RE: 3.2007.10-7 - Detailed change log?

2007-08-06 Thread Jakub.Pavelek
>>> How about all of them?
>> Please check what's available; kernel and X git repositories you 
>> should find with Google, Application framework stuff you will find 
>> from Maemo (until it's moved to Gnome), new Browser is in 
>Garage.  For 
>> all the open
>> source(d) packages you find the debian source package from the maemo 
>> repos and those contain change logs.  Maybe you could view them and 
>> tell what specifically you're lacking?
>Hmmm, I think someone's missing the point here. You "Nokia" 
>tell me as an end user nothing about what's in each release. 
>From start to finish, there's no information in a release that 
>tells me what it includes. 

I can't see *end user* caring a bit about having a Freetype 2.2.1-1osso3
in the release and how it differs from the Freetype in previous release.
That is probably not what you meant.

>At the very minimum I want the 
>delta between the current and previous releases. 

Like the delta we announced for the latest release?

>To be honest, your response is more along the same line of the 
>previous responses, i.e. "it's more complex than you understand"  
>which again just tells me Nokia either can't or won't provide 
>this information.

Makes me sad people see it this way without knowing enough.


maemo-developers mailing list

RE: (bluetooth?) printing

2007-06-28 Thread Jakub.Pavelek
>> In short: I need printing!
>In short: printing is not officially supported. Good luck with 
>the hacks. You might want to consider proposing a new feature 
>for and canalize the 
>similar requests that appear now and then about printing capabilities.
>Quim Gil -

Besides CUPS, Nokia mobile phones and multimedia computers print just
fine without any drivers, so we quickly "peeked" into that ... and found
out that the effort is a) non-trivial b) leads to a proprietary (closed)
printing system c) would pull us into certification and at that point we
aborted the mission till we get better idea :)

maemo-developers mailing list

RE: Eclipse & the IDEs

2007-06-28 Thread Jakub.Pavelek

>On Mon, 2007-06-25 at 17:13 +0300, ext Naba Kumar wrote:
>> I would still keep the options to encourage and support 
>other IDEs for 
>> meamo development.
>Only a small detail: we are not trying to encourage any IDE. 
>We want to clarify what are the IDEs those targeted developers 
>are used to, in order to provide maemo support for these tools.
>Eclipse based IDEs are widely used by developers specializing 
>in mobile devices, according to Forum Nokia. They probably 
>know well. All the better if we can ease their path to Linux 
>and GTK+ development by providing/improving the maemo support 
>on their preferred tools, don't you think?
>Quim Gil -

Wondering how many people around here use what IDE, if any. I use
Anjuta. Just found out we have Anjuta people in our team (!).

Our platform is so much different from Symbian that I wouldn't make any
parallels over IDE suitability.

maemo-developers mailing list

RE: Error in ui

2007-06-21 Thread Jakub.Pavelek
from your description it is impossible to tell what went wrong. Did you
install something? Experimented too much in Xterm? It is very unlikely
this was caused on its own ;) Not sure you can re-install the themes
from apt.

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of ext Jose
Antonio Vacas Martinez
Sent: 21 June, 2007 10:55
Subject: Error in ui

In the first place, sorry about the cross posting but I got very
little help about mi weird error in maemo-user.

Mi UI looks very,very bad: No checkboxs, no sliders, no
scrollbar, no selections, no lines. You can see here
  a screenshot 

The controls are in the correct place because I can use it but
they are not rendered to screen. 

I've switch to diferent themes (downloading several) and nothing
changes. Reboot and battery remove doesn't help.

Any clue?

maemo-developers mailing list

RE: making tab-auto-complete action work on large on-screen keyboard

2007-04-29 Thread Jakub.Pavelek

This is rather unlikely to go ahead if the use-case is Xchat ;)

Is it really too much effort to type the name once by hand (which makes
the keyboard remember it) and then it offers it for autocompletion next

Though having an API where every application could give the input method
(virtual keyboard) additional application specific "dictionary" is not
that bad idea. This way e.g. user nicks from Xchat would not get saved
to your global dictionary and would not pop-up in other applications.



>This is just to mark a basic discussion we had on #maemo last 
>night. We discussed how badly tab-auto-complete is needed for 
>apps like xchat while using large on-screen keyboard. 
>It was suggested that adding another  key, might displace 
>other keys and a sacrifice on keysize will be required. 
>I proposed a quick neat way to do it, which I believe should 
>work, if the enhancement idea is found any good and is worked 
>upon that can be a default behaviour/cpapability of on-screen 
>keyboard to work seamlessly with any Maemo(n800) app. 
>What I suggested
>* Example app Xchat
>* Tab-auto-complete is needed for usernames from userlist in a 
>channel window focused
>* On-screen keyboard loads the stack of userlist
>* User/operator starts to type a username initial characters
>* On-screen keyboard compares from the stack, and offers 
>auto-completion just like known words from dictionary or history
>* Upon D-pad right-side press, username auto-completes.
>Possible glitches:
>* This looks to be simple, but can be a bit complex to manage 
>application to application. 
>* This can make on-screen keyboard consume more resources I 
>believe also might put an impact on lookup, feedback time. 
>Other example apps where this can be useful: 
>* Xterm - command and file name/location autocomplete
>* Future groupchat enhancements of Jabber/Telepathy 
>Disclaimer: I am not a developer but I'll be glad to see this 
>in code if et-all possible. 
maemo-developers mailing list

RE: Restructuring HAF product in Maemo bugzilla

2007-03-28 Thread Jakub.Pavelek
Hi all,

I feel that not only developers but general public should be able to use
the bugzilla. Not everyone can map a reproducible bug in File manager to
a specific version of GnomeVFS. I'd still like to have the possiblity to
report a bug for "N800" product and "File Manager" application, which
can then be moved to the proper SW componenet in HAF product. 

And I would rename HAF "SW components" because I could see not only HAF
but also bluetooth or X-server there, we should not make this a HAF
exclusive club.

So, on top level, this would make sense to me:
   * applications
   * software components
   * bugzilla
   * documentation
   * SDK
   * website

Applications would be for normal public, with components like "File
Manager" or "Control Panel".
Software components would be for developers with components like
"libsapwood" or "libgtkhtml" with real version.



>Even though overall the Maemo bugzilla is still not as lively 
>as we would wish, the activity level has dramatically 
>increased over the past few months, at least in the HAF 
>product. Nokia's HAF developers are now using it in our daily 
>work, together with the Sardine distro: 
>For quite a long time, many people have been unhappy with the 
>structure of the Maemo bugzilla, seeing it as awkward and hard 
>to relate to the codebase.
>Some have suggested organizing the bugzilla to closely follow 
>the module structure, and have pointed out to the GNOME 
>bugzilla has an example to follow:
>That makes a lot of sense to me.
>As it happens, I've got administrator rights in bugzilla.
>So I've played a bit with it and added a with a tentative 
>structure for HAF bugs.
>Here's the idea.
>- There's a product in bugzilla for each package in the HAF, 
>as listed here:
>- Each product (package) is further decomposed in components 
>according to the maintainer's view of the software structure. 
>For now, there's a 'general' component but more can be added.
>- For each product the valid versions are actually the package 
>versions, not the IT OS release versions.
>It's based on the understanding that:
>- The Maemo bugzilla is for developers, not end-users. 
>Regardless of whether they are working on the platform or on 
>applications on top of it, developers are interested in and 
>able to understand the platform structure.
>- The Maemo bugzilla needs to support day to day development 
>of the platform, so it needs to accurately describe not only 
>bugs in Maemo releases but also in day to day development
>So far I created products for only a few packages: apt, 
>apt-https, atk1.0, dbus, dbus-glib, desktop-file-utils, 
>dosfstools, to get the hang of it. I've listed only the 
>version in Bora plus the current version in Sardine.
>And I have not reclassified any bug.
>Another thing to note is that there are components that are 
>not part of the HAF but are nevertheless handled in the Maemo 
>bugzilla. X Window comes to mind. I've noticed some of these 
>bugs are currently in haf/general, possibly for lack of a 
>better place. I think it would make sense to create products 
>in bugzilla for them as well, as for the HAF components.
>I'd like to get comments and suggestions before adding the 
>rest of the products and reclassifying the bugs.
>maemo-developers mailing list
maemo-developers mailing list

RE: 3.2007.10-7 - Detailed change log?

2007-03-28 Thread Jakub.Pavelek
>Daniel Stone wrote:
>> You got it.  The majority of the bug work happens before product
>> release: going by what's in the changelogs, the external 
>database has 
>> roughly 2% of the bugs as the internal one.
>That might well be because I (and others) have given up on 
>using the external bug database as it seems next to useless.


Do not give up on it just yet, it is changing for better. We have a real
person behind [EMAIL PROTECTED] If not counting enhancement requests and
reports on closed applications then almost all new bug reports get

What is still missing is a more sane structure in bugzilla and more
active (or powerfull?) QA getting rid of enhancement requests and making
sure bug reports meet basic standards (templates for new bug reports?).



maemo-developers mailing list

RE: 3.2007.10-7 - Detailed change log?

2007-03-27 Thread Jakub.Pavelek
Hi all,

This sounds like something technically easy to do (for Nokia):
1) get all the internal bugs we have fixed
2) extract the referrences to public bugzilla
3) make sure all the public bugzilla bugs are marked as FIXED the same
day we release the update

And as a bonus lets list the public bugs in the changelog as fixed. This
all should be done automatically, perhaps even for the 3.2007.10-7 so
that we do not forget about it next time again.



>On Behalf Of ext Neil MacLeod
>Would it be possible to provide a detailed change log for 
>3.2007.10-7, ideally cross-referenced with the public Bugzilla 
>so that we (the users) known which of those bugs we have 
>raised have been addressed?
>The published change log is extremely inadequate, unfortunately.
>Many thanks...
maemo-developers mailing list

RE: run application on nokia 770

2007-03-22 Thread Jakub.Pavelek

Make sure you have glade and python installed on 770 too, they are not
there by default!

And work on your packaging, properly packaged application will tell you
about required yet missing dependencies ;)



>I created an application using glade and pygtk. I am trying to 
>run it on nokia 770 but it does not work. Installation goes 
>well but application whold not start. When I run it from 
>scratchbox, everything works fine. From the schratchbox I run 
>i386.deb file but on nokia arm.deb file.
>I tried to run an application on nokia 770 that don't use 
>glade and it works fine. Do I have to install or change 
>something alse to get glade-application run on the nokia770?? 
>Can it be something alse? If it works from scratchbox it 
>should work on nokia as well without any changes? I have 
>libglade installed on nokia.
>best regards
maemo-developers mailing list

RE: Launch maemo browser in fullscreen mode

2007-03-20 Thread Jakub.Pavelek
AFAIK the sources for the browser UI (not the engine) are public:

I even managed to compile them once (didn't run though). I would think that 
having own browser UI that launches fullscreen for your needs would be good 
enough solution for a kiosk mode project.



>It is possible to compile a small App that sends the keyboard 
>function key (F6 I think) to x windows that is equivalent to 
>the hardware fullscreen button being pressed (someone pointed 
>me in that direction a while ago on the list).  Far from the 
>best solution but it can work.
>The downside is it is hard to be sure which application is in 
>front (I believe there is a util that can tell an app to go to 
>the front, but not exactly fool proof).  I am told it is 
>possible to disable the hardware key but I am not quite sure 
>how you would do this (change the key mappings file?).  If you 
>can't do that they can take it out of fullscreen, they can 
>also press the home button.
>The browser crashes an enormous amount (one person mentions it 
>is linked to the number of additional windows you open, most 
>others think it is memory related), so you need a way to 
>detect it crashed and reopen it.  (I managed to do this in Rh9 
>really easily, so if browser or x-windows crash it restarts, 
>can't seem to crack it on the nokia).
>Sleep mode (and also power off when charger plugged in) don't 
>tend cause a proper boot up (it is already up) so startup 
>scripts to start the browser don't get fired.
>Ideally I'd want to uninstall all non useful applications 
>(e.g. games, email etc). Has anyone written anything to do that?
>I have not found any way to cut everything back to just the 
>desktop and the web browser (i.e. 
>remove the window manager) if someone can provide more info on 
>that then I can probably knock up a proper kiosk mode for the 
>Nokia and release it back and then we could have a basic kiosk 
>and everyone can chip in to fix the other issues.
>There are so many fab web apps for a kiosk tablet
>- e.g. Museum guide (so much better than the talk in your ear ones).
>Kind Regards
>At 07:15 20/03/2007, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>>That's right. The fullscreen browser launching is not implemented but 
>>it is planned in future (not too soon).
>> >There is no way to open the opera browser into fullscreen, i spent 
>> >quite a bit of time trying various solutions and even tried 
>> >implementing the "open embedded browser" via dbus, however these 
>> >calls are deprecated.
>> >The only hope is to use a different browser solution as a base.
>> >
>> >Andrew
>> >
>> >Tomàs Jiménez Lozano wrote:
>> >> As a first step to achieve some kind of kiosk mode I am
>> >trying to open
>> >> maemo browser at startup in fullscreen mode.
>> >>
>> >> I've found that, dislike desktop opera browser, maemo browser has 
>> >> no command line switch option (--fullscreen) to do this.
>> >>
>> >> I am trying now to launch browser via dbus rpc capabilities. I've 
>> >> found some "osso-browser-interface.h" document where it says
>> >the only
>> >> methods available for remote calling are for opening a new window 
>> >> or opening a url.
>> >> There is another collection of methods but they seem to 
>be intended 
>> >> for embedded browser windows within a main application window.
>> >> One of this "embedded-only" methods allows you to send a HW Key 
>> >> code to the browser, that is just what I am trying to do.
>> >> Disgracefully I assume it only works for this "embedded browsers".
>> >>
>> >> Does anyone know if there is a way to open maemo browser in
>> >fullscreen?
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> Thanks in advance
>> >>
>> >> Tomàs Jiménez
>> >> oranginalab
>> >>
>> >> ___
>> >> maemo-developers mailing list
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >___
>> >maemo-developers mailing list
>> >
>> >
>> >
>>maemo-developers mailing list
>>No virus found in this incoming message.
>>Checked by AVG Free Edition.
>>Version: 7.5.446 / Virus Database: 268.18.14/727
>>- Release Date: 19/03/2007 11:49
>No virus found in this outgoing message.
>Checked by AVG Free Edition.
>Version: 7.5.446 / Virus Database: 268.18.14/727 - Release 
>Date: 19/03/2007 11:49
maemo-developers mailing list

RE: Launch maemo browser in fullscreen mode

2007-03-19 Thread Jakub.Pavelek
That's right. The fullscreen browser launching is not implemented but it is 
planned in future (not too soon).



>There is no way to open the opera browser into fullscreen, i 
>spent quite a bit of time trying various solutions and even 
>tried implementing the "open embedded browser" via dbus, 
>however these calls are deprecated. 
>The only hope is to use a different browser solution as a base.
>Tomàs Jiménez Lozano wrote:
>> As a first step to achieve some kind of kiosk mode I am 
>trying to open 
>> maemo browser at startup in fullscreen mode.
>> I've found that, dislike desktop opera browser, maemo browser has no 
>> command line switch option (--fullscreen) to do this.
>> I am trying now to launch browser via dbus rpc capabilities. I've 
>> found some "osso-browser-interface.h" document where it says 
>the only 
>> methods available for remote calling are for opening a new window or 
>> opening a url.
>> There is another collection of methods but they seem to be intended 
>> for embedded browser windows within a main application window.
>> One of this "embedded-only" methods allows you to send a HW Key code 
>> to the browser, that is just what I am trying to do.
>> Disgracefully I assume it only works for this "embedded browsers".
>> Does anyone know if there is a way to open maemo browser in 
>> Thanks in advance
>> Tomàs Jiménez
>> oranginalab
>> ___
>> maemo-developers mailing list
>maemo-developers mailing list
maemo-developers mailing list

RE: How do I activate finger keyboard in python?

2007-03-14 Thread Jakub.Pavelek

I do not think you can use the keyboard in SDL/pygame as such. There is
the Game Startup Screen where all the necessary data should be collected
(simple GTK application) which then launches the game:



>I am porting something that uses pygame and I need to call the 
>Are there docs somewhere.
maemo-developers mailing list

RE: Maemo Localization Project

2007-02-22 Thread Jakub.Pavelek
>У чет, 22. 02 2007. у 12:27 +0200, Asmo Koskinen пише:
>> Let's do it - let's create l10n project for 770/N800.
>If I am understanding correctly, if locale is not officially 
>supported from Nokia, there is no way we can add it to N770, right?


You can replace the locales shipping with the device with another set of 
locales, of course. People are playing with CJK and other locales already now 
at garage:


maemo-developers mailing list

RE: [maemo-developers] hildon-libs0 >= 0.14.11 required for OS 2006

2007-02-15 Thread Jakub.Pavelek

Look at your Debian packaging, debian/control, and if you see the usual
"Depends: {shlibs:Depends}" there, then you know that your Bora SDK
built package will almost certainly not install any IT-2006. 

However if you build your application for IT-2006 (e.g. with Mistral
SDK) then there is really good probability it will install and work on
IT-2007 (at least all my SW does).

If you want to stick with Bora SDK and develop for 770 then try writing
dependencies by hand and pray.



>-Original Message-
>[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of ext 
>Holger Macht
>Sent: 15 February, 2007 12:23
>Subject: [maemo-developers] hildon-libs0 >= 0.14.11 required 
>for OS 2006
>application mmpc [1] is my first debian package ever. I'm 
>developing for OS 2007. I hoped that the packages I uploaded 
>would be compatible with OS 2006, but now I get user reports 
>that they are not. It is a dependency
>  hildon-libs0 (>= 0.14.11-1) needed
>Maybe someone can give me a hint how to define which library 
>version is needed so that it also works for the Nokia 770? It' 
>not the PKG_CHECK_MODULES[hildon]... as I already figured out :-(
>   Holger
>maemo-developers mailing list
maemo-developers mailing list

RE: [maemo-developers] New list spin-off?

2007-02-05 Thread Jakub.Pavelek
>I am not against any good changes, on the contrary... But in 
>this case I would like to hear to hear 100s of opinions! Come 
>on, we have ~1000 people on this list!
>> --
>> Quim Gil
>> Maemo team

Ok, 99 to go ;)
I'm happy with the current setup. More list = less chance I will
subscribe them.


maemo-developers mailing list

RE: [maemo-developers] [maemo-announce] maemo 2.2 'gregale' isreleased

2007-02-05 Thread Jakub.Pavelek
>> >It's great to see a new 2.x SDK release that runs on the 
>same version 
>> >of scratchbox as the 3.0 SDK, but my main concern is will packages 
>> >created with the new SDK work on maemo 2.0 and 2.1 platforms?  When 
>> >the 2.1/scirocco SDK was released, because of auto-generated 
>> >dependency issues in the package, packages created with the 2.1 SDK 
>> >would not generally work on 2.0 platforms.  As such, it has 
>been best 
>> >to continue to use the 2.0 SDK to build packages that will 
>work on both 2.0 and 2.1 maemo platforms.
>> >
>> >Now, we have a new 2.2 SDK, and I suspect that we will run into the 
>> >same dependency issues.  Are developers going to be continued to 
>> >forced to use the 2.0 SDK in order to build packages that 
>support all 
>> >2.x platforms (and as a result, continue to maintain the 
>older scratchbox installation)?
>> >Perhaps there can be some way to configure the 2.2 SDK such that it 
>> >will generate package dependencies for older 2.x releases.
>> This is far from ideal, but you can always circumvent the automatic 
>> dependencies and put the dependencies manually. Automatic 
>> come from the ${shlibs:Depends} pseudo-dependency in the 
>> debian/control file, which is replaced by all the packages 
>> the libraries the program is linked against. You can remove 
>this field 
>> add the dependencies on library manually,  with versions  
>available in  maemo 2.0.
>Yep, I'm aware of this option, but I'd rather keep 2.0 on my 
>system and have two scratchbox installations than implement 
>this kludge.  I would have to maintain separate control files 
>if I went with this option, one for 2.x and one for 3.0.
>Seriously, it would be more useful to provide a 2.0-compatible 
>SDK that runs on the latest Scratchbox than providing a 2.2 SDK.

I fully agree with Aaron here. 

Speaking from my position of free-time developer, not Nokia insider, I
feel that relases 2.1 and 2.2 created confusion and fragmented developer
efforts. I do not develop for Maemo 2.0, 2.1 or 2.2, I develop for
IT-2006 users and the role of SDK should be to make sure I do that.
Giving the SDK releases names and numbers that have no relation to the
ITOS releases and updates is something I do not understand.


maemo-developers mailing list

RE: [maemo-developers] Re: Span filesystem across both SD cards?

2007-02-02 Thread Jakub.Pavelek
>Hi Fran:
>   I'll try that: booting from the card. I'll read and study a bit.

> What I don't understand is why something so logically needed (it is
> in all new brand Nokia phones) is not available as default. 

IIRC this was looked into seriously and decided to not do it. So this is
not a planned feature AFAIK.

Plus, its really easy to get at least 175 MB of free internal storage on



maemo-developers mailing list

RE: [maemo-developers] libcst sources?

2007-02-01 Thread Jakub.Pavelek
Let me create a bit of confusion here ;)
There are tutorials here:
but those are *not* for the certificate manager (I know, thats not what
the web pages say, but trust me). Those are for the libcst, which is a
low-level library that interfaces the certificate database, not the
certificate manager. 
Libcst should be available somewhere (at least in Bora's repository).
The real certificate manager is close-sourced yet we have the -dev
package with headers available in Bora's repository (AFAIK).

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of ext Alutoin
Sent: 01 February, 2007 14:33
Subject: [maemo-developers] libcst sources?

Hello all,

Where can I download the sources of libcst, please?



maemo-developers mailing list

RE: [maemo-developers] Auto-connect feature

2007-01-29 Thread Jakub.Pavelek

The idea is that N800 is connected all the time to known WLAN access
points so that your VoIP calls actually do come in. If we go with any of
your proposals this will not work, right?

You can turn it off from the connectivity settings in the "Connect
automatically" dropdown. Then applications can still initiate connection
when they feel like it.



>Hi all,
>I was mightily confused that I'd wake my N800 up from its 
>keypad/screen locked state and find that it was connected. I 
>understand that this is a feature, and in fact it is quite a 
>useful feature, however there are some
>This feature is switched on by default - for those who don't 
>know about it (or need it, etc.), it's confusing and drains 
>the battery.
>It would appear that the device will auto-connect with an 
>interval set in the connection settings dialog. I assume it 
>disconnects using the settings in the same dialog, which by 
>default set the wlan timeout to infinite - this would seem to 
>indicate that it will just stay connected all the time (again 
>not ideal for the battery of those who don't need the 
>feature). This seems to be the case as it's always connected 
>when I switch on...
>I may be wrong about the timeout settings, please let me know 
>if this is the case.
>IMO, ideally it should do the following:
>* Only allow certain applications to initiate an auto-connect, 
>and if one of these is not running don't bother auto-connecting at all.
>* Perform the auto-connect as per the current frequency settings.
>* Have a different timeout to the normal (user-initiated) 
>connection settings - this might be a hard limit (so after 
>1min it will disconnect even if there is traffic), or an idle 
>limit (connect, then disconnect when idle for more than 30s, etc.)
>Just a few thoughts,

maemo-developers mailing list

RE: [maemo-developers] to Nokia: simple method to gainagamingaudienceon 770/800

2007-01-26 Thread Jakub.Pavelek
>>  * easy to make basic GUI for game setup (input methods do 
>not work in
>> SDL)
>I guess anybody how is porting a SDL game will run into the 
>keyboard issue problem.
>It would be nice if we can port existing SDL games but that 
>really means that we need a cute keyboard input hack. I have 
>been asking around but did not find a simple pluggable virtual 
>keyboard for sdl.
>perhaps pointer to such resources would help. but otherwise I 
>think some effort must be put into that.


This has been studied briefly, and since SDL games are a very colorful
bunch we felt that a solution to suit "SDL games" is a very illusive
target, we would not get a solution that suits all and it would be a
hack complicating things evern futher.

The startup screen has been seen as a significantly more elegant way of
dealing with most of the cases and so far it has proven right (how many
games require text entry during the gameplay?).



maemo-developers mailing list

RE: [maemo-developers] to Nokia: simple method to gaina gamingaudienceon 770/800

2007-01-25 Thread Jakub.Pavelek
>  > And also this from ot list of developer docs:
>Althought I never considered this game startup/pause screen a 
>good idea worth of implementing in any game but it is probably 
>just me :-)
>To me it seem like it is result of typical Nokia 
>non-multitasking way of implementing games in phones. Perfect 
>for phone but not needed in proper multitasking environment 
>with multiple windows and window/task  manager. 
>Second reason might be that the trick with 
>SDL_VIDEO_X11_WMCLASS was not known in early IT2005 times so 
>this was a way to avoid the missing icon in task manager.

The game startup screen meant for many things like e.g.:
 * make all games startup look the same
 * easy to make basic GUI for game setup (input methods do not work in
 * somehow easier to hook the game startup screen to D-Bus/GConf/system



maemo-developers mailing list

RE: [maemo-developers] to Nokia: simple method to gaina gamingaudience on 770/800

2007-01-25 Thread Jakub.Pavelek
>Raul Fernandes Herbster wrote:
>> Yeah... and besides that, no specific tutorials for "maemo game 
>> programming" are available. We have to try using the same techniques 
>> as we do at Desktop games. This idea could be improved.
>You mean something like this
>? Had to write 'game' in wiki searchbox and click 'Titles', 
>pretty advanced stuff ;-)

And also this from ot list of developer docs:


maemo-developers mailing list

RE: [maemo-developers] Ignored patches, ignored bugs

2007-01-23 Thread Jakub.Pavelek
>There are several simple Maemo bugs that are stopping the 
>maemomm C++ bindings from being perfect. We have listed these 
>in our TODO files:
>Most of these show up in my personal list of maeommm bugs too:
>But is starting to feel like a black hole. 
>Even the most simple no-brainer patches are ignored. I don't 
>know what to do about this. I don't want to bother the 
>maintainers directly via email because that would only make 
>their lives unpleasant.


If you are lucky enough and have a real name in the "Assigned to" and
nothing happens for too long (like no comment, no bug alias, etc.) feel
free to ask for more attention ;) I'm sure that if you do that the usual
polite way you will get at least some estimate or explanation.

Maybe the list of important bugs for hildon-fm is just too long to get
the easy patches fixed right now ;) 


maemo-developers mailing list

RE: [maemo-developers] to Nokia: simple method to gain a gamingaudience on 770/800

2007-01-22 Thread Jakub.Pavelek
>I'd like to advance a proposal, mainly to Nokia's Tableteer 
>site developers.
>There's no need to explain why a better gaming experience on 
>the internet tablets could boost user-base: of course, for a 
>"high-level" portable gaming experience we'll buy a 
>GBA/DS/PSP/GP2X etc.; I know 770/800 is not a gaming platform, 
>but if we have a 770/800 in our pocket, and we're in gaming 
>mood, and we have no money for a new good game for our GBA 
>these times, why not benefit of our ITB's (Internet Tablet) 
>nice display and touch screen?
>Let me soon underline that I'm not going to ask for a better 
>hardware for games, or a better button pad, etc.: nothing 
>needs to be changed, but gaming experience on ITB can be 
>*extremely* boosted with a relatively simple initiative, 
>better if supported by Nokia itself for its success - let me 
>explain it, I hope I succeed in making you see its potential 
>how I do, and take action.
>You all know how the Nintendo Wii has gained poularity, and 
>sells. With this nice console in their living room, plenty of 
>users have access to the Internet in a very straightforward 
>way, just like the ITB does on the go (incidentally, this 
>reminds me the main current trends of Microsoft and
>Apple: Microsoft at home, Apple on the go).
>The Nintendo Wii can be considered, imho, a great alley for 
>Nokia Internet Tablets sells and popularity: can you see why?
>I own a Nokia 770: let me say that gaming experience, out of 
>the box, is very poor. Tak has done a very good job with 
>emulators porting, but this cannot be considered a solution: 
>first, most users don't own so much arcade boards and nes 
>cartridges in order to legally play their favourite games 
>through emulators; second, the hardware keys simply cannot be 
>used for a smooth gameplay; third, the average user will not 
>easily find and follow the route to emugaming on its tablet.
>So, why the Wii can be an alley? Because you can see that lots 
>of Flash developers are creating plenty of very nice and 
>enjoyable games... with Wii in mind. As the Opera browser can 
>display Flash content, they adapt their old games or create 
>new ones scaling down needed resources, fitting a TV display, 
>and - above all - making them playable *with just the mouse*. 
>This is the real point: just-mouse games!
>Wait: this means not that I'm going to propose we should use 
>those games on the ITB (even if some of those work almost 
>perfectly on my 770, if I set "quality: low" for Flash content 
>display). My suggestion really is:
>--->>> steal the "" idea! [1] <<<---
>It is a site collecting Flash games adapted to be used on the 
>Nintendo Wii console; there's also a voting system, top-rated 
>list, newest ones list, search by name field, etc.; developers 
>can submit games (to promote their sites, or whatever) and the 
>games are free to use, and easy to find. No installation 
>required, no repository in the Application catalogue needed, 
>no dependencies, nothing: want to play? click and enjoy! Are 
>you bored?  
>Close your browser, or browse back and try another one ;)
>I hate Flash sites. But when it comes to games, a Flash plugin 
>can really turn a web browser in a simple yet powerful 
>sandbox-embedded-gaming-platform. So, we already have built-in 
>in our tablets this nice web browser and this popular 
>plugin: and they're the same choice made by Nintendo, one of 
>the best gaming companies of the world, for their newest 
>console; they're some versions older on ITBs, though, but they 
>are not that bad (and sometimes "old" means "faster" too).
>As many "mouse-only concept" free Flash games are popping out 
>following the Wii trend, Nokia should take advantage of that 
>and gain some popularity from those users who could enjoy a 
>portable device capable of providing access to plenty of 
>*free* nice games (have I underlined the word "free" enough? 
>;) Not only free, but easy to "install" (well, no installation 
>is required at all), easy to "uninstall" (well, no 
>uninstallation is required at all), easy to store and load 
>when offline (they are just swf files, the built-in file 
>manager can access them from a memory card just like a mame 
>frontend does on zipped roms archives), easy to adapt for 
>developers (it's Flash after all).
>So, if still you have no idea of what is my proposal, here it 
>is finally:
>The default main page in the browser on ITB is the Tableteer: 
>we already have a big link to the "Fun for Kids" section, 
>where some games are linked to be downloaded and installed. 
>Good, let's share the "Fun for Kids"  
>label, even if we all know those "kids" can eventually be more 
>than 30 years old sometimes ;) There, I can see fitting the 
>link for a service similar to, where developers 
>can submit their games, specifically adapted for use on the 
>Internet Tablets. Of course, there will be a clear separation 
>between "Nokia 770"

RE: Mailing list weirdness (was Re: [maemo-developers] Python forMaemo -- new version released)

2007-01-19 Thread Jakub.Pavelek
>> Did anyone else receive anything between those times?  Or 
>was it just 
>> me and the archive who missed stuff?
>Not just you.
Hi there,

I believe Quim blogged that the mailing list has been broken for a
while. That could be the reason.

Have a nice weekend!

maemo-developers mailing list

RE: [maemo-developers] starting python application without buildingpackage

2007-01-19 Thread Jakub.Pavelek
you do not need to have the service file for such simple testing. Just
make sure to point the Exec to the application and then set the
StartupWMClass to the window name (helps to keep it alive).
Posting the full contents of the .desktop file also helps finding the

Hallo erverybody,

i would like to try my application on the device without
building a package.

So i create a .desktop file with


an a .service file with the same link.

By clicking the entry in the navigationbar i get a info banner
with...timetracker will be load... but nothing more.

1. Is there a mistake in the EXEC command?

2. In xterm i use the run-standalone command to start the
application in front of the theme. Is it possible to use this command in
the .desktop file?


maemo-developers mailing list

RE: [maemo-developers] examining n800 kernel

2007-01-17 Thread Jakub.Pavelek
>> I've been looking at the n800 kernel source in bora repository to 
>> figure out what n800 is like comparing to the n770. Here is 
>a summary 
>> of some things I found. As I don't have the device I may be 
>wrong with 
>> something that could be easily verified.
>> kernel is 2.6.18-omap1 - everybody probably knows that :-)
>> USB
>> Seems to be 2.0, capable of high speed mode (480MBits), chip is 
>> TUSB6010 by TI. No usb host mode is compiled in the kernel. Usb host 
>> mode support was also removed from initfs (usb booting) so 
>this may look bad.
>  Looking at the "shiny brochure"-level documentation for the 
>TUSB6010 it looks like it has full support for USB-OTG, 
>including a 5V charge pump for driving peripheral devices.  
>Whether or not it's possible to write support for it due to 
>available documentation is another matter.
> I really wish Nokia would step forward and do it since it 
>looks like it could be perfect for host-mode.
>  Thanks for doing the kernel writeup!


AFAIK there is no USB-OTG in N800. The connector (HW) does not handle it
so no effort spent in the kernel either.


maemo-developers mailing list

RE: [maemo-developers] Cairo performance comparison, 770 / N800 / PXA-320

2007-01-15 Thread Jakub.Pavelek
>On Sunday 14 January 2007 20:11, Frantisek Dufka wrote:
>> Marius Gedminas wrote:
>> > On Sun, Jan 14, 2007 at 07:53:06PM +0200, Marius Gedminas wrote:
>> >> On Sun, Jan 14, 2007 at 12:11:37AM +0200, Siarhei Siamashka wrote:
>> >>> Also Nokia 770 runs not at 220MHz as stated on your page, but at 
>> >>> something closer to 250MHz as shown by this test code 
>program (and 
>> >>> confirmed to be actually 252MHz by somebody from Nokia on #maemo 
>> >>> about half a year ago).
>> >>
>> >> So is lying?
>Well, if I were to create a conspiracy theory, I would suggest 
>that it could be done on purpose to make N800 look like a 
>bigger improvement when comparing it to 770 ;-)
>But most likely it is just a typo, a lot of new docs became 
>available lately, so they may contain some minor inaccuracies.

Not a conspiracy, it simply used to be 220MHz and only later went up to
252 MHz. 


maemo-developers mailing list

RE: [maemo-developers] Re: N800 Developer Programme Application

2007-01-12 Thread Jakub.Pavelek

You are right about this. One fact is, that release schedule has been a
trade secret - hence no "end user roadmap with release dates". What we
could do with this limitation was e.g. Herring. Everyone in the open
have had Herring available for month(s). It was (clearly?) communicated
that this is the stabilization branch towards the next ITOS release.
Anyone could have made sure his application will work the day
Bora/IT-2007 goes public.

Its true Herring did not have it all. Applications and multimedia were
out of scope, user friendliness was not good, yet connectivity and
desktop framework (Hildon, D-Bus, etc.) has been ready and available. I
would hope we will do the same next time, just better ;)

Another thing is the developer program. I'm not too happy with it myself
and I agree we should have at least posted the deadline after which the
notifications are sent. I still hope we will at least announce that the
selection is over.



>From: ext Igor Tkach [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>I think it is kinda late not because of the need to create 
>community (great community already exists). By the time the 
>device becomes availble to all you probably want to have most 
>important existing apps ported and tested. My impression is 
>that this is not the case right now. Some work can be done 
>with scratchbox environment, but in my experience it is not 
>quite the same as running apps on the device itself.
>Program schedule you mention - is it published somewhere and I 
>just missed it or is it kept secret? (I apologize for being 
>annoying, I'm just eager to get my hands on n800, so I would 
>like to know if I should wait for the discount:)
>> >What's the point to announce such a program so late and with
>> so little details? To irritate people? I would like to have my
>> >discount right now, if I'm eligible, so that I could buy the device 
>> >right away, or to know that I'm not eligible so that I could plan 
>> >$399 into my budget for gadgets. At the very least it would be nice 
>> >to know the time frame for the program.
>> >
>> Hi,
>> Announcing it "so late" (was it the same/next day after the product
>> launch?) should not be a problem. Active community members and 
>> developers do not need to be "created" overnight, they 
>existed before 
>> the developer program was launched. If I understand the program 
>> schedule correctly the lucky ones shall get notified rather soon.
>> Br,
>> --jakub
maemo-developers mailing list

RE: [maemo-developers] Xypher Error - Is Display set?

2007-01-11 Thread Jakub.Pavelek

Not sure you are using this correctly. First start the Xephyr on :2 and
then set the display in the scratchbox to point to the Xephyr? If I read
what you do is trying to launch Xephyr on non-existing display :2.



>I installed Scratchbox successfully and wanted to run my Xephyr.
>But I get this error message:
>> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/Desktop$ export DISPLAY=:2 
>> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/Desktop$ ./
>> Xephyr cannot open host display. Is DISPLAY set?
>I know from other topics, that i have to set the DISPLAY, i do 
>(see at top).
>But what can I do else?
>I am using Ubunto in VMWare 5.
>My username "arne99" is also the username of scratchbox.
>Please help! Thanks!
maemo-developers mailing list

RE: [maemo-developers] N800 availability in Australia

2007-01-11 Thread Jakub.Pavelek

You can't find marketing guys on this list ;)

For sure it is not available in the online shop. Perhaps some global
online retailer will pick it up (like Amazon did with 770)?



>Hey Nokia,
>Will the N800 be made available for purchase in Australia?
maemo-developers mailing list

RE: [maemo-developers] localization issue on maemo 3.0

2007-01-10 Thread Jakub.Pavelek

This won't work - reads /etc/osso-af-init/locale and
sets the language according to it. 



>-Original Message-
>[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of ext 
>Kimitake Abe
>Sent: 10 January, 2007 20:44
>Subject: [maemo-developers] localization issue on maemo 3.0
>I just want to know whether or not "Doing localization on maemo" works.
>I created a new po file (ja.po) as tutorial above using 
>maemopad_1.5, and installed to my X86 platform, and then 
>execute maemopad as follow.
>LC_ALL="ja" ./maemopad
>But it uses en_GB info instead of ja. I made sure there is 
> under /usr/share/locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES.
>I also updated en_GB.po using Japanese font which uses 
>different string from ja.po. In this case I can see JP string 
>menu since maemopad uses new en_GB info (of couse, I have 
>installed JP true type font to /usr/share/fonts).
>Kimitake Abe
>maemo-developers mailing list
maemo-developers mailing list

RE: [maemo-developers] Re: N800 Developer Programme Application

2007-01-10 Thread Jakub.Pavelek
>What's the point to announce such a program so late and with 
>so little details? To irritate people? I would like to have my 
>discount right now, if I'm eligible, so that I could buy the 
>device right away, or to know that I'm not eligible so that I 
>could plan $399 into my budget for gadgets. At the very least 
>it would be nice to know the time frame for the program.

Announcing it "so late" (was it the same/next day after the product
launch?) should not be a problem. Active community members and
developers do not need to be "created" overnight, they existed before
the developer program was launched. If I understand the program schedule
correctly the lucky ones shall get notified rather soon.


maemo-developers mailing list

RE: Re: [maemo-developers] step by step tutorial for developing homeapplets

2007-01-09 Thread Jakub.Pavelek

No, those tutorials are not for plugins. The plugin code for HildonDesktop has 
seen some significant improvements very recently and in future it *could* be 
possible to do the plugins in e.g. Python. We are looking into the feasibility 
of doing it in practise on the device.



>-Original Message-
>[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of ext 
>Jose Manrique Lopez de la Fuente
>Sent: 09 January, 2007 14:23
>Subject: Re: Re: [maemo-developers] step by step tutorial for 
>developing homeapplets
>Yes, I know them, but can I use them to create home applets.. 
>I don't think soo.
>Thanks in advance,
>2007/1/9, Mathias Uebelacker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> Hello,
>> there a two Python Docs on Maemo:
>> Maemo 2.1
>> Maemo 3.0
>> but i think that are both not for dev. home applets
>> Mathias
>> - Ursprüngliche Mitteilung -
>> Von: Jose Manrique Lopez de la Fuente  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> An:
>> Gesendet: Di.,  9. Jan. 2007 13:09:25 CET
>> Betreff: Re: [maemo-developers] step by step tutorial for developing 
>> home applets Is it for python?
>> Is there a python howto for home applets
>> >
>> >
>> > Hi,
>> >
>> > now we have this one:
>> > 
>> > ora.html
>> >
>> > Not really step-by-step though. Is that not good enough? 
>Let us know.
>> >
>> > Br,
>> >
>> > --jakub
>> >
>> >
>> >  
>> > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
>ext Mathias 
>> > Uebelacker
>> > Sent: 09 January, 2007 12:17
>> > To:
>> > Subject: [maemo-developers] step by step tutorial for developing 
>> > home applets
>> >
>> >
>> > Hello to everybody,
>> >
>> > first of all, this is my second question to this topic. With the 
>> > answers to my first question i could solve another prob. Does 
>> > anybody knows a step by step tutorial for developing home 
>applets? I 
>> > looking for a tutorial like Teemus Python tutorials for 
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > Thanks again
>> > Mathias
>> >
>> >
>> > ___
>> > maemo-developers mailing list
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> --
>> J. Manrique López de la Fuente
>> jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> ___
>> maemo-developers mailing list
>J. Manrique López de la Fuente
>maemo-developers mailing list
maemo-developers mailing list

RE: [maemo-developers] step by step tutorial for developing home applets

2007-01-09 Thread Jakub.Pavelek
now we have this one:
Not really step-by-step though. Is that not good enough? Let us know.

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of ext Mathias
Sent: 09 January, 2007 12:17
Subject: [maemo-developers] step by step tutorial for developing
home applets

Hello to everybody,

first of all, this is my second question to this topic. With the
answers to my first question i could solve another prob. Does anybody
knows a step by step tutorial for developing home applets? I looking for
a tutorial like Teemus Python tutorials for "...Python...".

Thanks again

maemo-developers mailing list

RE: [maemo-developers] libgpsbt 0.1-18 license?

2007-01-09 Thread Jakub.Pavelek

The "copyright notice above" is most likely as usual "Copyright (c) 2006
Nokia Corporation. All rights reserved." (do not know for sure, this is
not my component).

I'm sure those guys will fix that really fast;)



>-Original Message-
>[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of ext Koen Kooi
>Sent: 09 January, 2007 11:53
>To: maemo developers
>Subject: [maemo-developers] libgpsbt 0.1-18 license?
>Hash: SHA1
>I couldn't figure out this part of the libgpsbt license:
>"Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or 
>without modification, are permitted provided that the 
>following conditions are met:
>Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright 
>notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
>Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above 
>copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following 
>disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials 
>provided with the distribution.
>The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote 
>products derived from this software without specific prior 
>written permission.
>Those are the *first* 4 lines of COPYING. I see no 'above 
>copyright notice', just a MIT like disclaimer *below*. Could 
>one of the nokia people give me the right license (MIT, BSD, APL, etc)?
>Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (Darwin)
>maemo-developers mailing list
maemo-developers mailing list

RE: [maemo-developers] Building 'maemo 3.0' against stockbase libraries

2007-01-09 Thread Jakub.Pavelek
>> Since Nokia decided that my n770 is unworthy of OS2007[1], I 
>wanted to 
>> see how much trouble it is to compile the various maemo3 components 
>> against a stock gtk/cairo/esound/dbus/etc and run that on my 770.
>>> I obviously know next to nothing compared to you and your 
>>> OpenEmbedded cohorts, but how much trouble would it be to throw out 
>>> Maemo all together and use OpenEmbedded on the 770...with GPE, or 
>>> Opie II whenever that's ready.
>You can already do that with Openembeded, just set 
>MACHINE=nokia770. However, I am not really interested in that, 
>I'm interested in getting 'maemo' to build against stock base 
>libraries when possible and use it on various non-nokia 
>devices (including my x86 workstation, maemo-mapper at 
>1600x1200... drool...).

Hi there,

We have been working on that already in the HildonDesktop
( Scaling it up was just
first step. Reworking the dependencies would be next one. Keep it touch
if you feel like helping with that.



P.S.: Code is out there in the open (is it this one?
maemo-developers mailing list

RE: [maemo-developers] maemo_af_desktop[7236]: We could not read lowmempage stats.

2007-01-08 Thread Jakub.Pavelek
this is not related to the maemo-af-desktop message. Most likely the way
you launch it on the device is not correct (e.g. incorrectly formed
desktop or service file).

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of ext Sampath
Sent: 08 January, 2007 13:41
Subject: [maemo-developers] maemo_af_desktop[7236]: We could not
read lowmempage stats.


I have created a simple SDL application (hellosdl), compiled and
created a .deb package in scratchbox. I started xephyr, and the GUI
window opened fine. But when I try to open my installed SDL application,
I get a revolving icon message "hellosdl - loading" and after few
seconds it is lost and nothing happens. 
In scratchbox command prompt I get an error as below:
"maemo_af_desktop[7236]: We could not read lowmem page stats."

When I run the same application in the 770, I get the same
revolving icon message "hellosdl - loading" and after few seconds it is
lost and nothing happens. 

Please help me.

Thanks and Regards,


maemo-developers mailing list

RE: [maemo-developers] Re: gethostbyname() ?? Unable to become root--> solved!

2007-01-03 Thread Jakub.Pavelek
>Am Mittwoch, 3. Januar 2007 15:47 schrieb Zoran Kolic:
>> > When I try to become root in an xterminal (sudo su -, or sudo 
>> > gainroot) it often fails and I end up with this error message.
>> > "unable to lookup Nokia770-39 via gethostbyname()"
>> I suspect you have changed hosts file.
>> For the very first line it should be
>> new_box_name localhost
>> This new name should match hostname file.
>> Zoran
>Hey Zoran
>You were absolutely right! Thank you very much!
>When I upgraded from itos 2006 28-8 to 39-14 (the fist update 
>for the 2006
>edition) I copied over many files from my backup.
>My /etc/hosts started with
> Nokia770-26 localhost
>instead of
> Nokia770-39 localhost<== 39!  ;-)
>Next time I reinstall files from my backup after a firmware 
>upgrade I will double check! Promissed! :-)
>Regards Krischan

One more reason to stick with the built-in backup and restore SW ;)

maemo-developers mailing list

RE: [maemo-developers] Unable to create virtual memory

2006-12-20 Thread Jakub.Pavelek
From: ext Andrey Khurri [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 20 December, 2006 15:55
To: Pavelek Jakub (Nokia-M/Helsinki)
Subject: Re: [maemo-developers] Unable to create virtual memory

Hi, Jakub,

Thanks for your reply.



From: ext Andrey Khurri
Sent: 20 December, 2006 14:17
To: Pavelek Jakub (Nokia-M/Helsinki)
Subject: Re: [maemo-developers] Unable to create
virtual memory


I have Nokia 770 with OS 2006 on it.
I've been trying to 
extend my memory card to be used as
additional virtual memory. 
I used Control 
panel->Memory->Virtual (tag). When I
choose either of sizes offered
(from 8 MB to 32 MB in my case) and
press 'OK' it displays an 
error window 'Unable to create virtual
memory'. What might be 
wrong here? And also, what this built-in
option actually does? 

It resizes or creates a file ".swap" on
the memory card. Could be you
have a ".swap" there already, created as
a root and then it can't touch

I checked the /media/mmc1 directory and I do not
have a .swap file there. The problem is still unresolved.


It is hard to tell. Best would be to describe the
problem in finer detail (e.g. do you get the error message immediately
or after some activity being show, etc.) In general, a bug report would
be a good place to follow this:
component general, assign it to me or at least notify me
of the bug number ;)

I think I found the root of my problem. It is my memory card
which somehow does not have write access to it. It says ' Read-only file
system' whenever I try to write any file to it. So, definitely it is not
able to create a swap file there and extend virtual memory. Now I am
wondering if formatting the card would solve the issue.

I have another tablet and creating a swap file there was
successful. So, I did not add a bug to bugzilla because the problem is
not related to the device itself.

Best Regards,

Good to hear ;-) 
Happy holidays to all of you and see you guys next year :-D (leaving the
office in 5 minutes)
maemo-developers mailing list

RE: [maemo-developers] Unable to create virtual memory

2006-12-20 Thread Jakub.Pavelek

From: ext Andrey Khurri [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 20 December, 2006 14:17
To: Pavelek Jakub (Nokia-M/Helsinki)
Subject: Re: [maemo-developers] Unable to create virtual memory


I have Nokia 770 with OS 2006 on it. I've been
trying to 
extend my memory card to be used as additional
virtual memory. 
I used Control 
panel->Memory->Virtual (tag). When I choose
either of sizes offered
(from 8 MB to 32 MB in my case) and press 'OK'
it displays an 
error window 'Unable to create virtual memory'.
What might be 
wrong here? And also, what this built-in option
actually does? 

It resizes or creates a file ".swap" on the memory card.
Could be you
have a ".swap" there already, created as a root and then
it can't touch

I checked the /media/mmc1 directory and I do not have a .swap
file there. The problem is still unresolved.


It is hard to tell. Best would be to describe the problem in finer
detail (e.g. do you get the error message immediately or after some
activity being show, etc.) In general, a bug report would be a good
place to follow this:
component general, assign it to me or at least notify me of the bug
number ;)

maemo-developers mailing list

RE: [maemo-developers] Unable to create virtual memory

2006-12-20 Thread Jakub.Pavelek
>I have Nokia 770 with OS 2006 on it. I've been trying to 
>extend my memory card to be used as additional virtual memory. 
>I used Control 
>panel->Memory->Virtual (tag). When I choose either of sizes offered
>(from 8 MB to 32 MB in my case) and press 'OK' it displays an 
>error window 'Unable to create virtual memory'. What might be 
>wrong here? And also, what this built-in option actually does? 

It resizes or creates a file ".swap" on the memory card. Could be you
have a ".swap" there already, created as a root and then it can't touch

>Is it analogical to 'swapon/swapoff' terminal command and, 
>thus, the screenshot applet? Do I have to create manually a 
>swap file before using control panel/screenshot applet?

SWAP creation in IT-2006 is a separate process from SWAP usage (which is
automatic, no need to swap on/off).

>My memory card has the size of 64 MB. It is currently 38% used 
>and the rest of it is free. There is only one default partition.
>My second question is whether to use swap file or partition? 
>Did I understand correctly 
>( that for OS 2006 
>there are basically NO arguments for using a swap partition 
>rather than a swap file on the memory card? The only one I 
>find is that a swap partition will be available when the Nokia 
>770 is connected via USB to a PC. Otherwise the OS 2006 
>automatically does swapon/swapoff upon USB connection/card 
>ejection, so the device will not crash if we forget to do it manually.

SWAP partition is not official feature. IT-2006 will swap off when you
eject the card or connect USB to a PC.


maemo-developers mailing list

RE: [maemo-developers] How to determine if the screen has turned off?

2006-12-14 Thread Jakub.Pavelek
>> You can register a callback with osso_hw_set_event_cb, set the 
>> system_inactivity_ind flag in the osso_hw_state_t argument.
>Will this callback be called even without processing gtk/glib loop?
>If not is there other way how to check for blanked display 
>e.g. from SDL app? How SDL games shipped with device do that?


Shipped SDL games use wrappers to get some useful callbacks. It is not
documented anywhere AFAIK (but sure enough we do have a howto for
SDL_net that is about 100% useless for the device).


maemo-developers mailing list

RE: [maemo-developers] Debugging maemo_af_desktop crashes

2006-12-07 Thread Jakub.Pavelek
>I believe I've mentioned before that my 770 likes to reboot 
>/proc/bootreason is sw_rst, 
>/var/lib/dsme/stats/lifeguard_resets usually indicates 
>/usr/bin/maemo_af_desktop (46 times already, out of 54 
>resets).  I mkdir'ed /media/mmc1/core-dumps and now have a 
>core file from the last crash.  Question: what can I do with it?
>gdb on the 770 doesn't appear to be very useful:
>/media/mmc1/core-dumps $ gdb maemo_af_desktop core.959 ...
>warning: core file may not match specified executable file.
>Core was generated by `/usr/bin/maemo_af_desktop'.
>Program terminated with signal 6, Aborted.
>Reading symbols from /lib/ debugging symbols 
>Loaded symbols for /lib/
>Reading symbols from /lib/ debugging 
>symbols found)...done.
>Loaded symbols for /lib/
>#0  0x40047c14 in kill () from /lib/
>(gdb) bt
>#0  0x40047c14 in kill () from /lib/
>#1  0x40047a2c in raise () from /lib/
>#2  0x8f20 in ?? ()
>I'm still running mistral.  I've two status bar applets 
>installed (panelclock 0.5 and load-applet-run 0.4.3-2), but 
>previously I've seen these spontaneous reboots with only 
>osso-statusbar-cpu installed instead of these two.
>(I also happen to have four other core files from previous crashes:
>browser, maemo-launcher, dsme, osso_hss.)

It is not device crash, it is a forced reboot after a key component
segfaulted. AFAIK maemo_af_desktop usually dies when some applet does
something wrong, like for example calls abort().

Maybe we should have a place where users could upload their cores ;)


maemo-developers mailing list

RE: [maemo-developers] extras repository

2006-12-07 Thread Jakub.Pavelek
>-Original Message-
>[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of ext 
>Daniel Stone
>Sent: 07 December, 2006 12:00
>To: ext Ferenc Szekely
>Cc: maemo-developers
>Subject: Re: [maemo-developers] extras repository
>On Thu, Dec 07, 2006 at 02:07:27AM +0200, ext Ferenc Szekely wrote:
>> ext Marius Vollmer wrote:
>> We have to setup an intelligent build environment. The rough 
>plan for 
>> this is:
>> -get a descent hardware
>> -install Scratchbox 1.x
>> -setup sbuild together with our existing queue-manager (no DAK for 
>> now)
>> If all is done then the package_maintainers/developers don't have to 
>> bother with compiling their sw for the various maemo releases. They 
>> only need to upload the signed Debian source package(s) to 
>the current 
>> "extras" queue, like some of you do it today.
>> The build environment should be clever to spot the problems and send 
>> reports to the package_maintainer/developer in case an 
>uploaded source 
>> does not build.
>> The cause of the build failure can be anything from an error in the 
>> code, error in the Debian specific files to a missing build 
>> Upon successful compilation the queue-manager will install 
>the package 
>> to the archive and inform all of us (RSS feed, mailing list, 
>> I think for the time being we will skip checking if the newly 
>> installed package have all its runtime dependencies in the same 
>> archive. The ultimate goal (as Marius stated) is to have 
>self contained repositories.
>> So let's go for it, but let's take one step at a time ;)
>> Timeline? Well, if this looks sane to you, then a "testing" 
>> environment could be established still this year (I am 
>always optimistic ;).
>> Any comments on this proposal?
>Hi Ferenc,
>Looks good to me.

How does it handle the extras components without source code? E.g. (bad
example) Canola? Sources will not come but why not having it in the
extras in future?


maemo-developers mailing list

RE: [maemo-developers] Shutting down Hildon etc to run empty X serverand one app

2006-12-04 Thread Jakub.Pavelek

Yes, something like this *might* be possible. I'm right now looking into
similar hacks to get some kind of a kiosk-mode on one 770 I found laying
around. I will write more about my findings bit later.



P.S.: This is my personal initiative, don't read into it too much. 

>-Original Message-
>[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of ext 
>Simon Moore
>Sent: 04 December, 2006 14:03
>To: maemo-dev
>Subject: [maemo-developers] Shutting down Hildon etc to run 
>empty X serverand one app
>Just wondering if it is possible to shut down most/all of the 
>hildon framework so that I can just run opera with nothing 
>else (in linux I guess I would start an empty x-server with no 
>window manger and then start the program I wanted, is it the same).
>Kind Regards
>No virus found in this outgoing message.
>Checked by AVG Free Edition.
>Version: 7.1.409 / Virus Database: 268.15.6/566 - Release 
>Date: 03/12/2006
>maemo-developers mailing list
maemo-developers mailing list

RE: [maemo-developers] mistral or scirocco?

2006-11-27 Thread Jakub.Pavelek
>-Original Message-
>[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of ext 
>Aaron Levinson
>Sent: 27 November, 2006 20:37
>To: Marius Gedminas
>Subject: Re: [maemo-developers] mistral or scirocco?
>On Mon, 27 Nov 2006, Marius Gedminas wrote:
>> On Mon, Nov 27, 2006 at 08:56:49AM -0800, Aaron Levinson wrote:
>> > But my main question is, if we build our package with the 
>> > scirocco/2.1 SDK, in which distribution on the extras repository 
>> > should we place the package, mistral or scirocco?  
>Considering that 
>> > the scirocco distribution is not published, I would guess the 
>> > mistral distribution is correct, but will packages built 
>with the 2.1 SDK work on an IT2006 mistral platform?
>> I have found at least one package that does not work on mistral
>> (2006.1): NFlick 0.3.0 requires hildon-libs0 >= 0.12.22-1, 
>but mistral 
>> has only 0.12.20-1.  I assume it was build on scirocco.
>> 1022270e2a
>It is likely that this package doesn't actually "need" the 
>newer version of hildon-libs, given that there were no changes 
>to the APIs exported by hildon-libs according to the 2.1 
>release notes.  As far as I can tell, the main difference 
>between 2.1 and 2.0, from a programming perspective, is the 
>addition of the libosso-abook APIs (the use of which might require an
>IT2006 2.1 installation) and perhaps things having to do with 
>implementing a custom connection manager (which is a new 
>document for 2.1).  There is also an 
>oss-dsp-modules-su-18-maemo package, but I'm not sure if this 
>introduces new programming facilities.
>But, it would be nice to get some confirmation from someone at 
>Nokia regarding this and whether or not packages built with 
>the 2.1 SDK are compatible with 2.0 installations (as a general rule).

Personal opinion (not Nokia's):

As a general rule - depends. If package is made the usual way where the
runtime dependencies are determined during package built then most
likely no. 

I personally will not use scirocco for package building because the
packages I build would have such dependencies that would prevent the
users of original IT-2006 from using it -  and that is really bad.

In my case I could hack around it by hand-writing the dependencies so
that they suit both scirocco and mistral (and herring and sardine too).
When I build my projects on mistral they just install and work fine on
scirocco, herring and sardine. And that's what application development
should be about, imho.


maemo-developers mailing list

RE: [maemo-developers] Bugzilla modules and components hierarchy notvery easy

2006-11-17 Thread Jakub.Pavelek

I'm happy this is not just my impression. We encourage the use of Maemo 
bugzilla, and internal Nokia developers spend time looking after the bugs, but 
the bugzilla setup is not suitable. There is no way I could make a query that 
would return bugs related to my area - I have to search all and hand-pick from 
there. Plus all the other problems José already described.

Would someone start a WIKI with proposed structure so that people can comment 
on it? Or some other idea how to intitate the change?



>-Original Message-
>[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of ext 
>José Dapena Paz
>Sent: 17 November, 2006 01:13
>Subject: [maemo-developers] Bugzilla modules and components 
>hierarchy notvery easy
>   Hi,
>   Mmm well, the subject is very descriptive. I feel a bit 
>lost in maemo bugzilla ( I've been 
>issuing some bugs last days, but it's not easy to decide the 
>module they should go.
>   First point is all that "haf" thing. It's where 
>hildon-libs, python and osso live, but, not very intuitive. 
>Many important modules are there in bugzilla (hildon-libs, 
>sapwood, osso-application-installer, ...).
>   But the most annoying thing is not finding the proper 
>module for a bug.
>I suppose bugzilla should encourage people to submit the 
>issues they find. And a good way to encourage people is making 
>it very easy to send good reports to the proper box:
>   * Errors in custom gtk+. Should they go to the upstream 
>gtk+ bugzilla?
>   * Should bugs found in maemo-af-desktop svn module 
>should go to bugzilla "haf/desktop" component? Shouln't it be 
>better that maemo af desktop would be a product, with 
>components like "status bar", "navigator", "home", etc.?
>   * If we assume an "applications" product, shouldn't 
>application installer, control panel, etc, go there? Or, most 
>likely, shouldn't they be products themselves?
>   I think Gnome bugzilla is at least easier to browse 
>(names of modules in cvs are equal to names of modules in 
>bugzilla, products are more or less equivalent to projects, etc).
>   These are some problems (of course, dramaticed ;) I 
>found working with maemo bugzilla. I think that, now that 
>there aren't too much bugs registered, it's a good time to 
>recategorize bugs, and fix this, as it seems a bit messy now.
>José Dapena Paz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>maemo-developers mailing list
maemo-developers mailing list

RE: [maemo-developers] re-evaluating the handwriting input method - butthere's a problem

2006-11-09 Thread Jakub.Pavelek

You can always switch the case of already written character with the "arrow" 
button located left second from bottom. It works both ways and is a better 
solution for normal typing, not necessarily for entering commands in xterm ;-)

And for the special characters in the screenshot, you have a fast way to type 
them with the special characters view under the "&!é" button on right.



>-Original Message-
>[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of ext 
>Antonio Orlando
>Sent: 09 November, 2006 19:28
>To: Maemo developers
>Subject: [maemo-developers] re-evaluating the handwriting 
>input method - butthere's a problem
>Today, I've tried the handwriting input method. Oh what a 
>mess, as the other times I've tried it. So, in the handwriting 
>teaching app I have decided to disable *all* the symbols for 
>*all* the chars (in my western charset), then I've created 
>just one custom symbol for each lowercase letter and for 
>numbers. Yes it's a hard work, it took me about 20 minutes.
>And surprise... it works like a charm! I can write at very 
>high speed with very low error rate without having ever used a 
>handwriting input system; I've only tried sometimes this one 
>provided with 770, but the screen keyboard was faster and 
>accurate so I've soon abandoned it.
>Now, with that trick, even with this first try it is way 
>better than the screen keyboard. But, there is a problem, 
>which I suppose could be easily solved, so the reason for this mail:
>sometimes, I need to write capital letters, of course. I don't 
>want to define them as symbols, because they easily interfere 
>with other ones, this is something to definetely avoid. But, 
>the solution is simple: there should be a "caps-lock" button 
>in the handwriting input application! I will continue to use 
>my lowercase symbols, but with the caps-lock enabled they will 
>be considered as capitals. Smooth and easy, isn't it?
>Can I hope this will be added in next firmware update? Just a 
>little button, would improve the usability of the entire 
>device a lot. I suggest this for everyone: use just ONE symbol 
>for a character, and define symbols for as little chars as 
>possible - this way the error rate is zero or really low, and 
>you can handwrite 90% of the stuff you need to (supposing we 
>have the caps-lock button improvement, otherwise the 
>percentage falls down). Try it, if you ususally use the 
>on-screen keyboard: it's not that bad with this trick.
>maemo-developers mailing list
maemo-developers mailing list

RE: [maemo-developers] Re: [maemo-announce] New Nokia 770 softwareimage available

2006-11-05 Thread Jakub.Pavelek
>> By the way, can someone confirm or deny that the backup tool 
>does not 
>> back up your /etc/apt/sources.list and therefore you will have to 
>> re-add all the application manager repositories manually?
>Confirmed. Thus it is a good idea to copy it to the MMC before 
>you do the backup/reflash/restore upgrade-procedure.
>  Armin.

It is more like "the application installer does not tell the backup tool
to backup its /etc/apt/sources.list". The backup tool is generic one,
applications tell it what to backup and how to restore data.

I have been campaining for sources.list backup/restore for quite some
time now. AFAIK the Application Manager in Sardine still does not ask
for sources.list to be backed-up and restored. But I might be wrong


maemo-developers mailing list

RE: [maemo-developers] Re: must have section: user/FOO to be considercompatible???

2006-11-03 Thread Jakub.Pavelek

Yes, there is "Restore original settings". Go to Control Panel, then
from menu Tools->Restore original settings. That thing removes
user-modified settings and restores the ones that shipped with the
device/OS version (in theory).

I do not understand the problem you are describing here, perhaps Marius
could know more.



>-Original Message-
>Is there a way to to do a factory reset to the device?
>On 11/2/06, Nathan Fain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> fyi, just upgraded to the recently release OS and still having this 
>> problem :/
>> On 11/2/06, Nathan Fain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> > hmm, actually this is the case for all of the other catalogues as 
>> > well.
>> >
>> > On 11/2/06, Nathan Fain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> > > btw, i noticed when running apt-get update that the required 
>> > > repository... shows as being at ip to apt get
>> > >
>> > > On 11/2/06, Nathan Fain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> > > > First, the updates for software installation are buggy.  In 
>> > > > paticular, even with just the required catalog that comes with 
>> > > > the 770 it hardly if ever updates.  And it ceased 
>updating other 
>> > > > packages.  This started happening after I reupdated with the 
>> > > > latest IT2006 from the nokia site.
>> > > >
>> > > > so installing the applications manually also doesnt 
>work.  I try 
>> > > > to install media streamer, the required clinkc gives 
>this error 
>> > > > in the install log:
>> > > > must have section: user/FOO to be consider compatible???
>> > > >
>> > > > ideas?
>> > > >
>> > > > thanks
maemo-developers mailing list

RE: [maemo-developers] IMPORTANT: vulnerability in ApplicationManager, please check your repositories

2006-10-26 Thread Jakub.Pavelek
>However, Clue #1: professionalism is not referring to 
>customers through an official channel as living in "twisted 
>little world"s.


I fully agree with you on that. However please note that we do not have
an official speak-person giving politically correct statements here but
rather a group of interested individuals that all have own
personalities, good and bad days. Just like any other mailing list. 

We won't let David go talk to the public on any "official channel" (this
is maemo-developers mailing list), be assured, there are professionals
doing that :)

It puts a serious pressure on contributors to post here, as comments
coming from address often undergo scrutiny and start
speculations. Lets keep the discussion on the technical level. We are
engineers, not marketing and sales. Keep that in mind when reading our
posts and please bear with us :)


maemo-developers mailing list

RE: [maemo-developers] WARNING: backups are broken with sardine

2006-10-04 Thread Jakub.Pavelek

Same as extracting your IT-2006 backup on IT-2005 device - this will
just not work - the backup is meant to work in the other direction.



>-Original Message-
>[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of ext Koen Kooi
>Sent: 04 October, 2006 13:05
>To: maemo developers
>Subject: [maemo-developers] WARNING: backups are broken with sardine
>Hash: SHA1
>I just found out that backups made with sardine don't work 
>with IT2006. Great. Thank you.
>Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (Darwin)
>maemo-developers mailing list
maemo-developers mailing list

RE: [maemo-developers] GTKHTML problem

2006-09-21 Thread Jakub.Pavelek
Title: RE: [maemo-developers] GTKHTML problem


if you develop for Maemo use the gtkhtml shipped with it as a baseline.

IT-2006 version is here:

Sardine version here:

I'm not aware that we would be working on adding this feature to gtkhtml ourselves - there seems to be no internal requirement/need for it. Check src/gtkhtml.c in function button_press_event(), that is good place to implement that.



-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of ext Krzysiek
Sent: Thu 07/09/2006 15:45
Subject: [maemo-developers] GTKHTML problem

Hi ya all,

I am a part of a group developing an app for the maemo platform. We have come upon a problem with copying text from a GTKHTML component. The problem is that when one taps and holds on a window containing it, previously selected text gets unselected. We would like to implement a context pop up menu containing Copy/Paste options and this nuisance makes it a little difficult. Has anybody got any experience with GTK or GTKHTML and could give us some help? Thanks in advance.


Krzysztof Sasiak

maemo-developers mailing list

RE: [maemo-developers] Add new language of input

2006-07-31 Thread Jakub.Pavelek
>> It should be possible to make a new keyboard layout for the VKB. The 
>> binary utility to generate layouts and the .vkb file format 
>should be 
>> available (sooner or later).
>I would love to have ä and ö in the vkb. Currently they are 
>behind some menus, I don't bother using them, so my mails in 
>Finnish lack ä and ö which makes them look funny.. That is 
>propably the case of other languages as well, like Swedish 
>etc., so a tool for creating custom layouts would be indeed nice.

Just select you keyboard language as Finnish (Suomi) and you will have ö and ä 
on the keyboard ;-)


maemo-developers mailing list

RE: [maemo-developers] Add new language of input

2006-07-31 Thread Jakub.Pavelek

It should be possible to make a new keyboard layout for the 
VKB. The binary utility to generate layouts and the .vkb file format should 
be available (sooner or later).
You will not get word prediction or proper handwriting 
recognition though.

On Behalf Of ext Sergey SmirnovSent: 25 July, 2006 
21:49To: maemo-developers@maemo.orgSubject: 
[maemo-developers] Add new language of input

  Whether probably to add language of input for the virtual keyboard? 
  I need Ukrainian language.
maemo-developers mailing list

RE: [maemo-developers] Help on Garage, please!

2006-07-31 Thread Jakub.Pavelek

Actually I have been wondering the same and I asked the 
admins. It seems there is no plan for a ssh access to the site to manually put 
and edit files (?) and they were working on some other solution at that time. 
Now they seem to be on summer vacations.

  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of ext Gustavo 
  TiberioSent: 22 July, 2006 14:07To: 
  maemo-developers@maemo.orgSubject: [maemo-developers] Help on 
  Garage, please!
  Hi,I am a novice admin of a project (X-Centrix mobile 
  digital TV client) in Garage.I need help to set up the poject's web site. 
  Garage shows a link to it in the project's Summary page, but I don't know 
  whether projects have that service available or not (I can't find this 
  information anywhere neither).Does Garage offer hosting to the project web 
  site? How can I upload files to the project home page?I would 
  appreciate your help very 
maemo-developers mailing list

RE: [maemo-developers] Application catalog from repositories

2006-07-20 Thread Jakub.Pavelek
>Tommi Komulainen wrote:
>> I see "libsqlite0 2.8.13-2" in two repositories / sections:
>>   * under user/libs from Kernel Concepts
>>   * under libs from Maemo repository
>I think library packages that applications might want to pull 
>in should not be using the user/whatever section convention, 
>but the normal libs section as the Maemo package here does. 
>Putting a library under user/libs clutters the application 
>list with packages that are not applications and the user does 
>not have a clue what they are (and should not need to know 
>about at all). If you declare the section as libs instead, the 
>installer will still pull that dependency from the repository, 
>but without it showing in the installer UI.

I second that. Seeing the libs in installed applications in the
AppInstaller sounds really scary IMHO.

maemo-developers mailing list

RE: [maemo-developers] garage repository

2006-07-13 Thread Jakub.Pavelek
>On Wed, 2006-07-05 at 17:54 +0200, Murray Cumming wrote:
>> How can I get my .debs into the garage/contrib repository 
>> listed here:
>> I heard at GUADEC that I must have a account to do 
>> this, so I've created one.
>Reposting in the hope of a reply.
>Murray Cumming

I have seen invitations for the repository being sent to *projects*
registered on garage. Looks like at least some projects hosted on garage
did get the instructions.


maemo-developers mailing list

RE: [maemo-developers] incompatible package

2006-07-11 Thread Jakub.Pavelek

Perhaps you have build the package with Maemo 2.0 final and tried to
install in on the device running IT-2006 beta? 



>-Original Message-
>I compieled a progam and built a armel.deb package within my 
>But whenever I try to install it on my n770, I get the message 
>"Incompatible package".
>Does anybody know what went wrong?
>Shara Linsner
maemo-developers mailing list

RE: [maemo-developers] device appears bricked after installing 2006

2006-07-07 Thread Jakub.Pavelek

Sounds like low battery problem to me (I had the same with broken


>Hash: SHA1
>I installed the beta version at guadec, and that worked for a 
>week or so.
>this morning, the device got into the "turns itself off on startup"
>behavior, so, I figured, lets go and fetch the latest version, 
>and flash that.
>it flashed the loader, the secondary image, the kernel, and 
>boom, failed with a protocol error.
>now, my device doesn't want to start any more.
>what procedure should I follow to get it back to a functionnal state ?
>Version: GnuPG v1.4.4-ecc0.1.6 (GNU/Linux)
>Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -
>maemo-developers mailing list
maemo-developers mailing list

RE: [maemo-developers] maemo svn repository maintenance break right now

2006-07-07 Thread Jakub.Pavelek
Problem warning!

We can't commit our changes to stage anymore. Something went broken.



>-Original Message-
>[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of ext 
>Ferenc Szekely
>Sent: 07 July, 2006 01:50
>Subject: [maemo-developers] maemo svn repository maintenance 
>break right now
>The svn transition went fine and the repo is available again.
>The maemo svn repo on stage will be unavailable for 30-60 mins 
>starting from now. The reason is that I'm changing Berkeley DB 
>to fsfs underneath svn.
>Sorry for the inconvenience.
>maemo-developers mailing list
maemo-developers mailing list

RE: [maemo-developers] Certificate Manager

2006-05-30 Thread Jakub.Pavelek
>-Original Message-
>Is there is any open source code available for Certificate 
>manager application in maemo? If yes, from where in maemo 
>repository can I download the source?
>I tried using apt-get, but it always throws error.
>Thanks & rgrds,

Sources for the Certificate manager are not available because it is
proprietary software component.


maemo-developers mailing list

RE: [maemo-developers] Input Method Documentation

2006-04-03 Thread Jakub.Pavelek

Nice work. There is already input method HowTo:

Would be nice to either merge those two or at least cross-reference



>-Original Message-
>[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of ext 
>Phil Cowans
>Sent: 02 April, 2006 11:45
>Subject: Re: [maemo-developers] Input Method Documentation
>> > I just thought you might be interested in some notes I made on the 
>> > IM framework having spent an afternoon figuring out how it works:
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > Hope it's useful,
>> Well I'm not working in this area myself, but judging by recent 
>> conversations on this list I expect this will be very useful for the 
>> people who were having those conversations.
>Great - I've moved it over to the wiki so that others can contribute:
>> Does this also mean that we may be getting a port of Dasher for the 
>> 770 soon?  I really hope so!
>> My understanding is that when your team last tried to port Dasher, 
>> there were two issues.  (1) was that the Hildon IM framework wasn't 
>> open; but I presume that is solved (or in the process of 
>being solved) 
>> by the analysis that you have posted.  (2) was that Dasher's CPU 
>> requirement was too much for the 770 - do you have a 
>solution for this 
>> now as well?
>This is indeed the plan. (1) is coming along pretty well. I 
>haven't stared on (2) yet, but there's quite a lot of scope 
>for various optimisations so I'm hoping it's not too much of a 
>problem. I'll let you all know when I have something which is usable.
>maemo-developers mailing list
maemo-developers mailing list

RE: [maemo-developers] trying to eliminate error fromhildon-input-method

2005-06-14 Thread Jakub.Pavelek
> Can I put it this way? The hildon-input-method code is related to
> handwriting recognition which is proprietary, that's why its 
> source code
> is missing from the repository. Am I misunderstanding it?

Correct. However we plan to open most of it as soon as legal checks give green 

In the meanwhile I wouldn't bother with any "critical" messages from the input 
method. This shall be gone in next relase of the Maemo SDK.


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