Re: [Marxism] [microsound] Arizona Goes Over the Edge

2010-04-18 Thread New Tet
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Greg McDonald-3 wrote:
> Arizona Goes Over the Edge
> Published: April 17, 2010
> The Arizona Legislature has just stepped off the deep end of the
> immigration debate, passing a harsh and mean-spirited bill that would
> do little to stop illegal immigration. What it would do is lead to
> more racial profiling, hobble local law enforcement, and open
> government agencies to frivolous, politically driven lawsuits.
> [...]
> The Arizona bill is another reminder why the administration needs to
> push for real immigration reform. The failure to address it nationally
> has left the field wide open for this outrage, and we fear more to
> come.

One explanation is that the capitalists are afraid. Another is they seek to
profit from it as well.
Some aim to make a buck by filling their private. for-profit prisons with
undocumented aliens
who will have to somehow pay for their keep.

"Arizona May Turn Death Row Over to Private Companies"

There is no capitalist solution to this problem, mate, progressive or
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[Marxism] [microsound] Flash Mob 2 And The Pentagram Patriots

2010-04-10 Thread New Tet
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"She came up to me and said 'Ron, would you be interested in this?'"
recalled Janssen of Evans' spying. "All it is is network marketing in its
simplest form. I guess Organizing for American calls it a snowflake, where
you get five different points and they go out, and from there five, and then
five, you know, all the way around. And each level goes out five. So you get
to a lot of people in a very quick period of time. And I thought, 'Well, it
was interesting.' We kind of changed the name from a snowflake, I thought,
Well, if they're calling it a snowflake you've got to come up with something
else, we called it the Pentagon Patriots, which is a little bit more
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Re: [Marxism] [microsound] SF hotel workers strike the Hilton

2010-04-09 Thread New Tet
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nada-6 wrote:
> Not to defend HERE, but they are run locally by who ever is in charge. I 
> think in SF if there is a serious organizing sentiment among rank and 
> file workers, Local 2 here would attempt to organize them.
> David

It wasn't local. It was to their national office in Washington; to a
national organizer. The least she could have done was acknowledge my letter
and say that she was too busy with the "Elect Obama" campaign to pay any
serious attention to suffering workers in the South.

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[Marxism] [microsound] Flash Mobs and Mob Violence

2010-04-07 Thread New Tet
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>From Harper's this fascinating stuff:

"My crowd: Or, phase 5"

>From Mediamatters:

"What if Fox News actually wants mob violence?"
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Re: [Marxism] [microsound] Google bans Cubnn blogger

2010-04-06 Thread New Tet
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Stuart Munckton wrote:
> Google bans Cuban blogger
> Havana, March 29 (RHC-ACN)-- Internet giant Google INC cut off Cuban
> writer
> and essayist Henry Ubieta’s access to his ‘La Isla Desconocida’ (The
> unknown
> Island) blog, hosted on Blogger, and blocked his access to his Gmail
> account.
> -- 
> “Disobedience, in the eyes of anyone who has read history, is man's
> original
> virtue. It is through disobedience that progress has been made, through
> disobedience and through rebellion.” — Oscar Wilde, Soul of Man Under
> Socialism
> “The free market is perfectly natural... do you think I am some kind of
> dummy?” — Jarvis Cocker

Hacked by Google! Likewise its departure from China; a complete mystery if
discounts the fiction that it was over a freedom of speech issue.

Corporations are authoritarian entities within totalitarian capitalism.
Their conception
of free speech is as narrow as their private interests go, not a dollar

Ubieta's dilemma is lamentable given the possibility of Google becoming a
Thanks to your heads up he and what he has to say may not sink into

Hopefully, he'll soon find a node at which to graft a healthy blog. In
Europe it's
pointless as he'd be preaching to the converted; in Latin America most
thinking people on the net know or have good idea of what Cuba is really all
Whereas in the U.S. most are totally ignorant about Cuba or, at best, know
only the
worst aspects of that society (exaggerated and distorted, I'll bet).

We are ignorant about Cuba generally and the internet, in the hands of the
capitalist class helps reinforce and dis-inform us even further. And not
just about
Cuba, mind you.

From the pop culture media, I remember, we were informed about the
possibilities of the new internet blogosphere. Were they wrong?
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Re: [Marxism] [microsound] Bye-bye to the humanities

2010-04-05 Thread New Tet
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Louis Proyect wrote:
> [...]
> I would much prefer to define our current job-market difficulties 
> as a problem in underdemand rather than oversupply. The facts, 
> however, cannot be denied. After a generation of dithering, we 
> need to act decisively to minimize the damage that our practices 
> are inflicting on thousands of talented young women and men whose 
> aspirations and idealism are jeopardized by our institutional 
> inertia as well as by our laissez-faire, wishful thinking that the 
> job market will simply take care of itself. If we should have 
> learned one lesson from the current financial crisis, it is that 
> all markets need vigilant oversight.
> Peter Conn is a professor of English and of education at the 
> University of Pennsylvania.

Oversight indeed!

Shouldn't the task be to shut down the job market by abolishing the
commodity status of labor?

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Re: [Marxism] [microsound] How Americans are propagandized about Afghanistan

2010-04-05 Thread New Tet
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Dennis Brasky-2 wrote:
>>  After initially denying involvement or any cover-up in the deaths of
>> three Afghan women during a badly bungled American Special Operations
>> assault in February, the American-led military command in Kabul admitted
>> late on Sunday that its forces had, in fact, killed the women during the
>> nighttime raid. 

We have to go much higher in the chain of command, all the way to the top.

Former Commander-in-Chief George W. Bush and his deputies should be required
to explain how this and many other crimes took place during their watch.
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Re: [Marxism] [microsound] The next Ngo Dinh Diem?

2010-04-05 Thread New Tet
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Louis Proyect wrote:
> Karzai to lawmakers: ‘I might join the Taliban’
> Afghan leader made threat twice at closed-door meeting, witnesses say

Wasn't Karzai always a Talib? Bush's inside man in the Taliban?

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Re: [Marxism] [microsound] Remembering [Political Murders in Dixie]

2010-04-04 Thread New Tet
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Hunter Gray-2 wrote:
> [...] 
> So far, I have not encountered any "conspiracy theorist's" research and
> work that was convincing.
> [...]

History is fraught with political assassinations that were later
revealed to be the product of conspiracy.

One way to narrow down the list of "who done it" is to establish
with some degree of certainty the "why" of the crime.

Who would gain by it? 

Just because some southern elites at the time of the deed might
resent the bad press does not automatically exclude them from
the long list of suspects, I think.

After all, for almost a century most of them had tolerated the
terrorist acts so often directed against southern Negroes by
the Klan. 

Other possible clues to resolving the who done it of the particular
crime in question are the circumstance of MLK's visit to Memphis.

Why was he there?

He was there to speak in the churches attended by striking
sanitation workers.

A criminal mind--or minds--would reason that nothing better would frighten
those striking workers back into submission than to have their spiritual
leader killed in plain daylight.

Chessboard mentality, I think.
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Re: [Marxism] [microsound] My youtube maiden voyage

2010-04-03 Thread New Tet
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Louis Proyect wrote:
> ==
> Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
> ==
> Tom Cod wrote:
>> try getting the audio and video in sync.
> The Jeff Sommers talk recorded with my Panasonic had no problems. My 
> introduction was recorded with Macbook's Photo Booth. I should add that 
> Eli Stephens has been helping me get up to speed and I appreciate it 
> very much. I am glad that he hasn't held my potshots against the PSL 
> against me, a sign of a true communist.

Look for a cheap or used copy of Premiere 6.5 or lower.
Some of them still work well with the newer PC
operating systems. With Mac they all work, god bless 'em.

Or any other program in which you can split the audio and
video streams and slide them back and forth if need be.

For free software that helps resolve audio and  video editing problems
check out this web resource:

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Re: [Marxism] [microsound] socialist educational conference April 17-18

2010-04-02 Thread New Tet
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Christine  Gauvreau wrote:

Pinky the Cat visits the Radical Education Collective in Slovenia:
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Re: [Marxism] [microsound] Eric Foner on Twisting History in Texas

2010-04-01 Thread New Tet
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Dennis Brasky-2 wrote:
> By Eric Foner ---
>> Clearly, the Texas Board of Education seeks to inculcate children with a
>> history that celebrates the achievements of our past while ignoring its
>> shortcomings, and that largely ignores those who have struggled to make
>> this
>> a fairer, more equal society. I have lectured on a number of occasions to
>> Texas precollege teachers and have found them as competent, dedicated and
>> open-minded as the best teachers anywhere. But if they are required to
>> adhere to the revised curriculum, the students of our second most
>> populous
>> state will emerge ill prepared for life in Texas, America and the world
>> in
>> the twenty-first century.

Another instance of micro-revisionism.

My guess is that even if it succeeds in Texas it will fail to be a standard
the entire country because many other states will not do it out of fear of
local repercussions. Large and influencial sectors of this country have
too diverse over the last 50 years for such a scheme to succeed

However, it may succeed in fragmenting the educational system nationally.
That is, unless the state steps in through its USDOE
and does its job.

I mean, isn't there a national education standard in the U.S?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think that every state of the Union has laws
requiring each and every parent to send their children to a school; public,
private or "home-schooling". In exchange the federal government provides
billions of
dollars annually to subsidize the building and maintenance of schools
and helps, I dare guess, pay teachers' salaries though rebates and such.

To deliberately expunge important educational information for the purpose of
denying our children the ability to become better citizens and better
should be considered a violation of their civil rights.

Those Texas reactionary intellectuals who wish to re-write their kids'
to hide the truth or revise history seem to forget that. They forget that
imperfect, corrupt and inefficient it may be, the capitalist state can still
be used
by an injured citizenry to put them in their place.

Texas has large population of Native Americans, Hispanics and Africans.

A class action suit brought against the Texas school board in their behalf
probably help bring temporary redress and establish an edifying precedent.

I hope the federal and state courts become busy (once again) over this

BTW, the Texas schoolbook depository metaphor is funny and illuminating.

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Re: [Marxism] [microsound] US Manufacturing sector expansion

2010-04-01 Thread New Tet
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brad bauerly wrote:
> I think the crisis is officially over.

For whom?
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Re: [Marxism] [microsound] El camino hasta la autogestion

2010-03-31 Thread New Tet
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Daniel Koechlin wrote:
> El proletariado, si sigue manipulado por comunistas burocráticos, no
> cumplirá su papel histórico de emancipar a todas las clases sociales, ya
> que la burocracia se constituiría así en la nueva clase dominante, si
> las productoras y productores no ejercen plenamente su auto-poder
> mediante órganos de democracia directa, si el pueblo delega su misión
> política en las burocracias, no será nada.
> Para lograr la victoria, necessitamos que todo el poder sea a las
> asambleas: nadie debe decidir por el pueblo ni usurpar sus
> funciones con el profesionalismo de la política; la delegación de
> poderes no deberá ser permanente sino no burocrática, con personas
> elegibles y revocables por las asambleas en cualquier momento.

¿Donde ubicas estas "asambleas"? ¿Que función tienen, mas allá de elegir a
delegados o representantes?

¿Ademas del poder de revocación democrático, que mecanismos sociales o
políticos existirían
para prevenir que los órganos de dirección central se conviertan en
instrumentos de
dominación burocráticas?

La transición al socialismo requiere la abolicion de el capitalismo y de el
estado politico
mas o menos simultanea.   Digo "mas o menos" porque seria posible y hasta
mantener temporalmente alguna forma de gobierno político para defender la
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Re: [Marxism] [microsound] What is the biggest flaw in the labor

2010-03-31 Thread New Tet
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Vladimiro Giacche' wrote:
> In my opinion the LTV it's neither boring nor difficult to explain to
> common people 
> (for postmodernist intellectuals things can be different, but I wouldn't
> care too much of it...).

Agreed, but the question is a loaded one that invites derision, not serious

The "biggest" flaw in the LTV? For the purpose of revolutionary education of
the Marxian Law of Value is flawless and priceless.

"Whence do wages come, and whence profits? What you now stand in need of,
more than of bread, is the knowledge of a few elemental principles of
political economy
and of sociology."

Daniel De Leon, What Means This Strike?

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Re: [Marxism] [microsound] What is the biggest flaw in the labor theory of value?

2010-03-30 Thread New Tet
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Emrah ER wrote:
> What is the biggest flaw in the labor theory of value?

Only one thing: It's boring.

Boring and too difficult to explain to intellectuals.

Okay, two things.
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Re: [Marxism] [microsound] The awful truth about Social Democracy

2010-03-30 Thread New Tet
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S. Artesian wrote:
> ==
> Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
> ==
> I've overposted, but I just have to answer this one:
> "The Marxian Law of Value, I think, is the keystone upon which all other
> Marxian assumptions rest. It's the theory that helps explain the division
> of labor's product, the accumulation of capital and the class struggle,
> among other things. Take it out and the entire edifice of Marxian
> socialism
> collapses."
> __
> 1.How does the law of value come into being?  How is it created?

The MLV is a theory that explains the accretion and division of use and
exchange values created by the social relationship of owners and salaried or
workers in the context of a society ruled to some extent by the institutions
private property and profit.

More? Okay, the MLV is not the thing itself but the abstract, analytical
description of
of the thing. That is, the various phenomena that take place during, before
and after
the economic interaction between salaried employee and propertied business

2.  Does the law of value exist universally and eternally, or is it 
> historically specific to a certain social organization of labor?


I mean "yes".

I mean "no" and "yes".

You know what I mean, I guess.

3.  Does the law of value produce capitalists and proletarian, or does the 
> organization of these classes produce the law of value?

It's the "chicken and the egg" question that always gets me! Damn your eyes!

Have you ever watched a chicken lay an egg? I mean, right there, in front of
your eyes? Did you observe how her tiny little puckerhole widened and
distended to horrendous proportions just to let out a fragile, white--almost
translucent--container with an embryo inside of it?

That's when you realize who came first, sir.

4. What is the essential condition for private property to become capital? 

That it be utilized for the production and reproduction of new use and
exchange values and
surplus values by the direct and indirect application of mental or physical
labor which,
in themselves, are or become values.

What is necessary for labor to appear as wage-labor.


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Re: [Marxism] [microsound] The awful truth about Social Democracy

2010-03-29 Thread New Tet
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S. Artesian wrote:
> Rosa is an ignoramus who hasn't read Marx, except for the preface to Vol
> 1, 
> and she distorts that.  Her methodology is 3Ds and an S: denial,
> distortion, 
> disavowal and sophistry.
> Ask her any thing about the labor process, about the relationship of 
> wage-labor to capital, about the accumulation of capital and the tendency
> of 
> the rate of profit to decline and all you get back is how she "doesn't
> have 
> to do that, because Marx did it for us."

And right she is! What else could  puny Rosa add to something that more
people than her have pretty much sewn up and bagged?

Also, I would think that any proponent of dialectics would be more
eager to debate the "mysterious ways" of dialectics with an
Anti-dialectics than the boring topic of declining rates of profit, no?


Why is that, that lack of response significant?  Because those are the 
> issues where dialectic resides; because that's the transposition of the 
> dialectic from Hegel's "spirit" to the actual social organization of labor 
> that Marx executes.

As I understand it, Marx's investigations into capitalist economic relations
on the materialist conception of history, not on some mystical mumbo-jumbo
of "thesis, antithesis, etc."

It's the materialist conception of history, applied to the arithmetic of
and its social evolution, I believe, that places Marxism firmly in the realm
of science,
where it belongs.

It's not a philosophy of logic Marx is deploying, it's the analysis of the 
> real content of history.

What is this "real content of history", please? Or are you saying that just
to bewitch me, oh Wizard?

She's a total phony.

If I had known that my previous comment on a silly statement would elicit
abuse of a person of the left that isn't here to defend herself I would have
kept it to myself. 

No matter.

It is a well known fact that it's not just the capitalists and their minions
prefer to insult and belittle those who would dare disagree with them.
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Re: [Marxism] [microsound] The awful truth about Social Democracy

2010-03-29 Thread New Tet
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Gary MacLennan wrote:
> Nevertheless the dialectic moves in mysterious ways and hopefully the
> ruling
> class are about to discover that the hard way.

Thanks to Rosa Lichtenstein's deconstruction of dialectics and its
I've come to abjure dialectics as mystical bullshit.

Your statement goes a long way in helping me see the soundness of my
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Re: [Marxism] [microsound] unions again

2010-03-29 Thread New Tet
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Daniel Koechlin wrote:
> Post-industrial Western society in no way resembles 1914 Russia.
> Instead of building minuscule parties of the working-class, we should
> all help build powerful industrial unions of the working class.
> Elections are a farce, class war is the true state of affairs. And the
> corporate elites think they have won the class war. They can have
> Chinese and Bangladeshi workers produce clothes, Western consumers buy
> them and get "green" labels for their contribution to protecting the
> environment. There are no opponents. They can siphon off 90% of the
> surplus value and play the financial markets. There are no opponents.
> They will turn as green as spinach (like McDonalds) in order to remain
> in business. They will rationalize production, they will shed (like a
> snake) a third of the work-force, they will invest billions (Pepsi
> invests 1$ billion) in advertising. 
> According to OECD statistics, only 17% of workers are unionized.
> According to an OECD poll, 64% of workers "would like to join a union
> but are afraid of the negative consequences this would entail".
> Who is winning ? The capitalists ! 

True, but the class struggle is not over by a long shot.

Okay, so there's no party out there to fully represent working class
on the political front, nor a large (or even small) worker's union that will
harness their latent power.

Still, it doesn't mean (at least to me) that the class struggle is over or
the capitalist class has won it.

"Between the working class and the capitalist class, there is an
conflict, a class struggle for life. No glib-tongued politician can vault
over it,
no capitalist professor or official statistician can argue it away; no
parson can veil it; no labor faker can straddle it; no “reform” architect
bridge it over. It crops up in all manner of ways, like in this strike, in
that disconcert all the plans and all the schemes of those who would deny
or ignore it. It is a struggle that will not down, and must be ended, only
either the total subjugation of the working class, or the abolition of the
capitalist class."

We are not yet totally subjugated, comrade.

BTW, please tell us what YOU think is the purpose and objective of a
industrial union of the working class" and why you think such a thing is
possible in spite of the ever-worsening condition of the proletariat? 

What should be its founding principles?

That workers fear the "negative consequences" of attempting to unionize
is understandable, given the din and power of negative and deceitful
propaganda against unionism that's out there.

But what about the negative consequences of not attempting to unionize? 
Does anybody ever talk about that? Is anyone pointing out to us that
when a workers' union fails to acknowledge or abandons the class struggle
in principle and practice it removes the force that animates it?

Besides the potential gains and benefits of organizing around proletarian
what's the downside to not organizing? Is anyone besides yourself discussing

"Intervention and Union Work"
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Re: [Marxism] [microsound] Another view of the health care legislation

2010-03-25 Thread New Tet
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S. Artesian wrote:
> No, things have gotten worse for me as they have for almost everybody who 
> isn't a bourgeois.  I'm just one of those people who doesn't think that 
> supporting the  bourgeoisie, and their band aid legislation, makes it 
> better.
> Doesn't mean I support ending unemployment benefits... just means that 
> supporting bourgeois legislation regarding unemployment benefits, 
> healthcare, investment,  is not a winning tactic, effective strategy, or 
> programmatic vehicle for actually eliminating poverty and immiseration.
> We are not, and should not, support bourgeois legislation.  Marx wrote
> that 
> the "first principle of our party" is "not a farthing" for this
> government. 
> I think he meant what he said.

Capitalist reforms are concealed measures of reaction, as KM correctly
pointed out.

Some reforms are, as in this case, I think, grudging concessions to the
working class at
times when the class struggle heats up.

No single reform or set of reforms can ever topple capitalism or abolish any
it's industries in favor of the working class. That is, as long as they hold
the principles of private property and profit inviolate and sacrosanct.

That said, though, history has shown that ruling class reaction can spiral
out of
control precipitating exactly what it aimed to contain.
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[Marxism] [microsound] Taking Hostages

2010-03-25 Thread New Tet
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"[T]he bourgeois of our days considers himself the legitimate successor to
the baron of old, who thought every weapon in his own hand fair against the
plebeian, while in the hands of the plebeian a weapon of any kind
constituted in itself a crime."

"Senate Plays Game Of Chicken With Unemployment Benefits"
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Re: [Marxism] [microsound] Union and party

2010-03-23 Thread New Tet
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Daniel Koechlin wrote:
> There must be no separation between workers' union and political party.
> That was what caused the failure of the 2nd International and 3rd
> International.
> And look where that led them. Russia ? China ?
> Policy (internal and international) should be decided by workers
> themselves.
> The idea that union and party are two separate entities, the former
> being subordinate to the later, is a typically "ruling elite" idea.
> Let "great thinkers" come up with a Socialist utopia, while workers are
> confined to listening respectfully.
> Workers are incapable, or so Leninist thinking goes, of understanding
> the ins and outs of national policy. They need a Party of intellectuals
> to guide them.
> I am not against a party (a bunch of people) trying to convince people,
> but WITHIN A TRADE UNION. And openly. Be they Trotskyist or Maoist, as
> long as they hate bosses.
> The working class's aim is emancipation. 
> I know that many people will denigrate the importance of strikes and
> organizing unions of the working class, and prefer building a party.
> GOod luck to them !

As I see it, workers should move beyond trades unionism onto class-wide
industrial unionism;
a type of unionism that encompasses all useful trades and occupations. Also,
as I think you
imply in your statement, the final goal of that unionism must be to take,
hold and democratically
operate the industries of the land and, intimately, the world.

Where does this leave the political branch of the working class? Safely, I
suppose, where it can
be hacked off when it no longer serves any useful purpose to a newly
re-organized society.

Daniel De Leon had much to say in this respect (DDL was a co-founder of the
original IWW in Chicago
back in 1905).  His few remaining political heirs are still advocating this
approach albeit in a dimmer
voice of late.

It's something like a John the Baptist act; preaching in the wilderness.

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Re: [Marxism] [microsound] Subscribing to Harper's and the Nation

2010-03-15 Thread New Tet
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Louis Proyect wrote:
> Not long after I left the SWP in 1979, I took out subscriptions to the 
> Nation Magazine and Harpers. The Harpers subscription has been renewed 
> continuously since then while I have let the Nation subscription lapse 
> twice.
> [...]

I conjecture that even Harper's has had its low points, throughout its long
In the early eighties I subbed it for at least a year and it seemed to me
that it was
convulsed by some literary or philosophical controversy that drew in the
likes of
John Gardner. I believe it was around the time of "Panic Among The

What it was all about I cannot remember as I was stupider then than I am
now and because I can't access it from the archives of that great magazine.

In fact, it might have been that article that made me sub to it, but I don't
really remember. Also, I was first attracted to the SLP from a tiny ad at
back of Harper's that read "What Is Socialism?"

The crosswords and anagrams, although full of interesting clues are Chinese
to me.

Pity, no?

Anyway, I sure hope they get past their present difficulties if for no other
that I love to read Scott Horton's essays.
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[Marxism] [microsound] Glenn Beck, 'Social Justice' & Liberation Theology

2010-03-14 Thread New Tet
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Should a class conscious world-wide socialist movement ever gets under way,
religious people, lay and ordained alike, have a significant and edifying
role in it?

As you likely know, Glenn Beck went after "religion" the other day, inciting
chorus of protest from various sectors, including some conservative and
religious professionals. He coupled 'social justice' doctrines preached in
sects with evil Communism and Fascism.

So far, none of Beck's detractors I've read, heard or seen has defended
from the implied slur against it. In this, they play it safe while ceding
ground to Beck.

I presume that most of you reading this understand that communism and
fascism are
irreconcilably and diametrically opposed the one to the other. I would argue
even Soviet 'communism', in spite of its apparent similarities with Fascism,
ideologically and in practice a world away from National Socialism.

But this is a tangent, really

It would be more interesting (to me, at least) to discover if Marxian
Socialism owes 
anything to Judaism and Christianity.

>From the SLP I learned that the early Christian church had organized itself
under a
system of common ownership, as illustrated in the Acts of the Apostles.

I suppose that in those days any viable form of communism meant a more or
equal partnership in a subsistence economy. Vows of poverty, once so common
most major religions, especially Christianity, perhaps became doctrine as a
of this realization.

Anyway, my beef with this latest Glenn Beck flap started out because I
someone, anyone, of his public detractors to point out that Liberation
has been largely accepted by at least one of the major branches of

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Re: [Marxism] [microsound] calling all rebels

2010-03-10 Thread New Tet
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S. Artesian wrote:
> [...]
> So can we talk to any or any number of individuals and persuade them? 
> Maybe 
> and maybe not.  But to do that requires that we separate them for the
> social 
> movement, from the tea partiers, and we can only do that through merciless 
> criticism and opposition.

The path to unity is, I believe, positive consensus building. A model, if
you will, of what
we want in a post-capitalist democracy: A more perfect union, maybe?

>From personal experience I find that 'Merciless criticism' and 'opposition'
can be helpful only when a common, fraternal bond has already been
established. Otherwise it may result in further alienation,
I think.

Even so, merciful behavior, especially toward one's opponent (the Bible says
'enemies', I think)
is still considered a virtue among most of the world's peoples. 

It probably boils down to a question of compassion and empathy as ways to
or abolish the alienation ideological differences.

Erich Fromm talks a lot about this in his books and essays and even suggests
areas in which
Marx offered important insights into this very subject.
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Re: [Marxism] [microsound] follow-up on Communists and Nazis

2010-03-10 Thread New Tet
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> [...]
> Radek's lunacy struck a chord with the German Communist 
> ultraleftists who went even further in their enthusiasm for the 
> right-wing fighters. Ruth Fischer gave a speech at a gathering of 
> right-wing students where she echoed fascist themes:
> [...]
> full: 
Is this the same Karl Radek that described Fascism as the iron hoop that
keeps capitalism's 'barrel'
from collapsing?

Is that quote post or pre Nazi infatuation?

Maybe he and others thought that the working class elements within the
Fascist movement
at the time in Germany could somehow be seduced into working class
consciousness of the
socialist kind by using racist rhetoric?

This feeds my long-held paranoia that there was a bit of anti-Semitism in
Stalin and his cohorts
especially during their conspiracy against Trotsky.

You're right, though: Lunacy, to think that fascism, already formed, can be
co-opted or defeated
with anything but violence.

A 'baseball bat', in Woody's parlance.
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Re: [Marxism] [microsound] Chushingura; Harakiri

2010-03-08 Thread New Tet
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Louis Proyect wrote:
> The figure of the ronin, or unemployed samurai, is a staple of Japanese 
> movies that received its most celebrated treatment in Akira Kurosawa’s 
> “Yojimbo” and “The Seven Samurai”. Recently I saw two movies made in 
> 1962—both available from Netflix—that offered starkly contrasting views 
> of their ronin heroes, suggesting as a corollary alternative takes on 
> Japanese culture and values.
> read full review: 

Along with Seven Samurai, two of my favorite Jidaigeki films.

In 'Harakiri' Tetsue Nakadai, I think, is unrecognizable from all the other
characters he
plays in the films I've seen.  Kagemusha and Ran are prime examples.

It seems to me that in Harakiri Kobayashi was able to successfully adapt the
neo-realist visual style to Jidakei, though Kurasawa had already achieved
that some
years before in Seven Samurai and 'To Live', in Gendaigeki.

Chusingura, is most excellent even if overly-melodramatic. In my estimation
its epic style
and scope is at a par with Lean's  'Lawrence of Arabia'. My favorite part is
when the young
lord tries to fit in during the Shogun's emissaries visit' while the old,
greedy lord conspires
his downfall. The interiors are magnificent and the shots evoke the gorgeous
I've seen on the net depicting the story.

Thanks, Louis, for reminding me of this great cinema!

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Re: [Marxism] [microsound] self-portrait of classic "American artist" (patti smith's excellent communist song)

2010-02-01 Thread New Tet
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Pat Costello wrote:
> [...]
> Vengeful aspects became suspect
> and bending low as if to hear
> and the armies ceased advancing
> because the people had their ear
> and the shepherds and the soldiers
> lay beneath the stars
> exchanging visions
> and laying arms
> to waste / in the dust
> in the form of / shining valleys
> where the pure air / recognized
> and my senses / newly opened
> I awakened / to the cry

Echoes of William Blake.

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Re: [Marxism] [microsound] Self-service at CVS

2010-01-31 Thread New Tet
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Louis Proyect wrote:
> ==
> Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
> ==
> The CVS across the street has installed self-service check-out machines. 
> This is apparently the latest trend in the retail industry to cut costs 
> and boost profits. Of course, when they can clerks, that's a loss of 
> buying power. It is especially galling to have to basically do work for 
> free when I check myself out at CVS. Here's a blog article from 
> Solidarity on this:
> [...]
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Re: [Marxism] [microsound] Self-service at CVS

2010-01-31 Thread New Tet
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Louis Proyect wrote:
> The CVS across the street has installed self-service check-out machines. 
> This is apparently the latest trend in the retail industry to cut costs 
> and boost profits. Of course, when they can clerks, that's a loss of 
> buying power. It is especially galling to have to basically do work for 
> free when I check myself out at CVS. Here's a blog article from 
> Solidarity on this:
> Self-checkouts and other capitalist inconveniences
> Submitted by Nick on August 20, 2009 - 12:52pm
> Anyone who’s been to a supermarket within the past couple of years is 
> undoubtedly familiar with the horrible phenomenon of “self-checkout” 
> machines. [...]

"The past couple of years"? Longer, I think; Automats, certain phone
exchanges and ATMs
being the earlier examples that I can recall (though the Automat had people
behind the coveys
constantly feeding sliced pie, sandwiches and coffee as needed and someone
out front to clean
up after messy people).

It's true, though: The trend towards automation has become almost
irresistible and the complete mechanization of consumption may be part of

I have a slight problem with some of the language in the article. I think
that "customer" is another
way of saying "consumer", a term I consider, sociologically imprecise and
misleading to anyone
 needing or aspiring to greater working class consciousness.

Ralph Nader once came to my school to address us and I intended to ask him
about the
use of the "consumer" label so prevalent in his discourse but I had to leave
for a class before
the talk was over. Pity.
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[Marxism] [microsound] Interview With Thomas Ferguson, Part 1 of 3

2010-01-24 Thread New Tet
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Not long but interesting:
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Re: [Marxism] [microsound] Dan LaBotz: What happened to the American working class?

2010-01-23 Thread New Tet
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Louis Proyect wrote:

The class struggle is right there, palpable--at least to me--in every aspect
of my life and those I know and love. Often, just in casual conversation, I
detect it from people with whom I share only about 40 hours a week producing
something useful.

The class struggle is everywhere capitalism exists, as in earlier eras, like
the Holy fucking Spirit.

The easy explanation, I think, to the inattention and mental weakness of the
U.S. working class in regards to the class struggle would be to blame it all
the mass media's attention-grabbing powers. "I put a spell on you, 'cause
you mine!"

I'll not deny the role it plays in seducing our minds with the opium of
consumption, etc., but I'm not sure that its power is absolute and I presume
that there must be other, equally important and  powerful social forces at
shaping the WC's conceptions and conditioning their reaction to the struggle
themselves and their employer.

The working class in the U.S. is very diverse. You, Louis, living in NYC,
know this
very well. (And yes, motherfuckers, I believe that NYC is the city most
of the American reality, and a somewhat lamentable role model to many parts
of the
world, I'll admit.)

I conjecture that the diversity of the U.S. working class influences the way
in which each
sector perceives its experience in the class struggle.

Assuming this is correct, perhaps a cultural anthropologist could explain
and illustrate the
variety of ways in which ethnically and culturally different working class
experience class antagonism.
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[Marxism] [microsound] A Modest Proposal By The WIIU

2010-01-23 Thread New Tet
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Draft Economic Platform of the WIIU

Submitted by Detroit WA

The Workers' International Industrial Union has a vision for the kind of
future we want and need.
But to get there, we have to fight for the common interests of all working
people, both in the immediate
and long term. We support any demands or policies that represent the genuine
interests of working
people, even if they are partial or piecemeal, as a means of improving the
rights and livelihoods of our
brothers and sisters, and providing a greater breathing space in which the
revolutionary industrial union
movement can organize for the political struggle against the employing

To that end, the WIIU advocates and fights for the following:

1. The reduction of the normal workweek to a maximum of six hours a day,
five days a week,
including time for participation in unions, workplace committees and
assemblies, without loss
of pay or benefits. Reduction to four hours a day, four days a week, without
loss of pay or
benefits and including time for participation, for dangerous or particularly
demanding jobs.

2. Double-time pay for all hours worked over the normal workweek and over
six hours a day.
Prohibition of mandatory overtime and the provision of one hour off with pay
for every two
hours of overtime worked in a week. Uninterrupted weekly break of not less
than 60 hours
for all workers.

3. A minimum weekly wage of US$560 or living wage equivalent, whichever is
higher, properly
adjusted and tied, on a non-deflationary basis, to the cost of living.
Raising of unemployment
benefits to the minimum wage. Similar adjustments for all other
non-executive remunerations
and benefits.

4. The right of all working people, including enlisted personnel in the
military, to organize
themselves into unions and workplace committees in defense of their rights
and interests.
The right of the unemployed to organize into unions and similar economic
Abolition of all laws against the right to organize, collectively bargain
and strike.
Abolition of laws that restrict the rights of labor unions and working

5. Prohibition of the use of prison labor for profit, as a supplemental or
replacement workforce,
or in other ways that undermine the position of the working class. Any
prison labor must be
meaningful, paid at a level consistent with equivalent non-prison labor, and
the programs
developed in coordination with appropriate unions, workers’ councils or

6. All labor unions to be fully independent from the state, including free
from state oversight
and harassment. All officials in labor unions, from shop steward to the
executive president,
directly elected and recallable at any time. No union official to be paid
more than the average
wage of their membership. Revolutionary industrial unionism to be encouraged
and promoted
over craft unionism.

7. All decision-making and determination bodies for labor boards to be
composed of a 50-
percent minimum of workers. All decision-making and determination bodies for
social welfare
agencies to be composed of a 50-percent minimum of benefits recipients.

8. All social welfare benefits to be raised to the above minimum wage.
Retirement pensions
to be guaranteed by the state and paid out at the same rate the retiree made
when they
were working or the minimum wage, whichever is higher.

9. Free job training and retraining programs, under the control of unions,
workers’ councils or
assemblies, open to any working person. Such programs may be developed in
conjunction with
educational institutions. Funding for expansion of apprenticeship programs
organized and
controlled by labor unions.

10.Prohibition of mandatory retirement ages and economic restrictions on
older workers.
The right to retire for all workers after 30 years of continuous employment,
regardless of
specific occupation, and after 25 years if working in dangerous or
particularly demanding jobs.

11. Mandatory price freezes on all staple goods and services. Massive
penalties, up to and
including seizure of all assets, for companies violating price regulations.
Price freezes and a
one-year payment moratorium on all rental properties. Cancellation of all
mortgage debts
below US$100,000.

The above provisions can aid in giving workers as individuals a breathing
space, but they do
not address the inherently socially-unequal conditions that exist under
capitalism. To begin
any meaningful removal of the economic shackles that capitalist society
places on working
people, additional measures, which seek to transform the whole of the
economy, are necessary.

To that end, the WIIU advocates and fights for the following:

1. A heavily graduated and progressive income tax structure. Abolition of
all tax loopholes
and breaks for corpor

Re: [Marxism] [microsound] 1st international

2010-01-22 Thread New Tet
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Mark Lause wrote:
> ==
> Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
> ==
> On Sat, Jan 23, 2010 at 12:50 AM, New Tet 
> wrote:
>> On the "legality" issue, I fall strongly on the side of the law. The new
>> law, that is.
>> Capitalism must be made illegal; we need a new law to make it so. Only a
>> revolution can enact such a law.
> The context of my comment was about whether Marx had "legally" thrown his
> opponents out of the IWA.  My point was that an organizational resolution
> of
> the problem was not a political resolution of it.

You're right, thank you.
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Re: [Marxism] [microsound] The Hypocrisy of Corporate Personhood

2010-01-22 Thread New Tet
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Michael Perelman wrote:
> [...]
> "during the height of the scandal regarding Enron's multibillion dollar 
> frauds, a "Wall Street Journal opinion piece entitled, "Corporations 
> Aren't Criminals," noted:  "Under the common law, a corporation could 
> not be guilty of a crime because it could not possess mens rea, a guilty 
> mind" (Baker 2002).  Sadly, the author was correct -- at least in so far 
> as the current courts are concerned. In the eyes of some judges, the law 
> goes even further than ruling that corporation that violate the law lack 
> a guilty mind.  They insist that corporate managers, who should possess 
> a mens rea, have an ethical responsibility to violate the law when doing 
> so will prove profitable for stockholders.  For example, Frank H. 
> Easterbrook and Daniel R. Fischel, the former a federal judge as well as 
> a senior lecturer at the University of Chicago School of Law, wrote:

The recent USSC decision seems to have included unions. That is,
whatever goes by the name of "organized labor" these days.
So, I assume, under that and possibly many other laws, the union is
a corporation whose 1st amendment rights may not be abridged, right?

I'm okay with that.

Now, suppose one day a significant number of the working class comes
together to form a big union and that union decides and manages to
take over all the capitalist enterprises in which it was
its private owners-- and threatened to force itself upon all the other
concerns, would it too be able to claim, under the law, that it was acting
a lack of a guilty mind?


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Re: [Marxism] [microsound] 1st international

2010-01-22 Thread New Tet
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Mark Lause wrote:
> ==
> Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
> ==
> The loegality and lack of legality about these things is meaningless.  The
> smaller group throwing out the larger group and claiming that it was
> larger
> illegally addresses nothing politically. Notwithstanding a brilliant
> critique of capitalism and a clear view of where humanity needed to move,
> Marx had very little idea of how best ot go about organizing a movement.
> For this reason, aspects of the history of the IWA read like lessons in
> self-imolation.
> The most tragic real result has left much unsettled between those who call
> themselves socialists and those who call themselves anarchists...and the
> creation of a mode of discussion that allows them to talk past each other
> in
> many cases.

Those who talk past each other probably haven't defined their terms in ways
their interlocutors can understand. I know I've been guilty of that on many
occasions. Pity, no?

On the "legality" issue, I fall strongly on the side of the law. The new
law, that is.
Capitalism must be made illegal; we need a new law to make it so. Only a
revolution can enact such a law.

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Re: [Marxism] [microsound] Liberal disgust with Obama

2010-01-21 Thread New Tet
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S. Artesian wrote:
> To New Tet:
> You voted for Obama just to show that a black US man could fuck-up just
> like a white US man?  I understand the sentiment, but it's only that-- a
> sentiment, an indulgence.

Yes, indeed; that's why I said "at the very least".

Let me ask you how's that working out for you?  Do you think you've
> accomplished the goal, and we have a black man who has proven himself
> capable of fucking up as much as a white man?  And exactly what will that,
> has that accomplished?  You HOPE there will be a zero-sum effect?  That
> for
> every reactionary, we get a radical?  Doesn't work that way, comrade, not
> even a little bit.  If it did, the revolution would have taken place a
> long
> time ago.

Okay, how about half a radical for every liberal renegade that Obama
Sound better?

My ruminations on this matter are purely speculative, that's why I wrote "I

How's that working out for the working class as
> a whole?  Would you recommend doing it again-- I mean after all there have
> been a lot more white US men fucking up in the White House than our
> first and only so far black US man-- not to mention all the white women,
> black women, Hispanic men, Hispanic women,  gay white men, gay black men,
> gay black women, gay white women that might demand equal time in the White
> House, and  make equal claims on your vote?

It's been done, I think. Many capitalist governments throughout the world
already enlist the aid of an enormously diverse population at almost every
level (especially here in the U.S.) and look how fucked up their economic
system is!

In my mind, the presidency, as a government job, is special, though. Unlike
most other elected and non-elected government posts it is surrounded by an
almost mythic aura created, I suppose, by able propagandists and kept alive
by popular ignorance and gullibility.

The point of my speculation that a black president could do no better that
the white ones that preceded him/her 

Isn't all you are really doing is playing a variation on the old "Let's make
> it worse, so it has to get better"  ploy?

I hadn't thought of it that way but, since you mention it, let me say that
as long
as revolutionary ideas remain the exclusive intellectual possession of a
tiny minority
of workers and their allies, I'll continue to believe that sometimes things
have to
get worse before they get better. 

Card check was dead months ago.

Okay, thanks.

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Re: [Marxism] [microsound] Liberal disgust with Obama

2010-01-21 Thread New Tet
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S. Artesian wrote:
> No personal offense intended, but who gives a rat's ass about what
> liberals 
> think of Obama?  Positive, negative-- same-same
> [...]

I do. And I try to compare the language of their own expectations and
disappointments against mine.

In trying to explain to a YouTube friend why I was determined to vote for
Obama after nearly twenty years of abstention, I wrote, " the very
I'd like to see proven once and for all time that in the U.S. a black person
just as capable of fucking up as any other person in the White House."

I hope that for every disappointed Obama supporter that turns reactionary or
extremist another is produced whose disillusion leads them to more radical
thinking and acting.

BTW, what's up with the card-check bill? Is that dead as well? Was it riding
on the health care fiasco?
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Re: [Marxism] [microsound] Victor Navasky's foolish illusions from about a year ago

2010-01-20 Thread New Tet
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Louis Proyect wrote:
> Nation Magazine, February 2, 2009
> Seeking Obama's Center
> Comment
> By Victor Navasky
> As I listened to Obama's inaugural address, although I harbored no 
> illusions about the difficult task ahead, I felt that I was 
> swimming in a sea of happiness, as I heard him gently but firmly 
> declare the country's liberation from the past (rejecting as 
> "false" the Bush administration's notion that national security is 
> incompatible with constitutional liberty)[...] 

For some years now I too have thought that "constitutional liberty" and
"national security" are incompatible. Does that make me a Bushie?

I think it's wrong to conflate national security (as defined by the
of a nation state) with safety and constitutional liberty (as defined and
administered by the capitalist class) with freedom.

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety
deserve neither liberty nor safety." --B. Franklin
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Re: [Marxism] [microsound] Freya von Moltke, Part of a Core of Nazi Resistance, Is Dead at 98

2010-01-15 Thread New Tet
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Shane Mage wrote:
> In this thread there seems to be a consistent meme: "Progressive"  
> Berlin versus "Reactionary" Vienna.  Technologically that seems  
> justified--Hitler and his V2 rockets, without which we wouldn't yet  
> have the satellites by which this communication has become possible,  
> sprung from Hohenzollern Berlin, not Habsburg Vienna.  Historically,  
> though, capitalist technological progress since Bismark has been  
> destructive of the workingclass movement which Marx and Engels  
> (correctly, IMO) identified as the sole social force capable of  
> achieving real historical progress instead of advanced technological  
> barbarism.  There however is another type of human progress: the  
> permanent advancement of the cultural and spiritual endowment of  
> mankind.  And here there is absolutely no contest.  Berlin has given  
> virtually nothing (Hegel is the sole exception) to our cultural and  
> spiritual heritage.  No city has given more than Vienna.

I doubt it.

Italy, almost alone, brought civilization to the region now occupied
by Vienna. And to Italy the Greeks, among others.

>From mercantile Venice, Florence and Milan sprung "cultural and spiritual"
treasures about which Vienna could only later wax lyrical. 

>From London and points south came men of letters an wit that transcended
their age. Is Shakespeare's contribution to this vast inheritance any less
than the greatest of Mozart's or Beethoven music?

Hey, I totally agree that Vienna is the source of the some of the finest
music ever composed by the human mind and spirit, but dude, Vienna
ain't the source of most (let alone all) the art, culture and knowledge
Western civilization now commands.
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Re: [Marxism] [microsound] The left debates "Avatar"

2010-01-14 Thread New Tet
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Louis Proyect wrote:

One word: Snap!
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Re: [Marxism] [microsound] Conspiracy and History

2010-01-11 Thread New Tet
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S. Artesian wrote:
> [...]
> I'm no expert in the characterization of the fSU as state capitalist-- but 
> there's no mistaking state capitalism in China.  The CCP is transparently 
> state capitalist in its creation of a private bourgeoisie, private
> property 
> in the means of production, private exploitation of wage-labor, state 
> exploitation of wage-labor for the purposes of valorisation.. etc.
> [...]

Maybe what the red Chinese achieved is what SU wanted but couldn't have?
Who knows, maybe they do have it.

How much of today's Russian productive capacity is still in state hands and
how much is private? How does it compare to China?
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Re: [Marxism] [microsound] More idiocy at Counterpunch

2010-01-07 Thread New Tet
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Jay Clinton wrote:
> Circumcision is genital mutilation, and to call it anti-semitic to say so
> is absurd. It is an anthropological truth. This does not mean those who
> choose it should be denigrated. Unfortunately, children don't get to
> choose. 
> It's hateful insinuation behind a Hedonist mask. It is anti-Semitic as
> well.. 

I have no doubt that it is a form of mutilation. I was referring to the
notion advanced by this lady, Block,
that circumcision in males as a custom is harmful.

Just the same, I think that any controversy over male circumcision in
general makes too big a deal out of such a little thing (compared to female
genital mutilation which is cruel, inhuman and totally indefensible),
wouldn't you agree?
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Re: [Marxism] [microsound] More idiocy at Counterpunch

2010-01-07 Thread New Tet
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Adam Richmond wrote:
> She may shroud herself with some free flowing public relations happy talk,
> but in fact her joie de vivir is shield for not avoid a careful look at 
> her silly ideas.  She falsely considers circumcised men as having a sexual
> problem that could lead them to commit murder. In the case of the of the
> "underwear bomber" she asserts that Muslims are prone to kill. 
> She's regurgitating a racist, anti-islamic view, with seemingly sexual
> libertarian view. 

It's hateful insinuation behind a Hedonist mask. It is anti-Semitic as well. 
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Re: [Marxism] [microsound] More idiocy at Counterpunch

2010-01-04 Thread New Tet
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Louis Proyect wrote:
> From the article:
> "Male circumcision slices off 5-20% of the penis, specifically the
> foreskin, the vital part of the male genitalia that protects the glans
> when
> it is flaccid and retracts sensuously to reveal his erection when fully
> aroused." 

Hard for me to think of my foreskin as being more than 1% of my penis and
the "sensuality" of its retraction is, I think, purely subjective.

Moreover, If block is correct in the matter of circumsicion, we can assume
that Marx's was somehow responsible for his condemnation of capitalism.

I think I'll get my dick "cut".

Be that as it may, one has to wonder about people who feel the need to
reach down into someone else's crotch to pull out political arguments.

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Re: [Marxism] [microsound] Paul Roberts Antisemetic Counterpuch Article

2010-01-02 Thread New Tet
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Jolly Jack wrote:
> I don't read Counterpuch regularly and don't wish to take my time
> researching this, so I have a few questions. Are blatantly antsemetic
> articles like Paul Roberts's standard fare? Do his conspiracy theories
> about the federal reserve, monetary policy and the "Zionist takeover of
> the US" go unchallenged by regular contributors like Alexander Cockburn.
> Are his chauvantistic appeals to "real Christian Americans" echoed by
> anyone else? Are they challenged? 
> I ask these questions because I have had to deal with quite a bit of this
> antisemitic garbage as a an activist in the peace movement in Florida and
> I am curious if others on this list share my concerns.
> Best Regards,
> Jack Lieberman

It would be helpful if you provided here a link to one of the articles
you feel he (Roberts) waxes Anti-Semitic.

I've read from him some very strong words in condemnation of Israel's Jewish
state, its
treatment of the Palestinians and its well-known attempts to influence U.S.
policy via
its lobbies in Washington, but I can't recall anything of a general or
specific nature that
he wrote that leads me to think he would be
an Anti-Semite.

That's why a link would be much appreciated.

Maybe I'm too naive to have detected Anti-Semitism on his part or maybe he
obscures it behind a feigned outrage at the truly outrageous fact of the
of an apartheid Jewish state in the middle of a land populated largely by
Semites of a different religion. Or possibly, just possibly, there's nothing
fundamentally Anti-
Semitic about the principled opposition against and strong condemnation of
U.S. imperialism
and its Zionist client state of Israel?

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Re: [Marxism] [microsound] A few words about education

2010-01-02 Thread New Tet
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Anthony Boynton wrote:
> ==
> Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
> ==
> A few words about education, public education, private schools, and
> charter
> schools.
> I have been watching the sparks fly between Joaquin and Artesian regarding
> education and would like to make a few off the cuff remarks. Although I
> agree with Joaquin’s premise that the framework should be, "fighting
> bourgeois education.", rather than simply "fighting bourgeois attacks on
> education", I think that the first step in fighting “bourgeois education”
> is
> defending and promoting the democratic right to free universal public
> education. In any case I want to address this issue in a different way.

Capitalism already provides a type of "free universal public education", I
It comes through television, radio, movies, music and this synthetic medium
are using. Education comes to us as a commodity.

On the whole, its message (or lesson) is what Christopher Lasch called "the
propaganda of commodities": Liberation is achieved, according to this view,
if you constantly buy, consume and sell yourself within the confines of
economic relations as defined by Madison Ave. & Co.; shit like "You've come
long way, baby!", etc.

Maybe, if we succeed in placing "commodity" in the popular pejorative and
attack "bourgeois education" as a promoter of it we may get the type of
education you and I want for our families and our communities.

I hope you'll agree that it's not enough to abolish the commodity aspect of
capitalist "bourgeois education" if at the same time we do not abolish the
commodity aspect of all other useful and productive work.

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[Marxism] [microsound] The Forward March

2009-12-31 Thread New Tet
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Happy New Year (I think)!
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Re: [Marxism] [microsound] Old Partner; The Chaser

2009-12-30 Thread New Tet
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Louis Proyect wrote:
> ==
> Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
> ==
> Two outstanding Korean movies opening today in NY. One is a documentary 
> about husband and wife rice farmers in their 80s and their 40 year old 
> ox, who is even older in human years. The other is a film noir about a 
> detective turned pimp who is trying to track down the serial killer who 
> has victimized his prostitutes.

More than the pimp himself?
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Re: [Marxism] [microsound] Jim Cramer muses on Lenin

2009-12-29 Thread New Tet
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Louis Proyect wrote:

Learning 'Lenin' by rote.

I get the feeling that some capitalists are genuinely worried about
retribution. They see the writing on the wall (to steal an old joke) and
don't care for its message one bit.

Why else dwell on how badly it may have gone for the Russians as a
consequence of  having "strung up" the bankers?
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Re: [Marxism] [microsound] Manure

2009-12-29 Thread New Tet
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Greg McDonald-2 wrote:
> ==
> Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
> ==
> Tet wrote:
> Organic farming is interesting but hardly any proof of the existence of
> farmers as a class, no?
> That was the smallest possible subset I could think of, and it is
> growing in dynamic fashion. But if you insist, go ahead and
> knock yourself out, Einstein:

Strange, I still can't find anything there leading me to assume that farmers
exist as a class anywhere in the U.S.

Can you point me to some specific data that prove them to be a
socio-economic class separate and distinct from either the proletariat or
the capitalist class?
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Re: [Marxism] [microsound] Manure

2009-12-29 Thread New Tet
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S. Artesian wrote:
> First, agriculture requires a certain level of social, not technical, 
> development in order to "take root,"  all puns intended.
> Secondly, agriculture to satisfy expanding populations, or expanding needs 
> of population requires a certain technology that can itself be sustained
> or 
> improved-- when the social development does not engender the technological 
> development you get famine.
> Thirdly, regarding cassava roots-- no,  the rest doesn't take care of 
> itself, since the root has be handled in some way-- cooking, pounding and 
> soaking, boiling,etc. in order to remove the  cyanogenic glucosides 
> naturally existing in the root and which, in large quantities can kill
> large 
> mammals including humans, and in small quantities can cause a neurological 
> pathology called konzo.  See above remarks about necessary level of social 
> development, which of course produces a certain level of technological 
> development.  Farming includes more than planting.  It includes producing
> a 
> consumable product, a use-value with or without exchange value.  Raw
> cassava 
> has a use-value to human agriculture only to the extent that human labor
> is 
> applied to it.

True. Tool-use led to the development of agriculture but I think that its
that farming itself (the planting, harvesting and consumption of crops by
took place even before humans had invented tools for that purpose.

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Re: [Marxism] [microsound] Manure

2009-12-29 Thread New Tet
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Greg McDonald-2 wrote:
> ==
> Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
> ======
> New Tet wrote:
> BTW, as evidence of the social backwardness and political naivete of the
> farmer as a class, consider their no-longer-so-recent extinction.

Organic farming is interesting but hardly any proof of the existence of
farmers as a class, no?
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Re: [Marxism] [microsound] Manure

2009-12-29 Thread New Tet
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Carrol Cox wrote:
> [...]
> The technology that makes farming possible has to be degveloped BEFORE
> farming can develop.
> [...]
Not necessarily. 
Farming is a natural activity that even lower animals engage in without the
use of technology as we understand it.

For example, Some ants harvest and collect plants for fermentation and
consumption and others raise and maintain other creatures in
symbiotic/mutualistic relationships.

Moreover, the simplest kind of farming by humans presupposes the prior
non-existence of technology.
For example, the planting of cassava roots (a very starchy and yummy tuber
known to have been consumed by pre-Columbian aborigines) requires the farmer
to merely break the plant stalks at their nodes and drive them directly into
the soil. The rest takes care of itself.
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Re: [Marxism] [microsound] Manure

2009-12-29 Thread New Tet
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Tom Cod-2 wrote:
> [...]
> Shit, I remember one time, it must have been in the mid-60s when
> I was about 12-13 years old, a couple of us kids are going along a rural
> PA
> road with this farmer in a beat up old pick-up when a fancy MG sports car
> speeds past us. farmer goes, "sheeet, boy, you take  that fancy city
> slicker
> and you take the average farmer, put 'em in the woods with only a knife,
> who
> do you think is gonna survive?" 
> [...]

Interesting how the farmer shared his homespun wisdom from the comfort
of a "beat up old pick-up truck"! More fitting would have been to portray
lazily strolling along a country lane, sickle over his shoulder.

Just the same, I find it disconcerting when I hear simplistic, delusional
like the one above, especially coming from "city folk"! It's like the one
about giving
everyone a million bucks and, before you know it...

Life, in its complexity, cannot be reduced to a knife-wielding
woods metaphor. Much less into one involving only two people, I think.

BTW, as evidence of the social backwardness and political naivete of the
farmer as
a class, considertheir no-longer-so-recent extinction.

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[Marxism] [microsound] What to Do About In-Flight Restrictions?

2009-12-28 Thread New Tet
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Movies and GPS readouts during plane travel are being restricted or outright
eliminated. This in spite of the recently reported heroics of passengers and
crew (none of whom was a "duly sworn" officer of the law) .

Not even hand-held video entertainment devices escape the ban. Oh my!

I guess the flying industry will curtail the banal entertainment of its
passengers in exchange for the quiet, introspective boredom of terror.

On the other hand, maybe paperbacks, books and pamphlets will make a brief
comeback amongst the weary traveler?

If that happened it would be a small but possibly important and positive
outcome of this newly-imposed repression.

Distributing socialist leaflets at the local airport is a good idea now that
so many people are likely to become bored with the humiliating tedium of
feeling like a suspect every time they have to drag their suitcases from
plane to plane to plane to plane.

I recommend this one as possible model to follow:

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