Re: [Marxism] Harper's Published an Awful Open Letter About "Toleration" | The Mary Sue

2020-07-09 Thread A.R. G via Marxism
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So Noam Chomsky is a transphobia-defender now?

This piece is garbage. Of course some of the people in the list are
right-wing hypocrites (Bari Weiss, obviously) but the rest of this piece is
trash. Indeed, the list of examples that the author presumes the
signatories are criticizing don't consist of examples of people using their
platforms to be awful. Some of them, particularly the quoting of the N-word
show the exact opposite: that positions of power and influence are being
used to teach the works of anti-racist luminaries like MLK and James
Baldwin. Another example was a graphic video that showed the (graphic)
nature of lynchings and slavery. This echoes the manipulative campaign that
was used by neoliberal types to get rid of the communist mural at the high
school in San Francisco that properly labelled George Washignton a slave
owner. I wonder if any of these trigger-warning types would suggest
shutting down the Holocaust museum because its content is graphic?

That the author of this piece throws in quoting the N-word from one of
their books with trying to dehumanize transgender people or something is
absolute nonsense.

Moreover, the author seems to have conveniently left out all of the times
where leftist causes have faced cancellation and censorship, the most
obvious being Palestine. I'm inclined to agree with the author that people
criticizing you is not a form of "censorship" per se but the use of
Twitter, Facebook, etc. to swarm on professors for making ideological faux
pas is a deeply troubling development in my book.In my view the bigger
issue is that this dynamic is simply ignored when the targets are leftists,
and indeed, this piece simply erased the most prominent example of cancel
culture and censorship on college campuses, which is the attempts to
destroy the lives of scholars and activists for Palestine.

Amith R. Gupta

On Thu, Jul 9, 2020 at 7:04 PM Michael Meeropol via Marxism <> wrote:

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> And Deirdre McCloskey is a trans-phobe?
> (answer:  She was born Donald McCloskey )
> _
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Re: [Marxism] Harper's Published an Awful Open Letter About "Toleration" | The Mary Sue

2020-07-09 Thread Michael Meeropol via Marxism
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And Deirdre McCloskey is a trans-phobe?

(answer:  She was born Donald McCloskey )
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[Marxism] Interview: The League of Revolutionary Black Workers | JSTOR Daily

2020-07-09 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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An interview with a retired Mao-Stalinist autoworker from Detroit who 
used to post as "Waistline" in the Marxism list that preceded us.

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[Marxism] Harper's Published an Awful Open Letter About "Toleration" | The Mary Sue

2020-07-09 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Degrowth Considered – The Brooklyn Rail

2020-07-09 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Max Ajl reviews Kallis book.

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Re: [Marxism] ? Anthony Fauci: The Last American Hero?

2020-07-09 Thread John Reimann via Marxism
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I agree with the article, but it only scratches the surface.

Today, CNN and MSNBC are lionizing Fauci and shouting from the rooftops
about the White House's refusal to allow Fauci to speak to the US media.
Last I looked, however, Fauci was not in solitary confinement in some
prison. There is nothing stopping him from doing what a series of State
Department officials did and defy Trump and speak to the media. He is

But these are the very least of Fauci's sins. By confining himself to
talking about face masks, social distancing, etc., he is moving attention
purely in the direction of of dealing with the symptoms and totally away
from dealing with the underlying causes of this and other zoonotic
diseases. Once again, those are factory farming and habitat destruction.
Sooner or later, if these two practices continue unabated, we will see a
new pandemic that is far more deadly than is SARS-CoV19. And no amount of
facemasks will prevent millions - maybe tens or even hundreds of millions -
from dying.

John Reimann

*“Science and socialism go hand-in-hand.” *Felicity Dowling
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Re: [Marxism] Freedom Means Can Rather Than Should: What the Harper's Open Letter Gets Wrong | Literary Hub

2020-07-09 Thread Andrew Stewart via Marxism
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As a person who deals with both gender and sexuality-derived bigotry
because of queerness, I understand the impulse here but frankly find all
the responses a tad childish.

Freedom of speech is defined by the right to not have your exercise of
speech punished or repressed BY THE STATE.

What lies at the core of this argument is the following scenario:

Activists are successfully organizing crowds to reject granting venues for
certain speakers. Some of the aggrieved are facing further repercussions
for their bad opinions via firing from work.

When it is a matter of state compelling the excommunication, expulsion, or
job termination of a certain party, that is wrong. That needs to be opposed
vigorously precisely because it crosses a very dangerous line between the
citizenry and the state.

But when this is an engagement in the private sphere, lacking any kind of
imposition or endorsement from the state (as is the case here), that's
actually just another dimension of the First Amendment being exercised,
FREEDOM OF ASSOCIATION. You as a private individual do not have the right
to impose yourself onto other individuals and force their engagement with
you. A Klansman does not have the right to say to me "You must grant me a
forum and debate by default."

Furthermore, look at the power dynamics. All the aggrieved parties in this
are rich liberals with a substantial audience and access to powerful
forums. Besides her rather repulsive gender politics, JK Rowling is a
gazillionaire children's book author who played a predominant role in the
whole Jeremy Corbyn/Labour Party "anti-semitism" fracas <>.
She's a dyed-in-wool neoliberal who was thick as thieves with Gordon Brown.

This is a tempest in a teapot.

Best regards,

Andrew Stewart

Message: 1
Date: Thu, 9 Jul 2020 13:39:53 -0400
From: Michael Meeropol 
To: Activists and scholars in Marxist tradition

Subject: Re: [Marxism] Freedom Means Can Rather Than Should: What the
Harper's Open Letter Gets Wrong | Literary Hub

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"

So the reason this letter is no good is because it was signed by J.K.
Rowling and doesn't mention the fight for LGBTQ rights?

So Noam Chomsky is guilty by association?

All American communists were Stalinist mass murderers by association??

All black men have to answer for a black rapist?   All gay people have to
answer for a single child molester?  (or a mass murderer like Juan Corona)

All Jews have to answer for Benjamin Netanyahu?

After reading this piece, I re-read the letter very carefully to see where
it denied the reality of trans people.  Couldn't find it 

Even THE BELL CURVE should be attacked and refuted  not burned or taken
out of a library --- When Steven J. Gould refuted it, he first READ it!!

The writer seems to be asserting that the letter is wrong because it
implicitly (or specifically) defends the right of anti-trans bigots to
assert that there is no such thing as a truly trans person (ridiculous idea
but there are plenty of them) --- but all it really does is caution the
rest of us to resist the urge to PUNISH "wrong" speech -- that's what the
OTHER SIDE does all the time and we should not give them ammunition
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Re: [Marxism] Freedom Means Can Rather Than Should: What the Harper's Open Letter Gets Wrong | Literary Hub

2020-07-09 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 7/9/20 1:39 PM, Michael Meeropol wrote:
So the reason this letter is no good is because it was signed by J.K. 
Rowling and doesn't mention the fight for LGBTQ rights?

Jesus Christ, Michael, what in the hell is the letter trying to 
remediate? Why don't you tell me which bad behavior it is meant to 
overcome? Transgender people and their supporters writing nasty Tweets 
to Rowling? What exactly is it that you think we need to fight against? 
Social media is the weapon of the weaponless. These people like Nick 
Lemann, Dean Emeritus of the Columbia Journalism School, can't get over 
the fact that anybody with a computer and an Internet connection can 
raise all sorts of hell. They remind me of the Vatican getting riled up 
over Gutenberg's printing press that would allow the commoners to 
compose a pamphlet that reflected their own needs, both religious and 

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Re: [Marxism] Marx's Ecology: Materialism and Nature

2020-07-09 Thread Joseph Green via Marxism
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On 9 Jul 2020 at 7:33, Louis Proyect via Marxism wrote:
> The Cosmonaut team inaugurates the ecology series by discussing John
> Bellamy Foster´s seminal book Marx´s Ecology on its twentieth 
> anniversary.

A review of John Bellamy Foster's "Marx's Ecology":
Marx and Engels on protecting the environment

by Joseph Green, August 2007

The writings of Marx and Engels
Alongside and after Marx and Engels
Lenin and the early Soviet Union
Stalinist and state capitalist ecocide
Marxism and global warming
--Not market methods, but direct regulation of production
--Class basis of environmental destruction
--The nature of state regulation
--Bringing the masses into the environmental struggle
Foster's Marxism without teeth

Excerpt from the introduction:

Heat waves, dry spells, storms, floods, and other disasters are raising the 
issue of 
global warming more and more urgently. This is going to put all economic ideas 
and practices to the test. Which ones contributed to global warming and other 
environmental problems? Which ones can help solve these problems? Many 
apparently well-established economic practices and views are going to become 
outdated rather soon.

Will Marx and Engels' ideas be among them? Many people think that they could 
have cared less about ecological questions. But "Marx's Ecology: materialism 
nature" by John Bellamy Foster is one of several books in the last decade that 
show that Marx and Engels were intensely interested in the ecological problems 
of their time. They wrote about these problems; kept abreast of the advance of 
scientific knowledge about them; showed the relationship of these problems to 
the free market and private ownership; regarded these problems as one of the 
important proofs of the need for social planning of production, land use, and 
overall economy; and held that socialist society would have to reunite town and 
country in order to protect the environment.

Moreover, Marx and Engels's views are of interest, not mainly because they were 
right in their controversies with various of the personalities of the time, but 
because Marxism remains relevant to today's ecological problems. ... global 
warming, if anything, raises the question of emancipating the economy from the 
dictatorship of private profit even more strongly than before. The failure of 
market methods, such as carbon trading and carbon taxes, to sufficiently curb 
greenhouse gas emissions will lead to the need for direct regulation of 
greenhouse gas emissions. This and other environmental issues will eventually 
raise the issue of economic planning, locally, regionally, and even globally. 
raises the question of whether this planning will be subordinated to the 
profits of 
the corporations, or whether corporate ownership will increasingly be infringed 
upon. Struggle will take place over who will pay for environmental disasters 
the necessary economic reconstruction, and whether economic planning will go 
on behind the backs of the masses or with their participation. All this raises 
questions of class struggle and socialism, and hence of Marxism.

Unfortunately, Foster is more interested in protracted argumentation on the 
general philosophical questions than with what has to be done to solve the 
ecological issues of our day. For example, he refers repeatedly to the Greek 
materialist philosopher Epicurus (341 - 270 BC), his Roman adherent Lucretius 
(99 - 55 BC), and their connection to Marx's original philosophical 
Hellenistic philosophy will always retain a certain interest, but it would seem 
peripheral to a book on Marxism and the environment.

Foster ends up criticizing Engels, Lenin, and just about everyone else, for 
supposedly not being philosophically knowledgeable enough about materialism 
and dialectics, due to lack of sufficient attention to Epicurus. As a result, 
according to Foster, theorists who were "supposedly emphasizing dialectical 
perspectives that rejected both mechanism and idealism" would really be mired 
"Marxist positivism". (2) This sort of windy nonsense aside, he nevertheless 
provides some background information on a number of the major scientific and 
political figures of Marx and Engels' times, both those whose work Marx and 
Engels valued and those whom they opposed.


(Footnote 2) Foster, Ibid. , pp. 230, 231. Foster laments that it was only at 
the end 
of his life that Engels, in his view, took real notice of Epicurus. He says 
worse yet, no subsequent Marxist had obtained even this level o

Re: [Marxism] Freedom Means Can Rather Than Should: What the Harper's Open Letter Gets Wrong | Literary Hub

2020-07-09 Thread Michael Meeropol via Marxism
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So the reason this letter is no good is because it was signed by J.K.
Rowling and doesn't mention the fight for LGBTQ rights?

So Noam Chomsky is guilty by association?

All American communists were Stalinist mass murderers by association??

All black men have to answer for a black rapist?   All gay people have to
answer for a single child molester?  (or a mass murderer like Juan Corona)

All Jews have to answer for Benjamin Netanyahu?

After reading this piece, I re-read the letter very carefully to see where
it denied the reality of trans people.  Couldn't find it 

Even THE BELL CURVE should be attacked and refuted  not burned or taken
out of a library --- When Steven J. Gould refuted it, he first READ it!!

The writer seems to be asserting that the letter is wrong because it
implicitly (or specifically) defends the right of anti-trans bigots to
assert that there is no such thing as a truly trans person (ridiculous idea
but there are plenty of them) --- but all it really does is caution the
rest of us to resist the urge to PUNISH "wrong" speech -- that's what the
OTHER SIDE does all the time and we should not give them ammunition
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Re: [Marxism] Dead Letter: Rescuing Free Speech from the Liberals who Claim to be Defending It | The Public Autonomy Project

2020-07-09 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 7/9/20 1:04 PM, Michael Meeropol wrote:

Notice, the attack on the letter and letter-writers does not say ONE 
WORD is opposition to ONE SENTENCE in the letter --- and ignores the 
most important sentence --- that such behavior HELPS the right-wing ...

Oh, come on, Michael. The cancel culture consists of powerless and 
mostly young people writing angry Tweets. On the other hand, Cary Nelson 
got Steven Salaita fired because of his pro-Palestinian writing. 
Harper's, the sponsor of this meretricious letter, is owned by John 
MacArthur who is one of the signers. He has also fired multiple editors 
because they didn't agree with him on an article and to preempt a union 
organizing drive. Anyhow, I have an article on this in tomorrow's 

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Re: [Marxism] Dead Letter: Rescuing Free Speech from the Liberals who Claim to be Defending It | The Public Autonomy Project

2020-07-09 Thread Michael Meeropol via Marxism
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I read the original letter --- Does the writer of this post not know that
VIRTUALLLY ALL of the people who signed the letter have been in the
forefront of the arguments in favor of ending repression in the US?   THe
whole point of the letter is that people purportedly on "our side" have
(unwittingly but definitely anyway) given aid and comfort to the fascists
by becoming EXAMPLES of "left-wing" illiberalism --- it's the same thing
that permitted the right wing in the early 1990s to attack "political
correctness" ---

These attacks from the right are ridiculously dishonest and often wrong
 accusing people incorrectly --- BUT there have been examples where
people have lost their jobs because they crossed some line or other of
political purity --- that happens to be the truth ---

The signers of this letter want people to keep their eyes on the prize and
the prize is ANTI-FASCISM --- ANTI-TRUMPISM ---

Unwitting support for the right wing fascists is dangerous to our side.

Notice, the attack on the letter and letter-writers does not say ONE WORD
is opposition to ONE SENTENCE in the letter --- and ignores the most
important sentence --- that such behavior HELPS the right-wing 

(lMike Meeropol)

On Thu, Jul 9, 2020
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[Marxism] Fwd: H-Net Review [H-SHERA]: Taroutina on Reischl, 'Photographic Literacy: Cameras in the Hands of Russian Authors'

2020-07-09 Thread Andrew Stewart via Marxism
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From: H-Net Staff via H-REVIEW 
Date: Thu, Jul 9, 2020 at 12:33 PM
Subject: H-Net Review [H-SHERA]: Taroutina on Reischl, 'Photographic
Literacy: Cameras in the Hands of Russian Authors'
Cc: H-Net Staff 

Katherine M. H. Reischl.  Photographic Literacy: Cameras in the Hands
of Russian Authors.  Ithaca  Cornell University Press, 2018.  320 pp.
 $49.95 (cloth), ISBN 978-1-5017-2436-7.

Reviewed by Maria Taroutina (Yale-NUS College)
Published on H-SHERA (July, 2020)
Commissioned by Hanna Chuchvaha

Katherine Reischl's eloquent new monograph examines the complex and
multivalent ways in which some of Russia's leading authors understood
and engaged with the novel medium of photography. The book begins
with the 1860s and runs roughly through to the late 1930s, with the
conclusion focusing on the post-World War II works of Vladimir
Nabokov and Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn. Reischl traces the chronological
evolution of photography as a technological, cultural, and visual
medium, while simultaneously analyzing a diverse set of authorial
word-image strategies that were employed by key literary figures at
specific historical junctures. Each discrete case study is
contextualized within a dense network of political, ideological,
cultural, and theoretical concerns surrounding questions of modern
subjectivity, authorial authenticity, and visual and literary
representation, all of which evolved with and responded to the
continuously shifting environment of late imperial and early Soviet
Russia. Throughout the course of the book, Reischl attends to the
numerous connections and continuities between individual authors and
projects, carefully scrutinizing their cross-temporal dialogues
across several decades.

The book opens with the late nineteenth century and a consideration
of Lev Tolstoy's exponentially growing authorial celebrity and the
manner in which it was further augmented by the proliferation of the
photographic medium, so much so that the writer's frequently
reproduced image became an important visual emblem for his entire
epoch. The chapter also investigates the subtle and pervasive
influence that photography exerted on Tolstoy's writing and
highlights several instances of the author's "camera eye" at work in
his various novels, such as _The Cossacks_ (1863) and _Anna Karenina_
(1878). It culminates with a discussion of Tolstoy's "crisis of
authorship" and the intense dispute that broke out over his copyright
and literary legacy between his wife, Sofia, and his chief disciple,
Vladimir Chertkov, with the latter prevailing so that Tolstoy's image
ultimately became "the property of the public sphere" (p. 51) at the
same time that photography was recognized in Russia as an artistic
medium in its own right.

The second chapter similarly interrogates the photographic and
literary experimentations of the novelist, short-story writer, and
playwright Leonid Andreev and, to a lesser degree of Silver Age
authors Vasilii Rozanov and Maksimilian Voloshin. Here Reischl
emphasizes the idiosyncratic and generative intersections between
Andreev's public persona and the intimate images of his domestic
life, which he photographed himself and strategically deployed as
visual extensions of his fictional, literary worlds, whose esoteric,
demonic themes mirrored photography's liminal ability to connect the
realms of the living and the dead. Reischl contends that through the
active fusion of "life writing and light writing as method" (pp.
15-16) writers like Andreev, Rozanov, and Voloshin embraced a novel
form of creative modernist intermediality that became integral to the
very "formation of [their] literary imagination[s]" (p. 17).

The ensuing two chapters shift their attention to the Soviet era and
survey the different ways the regime harnessed photographic processes
and documentary writing toward forging a new Soviet citizenry and
socialist state. Photography was employed on a large scale as both a
pedagogical and agitational tool, with many "author-photographers"
rising to the task at hand throughout the 1920s and 1930s. The third
chapter specifically bridges the pre- and postrevolutionary epochs by
exploring the documentary writing and photography of the Symbolist
ethnographer and diarist Mikhail Prishvin, who strove to renegotiate
and rebrand his authorial subjectivity in the wake of the Bolshevik
Revolution and the novel demands of Soviet society. Mikhail Prishvin
advanced the hybrid new genre of the _ocherk_, which united text and
image in a mutually generative dialectical relationship_. _Comparing
his prerevolutionary publication _The Land of Unfrightened Birds_
(1907), wi

[Marxism] Dead Letter: Rescuing Free Speech from the Liberals who Claim to be Defending It | The Public Autonomy Project

2020-07-09 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Fwd: H-Net Review [H-War]: King on DeLucia, 'Memory Lands: King Philip's War and the Place of Violence in the Northeast'

2020-07-09 Thread Andrew Stewart via Marxism
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From: H-Net Staff via H-REVIEW 
Date: Thu, Jul 9, 2020 at 10:18 AM
Subject: H-Net Review [H-War]: King on DeLucia, 'Memory Lands: King
Philip's War and the Place of Violence in the Northeast'
Cc: H-Net Staff 

Christine M. DeLucia.  Memory Lands: King Philip's War and the Place
of Violence in the Northeast.  New Haven  Yale University Press,
2020.  496 pp.  $32.00 (paper), ISBN 978-0-300-24838-8.

Reviewed by Alice King (University of Virginia)
Published on H-War (July, 2020)
Commissioned by Margaret Sankey

In _Memory Lands_, Christine M. DeLucia analyzes the historical
memory of King Philip's War among Native and non-Native people in New
England between the seventeenth and twenty-first centuries. Prompted
by colonial expansion, the war was fought between English colonists
and a coalition of Native groups including the Wampanoag and their
leader Philip, or Metacom, between 1675 and 1678. DeLucia argues that
a broader understanding of the shadow of King Philip's War is best
accessed through the "memoryscapes" that developed in the war's wake
(p. 1). Residents of the Northeast enacted their remembrance of the
war not principally through language, as Jill Lepore contends in _The
Name of War: King Philip's War and the Origins of American Identity
_(1999), but through material factors like landscapes, monuments,
archives, and objects, and the immaterial: ceremonies, stories, and
relationships. These visible and invisible commemorations infused the
landscape with memory, emotion, and narrative, creating chorographic
links between past and present. The Northeast was not a _tabula rasa
_waiting to be inscribed by English pens, DeLucia argues, but a rich
and complex "memorial terrain" before and after the war (p. 15).

These memories and places are inherently dynamic, changing with the
seasons, with time, with use and neglect. _Memory Lands _is a
correspondingly dynamic story that spans centuries and traverses
multiple locations in order to capture Native "survivance:"
Indigenous endurance in the face of persistent colonialism (p. xvii).
DeLucia's methodology has not been to every scholar's taste: _Memory
Lands _weaves together colonial records, material objects,
literature, ceremonies, interviews with descendant communities, and
the author's own photographs and stories, driven by "decolonizing
methodologies" which stress that valuable knowledge exists in
multiple places, including in the oral traditions of Native peoples
(p. 20).[1] Historians often zoom in on conflict: after all,
conflicts generate reams of sources that appear to offer certainty.
However, if we only ever deal with Native communities through the
lens of conflict, DeLucia contends, it skews our understanding of
their experiences. We need to recognize "regathering, recovery, [and]
regeneration," as well as "extraordinary violence" (p. 23). Native
peoples did not vanish from the picture, as first Puritans and later
Yankees would have us believe; instead, they adapted and survived,
remembering their histories in complex and varied ways.

In part 1, "The Way to Deer Island," DeLucia traces how Native
peoples have navigated the lasting effects of colonialism in the land
and waterscapes around Boston in the wake of King Philip's War. In
October 1675, Massachusetts Bay leaders used Deer Island, a peninsula
just north of Boston, as an internment camp for Praying Indians, a
decision ostensibly for the Natives' protection but one rooted in
deep fears about their loyalty. "Unknown numbers" of Native people
died from hunger and exposure while confined to the island (p. 30).
Despite colonial efforts, Boston remained a Native space during the
eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, even as white Bostonians
memorialized King Philip's War and told mythical stories of vanished
Indians who had passed out of existence through colonial violence,
cultural atrophy, and racially mixed marriages. Native presence
persisted even as Boston handed Deer Island over to the Massachusetts
Water Resources Authority to be used as a sewage treatment plant in
the 1990s. Native groups including the Muhheconneuk Intertribal
Committee on Deer Island lobbied unsuccessfully against the plant.
DeLucia bookends part 1 with the 2010 Deer Island Sacred Run and
Paddle, organized by the Natick Nipmuc Indian Council. Tribal members
and supporters paddled _mishoonash_, wooden dugout canoes, from
Plymouth Plantation to Deer Island, a sacred journey retracing the
movements of their ancestors and a powerful statement of Native
survival in the face of attempted exile and destruction.

Part 2, "The Narragansett Country," takes a similar approac

[Marxism] The Haunting of Lin-Manuel Miranda Online performance

2020-07-09 Thread Andrew Stewart via Marxism
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Ishmael Reed wrote a rebuttal play to *Hamilton* that he premiered last
year Off Broadway and is now doing a web broadcast of it for free on
Tuesday, 7/14/20 at 8:00 PM.

Reservations are available via <>

Best regards,

Andrew Stewart
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[Marxism] COVID-19: Penn State Professors Write Open Letter Petitioning Return to Campus in the Fall

2020-07-09 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Here Not Death but the Future Is Frightening: The Twenty-Eighth Newsletter (2020).

2020-07-09 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Fwd: H-Net Review [H-Asia]: Rangarajan on Zhang, 'The River, the Plain, and the State: An Environmental Drama in Northern Song China, 1048-1128'

2020-07-09 Thread Andrew Stewart via Marxism
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Best regards,
Andrew Stewart 
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Begin forwarded message:

> From: H-Net Staff via H-REVIEW 
> Date: July 9, 2020 at 9:40:13 AM EDT
> To:
> Cc: H-Net Staff 
> Subject: H-Net Review [H-Asia]:  Rangarajan on Zhang, 'The River, the Plain, 
> and the State: An Environmental Drama in Northern Song China, 1048-1128'
> Reply-To:
> Ling Zhang.  The River, the Plain, and the State: An Environmental 
> Drama in Northern Song China, 1048-1128.  Studies in Environment and 
> History Series. Cambridge  Cambridge University Press, 2016.  328 pp. 
> $99.99 (cloth), ISBN 978-1-107-15598-5.
> Reviewed by Mahesh Rangarajan (Ashoka University)
> Published on H-Asia (July, 2020)
> Commissioned by Sumit Guha
> Given the salience of large dam projects and river engineering across 
> Asia today, stretching from the Yangtze and Mekong to South Asia and 
> beyond, this is a timely and deeply insightful work. Contrary to what 
> is commonplace logic, the control of river water flows with dykes and 
> embankments not only was well known in Song China but also played an 
> indirect and critical role in an environmental drama for over eight 
> decades commencing in July 1048. Drawing on a formidable range of 
> sources, Ling Zhang weaves together a tapestry of state action, river 
> water flows, and societal crises that makes one rethink much more 
> than the period of Chinese history she has studied. This is a rare 
> work where the epic scale is enriched throughout by attention to lost 
> and forgotten voices. Hebei Province, where waters broke loose and 
> played havoc, is central to the work, but it is looked at in a way 
> that "the stories of those _who lost in the game of history_ were the 
> hidden companion of growth. Dead bodies, hungry refugees, salinized 
> earth, disappeared streams and vanished trees," she writes in lucid, 
> often charged but meticulous prose, "had participated in the making 
> of history long before we were willing to address their existence" 
> (pp. 283-84, emphasis added). 
> The breaching of the banks was a catastrophe for those in the river's 
> path: Hebei had no direct association with the Yellow River for 
> centuries but was to be intimately tied in with its tribulations for 
> eighty years. At the end of this period, the river abruptly changed 
> course never to flow this way again. The day it changed course was 
> catastrophic for many. Contemporaries who witnessed the catastrophe 
> recalled people "turning into food for fish and turtles" or journeys 
> a thousand li long (Zhang estimates it was five hundred kilometers) 
> with "roads full of corpses of dead men" (pp. 2-3). As many as eight 
> out of ten households had to relocate to save their lives and take 
> only the few belongings they could carry. The land was to a large 
> extent rendered desolate, with raging waters and large patches of 
> sand deposited on once fertile fields. This deep environmental and 
> human tragedy had a date, time, and place in an episodic sense. 
> And it had deep roots; it is here that Zhang expertly brings 
> disparate elements of high politics of state making and the 
> technologies of river control together with the sociocultural milieu 
> of the times. The Song era has long been a subject of scholarly 
> inquiry. In the period 1048-1128, it saw a close connection between 
> the Yellow River and Hebei in a manner that the latter paid the 
> heavier price. The argument here is simple in insight though 
> multilayered in terms of the story. The Yellow River was controlled 
> via state-built dykes. From the mid-tenth century onward there was a 
> clear regional bias; the attempt was to secure Henan, the core zone 
> of the northern Song state, and to push the river waters toward Hebei 
> to the North. There were indeed floods in both the South and North, 
> but over time their intensity on the latter front only increased. 
> This pushing to the North was not mere oversight but arose from an 
> overlap of strategic logic and political power play where the river 
> was to be both object and actor. This study is a corrective to any 
> simple reading of the Song period as an era of economic growth by 
> perceptively bringing the changing ecology into the trope of 
> state-society-economy relations. 
> The first Song emperor, Taizu, secured Henan and stabilized the 
> state, integrating Hebei as a peripheral region. The fear of nomadic 
> invasion led to investment in ponds to slow down enemy advances. The 
> advancement of the sta

[Marxism] Freedom Means Can Rather Than Should: What the Harper's Open Letter Gets Wrong | Literary Hub

2020-07-09 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Williams, who is half-black and half-white, doubtless partly desires 
this because of his own oft-stated discomfort with his blackness; it was 
he, after all, who described black fans of hip-hop in his first book, a 
2010 memoir, as “psyching themselves up like child soldiers drunk off 
blood in some war-ravaged African province.” This is the kind of 
language that, had it been employed by a white critic describing jazz (a 
genre Williams ironically proclaims to enjoy) in the early 20th century, 
would have been both commonplace and nakedly racist, conjuring up a 
trope of Africa as a wild world that is meant to suggest not 
civilization or complexity, but war and savagery. Williams, whose entire 
career has been predicated on writing about race, wants as little to do 
with race as possible, explaining the letter’s feeble gesturing to the 

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[Marxism] » Anthony Fauci: The Last American Hero?

2020-07-09 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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By Mike Davis.

Despite his famous halo of truthfulness, Fauci has deliberately misled
the public on several occasions during the crisis. At the beginning of 
the outbreak, he and CDC Director Robert Redfield defied medical common 
sense and lied about the efficacy of face mask usage. While news 
programs were showing entire Asian societies safely masked, we were told 
that face coverings were unnecessary, useless, and possibly dangerous.

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[Marxism] "You Seem To Have No Conscience": Activists Stop Crown Heights Landlords From Evicting Tenants - Gothamist

2020-07-09 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] ‘Cancel Culture’ Is How the Powerful Play Victim | by Jessica Valenti | Jul, 2020 | GEN

2020-07-09 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] A Semester to Die For – Spectre Journal

2020-07-09 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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“Covidiots” is what one colleague called the ten administrators who, 
representing an annual base salary pool of more than $2 million, 
delivered a reopening roadmap identical to just about everyone else’s, 
lampooned by McSweeney’s as “A Letter from Your University’s Vice 
President for Magical Thinking.” What alarms me, however, isn’t that our 
universities are in the hands of people too dunderheaded to distinguish 
science from superstition, medicine from magic. To the contrary, we find 
at the helm people who do grasp—and embrace—how tragically we will be 
failed by iPhone apps and personal safety kits. Malthusian thinking, not 
magical thinking, is what we are up against.

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[Marxism] Harper’s Magazine’s ‘Cancel Culture’ Letter Kicks Off Circular Firing Squad in Media

2020-07-09 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] [SUSPICIOUS MESSAGE] Marx's Ecology: Materialism and Nature - COSMONAUT

2020-07-09 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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The Cosmonaut team inaugurates the ecology series by discussing John 
Bellamy Foster’s seminal book Marx’s Ecology on its twentieth 
anniversary. Join Niko, Ian, Matthew, and Remi as they discuss the 
context of this work, and how it started a rediscovery of Marx’s 
ecological politics. They discuss how ecology informed Marx’s 
understanding of the world since his doctoral thesis, the relationship 
between Marx, Darwin, and Malthus and the concept of metabolic rift.
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[Marxism] Biden and Sanders deepen their cooperation

2020-07-09 Thread John Reimann via Marxism
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*Here we see two things: First the right wing Joe Biden of yesterday can
become the liberal Joe Biden of tomorrow. It all depends on the situation
on the ground, including what sort of movement exists in the streets.
Second, the real role of Bernie Sanders is a rallying of the liberal forces
inside the Democratic Party. This means continuing to enable that party to
bring millions of workers and others into their fold while ensuring that
nothing too "radical" is accomplished. Here's the text of the article:*
"Allies of Joseph R. Biden Jr. and Senator Bernie Sanders unveiled a
sweeping set of joint policy recommendations on Wednesday, a significant if
tentative sign of cooperation among Democrats as Mr. Biden’s campaign
continues its appeals to the progressive left.

Mr. Biden is expected to adopt many of the recommendations, which were
submitted by six policy task forces and cover a wide range of issues
including health care, criminal justice, education and climate change.

For all of the details, the lengthy recommendation document amounted to a
collection of widely acceptable liberal proposals, many of which Mr. Biden
has already embraced in his bid for party unity. And they come at a time
when policy differences that stood out in the primary campaign have largely
faded to the backdrop as Democrats look toward a shared goal: defeating
President Trump.

The recommendations to Mr. Biden on economics include broader and costlier
plans than he has championed so far in his campaign, and the proposals on
climate change include new benchmarks for reducing carbon emissions. Though
Mr. Sanders favors universal, single-payer health care, the recommendations
adhere to Mr. Biden’s approach of building on the Affordable Care Act. And
Republicans will find plenty to fault among the proposals, like a 100-day
moratorium on deportations, a move that Mr. Biden had previously backed.

The policy recommendations will also most likely frustrate some in the
Democratic Party’s activist wing who believe they do not go far enough. The
task forces did not recommend plans that Mr. Sanders promoted like
“Medicare for all,” tuition-free public college for everyone or canceling
all student debt.

As the economic and public health impact of the coronavirus pandemic became
clear, some consensus between the two factions of the party had already
begun to form. The groups also met amid intense unrest over racial
injustice, spurred by the death of George Floyd at the hands of the
Minneapolis police, that has focused attention nationwide on systemic
racism and inequality.

Among the recommendations put forth by the health care task force are new
health insurance programs for the duration of the pandemic. The task force
suggested government-funded COBRA coverage for people who recently lost
job-based coverage, and the creation of a new Obamacare plan that would
have no deductible and would be free for low-income Americans.

The document also adds new details to an existing Biden campaign proposal
to create a “public option” plan, which would be run by the Medicare system
to compete with private health insurers. That plan would include a
no-deductible option. Low-income Americans who are not eligible for
Medicaid would be automatically enrolled in the plan at no cost, though
they could opt out if they wished. Anyone else would be eligible to buy it
if they preferred it to other choices.

Other recommendations included a proposal from the economy task force for
an executive order to prohibit federal contracts with companies that pay
less than a $15 minimum wage or that do not remain neutral in unionization
efforts; a goal from the climate change task force to eliminate carbon
emissions from power plants by 2035; and the creation of an environmental
justice fund to address the disproportionate burden of pollution and
environmental hazards that communities of color bear.

The task forces also gave broad policy recommendations to the Democratic
National Committee’s platform committee.

In a statement, Mr. Biden commended the task forces’ work and expressed
gratitude toward Mr. Sanders “for working together to unite our party, and
deliver real, lasting change for generations to come.”

Mr. Sanders, for his part, acknowledged the progress his supporters had
made — but also nodded to some lasting disappointment.

“Though the end result is not what I or my supporters would have written
alone, the task forces have created a good policy blueprint that will move
this country in a much-needed progressive direction and substantially