Re: Bizaare Netscape Behavior

2004-08-21 Thread Oliver Schnarchendorf
On Fri, 20 Aug 2004 18:57:57 -0700, Mark S Lowe wrote:
> For some reason, all my CGIs that spit out HTML for Netscape browsers
> (Netscape and Firefox) display the actual HTML and not the HTML page. Is
> there something I¹ve done wrong in my http.conf? Has anyone else seen this?

before you print any html you might want to do the following:

print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";

If you don't set the content-type the browser falls back to the most likely 
version of content: Text.


"If you believe everything you read, you better not read." -Japanese Proverb

Re: OT: Revealed Email Passwords???

2004-04-03 Thread Oliver Schnarchendorf
On Sat, 3 Apr 2004 11:42:46 -0500, gohaku wrote:
> I just read this weblog post:
> Security, Earthlink, and Apple
> URL:
> My question, is using Earthlink's webmail just as secure as the SSL 
> Connection and why was Daniel's log in and password revealed???
Okay. There are a few things you need to know about the internet.

(a) every communication on networks is in clear text
(b) all the computers between you and your target server are able to read 
(c) wireless networks are just another kind of network.
(d) wireless networks make it simpler to spy upon network content. The WEP 
(Wireless Encryption Protocol) can be broken just by running some code that listens to 
a big number of network packages and automatically extracts the encryption key.

Now that you know the above lets go back to your question: Is Earthlink's webmail just 
as secure as an SSL connection? Just IF you connect to the webmail service using SSL 
(https://). Otherwise it's still readable as clear text.


Re: Installing Mac::iTunes

2004-03-15 Thread Oliver Schnarchendorf
On Mon, 15 Mar 2004 19:05:29 -0800, Chuck Rice wrote:
>>  The quick, FAST, and dirty way for you is to install the module with from CPAn 
>> with FORCE.  I.e. FORCE INSTALL Mac::iTunes.
> I tried:
> %sudo perl -MCPAN -e 'force install "Mac::iTunes"'
> but the force did not seem to make a difference. -Chuck-
It should look the same way, it just shouldn't give a damn about the results of 'make 
test' and still do issue 'make install' automatically. You might want to look if 
Mac::iTunes didn't get installed nonetheless.


Re: Installing Mac::iTunes

2004-03-15 Thread Oliver Schnarchendorf
On Mon, 15 Mar 2004 17:58:54 -0800, Chuck Rice wrote:
> I am a perl newbie and I am trying to install Mac::iTunes. When I do, 
> I get lots  of what look to be syntax errors about missing 
> parentheses, and deprecated function calls, and such, and then iTunes 
> launches, does some strange things to the screen and then the install 
> finally fails. What did I install incorrectly? -Chuck-
> P.S what the heck is "# expected: 'The Wee Kirkcudbright Centipede'"
Okay... Here are a few pointers to what could be the problem:

The author of the module, brian d foy, is right now in Iraq, that strange 
place in the desert the USA choose to invade.

Him, brian d foy, being in Iraq, is a slight problem. Yet there might be a 
(slow) solution

Visit brian's sourceforge web site and file bug-report (with the output that 
'make test' returns), and he might find the time to help you in the long run.

BTW. the problem might be you are using a higher version of iTunes, than brian 
did develop his module for. The last time I read about Mac::iTunes, he stated that he 
has to reverse engineer the new changes to some of the newest iTunes files. Him being 
in Iraq meant he got his iTunes update as part of iLife... through the mail. The 
internet is to slow for a live update.

The quick, FAST, and dirty way for you is to install the module with from CPAn 
with FORCE.  I.e. FORCE INSTALL Mac::iTunes.


Re: Getting HTML::Mason to work on OS X

2004-01-25 Thread Oliver Schnarchendorf
On Sun, 25 Jan 2004 22:41:46 -0500, gohaku wrote:
> #Returns 500 Internal Server Error when trying to view/run any 
> document or script
You might want to try the following after you accessed your mason page:

tail /var/log/httpd/error_log

Whatever went wrong should have left you a line in the appache error log. Once you 
have the error message you just might have what you need to get rid of the error.


Re: confusing bulltes

2004-01-12 Thread Oliver Schnarchendorf
On Mon, 12 Jan 2004 09:38:09 -0500 (EST), Chris Devers wrote:
> On Sun, 11 Jan 2004, Oliver Schnarchendorf wrote:
>>  perl -e 'use Data::Dumper; print Dumper (\%ENV);'
> Maybe I'm being naive, but in what way is this better than just using
> plain old /usr/bin/env?
It was a perl question... not a shell question.

The reason that I asked Vic to run this code snippet in the terminal as in BBEdit was 
to find out if Vic has differnces in the enironment variables that might screw up his 
perl code.


Re: confusing bulltes

2004-01-11 Thread Oliver Schnarchendorf
On Sun, 11 Jan 2004 21:02:14 -0500, Vic Norton wrote:
> My actual script looks for the pattern "m/\xa5/" in the data. If I 
> make the script executable and run it from the terminal, it finds 
> "A5". If I execute the script from BBEdit, either directly or "Run in 
> Terminal", no "A5" is found.
Okay... I think the problem here is that BBEdit doesn't use your Environmental 

You can print them with the following one liner

perl -e 'use Data::Dumper; print Dumper (\%ENV);'

Do yourself a favor and put the above perl into a script, run it from the command line 
and run it from BBEdit. If you see differences you might want to read up on the 
.MacOSX/environment.plist file and how it is used.

If you don't want to go through the steps mentioned in the article above, you might 
want to follow the steps in the following use.perl journal entry by brian d foy.


Re: Trying to make LWP work with httpS

2004-01-03 Thread Oliver Schnarchendorf
On Fri, 2 Jan 2004 06:39:07 -0500, Tim Murphy wrote:
> dyld: perl Undefined symbols:
> /Library/Perl/5.8.1/darwin-thread-multi-2level/auto/Crypt/SSLeay/SSLeay.bundle 
> undefined reference to _OpenSSL_add_all_algorithms expected to be 
> defined in a dynamic image
> Trace/BPT trap
> I googled the error message, and didn't get anything.. It's a bad 
> message when google doesn't even come back with a hit.. But I 
> stumbled across your list serv, and was hoping a perl guru might be 
> able to lend me some help..

it seems that perl can't access some library functions that it needs to make 
SSLeay work.

You might want to do the following:
Search for OPENSSL, e.g.:
sudo find / openssl | grep openssl

Depending on if you installed the Developer Tools or not you get 2 or 
1 location(s) for the main file returned. E.g.:

Now... take a look at your PATH, e.g.:
set | grep PATH

Are the directories for the openssl main directory included in the 
If not you have two choices:

a) add the openssl main directory to the path
b) add INCLUDE tags for openssl
export OPENSSL_INCLUDE="/usr/openssl/include"

Hope this helps.


Re: Help requested for installing module...

2003-12-24 Thread Oliver Schnarchendorf
On Wed, 24 Dec 2003 20:27:49 -0800, Kim Helliwell wrote:
>> Parse::RecDescent


perl.h is not the problem... even if perl says so.

You need to install the Parse::RecDescent Module because it is a dependency of 
whatever you try to install.


Re: CPAN failed under 10.3.2

2003-12-24 Thread Oliver Schnarchendorf
On Wed, 24 Dec 2003 12:37:48 -0600, Peter Nelson wrote:
> Each time after that I have tried to use the cpan shell ("sudo perl
> -MCPAN -e shell") I have received the following output below. 

Hello Peter,

It seems that you have the same problem that I had. Did you tell 5.8.2 to 
replace the perl that came with Panther? If not you might want to try the following 
and see what you get:

perl -V (Btw. that is a capital V)

you should see something like the below along the end of the output:


Whereas if you give the following a try:

/usr/local/bin/perl -V

you should see something like this along the end of the output:


So... if you get results that somehow equal the above it means that you have 
two versions of perl installed.

To install the new CPAN to the right perl you need to give it the right 

sudo /usr/local/bin/perl -MCPAN -e shell

And from herein out everything should compile just fine.
