Re: Thanks Apple! You snubbed perl yet again!

2007-10-26 Thread jeremiah

On Oct 19, 2007, at 5:12 PM, Chris Devers wrote:

On Fri, 19 Oct 2007, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Oct 19, 2007, at 2:51 AM, Chris Devers wrote:

On Fri, 19 Oct 2007, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I can draw a picture for you:

In which case, your real argument appears to be the Fink people don't
seem to be doing what I need fast enough.

In which case, the response is you should contribute to Fink then.

Duly noted. I would like to try to do a unifier, a front end that  
searches all the various porting systems (fink, macports, and gets the latest version of a package.

[...] I, as a developer, should maintain the latest version of  
perl on

my machines. I give in!

Yes, if that's really what you need. I still think it isn't the end of
the world to just work with the bundled version of Perl (along, of
course, with whatever CPAN modules you need). It's not like 5.8.6 or
5.8.8 are such awful, archaic versions to work with in the first  

So target the release version, or do like everyone else that's
concerned about this and install your own Perl. It's not hard to do,
and it's really not that different than how things are on Debian.

Yes it is. debian's packages are updated constantly, not just in  

releases. So if there is a problem a new package is made available
relatively quickly.

Maybe my Debian experience is too limited then, but this seems like a
slightly glossed over version of things to me.

The last time I spent a lot of time with debian (roughly  
2003-2005), it

was still on 3.0/Woody. Yes, there was a constant stream of package
updates, but IIRC they were all security patches, critical bugfixes
(with a *really* conservative definition of critical -- merely
braindead usability brokenness never seemed to be worth patching),  
It seems like most of the updates we were getting were via

rather than official updates to Woody itself.

Maybe things have evolved since then, but at the time it seemed  
like if
an update wasn't for security or a real showstopping bug (e.g.  
keeps the

machine from booting, or a critical daemon from running), then it was
seen as a mere features update and got deferred until 3.1/Sarge. If
you wanted those features updates, you had to get them from  

or roll your own. Maybe as a backlash, I seem to remember that this is
around when Ubuntu et al branched off to be a more current platform.

Things have changed significantly. As an example, we have a tool in  
the debian-perl group that compares our version of a perl module with  
the module on CPAN. This is automated and is done daily. (http://pkg-
This way we can see which modules need updating and do the update as  
part of our normal team work keeping perl fresh in debian.

This seems like exactly the stance that we're talking about here,  
and as

frustrating as it can seem, there are really good reasons to do things
this way, not least being stability  predictability for  
developers, who

can assume confidently that release X is going to have Perl v.Y, etc.

As far as Ubuntu is concerned, they just take a snapshot of debian  
and work out the bugs, freeze the code, and release it on a planned  
release date. Since it is a frozen version of debian and Ubuntu  
quickly becomes outdated in comparison with debian unstable, though  
they do issue updates for security and other bugs which they get from  
debian or initiate themselves.

Stability is good, but elusive. Is a patched version less stable than  
an unpatched version? Most new versions of software are bug fixes of  
the same code that has been working anyway, maybe I shouldn't say  
most but we can agree it is many.


OT: non-perl dependencies (was: Thanks Apple! You snubbed perl yet again!)

2007-10-19 Thread David Cantrell
On Fri, Oct 19, 2007 at 01:06:48PM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

All you have to do is call `apt-get  
 update` and you have the new packages with dependency handling built  
 in! (Even better than CPAN's because CPAN's can only handle perl  
 dependecies ...

I'm working on that!

I'm already testing it on OS X, but if anyone has access to some other
proprietary Unix, eg Solaris or Irix, and has perl built with the
proprietary compilers, can you please test Devel::CheckLib for me?

Results from VMS would be good too, although providing them will be
deemed to be a sign that you're also volunteering to contribute the code
to make it work :-)

That will be a partial solution, in that it will at least let people
check whether a non-perl dependency is installed.  I'm going to also
have a go at packaging pkg-config as a module.  Once that's done, that
will hopefully provide a template others can use to bundle other
executables and libraries in a CPAN-friendly manner.

Why choose pkg-config? Cos there's a module that depends on it.

David Cantrell | Enforcer, South London Linguistic Massive

Computer Science is about lofty design goals and careful algorithmic
optimisation.  Sysadminning is about cleaning up the resulting mess.

Re: Thanks Apple! You snubbed perl yet again!

2007-10-19 Thread Chris Devers
On Fri, 19 Oct 2007, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Oct 19, 2007, at 2:51 AM, Chris Devers wrote:
  On Fri, 19 Oct 2007, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I can draw a picture for you:

In which case, your real argument appears to be the Fink people don't 
seem to be doing what I need fast enough.

In which case, the response is you should contribute to Fink then.
 [...] I, as a developer, should maintain the latest version of perl on 
 my machines. I give in!

Yes, if that's really what you need. I still think it isn't the end of 
the world to just work with the bundled version of Perl (along, of 
course, with whatever CPAN modules you need). It's not like 5.8.6 or 
5.8.8 are such awful, archaic versions to work with in the first place.
  So target the release version, or do like everyone else that's 
  concerned about this and install your own Perl. It's not hard to do, 
  and it's really not that different than how things are on Debian.
 Yes it is. debian's packages are updated constantly, not just in point 
 releases. So if there is a problem a new package is made available 
 relatively quickly.

Maybe my Debian experience is too limited then, but this seems like a 
slightly glossed over version of things to me. 

The last time I spent a lot of time with debian (roughly 2003-2005), it 
was still on 3.0/Woody. Yes, there was a constant stream of package 
updates, but IIRC they were all security patches, critical bugfixes 
(with a *really* conservative definition of critical -- merely 
braindead usability brokenness never seemed to be worth patching), etc. 
It seems like most of the updates we were getting were via 
rather than official updates to Woody itself. 

Maybe things have evolved since then, but at the time it seemed like if 
an update wasn't for security or a real showstopping bug (e.g. keeps the 
machine from booting, or a critical daemon from running), then it was 
seen as a mere features update and got deferred until 3.1/Sarge. If 
you wanted those features updates, you had to get them from backports 
or roll your own. Maybe as a backlash, I seem to remember that this is 
around when Ubuntu et al branched off to be a more current platform.

This seems like exactly the stance that we're talking about here, and as 
frustrating as it can seem, there are really good reasons to do things 
this way, not least being stability  predictability for developers, who 
can assume confidently that release X is going to have Perl v.Y, etc.

 * * * * *

As for supporting Fink (or something like Fink), I think that's a super 
idea, but it seems like an idea that has been floating around for years 
and never gotten off the ground, for whatever reason. Maybe I'm just 
assuming that if it hasn't happened by now, maybe it never will...

Chris Devers

Re: Thanks Apple! You snubbed perl yet again!

2007-10-19 Thread jeremiah

On Oct 19, 2007, at 2:51 AM, Chris Devers wrote:

On Fri, 19 Oct 2007, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Oct 18, 2007, at 11:40 PM, Chris Devers wrote:

Back to the point, this is what I'm confused about. If what you  
want is,

pretty narrowly described, Debian's distribution system, then why are
you looking elsewhere? Are you saying Apple should adopt it wholesale?

Yes, I think I am.

I can't picture Debian taking the effort to port what they're doing  
to a

new platform,

Ubuntu, Mempis, Knoppix, debian platforms abound. The debian  
packaging systems lends itself to building new platforms.

and expectially not a proprietary one, so it would have to
be a case of Apple either backporting Debian's patches  packages, or
duplicating the effort with the same intent but from scratch. I'm not
sure I can picture either of these things happening.

I can draw a picture for you:

Within a stable release of the OS (10.3.x, 10.4.x, 10.5.x, etc),  

only security updates -- which, iirc, is exactly what Debian does.

Yes, except that security fixes are available through apt-get  
immediately. So you update with a 'pull' instead of waiting for a  

When transitioning between major releases (10.3 - 10.4, 10.4 -  

things are updatedto the currently available stable version -- which,
iirc, is also exactly what Debian does.

How is this so different?

As for community software, you've got me there. I can't think of any
examples at all of Apple offering things to the community. Aside from

WebKit is a winner.

And launchd.

Does anyone other than Apple even use this?

Oh and Bonjour. Oh and CUPS,

Yes Apple maintains this now, and that is pretty cool, you're right.  
But it came from somewhere else.

if you're in to that
whole printing thing on your Debian machines.

I try to avoid it. :-)

Oh and well I guess
Darwin  the mach kernel also count.

Such popular software that people are staying away from it in droves.

Oh and I think some patches back to
the GCC suite, last I checked.

So that other free software can run 30% slower on the same chip  

But aside from those examples, you're
right, there's absolutely no community software available from Apple,
and certainly there doesn't seem to be any on CPAN.

I want 5.10 to work without hassle on OS X (Leopard).

Maybe we need to define hassle, but the concensus from everyone else
seems to be that installing your own copy is unlikely to be difficult,
once it comes out. Remember: a lot of the core Perl developers are Mac
users, so they'll already have been testing it there during  

rather than just porting to it post-release.

I have already conceded to those more knowledgeable than I, and that  
includes nearly everyone on this list, that I am wrong here. I, as a  
developer, should maintain the latest version of perl on my machines.  
I give in!

I want my code to be run cross platform (I am talking CGI here -  

there are big differences between LAMP and {M,A}AMP)

Care to elaborate?

Yes I really ought to, but I have little concrete info to provide at  
the moment. I am struggling with a bug that appears on OS X with  
apache 1.3.33 but not on linux with apache 2.0. I am not sure where  
the bug is. It is quite uncharitable of me to cast aspersions on  
Apple for this bug, since it is probably my own lousy code, but hey,  
I own Apple shares so I feel I have a right to criticize.

Most generic CGI scripts will run with only minor
modification on most versions of Perl, including Windows.

Indeed, and that is one of the things that makes perl so remarkable,  
it is amazingly cross platform.

If you want the same code to run verbatim on a bunch of different
platforms, I think the general wisdom is that you're going to have to
target a common denominator, which will mean both [a] a version of the
software that is available on the shipping versions of everything you
target, and [b] a subset of the language functionality that has been
proven to work on all the target platforms you're thinking of.

If you go against either of those assumptions, then of course  
things are

not going to be as smooth as you're hoping for.

Thank you, good advice which I will try to follow.

I want the time and effort I invested in learning perl to be useful
for developing native applications on Mac OS X. (I am willing to  

how to use CamelBones to accomplish this. Right now I think it best I
learn Objective-C.)

Native contradicts cross-platform, but whatever. As Sherm said,
you'll be able to do this, but it's not going to be bundled (and
therefore you may have a harder time packaging anything written  
this way
for general release distribution on Leopard, unless you also bundle  
up a

copy of Camelbones et al).

Keep in mind that Ruby  Python will also work for this, and  

they're both pretty good languages, too /blasphemy.

I have not said anything 

Re: Thanks Apple! You snubbed perl yet again!

2007-10-18 Thread jeremiah

On Oct 18, 2007, at 3:29 AM, Ken Williams wrote:

On Oct 17, 2007, at 10:43 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Oct 17, 2007, at 5:25 PM, brian d foy wrote:

In article B12928BB-8EB2-48E4- 


It looks like I will have to stick with debian for developing my  


If you want to work on the Mac, you still can. It doesn't sound like
you want to though.

It may sound like that to you, but if I didn't want to develop (in  
perl) on the Mac, why would I bother writing about this at all?

Perhaps brian thought it was odd that you'd refuse to develop on a  
platform because of the wrong marketing statements, when all the  
right tools are there for both you and any target users.

I have the deepest respect for brian d foy. I have met him personally  
in Copenhagen and I think highly of all of his work on behalf of the  
perl community. That said, I take exception to his rhetorical reply  
to my post.

If you look carefully, you'll see I said I would have to stick with  
debian when developing my LAMP apps. This means I am trying to  
replicate my debian environment (Apache 2 with MP2, TT2, other gunk)  
on my Mac. This requires more work than it should perhaps. Not least  
because fink is not apt-get and some things are in fink, some are in  
Macports and some are in neither. I rely on debian sid and apt-get to  
have the latest software from CPAN, and when it doesn't, I try and  
package it for debian which is why I am part of the debian-perl team.  
I am happy to compile from source, but I loose all the work on  
security and compatibility from upstream when I do - not a good trade  

When I work on my Mac, I expect everything to just work. Perhaps  
this is wrong when it comes to a development environment for the  
reasons stated in this thread and elsewhere on this list but I  
thought impatience was virtue for a programmer. In any case, I never  
refused to develop for the Mac. Insert snarky emoticon here.


Re: Thanks Apple! You snubbed perl yet again!

2007-10-18 Thread Chris Nandor

 Scripting Bridge
 Use Objective-C, Ruby, and Python programs to automate Mac  
 applications. The new Scripting Bridge enables them to easily  
 generate AppleEvents using a concise, AppleScript-like syntax.

 Not a single word about perl.

This has been explained, but let's talk about what we WILL have: Mac::Glue.  
I don't know much about Scripting Bridge -- I await seeing some examples for 
other languages -- but I am not sure Scripting Bridge in whatever form would 
even be preferable to Mac::Glue.

I imagine it does some things better than Mac::Glue (and perhaps some things 
outside of Mac::Glue's scope?), but that just gives me ways to improve 
Mac::Glue.  I imagine, for example, it might do dynamic autogeneration of 
glues, which is something I want to add to Mac::Glue.

I am likely going to start a Mac::Glue feature expansion project soon, and 
will be looking for wishlist items. Stay tuned.

Open Source Technology Group   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Thanks Apple! You snubbed perl yet again!

2007-10-18 Thread jeremiah

On Oct 18, 2007, at 8:56 PM, Chris Nandor wrote:

Not sure what you mean by
losing things from upstream.

Just that when I chose to compile software on my own, I lose all the  
debian security work.

They look over packages and report vulnerabilities, I can just update  
with apt-get and get a new version - if I compile from source then I  
have to follow security warnings for the software I installed on my  
own. This is not a big deal if we are just talking about two or three  
applications, but if you are supporting a platform or a distribution,  
having the debian security do security for thousands of packages  
becomes a service that money cannot buy.


Re: Thanks Apple! You snubbed perl yet again!

2007-10-18 Thread Chris Devers

On Oct 18, 2007, at 4:43 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Oct 18, 2007, at 8:56 PM, Chris Nandor wrote:

Not sure what you mean by
losing things from upstream.

Just that when I chose to compile software on my own, I lose all the  
debian security work.

They look over packages and report vulnerabilities, I can just  
update with apt-get and get a new version - if I compile from source  
then I have to follow security warnings for the software I installed  
on my own. This is not a big deal if we are just talking about two  
or three applications, but if you are supporting a platform or a  
distribution, having the debian security do security for thousands  
of packages becomes a service that money cannot buy.

Sorry, I'm confused -- why not just use Debian then?

You're basically saying you want their custom build  distribution  
service, but that is (naturally, one might think) only available on  
their Linux distribution.

Apple already maintains the core OS software, including bundled open  
source packages like Perl, but if that isn't enough for you, and  
Debian is, then what exactly are you asking for?

Re: Thanks Apple! You snubbed perl yet again!

2007-10-18 Thread jeremiah

On Oct 18, 2007, at 11:40 PM, Chris Devers wrote:

On Oct 18, 2007, at 4:43 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Oct 18, 2007, at 8:56 PM, Chris Nandor wrote:

Not sure what you mean by
losing things from upstream.

Just that when I chose to compile software on my own, I lose all  
the debian security work.

They look over packages and report vulnerabilities, I can just  
update with apt-get and get a new version - if I compile from  
source then I have to follow security warnings for the software I  
installed on my own. This is not a big deal if we are just talking  
about two or three applications, but if you are supporting a  
platform or a distribution, having the debian security do security  
for thousands of packages becomes a service that money cannot buy.

Sorry, I'm confused -- why not just use Debian then?


You're basically saying you want their custom build  distribution  
service, but that is (naturally, one might think) only available on  
their Linux distribution.

When you say 'their', who do you mean? If you mean debian, well yes.  
Everyone who uses debian stable gets this custom build system, that  
is the point of debian.

Apple already maintains the core OS software, including bundled  
open source packages like Perl,

Apple maintains Apple's version of the so-called open source  
software, but it does very little maintenance of community software  
or perl in general. Can you point to Apple licensed software on CPAN  
for example? I can point to lots of debian licensed software,  
software built on (and sometimes for) debian that makes its way up to  
the rest of the world. Why can't Apple do that?

but if that isn't enough for you, and Debian is, then what exactly  
are you asking for?

I want 5.10 to work without hassle on OS X (Leopard).
I want my code to be run cross platform (I am talking CGI here -  
still there are big differences between LAMP and {M,A}AMP)
I want the time and effort I invested in learning perl to be useful  
for developing native applications on Mac OS X. (I am willing to  
learn how to use CamelBones to accomplish this. Right now I think it  
best I learn Objective-C.)

I am asking for easy to do stuff here, I am not asking for Apple to  
fix that fact that MySQL runs more slowly on Apple hardware because  
Apple uses the *BSD threading model when MySQL is built on the Linux  
threading model and therefor is significantly faster on linux.[0] I  
am not asking Apple to optimize their software to run faster on Core  
Duo than linux. I am not asking Apple to Open source Aqua. I am just  
asking for a reasonable, up-to-date, development environment so that  
I do not have to shell into a linux server to do the job I need to do.



Re: Thanks Apple! You snubbed perl yet again!

2007-10-18 Thread Chris Devers
On Fri, 19 Oct 2007, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Oct 18, 2007, at 11:40 PM, Chris Devers wrote:
  Sorry, I'm confused -- why not just use Debian then?

Yes isn't a conventional answer to a why not question, but... sure. 

  You're basically saying you want their custom build  distribution 
  service, but that is (naturally, one might think) only available on 
  their Linux distribution.
 When you say 'their', who do you mean? If you mean debian, well yes. 
 Everyone who uses debian stable gets this custom build system, that is 
 the point of debian.

Yes, Debian was the last [proper] noun there, so the pronoun their 
does indeed mean Debian. Well done. 

Back to the point, this is what I'm confused about. If what you want is, 
pretty narrowly described, Debian's distribution system, then why are 
you looking elsewhere? Are you saying Apple should adopt it wholesale? 

I can't picture Debian taking the effort to port what they're doing to a 
new platform, and expectially not a proprietary one, so it would have to 
be a case of Apple either backporting Debian's patches  packages, or 
duplicating the effort with the same intent but from scratch. I'm not 
sure I can picture either of these things happening.
  Apple already maintains the core OS software, including bundled open 
  source packages like Perl,
 Apple maintains Apple's version of the so-called open source software, 
 but it does very little maintenance of community software or perl in 

You must not have been paying attention to this thread. 

Within a stable release of the OS (10.3.x, 10.4.x, 10.5.x, etc), there's 
only security updates -- which, iirc, is exactly what Debian does.
When transitioning between major releases (10.3 - 10.4, 10.4 - 10.5), 
things are updatedto the currently available stable version -- which, 
iirc, is also exactly what Debian does.

How is this so different? 

As for community software, you've got me there. I can't think of any 
examples at all of Apple offering things to the community. Aside from 
Webkit. And launchd. Oh and Bonjour. Oh and CUPS, if you're in to that 
whole printing thing on your Debian machines. Oh and well I guess 
Darwin  the mach kernel also count. Oh and I think some patches back to 
the GCC suite, last I checked. But aside from those examples, you're 
right, there's absolutely no community software available from Apple, 
and certainly there doesn't seem to be any on CPAN.

 I want 5.10 to work without hassle on OS X (Leopard).

Maybe we need to define hassle, but the concensus from everyone else 
seems to be that installing your own copy is unlikely to be difficult, 
once it comes out. Remember: a lot of the core Perl developers are Mac 
users, so they'll already have been testing it there during development 
rather than just porting to it post-release.

 I want my code to be run cross platform (I am talking CGI here - still 
 there are big differences between LAMP and {M,A}AMP)

Care to elaborate? Most generic CGI scripts will run with only minor 
modification on most versions of Perl, including Windows. 

If you want the same code to run verbatim on a bunch of different 
platforms, I think the general wisdom is that you're going to have to 
target a common denominator, which will mean both [a] a version of the 
software that is available on the shipping versions of everything you 
target, and [b] a subset of the language functionality that has been 
proven to work on all the target platforms you're thinking of. 

If you go against either of those assumptions, then of course things are 
not going to be as smooth as you're hoping for.

 I want the time and effort I invested in learning perl to be useful 
 for developing native applications on Mac OS X. (I am willing to learn 
 how to use CamelBones to accomplish this. Right now I think it best I 
 learn Objective-C.)

Native contradicts cross-platform, but whatever. As Sherm said, 
you'll be able to do this, but it's not going to be bundled (and 
therefore you may have a harder time packaging anything written this way 
for general release distribution on Leopard, unless you also bundle up a 
copy of Camelbones et al). 

Keep in mind that Ruby  Python will also work for this, and blasphemy 
they're both pretty good languages, too /blasphemy.

 I am just asking for a reasonable, up-to-date, development environment 
 so that I do not have to shell into a linux server to do the job I 
 need to do.

So target the release version, or do like everyone else that's concerned 
about this and install your own Perl. It's not hard to do, and it's 
really not that different than how things are on Debian. 

Chris Devers

Thanks Apple! You snubbed perl yet again!

2007-10-17 Thread jeremiah

Some yummy facts about Leopard:

Scripting Bridge
Use Objective-C, Ruby, and Python programs to automate Mac  
applications. The new Scripting Bridge enables them to easily  
generate AppleEvents using a concise, AppleScript-like syntax.

Ruby on Rails
Work in a developer's dreamland. Leopard is the perfect platform for  
Ruby on Rails development, with Rails, Mongrel, and Capistrano built in.

Not a single word about perl. No mention of CamelBones, using the  
Scripting Bridge for perl, or the fact that perl has CPAN with 12,000 
+ high quality modules while ruby has 4,000+ on rubyforge. Apple  
trumpets its POSIX conformation yet what UNIX is worth its weight in  
cat5 cable if it doesn't come with perl?

It looks like I will have to stick with debian for developing my LAMP  


Re: Thanks Apple! You snubbed perl yet again!

2007-10-17 Thread brian d foy

 Scripting Bridge
 Use Objective-C, Ruby, and Python programs to automate Mac  
 applications. The new Scripting Bridge enables them to easily  
 generate AppleEvents using a concise, AppleScript-like syntax.

Mac OS X comes with Mac::Carbon, I thought. IS the issue that you won't
have the right things available to you on the other side when you
distribute applications?

 trumpets its POSIX conformation yet what UNIX is worth its weight in  
 cat5 cable if it doesn't come with perl?

Mac OS X comes with Perl. Perhaps you meant to say CamelBones, but I
don't think POSIX cares about that.

 It looks like I will have to stick with debian for developing my LAMP  

If you want to work on the Mac, you still can. It doesn't sound like
you want to though.

Re: Thanks Apple! You snubbed perl yet again!

2007-10-17 Thread jeremiah

On Oct 17, 2007, at 5:25 PM, brian d foy wrote:


Scripting Bridge
Use Objective-C, Ruby, and Python programs to automate Mac
applications. The new Scripting Bridge enables them to easily
generate AppleEvents using a concise, AppleScript-like syntax.

Mac OS X comes with Mac::Carbon, I thought. IS the issue that you  

have the right things available to you on the other side when you
distribute applications?

Yes, it does come with Mac::Carbon, and yes there is CamelBones. I  
just think that Apple seems to ignore mentioning perl in their fancy  
marketing campaigns. I get frustrated by that since there is a  
misunderstanding about perl in the marketplace and companies like  
Apple are in a position to do something about it.

trumpets its POSIX conformation yet what UNIX is worth its weight in
cat5 cable if it doesn't come with perl?

Mac OS X comes with Perl. Perhaps you meant to say CamelBones, but I
don't think POSIX cares about that.

It looks like I will have to stick with debian for developing my LAMP

If you want to work on the Mac, you still can. It doesn't sound like
you want to though.

It may sound like that to you, but if I didn't want to develop (in  
perl) on the Mac, why would I bother writing about this at all?

I just had hoped for more publicity for perl from Leopard. I had also  
hoped for a new version of perl and Apache 2.0 out of the box. Okay,  
getting 5.10 into Leopard isn't realistic and maybe Apache will be  
updated for Leopard, and yes, a stable platform is a worthy goal for  
users (I am beginning to convince myself I am wrong) but I think that  
Apple could have provided more for developers in regard to perl.


Re: Thanks Apple! You snubbed perl yet again!

2007-10-17 Thread Shane
 Some yummy facts about Leopard:

 Scripting Bridge
 Use Objective-C, Ruby, and Python programs to automate Mac
 applications. The new Scripting Bridge[...]
 Not a single word about perl. No mention of CamelBones

I thought it was a well known fact that Apple got started on the Perl
bridge work (ala Camelbones) late, and it would be a stretch if all
the work would be completed in time for the Leopard release. At-least
I recall reading that several places. Disappointing, yes, but it's not
anything they couldn't finish and release via a .x update. Hopefully
they will!

Re: Thanks Apple! You snubbed perl yet again!

2007-10-17 Thread Trey Harris

In a message dated Wed, 17 Oct 2007, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Yes, it does come with Mac::Carbon, and yes there is CamelBones. I just think 
that Apple seems to ignore mentioning perl in their fancy marketing 
campaigns. I get frustrated by that since there is a misunderstanding about 
perl in the marketplace and companies like Apple are in a position to do 
something about it.

Perhaps someone with the inside scoop can give some real beef (though I 
understand that that sort of inside baseball is something Apple strongly 
discourages).  But I suspect it's just a case of marketing types taking a 
temperature on what's hot and making sure the hot things were mentioned 
repeatedly.  Look at the other items on and it certainly looks that 

Ruby is hot, Perl is not.  (Why Python made the cut and not Perl, I'm not 
sure; I don't think Python's particularly hot anymore.  But I don't 
pretend to understand marketing types.)  One shouldn't read engineering 
decisions into marketing copy--if you've ever had to make purchasing 
decisions on behalf of a large company, you learn that quickly.

I just had hoped for more publicity for perl from Leopard. I had also hoped 
for a new version of perl and Apache 2.0 out of the box. Okay, getting 5.10 
into Leopard isn't realistic []

No, it's not, as Leopard must be well past freeze at this point, and Red 
Hat disastrously demonstrated several years ago what happens when you ship 
a pre-release of an important open source tool with a new operating system 
release.  Better to have old technology than bleeding-edge still subject 
to change, when it means that you'll be frozen for years on an alpha or 
beta version no one in the community is using.

This does bring up something I don't think we've dealt with on this list 
in quite a few years though (when was it that OS X last came with Perl 
5.6?  Was it Jaguar?  I can't recall)--for some period, probably well over 
a year at least, we'll be dealing with an OS X that does not have the most 
recent major release of Perl.  Time to start working on the FAQ about how 
to install 5.10 alongside Apple's 5.8, since how do I get 5.10 on the 
Mac? will become a perennial question on this list as soon as 5.10 is 
released.  Maybe somebody can work on an Installer package.

(How to install 5.10 *over* Apple's 5.8 may also be a topic to at least 
discuss--without testing, there's no way of knowing whether that will be 
dangerous or not.  And correct me if I'm wrong, but I think that a 
Security Update that included a new Perl 5.8 would overwrite a 
user-installed 5.10 that was installed over the prior 5.8, would it not?)


Re: Thanks Apple! You snubbed perl yet again!

2007-10-17 Thread Michael Barto

The Perl developers are kind of a quiet group. But I think that Apple
has done a very reasonable job for developers. I remember even in old
MacOS9 that this Perl was ahead of what I had on Sun Solaris OS. There
is always a leading edge, but my application need to be distributed,
therefore I am more conservative in the version I use. Apple's Perl
version fits that real well. And I can always install multiple version
of Perl because in a Unix OS. Just define a different path.

On the otherside, Apple computers are the best developer's hardware.
You can run you Debrian, Redhat, Ubuntu versions of Unix and so forth
on the platform-either under Parallels or native. You can also run
Solaris 10 (which is free I might add) along with all the varieties of
Windows types--all running under one platform. Here you have all the
neat MacOS development tools (e.g. Bbedeit, Dreamweaver, Affrus [Perl
debugger], etc.) running in MacOSX, at the same time you have the
Solaris 10 Application and database server running. At Jave One (in
March), Sun Microsystem use Apple Laptops to show the new Java stuff
and the developers carrier 4 to one for Apple laptops over the PC's. At
the Solaris 10 presentation, Sun stated that their target laptop was
from Apple because it woke up. Finally, my recent friends who have
purchased new Apple Laptops, tell me that Windows XP runs better under
Parallels than on their old PC. I assume that Debrian will be just as

And as I reiterate, you could install the cutting edge Perl on you
system and be fine still under MacOSX with all its tools. It is Unix

Some yummy facts about Leopard:
Scripting Bridge
Use Objective-C, Ruby, and Python programs to automate Mac
applications. The new Scripting Bridge enables them to easily generate
AppleEvents using a concise, AppleScript-like syntax.
Ruby on Rails
Work in a developer's dreamland. Leopard is the perfect platform for
Ruby on Rails development, with Rails, Mongrel, and Capistrano built
Not a single word about perl. No mention of CamelBones, using the
Scripting Bridge for perl, or the fact that perl has CPAN with 12,000+
high quality modules while ruby has 4,000+ on rubyforge. Apple trumpets
its POSIX conformation yet what UNIX is worth its weight in cat5 cable
if it doesn't come with perl?
It looks like I will have to stick with debian for developing my LAMP




  Michael Barto
  Software Architect

16458 Bolsa Chica Street, # 15
Huntington Beach, CA92649
Tel:714 377 3705
Fax:714 840 3937
Cell: 714 883 1949

  'tis a gift to be

   This e-mail may contain
proprietary information and should be treated as confidential. 


Re: Thanks Apple! You snubbed perl yet again!

2007-10-17 Thread Sherm Pendley

On Oct 17, 2007, at 6:09 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Some yummy facts about Leopard:

Scripting Bridge
Use Objective-C, Ruby, and Python programs to automate Mac  
applications. The new Scripting Bridge enables them to easily  
generate AppleEvents using a concise, AppleScript-like syntax.

The Scripting Bridge simply generates an Objective-C wrapper that  
has methods corresponding to an app's scripting dictionary. That  
class is callable from *any* language that can call Objective-C methods.

Ruby on Rails
Work in a developer's dreamland. Leopard is the perfect platform  
for Ruby on Rails development, with Rails, Mongrel, and Capistrano  
built in.

Sounds cool - the more the merrier.

Not a single word about perl. No mention of CamelBones

The fact that CamelBones is not included in Leopard isn't Apple's  
fault - it's mine.

I didn't deliver a Leopard-ready CamelBones early enough for Apple to  
include it. They gave me a chance to do so, appointed an internal  
liason to be the contact point to deliver it to, and gave me free  
access to Leopard betas.

On the other hand, built-in support for CamelBones is largely  
symbolic anyway. Neither Panther nor Tiger have it, so you'll have to  
embed the CamelBones framework in your app anyway, unless it's  


Web Hosting by West Virginians, for West Virginians:
Cocoa programming in Perl:

Re: Thanks Apple! You snubbed perl yet again!

2007-10-17 Thread Sherm Pendley

On Oct 17, 2007, at 11:43 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I had also hoped for a new version of perl

They're shipping the latest release (5.8.8, as noted by Ed Moy) -  
what do you want them to do, ship bleadperl?


Web Hosting by West Virginians, for West Virginians:
Cocoa programming in Perl:

Re: Thanks Apple! You snubbed perl yet again!

2007-10-17 Thread Sherm Pendley

On Oct 17, 2007, at 12:16 PM, Trey Harris wrote:

Perhaps someone with the inside scoop can give some real beef  
(though I understand that that sort of inside baseball is something  
Apple strongly discourages).  But I suspect it's just a case of  
marketing types taking a temperature on what's hot and making  
sure the hot things were mentioned repeatedly.  Look at the other  
items on and it  
certainly looks that way.

I'm not an insider, but that sounds right to me.

Ruby is hot, Perl is not.  (Why Python made the cut and not Perl,  
I'm not sure; I don't think Python's particularly hot anymore.  But  
I don't pretend to understand marketing types.)  One shouldn't read  
engineering decisions into marketing copy--if you've ever had to  
make purchasing decisions on behalf of a large company, you learn  
that quickly.

I've mentioned this before, I think. The issue was one of  
sponsorship. There are Apple engineers who contribute (on their own  
time) to RubyCocoa and PyObjC. Those engineers stepped forward when  
management asked who would be willing to sponsor a foreign  
development language, quality-check external contributions and  
integrate them into Apple's internal build system, etc.

A sponsor did come forward for Perl, shortly after my rant a few  
months ago. But my life (both personal and professional) has been  
rather hectic since, and I wasn't able to deliver the goods in time  
to ship with Leopard. Mea culpa.

This does bring up something I don't think we've dealt with on this  
list in quite a few years though (when was it that OS X last came  
with Perl 5.6?  Was it Jaguar?  I can't recall)--for some period,  
probably well over a year at least, we'll be dealing with an OS X  
that does not have the most recent major release of Perl.  Time to  
start working on the FAQ about how to install 5.10 alongside  
Apple's 5.8, since how do I get 5.10 on the Mac? will become a  
perennial question on this list as soon as 5.10 is released.  Maybe  
somebody can work on an Installer package.

Installing a newer Perl hasn't been a problem for a long time - since  
Jaguar. The problem back then was that the newer version - at the  
time, 5.8.0 - tried to install its core modules under /Library/Perl  
by default, mixing them up with any CPAN modules for 5.6 that had  
been installed in the same location.

That problem was fixed, in two ways. First, as of 5.8.1, Perl  
reverted back to using the traditional /usr/local for its default  
install prefix. And second, Apple added version-specific  
subdirectories, so even if one were to use a prefix of /usr to  
install 5.10, its core modules still wouldn't overwrite any of 5.8.8's.

The best thing Apple could do is remove the old article about  
upgrading Jaguar to 5.8. It was written before 5.8.1 was released,  
and reflects the /Library/Perl default location of 5.8.0. It's really  
no longer applicable. But, it's still the first article that comes up  
at when you google for macintosh upgrade perl, so a lot  
of people still follow its advice, thinking that something at is authoritative. At the very least, Apple should add this  
article is obsolete in big bold red letters at the top of the page.

(How to install 5.10 *over* Apple's 5.8 may also be a topic to at  
least discuss

If by discuss you mean strongly discourage, I agree with you.


Web Hosting by West Virginians, for West Virginians:
Cocoa programming in Perl:

Re: Thanks Apple! You snubbed perl yet again!

2007-10-17 Thread Alex Robinson
Not a single word about perl. No mention of CamelBones, using the 
Scripting Bridge for perl, or the fact that perl has CPAN with 
12,000+ high quality

I'm surprised that you are surprised. After all you took part in the 
thread in which Sherm said this:

Maybe Ed Moy can fill us in on why that internal pickup never 
happened but that is by the by. The real issue is that perl people 
using OS X didn't get excited enough about CamelBones to pitch in and 
help.[0] Can you really blame Apple for not getting hot and sweaty 
about it too?

All we can hope for is that Sherm now comes out from under the dark 
cloak of an NDA and tells us something new and exciting...

[0] I'm a designer and very lightweight scripter. Hacking a bridge is 
way beyond my capabilities. But I did help out with some graphics and 
an initial website design. And a command line tool for ShuX.

Re: Thanks Apple! You snubbed perl yet again!

2007-10-17 Thread Ken Williams

On Oct 17, 2007, at 10:43 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Oct 17, 2007, at 5:25 PM, brian d foy wrote:


It looks like I will have to stick with debian for developing my  


If you want to work on the Mac, you still can. It doesn't sound like
you want to though.

It may sound like that to you, but if I didn't want to develop (in  
perl) on the Mac, why would I bother writing about this at all?

Perhaps brian thought it was odd that you'd refuse to develop on a  
platform because of the wrong marketing statements, when all the  
right tools are there for both you and any target users.
