Re: [Marxism] The Anatomy of Teabagging

2010-04-18 Thread Shane Mage
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On Apr 18, 2010, at 11:35 AM, S. Artesian wrote:
> No, I'm saying what I was saying-- that to argue that the TP  
> movement exists
> or exerts an attraction because there is no strong left movement in  
> the US
> is incorrect.  I am not arguing that it exists because there is a  
> strong
> movement.

But why agree that such a "movement" exists?  There seems to be no  
more "reality" in it than in any other "reality show" on FOX and its  
consoeurs, and it was FOX that invented the traveling clown show known  
as the TP.  The TP serves three purposes (apart from the comic  
relief)--it gratifies Murdoch's ego as well as his finances, it makes  
the corporate hack serving as president look (relatively) less like a  
puppet, and it gives the Liberal Idiocracy something to get its  
knickers in a twist over while they go on supporting the Ubu-lite scam  
in Washington.

Shane Mage

The communist creed: From each according to his ability, to each  
according to his need.   The  
capitalist creed: From each according to his gullibility, to each  
according to his greed.

Joe Stack (1956-2010)

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Re: [Marxism] The Anatomy of Teabagging

2010-04-18 Thread Greg McDonald
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On Sun, Apr 18, 2010 at 11:26 AM, brad bauerly  wrote:

> Greg- I can not begin to unravel what that guy was posting on FB.  The
> only thing I can say is that he makes a reference to his business,
> which probably means he is bourgeois or PB.  So fuck him.

My point exactly. And why pretend? He's PB. Which raises the point re.
class composition of the Teabaggers. If many or even most are white
people in precarious middle class economic situations, you can bet any
amount of money they will be dragged kicking and screaming in protest
of becoming working class. And they will lash out at the most absurd
scapegoats imaginable, rather than challenging the overall system.
This is because their class position has made them individualistic and
greedy, with predilections toward racist diatribes. There you have
it--the three poisons of Buddhism all in one: greed, hatred, and

I posted the Chomsky vid in deference to Mark and his talk it out
strategy. I think it is useful for helping to rescue a few folks here
and there from the clutches of nativism and fascism, but most people's
irrational emotions tend to override clear thinking, especially when
they are already prone to being in denial in the first place.


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Re: [Marxism] The Anatomy of Teabagging

2010-04-18 Thread S. Artesian
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No, I'm saying what I was saying-- that to argue that the TP movement exists 
or exerts an attraction because there is no strong left movement in the US 
is incorrect.  I am not arguing that it exists because there is a strong 

I am stating to make such an argument "no strong left, ergo tea party" is to 
provide an ideological excuse rather than a concrete analysis.

The TP movement exists because it is bankrolled by the bourgeoisie, or a 
sector of the bourgeoisie, that want it to exist not because the left is 

I am using the analogy of the "fascists would really be sympathetic to 
communism, if only we were a better organized, stronger movement" to point 
out the absurdity of that view.

There is, after all, a convergence of history and logic.  We call that 
convergence dialectic.

- Original Message - 
From: "brad bauerly"  

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Re: [Marxism] The Anatomy of Teabagging

2010-04-18 Thread Vicki White
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On 4/18/10, brad bauerly  wrote:
> ==
> Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
> ==
> S. Artesian wrote:
>>I do not agree that many people sympathize with the TP because there is no
>>left alternative.  That's a myth.  That's an ideological analysis, not a
>>material analysis.  It's like saying lots of people sympathize with the
>>fascists because there isn't a communist alternative, when exactly the
>>reverse is the case... lots of people sympathize with the fascists
>> precisely
>>because there is a "communist alternative."
> --
> Are you really saying that people sympathize with the TP because there
> is a strong left in the US?  That's assbackwards.  Jeffery is correct
> up to a point.  We shouldn't attempt to win over TPers, but we should
> build a left that can offer an alternative to their nonsense to stop
> further workers moving in the TP direction.
> Brad
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Re: [Marxism] The Anatomy of Teabagging

2010-04-18 Thread brad bauerly
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Greg- I can not begin to unravel what that guy was posting on FB.  The
only thing I can say is that he makes a reference to his business,
which probably means he is bourgeois or PB.  So fuck him.

Let's pretend though that he was a worker.  Should we deny him his
exploited position in society because he is clearly a xenophobic
racist as Mark Lause would suggest.  Or should we see him as a
misguided worker who doesn't have a clear understanding of capitalism,
which would mean we need to talk about class more, not race or
immigration, so that workers like him can begin to see things in class
terms and not blame other workers for capitals problems.  I am not
saying that it is easy, but it is necessary (and hardly liberal).


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Re: [Marxism] The Anatomy of Teabagging

2010-04-18 Thread brad bauerly
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S. Artesian wrote:
>I do not agree that many people sympathize with the TP because there is no
>left alternative.  That's a myth.  That's an ideological analysis, not a
>material analysis.  It's like saying lots of people sympathize with the
>fascists because there isn't a communist alternative, when exactly the
>reverse is the case... lots of people sympathize with the fascists precisely
>because there is a "communist alternative."
Are you really saying that people sympathize with the TP because there
is a strong left in the US?  That's assbackwards.  Jeffery is correct
up to a point.  We shouldn't attempt to win over TPers, but we should
build a left that can offer an alternative to their nonsense to stop
further workers moving in the TP direction.


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Re: [Marxism] The Anatomy of Teabagging

2010-04-18 Thread brad bauerly
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Mark wrote:
>Actually, in saying this, brad is himself climbing on board with the
>current fad among the Democrats...which is precisely what brad's
>arguing here.  I heard Arianna Huffington whinging on about this just
>the other day on MSNBC.
O.K. Mark time to back up some of this shit with some sources.  Where
exactly did Huffington say that by focusing on just the Racism we miss
the real class issues of the TP?  Also you said this is a current fad
among Dems so can you give us some other sources where you heard this
argument by Dems?  Finally, can you show me where I switched positions
and started 'climbing on board' this idea, instead of it being what I
have been stating all along?

Mark again:
>As to brad's call for a class analysis, Marxism sees class in terms of
>self-consciousness not objective sociological categories.  In calling
>for a "good class based analyses" that "cuts right through ideology,"
>brad is suggesting something crudely sociological...and quite
>acceptably liberal.

What 'Marxism' sees class as determined by self-consciousness not
material terms?  And how is calling for class analysis liberal?


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Re: [Marxism] The Anatomy of Teabagging

2010-04-17 Thread Mark Lause
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My last post of the day...Number 5, I think

Ditto to S. Artesian and Chris.

You have to build a movement to draw people to the Left.  That's your
best shot at ever getting people who aren't now remotely sympathetic
to the Left.  And the active teapartybaggers who actually go to things
are just that  Saying that we're not willing to build a movement
unless we want to spend quality time with people not remotely
sympathetic to the Left is just sophistry.  Worse, it makes me think
I'm trying to explain to kids about the light in the refrigerator.

Oh, here's an article on the local event, where Joe the Plumber called
for shooting immigrants..

After attending this event, several very enthusiastic students stopped
by to share their insights.  They repeated everything said there.  As
always, we talked through the issues, and I seemed to make some
progress with them.  However, as has been the case in the past, the
minute someone they actually respect--someone the media tells them to
respect--calls again for shooting immigrants, it'll be as though we
have never had those discussions.

Build a movement of progressive people around progressive values...a
movement of people who respect themselves and are learning to respect
their own judgments and it will be contagious.  That is, people will
learn to trust their own judgments and ideas rather than to cheer
low-grade morons such as Joe the Plunger.


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Re: [Marxism] The Anatomy of Teabagging

2010-04-17 Thread S. Artesian
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We don't agree on that.  We agree with what Chris proposed, which places the 
TP way down the list of priorities, and requiring different tactics rather 
than a "fraternal" embrace.

I do not agree that many people sympathize with the TP because there is no 
left alternative.  That's a myth.  That's an ideological analysis, not a 
material analysis.  It's like saying lots of people sympathize with the 
fascists because there isn't a communist alternative, when exactly the 
reverse is the case... lots of people sympathize with the fascists precisely 
because there is a "communist alternative."
- Original Message - 
From: "Jeffrey Thomas Piercy" 
To: "David Schanoes" 
Sent: Saturday, April 17, 2010 4:23 PM
Subject: Re: [Marxism] The Anatomy of Teabagging 

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Re: [Marxism] The Anatomy of Teabagging

2010-04-17 Thread Jeffrey Thomas Piercy
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On 04/17/2010 01:11 PM, S. Artesian wrote:
> the movement as a social movement should not be viewed as an opportunity to 
> "win" angry people over to the left.

But if we agree that many people sympathize with the Tea Party because
there's no Left alternative, because the Tea Parties are the only game
in town for those fed up with the US government... Then isn't winning
these people over exactly what we want to do?

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Re: [Marxism] The Anatomy of Teabagging

2010-04-17 Thread S. Artesian
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I can agree with CH also.  The point ML was making was not to avoid talking 
to individuals who express some vague sympathy or agreement with some of the 
abstractions the the TP flogs as advertising, but that the TP supporters, 
the movement as a social movement should not be viewed as an opportunity to 
"win" angry people over to the left.

Big difference.  All the difference.
- Original Message - 
From: "brad bauerly"  

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Re: [Marxism] The Anatomy of Teabagging

2010-04-17 Thread Mark Lause
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brad bauerly  wrote:
> I also don't know if we should be on board with the
> Democrats in labeling this whole movement racist and only racist
> driven.  There are real issues of class that are getting brushed over
> by both the TP and the Democrats, which is where marxist are supposed
> to offer a little bit of analysis that goes deeper than the ideology.
> At its best, good class based analyses cuts right through ideology.

Actually, in saying this, brad is himself climbing on board with the
current fad among the Democrats...which is precisely what brad's
arguing here.  I heard Arianna Huffington whinging on about this just
the other day on MSNBC.

As to brad's call for a class analysis, Marxism sees class in terms of
self-consciousness not objective sociological categories.  In calling
for a "good class based analyses" that "cuts right through ideology,"
brad is suggesting something crudely sociological...and quite
acceptably liberal.


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Re: [Marxism] The Anatomy of Teabagging

2010-04-17 Thread Greg McDonald
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On Sat, Apr 17, 2010 at 3:10 PM, brad bauerly  wrote:

> I do think we need to understand the source of the TP in material
> terms though and then see the ideological layer on top of it, not the
> other way round.  I also don't know if we should be on board with the
> Democrats in labeling this whole movement racist and only racist
> driven.  There are real issues of class that are getting brushed over
> by both the TP and the Democrats, which is where marxist are supposed
> to offer a little bit of analysis that goes deeper than the ideology.
> At its best, good class based analyses cuts right through ideology.  I
> also fear the impact on those elements that were becoming
> disillusioned with the Dems by Obama being pushed back into the Dems
> arms.

The last point you make is certainly a good one, but the relationship
between economic crisis, class mobility, and racism is hardly
difficult to unravel. You have middle class people losing their former
economic status and scapegoating people of color. As usual. Let me
provide you with an example, this from a guy who wrote into my FB

"legalizing them (immigrants) would annihilate the remaining US
economy far into the next two generations. And one lovely Honduran
illegal immigrant gang has punched me in my face where I work, and
promised a stabbing if I continue to operate my business in the face
of competing with the 28 members of their clan, all illegal aliens.
Fuck them, they are violent barbarians. They have no respect for
anyone or anything. Goodwill industries had to hire off duty police to
ban them for life for threatening other customers with box cutter
knives. They have been terrorizing the entire Pacific NW thrift store
circuit for years now."

Care to unravel that? When he speaks of annihilation, he's obviously
thinking of his own potential economic and perhaps physical


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Re: [Marxism] The Anatomy of Teabagging

2010-04-17 Thread brad bauerly
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Hutch wrote:
>The real question is if there are elements of the working class in the
>tea party why should our movement reach out to the most backward
>layers who are openly racist, homophobic, etc. I prefer to organize
>with immigrant workers who represent the future vanguard of the
>working class or the youth on college campuses who are becoming
>increasingly disillusioned after being politicized around the Obama
>election. We should be reaching out to these folks and once the
>movement is big and vibrant the tea party people who are workers will
>either join with us or will remain reactionary. Those who would remain
>in the tea party won't matter to us anyway. There is no shortcut to
>building a movement. But certainly our movement will not grow in a
>healthy direction if we put out the welcome mat to racist elements.

>In solidarity,
I can agree with this.  I never said that we should reach out to the
TP. But I do think there is a lot of potential in the formerly middle
income group (not the TPers already) going into the future.  They have
been baring a large portion of the impact of the crisis and are
potentially open to the claims of the TP.

I hope I didn't come across as an apologist for racism either, that
was not my intention.  If I did, I am sorry and I was wrong.

I do think we need to understand the source of the TP in material
terms though and then see the ideological layer on top of it, not the
other way round.  I also don't know if we should be on board with the
Democrats in labeling this whole movement racist and only racist
driven.  There are real issues of class that are getting brushed over
by both the TP and the Democrats, which is where marxist are supposed
to offer a little bit of analysis that goes deeper than the ideology.
At its best, good class based analyses cuts right through ideology.  I
also fear the impact on those elements that were becoming
disillusioned with the Dems by Obama being pushed back into the Dems


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Re: [Marxism] The Anatomy of Teabagging

2010-04-16 Thread Christopher Hutchinson
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The real question is if there are elements of the working class in the
tea party why should our movement reach out to the most backward
layers who are openly racist, homophobic, etc. I prefer to organize
with immigrant workers who represent the future vanguard of the
working class or the youth on college campuses who are becoming
increasingly disillusioned after being politicized around the Obama
election. We should be reaching out to these folks and once the
movement is big and vibrant the tea party people who are workers will
either join with us or will remain reactionary. Those who would remain
in the tea party won't matter to us anyway. There is no shortcut to
building a movement. But certainly our movement will not grow in a
healthy direction if we put out the welcome mat to racist elements.

In solidarity,

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Re: [Marxism] The Anatomy of Teabagging

2010-04-16 Thread Mark Lause
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I don't know if anybody posted this piece on the tea partyers yet:
"White Nationalism on the March."

The phenomena is a bit more complex than this Black Agenda Report
presents it, but aren't all phenomena more complex than can fit easily
into a short article?

They've hit the nail pretty much on the head, and I do look forward to
hearing that those "Marxists" who have a bone to pick over this
straightening these folks out


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Re: [Marxism] The Anatomy of Teabagging

2010-04-16 Thread S. Artesian
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You're assuming these are workers.  I make no such assumption. The actions 
I'm talking about include using racial epithets against  John Lewis, a man 
who suffered beatings, death threats, arrest for refusing to accept the 
poverty and discrimination imposed on African-Americans.   That makes the 
participants in that demonstration racists.  This "movement" is animated, 
sustained by its racism... by the "take back our country" theme, taking it 
back because an African-American was elected president.  That's what that 
means.  If you can't read that coded language, then you need to do a bit 
more research.

As for "judging" people, Greg answered that.  I don't have to make up these 
judgements.  These people advertise their racism.

Regarding "ideology" and "class,"  in the auto unions in Detroit various 
right-wing organizations, including the KKK, had supporters.  Those KKK 
supporters were angry people too, angry about the wrong things, but angry, 
as were the supporters of George Wallace.  That's white petit-bourgeois 
anger... that's the anger of white workers who, with greater seniority due 
to racism want to maintain their lock on higher paying positions.  That's 
the anger of those people who moved out of Detroit and into Dearborn, Mich. 
where, in the rebellion of 1967, the mayor had the police cruising the 
border streets in APC's.

How many of these angry people who object to "big capital" and banks came 
out to support the workers at Republic Window when they took over their 
factory and wanted Bank of America to extend the credit lines to the 
company?  How many of these angry people expressed their anger at Wall 
Street by supporting the Stella D'Oro workers in NYC?  Not a fucking one. 
So don't tell me how angry, but confused, these people are.  They may be 
angry, but they know which side they're on.  It's the side they show up for. 
It's the side opposite ours.

- Original Message - 
From: "brad bauerly"  

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Re: [Marxism] The Anatomy of Teabagging

2010-04-16 Thread brad bauerly
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Mark wrote:
>Gee, brad, didn't you already know the material basis of their anger.

No, I have no idea.  Since we can't learn anything from polls,
according to you, how are we to understand what the majority of them
are so pissed about?

S.Artesian wrote:
>You didn't answer the questions.  Have you ever been at a meeting where these 
>goons show up?  Have you seen the videotape of them spitting at and
>slandering the former leader of SNCC?
Yes and Yes.  I also have some old friends and relatives who were Ron
Paul supporters and now TPers.  They are not racists, nor petty
bourgeois (since we are going to get all anecdotal with our analysis).
 They are confused but not fascists. Not sure if I personally would
draw concrete conclusions from limited examples.

S. Artesian wrote:
>  The fact that I think their ACTIONS define their politics rather than some 
> vague notion of "understanding them in material terms" says it all.

>"The material source of their anger"?  You want to know what that is, what 
>that material source is, besides the money being funnelled to them by the
>people who always funnel money to these clowns?  The material source is that 
>an African-American actually, by some fluke, got elected president.

Whose actions are you talking about?  Do you like it when people draw
conclusions about your politics based on the CPUSA or some other
sectarian group?  I don't.  I don't judge large numbers of people
based on the actions of others.  Racism and racialisation is an
ideology.  You are making an ideological judgement, not a materialist
one.  Dismissing workers for their bourgeois serving ideology.  Huh.
Sounds like a solid marxist material analysis.


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Re: [Marxism] The Anatomy of Teabagging

2010-04-15 Thread Mark Lause
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The observations are interesting, but the essence of the approach confounds
the tea partiers as an activist force in the streets with what people are
saying to the pollster.

It's not the anatomy of a sheep, so to speak, but that of a picture of
someone who once thought they saw a sheep


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