Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Objective & Subjective (object and subject)

2010-03-23 Thread CeJ
And then among the non-Marxists, who proved more influential on such issues:

Brentano has often been described as an extraordinarily charismatic
teacher. Throughout his life he influenced a great number of students,
many of who became important philosophers and psychologists in their
own rights, such as Edmund Husserl, Alexius Meinong, Christian von
Ehrenfels, Anton Marty, Carl Stumpf, Kasimir Twardowski, as well as
Sigmund Freud. Many of his students became professors all over the
Austro-Hungarian Empire, Marty and Ehrenfels in Prague, Meinong in
Graz, and Twardowski in Lvov, and so spread Brentanianism over the
whole Austro-Hungarian Empire. Another of Brentano's students, Tomas
Masaryk, was to become founder and first President (from 1918 to 1935)
of the Republic of Czechoslovakia, where he created ideal conditions
for the study of Brentano's philosophy. These factors explain the
central role of Brentano in the philosophical development in central
Europe, especially in what was later called the Austrian Tradition in


When Brentano's students took up his notion of intentionality to
develop more systematic accounts, they often criticized it for its
unclarity regarding the ontological status of the intentional object:
if the intentional object is part of the act, it was argued, we are
faced with a duplication of the object. Next to the real, physical
object, which is perceived, remembered, thought of, etc., we have a
mental, intentional object, towards which the act is actually
directed. Thus, when I think about the city of Paris, I am actually
thinking of a mental object that is part of my act of thinking, and
not about the actual city. This view leads to obvious difficulties,
the most disastrous of which is that two persons can never be directed
towards one and the same object.

If we try to resolve the problem by taking the intentional object to
be identical with the real object, on the other hand, we face the
difficulty of explaining how we can have mental phenomena that are
directed towards non-existing objects such as Hamlet, the golden
mountain, or a round square. Like my thinking about the city of Paris,
all these acts are intentionally directed towards an object, with the
difference, however, that their objects do not really exist.

Brentano's initial formulation of the intentionality-thesis does not
address these problems concerning the ontological status of the
intentional object. The first attempt of Brentano's students to
overcome these difficulties was made by Twardowski, who distinguished
between content and object of the act, the former of which is immanent
to the act, the latter not. This distinction strongly influenced other
members of the Brentano School, mainly the two students for who the
notion of intentionality had the most central place, Meinong and

Meinong's theory of objects can best be understood as a reaction to
the ontological difficulties in Brentano's account. Rather than
accepting the notion of an immanent content, Meinong argues that the
intentional relation is always a relation between the mental act and
an object. In some cases the intentional object does not exist, but
even in these cases there is an object external to the mental act
towards which we are directed. According to Meinong, even non-existent
objects are in some sense real. Since we can be intentionally directed
towards them, they must subsist (bestehen). Not all subsisting objects
exist; some of them cannot even exist for they are logically
impossible, such as round squares. The notion of intentionality played
a central role also in Husserlian phenomenology. Applying his method
of the phenomenological reduction, however, Husserl addresses the
problem of directedness by introducing the notion of ‘noema,’ which
plays a role similar to Frege's notion of ‘sense.’

Brentano was not very fond of his students' attempts to resolve these
difficulties, mainly because he rejected their underlying ontological
assumptions. He was quick to point out that he never intended the
intentional object to be immanent to the act. Brentano thought that
this interpretation of his position was obviously absurd, for it would
be “paradoxical to the extreme to say that a man promises to marry an
ens rationis and fulfills his promise by marrying a real person”
(Psychology, 385). In later texts, he therefore suggested to see
intentionality as an exceptional form of relation. A mental act does
not stand in an ordinary relation to an object, but in a
quasi-relation (Relativliches). For a relation to exist, both relata
have to exist. A person a is taller than another person b, for
example, only if both a and b exist (and a is, in fact, taller than
b). This does not hold for the intentional quasi-relation, Brentano
suggests. A mental phenomenon can stand in a quasi-relation to an
object independent of whether it exists or not. Mental acts, thus, can
stand in

Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Objective & Subjective (object and subject)

2010-03-23 Thread CeJ

Having understood reflection as active reflection, having understood
cognitive operations as practical actions that have undergone special
change (this idea is being increasingly recognised both in the
methodology of science and the modern psychology of thought - suffice
it to mention the works of the Swiss psychologist Jean Piaget or the
studies by such Soviet psychologists as L. Vygotsky and A. Leontyev
and others) Marxist philosophy makes it possible, on the one hand, to
show the active role of the subject in the ideal reproduction of the
object, the part played in this process by ideal constructions, the
devising of patterns, models, abstract objects, etc., and, on the
other hand, to understand theory itself as a pattern of potential
means of operating With the object. This is not to say that any
theoretical operation may be interpreted as a possible form of
practical activity because the majority of theoretical operations have
no immediate practical significance (their objects-ideal, abstract,
etc.-can be presented only in symbolic form). Theory provides possible
means of practical activity to the extent to which the ideal
operations used in creating it can be linked with direct practical
operations, such as operations of experimentation and measurement,

which are particularly important for the theories of natural science
and endow theoretical concepts with concrete meaning. These practical
operations are a special form of practice, a special way of testing
and understanding theoretical scientific hypotheses. For modern works
on the methodology of the natural sciences it is axiomatic that the
evaluation of theoretical concepts presupposes the establishing of
certain empirical dependencies by means of situations reproduced by
practical experiment and also by the empirically established results
of these situations (this was expressed, although in a distorted,
subjectivistic form, by operationalism).

It is a notable fact that this dialectic of subject and object, though
characteristic of modern natural science, is not always given an
adequate philosophical interpretation by scientists themselves and
sometimes leads to subjectivist interpretations.

Consequently the mind is certainly not what happens inside me and to
me under the influence of external stimuli, but without them as such.
Without them, that is, without correlation at every instant of my
life-activity with the objectively existing world, my “inner world”
cannot exist. That which happens inside me but has no objective
representation outside me is not the mind. It is physiology,
biochemistry, anything you like, but not my inner mental world! My
“mental world” is above all the world of culture in which I live and
act; it is the real existence of nature assimilated by man, every
detail of which signifies for me that which it objectively represents.
In other words, my mental world is, in fact, the being, the existence
of which I am aware. And now let us return to the difficulty that
Bertrand Russell experienced in finding a criterion for distinguishing
dream from reality.


Those who even today believe that the riddle of the Self can be solved
by treating man as a machine that receives and processes information
want simply to feed endless streams of information about the world
into the ready-made body of the brain. In these pages I have tried to
show that both in the theory and practice of the formation of the
human personality things are far more complex. No, it is not a matter
of feeding some electronic device complicated enough to resemble the
human brain (or the brain itself) with a sufficient quantity of
information which is then processed according to the most complex
programmes. What has to be done is to guide the body that already
possesses such a “device” into real intercourse and activity. This is
the road to the making of the human Self, the Ego, all its attributes
and particularly its intellect. For intellect is determined by the
content of historically developing human culture and not the rapidity
of the algorithmised computing of the possible answers to a
pre-formulated problem.

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[Marxism-Thaxis] Objective & Subjective (object and subject)

2010-03-23 Thread CeJ
>>Objective & Subjective (object and subject)::

object refers to everything outside the human mind or the subject as human.
 Reality, say a tree, an automobile or the sun has an objective existence
outside  the human mind or the life of the human mind, not requiring or
owning its  existence to the mind. Marxism contends that social system -
capitalism, and  things existing outside the mind have an objective
existence and
contains  objective laws of operations. <<

1. So what then does the 'mind' contain?
2. What is the basis of the existence or subsistence of the mind and
its contents?
3. Aren't you missing out here on the Marxist tradition's insistence
on the 'relationship' between subject-object?
4. What is the basis of the existence or subsistence of such a 'relationship'?
5. What is the basis of our knowing all this to hold?

Marx seems to combine a form of realism and a form of pragmatism in
his rejection of idealism, but at this point in my life I'm not sure I
remember a very satisfactory working out of the issues in anything
Marx wrote. It seems more likely my understanding comes from Engels
and from Lenin (which makes me think 'deja vu' since we seem to
discuss a lot of the same philosophical issues over and over again).
Final point, for now anyway, about that feeling of going around and
around. Some of us go around in order to secure a better or at least
re-newed understanding of source material like Marx, Engels, Lenin,
etc. This leads to arguments over interpretation of their texts. This
also leads into arguments and discussions about how this or that
stream of Marxism was led astray and led others astray in its errancy
from said source texts.

On the other hand, some of us like such issues because not only do we
want to show our knowledge (or lack of , or lapses in memory of) of
source texts, we want to work out in some original or at least
underappreciated way fresh philosophical insights about the issues. If
we can't go as far backward or as far forward (depending on your
perspective) as Althusser on something like 'objective vs.
subjective', aren't we going to be a bit stale -- if not obtuse and
Or did the fact that Althusser suffered from depression and even
psychosis and murdered his wife-- and then also said things like when
he was doing his peak work he was actually just bullshitting and
stealing ideas from his students--does that negate the potential of
discussing his work? Or is it absurd to say that the reason we should
take statements like that seriously is because we never could take
anything he ever said or wrote seriously in the first place?

Sometimes the sentiments and goals get all mixed together and
confused.  I feel a new insight about Althusser's misreading of
Lenin's misreading of Marx's misreading of Hegelcoming on.


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[Marxism-Thaxis] Health care reform law and 'states' rights'

2010-03-23 Thread CeJ
I saw that no sooner had they finished one of the votes in the House
that commentary on TV was turning to
state AG's challenging the so-called reform on the basis of states'
rights--such as the AG of Utah.
I don't see how it violates states' rights (unless the law of the land
is that only states can violate individual rights and not the federal
government--such as slavery, Jim Crow South, union-busting/right to
work states).

But the interesting aspect to the new law is that it seems to require
individuals (as defined under the law, including small businesses and
corporations) to purchase health care coverage from for-profit
non-government providers. I have been trying to think of a precedent
for this and can't. It would be similar to the Republican-Democratic
initiative to re-make social security into individual retirement
accounts that have to be invested into 'markets' through for-profit
funds. But that hasn't taken place yet. OTOH, if the health care
mandate succeeds, I suppose it could be used to push forward with
'market reform' of social security.

As bullshit as this health care reform is, it seems to have created a
potential constitutional crisis.
Of course as for expanding federal aid to those who can't afford to
buy health cover, the Republican tactic will be to take back Congress
and pass new laws. They will no doubt increase subsidies to for-profit
providers and big pharmaceuticals while cutting 'entitlements' to

As for what the new law does, if it survives and if the Democrats
control Congress and the WH for awhile, all it does it keep the
for-profit health care bubble going for another 5 years.

Let's see, as for keeping bubbles going:

1. real estate--still going through all that 'liqudity' and the
federal government owning Freddie and Fannie
2. post-secondary education--still going through all that 'liquidity'
and the ability of the 'system' to exploit the labor of graduate
assistants, part-timers and adjunct faculty
3. stocks and bonds--still going through all that 'liqudity' and all
that debt being peddled as bonds
4. so add 'health care' to the list of Obamaccompishments

About the only way the changes in health care could result in
something 'progressive' would be for a big health care provider,
despite all that government subsidy, to go bust and have to be taken
over the way so many other things have been taken over by the federal
government in the past 2 years. Then the federal government could run
the federally owned health care provider with the same sort of
practical mandate as it does Freddie and Fannie.


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[Marxism-Thaxis] WL's glossary--a suggestion

2010-03-23 Thread CeJ
Why don't we put up the latest version of this at googledocs and
collaborate, 'wiki-style', on it? Then it could be published as a blog
or wiki.

Might prove after all that has been said that this list's regulars can
work together on something?

Discussing it over an old-fashioned list like this probably won't get very far.


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Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] To Socialism! How?

2010-03-23 Thread CeJ
RD: >>It seems everybody these days, however, is engaged in
attempts to characterize the capitalist system today and a
perspective to struggle beyond it. <<

It seems to me though that everybody is doing so in order to admonish
capitalists and their managers to do better capitalism, etc. blah
blah. Meanwhile we have 'socialists' telling us its our duty to
collaborate with still yet another warpig bullshit artist politician
(this time because his of his skin color--Obama transcends Gore and
Kerry because he is 'black').

A good point about the 'post-modernist horseshit' might be that no
matter how rooted in real-world struggles and communicative
interchange this stuff was in 1960-1980 (or in the elite education of
these 'thinkers' that took place in the 1940s and 1950s), it comes off
as obscurantist bullshit because we don't really know the people who
wrote this stuff, the people and texts they were constantly referring
to, or the political struggles of France and Italy at the time. Can
we, for example, really know how seriously Guattari took Lacan or how
dismissive Deleuze was of Lacan and why? Or why Negri thinks
post-modernism is horseshit while you think Negri is a post-modernist
horse turd, etc.? The same could be said for using 'Soviet' terms to
characterize mostly marginal struggles in American left-wing politics
of the 1920-1930s. The same could be said for the Russian Revolution
and the founding of the Soviet Union. The same, in fact, could be said
for Marx-Engels.
It's horseshit if we can't understand it.


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Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Objective & Subjective (object and subject)::

2010-03-23 Thread Waistline2

In a message dated 3/23/2010 2:11:41  P.M. Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

CB: Dave Moore:  "Carry on"  

Yep, that the flavor. You know more than you think. We simply have a  
different place in a division of labor. The things I cannot do I go on line and 
ask for help. 
What is needed is a federation of revolutionaries. No one has to surrender  
their particular ideological and theory bent. Fuck calling things a 
"Popular  Front" or a "united Front." 
If you do not do work in the electoral arena, then shut the fuck up. Accept 
 the reports of comrade who are involved in this work and then form an 
opinion.  In Detroit we have always discovered the means and ways to flow 
together and  this includes the Trotskyist crew. 
I never hated on Debs Hall or the SWP work. 
I do have a very strong opinion, but it is not relevant  in real work.  
Adhere to your group.  So what! That is the point of a federation. 
We take Lenin the wrong way, although he has been dead for a very long  
And yes, Dave Moore is part of a production line of literature in progress. 

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Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Objective & Subjective (object and subject)::

2010-03-23 Thread c b
> CB: My buddy, Bob King.
> Comment
> Bob's cool and at this point see himself as a one time president. He has
> invited all and anyone to come forth with new proposition on what to do in
> the  fight for the life of the trade union movement. This includes the Reds
> and  especially the Reds because no one else is in motion.
> Life is funny. Life is funny and the connections are historical for the
> working class. Bob King did his apprenticeship under my dad. Yep. We have
> watched his career from day one. Brother retired with 40 years seniority and 
> 15
>  as an International Representative of the UAW, so as a collective you and
> I know  everyone.

CB: You definitely know the UAW better than I.  From my limited
knowledge, I'd say King has the potential for moving the union to more
of a struggle position, especially in these objective conditions.

> The inexorable loop of life asserts itself. it is our time, right now. And
> our fight for the unity of a real class in real time is going to rewrite
> our  history.
> This shits more exiting than a one man band.
> The fear of Bob King is this: "Will he be to intellectual to lead the union
>  along another path."

CB: Yeah, He's a lawyer (smile).  He sure was at a lot of
demonstrations in the past. That's how he got to know me.

> This is a real fear not to be belittled. The only reason the historically
> reactionary mutherfuckers - "I don't reason  books but know everyone in my
> district and what they want and need" can be defeated is the depths of the
> economic crisis at this defining moment - as Obama puts things.

CB: Yeah, the objective conditions might push King to the left , and
his relatively left background might mean he doesn't resist the push.
He's from Detroit. The past couple of Presidents were from Grand
Rapids and somewhere else, no ?


> We are roughly at 1920 at a higher lever. What is different is that the
> communists forces are not predominately foreign born as was the case in  1919.
>  This is in the context of 343,000 auto workers of whom 70 - 75% were
> native born. Yet, by 1923 the first auto workers union had been formed.
> What did they do and how did they do this? This was under conditions of the
>  Palmer Raids ad witch hunts.

Phil Raymond, Party organizer in Detroit in the 20's. Carl Winter
organizer of the Ford Hunger March

W Licht - 1981

Communist influence in the automobile industry, 1920-1933: Paving the
way for an industrial union

> I reject the specific Leninist form and not political Leninism.

CB: I don't know (Rather Ralph doesn't know;smile) Seems to me
democratic centralism is common sense. What sense does it make to say
nobody has to abide by the decisions of the majority ? Why make any
decisions ? How can anything be done without that unity in action ?
You might as well not all be in the same party . Bourgeois parties
operate on democratic centralism.  The US Dems and Reps have
democratic centralism.

Russia didn't have or just got political parties at the time Lenin
wrote WITBD, because it was an _absolute_ monarchy.  All Lenin was
doing was teaching the Russian working class the rudiments of a party
in a democracy. The characterization of his democratic centralism as
something unique to the Bolsheviks is not accurate.

What specifically do you reject in the Leninist form.?


> Now is the time to be bold.
> Let us march on til victory is won
> Proletarians Unite.
> WL


CB: Dave Moore: "Carry on"

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[Marxism-Thaxis] Role of the individual in history:

2010-03-23 Thread Waistline2
Role of the individual in history: 
Individuals have roles in life big and small. The concept of the “role of  
the individual” defines the place of the individual within the objective,  
material processes going on in the world, a country, their community and  
identifies his or her active role in the change process. The individuals whose  
particular character offers what is required of a given stage or moment of  
history, or in a particular situation, moves the situation and history 
forward,  influences the form it takes, and offers the context for the masses 
play  their part more fully in making history. 

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Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Objective & Subjective (object and subject):: correction

2010-03-23 Thread Waistline2

In a message dated 3/23/2010 1:44:07 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

Let us march on til victory is won

Proletarians Unite. 
Let us march on til victory is one!

Proletarians Unite. 

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Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Objective & Subjective (object and subject)::

2010-03-23 Thread Waistline2

In a message dated 3/23/2010 1:28:37 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

CB: My buddy, Bob King.
Bob's cool and at this point see himself as a one time president. He has  
invited all and anyone to come forth with new proposition on what to do in 
the  fight for the life of the trade union movement. This includes the Reds 
and  especially the Reds because no one else is in motion. 
Life is funny. Life is funny and the connections are historical for the  
working class. Bob King did his apprenticeship under my dad. Yep. We have  
watched his career from day one. Brother retired with 40 years seniority and 15 
 as an International Representative of the UAW, so as a collective you and 
I know  everyone.
The inexorable loop of life asserts itself. it is our time, right now. And  
our fight for the unity of a real class in real time is going to rewrite 
our  history. 
This shits more exiting than a one man band.  
The fear of Bob King is this: "Will he be to intellectual to lead the union 
 along another path." 
This is a real fear not to be belittled. The only reason the historically  
reactionary mutherfuckers - "I don't reason  books but know everyone in my  
district and what they want and need" can be defeated is the depths of the  
economic crisis at this defining moment - as Obama puts things. 
We are roughly at 1920 at a higher lever. What is different is that the  
communists forces are not predominately foreign born as was the case in  1919. 
 This is in the context of 343,000 auto workers of whom 70 - 75% were  
native born. Yet, by 1923 the first auto workers union had been formed. 
What did they do and how did they do this? This was under conditions of the 
 Palmer Raids ad witch hunts. 
I reject the specific Leninist form and not political Leninism. 
Now is the time to be bold. 
Let us march on til victory is won
Proletarians Unite. 

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Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] To Socialism! How?

2010-03-23 Thread c b
On 3/23/10,  wrote:
> In a message dated 3/23/2010 11:36:40 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time,
> writes:
> CB; What are more of the specifics of Stalin's approach ?
> Reply
> Check out his articles in the 1920's on strategy and tactic of Russian
> communist and Concerning the question of strategy and tactics.

CB: Just give me a brief summary. What are the main concepts ?

> I think strategy and tactics will be left alone and opt out for the concept
>  of "line of march." The fear is that in 3 to five years we will be beyond
> this  is the real life process.
> WL.

CB: Well, lets plan away. We all know that the best laid plans of mice
and men often go astray. No harm is taking a chance on planning. But
one human difference is that we plan.

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Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Objective & Subjective (object and subject)::

2010-03-23 Thread c b
> CB: Lenin defines materialism as the belief in  the existence of
> objective reality, objective reality being defined as you do  above.
> Reply
> This mans go.

CB: I don't understand these words (smile)

> This glossary is being produced under the name Retried Workers Educational
> Forum, but this could change based solely on what is marketable.
> Everyone's contribution is going to be noted without question.
> Have not touched base with you since coming back in October because I have
> been on jam. Looks like Mack I and Mack Ii engine plant will be closed.
> :Less  than 200 workers in both plants. Expansion at Jefferson planned.
> Sterling  Assembly got a new lease on life. Ford is of course making money. 
> The
> Ford  workers rejected their contract and things are to come. UAW
> Constitutional  Convention in June. New President to be elected. CBTU 
> Convention coming
> up. Not  for me but my brother will attend. Maybe some new life can be
> breathed into  TULC; they just remodeled the joint. Lots of thangs happening
> including closing  44 schools in Detroit!


No" to a financial dictator on the City

by Shields Green

The unelected emergency financial manager at the Detroit Public
Schools system has demonstrated dictatorial characteristics. We must
preempt the threat of a financial dictator over the City of Detroit.

A financial manager usurps the powers of democratically elected
officials, in order to give priority to financial and Wall street
interests over the interests of city workers and citizens' city

But are city officials to blame for Detroit's financial and economic
crisis, such that their powers should be handed to a financial
dictator who represents private power ?

We live in a private enterprise system. This means that private
business leaders, not public officials, make the decisions that
determine the ups and downs of our economy. Detroit's financial crisis
is rooted in the problems of the city's auto-dependent economy.

The news media ignores this fact. Most recently, it has successfully
promoted a big lie in much of the public's minds: that City Council
members' alleged dishonesty and incompetence are the cause of the
city's deficit. This finally had a significant effect in this
November's election. The canard that the City Council is or was
largely unfit caught on with more voters than in the past. The result
was five new Council members, and a new mayor. But they are facing
exactly the same problem as their predecessors. And so will any
"financial manager."

Where should the money come from to fix Detroit's deficit? The federal
government. I say that without any hesitation. If Wall Street could be
bailed out to the tune of $11 trillion (as reported by the Financial
Times several months ago; the amount is probably more than that by
now), Detroit can be bailed out for $300 million or $400 million, or

Let me see if I can get the math precisely; check my decimal points. I
get that $400 million is around one 20,000th of $11 trillion.

Uh, can you spare one 20,000th of what you gave the rich bankers? And
you gave it to them, so we want it as a gift, not a loan. Bail out
Detroit as Wall Street was bailed out!

Notice that the biggest boys in the private sector were more broke
than Detroit, and they were bailed out by the mythically inefficient
public sector, Big Gov'ment. Some of that federal money (that they
gave the Wall Street banks) is our tax money, money from the people of

On another aspect of this mess, the main adverse effect of an
emergency financial manager in Detroit will be mass firing and wage
and benefit reductions for Detroit city workers. If I might be allowed
a little poetic license I'd channel former Mayor Coleman A. Young:
Bump that! If they can give the motherscratchers who bankrupted Wall
Street mega-bonuses, they can continue to pay basic wages and benefits
to Detroit workers, who provide average Americans with services at
least as important as financial services.

City worker jobs, government jobs, public jobs are real jobs.
Detroiters need jobs especially right now, decent jobs with good
benefits. Detroit workers losing jobs will add to the city's deficit
because of lost taxes from income and property. It will, of course,
put more Detroiters into economic dire straights.

 The Reaganite story that "government is big and bad, and free
enterprise is lean and mean" has been exposed as a big lie by the
bankruptcy of the private sector's largest corporations in the last
years. The "system threatening" bankruptcies of Wall Street and
General Motors should put an end to the notion of private enterprise's
superiority to public enterprise. The trouble is that the Press (oh
ye, of Bill of Rights fame) is privatized.

Speaking of "privatized," a big portion of the City of Detroit's work
is done in privatized contracts, a whole other can of worms by which a
larger percentage of taxpayers' money goes to private pro

Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Objective & Subjective (object and subject)::

2010-03-23 Thread c b
On 3/23/10,  wrote:
> In a message dated 3/23/2010 1:01:54 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time,
> writes:
> CB: Lenin defines materialism as the belief in  the existence of
> objective reality, objective reality being defined as you do  above.
> Reply
> This mans go.
> This glossary is being produced under the name Retried Workers Educational
> Forum, but this could change based solely on what is marketable.
> Everyone's contribution is going to be noted without question.
> Have not touched base with you since coming back in October because I have
> been on jam. Looks like Mack I and Mack Ii engine plant will be closed.
> :Less  than 200 workers in both plants. Expansion at Jefferson planned.
> Sterling  Assembly got a new lease on life. Ford is of course making money. 
> The
> Ford  workers rejected their contract and things are to come. UAW
> Constitutional  Convention in June. New President to be elected.

CB: My buddy, Bob King.


 CBTU Convention coming
> up. Not  for me but my brother will attend. Maybe some new life can be
> breathed into  TULC; they just remodeled the joint.

CB: Yeah. I went to a Christmas Party

 Lots of thangs happening
> including closing  44 schools in Detroit!

CB: Emergency financial manager, financial dictator.

Bing wants to "shrink" the City services,  abandon sections. No
emergency financial manager for Detroit

> 27,000 energy cut off. New deaths every week. A new section of workers
> entering the struggle. We have to tell the truth and something more than black
> and white unite and fight.

CB: See Danny Rubin  on strategy and tactics (smile)
Read the Michigan Citizen


 We are class brothers ands sisters.
> I love this shit.
> WL.

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Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Negation of the negation: let try this out

2010-03-23 Thread c b
 Ralph Dumain wrote:
> More to the point about the nature of capitalism:
> not only private property, but the separation of
> the worker from implements of production, control
> of labor process, and ultimately from knowledge
> and skills. Role of technological deployment in
> reducing worker to appendage of machines, etc.

CB: Oh, yeah, Engels doesn't understand any of that

> I'll have to see what else has been written on
> negation of negation that is usable. Engels' use
> of concept in dialectics of nature is total confusion and nonsense.

CB; It's so funny how Ralph always makes know-it-all, conclusory
assertions like this, but never, and I mean _never_ bothers to make
arguments for his conclusions. Ralph :"uhhh, take my word for it. I
know".Right.  Engels is confused and Ralph is clearheaded (laugh).


> I believe that Stalin omitted negation of
> negation and others approved of this.
> At 01:22 PM 3/23/2010, wrote:
> >In a message dated 3/23/2010 10:40:21 A.M.
> >Pacific Daylight Time, _cb31...@gmail.com_
> >(  writes: CB: He says
> >"capitalist production... begets its own
> >negation. WL: Correct. What is capitalist
> >production if not bourgeois private  property? I
> >am aware of the sharp differences within Marxism
> >on this issue.  Marxism of all stripes contend
> >that the negation capitalist production begets
> >is  the proletariat. What is the proletariat? A
> >property relation expressed as the  workers
> >owning their labor ability in a world of private
> >ownership of means of  production. On this basis
> >I contend that Marx is speaking fundamentally of
> >a property  form being negated. Her is also
> >speaking of a quantitative aspect of
> >property  development wherein one capitalist
> >negates - kills many. Monopoly negates -  kills,
> >“less many.† > CB: What is the
> >qualitative change in means of production
> >that  Marx mentions in the quote ? WL: You got
> >me there my friend. None. However you have
> >quoted this passage  enough to know its  this
> >segment of Marx is 1294 words including
> >footnotes. Marx is speaking of a new mode of
> >production taking root based on a
> >qualitative  change in the means of production
> >and corresponding change in property. A
> >new  reader will not know this from this passage
> >but there is an index called  “industrial
> >revolution.† My fear is writing  something
> >that only “us † old  heads will make sense
> >or nonsense out of. X Negation of
> >the > negation signifies the preservation of the
> >specific  quality of the > contradiction
> >pinpointed as the point of departure -
> >the  starting point of a > motion. CB: Elaborate
> >this thought. WL. This is fully elaborated in
> >the example of advanced communist  society based
> >on a post industrial development and
> >“withering away of the state†  will express
> >a negation of the negation as a return to the
> >quality called  primitive communism - non
> >property in means of production. This is not to
> >say the draft is internally cohesion enough with
> >the proper  flow. The problem is that form is
> >not separated from quality in reality.
> >* Negation of the negation is > not
> >a universal law of dialectics but  rather an
> >expression of the > dialectic of change. (see
> >Dialectics,  quantity, quality, the antagonistic
> >element.) ^^^ CB: What dialectic is not a
> >"dialectic of change" ? WL: I am still fighting
> >with Gould’s Marxist Glossary which list
> >“negation of the negation† as one of the
> >“laws† of dialectics. When I put down my
> >boxing  gloves the above sentence is not needed
> >at all.
> >___
> >Marxism-Thaxis mailing list
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> >your options or unsubscribe go to:
> >
> ___
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Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Objective & Subjective (object and subject)::

2010-03-23 Thread Waistline2

In a message dated 3/23/2010 1:01:54 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

CB: Lenin defines materialism as the belief in  the existence of
objective reality, objective reality being defined as you do  above.


This mans go. 
This glossary is being produced under the name Retried Workers Educational  
Forum, but this could change based solely on what is marketable.  
Everyone's contribution is going to be noted without question. 
Have not touched base with you since coming back in October because I have  
been on jam. Looks like Mack I and Mack Ii engine plant will be closed. 
:Less  than 200 workers in both plants. Expansion at Jefferson planned. 
Sterling  Assembly got a new lease on life. Ford is of course making money. The 
Ford  workers rejected their contract and things are to come. UAW 
Constitutional  Convention in June. New President to be elected. CBTU 
Convention coming 
up. Not  for me but my brother will attend. Maybe some new life can be 
breathed into  TULC; they just remodeled the joint. Lots of thangs happening 
including closing  44 schools in Detroit! 
27,000 energy cut off. New deaths every week. A new section of workers  
entering the struggle. We have to tell the truth and something more than black  
and white unite and fight. We are class brothers ands sisters. 
I love this shit. 

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Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Objective & Subjective (object and subject)::

2010-03-23 Thread c b
On 3/23/10,  wrote:
> Objective & Subjective (object and subject)::
> object refers to everything outside the human mind or the subject as human.
>  Reality, say a tree, an automobile or the sun has an objective existence
> outside  the human mind or the life of the human mind, not requiring or
> owning its  existence to the mind. Marxism contends that social system -
> capitalism, and  things existing outside the mind have an objective existence 
> and
> contains  objective laws of operations.
> Things exist in reality as objects unto themselves, interwoven into the
> fabric of reality, but independent of the ‘observer’ or subject and their
> subjective understanding at a given moment. In recognition of the inherent
> subjective limitations of the individual human mind, we say "keep an open
> mind."  None of this is meant to imply we do not react upon things in our
> environment as  they in turn react upon us.

CB: Lenin defines materialism as the belief in the existence of
objective reality, objective reality being defined as you do above.

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> _
> (
> ___
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[Marxism-Thaxis] Objective & Subjective (object and subject)::

2010-03-23 Thread Waistline2
Objective & Subjective (object and subject):: 
object refers to everything outside the human mind or the subject as human. 
 Reality, say a tree, an automobile or the sun has an objective existence 
outside  the human mind or the life of the human mind, not requiring or 
owning its  existence to the mind. Marxism contends that social system - 
capitalism, and  things existing outside the mind have an objective existence 
contains  objective laws of operations. 
Things exist in reality as objects unto themselves, interwoven into the  
fabric of reality, but independent of the ‘observer’ or subject and their  
subjective understanding at a given moment. In recognition of the inherent  
subjective limitations of the individual human mind, we say "keep an open 
mind."  None of this is meant to imply we do not react upon things in our 
environment as  they in turn react upon us.
This email was cleaned by emailStripper, available for free from 

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Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] To Socialism! How?

2010-03-23 Thread Waistline2

In a message dated 3/23/2010 11:36:40 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

CB; What are more of the specifics of Stalin's approach ?
Check out his articles in the 1920's on strategy and tactic of Russian  
communist and Concerning the question of strategy and tactics. 
I think strategy and tactics will be left alone and opt out for the concept 
 of "line of march." The fear is that in 3 to five years we will be beyond 
this  is the real life process. 

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Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Negation of the negation: let try this out

2010-03-23 Thread Waistline2

In a message dated 3/23/2010 11:30:53 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

I'll have to see what else has been written on 
negation of negation  that is usable. Engels' use 
of concept in dialectics of nature is total  confusion and nonsense.

I believe that Stalin omitted negation of  
negation and others approved of this.
The Soviet Textbook of Marxist Philosophy  devotes an entire chapter  to 
this called : The Law of the Negation of the Negation. In this is quoted  
almost all of the "Historical Tendency of Capitalist Accumulation." 
"negation emerges as a moment in the conflict of oppositions . . ." blah  
Don't get me wrong I think the text is alright for 1937 and as what happens 
 to most writings on dialectics, beam outdated the moment it was read. 
Negation of negation was included for to reasons: Marx and Engels presents  
this proposition and there is going to be a dozen source notes to their  
writings. Two, I got scared it would become a source of a needless ass  
kicking.  No matter how good or bad the end product, no one that has  matured 
the Marxist movement is going to like it. 
5,000 proletarians, predominately white, who are going to be introduced to  
Marxism are going to be fucking blown away. Why else would a Marxist 
glossary  begin with abolition and then precede to the American Revolution? 
If it was easy there would be scores of Marxist glossaries in America. 

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Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Negation of the negation: let try this out

2010-03-23 Thread c b
On 3/23/10,  wrote:
> In a message dated 3/23/2010 10:40:21 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time,
> _cb31...@gmail.com_ (  writes:
> CB: He says "capitalist production... begets its own negation.
> WL: Correct. What is capitalist production if not bourgeois private
> property?

CB: Good question. Have to think about that.

Yes, I'd say bourgeois private property = wagelabor/capital relations
of production. Property is a form of relations of production.

So, anyway , if bourgeois private property is capitalist production,
then Marx's statement above is synomymous with " bourgeois private
property ...begets its own negation."


 I am aware of the sharp differences within Marxism on this issue.
> Marxism of all stripes contend that the negation capitalist production begets 
> is
> the proletariat. What is the proletariat? A property relation expressed as
> the  workers owning their labor ability in a world of private ownership of
> means of  production.

CB: In the passage you quote, the first negation is of individual
private property, i.e. of the peasant, as in the socalled primitive

"This is the first
negation of  individual private property, as founded on the labor of the

It results in capitalist production or bourgeois private property.

The "second" negation, or negation of negation , is a negation of
bourgeois private property. But that "results" in  the proletariat ,
wagelaborers as wagelabor in relations to capital. So, I'd say the
proletariat results from the first negation, not the negation of
negation, not the negation of capitalist production.


> On this basis I contend that Marx is speaking fundamentally of a property
> form being negated. Her is also speaking of a quantitative aspect of
> property  development wherein one capitalist negates - kills many. Monopoly 
> negates
> -  kills, “less many.”

CB: Agree. Interesting your pointing to the "many and the few" as
quantity. Yes, nice idea.

Lenin notes in _Imperialism_  that monopoly is a preparation for socialism

> >
> CB: What is the qualitative change in means of production that  Marx
> mentions in the quote ?
> WL: You got me there my friend. None. However you have quoted this passage
> enough to know its  this segment of Marx is 1294 words including footnotes.
>  Marx is speaking of a new mode of production taking root based on a
> qualitative  change in the means of production and corresponding change in
> property. A new  reader will not know this from this passage but there is an 
> index
> called  “industrial revolution.” My fear is writing  something that only “us
> ” old  heads will make sense or nonsense out of.

CB: How about a qualitative change in the relations of production, the
property relation, a negation of the wagelabor/capital relationship.
> X
> Negation of the
> > negation signifies the preservation of the specific  quality of the
> > contradiction pinpointed as the point of departure - the  starting point
> of a
> > motion.
> CB: Elaborate this thought.
> WL. This is fully elaborated in the example of advanced communist  society
> based on a post industrial development and “withering away of the state”
> will express a negation of the negation as a return to the quality called
> primitive communism - non property in means of production.

CB: Well, an old head might get this, but elaborate it for a new head.
Make it plain !

By the way, Marx, in your quote refers to "socialized property" not

"The transformation of scattered private property,  arising from individual
labor, into capitalist private property is,  naturally, a process,
incomparably more protracted, violent, and difficult, than  the
transformation of
capitalistic private property, already practically resting  on socialized
production, into _socialized property_ (emphasis added -CB). In the
former case, we had  the
expropriation of the mass of the people by a few usurpers; in the
latter, we  have the
expropriation of a few usurpers by the mass of the people. [2]"

_Production_ is already extremely socialized by capitalism as compared
with all previous modes of production.  Ownership is private (private
property).  The main contradiction of capitalism is that production is
social but ownership is private. This is the contradiction that moves
, causes the change to socialism or socialized property. It is the
motive for the negation of the negation.  It is the dialectic of the
change to socialism

MAYBE (smile)

> This is not to say the draft is internally cohesion enough with the proper
> flow. The problem is that form is not separated from quality in reality.
> *
> Negation of the negation is
> > not a universal law of dialectics but  rather an expression of the
> > dialectic of change. (see Dialectics,  quantity, quality, the
> antagonistic element.)

Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] To Socialism! How?

2010-03-23 Thread c b
On 3/23/10,  wrote:
> In a message dated 3/23/2010 11:03:24  A.M. Pacific Daylight Time,
> writes:
> CB; Strategy deals with  the "wide", the biggest context, the  "general".
> Strategy
> Comment
> I  prefer Stalin's definition and both articles on Strategy and hold he
> defines its  field of operations.
> Really. Probably will use his definition with some tweeks if there is an
> index called strategy and tactics.
> WL.

CB; What are more of the specifics of Stalin's approach ?

> ___
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Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Negation of the negation: let try this out

2010-03-23 Thread Ralph Dumain
More to the point about the nature of capitalism: 
not only private property, but the separation of 
the worker from implements of production, control 
of labor process, and ultimately from knowledge 
and skills. Role of technological deployment in 
reducing worker to appendage of machines, etc.

I'll have to see what else has been written on 
negation of negation that is usable. Engels' use 
of concept in dialectics of nature is total confusion and nonsense.

I believe that Stalin omitted negation of 
negation and others approved of this.

At 01:22 PM 3/23/2010, wrote:
>In a message dated 3/23/2010 10:40:21 A.M. 
>Pacific Daylight Time, _cb31...@gmail.com_ 
>(  writes: CB: He says 
>"capitalist production... begets its own 
>negation. WL: Correct. What is capitalist 
>production if not bourgeois private  property? I 
>am aware of the sharp differences within Marxism 
>on this issue.  Marxism of all stripes contend 
>that the negation capitalist production begets 
>is  the proletariat. What is the proletariat? A 
>property relation expressed as the  workers 
>owning their labor ability in a world of private 
>ownership of means of  production. On this basis 
>I contend that Marx is speaking fundamentally of 
>a property  form being negated. Her is also 
>speaking of a quantitative aspect of 
>property  development wherein one capitalist 
>negates - kills many. Monopoly negates -  kills, 
>“less many.” > CB: What is the 
>qualitative change in means of production 
>that  Marx mentions in the quote ? WL: You got 
>me there my friend. None. However you have 
>quoted this passage  enough to know its  this 
>segment of Marx is 1294 words including 
>footnotes. Marx is speaking of a new mode of 
>production taking root based on a 
>qualitative  change in the means of production 
>and corresponding change in property. A 
>new  reader will not know this from this passage 
>but there is an index called  “industrial 
>revolution.” My fear is writing  something 
>that only “us ” old  heads will make sense 
>or nonsense out of. X Negation of 
>the > negation signifies the preservation of the 
>specific  quality of the > contradiction 
>pinpointed as the point of departure - 
>the  starting point of a > motion. CB: Elaborate 
>this thought. WL. This is fully elaborated in 
>the example of advanced communist  society based 
>on a post industrial development and 
>“withering away of the state”  will express 
>a negation of the negation as a return to the 
>quality called  primitive communism - non 
>property in means of production. This is not to 
>say the draft is internally cohesion enough with 
>the proper  flow. The problem is that form is 
>not separated from quality in reality. 
>* Negation of the negation is > not 
>a universal law of dialectics but  rather an 
>expression of the > dialectic of change. (see 
>Dialectics,  quantity, quality, the antagonistic 
>element.) ^^^ CB: What dialectic is not a 
>"dialectic of change" ? WL: I am still fighting 
>with Gould’s Marxist Glossary which list 
>“negation of the negation” as one of the 
>“laws” of dialectics. When I put down my 
>boxing  gloves the above sentence is not needed 
>at all. 
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Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] To Socialism! How?

2010-03-23 Thread Waistline2

In a message dated 3/23/2010 11:03:24  A.M. Pacific Daylight Time, writes:
CB; Strategy deals with  the "wide", the biggest context, the  "general".



I  prefer Stalin's definition and both articles on Strategy and hold he 
defines its  field of operations.  
Really. Probably will use his definition with some tweeks if there is an  
index called strategy and tactics. 

Marxism-Thaxis mailing list
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Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Negation of the negation: let try this out

2010-03-23 Thread Waistline2
In a message dated 3/23/2010 10:40:21 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time, 
_cb31...@gmail.com_ (  writes: 
CB: He says "capitalist production... begets its own negation. 
WL: Correct. What is capitalist production if not bourgeois private  
property? I am aware of the sharp differences within Marxism on this issue.  
Marxism of all stripes contend that the negation capitalist production begets 
the proletariat. What is the proletariat? A property relation expressed as 
the  workers owning their labor ability in a world of private ownership of 
means of  production. 
On this basis I contend that Marx is speaking fundamentally of a property  
form being negated. Her is also speaking of a quantitative aspect of 
property  development wherein one capitalist negates - kills many. Monopoly 
-  kills, “less many.”

CB: What is the qualitative change in means of production that  Marx
mentions in the quote ?
WL: You got me there my friend. None. However you have quoted this passage  
enough to know its  this segment of Marx is 1294 words including footnotes. 
 Marx is speaking of a new mode of production taking root based on a 
qualitative  change in the means of production and corresponding change in 
property. A new  reader will not know this from this passage but there is an 
called  “industrial revolution.” My fear is writing  something that only “us
” old  heads will make sense or nonsense out of. 

Negation of the
> negation signifies the preservation of the specific  quality of the
> contradiction pinpointed as the point of departure - the  starting point 
of a
> motion.
CB: Elaborate this thought.

WL. This is fully elaborated in the example of advanced communist  society 
based on a post industrial development and “withering away of the state”  
will express a negation of the negation as a return to the quality called  
primitive communism - non property in means of production.
This is not to say the draft is internally cohesion enough with the proper  
flow. The problem is that form is not separated from quality in reality. 
Negation of the negation is
> not a universal law of dialectics but  rather an expression of the
> dialectic of change. (see Dialectics,  quantity, quality, the 
antagonistic element.)
CB: What dialectic is not a "dialectic of change" ?
WL: I am still fighting with Gould’s Marxist Glossary which list “negation 
 of the negation” as one of the “laws” of dialectics. When I put down my 
boxing  gloves the above sentence is not needed at all. 

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Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] To Socialism! How?

2010-03-23 Thread c b
On 3/23/10,  wrote:
> In a message dated 3/23/2010 8:28:10 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time,
> writes:
> "Here a definition of  strategy I will not be using."
> CB:  Because ?
> Reply
> WL. It defines the  context of strategy as how to get to socialism,  rather
> than
> a line of  march to pursue given one historically specific  boundary.

CB: I like "how to get to socialism" better.

> Comment
> That is I have absolutely no clue as to how to achieve the first stage of
> economic communism in America -socialism. The path and form of our
> proletarian revolution has not presented itself - at least in my mind, yet.  
> During
> the Obama campaign I did not the emergence of OAR's - open air rallies,
> involving 60,000 - 80,000 people, which was off the scale and outside any of 
> my
>  experience.
> I do have a line of march along the path articulating the demands of the
> working class from the standpoint if its most poverty stricken sector.
> Consider:  60% of our working class makes $14 an hour and less. Before taxes 
> $560
> a week or  $29,120 pre tax earning. Line of march means engaging this
> section of the  working class and bringing it into all kinds of organization
> including  organizations of revolutionaries. Not Leninist organizations. 
> Strategy
> within  this line of march deals with determining where one is going to
> throw their main  blow or concentrate their forces "doing what."
> Fighting for socialism as a context is to wide for me.

CB; Strategy deals with the "wide", the biggest context, the "general".


Strategy refers to a plan of action designed to achieve a particular
goal. The word is of military origin, deriving from the Greek word
strategos, which roughly translates as general.[1]

In military usage strategy is distinct from tactics, which are
concerned with the conduct of an engagement, while strategy is
concerned with how different engagements are linked. How a battle is
fought is a matter of tactics: the terms and conditions that it is
fought on and whether it should be fought at all is a matter of
strategy, which is part of the four levels of warfare: political goals
or grand strategy, strategy, operations, and tactics.

> Fighting for a communist gravity well is pretty easy. A communist gravity
> well means the actual demands this designated section of the workers are
> spontaneously raising. A communist gravity well or fighting for a communist
> polarity does not mean fighting for Marxism or to abolish private property
> in the here and now, which is the same as saying "fighting for socialism," or
>  the "road to socialism."

CB: The strategy  now is how to achieve socialism, the widest goal.
Tactics deal with stages leadign to the wider goal.

> I admire anyone that sees the path and or road to socialism from right now
> March 23, 2010 America.

CB: Well, "strategy for winning socialism.

> An important aspect of communist strategy within line of march is
> propaganda. Propaganda comes first and foremost along with a sustain fight to 
>  build
> up a class ideology. One for all and all for one kind of thing. By that is
> meant developing and distributing ones party press and literature, written
> to  exactly match the moment. Yes, I have a strategy but not a strategy as
> the  author in question conceives the road to socialism.

CB: What's your strategy ?

> Plus, how you gonna have a real strategy within a shift load of social
> forces in contention and within ones organization, allowing one to make an
> assessment of the contending forces? .
> WL.
> ___
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Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] To Socialism! How?

2010-03-23 Thread Waistline2

In a message dated 3/23/2010 8:28:10 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

"Here a definition of  strategy I will not be using."

CB:  Because ?  


WL. It defines the  context of strategy as how to get to socialism,  rather 
a line of  march to pursue given one historically specific  boundary. 
That is I have absolutely no clue as to how to achieve the first stage of  
economic communism in America -socialism. The path and form of our  
proletarian revolution has not presented itself - at least in my mind, yet.  
the Obama campaign I did not the emergence of OAR's - open air rallies,  
involving 60,000 - 80,000 people, which was off the scale and outside any of my 
I do have a line of march along the path articulating the demands of the  
working class from the standpoint if its most poverty stricken sector. 
Consider:  60% of our working class makes $14 an hour and less. Before taxes 
a week or  $29,120 pre tax earning. Line of march means engaging this 
section of the  working class and bringing it into all kinds of organization 
including  organizations of revolutionaries. Not Leninist organizations. 
within  this line of march deals with determining where one is going to 
throw their main  blow or concentrate their forces "doing what." 
Fighting for socialism as a context is to wide for me. 
Fighting for a communist gravity well is pretty easy. A communist gravity  
well means the actual demands this designated section of the workers are  
spontaneously raising. A communist gravity well or fighting for a communist  
polarity does not mean fighting for Marxism or to abolish private property  
in the here and now, which is the same as saying "fighting for socialism," or 
 the "road to socialism."   
I admire anyone that sees the path and or road to socialism from right now  
March 23, 2010 America. 
An important aspect of communist strategy within line of march is  
propaganda. Propaganda comes first and foremost along with a sustain fight to  
up a class ideology. One for all and all for one kind of thing. By that is  
meant developing and distributing ones party press and literature, written 
to  exactly match the moment. Yes, I have a strategy but not a strategy as 
the  author in question conceives the road to socialism. 
Plus, how you gonna have a real strategy within a shift load of social  
forces in contention and within ones organization, allowing one to make an  
assessment of the contending forces? . 


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Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Negation of the negation: let try this out

2010-03-23 Thread c b
On 3/23/10,  wrote:
> Negation of Negation:
> A concept describing the shape and motion of change, wherein one stage  of
> development replaces a previous stage and preserves the form of its
> predecessor. Negation of the negation is a wide concept of the shape and 
> motion  of
> quantitative and qualitative change in nature and society. Marx presents
> the  equation as thus:
> "The capitalist mode of appropriation, the result of the capitalist mode of
>  production, produces capitalist private property. This is the first
> negation of  individual private property, as founded on the labor of the
> proprietor. But  capitalist production begets, with the inexorability of a 
> law of
> Nature, its own  negation. It is the negation of negation.

CB: Excellent example.  I presented this in argument with Rosa L, when
she claimed that Marx didn't use any dialectics.


 This does not
> re-establish private  property for the producer, but gives him individual 
> property
> based on the  acquisition of the capitalist era: i.e., on co-operation and
> the possession in  common of the land and of the means of production.
> The transformation of scattered private property,  arising from individual
> labor, into capitalist private property is,  naturally, a process,
> incomparably more protracted, violent, and difficult, than  the 
> transformation of
> capitalistic private property, already practically resting  on socialized
> production, into socialized property. In the former case, we had  the
> expropriation of the mass of the people by a few usurpers; in the latter, we  
> have the
> expropriation of a few usurpers by the mass of the people. [2]
> _
> (
> In Marx description above, private property does not negate or  abolish
> private property.

CB: He says "capitalist production... begets its own negation.


Rather, the form of private property is negated  in
> correspondence with qualitative changes in the means of production.

CB: What is the qualitative change in means of production that Marx
mentions in the quote ?


Negation  of the
> negation signifies the preservation of the specific quality of the
> contradiction pinpointed as the point of departure -  the starting point of  a
> motion.

CB: Elaborate this thought.

> One can make anything the negation and negation of the negation of  another
>  thing. For instance, one mode of production negation the  previously
> existing mode of production. The new displacing mode of production  contains
> within itself its unique quality begetting its own negation. Likewise,  one
> quantitative stage negates the stage from which it arises in an endless  
> series
> of negations.
> Since life is specific, it is best to be specific and define the process in
>  question and how one quality leaps to another qualitative reformation.
> In the wide sense of the motion - direction of society, primitive communism
>  is our starting point. Private property negates the primitive public
> property  relations. Private property passing through all its stages 
> quantitative
> stages  of development and qualitative stages of modes of production,
> founded on private  property.
> Economic communism, founded on qualitatively new means of production, is
> called  "primitive communism" at a higher level or the negation of the
> negation or a description of the motion of a gigantic historical process,
> resulting in the reestablishment of public property.

CB: This is a big thought in Marx and Engels idea. It doesn't get
mentioned much.


 Negation of the  negation is
> not a universal law of dialectics but rather an expression of the
> dialectic of change. (see  Dialectics, quantity, quality, the antagonistic  
> element.)

CB: What dialectic is not a "dialectic of change"  ?


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[Marxism-Thaxis] Negation of the negation: let try this out

2010-03-23 Thread Waistline2
Negation of Negation: 
A concept describing the shape and motion of change, wherein one stage  of 
development replaces a previous stage and preserves the form of its  
predecessor. Negation of the negation is a wide concept of the shape and motion 
quantitative and qualitative change in nature and society. Marx presents 
the  equation as thus: 
"The capitalist mode of appropriation, the result of the capitalist mode of 
 production, produces capitalist private property. This is the first 
negation of  individual private property, as founded on the labor of the 
proprietor. But  capitalist production begets, with the inexorability of a law 
Nature, its own  negation. It is the negation of negation. This does not 
re-establish private  property for the producer, but gives him individual 
based on the  acquisition of the capitalist era: i.e., on co-operation and 
the possession in  common of the land and of the means of production. 
The transformation of scattered private property,  arising from individual 
labor, into capitalist private property is,  naturally, a process, 
incomparably more protracted, violent, and difficult, than  the transformation 
capitalistic private property, already practically resting  on socialized 
production, into socialized property. In the former case, we had  the 
expropriation of the mass of the people by a few usurpers; in the latter, we  
have the 
expropriation of a few usurpers by the mass of the people. [2] 
In Marx description above, private property does not negate or  abolish 
private property. Rather, the form of private property is negated  in 
correspondence with qualitative changes in the means of production. Negation  
of the 
negation signifies the preservation of the specific quality of the  
contradiction pinpointed as the point of departure -  the starting point of  a 
One can make anything the negation and negation of the negation of  another 
 thing. For instance, one mode of production negation the  previously 
existing mode of production. The new displacing mode of production  contains 
within itself its unique quality begetting its own negation. Likewise,  one 
quantitative stage negates the stage from which it arises in an endless  series 
of negations. 
Since life is specific, it is best to be specific and define the process in 
 question and how one quality leaps to another qualitative reformation. 
In the wide sense of the motion - direction of society, primitive communism 
 is our starting point. Private property negates the primitive public 
property  relations. Private property passing through all its stages 
stages  of development and qualitative stages of modes of production, 
founded on private  property. 
Economic communism, founded on qualitatively new means of production, is  
called  "primitive communism" at a higher level or the negation of the  
negation or a description of the motion of a gigantic historical process,  
resulting in the reestablishment of public property.  Negation of the  negation 
not a universal law of dialectics but rather an expression of the  
dialectic of change. (see  Dialectics, quantity, quality, the antagonistic  
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Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] To Socialism! How?

2010-03-23 Thread Waistline2

In a message dated 3/23/2010 4:58:34  A.M. Pacific Daylight Time, writes:
Here a definition of  strategy I will not be using.
> WL.

CB:  Because ?  

It defines the context of strategy as how to get to socialism,  rather than 
a line of march to pursue given one historically specific  boundary.  

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Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] To Socialism! How?

2010-03-23 Thread Waistline2
Duly noted. 


In a  message dated 3/22/2010 9:37:26 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time, writes:
I'll offer a few suggestions  nevertheless:

ABOLITION: wage slavery is a metaphor. Do you really want  to include 
this under this heading?

AMERICAN REVOLUTION; Why do you  say that the conclusion of the 
Vietnam War is the end of the epoch of  national liberation?

POPULISM: Some more relevant historical info is in  order. For 
example, what happened to populism at the end of the 19th century  (Tom 

ANARCHISM needs to be fleshed  out.

ANARCHO-SYNDICALISM: Too abstract &  prescriptive.

ANTAGONISM needs to be re-done.

ANTI-IMPERIALISM:  Conclusion about Vietnam War needs to be justified. 
Also, the periodization  1776-1976 fails to account for what happened 
in between. For example, the  19th century was still a century of 
colonial conquest. National liberation  movements of central and 
Eastern Europe were the result of different factors  from those in the 
20th century colonized world. As the world was ruled by  empires, much 
political thinking was based on that reality.

Base  (economic) and superstructure: (political): a construct not to 
be taken  literally.

Bourgeoisie: . . . To "act bourgeoisie" : I can guess the  audience 
for this colloquialism, but I caution against allowing this to pass  

Chauvinism applies to more than just  nations.

Class antagonism as class struggle: the dialectic : Meaning of  the 
term "dialectic" is not clear, nor is it clear why such reference is  
even needed here.

COMMUNIST REVOLUTION: Given the experience of  Russia, China, et al, 
communism must mean more than the abolition of private  property.

Contradiction:  Needs to be revamped.

Dialectics,  quantity, quality, the antagonistic element.  Awful.

Dialectal  materialism: (materialist dialectics) : Godawful.

Doctrine and Science:  awful.

I'll stop here ands await the next draft. This document reads too  
much like Marxist-Leninist agitprop to me, continuing the bad habits 
of  the past. One must think of the purposes to which this glossary 
will be put:  is it to decipher a restricted set of musty tomes of the 
past, or to  actively and critically engage both past concepts and 
current perspectives?  

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Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] To Socialism! How?

2010-03-23 Thread c b
On 3/22/10,  wrote:
> In a message dated 3/22/2010 8:13:42 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time,
> _cb31...@gmail.com_ (  writes:
> Strategy deals with the qualitative turns in the balance of forces that it
> is necessary to seek and the class and social forces and political trends
> and  social movements that can be won for that qualitative turn, and the main
>  opponent in relation to that turn. Tactics deals with the most useful
> issues,  demands, forms of struggle and forms of organization to achieve the
> alignment of  class and social forces, in the first place, necessary to win 
> the
> strategic  objective or qualitative turn in the balance of forces.
> Comment
> Here a definition of strategy I will not be using.
> WL.

CB: Because ?

> ___
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Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] To Socialism! How?

2010-03-23 Thread c b
On 3/22/10, Ralph Dumain  wrote:
> I don't know


CB: You would have made an accurate statement if you ended it here. (smile)

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