forestieri
On Sat, Jul 30, 2022 at 05:42:50PM +, tush via lyx-users wrote:
> I want to insert a tblr environment (from the tabularray package) into my lyx 
> document.
> I read that currently LyX supports only tabular environments for tables, and 
> not even tabularx.
> But still I would like to get some thoughts or ideas from the members how to 
> insert (graphically, not through ERT) something like the following 
> environment:
> >\begin{tblr}[t]{width=10cm,colspec={X[c]},rows={ht=2cm},hlines,vlines}
> >item 1
> >\\
> >item 2
> >\\
> >item 3
> >\end{tblr}
> Thanks very much.

You could redefine the tabular environment used by LyX. However, you
cannot use the GUI for setting tabular properties. Another difficulty is
the fact that LyX uses \tabularnewline instead of \\ to end a line and,
seemingly, the tabularray package does not understand it. So you have
also to redefine \tabularnewline and remember to add \\ in ERT at the
end of each table line.

Arguments such as "width=10cm,colspec={X[c]},rows={ht=2cm},hlines,vlines"
can be passed through the "LaTeX argument" in the "Tabular Settings"
paying attention to avoid any space character.

See the attached example containing two examples in both ERT and a
somewhat LyXfied form as explained above. This last form is marginally
better than the ERT one.

#LyX 2.3 created this file. For more info see
\lyxformat 544
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\begin_layout Standard
\begin_inset ERT
status open

\begin_layout Plain Layout


\begin_layout Plain Layout

item 1

\begin_layout Plain Layout




\begin_layout Plain Layout

item 2

\begin_layout Plain Layout




\begin_layout Plain Layout

item 3

\begin_layout Plain Layout




\begin_layout Standard
\begin_inset Tabular

\begin_inset Text

\begin_layout Plain Layout
item 1
\begin_inset ERT
status collapsed

\begin_layout Plain Layout







\begin_inset Text

\begin_layout Plain Layout
item 2
\begin_inset ERT
status collapsed

\begin_layout Plain Layout







\begin_inset Text

\begin_layout Plain Layout
item 3




\begin_layout Standard
\begin_inset ERT
status open

\begin_layout Plain Layout


\begin_layout Plain Layout

colspec = {rX}, colsep = 8mm, hlines = {2pt, white},

\begin_layout Plain Layout

row{odd} = {azure8}, row{even} = {gray8},

\begin_layout Plain Layout

row{1} = {6em,azure2,fg=white,font=

\begin_layout Plain Layout

row{2-Z} = {3em,font=

\begin_layout Plain Layout


\begin_layout Plain Layout

Tabularray & Typeset Tabulars and Arrays with 

Re: How to set optional argument for aligned?

2019-03-30 Thread Enrico Forestieri
On Fri, Mar 29, 2019 at 10:20:54AM +0100, Daniel wrote:
> Is it possible to set an optional argument, e.g. [t] for aligned? For
> example, so that the equation aligns at the top with the equation number in
> the attachment.

Yes, it is possible as follows.

1. Copy the content of the math inset (not the inset itself) and
   paste it outside of any math inset.
2. Now add [t] at the proper place.
3. Select all the formula (which now should appear as
   \begin{aligned}[t]y & =x\cdot x\\ & =x^{2}\end{aligned})
   and hit Ctrl+M or paste it in a math inset.

See attached for the end result.

#LyX 2.3 created this file. For more info see
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\tocdepth 3
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\paragraph_indentation default
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\begin_layout Enumerate

\family roman
\series medium
\shape up
\size normal
\emph off
\bar no
\strikeout off
\xout off
\uuline off
\uwave off
\noun off
\color none
\begin_inset Formula $\begin{aligned}[t]y & =x\cdot x\\
 & =x^{2}



LyX 2.2 cannot read a document from LyX 2.1?

2017-03-06 Thread Enrico Forestieri
Matěj Cepl wrote:
> Yes, this is not a minimal example, but I am hesitant to touch this
> document from LyX 2.1 so that I wouldn’t accidentally fixed it. When
> trying to open it with lyx-2.2.2-1.fc25.x86_64 I get this:
> matej@mitmanek: marketa$ lyx Ph.D.project-Brno1.lyx
> Error: Document format failure
> /tmp/lyx_tmpdir.CLmZrzV11492/Buffer_convertLyXFormatk11492.lyx is not a
> readable LyX document.
> matej@mitmanek: marketa$
> Any ideas, what's wrong?

Your .lyx file starts with a byte order mark U+FEFF and lyx2lyx doesn't
expect it.
Use a binary editor to get rid of it. Alternatively, load it with lyx
2.2 and wait
for the failure. Then edit the problematic converted file (it would be
in your previous attempt) with a text editor, delete the *second* line and
save it with a new name. You should now be able to load it with lyx 2.2.

Re: Lyx doesn't compile but Export Tex then pdfLatex does

2015-07-15 Thread Enrico Forestieri
Gilles Moyse writes:

 Thank you Scott for your answer. Indeed, I forgot to remove the code
 from the preamble, sorry for that. Moreover, since you told me that ERT
 and relative paths could be the key, I removed the \includegraphicsand
 replaced them include the graphics with its Lyx version through Insert /
 Graphics, and it worked under Windows.
 To conclude, relative paths in ERT work correctly with Linux, not with
 Windows, which is somewhat related to the bug

I rather think that you are hit by
which should be fixed in lyx 2.1.4.


Re: Lyx doesn't compile but Export Tex then pdfLatex does

2015-07-15 Thread Enrico Forestieri
Gilles Moyse writes:

 Thank you Scott for your answer. Indeed, I forgot to remove the code
 from the preamble, sorry for that. Moreover, since you told me that ERT
 and relative paths could be the key, I removed the \includegraphicsand
 replaced them include the graphics with its Lyx version through Insert /
 Graphics, and it worked under Windows.
 To conclude, relative paths in ERT work correctly with Linux, not with
 Windows, which is somewhat related to the bug

I rather think that you are hit by
which should be fixed in lyx 2.1.4.


Re: Lyx doesn't compile but Export Tex then pdfLatex does

2015-07-15 Thread Enrico Forestieri
Gilles Moyse writes:

> Thank you Scott for your answer. Indeed, I forgot to remove the code
> from the preamble, sorry for that. Moreover, since you told me that ERT
> and relative paths could be the key, I removed the "\includegraphics"and
> replaced them include the graphics with its Lyx version through Insert /
> Graphics, and it worked under Windows.
> To conclude, relative paths in ERT work correctly with Linux, not with
> Windows, which is somewhat related to the bug 

I rather think that you are hit by
which should be fixed in lyx 2.1.4.


Re: Figure Float Placement: Many Figures, Many Small Subsections

2015-05-27 Thread Enrico Forestieri
Rich Shepard writes:
 On Wed, 27 May 2015, Nikos Alexandris wrote:
  Do the
  Document  Settings  Float Placement  Here if possible  or  Here
  options help?
Not so far. I'm still playing with them, but I get the maximum number
 of figures allowed in a section, then no graphic is displayed. That's
 because they're all in the same section of the document. I suppose I can
 expand each portion into a section of its own. Maybe.

Note that latex allows only a fixed number of floats per page. By default,
this is 3 but this number is stored in a counter and it can be changed.
Try whether putting
in the preamble helps. It may or may not succeed, depending on the vertical
space occupied by the floats. There are also other style parameters that
may help:

topnumber: (counter) maximum number of floats allowed at the top of a page.
\topfraction: maximum fraction of the page that can be occupied by floats
  at the top of the page. A value of 0.25 means the top quarter.
bottomnumber: (counter) same as topnumber except for the bottom of the page.
\bottomfraction: same as \topfraction except for the bottom of the page.
\texfraction: the minimum fraction of a page the must be devoted to text.
  The other 1-\textfraction may be occupied by floats.

As an example:

allows placing up to 10 floats on a page (if they fit), even at the cost
of not outputting any text on that page. There are also other parameters
that can be tuned, such the spacing between text and floats, but I don't
remember what they are. I think you can find them in a good latex book.



Re: Figure Float Placement: Many Figures, Many Small Subsections

2015-05-27 Thread Enrico Forestieri
Rich Shepard writes:
 On Wed, 27 May 2015, Nikos Alexandris wrote:
  Do the
  Document  Settings  Float Placement  Here if possible  or  Here
  options help?
Not so far. I'm still playing with them, but I get the maximum number
 of figures allowed in a section, then no graphic is displayed. That's
 because they're all in the same section of the document. I suppose I can
 expand each portion into a section of its own. Maybe.

Note that latex allows only a fixed number of floats per page. By default,
this is 3 but this number is stored in a counter and it can be changed.
Try whether putting
in the preamble helps. It may or may not succeed, depending on the vertical
space occupied by the floats. There are also other style parameters that
may help:

topnumber: (counter) maximum number of floats allowed at the top of a page.
\topfraction: maximum fraction of the page that can be occupied by floats
  at the top of the page. A value of 0.25 means the top quarter.
bottomnumber: (counter) same as topnumber except for the bottom of the page.
\bottomfraction: same as \topfraction except for the bottom of the page.
\texfraction: the minimum fraction of a page the must be devoted to text.
  The other 1-\textfraction may be occupied by floats.

As an example:

allows placing up to 10 floats on a page (if they fit), even at the cost
of not outputting any text on that page. There are also other parameters
that can be tuned, such the spacing between text and floats, but I don't
remember what they are. I think you can find them in a good latex book.



Re: Figure Float Placement: Many Figures, Many Small Subsections

2015-05-27 Thread Enrico Forestieri
Rich Shepard writes:
> On Wed, 27 May 2015, Nikos Alexandris wrote:
> > Do the
> >
> > Document > Settings > Float Placement > "Here if possible"  or  "Here
> > definitely"
> >
> > options help?
> Nikos,
>Not so far. I'm still playing with them, but I get the maximum number
> of figures allowed in a section, then no graphic is displayed. That's
> because they're all in the same section of the document. I suppose I can
> expand each portion into a section of its own. Maybe.

Note that latex allows only a fixed number of floats per page. By default,
this is 3 but this number is stored in a counter and it can be changed.
Try whether putting
in the preamble helps. It may or may not succeed, depending on the vertical
space occupied by the floats. There are also other style parameters that
may help:

topnumber: (counter) maximum number of floats allowed at the top of a page.
\topfraction: maximum fraction of the page that can be occupied by floats
  at the top of the page. A value of 0.25 means the top quarter.
bottomnumber: (counter) same as topnumber except for the bottom of the page.
\bottomfraction: same as \topfraction except for the bottom of the page.
\texfraction: the minimum fraction of a page the must be devoted to text.
  The other 1-\textfraction may be occupied by floats.

As an example:

allows placing up to 10 floats on a page (if they fit), even at the cost
of not outputting any text on that page. There are also other parameters
that can be tuned, such the spacing between text and floats, but I don't
remember what they are. I think you can find them in a good latex book.



Re: Problem environment

2015-05-21 Thread Enrico Forestieri
On Thu, May 21, 2015 at 09:24:13PM +0200, Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:
 2015-05-21 20:18 GMT+02:00 Enrico Forestieri
  Richard Heck writes:
   Has someone put this in the docs? It's an improvement, for sure, but it
   will take some
   getting used to for us old-timers, I think.
  I did that.
 I also think a short note in the RELEASE-NOTES (with reference to this doc
 section) would be in order.

You're right. Done.


Re: Problem environment

2015-05-21 Thread Enrico Forestieri
Richard Heck writes:
 Has someone put this in the docs? It's an improvement, for sure, but it 
 will take some
 getting used to for us old-timers, I think.

I did that.


Re: Problem environment

2015-05-21 Thread Enrico Forestieri
Richard Heck writes:
 Has someone put this in the docs? It's an improvement, for sure, but it 
 will take some
 getting used to for us old-timers, I think.

I did that.


Re: Problem environment

2015-05-21 Thread Enrico Forestieri
On Thu, May 21, 2015 at 09:24:13PM +0200, Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:
 2015-05-21 20:18 GMT+02:00 Enrico Forestieri
  Richard Heck writes:
   Has someone put this in the docs? It's an improvement, for sure, but it
   will take some
   getting used to for us old-timers, I think.
  I did that.
 I also think a short note in the RELEASE-NOTES (with reference to this doc
 section) would be in order.

You're right. Done.


Re: "Problem" environment

2015-05-21 Thread Enrico Forestieri
Richard Heck writes:
> Has someone put this in the docs? It's an improvement, for sure, but it 
> will take some
> getting used to for us old-timers, I think.

I did that.


Re: "Problem" environment

2015-05-21 Thread Enrico Forestieri
On Thu, May 21, 2015 at 09:24:13PM +0200, Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:
> 2015-05-21 20:18 GMT+02:00 Enrico Forestieri <>:
> > Richard Heck writes:
> > >
> > > Has someone put this in the docs? It's an improvement, for sure, but it
> > > will take some
> > > getting used to for us old-timers, I think.
> >
> > I did that.
> >
> I also think a short note in the RELEASE-NOTES (with reference to this doc
> section) would be in order.

You're right. Done.


Re: error in trying to archive a lyx file

2015-05-14 Thread Enrico Forestieri
Richard Heck rgheck at writes:
 On 05/14/2015 08:00 AM, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:
  is not a LyX document???
  This is strange, since normal export to pdf works. And I had this 
  error never before, although I worked with the file for quite some time.
  What is doing?
 That is the script that makes archives. For some reason it is failing to 
 read your file.
  Has anybody an idea what went wrong?

Most probably you saved the file in compressed format and the script
does not expect that.


Re: error in trying to archive a lyx file

2015-05-14 Thread Enrico Forestieri
Richard Heck rgheck at writes:
 On 05/14/2015 08:00 AM, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:
  is not a LyX document???
  This is strange, since normal export to pdf works. And I had this 
  error never before, although I worked with the file for quite some time.
  What is doing?
 That is the script that makes archives. For some reason it is failing to 
 read your file.
  Has anybody an idea what went wrong?

Most probably you saved the file in compressed format and the script
does not expect that.


Re: error in trying to archive a lyx file

2015-05-14 Thread Enrico Forestieri
Richard Heck> writes:
> On 05/14/2015 08:00 AM, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:
> >
> > is not a LyX document???
> > This is strange, since normal export to pdf works. And I had this 
> > error never before, although I worked with the file for quite some time.
> > What is doing?
> That is the script that makes archives. For some reason it is failing to 
> read your file.
> > Has anybody an idea what went wrong?

Most probably you saved the file in compressed format and the script
does not expect that.


Re: Problem environment

2015-05-13 Thread Enrico Forestieri
Scott Kostyshak writes:
 For master branch, we have:
 To split an existing list into two lists, set the cursor at the end
 of a list item, press Return and select –Separator– in the pull-down
 box for environments in LyX's main toolbar.
 But I don't think we have --Separator-- in the pull-down box anymore.
 Can this be done with Edit  Start New Environment?


 Note that there is still the LFUN separator-insert but I don't think
 we have a graphical way to insert it. Is that expected?


 Actually, what
 is the use case for needing separator-insert? I'm sure there is one
 since it is called in LFUN_PARAGRAPH_BREAK, but I do not know it.

It is used to separate environments. You can do it using
Edit  Start New Environment, but you don't need using the menu.
You start a Problem environment and write something. If you want
to start a new Problem environment, hit the Enter key and go to a
standard environment, hit again the Enter key and LyX automatically
inserts a parbreak separator. Now you can start any other environment.

The parbreak separator will insert a blank line in the latex output.
If you don't want that, use the context menu to change it to a plain
separator. This kind of separators are automatically inserted when
needed in a hopefully intuitive way. If you hit Enter in a standard
environment after a non-standard one, you get a separator and you
are ready to insert again the same non-standard environment.

The small arrow you see, plays the same role of the old --Separator--
and behaves in the same way, because it leaves a blank line in the latex
output. However, now you can also avoid that blank line by turning the
parbreak into a plain separator.

 Also, in aqua.bind, we have a binding for menu-separator-insert.
 This LFUN does not seem to exist. Can I remove it or should it be
 corrected to something else?

Don't know about this one.


Re: Problem environment

2015-05-13 Thread Enrico Forestieri
Scott Kostyshak writes:
 For master branch, we have:
 To split an existing list into two lists, set the cursor at the end
 of a list item, press Return and select –Separator– in the pull-down
 box for environments in LyX's main toolbar.
 But I don't think we have --Separator-- in the pull-down box anymore.
 Can this be done with Edit  Start New Environment?


 Note that there is still the LFUN separator-insert but I don't think
 we have a graphical way to insert it. Is that expected?


 Actually, what
 is the use case for needing separator-insert? I'm sure there is one
 since it is called in LFUN_PARAGRAPH_BREAK, but I do not know it.

It is used to separate environments. You can do it using
Edit  Start New Environment, but you don't need using the menu.
You start a Problem environment and write something. If you want
to start a new Problem environment, hit the Enter key and go to a
standard environment, hit again the Enter key and LyX automatically
inserts a parbreak separator. Now you can start any other environment.

The parbreak separator will insert a blank line in the latex output.
If you don't want that, use the context menu to change it to a plain
separator. This kind of separators are automatically inserted when
needed in a hopefully intuitive way. If you hit Enter in a standard
environment after a non-standard one, you get a separator and you
are ready to insert again the same non-standard environment.

The small arrow you see, plays the same role of the old --Separator--
and behaves in the same way, because it leaves a blank line in the latex
output. However, now you can also avoid that blank line by turning the
parbreak into a plain separator.

 Also, in aqua.bind, we have a binding for menu-separator-insert.
 This LFUN does not seem to exist. Can I remove it or should it be
 corrected to something else?

Don't know about this one.


Re: "Problem" environment

2015-05-13 Thread Enrico Forestieri
Scott Kostyshak writes:
> For master branch, we have:
> "To split an existing list into two lists, set the cursor at the end
> of a list item, press Return and select –Separator– in the pull-down
> box for environments in LyX's main toolbar."
> But I don't think we have --Separator-- in the pull-down box anymore.
> Can this be done with Edit > Start New Environment?


> Note that there is still the LFUN separator-insert but I don't think
> we have a graphical way to insert it. Is that expected?


> Actually, what
> is the use case for needing separator-insert? I'm sure there is one
> since it is called in LFUN_PARAGRAPH_BREAK, but I do not know it.

It is used to separate environments. You can do it using
Edit > Start New Environment, but you don't need using the menu.
You start a "Problem" environment and write something. If you want
to start a new "Problem" environment, hit the "Enter" key and go to a
standard environment, hit again the "Enter" key and LyX automatically
inserts a parbreak separator. Now you can start any other environment.

The parbreak separator will insert a blank line in the latex output.
If you don't want that, use the context menu to change it to a plain
separator. This kind of separators are automatically inserted when
needed in a hopefully intuitive way. If you hit "Enter" in a standard
environment after a non-standard one, you get a separator and you
are ready to insert again the same non-standard environment.

The small arrow you see, plays the same role of the old --Separator--
and behaves in the same way, because it leaves a blank line in the latex
output. However, now you can also avoid that blank line by turning the
parbreak into a plain separator.

> Also, in aqua.bind, we have a binding for "menu-separator-insert".
> This LFUN does not seem to exist. Can I remove it or should it be
> corrected to something else?

Don't know about this one.


Re: Windows 7 - Where does Lyx stores my user interface configuration?

2015-05-06 Thread Enrico Forestieri
Richard Heck writes:
 On 05/06/2015 05:36 PM, Gilles Moyse wrote:
  Following this post 
  (, I am 
  looking for the location of the file where Lyx stores my user 
  interface configuration under Windows 7.
 Try Help About LyX. The dialog will tell you where the user directory is.

I think he is talking about the GUI settings. Their location is OS
dependent. On Windows, the settings are stored in the system registry
in HKCU\Software\LyX, while on cygwin and unix systems in the user home dir
in ~/.config/LyX/lyx.conf. Not sure about Macs.


Re: Windows 7 - Where does Lyx stores my user interface configuration?

2015-05-06 Thread Enrico Forestieri
Richard Heck writes:
 On 05/06/2015 05:36 PM, Gilles Moyse wrote:
  Following this post 
  (, I am 
  looking for the location of the file where Lyx stores my user 
  interface configuration under Windows 7.
 Try Help About LyX. The dialog will tell you where the user directory is.

I think he is talking about the GUI settings. Their location is OS
dependent. On Windows, the settings are stored in the system registry
in HKCU\Software\LyX, while on cygwin and unix systems in the user home dir
in ~/.config/LyX/lyx.conf. Not sure about Macs.


Re: Windows 7 - Where does Lyx stores my user interface configuration?

2015-05-06 Thread Enrico Forestieri
Richard Heck writes:
> On 05/06/2015 05:36 PM, Gilles Moyse wrote:
> > Hi.
> >
> > Following this post 
> > (, I am 
> > looking for the location of the file where Lyx stores my user 
> > interface configuration under Windows 7.
> Try Help> About LyX. The dialog will tell you where the user directory is.

I think he is talking about the GUI settings. Their location is OS
dependent. On Windows, the settings are stored in the system registry
in HKCU\Software\LyX, while on cygwin and unix systems in the user home dir
in ~/.config/LyX/lyx.conf. Not sure about Macs.


Re: lyx archive

2015-04-12 Thread Enrico Forestieri
Wolfgang Engelmann writes:
 Is there a better way of getting all figures/tables in the same folder 
 so that the tar.gz has no subtrees?
 I often get figures from other folders/subfolders (e.g. by a colleague) 
 which especially with larger documents I notice not before I have 
 archived (fileexportlyx archive) the document.
 If so, I copy these files in the main folder. However, lyx remembers the 
 former path(es) and does not find the copied one. What I do is to open 
 the lyx file with an editor and remove the (now wrong) paths, which is 
 easier than going through the individual items changing paths in lyx.
 I just wonder, whether there is a lyx way of doing it (so to speak, 
 resetting the paths to a default - the figure only).

No, there is currently no way to do that within LyX. Note that this is
not a problem with a lyx archive only. If you have figures outside the
document dir and you try to export to latex, if a figure needs to be
converted to a format the particular latex flavor can handle, the
converted figure is placed alongside the original one. So, for example,
if you reference a figure in a directory where you don't have write
permission, the export fails. All of this could be handled by adding a
submenu entry (maybe in the Document menu) Copy files to document dir
(or something along that line). This would cause LyX to scan all used
files and copy those outside the document dir to a common subdir named
docname-files, updating also the internal paths. In this way, both
export and archive will produce a self-contained subtree.
Please, feel free to file an enhancement request at

Re: lyx archive

2015-04-12 Thread Enrico Forestieri
Wolfgang Engelmann writes:
 Is there a better way of getting all figures/tables in the same folder 
 so that the tar.gz has no subtrees?
 I often get figures from other folders/subfolders (e.g. by a colleague) 
 which especially with larger documents I notice not before I have 
 archived (fileexportlyx archive) the document.
 If so, I copy these files in the main folder. However, lyx remembers the 
 former path(es) and does not find the copied one. What I do is to open 
 the lyx file with an editor and remove the (now wrong) paths, which is 
 easier than going through the individual items changing paths in lyx.
 I just wonder, whether there is a lyx way of doing it (so to speak, 
 resetting the paths to a default - the figure only).

No, there is currently no way to do that within LyX. Note that this is
not a problem with a lyx archive only. If you have figures outside the
document dir and you try to export to latex, if a figure needs to be
converted to a format the particular latex flavor can handle, the
converted figure is placed alongside the original one. So, for example,
if you reference a figure in a directory where you don't have write
permission, the export fails. All of this could be handled by adding a
submenu entry (maybe in the Document menu) Copy files to document dir
(or something along that line). This would cause LyX to scan all used
files and copy those outside the document dir to a common subdir named
docname-files, updating also the internal paths. In this way, both
export and archive will produce a self-contained subtree.
Please, feel free to file an enhancement request at

Re: lyx archive

2015-04-12 Thread Enrico Forestieri
Wolfgang Engelmann writes:
> Is there a better way of getting all figures/tables in the same folder 
> so that the tar.gz has no subtrees?
> I often get figures from other folders/subfolders (e.g. by a colleague) 
> which especially with larger documents I notice not before I have 
> archived (>file>export>lyx archive) the document.
> If so, I copy these files in the main folder. However, lyx remembers the 
> former path(es) and does not find the copied one. What I do is to open 
> the lyx file with an editor and remove the (now wrong) paths, which is 
> easier than going through the individual items changing paths in lyx.
> I just wonder, whether there is a lyx way of doing it (so to speak, 
> resetting the paths to a default - the figure only).

No, there is currently no way to do that within LyX. Note that this is
not a problem with a lyx archive only. If you have figures outside the
document dir and you try to export to latex, if a figure needs to be
converted to a format the particular latex flavor can handle, the
converted figure is placed alongside the original one. So, for example,
if you reference a figure in a directory where you don't have write
permission, the export fails. All of this could be handled by adding a
submenu entry (maybe in the "Document" menu) "Copy files to document dir"
(or something along that line). This would cause LyX to scan all used
files and copy those outside the document dir to a common subdir named
-files, updating also the internal paths. In this way, both
export and archive will produce a self-contained subtree.
Please, feel free to file an enhancement request at

Re: Compiling and creating thesis template

2015-04-11 Thread Enrico Forestieri
Steve Burnham writes:
 For whatever reason it seems that my installation of LyX on Windows won’t
 use local .sty files and only ones that are in the MiKTeX folders where as
 on Unix based operating systems it will. I don’t know if this is the case
 for all of Windows or not.  All the more reason to use Linux or OS X.

This is a known bug in 2.1.3 (see
and will be fixed in the next release.


Re: Compiling and creating thesis template

2015-04-11 Thread Enrico Forestieri
Steve Burnham writes:
 For whatever reason it seems that my installation of LyX on Windows won’t
 use local .sty files and only ones that are in the MiKTeX folders where as
 on Unix based operating systems it will. I don’t know if this is the case
 for all of Windows or not.  All the more reason to use Linux or OS X.

This is a known bug in 2.1.3 (see
and will be fixed in the next release.


Re: Compiling and creating thesis template

2015-04-11 Thread Enrico Forestieri
Steve Burnham writes:
> For whatever reason it seems that my installation of LyX on Windows won’t
> use local .sty files and only ones that are in the MiKTeX folders where as
> on Unix based operating systems it will. I don’t know if this is the case
> for all of Windows or not.  All the more reason to use Linux or OS X.

This is a known bug in 2.1.3 (see
and will be fixed in the next release.


Re: Reference Problem Redux

2015-03-05 Thread Enrico Forestieri
Enrico Forestieri writes:
 If so, you can try applying the patch at
 In this case, it is very easy. You only need editing the file
 in your LyX installation (it is a text file) and change the lines marked
 in red as shown in the lines marked in green (they are only two lines and
 there may be a slight mismatch in the line numbers, as that patch refers
 to the development version).

It just occurred to me that a simpler option exists. After navigating to
the temporary directory, click on the .tex file but don't hit the Open
button or the Enter key. Rather, go to the location where the filename
was copied in the file browser, change the extension from .tex to .bbl
and then hit Open. Even if you cannot see it, the file is there (if you
followed the previous steps) and will be opened.


Re: Reference Problem Redux

2015-03-05 Thread Enrico Forestieri
Scott Kostyshak writes:
 On Wed, Mar 4, 2015 at 11:26 PM, William Hanson wrote:
  I can get through step 4 of your instructions, but I'm stymied at step 5.
  If I'm doing things correctly, at the end of step 4 I'm in LyX looking
  at my
  document. But there is no Show all files option under the File menu in
  LyX.  Or do you mean something other than the File menu by the file
 Hi William,
 I don't use Windows, but I believe he means using your file browser.

Yes, exactly. More precisely, the file browser opened by LyX. I now tried
it on a native Windows version of LyX and that option exists. However,
I was not able to perform step 6, because I am apparently hit by, even though that bug was only
reported against the development version. If this is also the case for you
(I am not sure this is something affecting only my own build and usage of
LyX on a mixed cygwin/windows environment), please report it at that ticket.

If so, you can try applying the patch at

In this case, it is very easy. You only need editing the file
in your LyX installation (it is a text file) and change the lines marked
in red as shown in the lines marked in green (they are only two lines and
there may be a slight mismatch in the line numbers, as that patch refers
to the development version).


Re: Reference Problem Redux

2015-03-05 Thread Enrico Forestieri
Scott Kostyshak writes:
 On Wed, Mar 4, 2015 at 11:26 PM, William Hanson wrote:
  I can get through step 4 of your instructions, but I'm stymied at step 5.
  If I'm doing things correctly, at the end of step 4 I'm in LyX looking
  at my
  document. But there is no Show all files option under the File menu in
  LyX.  Or do you mean something other than the File menu by the file
 Hi William,
 I don't use Windows, but I believe he means using your file browser.

Yes, exactly. More precisely, the file browser opened by LyX. I now tried
it on a native Windows version of LyX and that option exists. However,
I was not able to perform step 6, because I am apparently hit by, even though that bug was only
reported against the development version. If this is also the case for you
(I am not sure this is something affecting only my own build and usage of
LyX on a mixed cygwin/windows environment), please report it at that ticket.

If so, you can try applying the patch at

In this case, it is very easy. You only need editing the file
in your LyX installation (it is a text file) and change the lines marked
in red as shown in the lines marked in green (they are only two lines and
there may be a slight mismatch in the line numbers, as that patch refers
to the development version).


Re: Reference Problem Redux

2015-03-05 Thread Enrico Forestieri
Enrico Forestieri writes:
 If so, you can try applying the patch at
 In this case, it is very easy. You only need editing the file
 in your LyX installation (it is a text file) and change the lines marked
 in red as shown in the lines marked in green (they are only two lines and
 there may be a slight mismatch in the line numbers, as that patch refers
 to the development version).

It just occurred to me that a simpler option exists. After navigating to
the temporary directory, click on the .tex file but don't hit the Open
button or the Enter key. Rather, go to the location where the filename
was copied in the file browser, change the extension from .tex to .bbl
and then hit Open. Even if you cannot see it, the file is there (if you
followed the previous steps) and will be opened.


Re: Reference Problem Redux

2015-03-05 Thread Enrico Forestieri
Scott Kostyshak writes:
> On Wed, Mar 4, 2015 at 11:26 PM, William Hanson wrote:
> > Enrico,
> >
> > I can get through step 4 of your instructions, but I'm stymied at step 5.
> > If I'm doing things correctly, at the end of step 4 I'm in LyX looking
> > at my
> > document. But there is no "Show all files" option under the File menu in
> > LyX.  Or do you mean something other than the File menu by "the file
> > dialog"?
> Hi William,
> I don't use Windows, but I believe he means using your file browser.

Yes, exactly. More precisely, the file browser opened by LyX. I now tried
it on a native Windows version of LyX and that option exists. However,
I was not able to perform step 6, because I am apparently hit by, even though that bug was only
reported against the development version. If this is also the case for you
(I am not sure this is something affecting only my own build and usage of
LyX on a mixed cygwin/windows environment), please report it at that ticket.

If so, you can try applying the patch at

In this case, it is very easy. You only need editing the file
in your LyX installation (it is a text file) and change the lines marked
in red as shown in the lines marked in green (they are only two lines and
there may be a slight mismatch in the line numbers, as that patch refers
to the development version).


Re: Reference Problem Redux

2015-03-05 Thread Enrico Forestieri
Enrico Forestieri writes:
> If so, you can try applying the patch at
> In this case, it is very easy. You only need editing the file
> in your LyX installation (it is a text file) and change the lines marked
> in red as shown in the lines marked in green (they are only two lines and
> there may be a slight mismatch in the line numbers, as that patch refers
> to the development version).

It just occurred to me that a simpler option exists. After navigating to
the temporary directory, click on the .tex file but don't hit the "Open"
button or the "Enter" key. Rather, go to the location where the filename
was copied in the file browser, change the extension from .tex to .bbl
and then hit "Open". Even if you cannot see it, the file is there (if you
followed the previous steps) and will be opened.


Re: Reference Problem Redux

2015-03-03 Thread Enrico Forestieri
William Hanson writes:
 Dear All,  Last summer Stefano Franchi did something  for me that I was
 unable do.  He created a tex file out of a lyx file and a bib file.
 I'm in the same bind again.  The problem, then and now, is that when I try
 to create a tex file of my LyX document, the resulting tex file does not
 contain the References that are in the original LyX document.  (All the
 references are from BiBtex.  Following Stefano's instructions, I have the
 document itself (a lyx file) and my Bibtex database (a bib file) in the
 same folder--under My Documents in Windows 7).
 When I use LyX to create a tex file (by selecting File - Export - LaTeX
 (plain)),  I get an error message saying that the filename ... can cause
 troubles when running the exported file through LaTeX and opening the
 resulting DVI.  If I ignore this warning and press on, I get another error
 message that says, There are spaces in the paths to your BibTeX database.
 BibTeX will be unable to find them.  (The only space in the path in
 question is between My and Documents in My Documents.  I've tried
 closing this space by renaming My Documents in Windows 7 as
 MyDocuments, but it doesn't help.  I still get the same two error
 messages.)  If I ignore this second warning and continue I get a tex file
 of the document itself but without any of the references.

 What should I do?

Try the following procedure:
1) Start LyX and preview your document (generate a pdf).
2) Go to Tools-Preferences-Paths and take note of the
   Temporary directory location.
3) Select File-Import-LaTeX (plain) and navigate to the
   Temporary directory location.
4) Enter the directory whose name starts with lyx_tmpdir and then
   the subdirectory named lyx_tmpbuf0 (you may have more than one,
   lyx_tmpbuf1, lyx_tmpbuf2, etc., each one corresponding to a different
5) Select Show all files in the file dialog and choose the file whose
   name is the same as that of your document but with extension .bbl.
6) If tex2lyx does its job, you will now have your bibliography in LyX
   format in another tab. Copy everything and paste it in place of
   the BibTeX Generated Bibliography inset in your document.
7) You can now export to latex with complete references.



Re: Reference Problem Redux

2015-03-03 Thread Enrico Forestieri
William Hanson writes:
 Dear All,  Last summer Stefano Franchi did something  for me that I was
 unable do.  He created a tex file out of a lyx file and a bib file.
 I'm in the same bind again.  The problem, then and now, is that when I try
 to create a tex file of my LyX document, the resulting tex file does not
 contain the References that are in the original LyX document.  (All the
 references are from BiBtex.  Following Stefano's instructions, I have the
 document itself (a lyx file) and my Bibtex database (a bib file) in the
 same folder--under My Documents in Windows 7).
 When I use LyX to create a tex file (by selecting File - Export - LaTeX
 (plain)),  I get an error message saying that the filename ... can cause
 troubles when running the exported file through LaTeX and opening the
 resulting DVI.  If I ignore this warning and press on, I get another error
 message that says, There are spaces in the paths to your BibTeX database.
 BibTeX will be unable to find them.  (The only space in the path in
 question is between My and Documents in My Documents.  I've tried
 closing this space by renaming My Documents in Windows 7 as
 MyDocuments, but it doesn't help.  I still get the same two error
 messages.)  If I ignore this second warning and continue I get a tex file
 of the document itself but without any of the references.

 What should I do?

Try the following procedure:
1) Start LyX and preview your document (generate a pdf).
2) Go to Tools-Preferences-Paths and take note of the
   Temporary directory location.
3) Select File-Import-LaTeX (plain) and navigate to the
   Temporary directory location.
4) Enter the directory whose name starts with lyx_tmpdir and then
   the subdirectory named lyx_tmpbuf0 (you may have more than one,
   lyx_tmpbuf1, lyx_tmpbuf2, etc., each one corresponding to a different
5) Select Show all files in the file dialog and choose the file whose
   name is the same as that of your document but with extension .bbl.
6) If tex2lyx does its job, you will now have your bibliography in LyX
   format in another tab. Copy everything and paste it in place of
   the BibTeX Generated Bibliography inset in your document.
7) You can now export to latex with complete references.



Re: Reference Problem Redux

2015-03-03 Thread Enrico Forestieri
William Hanson writes:
> Dear All,  Last summer Stefano Franchi did something  for me that I was
> unable do.  He created a tex file out of a lyx file and a bib file.
> I'm in the same bind again.  The problem, then and now, is that when I try
> to create a tex file of my LyX document, the resulting tex file does not
> contain the References that are in the original LyX document.  (All the
> references are from BiBtex.  Following Stefano's instructions, I have the
> document itself (a lyx file) and my Bibtex database (a bib file) in the
> same folder--under My Documents in Windows 7).
> When I use LyX to create a tex file (by selecting File -> Export -> LaTeX
> (plain)),  I get an error message saying that the filename "... can cause
> troubles when running the exported file through LaTeX and opening the
> resulting DVI".  If I ignore this warning and press on, I get another error
> message that says, "There are spaces in the paths to your BibTeX database.
> BibTeX will be unable to find them".  (The only space in the path in
> question is between "My" and "Documents" in "My Documents".  I've tried
> closing this space by renaming "My Documents" in Windows 7 as
> "MyDocuments", but it doesn't help.  I still get the same two error
> messages.)  If I ignore this second warning and continue I get a tex file
> of the document itself but without any of the references.
> What should I do?

Try the following procedure:
1) Start LyX and preview your document (generate a pdf).
2) Go to Tools->Preferences->Paths and take note of the
   "Temporary directory" location.
3) Select File->Import->LaTeX (plain) and navigate to the
   "Temporary directory" location.
4) Enter the directory whose name starts with "lyx_tmpdir" and then
   the subdirectory named lyx_tmpbuf0 (you may have more than one,
   lyx_tmpbuf1, lyx_tmpbuf2, etc., each one corresponding to a different
5) Select "Show all files" in the file dialog and choose the file whose
   name is the same as that of your document but with extension .bbl.
6) If tex2lyx does its job, you will now have your bibliography in LyX
   format in another tab. Copy everything and paste it in place of
   the "BibTeX Generated Bibliography" inset in your document.
7) You can now export to latex with complete references.



Re: Update DVI (lyx v 2.0.6 in Win 7 x64 )

2014-09-28 Thread Enrico Forestieri
Josh McSorley writes:
 Yes I see tons of posts you are right!
 I am guessing yap locking is my problem.
 Do you know a solution to this (could not see one in any of the threads I
 read), or should I simply be using another previewer?

If you really need dvi output, you are pretty much stuck, unless you
are willing to try TeXLive and its dvi previewer. Otherwise, I suggest
using SumatraPDF and previewing the documents as pdf.


Re: Update DVI (lyx v 2.0.6 in Win 7 x64 )

2014-09-28 Thread Enrico Forestieri
Josh McSorley writes:
 Yes I see tons of posts you are right!
 I am guessing yap locking is my problem.
 Do you know a solution to this (could not see one in any of the threads I
 read), or should I simply be using another previewer?

If you really need dvi output, you are pretty much stuck, unless you
are willing to try TeXLive and its dvi previewer. Otherwise, I suggest
using SumatraPDF and previewing the documents as pdf.


Re: Update DVI (lyx v 2.0.6 in Win 7 x64 )

2014-09-28 Thread Enrico Forestieri
Josh McSorley writes:
> Yes I see tons of posts you are right!
> I am guessing yap locking is my problem.
> Do you know a solution to this (could not see one in any of the threads I
> read), or should I simply be using another previewer?

If you really need dvi output, you are pretty much stuck, unless you
are willing to try TeXLive and its dvi previewer. Otherwise, I suggest
using SumatraPDF and previewing the documents as pdf.


Re: Update DVI (lyx v 2.0.6 in Win 7 x64 )

2014-09-25 Thread Enrico Forestieri
Josh McSorley writes:
 Additional note:
 I do not have spaces in folder or file names so this is not the source of
 the problem (some folks in earlier trheads have discussed this
 If this is known problem with LyX (or MikTex), even if there is no solution
 (or it requires an update), if someone can let me know that would be great.

The problem is that yap locks the dvi file and the script cannot access it.
If you google for yap locks dvi file you'll get tons of hits.


Re: Update DVI (lyx v 2.0.6 in Win 7 x64 )

2014-09-25 Thread Enrico Forestieri
Josh McSorley writes:
 Additional note:
 I do not have spaces in folder or file names so this is not the source of
 the problem (some folks in earlier trheads have discussed this
 If this is known problem with LyX (or MikTex), even if there is no solution
 (or it requires an update), if someone can let me know that would be great.

The problem is that yap locks the dvi file and the script cannot access it.
If you google for yap locks dvi file you'll get tons of hits.


Re: Update DVI (lyx v 2.0.6 in Win 7 x64 )

2014-09-25 Thread Enrico Forestieri
Josh McSorley writes:
> Additional note:
> I do not have spaces in folder or file names so this is not the source of
> the problem (some folks in earlier trheads have discussed this
> If this is known problem with LyX (or MikTex), even if there is no solution
> (or it requires an update), if someone can let me know that would be great.

The problem is that yap locks the dvi file and the script cannot access it.
If you google for "yap locks dvi file" you'll get tons of hits.


Re: LyX 2.1.1 and Cygwin64?

2014-09-16 Thread Enrico Forestieri
On Tue, Sep 16, 2014 at 02:46:03PM -0400, Bert Lloyd wrote:
 On Tue, Sep 16, 2014 at 12:03 PM, Richard Heck wrote:
  On 09/14/2014 08:29 AM, Bert Lloyd wrote:
  Hi all,
  Will the current Cygwin binary (link below) work with Cygwin64? Any
  tweaks to the installation process?
  There was some sort of compatibility issue with 64-bit Cygwin that has been
  fixed for 2.1.2,
  which should be released in a few days.
  Enrico will know more, so I'll cc him.
 Thanks, this is great to hear. I can certainly wait for 2.1.2.

Actually, that binary should also work with Cygwin64. You have to use
the setup-x86_64.exe installation tool to get the 64bit version.


Re: KOMA-script article does not compile

2014-09-16 Thread Enrico Forestieri
Annaert Jan writes:

 When I try to compile a KOMA-script article document with numbered
 sections, I always get the errors
 Extra \else. 
 Extra \fi.

This is a known bug in KOMA-script:


Re: LyX 2.1.1 and Cygwin64?

2014-09-16 Thread Enrico Forestieri
On Tue, Sep 16, 2014 at 02:46:03PM -0400, Bert Lloyd wrote:
 On Tue, Sep 16, 2014 at 12:03 PM, Richard Heck wrote:
  On 09/14/2014 08:29 AM, Bert Lloyd wrote:
  Hi all,
  Will the current Cygwin binary (link below) work with Cygwin64? Any
  tweaks to the installation process?
  There was some sort of compatibility issue with 64-bit Cygwin that has been
  fixed for 2.1.2,
  which should be released in a few days.
  Enrico will know more, so I'll cc him.
 Thanks, this is great to hear. I can certainly wait for 2.1.2.

Actually, that binary should also work with Cygwin64. You have to use
the setup-x86_64.exe installation tool to get the 64bit version.


Re: KOMA-script article does not compile

2014-09-16 Thread Enrico Forestieri
Annaert Jan writes:

 When I try to compile a KOMA-script article document with numbered
 sections, I always get the errors
 Extra \else. 
 Extra \fi.

This is a known bug in KOMA-script:


Re: LyX 2.1.1 and Cygwin64?

2014-09-16 Thread Enrico Forestieri
On Tue, Sep 16, 2014 at 02:46:03PM -0400, Bert Lloyd wrote:
> On Tue, Sep 16, 2014 at 12:03 PM, Richard Heck  wrote:
> > On 09/14/2014 08:29 AM, Bert Lloyd wrote:
> >>
> >> Hi all,
> >>
> >> Will the current Cygwin binary (link below) work with Cygwin64? Any
> >> tweaks to the installation process?
> >
> >
> > There was some sort of compatibility issue with 64-bit Cygwin that has been
> > fixed for 2.1.2,
> > which should be released in a few days.
> >
> > Enrico will know more, so I'll cc him.
> >
> > Richard
> >
> Thanks, this is great to hear. I can certainly wait for 2.1.2.

Actually, that binary should also work with Cygwin64. You have to use
the setup-x86_64.exe installation tool to get the 64bit version.


Re: KOMA-script article does not compile

2014-09-16 Thread Enrico Forestieri
Annaert Jan writes:

> When I try to compile a KOMA-script article document with numbered
> sections, I always get the errors
> Extra \else. 
> Extra \fi.

This is a known bug in KOMA-script:


Re: defective rendering of table in PDF

2014-08-07 Thread Enrico Forestieri
Will Parsons writes:

 Thanks for the suggestion, but I have managed to solve the problem as
 I've described above.  I am curious, though, why you think it mightn't
 be a LyX bug?  Or are you suggesting that even if I'd created the
 table using LaTeX directly I might have gotten the same result?

Yes, I meant the last thing. If it was documented that \hline does not
work in a tabular* environment when using the multirow package and that
in this case one should always use \cline, then it would have been a
LyX bug. Since I cannot see such a statement in the multirow docs, I
don't think it is a LyX bug, because LyX is doing the right thing here
(directly working with LaTeX, I would have written the table exactly
like LyX does and I would have incurred in the exact same problem).


Re: defective rendering of table in PDF

2014-08-07 Thread Enrico Forestieri
Will Parsons writes:

 Thanks for the suggestion, but I have managed to solve the problem as
 I've described above.  I am curious, though, why you think it mightn't
 be a LyX bug?  Or are you suggesting that even if I'd created the
 table using LaTeX directly I might have gotten the same result?

Yes, I meant the last thing. If it was documented that \hline does not
work in a tabular* environment when using the multirow package and that
in this case one should always use \cline, then it would have been a
LyX bug. Since I cannot see such a statement in the multirow docs, I
don't think it is a LyX bug, because LyX is doing the right thing here
(directly working with LaTeX, I would have written the table exactly
like LyX does and I would have incurred in the exact same problem).


Re: defective rendering of table in PDF

2014-08-07 Thread Enrico Forestieri
Will Parsons writes:

> Thanks for the suggestion, but I have managed to solve the problem as
> I've described above.  I am curious, though, why you think it mightn't
> be a LyX bug?  Or are you suggesting that even if I'd created the
> table using LaTeX directly I might have gotten the same result?

Yes, I meant the last thing. If it was documented that \hline does not
work in a tabular* environment when using the multirow package and that
in this case one should always use \cline, then it would have been a
LyX bug. Since I cannot see such a statement in the multirow docs, I
don't think it is a LyX bug, because LyX is doing the right thing here
(directly working with LaTeX, I would have written the table exactly
like LyX does and I would have incurred in the exact same problem).


Re: defective rendering of table in PDF

2014-08-04 Thread Enrico Forestieri
Will Parsons writes:
 Scott Kostyshak wrote:
  Hi Will,
  Thanks for the report. This does indeed seem like a LyX bug. Borders
  are tricky to get right. Can you write instructions for how to
  reproduce the table? Did you do it in LyX or did you import a .tex
 I created it in LyX.  I don't know if I can recreate the steps I took,
 but I'll see if I can.

I don't know whether this is really a LyX bug or not, but you can
workaround the issue as follows:

1) Put the cursor just before the table and enter in ERT the following:
2) Put the cursor just after the table and again enter in ERT:
   i.e., a single closing brace that pairs with the first one above.
3) The table should now typeset correctly.

The opening and closing braces limit the scope of the redefintion
of \hline to that single table. If you have other tables, you will
have to repeate the procedure for each one of them, maybe adjusting
the argument of \cline if they have a different number of columns.



Re: defective rendering of table in PDF

2014-08-04 Thread Enrico Forestieri
Benedict Holland writes:
 I really do not typically recommend that you learn Latex this but in
 this specific situation, I have not found a great way to use Lyx.
 Tables in Latex are trivial to set up. They are also fully customizable
 and once you get use to them, they are really easy to write well.
 Tables is the single thing I can only recommend that you just learn
 how to write in Latex. It removes lots of problems. 

I don't think this holds in this specific case. In LaTeX, I would have
written the table exactly as LyX does (which is similar to many examples
in the multirow package documentation) and would have incurred in the
exact same problem. You should learn LaTeX well above what is necessary
for using it with LyX to be able to solve such issues.


Re: defective rendering of table in PDF

2014-08-04 Thread Enrico Forestieri
Will Parsons writes:
 Scott Kostyshak wrote:
  Hi Will,
  Thanks for the report. This does indeed seem like a LyX bug. Borders
  are tricky to get right. Can you write instructions for how to
  reproduce the table? Did you do it in LyX or did you import a .tex
 I created it in LyX.  I don't know if I can recreate the steps I took,
 but I'll see if I can.

I don't know whether this is really a LyX bug or not, but you can
workaround the issue as follows:

1) Put the cursor just before the table and enter in ERT the following:
2) Put the cursor just after the table and again enter in ERT:
   i.e., a single closing brace that pairs with the first one above.
3) The table should now typeset correctly.

The opening and closing braces limit the scope of the redefintion
of \hline to that single table. If you have other tables, you will
have to repeate the procedure for each one of them, maybe adjusting
the argument of \cline if they have a different number of columns.



Re: defective rendering of table in PDF

2014-08-04 Thread Enrico Forestieri
Benedict Holland writes:
 I really do not typically recommend that you learn Latex this but in
 this specific situation, I have not found a great way to use Lyx.
 Tables in Latex are trivial to set up. They are also fully customizable
 and once you get use to them, they are really easy to write well.
 Tables is the single thing I can only recommend that you just learn
 how to write in Latex. It removes lots of problems. 

I don't think this holds in this specific case. In LaTeX, I would have
written the table exactly as LyX does (which is similar to many examples
in the multirow package documentation) and would have incurred in the
exact same problem. You should learn LaTeX well above what is necessary
for using it with LyX to be able to solve such issues.


Re: defective rendering of table in PDF

2014-08-04 Thread Enrico Forestieri
Will Parsons writes:
> Scott Kostyshak wrote:
> >
> > Hi Will,
> >
> > Thanks for the report. This does indeed seem like a LyX bug. Borders
> > are tricky to get right. Can you write instructions for how to
> > reproduce the table? Did you do it in LyX or did you import a .tex
> > file?
> I created it in LyX.  I don't know if I can recreate the steps I took,
> but I'll see if I can.

I don't know whether this is really a LyX bug or not, but you can
workaround the issue as follows:

1) Put the cursor just before the table and enter in ERT the following:
2) Put the cursor just after the table and again enter in ERT:
   i.e., a single closing brace that pairs with the first one above.
3) The table should now typeset correctly.

The opening and closing braces limit the scope of the redefintion
of \hline to that single table. If you have other tables, you will
have to repeate the procedure for each one of them, maybe adjusting
the argument of \cline if they have a different number of columns.



Re: defective rendering of table in PDF

2014-08-04 Thread Enrico Forestieri
Benedict Holland writes:
> I really do not typically recommend that you learn Latex this but in
> this specific situation, I have not found a great way to use Lyx.
> Tables in Latex are trivial to set up. They are also fully customizable
> and once you get use to them, they are really easy to write well.
> Tables is the single thing I can only recommend that you just learn
> how to write in Latex. It removes lots of problems. 

I don't think this holds in this specific case. In LaTeX, I would have
written the table exactly as LyX does (which is similar to many examples
in the multirow package documentation) and would have incurred in the
exact same problem. You should learn LaTeX well above what is necessary
for using it with LyX to be able to solve such issues.


Re: date format

2014-07-19 Thread Enrico Forestieri
Will Parsons writes:
 Will Parsons wrote:
  In a document I'm writing, I would like to print the date of the last
  edit in the title page.  I've discovered [Insert = Date], which looks
  like it might be what I want (does it update when I save the document
  again?), but the format is 07/16/14, which is a common format for
  North America (which is where I am), but I would prefer a different
  format, preferably 14 June 2014, or even the ISO standard
  2014-07-14, but I can't figure out how to adjust this.  Is this
  configurable via LyX, or do I have to do some LaTeX magic?
 Of course, what I meant was '16 June 2014, or even the ISO standard
 2014-07-16', (which I guess illustrates that even *I* find the
 format 07/16/14 confusing, used to it though I am...

The format of the date is fully configurable through conversion specifiers in
Tools-Preferences-Output-General-Date format.
The default conversion spec is %x, which gives the locale's representation.
If you are on linux, you can access the conversion specifiers through
man strftime, otherwise you can read them online at

In your case, you want either %e %b %Y or %Y-%m-%d.


Re: date format

2014-07-19 Thread Enrico Forestieri
Will Parsons writes:
 Will Parsons wrote:
  In a document I'm writing, I would like to print the date of the last
  edit in the title page.  I've discovered [Insert = Date], which looks
  like it might be what I want (does it update when I save the document
  again?), but the format is 07/16/14, which is a common format for
  North America (which is where I am), but I would prefer a different
  format, preferably 14 June 2014, or even the ISO standard
  2014-07-14, but I can't figure out how to adjust this.  Is this
  configurable via LyX, or do I have to do some LaTeX magic?
 Of course, what I meant was '16 June 2014, or even the ISO standard
 2014-07-16', (which I guess illustrates that even *I* find the
 format 07/16/14 confusing, used to it though I am...

The format of the date is fully configurable through conversion specifiers in
Tools-Preferences-Output-General-Date format.
The default conversion spec is %x, which gives the locale's representation.
If you are on linux, you can access the conversion specifiers through
man strftime, otherwise you can read them online at

In your case, you want either %e %b %Y or %Y-%m-%d.


Re: date format

2014-07-19 Thread Enrico Forestieri
Will Parsons writes:
> Will Parsons wrote:
> > In a document I'm writing, I would like to print the date of the last
> > edit in the title page.  I've discovered [Insert => Date], which looks
> > like it might be what I want (does it update when I save the document
> > again?), but the format is "07/16/14", which is a common format for
> > North America (which is where I am), but I would prefer a different
> > format, preferably "14 June 2014", or even the ISO standard
> > "2014-07-14", but I can't figure out how to adjust this.  Is this
> > configurable via LyX, or do I have to do some LaTeX magic?
> Of course, what I meant was '"16 June 2014", or even the ISO standard
> "2014-07-16"', (which I guess illustrates that even *I* find the
> format "07/16/14" confusing, used to it though I am...

The format of the date is fully configurable through conversion specifiers in
Tools->Preferences->Output->General->Date format.
The default conversion spec is %x, which gives the locale's representation.
If you are on linux, you can access the conversion specifiers through
"man strftime", otherwise you can read them online at

In your case, you want either "%e %b %Y" or "%Y-%m-%d".


Re: multiple paragraphs in a table cell

2014-07-15 Thread Enrico Forestieri
Scott Kostyshak writes:
 Another idea is to use a minipage. Go to Insert  Box  Frameless.
 Then try putting vertical space in (Insert  Formatting  Vertical

No, this will not work because in a tabular environment \parskip is
reset (actually, even \par is redefined). You have to insert
in ERT at the start of the cell.


Re: multiple paragraphs in a table cell

2014-07-15 Thread Enrico Forestieri
Will Parsons writes:
 Yes, it does succeed in separating the paragraphs, but the text of the
 paragraph in the box spills out of the bounds of the table when
 converted to PDF.  Ouch!

You have to adjust the width of the minipage.


Re: multiple paragraphs in a table cell

2014-07-15 Thread Enrico Forestieri
Enrico Forestieri writes:
 Scott Kostyshak writes:
  Another idea is to use a minipage. Go to Insert  Box  Frameless.
  Then try putting vertical space in (Insert  Formatting  Vertical
 No, this will not work because in a tabular environment \parskip is
 reset (actually, even \par is redefined). You have to insert
 in ERT at the start of the cell.

Sorry, I should have read until the end and not simply stopping at the
minipage suggestion. Yes, that would be another way, but reestablishing
the parskip is more handy.


Re: multiple paragraphs in a table cell

2014-07-15 Thread Enrico Forestieri
Scott Kostyshak writes:
 Thanks for the correction, Enrico.

Actually, it's me who should stand corrected ;)


Re: multiple paragraphs in a table cell

2014-07-15 Thread Enrico Forestieri
Will Parsons varro at nodomain.invalid writes:
 Enrico Forestieri wrote:
  Scott Kostyshak writes:
  Another idea is to use a minipage. Go to Insert  Box  Frameless.
  Then try putting vertical space in (Insert  Formatting  Vertical
  No, this will not work because in a tabular environment \parskip is
  reset (actually, even \par is redefined). You have to insert
  in ERT at the start of the cell.
 I can't say I'm delighted at this solution, since it seems like a bit
 of magic (I didn't even know what ERT was), but it *does* work.  So,
 thank you - I think my problem is solved (even if in not quite the
 straightforward way I would have liked).

If you are concerned about the open ERT, you could close it or, if you
don't want to even see it, I can suggest some other dark magic ;)
Place the cursor in the cell and open the table settings.
In the text field of the LaTeX argument entry, insert
and then apply.
Change \bigskipamount and 4in (this is the cell width) as you like.
This has the added advantage that you paragraphs will also be justified.


Re: multiple paragraphs in a table cell

2014-07-15 Thread Enrico Forestieri
Scott Kostyshak writes:
 Another idea is to use a minipage. Go to Insert  Box  Frameless.
 Then try putting vertical space in (Insert  Formatting  Vertical

No, this will not work because in a tabular environment \parskip is
reset (actually, even \par is redefined). You have to insert
in ERT at the start of the cell.


Re: multiple paragraphs in a table cell

2014-07-15 Thread Enrico Forestieri
Will Parsons writes:
 Yes, it does succeed in separating the paragraphs, but the text of the
 paragraph in the box spills out of the bounds of the table when
 converted to PDF.  Ouch!

You have to adjust the width of the minipage.


Re: multiple paragraphs in a table cell

2014-07-15 Thread Enrico Forestieri
Enrico Forestieri writes:
 Scott Kostyshak writes:
  Another idea is to use a minipage. Go to Insert  Box  Frameless.
  Then try putting vertical space in (Insert  Formatting  Vertical
 No, this will not work because in a tabular environment \parskip is
 reset (actually, even \par is redefined). You have to insert
 in ERT at the start of the cell.

Sorry, I should have read until the end and not simply stopping at the
minipage suggestion. Yes, that would be another way, but reestablishing
the parskip is more handy.


Re: multiple paragraphs in a table cell

2014-07-15 Thread Enrico Forestieri
Scott Kostyshak writes:
 Thanks for the correction, Enrico.

Actually, it's me who should stand corrected ;)


Re: multiple paragraphs in a table cell

2014-07-15 Thread Enrico Forestieri
Will Parsons varro at nodomain.invalid writes:
 Enrico Forestieri wrote:
  Scott Kostyshak writes:
  Another idea is to use a minipage. Go to Insert  Box  Frameless.
  Then try putting vertical space in (Insert  Formatting  Vertical
  No, this will not work because in a tabular environment \parskip is
  reset (actually, even \par is redefined). You have to insert
  in ERT at the start of the cell.
 I can't say I'm delighted at this solution, since it seems like a bit
 of magic (I didn't even know what ERT was), but it *does* work.  So,
 thank you - I think my problem is solved (even if in not quite the
 straightforward way I would have liked).

If you are concerned about the open ERT, you could close it or, if you
don't want to even see it, I can suggest some other dark magic ;)
Place the cursor in the cell and open the table settings.
In the text field of the LaTeX argument entry, insert
and then apply.
Change \bigskipamount and 4in (this is the cell width) as you like.
This has the added advantage that you paragraphs will also be justified.


Re: multiple paragraphs in a table cell

2014-07-15 Thread Enrico Forestieri
Scott Kostyshak writes:
> Another idea is to use a minipage. Go to Insert > Box > Frameless.
> Then try putting vertical space in (Insert > Formatting > Vertical
> Space).

No, this will not work because in a tabular environment \parskip is
reset (actually, even \par is redefined). You have to insert
in ERT at the start of the cell.


Re: multiple paragraphs in a table cell

2014-07-15 Thread Enrico Forestieri
Will Parsons writes:
> Yes, it does succeed in separating the paragraphs, but the text of the
> paragraph in the box spills out of the bounds of the table when
> converted to PDF.  Ouch!

You have to adjust the width of the minipage.


Re: multiple paragraphs in a table cell

2014-07-15 Thread Enrico Forestieri
Enrico Forestieri writes:
> Scott Kostyshak writes:
> > 
> > Another idea is to use a minipage. Go to Insert > Box > Frameless.
> > Then try putting vertical space in (Insert > Formatting > Vertical
> > Space).
> No, this will not work because in a tabular environment \parskip is
> reset (actually, even \par is redefined). You have to insert
> \setlength{\parskip}{\bigskipamount}
> in ERT at the start of the cell.

Sorry, I should have read until the end and not simply stopping at the
minipage suggestion. Yes, that would be another way, but reestablishing
the parskip is more handy.


Re: multiple paragraphs in a table cell

2014-07-15 Thread Enrico Forestieri
Scott Kostyshak writes:
> Thanks for the correction, Enrico.

Actually, it's me who should stand corrected ;)


Re: multiple paragraphs in a table cell

2014-07-15 Thread Enrico Forestieri
Will Parsons  nodomain.invalid> writes:
> Enrico Forestieri wrote:
> > Scott Kostyshak writes:
> >> 
> >> Another idea is to use a minipage. Go to Insert > Box > Frameless.
> >> Then try putting vertical space in (Insert > Formatting > Vertical
> >> Space).
> >
> > No, this will not work because in a tabular environment \parskip is
> > reset (actually, even \par is redefined). You have to insert
> > \setlength{\parskip}{\bigskipamount}
> > in ERT at the start of the cell.
> I can't say I'm delighted at this solution, since it seems like a bit
> of magic (I didn't even know what ERT was), but it *does* work.  So,
> thank you - I think my problem is solved (even if in not quite the
> straightforward way I would have liked).

If you are concerned about the open ERT, you could close it or, if you
don't want to even see it, I can suggest some other dark magic ;)
Place the cursor in the cell and open the table settings.
In the text field of the "LaTeX argument" entry, insert
and then apply.
Change \bigskipamount and 4in (this is the cell width) as you like.
This has the added advantage that you paragraphs will also be justified.


Trouble reading EMF and EPS graphic files

2014-06-14 Thread Enrico Forestieri
On Thu, Jun 12, 2014 at 11:34 AM, Samuel Gamtessa wrote:

 I have encountered a strange problem that I never did before.

 The graphic files in .eps and .emf files are not properly read anymore,
 showing a message error connecting to a readable format

 I have never encountered this previously except that on a mac, I needed a
 separate software called eps to pdf. I am working on a pc currently
and I
 did not face this trouble previously.

 What might cause such a problem?

If you use LyX 2.1.0, then this is a known problem. Specifically, LyX is not
able anymore to show a preview for certain kind of EPS and other file
formats, including EMF. The fix for this issue will be included in
version 2.1.2,
unless there are explicit requests for including it in 2.1.1, I presume.


Trouble reading EMF and EPS graphic files

2014-06-14 Thread Enrico Forestieri
On Thu, Jun 12, 2014 at 11:34 AM, Samuel Gamtessa wrote:

 I have encountered a strange problem that I never did before.

 The graphic files in .eps and .emf files are not properly read anymore,
 showing a message error connecting to a readable format

 I have never encountered this previously except that on a mac, I needed a
 separate software called eps to pdf. I am working on a pc currently
and I
 did not face this trouble previously.

 What might cause such a problem?

If you use LyX 2.1.0, then this is a known problem. Specifically, LyX is not
able anymore to show a preview for certain kind of EPS and other file
formats, including EMF. The fix for this issue will be included in
version 2.1.2,
unless there are explicit requests for including it in 2.1.1, I presume.


Trouble reading EMF and EPS graphic files

2014-06-14 Thread Enrico Forestieri
On Thu, Jun 12, 2014 at 11:34 AM, Samuel Gamtessa wrote:
> Hello,
> I have encountered a strange problem that I never did before.
> The graphic files in .eps and .emf files are not properly read anymore,
> showing a message "error connecting to a readable format"
> I have never encountered this previously except that on a mac, I needed a
> separate software called "eps to pdf." I am working on a pc currently
and I
> did not face this trouble previously.
> What might cause such a problem?

If you use LyX 2.1.0, then this is a known problem. Specifically, LyX is not
able anymore to show a preview for certain kind of EPS and other file
formats, including EMF. The fix for this issue will be included in
version 2.1.2,
unless there are explicit requests for including it in 2.1.1, I presume.


Re: How to tell LyX to add empty line after paragraphs of my style?

2014-05-22 Thread Enrico Forestieri
On Thu, May 22, 2014 at 01:44:44PM -0400, Richard Heck wrote:
 On 05/21/2014 05:46 PM, Enrico Forestieri wrote:
  (For display maths, the presence of white space
  around it is almost invisible in the LyX window while it has a profound
  effect in the output.)
 Yes, this is really a bugger and the only way to recognize it is activating
 the end of paragraph marker in the preferences. If you see a pilcrow mark
 before the math inset it means that a blank line will be output. Placing the
 cursor just before the math inset and hitting the backspace key gets rid of 
 It's easier to get aware of a blank line after the math inset by the fact the
 following text is indented.
 Would it be worth our outputting a pilcrow in such cases? or some other
 visual indication? Maybe more vertical space, as one will get in the PDF?

I don't think that increasing the vertical space is a clear indicator
and that would also be a waste of screen space. On the other hand, it
seems odd outputting a pilcrow only in this case. Maybe a *small* vertical
double arrow like those used for inserting a vertical space is more
eye catching, or, perhaps, an arrow like the parbreak separator.


Re: How to tell LyX to add empty line after paragraphs of my style?

2014-05-22 Thread Enrico Forestieri
On Thu, May 22, 2014 at 01:44:44PM -0400, Richard Heck wrote:
 On 05/21/2014 05:46 PM, Enrico Forestieri wrote:
  (For display maths, the presence of white space
  around it is almost invisible in the LyX window while it has a profound
  effect in the output.)
 Yes, this is really a bugger and the only way to recognize it is activating
 the end of paragraph marker in the preferences. If you see a pilcrow mark
 before the math inset it means that a blank line will be output. Placing the
 cursor just before the math inset and hitting the backspace key gets rid of 
 It's easier to get aware of a blank line after the math inset by the fact the
 following text is indented.
 Would it be worth our outputting a pilcrow in such cases? or some other
 visual indication? Maybe more vertical space, as one will get in the PDF?

I don't think that increasing the vertical space is a clear indicator
and that would also be a waste of screen space. On the other hand, it
seems odd outputting a pilcrow only in this case. Maybe a *small* vertical
double arrow like those used for inserting a vertical space is more
eye catching, or, perhaps, an arrow like the parbreak separator.


Re: How to tell LyX to add empty line after paragraphs of my style?

2014-05-22 Thread Enrico Forestieri
On Thu, May 22, 2014 at 01:44:44PM -0400, Richard Heck wrote:
> On 05/21/2014 05:46 PM, Enrico Forestieri wrote:
> >> (For display maths, the presence of white space
> >> around it is almost invisible in the LyX window while it has a profound
> >> effect in the output.)
> >
> >Yes, this is really a bugger and the only way to recognize it is activating
> >the end of paragraph marker in the preferences. If you see a pilcrow mark
> >before the math inset it means that a blank line will be output. Placing the
> >cursor just before the math inset and hitting the backspace key gets rid of 
> >it.
> >It's easier to get aware of a blank line after the math inset by the fact the
> >following text is indented.
> Would it be worth our outputting a pilcrow in such cases? or some other
> visual indication? Maybe more vertical space, as one will get in the PDF?

I don't think that increasing the vertical space is a clear indicator
and that would also be a waste of screen space. On the other hand, it
seems odd outputting a pilcrow only in this case. Maybe a *small* vertical
double arrow like those used for inserting a vertical space is more
eye catching, or, perhaps, an arrow like the parbreak separator.


Re: How to tell LyX to add empty line after paragraphs of my style?

2014-05-21 Thread Enrico Forestieri
 Milde writes:
 On 2014-05-17, Enrico Forestieri wrote:
  Roman Inflianskas writes:
  Thank you, it works and looks better, than -separator-.
  Just for information. This issue is solved for the next major release (2.2).
  To achieve your goal you can either simply hit return after an environment
  or use a local layout with NextNoIndent set to false, as you already did
  (but now it will work).
 Thanks a lot. This solves a long standing problem.
 How is the visual feedback?

You get a small arrow, similar to the one obtained with Ctrl+Enter but
blue instead of red, standing on its own line. This will also be one way
to separate environments: a double return gets you out of an environment
and a third one introduces this new separator, after which you can repeat
the same environment as the previous one. You will have a blank line in the
output but, if this is not wanted, with a right click you can change this to
a plain separator. Visually, the blue arrow will change to a small red
line segment which produces nothing in the output (you will actually have
the blank line commented out by '%' sign, so this is really equivalent
to a space).

This cannot be backported because it is a file format change, but the
NextNoIndent glitch has been fixed also for LyX 2.1.1, so the example
of the OP will also work.

 (For display maths, the presence of white space
 around it is almost invisible in the LyX window while it has a profound
 effect in the output.)

Yes, this is really a bugger and the only way to recognize it is activating
the end of paragraph marker in the preferences. If you see a pilcrow mark
before the math inset it means that a blank line will be output. Placing the
cursor just before the math inset and hitting the backspace key gets rid of it.
It's easier to get aware of a blank line after the math inset by the fact the
following text is indented.


Re: How to tell LyX to add empty line after paragraphs of my style?

2014-05-21 Thread Enrico Forestieri
 Milde writes:
 On 2014-05-17, Enrico Forestieri wrote:
  Roman Inflianskas writes:
  Thank you, it works and looks better, than -separator-.
  Just for information. This issue is solved for the next major release (2.2).
  To achieve your goal you can either simply hit return after an environment
  or use a local layout with NextNoIndent set to false, as you already did
  (but now it will work).
 Thanks a lot. This solves a long standing problem.
 How is the visual feedback?

You get a small arrow, similar to the one obtained with Ctrl+Enter but
blue instead of red, standing on its own line. This will also be one way
to separate environments: a double return gets you out of an environment
and a third one introduces this new separator, after which you can repeat
the same environment as the previous one. You will have a blank line in the
output but, if this is not wanted, with a right click you can change this to
a plain separator. Visually, the blue arrow will change to a small red
line segment which produces nothing in the output (you will actually have
the blank line commented out by '%' sign, so this is really equivalent
to a space).

This cannot be backported because it is a file format change, but the
NextNoIndent glitch has been fixed also for LyX 2.1.1, so the example
of the OP will also work.

 (For display maths, the presence of white space
 around it is almost invisible in the LyX window while it has a profound
 effect in the output.)

Yes, this is really a bugger and the only way to recognize it is activating
the end of paragraph marker in the preferences. If you see a pilcrow mark
before the math inset it means that a blank line will be output. Placing the
cursor just before the math inset and hitting the backspace key gets rid of it.
It's easier to get aware of a blank line after the math inset by the fact the
following text is indented.


Re: How to tell LyX to add empty line after paragraphs of my style?

2014-05-21 Thread Enrico Forestieri
 Milde writes:
> On 2014-05-17, Enrico Forestieri wrote:
> > Roman Inflianskas writes:
> >> Thank you, it works and looks better, than -separator-.
> > Just for information. This issue is solved for the next major release (2.2).
> > To achieve your goal you can either simply hit  after an environment
> > or use a local layout with NextNoIndent set to false, as you already did
> > (but now it will work).
> Thanks a lot. This solves a long standing problem.
> How is the visual feedback?

You get a small arrow, similar to the one obtained with Ctrl+Enter but
blue instead of red, standing on its own line. This will also be one way
to separate environments: a double  gets you out of an environment
and a third one introduces this new "separator", after which you can repeat
the same environment as the previous one. You will have a blank line in the
output but, if this is not wanted, with a right click you can change this to
a "plain" separator. Visually, the blue arrow will change to a small red
line segment which produces nothing in the output (you will actually have
the blank line commented out by '%' sign, so this is really equivalent
to a space).

This cannot be backported because it is a file format change, but the
NextNoIndent glitch has been fixed also for LyX 2.1.1, so the example
of the OP will also work.

> (For display maths, the presence of white space
> around it is almost invisible in the LyX window while it has a profound
> effect in the output.)

Yes, this is really a bugger and the only way to recognize it is activating
the end of paragraph marker in the preferences. If you see a pilcrow mark
before the math inset it means that a blank line will be output. Placing the
cursor just before the math inset and hitting the backspace key gets rid of it.
It's easier to get aware of a blank line after the math inset by the fact the
following text is indented.


Re: How to tell LyX to add empty line after paragraphs of my style?

2014-05-17 Thread Enrico Forestieri
Roman Inflianskas writes:
 Thank you, it works and looks better, than -separator-.

Just for information. This issue is solved for the next major release (2.2).
To achieve your goal you can either simply hit return after an environment
or use a local layout with NextNoIndent set to false, as you already did
(but now it will work).


Re: How to tell LyX to add empty line after paragraphs of my style?

2014-05-17 Thread Enrico Forestieri
Roman Inflianskas writes:
 Thank you, it works and looks better, than -separator-.

Just for information. This issue is solved for the next major release (2.2).
To achieve your goal you can either simply hit return after an environment
or use a local layout with NextNoIndent set to false, as you already did
(but now it will work).


Re: How to tell LyX to add empty line after paragraphs of my style?

2014-05-17 Thread Enrico Forestieri
Roman Inflianskas writes:
> Thank you, it works and looks better, than -separator-.

Just for information. This issue is solved for the next major release (2.2).
To achieve your goal you can either simply hit  after an environment
or use a local layout with NextNoIndent set to false, as you already did
(but now it will work).


Re: LyX and Cygwin

2014-05-05 Thread Enrico Forestieri
On Mon, May 05, 2014 at 11:13:18AM -0400, Bert Lloyd wrote:

 Thanks again for your advice.
 I am having a few issues with installation:
 In step 4 of the installation instructions (In the Select Packages
 view...) I did not initially see lyx and related packages. After
 clicking View a few times until Not Installed was displayed, the
 relevant packages were displayed (lyx, lyxdict, etc, although not
 LyXwin as stated in step 4).
 When installing, I then got popup messages from Cygwin setup Can't
 open (null) for reading: No such file while setup was installing
 cygspawn-1.0.0-2-src, dtltools-0.6.2-src, dvipost-1.1-4-src,
 latex2rtf-1.9.17-2.src, lyxsupport-2.0-src.
 Finally, lyx still finds my windows installation rather than the new
 cygwin version:
 $ lyx -version
 LyX 2.0.8 (2014-04-14)
 Built on Apr 15 2014, 23:03:32
 CMake Build
 I'm assuming I need to edit the cygwin PATH variable, since this still 
 /cygdrive/c/Program Files (x86)/LyX 2.0/bin
 however, I can't find the right directory in cygwin, i.e.
 /usr/local/share/lyx/ does not exist, nor can I find lyx.exe,
 lyxwin.exe, or any lyx directory in my cygwin installation. I'm not
 sure that I've looked everywhere, but I have looked everywhere I can
 think of, including
 which leads me to suspect my installation was not successful after all.
 Any suggestions?

From what you write above, I suspect that you installed the 64 bit version
of Cygwin, while that package was built for the 32 bit version.
If you don't have a specific need for the 64 bit version, you can try
installing the 32 bit version. I am sorry but I don't have cygwin64
and can't build a 64 bit version of the package ATM, because I still
use an old 32 bit laptop for working in Windows.


Re: LyX and Cygwin

2014-05-05 Thread Enrico Forestieri
On Mon, May 05, 2014 at 11:13:18AM -0400, Bert Lloyd wrote:

 Thanks again for your advice.
 I am having a few issues with installation:
 In step 4 of the installation instructions (In the Select Packages
 view...) I did not initially see lyx and related packages. After
 clicking View a few times until Not Installed was displayed, the
 relevant packages were displayed (lyx, lyxdict, etc, although not
 LyXwin as stated in step 4).
 When installing, I then got popup messages from Cygwin setup Can't
 open (null) for reading: No such file while setup was installing
 cygspawn-1.0.0-2-src, dtltools-0.6.2-src, dvipost-1.1-4-src,
 latex2rtf-1.9.17-2.src, lyxsupport-2.0-src.
 Finally, lyx still finds my windows installation rather than the new
 cygwin version:
 $ lyx -version
 LyX 2.0.8 (2014-04-14)
 Built on Apr 15 2014, 23:03:32
 CMake Build
 I'm assuming I need to edit the cygwin PATH variable, since this still 
 /cygdrive/c/Program Files (x86)/LyX 2.0/bin
 however, I can't find the right directory in cygwin, i.e.
 /usr/local/share/lyx/ does not exist, nor can I find lyx.exe,
 lyxwin.exe, or any lyx directory in my cygwin installation. I'm not
 sure that I've looked everywhere, but I have looked everywhere I can
 think of, including
 which leads me to suspect my installation was not successful after all.
 Any suggestions?

From what you write above, I suspect that you installed the 64 bit version
of Cygwin, while that package was built for the 32 bit version.
If you don't have a specific need for the 64 bit version, you can try
installing the 32 bit version. I am sorry but I don't have cygwin64
and can't build a 64 bit version of the package ATM, because I still
use an old 32 bit laptop for working in Windows.


Re: LyX and Cygwin

2014-05-05 Thread Enrico Forestieri
On Mon, May 05, 2014 at 11:13:18AM -0400, Bert Lloyd wrote:

> Thanks again for your advice.
> I am having a few issues with installation:
> In step 4 of the installation instructions ("In the "Select Packages"
> view...") I did not initially see lyx and related packages. After
> clicking "View" a few times until "Not Installed" was displayed, the
> relevant packages were displayed (lyx, lyxdict, etc, although not
> LyXwin as stated in step 4).
> When installing, I then got popup messages from Cygwin setup "Can't
> open (null) for reading: No such file" while setup was installing
> cygspawn-1.0.0-2-src, dtltools-0.6.2-src, dvipost-1.1-4-src,
> latex2rtf-1.9.17-2.src, lyxsupport-2.0-src.
> Finally, lyx still finds my windows installation rather than the new
> cygwin version:
> $ lyx -version
> LyX 2.0.8 (2014-04-14)
> Built on Apr 15 2014, 23:03:32
> CMake Build
> I'm assuming I need to edit the cygwin PATH variable, since this still 
> includes
> /cygdrive/c/Program Files (x86)/LyX 2.0/bin
> however, I can't find the right directory in cygwin, i.e.
> /usr/local/share/lyx/ does not exist, nor can I find lyx.exe,
> lyxwin.exe, or any lyx directory in my cygwin installation. I'm not
> sure that I've looked everywhere, but I have looked everywhere I can
> think of, including
> C:\cygwin64\bin
> C:\cygwin64\etc
> C:\cygwin64\lib
> C:\cygwin64\usr
> C:\cygwin64\usr\local
> C:\cygwin64\usr\share
> which leads me to suspect my installation was not successful after all.
> Any suggestions?

>From what you write above, I suspect that you installed the 64 bit version
of Cygwin, while that package was built for the 32 bit version.
If you don't have a specific need for the 64 bit version, you can try
installing the 32 bit version. I am sorry but I don't have cygwin64
and can't build a 64 bit version of the package ATM, because I still
use an old 32 bit laptop for working in Windows.


Re: LyX and Cygwin

2014-05-03 Thread Enrico Forestieri
On Sat, May 03, 2014 at 10:42:12AM -0400, Bert Lloyd wrote:
 On Fri, May 2, 2014 at 10:40 PM, Enrico Forestieri wrote:
  Bert Lloyd writes:
  1. Add my current Windows installation of LyX and MikTeX to my Cygwin
  PATH variable, so cygwin can find lyx.exe, etc.
  This works provided that you take into account that a native version
  of LyX cannot use neither scripts nor commands that are symlinks.
  If you need one of such commands you have to write a wrapper batch
  file. Often, they can be one liners of the kind
  @bash -c 'script_or_symlink_name %*'
 Do you mean
 a native version of LyX (a) cannot use scripts and (b) cannot use
 commands that are symlinks

Yes, scripts and symlinks cannot be directly executed by a native program.

 I'm just doing very simple things in these script: lyx -e to export to
 tex, ultra-simple sed commands to change a couple of lines in the
 tex-file (e.g. notes=show to notes=hide in beamer), then pdflatex to
 compile pdfs.
 My belief was that these were simple enough to be consistent between
 native LyX and Cygwin LyX (indeed, only the first is a lyx command).
 Is this belief reasonable?

Yes, for these simple things both versions are suitable. However, I
think that the official native LyX is compiled as a GUI application.
If so, you will not get any output on the terminal and thus will not
see any error message. Also, a GUI application launched from a terminal
(or script) generally returns immediately and this may be a problem.
Your calling script should be prepared for this. For example, the
command lyx -e pdf document.lyx may return before document.pdf is
produced. Thus, you have to check that document.pdf actually is created
before continuing with other commands. But you are not notified if an
error occurs and your script may wait forever for the result...
Well, native GUI commands are not comfortable for scripting.


Re: LyX and Cygwin

2014-05-03 Thread Enrico Forestieri
On Sat, May 03, 2014 at 10:42:12AM -0400, Bert Lloyd wrote:
 On Fri, May 2, 2014 at 10:40 PM, Enrico Forestieri wrote:
  Bert Lloyd writes:
  1. Add my current Windows installation of LyX and MikTeX to my Cygwin
  PATH variable, so cygwin can find lyx.exe, etc.
  This works provided that you take into account that a native version
  of LyX cannot use neither scripts nor commands that are symlinks.
  If you need one of such commands you have to write a wrapper batch
  file. Often, they can be one liners of the kind
  @bash -c 'script_or_symlink_name %*'
 Do you mean
 a native version of LyX (a) cannot use scripts and (b) cannot use
 commands that are symlinks

Yes, scripts and symlinks cannot be directly executed by a native program.

 I'm just doing very simple things in these script: lyx -e to export to
 tex, ultra-simple sed commands to change a couple of lines in the
 tex-file (e.g. notes=show to notes=hide in beamer), then pdflatex to
 compile pdfs.
 My belief was that these were simple enough to be consistent between
 native LyX and Cygwin LyX (indeed, only the first is a lyx command).
 Is this belief reasonable?

Yes, for these simple things both versions are suitable. However, I
think that the official native LyX is compiled as a GUI application.
If so, you will not get any output on the terminal and thus will not
see any error message. Also, a GUI application launched from a terminal
(or script) generally returns immediately and this may be a problem.
Your calling script should be prepared for this. For example, the
command lyx -e pdf document.lyx may return before document.pdf is
produced. Thus, you have to check that document.pdf actually is created
before continuing with other commands. But you are not notified if an
error occurs and your script may wait forever for the result...
Well, native GUI commands are not comfortable for scripting.


Re: LyX and Cygwin

2014-05-03 Thread Enrico Forestieri
On Sat, May 03, 2014 at 10:42:12AM -0400, Bert Lloyd wrote:
> On Fri, May 2, 2014 at 10:40 PM, Enrico Forestieri <> wrote:
> > Bert Lloyd writes:
> >>
> >> 1. Add my current Windows installation of LyX and MikTeX to my Cygwin
> >> PATH variable, so cygwin can find lyx.exe, etc.
> >
> > This works provided that you take into account that a native version
> > of LyX cannot use neither scripts nor commands that are symlinks.
> > If you need one of such commands you have to write a wrapper batch
> > file. Often, they can be one liners of the kind
> >
> > @bash -c 'script_or_symlink_name %*'
> >
> Do you mean
> "a native version of LyX (a) cannot use scripts and (b) cannot use
> commands that are symlinks"

Yes, scripts and symlinks cannot be directly executed by a native program.

> I'm just doing very simple things in these script: lyx -e to export to
> tex, ultra-simple sed commands to change a couple of lines in the
> tex-file (e.g. notes=show to notes=hide in beamer), then pdflatex to
> compile pdfs.
> My belief was that these were simple enough to be consistent between
> native LyX and Cygwin LyX (indeed, only the first is a lyx command).
> Is this belief reasonable?

Yes, for these simple things both versions are suitable. However, I
think that the official native LyX is compiled as a GUI application.
If so, you will not get any output on the terminal and thus will not
see any error message. Also, a GUI application launched from a terminal
(or script) generally returns immediately and this may be a problem.
Your calling script should be prepared for this. For example, the
command "lyx -e pdf document.lyx" may return before document.pdf is
produced. Thus, you have to check that document.pdf actually is created
before continuing with other commands. But you are not notified if an
error occurs and your script may wait forever for the result...
Well, native GUI commands are not comfortable for scripting.


Re: LyX and Cygwin

2014-05-02 Thread Enrico Forestieri
Bert Lloyd writes:
 Dear LyX-users,
 I am writing some scripts to create PDFs from a number of LyX files. I
 use Windows, but to maximize cross-platform portability, I'm writing
 the scripts for Cygwin so that they can run on unix and MacOS. I would
 like to know whether one of the following three options is preferable:
 1. Add my current Windows installation of LyX and MikTeX to my Cygwin
 PATH variable, so cygwin can find lyx.exe, etc.

This works provided that you take into account that a native version
of LyX cannot use neither scripts nor commands that are symlinks.
If you need one of such commands you have to write a wrapper batch
file. Often, they can be one liners of the kind

@bash -c 'script_or_symlink_name %*'

 2. In Cygwin, install the most recent version of LyX (and, presumably,
 texlive or some other latex engine) and run the cygwin scripts using

While there can be some issues using a Cygwin TeX engine with a native
LyX version (but it can be done), a Cygwin version of LyX can use
without problems a native TeX engine. So, if you install LyX/Cygwin
and already have, say MikTeX, you don't need installing texlive in Cygwin.

 3. Download the tar.gz Cygwin binary directly from and [install? compile?] it. This is
 currently a bit beyond my ability, although I could learn.

That tar.gz contains a Cygwin package to be installed through the
setup.exe installation tool. Simply untar it (using the Cygwin tar
version, not a native one) and follow the instructions in the README
file. This version does not use an X server and is visually identical
to the native version.

 Any other general tips for Cygwin and LyX are of course appreciated.

If you already use Cygwin, then install the Cygwin version of LyX.
If you only sporadically need Cygwin, then install the native version
of LyX and use wrapper batch files to call the commands you need.
If you need interoperability with unix and MacOS, then definitely
install the Cygwin version of LyX.


Re: LyX and Cygwin

2014-05-02 Thread Enrico Forestieri
Bert Lloyd writes:
 Dear LyX-users,
 I am writing some scripts to create PDFs from a number of LyX files. I
 use Windows, but to maximize cross-platform portability, I'm writing
 the scripts for Cygwin so that they can run on unix and MacOS. I would
 like to know whether one of the following three options is preferable:
 1. Add my current Windows installation of LyX and MikTeX to my Cygwin
 PATH variable, so cygwin can find lyx.exe, etc.

This works provided that you take into account that a native version
of LyX cannot use neither scripts nor commands that are symlinks.
If you need one of such commands you have to write a wrapper batch
file. Often, they can be one liners of the kind

@bash -c 'script_or_symlink_name %*'

 2. In Cygwin, install the most recent version of LyX (and, presumably,
 texlive or some other latex engine) and run the cygwin scripts using

While there can be some issues using a Cygwin TeX engine with a native
LyX version (but it can be done), a Cygwin version of LyX can use
without problems a native TeX engine. So, if you install LyX/Cygwin
and already have, say MikTeX, you don't need installing texlive in Cygwin.

 3. Download the tar.gz Cygwin binary directly from and [install? compile?] it. This is
 currently a bit beyond my ability, although I could learn.

That tar.gz contains a Cygwin package to be installed through the
setup.exe installation tool. Simply untar it (using the Cygwin tar
version, not a native one) and follow the instructions in the README
file. This version does not use an X server and is visually identical
to the native version.

 Any other general tips for Cygwin and LyX are of course appreciated.

If you already use Cygwin, then install the Cygwin version of LyX.
If you only sporadically need Cygwin, then install the native version
of LyX and use wrapper batch files to call the commands you need.
If you need interoperability with unix and MacOS, then definitely
install the Cygwin version of LyX.


Re: LyX and Cygwin

2014-05-02 Thread Enrico Forestieri
Bert Lloyd writes:
> Dear LyX-users,
> I am writing some scripts to create PDFs from a number of LyX files. I
> use Windows, but to maximize cross-platform portability, I'm writing
> the scripts for Cygwin so that they can run on unix and MacOS. I would
> like to know whether one of the following three options is preferable:
> 1. Add my current Windows installation of LyX and MikTeX to my Cygwin
> PATH variable, so cygwin can find lyx.exe, etc.

This works provided that you take into account that a native version
of LyX cannot use neither scripts nor commands that are symlinks.
If you need one of such commands you have to write a wrapper batch
file. Often, they can be one liners of the kind

@bash -c 'script_or_symlink_name %*'

> 2. In Cygwin, install the most recent version of LyX (and, presumably,
> texlive or some other latex engine) and run the cygwin scripts using
> these.

While there can be some issues using a Cygwin TeX engine with a native
LyX version (but it can be done), a Cygwin version of LyX can use
without problems a native TeX engine. So, if you install LyX/Cygwin
and already have, say MikTeX, you don't need installing texlive in Cygwin.

> 3. Download the tar.gz Cygwin binary directly from
> and [install? compile?] it. This is
> currently a bit beyond my ability, although I could learn.

That tar.gz contains a Cygwin package to be installed through the
setup.exe installation tool. Simply untar it (using the Cygwin tar
version, not a native one) and follow the instructions in the README
file. This version does not use an X server and is visually identical
to the native version.

> Any other general tips for Cygwin and LyX are of course appreciated.

If you already use Cygwin, then install the Cygwin version of LyX.
If you only sporadically need Cygwin, then install the native version
of LyX and use wrapper batch files to call the commands you need.
If you need interoperability with unix and MacOS, then definitely
install the Cygwin version of LyX.


Re: How to tell LyX to add empty line after paragraphs of my style?

2014-04-28 Thread Enrico Forestieri
Richard Heck rgheck at writes:
 If you DO want to indent the next paragraph, then put a
 --Separator-- enviroment after your list.

I advice against doing that. The --Separator-- environment should only
be used to separate *same* environments and not different ones. The fact
that this layout generates a blank line in the output is a by-product
that was not thoughtfully considered at the time, IMHO.
It is better to explicitly introduce a blank line in ERT.
Hit the TeX button, press return and then close the inset.
Now you have a blank line without relying on the ugly --Separator--.
Hopefully, this will be possible without using ERT for the next major


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