RE: Perl, MySQl and Airport

2006-10-02 Thread Ted Zeng
When you access MYSql from another machine, you need to set the access
privilege for that account. You can search the net on how to do this.


-Original Message-
From: Joseph Alotta [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, October 02, 2006 9:46 AM
Cc: Mac OS X Perl
Subject: Re: Perl, MySQl and Airport

On Sep 26, 2006, at 12:23 PM, Sherm Pendley wrote:

 On Sep 26, 2006, at 12:45 PM, Joseph Alotta wrote:

 I have a application in Perl that prints reports from a MySQL  
 database.  I also have DSL that is accessed via Airport in my house.

 Recently I bought an iMac for my wife and I want her to help me  
 print reports from this new computer.   How do I get her computer  
 to get data from the MySQL database that lives on my computer via  

 MySQL client libraries use TCP/IP - they neither know nor care  
 about the physical network layer. So you'd do this the same way  
 you'd connect to any other remote server - just supply the host  
 name (or IP address) as part of the dsn.

 my $dsn = DBI:mysql:database=foo;host=;
 my $dbh = DBI-connect($dsn, $user, $password);

 If that's not working, some things to check:

   * Are the MySQL client libs and DBD::mysql installed on the
   * Is $user authorized to connect from another host?
   * Is MySQL itself configured to allow such connections in


 Web Hosting by West Virginians, for West Virginians:
 Cocoa programming in Perl:

Hi everyone,

I am getting this error, having tried all the combinations.  Is there  
a control panel somewhere that I need to set permissions?  I already  
tried things in Sharing.

Hosea:/Library/MySQL/bin jja$ /Library/MySQL/bin/mysql -u root -D  
names -h Yeshua.local
ERROR 1130: Host '' is not allowed to connect to this MySQL  
Hosea:/Library/MySQL/bin jja$


RE: Perl Module Installation

2006-08-24 Thread Ted Zeng
I always use 
To do the installation. 

In your case, I would use 

sudo perl -MCPAN -e shell'

You wouldn't get those warnings if you do this.

Ted zeng 

-Original Message-
From: Moisés Chicharro [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, August 24, 2006 9:01 AM
Subject: Re: Perl Module Installation

Thanks to everyone for their suggestions.

I ran the 'perl -MCPAN -e shell' and it told me to update the module  
which I did. So I now have v1.7601.

However, when trying to run 'install DBI', it piled a whole load of  
stuff into the terminal window which ended with this below ( the NOT  
OK bit is worrying me )...

--- done
   /usr/bin/make test -- OK
Running make install
Manifying blib/man1/dbiproxy.1
Warning: You do not have permissions to install into /usr/local/man/ 
man1 at /System/Library/Perl/5.8.6/ExtUtils/ line 114.
mkdir /usr/local/man/man3: Permission denied at /System/Library/Perl/ 
5.8.6/ExtUtils/ line 112
make: *** [pure_site_install] Error 255
   /usr/bin/make install  -- NOT OK

Does that make sense to any of you guys?

Thanks again for your help :)

On 23 Aug 2006, at 17:45, Daniel T. Staal wrote:

 On Wed, August 23, 2006 12:27 pm, Moisés Chicharro said:
 Hi All,

 Can anyone point me to a decent tutorial for installing perl modules.

 The one I have downloaded is DBI-1.52.tar.gz

 I am running OS X 10.4.7 and have never installed a perl module
 before. I have found various pages on the net but I don't want to
 mess things up so would like to make sure that the tutorial I am
 reading has been recommended by some experts! :)

 I am also assuming that the right directory for my install is

 Thankyou in advance,

 In general the best way to install Perl modules is to use CPAN.

 Use Terminal and run 'perl -MCPAN -e shell' (or just 'cpan') and  
 the questions it asks.  If you don't know the answer, use the default.
 Then, while in the CPAN shell, type 'install DBI'.  It will get the  
 version, unpack it, test it, and install it for you.

 You will of course need the devloper tools to do this, in case you  
 installed them already.

 Daniel T. Staal

 This email copyright the author.  Unless otherwise noted, you
 are expressly allowed to retransmit, quote, or otherwise use
 the contents for non-commercial purposes.  This copyright will
 expire 5 years after the author's death, or in 30 years,
 whichever is longer, unless such a period is in excess of
 local copyright law.

Re: Problems installing Net::SSH::Perl'

2006-08-03 Thread Ted Zeng
You just have to install those missing modules one by one. Some are software
You just have to go to get those libs and install them by following the

I have done this before. It took me quite a while to finish it.
But it can be done.

Since I have done this one year ago, I could not remember the details.
But this module has worked on my machine since then.


On 8/3/06 1:45 PM, Michael Barto [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 This modules fails to install from CPAN
 perl -MCPAN -e 'install Net::SSH::Perl'
 with error installation in installation of Math::GMP. Hence Net::SSH::Perl
 module cannot be installed. This problem needs to be corrected. Does anyone
 know how to get by this problem and how can it be reported to be fixed?
 This problem  is also true for Sun Solaris (which I tried the same thing on).
 We develop on Mac's

Re: How to get a pid

2006-08-02 Thread Ted Zeng
Hi wren,

Thanks. I know better now.
I will try to fix the problem within my time limit.

Best wishes,

Ted zeng

On 8/2/06 1:18 AM, wren ng thornton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- quoth Ted Zeng [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Originally, my perl script launches Eggplant as a
 child process (use ``, not an independent process.)
 Actually ``, aka qx(), does spawn an independant
 process. Try running:
 perl -e'`sleep 6000`;' 
 and then doing a `ps` to see. But the semantics of
 qx() mean that the forking, execing, and capturing of
 output are hidden from the programmer. Same goes for
 using system().
 Because of the semantics of qx() and system(), there's
 no way to capture the pid of the spawned process--
 that's all handled behind the scenes. If you don't
 trust the children to return properly, then you need
 to use fork() and exec() explicitly with something
 like the following:
 #!/usr/bin/env perl
 print $$: noone in here but us chickens\n;
 $pid = fork();
 print $$: I got $pid\n;
 if ($pid == 0) {
 print $$: child is execing\n;
 exec 'sleep', 10;
 } else {
 print $$: parent is waiting\n;
 sleep 5;
 print $$: kids these days! (killing $pid)\n;
 kill 9, $pid;
 You can watch this in another shell with a ps. You can
 also use elements of %SIG for the first argument to
 kill() but `sleep` so happens to ignore everything. Do
 note that the interleaving of the process scheduling
 after calling fork() is unpredictable, even if it
 appears reliable over a few runs. Even the order in
 which processes return from a call to fork() is
 Unfortunately with this approach, capturing the output
 of the child is harder. And of course you'll want to
 verify that the child is running too long before
 killing it in your version.
 Live well,
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How a file gets copied remotely

2006-08-02 Thread Ted Zeng

I have one more question.

My perl script on one Mac in my office by ssh connects to another Mac (let
me name it M2) in a very far away place, With the network speed is only
about 20k/s or even slower.

Then, the perl script mounts another Mac(M3) to that Mac (M2). M2 and M3 are
local to each other, that means the network speed between them is very fast.

Then, the perl script copies some files from M2 to M3 through commands(cp)
on the ssh shell. Lets say, it is 'cp /Volumes/M2/archive.txt
/Volumes/M3/archive.txt '.

My question is : does the file data goes through the network between M2 and
my perl script's machine here? Or they just go through their (M2,M3) local

I could test the timing myself, but I still won't understand how it work

Ted Zeng

Re: How to get a pid

2006-08-01 Thread Ted Zeng
Thanks. This is a pretty good lecture on OS's process.

You are right. The problem is the Grandchild could not be trusted.
And the child is stuck with the grandchild due to the way it launches
The grandchild.

But since the parent knows child's pid, it could use this information
To  find out the grandchild's pid (as Packy proposed). I think that solves
The problem pretty well.

Ted Zeng
Adobe Systems Inc.

On 7/31/06 6:06 PM, wren ng thornton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- quoth Packy Anderson:
 --- quoth Ted Zeng:
 I don't know how the OS generate the pid for a
 process. That is why I don't
 feel comfortable with what I did.
 The way I understand it, the OS assigns the next
 highest available pid when creating a process.
 It' s never specifically documented because it's one
 of those implementation dependent things, but
 canonically speaking it's the next available pid
 which is either a first fit or next fit depending on
 which is easier to implement.
 Due to the nature of the lifecycles of processes this
 generally means that in practice child=ppid+1 but in
 actuality there is no guarantee that the two pids are
 related to one another. This general observation can
 be undone by wrapping of pids past the max pid, by
 some other process jumping in to spawn a child before
 your process' request is fulfilled, by other processes
 dying off and revealing a better next available pid,
 etc etc.
 Whenever a process makes a syscall to fork() an exact
 copy of the current process is made (including all
 open files and some other complexities), with the only
 difference being the pid. The other difference is that
 once the call to fork() returns the parent will
 receive the child's pid as a return value and the
 child will receive 0 (an invalid pid). If for for some
 reason the fork fails (e.g. no available pids), then
 the parent process will receive -1 (also an invalid
 Generally it's up to the parent to keep track of their
 children and there's not much recourse to recovering
 them if you loose them. However the OS does keep track
 of such things (to deal with auto-reaping zombies and
 the like) and so there're often ways to recover that
 info. E.g. in C the waitpid() function has an option
 to wait for any child to die; I don't know of a Perl
 implementation if this call, but I wouldn't be
 surprised if it's out there, and if it isn't anyone
 with a bit of XS knowledge should be able to bang one
 out quickly. There may be other ways depending on the
 specific OS.
 I've only loosely been following this thread, but it
 sounds like the problem isn't the parent (the Perl
 script) keeping track of it's children, but rather
 keeping track of grandchildren. Since POSIX makes no
 province for keeping track of grandchildren, it's
 really something the child should keep track of and
 then report to the parent. That is, every process
 should clean up after themselves and so every parent
 can consider their child to be one process ignoring
 any other processes they may spin off. Of course it
 sounds like the child is an unknown (and not
 particularly trusted). Is there not any way for the
 Perl script to call the necessary grandchildren
 Live well,
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Re: How to get a pid

2006-07-31 Thread Ted Zeng
I don't know how the OS generate the pid for a process. That is why I don't
feel comfortable with what I did.

I am not sure if there is a race situation here.

Ted zeng

On 7/28/06 4:21 PM, Joel Rees [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On 2006/07/29, at 4:12, Ted Zeng wrote:
 I have used  pid+1 for quite a few days now and it seems to work
 without any problem. But I still feel it is not the right thing to do.
 Have you ever heard of race?

RE: How to get a pid

2006-07-28 Thread Ted Zeng

It would have been helpful to see the contents of execEggplant.  Is it really
using exec?  If so, the child's pid should be the same as the thing that exec'd
 Sorry. I should be more clear. My code uses `   ` (backward qoute?),  which 
 is the same as system(), I think.  So it is not exec(), open().
execEggplant is a command that executes eggplant with a Eggplant script path as 
I also pipe the error to output.

$execEggplant = runscript an_eggplant_script_path 2$1   ## just from my 
memory. I don't have the script on hand right now.

The reason I doesn't use exec is because I want to catch the output from 
Eggplant (it write its log to err).
If I use exec(), then I wouldn't be able to see the output from that process.

I have no experience with open() and took a look at it, and it doesn't seem to 
work for my case.

I have used  pid+1 for quite a few days now and it seems to work without any 
problem. But I still feel it is not the right thing to do.


If you use open(), the return value of open will be the pid of the pipe opened.

If you use system(), you may be out of luck; I don't know.

...or is it the case that execEggplant exec's some script which then, itself
runs Eggplant?  In that case, you will have to roll your own IPC.


How to get a pid

2006-07-25 Thread Ted Zeng

I have the following problem.

I run a perl script that set up an environment, then
Run a tool and wait for its return.

But the tool hangs from time to time. I have to kill it when it hangs.

To do  this, I use Fork. I fork a child process that will run the  tool.
In the parent process, I get the child process's pid and if it runs longer
than a set time limit, the parent will kill the child.

But I found out that while the child dies, it still hangs around with the
tool. (it has (perl) when I do 'ps -xc' ).

If I kill the tool process, then thing is ok.

I could not figure out how to get the tool process's id. But by observing,
I notice that its pid is 'always' equals to child process's pid+1.

So, I let the parent process kills 'child pid+1. It seems to work so far.

I have to admit I don't feel comfortable with doing this, though it works so

Any suggestion on how I could figure out the tool's pid?


Ted Zeng
Adobe Systems Inc.

Here is the part of the script that does fork:

if(!defined( $kidpid = fork() )){
die Canot fork: $!;
}elsif ($kidpid == 0) {
## Execute the Eggplant Scripts.
} else {
my $count=0;
my $tConstant = 120; ## 20 min.
do {
sleep 10;
$count ++;
$kid = waitpid(-1, WNOHANG);
} until ($kid  0 or $count  $tConstant);
if($count  $tConstant ){
$kidpid = $kidpid + 1; ## get the Eggplant PID
## The child process is still running. Log and kill it.
my $ret = `kill $kidpid`;
LogBoth(...20 min. passed... We terminate the Eggplant
process: $ret);   
exit(0); ## no need to archive now. The child process should
do the archive

How to solve module conflict?

2005-11-30 Thread Ted Zeng

I have been using


Now I want to use POSIX module. But
There is also a 
Call in this module.

What can I do to still use
And also the POSIX module?

Ted zeng
Adobe Systems

Re: How to solve module conflict?

2005-11-30 Thread Ted Zeng
Thanks. It works.

Ted zeng

Re: How to find out if an application is running

2005-10-14 Thread Ted Zeng
I like these solution.



On 10/13/05 10:59 PM, Peter N Lewis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 At 20:02 -0700 13/10/05, Ted Zeng wrote:
 Here is the fun part: I made a script and
 Call it to kill Bridge with
 ` Bridge `
 And it kills itself.
 As it turned out, the script finds itself from the list because the
 Command line includes Bridge(or Adobe Illustrator for Illustrator).
 The standard trick for this, if the search is a regular expression,
 is to surround one of the letters with [], ie: '[B]ridge'
 It works. But somebody probably laughs at it.
 It's hardly the first time, indeed the general find this application of
 ps auxw | grep 
 inevitably finds the search command unless you use a trick like the above, or:
 ps auxw | grep  | grep -v grep

Re: How to find out if an application is running

2005-10-13 Thread Ted Zeng
As it turns out, only Sherm's version works
For all the situations.

Here is what I did:
I clicked the menu File:New and Illustrator presents
An New document dialog.

Now, I go to execute the commands to kill it.

The AppleScript version could not kill it.
kill does kill it.(Sherm's code)

Killall doesn't seem to do anything even in the normal sitution
(I use Adobe Illustrator instead of Illustrator, otherwise it will
complaint there is no matching process)

I haven't tried Chris's version yet.

Ted zeng

On 10/13/05 7:55 AM, Dominic Dunlop [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On 2005­10­13, at 12:40, David Cantrell wrote:
 On Thu, Oct 13, 2005 at 08:51:22AM +0200, Dominic Dunlop wrote:
 A late arrival which hasn't been mentioned so far:
 $ killall -0 Illustrator 2/dev/null  echo Illustrator is running
 killall is a Really Bad Idea.  While it does indeed do what you intend
 on OS X, on other commercial Unices like Solaris it really does kill
 all.  That is, it sends your chosen signal to all processes.  Not
 So don't get in to the habit of using it.
 Aw, cut me some slack. This was specifically a Mac OS X query
 (Illustrator not being available on Solaris); the Solaris command
 only does its dangerous stuff for root (according to the man page --
 I don't have access to a Sun box); and Sun puts it in a place that
 shouldn't be on a normal user's PATH. Plus killall, BSD-style, is a
 neat command. Works on Linux too. But anyway. Here's Yet Another Way
 To Do It:
 #!/usr/bin/perl -wl
 use Proc::ProcessTable;
 my $t = new Proc::ProcessTable;
 for (@{$t-table}) {
if ($_-cmndline =~  m%/ { # *** Your app name here ***
  print $_-pid;
 Proc::ProcessTable is available from CPAN, and builds and runs
 without problem on Mac OS X. It also works in a lot of other
 environments (including Windows) (and Solaris).
 Sadly, this approach no good for use from an optionally installed
 package, as you can't rely on the module being present. (Unless you
 were to include it as part of the bundle and tell perl how to find
 it, which would probably be more trouble than it's worth.)

Re: How to find out if an application is running

2005-10-13 Thread Ted Zeng
You are right.

After I got the info. On how to detect the process,
I added the codes to kill them. Then I thought they all work.
Didn't think what I had asked.

Here is the fun part: I made a script and
Call it to kill Bridge with
` Bridge `

And it kills itself.

As it turned out, the script finds itself from the list because the
Command line includes Bridge(or Adobe Illustrator for Illustrator).

Now, I put the app. Name in two part,
` Brid   ge`
And merge them in the script.

It works. But somebody probably laughs at it.

Ted zeng

On 10/13/05 4:05 PM, Jeff Lowrey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 At 01:36 PM 10/13/2005, Ted Zeng wrote:
 As it turns out, only Sherm's version works
 For all the situations.
 Actually, merely for the situation that you didn't tell us you were aiming
 You asked How to find out if an application is running.
 You didn't ask How do I find out a PID so I can kill a process.

How to find out if an application is running

2005-10-12 Thread Ted Zeng

I would like to find out if an application like Illustrator is running
On OS X or not from a perl script. How can I do it?

ps doesn't list the processes like Illustrator.

Ted Zeng
Adobe Systems

Re: question on Perl's ssh

2005-06-27 Thread Ted Zeng

Thanks. I will look into this.


On Jun 24, 2005, at 1:48 PM, Adam Wells wrote:

On Jun 24, 2005, at 1:10 PM, Ted Zeng wrote:

SSH has been a big headache to me. I wish OS X
just has telnet. It is good enough for my purpose.
I wish SSH has an option that says turn it into rlogin or

Mac OS X does have a telnet daemon -- but it's disabled by default.  
On Tiger, you can issue this command as root to start it up:

# launchctl load -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/telnet.plist


Re: question on Perl's ssh

2005-06-27 Thread Ted Zeng

On Jun 24, 2005, at 7:16 PM, Joel Rees wrote:

This doesn't really make sense. Are you sure that you didn't connect 
by hand in pather once, and answer the query about whether you would 
accept the certificate or not? Once the certificate was accepted, 
perl in Panther might have been accessing the user's .ssh?

I reboot the machines and map the disk image to the drive every time.
  In Panther, the disk image doesn't have .ssh.

Hmm. So maybe the ssh libraries on Panther and Tiger default to 
different behavior when the user's settings are missing?
It seems they are. It seems to behave differently when interacting with 

 I do set up an account and password in the disk image. I use 
password authorization

to access Panther.

Meaning, the script takes the password (passphrase?) query and answers 


But I could not do the same with Tiger. The perl script always ask me 
to type in password

by hand.

Is it possibly sending the query on STDERR instead of STDOUT? I think 
perl would allow you to redirect STDERR, if that's the case.

I don't know. Because it is done by the Net::SSH:Perl module.

But my goal is automation. To avoid this, I have to put a public key
to the target machine and use identity key authorization to access it.

Yeah, keys certificates can be a pain to deal with in their current 
form. Would a self-certificate help? Openssl can do self-certificates 
as well as keys. (Maybe you've already tried that?)

No, I don't. Thanks for this info. I will try to look it up.

Eventually, this kind of thing will get straightened out a bit. But 
we who write programs still need to be aware of when we need to 
identify and when we need to encrypt and when we can just spit data. 
(If we don't, who will?)

The problem is I know I just need to spit data, but I couldn't.

Well, you are the best person to know whether the project wil live 
long enough to escape its cage, etc.

I'd suggest compiling and installing rsh or some such, but I really 
shouldn't. I think installing keys for ssh will work out simpler in 
the end.

Thanks. I think so too.

ted zeng

Joel Rees
If Microsoft is effectively taxing the internet,
should we call it a sin tax?

question on Perl's ssh

2005-06-24 Thread Ted Zeng


Why the system behaves differently when I ssh to a machine
from Terminal than when I ssh to the same machine by Perl's SSH module?

Here is the problem:
I added a tool to /usr/local/bin. I updated the profile file.
Now if I ssh to the machine, I could use which tool to find it.

But when I try to do the same in Perl, the reply is
no tool in /usr/bin /bin /usr/sbin /sbin

ted zeng
Adobe Systems

Re: question on Perl's ssh

2005-06-24 Thread Ted Zeng

Thanks. You make it very clear.
I have assumed they should be the same.

I took a look at Net::SSH and it seems it is not what
I want. It is much easier to install Net::SSH though.

SSH has been a big headache to me. I wish OS X
just has telnet. It is good enough for my purpose.
I wish SSH has an option that says turn it into rlogin or

On Jun 24, 2005, at 11:50 AM, Wiggins d'Anconia wrote:

Ted Zeng wrote:


Why the system behaves differently when I ssh to a machine
from Terminal than when I ssh to the same machine by Perl's SSH 

Here is the problem:
I added a tool to /usr/local/bin. I updated the profile file.
Now if I ssh to the machine, I could use which tool to find it.

But when I try to do the same in Perl, the reply is
no tool in /usr/bin /bin /usr/sbin /sbin

ted zeng
Adobe Systems

The difficult part is that the answer is really just because :-). 

you use the 'ssh' from the terminal you are using the local ssh client.
That client establishes a connection to a remote ssh server and tells
that server that it wants to run a command, that command is to init a
shell and then interact.  So when you send your 'which' command you are
interacting with the remote shell over the ssh tunnel. But when you
use Net::SSH::Perl (which I am assuming is the module you are using) 

are establishing a connection to a remote SSH session, but the
command(s) you send are being exec'd directly (presumably by /bin/sh)
which may or may not have loaded the same environment as the normal 

shell (for instance, skipping any .bashrc/.bash_profile, etc.). I
believe (though haven't tested) that the same would occur if you
provided a command to the local ssh client instead of requesting an
interactive shell.

Net::SSH provides a wrapper around the local 'ssh' command but I have
not used it. I tested it once quite a while ago and preferred
Net::SSH::Perl *for my purposes*.


Re: question on Perl's ssh

2005-06-24 Thread Ted Zeng


I know how to circumvent this. But I would like to know why they behave 

I have assumed they should be the same.


ted zeng

On Jun 24, 2005, at 11:41 AM, Chris Devers wrote:

On Fri, 24 Jun 2005, Ted Zeng wrote:

Why the system behaves differently when I ssh to a machine from
Terminal than when I ssh to the same machine by Perl's SSH module?

It sounds like the script is getting the default system $PATH variable,
while the shell is getting the $PATH defined in your login scripts.

Specifying the full path to the tool you want may circumvent this.

Alternatively, your script can declare what $PATH to use, but without
seeing the code, I'm not sure how best to do this.

In any case though, if it's an option for you, using a full path would
be easier than setting it manually.

Chris Devers

Re: question on Perl's ssh

2005-06-24 Thread Ted Zeng

On Jun 24, 2005, at 5:47 PM, Joel Rees wrote:

On 2005.6.25, at 08:35 AM, Ted Zeng wrote:

My problem is it provides much more than I need.

Are your sure?

Of cause I am sure.

I just need to log in to another Mac to execute
commands there. I don't care securities, or anything.
rlogin is good enough for me.

Well, there is a company taking contracts from the credit card 
companies that just needed some real world data to test something 
with and wasn't going to have that data where it could be accessed 
improperly. And how many hundreds of thousands of credit card numbers 
worldwide have been stolen?
I know that. I know ssh is very useful in many cases. But I don't need 
The network is internal. And there is nothing in the machines that are 
worth protecting.

In fact, I use telnet on PCs to deal with the same problem.

I have a solution that try to protect some credit card data from stolen
to solve my problem that has nothing to protect.

I don't want to copy a public key over to that machine ( I don't have 

in Panther. But have to in Tiger)

This doesn't really make sense. Are you sure that you didn't connect 
by hand in pather once, and answer the query about whether you would 
accept the certificate or not? Once the certificate was accepted, perl 
in Panther might have been accessing the user's .ssh?

I reboot the machines and map the disk image to the drive every time.
  In Panther, the disk image doesn't have .ssh.
 I do set up an account and password in the disk image. I use password 

to access Panther.
But I could not do the same with Tiger. The perl script always ask me 
to type in password
by hand. But my goal is automation. To avoid this, I have to put a 
public key

to the target machine and use identity key authorization to access it.

I keep thinking there should be an option that would solve my problem.
I have compared sshd_config files from Tiger and Panther today and just
could not see how.

Are there any environment files that didn't get transferred or 
rebuilt, or, if you just upgraded, were there some settings files that 
got erased?
I have looked at the sshd_config files. It seems to me that is the only 
possible difference

in settings.

 before I could talk to that machine.
This is a nightmare to me.

Eventually, this kind of thing will get straightened out a bit. But we 
who write programs still need to be aware of when we need to identify 
and when we need to encrypt and when we can just spit data. (If we 
don't, who will?)

The problem is I know I just need to spit data, but I couldn't.

ted zeng

Re: question on Net::SSH::Perl

2005-06-10 Thread Ted Zeng


I found out the machines I have the problem with have OS X 10.4.1 

10.3.8 doesn't have the problem.

I generated a public key and copied it to a target machine. Then it is 

Not a good solution to me. But I can deal with it.

I have looked at ssh_config and sshd_config and still could not figure 
out why these two

OS behave differently.

SSH has been a big pain. I wish it has a switch that would turn it into 

I don't care about security in our situation.


On Jun 2, 2005, at 4:42 PM, Sherm Pendley wrote:

On Jun 2, 2005, at 2:20 PM, Ted Zeng wrote:

Anyone has seen this problem before? I searched the net and found a 
couple of people

had this problem. But there were no answers to their questions.

Here is the script that I used:

$pass = 'password';
$host = '';
$params{debug} = 1;
$params{interactive} = 0;
my $ssh = Net::SSH::Perl-new($host,%params,options =[BatchMode 

Googling for 'No compat match:' turned up some likely-looking 
candidates, including this one:

Based on that page, you might try using the 'protocol' option for 
force Net::SSH::Perl to try an SSH2 connection first:

$params{protocol} = '2,1';


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question on Net::SSH::Perl

2005-06-02 Thread Ted Zeng

I use Net::SSH::Perl to connect to a few Macs from a Mac.

To 2 of them, it works fine. But for others, the shell would have
password prompt  and I have to type the password at the shell to
make the script goes through.

I have tried to turn off any options that would ask for authentication.
Even set the interactive option to 0 (The default is already false.)
But the problem doesn't go away. I turn the debug on and the log is in 
the end of this message.

For the two Macs that works, it has
No challenge presented.
Trying password authentication.

at the end instead of the password prompt.

Anyone has seen this problem before? I searched the net and found a 
couple of people

had this problem. But there were no answers to their questions.

Here is the script that I used:

$pass = 'password';
$host = '';
$params{debug} = 1;
$params{interactive} = 0;
my $ssh = Net::SSH::Perl-new($host,%params,options =[BatchMode 

$ssh-login($user, $pass);
($stdout, $stderr, $exit) = $ssh-cmd(ls);

ted zeng
Adobe Systems

==The debug log
Reading configuration data /Users/z/.ssh/config
Reading configuration data /etc/ssh_config
Connecting to ip, port 22.
Remote protocol version 1.99, remote software version OpenSSH_3.8.1p1
Net::SSH::Perl Version 1.27, protocol version 1.5.
No compat match: OpenSSH_3.8.1p1.
Connection established.
Waiting for server public key.
Received server public key (768 bits) and host key (1024 bits).
Host 'ip' is known and matches the host key.
Encryption type: DES3
Sent encrypted session key.
Received encryption confirmation.
RSA authentication failed: Can't load public key.
Doing challenge response authentication.

No challenge presented.
Trying password authentication.

RE: Mac::Glue script

2005-04-28 Thread Ted Zeng
Someone might have a better solution.
What I did was go to each downloaded module folders and
Do sudo make install and it will install.

I have another Mac which doesn't have this problem at all.

It sounds like a permission problem.

Ted zeng 
Adobe system.

Writing Makefile for Mac::AppleEvents
Writing Makefile for Mac::Components
Writing Makefile for Mac::Files
Writing Makefile for Mac::Gestalt
Writing Makefile for Mac::InternetConfig
Writing Makefile for MacPerl
Writing Makefile for Mac::Memory
Writing Makefile for Mac::MoreFiles
Writing Makefile for Mac::Notification
Writing Makefile for Mac::OSA
Writing Makefile for Mac::Processes
Writing Makefile for Mac::Resources
Writing Makefile for Mac::Sound
Writing Makefile for Mac::Speech
Writing Makefile for Mac::Types
Writing Makefile for Mac::Carbon
 -- NOT OK

Re: SSH for Perl

2005-03-29 Thread Ted Zeng
Thanks. It is Net::SSH::Perl module.
When I saw the example in this module, I jumped into air.
It is so simple and exactly what I need.
But the install process is long. I had to install many many modules,
and some libraries I think.  CPAN seems to stop working last night and 
this morning.
I had to download each module and install them.

It took me a few hours to do it. When it is done, it works great.
Though it still has this error message:
Argument ssh-rsa isn't numeric in numeric eq (==) at 
/Library/Perl/5.8.1/Net/SSH/Perl/Key/ line 94, FH line 2.
As long as it works, I won't pay attention to it, not yet.

On Mar 28, 2005, at 7:36 PM, Sherm Pendley wrote:
On Mar 28, 2005, at 10:29 PM, Ted Zeng wrote:
I am trying to user perl connect to another Mac through
ssh and execute a few perl scripts.
Have a look at Net::SSH on CPAN. It installed without complaint on my 
Panther system, although I haven't used it beyond that.

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SSH for Perl

2005-03-28 Thread Ted Zeng
I am trying to user perl connect to another Mac through
ssh and execute a few perl scripts.
But I could not figure out how to do this. I thought
it would be simple. I used telnet module to connect to
a Widnows PC before.
Ted Zeng
Adobe Systems Inc.

Re: problem with installing DBD::mysql

2005-03-16 Thread Ted Zeng
On Mar 16, 2005, at 12:55 AM, Mark Wheeler wrote:

So I guess my question, after following this, is to NOT follow the 
directions in the link I posted, but simply make the change in the 
.conf first, then download the source from CPAN, then install it.

Is that the correct order of things?
I'm pretty much ready to do this, as I have MySQL installed and 
working (with PHP). I just need to get the Perl access side of things 

No. After you fixed the file, you should read that web page 
you posted. There are a few
steps there you should follow.
Then you should be ok.


problem with installing DBD::mysql

2005-03-15 Thread Ted Zeng
I tried to install DBD::mysql after I installed DBI.
I run
sudo perl -MCPAN -e install DBD::mysql
It got the source , but always failed like any other perl module.
I cd to the source directory and do
sudo make
and got the following error:
LD_RUN_PATH=/Library/MySQL/lib/mysql:/usr/lib /usr/bin/perl myld 
MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=10.3 cc  -bundle -undefined dynamic_lookup 
-L/usr/local/lib dbdimp.o mysql.o  -o 
blib/arch/auto/DBD/mysql/mysql.bundle   -L/Library/MySQL/lib/mysql 
-lmysqlclient -lz -lm -L/usr/lib -lssl -lcrypto
make: *** [blib/arch/auto/DBD/mysql/mysql.bundle] Error 255

Anybody has the same problem?
ted zeng

Re: problem with installing DBD::mysql

2005-03-15 Thread Ted Zeng
Thanks all.
I followed both advices, and still
got the following error:
t/mysqlFAILED tests 46-48
Failed 3/68 tests, 95.59% okay
Failed Test Stat Wstat Total Fail  Failed  List of Failed
t/mysql.t 683   4.41%  46-48
1 test skipped.
Failed 1/18 test scripts, 94.44% okay. 3/767 subtests failed, 99.61%  
make: *** [test_dynamic] Error 2

It looks mainly ok.
Thanks a million. I spent quite a bit time search in and  
google and came up

The is almost 1.5 year old.
On Mar 15, 2005, at 5:15 PM, Chris Devers wrote:
On Tue, 15 Mar 2005, Mark Wheeler wrote:
I don't know if this will help, but here is a link that I found to a
problem with installing DBD::mysql on Panther. Let me know if it
works/is helpful, as I need to install it, too. I did the research for
installing it (that's how I found the link) but haven't got around to
it yet. Here's the link:
Let me know if this is the fix.
No. No. No.
It's close, but it's not the right fix.
But that page actually *links* to the right fix!
As Edward Moy (of Apple) wrote, you have to do the following:
   We recently discovered the DBD::mysql problem as well. The patch is
   to edit  

   ld='env MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=10.3 cc'
Do that, and DBD::Mysql (and anything else that trips over this bug)
will work just fine.

Chris Devers

Re: problem with installing DBD::mysql

2005-03-15 Thread Ted Zeng
I have given root user and its password for testing.
So I assume this is not the cause for the problem.
On Mar 15, 2005, at 7:39 PM, Sherm Pendley wrote:
On Mar 15, 2005, at 8:46 PM, Ted Zeng wrote:
I followed both advices, and still
got the following error:
t/mysqlFAILED tests 46-48
Failed 3/68 tests, 95.59% okay
Sigh. This comes up about every three months or so. I guess no one 
reads the archives. :-(

The answer, as always, is to read the instructions that come with the 
module. The self-tests need to know what database to use for testing 
purposes, and what username/password to use when connecting to it. The 
instructions that come with the module detail how to configure it 
properly to give it that information.

Cocoa programming in Perl:
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Re: problem with installing DBD::mysql

2005-03-15 Thread Ted Zeng
It used to say that it take 3 months if any code is touched in the OS 
for testing.

But no, their internal build system's problem never override anything 
in OS releases,
at least not before Steve Jobs came back.

It is true that there is lots of consideration whether changes should 
be made.
But Apple at least should put a note on their web site stating the 
problem. That would save people
lots of trouble. I did search their web site and found nothing.


On Mar 15, 2005, at 7:46 PM, Sherm Pendley wrote:
On Mar 15, 2005, at 10:01 PM, Chris Devers wrote:
Apparently, for whatever reason, it was never considered necessary to
patch it in a following OS upgrade, or even in the XCode update that
came out a few months ago. I don't know why, but there it is.
Can you imagine the QA nightmare that would be? A change in Perl - 
even a small change - would mean that everything Perl touches would 
have to be re-tested and passed by QA. I'm told that Apple uses Perl 
in their internal build system - so that essentially would mean 
*everything*, full stop. They'd be fools to go to that sort of effort 
for anything less than a major OS revision.

Cocoa programming in Perl:
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Install module problem with CPAN

2005-03-09 Thread Ted Zeng
I tried to install a module with CPAN. I use the command
 perl -MCPAN -e 'install Mail::Sender'
But I got the error:
Writing Makefile for Mail::Sender
But when I cd to the folder and do
make install
And the module was isntalled.
I don't know why I had the failure.
When I tried to install Bundles::LWP, the same problem exists and
I would like to find out what is wrong, because it is hard to go to each
module and do a make install for each one.
The bottom is the log from the Mail:Sender install.
ted zeng
Adobe Systems
Running install for module Mail::Sender
Running make for J/JE/JENDA/Mail-Sender-0.8.10.tar.gz
LWP not available
Fetching with Net::FTP: 
CPAN: Digest::MD5 loaded ok
LWP not available
Fetching with Net::FTP:
Checksum for  
-0.8.10.tar.gz ok
Scanning cache /Users/zeng/.cpan/build for sizes
Mail-Sender-0.8.10/ Going to build J/JE/JENDA/Mail-Sender-0.8.10.tar.gz
Checking if your kit is complete...
Looks good
Writing Makefile for Mail::Sender
Running make test
  Can't test without successful make
Running make install
  make had returned bad status, install seems impossible

Re: sendmail question

2005-03-09 Thread Ted Zeng
Thanks for all the replies. It looks like I should go with a Perl 
I installed Mail:Sender and it works fine now.

I tried a few Mail modules a few years back on Windows and Mail:Sender
is the one that I found easy to use and the attachment works.

Re: Install module problem with CPAN

2005-03-09 Thread Ted Zeng
I did. Sorry to forget to copy that.
That is why it puzzled me. When I cd to the folder and did
make install
I don't need to use sudo and it worked.
On Mar 9, 2005, at 1:32 PM, Sherm Pendley wrote:
On Mar 9, 2005, at 3:29 PM, Ted Zeng wrote:
I tried to install a module with CPAN. I use the command
 perl -MCPAN -e 'install Mail::Sender'
Looks like you forgot to 'sudo':
sudo perl -MCPAN -e 'install Mail::Sender'
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Re: First CGI Setup

2005-03-09 Thread Ted Zeng
I thought by default OS X has the cgi setup automatically.
I didn't have to do anything, just turned on the web server.
And put the perl script in the CGI-EXECUTABLES folder and it works.
On Mar 9, 2005, at 2:03 PM, Mike Lesser wrote:
Hi all. I'm busy setting up to run (okay, play with) CGIs. So for, not 
so great.

According to the Apache error logs, I'm connecting okay, but something 
seems to
be off.i've been reading up on the config issues, and I've worked thru 
some of
them, but frankly I'm out of my element, and concerned about munging 
up httpd.conf
so badly I'll be sent away.

The script..
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
print Content-type: text/html\n\n;
print h2Hello, World!/h2\n;
...shows up in safari with the script text, but with Hello World in 
the header
font style!

!/usr/bin/perl -w  print Content-type: text/html\n\n;  print 
Hello, World!
These are (AFAIK) the relevant httpd parts. Note that I was following 
a tutorial
on the O'reilly site, and one here
and made the most progress with using my own home directory (as 
opposed to
/Lib/./CGI-Exe). (I'm not sure what makes the most sense, just for
at-home development. I'd imagine the more real-world setup is better)

Directory /Users/mike/Sites
AllowOverride FileInfo AuthConfig Limit
Options MultiViews Indexes SymLinksIfOwnerMatch Includes ExecCGI
DirectoryIndex index.html index.cgi
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
Order deny,allow
Deny from all
# To use CGI scripts:
#AddHandler cgi-script .cgi
# To use server-parsed HTML files
#AddType text/html .shtml
#AddHandler server-parsed .html
The log says this (which to my eyes looks better than what I've seen 

[Wed Mar  9 16:51:37 2005] [notice] Apache/1.3.33 (Darwin) PHP/4.3.2 
configured -- resuming normal operations
[Wed Mar  9 16:51:37 2005] [notice] Accept mutex: flock (Default: 

Yikes! This is long!

What Perl editor do you recommend?

2005-03-02 Thread Ted Zeng
Thanks for the help here. I am almost finishing my first tool on OS X.
I am using TextEdit as the editor. I sometime use Pico, but I am still
not comfortable with Unix editor. I know there must be some good
editors for Perl. Do you have any recommendation?
ted zeng
Adobe Systems

RE: could not build a module

2005-02-26 Thread Ted Zeng
Thanks. I did find it and install Xcode.

I managed to install module RTF::Text::Converter.
But it doesn't work on Eggplant's script files. I even
Opened the script file in Windows XP's Word and then
Saved it. It still hangs. ( I used the example script that comes with the module.)

Anyone has a good suggestion on a good RTF to Text converter
That works well on Mac?


 -Original Message-
 From: Joel Rees [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Saturday, February 26, 2005 2:41 AM
 Subject: Re: could not build a module
  I will install the Xcode and see how it goes.
 You know where to find it?

Re: could not build a module

2005-02-26 Thread Ted Zeng
I need to do batch processing. In fact, I need to grap the text content 
of each file
and process it using Perl.

I just did a search and found the link
which tells me  to use inside the FileMerge folder
to do the conversion. It works.
I will need to hook it up with perl to do my job.
n Feb 26, 2005, at 6:23 PM, Sherm Pendley wrote:
On Feb 26, 2005, at 8:40 PM, Ted Zeng wrote:
Anyone has a good suggestion on a good RTF to Text converter
That works well on Mac?
Have you tried TextEdit? It comes with the OS, so it doesn't cost 
anything to give it a shot.

Or, were you looking for a batch processing thing, to convert a bunch 
of files?


RE: could not build a module

2005-02-25 Thread Ted Zeng

I will install the Xcode and see how it goes.


 -Original Message-
 From: Sherm Pendley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, February 24, 2005 11:51 AM
 To: Ted Zeng
 Subject: Re: could not build a module
 On Feb 24, 2005, at 2:46 PM, Ted Zeng wrote:
  Error: Unable to locate installed Perl libraries or Perl source
 Install Xcode.
 Cocoa programming in Perl:
 Hire me! My resume:

could not build a module

2005-02-24 Thread Ted Zeng
I am new to perl on Max OS X.I used to use perl on Windows. I just got 
a new Dual G5 last week. I just tried to install the 
module using the following command:

perl -MCPAN -e 'install RTF::TEXT::Converter'
I got the following error, the file perl.h is not there. The only file 
in the directory is  libperl.dylib. What can I do? I don't want to do 
please build and install your perl from a fresh perl distribution. if 

ted zeng
== error message Going to build P/PV/PVERD/RTF-Parser-1.07.tar.gz
Error: Unable to locate installed Perl libraries or Perl source code.
It is recommended that you install perl in a standard location before
building extensions. Some precompiled versions of perl do not contain
these header files, so you cannot build extensions. In such a case,
please build and install your perl from a fresh perl distribution. It
usually solves this kind of problem.
(You get this message, because MakeMaker could not find 
Running make test
  Make had some problems, maybe interrupted? Won't test
Running make install
  Make had some problems, maybe interrupted? Won't install