Re: Re: Re: Will Lyx run on Mac OS X 10.6?

2009-09-12 Thread knauslists
Now I have tested LyX on Mac OSX 10.6 more thoroughly and the crashes seem to 
appear only when Lyx does some autosaving of the current document 
("Automatisches Speichern des aktuellen Dokuments…" is written in the bottom 
bar of the Lyx window – Should be sth. like "autosaving current document…" in 
the English version). It immediately crashes afterwards. So far I haven't 
recognized crashes elsewhere. It's always the 2-minute-autosaving-crash.
I also deactivated autosaving in the preferences but this strangely does not 
really deactivate it, as after a couple of minutes the bottom bar message 
reoccurs and so do the crashes. I have restarted LyX after changing the 


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Re: Re: Will Lyx run on Mac OS X 10.6?

2009-09-10 Thread knauslists
Here some additional information to my previous post:

I think the relevant parts of the log of my failed lyx compilation are:
imac:BRANCH_1_6_X jo$ ./configure 
--prefix=/Users/jo/Desktop/lyx_snowleopard/ --with-version-suffix=-1.6 
--with-qt4-dir=/Developer/Tools/Qt --with-included-gettext --enable-
checking for Qt 4 library name... failed
checking for moc-qt4... no
checking for moc... /usr/bin/moc
checking for uic-qt4... no
checking for uic... /usr/bin/uic
checking for rcc-qt4... no
checking for rcc... /usr/bin/rcc
  Host type:i386-apple-darwin10.0.0
  Special build flags:  assertions concept-checks stdlib-debug warnings 
 use-pspell use-ispell
  C   Compiler: gcc 
  C   Compiler LyX flags:
  C   Compiler flags:   -Wextra -Wall-g -Os
  C++ Compiler: g++ (4.2.1)
  C++ Compiler LyX flags:
  C++ Compiler flags:   -Wextra -Wall-g -Os
  Linker flags: 
  Linker user flags:-framework Carbon -framework OpenGL -framework 
AGL -framework QuickTime -framework Cocoa
  Qt 4 Frontend:
  Qt 4 version: 
  LyX binary dir:   
  LyX files dir:

 The following problems have been detected by configure.
 Please check the messages below before running 'make'.
 (see the section 'Problems' in the INSTALL file)

** qt 4 library not found !

Well, what is the correct QT path if it is not the one QT tells me?


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RE: RE: Will Lyx run on Mac OS X 10.6?

2009-09-06 Thread knauslists

So, now some interim report about me trying to compile lyx
on 10.6.

To sum up, I think I messed things up with QT.

First, I didn't find QT 4.3.3 on the QT/Nokia page, the
links to the "archives" there aim to quite empty ftp-servers
with QT3-versions on it.

So I downloaded the actual QT4.5.2 for Mac binary installer
and installed it. That was not a good thing to do.

Later I found the QT4.3.3 source-package by googling
around. I haven't installed this yet.

I tried to compile the lyx 1.6branch which I got via svn
(nice thing: 10.6 has svn already included now) following
the instructions of the INSTALLMACOSX file.

Well, configuring always fails as it cannot find the

I looked up where the 4.5.2 binary installs files:

Qt Designer, Qt Linguist: /Developer/Applications/Qt

Qt Documentation: /Developer/Documentation/Qt

Qt Examples: /Developer/Examples/Qt

Qt Plugins: /Developer/Applications/Qt/Plugins

Qt Frameworks: /Library/Frameworks

Qt Libraries: /usr/lib

qmake, moc, uic, etc.: /Developer/Tools/Qt (symlink to
/usr/bin, so they are really there)

Uninstall script: /Developer/Tools/

I tried it with /usr/bin and /Developer/Tools/QT as
Qt-path-option of the configure command: Same result qt
directory not found.

So I thought about going one step back by removing 4.5.2
first and then compile 4.3.3, but:

The script runs fine and exits without error,
but it didn't remove anything.

As this does not work, I think I have to figure out every
single file that the binary installer placed onto my
harddrive. How nice that it installs to /usr/lib and
/usr/bin by default! *grml*

I stopped here and didn't do anything, before making all
that mess bigger