Re: iOS https request via cellular?

2019-03-21 Thread Quinn ";The Eskimo!"

On 21 Mar 2019, at 13:45, Howard Shere  wrote:

> I will file an enhancement request.


> But that won’t happen for a while …


> I only need a few simple requests. I should be able to find the right 
> interface, bind to a socket and send my requests that way…

Correct.  I’ve done this before and it works just fine.  My main piece of 
advice is that it’s much better if you use Network framework for this.  You run 
into two problems doing this with BSD Sockets:

* You have to do the DNS resolution and connect as separate steps, and it’s 
hard to that properly in the general case.

* You have to reliably identify the WWAN interface, and there’s no supported 
way to do that on iOS.

With Network framework you can use connect-by-name support while explicitly 
requiring WWAN.

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Re: iOS https request via cellular?

2019-03-20 Thread Quinn ";The Eskimo!"

On 20 Mar 2019, at 20:08, Howard Shere  wrote:

> I am working on something for a cellular carrier...

Fair enough.  My recommendation here is that you file an enhancement request 
for this feature, explaining why your HTTP request needs to run over WWAN.


Please post your bug number, just for the record.

There really isn’t a great workaround here.  If you only need to deal with very 
simple requests, you can build a bone-headed HTTP 1.1 client on top of Network 
framework (or other, older APIs), which lets your force WWAN.  If you need a 
full-featured HTTP client, the only option I can see is to write (or acquire) 
your own HTTP library )-:

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Re: iOS https request via cellular?

2019-03-20 Thread Quinn ";The Eskimo!"

On 20 Mar 2019, at 14:25, Howard Shere  wrote:

> I was hoping for a way to use URLRequest to do this

Not at the `NSURLSession` level.

Why do you need this?  I’ve seen requests like this before, and I’m curious 
whether your use case is the same as the others I’ve seen (most commonly it’s 
for folks working for or with a cellular carrier, who need to make sure the 
request goes out over WWAN as part of some sort of authentication mechanism).

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Re: NSURLDelegate: Differences between access by hostname or IP

2019-02-25 Thread Quinn ";The Eskimo!"

On 25 Feb 2019, at 13:53, Alexander von Below  wrote:

> What could possibly be the difference between accessing the service via 
> hostname or via ip?

You’re most likely being affected by App Transport Security (ATS).  On iOS 10 
(and its cohort) and later, ATS is always disabled for IP address connections.  
Thus, if you make a connection to an IP address, ATS won’t block it and you’ll 
get a server trust authentication challenge.  If you do nothing in response to 
that challenge, the connection will fail because the server’s certificate 
doesn’t pass default HTTPS server trust evaluation.  However, if you override 
that challenge and tell the system to allow the connection, it will go through.

OTOH, if you make a connection to a DNS name, ATS will block that because the 
certificate used by the server doesn’t meet ATS’s strict security requirements.

It’s possible that you could use an `NSExceptionDomains` entry to disable ATS 
for the DNS name used by your server.  Once you do that, you can catch the 
server trust authentication challenge and override trust evaluation as 
discussed above.  However, this may not be possible depending on the exact DNS 
name format used by your server.  See the “NSAppTransportSecurity” section of 
the “Information Property List Key Reference” for details.


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Re: Waking up AWDL

2019-02-25 Thread Quinn ";The Eskimo!"

On 25 Feb 2019, at 10:30, Neil Alexander  wrote:

> what is the best way to make an appeal for the AWDL interface to be scoped 
> for use from within a Network Extension in future versions of macOS/iOS?

You should definitely file an enhancement request for that.


Please reply back your bug number, just for the record.

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Re: Waking up AWDL

2019-02-25 Thread Quinn ";The Eskimo!"

On 22 Feb 2019, at 19:14, Neil Alexander  wrote:

> Would this impact us if we wanted eventually to distribute the app?

That depends on what you mean by “impact”.  I suspect you’re asking whether App 
Review will reject your app, and I can’t speak to that.  DTS and App Review are 
separate organisations, so I can’t make definitive statements about App 
Review’s policies or procedures.

Speaking from a DTS perspective, we /strongly/ encourage folks to stick to 
public APIs when shipping products to customers (and have done so since long 
before App Review even existed!).  Apple works hard to maintain 
release-to-release binary compatibility for public APIs.  We offer no such 
guarantees for private stuff.  If some core functionality in your product is 
based on private stuff, it could go away without warning and without any 
migration path, and such an event would leave your customers high and dry.

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Re: Waking up AWDL

2019-02-22 Thread Quinn ";The Eskimo!"

On 22 Feb 2019, at 15:16, Neil Alexander  wrote:

> accept/initiate TCP connections over awdl0 using sockets that have 
> SO_RECV_ANYIF sockopt set

Oh, there’s one thing I want to clarify for those reading along at home…

`SO_RECV_ANYIF` is not public API.  It’s easy to find this option in the Darwin 
open source for the kernel (xnu), but it’s not in the macOS SDK.

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Re: Waking up AWDL

2019-02-22 Thread Quinn ";The Eskimo!"

On 22 Feb 2019, at 15:51, Neil Alexander  wrote:

> Our main problem here is that we aren't using Swift or Objective-C, so trying 
> to use NWListener and NetService are out

Network framework presents as two separate API, one in Swift and one in vanilla 
C.  I’m not familiar with Go’s ability to call other languages.  Is calling 
vanillia C APIs hard?

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Re: Waking up AWDL

2019-02-22 Thread Quinn ";The Eskimo!"

On 22 Feb 2019, at 15:16, Neil Alexander  wrote:

> I am assuming that there is some low-level syscall/ioctl or similar that 
> causes AWDL to "wake up", as I figure that the NetService/Multipeer 
> Connectivity APIs have some method for doing this.

That’s correct.  However, the special sauce required to make this work was not 
part of our public SDKs, at least the last time I checked.

Historically the only way to accept incoming TCP connections over peer-to-peer 
Wi-Fi was via `NSNetServiceListenForConnections`.  On modern systems you should 
also be able to do it via `NWListener`.  That’s a step in the right direction — 
`NWListener` at least supports UDP — but it doesn’t get you all the way because 
Network framework currently does not support multicast.

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Re: I need some feedback

2019-01-18 Thread Quinn ";The Eskimo!"

On 18 Jan 2019, at 17:33, Howard Shere  wrote:

> The code is currently using CommonCrypto …

CommonCrypto will do a good job of each specific crypto algorithm, but network 
security depends on how you assemble those algorithms into a protocol.  That’s 
very hard to do correctly, even by security experts, which is why we’re 
currently on version 1.3 of TLS.

Implementing TLS for a peer-to-peer product like this one is not without its 
challenges, but it’s still much easier than designed your own on-the-wire 
security protocol.

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Re: I need some feedback

2019-01-17 Thread Quinn ";The Eskimo!"

On 16 Jan 2019, at 20:32, Howard Shere  wrote:

> We can’t entirely stream from the files because we need to encrypt the data.

H.  I have various points on that front:

* The networking APIs don’t generally support a “send this file to this 
connection” primitive, so you have to read the file and write it to the 
connection using the CPU.  While doing that you can apply your encryption.

* Encryption on modern CPUs is pretty darned fast, so I don’t think that will 
slow you down significantly.

* Assuming you’re using an Apple API for that (like CommonCrypto, as mentioned 
by Yarshure).

* After profiling you may want to introduce some buffering system to pipeline 
the read, the crypto, and the write.  If you do that, make sure you limit the 
size of that buffer.

Finally, a question: Is there a reason you’re doing your own encryption rather 
than using TLS?  Creating your own on-the-wire crypto is very tricky, and it’s 
something best left to the experts.

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Re: I need some feedback

2019-01-10 Thread Quinn ";The Eskimo!"

On 10 Jan 2019, at 15:42, Howard Shere  wrote:

> Lots of files.

That’s likely to be the most interesting part of this.  Transferring a single 
large file over Wi-Fi is pretty straightforward: Open a TCP connection and pour 
bytes down it.  That’ll be fast and work well in a wide variety of network 
environments.  You may be able to do better with a custom transport protocol in 
some specific environments, but it’s hard to do better than TCP in general.

If you go down this path it’s a good idea to start the transfer with a header 
(including, at a minimum, the expected length) and end the transfer with a 

IMPORTANT: You need an end-to-end checksum because, when transferring /large/ 
amounts of data, the probability of an error not being detected by the TCP 
checksum starts to rise.

The header will also allow you to support resumable transfers, which is always 
a good idea on iOS.

The specific API you use for this doesn’t really matter than much.  If you had 
a minimum deployment target of iOS 12 I’d recommend `NWConnection` but, as you 
have to support older systems, using `NSStream` is fine.

If you have multiple files to transfer then things get substantially more 
complex.  Ideally you’d want to transfer all the files over the same TCP 
connection.  The thing you want to avoid is an archive-transfer-unarchive 
approach, because the time taken for the [un]archiving could be significant.  
That means the sender needs to stream off the file system and on to the 
network, and the receiver needs to do the reverse.  This isn’t too hard but the 
devil is in the details.  For example, supporting resumable transfers with 
multiple files is going to be tricky.

You could probably find an industry-standard protocol that meets your needs, 
but that’s not always a win.  A lot of the time standard protocols tend to be 
more complex than necessary, and they’re only an advantage if you can find a 
library that implements the protocol, and that brings its own complexities.

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Re: I need some feedback

2019-01-10 Thread Quinn ";The Eskimo!"

On 10 Jan 2019, at 15:40, Howard Shere  wrote:

> Primarily images and videos.

Just one file?  Or lots of files?

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Re: I need some feedback

2019-01-10 Thread Quinn ";The Eskimo!"

On 10 Jan 2019, at 14:48, Howard Shere  wrote:

> I am interested in finding the fastest possible way to transfer large amounts 
> of data between 2 iOS devices.

Also, what does the connectivity look like?  On the same Wi-Fi?  Both on the 

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Re: I need some feedback

2019-01-10 Thread Quinn ";The Eskimo!"

On 10 Jan 2019, at 14:48, Howard Shere  wrote:

> amounts of data

Define large?  I’m not look for an exact number, just an expected order of 

Also, what’s you minimum deployment target?

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Re: URLSession GET request with http body

2018-11-13 Thread Quinn ";The Eskimo!"

On 13 Nov 2018, at 01:37, Howard Shere  wrote:

> I was hoping their was some other way to make this work with URLSession.
> …

I’ll respond on that DevForums thread later today.

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Re: slow wifi with bluetooth enabled?

2018-11-08 Thread Quinn ";The Eskimo!"

On 7 Nov 2018, at 18:43, Howard Shere  wrote:

> Anyone have any idea why wifi throughput would be significantly slower with 
> bluetooth enabled?

Wi-Fi and Bluetooth share radio spectrum, so coexistence problems are 
inevitable.  The mechanics of how that works are very low level.  Third-party 
developers have virtually no control over this stuff and precious little 
insight into it.

If performance is particularly bad in some specific scenario my recommendation 
is that you file a bug about that.  Make sure to enable additional Wi-Fi 
logging and then trigger a sysdiagnose log and attach that to your bug.  You 
can find more information about both of these steps on our Bug Reporting > 
Profiles and Logs.


In terms of APIs, I have two suggestions:

* If you use Bonjour make sure to not leave active requests running for longer 
than necessary.  You can leave a registration running indefinitely, but you 
should try to structure your UI such that you’re not running a browse 
indefinitely.  And if you’re doing the resolve step manually — it’s best to 
avoid this in general, but there are situations where it can be necessary — 
make sure to cancel the resolve before you start transferring.

* Optimise your on-the-wire traffic.  There’s two parts to this:

- You can try to transfer less data overall, using compression and so on.

- If you have a custom protocol then you can change that protocol to make 
better use of the network.  In my experience a challenging network environment 
shows up bad protocol design, that is, on a well-behaved network, like the 
typical home Wi-Fi, both good and bad protocols work OK, but if you put those 
protocols on a poor network then you start to see a big difference between the 

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Re: WebDownloadDelegate delegate methods called on non-main thread

2018-11-05 Thread Quinn ";The Eskimo!"

On 3 Nov 2018, at 00:30, Nick Beadman  wrote:

> the WebKit folks duped it to a radar which I thought was odd, maybe it isn’t.

There’s not how I read that bug report.  If I go to:


I see the 2018-10-26 entry is from “Radar WebKit Bug Importer”, which implies 
that it got imported into Radar by an automated system.

> I don’t see anything in the WebKit API that says that the WebPolicyDelegate 
> callbacks will be called on the main thread.

I think that’s implied.  WebKit is all about running a view, and all views are 
main thread only.

> I have mitigated this by adding assets that will cause my code to crash 
> immediately if I tell WebKit to download on anything other than the main 
> thread.

That’s a good idea.

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Re: Network.framework and client/server?

2018-11-05 Thread Quinn ";The Eskimo!"

On 3 Nov 2018, at 00:06, Carl Hoefs  wrote:

> So... the connection handler block makes each new connection in a new thread 
> on the designated dispatch queue? If so, then that should work. It's just a 
> bit unclear.

The first part of this sentence is correct: The connection handler is called to 
tell you about new connections.  The second half is not.  Network framework is 
fully async, so there’s no strong connection between connections and threads.  
Rather, before you start an object (like a listener or a connection) you must 
set its dispatch queue and the framework places all callbacks associated with 
that object on that queue.  Dispatch then assigns threads to run the callbacks 
from those queues like it would any other queue.

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Re: In airplane mode, socket writes unexpectedly don't fail

2018-10-31 Thread Quinn ";The Eskimo!"

On 30 Oct 2018, at 23:40, Jens Alfke  wrote:

> My knowledge of TCP tells me that if you write to a socket, but no ACK packet 
> is received within ~15 seconds, the socket will be closed with an error (I 
> think ECONNRESET?)

I can’t speak to how Xamarin works, but if it’s a simple wrapper around BSD 
Sockets then the expected behaviour here is that the kernel will maintain the 
TCP connection, retrying indefinitely.  BSD Sockets was designed for a world 
where computers used wired connections that were manually configured, and thus 
the kernel does not automatically close a connection just because its source 
address has been lost.

High-level APIs, like CFSocketStream, actively monitor the connection to see if 
the source address goes invalid.

> I’m uncomfortable with this, since I know Reachability can be unreliable and 
> this usage doesn’t go along with the best practices

It is, alas, a mistake to apply your high-level intuition to this low-level 
problem.  In this case there’s a specific reachability API you should be using, 
namely `SCNetworkReachabilityCreateWithAddressPair`.  Once the socket has 
connected you should get the local and peer address (`getsockname` and 
`getpeername`) and feed that into `SCNetworkReachabilityCreateWithAddressPair`.

I recommend that you debounce this signal.  That is, closing the connection 
only if reachability indicates a problem for a second or so.  Without this 
debounce you can end up closing the connection in situations where it might 
have recovered.

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Re: WebDownloadDelegate delegate methods called on non-main thread

2018-10-30 Thread Quinn ";The Eskimo!"

On 29 Oct 2018, at 22:34, Nick Beadman  wrote:

> Thought I would add it here to see if anyone has any ideas.

Ideas on what?  To my mind:

* This is clearly a bug.  Even if this behaviour change was intended, it’s 
still a binary compatibility regression.

* As both you and Jens Alfke noted, working around isn’t hard.

* If you’re looking for comments on when this might get fixed, I don’t think 
you’re going to get much joy here on MacNetworkProg.  This is a WebKit issue 
and the WebKit folks don’t lurk here as far as I know.

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Re: Doing request rate limiting with NSURLSession

2018-10-10 Thread Quinn ";The Eskimo!"

On 10 Oct 2018, at 17:56, Sebastien Boisvert  

> but I don’t see how that’s relevant to limiting the rate of requests

Essentially my question boils down to:

* Do you want to limit the time between requests?

* Or limit the rate that you issue requests?

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Re: Doing request rate limiting with NSURLSession

2018-10-10 Thread Quinn ";The Eskimo!"

On 9 Oct 2018, at 20:01, Sebastien Boisvert  wrote:

> I have a need to limit the rate at which requests are made to a service to a 
> specific limit, let's say max 32/sec, evenly distributed, so a minimum delay 
> of 1/32 sec between requests.

If a request takes longer than 1/32 sec to complete, what should happen?

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Re: Adding the entitlement

2018-10-01 Thread Quinn ";The Eskimo!"

On 1 Oct 2018, at 13:58, Carl Hoefs  wrote:

> I've tried running the program from within Xcode, as a standalone 
> command-line invocation, and as a Launch Agent, and even using sudo.

I’m not sure what’s going on in your environment but CoreWLAN is working for 
me.  I tested it both from an app and from a command-line tool:

* The app was sandboxed, and thus needed the 
`` entitlement.

* The tool was not sandboxed and thus has no networking entitlements (remember 
that on macOS the App Sandbox is an /app/ sandbox, and is only appropriate for 
apps and app extensions).

In both case the executable was signed with my Developer ID.

My tests shown the same behaviour on 10.13.6 and 10.14, that is:

* A sandboxed app needs the `` entitlement.

* A non-sandboxed app does not.

* Likewise for a command-line tool.

I’ve included a copy of my command-line tool’s code below, so you can try this 
for yourself.  I built it with Xcode 10.0 and ran it on macOS 10.14.

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import Foundation
import CoreWLAN

class Main : NSObject, CWEventDelegate {

let client: CWWiFiClient = CWWiFiClient.shared()

func start() throws {
self.client.delegate = self
try self.client.startMonitoringEvent(with: .powerDidChange)

func powerStateDidChangeForWiFiInterface(withName interfaceName: String) {
guard let interface = client.interface(withName: interfaceName) else {
NSLog("tool power no interface, name: %@", interfaceName)
let isPowerOn = interface.powerOn()
NSLog("tool power, name: %@, on: %@", interfaceName, isPowerOn ? "yes" 
: "no")

func mainThrowing() throws {
NSLog("tool start")
let m = Main()
try withExtendedLifetime(m) {
try m.start()

func main() {
do {
try mainThrowing()
} catch {
NSLog("tool failed, error: %@", "\(error)")


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Re: Adding the entitlement

2018-09-30 Thread Quinn ";The Eskimo!"

On 29 Sep 2018, at 20:05, Carl Hoefs  wrote:

> This isn't a sandboxed app, just a LaunchAgent daemon process, running at 
> user login.

Try putting the same code into a small test project to see if it works there.  
That’ll tell you whether this is completely broken on 10.14?  Or whether it’s 
something specific to your execution context.

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Re: A problem with big delays between 2 SCDynamicStore state events

2018-09-13 Thread Quinn ";The Eskimo!"

On 12 Sep 2018, at 16:58, Stéphane Sudre  wrote:

> Has there been some changes (other than a bug/regression) that could explain 
> the huge increase and that this is the expected behavior?

If, during this 90 second delay, you poll the network configuration, what do 
you see?

We’ve never really specified how long it takes for the network configuration to 
stabilise but there’s always been the possibility of a very long delay.  For 
example, with IPv4 link-local addresses [1] we wait for DHCP to time out before 
we even start to set the process of getting a link-local address.

However, 90 seconds is clearly an annoyingly long time to wait.

Is this a regression relatively to 10.13.6?

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Apple Developer Relations, Developer Technical Support, Core OS/Hardware

[1] RFC 3927 “Dynamic Configuration of IPv4 Link-Local Addresses”


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Re: Connecting to Racoon IKEv2? (Now: StrongSwan)

2018-07-18 Thread Quinn ";The Eskimo!"

On 18 Jul 2018, at 10:22, Alexander von Below  wrote:

> However, when trying to connect, I get "Failed to find the VPN app for plugin 
> type“

Have you tried creating the configuration manually, via System Preferences > 

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Re: SSL and old macOS versions

2018-07-18 Thread Quinn ";The Eskimo!"

On 17 Jul 2018, at 21:44, James Walker  wrote:

> As a matter of fact, I am usually building with the 10.8 SDK.


> So maybe that would explain why SSL doesn't work on OS 10.9 and 10.10, but 
> why does it start working again in 10.11 and later?

My best guess is that we removed the ‘linked on or later’ check on modern 
systems because it was only ever there as a compatibility crutch.

Why are you building with the 10.8 SDK?  I understand that it can take time to 
move forward to new tools, but 10.9 is five years old now.  The longer you stay 
on the old SDKs, the further off the beaten path you end up, and this is just 
one example of the various land mines waiting for you out there.

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Re: SSL and old macOS versions

2018-07-17 Thread Quinn ";The Eskimo!"

On 16 Jul 2018, at 23:49, Daniel Jalkut  wrote:

> is the app in question compiled under an older SDK?

I’d also like to know the answer to this.

If you are building with older tools then you could try creating a small test 
project with the latest Xcode to see how that behaves.

On 16 Jul 2018, at 22:46, James Walker  wrote:

> _kCFStreamErrorCodeKey=-9806

`errSSLClosedAbort` indicates that the server gracefully closed the connection. 
 It’s hard to tell why it did that, but the next step is to use a packet trace 
to see how far things got during the handshake progress.  If this is a TLS 
version problem you’ll see the client send a Client Hello with a max TLS 
version of 1.0, to which the server will respond by closing the connection.

See QA1176 “Getting a Packet Trace” for more about packet traces.


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Re: Connecting to Racoon IKEv2?

2018-07-16 Thread Quinn ";The Eskimo!"

On 16 Jul 2018, at 15:48, Alexander von Below  wrote:

> For a test, we set up a racoon IKEv2 IPSec Server on Linux …

I’ve never set it up myself, but most of the folks I’ve worked with use 


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Re: NSURLRequestNetworkServiceType - priority order?

2018-06-21 Thread Quinn ";The Eskimo!"

On 20 Jun 2018, at 21:37, Sebastien Boisvert  

> The docs describe the various types along with their enumerations, however 
> nowhere does it state what their actual priority really is

Which is because there is no simple mapping from these values to priority, 
which in turn is because these values get applied at multiple layers within the 
system and the network infrastructure.  You should pick a value that best 
matches the /semantics/ of your requests.

For more background on this see WWDC 2016 Session 714 “Networking for the 
Modern Internet”.


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Re: How different is networking on simulator vs device?

2018-06-18 Thread Quinn ";The Eskimo!"

On 15 Jun 2018, at 18:16, Jens Alfke  wrote:

> at what level does the simulator connect to the host Mac?

That’d be option (a), that is, it connects at the system call level.  This has 
two important consequences:

* You can’t test code that affects the TCP/IP, like Network Extension providers

* You don’t get the user-space TCP/IP stack that’s present on iOS 11 and later

Outside of the TCP/IP stack there are other differences:

* Wi-Fi level code, like `NEHotspotHelper` and `NEHotspotConfigurationManager`, 
can only be tested on a real device.

* HTTPS trust evaluation is done inside an iOS-style security daemon but there 
are places where that behaves differently than a real device (for example, when 
dealing with revocation).

Having said that, my experience is that for run of the mill apps that use 
`NSURLSession`, testing on the simulator is very effective.

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Re: Does a background NSURLSesssion not populate the provided NSURLCache?

2018-05-23 Thread Quinn ";The Eskimo!"

On 22 May 2018, at 20:52, Sebastien Boisvert <> 

> Do background sessions ignore the cache (with regards to populating it)?

Probably.  While I’ve never explicitly investigated this, the background 
session architecture, where the actual networking is done inside a system 
process, isn’t compatible with custom caching.

Note that the ‘will cache response’ delegate callback takes a data task, and 
data tasks have only limited support in background sessions.  Specifically, you 
can run a data task in a background session but it will fail if your app gets 
suspended [1].  Honestly, it’s quite rare to use a data task in a background 

Which brings me to:

> I have a need to make several requests for (small) resources …

Background sessions are optimised for a small number of large requests, making 
me suspect you’d be better off using a standard session.  Why are you using a 
background session here?

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[1] This is on iOS 8 and later.  In the original iOS 7 implementation, data 
tasks were simply not supported in background sessions.

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Re: Send UDP packet to listening mediastreamsegmenter

2018-03-06 Thread Quinn ";The Eskimo!"

On 6 Mar 2018, at 12:32, Pierre Pasquet <> wrote:

> Is there any interesting / relevant documentation / technical note that would 
> expose how I could send my audio data to the listening HLS server?

Are you asking how to send UDP packets to that port?  Or how to format your 
audio data such that server will do something useful with those packets?

If it’s the former then you’re in the right place.  A good place to start would 
be the UDPEcho sample code.


If it’s the latter then you might have more luck asking your question in a 
place where media folks hang out.  The only suggestion I have is the “HTTP Live 
Streaming” area of DevForums, but maybe someone else will have a better idea.


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Networking Feedback Feb 2018

2018-02-27 Thread Quinn ";The Eskimo!"

I’m soliciting feedback about the networking APIs on Apple’s various platforms. 
 The focus here is on commonly-used user-space networking APIs; think 
`NSURLSession`, `NSStream` and BSD Sockets, not VPN, NKEs, Wi-Fi management, 
and so on.

For details, please see my “Networking Feedback Feb 2018” post on DevForums.


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Re: Using cell connection from iPhone app

2018-01-17 Thread Quinn ";The Eskimo!"

On 16 Jan 2018, at 20:50, Carl Hoefs <> wrote:

> Okay, I’ve been looking around for a temporary stop-gap measure for the time 
> of being, and I think getaddrinfo() may work.

Make sure you try each of the addresses returned by `getaddrinfo`, not just the 
first.  There are situations where earlier addresses won’t work but later 
addresses will.

If you’re able to ‘cut the head’ off your BSD Sockets code — that is, replace 
the code that does the DNS lookup and the code that does the initial connect 
with one connect-by-name function — you can use `CFSocketStream` to do that 
connect and then extract the file descriptor from the stream pair and pass that 
along to your BSD Sockets code.  I discussed this idea in detail on the 
following DevForums thread.


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Re: LDAP on iOS

2017-12-05 Thread Quinn ";The Eskimo!"

On 5 Dec 2017, at 20:57, Fritz Anderson <> wrote:

> Does iOS natively support LDAP? Is there a trustworthy library to do so?

It’s not clear whether you’re asking for system integration or an API.  With 
regards system integration, your starting point should be the “Configuration 
Profile Reference”, which specifically offers an LDAP payload 


I’m not sure what that’ll actually do.  System integration isn’t really my 
thing.  You might have better luck asking this question over in the Apple 
Support Communities, run by AppleCare, and specifically the “in Business and 
Education” topic areas, where you’re more likely to find folks with LDAP 


In terms of API, the iOS SDK has no specific LDAP API, although I suspect that 
you’ll be able to ‘see’ LDAP stuff via the Contacts framework once you have the 
system integration sorted out.  If, however, you want to run LDAP queries 
directly, the standard API for that is OpenLDAP.  That’s available in the macOS 
SDK but not the iOS SDK, although I suspect it wouldn’t be too hard to get it 
building and running on iOS.

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Re: ATS fails for one subdomain, succeeds for another

2017-12-05 Thread Quinn ";The Eskimo!"

On 5 Dec 2017, at 14:35, Daniel Jalkut <> wrote:

> Do you have any insights about logic the system uses when deciding whether to 
> cache the information, and at which level of the frameworks it’s done?

Gosh, this stuff has got complex in recent years.  Last I checked:

* Yes, this is all done by CFNetwork

* Specifically, HSTS cache info is managed by `nsurlstoraged`

* It’s stored in a file (`HSTS.plist`?) in the Caches directory

* It’s subject to security partitioning, so there’s a different store per user 
and that’s further separated for sandboxed apps

IMPORTANT: All of the above are implementation details and thus subject to 

> Do you think it might be a bug, or at least an opportunity for improvement, 
> that the system is not caching my HSTS-compliant target (sub)domain?

To offer an educated opinion on that I’d have to look into your exact issue in 
detail, and that’d take more time that I have available for mailing list work 
(although you could always open a DTS tech support incident for this).


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Re: ATS fails for one subdomain, succeeds for another

2017-12-05 Thread Quinn ";The Eskimo!"

On 4 Dec 2017, at 20:44, Daniel Jalkut <> wrote:

> What else would explain this? 

There’s two common reasons for this:

A. A cached HTTP-to-HTTPS redirect



I think you’ve ruled out A, so the most likely cause is B.  And there’s two 
parts to that:

B.1. Some sites are on the HSTS preload list.


B.2. For those not on the list, if the client ever sees the HSTS header it can 
cache that knowledge outside of the standard `NSURLCache`.

I suspect B.2. is what’s going on here.  That is, the HSTS entry has rewritten 
your HTTP URL to HTTPS before it hits the wire, and thus it’s never blocked by 

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Re: 'Global' NSURLCache?

2017-11-29 Thread Quinn ";The Eskimo!"

On 29 Nov 2017, at 03:48, wrote:

> I've set this up for our app that uses a group container, where the main app 
> and a helper app both use the same custom NSURLCache, and it does work


> Is there a way to specify what headers are significant when requesting a 
> cached response from a NSURLCache?


I had a complex spiel regarding workarounds (I plonked it at the end of this 
email, just so it’s not lost) but I figured I should check that the 
`User-Agent` string is the problem here.  And I’m not sure it is.  Consider 
this code:

let url = URL(string: ";)!
var req1 = URLRequest(url: url)
req1.setValue("agent1", forHTTPHeaderField: "User-Agent")

var req2 = URLRequest(url: url)
req2.setValue("agent2", forHTTPHeaderField: "User-Agent")

let res1 = HTTPURLResponse(url: url, statusCode: 200, httpVersion: "HTTP/1.1", 
headerFields: [
"Date": "Wed, 29 Nov 2017 08:33:15 GMT",
"Server": "Apache",
"Last-Modified": "Mon, 11 Mar 2013 21:44:16 GMT",
"ETag": "\"606-4d7ad13106c00\"",
"Accept-Ranges": "bytes",
"Content-Length": "18",
"Connection": "close",
"Content-Type": "text/html",
let cres1 = CachedURLResponse(response: res1, data: "Hello Cruel 
World!".data(using: .utf8)!)

URLCache.shared.storeCachedResponse(cres1, for: req1)

let cres2 = URLCache.shared.cachedResponse(for: req2)

`cres2` comes back as non-nil, even though `req2` has a different `User-Agent` 
header than the `req1` that was used to store the response.  So, are you sure 
that the `User-Agent` string is the problem here?

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The most obvious solution here is to have both the app and the helper set the 
same `User-Agent` string.  That seems reasonable given that one is embedded 
within the other.  Why not do that?

If you have to keep these separate then there other games you can play.  For 
example, you could:

1. Implement `-URLSession:dataTask:willCacheResponse:completionHandler:` and 
normalise the `User-Agent` string in the cached response.

2. Initially try to fetch the request from the cache with the normalised 
`User-Agent` string and the `NSURLRequestReturnCacheDataDontLoad` cache policy. 
 If it loads, you’ll then have to check the age yourself.  If it doesn’t load, 
or its too old, you can issue a new load request with the default cache policy.

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Re: 'Global' NSURLCache?

2017-10-30 Thread Quinn ";The Eskimo!"
Three points to clarify:

* On 28 Oct 2017, at 03:11, wrote:

> From my understanding given the docs, there doesn't seem to be a way to have 
> a 'global' NSURLCache that can be truly shared between two separate 
> applications.

There’s no mention of the platform you’re working.  While I suspect you’re 
referring to macOS, it’d be nice to confirm that.

* If you are working on the Mac, are you targeting Mac App Store or Developer 

* You wrote:

> I'd like to understand the reasoning behind making NSHTTPStorage globally 
> available to all apps vs. NSURLCache being per-app only.

`NSHTTPStorage` isn’t a system class.  You mean `NSHTTPCookieStorage`, right?

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Re: Is this list still alive?

2017-07-25 Thread Quinn ";The Eskimo!"

On 25 Jul 2017, at 09:33, Alexander von Below <> wrote:

> Subject: Is this list still alive?

Yes, although the Core OS > Networking topic area on DevForums is a lot busier.


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Re: Using NSURLSessionStreamTask for WebSockets

2017-03-15 Thread Quinn ";The Eskimo!"

On 14 Mar 2017, at 22:36, Jens Alfke <> wrote:

> I assume this is one of those headers that the client can’t control. :(

Right.  We actually list these headers in the docs these days.


> Is this something that could be fixed in the future, or is it considered a 
> non-feature for NSURLSession to allow HTTP connection upgrades?

Yes.  Enabling easier WebSocket client implementation was definitely a goal of 
the `.becomeStream` disposition, so it’s disappointing that it doesn’t work in 

Please file a bug about this, including the info you posted later down on this 
thread, then post the bug number here, just for the record.


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Re: Not getting an NSStreamEventHasBytesAvailable message

2017-02-13 Thread Quinn ";The Eskimo!"

On 10 Feb 2017, at 04:34, Jens Alfke <> wrote:

> Also, the examples in Apple’s “Stream Programming Guide” only issue a single 
> read call in response to a bytes-available event.

That’s the correct approach.  Repeatedly calling `-read:maxLength:` inside your 
`.hasBytesAvailable` handler can cause various odd problems, not least of which 
is the starvation of other streams scheduled on the same run loop.

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Re: anyone have any work arounds for Error 57 : "Socket is not connected" since iOS 10

2017-02-08 Thread Quinn ";The Eskimo!"

On 7 Feb 2017, at 23:11, Howard Shere <> wrote:

> Subject: anyone have any work arounds for Error 57 : "Socket is not 
> connected" since iOS 10

57 is a BSD Sockets error, `ENOTCONN`, so you’re unlikely to see it being 
returned by a high-level HTTP[S] API.  I suspect the high-level API is giving 
you `NSURLErrorNetworkConnectionLost`, in which case you can find my advice in 
QA1941 “Handling “The network connection was lost”.


It’s very likely that iOS 10 and friends have a bug that’s causing this to 
occur more frequently than before; that’s still being investigated under the 
aegis of , the bug mentioned in that DevForums thread, 
and others.  If you see this more frequently on iOS 10 than iOS 9, you should 
definitely file your own bug about that.  If you can include a packet trace [1] 
and a CFNetwork diagnostics log [2], that’d be grand.

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Apple Developer Relations, Developer Technical Support, Core OS/Hardware

[1] QA1176 “Getting a Packet Trace”


[2] QA1887 “CFNetwork Diagnostic Logging“


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Re: Still interested in (NS)URLSessionStreamTask

2017-02-07 Thread Quinn ";The Eskimo!"

On 7 Feb 2017, at 20:40, Daryle Walker <> wrote:

> Do session tasks still use resume …?


> If resume is used, how would you open a connection in implicit-SSL mode?

I’m not sure what you mean by “implicit-SSL mode” but:

* If you’re working with a protocol that assumes TLS (like HTTPS), call 
`startSecureConnection()` before doing any I/O on the stream

* If you’re working with a protocol that uses STARTTLS, there’s comments in 
 that explain how `startSecureConnection()` 
interacts with pending I/O.

Pasted in below is a simple example of how to use this API.  There’s a few 
lines that you can uncomment to test TLS.

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Apple Developer Relations, Developer Technical Support, Core OS/Hardware

@IBAction func startStopAction(_ sender: Any) {
if let stream = {
self.stop(stream: stream)
} else {

lazy var session: URLSession = {
let config = URLSessionConfiguration.default
return URLSession(configuration: config, delegate: self, delegateQueue: 

var stream: URLSessionStreamTask? = nil

func start() {

// let stream = self.session.streamTask(withHostName: "", 
port: 993)
let stream = self.session.streamTask(withHostName: "sully.local.", port: 
12345) = stream
// stream.startSecureConnection()

self.startRead(stream: stream)

let hello = "a001 NOOP\r\n".data(using: .utf8)!
stream.write(hello, timeout: 60.0) { (error) in
if let error = error {
NSLog("write error")
} else {
NSLog("write complete")

func startRead(stream: URLSessionStreamTask) {
stream.readData(ofMinLength: 1, maxLength: 2048, timeout: 60.0) { (data, 
eof, error) in
if let error = error {
NSLog("read error")
if let data = data {
NSLog("read data %@", data as NSData)
NSLog("read eof %@", eof ? "true" : "false")
if error == nil && !eof {
self.startRead(stream: stream)

func stop(stream: URLSessionStreamTask) {
stream.closeWrite() = nil

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Test, Please Ignore

2017-02-07 Thread Quinn ";The Eskimo!"
Greetings Those Who Ignored the Subject Line

To reward you for your dedication, here’s your HHGTTG quote [1] for the day:

> He only had the two arms and the one head and he called himself Phil

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Apple Developer Relations, Developer Technical Support, Core OS/Hardware

[1] It was going to be a George Orwell quote, but that’s just too depressing.

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Re: _kCFStreamPropertyReadTimeout

2017-01-23 Thread Quinn ";The Eskimo!"

On 20 Jan 2017, at 19:09, Jens Alfke <> wrote:

> We need to implement a timeout for some (Mac/iOS) code that reads from a 
> socket via a CFReadStream

Are you using CFSocketStream is sync/blocking mode?  That’s supported, but 
quite unusual (most folks use CFSocketStream async via the NSStream delegate 
mechanism or the CFStream client callback).  

This matters because, for example, `SO_RCVTIMEO` is only relevant in blocking 

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Re: URLSession on iOS 10

2016-12-14 Thread Quinn ";The Eskimo!"

On 14 Dec 2016, at 08:55, Rick Mann <> wrote:

> Also, there's still the problem of timeouts starting from the time the task 
> is started, rather than from when the task actually starts downloading. At 
> least, I think that's still there. Any idea of its status?

That bug, , is still under consideration but I don’t 
have any more detailed information to share.

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Re: URLSession on iOS 10

2016-12-14 Thread Quinn ";The Eskimo!"

On 14 Dec 2016, at 08:19, Rick Mann <> wrote:

> And after all that, my bug is closed as a duplicate of a newer bug:
> "Engineering has determined that your bug report (29280854) is a duplicate of 
> another issue (29517144) and will be closed."

Just FYI,  isn’t fixed in the most recent software 
updates (iOS 10.2 and friends) but is well on in way to being fixed in a future 
software update.

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Re: Is it possible to modify the default NSURLSessionConfiguration?

2016-07-12 Thread Quinn ";The Eskimo!"

On 28 Jun 2016, at 19:09, Jens Alfke <> wrote:

> Is it possible to modify the properties of the configuration object returned 
> by [NSURLSessionConfiguration defaultSessionConfiguration]?


> I’m assuming that the method returns a new instance every time …


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Re: packet-tunnel-provider on OSX platform

2016-04-20 Thread Quinn ";The Eskimo!"

On 20 Apr 2016, at 07:52, Kevin Yu <> wrote:

> I still saw the error message on console say that my plug-ins must be 
> sandboxed, is it normal?

No.  You should check the entitlements of both your plug-in and your host app.  
Don’t check your .entitlements file, but the entitlements of the built 
binaries.  The following DevForums post explains how to do this.


Keep in mind that Network Extensions providers are only supported for Mac App 
Store apps, so your app’s entitlements should look Mac App Store-ish (for 
example, the app and extension should have appropriate 
"” and "” 

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Re: creating non-default vpn configurations for IPSEC/L2TP

2016-04-20 Thread Quinn ";The Eskimo!"

On 19 Apr 2016, at 00:19, Jean-Pierre, Stevenson 
<> wrote:

> I've been looking through the SCNetworkConfiguration Reference but I have 
> been unable to find a method to add additional configurations to IPSEC/L2TP 
> VPN connections.

Right.  There’s a bit of a disconnect between the original System Configuration 
framework architecture and the VPN stuff that was layered on top of that.  Part 
of that disconnect is that VPN configurations are not surfaced via System 
Configuration framework.

The resolution to this is the Network Extension framework, which is the 
recommended way to set up VPN configurations on platforms where it’s available.

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Re: NSURLSessionStreamTask

2016-04-15 Thread Quinn ";The Eskimo!"

On 15 Apr 2016, at 02:40, Daryle Walker <> wrote:

> Anyone (from Apple) want to share here?

What are you interested in specifically?

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Re: NSNetService advertises non-local IPv6 address in local domain

2016-03-29 Thread Quinn ";The Eskimo!"

On 28 Mar 2016, at 02:48, Jeff Johnson <> wrote:

> Is that supposed to happen?

Yes.  Think of the analogous case with IPv4: if you register a service in 
"local.", you want the service registered with your standard IPv4 address.

> And is there any way to stop it?

Definitely not at the NSNetService layer.

At the DNS-SD layer () you have a lot more flexibility.  For example, 
you could register your own A record (DNSServiceRegisterRecord) and then 
register your service with that name as its host (the `host` parameter to 
DNSServiceRegister).  I've never tried this myself but I can't see why it 
wouldn't work.

A good place to start with DNS-SD is the DNSSDObjects sample code, which gives 
some examples of how to wrap DNS-SD in an Objective-C shell that'll be more 
familiar to folks coming from NSNetService.


Overall, however, I think you'd be better off nagging the folks with the broken 
client to fix their connection code.  IPv6 is becoming increasingly common [1] 
so fixing this on the server side seems like heading in the wrong direction.

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Apple Developer Relations, Developer Technical Support, Core OS/Hardware

[1] Especially in the light of "Supporting IPv6 in iOS 9".


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Re: Whatever happened to Network Link Conditioner on iOS?

2016-03-14 Thread Quinn ";The Eskimo!"

On 11 Mar 2016, at 18:50, Jens Alfke <> wrote:

> However, I can’t find this anymore.

The Settings > Developer menu (under which you'll find Network Link Conditioner 
and a variety of other options) should show up when the iOS device switches to 
'developer mode', which it does when you plug it in to a Mac with Xcode and it 
goes through the dance required for the iOS device to show up in Xcode > 
Windows > Devices.  If the iOS device is showing up in Devices window but 
doesn't show Settings > Developer, that's a bug IMO.  The first thing I'd try 
is a restart of all parties involved.

FWIW I've not seen this problem myself.  

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Re: packet-tunnel-provider on OSX platform

2016-03-03 Thread Quinn ";The Eskimo!"

On 3 Mar 2016, at 01:35, Kevin Yu <> wrote:

> Any suggestion?

The most common problems I see in this space are:

* code signing issues — You have to make sure that both your app and your 
provider extension are signed with the special Network Extension entitlements, 
and both are covered by a provisioning profile that whitelists those 
entitlements.  See the following DevForums post for details.


* extension registration — Registration problems are more common on OS X than 
iOS because the app install process is more free form.  You can confirm that 
the extension is registered with the following command:

$ pluginkit -m -p

This should produce output that shows your extension.  To get a feeling for the 
output you should expect to see, you can run the command for some other 
extension point.  For example, to see share extensions:

$ pluginkit -m -p

If your extension isn't registered, you should do two things:

- Install your app on a fresh machine (I use a VM for this, rolling back to a 
snapshot for each debugging iteration) to see that it works in general.  A lot 
of the time problems like this only occur on your development machine, where 
you're continually creating and launching new versions of the app.

- On your development machine you can force the extension to register using:

$ pluginkit -a /path/to/extension

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Re: What does NSURLCredentialPersistenceForSession mean, exactly?

2016-02-23 Thread Quinn ";The Eskimo!"

On 23 Feb 2016, at 16:54, Jens Alfke <> wrote:

> How recent is that?

I think your best option here is to suck it and see.  Not the best advice, I 
know, but it's the best I can do in the time I have available for mailing lists 

I will note that the NSURLSessionTaskAdditions category on NSHTTPCookieStorage 
was added in iOS 8.

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Re: What does NSURLCredentialPersistenceForSession mean, exactly?

2016-02-23 Thread Quinn ";The Eskimo!"

On 23 Feb 2016, at 15:57, Jens Alfke <> wrote:

> I thought this wasn’t possible anymore, since CFNetwork is implemented in C? 
> I.e, I thought CFNetwork just made C calls to that 
> `NSHTTPCookieStorageInternal` thing and bypassed the Obj-C API.

That situation is, well, fluid.  Historically this stuff was all in 
Objective-C, so subclassing worked just fine.  The introduction of the 
CFNetwork underpinnings made subclassing a risky proposition.  Recently more of 
the underpinnings are actually in Objective-C, or explicitly support 
subclassing properly, so this is getting better again.

> If it really is subclassable, it looks like a subclass has to reimplement the 
> entire API by overriding and not calling `super`, correct?

Right.  I have another bug on file requesting that this be made easier 
.  Since filing that, however, I've found that it is 
easier than I originally thought, at least in the specific case of providing an 
alternative cookie store for NSURLSession.  IIRC you just need to override the 
'task' methods:


None of the other methods get called; I recommend you implement them as no-ops, 
just in case.

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Re: CFNetwork is not adding Authorization: headers proactively

2016-02-22 Thread Quinn ";The Eskimo!"

On 22 Feb 2016, at 19:57, Wim Lewis <> wrote:

> The other thing that a well-written client can do in that case is make use of 
> the "Expect: continue" header to allow the server to accept or reject the 
> request (or request authorization) before the large POST/PUT body is sent. I 
> don't know offhand if there's a way to get CFNetwork to do that.

IIRC CFNetwork supports this; all you have to do is add the right header to 
your request.

[request setValue:@"100-continue" forHTTPHeaderField:@"Expect"];

Note that it's "100-continue", not "continue".

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Re: What does NSURLCredentialPersistenceForSession mean, exactly?

2016-02-21 Thread Quinn ";The Eskimo!"

On 19 Feb 2016, at 21:18, Jens Alfke <> wrote:

> which makes me wonder why NSURLSessionConfiguration has a 
> URLCredentialStorage property, since there’s no way to create another object 
> to point that property at. Same goes for the HTTPCookieStorage property.

Three points:

* Historically, all of these objects were just plain Objective-C objects so it 
was reasonable to create your own subclasses.  That has become problematic 
since the core code was moved to CFNetwork, where you have to deal with the 
interaction between Cocoa and CF code.

* NSURLSessionConfiguration lets you set them to nil.

* On the latest OS release it /is/ possible to create a cookie store elsewhere 
via +[NSHTTPCookieStorage sharedCookieStorageForGroupContainerIdentifier:].

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Re: CFNetwork is not adding Authorization: headers proactively

2016-02-18 Thread Quinn ";The Eskimo!"

On 18 Feb 2016, at 19:32, Jens Alfke <> wrote:

> I discovered yesterday that the networking layer of our library, which talks 
> to a REST API, is sending every request twice when the server uses HTTP Basic 
> auth.

You should file a bug about this.


It'd be great if you could include a test project that reproduces it, along 
with a CFNetwork diagnostics log [1].

Please post the bug number.

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Apple Developer Relations, Developer Technical Support, Core OS/Hardware

[1] QA1887 "CFNetwork Diagnostic Logging"


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Re: CNCopySupportedInterfaces broken in iOS 9.2.1

2016-01-22 Thread Quinn ";The Eskimo!"

On 21 Jan 2016, at 19:17, Carl Hoefs <> wrote:

> We're breathing again, thanks a lot!

Excellent news.

Did you manage to capture a backup of a broken device?  Does restoring it also 
restore the problem?

I've been chatting with the captive network engineering team here about this 
issue and we have no idea what could cause this and why resetting the network 
settings might fix it, so we'd still really like to see a bug report about this.

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Re: NSURLSession delegate, Kerberos, and NSURLAuthenticationMethodNegotiate

2015-12-09 Thread Quinn ";The Eskimo!"

On 8 Dec 2015, at 20:18, Wim Lewis <> wrote:

> I'm trying to figure out what the right behavior of an NSURLSession delegate 
> is to support Kerberos authentication.

What platform are you working on?

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Re: Canceling and then retrying a bunch of tasks

2015-12-09 Thread Quinn ";The Eskimo!"

On 9 Dec 2015, at 09:49, Rick Mann <> wrote:

> The docs say "If you call the invalidateAndCancel method, the session calls 
> this delegate method immediately." So, it's no different.

IMO the docs are misleading here.  There's two things to keep in mind:

* If you start a task in a session, it will always run to completion, meaning 
that you'll eventually get a -URLSession:task:didCompleteWithError: callback.

* -URLSession:didBecomeInvalidWithError: is always the last delegate callback 
you receive for a given session.

These two facts mean that, if you -invalidateAndCancel a session with multiple 
outstanding tasks, the tasks will all complete (with NSURLErrorDomain / 
NSURLErrorCancelled) and then you'll get the didBecomeInvalidWithError callback.

If this wasn't clearly explained by the documentation, please do file a bug 
about that.


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Re: Canceling and then retrying a bunch of tasks

2015-12-09 Thread Quinn ";The Eskimo!"

On 8 Dec 2015, at 22:32, Rick Mann <> wrote:

> All because NSURLSession has no mechanism to determine if it's finished with 
> everything.

But it does have that, namely the -URLSession:didBecomeInvalidWithError: 
delegate callback.  You should just have all the failed tasks record that 
they've failed and have -URLSession:didBecomeInvalidWithError: start tasks for 
the failed ones.

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Re: Canceling and then retrying a bunch of tasks

2015-12-09 Thread Quinn ";The Eskimo!"

On 9 Dec 2015, at 11:54, Quinn The Eskimo! <> wrote:

> On 9 Dec 2015, at 11:49, Rick Mann <> wrote:
>> Is this also true when using completion blocks?
> Yes.

Sorry, that's too succinct.  To expand…

My understanding is that task completion is always signalled—by calling the 
delegate (-URLSession:task:didCompleteWithError:) or the completion block 
depending on how the task was started—before 
-URLSession:didBecomeInvalidWithError: is called, which is always the last 
delegate callback.

I just confirmed that understanding by running a test project (on iOS 9.2).

Furthermore, my understanding is that NSURLSession has always behaved this way, 
although I'm not in a position to test it on previous systems or other 

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Re: Canceling and then retrying a bunch of tasks

2015-12-09 Thread Quinn ";The Eskimo!"

On 9 Dec 2015, at 11:49, Rick Mann <> wrote:

> Is this also true when using completion blocks?


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Re: Canceling and then retrying a bunch of tasks

2015-12-08 Thread Quinn ";The Eskimo!"

On 8 Dec 2015, at 01:58, Rick Mann <> wrote:

> Also, I presume this only works if the queue is a serial queue, but the docs 
> say it doesn't have to be such.

You really want your NSURLSession delegate queue to be a serial queue.  It's 
going to be very hard to maintain coherent state otherwise.  Moreover, your 
delegate queue work should be fast, so serialisation isn't a problem.  If you 
need to do real work in this context, that work itself should be farmed off to 
a separate thread/queue/NSOperation.

On 8 Dec 2015, at 03:52, Rick Mann <> wrote:

> And, the answer is no. My completion block gets called MANY more times after 
> I invalidate and cancel the session.

I'm confused by this.  Are you looking to invalidate the session or not?  If 
you don't mind invalidating the session (-invalidateAndCancel), you should be 
able to kick off the new work your -URLSession:didBecomeInvalidWithError: 
delegate callback, which is the last callback you'll get for this session and 
which will arrive after all your task cancellation callbacks have run.

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Re: How to use NWTCPConnectionAuthenticationDelegate for self signed certificate

2015-12-07 Thread Quinn ";The Eskimo!"

On 7 Dec 2015, at 05:40, Kevin Yu <> wrote:

> if I try to debug network extension, when I use “Attach to Process by PID or 
> Names…”, nothing shows on the console, even container app did not show 
> message either.

Indeed.  Message routing is set up when you launch the app, so you won't see 
messages in Xcode if you attach.  You will, however, see them in the /device/ 
system log, which you can to via the Xcode Organizer.

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Re: How to use NWTCPConnectionAuthenticationDelegate for self signed certificate

2015-12-04 Thread Quinn ";The Eskimo!"

On 3 Dec 2015, at 02:00, Kevin Yu <> wrote:

> After checked the result of SecTrustCopyProperties, it shows Root certificate 
> is not trusted. Since it is a self-signed certificate, how can I change the 
> SecPolicy’s ValidRoot to false in order to bypass the checking?

You can apply a custom anchor to a trust object using 
SecTrustSetAnchorCertificates. That should work with a self-signed certificate, 
that is, you pass the same certificate to SecTrustCreateWithCertificates and 

However, I generally recommend against using self-signed certificates.  It's 
better, IMO, to always use a certificate issued by a CA.  If you need one 
during testing, you can set up your own CA.  Technote 2326 "Creating 
Certificates for TLS Testing" describes how.


If you install the CA's root on your device, the trust object should evaluate 
successfully without any special intervention on your part.

> Another issue is when debug the network extension, I can’t print message out 
> to the Xcode console, the only way I can do is setup breakpoint and check the 
> value of variables manually. any other good way to debug network extension 
> code?

Have you tried NSLog?

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Re: Problem with connection via Proxy using CFNetwork in TCP stream

2015-12-03 Thread Quinn ";The Eskimo!"

On 3 Dec 2015, at 12:38, Motti Shneor <> wrote:

> We are looking for ways to use the machinery already in the OS for 
> establishing our secure connection (tunnel) with the server, then continue 
> with our proprietary protocol.

Have you thought about WebSockets?  It doesn't seem like much of a leap to move 
your server on to WebSockets, at which point your client is much more 
HTTP-like, and hence much more compatible with weird environments.

> 1. Is there a way to start the negotiation and open the connection to the 
> server using CFHTTPStream, then “rewrap” the bsd socket with a CFSocketStream 
> and continue on?

No.  CFHTTPStream can handle arbitrary data streams, both up and down, but it 
does that via the chunked transfer encoding, which won't help you.

OTOH, NSURLSession supports something like this.  See 
NSURLSessionResponseBecomeStream.  This won't work for a pure binary protocol, 
but it'd work well if you were on a WebSocket base.

> 2. Otherwise - is there a lower-level API we can employ for just the Proxy 
> authentication and negotiation ?

You can use CFHTTPMessage, but it's not without its quirks.  Specifically, it 
doesn't support the more complex authentication schemes because a critical API, 
_CFHTTPMessageSetResponseURL, is not public.  You can search the list archives 
for the backstory to that.

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Re: Problem with connection via Proxy using CFNetwork in TCP stream

2015-12-02 Thread Quinn ";The Eskimo!"

On 2 Dec 2015, at 17:12, Jens Alfke <> wrote:

> Although they should allow the use of the Upgrade: header to let a connection 
> begin as HTTP and then switch to a different TCP-based protocol. (This is how 
> WebSocket connections are established.)

Right.  If you switch to WebSocket then this should be feasible (although 
you'll have to write your own WebSocket code 'cause we don't have an API for 
it)-:  However, if you're implementing a custom protocol on top of TLS on top 
of TCP then I don't think there's any reliably way to get through an HTTP proxy.

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Re: How to use NWTCPConnectionAuthenticationDelegate for self signed certificate

2015-12-02 Thread Quinn ";The Eskimo!"

On 2 Dec 2015, at 02:14, Kevin Yu <> wrote:

> I’ve tried with no luck

What does "no luck" mean?  Were you unable to create the trust object?  Or did 
its evaluation fail?

> here’s my code, any suggestion?

The first step is to /not/ ignore the errors you get back from Security 
framework rotuines like SecTrustCreateWithCertificates and SecTrustEvaluate.

Next, if trust evaluation is failing, you can print the result of 
SecTrustCopyProperties and SecTrustCopyResult to get an understanding as to why 
it's failing.

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Re: Problem with connection via Proxy using CFNetwork in TCP stream

2015-12-02 Thread Quinn ";The Eskimo!"

On 2 Dec 2015, at 07:41, Yulia Bensman <> wrote:

> I am on Mac OS (10.10.5 if it matters), and I am trying to use HTTP/HTTPS 
> proxy.

That won't work.  This isn't a limitation of the system, but rather a 
limitation of the on-the-wire protocol.  HTTP proxies don't allow support 
arbitrary TCP connections [1].

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Quinn "The Eskimo!"<>
Apple Developer Relations, Developer Technical Support, Core OS/Hardware

[1] Technically this is possible, via the CONNECT method, but most proxies only 
support that in the context of HTTPS.

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Re: What happens when an NSURLSessionTask is canceled?

2015-12-02 Thread Quinn ";The Eskimo!"

On 2 Dec 2015, at 03:45, Rick Mann <> wrote:

> What happens when an NSURLSessionTask is canceled? Does its callback or 
> delegate get called with an error indicating it was canceled?

Yes.  This is clearly documented.  Oh wait, it's not.  That sucks.  My 

Let's try again...

This is clearly described by a comment in the :

-cancel returns immediately, but marks a task as being canceled. The
task will signal -URLSession:task:didCompleteWithError: with an
error value of { NSURLErrorDomain, NSURLErrorCancelled }.  In some
cases, the task may signal other work before it acknowledges the
cancelation.  -cancel may be sent to a task that has been suspended.

I've filed a bug to get the docs in sync with the headers 

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Re: Problem with connection via Proxy using CFNetwork in TCP stream

2015-12-01 Thread Quinn ";The Eskimo!"

On 1 Dec 2015, at 16:57, Yulia Bensman <> wrote:

> In this stream, I want to communicate using our proprietary protocol, based 
> on TCP and SSL. 

What platform are you on?  This matters because iOS only supports HTTP proxies, 
and we don't support tunnelling a generic TCP stream through an HTTP proxy.  
OTOH, OS X supports SOCKS proxies, which will do this.

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Re: How to use NWTCPConnectionAuthenticationDelegate for self signed certificate

2015-12-01 Thread Quinn ";The Eskimo!"

On 1 Dec 2015, at 07:46, Kevin Yu <> wrote:

> I think we can use the NWTCPConnectionAuthenticationDelegate and it’s 
> function evaluateTrustForConnection() to do the trick, however, I did not 
> found how to write this function in order to create a SecTrustRef and send 
> out via completion handler.

The intent is that you create a trust object by calling 
SecTrustCreateWithCertificates.  This takes two input parameters:

* certificates -- You get this from peerCertificateChain parameter of 

* policies -- For TLS you'd usually create this by calling SecPolicyCreateSSL.

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Re: network configuration change notification

2015-11-26 Thread Quinn ";The Eskimo!"

On 25 Nov 2015, at 18:47, Michael Brian Bentley <> wrote:

> With the switch to NEHotspotHelper, I wonder if the following still works to 
> indicate a network configuration change occurred?

"" is actually defined as a symbolic 
constant, kNotifySCNetworkChange from , so you should use that 
rather than a hard-coded string because it makes it clear that you're using 
public API.

Beyond that, I'm not sure why you're concerned that NEHotspotHelper might 
impact on this.  I fully expect this notification to work as well as it ever 

What behaviour are you keying off this notification?  In most cases there's a 
better approach.

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Re: Obtaining SSID string in iOS 9

2015-11-13 Thread Quinn ";The Eskimo!"

On 12 Nov 2015, at 19:04, Carl Hoefs <> wrote:

> In iOS 9, the above has been deprecated in favor the new NEHotspotHelper 
> class. My app doesn't want/need to be a 'hotspot helper', I just would like 
> to obtain the current network's SSID string, if any. Using NEHotspotHelper 
> seems like tremendous overkill (plus having to register the app as a 'hotspot 
> helper') just to do this. Is there a simpler way?

There's a long backstory to this.  For details, see this (seven page!) 
DevForums thread.


As per the 'Correct Answer' in that thread, if you're not building a hotspot 
management API:

* there's little point requesting NEHotspotHelper access

* you should file a bug describing your requirements


Please post your bug number, just for the record.

Finally, if you're developing an in-house app then you might want to look at 
your MDM options.  AFAIK MDM does not currently let you get at the SSID but it 
does let you get at a lot of other sensitive information that's not available 
via the SDK.  A bug requesting MDM support for returning this value might get 
more traction.

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Re: Integrating NSOutputStream and NSOperation

2015-11-12 Thread Quinn ";The Eskimo!"

On 11 Nov 2015, at 11:46, Motti Shneor <> wrote:

> I have an NSOutputStream created and scheduled on some pre-created NSTrhead’s 
> NSRunloop (a.k.a mySocketThread). 
> …
> I have special difficulty with operation cancellation. I can (of course) 
> cancel scheduled messages that didn’t start, but I cannot (server protocol) 
> send half-messages to my server - hence I can only abort a cancelled 
> operation if stream error or end occurred (again - I can only know this via 
> stream events).

In this situation I'd introduce a lay of abstraction between your stream and 
your operations.  That is, have all the code that's managing your stream run on 
the run loop, where it's serialised and life is sane.  That code would be 
responsible for all the framing and unframing of messages, presenting an 
abstraction that's entirely message based.  Then have your NSOperation code 
talk to that via some sort of inter-thread messaging.

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Re: What causes a UDP listener to stop listening?

2015-10-05 Thread Quinn ";The Eskimo!"

On 2 Oct 2015, at 16:28, Michael Brian Bentley <> wrote:

> iOS.

So, does the app shut down this socket when the app becomes eligible for 
suspension (typically when moving into the background) and bring it back when 
the app becomes ineligible for suspension?

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Re: What causes a UDP listener to stop listening?

2015-10-02 Thread Quinn ";The Eskimo!"

On 2 Oct 2015, at 00:28, Michael Brian Bentley <> wrote:

> Just a general question: what causes a UDP listener to be listing for 
> broadcasts at, be working for a while (could be hours) and 
> then just stop listening?

What platform are you working on?

The one non-obvious reason for problems like this is socket resource reclaim on 
iOS, as described in Technote 2277 "Networking and Multitasking".


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Re: Spike in SSL handshake failures since iOS9 rollout

2015-09-21 Thread Quinn ";The Eskimo!"

On 18 Sep 2015, at 17:36, Imran Patel <> wrote:

> We see connections being disconnected by the
> client after socket establishment and before SSL can proceed.

This sounds suspiciously like an issue that Jens raised earlier this month.


It's possible that tweaks to iOS's connect-by-name feature are triggering this 
change in behaviour.

Regardless of whether you can reproduce it, I still recommend that you file a 
bug about it (including a server-side packet trace).


Please post your bug number, just for the record.

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Re: Need advice about [NSInputStream read:maxLength:] performance.

2015-09-17 Thread Quinn ";The Eskimo!"

On 17 Sep 2015, at 10:24, Motti Shneor <> wrote:

> Is there a specific penalty to NSStream’s method read:maxLength: ?

Yes.  In the case of a socket stream, -read:maxLength: is equivalent to the 
BSD-level  system call, so you do a round trip into the 
kernel each time you call it.  Whether that's a problem depends on a lot of 
factors.  For example, if message sizes are small, these kernel calls are 
likely to add up to a significant performance impact.  OTOH, if message sizes 
are large, the kernel calls may end up swamped by the cost of copying 

> Last, several guys mentioned GCDAsyncSocket. What is it? an open-source thing?

It's an open source thing.

You can also use Dispatch I/O  directly or in concert 
with NSStream (use NSStream to do the stream setup, there extract the socket 
from the stream, close the streams, and then use Dispatch I/O for the I/O path).

When dealing with network performance I have a bunch of suggestions:

* Fundamentally any users-space networking is limited by BSD Sockets, which 
requires at least one copy from the in-kernel socket buffer to your buffer in 
user-space.  This is typically done by  or one of its 

The only real optimisation you can do at the system call boundary is to use 
 to implement a 'scatter' read.  That may or may not be a 
win depending on how you structure things.

* If you control the on-the-wire protocol, you may be able to get significant 
benefits by changing that.   For example:

- Protocols, like HTTP/1.x, which require parsing line-delimited headers, are a 
pain to optimise.

- A lot of the time networking performance isn't limited by CPU time or 
bandwidth but by poorly designed protocols that result in the performance being 
dependent on the network latency.  Again, HTTP/1.x is a major offender here.

In my experience, the *really* big wins in network performance generally come 
from fixing problems like this.

* You want to design your I/O structure to meet the needs of your client (that 
is, the code that's consuming the data you're reading).  For example, if your 
media engine expects you to give it data in the large malloc'd buffers, that's 
should be a major consideration in the design of your I/O structure.

Alternatively, if you can change how you supply data to your media engine, you 
could potentially avoid a bunch of overhead.  dispatch_data_t (which can be 
bridged to NSData) can really help here because it supports:

- non-contiguous data, allowing you to join two buffers

- subdata creation without copies, to allow you to efficiently split two buffers

- data flowing through multiple layers without copying

As a concrete example of this, consider an I/O subsystem that does this:

1. reads the data into a malloc'd block

2. creates a dispatch_data from that (dispatch_data_create)

3. parser the data

4. when it finds a message, creates a subdata to represent the message 
(dispatch_data_create_subrange) and passes that to the media engine

5. if there's data left at the end, saves that so that subsequent reads can 
join it to data from the next read (dispatch_data_create_concat)

You've done no copies (except the one required by BSD Sockets) and yet you're 
passing the data up to the client in a nice sequence of dispatch_data_t's.  
Those may be discontiguous, but it's up to the client as to whether they want 
to efficiently deal with discontiguous data or gather the data into one 
contiguous buffer.

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Quinn "The Eskimo!"<>
Apple Developer Relations, Developer Technical Support, Core OS/Hardware

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Re: Need advice about [NSInputStream read:maxLength:] performance.

2015-09-11 Thread Quinn ";The Eskimo!"

On 11 Sep 2015, at 02:12, Adam Kaplan <> wrote:

> It’s amazing how many times we solve this same problem over-and-over. It’s so 
> difficult because every case is slightly nuanced :(  

Indeed.  Some folks are even working in different languages.


My take on this is that, as a networking geek, it's very easy to go down the 
performance rabbit hole here (where you'll find Robert Monaghan, apparently 
:-).  Most of the folks struggling with this issue are dealing with trivial 
amounts of data, which is why I almost always push them towards the simplest 
possible NSMutableData solution.

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Quinn "The Eskimo!"<>
Apple Developer Relations, Developer Technical Support, Core OS/Hardware

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Re: backgrounding a udp socket

2015-09-11 Thread Quinn ";The Eskimo!"

On 11 Sep 2015, at 00:32, Michael Brian Bentley <> wrote:

> Is it possible to set up a udp socket via a background task using
> -beginBackgroundTaskWithName:expirationHandler:
> (or something like it) such that we're able to continue receiving datagrams 
> while the app is backgrounded?

The advice from Technote 2277 "Networking and Multitasking" still applies.


iOS has no special support for UDP networking in the background, so the only 
way to do this is to prevent your app from suspending 
(-beginBackgroundTaskWithName:xxx is one way to do that).

There's good news and bad news on that front:

* The good news is that, if you prevent your app from suspending, there's no 
difference between networking in the background vs the foreground.

* The bad news is that the system puts strict limits on how long you can run in 
the background (to preserve device standby time).

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Quinn "The Eskimo!"<>
Apple Developer Relations, Developer Technical Support, Core OS/Hardware

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Re: Problem with several TLS (CFStream) connections to the same address/port

2015-09-07 Thread Quinn ";The Eskimo!"

On 7 Sep 2015, at 17:13, Yulia Bensman <> wrote:

> But when I am opening the second socket and sending ClientHello, the 
> sessionID contains the 32-bytes token, sent by server in ServerHello to the 
> first socket. So it behaves like it wants to re-negotiate.

Not "re-negotiate" but rather "resume the previous session".

And yes, this is expected behaviour.  The server should either support resume 
or not support resume.  In the latter case it should send back a new session 
ID, not just fail the handshake.

Ideally you should fix this on the server.  Session resume is a standard part 
of TLS and kinda important when it comes to performance.

However, if you can't fix the server, you can work around this on the client by 
setting the "peer ID".  To do this:

1. get the Secure Transport context from the stream before you open it [1]

2. call SSLSetPeerID on that to set a unique peer ID

The peer ID is used as the TLS session cache key, so if it's unique then no 
session reuse is possible.

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Quinn "The Eskimo!"<>
Apple Developer Relations, Developer Technical Support, Core OS/Hardware

[1] Use kCFStreamPropertySSLContext, as shown by the TLSTool sample code.


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Re: Need some guidance regarding ATS using CFNetwork APIs

2015-09-01 Thread Quinn ";The Eskimo!"

On 31 Aug 2015, at 00:03, Jens Alfke <> wrote:

> CFSocketStream.h declares all the necessary constants, with doc-comments, and 
> I know Apple’s documentation explains in detail how to do all this, though I 
> don’t have any URLs handy.

Or, if sample code is your thing, take a look at the TLSTool sample code.


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Quinn "The Eskimo!"<>
Apple Developer Relations, Developer Technical Support, Core OS/Hardware

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Re: NSPOSIXErrorDomain code 2 No such file or directory from NSURLSession background download task?

2015-08-25 Thread Quinn The Eskimo!

On 24 Aug 2015, at 22:46, Rick Mann wrote:

 What does this error mean? It's very worrisome.

It's very likely that this is a symptom of the container path change problem 
that I discussed in the Testing Background Session Code post I referenced 

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Quinn The Eskimo!
Apple Developer Relations, Developer Technical Support, Core OS/Hardware

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Re: Restoring context with NSURLSession background tasks

2015-08-24 Thread Quinn The Eskimo!

On 22 Aug 2015, at 00:33, Rick Mann wrote:

 I'm finding the background task support to be lacking, in that there's a fair 
 bit of context that's associated with my file downloads that I'm having to 
 find a way to persist. I wonder if there's an easier way.

I'm going to answer with a bunch of references to DevForums posts:

A. downloading 'thousands of small files' -- This is a really bad idea, 
especially on iOS.

B. state tracking -- On the following thread you'll find a couple of posts 
explaining how I did this.

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Quinn The Eskimo!
Apple Developer Relations, Developer Technical Support, Core OS/Hardware

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Re: Supported TLS version for CFNetwork in various Mac OS X

2015-08-05 Thread Quinn The Eskimo!

On 4 Aug 2015, at 19:17, Yulia Bensman wrote:

 But I am still not sure, since first of all I am not sure if CFNetwork in Mac 
 OS X and in iOS are progressing in parallel.

In general that's the case but, in the specific case of TLS, OS X lagged behind 
iOS for a few releases.  TLS 1.2 support for OS X was introduced in OS X 10.9.  
So, prior to 10.9 you get TLS 1.0 and in 10.9 and later you get TLS 1.2.

I've filed a bug to get OS X info added to TN2287 rdar://problem/22148615.

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Quinn The Eskimo!
Apple Developer Relations, Developer Technical Support, Core OS/Hardware

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Re: How to keep HTTP responses with Content-Encoding from being decoded?

2015-08-05 Thread Quinn The Eskimo!

On 4 Aug 2015, at 20:26, Jens Alfke wrote:

 Is there any way to disable NSURLConnection from automatically decoding a 
 gzip-encoded HTTP response?

No.  If you have control over the server, you could configure it to send the 
data as compressed content type rather than using a compressed content coding.

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Quinn The Eskimo!
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Re: CNCopySupportedInterfaces returns NULL in ios 9b4

2015-08-05 Thread Quinn The Eskimo!

On 5 Aug 2015, at 02:25, Rick Mann wrote:

 I see it's deprecated in iOS9, but should still work, right?

You should read my posts to the following thread on DevForums.

I'll update that thread as this situation evolves.

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Quinn The Eskimo!
Apple Developer Relations, Developer Technical Support, Core OS/Hardware

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Re: Does CFHTTPMessageAddAuthentication support digest auth?

2015-07-14 Thread Quinn The Eskimo!

On 13 Jul 2015, at 23:20, Jens Alfke wrote:

 Does CFHTTPStream just go into passthru mode at that point?

On the read side, yes.  The problem is the write side.  Remember that, when you 
want to stream data to a CFHTTPStream, you give it a read stream and it reads 
data from that stream and writes it to TCP connection.  The issue is that it 
applies chunked transfer encoding to the data, as you'd expect for an HTTP 
request body of unknown length.  Alas, this is not helpful when implementing a 

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Quinn The Eskimo!
Apple Developer Relations, Developer Technical Support, Core OS/Hardware

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Re: Monitor inbound/outbound network statistics for particular device

2015-06-15 Thread Quinn The Eskimo!

On 8 Jun 2015, at 13:35, Fabian Jäger wrote:

 I would like to print some statistics and would need the byte/s information…

You can get /very/ simple interface statistics via x-man-page://3/getifaddrs.

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Quinn The Eskimo!
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Re: Proper use of SCNetworkReachability?

2015-06-15 Thread Quinn The Eskimo!

On 8 Jun 2015, at 16:03, Rick Mann wrote:

 So, the biggest problem has to do with network timeouts.

Indeed, timeouts are a problem, but mostly that's because folks come in with 
the assumption that timing out is the right thing to do.  In a lot of cases it 
isn't.  If the operation is user-visible, you should not implement a timeout.  
Rather, you should show status/progress and let the user cancel and retry the 
operation when they see fit.

Historically I framed this as the 'kicked out the Ethernet cable' [1] problem:

1. user is using your app

2. user accidentally kicks out the Ethernet cable

3. things stop working

4. user rummages around under their desk and eventually figures out the problem

5. user comes up from their desk to discover that your app has timed out

6. user must manually retry

Without the timeout the connection would have gone through as soon as 
connectivity was restored.  With the timeout, you force the user through an 
unnecessary extra step.

The only place where timeouts make sense IMO is when the operation is 
completely 'headless'.

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Quinn The Eskimo!
Apple Developer Relations, Developer Technical Support, Core OS/Hardware

[1] These days I should problem recast this as the Wi-Fi / WWAN dead zone 
problem (-:

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Re: Class Documentation of Network Extension and VPN

2015-06-15 Thread Quinn The Eskimo!

On 15 Jun 2015, at 09:42, Fabian Jäger wrote:

 can anybody tell me where I can find class documentation for the new Network 
 Extension and VPN API?

There are currently no high-level docs for the new Network Extension framework 
facilities.  The best place to get started is the WWDC presentation (Session 
717 What's New in Network Extension and VPN).

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Quinn The Eskimo!
Apple Developer Relations, Developer Technical Support, Core OS/Hardware

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Re: Checking for success/failure in NSURLSession completion handlers

2015-03-30 Thread Quinn The Eskimo!

On 30 Mar 2015, at 07:54, Daryle Walker wrote:

 Am I supposed to check for success by seeing whether or not “error” is nil, 
 or if whether or not “location” (and/or “response”) is NOT nil?

In block-based APIs like this, it's generally best to check for error being nil.

 Unlike some older APIs, NSURLSession’s method arguments that are block 
 pointers do not have those inner functions’ parameters and/or return values 
 fully explained. The URL Loading System Programming Guide does not explain 
 what’s expected of those blocks either. File a bug?

Please do.

Please post your bug number, just for the record.

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Quinn The Eskimo!
Apple Developer Relations, Developer Technical Support, Core OS/Hardware

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Re: Questions about uploading files via background NSURLSession

2015-02-04 Thread Quinn The Eskimo!

On 3 Feb 2015, at 20:47, Quinn The Eskimo! wrote:

 Starting with iOS 8 and OS X 10.10, yes.  NSURLSessionTask has a priority 
 property that lets you hint as to which tasks should run first.

Oh boy, I got that wrong )-:

It turns out that this description of the priority property is completely 
incorrect.  Rather, this property is used to control the relative priority of 
requests when using a multiplexed connection (think SPDY).  Moreover, it's 
currently ignored by background sessions.

Sorry about the mixup.

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Quinn The Eskimo!
Apple Developer Relations, Developer Technical Support, Core OS/Hardware

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