[Marxism] Query on Tunisia

2011-01-25 Thread Louis Proyect
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An old friend and squash partner is planning a trip to Tunisia to do 
some filming and writing. Does anybody have contacts there who speak 
English? Please contact me privately.

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[Marxism] query

2011-01-15 Thread Mark Lause
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I'm getting considerable advice independently from various quarters that I
should consider a literary agent.

If anybody has any experience or recommendations on this, I'd appreciate
your contacting me offlist at mla...@cinci.rr.com.

Mark L.

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[Marxism] query - Russia and Russian Rev; social history and primary sources

2010-12-06 Thread aaron s. amaral
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I am looking for input on two types of readings about early 20th Century
Russia and the Russian Revolution:

a) first hand accounts of the revolution and early soviet experience with a
focus on the lived experience of the class...for this purpose, I am less
interested in political accounts (accounts of politics, groups,
institutional maneouvering etc.), per se. I have already searched MIA and
come up with some usual suspects: John Reed, Serge, Raskolnikoff, and some
letters from Lenin...

b) A social (yet preferably Marxist) history of Russia during the decade or
so around 1917. Again, my interest is not on the political but on the
social, i.e. what were the populations of people, what was their lived
experience like, how were the neighborhood? The factories (while I've not
read Kevin Murphy's book, which is suppose to be great, it is more of a
political accounting, no?)? The soviets? life in the military?

If this is too broad a question, apologies ... and thanks in advance.


 Seek for food and clothing first, then
the Kingdom of God shall be added unto you.
   Hegel, 1807

  The class struggle, which is always present to a historian influenced by
Marx, is a fight for the crude and material things without which no refined
and spiritual things could exist. Nevertheless, it is not in the form of the
spoils which fall to the victor that the latter make their presence felt in
the class struggle. They manifest themselves in this struggle as courage,
humor, cunning, and fortitude. They have retroactive force and will
constantly call in question every victory, past and present, of the rulers.
As flowers turn toward the sun, by dint of a secret heliotropism the past
strives to turn toward that sun which is rising in the sky of history. A
historical materialist must be aware of this most inconspicuous of all

-Walter Benjamin, Spring, 1940

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Re: [Marxism] query on wallerstein / science / colonialism

2010-09-06 Thread michael perelman
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Another good book is Brockway, Lucille. 1979. Science and colonial
expansion: The role of the British royal botanic gardens. New York: Academic

Michael Perelman

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[Marxism] Query on Acrobat Pro

2010-09-06 Thread Louis Proyect
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Does anybody have a copy to evaluate? Please contact me offlist.

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Re: [Marxism] query re author on Palestine in the 30s and 40s

2010-08-04 Thread Andrew Pollack
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Good suggestion. Here you go:

On Wed, Aug 4, 2010 at 10:36 AM, Tom Cod tomc...@gmail.com wrote:

 Maybe you can post a link to info about this revolt because I think, sadly,
 most people have never even heard of it.
 Thanks so much.

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Re: [Marxism] query re author on Palestine in the 30s and 40s

2010-08-04 Thread Thomas Bias
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What is ironic about this revolt is that Neville Chamberlain  
committed nearly half the British army to suppressing it, all the  
while allowing Hitler to extend his influence throughout Eastern and  
Central Europe. Of course, I'm not sure that Chamberlain thought that  
Hitler's power in that region was a bad thing.--Tom

On Aug 4, 2010, at 11:03 AM, Andrew Pollack wrote:

 Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

 Good suggestion. Here you go:

 On Wed, Aug 4, 2010 at 10:36 AM, Tom Cod tomc...@gmail.com wrote:

 Maybe you can post a link to info about this revolt because I  
 think, sadly,
 most people have never even heard of it.
 Thanks so much.

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Re: [Marxism] query re author on Palestine in the 30s and 40s

2010-08-04 Thread Gary MacLennan
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There is Perry Anderson's piece from  NLR August 2001 at
http://www.newleftreview.org/A2330 which has something on the 35-9 revolt.

There is also a good blog on Orde Wingate's role in putting down the revolt
and in training the Zionist death squads, called Special Night Squads, (of
special interest is his relationship with Moshe Dayan) at
An interesting Wiki is at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special_Night_Squads

I found this paragraph below to be especially  interesting: It shows that to
put down the Palestinian uprising the British had to form an alliance with
the Haganah, and in so doing they helped prepare the way for the Zionist
victories of 47-8.



[The Defence of Palestine: Insurrection and Public Security, 1936-1939
Charles Townshend
The English Historical
Vol. 103, No. 409 (Oct., 1988), pp. 917-949]
The political dangers of this [a military alliance with the Zionists] were
too obvious for it to be seriously contemplated, and the nearest the
authorities came to mobilizing the Jews (apart from the bucolic home-guard
activities of the Jewish Settle- ment and Supernumary Police) was through
the - distinctly subter- ranean - Special Night Squads. The authorities
joined the Jews underground, as it were, with strikingly successful results;
but they thereby signed the death warrant of the Mandate. By simultaneously
breaking up the unstable Palestinian national movement, and fostering
mainstream military Zionism (as distinct from the terrorist extremism of the
Irgun, Lehi and 'Stern gang'), they not only skewed the symmetry of
interests which gave British rule its claim to legitimacy, but went far to
create the very force that finally undermined British rule in Pales- tine
after I945. (p. 937)


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[Marxism] query from a reader of Monthly Review/civil rights movement, etc.

2010-07-12 Thread MICHAEL YATES
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In.com received the following note.  Can anyone help him?  Send to me at 

I write you because I'm also a historian, and in the coming semester I will be 
teaching contemporary American history at the University of Copenhagen. 
Recently your magazine included an interview on Fred Hampton 
(http://www.monthlyreview.org/091201haas.php), which was translated into Danish 
in The New Clarté. I'm curious if there has been done any historical research 
into the many radical off-springs from the civil rights movement in the US in 
the 1960's (like Blackstone Rangers, Young Lords, Young Patriots, etc.)? I know 
some of these groups later degenerated into criminal, non-political, gangs, but 
still I think it could be very interesting for my students to get to know about 
this very diverse movement. Of course, if you have any recommendations for me 
with respect to historical books on the civil right movement in general, the 
Black Panther Party, or black national groups from the same period, I will also 
be very interested.
Thanks to anyone who can help.
michael yates 

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Re: [Marxism] query Paris Commune‏

2010-06-13 Thread Matt Siegfried
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BTW, I had a, rather well known professor (who now teaches 
at West Point) whose specialty was German military history.  No leftist 
he (nor is he anything like the kind of nut one might expect to 
specialize German military history) , however he said that Engels' 
Military Notes on the F-P war (which, I think ended after the armistice 
in January, 71) were some of the best military analysis he ever read. 
Exact words from an email to me: given the information available to him
 and the speed in which he was able to analyze events and see certain 
outcomes, they are almost without compare.



The New Busy is not the old busy. Search, chat and e-mail from your inbox.

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Re: [Marxism] query Paris Commune‏

2010-06-13 Thread Mark Lause
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Thanks, Matt.

We tend to forget that Engels was very well-read in military affairs
and had been an officer in the revolutionary fighting that continued
in Baden well into 1849...and under August Willich, the member of the
Communist League who cut such a remarkable career in the American
Civil War. The Franco-German War is very different, making not only a
fascinating military study, but demonstrating just how difficult it
was to unravel the politics of a modern war.

Still, to Paris   The heart of the Commune was the rebellion of
the National Guard, but what did this mean in terms of numbers,
organization, etc.?   Sources talk about up to 300 battalions of the
National Guard at the time of the Prussian siege of Paris, but what
did this mean...particularly what did this mean for the later Commune?

There's a massive library of sources available between Google books
and Gallica (the website of the Bibliotechque Nationale.   I've been
plowing through these, as I've gotten the chance, and been astonished
at the lack of information as to that key question of military

On the battalions of the National Guard, how many organized and armed
men were there really?  And how many in a battalion?  How were they
organized?  How did this change over time?  And what are the legions
and regiments of the National Guard?  Do they consist of the
battalions or were they something different?  And what about the units
of the regular army that crossed over to the Commune?

These seem to me to be such an elementary questions that it should be
answered somewhere in the literature of such a well-worked subject.
If not, it might be worth the time to take a stab at coming up with
the answer

Mark L.

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[Marxism] query Paris Commune

2010-06-12 Thread Mark Lause
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I'm trying to find material on:

1) the military strength of the Paris Commune;

2) how it was organized, and;

3) how that organization may or may not have changed over the course
of its history.

Most of what I've read on this (including in the available French
sources) are remarkably uninformative.  I wonder if the information
even exists.  But knowing that many on this list are probably more
well-read on this subject than I am, I figured I'd ask if anyone has
seen anything on this...

Any help would be appreciated.


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Re: [Marxism] query on Thai protests

2010-05-19 Thread glparramatta
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Most of Giles Ji Ungpakorn's articles, with other material,  have also 
appeared at links International Journal of Socialist Renewal. Collected 
at http://links.org.au/taxonomy/term/296


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Re: [Marxism] Query from Clancy Sigal

2010-05-14 Thread Tom Cod
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And an excellent take on this, or at least on the period that led up to it,
and the views of those participants later in 1969 when the film was made, is
The Sorrow and the Pity about the history of France and French society in
World War 2.  The only guy who acted like a swaggering victor in the 1969
follow-up interview was actually the former SS officer who after the war
returned to his prosperous rural bourgois (or burger) life in a rural town
and who is shown with his family at one of his sons' weddings holding forth
with the stub of a cigar stuck in his mouth and his discrete little
Wehrmacht veteran pins on his lapel.  Also of interest is the veteran of the
French unit that fought on the Russian Front (Vichy's Charlemagne Legion),
a guy who before the war had been a young supporter of the fascist Action
Francais but who by 1969 was living in his opulent palatial 18th Century
house decked out as a trendy forty something Hugh Hefner type ruminating on
the senselessness of so much of it.  So at this point you're saying your
basically a liberal? the interviewer asks him to which he responds in a
pensive manner, . . . you know, I think that's right[!].  His one big
issue having been when Le Marachal (Petain) refused to see him and his
buddies late in the war in 1945 to lodge a protest against having to now
actually wear German uniforms.  This in the wake of the fall of East Prussia
which he ruminates reminded him with great irony of the scenes in France in
June 1940, but only worse.

It's available on netflix.

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[Marxism] query

2010-05-04 Thread Andrew Pollack
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Reviewers of two new books of work by Milt Gross, one of them titled
Is Diss a System?, point out that unbeknownst to most of us, the
phrase in that title was not originated by R. Crumb, who used it on a
cover of Zap Comix. I had assumed Crumb used it to refer ironically to
the systems analysis then prominent in business/academia/the military,
and/or to criticisms of systems by radicals, or both. Which may be the
case, but he didn't originate the phrase.
So now the question is: What did Gross mean by it? (It also appears in
a Lorenz Hart lyric, but the website mentioning that doesn't know the
origin either.)

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[Marxism] Query

2010-03-28 Thread Richard Levins
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Lately I have been bombarded with invitations from apparently new journals 
asking for papers or recruits to the editorial boards. SInce I am not qualified 
for most of these, I assume it is part of a mass mailing to scientists. In a 
few cases there are hints of corporate sponsorship. So what is going on? Are 
others on the list having similar experience?

Richard Levins

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Re: [Marxism] Query: Southern Poverty Law Center

2010-03-09 Thread Greg McDonald
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On Mon, Mar 8, 2010 at 9:38 PM, John Obrien causecollec...@msn.com wrote:

 Sadly, the Southern Poverty Law Center is funded and controlled by the ADL.

 So while they may be watching the right wing groups - please be aware that 
 the ADL has been caught spying on the left and one must assume for two 

 The current real left U. S. groups, do not have at present, the resources to 
 spy on the right wing, as the Southern Poverty Law Center does, so their 
 reports can be useful - BUT these reports are to manily generate funding for 
 the Southern Poverty Law Center staff, and they are not part of the left, but 
 liberals - and these crucial points, should not be confused by those who are 
 on this list.

I've come across a few such references, one in particular from a 9-11
Truth organization in Long Island. There is also the fact that the
SPLC includes the New Black Panther group on their hate list. That
says something as well.  It would not surprise if they are indeed
spying for the US government. The ADL reference is new to me, but
unsurprising. Like I said, some of the information can be useful, some
not. I certainly won't be sending them a check in the mail.

Greg McD

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Re: [Marxism] Query: Southern Poverty Law Center

2010-03-08 Thread John Obrien
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Sadly, the Southern Poverty Law Center is funded and controlled by the ADL.

So while they may be watching the right wing groups - please be aware that the 
ADL has been caught spying on the left and one must assume for two governments.


The current real left U. S. groups, do not have at present, the resources to 
spy on the right wing, as the Southern Poverty Law Center does, so their 
reports can be useful - BUT these reports are to manily generate funding for 
the Southern Poverty Law Center staff, and they are not part of the left, but 
liberals - and these crucial points, should not be confused by those who are on 
this list.




 Date: Fri, 5 Mar 2010 05:15:23 -0500
 From: gregm...@gmail.com
 Subject: Re: [Marxism] Query: Southern Poverty Law Center
 To: causecollec...@msn.com
 Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
 These legal groups have obvious limitations, but from time to time
 they bring some good lawsuits against the Klan and other fascists. The
 real shame is that nobody on the left that I know of is keeping tabs
 on the Minutemen, the Klan etc., so if we want any information at all,
 we have to go to groups such as the SPLC for the background. I don't
 think anyone here is suggesting the SPLC is an organization which
 should be emulated by future working-class organizations, if and when
 they do arise. It's so very easy to criticize the way-too-obvious
 shortcomings of other organizations, but that should be the first step
 to laying the groundwork for something different. Criticism without
 doing the spade work to bring about some kind of alternative is really
 just empty. For my part, I'll take the good information and leave the
 bad. Good info. can be useful.
 Here in the south Latino organizations will continue to work with the
 ACLU for obvious reasons. Many if not most are undocumented workers.
 As far as I'm concerned, the Latino groups are in the vanguard, as
 demonstrated by the mass May Day demos of 2006. Those demos were all
 about pressuring Congress for an extension of legal rights to work in
 the USA without the fear of being arrested and deported. Without the
 fear of deportation, union organizing becomes more possible. The
 Latino groups are still pushing the same agenda. More power to them.
 If they want the legal cover provided by ACLU lawyers, that's fine by
 me. At least the latter care enough to be involved, and are doing
 something useful with their law degrees.
 On Fri, Mar 5, 2010 at 12:12 AM, sha...@aol.com wrote:
  Well, I have a take on the SPLC and it follows. Its self-righteousness and
  bevy of acolytes make me cringe. Its petty-bourgeois moralism is repulsive.
   Punishing the consequences of capitalist decay can run the risk of a
  fundamental  assault on civil liberties and it seems to me that the SPLC 
  close to that.  The defense of the bill of rights is better left to the 
  ACLU -
  even though that  organization, when it extended from civil liberties to
  civil rights as its focus  evolved into an organization for the political
  advancement of its cadre.
  Historically, the National Lawyers Guild should have filled the role that
  these organizations now attempt to.  But after falling in love  with itself
  in the sixties it fell prey to the would be leftists who wanted  to
  transform it into a left political party.
  The only organization that came close to acting as a vanguard for democracy
   realized through law was the Workers Defense League which pretty much
  disappeared after Roland Watts.
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Re: [Marxism] Query: Southern Poverty Law Center

2010-03-05 Thread Greg McDonald
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

These legal groups have obvious limitations, but from time to time
they bring some good lawsuits against the Klan and other fascists. The
real shame is that nobody on the left that I know of is keeping tabs
on the Minutemen, the Klan etc., so if we want any information at all,
we have to go to groups such as the SPLC for the background. I don't
think anyone here is suggesting the SPLC is an organization which
should be emulated by future working-class organizations, if and when
they do arise. It's so very easy to criticize the way-too-obvious
shortcomings of other organizations, but that should be the first step
to laying the groundwork for something different.  Criticism without
doing the spade work to bring about some kind of alternative is really
just empty. For my part, I'll take the good information and leave the
bad. Good info. can be useful.

Here in the south Latino organizations will continue to work with the
ACLU for obvious reasons. Many if not most are undocumented workers.
As far as I'm concerned, the Latino groups are in the vanguard, as
demonstrated by the mass May Day demos of 2006. Those demos were all
about pressuring Congress for an extension of legal rights to work in
the USA without the fear of being arrested and deported. Without the
fear of deportation, union organizing becomes more possible.  The
Latino groups are still pushing the same agenda.  More power to them.
If they want the legal cover provided by ACLU lawyers, that's fine by
me. At least the latter care enough to be involved, and are doing
something useful with their law degrees.


On Fri, Mar 5, 2010 at 12:12 AM,  sha...@aol.com wrote:

 Well, I have a take on the SPLC and it follows. Its self-righteousness and
 bevy of acolytes make me cringe. Its petty-bourgeois moralism is repulsive.
  Punishing the consequences of capitalist decay can run the risk of a
 fundamental  assault on civil liberties and it seems to me that the SPLC comes
 close to that.  The defense of the bill of rights is better left to the ACLU -
 even though that  organization, when it extended from civil liberties to
 civil rights as its focus  evolved into an organization for the political
 advancement of its cadre.

 Historically, the National Lawyers Guild should have filled the role that
 these organizations now attempt to.  But after falling in love  with itself
 in the sixties it fell prey to the would be leftists who wanted  to
 transform it into a left political party.

 The only organization that came close to acting as a vanguard for democracy
  realized through law was the Workers Defense League which pretty much
 disappeared after Roland Watts.

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Re: [Marxism] Query: Southern Poverty Law Center

2010-03-04 Thread Shacht
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Well, I have a take on the SPLC and it follows. Its self-righteousness and  
bevy of acolytes make me cringe. Its petty-bourgeois moralism is repulsive. 
 Punishing the consequences of capitalist decay can run the risk of a 
fundamental  assault on civil liberties and it seems to me that the SPLC comes 
close to that.  The defense of the bill of rights is better left to the ACLU - 
even though that  organization, when it extended from civil liberties to 
civil rights as its focus  evolved into an organization for the political 
advancement of its cadre.
Historically, the National Lawyers Guild should have filled the role that  
these organizations now attempt to.  But after falling in love  with itself 
in the sixties it fell prey to the would be leftists who wanted  to 
transform it into a left political party.
The only organization that came close to acting as a vanguard for democracy 
 realized through law was the Workers Defense League which pretty much  
disappeared after Roland Watts.

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[Marxism] Query on Joseph Wilson (of Niger uranium fame)

2010-02-08 Thread Patrick Bond
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Joseph C Wilson 
CEO, JC Wilson Investment Ventures, United States and former United 
States Ambassador

He's coming to Durban later this month, as part of the Africa Utilities 
'Power Indaba' Conference 
that has raised some concerns. Does anyone have anything interesting to 
tell us about Wilson so we understand context?


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Re: [Marxism] Query on Joseph Wilson (of Niger uranium fame)

2010-02-08 Thread Jeff
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At 10:27 08/02/10 +0200, Patrick Bond wrote:

Joseph C Wilson 
CEO, JC Wilson Investment Ventures, United States and former United 
States Ambassador

He's coming to Durban later this month,

Well I don't have any deep information to help you, but I'll take this as
an opportunity to offer my rant about the guy.

I was sort of disgusted because a lot of the soft-left antiwar movement
sort of described him as a hero of some sort for having contradicted
Bush's lie about Iraq obtaining uranium from Africa. Yes, he did in fact
go to Niger and report back to the effect that Bush's claims were false. So
yes, he told the truth, which is better than lying.

But that only came to people's attention much later, in the summer of 2003,
when he finally went public with it, whereas he said NOTHING PUBLICALLY
before the beginning of the war, when it could well have made a difference!
So it's sort of a case of doing the right thing at the wrong time! The
information he had was explosive, and he deliberately chose to avoid
revealing it while the bombs were raining down on Baghdad, clearly putting
his allegiance to the system ahead of any humanity. I consider that
completely criminal.

Now when he went to Niger in 2002 he did it at the request of the CIA. I'll
say that again. He was working for the CIA. Unless I don't understand the
English language, that means he is or was A CIA AGENT. I'm saying that here
out loud, aware that all of you in the US could actually go to jail for
making a statement of that sort! So once again: Joseph Wilson was or IS A
CIA AGENT, and I can hardly think of a worse thing to say about someone!

And yes, he was (as we know now) married to a CIA agent, and that she was
(until her career was ruined by being exposed by the white house in the
vindictive move against her husband) a lifer in the CIA. And I have never
heard this mentioned, but that means that when he was the deputy US
ambassador to Iraq in 1998 - 1991 prior to the first US war (which he
helped engineer on the diplomatic front), that he brought his wife, A CIA
AGENT also into Iraq under the cover of diplomatic immunity! When diplomats
are accused of spying, the US always denies that such a thing is possible,
that these are separated functions. Ha! That means that the CIA had a
direct plant right in Baghdad who couldn't be touched and could smuggle
whatever she wanted out of Iraq in the ambassador's pouch.

Not just Iraq, but he had several other diplomatic assignments, presumably
also bringing along and giving cover to his wife, the career CIA agent:

I'm sorry I don't have any inside info about his JC Wilson International
Ventures Corp. but I don't think I'll be doing business with them! I
imagine he's making lots of money using his expertise gained through his
wife's CIA activities in every African country where he had a diplomatic
post. I hope you can dig up some more dirt on him before he appears at this
conference. But the bottom line is that he was or is a CIA agent, and
withheld from the public crucial information that would have countered the
Bush war drive against Iraq.

- Jeff

 as part of the Africa Utilities 
'Power Indaba' Conference 
that has raised some concerns. Does anyone have anything interesting to 
tell us about Wilson so we understand context?


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Re: [Marxism] Query: Viietnam bombing

2010-01-22 Thread Tom O'Lincoln
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Thanks to everyone who responded. sartesian gets the elephant stamp for 
finding just what I needed. 

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[Marxism] Query: Viietnam bombing

2010-01-21 Thread Tom O'Lincoln
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It's commonly said that  more bombs were dropped on Vietnam during that war 
than in all of World War II. Can anyone suggest an authoritative source for 
this -- one I can footnote?


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Re: [Marxism] Query: Viietnam bombing

2010-01-21 Thread S. Artesian
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Check this:


Page 3:
We exploit a uniquely data-rich historical episode to estimate the impact of 
war on long-run

economic performance, the U.S. bombing of Vietnam (what Vietnamese call the 
American War). The

Indochina War, centered in Vietnam, was the most intense episode of aerial 
bombing in human history:

the United States Air Force dropped in Indochina, from 1964 to August 15, 
1973, a total of 6,162,000

tons of bombs and other ordnance. U.S. Navy and Marine Corps aircraft 
expended another 1,500,000 tons

in Southeast Asia. This tonnage far exceeded that expended in World War II 
and in the Korean War. The

U.S. Air Force consumed 2,150,000 tons of munitions in World War II - 
1,613,000 tons in the European

Theater and 537,000 tons in the Pacific Theater - and 454,000 tons in the 
Korean War (Clodfelter 1995).

Thus Vietnam War bombing represented at least three times as much (by 
weight) as both European and

Pacific theater World War II bombing combined, and about thirteen times 
total tonnage in the Korean

War. Given the prewar Vietnamese population of approximately 32 million, 
U.S. bombing translates into

hundreds of kilograms of explosives per capita during the conflict.

- Original Message - 
From: Tom O'Lincoln suar...@alphalink.com.au

 It's commonly said that  more bombs were dropped on Vietnam during that 
 than in all of World War II. Can anyone suggest an authoritative source 
 this -- one I can footnote?


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Re: [Marxism] Query on British historiography

2009-09-19 Thread Paddy Apling
Lou is showing rather a isolationist view of WWII here, without any 
conception of the European view of WWII - which although it started in 1939 
as a simple war between Germany and Britain and France brought about as what 
one might well say was a richly deserved result of the appeasement, even 
encouragement, of fascism from 1933 through the Nazi occupation of Austria 
and Czechoslovakia, etc.  by the British and French ruling classes (large 
sections of which were strong supporters of Franco, and a not inconsiderable 
numbers supporters of Hitler)- well demonstrated with the readiness with 
which the French ruling class formed a puppet government under the Nazis, 
the war became - well before the entry of USA into WWII as a result of the 
Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour - became, certainly from 1941, if not 
before, a war of liberation, and inherently an anti-fascist struggle.

No wonder it was supported by the whole of the working classes of Europe.

Churchill, of course, was well-known as an anti-semite, and a vicious 
opponent of the working class and its organisations, and virulently 
anti-communist and anti-soviet.   BUT he became Prime Minister in what 
amounted to a coup in 1940 by the section of the ruling class which were not 
supporters of fascism and IMMEDIATELY after the Nazi attack on the Soviet 
Union his patriotism overcame his anti-communist virulence to the extent 
that the the following day announced his country and the Soviet Union as 

From then on there could be no doubt that WWII was a just war, a war of 
liberation against fascism - and anyone who now seeks to dispute that is 
effectively a holocaust denier.

Bringing the Bengal famine into the argument is a red herring.  British 
communists - and indeed the working class movement in Britain generally, 
were active throughout the war - and before -  in promoting the 
anti-colonial struggle; but all direct contact with Marxists in India were 
effectively impossible during the war - though the representative of the 
Indian Congress, Krishna Menon, was speaker at many many public meetings 
organised during the war - and many on the left were advocating the handing 
over of power before the end of the war.

The  assessment of Churchill by the British working class as a war leader 
who, in general deserved support for the time, but was inherently an enemy 
of the working class was clearly shown in the general election, which 
followed shortly after the Nazi surrender - when Churchill and his party 
were rejected in a landslide (an election in which I, as a troop officer in 
2nd Armoured Brigade, but still under 21, did not have a vote - but you can 
bet your bottom dollar that most of those in the Brigade old enough to have 
a vote rejected Churchill, as did the majority of the working class back 

What happened in the ensuing years, with the Labour government coming more 
and more under the thumbs of Washington, until it too was rejected by the 
electorate, is another story 


- Original Message - 
From: Louis Proyect l...@panix.com
To: e.c.apl...@btinternet.com
Sent: Friday, September 18, 2009 10:53 PM
Subject: Re: [Marxism] Query on British historiography

 Paul Flewers wrote:
 The Second World War was the last time that Britain played anything like 
 major role on a world scale, and I guess that the endless commemorating 
 it here is at least in part an unconscious recognition of this.

 After more furniture busting than has been seen since the barroom fight
 in Shane, the comments on Stalin Nostalgia and Churchill Nostalgia
 have died down on my blog.

 I don't want to stir things up there again, but do want to offer another
 thought about it here where belief in a Good War is less entrenched

 It seems that both sides in the debate agree that Churchill was fighting
 an imperialist war but Newman and company argue that this was secondary
 to the need to defeat Hitler. Every effort had to be bent toward
 mobilizing the working class for a militant war against Hitler, even if
 it was under the stewardship of a dog like Churchill.

 That poses the question of the responsibilities of Marxists. How in the
 world can a pro-war revolutionary current possibly not agitate around
 all the terrible things that the British ruling class was up to? For
 example, I have been harping on Bengal. If Indian Communists told their
 British comrades what was going on, it would be *criminal* not to mount
 demonstrations against the policies that led to a famine that would kill
 3 million Indians. Remaining silent around such issues would of course
 be dictated by the need to get everybody on a war footing and follow the
 military/political machine but it would end up discrediting the
 revolutionary pro-war left.

 Which of course is what happened in the USA. If a parallel process took
 place in Britain, that would be an interesting topic to research but I

Re: [Marxism] Query on British historiography

2009-09-19 Thread Shane Mage

On Sep 19, 2009, at 1:53 PM, Paddy Apling wrote:

 ...From then [June 22, 1941] on there could be no doubt that WWII  
 was a just war, a war of
 liberation against fascism - and anyone who now seeks to dispute  
 that is
 effectively a holocaust denier.

Anyone who claims that the firestorm bombings of Hamburg, Berlin,  
Dresden, Tokyo, Hiroshima, Nagasaki, etc., etc., were part of a just  
war; any one who claims that the Bengal famine was part of a just  
war; is literally, not effectively, denying a holocaust.

Shane Mage

 This cosmos did none of gods or men make, but it
 always was and is and shall be: an everlasting fire,
 kindling in measures and going out in measures.

 Herakleitos of Ephesos

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Re: [Marxism] Query on British historiography

2009-09-19 Thread Politicus E.
Paddy Apling wrote: Bringing the Bengal famine into the argument is a
red herring. British
communists - and indeed the working class movement in Britain generally,
were active throughout the war - and before - in promoting the
anti-colonial struggle; but all direct contact with Marxists in India were
effectively impossible during the war - though the representative of the
Indian Congress, Krishna Menon, was speaker at many many public meetings
organised during the war - and many on the left were advocating the handing
over of power before the end of the war.

This remark is not only philistine:  It suggests that Comrade Apling
is an ignoramus.  As a general rule, you should keep mum concerning
matters such that your knowledge is that of a dilettante.

I apologize to the comrades for my outburst, but it was impossible to
allow such a remark to pass.


In the tender annals of Political Economy, the idyllic reigns from
time immemorial ... the present year of course always excepted.
-- A German refugee, circa 1867 --


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Re: [Marxism] Query on British historiography

2009-09-19 Thread Gary MacLennan
I suppose it must be my age showing but have a fascination with this topic I
must confess and it is good to see Paddy take a part in the thread.

WW2 is a complex phenomenon and it is unfortunate that Trotsky did not live
long enough to make a definitive contribution to its analysis.  I am away
from my library so I cannot check on Deutscher's writing about Trotksy's
views.  From memory Trotsky began by saying WW2 was a continuation of WW1
but there was I believe  a but in his analysis and unfortunately we were
not to get what he thought the but was.

What I think is happening in this thread is that we are debating the but.
Unlike we Marxists the revisionist historians, like Niall Ferguson,  have
nothing negative to say about imperialist wars.  They want more of them.
But they tend to see that the compromises Churchill had to make weakened the
British Empire.

For the right the key compromises were the alliance with Russia and even
more important the accepting of junior status vis a vis American
Imperialism.   Despite his disavowals and the maneuverings of people like
Ernest Bevin, it was Churchill who at his Atlantic summit meeting with FDR,
who agreed to accepting inferior role for the mighty British.  And needless
to say the Americans have been cashing in on the Churchillian promises ever

However there was  a leftist dimensions to the Churchillian compromises and
Paddy has outlined some of these.  I would say that the biggest compromise
Churchill made was his probably very reluctant acceptance of the Beveridge
Report of 1942. However as Paddy pointed out the British public did not
trust Churchill with the implementation of the Beveridge Report which had
recommended the establishment of a welfare state and gave him short shrift
at the 1945 election.

Now of course the Atlee government was undermined by Washington, but folk
like Ernest Bevin did not need much undermining. However the most important
point is that not only Churchill compromised during WW2, the left also
compromised when it agreed to have Churchill as the national leader.
Moreover it was the sort of inter-class compromise that was to determine the
shape of post WW2 Britain.  Of course inter class compromises were the very
stuff that Stalinism was made of and when pray tell did they ever work?

On second thoughts - don't answer that, unlike Lou I do not have the
courage to face the arguments that would follow.



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Re: [Marxism] Query on British historiography

2009-09-18 Thread Paul Flewers
Re Lou P's query: I ought to know more about this, but from what I know the
British revisionist historians tend to be right-wingers who feel that
Churchill's line brought Britain unnecessarily into a war with Germany, and
as a result lost its Empire. They feel that Britain could have stayed out of
a war with Germany, and thereby maintained its global position.

The myth of the 'good war' remains very strong in Britain, and, as the case
of Andy Newman shows, it can even attract those who at one point adhered to
an anti-war position. Churchill was canny enough to incorporate much Popular
Front verbiage in his presentations; the soft left therefore thinks that
this made the war 'theirs'. Hence their fond memories.

Even today -- indeed, I'd say especially today -- one can't get away from
the war, even though it ended 64 years ago and anyone fighting in it must be
over 80 years old now. Practically any excuse is enough to get someone
trying to commemorate something or somebody; every night on the telly there
will be someone rabbiting on about some aspect or another about the war.

The Second World War was the last time that Britain played anything like a
major role on a world scale, and I guess that the endless commemorating of
it here is at least in part an unconscious recognition of this.

Paul F

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Re: [Marxism] Query on Eastern Europe teachers

2009-09-16 Thread Lena Corner
Thank you Louis
You are very helpful.

best wishes

On 16 Sep 2009, at 14:29, Louis Proyect wrote:

 Lena Corner wrote:
 Thank you very much.
 I think it got no replies.
 Have you any bright ideas where else would be a good place to search?

 best and thanks for all your help

 Lena, I am repeating your query. Maybe this will jog people's  
 Also, you might want to post this query to Johnson's Russia List:


 Hello Louis

 I am writing from a production company in London called Shady Lane
 Productions, just carrying out some research into a documentary  
 I am working on.

 I am trying to track down some Marxism teachers who worked in the
 Eastern Bloc prior to 1989.

 I wondered if this is anything you would know or about or be able to
 help me with.

 If you need more information please let me know and I can elaborate on
 the project.

 Best wishes

 Lena Corner

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[Marxism] Query regarding suspicious activity on my blog

2009-09-11 Thread Politicus E.
Dear comrades:

I have a question that hopefully those comrades who are more internet
savvy than I might answer.

I recently posted a blog entry entitled Indian's Favourite Fascist,
Again.  That blog entry has been exceptionally popular in the sense
that it has got almost 200 reads, by far the most I have got of any
piece to date.

But I noticed something peculiar about the pattern of hits.  There is
an IP address that hits the blog exactly every 30 mins, at the top of
each hour, and at 30 mins. past the hour.  I cannot determine the
originating IP address, except that it is from within the U.S.
perhaps.  I also know that this has been going on for about 24 hours.
This strikes me as rather strange and I have no hypothesis that can
account for my observation.

Does something have ideas about what might be the source, and why this
is happening?


In the tender annals of Political Economy, the idyllic reigns from
time immemorial ... the present year of course always excepted.
-- A German refugee, circa 1867 --


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Re: [Marxism] Query regarding suspicious activity on my blog

2009-09-11 Thread Bhaskar Sunkara
On my way out sorry for the brevity, but it might be simply a bot.  Send 
me an email with the IP and I'll give it a lookup for you.

Politicus E. wrote:
 Dear comrades:

 I have a question that hopefully those comrades who are more internet
 savvy than I might answer.

 I recently posted a blog entry entitled Indian's Favourite Fascist,
 Again.  That blog entry has been exceptionally popular in the sense
 that it has got almost 200 reads, by far the most I have got of any
 piece to date.

 But I noticed something peculiar about the pattern of hits.  There is
 an IP address that hits the blog exactly every 30 mins, at the top of
 each hour, and at 30 mins. past the hour.  I cannot determine the
 originating IP address, except that it is from within the U.S.
 perhaps.  I also know that this has been going on for about 24 hours.
 This strikes me as rather strange and I have no hypothesis that can
 account for my observation.

 Does something have ideas about what might be the source, and why this
 is happening?



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Re: [Marxism] Query regarding suspicious activity on my blog

2009-09-11 Thread Les Schaffer
re/ in-addr.arpa see: http://www.freesoft.org/CIE/Course/Section2/15.htm

send your logs offlist and i will take a look, gotta run ...


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[Marxism] Query on British historiography

2009-09-09 Thread Louis Proyect
Andy Newman, the Socialist Unity blogger, has posted a number of 
articles recently that can best be described as pro-WWII, for lack of a 
better term. In other words, it is the classic CP position even though 
Newman has not exactly been associated with the CP.

One article is distinctly odd. Festooned with a picture of the dreadful 
Winston Churchill, it characterizes him as a virtual Lincoln leading a 
war of social emancipation that led to the decolonization of India, 
bolstering of trade unions in Britain, etc.

My question is whether there has ever been a revisionist tendency in 
Britain that is the counterpart of William A. Williams, Gar Alperovitz, 
Gabriel Kolko et al in the USA? Was the fact of Britain remaining a 
peripheral player in Vietnam an influence on British historians in not 
getting to the root of imperialist war? Did the continuing respect 
accorded the CP historian's school (Hobsbawm, Hill, Thompson) cause 
younger historians to be more respectful to the Good War than was 
appropriate? Etc., etc.

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