[Marxism] The rise of the killer machines

2010-12-17 Thread Stuart Munckton
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By Tony Iltis http://www.greenleft.org.au/taxonomy/term/1126

  One of the features of advances in military technology is that an
increasing proportion of those killed in wars are civilians, not combatants.

During the 20th century, airstrikes became the preferred form of warfare by
technologically well-resourced superpowers. This led to civilians becoming
the majority of those killed in wars worldwide.

In the first decade of the new century, new developments in military
technology have raised the possibility for powerful countries of
increasingly dispensing with combatants entirely.

“Disobedience, in the eyes of anyone who has read history, is humanity’s
original virtue. It is through disobedience that progress has been made,
through disobedience and through rebellion.” — Oscar Wilde, Soul of Man
Under Socialism

“The free market is perfectly natural... do you think I am some kind of
dummy?” — Jarvis Cocker

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Re: [Marxism] H.K. Edgerton is one happy House Negro

2010-12-17 Thread Greg McDonald
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On Thu, Dec 16, 2010 at 8:27 PM, Mark Lause markala...@gmail.com wrote:

 The entire Jackson chapter of the NAACP passed a resolution supporting the
 efforts of the Sons of Confederate Veterans (or whatever they call
 themselves nowadays) to recover the suppressed history of the black

 Frankly, it's one of the top five reasons I can think of for emmigrating


What's next? The Jackson chapter linking arms with the local KKK and
singing Kumbaya beneath a burning cross?

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[Marxism] Bradley Manning in Solitary at New Gitmo for Months

2010-12-17 Thread David Walsh
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[Marxism] Video: Raynor Lysaght on Irish Crisis

2010-12-17 Thread David Walsh
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Re: [Marxism] I hear from Daniel Pinkwater

2010-12-17 Thread Paul mueller
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As one of the 3 per cent, one who closely followers your vendetta against 
Botstein, I was delighted to read the comments of Pinkwater.

I so happens that I was one of those students who came to Bard because of 
Reamer Kline. My father was willing to put up the money because he was led to 
believe he was sending me to an Episcopalian college. Within my first year I 
was converted by my roommate Richie to the religious views of the Realist 
Magazine, recruited to YPSL, and got my first taste of what turned out to be 
the joy of my life, Jewish girls.

So Bluecher was probably right to urge the meeting to do whatever had to be 
done to save the college. The old Bard culture prevailed over the Episcopalian 
takeover and the years when you, Pinkwater, and I were students were still good 
years.  It took Botstein to turn things around.


On Dec 17, 2010, at 6:36 AM, Louis Proyect l...@panix.com wrote:

 Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
 Some of you might be familiar with this person, who is one of 
 America's best-known author of children's book and a commentator 
 on NPR--he still might be, I don't listen to the station. In any 
 case, he was a year ahead of me at Bard College and reads my blog. 
 I was very pleased to hear from him this morning in the form of a 
 comment on one of my tirades against Leon Botstein. I know that 
 this will be of absolutely no interest to 97 percent of our 
 subscribers but do want to share it with the 3 percent who have 
 been following my 15 year vendetta against the toxic college 
 president. The Bluecher referred to in Pinkwater's comment was 
 Heinrich Bluecher, a colorful philosophy professor who was married 
 to Hannah Arendt and shared many of her ideas. I was quite close 
 to him as a student.
   Louis, a couple of years before you arrived at Bard there 
 was a meeting of the whole community–students, faculty, 
 administration, kitchen workers, buildings and grounds people, 
 alumni who had never left, all packed into the old gym. The topic 
 was on the order of “What the fuck should we do, shut the place 
 down and walk away with heads high, or make some compromises which 
 will certainly ultimately lead to something we won’t like?” I 
 remember Bleucher walking up and down, arguing both sides and 
 doing his gadfly thing–which mantle, by the way, you inherit. It 
 was a long night and there were many impassioned speeches and 
 noble sentiments expressed. In the end, people drawing salary or 
 about to graduate having sway, the sense of the meeting was that 
 the college would do what had to be done in order to continue to 
 exist…in whatever shape or form. And the rest, as they say, is 
 history. Reamer Kline, Botstein’s predecessor, does not get the 
 credit he deserves for unmaking what the school had been. By the 
 time Botstein arrived I believe he had pretty much a blank canvas, 
 and it so happened that his tenure has been contemporary with 
 education becoming the education industry, and, I don’t know, 
 maybe he has made a valiant futile effort to resist the trend, 
 maybe he laps it up, maybe he invented it. And here’s my point–it 
 doesn’t matter. Keep doing what you do, Louis.
   Comment by Daniel Pinkwatrer — December 17, 2010 @ 8:18 am 
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[Marxism] What's Behind the GOP's War Against NPR?

2010-12-17 Thread Ralph Johansen
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These are my comments posted to this Alternet story:

The collapse of public radio and TV are part of an egregious on-going 
saga of failing democracy in the US as elsewhere:

With radio, TV, print news, and investigative journalism being 
controlled by corporate oligarchies, with newspapers failing as a 
profitable investment mainly because fewer are subscribing and ad 
revenues do not pay for any semblance of responsible journalism, we 
should recall that at this nation's founding and throughout the 19th 
century newspapers were heavily subsidized by the federal government - 
not only very low mail rates but tax and many other incentives - which 
produced literally thousands of small, local start-up newspapers, with 
every conceivable shade of opinion. The stated rationale was that a 
literate, informed citizenry was essential to a functioning, 
participatory, Jeffersonian democracy. Then came corporate ownership of 
newspapers, eventually by the turn of the last century ownership by 
oligopoly and support not by subscribers but by restrictive, 
content-restraining corporate advertisers.

Also, we should recall that originally, with the inception of radio and 
TV, Congress imposed minimally protective public interest requirements 
in exchange for turning our public airwaves over to private control and 
virtual ownership. Those requirements have in their application by 
private media been winnowed away to nothing, and now even so-called 
'public' radio and TV, ratcheted down to a minimum of objective 
information in a corporate-supported format, are to be dispensed with 

Also, now what of the newly emergent Congressional internet legislation, 
which has removed Communications Commission oversight over the internet, 
giving free rein to corporate control over this once-promising new 
medium of multi-directional communication?

And humanity's intellectual record now sits no longer in our print 
libraries but in electronic records. Those records are increasingly in 
the control of  governmental and corporate archives, subject to erasure, 
concealment and distortion, with no effective public oversight. As 
Julian Assange said in Oslo last month, 'he who controls the internet 
controls the intellectual history of mankind.'

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[Marxism] Lynne Stewart in Transit: Destination unknown!

2010-12-17 Thread David Walsh
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- Forwarded Message 
From: Barry Weisleder barr...@rogers.com
To: sa-n...@yahoogroups.com; mark ostapiak mark.ostap...@gmail.com
Sent: Fri, December 17, 2010 5:45:01 AM
Subject: Re: [SA-News] Lynne Stewart in Transit: Destination unknown!

May I suggest that you publicize the address to which you want folks to 
to send cards and letters to Lynne.


At 03:26 PM 16/12/2010, Jeff Mackler wrote:


An Update on Lynne Stewart from her husband Ralph Poynter:

It is official.  Lynne Stewart, our shero and people's lawyer is at this very 
moment in transit to the Oklahoma prison complex which is a transit point for 
the prison system.  

We still have no confirmation as to where they will send her.  
They may keep her there for two weeks until this is determined.  Clearly, the 
request of friends and family that she be allowed to remain at mcc until that 
time, has been deliberately disregarded.  

Clearly the efforts of the police state to break and abuse her spirit is 
evident, in that she could have just as easily been allowed to remain close 
her love ones for the holidays, instead of being handcuffed and shackled to 
floor of a prison transport plane  to Oklahoma transit prison. This is 
as usual policy for the  U.S. Prison system and we hope, against all hope, 
Lynne was not shackled in this manner.
Continue to write, write, write.  Her letters will follow her and when she 
arrives at her destination i.e. assigned place of imprisonment, she will need 
them as much as we will appreciate them.
Thank you much.
Ralph Poynter
Lynne Stewart Defense Committee

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Re: [Marxism] Moderator's note

2010-12-17 Thread Jeff
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At 12:45 17/12/10 -0500, Louis Proyect wrote:

The thread on NPA, Islamophobia, hijab is finished. Now.

Let's see. you think the discussion has descended into name-calling,
generating much more heat than light. Well perhaps I'd agree with you. Then
you should have asked for a more civil discussion, rather than targeting
the original TOPIC of the discussion.

This isn't particularly about the NPA after all (though I am very
disappointed that they have been affected in this manner). But the above
ban on discussion as you have stated it, would make Islamophobia the one
form of racism that can't be discussed on this list! Moreover it's arguably
the most severe racism affecting Europe right now, certainly including
France but also here in the Netherlands where the government that recently
formed was dependent on an agreement with an openly and vociferously
anti-Muslim party (the PVV), and it would not be an exaggeration to suggest
that Islamophobia is the largest issue driving Dutch politics during this
period. Can't we discuss that?

And it's not my fault that the PVV (among others) chooses to use the hijab
as the target of their hate. The government coalition has already agreed to
banning the wearing of the hijab by certain government employees (such as
police) as a first inroad. Two weeks ago a school in the Hague which
receives government funding turned away a teacher who wore the hijab
(whereas Christian symbols are expressly allowed at that school). I hope
you're not saying that this simply isn't a topic for discussion and that in
order to post on a Marxist list I need to look for an economic or
workplace issue.

You are called the moderator so that you can MODERATE the discussion, not
outlaw it!

- Jeff

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[Marxism] Untitled

2010-12-17 Thread Peggy Dobbins
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This was forwarded from the china study group.  A very thoughtful set of sum 
ups and questions by a leading Chinese theorist. Translated into English 3 
years ago,  it has achieved the status of a classic for many and deserves a 
serious read by living marxists of whatever preferred tendency


Peggy Powell Dobbins 
Sociology as an Art Form

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[Marxism] Loading. Wen's piece in english

2010-12-17 Thread Peggy Dobbins
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Sorry. I misclicked the Chinese version. Here's the english


Peggy Powell Dobbins 
Sociology as an Art Form

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Re: [Marxism] Moderator's note

2010-12-17 Thread S. Artesian
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As one of the ballistics, I have no intention of making any additional 
comments on this matter.

- Original Message - 
From: Louis Proyect l...@panix.com

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[Marxism] Captain Beefheart is dead

2010-12-17 Thread Louis Proyect
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Re: [Marxism] Moderator's note

2010-12-17 Thread Jeff
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At 17:24 17/12/10 -0500, Louis Proyect wrote:

On 12/17/10 4:41 PM, Jeff wrote:

 You are called the moderator so that you can MODERATE the discussion, not
 outlaw it!

Because the people participating have a history of going ballistic when 
such a topic comes up. 

Well all cynicism aside, where does that leave us? I think that these
issues are of critical importance and shouldn't be beyond discussion.

And I can understand going ballistic. I could go ballistic when I see
Marxists going along with racism, for instance. Or Marxists supporting
religion instead of promoting science. Or participating in the oppression
of women. Those are all good reasons for going ballistic in my book.

What you need is to ask for a civil discussion in which, for instance, Dan
and David Thorstad can argue why their position isn't co-opting racism. And
where the rest of us can argue why we aren't supporting religion or the
oppression of women. And get to the issues. After all, this is a major --
if not defining -- issue facing countless organizations including the NPA.
Given that I had been hopeful about the NPA but fear that they might blow
it, I consider it plausible that their orientation toward these questions
could have major historical ramifications, at least if you believe that
France is an important country (yes, I realize that Holland isn't).

Brecht said something about dissolving the people
and electing another.

Now without hiding behind humor and cynicism, I wonder if Lou can come
forth with some clear idea of how important issues (i.e. ones that cause
people INCLUDING ME to go ballistic) can be discussed. Or do we just
stick with safe issues? :-(
- Jeff

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[Marxism] lies and medical statistics

2010-12-17 Thread Paula
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A fascinating piece from The Atlantic:


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[Marxism] Lecture for a Chinese Delegation

2010-12-17 Thread michael perelman
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I am going to give a talk to a Chinese delegation.  I have to write up 
the talk in advance for the participants to have a translation to read.

Any comments would be appreciated.

China presents a curious contradiction.  Your country sees herself as a 
socialist state, yet the influence of Western, capitalist-oriented 
economics in the universities seems to be pervasive.  Here in the United 
States, many people put great stock in what the economists have to say. 
  Part of this authority comes from academic credentials; part comes 
from economists' ability to talk in pseudo-scientific terms.

Yet, this style of economics has left a trail of failures for decades, 
culminating in the present economic crisis.  In my book, The 
Confiscation of American Prosperity: From Right-Wing Extremism and 
Academic Economics to the next Great Depression, which came out just as 
the stock market peaked in 2007, I predicted that terrible consequences 
were sure to follow policies that academic economists were promoting. 
Fortunately, a Chinese translation is in the works.

More at:


Michael Perelman
Economics Department
California State University
Chico, CA


530 898 5321
fax 530 898 5901

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[Marxism-Thaxis] chernobyl-now-a-tourist-big-bang

2010-12-17 Thread c b

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[Marxism-Thaxis] Everything Must Change (was The Fate of a Cold War Vestige)

2010-12-17 Thread c b

 Send Everything Must Change Ringtones to Cell

everything must change
nothing stays the same
everyone will change
no one, no one stays the same

the young become the old
and mysteries do unfold
for that's the way of time
no one, and nothing goes unchanged

there are not many things in life one can be sure of
except rain comes from the clouds
sun lights up the sky
hummingbirds fly

winter turns to spring
a wounded heart will heal
oh but never much too soon
no one, and nothing goes unchanged

The young become the old
and mysteries do unfold
for that's the way of time
no one, and nothing stays unchanged

there are not many things in life one can be sure of
except rain comes from the clouds
sun lights up the sky
hummingbirds fly

rain comes from the clouds
sun lights up the sky
hummingbirds fly

rain comes from the clouds
sun lights up the sky
hummingbirds fly

everything must change

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[Marxism-Thaxis] nogaspipeline

2010-12-17 Thread c b

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[Marxism-Thaxis] Colorline question of 21st Century

2010-12-17 Thread c b
Rising Hate for Migrants Worldwide Starts with Criminalizing

by Pramila Jayapal


December 15 2010


This Saturday marks the 10th anniversary of International
Migrants Day and the 20th anniversary of the passage of the
U.N. Convention to Protect Migrant Workers. This is an
important moment to reflect on the fact that today nearly
one billion people are on the move across the world, and
they are increasingly the target of hatred and violence.
That's why I am celebrating International Migrants Day by
signing the pledge to respect immigrants everywhere by
dropping the i-word and demanding that the media do the

Politicians and media alike use the word illegal to
describe human beings without immigration status, sometimes
shortening illegal immigrant to illegals. While this may
seem trivial to some, the language of criminality plays an
enormous part in moving people along the continuum from
language to violent behavior. Calling people illegal,
describing them in ways that make them less them human,
recasts them as members of an undeserving sub-class that are
owed less respect than what would otherwise be acceptable
for regular human beings.

We know that, leading up to and during World War II,
language was a powerful factor in moving an ideological and
genocidal agenda. The language of elimination of an entire
race - described as the final solution - was used
frequently and without apology. In the decades following the
Holocaust, this kind of language was widely condemned and
deemed unacceptable. And yet, as recently as this year, we
have seen genocidal language directed at migrants worldwide.

Consider the recent statement of the deputy mayor of the
Italian city of Treviso in relation to the issue of the
undocumented Roma migrants: I want a revolution against
gypsies ... I want to eliminate all the gypsy children who

Or consider the United States, where anti-immigrant
extremists have painted a picture of all-out warfare that
threatens the very idea of nationhood. Conservative
commentator Pat Buchanan claimed on MSNBC that the influx of
undocumented immigrants into the U.S. is an invasion, the
greatest invasion in history ... the last scene is the
deconstruction of the nations.

The leap from fear mongering to violence - vigilantism or
state-sponsored - is surprisingly short. The imagery of war
and warfare helps to up the ante. After all, if this is
really war, we must protect our own.

Across the world, violence against immigrants is on the
rise. The Libyan government, according to a report just
released by Amnesty International, has been torturing
undocumented African migrants through electric shock and
beating, even shooting at fishing boats because they may
have held illegal immigrants.

In Sweden, shortly after the far right, anti-immigrant party
won a place in Parliament for the first time, police
arrested a 38-year-old man suspected of carrying out a dozen
shootings, nearly all immigrants, where one person died and
eight were wounded.

In the United States, the FBI has documented a dramatic
increase in reported hate crimes against Latinos, from 595
in 2003 to 888 in 2007. Along the U.S.-Mexico border, armed
vigilante groups who claim to be dedicated to the defense
of American patriotism are on the rise, and the New York
Times has consistently reported on the number of deaths that
occur in detention centers due to callous disregard for
medical needs of immigrant detainees.

One of our challenges in fighting the criminalization of
migrants is that the most extreme voices in the
dehumanization of immigrants have been legitimized by the
media and politicians as representatives of the other side
of the immigration debate. In spite of numerous reports from
the Anti-Defamation League, the Southern Poverty Law Center
and Media Matters that call out the connections to clear
racist and xenophobic ideologies, groups such as the
Federation for American Immigration Reform are routinely
called on to give testimony in Congress or provide comments
for news stories. Their racism skews the bounds of
reasonable discourse about immigrants - and as a result sets
extreme new bounds for reasonable policy, too.

As economic insecurity heightens, Americans and Europeans
who would otherwise support rational and human polices on
migration - polls consistently find vast majorities in this
camp - are drawn into fear. It becomes socially acceptable,
and even personally necessary, to scapegoat or become
violent towards someone else - namely, immigrants.

In this polarized environment, some policy makers have
fueled the frenzy by embracing restrictionist policies that
further criminalize immigrants. The success in exploiting
fear in an increasingly fragile economic environment has led
to fringe political parties across the world coming into
power for the first time.

The Guardian has documented 

[Marxism-Thaxis] Police arrest 100-plus antiwar demonstrators at White House fence

2010-12-17 Thread c b

Police arrest 100-plus antiwar demonstrators at White House fence
Police arrested more than a hundred protesters during an antiwar
demonstration outside the White House fence Thursday.

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[Marxism-Thaxis] Bessie Smith with Louis Armstrong - St. Louis Blues (1929)

2010-12-17 Thread c b
Bessie Smith - St. Louis Blues (1929)


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[Marxism-Thaxis] Eine kleine Nachtmusik

2010-12-17 Thread c b

Eine kleine Nachtmusik
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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For the Venom album, see Eine Kleine Nachtmusik (album).

The Serenade No. 13 for strings in G major, K. 525 was written by
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart in 1787. The work is more commonly known by
the title Eine kleine Nachtmusik. The German title means a little
serenade, though it is often rendered more literally but less
accurately as a little night music.[1] The work is written for a
chamber ensemble of two violins, viola, and cello with optional double
bass, but is often performed by string orchestras.[2]

* 1 Composition, publication, and reception
* 2 Movements
  o 2.1 Allegro
  o 2.2 Romanza
  o 2.3 Menuetto
  o 2.4 Rondo
* 3 Possible extra movement
* 4 Satire
* 5 Notes
* 6 References
* 7 External links

[edit] Composition, publication, and reception

The serenade was completed in Vienna on 10 August 1787,[2] around the
time Mozart was working on the second act of his opera Don
Giovanni.[3] It is not known why it was composed.[4] Hildesheimer
(1991, 215), noting that most of Mozart's serenades were written on
commission, suggests that this serenade, too, was a commission, whose
origin and first performance were not committed to record.

The traditionally used name of the work comes from the entry Mozart
made for it in his personal catalog, which begins, Eine kleine
Nacht-Musik. As Zaslaw and Cowdery point out, Mozart almost certainly
was not giving the piece a special title, but only entering in his
records that he had completed a little serenade.[5]

The work was not published until about 1827, long after Mozart's
death, by Johann André in Offenbach am Main.[2] It had been sold to
this publisher in 1799 by Mozart's widow Constanze, part of a large
bundle of her husband's compositions.

Today the serenade is widely performed and recorded; indeed both
Jacobson and Klein (2003, 38) and Hildesheimer (1992, 215) opine that
the serenade is the most popular of all Mozart's works. Of the music,
Hildesheimer writes, even if we hear it on every street corner, its
high quality is undisputed, an occasional piece from a light but happy
[edit] Movements

* I. Allegro
* II. Romanze: Andante
* III. Menuetto: Allegretto
* IV. Rondo: Allegro

[edit] Allegro

Eine kleine nachtmusik.svg (The first theme)

Eine kleine Nachtmusik – 1. Allegro
Play sound
Performed by the Advent Chamber Orchestra
Problems listening to this file? See media help.

This first movement is in sonata-allegro form, which aggressively
ascends in a Mannheim rocket theme. The second theme is more graceful
and in D major, the dominant key of G major. The exposition closes in
D major and is repeated. The development section begins on D major and
touches on D minor and C major before the work returns to G major for
the recapitulation – a repetition of the exposition with both subjects
in the same key, as is conventional. During the recapitulation, it is
in G major with the primary themes from the exposition playing. The
movement ends in its tonic key, G major.
[edit] Romanza

The second movement, in C major, is a Romanze, with the tempo marked
Andante. It is in rondo form, taking the shape A–B–A–C–A plus a final
Coda. The keys of the sections are C major for A and B, C minor for C.
The middle appearance of A is truncated, consisting of only the first
half of the theme.
[edit] Menuetto

The third movement, marked Allegretto, is a minuet and trio (A–B–A).
The minuet is in the home key of G major and the trio section is in D
[edit] Rondo

Eine kleine Nachtmusik – 4. Rondo
Play sound
Performed by Steamboat Electric, conducted by Hans-Peter Scholz
Problems listening to this file? See media help.

The fourth and last movement is in lively tempo, marked Allegro; the
key is again G major. The movement is written in sonata rondo form.
Mozart specifies repeats not just for the exposition section but also
for the following development+recapitulation section. The work ends
with a long coda.
[edit] Possible extra movement

In the catalog entry mentioned above, Mozart listed the work as having
five movements (Allegro – Minuet and Trio. – Romance, Minuet and Trio
and Finale.).[5] The second movement in his listing, a minuet and
trio, was long thought lost and no one knows if it was Mozart or
someone else who removed it. Musicologist Alfred Einstein suggested,
however, that a minuet in Piano Sonata in B-flat, K. 498a, is the
missing movement.[7] The sonata's minuet has been recorded in an
arrangement for strings made by Jonathan Del Mar for Nimbus Records[8]
although music scholars are not certain that Einstein is
correct.[original research?]
[edit] Satire

Musicologist Peter Schickele composed a parody of this work named Eine
Kleine Nichtmusik, recorded on the album Portrait of P. D. Q. Bach in
1977. The piece 

[Marxism-Thaxis] Prayer for Grandpa

2010-12-17 Thread c b
From: valeria

This was too cute not to share!!!

 Prayer  for  Grandpa

*Subject:* Prayer for Grandpa

Too cute not to share!!

   Prayer  for  Grandpa

 [image: cid:1.3775097683@web58501.mail.re3.yahoo.com]

Dear God, please send clothes
for all those poor ladies on
grandpa's computer.Amen
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[Marxism-Thaxis] Für Elise/ For Elise - Ludwig v an Beethoven

2010-12-17 Thread c b

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[Marxism-Thaxis] 135 Arrested For Civil Disobedience at White House

2010-12-17 Thread c b

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