[Marxism] Semi-Colonial Intermediate Powers and the Theory of Sub-Imperialism

2019-08-02 Thread RKOB via Marxism

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*Semi-Colonial Intermediate Powers and the Theory of Sub-Imperialism*

*/A contribution to an ongoing debate amongst Marxists and a proposal to 
tackle a theoretical problem/*

/By Michael Pröbsting ///


This essay might be of interest for comrades who are interested in the 
discussion on imperialism theory. It criticially discusses the theory of 
sub-imperialism and tries to advance the discussion by proposing a new 

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Re: [Marxism] Rojava revolution - seven years on

2019-08-02 Thread mkaradjis . via Marxism
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When we write about important events, such as a revolution and war that has
been in world headlines for 8 years, knowing what we're talking about is
important, especially if you want to be taken seriously.

Chris rightly corrects Dave's false claim that Idlib is dominated by
"al-Qaida". Probably not Dave's fault, as I understand, the SA membership
mostly relies on the wooden, Stalinoid-style Apoist media for, er,
information on Syria, and the PYD and its fronts routinely call all
Islamists "al-Qaida", kind of neocon style.

Chris says that something he calls Jabhat al-Nusra/HTS has "seemingly"
broken from al-Qaida. Chris, as someone who seems to follow events in Syria
from a somewhat broader perspective, surely you know that in August 2016 -
3 years ago - Nusra broke with al-Qaida, changed its name to JTS, then
several months later, JTS joined 5 other groups - some jihsdist like them
and some not - to form the miltary coalition known as HTS. The formation is
Islamist, but not jihadist, by definition, though the jihadist JTS is the
dominant group.

Incidentally, there remains a tiny pro al-Qaida group that spli with JTS at
the time. Some of its leaders are in HTS prisons. The US recently bombed
tghem in Idlib.

Ironically for the SDF, the distinguishing feature of HTS was rejection of
the growing Turkish hegemony over many of the Islamist and non-Islamist/FSA
rebels in the region. As Turkey was seen as bargaining over the Kurds with
Assad via Erdogan's new mate Putin, including selling out Aleppo, many
rebels joined HTS in order to continue fighting Assad at all times, rather
than accept their fight being turned off and on according to Turkey's

Meanwhile, other FSA groups rejected Turkish hegemony, wanted to maintain
the fight against Assad, but would not join HTS. The most prominent is
Jaysh al-Izza, which plays a leading role in holding back Assad, especially
in Hama.

For most fighters in any case, all our Kremlinology is largely irrelevant.
They fight a genocidal regime because it is in their interests to. They
join whichever brigade - FSA, Islamist, jihadist, Turkish-controlled or
not, based on who has the strength, the money, the weapons in their area.
Western leftists joining the war on terror by calling them "al-Qaida" would
be of supreme indifference to them,  but like, don't expect them to
identify as "leftists" in the circumstances. They fight, previously, to
overthrow the regime as they rightly saw it as the worst impediment to
democracy,  and knew they could deal with secondary, weaker impediments
later. Now they fight merely to defend their region from the genocide
regime reconquering them. They deserve our support.

In any case, the Assadi-Russian massacre over the last few months is a
massacre of civilians. Hundreds have been killed, literally dozens of
hospitals and schools bombed, markets, bakeries, you name it. It is a world
class crime going on as a global imperialist power massacres brown people
in an oppressed country.

I struggled to find any evidence of solidarity with the civilians being
massacred (not with the fighters) in these last two GLW articles Chris sent
to the list. I found none. Appalling, but sadly not surprising. Instead we
read about "al-Qaida" and utopia in Rojava in the northeast, in an
apparently disconnected reality. A utopia, of course, fully protected by a
massive US intervention force, while "anti-imperialists" pay no attention
to this fact and instead still fantasise that the US is behind the Syrian
rebels, always a fantasy but today a grotesque lie.

Five years ago when SA/GLW discovered the Rojava revolution I thought it
was a good thing. Sad how rapidly we turned it into a sectarian shibboleth.
Old habits die hard I guess.

On Sat, 3 Aug. 2019, 1:32 pm Chris Slee via Marxism, <
marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu> wrote:

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> There are some points in the article by Dave Holmes that we could quibble
> about.  He refers to "al Qaeda", whereas Jabhat al-Nusra/HTS has seemingly
> broken with al-Qaeda.
> But this does not change the fact that, ever since Jabhat al-Nusra crushed
> the Syrian Revolutionaries Front in 2014, Idlib province has been dominated
> by reactionary Islamist groups such as HTS, Ahrar al-Sham etc.
> Chris Slee
> From: John Edmundson 
> Sent: Saturday, 3 Augus

Re: [Marxism] [UCE] Wage Theft in Caracas: Venezuela is Not Simple, Government Court Jester Scribes Are

2019-08-02 Thread Chris Slee via Marxism
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Andrew Stewart seems to blame Venezuela's problems on Maduro.  According to 
Andrew, Chavez was a good leader but Maduro is a bad one:

"Maduro is not Chavez, who inspired his people, stood up to the United States 
with real courage and not by merely mouthing stale, Soviet-style rhetoric, and 
spent lavishly on housing, health care and food for the poor.  Chavez was a 
great revolutionary.  Maduro is a functionary who has allowed corruption to 
thrive and indisputably taken part in it".

This is a bit like blaming the degeneration of the Soviet Union on the 
personality of Stalin.  ("Lenin was a good leader, Stalin was bad one")

Certainly the quality of leadership important for any revolutionary process.  
Undoubtedly Chavez was a much more inspiring leader than Maduro.

But objective factors are also crucial.  Writing about the early Soviet Union, 
Trotsky said:

"On the historic basis of destitution, aggravated by the destructions of the 
imperialist and civil wars, the 'struggle for individual existence' not only 
did not disappear the day after the overthrow of the bourgeoisie , and not only 
did not abate in the succeeding years, but, on the contrary, assumed at times 
an unheard-of ferocity".  (The Revolution Betrayed, Pathfinder Press, 1972, P. 

Trotsky also said:

"The basis of bureaucratic rule is the poverty of society in objects of 
consumption, with the resulting struggle of each against all".  (P. 112)

In the case of Venezuela, the objective situation has deteriorated markedly in 
recent years.  The US-led blockade has intensified, greatly exacerbating the 
"poverty of society in objects of consumption".  Left-leaning governments have 
been replaced by rightist governments in other Latin American countries such as 
Argentina and Brazil, deepening Venezuela's isolation.

For socialists in the United States and its allies such as Australia, 
campaigning against the blockade remains a crucial task.

Chris Slee

From: Marxism  on behalf of Andrew Stewart 
via Marxism 
Sent: Saturday, 3 August 2019 4:00 AM
To: Chris Slee 
Subject: [Marxism] [UCE] Wage Theft in Caracas: Venezuela is Not Simple, 
Government Court Jester Scribes Are

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Best regards,

Andrew Stewart
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[Marxism] Reagan and Nixon Made Racist Remarks in Newly Released 1971 Audiotape

2019-08-02 Thread Ken Hiebert via Marxism
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A 1971 audio recording made by Richard Nixon has just been made public, 
revealing then-California governor and future President Ronald Reagan calling 
African people “monkeys” as President Nixon laughed in agreement. Reagan is 
considered near God-like by many Republicans. 
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Re: [Marxism] Rojava revolution - seven years on

2019-08-02 Thread Chris Slee via Marxism
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There are some points in the article by Dave Holmes that we could quibble 
about.  He refers to "al Qaeda", whereas Jabhat al-Nusra/HTS has seemingly 
broken with al-Qaeda.

But this does not change the fact that, ever since Jabhat al-Nusra crushed the 
Syrian Revolutionaries Front in 2014, Idlib province has been dominated by 
reactionary Islamist groups such as HTS, Ahrar al-Sham etc.

Chris Slee

From: John Edmundson 
Sent: Saturday, 3 August 2019 12:19 PM
To: Chris Slee ; Activists and scholars in Marxist 
Subject: Re: [Marxism] Rojava revolution - seven years on

I think statements like "However, [the Syrian Army's] failure to retake the 
north-western city of Idlib from al Qaeda and its Islamist allies" conforms to 
the simplification of the Syrian revolution that characterises it as completely 
dominated by and representative of Islamist fundamentalism. Ironically, if 
Rojava had never existed, a lot of leftists would have been more willing to 
support (at least from the comfort  their own homes) the Syrian revolution. 
Green Left Weekly should know better.


On Sat, Aug 3, 2019 at 10:17 AM Chris Slee via Marxism 
mailto:marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu>> wrote:
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The law locks up the man or woman
Who steals the goose from off the common
But leaves the greater villain loose
Who steals the common from the goose
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Re: [Marxism] Rojava revolution - seven years on

2019-08-02 Thread John Edmundson via Marxism
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I think statements like "However, [the Syrian Army's] failure to retake the
north-western city of Idlib from al Qaeda and its Islamist allies" conforms
to the simplification of the Syrian revolution that characterises it as
completely dominated by and representative of Islamist fundamentalism.
Ironically, if Rojava had never existed, a lot of leftists would have been
more willing to support (at least from the comfort  their own homes) the
Syrian revolution. Green Left Weekly should know better.


On Sat, Aug 3, 2019 at 10:17 AM Chris Slee via Marxism <
marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu> wrote:

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> https://www.greenleft.org.au/content/rojava-revolution-seven-years
> _
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The law locks up the man or woman
Who steals the goose from off the common
But leaves the greater villain loose
Who steals the common from the goose
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Re: [Marxism] What will Boris do? | Richard Seymour on Patreon

2019-08-02 Thread Gary MacLennan via Marxism
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I had posted on Corbyn before I read this piece by Richard Seymour on
Johnson ( I will not use the bastard's first name ever). As always with
Richard I am struck by his brilliance and then am left with a struggle
against depression usually of enormous dimensions. But first a very obvious
point. We are heading into a political crisis in the UK and that might well
tip us into a very deep economic crisis as well.

I keep getting asked what is going to happen and always I have to answer "I
do not know" and neither does anyone else. We have a first rate opportunist
up on the Tiger's back in the UK (ditto in the USA). Richard is correct to
say that if Johnson plays the race card he may well win a GE. But there
will be a terrible price to be paid for such a victory. Will he take the
"No Deal" door out of the EU & provoke an economic and political
catastrophe? Will he win the race election and then betray the Brexiters by
staying in the EU while continuing to negotiate another deal?

Let me try and rework these choices by going back into history. In WW2
Britain was facing defeat after the retreat from France. To get the US into
the war Churchill had to open his Empire to American interests. In other
words he played America against Europe but from a position of weakness.
Still it was a popular and successful move.Johnson too would like to play
America against Europe but Trump is no FDR and nearly (or possibly over)
half of the UK is pro-Europe. So a tilt towards Trump would be very
unpopular in the UK. Very. Besides what would it solve?

For me Johnson represents the last throw of the dice for a section of the
English ruling class. He is the inheritor of the ruling caste based
consciousness. But this consciousness is residual in political terms and
can only present it self in its clownish, eccentric bonhomie mode. The
laird must be full of pretended self mockery to distract the peasants from
noticing he is still in the mansion. Contrast that with Churchill who
presented himself in the heroic mode - We will fight them on the beaches

But there are lies a plenty clinging to the Churchill myth. He did not go
up North to address miners until after the fall of Stalingrad. & I would
bet all I have that the Communist Party facilitated & policed his visit.
Now the North of England has changed since the 1940s but still the
spectacle of Johnson getting pelted with rubber balls in Manchester will
have given the elite some pause.

So will caste make way at last for class in the UK? I suspect that there is
a good section of the bourgeoisie who are terrified of Johnson. They would
love to do a deal with Labour but the price they demand is the axing of
Corbyn. The Labour parliamentary party would deliver that in a flash but
the party membership would not.

For the moment Captain Johnson is in charge.  Or is he? I have tweeted that
he is like the prankster who has convinced everyone he is a brain surgeon.
Now in the theater the patient is on the table fully prepped and the nurses
and other doctors are looking at the Joker, who they think is brilliant
because he has been to Eton and it is time to operate.

We will see how he goes and very shortly too.



On Sat, Aug 3, 2019 at 4:51 AM Louis Proyect via Marxism <
marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu> wrote:

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> We have to prepare for the worst, but what is the worst?
> The predicament facing Boris Johnson is clear. He has just lost a
> byelection in a Leave constituency, Brecon and Radnorshire, to the
> largest Remain party in the constituency, the Liberal Democrats. Had he
> won the Brexit Party's vote, he would have held the seat. The fact is,
> even with Johnson threatening a 'no deal' Brexit, much of the Farageite
> hardcore just doesn't trust him. And they won't until he actually
> delivers. Now he has a majority of one.
> https://www.patreon.com/posts/what-will-boris-28859282
> _
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[Marxism] Brittany Keiser, the liberal who worked for Cambridge Analytica

2019-08-02 Thread John Reimann via Marxism
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Here’s a review of a new Netflix  film called “The Great Hack”. Well, a
review and a lot more. It features Brittany Kaiser, former worker for
Cambridge Analytica, the company that played such a big role in both
getting Trump elected and helping Brexit pass.

Among other things, it’s revealed that Cambridge Analytica worked closely
with Julian Assange. (What else is new?) The company also evidently
violated the law in several occasions. When that started to come out,
Kaiser fled to Thailand and then became a whistle blower. A liberal
Democrat and Hillary Clinton supporter prior to working for Cambridge
Analytica, she claims she felt remorse at having helped get Trump elected.
But apparently she didn’t feel so much remorse as to prevent her from
applying for a promotion to a job in Mexico City. Nor did it stop her from
“hobnobbing around victory parties the night before Trump’s inauguration… She
dropped by one hosted by Britain’s Brexiteers and even made what she said
was a brief appearance at the Deploraball, an event including members of
what was then called the alt-right, who reveled in the strident, racially
charged rhetoric of Trump’s campaign.”

Following the election, she met with Assange. Here’s what happened,
according to her report evidently: ‘Assange mustered enough charisma to
calm Kaiser’s rising unease about the role Cambridge Analytica had played
in electing Trump. Assange assured her Trump was a better choice than
Clinton would have been, referencing some of the decisions she had made as
secretary of state. “The one who didn’t have blood on his hands won the
election,” Assange told her, according to her recollection.’

Eventually, with the FBI on her trail, she decided to cooperate with the
Mueller investigation, and now she claims to feel really badly about all
that she did to help both Trump and Brexit. Just as the prospect of hanging
helps concentrate the mind, the prospect of going to jail helps develop the
moral conscience. Or, put another way, the whole sordid tale shows how when
you scratch the surface of most liberals you will find just another

As for Assange: Sure I’m against his extraction to the US, but sympathy for
him? No, I don’t think so.


*“In politics, abstract terms conceal treachery.” *from "The Black
Jacobins" by C. L. R. James
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[Marxism] Is it too late for Corbyn?

2019-08-02 Thread Gary MacLennan via Marxism
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There are only two arenas of politics that I am following closely and they
are the UK and the USA. I am in absolute mourning about Australian politics
and have forbidden all discussion about it from those around me. Otherwise
my reading continues, of course.  I am currently working on Franz
Rosenzweig's *Star of Redemption*. There is enough material there to carry
me into my 90s.

But it is UK that is consuming most of my energies especially via twitter.
Lou in one of his posts remarks that if he were in the UK he would probably
(?) (or was it maybe (?)) be linked in some way to the pro-Corbyn push. He
will comment on this I am sure, if he gets the time.

I will be upfront myself and say that, if I were in the UK at the moment, I
would be in the Labour Party and supporting Corbyn. A year or so ago I
would have been in the Socialist Workers Party until they expelled me over
their inexcusable handling of the rape case.  What I am saying here in the
babble, though, is that there are no easy options for a Leftist in the UK.
But it is the same elsewhere, of course.

So one supports Corbyn, and what does that mean one is supporting?  At
best, it meas that one seeks a return to the Keynesian compromise - some
redistribution and state direction of the economy. In other words a roll
back of the right wing libertarian-ism that gripped the UK from circa 1979
onward. All perfectly moderate and rational and with the clear purpose of
saving capitalism from the capitalists..

But, as always, in politics it is the trajectory stupid. And huge swathes
of the political class will not accept a left wing trajectory, however
mild. I am using "political class" to cover members of parliament, party
apparatchiks (of all parties), the mainstream media and sections of
capital. Still the political class are up against a huge Labour Party
membership, a doggedly committed leader in Corbyn and above all a
deterioration in the hegemonic core of neoliberalism. In the General
Election two years ago that membership fought the political class to a hard
won draw on an anti austerity ie punitive neoliberalism ticket.

Now what?

I have not mentioned the elephant in the living room - BREXIT.  It is
distorting everything. I suspect the Corbynites want it to go away so they
can campaign against austerity. . To be honest, I wish it would go away
too. But it will not go away. Upfront I have no love for the EU. How could
one after what they did to Greece? But on balance faced with the racism
that is the motor engine of Brexit, I am an apologetic remainer with a very
small "r". I would plump for the "soft" Brexit that Corbyn has tried to
deliver - basically remaining as close to the EU as Norway. But the forces
of polarization have pushed a soft Brexit, seemingly, out of the range of

There are so many other factors that I have not mentioned - the notorious
campaign around "antisemitism in the Labour Party" that the Corbynites have
bungled by retreat after retreat, the whole nature of the rise of Johnson
and what that represents in UK and world politics, the climate catastrophe,
the re-emergence of the "Irish Problem", the impact of Trump & Bannonism

But this post is getting long enough. If it sparks interest I will
participate of course in any thread. But  let  me finish by returning to
the lead question. Can Corbyn ride out the storm and beat the bounce in the
polls that Johnson has secured and win an election that will be fought on
racism with the Tory Party seeking to use the "pauperised rabble" or the
"deplorables" against the progressive middle class?

My answer is a prayerful "yes" with the proviso that he deepen his attack
on the forces that have given us austerity. Corbyn must seek to take
advantage of the hegemonic crisis that has gripped the ruling class by
constructing an anti-capitalist hegemony.  The irony is that, despite all
the gloom, I cling to the belief that such a project has never been more

as ever


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[Marxism] Rojava revolution - seven years on

2019-08-02 Thread Chris Slee via Marxism
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[Marxism] Trump Calls Hong Kong Protests ‘Riots,’ Adopting China Rhetoric - Bloomberg

2019-08-02 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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He must have been reading Ben Norton.

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[Marxism] People's World: Participants in the radical student upsurge speak out in this volume

2019-08-02 Thread Alan Ginsberg via Marxism
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Participant reflections of the tumultuous 1960s student upsurge and the
anti-Vietnam War movement are always a welcomed contribution to those
interested in mid-20th century U.S. radical history. The collection of
essays that constitute You Say You Want a Revolution: SDS, PL, and
Adventures in Building a Worker-Student Alliance enlarge the historical
lens – perhaps, intentionally, perhaps unintentionally – by focusing
laser-like on just one of the myriad of groups that emerged during this

Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), was for a short period in radical
history the largest, most vibrant student organization of the mid-to-late
1960s. PL, or the Progressive Labor Party (PLP), was a Maoist group that
initiated the 1964 May 2nd Movement (M2M) protests against escalating U.S.
involvement in Vietnam; the Worker-Student Alliance was PLP’s youth front
that for a time worked to take over SDS.

You Say You Want a Revolution is full of interesting personal accounts,
anecdotes that throughout the course of the book emerge into a larger
narrative of youthful optimism, activism, excitement and often times
disillusionment with PLP and its undemocratic decision-making structure,
ultra-leftism, and eventual sectarian isolation.

full at
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[Marxism] What will Boris do? | Richard Seymour on Patreon

2019-08-02 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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We have to prepare for the worst, but what is the worst?

The predicament facing Boris Johnson is clear. He has just lost a 
byelection in a Leave constituency, Brecon and Radnorshire, to the 
largest Remain party in the constituency, the Liberal Democrats. Had he 
won the Brexit Party's vote, he would have held the seat. The fact is, 
even with Johnson threatening a 'no deal' Brexit, much of the Farageite 
hardcore just doesn't trust him. And they won't until he actually 
delivers. Now he has a majority of one.

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[Marxism] Virtual Games as a Site of Resistance | R Arun Kumar | Peoples Democracy

2019-08-02 Thread Kevin Lindemann and Cathy Campo via Marxism
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[Marxism] [UCE] Wage Theft in Caracas: Venezuela is Not Simple, Government Court Jester Scribes Are

2019-08-02 Thread Andrew Stewart via Marxism
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Best regards,

Andrew Stewart
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[Marxism] Piranhas; Gomorrah | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2019-08-02 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Opening today at the Howard Gilman Theater in Lincoln Center, “Piranhas” 
is a coming-of-age film about 15-year-old wannabe gangsters living on 
the mean streets of Naples. It is based on a fact-based novel by Robert 
Saviano titled “La Paranza dei Bambini” that means “The Children’s 
Gang”, a much better title for a very good film.

Saviano also wrote another fact-based novel titled “Gomorrah”, which the 
2008 film of the same name was based on. If Alexander Stile’s “Excellent 
Cadavers: The Mafia and the Death of the First Italian Republic” is the 
key text for understanding the Sicilian mafia, Saviano’s novels play the 
same role for the Camorra, the Naples-based mafia that is arguably more 
embedded in the Italian corporate state than its rivals and more 
destructive. Unlike the Sicilians, the Neapolitans do not have a 
hierarchical structure in which a top don controls the clans beneath 
him. More horizontal than vertical, the gangs in the Campania region of 
southern Italy are notorious for the bloody feuds that drive the 
narratives of films based on Saviano’s novels. This review will take up 
the two aforementioned films as well as “Gomorrah”, the two-season 
Italian TV series on Netflix that is based on Saviano’s novel with 
alternating directors, including Claudio Giovannesi who directed “Pirhanas”.

full: https://louisproyect.org/2019/08/02/piranhas-gomorrah/
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[Marxism] UFCW Local 8 president sells out his members & undermines Local 5 & 648 members

2019-08-02 Thread John Reimann via Marxism
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"United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW) representatives throughout
Northern California have been bargaining with Lucky (food) Stores for
months now. They thought they had reached an agreement that reportedly
contained some real advances. Then, as this letter reveals, Lucky’s
bargainers suddenly reneged at the very last minute. Why? What happened?

"According to this letter from Locals 5 and 648 representatives, it seems
that Jacques Loveall, president of Local 8, which has jurisdiction from
Bakersfield up to the Oregon border, called Lucky’s management and urged
them to back out. The belief is that he had negotiated an inferior deal so
this agreement would make him look bad."

Read more here:

John Reimann
*“In politics, abstract terms conceal treachery.” *from "The Black
Jacobins" by C. L. R. James
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[Marxism] The Opioid and Trump Addictions: Symptoms of the Same Malaise - CounterPunch.org

2019-08-02 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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By Marshall Sahlins, the 88-year old ground-breaking anthropologist. 
I'll take a journal that publishes him any day of the week over Jacobin 
with its 27-year-old PhD student Kautskyites. Do I sound sectarian? Too 
fucking bad.

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[Marxism] Yulia Galyamina: A Battered Professor Leads Moscow’s Growing Grassroots Protests Against Putin

2019-08-02 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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