Re: [9] Review request for 8132503: [macosx] Chinese full stop symbol cannot be entered with Pinyin IM on OS X

2015-10-29 Thread Alexander Scherbatiy

On 10/29/2015 7:08 PM, Anton Litvinov wrote:

Hello Alexander,

The second version of the fix, which addresses your suggestion 
concerning introduction of a separate method checking, if the 
"unichar" belongs to certain Unicode blocks, was created. For this 
purpose the method "-(BOOL) isCodePointInUnicodeBlockNeedingIMEvent: 
(unichar) codePoint;" was introduced. Could you please review the 
second version of the fix.


   The fix looks good to me.


Thank you,

On 10/29/2015 3:09 PM, Anton Litvinov wrote:

Hello Alexander,

Thank you for review of this fix. Responses to your questions are 

1) I also was not able to find any methods available in 
"java.lang.Character", "java.lang.Character.UnicodeBlock", 
"java.lang.Character.Subset" classes or API in Cocoa which would 
allow to get minimal and maximal code point for the given Unicode 
block. I do not think that resuming work on RFE JDK-7057645 created 
in 2011 will help to resolve this particular bug, because it will not 
be possible to introduce a new API in JDK 8, for which this bug was 
originally filed.

2) Yes, I think that "aString" can have more than 1 Unicode 
character, since it is described as "The text to insert" in the 
documentation of the method "(void)insertText:(id)aString 

And, if "aString" contains more than 1 Unicode character, this case 
was already taken into account by "(utf16Length > 2)" check.

"AWTView.m" without this fix:
893 if ([self hasMarkedText] || !fProcessingKeystroke || 
(utf16Length > 2)) {

"AWTView.m" with this fix:
894 if (utf16Length > 2) {
895 aStringIsComplex = YES;

3) Concerning creation of a separate function for checking, if 
"unichar" belongs to certain Unicode blocks. Did you mean addition of 
the possible function which would just check, if "unichar" is in any 
of the Unicode blocks hard coded in the function? Or did you mean the 
function which would just check, if "unichar" belongs to 1 Unicode 
block, whose identifier is transferred to the function, for example, 
as some "enum" value?

Thank you,

On 10/28/2015 5:21 PM, Alexander Scherbatiy wrote:

On 10/27/2015 1:18 PM, Anton Litvinov wrote:


Could you please review the following fix for the bug.


The bug consists in the fact that after the fix for JDK-8068283, 
when IDEOGRAPHIC FULL STOP character "。" is entered from a 
keyboard using Pinyin IM, "java.awt.event.InputMethodEvent" is not 
generated and FULL STOP character "." is entered in 
"javax.swing.JTextArea" component.

The solution adds the additional check to "if" condition, which was 
edited by the fix for JDK-8068283,

"if ([self hasMarkedText] || !fProcessingKeystroke || (utf16Length 
> 2)) {"

in the method "- (void) insertText:(id) replacementRange:(NSRange)" 
from the file 
This additional check defines, whether the analyzed code point 
belongs to Unicode code points range "U+3000 – U+303F" ("CJK 
Symbols and Punctuation"), which contains "。" character and, if it 
is so, generates "InputMethodEvent".

   It was interested for me does Cocoa or Java allow to get a 
minimal and maximal character for the given Unicode Block.

   I was not able to find how to do it in Cocoa.
   Java has an open RFE JDK-7057645 Add methods to 
Character.UnicodeBlock (returning first & last codepoints, the list 
of blocks).

   May be the current issue can be one more valid use case for the RFE.

   I have just few comments:
- aString is treated as NSString. Can it have more than one 
Unicode character?
- It could be better to move the check that a unichar belongs to 
a separate function that can be easily extended later for new 
Unicode Blocks.


It was verified in a local environment that the regression test 
from the fix for JDK-8068283 does not fail with this fix also.

Thank you,

Re: [9] Review request for 8132503: [macosx] Chinese full stop symbol cannot be entered with Pinyin IM on OS X

2015-10-28 Thread Alexander Scherbatiy

On 10/27/2015 1:18 PM, Anton Litvinov wrote:


Could you please review the following fix for the bug.


The bug consists in the fact that after the fix for JDK-8068283, when 
IDEOGRAPHIC FULL STOP character "。" is entered from a keyboard using 
Pinyin IM, "java.awt.event.InputMethodEvent" is not generated and FULL 
STOP character "." is entered in "javax.swing.JTextArea" component.

The solution adds the additional check to "if" condition, which was 
edited by the fix for JDK-8068283,

"if ([self hasMarkedText] || !fProcessingKeystroke || (utf16Length > 
2)) {"

in the method "- (void) insertText:(id) replacementRange:(NSRange)" 
from the file 
"jdk/src/java.desktop/macosx/native/libawt_lwawt/awt/AWTView.m". This 
additional check defines, whether the analyzed code point belongs to 
Unicode code points range "U+3000 – U+303F" ("CJK Symbols and 
Punctuation"), which contains "。" character and, if it is so, 
generates "InputMethodEvent".

   It was interested for me does Cocoa or Java allow to get a minimal 
and maximal character for the given Unicode Block.

   I was not able to find how to do it in Cocoa.
   Java has an open RFE JDK-7057645 Add methods to 
Character.UnicodeBlock (returning first & last codepoints, the list of 

   May be the current issue can be one more valid use case for the RFE.

   I have just few comments:
- aString is treated as NSString. Can it have more than one Unicode 
- It could be better to move the check that a unichar belongs to a 
separate function that can be easily extended later for new Unicode Blocks.


It was verified in a local environment that the regression test from 
the fix for JDK-8068283 does not fail with this fix also.

Thank you,

Re: RFR: JDK-5108778 Too many instances of java.lang.Boolean created in Java application(macos)

2015-10-22 Thread Alexander Scherbatiy

  I have pushed your fix to the JDK 9:


On 10/21/2015 8:59 PM, Sebastian Sickelmann wrote:

On 10/20/2015 12:23 PM, Alexander Scherbatiy wrote:

On 10/13/2015 10:32 PM, Sebastian Sickelmann wrote:

On 10/08/2015 01:06 PM, Alexander Scherbatiy wrote:

Are you going to push the fix as part of other fixes for different
JDK areas or as a separate fix?
In the second case you need to file a new bug for it.

I think the patches in the other areas are much bigger than
this(macosx-port-dev) one. I think I should handle the changes separated
for each mailing-list/repository.

Should i than create a sub-task in JBS for each mailing-list/repository
who have reviewed the change?
Do I have to recreate the webrev for the new ticket-number?

Just create a new issue in java.awt area and send the bug id.
You can copy the same approved webrev under the new bug id if you

Hi, i create a subtask JDK-8139754 for this. Unfortunatly i cannot scp
anymore. I somehow "managed" that the server does not accept my
publickey anymore.

I mailed to (found that on another thread) but
don't get an answer
yet. Is there anotherway to update my public key on
My username is sebastian





Re: RFR: JDK-5108778 Too many instances of java.lang.Boolean created in Java application(macos)

2015-10-20 Thread Alexander Scherbatiy

On 10/13/2015 10:32 PM, Sebastian Sickelmann wrote:

On 10/08/2015 01:06 PM, Alexander Scherbatiy wrote:

   Are you going to push the fix as part of other fixes for different
JDK areas or as a separate fix?
   In the second case you need to file a new bug for it.

I think the patches in the other areas are much bigger than
this(macosx-port-dev) one. I think I should handle the changes separated
for each mailing-list/repository.

Should i than create a sub-task in JBS for each mailing-list/repository
who have reviewed the change?
Do I have to recreate the webrev for the new ticket-number?

   Just create a new issue in java.awt area and send the bug id.
   You can copy the same approved webrev under the new bug id if you wish.




Re: Bug: SystemFlavorMap.addFlavorForUnencodedNative ineffective on MacOS

2015-10-09 Thread Alexander Scherbatiy

  Hello Mike,

  The initial Clipboard support in CToolkit in Mac OS X [1] recognizes 
only NSPasteboard data types that have "JAVA_DATAFLAVOR:" prefix:

+jlong indexForFormat(NSString *format) {
+// If we don't recognize the format, but it's a Java "custom" 
format register it

+if (returnValue == -1 && ([format hasPrefix:@"JAVA_DATAFLAVOR:"]) ) {
+returnValue = registerFormatWithPasteboard(format);

  What was the reason that Java supports only these java custom formats 
on Mac OS X?

  See also issue [2]:  JDK-8136781 
SystemFlavorMap.addFlavorForUnencodedNative is ineffective on MacOS




On 9/18/2015 9:18 PM, Eirik Bakke wrote:

Hi, macosx-port-dev.

There seems to be a bug in the MacOS implementation underlying 
SystemFlavorMap.addFlavorForUnencodedNative. Where would the best place to 
report this be? Is this the relevant mailing list?

The bug report follows:

My Java application allows users to paste selections from Microsoft Excel. The 
data is retrieved using Excel's binary BIFF8 format rather than in plain text 
format in order to reliably detect date formatting, preserve numerical 
precision, and such. On Windows, getting to the relevant clipboard InputStream 
can be achieved by calling SystemFlavorMap.addUnencodedNativeForFlavor to map a 
new DataFlavor to a native data type identifier. On MacOS, however, there seems 
to be a bug that renders SystemFlavorMap.addUnencodedNativeForFlavor 

Looking at the JDK source code, the bug seems to be that 
sun.lwawt.macosx.CDataTransferer.registerFormatWithPasteboard is never called 
when SystemFlavorMap.addUnencodedNativeForFlavor/ addFlavorForUnencodedNative 
is used to register a new native clipboard data format. This leads 
Java_sun_lwawt_macosx_CClipboard_getClipboardFormats in 
macosx/native/sun/awt/CClipboard.m to never return formats of the new type, 
because indexForFormat (in CDataTransferer.m) will always return -1.

The observation above lead me to a workaround for the bug, which is to call 
 (SystemFlavorMap) SystemFlavorMap.getDefaultFlavorMap()) once after first 
mapping the flavor using addUnencodedNativeForFlavor and 
addFlavorForUnencodedNative. This works because the call to getFormatsForFlavor 
forces DataTransferer.getFormatForNativeAsLong to be called with the new native 
data type identifier, which in turn causes registerFormatWithPasteboard to be 
called in CDataTransferer.m. I'm worried that the workaround will cease to work 
in the future, however, since it relies on an obscure side-effect of a method 
in a private API from the sun.awt package.

I've assembled a minimal example here:

-- Eirik

Re: RFR: JDK-5108778 Too many instances of java.lang.Boolean created in Java application(macos)

2015-10-08 Thread Alexander Scherbatiy

  The fix looks good to me.

  Note that there are usually necessary to have at least two reviewers 
for a fix in Open JDK.

  Are you going to push the fix as part of other fixes for different 
JDK areas or as a separate fix?

  In the second case you need to file a new bug for it.


On 10/7/2015 10:59 PM, Sebastian Sickelmann wrote:

Please find the updated webrev at:

For some general discussion on regression-tests for this please find the
thread in discuss[0][1] and for the general suggestion to make more
wrapper-type-constructors deprecated find [2] at core-libs-dev.


-- Sebastian

On 10/06/2015 03:06 PM, Alexander Scherbatiy wrote:

On 10/3/2015 5:40 AM, Stuart Marks wrote:

On 9/28/15 2:03 AM, Alexander Scherbatiy wrote:

   Is it possible to use autoboxing in the fix instead of


These cases are all interesting because they end up requiring boxed
Boolean values, whether explicitly or implicitly via autoboxing:

1. -- use of boxed Boolean as a tri-state (!)

2. -- return value from Callable

3. -- value in Properties (like Map)

For #2 and #3 I think auto-boxing instead of valueOf() is just fine.
I guess using Boolean.TRUE or Boolean.FALSE instead of true or false
is ok, as it's a micro-optimization to prevent autoboxing from
generating a call to Boolean.valueOf(true|false). I'm sure the JIT
compiler will inline such calls, so this speeds up interpreted code a
tiny bit at the expense of a little verbosity in the code.

The explicit calls to Boolean.valueOf(some boolean expression) I
think can simply be replaced with autoboxing in all cases.

The weird one is in, which has

 protected Boolean isDefaultFocusReceiver = null;

   I do not mean to change the isDefaultFocusReceivertype type to
boolean. It was just interesting are there pros and cons to use a
short version with autoboxing  for assignment:
   isDefaultFocusReceiver = defaultFocusReceiver != null &&
   instead of the long version:
   isDefaultFocusReceiver = Boolean.valueOf(defaultFocusReceiver !=
null && defaultFocusReceiver.equals(component));


Ugh! It would be nice to get rid of null as a marker for
uninitialized state, but that might require too much analysis to show
that the change would be correct. This is, I think, the only case
where the code has to be explicit about dealing with a boxed Boolean
object that might be null, as opposed to true or false.

The only place that really has to do that is
isDefaultFocusReceiver(), which checks for null up front. I'm not
sure that using Boolean.valueOf() and Boolean.booleanValue() in the
rest of the method are really helpful in denoting that this is a
boxed, nullable Boolean though. So I'd switch to autoboxing here too.


Re: RFR: JDK-5108778 Too many instances of java.lang.Boolean created in Java application

2015-10-06 Thread Alexander Scherbatiy

On 10/3/2015 5:40 AM, Stuart Marks wrote:

On 9/28/15 2:03 AM, Alexander Scherbatiy wrote:

  Is it possible to use autoboxing in the fix instead of


These cases are all interesting because they end up requiring boxed 
Boolean values, whether explicitly or implicitly via autoboxing:

1. -- use of boxed Boolean as a tri-state (!)

2. -- return value from Callable

3. -- value in Properties (like Map)

For #2 and #3 I think auto-boxing instead of valueOf() is just fine. I 
guess using Boolean.TRUE or Boolean.FALSE instead of true or false is 
ok, as it's a micro-optimization to prevent autoboxing from generating 
a call to Boolean.valueOf(true|false). I'm sure the JIT compiler will 
inline such calls, so this speeds up interpreted code a tiny bit at 
the expense of a little verbosity in the code.

The explicit calls to Boolean.valueOf(some boolean expression) I think 
can simply be replaced with autoboxing in all cases.

The weird one is in, which has

protected Boolean isDefaultFocusReceiver = null;

  I do not mean to change the isDefaultFocusReceivertype type to 
boolean. It was just interesting are there pros and cons to use a short 
version with autoboxing  for assignment:
  isDefaultFocusReceiver = defaultFocusReceiver != null && 

  instead of the long version:
  isDefaultFocusReceiver = Boolean.valueOf(defaultFocusReceiver != 
null && defaultFocusReceiver.equals(component));


Ugh! It would be nice to get rid of null as a marker for uninitialized 
state, but that might require too much analysis to show that the 
change would be correct. This is, I think, the only case where the 
code has to be explicit about dealing with a boxed Boolean object that 
might be null, as opposed to true or false.

The only place that really has to do that is isDefaultFocusReceiver(), 
which checks for null up front. I'm not sure that using 
Boolean.valueOf() and Boolean.booleanValue() in the rest of the method 
are really helpful in denoting that this is a boxed, nullable Boolean 
though. So I'd switch to autoboxing here too.


Re: RFR: JDK-5108778 Too many instances of java.lang.Boolean created in Java application

2015-09-28 Thread Alexander Scherbatiy

On 9/26/2015 6:42 PM, Sebastian Sickelmann wrote:


my name is Sebastian Sickelmann and i signed the OCA.

Actually I am searching through the JBS for low hanging fruits.
Right now i am looking through the openjdk-sources and try to evaluate
if i can make something about JDK-5108778.

As i am not an author, i am actually not able to host webrevs on

Is there someone who would support at hosting the macosx-part of
JDK-5108778 on for reviewing?

Thank you for the contribution.
Here is the created link:

I placed the macosx part in my dropbox at:
or as zip:

 Is it possible to use autoboxing in the fix instead of 
 It is required to have automated tests for a fix where it is possible. 
Can an automated test be written which checks that number of Boolean 
valueas are not too much?

  The issue 5108778 is too broad. Are you going to fix it only in JDK 
client area? If so, you can file a specific issue on it.

Unfortunately I am not able to compile or run the tests for this on my
machine because I don't have a macosx running on my hardware.

 I compiled the code and at least it does not have errors.

someone can support here, too?

Is it possible to use a virtual machine on your desktop?


-- Sebastian

Re: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: createImageUsingNativeSize error in 1.8.0_45

2015-08-18 Thread Alexander Scherbatiy

On 8/18/2015 10:48 AM, Hendrik Schreiber wrote:

On Jul 24, 2015, at 16:38, Paul Taylor  wrote:

On 23/07/2015 12:46, Alexander Scherbatiy wrote:

  It looks like known issue JDK-8077016 [macosx] Image transfer through System 
Clipboard is broken in 1.8.0_40 on Mac OS X

and it fails this test

so begs the question how did it get released in the first place !

The bug has been marked as resolved for 9.
It’s unfortunately still present in 8u51.

Does anybody know: Will this be fixed in the next 8u version?

   It is backported to JDK 8u as part of the fix: JDK-8132248 [macosx] 
Test closed/java/awt/dnd/ImageTransferTest/ImageTransferTest.html fails




Re: Public API for internal Swing classes.

2015-08-03 Thread Alexander Scherbatiy

 Hello Koen,

 Are you using the isEnabled(Object sender) method just to separate a 
logic that checks that an action needs to be executed from the action 
execution in the same way as it it done in the UIAction?

 Could you file an enhancement on it and provide a simple use case:


On 7/27/2015 4:13 PM, Van Den Borre, Koen wrote:


We are using sun.swing.UIAction in a custom ListUI where we override the 
following method and use the sender object:

public boolean isEnabled(Object sender)



On 27 Jul 2015, at 14:30, Alexander Scherbatiy  

According to the JEP 200: The Modular JDK (see
we expect that the standard Java SE modules will not export any internal 

It means that classes from internal packages (like sun.swing) will not be 

For example:
and others.

Please, let us known if you are using the internal Swing API and it is not 
possible to replace it by public API.

There are some known requests:

  JDK-8132119 Provide public API for text related methods in SwingUtilities2

  JDK-8132120 Provide public API for screen menu bar support on MacOS

  JDK-6274842 RFE: Provide a means for a custom look and feel to use desktop 
font antialiasing settings.

If you don't know if you use these types (because you use 3rd party jars)
you can use the JDK 8 "jdeps" tool to find such dependencies :-

Usage: jdeps  
where  can be a pathname to a .class file, a directory, a JAR
file, or a fully-qualified class name


Public API for internal Swing classes.

2015-07-27 Thread Alexander Scherbatiy

According to the JEP 200: The Modular JDK (see
we expect that the standard Java SE modules will not export any internal 

It means that classes from internal packages (like sun.swing) will not 
be accessible.

For example:
and others.

Please, let us known if you are using the internal Swing API and it is 
not possible to replace it by public API.

There are some known requests:

  JDK-8132119 Provide public API for text related methods in 

  JDK-8132120 Provide public API for screen menu bar support on MacOS

  JDK-6274842 RFE: Provide a means for a custom look and feel to use 
desktop font antialiasing settings.

If you don't know if you use these types (because you use 3rd party jars)
you can use the JDK 8 "jdeps" tool to find such dependencies :-

Usage: jdeps  
where  can be a pathname to a .class file, a directory, a JAR
file, or a fully-qualified class name


Re: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: createImageUsingNativeSize error in 1.8.0_45

2015-07-23 Thread Alexander Scherbatiy

  It looks like known issue JDK-8077016 [macosx] Image transfer through 
System Clipboard is broken in 1.8.0_40 on Mac OS X


On 7/23/2015 2:32 PM, Alexander Scherbatiy wrote:

 Could you file an issue on it:


On 7/23/2015 2:27 PM, Paul Taylor wrote:

On 23/07/2015 11:19, Paul Taylor wrote:
This code that was used in some circumstances for dealing with 
single images dragged and drop from certain webbrowsers (firefox) 
gave no issues in 1.8.0_25

image  = (Image) 

but now in 1.8.0_45 causing

java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: createImageUsingNativeSize
at sun.lwawt.macosx.CDataTransferer.getImageForByteStream(Native 

Is this a bug in the new version of OSX Java or am I simply doing 
something wrong, is there a simple workaround ?


It seems to be 
but breaking use of the clipboard for copy and pate of images is a 
massive bug dont you think, surely this should be a priority 1 bug as 
we are not talking about some obscure functionality here ?


Re: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: createImageUsingNativeSize error in 1.8.0_45

2015-07-23 Thread Alexander Scherbatiy

 Could you file an issue on it:


On 7/23/2015 2:27 PM, Paul Taylor wrote:

On 23/07/2015 11:19, Paul Taylor wrote:
This code that was used in some circumstances for dealing with single 
images dragged and drop from certain webbrowsers (firefox) gave no 
issues in 1.8.0_25

image  = (Image) 

but now in 1.8.0_45 causing

java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: createImageUsingNativeSize
at sun.lwawt.macosx.CDataTransferer.getImageForByteStream(Native Method)

Is this a bug in the new version of OSX Java or am I simply doing 
something wrong, is there a simple workaround ?


It seems to be 
but breaking use of the clipboard for copy and pate of images is a 
massive bug dont you think, surely this should be a priority 1 bug as 
we are not talking about some obscure functionality here ?


Re: Odd behavior on Max OSX 10.10 with retina display and external monitor.

2015-06-29 Thread Alexander Scherbatiy

Could you create an issue on it:


On 6/27/2015 9:39 AM, AJ Gregory wrote:

That was a typo. It was tested with latest 1.8.0_45.


On Friday, June 26, 2015, Hendrik Schreiber  wrote:

On Jun 27, 2015, at 00:36, AJ Gregory 
> wrote:

Using latest Java 1.8.0_25 or Java 1.7.0_80 I'm seeing some odd behavior


Max OSX 10.10 when using a retina laptop and an external monitor.

The latest Java 8 is Java 1.8.0_45 not 25.
Perhaps you should make sure you see the same behavior with the current



Re: Odd behavior with transparent window getting shadow after toggling visibility

2014-12-05 Thread Alexander Scherbatiy

On 11/25/2014 10:47 PM, AJ Gregory wrote:

If you run the class below on a RETINA MacBook Pro (OSX 10.10) the first
time you see the JWindow it's a white circle with NO shadow, but then later
when it calls setVisible(false) and setVisible(true) the circle has a
shadow when it's made visible again which isn't right...

I can't reproduce on non-retina (OSX 10.9) so wondering if it's a retina
only issue?

I can reproduce it on non-retina OSX 10.10 and it is not reproduced 
on my retina OSX 10.9.

It seems that the problem relates to the OSX 10.10.

Could you file an issue on it:


Same behavior for both Java 7u71 and 8u25...

Anybody else experience this and have a work around?

Seems like a bug for sure unless I'm missing something...

import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;

public class TestMacShadow {
 public static void main(String[] args) {
 EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
 public void run() {
 final JWindow window = new JWindow() {
 public void paint(Graphics g) {
 g.fillOval(0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight());

 window.setBackground(new Color(0, 0, 0, 0));
 window.setLocation(new Point(100, 100));
 window.setSize(new Dimension(300, 300));

 Timer t = new Timer(2000, new ActionListener() {
 public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent actionEvent) {


Re: [OpenJDK 2D-Dev] [9] Review request for 8029339 Custom MultiResolution image support on HiDPI displays

2014-07-29 Thread Alexander Scherbatiy

 Just friendly remainder.


On 7/8/2014 7:02 PM, Alexander Scherbatiy wrote:

  Hi Phil,

  Could you review the fix?


On 6/11/2014 7:18 PM, Alexander Scherbatiy wrote:

 Hi Phil ,

 I just prepared a simple FAQ about the Custom MultiResolution image 
API. Hope it will be helpful.

1. Scale naming convention for high-resolution images.

 Different OSes use different "scale" naming convention for 
high-resolution images:

 Mac OS X: image.ext, im...@2x.ext
 Windows: image.scale-100.ext, image.scale-140.ext, image.scale-180.ext

 Q: Does "scale" naming convention supported in JDK?
 A: Mac OS X "scale" naming convention are supported in JDK 8u20 (see 
  It is planned to support the Windows "scale" naming convention 
as well.

 Q. How does it work in JDK?
 A. Bundle image.ext and im...@2x.ext images with your app on Mac OS 
X and call Toolkit.getImage(...) method:

Image image = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage("image.ext");
Graphics2D g2d = // get graphics
g2d.drawImage(image, 0, 0, null)
  SunGraphics2D automatically queries and draws the provided 
high-resolution image.

  Q: There are different "scale" naming conventions on Mac OS X and 
   May be it is better to have unified "scale" naming conventions 
for all OSes in Java like image[java-scale-Nx].ext?

  A: It seems reasonable and can be filled as a new JDK enhancement.

  Q: Does using "scale" naming conventions solves all problems.
  A: There are tasks like image processing/programmatically generated 
images/loading images from non-standard sources

   that can't be solved with predefined set of images.
  Q: Are there any tools that support these tasks?
  A: Cocoa API contains NSImage that allows to work with image 
representations: addRepresentation/removeRepresentation/representations
  JDK uses these methods to get/set multi-resolution images for 
the Native system (see sun.lwawt.macosx.CImage class).

2. Graphics2D
Q: How SunGraphics2D deals with multi-resolution images?
A: SunGraphics2D queries a resolution variant using DPI scale factors 
and transformed base image sizes

   //   logicalDPIX, logicalDPIY - DPI scale factors
   //   destImageWidth, destImageHeight - transformed base image 
sizes including DPI scale factors
logicalDPIY, destImageWidth, destImageHeight);

Q: Which algorithm multi-resolution image is used in 
getResolutionVariant(...) method?
A:  ToolkitImage returned by toolkit.loadImage() method should behave 
like the native system.
 It means that it should use transformed image sizes on Mac OS X 
and only DPI scale factors on Windows.

 it looks like:
   //   logicalDPIX, logicalDPIY - DPI scale factors
   //   destImageWidth, destImageHeight - transformed base image 
sizes including DPI scale factors
public Image getResolutionVariant(float logicalDPIX, float 

float destImageWidth, float destImageHeight) {
  if (Mac OS X) {
   return resolution variant best fitted to the 
destImageWidth and destImageHeight

  } else if (Windows){
   return resolution variant best fitted to the 
logicalDPIX and logicalDPIY scale factors


 3. Custom multi-resolution image.
 Q: The custom multi-resolution image should be able to return an 
image according to the requested

  transformed image size and DPI scale factors. Is it enough?
  A: There are task like setting custom cursor that require to get 
all resolution variants.
  So the custom multi-resolution image should also contain the 

 Q: Should the custom multi-resolution image be class or interface?
 A: There is ToolkitImage that should also have resolution variants.
   It is not possible to extend it from MultiResolutionImage class.
   The current proposal introduces the MultiResolutionImage as an 

 Q: MultiResolutionImage interface sounds strange for me.
 A: The better name can be suggested.

  Q: What does the Custom MultiResolution image API suggest?
  A:  The current proposal provides MultiResolutionImage interface 
with the following methods:

Image getResolutionVariant(float logicalDPIX, float logicalDPIY,
float destImageWidth, float destImageHeight);

List getResolutionVariants();
  and AbstractMultiResolutionImage class. See samples below.

 4. Memory cost
 Q: Can the the implementation be "lazy"?
 A: SunGraphics2D does not require full list of resolution variants. 
It queries only the image with necessary resolution.

 It means that resolution variants can b

Re: Horizontal scrolling not possible with touchpad with Metal and Nimbus L&F when both scrollbars are visible

2014-07-25 Thread Alexander Scherbatiy

Please, file the bug report in


On 7/25/2014 10:34 AM, Robert Krüger wrote:


horizontal scrolling in a JScrollPane does not work with a touchpad
with Metal and Nimbus Look & Feel  when both scrollbars are visible.
It does work with Aqua.

This little example demonstrates the problem:

import javax.swing.*;

public class TestTreeScrolling {
 public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
 for (UIManager.LookAndFeelInfo info :
UIManager.getInstalledLookAndFeels()) {
 if (info.getName().startsWith("Nimbus")) {
 final JFrame frame = new

 final JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane(new JTree());

Expand the tree a bit and resize the window so that both scrollbars
are visible. Making a horizontal scroll gesture on the touchpad
results in vertical scrolling.

Tested systematically with JDKs 6_51 and 8_11 but observed with all
production releases of 8 before as well.

Is this a known bug?

Is there a known workaround (hacking the Look & Feel is also an option
because we override it in our application anyway)? There must be as
IntelliJ Idea does not have this problem and they are not using Aqua
but I have failed to find it in their code.

Does it make sense to file a bug report and if so where?



Re: [9] Review request for 8040291 [macosx] Http-Images are not fully loaded when using ImageIcon

2014-05-21 Thread Alexander Scherbatiy

Could you review the updated fix:

 - The test checks that the resolution-variant observer is called at 
least once.


On 5/21/2014 2:50 PM, Alexander Scherbatiy wrote:

 Could you review the updated fix:

 - The isRVObserevr typo is fixed

On 5/20/2014 7:32 PM, Petr Pchelko wrote:

Could you review the updated fix:

- The getRVSize() method from the SunToolkit is fixed

Thank you for the update, but I still have questions about the test:
1. There’s a typo in isRVObserevr.
2. Do we need the isRVObserevr method? How could it be that this
method return false in this test and it’s a correct behavior and not 
a bug?
I see it’s only possible from SunToolkit.prepareImage if bits are 
Couldn’t we get rid of this method? Walking up the stack doesn’t look 
like the most

reliable solution..

  The ImageObserver is used for two purposes in the Toolkit 
prepareImage() method:

- to query which part of the image should be loaded
- to notify an object about which image information is available

  To prepare a multi-resolution image it needs to prepare its 
resolution variant as well.
  The only way to know which part of the resolution variant should be 
loaded is requesting
  the base image observer. It leads that there will be a notification 
for the object that contains
  the resolution variant instead of the base image. To improve it the 
  wraps the base image observer for the resolution variant. The object 
gets notification

  which contains only the base image and updated sizes after that.

  The another case which is fixed in this issue is that  the 
resolution variant can be loaded first
  and it notifies the object that the image is loaded. The fix reduces 
the resolution variant info
  flags so the object should wait for image loading notification from 
the base image.

  The test needs to check that the wrapped observer from the 
resolution variant does not send
  more info than the original image has already had. The 
isRVObserver() just checks
  that the observer is called from the resolution variant and not is 
from the base image.


With best regards. Petr.

On May 20, 2014, at 7:07 PM, Alexander Scherbatiy 

Could you review the updated fix:

- The getRVSize() method from the SunToolkit is fixed

On 5/20/2014 6:46 PM, Petr Pchelko wrote:

Hello, Alexander.

SunToolkit:876 size == -1 ? -1 : size

What’s going on here? Isn’t this equal to just size?
I believe is’t wrong and the size should be multiplied by 2 somewhere?
If the method is wrong how does the test pass?
The test passes because it uses SunToolkit.prepareImage() method 
with the -1 size.
It also uses the image observer that requires to load all image 


  With best regards. Petr.

On May 20, 2014, at 6:32 PM, Alexander Scherbatiy 


  Could you look at the fix?


On 4/30/2014 6:34 PM, Alexander Scherbatiy wrote:


Could you review the fix:

  The SunToolkit.prepareResolutionVariant() method wraps the base 
image observer and
  passes it to the resolution variant. It leads that the 
resolution variant notifies

  the base image about info changing.

  When the base image is loaded by the MediaTracker and the 
resolution variant is loaded
  first it calls the base image observer and wrongly finishes the 
base image loading.

  The fix passes the reduced resolution variant info flags to the 
base image
  so the base image loading is finished only after notifiing by 
the original base image observer.


Re: [9] Review request for 8040291 [macosx] Http-Images are not fully loaded when using ImageIcon

2014-05-21 Thread Alexander Scherbatiy

 Could you review the updated fix:

 - The isRVObserevr typo is fixed

On 5/20/2014 7:32 PM, Petr Pchelko wrote:

Could you review the updated fix:

- The getRVSize() method from the SunToolkit is fixed

Thank you for the update, but I still have questions about the test:
1. There’s a typo in isRVObserevr.
2. Do we need the isRVObserevr method? How could it be that this
method return false in this test and it’s a correct behavior and not a bug?
I see it’s only possible from SunToolkit.prepareImage if bits are ERROR | ABORT.
Couldn’t we get rid of this method? Walking up the stack doesn’t look like the 
reliable solution..

  The ImageObserver is used for two purposes in the Toolkit 
prepareImage() method:

- to query which part of the image should be loaded
- to notify an object about which image information is available

  To prepare a multi-resolution image it needs to prepare its 
resolution variant as well.
  The only way to know which part of the resolution variant should be 
loaded is requesting
  the base image observer. It leads that there will be a notification 
for the object that contains
  the resolution variant instead of the base image. To improve it the 
  wraps the base image observer for the resolution variant. The object 
gets notification

  which contains only the base image and updated sizes after that.

  The another case which is fixed in this issue is that  the resolution 
variant can be loaded first
  and it notifies the object that the image is loaded. The fix reduces 
the resolution variant info
  flags so the object should wait for image loading notification from 
the base image.

  The test needs to check that the wrapped observer from the resolution 
variant does not send
  more info than the original image has already had. The isRVObserver() 
just checks
  that the observer is called from the resolution variant and not is 
from the base image.


With best regards. Petr.

On May 20, 2014, at 7:07 PM, Alexander Scherbatiy 

Could you review the updated fix:

- The getRVSize() method from the SunToolkit is fixed

On 5/20/2014 6:46 PM, Petr Pchelko wrote:

Hello, Alexander.

SunToolkit:876 size == -1 ? -1 : size

What’s going on here? Isn’t this equal to just size?
I believe is’t wrong and the size should be multiplied by 2 somewhere?
If the method is wrong how does the test pass?

The test passes because it uses SunToolkit.prepareImage() method with the 
-1 size.
It also uses the image observer that requires to load all image bits.


With best regards. Petr.

On May 20, 2014, at 6:32 PM, Alexander Scherbatiy 


  Could you look at the fix?


On 4/30/2014 6:34 PM, Alexander Scherbatiy wrote:


Could you review the fix:

  The SunToolkit.prepareResolutionVariant() method wraps the base image 
observer and
  passes it to the resolution variant. It leads that the resolution variant 
  the base image about info changing.

  When the base image is loaded by the MediaTracker and the resolution variant 
is loaded
  first it calls the base image observer and wrongly finishes the base image 

  The fix passes the reduced resolution variant info flags to the base image
  so the base image loading is finished only after notifiing by the original 
base image observer.


Re: [9] Review request for 8040291 [macosx] Http-Images are not fully loaded when using ImageIcon

2014-05-20 Thread Alexander Scherbatiy

Could you review the updated fix:

- The getRVSize() method from the SunToolkit is fixed

On 5/20/2014 6:46 PM, Petr Pchelko wrote:

Hello, Alexander.

SunToolkit:876 size == -1 ? -1 : size

What’s going on here? Isn’t this equal to just size?
I believe is’t wrong and the size should be multiplied by 2 somewhere?
If the method is wrong how does the test pass?
The test passes because it uses SunToolkit.prepareImage() method 
with the -1 size.

It also uses the image observer that requires to load all image bits.



With best regards. Petr.

On May 20, 2014, at 6:32 PM, Alexander Scherbatiy 


  Could you look at the fix?


On 4/30/2014 6:34 PM, Alexander Scherbatiy wrote:


Could you review the fix:

  The SunToolkit.prepareResolutionVariant() method wraps the base image 
observer and
  passes it to the resolution variant. It leads that the resolution variant 
  the base image about info changing.

  When the base image is loaded by the MediaTracker and the resolution variant 
is loaded
  first it calls the base image observer and wrongly finishes the base image 

  The fix passes the reduced resolution variant info flags to the base image
  so the base image loading is finished only after notifiing by the original 
base image observer.


Re: [9] Review request for 8040291 [macosx] Http-Images are not fully loaded when using ImageIcon

2014-05-20 Thread Alexander Scherbatiy


  Could you look at the fix?


On 4/30/2014 6:34 PM, Alexander Scherbatiy wrote:


Could you review the fix:

  The SunToolkit.prepareResolutionVariant() method wraps the base 
image observer and
  passes it to the resolution variant. It leads that the resolution 
variant notifies

  the base image about info changing.

  When the base image is loaded by the MediaTracker and the resolution 
variant is loaded
  first it calls the base image observer and wrongly finishes the base 
image loading.

  The fix passes the reduced resolution variant info flags to the base 
  so the base image loading is finished only after notifiing by the 
original base image observer.


Re: [OpenJDK 2D-Dev] [9] Review request for 8029339 Custom MultiResolution image support on HiDPI displays

2014-05-19 Thread Alexander Scherbatiy

  Hi Phil,

On 5/16/2014 9:12 PM, Phil Race wrote:
I think Jim was looking at this. I am not sure if you yet answered all 
his questions/concerns.

There's a lot of API here and it will take more time than I have right 
now just to get

my head around it so do not expect a quick answer.

1. Why is there no javadoc on the new API on Toolkit ?

  It was decided to split the original issue on two parts:
   - this fix adds only MultiResolutionImage interface and 
AbstractMultiResolutionImage class.
   Here is the webrev for it:

  - the Toolkit related API is moved to the separate issue

  Could you review the current fix:

2. What kinds of classes are expected to implement MultiResolutionImage
Application ones or platform ones ?

- Application: A developer can provide a set of images with 
different resolutions to create a multi-resolution image. An image with 
best-fitting resolution

will be drawn on HiDPI display.
- Platform: we used it to support Aqua L&F on HiDPI displays.

3. can you better explain all these parameters :

  49  * @param logicalDPIX the logical horizontal DPI of the desktop.
  50  * @param logicalDPIY the logical vertical DPI of the desktop.
  51  * @param baseImageWidth the width of the base image.
  52  * @param baseImageHeight the height of the base image.
  53  * @param destImageWidth the width of the destination image.
  54  * @param destImageHeight the height of the destination image.
  55  * @return image resolution variant.

Could we postpone it to the CCC request?

4.public List getResolutionVariants();

So this implies a fixed, known ahead of time set of images ?
Why is it required to have this API ? How will anyone be able to
tell which is which and use the list ?

   Here are some usages from the JDK code:
- AquaImagefactory.getAppIconCompositedOn(final Image background)
   The original multi-resolution image is used to create another 
multi-resolution image with the background

- AquaUtils.generateLightenedImage(Image image, ImageFilter filter)
  The original multi-resolution image is used to create lightening 
multi-resolution image

- CImage.createFromImage(final Image image)
Resolution variants from a multi-resolution image are used to 
create an NSImage
- CCustomCursor:  it is possible set a custom cursor which contains 
resolution variants to the native system

Usually the getResolutionVariants() method is used to create one 
multi-resolution image based on the another multi-resolution image.

5. Why is the rendering hint needed ?
  Someone can manually switch off the multi-resolution image 
drawing from graphics so only the base image will be drawn.
  It is useful for the performance reason. There is a choice to 
draw the high-resolution image slowly or the low-resolution image faster.



On 5/16/2014 9:16 AM, Alexander Scherbatiy wrote:

  Hi Phil,

  I need a reviewer from the 2d group for the fix. Could you take a 
look at the fix and review it?


On 5/12/2014 6:35 PM, Alexander Scherbatiy wrote:

  There was a long thread about the image with sub-pixel resolution 
drawing  on Mac OS X: 

 It was pointed out that Icon images that can be programmatically 
generated also need to have HiDPI support: 

 All requests about Mac OS X HiDPI support were included to the 
umbrella issue:

   7124410 [macosx] Lion HiDPI support


On 4/25/2014 6:45 PM, Alexander Scherbatiy wrote:

On 4/25/2014 2:17 AM, Jim Graham wrote:

Hi Alexandr,

I asked for who was requesting these facilities and you responded 
with the solution you are planning to provide.

I don't care what the solution looks like if we have nobody asking 
for the feature - I am asking who is asking for these capabilities?

   This is the request from the AWT team for the HiDPI support.



On 4/4/14 4:53 AM, Alexander Scherbatiy wrote:

On 4/3/2014 2:23 AM, Jim Graham wrote:

Hi Alexandr,

The back and forth is getting confusing here, so I thought I'd 
try to

summarize and start fresh(ish):

1. We need to support @2x internally for MacOS compatibility 

2. We will need to support _DPI images for Win-DPI compatibility 

3. Customers may have their own collection of images to bundle
together into an MR image (working on that here). What is the push
for this?  Is this simply parity with Mac interfaces?


Re: [OpenJDK 2D-Dev] [9] Review request for 8029339 Custom MultiResolution image support on HiDPI displays

2014-05-16 Thread Alexander Scherbatiy

  Hi Phil,

  I need a reviewer from the 2d group for the fix. Could you take a 
look at the fix and review it?


On 5/12/2014 6:35 PM, Alexander Scherbatiy wrote:

  There was a long thread about the image with sub-pixel resolution 
drawing  on Mac OS X: 

 It was pointed out that Icon images that can be programmatically 
generated also need to have HiDPI support: 

 All requests about Mac OS X HiDPI support were included to the 
umbrella issue:

   7124410 [macosx] Lion HiDPI support


On 4/25/2014 6:45 PM, Alexander Scherbatiy wrote:

On 4/25/2014 2:17 AM, Jim Graham wrote:

Hi Alexandr,

I asked for who was requesting these facilities and you responded 
with the solution you are planning to provide.

I don't care what the solution looks like if we have nobody asking 
for the feature - I am asking who is asking for these capabilities?

   This is the request from the AWT team for the HiDPI support.



On 4/4/14 4:53 AM, Alexander Scherbatiy wrote:

On 4/3/2014 2:23 AM, Jim Graham wrote:

Hi Alexandr,

The back and forth is getting confusing here, so I thought I'd try to
summarize and start fresh(ish):

1. We need to support @2x internally for MacOS compatibility (done).

2. We will need to support _DPI images for Win-DPI compatibility 

3. Customers may have their own collection of images to bundle
together into an MR image (working on that here).  What is the push
for this?  Is this simply parity with Mac interfaces?

 Image[] resolutionVariants = // get sorted by sizes array of
resolution variants;
 Image mrImage =

  Here is the proposed patch:

4. Customers may want to synthetically generate images at arbitrary
resolutions (a variation that is impacting this solution). What is
the push for this?

 Image mrImage =

 new float[][]{{100, 100}, {150, 150}, {200, 200}}, //
resolution variants sizes
 (rvWidth, rvHeight) -> {  /* generate a resolution
variant */  });

5. I'm guessing that customers might want to override the logic to
choose from among multiple resolutions.  That came from me based on
seeing Mac and Win using different selection logic and our history of
developers split between those wanting cross-platform consistency and
those wanting consistency with native apps on each platform. Also,
the needs of an animator may differ from the needs of a
resolution-settable-document editor as to how dynamically the images
shift between resolution variants.

 Image[] resolutionVariants = // get sorted by sizes array of
resolution variants;
 Image mrImage = ImageResolutionHelper.createMRImage(
 (rvWidth, rvHeight, resolutionVariants) -> { /*use a
custom logic to choose a resolution variant from an array of 

 (logicalDPI, baseImageSize, destImageSize) ->
destImageSize, // calculate the custom aware resolution variant size
 baseImageIndex, resolutionVariants);

or just extend the CustomMultiResolutionImage which has Image 
as the

parent class:

  public class CustomMultiResolutionImage extends
AbstractMultiResolutionImage {

 public Image getResolutionVariant(float logicalDPIX, float
 float baseImageWidth, float baseImageHeight,
 float destImageWidth, float destImageHeight) {
 // return a resolution variant based on the given logical 

 // base image size, or destination image size

 public List getResolutionVariants() {
 // return a list of resolution variants

 protected Image getBaseImage() {
 // return the base image

Is that a fair summary of all of the considerations so far, or did I
miss something?

I think it should cover the main needs.



On 3/27/14 7:43 AM, Alexander Scherbatiy wrote:

  Below are some thoughts about TK.createMRImage(...) method

On 3/24/2014 4:52 PM, Alexander Scherbatiy wrote:


  Could you review the updated fix:

  - baseImageWidth/Height arguments are added to the
getResolutionVariant(...) met

Re: [OpenJDK 2D-Dev] [9] Review request for 8029339 Custom MultiResolution image support on HiDPI displays

2014-05-12 Thread Alexander Scherbatiy

  There was a long thread about the image with sub-pixel resolution 
drawing  on Mac OS X:

 It was pointed out that Icon images that can be programmatically 
generated also need to have HiDPI support:

 All requests about Mac OS X HiDPI support were included to the 
umbrella issue:

   7124410 [macosx] Lion HiDPI support


On 4/25/2014 6:45 PM, Alexander Scherbatiy wrote:

On 4/25/2014 2:17 AM, Jim Graham wrote:

Hi Alexandr,

I asked for who was requesting these facilities and you responded 
with the solution you are planning to provide.

I don't care what the solution looks like if we have nobody asking 
for the feature - I am asking who is asking for these capabilities?

   This is the request from the AWT team for the HiDPI support.



On 4/4/14 4:53 AM, Alexander Scherbatiy wrote:

On 4/3/2014 2:23 AM, Jim Graham wrote:

Hi Alexandr,

The back and forth is getting confusing here, so I thought I'd try to
summarize and start fresh(ish):

1. We need to support @2x internally for MacOS compatibility (done).

2. We will need to support _DPI images for Win-DPI compatibility 

3. Customers may have their own collection of images to bundle
together into an MR image (working on that here).  What is the push
for this?  Is this simply parity with Mac interfaces?

 Image[] resolutionVariants = // get sorted by sizes array of
resolution variants;
 Image mrImage =

  Here is the proposed patch:

4. Customers may want to synthetically generate images at arbitrary
resolutions (a variation that is impacting this solution). What is
the push for this?

 Image mrImage =

 new float[][]{{100, 100}, {150, 150}, {200, 200}}, //
resolution variants sizes
 (rvWidth, rvHeight) -> {  /* generate a resolution
variant */  });

5. I'm guessing that customers might want to override the logic to
choose from among multiple resolutions.  That came from me based on
seeing Mac and Win using different selection logic and our history of
developers split between those wanting cross-platform consistency and
those wanting consistency with native apps on each platform. Also,
the needs of an animator may differ from the needs of a
resolution-settable-document editor as to how dynamically the images
shift between resolution variants.

 Image[] resolutionVariants = // get sorted by sizes array of
resolution variants;
 Image mrImage = ImageResolutionHelper.createMRImage(
 (rvWidth, rvHeight, resolutionVariants) -> { /*use a
custom logic to choose a resolution variant from an array of images*/},
 (logicalDPI, baseImageSize, destImageSize) ->
destImageSize, // calculate the custom aware resolution variant size
 baseImageIndex, resolutionVariants);

or just extend the CustomMultiResolutionImage which has Image as 

parent class:

  public class CustomMultiResolutionImage extends
AbstractMultiResolutionImage {

 public Image getResolutionVariant(float logicalDPIX, float
 float baseImageWidth, float baseImageHeight,
 float destImageWidth, float destImageHeight) {
 // return a resolution variant based on the given logical DPI,
 // base image size, or destination image size

 public List getResolutionVariants() {
 // return a list of resolution variants

 protected Image getBaseImage() {
 // return the base image

Is that a fair summary of all of the considerations so far, or did I
miss something?

I think it should cover the main needs.



On 3/27/14 7:43 AM, Alexander Scherbatiy wrote:

  Below are some thoughts about TK.createMRImage(...) method

On 3/24/2014 4:52 PM, Alexander Scherbatiy wrote:


  Could you review the updated fix:

  - baseImageWidth/Height arguments are added to the
getResolutionVariant(...) method
  - dest image sizes are reverted to included DPI scale
  - AbstractMultiResolutionImage is added. It needs only to 

only 3 methods from the  AbstractMultiResolutionImage class

[9] Review request for 8040291 [macosx] Http-Images are not fully loaded when using ImageIcon

2014-04-30 Thread Alexander Scherbatiy


Could you review the fix:

  The SunToolkit.prepareResolutionVariant() method wraps the base image 
observer and
  passes it to the resolution variant. It leads that the resolution 
variant notifies

  the base image about info changing.

  When the base image is loaded by the MediaTracker and the resolution 
variant is loaded
  first it calls the base image observer and wrongly finishes the base 
image loading.

  The fix passes the reduced resolution variant info flags to the base 
  so the base image loading is finished only after notifiing by the 
original base image observer.


Re: [9] Review request for 8040279 [macosx] Do not use the base image in the MultiResolutionBufferedImage constructor

2014-04-21 Thread Alexander Scherbatiy

Could you review the updated fix:

 The createBufferedImage method is renamed to createImage in the CImage 


On 4/21/2014 2:36 PM, Petr Pchelko wrote:

Hello, Alexander.

Just one minor comment: In CImage createBufferedImage method does not create a 
BufferredImage any more, so it worths renaming.

With best regards. Petr.

On 15.04.2014, at 18:36, Alexander Scherbatiy  


Could you review the fix:

  MultiResolutionBufferedImage extends BufferedImage. In this case it needs to 
use the base image to write it to the BufferedImage.

  The fix renames MultiResolutionBufferedImage to MultiResolutionCahcedImage 
and does not use the BufferedImage as the super class.
  The base image is created and cached by demand.

  CImage now always returns MultiResolutionCahcedImage. All requested 
resolution variants are scaled by NSImage.


[9] Review request for 8040279 [macosx] Do not use the base image in the MultiResolutionBufferedImage constructor

2014-04-15 Thread Alexander Scherbatiy


Could you review the fix:

  MultiResolutionBufferedImage extends BufferedImage. In this case it 
needs to use the base image to write it to the BufferedImage.

  The fix renames MultiResolutionBufferedImage to 
MultiResolutionCahcedImage and does not use the BufferedImage as the 
super class.

  The base image is created and cached by demand.

  CImage now always returns MultiResolutionCahcedImage. All requested 
resolution variants are scaled by NSImage.


Re: Checkmark in JCheckBoxMenuItem not HiDPI/Retina capable

2014-04-14 Thread Alexander Scherbatiy

  Thank you for the report.  I am able to reproduce the issue in 
JDK8u20 build 05 and it should have been already fixed in the build 09.


On 4/13/2014 6:55 PM, Eirik Bakke wrote:
Huh, in Hendrik's case it seems he gets an even-larger checkmark even 
in retina mode (judging from the font size in Hendrik's screenshot). 
In my case I was _not_ running in retina mode.

From: Hendrik Schreiber>>
Date: Sunday, April 13, 2014 at 4:08 AM
To: " 
<> X" 
<>>, Alexander Scherbatiy>>

Cc: Eirik Bakke>>
Subject: Re: Checkmark in JCheckBoxMenuItem not HiDPI/Retina capable

On Apr 11, 2014, at 18:30, Eirik Bakke <>> wrote:

> Hmm, now I cannot reproduce the bug. I think it might have disappeared
> when I disconnected and reconnected my external monitor. I will file it
> once I manage to reproduce it consistently.

It does not depend on an external monitor, as I don't one and have 
observed this, too (screenshot of a menu attached).
I've seen this in a menu, that is not in the system menu bar, but in 
the app window itself.
This happened when running an ancient version of HPJmeter. Just 
double-clicked on the jar, and I was able to observe the issue.

ps ax | grep java
 4351   ??  U  0:03.88 /Library/Internet 
Plug-ins/JavaAppletPlugin.plugin/Contents/Home/bin/java -jar 

 4414 s004  R+ 0:00.00 grep java
mankell:~ hendrik$ /Library/Internet\ 
Plug-ins/JavaAppletPlugin.plugin/Contents/Home/bin/java -version

java version "1.8.0_20-ea"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_20-ea-b05)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.20-b05, mixed mode)

Hope this helps to nail it down.


PS: I have attached the jar to illustrate the point, please don't 

Re: Checkmark in JCheckBoxMenuItem not HiDPI/Retina capable

2014-04-11 Thread Alexander Scherbatiy

On 4/10/2014 8:24 PM, Eirik Bakke wrote:

I'm running the NetBeans IDE 8.0 on Java: 1.8.0_20-ea. Just saw a giant
over-sized checkbox in a popup menu (see attached).

   Unfortunately the  openjdk alias removes attachments from the mail.
   Could you resend the image and add me to the cc list.

Could it be related to
the retina patch mentioned in the thread below?

The patch was only pushed yesterday to the JDK 8u-dev:

  Could you create the issue on it:


I don't see oversized checkmarks in the main menus. The oversized
checkmark is still present in the popup menu after I restart the IDE.

-- Eirik

On 3/21/14, 10:50 AM, "Hendrik Schreiber"  wrote:

On Mar 21, 2014, at 15:40, Alexander Scherbatiy

  Thank you for the report.

  I have created an issue on it: 8038113 [macosx] JTree icon is not
rendered in high resolution on Retina




[9] Review request for 8039001 [macosx] Textfields in dialogs are disabled after using F3 on Mac OS X to select a window

2014-04-08 Thread Alexander Scherbatiy


Could you review the fix:

  NSRunningApplication active property is false when windowDidBecomeKey 
notification is received after switching

  from the Mission Control on Mac OS X to the modal dialog.

  The fix adds the isAppActive propery to the ApplicationDelegate and 
change it after
  the applicationWillBecomeActive/applicationWillResignActive 
notifications to track the application active state.

  It is difficult to write an automated test because it is hard to find 
the application coordinates in the Mission Control.


Re: [9] Review request for 8038113 [macosx] JTree icon is not rendered in high resolution on Retina

2014-04-07 Thread Alexander Scherbatiy


 Could you review the updated fix:

  - CachableJRSUIIcon explicitly implements Icon interface now
  - getOptimizedImage() method is removed from the CachingScalingIcon 
because NSImage always scales an image to the requested size

  - @Override annotation is added.


On 4/2/2014 4:37 PM, Petr Pchelko wrote:

Hello, Alexander.

Could you please add the @Override to the paintIcon method.

Also I suggest to reuse the paintIcon in the createIcon.

With best regards. Petr.

On 02.04.2014, at 16:20, Alexander Scherbatiy  


  Could you review the updated fix:

  The CachableJRSUIIcon creates an image twice: in createImage() and in the 
AquaPainter.paint() methods.

  The fix paints the icon directly from the AquaPainter.paint() method which 
uses the properly scaled image.


On 3/26/2014 6:15 PM, Alexander Scherbatiy wrote:


Could you review the fix:

  MultiResolution image is used to create resolution variants for the JTree 

  The fix assumes that AquaPainter uses the graphics transform for the image 
size calculation
  an so depends on the fix for issue 8032667 [macosx] Components cannot be 
rendered in


Re: [9] Review request for 8038113 [macosx] JTree icon is not rendered in high resolution on Retina

2014-04-02 Thread Alexander Scherbatiy


  Could you review the updated fix:

  The CachableJRSUIIcon creates an image twice: in createImage() and in 
the AquaPainter.paint() methods.

  The fix paints the icon directly from the AquaPainter.paint() method 
which uses the properly scaled image.


On 3/26/2014 6:15 PM, Alexander Scherbatiy wrote:


Could you review the fix:

  MultiResolution image is used to create resolution variants for the 
JTree icons.

  The fix assumes that AquaPainter uses the graphics transform for the 
image size calculation
  an so depends on the fix for issue 8032667 [macosx] Components 
cannot be rendered in


Re: [9] Review Request: 8029196 Focus border of JButton.buttonType=roundRect is cut off

2014-04-02 Thread Alexander Scherbatiy

  The fix looks good for me.


On 4/1/2014 4:53 PM, Sergey Bylokhov wrote:

On 4/1/14 4:33 PM, Petr Pchelko wrote:

Hello, Sergey.

Does the fix work for retina thin focuses and non-retina thick?

yes, it works in both cases.

With best regards. Petr.

On 01.04.2014, at 15:46, Sergey Bylokhov  

Please review the fix for jdk 9.
JRS draws all component in specified bounds, but if a component is 
in focus, the frame of focus can exceed the limit of the specified 
The focusable components take this into account in the insets, but 
we cut the focus anyway, because we create the buffer image in 
bounds size.
In the fix this image was increased by the focus size in each 

Webrev can be found at:

Best regards, Sergey.

Re: [9] Review request for 8032667 [macosx] Components cannot be rendered in HiDPI to BufferedImage

2014-03-28 Thread Alexander Scherbatiy


 Could you review the updated fix:

 - The automated test which checks that painting a component to 2x 
image and painting the component to 1x -> 2x image gives different result.


On 3/26/2014 5:54 PM, Sergey Bylokhov wrote:

Hi, Alexander.
The fix looks fine to me. Probably the test can be automated? before 
the fix COMP->imagex1->imagex2 and the COMP->imagex2 should be the 
same, and after the fix it should be different?

On 3/26/14 5:43 PM, Alexander Scherbatiy wrote:

  Could you review the updated fix:

 The array of sizes is only used for the getResolutionVariants() method.
 The images are scaled according to the mapper function.

  The current fix creates only one size for the resolution variants 
list in case

  if they are not passed to the constructor.


On 3/26/2014 4:30 PM, Sergey Bylokhov wrote:

Hello, Alexander.
I think it will not work if the user set scale=1.5?

On 3/26/14 4:18 PM, Alexander Scherbatiy wrote:


  Could you review the updated fix:

   - MultiResolution image is used instead of image width/height 

   - Bounds are used in the key instead of the scale factor.


On 3/25/2014 8:26 PM, Sergey Bylokhov wrote:

Hello, Alexander.
You cannot skip scalfactor as a key, because images with different 
scale are different.

On 3/25/14 8:10 PM, Alexander Scherbatiy wrote:


Could you review the fix:

  High resolution image width and height were calculated using 
only scale factor in the AquaPainter class.
  The fix calculates image width and height based on the graphics 


[9] Review request for 8036882 [macosx] Native memory leak in Java_sun_lwawt_macosx_CImage_nativeGetNSImageRepresentationSizes

2014-03-27 Thread Alexander Scherbatiy


Could you review the fix:

autorelease is added for [[NSMutableArray alloc] init] call.

There is no a test for the fix because it is hard to write it.


[9] Review request for 8038113 [macosx] JTree icon is not rendered in high resolution on Retina

2014-03-26 Thread Alexander Scherbatiy


Could you review the fix:

  MultiResolution image is used to create resolution variants for the 
JTree icons.

  The fix assumes that AquaPainter uses the graphics transform for the 
image size calculation
  an so depends on the fix for issue 8032667 [macosx] Components cannot 
be rendered in


Re: [9] Review request for 8032667 [macosx] Components cannot be rendered in HiDPI to BufferedImage

2014-03-26 Thread Alexander Scherbatiy

  Could you review the updated fix:

 The array of sizes is only used for the getResolutionVariants() method.
 The images are scaled according to the mapper function.

  The current fix creates only one size for the resolution variants 
list in case

  if they are not passed to the constructor.


On 3/26/2014 4:30 PM, Sergey Bylokhov wrote:

Hello, Alexander.
I think it will not work if the user set scale=1.5?

On 3/26/14 4:18 PM, Alexander Scherbatiy wrote:


  Could you review the updated fix:

   - MultiResolution image is used instead of image width/height scaling
   - Bounds are used in the key instead of the scale factor.


On 3/25/2014 8:26 PM, Sergey Bylokhov wrote:

Hello, Alexander.
You cannot skip scalfactor as a key, because images with different 
scale are different.

On 3/25/14 8:10 PM, Alexander Scherbatiy wrote:


Could you review the fix:

  High resolution image width and height were calculated using only 
scale factor in the AquaPainter class.
  The fix calculates image width and height based on the graphics 


Re: [9] Review request for 8032667 [macosx] Components cannot be rendered in HiDPI to BufferedImage

2014-03-26 Thread Alexander Scherbatiy


  Could you review the updated fix:

   - MultiResolution image is used instead of image width/height scaling
   - Bounds are used in the key instead of the scale factor.


On 3/25/2014 8:26 PM, Sergey Bylokhov wrote:

Hello, Alexander.
You cannot skip scalfactor as a key, because images with different 
scale are different.

On 3/25/14 8:10 PM, Alexander Scherbatiy wrote:


Could you review the fix:

  High resolution image width and height were calculated using only 
scale factor in the AquaPainter class.
  The fix calculates image width and height based on the graphics 


[9] Review request for 8032667 [macosx] Components cannot be rendered in HiDPI to BufferedImage

2014-03-25 Thread Alexander Scherbatiy


Could you review the fix:

  High resolution image width and height were calculated using only 
scale factor in the AquaPainter class.
  The fix calculates image width and height based on the graphics 


Re: Checkmark in JCheckBoxMenuItem not HiDPI/Retina capable

2014-03-21 Thread Alexander Scherbatiy

  Thank you for the report.

  I have created an issue on it: 8038113 [macosx] JTree icon is not 
rendered in high resolution on Retina


On 3/21/2014 1:36 PM, Hendrik Schreiber wrote:

On Jan 17, 2014, at 13:07, Hendrik Schreiber  wrote:

On Jan 13, 2014, at 12:54, Hendrik Schreiber  wrote:

Hey Sergey,

bug is filed under "(Bug ID: 9009584 ) - Checkmarks of JCheckBoxMenuItems aren't 
rendered in high res on Retina"

While at it, you might also want to take a look at "(Bug ID: 9009344 ) - JPopupMenus 
in Swing don't have rounded corners on OS X".


I just realized that sub-menues in JPopupMenus also uses a low res arrow ">". I 
guess this is part of the same issue.
Perhaps you want to add a comment to the original bug 9009584...

Hey Guys,

I am very pleased to see that was addressed in 
Unfortunately, at least one icon was (partially) missed - the expand tree 
control (that little triangle).

It is rendered in HiDPI, when you click on it, but in its regular appearance it 
is low res.

The problem occurs on OS X 10.9.2 with

java version "1.8.0_20-ea"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_20-ea-b05)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.20-b05, mixed mode)



Source code to illustrate the issue - a plain vanilla JTree. Just play with the 
expansion triangles.

import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;

public class TreeExpanders {

 public static void main(String[] args) {
 final JFrame frame = new JFrame();
 final JTree tree = new JTree();
 frame.getContentPane().setLayout(new BorderLayout());
 frame.getContentPane().add(tree, BorderLayout.CENTER);
 SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
 public void run() {
 frame.setBounds(200, 200, 200, 200);

Re: [9] Review request for 8035069 [macosx] Loading resolution variants by demand

2014-03-14 Thread Alexander Scherbatiy


Could you review the updated fix:

On 3/13/2014 12:21 PM, Petr Pchelko wrote:

Hello, Alexander.

1. As Sergey always says, could you please split the long lines.
2. Instead of the MultiResolutionImageMapper you could use a BiFunction
3. About the ImageCache. As it's uses an AppContext, could you please mention 
in the JavaDoc that is must be used from the thread with an AppContext only?

 1. 2. and 3 are updated.

4. I don't really like that you are duplicating the RecyclableSingleton class. 
May be it's better to make also move it out from and reuse?
  I have added the getSoftReferenceValue(Object key, Supplier 
supplier) method to the AppContext class. It should reduce the code 

5. Looks like the old ImageCache contained the following lines:

  116 if ( {
  117 return false;
  118 }
I agree that these are probably not needed, but could you please verify that? 
Also after these were removed the ImageCache.setImage never returns false, so 
it could be made void.
 Thank you for pointing it out. This is the necessary check for the 
animated images in the Aqua L&F. I just forgot to move it to the 

 I have found one more issue that ImageIcon preloads images by 
calling image.getProperty("comment", imageObserver) where the imageObserver
 is usually null. The MultiResolutionBufferedImage created 
non-preloaded resolution variants and they were not shown because 
JMenuItem as an image observer
 returns false for the image loading. This is described in the 
issue 8037405 JMenuItem should check L&F icons in the image observer

  It seems as a common problem so I added resolution variants 
preloading to the MultiResolutionBufferedImage.


With best regards. Petr.

On 12.03.2014, at 19:03, Alexander Scherbatiy  


Could you review the fix:

  Image resolution variants are generated by request and cached in the 

  - ImageCache is refactored to store different type of images and moved to 
sun.awt.image package.
  - An object is used as the cache key instead of hash code to prevent 
inetsection of hash codes for
different type of images.
  - The base image for MultiResolutionBufferedImage is not cached and used for 
the hash code calculation
in the getResolutionVariant method.


[9] Review request for 8035069 [macosx] Loading resolution variants by demand

2014-03-12 Thread Alexander Scherbatiy


Could you review the fix:

  Image resolution variants are generated by request and cached in the 

  - ImageCache is refactored to store different type of images and 
moved to sun.awt.image package.
  - An object is used as the cache key instead of hash code to prevent 
inetsection of hash codes for

different type of images.
  - The base image for MultiResolutionBufferedImage is not cached and 
used for the hash code calculation

in the getResolutionVariant method.


[9] Review request for 8036598 [macosx] Create AquaIcons from image representations

2014-03-04 Thread Alexander Scherbatiy


Could you review the fix:

  The fix creates an AquaIcon based on resolution variants.
  It becomes possible after the fix 8033534 where CImage returns
  a MultiResolution image based on NSImage representations.


Re: [9] Review request for 8033534 Get MultiResolution image from native system

2014-03-04 Thread Alexander Scherbatiy

 Could you review the updated fix:

SetObjectArrayElement call.

Hope that the exception will never be thrown in the production code.


On 3/4/2014 4:12 PM, Sergey Bylokhov wrote:

On 3/4/14 3:53 PM, Petr Pchelko wrote:

I'm fine with the fix.

Hello, Alexander.

In CImage.m:430 - Do we really want to describe and clear the 
May be it's better to simply return NULL and let Java handle the 

This made sense when you were continuing the loop, but now doesn't.
   The exception is cleared because it should not be thrown on the 
Java side.
   For example the 
   should not throw an exception in case if 
nativeGetNSImageRepresentationSizes() call fails.

   It should just return an Image without resolution variants.
   The ExceptionDescribe is left just for debugging purposes.

In real life this will never happen, so I'm fine with any decision)
Just CHECK_EXCEPTION_RETUEN looks nicer than these 3 lines.
I agree. If call to nativeGetNSImageRepresentationSizes will fail, 
will mean that some error exists in our code and it will be better to 
fail fast in this case, just return and throw and exception on java side.

With best regards. Petr.

On 04.03.2014, at 15:39, Alexander Scherbatiy 

On 3/4/2014 3:30 PM, Petr Pchelko wrote:

Hello, Alexander.

In CImage.m:430 - Do we really want to describe and clear the 
May be it's better to simply return NULL and let Java handle the 

This made sense when you were continuing the loop, but now doesn't.
   The exception is cleared because it should not be thrown on the 
Java side.
   For example the 
   should not throw an exception in case if 
nativeGetNSImageRepresentationSizes() call fails.

   It should just return an Image without resolution variants.
   The ExceptionDescribe is left just for debugging purposes.


With best regards. Petr.

On 04.03.2014, at 15:04, Alexander Scherbatiy 


Could you review the updated fix:

  - NULL is returned for all cases from the 
nativeGetNSImageRepresentationsCount method

  - long lines are split
  - SetObjectArrayElement can throw ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException 
and ArrayStoreException exceptions.
We do not expect neither of them because the same length and 
type is used for the array creation and element settings.
I updated the exception handling to return NULL if an 
exception occurs.


On 3/3/2014 11:48 PM, Sergey Bylokhov wrote:

Hi, Alexander.
nativeGetNSImageRepresentationsCount three times return different 
values in case of error (0, NULL, nil).
What exception we expect from the SetObjectArrayElement and why 
we continue in this case?

Also please split soo long lines in these files.

On 2/26/14 6:40 PM, Alexander Scherbatiy wrote:


  Could you review the updated fix:

On 2/26/2014 4:54 PM, Petr Pchelko wrote:

Hello, Alexander.

I have a couple of comments:

1. You could replace the first loop with 
indexOfObjectPassingTest method.. Not sure if this would look 
cleaner, up to you.
Updated. There is one more way to use one loop instead of 
two. All of them does not look simple.

  2. I suppose JNFNewObjectArray could throw the OOM and we 
would get a parfait warning, could you please add 

3. In you are setting the currentImageIndex to the 
biggest image representation smaller that the one requested and 
this representation
would be used as a base one in the 
MultiResolutionBufferedImage. However in 
MultiResolutionBufferedImage getResolutionVariant you are 
the smallest variant bigger than the requested one. Is this 
I think that it is correct. Assume that an image with size 
300x300 is requested but there are only resolution variants with 
sizes [250x250] and [350x350].
The resolution variant with  [350x350] size is used as the 
base image.  Now we need to draw the image to region [300x300]. 
The resolution variant
with size [350x350] will be used from the MultiResolution 


Thank you.
With best regards. Petr.

On 26.02.2014, at 16:08, Alexander Scherbatiy 


  Could you review the updated fix:

  This is the same fix. The only difference is that the 
MultiResolutionBufferedImage class is used from the fix 


On 2/10/2014 7:05 PM, Scott Palmer wrote:
Just to be clear, "the

Re: [9] Review request for 8033534 Get MultiResolution image from native system

2014-03-04 Thread Alexander Scherbatiy

On 3/4/2014 3:30 PM, Petr Pchelko wrote:

Hello, Alexander.

In CImage.m:430 - Do we really want to describe and clear the exception?
May be it's better to simply return NULL and let Java handle the exception?
This made sense when you were continuing the loop, but now doesn't.
   The exception is cleared because it should not be thrown on the Java 
   For example the 
Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage("NSImage://NSApplicationIcon") call
   should not throw an exception in case if 
nativeGetNSImageRepresentationSizes() call fails.

   It should just return an Image without resolution variants.
   The ExceptionDescribe is left just for debugging purposes.


With best regards. Petr.

On 04.03.2014, at 15:04, Alexander Scherbatiy  


Could you review the updated fix:

  - NULL is returned for all cases from the 
nativeGetNSImageRepresentationsCount method
  - long lines are split
  - SetObjectArrayElement can throw ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException and 
ArrayStoreException exceptions.
We do not expect neither of them because the same length and type is used 
for the array creation and element settings.
I updated the exception handling to return NULL if an exception occurs.


On 3/3/2014 11:48 PM, Sergey Bylokhov wrote:

Hi, Alexander.
nativeGetNSImageRepresentationsCount three times return different values in 
case of error (0, NULL, nil).
What exception we expect from the SetObjectArrayElement and why we continue in 
this case?
Also please split soo long lines in these files.

On 2/26/14 6:40 PM, Alexander Scherbatiy wrote:


  Could you review the updated fix:

On 2/26/2014 4:54 PM, Petr Pchelko wrote:

Hello, Alexander.

I have a couple of comments:

1. You could replace the first loop with indexOfObjectPassingTest method.. Not 
sure if this would look cleaner, up to you.

Updated. There is one more way to use one loop instead of two. All of them 
does not look simple.

  2. I suppose JNFNewObjectArray could throw the OOM and we would get a parfait 
warning, could you please add CHECK_NULL_RETURN after it.


3. In you are setting the currentImageIndex to the biggest image 
representation smaller that the one requested and this representation
would be used as a base one in the MultiResolutionBufferedImage. However in 
MultiResolutionBufferedImage getResolutionVariant you are returning
the smallest variant bigger than the requested one. Is this correct?

I think that it is correct. Assume that an image with size 300x300 is 
requested but there are only resolution variants with sizes [250x250] and 
The resolution variant with  [350x350] size is used as the base image.  Now 
we need to draw the image to region [300x300]. The resolution variant
with size [350x350] will be used from the MultiResolution image.


Thank you.
With best regards. Petr.

On 26.02.2014, at 16:08, Alexander Scherbatiy  


  Could you review the updated fix:

  This is the same fix. The only difference is that the 
MultiResolutionBufferedImage class is used from the fix JDK-8035069.


On 2/10/2014 7:05 PM, Scott Palmer wrote:

Just to be clear, "the image representations are chosen to be closest to the 
requested size" is not accurate.
This change returns the smallest image representation that is greater than or 
equal to the requested size.  (Which I believe is the correct thing to do.)
A smaller image representation may be closer to the requested size, but it 
makes more sense to return a larger image since scaling down to size should 
produce better results than scaling up.


On Mon, Feb 10, 2014 at 8:53 AM, Alexander Scherbatiy>> wrote:

Could you review the updated fix:

 - The image representations are chosen to be closest to the
requested size.


On 2/4/2014 5:00 PM, Sergey Bylokhov wrote:

Hi, Alexander.
I think that getResolutionVariant should return an image which
is close as much as possible to the requested size.

    On 04.02.2014 16:42, Alexander Scherbatiy wrote:


Could you review the fix:

- The method that gets a sorted array of NSImage
representaion pixel sizes for the given image size is added

Re: [9] Review request for 8033534 Get MultiResolution image from native system

2014-03-04 Thread Alexander Scherbatiy


 Could you review the updated fix:

  - NULL is returned for all cases from the 
nativeGetNSImageRepresentationsCount method

  - long lines are split
  - SetObjectArrayElement can throw ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException and 
ArrayStoreException exceptions.
We do not expect neither of them because the same length and type 
is used for the array creation and element settings.

I updated the exception handling to return NULL if an exception occurs.


On 3/3/2014 11:48 PM, Sergey Bylokhov wrote:

Hi, Alexander.
nativeGetNSImageRepresentationsCount three times return different 
values in case of error (0, NULL, nil).
What exception we expect from the SetObjectArrayElement and why we 
continue in this case?

Also please split soo long lines in these files.

On 2/26/14 6:40 PM, Alexander Scherbatiy wrote:


  Could you review the updated fix:

On 2/26/2014 4:54 PM, Petr Pchelko wrote:

Hello, Alexander.

I have a couple of comments:

1. You could replace the first loop with indexOfObjectPassingTest 
method.. Not sure if this would look cleaner, up to you.
Updated. There is one more way to use one loop instead of two. 
All of them does not look simple.

  2. I suppose JNFNewObjectArray could throw the OOM and we would 
get a parfait warning, could you please add CHECK_NULL_RETURN after it.

3. In you are setting the currentImageIndex to the 
biggest image representation smaller that the one requested and this 
would be used as a base one in the MultiResolutionBufferedImage. 
However in MultiResolutionBufferedImage getResolutionVariant you are 

the smallest variant bigger than the requested one. Is this correct?
I think that it is correct. Assume that an image with size 
300x300 is requested but there are only resolution variants with 
sizes [250x250] and [350x350].
The resolution variant with  [350x350] size is used as the base 
image.  Now we need to draw the image to region [300x300]. The 
resolution variant

with size [350x350] will be used from the MultiResolution image.


Thank you.
With best regards. Petr.

On 26.02.2014, at 16:08, Alexander Scherbatiy 


  Could you review the updated fix:

  This is the same fix. The only difference is that the 
MultiResolutionBufferedImage class is used from the fix JDK-8035069.


On 2/10/2014 7:05 PM, Scott Palmer wrote:
Just to be clear, "the image representations are chosen to be 
closest to the requested size" is not accurate.
This change returns the smallest image representation that is 
greater than or equal to the requested size.  (Which I believe is 
the correct thing to do.)
A smaller image representation may be closer to the requested 
size, but it makes more sense to return a larger image since 
scaling down to size should produce better results than scaling up.


On Mon, Feb 10, 2014 at 8:53 AM, Alexander Scherbatiy 
<>> wrote:

Could you review the updated fix:

 - The image representations are chosen to be closest to the
requested size.


On 2/4/2014 5:00 PM, Sergey Bylokhov wrote:

Hi, Alexander.
I think that getResolutionVariant should return an image 

is close as much as possible to the requested size.

On 04.02.2014 16:42, Alexander Scherbatiy wrote:


Could you review the fix:

- The method that gets a sorted array of NSImage
representaion pixel sizes for the given image size is 

- A MultiResolution image is created if an NSImage has
several representations for the given image size


Best regards, Sergey.

Re: [9] Review request for 8033534 Get MultiResolution image from native system

2014-02-26 Thread Alexander Scherbatiy


  Could you review the updated fix:

On 2/26/2014 4:54 PM, Petr Pchelko wrote:

Hello, Alexander.

I have a couple of comments:

1. You could replace the first loop with indexOfObjectPassingTest method.. Not 
sure if this would look cleaner, up to you.
Updated. There is one more way to use one loop instead of two. All 
of them does not look simple.

2. I suppose JNFNewObjectArray could throw the OOM and we would get a parfait warning, could you please add CHECK_NULL_RETURN after it.


3. In you are setting the currentImageIndex to the biggest image 
representation smaller that the one requested and this representation
would be used as a base one in the MultiResolutionBufferedImage. However in 
MultiResolutionBufferedImage getResolutionVariant you are returning
the smallest variant bigger than the requested one. Is this correct?
I think that it is correct. Assume that an image with size 300x300 
is requested but there are only resolution variants with sizes [250x250] 
and [350x350].
The resolution variant with  [350x350] size is used as the base 
image.  Now we need to draw the image to region [300x300]. The 
resolution variant

with size [350x350] will be used from the MultiResolution image.


Thank you.
With best regards. Petr.

On 26.02.2014, at 16:08, Alexander Scherbatiy  


  Could you review the updated fix:

  This is the same fix. The only difference is that the 
MultiResolutionBufferedImage class is used from the fix JDK-8035069.


On 2/10/2014 7:05 PM, Scott Palmer wrote:

Just to be clear, "the image representations are chosen to be closest to the 
requested size" is not accurate.
This change returns the smallest image representation that is greater than or 
equal to the requested size.  (Which I believe is the correct thing to do.)
A smaller image representation may be closer to the requested size, but it 
makes more sense to return a larger image since scaling down to size should 
produce better results than scaling up.


On Mon, Feb 10, 2014 at 8:53 AM, Alexander Scherbatiy>> wrote:

Could you review the updated fix:

 - The image representations are chosen to be closest to the
requested size.


On 2/4/2014 5:00 PM, Sergey Bylokhov wrote:

Hi, Alexander.
I think that getResolutionVariant should return an image which
is close as much as possible to the requested size.

    On 04.02.2014 16:42, Alexander Scherbatiy wrote:


Could you review the fix:

- The method that gets a sorted array of NSImage
representaion pixel sizes for the given image size is added
- A MultiResolution image is created if an NSImage has
several representations for the given image size


Re: [9] Review request for 8033534 Get MultiResolution image from native system

2014-02-26 Thread Alexander Scherbatiy


  Could you review the updated fix:

  This is the same fix. The only difference is that the 
MultiResolutionBufferedImage class is used from the fix JDK-8035069.


On 2/10/2014 7:05 PM, Scott Palmer wrote:
Just to be clear, "the image representations are chosen to be closest 
to the requested size" is not accurate.
This change returns the smallest image representation that is greater 
than or equal to the requested size.  (Which I believe is the correct 
thing to do.)
A smaller image representation may be closer to the requested size, 
but it makes more sense to return a larger image since scaling down to 
size should produce better results than scaling up.


On Mon, Feb 10, 2014 at 8:53 AM, Alexander Scherbatiy 
<>> wrote:

Could you review the updated fix:

 - The image representations are chosen to be closest to the
requested size.


On 2/4/2014 5:00 PM, Sergey Bylokhov wrote:

Hi, Alexander.
I think that getResolutionVariant should return an image which
is close as much as possible to the requested size.

On 04.02.2014 16:42, Alexander Scherbatiy wrote:


Could you review the fix:

- The method that gets a sorted array of NSImage
representaion pixel sizes for the given image size is added
- A MultiResolution image is created if an NSImage has
several representations for the given image size


Re: [9] Review request for 8031573 [macosx] Checkmarks of JCheckBoxMenuItems aren't rendered in high resolution on Retina

2014-02-25 Thread Alexander Scherbatiy

On 2/24/2014 5:59 PM, Hendrik Schreiber wrote:

Hey guys,

will this fix cover JTree folder icons as well? I.e. 
javax.swing.UIManager.getIcon("Tree.closedIcon") returns something that is 
rendered in HiDPI on a a HiDPI display?
This should have been already fixed as part of the issue 8024926 
[macosx] AquaIcon HiDPI support


Or would that be a separate issue?



On Feb 24, 2014, at 14:48, Petr Pchelko  wrote:

Hello, Alexander.

The fix looks good to me.

With best regards. Petr.

On 18.02.2014, at 16:20, Sergey Bylokhov  wrote:

Hi, Alexander.
The fix looks good then.

On 17.02.2014 18:38, Alexander Scherbatiy wrote:

On 2/14/2014 3:16 PM, Sergey Bylokhov wrote:

On 2/14/14 2:32 PM, Alexander Scherbatiy wrote:

On 2/14/2014 2:12 AM, Sergey Bylokhov wrote:

Hi, Alexander.
Did you check option of loading of the picture on demand?Since most of the time 
x2 version is useless on non hdpi and vice versa.

Yes but in this particular case menu items will be painted in one particular 
scale only.

  I have created the separate issue on it:  8035069 [macosx] Loading resolution 
variants by demand


It's not quite true.
   MacOSX choses a necessary image representation based on the current 
transformations. Setting current transformation to scale 2x leads
   that the high resolution image is drawn even on non HiDPI display.

   There is a similar mechanism for the MultiResolution toolkit images. The 
base image is drawn in case if the high-resolution image has not been loaded 
   It has an issue that if there is no one more repaint event the image with 
high resolution is not shown.

  I would suggest to move this topic to a separate issue.


On 13.02.2014 18:04, Alexander Scherbatiy wrote:


Could you review the fix:

The NSMenu* system icons are templates and do not have image representations.

The fix retrieves images with original and double size from an NSImage and put 
them to a MultiResolution image.
The fix also adds sun.awt.image.MultiResolutionBufferedImage class which can be 
used uniformly for a Multiresolution image creation.

The fix is independent of the fix 8033534 Get MultiResolution image from native 
because CImage.createImageFromName(imageName) never returns a MultiResolution 
image for templates.
But the fix 8033534 can be updated to use the MultiResolutionBufferedImage.


Best regards, Sergey.

Re: [9] Review request for 8031573 [macosx] Checkmarks of JCheckBoxMenuItems aren't rendered in high resolution on Retina

2014-02-17 Thread Alexander Scherbatiy

On 2/14/2014 3:16 PM, Sergey Bylokhov wrote:

On 2/14/14 2:32 PM, Alexander Scherbatiy wrote:

On 2/14/2014 2:12 AM, Sergey Bylokhov wrote:

Hi, Alexander.
Did you check option of loading of the picture on demand?Since most 
of the time x2 version is useless on non hdpi and vice versa.
Yes but in this particular case menu items will be painted in one 
particular scale only.

   I have created the separate issue on it:  8035069 [macosx] Loading 
resolution variants by demand


It's not quite true.
MacOSX choses a necessary image representation based on the 
current transformations. Setting current transformation to scale 2x 

that the high resolution image is drawn even on non HiDPI display.

There is a similar mechanism for the MultiResolution toolkit 
images. The base image is drawn in case if the high-resolution image 
has not been loaded yet.
It has an issue that if there is no one more repaint event the 
image with high resolution is not shown.

   I would suggest to move this topic to a separate issue.


On 13.02.2014 18:04, Alexander Scherbatiy wrote:


Could you review the fix:

  The NSMenu* system icons are templates and do not have image 

  The fix retrieves images with original and double size from an 
NSImage and put them to a MultiResolution image.
  The fix also adds sun.awt.image.MultiResolutionBufferedImage 
class which can be used uniformly for a Multiresolution image 

  The fix is independent of the fix 8033534 Get MultiResolution 
image from native system 

  because CImage.createImageFromName(imageName) never returns a 
MultiResolution image for templates.
  But the fix 8033534 can be updated to use the 


Re: [9] Review request for 8031573 [macosx] Checkmarks of JCheckBoxMenuItems aren't rendered in high resolution on Retina

2014-02-14 Thread Alexander Scherbatiy

On 2/14/2014 2:12 AM, Sergey Bylokhov wrote:

Hi, Alexander.
Did you check option of loading of the picture on demand?Since most of 
the time x2 version is useless on non hdpi and vice versa.

It's not quite true.
MacOSX choses a necessary image representation based on the current 
transformations. Setting current transformation to scale 2x leads

that the high resolution image is drawn even on non HiDPI display.

There is a similar mechanism for the MultiResolution toolkit 
images. The base image is drawn in case if the high-resolution image has 
not been loaded yet.
It has an issue that if there is no one more repaint event the 
image with high resolution is not shown.

   I would suggest to move this topic to a separate issue.


On 13.02.2014 18:04, Alexander Scherbatiy wrote:


Could you review the fix:

  The NSMenu* system icons are templates and do not have image 

  The fix retrieves images with original and double size from an 
NSImage and put them to a MultiResolution image.
  The fix also adds sun.awt.image.MultiResolutionBufferedImage class 
which can be used uniformly for a Multiresolution image creation.

  The fix is independent of the fix 8033534 Get MultiResolution image 
from native system
  because CImage.createImageFromName(imageName) never returns a 
MultiResolution image for templates.
  But the fix 8033534 can be updated to use the 


[9] Review request for 8031573 [macosx] Checkmarks of JCheckBoxMenuItems aren't rendered in high resolution on Retina

2014-02-13 Thread Alexander Scherbatiy


Could you review the fix:

  The NSMenu* system icons are templates and do not have image 

  The fix retrieves images with original and double size from an 
NSImage and put them to a MultiResolution image.
  The fix also adds sun.awt.image.MultiResolutionBufferedImage class 
which can be used uniformly for a Multiresolution image creation.

  The fix is independent of the fix 8033534 Get MultiResolution image 
from native system
  because CImage.createImageFromName(imageName) never returns a 
MultiResolution image for templates.
  But the fix 8033534 can be updated to use the 


Re: [9] Review request for 8033534 Get MultiResolution image from native system

2014-02-10 Thread Alexander Scherbatiy

Could you review the updated fix:

 - The image representations are chosen to be closest to the requested 


On 2/4/2014 5:00 PM, Sergey Bylokhov wrote:

Hi, Alexander.
I think that getResolutionVariant should return an image which is 
close as much as possible to the requested size.

On 04.02.2014 16:42, Alexander Scherbatiy wrote:


Could you review the fix:

- The method that gets a sorted array of NSImage representaion pixel 
sizes for the given image size is added
- A MultiResolution image is created if an NSImage has several 
representations for the given image size


[9] Review request for 8033534 Get MultiResolution image from native system

2014-02-04 Thread Alexander Scherbatiy


Could you review the fix:

- The method that gets a sorted array of NSImage representaion pixel 
sizes for the given image size is added
- A MultiResolution image is created if an NSImage has several 
representations for the given image size


Re: Nimbus color differences between JDK versions

2014-01-30 Thread Alexander Scherbatiy

  Hi Robert,

 Could you send a sample that draws a JTree and set necessary 
icons/colors in the Nimbus L&F to investigate the issue?


On 1/30/2014 12:52 PM, Robert Krüger wrote:


we are in the process of migrating an application from Apple JDK 6 to
OpenJDK 8, which is going pretty well thanks to the progress that's
been made in recent months by the Oracle team (thanks for that). Now
we discovered that for the time being we will have to deploy with a
bundled Oracle JRE 7 (currently testing v. 1.7.0_51). When we started
our application with that runtime, we encountered significant problems
with UI colors (see attached screen shots comparing a tree in the
three mentioned runtimes). Now, the color difference between Apple JDK
and Open JDK is not the main problem but the one with Oracle JRE 7
certainly is because in Nimbus (which we use with some color
modifications), the color changes don't seem to be consistent leading
to the effect that you see in the tree example. Before I put lots of
"if (jdkVersion == X) modify colors ..." in our code and adjust this
by trial and error, is this known and is there a better approach for
solving this systematically?

Here are the screenshots as links (if they don't make it through as



Re: Drawing HiDPI component to BufferedImage

2014-01-24 Thread Alexander Scherbatiy

 Hi Hendrik,

 The API that allows to create custom images for HiDPI displays is only 
under discussion now.
 It can be found in the thread:
 It also contains a link to the patch that allows SunGraphics2D class 
to correctly draw multi-resolution images.

 You can try to apply the patch to the JDK 9 and check that it works 
for your case.


On 1/24/2014 12:05 PM, Hendrik Schreiber wrote:


to animate a component, I usually draw it to a BufferedImage and then draw that 
image to the glass pane, where I can easily move it around without having to 
completely re-render the component all the time. Unfortunately, this technique 
does not work well on Retina/HiDPI displays, as I can't seem to be able to 
convince any components to render in high resolution to a BufferedImage.

Is there a way to paint components to BufferedImages in high resolution?
I'd like something like:

 final Image image = component.createImage(component.getWidth(), 
 // then go on to use the image...

to work properly.



Setting a component orientation in JRSUI

2014-01-22 Thread Alexander Scherbatiy


 Below is the code that shows that setting a component orientation for 
the JProgressBar in Aqua L&F does not work.

  My assumption was that the Direction should be properly set to the 
painter state in the AquaProgressBarUI like:

public void paint(final Graphics g, final JComponent c) {
   painter.state.set(c.getComponentOrientation().isLeftToRight() ? 
Direction.RIGHT : Direction.LEFT);

but it does not work.

 The painter calls the JRSUI library to show components on Mac OS X.

 Is there any specification for the JRSUI library?
 What is the right way to set the component direction in the JRSUI.


 --  Code Sample  --
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;

public class JProgressBarOrientationTest {

static boolean leftToRight = true;

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {

public void run() {
JFrame frame = new JFrame();
frame.setSize(300, 200);

final JProgressBar progressBar = new JProgressBar(0, 100);

JButton button = new JButton("Change orientation");
button.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {

public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
leftToRight = !leftToRight;
progressBar.setComponentOrientation(leftToRight ? 
ComponentOrientation.LEFT_TO_RIGHT : ComponentOrientation.RIGHT_TO_LEFT);


JPanel panel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
panel.add(progressBar, BorderLayout.CENTER);
panel.add(button, BorderLayout.SOUTH);

Re: [8] Review request for 8028212 Custom cursor HiDPI support

2013-12-05 Thread Alexander Scherbatiy

  Could you review the updated fix:

  - CImage.createFromImage() method is updated to handle 
  - resizeRepresentations() method is moved from Creator to the CImage 
  - nativeResizeImageRepresentations method is renamed to 
nativeResizeNSImageRepresentations in the CImage class

  - ImageReprese-M-tations typo is fixed in the CImage native code


On 12/4/2013 8:24 PM, Anthony Petrov wrote:

Thanks for the update, Alexander. I understand.

So, my only concerns that remain are:

1. The membership of the resizeImageRepresentations() method.

2. The encapsulation of the logic handling the 
Image/MultiResolutionImage case (see at the bottom of my original 

best regards,

On 12/04/2013 06:59 PM, Alexander Scherbatiy wrote:

On 12/3/2013 9:06 PM, Anthony Petrov wrote:

Hi Alexander,

If we go with this fix, I suggest to move the
CImage.Creator.resizeImageRepresentations() to the CImage class and
make it a member method, so that you don't need to pass a CImage
reference to it as an argument.

 I will update this.

Also, there's the CImage.resize() method already. Why does it not work
for us? Having a specification for both methods (or for one, if the
second is unneeded) might be helpful.

  I do not know why, but SetNSImageSize (  [i
setScalesWhenResized:TRUE], [i setSize:NSMakeSize(w, h)]) just does not
work in this case. The high resolution representation is not chosen on
  my Mac OS X with enabled Quartz Debug.

 I tried to narrow the problem and write the cocoa code. It is
described in


However, I'm not sure if we really want to resize each representation
of an NSImage object to the same size. Why would we want to do that?
In fact, one of the representations might already have the correct
size, and we could use just that whenever we need it w/o wasting
resources on resizing each of them. If there's no representations of
suitable size, then we should choose the closest one and resize just
it to the desired size. Or am I misunderstanding anything?

Also, in CCustomCursor.getImageData(), could we somehow encapsulate a
part (or all) of the Image vs. MultiResolutionImage logic in the
CImage.Creator class?

PS. I'm not really an expert in Image handling code. I'd suggest
someone from the 2D team to review this as well. Maybe Jim could help?

best regards,

On 12/03/2013 08:32 PM, Alexander Scherbatiy wrote:


Could you review the fix:

   - MultiResolutionImage interface is used from the fix 8011059
   - NSImage with representations are created for the multi-resolution
   - NSImage representations are rescaled to the base cursor size


Re: [8] Review request for 8024926 [macosx] AquaIcon HiDPI support

2013-12-05 Thread Alexander Scherbatiy

 Could you review the updated fix:

   - the graphics object is disposed in the 
AquaImageFactory.MultiResolutionIconImage constructor


On 12/3/2013 8:39 PM, Anthony Petrov wrote:

Hi Alexander,

The Graphics obtained at line 519 in is never 

Other than that, the fix looks good to me (although I'm not an expert 
in Aqua L&F or HiDPI support code).

best regards,

On 12/03/2013 08:11 PM, Alexander Scherbatiy wrote:

   Could you review the updated fix:
   - MultiResolutionImage interface is used from the fix 8011059
   - Only icons with resolution 1x and 2x are created.

 The real Mac OS X system icon have more resolutions.
 The full fix requires retrieving and handling all NSImage
representations. It can be addressed for the next release.


On 10/29/2013 8:47 PM, Alexander Scherbatiy wrote:


Could you review the fix:

The fix returns a high resolution system icon in the overridden
getScaledInstance(width, height, hints) method.

The fix relies on the fix for the issue JDK-8011059 [macosx] Make JDK
demos look perfect on retina displays:
 - getScaledInstance(width, height, hints) method is used for the
image drawing when IMAGE_SCALING hints are enabled
 - LWCToolkit.ScalableToolkitImage class is public


Re: [8] Review request for 8028212 Custom cursor HiDPI support

2013-12-04 Thread Alexander Scherbatiy

On 12/3/2013 9:06 PM, Anthony Petrov wrote:

Hi Alexander,

If we go with this fix, I suggest to move the 
CImage.Creator.resizeImageRepresentations() to the CImage class and 
make it a member method, so that you don't need to pass a CImage 
reference to it as an argument.

I will update this.

Also, there's the CImage.resize() method already. Why does it not work 
for us? Having a specification for both methods (or for one, if the 
second is unneeded) might be helpful.

 I do not know why, but SetNSImageSize (  [i 
setScalesWhenResized:TRUE], [i setSize:NSMakeSize(w, h)]) just does not 
work in this case. The high resolution representation is not chosen on

 my Mac OS X with enabled Quartz Debug.

I tried to narrow the problem and write the cocoa code. It is 
described in


However, I'm not sure if we really want to resize each representation 
of an NSImage object to the same size. Why would we want to do that? 
In fact, one of the representations might already have the correct 
size, and we could use just that whenever we need it w/o wasting 
resources on resizing each of them. If there's no representations of 
suitable size, then we should choose the closest one and resize just 
it to the desired size. Or am I misunderstanding anything?

Also, in CCustomCursor.getImageData(), could we somehow encapsulate a 
part (or all) of the Image vs. MultiResolutionImage logic in the 
CImage.Creator class?

PS. I'm not really an expert in Image handling code. I'd suggest 
someone from the 2D team to review this as well. Maybe Jim could help?

best regards,

On 12/03/2013 08:32 PM, Alexander Scherbatiy wrote:


Could you review the fix:

   - MultiResolutionImage interface is used from the fix 8011059
   - NSImage with representations are created for the multi-resolution
   - NSImage representations are rescaled to the base cursor size


Re: [OpenJDK 2D-Dev] [8] Review request for 8011059 [macosx] Make JDK demos look perfect on retina displays

2013-12-04 Thread Alexander Scherbatiy

  Could you review the updated fix:
  - Observer and rvObserver are used to get width/hight from 
image/rvImage in SunGraphics2D

  - width and height are rounded up in the image observer wrapper
  - width and height are also rescaled for the SOMEBITS, FRAMEBITS , 
and ALLBITS infoflags


On 12/3/2013 9:49 PM, Jim Graham wrote:

Hi Alexander,

There is one last thing that I think I forgot to mention in SG2D that 
might make some other comments I made make more sense.  There is no 
observer registered on the resolution variant in SG2D.drawHiDPIImage() 
in the case where the resolution variant hasn't been loaded yet. 
Basically, the lines at 3099,3100 will trigger the variant to load, 
but there is no observer in those calls to trace it back to the guy 
who needs to call drawImage() again.  So, the only thing I think that 
needs to be done is that the observer needs to be wrapped and handed 
in to those calls to getWidth/Height(observer).

The rest of that method looks fine - the regular variant will be used 
(and will trigger repaints via the code that calls into drawImage()) 
until the base image dimensions are known enough to trigger the 
getResolutionVariant() code, and then we might continue to use the 
regular version until the resolution variant at least knows its 
dimensions, and that is all OK, but we need to start using the 
observer wrapper on the resolution variant starting at lines 3099,3100 
in order to get the repaints to keep happening for that version of the 

Arguably, in addition, the unwrapped observer probably could be used 
on lines 3089, 3090 when you get the dimensions of the base image, but 
since the base image will later be handed to the drawImage pipeline, 
the observer will be registered there anyway, so that isn't a bug.  
But, the wrapped observer needs to be used on 3099,3100 or we may 
never repaint with the resolution variant (it will be a race condition 
based on how fast the regular and hiDPI images load).

More comments below, but that is the only remaining blocker that I can 

On 12/3/13 3:48 AM, Alexander Scherbatiy wrote:

On 12/3/2013 1:16 AM, Jim Graham wrote:

On 12/2/13 4:55 AM, Alexander Scherbatiy wrote:

On 11/30/2013 3:27 AM, Jim Graham wrote:

Hi Alexander,

I suppose the wrapping solution works for ImageObservers, but I think
the suggestion I gave in recent emails was to simply modify the
newInfo method (and a couple of other methods) to deliver the same
information with no caches, no hashmaps/lookups, no wrapping the
observer, and no wrapping with soft references.  Keep in mind that
observers are typically references to Component objects so any delay
in processing the soft references could keep relatively large
component hierarchies in play (if they are parents).  It should work
well for a first draft, though.

 It seems that just updating the newInfo method is not enough.

There were 5 or 6 places that called imageUpdate when I did a quick
search and most of the calls went through newInfo.  They'd all have to
be updated.  Other than that, I'm not sure why it would not be enough?

   Consider the following scenario. There are image.png and im...@2x.png
files on the disk.
 Image image1 = Toolkit.getImage("image.png");  // load as
multi-resolution image
 Image image2 = Toolkit.getImage("im...@2x.png");  // load the image
from cache
 toolkit.prepareImage(image2,.., imageObserver2);

The image2 has image1 as the base image so it rescale its
coordinates/dimension and passes the base instead of self to the
imageObserver2 which does not look correct.

I see your point now.  I had thought that they would be cached 
separately, but I see now that both are inserted into the hash 
directly.  That allows sharing if they access both manually, but it 
complicates the observer issue.  I don't think I would have bothered 
with sharing the Image instance with a manual reference to the @2x in 
that case, but we should be able to handle both in a future bug fix 
and hopefully also get rid of wrappers, but it would take some surgery 
on the drawImage pipeline and the record keeping in the observer 
lists.  The existing solution will work fine for @2x images and allow 
sharing so it is good to go for now (modulo the one issue with using 
the wrapper for the getWidth()/getHeight() I mentioned above).

Also, why does ObserverCache exist? Couldn't the cache just be a
static field on MRToolkitImage?

  MRToolkitImage can be used in drawImage(Image,..,ImageObserver)
method always with null observer. So the is no need to create the
observer cache or use a synchronization during the cache 

Maybe I'm missing something about your answer here, but I think you
may have misunderstood my question.  You placed the field that holds
the reference to the cache inside an inner class.  I didn&

[8] Review request for 8028212 Custom cursor HiDPI support

2013-12-03 Thread Alexander Scherbatiy


Could you review the fix:

  - MultiResolutionImage interface is used from the fix 8011059
  - NSImage with representations are created for the multi-resolution 

  - NSImage representations are rescaled to the base cursor size


Re: [8] Review request for 8024926 [macosx] AquaIcon HiDPI support

2013-12-03 Thread Alexander Scherbatiy

  Could you review the updated fix:
  - MultiResolutionImage interface is used from the fix 8011059
  - Only icons with resolution 1x and 2x are created.

The real Mac OS X system icon have more resolutions.
The full fix requires retrieving and handling all NSImage 
representations. It can be addressed for the next release.


On 10/29/2013 8:47 PM, Alexander Scherbatiy wrote:


Could you review the fix:

The fix returns a high resolution system icon in the overridden 
getScaledInstance(width, height, hints) method.

The fix relies on the fix for the issue JDK-8011059 [macosx] Make JDK 
demos look perfect on retina displays:
 - getScaledInstance(width, height, hints) method is used for the 
image drawing when IMAGE_SCALING hints are enabled

 - LWCToolkit.ScalableToolkitImage class is public


Re: [OpenJDK 2D-Dev] [8] Review request for 8011059 [macosx] Make JDK demos look perfect on retina displays

2013-12-03 Thread Alexander Scherbatiy


 Could you review the updated fix:
  - observer cache is returned back
  - resolution variant x/y/width/height are divided by 2 in the 
observer wrapper

On 12/3/2013 1:16 AM, Jim Graham wrote:

Hi Alexander,

There must have been a miscommunication.  While I think the cache has 
some issues that worry me, it is absolutely needed if you are going to 
wrap the observer.  You can't just delete it and re-wrap the observer 
on every call because that will create a number of problems.  If you 
are going to use a wrapper solution then we will need to live with the 
potential issues of a cache.

Note that the underlying ImageReps store lists of observers to be 
notified.  You will be growing that list every time a call is made on 
an image because each new wrapper looks like a new observer. For an 
animated GIF the number of drawImage calls and associated wrappers 
could be infinite (since they are never fully loaded). Also, for each 
new wrapper, an additional callback is performed. This will drive the 
performance of an animated GIF into the ground after a time when 
thousands of growing callbacks are issued for each frame.

If you are going to use observer wrappers then you must cache the 
wrapper so you reuse the same wrapper on every new call.

On 12/2/13 4:55 AM, Alexander Scherbatiy wrote:

   Could you review the updated fix:
 - Image observers are not cached now for the resolution variants
 - base image width and height are checked in the wrapped image

On 11/30/2013 3:27 AM, Jim Graham wrote:

Hi Alexander,

I suppose the wrapping solution works for ImageObservers, but I think
the suggestion I gave in recent emails was to simply modify the
newInfo method (and a couple of other methods) to deliver the same
information with no caches, no hashmaps/lookups, no wrapping the
observer, and no wrapping with soft references.  Keep in mind that
observers are typically references to Component objects so any delay
in processing the soft references could keep relatively large
component hierarchies in play (if they are parents).  It should work
well for a first draft, though.

 It seems that just updating the newInfo method is not enough.

There were 5 or 6 places that called imageUpdate when I did a quick 
search and most of the calls went through newInfo.  They'd all have to 
be updated.  Other than that, I'm not sure why it would not be enough?

  Consider the following scenario. There are image.png and im...@2x.png 
files on the disk.
Image image1 = Toolkit.getImage("image.png");  // load as 
multi-resolution image
Image image2 = Toolkit.getImage("im...@2x.png");  // load the image 
from cache

toolkit.prepareImage(image2,.., imageObserver2);

   The image2 has image1 as the base image so it rescale its 
coordinates/dimension and passes the base instead of self to the 
imageObserver2 which does not look correct.

 The resolution variant can have a reference to the base image.
Loading the base image it still should compare its result with the
resolution variant loading.
 So the image loading status is just moved from the SunToolkit to
the ToolkitImage.

If you are referring to comparing the new and old dimensions then the 
newInfo method would have access to that information if it could ask a 
resolution variant what its base image is.  That should be a very 
simple change to ToolkitImage (add a set/getBaseImage() method).  Then 
it can do the associated comparisons and parameter adjustments right 
before calling back to the observer.

Perhaps I haven't explained my vision of modifying newInfo very well. 
I'll look into sketching it out in another email since I think the 
cache/wrappers are OK for now.

 I think that the current fix for the checkImage/prepareImage in the
SunToolkit is the simplest  for the current implementation.
 The separate fix for the ToolkitImage/ImageRepresentation can get
all things right.

I didn't really follow you here, but I said above that the cache 
should be fine for now.  The cache is definitely needed if you are 
wrapping observers as I said above in the first couple of paragraphs.

Also, why does ObserverCache exist? Couldn't the cache just be a
static field on MRToolkitImage?

  MRToolkitImage can be used in drawImage(Image,..,ImageObserver)
method always with null observer. So the is no need to create the
observer cache or use a synchronization during the cache initialization.

Maybe I'm missing something about your answer here, but I think you 
may have misunderstood my question.  You placed the field that holds 
the reference to the cache inside an inner class.  I didn't see why 
the reference could not be stored in the base class.  Why is there an 
empty inner class to wrap a single field?  In other words, why w

Re: [OpenJDK 2D-Dev] [8] Review request for 8011059 [macosx] Make JDK demos look perfect on retina displays

2013-12-02 Thread Alexander Scherbatiy

  Could you review the updated fix:
- Image observers are not cached now for the resolution variants
- base image width and height are checked in the wrapped image observer

On 11/30/2013 3:27 AM, Jim Graham wrote:

Hi Alexander,

I suppose the wrapping solution works for ImageObservers, but I think 
the suggestion I gave in recent emails was to simply modify the 
newInfo method (and a couple of other methods) to deliver the same 
information with no caches, no hashmaps/lookups, no wrapping the 
observer, and no wrapping with soft references.  Keep in mind that 
observers are typically references to Component objects so any delay 
in processing the soft references could keep relatively large 
component hierarchies in play (if they are parents).  It should work 
well for a first draft, though.

It seems that just updating the newInfo method is not enough.
The resolution variant can have a reference to the base image. 
Loading the base image it still should compare its result with the 
resolution variant loading.
So the image loading status is just moved from the SunToolkit to 
the ToolkitImage.
I think that the current fix for the checkImage/prepareImage in the 
SunToolkit is the simplest  for the current implementation.
The separate fix for the ToolkitImage/ImageRepresentation can get 
all things right.

Also, why does ObserverCache exist?  Couldn't the cache just be a 
static field on MRToolkitImage?
 MRToolkitImage can be used in drawImage(Image,..,ImageObserver) 
method always with null observer. So the is no need to create the 
observer cache or use a synchronization during the cache initialization.

The current way of baking in the image dimensions assumes that they 
are known.  If the image is loaded asynchronously, then the calls to 
getWidth/Height(null) may return -1 and the cached observer wrapper 
has no way to get them later.  I would think this would fail in the 
typical default scenario where the user gets an image and the first 
even that triggers loading it is to render to the screen which would 
bake the -1's into the observer wrapper in all of those cases.  This 
should probably be addressed sooner rather than later.
I added the base image width/height check to the observer wrapper. 
However, there is no way to rescale image representation width and 
height in case if the base image width and height are not known.

If an @2x image gets an error we silently start using just the regular 
version of the image.  In addition MediaTracker should not reflect 
that error in its answers, but I think it currently does since you add 
it as an implicit extra media with the same ID.  I think this is OK 
for the first pass, but we need to track it as an issue.

I saw that you fixed the toolkit versions of check/prepare image. 
Component also has the same operations (via its peers).  The Component 
versions do back off to the toolkit versions, but only if they fail to 
find an actual peer to delegate to.  Note that MediaTracker uses the 
Component versions so it is affected by this, but I don't think it 
will cause functional problems that I can think of.  Eventually we'd 
want MT to only load the version that is appropriate for the indicated 
Component - and at that point then this might be an issue, but I don't 
think it is an issue for this first draft if it tracks both variations.
   I checked all peers like W/LW/XComponentPeer and toolkits.  They all 
delegate check/prepareImage calls to the default toolkit.


I think it is OK to send multiple notifications to an observer since 
we've always been loose on the exact sequencing and the operations are 
all asynchronous.  There could potentially be several notifications in 
flight at the time that the observer indicates a lack of interest and 
there is no way to stop them.  This could be considered "another case 
of that".  Eventually we could consider addressing this with a tighter 
integration between the wrapper mechanism and the code that calls 
imageUpdate() and receives the answer that the observer is no longer 
interested, but I think this is all OK for now.

The only thing I think we should worry about now for this first draft 
is the issue of getting the right dimensions for the observer 
wrappers. They need to be more asynchronous about that. It already has 
a handle on the original image anyway, so I think it just needs to get 
the dimensions from there instead of passing them into the 
constructor, with appropriate checks for -1's...


On 11/28/13 6:45 AM, Alexander Scherbatiy wrote:

  Could you review the updated fix:

   I have moved new API supporting to the separate issue:
 JDK-8029339 Custom MultiResolution image support on HiDPI displays

Re: [OpenJDK 2D-Dev] [8] Review request for 8011059 [macosx] Make JDK demos look perfect on retina displays

2013-11-28 Thread Alexander Scherbatiy
kes is 
adding "ToolkitImage.set/getBaseImage()" to ToolkitImage, defaulting 
to "this", but the Multi-Res image will set the base image on both of 
its variants to the Multi-Res instance.

Then we get full notices of all resolution variants.

It would be best to scale the xywh supplied there as well.  That 
should be fairly easy, but if it is a big problem then that is lower 
priority than getting the "ALLBITS" notification right, as that is 
the main trigger for so many uses.

(In the future we can add ImageObserver2 (or MultiResObserver?) which 
has support for receiving notifications of variants without 


On 11/27/13 6:28 AM, Sergey Bylokhov wrote:

On 27.11.2013 15:12, Sergey Bylokhov wrote:

Probably we are in a point when it is necessary to stop and move out
all extensions to the separate bugs.
We should give a time to our sqe to test these changes.
Actually current version looks good to me.

Small additional notes, It would be good:
  - to wrap initial observer in the drawImage and replace img/x,y,
in the observer.
  - don't draw hidpi image, if it was loaded with errors.
  - package should be used?
  - If MediaTracker was requested to load MultiResolutionImage,it should
load all versions?

On 26.11.2013 2:31, Jim Graham wrote:

On 11/25/13 5:51 AM, Alexander Scherbatiy wrote:

On 11/23/2013 5:11 AM, Jim Graham wrote:

Hi Alexander,

If we are going to be advertising it as something that developers 

in production code then we would need to file this via CCC. With the
current implementation, any user that has their own ImageObservers
must use this API and so it becomes not only public, at a time when
there is a lockdown on new public API in 8.0, but it also means that
we are tied to its implementation and we can't rely on "it was
experimental and so we can change it at any point" - you can't say
that about an API that is necessary to correctly use a touted 

 This issue has its own history.  It has been already fixed 
for the
JDK 7u for the Java2D demo. It was decided to not bring new API 
for the

HiDPI support in the JDK 7.
 It was suggested to using code like below to create a
  * Class that loads and returns images according to
  * scale factor of graphic device
  *   {@code
  *Image image = new ScalableImage() {
  *public Image createScaledImage(float scaleFactor) {
  *return (scaleFactor <= 1) ? loadImage("image.png")
  *: loadImage("im...@2x.png");
  *Image loadImage(String name){
  *// load image

  It was based on the display scale factor. The scale factor 
should be
manually retrieved from the Graphics2D and was not a part of the 


  From that time it was clear that there should be 2 basic operations
for the HiDPI images support:
   - retrieve an image with necessary resolution
   - retrieve images with all resolutions

   The second one is useful when it is necessary to create one set of
images using the given one (for example, to draw a shape on all

For now, these are just ToolkitImages and you can't draw on them, so
this is moot for the case of @2x support in getImage().

   The JDK 7 solution has been revisited for the JDK 8 and the
CCC request 8011059  has been created and approved.

   Both the JDK-8011059 issue description and the approved CCC 

   A user should have a unified way to provide high resolution images
that can be drawn on HIDPI displays according to the user provided

We've implemented the Hint part of that solution, but the mechanism
for creating custom multi-res images was not workable. I no longer
sit as the client rep on the CCC or I would have pointed that out, my

   The 8011059 fix consists of two parts:
   - Provide a way for a custom image creation that holds images with
different resolutions
   - Load @2x images on Mac OS X

   The first one of the fix can be used without the second. it is not
difficult to crate just a class which loads @2x images using the 

file path/url.

If we support @2x transparently behind the scenes as we are doing
now, who is the requester for the way to create a custom set of
resolution variants?  I think the most important customer-driven
request was to support @2x for the Mac developers, wasn't it?

   Now it is suggested to implement the given MultiResolutionImage
interface  and override two methods:
- Image getResolutionVariant(int width, int height)
- List getResolutionVariants()

An image with necessary resolution should be drawn 
automatically in


Re: [OpenJDK 2D-Dev] [8] Review request for 8011059 [macosx] Make JDK demos look perfect on retina displays

2013-11-25 Thread Alexander Scherbatiy

  Could you review the updated fix:

 - FLIP and TRANSLATE bit masks are also included for the SCALE 
transform checking

 - LWCToolkit checks an image in cache before requesting 
multi-resolution image creation to prevent excessive string manipulation.
   It needs to make imgCache accessible from the LWCToolkit or move 
image2x staff calculation to the SunToolkit to use the right 
   imgCache is not created per Application context so there can be 
issues to make it protected. The image2x staff does not relate to 
   That is why all staff related to ToolkitImage creation used to move 
into ToolkitImageUtil in some previous fix. I just skipped the 
synchronization for this particular case.

 - The containsResolutionVariant method is removed from the 

 - The image observer is nullified in drawImage(Image,..ImageObserver) 
method for the resolution variant.
   The original image is always loaded because it needs to know the 
image width and height for the resolution variant size calculation.
Only the original image sends notifications that an image is 
loaded. The resolution variant is drawn silently so it does not break 
existed image observer implementation.

On 11/23/2013 5:11 AM, Jim Graham wrote:

Hi Alexander,

If we are going to be advertising it as something that developers use 
in production code then we would need to file this via CCC. With the 
current implementation, any user that has their own ImageObservers 
must use this API and so it becomes not only public, at a time when 
there is a lockdown on new public API in 8.0, but it also means that 
we are tied to its implementation and we can't rely on "it was 
experimental and so we can change it at any point" - you can't say 
that about an API that is necessary to correctly use a touted feature.

This issue has its own history.  It has been already fixed for the 
JDK 7u for the Java2D demo. It was decided to not bring new API for the 
HiDPI support in the JDK 7.

It was suggested to using code like below to create a ScalableImage.
 * Class that loads and returns images according to
 * scale factor of graphic device
 *   {@code
 *Image image = new ScalableImage() {
 *public Image createScaledImage(float scaleFactor) {
 *return (scaleFactor <= 1) ? loadImage("image.png")
 *: loadImage("im...@2x.png");
 *Image loadImage(String name){
 *// load image

 It was based on the display scale factor. The scale factor should be 
manually retrieved from the Graphics2D and was not a part of the public API:


 From that time it was clear that there should be 2 basic operations 
for the HiDPI images support:

  - retrieve an image with necessary resolution
  - retrieve images with all resolutions

  The second one is useful when it is necessary to create one set of 
images using the given one (for example, to draw a shape on all images).

  The JDK 7 solution has been revisited for the JDK 8 and the neccesary 
CCC request 8011059  has been created and approved.

  Both the JDK-8011059 issue description and the approved CCC request says:
  A user should have a unified way to provide high resolution images 
that can be drawn on HIDPI displays according to the user provided 


  The 8011059 fix consists of two parts:
  - Provide a way for a custom image creation that holds images with 
different resolutions

  - Load @2x images on Mac OS X

  The first one of the fix can be used without the second. it is not 
difficult to crate just a class which loads @2x images using the given 
file path/url.

  Now it is suggested to implement the given MultiResolutionImage 
interface  and override two methods:

   - Image getResolutionVariant(int width, int height)
   - List getResolutionVariants()

   An image with necessary resolution should be drawn automatically in 

  What we need is to focus on the first part of the fix.
  From this point of view it up to the user' code to load all or some 
resolution variants by MediaTracker and using 
Component.prepareImage/checkImage methods.


   I do not see any compatibility risks with the current fix. If a 
user does not provide @2x images or explicitly overrides the 
MultiResolutionImage nothing should be changed in his code.

If a developer uses a stock Java module in their app and they hand it 
some @2x-enabled images then that code could fail.

If a developer creates an app and then later a graphic artist replaces 
its media with a new set of media that includes @2x images then the 
app could fail.

If an applet is deployed that uses stock imagery from its own we

Re: [OpenJDK 2D-Dev] [8] Review request for 8011059 [macosx] Make JDK demos look perfect on retina displays

2013-11-22 Thread Alexander Scherbatiy

On 11/21/2013 8:13 PM, Jim Graham wrote:

Hi Alexander,

I just noticed that the new interface was created in com.sun.  I also 
note that you discuss a number of issues below that relate to a 
developer creating one of their own Multi-Resolution images.  We 
should not be exporting an interface at this point for a developer to 
do any of that.  Any use of these interfaces beyond our own internal 
use to support @2x images will be unsupported in JDK8 as we do not 
have time to properly test and expose an interface with the remaining 
time in the JDK8 release schedule.  This interface should be moved to 
the internal sun.* hierarchy until we have time to vet it.

   I see that NSImage on Mac OS X has API to work with representations 
and has methods like 

   Does it mean that it is possible to use not only @2x images in an 
application but create NSImage with different images resolutions as well?
   Should we support the same thing in Java? For example, a user wants 
to provide images with resolutions 0.5, 1, 2, and 3. According to the 
current transform the best resolution variant should be chosen.

  The MultiResolutionImage is in com.sun* package and it still means 
that it can be changed or removed. It can require the CCC request, though.

  Putting it to prevents using this feature in applets.

  I do not see any compatibility risks with the current fix. If a user 
does not provide @2x images or explicitly overrides the 
MultiResolutionImage nothing should be changed in his code.

  The time testing of this API is the same as testing TollkitImages 
that can hold @2x images.
  We also will have the feedback about these API earlier.  It is better 
than introducing a public API in next release that will be difficult to 

All of the places that call containsResolutionVariant() are pointing 
out a bug with this implementation.  The resolution variants are 
internal implementation details and should never be leaked through any 
current interfaces.  It looks like most of the cases involve 
imageUpdate() methods that should be receiving a reference to the 
original image, not the resolution variant. These pieces of could 
should not be changing and the fact that you had to change them points 
out that you've created a huge compatibility issue that blocks this 

If someone uses the API with multi-resolution images he needs also 
update his code according to this image usage.
It should be up to a user to preload all resolutions or only part 
of them using the MediaTracker.

The only place where an image is replaced to a resolution variant 
and the image observer is invoked is the drawImage(Image,..,ImageObserver).

   There are 3 solutions how it can be handled:
 - Preload an image with all resolution variants. The image 
observer is not invoked in this case.
 - Using the original image in the image observer for the 
resolution variant (x,y,w,h should be rescaled).

 - Using the resolution variant in the observer

   The first one is not good solution for the ToolkitImage because it 
is designed to load asynchronously.
   The second one still  can be surprising for a user because he has 
notification that the original image has been already preloaded. Note 
that a user can do something with this image so his actions will be 
based on the image with another resolution.
   The third one provides the actual information to the user. However, 
it requires that the user update his code in the image observer.  There 
are no compatibility problems. If multi-resolution images are not used 
nothing should be changed. If they used, image observers should be 
updated accordingly.


On 11/21/2013 6:15 AM, Alexander Scherbatiy wrote:

To check if it is "identity-ish", I'd use:
((type & ~(TYPE_TRANSLATION | TYPE_FLIP)) == 0)
To check for scale, use:
and then the distance/hypot equations are in the final else as they 
are now.


The test at line 3152 is sub-optimal.  If the transform includes both 
a SCALE and a TRANSLATE then this optimization will fail to trigger 
and the code will fall through to the default case (which produces the 
correct output, but misses the optimization).  Note above that I 
include the FLIP and TRANSLATE flags in with the SCALE mask to take 
care of this in my pseudo-code above.

  - Some related to the ToolkitImage staff is moved from 
SunToolkit to ToolkitImageUtil

I'm not sure why this was done - it added a bunch of busy-work for 
approving the webrev that I don't have time for. Hopefully someone 
else can verify the cut/paste and refactoring.

 I have reverted it back.

Thanks, it is much easier to verify what was modified now.

I'm still not sure why it isn't just left as DEFAULT on all 

Re: [OpenJDK 2D-Dev] [8] Review request for 8011059 [macosx] Make JDK demos look perfect on retina displays

2013-11-21 Thread Alexander Scherbatiy

On 11/20/2013 3:17 PM, Jim Graham wrote:
In looking through the ToolkitImage code some more it occurs to me 
that it was already designed (moreso in a previous life) to hold onto 
multiple representations of the image anyway.  In a prior life in 1.0 
and 1.1 it held separate ImageRepresentation objects for each size it 
was scaled to (via drawImage(w,h)), but that was simplified to a 
single ImageRep when we converted to Java2D and started doing scaling 
on the fly for all drawImage() operations. Still, the concept of an 
alternate resolution version of the image is probably more in line 
with the ImageRepresentation object within the ToolkitImage than in 
having multiple ToolkitImage objects and a wrapper for them.

This would also deal more naturally with the ImageObserver issue since 
there really would be only one Image and SG2D would not deal with the 
sub-representations, it would be dealt with in the DrawImage pipeline 
code when it queries the ToolkitImage for the ImageRepresentation object.

In the end, I think that design would be simpler overall, would it be 
possible to shift those gears for this fix?  If not, we should 
consider it for a near-term future cleanup task perhaps...

I think that it would be better to postpone this cleanup to a 
near-term future task.



On 11/19/2013 7:58 PM, Jim Graham wrote:

Based on the information below, I have the following suggestions...

We should probably allow asynchronous loading of the scaled 
resolution variants.  This is a minor variation of what the 
ImageObserver was originally designed for, but technically might 
violate some developer's expectations if they have only dealt with a 
post-Java2D version of Java.  Some education might be helpful here.

The wording on drawImage(dxy12, sxy12) should probably be reworded to 
indicate that asynchronous scaling would not happen, but alternate 
versions of the image may be accessed.

In all cases, if the version of the image that we would ideally want 
to show hasn't been loaded, but the standard version has (or if @2x 
was loaded, but we want the regular version too?) then we should 
probably go with the version that was loaded, but still trigger the 
loading of the alternate version and notify their Observer as it is 

I also examined the places in the code where we notify the 
ImageObserver.  A search for the observer method should show all 
places we call it, but the primary ones look like they are fairly few 
places.  If we tag the resolution variant images with the composite 
image from which they came, then we can have those few places do 
something like:

Image obsimg = (img instanceof SunToolkitImage) ? (() 
img).getObservedImage() : img;

I think in most cases the img is already known to be our internal 
SunToolkit image and so we don't even need to check instanceof...


On 11/19/2013 7:01 PM, Jim Graham wrote:
I did some more reading about the various ways in which the 
ImageObserver is used and noticed the following points, some of 
which may be to our advantage.

Many of the drawImage() calls mention that they will notify the 
observer as the image is "scaled or converted for the output 
device".  I believe in the world before 2D, we would often have to 
load or convert the image asynchronously for various changes in the 
output.  When we created the 2D interface and added some on-the-fly 
image scaling code, we mentioned that scaling was no longer 
asynchronous, but technically the API is still designed for 
asynchronous operations when the rendering parameters change.

However, the drawImage() call that takes 8 parameters dxy12, sxy12 - 
specifically includes the words:

  * This method always uses the unscaled version of the image
  * to render the scaled rectangle and performs the required
  * scaling on the fly. It does not use a cached, scaled version
  * of the image for this operation. Scaling of the image from 

  * to destination is performed such that the first coordinate
  * of the source rectangle is mapped to the first coordinate of
  * the destination rectangle, and the second source coordinate is
  * mapped to the second destination coordinate. The subimage is
  * scaled and flipped as needed to preserve those mappings.
 public abstract boolean drawImage(Image img,
   int dx1, int dy1, int dx2, 
int dy2,
   int sx1, int sy1, int sx2, 
int sy2,

   ImageObserver observer);

which basically, at the time it was created in 1.1, was an opt "out" 
of the asynchronous operations that might happen when you scaled an 
image with drawImage(xywh).  As worded, this would suggest that this 
method does not use the @2x version and always uses the default 
resolution version, but those words were not put there for this 
particular intent, they were p

Re: [OpenJDK 2D-Dev] [8] Review request for 8011059 [macosx] Make JDK demos look perfect on retina displays

2013-11-21 Thread Alexander Scherbatiy

   Could you review the updated fix:

On 11/20/2013 3:55 AM, Jim Graham wrote:

Hi Alexander:


ON - Always use resolution-specific variants of images
OFF - Use only the standard resolution of an image
DEFAULT - Choose image resolutions based on a default heuristic

(perhaps add "(when available)" to ON?)

Note that I think you are still using the descriptions I asked for in 
the first quotation which I then revised because they were confusing.  
Please use the latter descriptions (ON, OFF, DEFAULT above).



- If you rewrite getTransformedDestImageSize() to return the 
resolution variant instead of a Dimension then you avoid having to 
create a Dimension object that gets immediately tested for null again 
and/or consumed by the caller.  Just move the call to 
getResolutionVariant() inside the helper method and rename it.


- In getTransformedDestImageSize - dx,dy,sx,sy - should be named 


- Also in getTransformedDestImageSize - the array of Point objects is 
problematic because they are used for the return values and that means 
early truncation/rounding, the methods that take arrays of doubles are 
generally less problematic in terms of garbage generation.  Also, you 
can use deltaTransform() because you don't need to worry about 
translation components since you only want the distance.  Finally, why 
not use the optimization I gave to just grab the matrix elements 
directly and do the calculations on them instead of 3 separate point 
transforms which have predictable outcomes?  Here is the 
recommendation again:

And even for the case of GENERAL transform, the above can be 
simplified.  The tx.deltaTransform method in that case simply loads 
the array with:

{ m00, m10, m01, m11 }

and so the hypot methods are simply:

xScale = Math.hypot(tx.getScaleX(), tx.getShearY());
yScale = Math.hypot(tx.getShearX(), tx.getScaleY());

Multiply those values with dw,dh and you have your answer. Another way 
to look at this is that your 3 transformed points were basically:

{ dx1 * m00 + dy1 * m01 + tx,  dx1 * m10 + dy1 * m11 + ty }
{ dx2 * m00 + dy1 * m01 + tx,  dx2 * m10 + dy1 * m11 + ty }
{ dx1 * m00 + dy2 * m01 + tx,  dx1 * m10 + dy2 * m11 + ty }

Subtracting [1] - [0] for the distance calculation eliminates a lot of 
terms and gives you:

Math.hypot((dx2 - dx1) * m00, (dx2 - dx1) * m10)
==  (dx2 - dx1) * Math.hypot(m00, m10);
==  (dx2 - dx1) * Math.hypot(tx.getScaleX(), tx.getShearY());

Subtracting [2] - [0] also reduces:

Math.hypot((dy2 - dy1) * m01, (dy2 - dy1) * m11);
==  (dy2 - dy1) * Math.hypot(m01, m11);
==  (dy2 - dy1) * Math.hypot(tx.getShearX(), tx.getScaleY());

- Also in getTransformeDestImageSize - the usage of the 
transform.getType() is off, some of the values are bitmasks so a <= 
comparison isn't the right comparison to use.  I'd use the following 


To check if it is "identity-ish", I'd use:
((type & ~(TYPE_TRANSLATION | TYPE_FLIP)) == 0)
To check for scale, use:
and then the distance/hypot equations are in the final else as they 
are now.


- In calculating scaledWidth/width and the cast to float - even though 
I think the precedence order is on your side, I usually add extra 
parentheses to highlight the order so that people reading the code 
and/or modifying it don't mess it up.  My cutoff on what is obvious to 
a casual reader is usually "additive vs. multiplicative" and anything 
more subtle than that I use parentheses just in case someone comes 
along who is less familiar with the order and decides to interpose 
some additional operations that get in the way of the proper 
calculation.  I would have written "((float) sW) / w" 


just to make it obvious.


- there is a lot of string manipulation going on for every image 
fetch.  I guess this would only hurt those who use the Toolkit as 
their image storage (getting the image every time they need it), so 
I'm not going to worry about it, but it would be good to eventually 
get this integrated into the caching mechanism better so that a quick 
lookup of a previously loaded image could return faster.

One thing I did not examine very closely was the transfer of hash 
lookup and security code to the new utility class.  You should get a 
double-check from another engineer on that code.

Some more inline comments:

On 11/19/2013 5:06 AM, Alexander Scherbatiy wrote:

   Could you review the updated fix:
  - Some related to the ToolkitImage staff is moved from 
SunToolkit to ToolkitImageUtil

I'm not sure why this was done - it added a bunch of busy-work for 
approving the webrev that I 

Re: [8] Review request for 8011059 [macosx] Make JDK demos look perfect on retina displays

2013-11-19 Thread Alexander Scherbatiy
ultiResolutionImage for that.



On 11/13/13 8:11 AM, Alexander Scherbatiy wrote:

   Could you review the updated fix:

   -  The default sun hint is added.
  However, it looks the same as the resolution variant ON hint right
now. It would better to leave the behavior on the non HiDPI displays the
same as it was before.
  So the resolution variant hint is disabled by default for non
HiDPI displays.
   - Resolution variant hints description is updated.
   - The logic operator in the  isHiDPIImage() method is formatted.

The @2x images are not preloaded in the LWCToolkit. It really can
cause image reloading after moving a window from a display from one
resolution to another.
However, it is not clear during the MultiResolutionImage creation
will the images be used on HiDPI displays or not.
May be there should be a flag that enables the high resolution
images preloading.

   The original image can be replaced by the high resolution one in the
paint() method. It causes that the observer could get an image which is
different from the original one.
   May be there is no any issue?  If a MultiResolutionImage is not used
then all works as before. If a user implements MultiResolutionImage may
be he needs to have an information
   about the actual drawn image in the observer even it is different
from the original.


On 11/12/2013 11:43 PM, Jim Graham wrote:

Hi Alexander,

Some minor issues with this fix:

- All RenderingHints have a default setting where the system can
choose for you.  The primary thing that the default settings allow is
for the answer to be based off of another hint.  Often the QUALITY
hint provides the swing vote if an individual hint is left "DEFAULT".
That should probably also be the setting used for SG2D, and would
hinge off of the devScale, for example, as the deciding factor.

- Descriptions for "on" and "off" should be something like "Use
resolution variants of images" and "Use only default resolution
variants of images" (and "Default resolution variant usage"). Most of
the other descriptions on hints are statements of what is going to
happen or what is going to be used rather than a simple 'the X state
is Y'.

- It looks like the transform is used in SG2D to decide if the hiDPI
image should be used.  I'm not familiar with the Mac's native use of
@2x, but I thought that they hinged the decision off of the "retina
scale" of the display, not off of the current transform.  That way, if
you scale down an icon it doesn't change its look when it reaches .5x
scale (or .75x depending on the cutoff).  Personally, I think it is
better to not use the transform to keep animations smooth, but I'm not
sure what Apple did.

- The logic in using the transform is also a bit murky.  I think if
you set the scale on a retina display to exactly 1/2 it would use the
HiDPI version even though the scale was 1:1.  Since I support not
examining the transform there, I'm going to present this as another
reason why we should just base it on devScale, but the logic could be
fixed if we really plan to use the transform here.

- The new logic in "isHiDPIImage()" is confusing because you line up
logic operations from 2 different levels of parentheses.  I believe
that one version of our style guidelines included a rule that allowed
"indenting to parentheses level" and I would think that would be a
good rule to apply here.  Or do something else to make the logic flow
there less tricky to read.

- Eventually we are going to need this support in more pipelines. I
believe that Win8 already has parameters that affect choices of
images, but they are only currently deployed on the Surface tablets
(i.e. there are no supported high DPI displays for desktop that I'm
aware of, but some of the Surface tablets ship with high DPI
screens).  What would the impact be if we moved this into a more
general class in src/share?  I suppose we might spend extra time
looking for variants of images that we don't need?

- Has any thought been given to the issues that someone raised with

- Has any thought been given to my comments about MediaTracker and
image observer states for multi-res images?  I don't see any attempt
here to preload the @2x image.  The problem would probably only be
seen on multi-headed systems where one display is retina and one is
not - you would find the images suddenly reloading when you move the
window to the other screen and the application might not expect that
to happen.  Which image is the Observer registered on?  Since the
image is handed to the Observer, will an application be surprised when
their observer gets a handle to an image they've never seen? Is it an
issue if one of the "alternate resolution variant

Re: [8] Review request for 8011059 [macosx] Make JDK demos look perfect on retina displays

2013-11-13 Thread Alexander Scherbatiy

  Could you review the updated fix:

  -  The default sun hint is added.
 However, it looks the same as the resolution variant ON hint right 
now. It would better to leave the behavior on the non HiDPI displays the 
same as it was before.
 So the resolution variant hint is disabled by default for non 
HiDPI displays.

  - Resolution variant hints description is updated.
  - The logic operator in the  isHiDPIImage() method is formatted.

   The @2x images are not preloaded in the LWCToolkit. It really can 
cause image reloading after moving a window from a display from one 
resolution to another.
   However, it is not clear during the MultiResolutionImage creation 
will the images be used on HiDPI displays or not.
   May be there should be a flag that enables the high resolution 
images preloading.

  The original image can be replaced by the high resolution one in the 
paint() method. It causes that the observer could get an image which is 
different from the original one.
  May be there is no any issue?  If a MultiResolutionImage is not used 
then all works as before. If a user implements MultiResolutionImage may 
be he needs to have an information
  about the actual drawn image in the observer even it is different 
from the original.


On 11/12/2013 11:43 PM, Jim Graham wrote:

Hi Alexander,

Some minor issues with this fix:

- All RenderingHints have a default setting where the system can 
choose for you.  The primary thing that the default settings allow is 
for the answer to be based off of another hint.  Often the QUALITY 
hint provides the swing vote if an individual hint is left "DEFAULT".  
That should probably also be the setting used for SG2D, and would 
hinge off of the devScale, for example, as the deciding factor.

- Descriptions for "on" and "off" should be something like "Use 
resolution variants of images" and "Use only default resolution 
variants of images" (and "Default resolution variant usage"). Most of 
the other descriptions on hints are statements of what is going to 
happen or what is going to be used rather than a simple 'the X state 
is Y'.

- It looks like the transform is used in SG2D to decide if the hiDPI 
image should be used.  I'm not familiar with the Mac's native use of 
@2x, but I thought that they hinged the decision off of the "retina 
scale" of the display, not off of the current transform.  That way, if 
you scale down an icon it doesn't change its look when it reaches .5x 
scale (or .75x depending on the cutoff).  Personally, I think it is 
better to not use the transform to keep animations smooth, but I'm not 
sure what Apple did.

- The logic in using the transform is also a bit murky.  I think if 
you set the scale on a retina display to exactly 1/2 it would use the 
HiDPI version even though the scale was 1:1.  Since I support not 
examining the transform there, I'm going to present this as another 
reason why we should just base it on devScale, but the logic could be 
fixed if we really plan to use the transform here.

- The new logic in "isHiDPIImage()" is confusing because you line up 
logic operations from 2 different levels of parentheses.  I believe 
that one version of our style guidelines included a rule that allowed 
"indenting to parentheses level" and I would think that would be a 
good rule to apply here.  Or do something else to make the logic flow 
there less tricky to read.

- Eventually we are going to need this support in more pipelines. I 
believe that Win8 already has parameters that affect choices of 
images, but they are only currently deployed on the Surface tablets 
(i.e. there are no supported high DPI displays for desktop that I'm 
aware of, but some of the Surface tablets ship with high DPI 
screens).  What would the impact be if we moved this into a more 
general class in src/share?  I suppose we might spend extra time 
looking for variants of images that we don't need?

- Has any thought been given to the issues that someone raised with 

- Has any thought been given to my comments about MediaTracker and 
image observer states for multi-res images?  I don't see any attempt 
here to preload the @2x image.  The problem would probably only be 
seen on multi-headed systems where one display is retina and one is 
not - you would find the images suddenly reloading when you move the 
window to the other screen and the application might not expect that 
to happen.  Which image is the Observer registered on?  Since the 
image is handed to the Observer, will an application be surprised when 
their observer gets a handle to an image they've never seen?  Is it an 
issue if one of the "alternate resolution variant" images leaks into 
an application's "hands" via the

Re: [8] Review request for 8011059 [macosx] Make JDK demos look perfect on retina displays

2013-11-12 Thread Alexander Scherbatiy

On 11/7/2013 8:23 PM, Eirik Bakke wrote:

Just passing by...

Will retina-enabled Image objects work with Toolkit.createCustomCursor [1]
under this patch?

   This patch allows to create an image with different resolutions that 
can be used for the custom cursor as well.
   To make it work with custom cursor it needs to properly  pass these 
images to the native system.

   I have created an issue to track this: JDK-8028212 Custom cursor 
HiDPI support


(I have a spreadsheet application that requires an Excel-style "plus"
cursor when the user hovers over it, and I'd like to supply a
retina-enabled cursor image as well.)

-- Eirik

Cursor(java.awt.Image, java.awt.Point, java.lang.String)

On 11/5/13, 6:16 AM, "Alexander Scherbatiy"

Thank you for the review.

   Could you look at the updated fix:

   - URL is parsed to protocol, host, port, and path parts in the
LWCToolkit class.
  I checked that URL(protocol, host, port, file) constructor
correctly handles -1 port value.
   - Only last file name after last '/' in the URL path  is converted to
@2x name
   - Tests that check correct URL and path translation to @2x names are
added to the ScalableImageTest


On 11/1/2013 12:46 AM, Peter Levart wrote:

On 10/29/2013 05:45 PM, Alexander Scherbatiy wrote:

2. I'm not sure that the proposed getScaledImageName()
implementation in ScalableToolkitImage works perfectly for URLs like

In this case it will try to find 2x image here:

which doesn't look correct.

Fixed. Only path part of a URL is converted to path2x.

Hi Alexander,

URLs like this:

will still be translated to:

I think you need to search for last '.' after the last  '/' in the

Also the following code has some additional bugs:

   853 static Image toScalableImage(Image image, URL url) {
   855 if (url != null && !url.toString().contains("@2x")
   856 && !(image instanceof ScalableToolkitImage)) {
   857 String protocol = url.getProtocol();
   858 String host = url.getHost();
   859 String file = url.getPath();
   860 String file2x =*host +*getScaledImageName(file);
   861 try {
   862 URL url2x = new URL(protocol, host, file2x);
   863 url2x.openStream();
   864 return new ScalableToolkitImage(image,
   865 } catch (Exception ignore) {
   866 }
   867 }
   868 return image;
   869 }

Why are you prepending *host* to getScaledImageName(file) in line 860?
Let's take the following URL for example:

protocol = "http"
host = ""
file = "/dir/image.jpg"
file2x = "**/dir/im...@2x.jpg"
url2x = URL("**/dir/im...@2x.jpg";)

You are missing a part in URL (de)construction - the optional port!
For example in the following URL:

You should extract the port from original URL and use it in new URL
construction if present (!= -1).

I would also close the stream explicitly after probing for existence
of resource rather than delegating to GC which might not be promptly
and can cause resource exhaustion (think of MAX. # of open file

 try (InputStream probe = url.openStream()) {}

Regards, Peter

[8] Review request for 8025126 [macosx] Invalid calls to setValueAt() within JTable in Java 7 on Mac OS X

2013-11-12 Thread Alexander Scherbatiy


Could you review the fix:


  The extended key code is set to the key code if the key char is 


Re: [8] Review request for 8011059 [macosx] Make JDK demos look perfect on retina displays

2013-11-11 Thread Alexander Scherbatiy

 Could you review the updated fix:

  Only internal API is exposed:
  - MultiResolutionImage interface with method 
"getResolutionVariant(int width, int height)" is added to the 
com.sun.awt package
  - Hints to switch on/off the resolution variant usage are added to 
SunHints class

  - Test is updated to use the  MultiResolutionImage interface


On 11/5/2013 3:16 PM, Alexander Scherbatiy wrote:

   Thank you for the review.

  Could you look at the updated fix:

  - URL is parsed to protocol, host, port, and path parts in the 
LWCToolkit class.
 I checked that URL(protocol, host, port, file) constructor 
correctly handles -1 port value.
  - Only last file name after last '/' in the URL path  is converted 
to @2x name
  - Tests that check correct URL and path translation to @2x names are 
added to the ScalableImageTest


On 11/1/2013 12:46 AM, Peter Levart wrote:

On 10/29/2013 05:45 PM, Alexander Scherbatiy wrote:
2. I'm not sure that the proposed getScaledImageName() 
implementation in ScalableToolkitImage works perfectly for URLs 
like this:

In this case it will try to find 2x image here:

which doesn't look correct.
   Fixed. Only path part of a URL is converted to path2x. 

Hi Alexander,

URLs like this:

will still be translated to:

I think you need to search for last '.' after the last  '/' in the 

Also the following code has some additional bugs:

  853 static Image toScalableImage(Image image, URL url) {
  855 if (url != null && !url.toString().contains("@2x")
  856 && !(image instanceof ScalableToolkitImage)) {
  857 String protocol = url.getProtocol();
  858 String host = url.getHost();
  859 String file = url.getPath();
  860 String file2x =*host +*getScaledImageName(file);
  861 try {
  862 URL url2x = new URL(protocol, host, file2x);
  863 url2x.openStream();
  864 return new ScalableToolkitImage(image, 

  865 } catch (Exception ignore) {
  866 }
  867 }
  868 return image;
  869 }

Why are you prepending *host* to getScaledImageName(file) in line 
860? Let's take the following URL for example:

protocol = "http"
host = ""
file = "/dir/image.jpg"
file2x = "**/dir/im...@2x.jpg"
url2x = URL("**/dir/im...@2x.jpg";)

You are missing a part in URL (de)construction - the optional port! 
For example in the following URL:

You should extract the port from original URL and use it in new URL 
construction if present (!= -1).

I would also close the stream explicitly after probing for existence 
of resource rather than delegating to GC which might not be promptly 
and can cause resource exhaustion (think of MAX. # of open file 

try (InputStream probe = url.openStream()) {}

Regards, Peter

Re: [OpenJDK 2D-Dev] [8] Review request for 8011059 [macosx] Make JDK demos look perfect on retina displays

2013-11-06 Thread Alexander Scherbatiy

On 11/6/2013 5:39 AM, Jim Graham wrote:
Why is getScaledInstance() being consulted here?  It seems a misuse of 
that method.
We need to introduce a new API that allows developers to return 
scaled images for HiDPI displays.
Scaled images are just new images N times bigger than the original 
one and created by designers.

The good way is to allow a user to override a method like 
getScaledImage() which has either scaledFactor or width and height 
parameters and returns necessary scaled images.

It could look like:
final Image image1 ="image1.png");
final Image image2 ="image2.png");
final Image image3 ="image3.png");

final int WIDTH = image1.getWidth(null);
final int HEIGHT = image1.getHeight(null);

Image image = new BufferedImage(WIDTH, HEIGHT, 
BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB) {

public Image getScaledImage(int width, int height) {
if (width < WIDTH && height < HEIGHT) {
return this;
} else if (width < 2 * WIDTH && height < 2 * HEIGHT) {
return image2;
} else if (width < 3 * WIDTH && height < 3 * HEIGHT) {
return image3;

image.getGraphics().drawImage(image1, 0, 0, null);

But the  getScaledImage(width, height) method looks similar to the 
getScaledInstance(width, height, hints). It also can confuse a user 
which method should be overridden to return

the scaled version of an image.

   The current fix is based on the CCC request 8011059 where it has 
been approved to use the getScaledInstance(width, height, hints) method 
for this purposes.

The method was designed to return a rescaled version of the same 
pixels that you would get if you examined the raw pixels.  You are 
overriding it to return a different image.  That does not fit in with 
the original intent of that method as I created it.

It is also causing implementation headaches (read reflection) in the 
SG2D code to try to use it that way.
 The Image.SCALE_DEFAULT hint is used to retrieve user scaled 
images in the CCC request 8011059.
 That was a wrong idea. There are intersections with the original 
meaning with the SCALE_DEFAULT hint.
 Also there are performance regression and exceptions like OOM or 
IOBE if the getScaledInstance(width, height, hints) is not overridden 
and it is invoked for each image.

 The better way could be to use a new Image hint designed only to 
retrieve scaled images provided by a user.

 I have created the CCC request 8027655 for this.
 Once the request will be approved it will be possible to get rid 
of the reflection usage.


The @2x mechanism should be based on different API.  I guess it would 
have to be internal-only for 8.0 and could be exposed to allow 
developers to call it and possibly to be a provider for it in JDK9...


On 10/31/13 9:19 AM, Alexander Scherbatiy wrote:

  Could you review the updated fix:

The reflection is used to skip the Image.getScaledInstance() method
call if it is not overridden by a user.

On 10/29/2013 11:08 PM, Sergey Bylokhov wrote:

Hi, Alexander.
The fix looks fine to me in general. But there is at least one issue.
I build you fix and test it:
 - Consuming of cpu increased by 500 times Java2Demo on images tab.
 - FPS is dropped from 220(jdk8)/35(jdk7u40) to 15 in guimark2. Note
that jdk6 has the same FPS(15) on my system.

The main problem is that the Image.SCALE_DEFAULT hint is used to
retrieve a scaled image from Image.getScaledInstance() method.
It always uses the ReplicateScaleFilter for images which
getScaledInstance() method has not been overridden.
The ReplicateScaleFilter creates a lot of arrays and consumes the
CPU during the image parsing.

The better fix would be to introduce the new Image.SCALE_CUSTOM hint
which could be used to get a scaled image and does not use filters by
But it should be a separated bug with a new CCC request.


On 29.10.2013 20:45, Alexander Scherbatiy wrote:

  Could you review the updated fix:

On 10/28/2013 2:33 PM, Artem Ananiev wrote:

Hi, Alexander,

a few comments:

1. - should isHiDPIImage() be used here?

 The isHiDPIImage() method is used to check that the
drawHiDPIImage should be called like:
if (isHiDPIImage(img)) {
return drawHiDPIImage(...);

2. I'm not sure that the proposed getScaledImageName()
implementation in ScalableToolkitImage works perfectly for URLs like

In this

Re: [8] Review request for 8011059 [macosx] Make JDK demos look perfect on retina displays

2013-11-05 Thread Alexander Scherbatiy

   Thank you for the review.

  Could you look at the updated fix:

  - URL is parsed to protocol, host, port, and path parts in the 
LWCToolkit class.
 I checked that URL(protocol, host, port, file) constructor 
correctly handles -1 port value.
  - Only last file name after last '/' in the URL path  is converted to 
@2x name
  - Tests that check correct URL and path translation to @2x names are 
added to the ScalableImageTest


On 11/1/2013 12:46 AM, Peter Levart wrote:

On 10/29/2013 05:45 PM, Alexander Scherbatiy wrote:
2. I'm not sure that the proposed getScaledImageName() 
implementation in ScalableToolkitImage works perfectly for URLs like 

In this case it will try to find 2x image here:

which doesn't look correct.
   Fixed. Only path part of a URL is converted to path2x. 

Hi Alexander,

URLs like this:

will still be translated to:

I think you need to search for last '.' after the last  '/' in the 

Also the following code has some additional bugs:

  853 static Image toScalableImage(Image image, URL url) {
  855 if (url != null && !url.toString().contains("@2x")
  856 && !(image instanceof ScalableToolkitImage)) {
  857 String protocol = url.getProtocol();
  858 String host = url.getHost();
  859 String file = url.getPath();
  860 String file2x =*host +*getScaledImageName(file);
  861 try {
  862 URL url2x = new URL(protocol, host, file2x);
  863 url2x.openStream();
  864 return new ScalableToolkitImage(image, 
  865 } catch (Exception ignore) {
  866 }
  867 }
  868 return image;
  869 }

Why are you prepending *host* to getScaledImageName(file) in line 860? 
Let's take the following URL for example:

protocol = "http"
host = ""
file = "/dir/image.jpg"
file2x = "**/dir/im...@2x.jpg"
url2x = URL("**/dir/im...@2x.jpg";)

You are missing a part in URL (de)construction - the optional port! 
For example in the following URL:

You should extract the port from original URL and use it in new URL 
construction if present (!= -1).

I would also close the stream explicitly after probing for existence 
of resource rather than delegating to GC which might not be promptly 
and can cause resource exhaustion (think of MAX. # of open file 

try (InputStream probe = url.openStream()) {}

Regards, Peter

Re: [8] Review request for 8011059 [macosx] Make JDK demos look perfect on retina displays

2013-10-31 Thread Alexander Scherbatiy

 Could you review the updated fix:

   The reflection is used to skip the Image.getScaledInstance() method 
call if it is not overridden by a user.

On 10/29/2013 11:08 PM, Sergey Bylokhov wrote:

Hi, Alexander.
The fix looks fine to me in general. But there is at least one issue. 
I build you fix and test it:

 - Consuming of cpu increased by 500 times Java2Demo on images tab.
 - FPS is dropped from 220(jdk8)/35(jdk7u40) to 15 in guimark2. Note 
that jdk6 has the same FPS(15) on my system.

   The main problem is that the Image.SCALE_DEFAULT hint is used to 
retrieve a scaled image from Image.getScaledInstance() method.
   It always uses the ReplicateScaleFilter for images which 
getScaledInstance() method has not been overridden.
   The ReplicateScaleFilter creates a lot of arrays and consumes the 
CPU during the image parsing.

   The better fix would be to introduce the new Image.SCALE_CUSTOM hint 
which could be used to get a scaled image and does not use filters by 

   But it should be a separated bug with a new CCC request.


On 29.10.2013 20:45, Alexander Scherbatiy wrote:

  Could you review the updated fix:

On 10/28/2013 2:33 PM, Artem Ananiev wrote:

Hi, Alexander,

a few comments:

1. - should isHiDPIImage() be used here?
 The isHiDPIImage() method is used to check that the 
drawHiDPIImage should be called like:

if (isHiDPIImage(img)) {
return drawHiDPIImage(...);

2. I'm not sure that the proposed getScaledImageName() 
implementation in ScalableToolkitImage works perfectly for URLs like 

In this case it will try to find 2x image here:

which doesn't look correct.

   Fixed. Only path part of a URL is converted to path2x.

3. RenderingHints spec references Retina or non-Retina displays, 
which should be removed.


- devScale is used instead of transform parsing in the 
drawHiDPIImage() method just to not have performance regression more 
than 2 times on HiDPI displays
- LWCToolkit.ScalableToolkitImage is made public for the fix 
8024926 [macosx] AquaIcon HiDPI support.




On 10/25/2013 5:18 PM, Alexander Scherbatiy wrote:

   Could you review the updated fix:

   - Scaled image width and height are transformed according to the
AffineTransform type.
   - ToolkitImage subclass is used to hold @2x image instance.


On 10/23/2013 7:24 PM, Alexander Scherbatiy wrote:

  Could you review the updated fix:

  The JCK failures has been resolved:
- Some tests tries to draw an image with Integer.MAX_VALUE width
or height. Passing large values to image.getScaledImage(width, 

   leads that an Image filter is not able to create necessary
arrays.  The fix uses the original image if width or height are equal
to Integer.MAX_VALUE.
- Using Image.SCALE_DEFAULT hint for the getScaledImage(width,
height, hints) method to get the high resolution image interferes 

   JCK tests that expect that the scaled image by certain
algorithm is returned. This is fixed by invoking the
super.getScaledImage(width, height, hints)
   method in ToolkitImage in case if a high resolution image is
not set.


On 10/22/2013 1:31 PM, Alexander Scherbatiy wrote:


Could you review the fix:


  The IMAGE_SCALING rendering hint is added to the RenderingHints 

  Enabling the image scaling rendering hint forces the SunGraphics2D
to use getScaledInstance(width, height, hints) method
  from Image class with SCALE_DEFAULT hint.

  By default the image scaling rendering hint is enabled on HiDPI
display and disabled for standard displays.

  User can override the getScaledInstance(width, height, hints)
method and return necessary high resolution image
  according to the given image width and height.

  For example:
final Image highResolutionImage =
new BufferedImage(2 * WIDTH, 2 * HEIGHT,
Image image = new BufferedImage(WIDTH, HEIGHT,
BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB) {

public Image getScaledInstance(int width, int height, 

hints) {
if ((hints & Image.SCALE_DEFAULT) != 0) {
return (width <= WIDTH && height <= HEIGHT)
? this : highResolutionImage;
return super.getScaledIn

[8] Review request for 8024926 [macosx] AquaIcon HiDPI support

2013-10-29 Thread Alexander Scherbatiy


Could you review the fix:

The fix returns a high resolution system icon in the overridden 
getScaledInstance(width, height, hints) method.

The fix relies on the fix for the issue JDK-8011059 [macosx] Make JDK 
demos look perfect on retina displays:
 - getScaledInstance(width, height, hints) method is used for the image 
drawing when IMAGE_SCALING hints are enabled

 - LWCToolkit.ScalableToolkitImage class is public


Re: [8] Review request for 8011059 [macosx] Make JDK demos look perfect on retina displays

2013-10-29 Thread Alexander Scherbatiy

  Could you review the updated fix:

On 10/28/2013 2:33 PM, Artem Ananiev wrote:

Hi, Alexander,

a few comments:

1. - should isHiDPIImage() be used here?
 The isHiDPIImage() method is used to check that the drawHiDPIImage 
should be called like:

if (isHiDPIImage(img)) {
return drawHiDPIImage(...);

2. I'm not sure that the proposed getScaledImageName() implementation 
in ScalableToolkitImage works perfectly for URLs like this:

In this case it will try to find 2x image here:

which doesn't look correct.

   Fixed. Only path part of a URL is converted to path2x.

3. RenderingHints spec references Retina or non-Retina displays, which 
should be removed.


- devScale is used instead of transform parsing in the 
drawHiDPIImage() method just to not have performance regression more 
than 2 times on HiDPI displays
- LWCToolkit.ScalableToolkitImage is made public for the fix 
8024926 [macosx] AquaIcon HiDPI support.




On 10/25/2013 5:18 PM, Alexander Scherbatiy wrote:

   Could you review the updated fix:

   - Scaled image width and height are transformed according to the
AffineTransform type.
   - ToolkitImage subclass is used to hold @2x image instance.


On 10/23/2013 7:24 PM, Alexander Scherbatiy wrote:

  Could you review the updated fix:

  The JCK failures has been resolved:
- Some tests tries to draw an image with Integer.MAX_VALUE width
or height. Passing large values to image.getScaledImage(width, height,
   leads that an Image filter is not able to create necessary
arrays.  The fix uses the original image if width or height are equal
to Integer.MAX_VALUE.
- Using Image.SCALE_DEFAULT hint for the getScaledImage(width,
height, hints) method to get the high resolution image interferes with
   JCK tests that expect that the scaled image by certain
algorithm is returned. This is fixed by invoking the
super.getScaledImage(width, height, hints)
   method in ToolkitImage in case if a high resolution image is
not set.


On 10/22/2013 1:31 PM, Alexander Scherbatiy wrote:


Could you review the fix:


  The IMAGE_SCALING rendering hint is added to the RenderingHints 

  Enabling the image scaling rendering hint forces the SunGraphics2D
to use getScaledInstance(width, height, hints) method
  from Image class with SCALE_DEFAULT hint.

  By default the image scaling rendering hint is enabled on HiDPI
display and disabled for standard displays.

  User can override the getScaledInstance(width, height, hints)
method and return necessary high resolution image
  according to the given image width and height.

  For example:
final Image highResolutionImage =
new BufferedImage(2 * WIDTH, 2 * HEIGHT,
Image image = new BufferedImage(WIDTH, HEIGHT,
BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB) {

public Image getScaledInstance(int width, int height, int
hints) {
if ((hints & Image.SCALE_DEFAULT) != 0) {
return (width <= WIDTH && height <= HEIGHT)
? this : highResolutionImage;
return super.getScaledInstance(width, height, hints);

  The LWCToolkit and ToolkitImage classes are patched to
automatically get provided im...@2x.ext images on MacOSX.

  There are no significant changes in the Java2D demo to make it look
perfect on Retina displays.
  It needs only to put necessary images with the @2x postfix and they
will be automatically drawn.


Re: [8] Review request for 8011059 [macosx] Make JDK demos look perfect on retina displays

2013-10-25 Thread Alexander Scherbatiy

  Could you review the updated fix:

  - Scaled image width and height are transformed according to the 
AffineTransform type.

  - ToolkitImage subclass is used to hold @2x image instance.


On 10/23/2013 7:24 PM, Alexander Scherbatiy wrote:

  Could you review the updated fix:

  The JCK failures has been resolved:
- Some tests tries to draw an image with Integer.MAX_VALUE width 
or height. Passing large values to image.getScaledImage(width, height, 
   leads that an Image filter is not able to create necessary 
arrays.  The fix uses the original image if width or height are equal 
to Integer.MAX_VALUE.
- Using Image.SCALE_DEFAULT hint for the getScaledImage(width, 
height, hints) method to get the high resolution image interferes with
   JCK tests that expect that the scaled image by certain 
algorithm is returned. This is fixed by invoking the 
super.getScaledImage(width, height, hints)
   method in ToolkitImage in case if a high resolution image is 
not set.


On 10/22/2013 1:31 PM, Alexander Scherbatiy wrote:


Could you review the fix:


  The IMAGE_SCALING rendering hint is added to the RenderingHints class.
  Enabling the image scaling rendering hint forces the SunGraphics2D 
to use getScaledInstance(width, height, hints) method

  from Image class with SCALE_DEFAULT hint.

  By default the image scaling rendering hint is enabled on HiDPI 
display and disabled for standard displays.

  User can override the getScaledInstance(width, height, hints) 
method and return necessary high resolution image

  according to the given image width and height.

  For example:
final Image highResolutionImage =
new BufferedImage(2 * WIDTH, 2 * HEIGHT, 
Image image = new BufferedImage(WIDTH, HEIGHT, 
BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB) {

public Image getScaledInstance(int width, int height, int 
hints) {

if ((hints & Image.SCALE_DEFAULT) != 0) {
return (width <= WIDTH && height <= HEIGHT)
? this : highResolutionImage;
return super.getScaledInstance(width, height, hints);

  The LWCToolkit and ToolkitImage classes are patched to 
automatically get provided im...@2x.ext images on MacOSX.

  There are no significant changes in the Java2D demo to make it look 
perfect on Retina displays.
  It needs only to put necessary images with the @2x postfix and they 
will be automatically drawn.


Re: Aqua Icons support on HiDPI displays.

2013-10-23 Thread Alexander Scherbatiy

On 10/19/2013 1:21 PM, Hendrik Schreiber wrote:

On Oct 19, 2013, at 12:45 AM, Mike Swingler wrote:

On Oct 18, 2013, at 4:49 AM, Alexander Scherbatiy 

The GetIconRef method is used in the CImage.m now to get the system icons on 

The NSImage + (id)imageNamed:(NSString *)name method can be used directly 

There are NSImageNameFolder, NSImageNameFolderBurnable, and 
NSImageNameFolderSmart constants but I can't find
the constant for the open folder icon.

The same is for the alert stop system icon. There are NSImageNameInfo and 
NSImageNameCaution icons but I can't find
the constant for the alert stop icon.


may I ask through which API you intend to make the icons available?

  There is a way to load system images and icons on MacOS X in Java by 
using: Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage("NSImage://NSImageName") method:
   This method calls [NSImage imageNamed: "NSImageName"] and we are 
going to reuse it for the system icons loading.

  Also, will there be a way to create custom HiDPI images/icons?
If so, how?

   There is the fix that has been recently sent to review:
A user needs to override the getScaledInstance(width, height, 
hints)  method in Image class and returns images with necessary 
resolution according to
the given width and height.  Images with @2x postfix should be 
automatically loaded into the ToolkitImage on MacOS X.




Re: [8] Review request for 8011059 [macosx] Make JDK demos look perfect on retina displays

2013-10-23 Thread Alexander Scherbatiy

  Could you review the updated fix:

  The JCK failures has been resolved:
- Some tests tries to draw an image with Integer.MAX_VALUE width or 
height. Passing large values to image.getScaledImage(width, height, hints).
   leads that an Image filter is not able to create necessary 
arrays.  The fix uses the original image if width or height are equal to 
- Using Image.SCALE_DEFAULT hint for the getScaledImage(width, 
height, hints) method to get the high resolution image interferes with
   JCK tests that expect that the scaled image by certain algorithm 
is returned. This is fixed by invoking the super.getScaledImage(width, 
height, hints)
   method in ToolkitImage in case if a high resolution image is not 


On 10/22/2013 1:31 PM, Alexander Scherbatiy wrote:


Could you review the fix:


  The IMAGE_SCALING rendering hint is added to the RenderingHints class.
  Enabling the image scaling rendering hint forces the SunGraphics2D 
to use getScaledInstance(width, height, hints) method

  from Image class with SCALE_DEFAULT hint.

  By default the image scaling rendering hint is enabled on HiDPI 
display and disabled for standard displays.

  User can override the getScaledInstance(width, height, hints) method 
and return necessary high resolution image

  according to the given image width and height.

  For example:
final Image highResolutionImage =
new BufferedImage(2 * WIDTH, 2 * HEIGHT, 
Image image = new BufferedImage(WIDTH, HEIGHT, 
BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB) {

public Image getScaledInstance(int width, int height, int 
hints) {

if ((hints & Image.SCALE_DEFAULT) != 0) {
return (width <= WIDTH && height <= HEIGHT)
? this : highResolutionImage;
return super.getScaledInstance(width, height, hints);

  The LWCToolkit and ToolkitImage classes are patched to automatically 
get provided im...@2x.ext images on MacOSX.

  There are no significant changes in the Java2D demo to make it look 
perfect on Retina displays.
  It needs only to put necessary images with the @2x postfix  and they 
will be automatically drawn.


[8] Review request for 8011059 [macosx] Make JDK demos look perfect on retina displays

2013-10-22 Thread Alexander Scherbatiy


Could you review the fix:


  The IMAGE_SCALING rendering hint is added to the RenderingHints class.
  Enabling the image scaling rendering hint forces the SunGraphics2D to 
use getScaledInstance(width, height, hints) method

  from Image class with SCALE_DEFAULT hint.

  By default the image scaling rendering hint is enabled on HiDPI 
display and disabled for standard displays.

  User can override the getScaledInstance(width, height, hints) method 
and return necessary high resolution image

  according to the given image width and height.

  For example:
final Image highResolutionImage =
new BufferedImage(2 * WIDTH, 2 * HEIGHT, 
Image image = new BufferedImage(WIDTH, HEIGHT, 
BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB) {

public Image getScaledInstance(int width, int height, int 
hints) {

if ((hints & Image.SCALE_DEFAULT) != 0) {
return (width <= WIDTH && height <= HEIGHT)
? this : highResolutionImage;
return super.getScaledInstance(width, height, hints);

  The LWCToolkit and ToolkitImage classes are patched to automatically 
get provided im...@2x.ext images on MacOSX.

  There are no significant changes in the Java2D demo to make it look 
perfect on Retina displays.
  It needs only to put necessary images with the @2x postfix  and they 
will be automatically drawn.


Aqua Icons support on HiDPI displays.

2013-10-18 Thread Alexander Scherbatiy


  The GetIconRef method is used in the CImage.m now to get the system 
icons on MacOSX.

  The NSImage + (id)imageNamed:(NSString *)name method can be used 
directly instead.

  There are NSImageNameFolder, NSImageNameFolderBurnable, and 
NSImageNameFolderSmart constants but I can't find

  the constant for the open folder icon.

  The same is for the alert stop system icon. There are NSImageNameInfo 
and NSImageNameCaution icons but I can't find

  the constant for the alert stop icon.

  Where is it possible to get the open folder and stop icons that are 
defined as kOpenFolderIcon and kAlertStopIcon for the GetIconRef method?
