Re: [Full-disclosure] Final Penultimate last Call for Papers for CanSecWest 2011 (deadline Jan. 17th, conf March 9-11)

2011-01-14 Thread Gregg Reynolds
On Thu, Jan 13, 2011 at 1:15 PM, Dragos wrote:

 On 2011-01-13, at 7:31 AM, wrote:

 It was my (apparently) lame attempt at being whimsical. Should have made it

I found it amusing.  In fact I intend to steal it for my own uses. But maybe
postpenultimate would be more less unclear.


Re: European orders

2009-03-31 Thread Gregg Reynolds
 --Original Message--
 From: Daniel Seuffert

 I don't care what you do for a living. B If it's not enough get a job and
 work like anybody else.

DANGER, THEO, DANGER!!  This get a job stuff - it's a dastardly
trick!  I've tried getting a job and working like anybody else and it
made me sullen and resentful - I found myself spamming open source
mailing lists telling volunteers how they should spend their time and
organize their projects.  It was horrible!  Avoid at all costs!

Re: systrace insecure [was: Re: chroot browser]

2009-03-26 Thread Gregg Reynolds
On Thu, Mar 26, 2009 at 10:12 AM, Theo de Raadt wrote:

 real; systrace does have the ability to grant root unless you build

Should that read does not?

 the policy specifically to do such a stupid thing (actually, I am not


Re: System security question

2009-02-26 Thread Gregg Reynolds
On Wed, Feb 25, 2009 at 3:08 PM, Jean-Francois jfsimon1...@gmail.comwrote:

 Hi All,

 I actually built the following system :

 - OpenBSD running on a standard AMD platform
 - This box is actually used as firewall
 - This box is also used as webserver
 - This box is finally used as local shared drives via NFS file but only
 open to subnetwork through PF

 Assuming that subnetwork computers might be hacked or infected by any
 Assuming that there is no mistake in PF rules
 Assuming that there is nothing of a third party installed on the box
 (basically it's only a tuned system)

 - Would you please confirm that hacking is almost impossible ?
 - Would you confirm any personnal datas hosted on server are safe as
 long as the (subnet is not compromised by false manipulation of course)

Assuming that your system is secure, then yes, I can confirm that your
system is secure.

If your real question is, is a properly configured OpenBSD system likely to
be somewhat more secure than other systems, most people on the OpenBSD list
would probably say probably.  But asking about almost impossible is asking
to be lied to - no responsible security expert would make such a claim.
Impossible for whom?  The NSA?  What are the stakes?  If you're talking
about Osama's web server, then I expect it would be hacked.  The best you
can hope for is a high degree of confidence relative to other possible


Re: zombies - solved

2008-03-12 Thread Gregg Reynolds
On 3/12/08, Lars NoodC)n [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Looking ahead, what is the timeline for moving to Apache2?
  Or what are the major reasons 4.3 is going to still use 1.3x?

Take a look at  BSD license, seems to work, but I
don't know about its security profile.  I'm sure it's not as secure as
the OBSD Apache, but it might be ok compared with apache2.

Re: OT: supposed advantages of threads

2008-02-18 Thread Gregg Reynolds
On 2/18/08, Geoff Steckel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 This is my last posting on this, take heart.

 Please enlighten me if there are any -other-

See especially Software and the Concurrency Revolution.   An
articulate and very readable discussion of why it's hard to do
threading /with current techniques/.  But they stop short of banning
the practice.

Re: take threads off the table

2008-02-17 Thread Gregg Reynolds
On 2/17/08, Marc Balmer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Geoff Steckel wrote:

  Threads or any other form of uncontrolled resource sharing
  are very bad ideas.

 that might be true for those that don't understand threads.
 for other it can be highly benefitial.

Indeed, threads are bad strikes me as just plain silly.  In fact,
it's not even a technical issue; anybody who thinks it is is in for a
rude surprise (like, zero market share) in a few short years.  It's a
purely economic issue.  It won't be long before all machines are
multicore, multiprocessor (can one even buy a non-multicore pc any
more?)  and maybe even network-distributed.  You invest x dollars in a
y processor machine; your IT guy says I've got this really great
software that's really secure, since it's single-threaded.  And it's
free.  To which you respond so,  I just spent all this money on y
processors and you want me to leave y-1 of them idle?  So it's not
really free after all.  Security?  That would be great, if I had any
customers, which I don't since the other guy's stuff is z times faster
than yours, and it leverages his entire hardware investment.  You're
fired.   It won't happen overnight, but happen it will, since the
business decision is so blatantly obvious (you don't buy factories in
order to have them sit idle.) The thing to do is not to forbid
multi-threading, but to do it right.  That might involve designing new
languages or any number of other things, but we're not going to do
multi-threading because it's risky is the fast road to obsolescence
and irrelevance.

my .02


Re: A sad thread - RMS vs. OpenBSD

2008-01-08 Thread Gregg Reynolds
On 1/7/08, Floor Terra [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Can you recommend a book about Godel and his works?
 I have read A World Without Time from Palle Yourgrau and would
 like to learn more about his work.

I'm afraid I cannot; I'm a rank amateur who couldn't possibly
understand his proof without another, oh, 5 years of study.

 I haven't encountered Yourgrau's book; I'll look for it.   I can,
however, strongly decommend one book:

Considering the pedigree of the author, you'd expect a good read, but
it's bad writing.


Re: Real men don't attack straw men

2008-01-07 Thread Gregg Reynolds
On 1/7/08, Richard Stallman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 If OpenBSD does not need my endorsement, then OpenBSD developers
 should not need to argue with me that I owe them an endorsement.

Quite right.  As far as I can tell, they're not interested in your
endorsement; I'm not sure what gave you the idea they are.  However,
they are very interested in FUD prevention, and FUD is what you get
when one party tries to co-opt ordinary language for private ends.  So
we can hardly be surprised when they object to your characterization
of their work as non-free.  Such a slanderous characterization is a
far cry  from merely declining to endorse.

Old joke:  Doctor, nobody likes me!  You gotta help me, you big fat slob!


Re: A sad thread - RMS vs. OpenBSD

2008-01-07 Thread Gregg Reynolds
On 1/7/08, Jona Joachim [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Mon, 07 Jan 2008 00:02:19 -0800, Reid Nichol wrote:

  --- Duncan Patton a Campbell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Sun, 6 Jan 2008 22:21:14 -0500
  Eliah Kagan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   (There are also multiple useful,
   mutually-inconsistent formal systems in both fields.)
  Provably so?
  I'd love an example of Math being inconsistent.  Quite frankly, I'd be
  surprised if this is true.

 The following sentence is true.
 The previous sentence is false.

Et ceci: n'est
pas Kurt Godel.

Re: Richard Stallman...

2008-01-07 Thread Gregg Reynolds
On 1/7/08, Steve Shockley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 nicodache wrote:
  I cannot anything but to appreciate and look how you are able to stay
  calm and polite when I read some people on this ML talking about crap,
  fucking duck with tape, shutting up things.

 I have never seen anyone on this list fuck a duck with a tape.  Ever.

No no, it's an idiom: fucking duck, not fuck a duck.  Kinda like
fuckin' A, man, only not.  As in Holy fucking duck, man, did you
see that!? or You're fucking duck right, I'm pissed!  or I'm about
ready to kick the fuckin' duck out of this goddam computer with a
tape, man!  Then again, maybe it was just meant as a plain epithet,
as in Donald? I hate that fucking duck.  I admit I'm a bit flummoxed
by the tape part, though.  Maybe the poster meant fucking /duct/

It's Official: NYT on open source hw

2008-01-06 Thread Gregg Reynolds
(Sorry, I deleted the original thread so here's a new one)

Open Source Hardware has now been officially recognized as a phenom
by the Establishment:


Re: Real men don't attack straw men

2008-01-05 Thread Gregg Reynolds
On 1/5/08, Richard Stallman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Does ReactOS recommend non-free software?
 If so. please show me what it says, and the URL.

I have a better idea.  Why don't you do your own fucking homework.

Re: Real men don't attack straw men

2008-01-05 Thread Gregg Reynolds

Re: Real men don't attack straw men

2008-01-05 Thread Gregg Reynolds
On 1/5/08, Karthik Kumar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 When I said everybody, I meant Everybody. Not one person. Applying the
 same to OpenBSD, all that the people here do is bitch about and
 nothing more.

Yeah, I noticed that too.  Why, they haven't provided me with a free
upgrade for, what 2, 3 months?  It's a disgrace.

Re: Real men don't attack straw men

2008-01-05 Thread Gregg Reynolds
On 1/5/08, Marco Peereboom [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 There is no such thing as free as in beer.  This is one of the dumbest
 analogies I have ever heard.  Who came up with it anyway?  Was it the

Thank you.

But, like all good political slogans, it is stupid like a fox: the
hucksters who push it know that most people are too stupid to stop and
ask themselves whether it really means anything.  Kinda like Mission
Accomplished, Compassionate Conservativsm, Guns don't kill people,
lead poisoning kills people, etc.

Re: Real men don't attack straw men

2008-01-04 Thread Gregg Reynolds
On 1/3/08, Richard Stallman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm following the same principles that I apply to others.
 I've explained both these principles and my actions; the readers
 can judge all aspects for themselves.

I guess I missed the part where you explained how it makes sense to
apply a label like not recommended because it supports non-free
software to OpenBSD but not to FSF (emacs, etc.).  You've been asked
repeatedly to address the apparent inconsistencies but I haven't
noticed any candid response from you.  Maybe you can clarify that
logic for us?

Thank you,


Re: Rui Miguel Silva Seabra

2008-01-04 Thread Gregg Reynolds
On 1/4/08, Rui Miguel Silva Seabra [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Firstly, your accusation that I only participate in flame-wars is
 blatantly false.

 Secondly, most of my posts on the flame-wars where trying to clear-up
 false statements from some people.

 Thirdly, some of my posts on the flame-wars where trying to show how
 FSF's Free Software definition is the same as BSD's.

 Finally, the rudeness of some people who only resort to insults and
 false accusations is appalling. I expected better from people who
 develop such an awesome OS.

I thought the comedy writers were on strike.  Does the union know
you're peddling jokes on [EMAIL PROTECTED]  I find your writing enormously
entertaining, in general, but I don't want you to get in trouble on
your day job.

Re: Rui Miguel Silva Seabra

2008-01-04 Thread Gregg Reynolds
On 1/4/08, Rui Miguel Silva Seabra [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Yet, I'm the asshole ?

Will wonders never cease?  You got it right for once.  Congrats!  Now
quit while you're ahead.

Re: Real men don't attack straw men

2008-01-03 Thread Gregg Reynolds
On 1/3/08, Siju George [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The wget he uses is worse.
 You can download any non-free software with it and it does not warn
 the user at all!!!

And electricity!  I'm pretty sure (unless I'm misinformed) he uses
electricity provided by plants and distribution systems that are
controlled by non-free software!  And it can be used to run non-free
software!  I don't see how that can be considered anything but a plot
to steal our freedom!

Sorry.  I can't help myself.  I blame my non-free software for
allowing me to read sorry-ass threads like this.

CERT Secure Coding Standards

2007-12-18 Thread Gregg Reynolds

Looks pretty good to me, but it's beyond my competence to judge.  I'd
be very interested in what experienced OBSD developers make of it.
I've always kinda wished they would put together a guide to
secure/quality coding (yes, I'm lazy); maybe the CERT stuff is close



Re: Straw men (Straw women too thx Hannah)

2007-12-17 Thread Gregg Reynolds
On 12/17/07, Fergus Wilde [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 To: Santa, The North Pole (next to Superman's house)

 Dear Santa,

 I am a poor kid from England and what I really, really want for Christmas is
 for this thread to end.

 Love to Rudolph and the elves,

 Fergus (age 45)

Dearest little Fergie

Consider it done!  This and all related threads will end Dec 25, 2011.


Re: rhetorical strategies

2007-12-17 Thread Gregg Reynolds
On 12/17/07, Rui Miguel Silva Seabra [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Free Software as Richard Stallman uses the term is BSD.

Uh-huh.  Sure.  Whatever.  Z.

From the above-mentioned url:  In the GNU project, we use copyleft to
protect these freedoms legally for everyone.  That's all that matters
- lose the GPL (a legal instrument) and the rest is hot air and

The point of my original post was to suggest language that cuts out
the hot air.  The GPL is only one example of covenanted software;
there are many similar legal instruments, and we are all free to write
and offer our own covenants.  There's nothing wrong with covenanted
software.  The problem is the claim that freedom is /only/ possible
via covenant licenses.  That's hot air based on a philosophy that
wouldn't last 10 seconds in a graduate-level seminar at a third-rate

To put another way, Stallman's pitch is something like Freedom
freedom blah blah, therefore GPL.  I prefer something more
straightforward like use a convenant license if you want others to
give you something in return for your code; use a laissez-faire
license if you don't want anything in return; if you want instruction
on freedom, try Plato, Augustine, Hobbes, Hume, Rousseau, Jefferson,
Bentham, Austin, Hart, etc.  Stallman, if you really think he belongs
in that company.  Pretty simple.

The nice thing about OBSD is that in general it makes no grandiose
claims about the nature of freedom or the community  or protecting
our freedoms from various boogey-men.  The nice thing about the term
laissez-faire is that it derives directly from a long tradition of
political and economic thought that has made a major contribution to
the construction of societies whose citizens enjoy a great deal of
practical freedom.  You know, rule of law, private property, the right
to enter into contracts, personal privacy, little stuff like that.
That's where freedoms, rights, justice, etc. come from.  Neither the
GPL nor any other legal instrument has the power to affect those
things in any way.  The government is another story; had RMS spent
more time trying to bring sanity to the US laws governing IP instead
of pushing amateur philosophy he probably would have made a lot more
progress in expanding the free software space.

FWIW, I'm profoundly uninterested in debating the merits of your/rms'
notion of freedom.  I'm only posting to try to clarify my goal. You
can educate yourself, I don't have time to do it for you.  Start with
the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (online).  You might not like
it though.  You may find it necessary to think Real Hard to understand
such stuff.

Re: Real men don't attack straw men

2007-12-16 Thread Gregg Reynolds
On 12/16/07, David H. Lynch Jr. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 4) To pass out or deliver.

 By providing URL's in its ports system, OpenBSD distrubutes - passes
 the items pointed to by the URL's.
 Some of them are non-free.

Dude, you're a comic genius!  Absolutely brilliant, I tell ya!  You
touring any time soon?  I'd love to catch your live act.

All the other messages on this thread - they're so serious!  Ugh -
no-funners!  But your posts are another story altogether - I'm always
eager for another dose of your astonishlngly subtle and witty satire.
 I'm sure I speak for just about everybody - even people who are not
subscribed to @misc - when I say: Thanks for brighten upping my day!


Re: Play Nice - Real men don't attack straw men (Theo)

2007-12-16 Thread Gregg Reynolds
On 12/15/07, David H. Lynch Jr. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 If I wrote a a BSD Licensed program to mailbomb jews.
 Would that be acceptable within ports ?

Well now, this brings up an interesting point of jurisprudence.  To
wit:  does Godwin's Law apply here?  One might argue that it only
kicks in at explicit mention of Hitler or the Nazis, but I'm inclined
to think that tasteless references to antisemitic pogroms are also
covered.  I mean, mailbombing Jews - Hitler would've loved that!

If I'm right, we can all now safely disregard further contributions
from Herr Lynch.

Re: rhetorical strategies

2007-12-16 Thread Gregg Reynolds
On 12/15/07, Gregg Reynolds [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 An advantage of the term covenanted software is that it is not
 likely to be construed as necessarily a negative term, and hence might
 be acceptable to RMS et al.  A related but  less charitable term:
 cultic.  Others: the GPL Compact; communitarian.  Etc.  Anything would
 be preferable to free.

Something a little more fun and vivid just occurred to me for GPL,
which contrasts more cleanly with laissez-faire:

   l'itat, c'est moi software

   Louis XIV (quatorze) software   (or:  Gnuouis XIV, gnoowee quatorze?)

Since, like the Sun King, the FSF, absolute monarch, thinks everything
should revolve around it, like planets around the sun.  ;)


rhetorical strategies

2007-12-15 Thread Gregg Reynolds
It all boils down to language and rhetorical strategy.  rms claims
that OBSD encourages the use of non-free software.  The OBSD folks
consider that incorrect and slanderous.

Instead of tis so - tis not argumentation, I propose a search, not
for agreement, but for clear, simple, and pragmatic language.  I
propose the following terms, gory details and rationale following:

  laissez-faire software - for bsd-style licensing

  covenanted software - for gpl stuff

  exclusivist licensing - proprietary, but paying customers get access to source

  usufruct licensing - for standard, no-source proprietary sw;
usufruct is the legal right to use and derive profit or benefit from
property that belongs to another person, as long as the property is
not damaged.

By now it's painfully obvious that the terms free and non-free are
(ab)used so often because they are semantically hollow and can be
hammered into any shape you please.  So you end up with lots of when
I say free, I mean ...; a dissertation ensues, no two people agree on
the meanings, and everybody gets all excited when in fact they're not
even talking about the same thing.  Once open-source enters the
picture language becomes even less reliable.  Try explaining the
difference between free and open-source to the average non-geek
and be rewarded with an indulgent chuckle and the equivalent of
that's nice.  you kids have fun, now.  Then you get the hucksters
selling libre, as if that comes with some special semantic sauce
that will keep your goulash bug-free.  Enough already.

Rhetorically, the language of free software is rms' home turf.  For
better or for worse, many people look to him for the definition of
free.  So if you engage in the mine's freer than yours debate,
you're fighting him where he is most comfortable and powerful, and
you're probably going to lose and get very pissed off in the process.
He's a very, very clever rhetorician, after all.

The trick is to reframe the debate away from the mystical goo-goo to
simple and pragmatic interests and language.  The core issue is
licensing and its attendant legal obligations and dispensations.  Not
freedom and certainly not Freedom; without the licenses and legal
systems, all the talk about freedom is just hot air.  The nature of
freedom has been debated for thousands of years and we still can't
agree, but everybody understands compulsion and the law.  Law, not
sermonizing, is what makes freedom, and nobody needs to be told what
freedom is; we're all capable of judging whether a legal instrument
leaves us free or bound.

So what's needed is simple but expressive language that clarifies the
fundamental pragmatic differences between the GPL and BSD worlds.
Then rms could decline to recommend OBSD, but could explain his
reasons without slandering OBSD.  My best shot:

For GPL-licensed software I recommend the term covenant(ed)
software.  So-called free software, as rms uses the term, is
totally dependent on the GPL, which leverages the State's monopoly on
violence to compel   modifiers of the software to offer their mods to
the public.  However, nobody can be compelled to use or modify GPL
software; hence the term covenanted, which is intended to convey the
essential nature of the GPL as a kind of voluntary contractual
agreement, as it were.  If somebody asks What is the GPL? the simple
answer a kind of covenant; you can enter into it but you have to
agree to its rules just about says it all.  Nothing wrong with the
GPL; what's wrong is the claim that it - and only it - is some kind of
cornerstone of f(F)reedom.  Look carefully and you see that the
freedom rms talks about seems to be some kind of magical humour that
circulates only amongst those who agree to enter into the GPL
covenant.  But whether GPL acolytes feel a little thrill of freedom
juice coursing through their souls as they work on their software or
not is utterly irrelevant; what matters is the law.

An advantage of the term covenanted software is that it is not
likely to be construed as necessarily a negative term, and hence might
be acceptable to RMS et al.  A related but  less charitable term:
cultic.  Others: the GPL Compact; communitarian.  Etc.  Anything would
be preferable to free.

For BSD-style licensing I recommend the term laissez-faire software.
 I reckon I needn't go into the rationale for this terminology on this
list.  One might argue that any licensed product involves a covenant
of some kind, but  I'm not sure I would agree.  To me a covenant
involves some kind of positive obligations and a formally/legally
defined community, but I see OBSD licensing as essentially negative,
like any good law  - you don't have to enter into any covenant or
formal community, you can do what ever you want with my software, but
don't claim you wrote it, etc.  (I think that's good.)
Laissez-faire strikes me as a near perfect fit for OBSD, but I'm
undecided as to whether non-covenanted fits.

I recommend avoiding the term non-free software like the 

Re: Real men don't attack straw men

2007-12-14 Thread Gregg Reynolds
On 12/14/07, Richard Stallman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 People already know about non-free systems such as Windows, so it is
 unlikely that the mention of them in a free package will tell them
 about a system and they will then switch to it.  Also, switching
 operating systems is a big deal.  People are unlikely to switch to a
 non-free operating system merely because a free program runs on it.

Quite right; they're more likely to stay with the non-free system,
since the kind people at the FSF have helped make such useful free
packages run on it.

 Thus, the risk of leading people to use a non-free system by making a
 free program run on it is small.  However, it is our practice when

That's one risk; the flip side is the risk of preventing people from
exploring free systems by making the non-free systems so cozy.  Is
this hard?

From where I sit, few people do more than the FSF to minimize the cost
of staying with non-free systems.  If all free software developers
were to follow the lead of emacs, nobody would have any reason to
switch from proprietary systems - everything useful would just run on
windows, or osx, so why bother switching?

 doing this to remind people that the non-free system is unethical and
 bad for your freedom.  If the pages about the Emacs binaries for Windows
 don't say this, I'll make sure to add it.

Maybe you should consider doing this sort of thing (including, say,
checking the license on SSH before declaring it GPL-incompatible - the
as far as I know prophylactic is weak at best and disingenuous at
worst)  before lecturing the world on ethics.  You know, physician,
heal thyself?  One might argue that is extremely unethical to declare
that System X encourages non-free software while presiding over an
organization that goes to such lengths to make non-free software
useful.  Sort of like campaigning for women's rights while beating
one's wife.

FWIW, I not fanatical about either side, and the ad hominem attacks
appall me; I'm just very surprised (and discouraged) by what I see as
the fundamental inconsistencies in your position, to the point where I
have to wonder what your real purpose is.



Re: Real men don't attack straw men

2007-12-14 Thread Gregg Reynolds
On 12/14/07, Richard Stallman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 whether that involves changes to the code.  When I say relicensing I
 mean distributing the code with another license applied.  That doesn't
 mean deleting the old license.

That's a useful distinction, but I suggest you find a different term,
since, as I'm sure you are aware, this is not how the prefix re
works in English, so you readers will almost certainly not understand
your intended meaning.  Maybe surlicensing, or epilicensing or
something even more impressively latinate, like licentia auxillia
(pun intended).

Re: Real men don't attack straw men

2007-12-13 Thread Gregg Reynolds
On 12/13/07, Richard Stallman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Even giving the URLs has the effect of referring people to those
 non-free programs.  It gives those non-free programs legitimacy,
 and thus contradicts the idea that software should be free.

Dadgummit!  Now we're going to have to tell everybody to stop using
emacs!  I hate that, since I love using emacs!  But I had no idea that
the FSF was leading me into software slavery!  Look!!  And can you believe the

 This directory contains source and precompiled distributions for GNU
  Emacs on Windows NT/2000/XP and Windows 95/98/Me.  This port is a
  part of the standard GNU Emacs distribution from the Free Software
  Foundation; the precompiled distributions are provided here for
  convenience since the majority of Windows users are not accustomed
  to compiling programs themselves.

I just can't believe it.  I'm crushed - crushed, I tell you! - to
discover that the great Richard M. Stallman and his FSF have been
actively encouraging me all these years to imperil the very
foundations of a free society - not to mention the moral purity of my
immortal soul! - by using non-free software.  It would be bad enough
if they had only provided a url, but - a precompiled binary?  O
misery!  O shame!  O, betrayal!

Re: Real men don't attack straw men

2007-12-13 Thread Gregg Reynolds
On 12/13/07, Theo de Raadt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Please see


Not to mention: - ReactOS is a project to
create a free operating system that is compatible with Windows NT so
users can have access to a free operating system but still run their
favorite Windows PC programs and drivers. - It is a set of
header files and import libraries that can be used by GNU tools for
compiling and linking programs to be run under operating systems
supporting the Win32 Application Programming Interface. - gtmess is a console MSN
Messenger client for GNU/Linux and other systems that conform to the
POSIX standard. It supports the MSNP9 protocol version. ...This is a Macintosh
version for SSH. Complete 32-bit C/C++
development system for Intel 80386 (and higher) PCs running DOS.

Etc. etc. etc. - it's all over the place.  If the cygwin stuff (dunno
if it is or not) is merged into the main source repository, then we
can assume that virtually every piece of GNU code has been designed to
work with windows, so it can't be recommended.  Thus does the
revolution devour its children.

Given the plain weirdness of the arguments Richard Stallman has been
making, maybe we should consider the possibility that we've been had
by an impostor trying to get a rise out of the OBSD crowd. ;)  If not,
then the interesting question is, why is he doing this, really?  All
the pronouncements about freedom, and the Important Life Lessons about
how mentioning a thing is tantamount to endorsing it - it just doesn't
add up, it's too silly.  I wonder what the real agenda is.


Re: Could Hiawatha replace Apache as in base HTTP server if it's license changed?

2007-12-07 Thread Gregg Reynolds
On 12/7/07, Andris [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Here is two messages from Hugo Leisink (Hiawatha developer). You'll

 First of all, you have to take a look at the webserver market. You use
 Apache, IIS, Lighttpd or you don't use anything at all. If you want

Ok, I'll take the bait:

Dunno how secure it is, though.

(I liked the part about how it's important to lie in order to get
market share.  You have to give him credit for honesty!)


Re: Formal verification as another tool for ensuring OpenBSD quality

2007-11-21 Thread Gregg Reynolds
On 11/20/07, Andris [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi, I have read about formal verification, and it sounds like a
 perfect tool to outreach the project goals. I'm pretty sure developers
 know about it, so I'd like to read comments or opinions.

You'll want to check out the Z specification language.  It's a work of
art.  The ISO standard is available online, but it would probably be
heavy sledding for a newcomer, so you should start with an intro.
There are a number of open source tools (dunno about the licensing.)

My guess is knowledge of formal methods is quite rare even among the
development cognoscenti.  It's hard enough to find time to learn
functional languages like haskell or ml; formal methods is a whole
'nother area.  UML is widely known, but as a formal language, well,
let's just say Z makes it look like an amateur hack.  Ditto for xml

Even without formal (automated) verificiation, proof etc. formal
notations are absolutely terrific for documenting specifications.
Usually that means system specs, but once upon a time I did quite a
bit of work trying to specify a typesetting language in Z - syntax and
formal semantics.  Never got around to writing it out (too lazy, er,
busy), but I could see how it could be done, and Z provided a clarity
that allowed me to think about the problems far more rigorously and
with far more nuance than would otherwise have been possible.
Recently I discovered the W3C tried to use Z to specify one of their
languages, but I forget which.


Re: Formal verification as another tool for ensuring OpenBSD quality

2007-11-21 Thread Gregg Reynolds
On 11/20/07, Andris [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi, I have read about formal verification, and it sounds like a
 perfect tool to outreach the project goals. I'm pretty sure developers
 know about it, so I'd like to read comments or opinions.

Some Z links:

The original de facto manual, outdated but still very useful and readable:

Jacky's book is excellent, but not free.

ISO Spec (note the small print, which contains a link to the free

Actually the easy way to do this is:

I'm digging around at and I find many of
the free tools are a) written in Java, and b) GPL licensed.  So
there's a good OBSD project, implement some Z tools. ;)

However, HOL, which is used by some Z tools, is BSD licensed:  As is the Glasgow Haskell Compiler.

Anyway, the main practical benefit of Z for OBSD would probably be
e.g. for documenting NICs or the like.  Formal specification,
validation, etc. for e.g. cryptographic stuff would be great, but also
a huge amount of work.  Even then, if the implementation language is
C, then the code will be beyond formal analysis; you'd have to use an
implementation language that supports formal reasoning, like haskell.
Not to mention, you'd have to prove that your compiler works


Re: cp(1) bug ?

2007-10-19 Thread Gregg Reynolds
On 10/19/07, Ted Unangst [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 10/19/07, Aaron W. Hsu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   From: Tom Van Looy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Date: Fri, 19 Oct 2007 20:21:56 +
   Subject: Re: cp(1) bug ?
   it shall do nothing more with source_file and shall go on to any
   remaining files.
  Doesn't this mean that cp should not do anything when, for example, the
  following command is run?
 $ cp -R foo foo/

 no, because that section is talking about files, not directories.

A directory is a kind of file:

An object that can be written to, or read from, or both. A file has
certain attributes, including access permissions and type. File types
include regular file, character special file, block special file, FIFO
special file and directory. Other types of files may be supported by
the implementation.


Re: Tackilng multiple versions of autoconf

2007-10-16 Thread Gregg Reynolds
On 10/16/07, Douglas A. Tutty [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  This isn't a problem.

 The OP seems to think it is or he (she?) wouldn't waste his time
 emailing the list or making an offer to a considerable amount of work to
 fix it.  Rather than just dissing him, why not enlighten us as to why

That wasn't a diss, it was a statement of fact.  A diss would be This
isn't a problem, you big fat slob.

It's not a problem because the autotools tools are designed that way.
You can't control what versions of what a particular autoconfiscated
package will use.  So an autotools upgrade doesn't affect previously
installed versions.  If you try ./configuring something that needs an
older version it will tell you, so you can install the older version,
set an env var (I think, it's been a while), and do the build.


Re: OpenBSD sticker considered cool by a layman

2007-09-29 Thread Gregg Reynolds
On 9/29/07, Otto Moerbeek [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Sat, 29 Sep 2007, Karel Kulhavy wrote:

  Personally, the feeling or message I am getting from these stickers is 
  not sloppy, we want to do everything well, including graphics design.
  In marketing terms, it makes an impression that OpenBSD has a good
  corporate identity (

 Speaking as an OpenBSD developer, I can assure you that OpenBSD would
 become much less attractive to spend time on if it was run like a
 company. I think what we produce (software and and other stuff) is
 high quality because we like what we do.

good corporate identity != run like a corporation

The corporate in corporate identity should be taken literally.  Or
rather, the metaphor should be divested of any associations with
private, profit-seeking organizations.  A good corporate identity is
about clarity of message; there's no reason that message can't be what
OpenBSD is really about.

In my view OpenBSD has an excellent identity and message - clear,
narrow focus on a small and easily understandable set of concepts
(security by default, unencumbered, quality, etc.) and a variety of
well-designed and executed graphic images unified by a well-chosen
icon.  In fact the great virtue of that is that it obviates the need
for top-down discipline in getting the message out.  Anybody who wants
to evangelize the unwashed will have no problem figuring out what
message to convey.  No reason to fear that.


Re: Does OpenBSD support Hebrew?

2007-09-24 Thread Gregg Reynolds
On 9/24/07, Christian Weisgerber [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Aaron W. Hsu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I am willing to guess that with something like Hebrew, OpenBSD has all the
  necessary support for the system, but, most common applications do not have
  support for the right-to-left way of writing.

 Well, do you consider, say, ksh and vi as part of the system or as
 common applications?

 What about wscons?  Does a Hebrew VT220 change writing direction?

vim supports right to left layout and Arabic shaping, but without
Unicode semantics for number strings, so you kinda have to know what
you're doing if you're going to use it to edit text with number

emacs has had an implementation of r-t-l for years, waiting for
somebody to test/debug.

A good resource for this sort of thing is  Their focus
is Arabic but they try to accomodate any r-t-l language, including
Hebrew (in general, if it supports Arabic, it supports Hebrew).  They
also stick to technology.


ath5k license revised

2007-09-03 Thread Gregg Reynolds

Re: That whole Linux stealing our code thing

2007-09-02 Thread Gregg Reynolds
On 9/2/07, Dave Anderson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 IIRC this is true for any country which has adopted the Berne
 Convention, which is currently almost every country which has any
 copyright law in place.  It includes the U.S.

Yes.  For the dimwits pontificating on this useless thread who can't
be bothered to check facts on their own, here's the relevant text

Copyright protection subsists from the time the work is created in
fixed form. The copyright in the work of authorship immediately
becomes the property of the author who created the work. Only the
author or those deriving their rights through the author can
rightfully claim copyright...

The way in which copyright protection is secured is frequently
misunderstood. No publication or registration or other action in the
Copyright Office is required to secure copyright.

The use of a copyright notice is no longer required under U.S. law,
... Use of the notice may be important because it informs the public
that the work is protected by copyright, identifies the copyright
owner, and shows the year of first publication. Furthermore, in the
event that a work is infringed, if a proper notice of copyright
appears on the published copy or copies to which a defendant in a
copyright infringement suit had access, then no weight shall be given
to such a defendant's interposition of a defense based on innocent
infringement in mitigation of actual or statutory damages...

Copyright is a personal property right,...

Any or all of the copyright owner's exclusive rights or any
subdivision of those rights may be transferred, but the transfer of
exclusive rights is not valid unless that transfer is in writing and
signed by the owner of the rights conveyed or such owner's duly
authorized agent. Transfer of a right on a nonexclusive basis does not
require a written agreement.

Transfers of copyright are normally made by contract...

In general, copyright registration is a legal formality intended to
make a public record of the basic facts of a particular copyright.
However, registration is not a condition of copyright protection...

I had thought that the only remedy against infringement is legal
action by the injured party.  Law enforcement doesn't get involved,
normally, since it's a civil matter.  However, it turns out that isn't
quite true.  Check this out

(c) Fraudulent Copyright Notice. - Any person who, with fraudulent
intent, places on any article a notice of copyright or words of the
same purport that such person knows to be false, or who, with
fraudulent intent, publicly distributes or imports for public
distribution any article bearing such notice or words that such person
knows to be false, shall be fined not more than $2,500.

(d) Fraudulent Removal of Copyright Notice. - Any person who, with
fraudulent intent, removes or alters any notice of copyright appearing
on a copy of a copyrighted work shall be fined not more than $2,500.

That's criminal infringement, folks.  A federal crime.

From which we can conclude, among other things:

  1)  appearance of the copyright _notice_ on BSD or any other code is
irrelevant.  The creator owns the copyright from the get-go.  Removing
a copyright notice has no legal effect, although it's easy to imagine
a practical effect, to wit, a good lawyer could use it to show malice
and win a larger settlement.  Although it's possible that licensing
terms affect this; this is where we should all shut up and ask Real

  2)  nonexclusive transfer of rights is normally a matter of
contract law; however, my understanding is whether software licensing
falls under contract law is a murky area in the law right now.

  3)  the original author of the code in question might well be able
to seek criminal charges against the people who removed the license.

This Rui is obviously a troll; can we please stop taking the bait
and bring this thread to a close?

Re: That whole Linux stealing our code thing

2007-09-01 Thread Gregg Reynolds
On 9/1/07, Theo de Raadt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  In the case of the later 3 files, their copyright notice says:
at your choice you may distribute under the terms of the BSD
license or under the terms of the GNU GPL v2
  So if they chose to distribute those 3 files under the terms of the GNU
  GPL v2, it is correct to change the copyright notice of those three files
  alone in order to remove a license that the distributor chose not to use

 Not exactly.  I won't quote from the GPL again, but even the GPL has a
 paragraph about this.  You must pass on the rights you received.  The
 GPL says that passing on only a selection of rights is not fair.  Don't
 trust my words, though, go read the GPL yourself.

One of the really fascinating aspects of this whole thing, at least to
someone with a classic liberal arts education, is how poorly technical
people often perform when faced with natural language text.  Not all
of them, obviously, but it's amazing how often it happens, even with
people whose high intelligence is indisputable.  You see the full
panoply of logical fallacy at work.  They try to do things they would
never try with technical specs.

For example, you may choose a license for distribution.  There seems
to be an overpowering urge among some to read this as you may may
choose a license for removal.  This is an obvious non sequitur.  The
reasoning seems to be something like

   premise a:  you may choose BSD or GPL
   premise b:  you may distribute under your chosen license
   conclusion: therefore you may distribute without the other license

Fallacy of Equivocation:  use of a term with two or more meanings, as
in, using distribute to mean alter, or taking choose A to mean
remove B.
Fallacy of Illicit Process: a term in the conclusion has a wider
extension than in the predicate (i.e. going from some lawyers are
cheats to all lawyers are X); this non sequitur doesn't quite fit
the definition, but it does involve similar chicanery, going from
choose A to choose A and remove B.

I'm sure this bit of faulty reasoning commits a few other fallacies as
well.  In any case, it's amazing how many technical people are willing
to take OR as a synonym for EXCLUSIVE OR.

The only way this will get clarity in the end is in the courts.  In
this case, the people pulling these shenanigans - possibly including
the FSF - richly deserve the RIAA treatment.  Maybe the foundation
should create a fund for defending the license.(And I'm not even
religious about this stuff - it just really irks may that these people
pontificating  about freedom are willing to behave so selfishly and
disingenuously.  And illegally.)


Re: That whole Linux stealing our code thing

2007-09-01 Thread Gregg Reynolds
On 9/1/07, David H. Lynch Jr. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 FSF/GPL licenses grant you the freedom to do almost anything EXCEPT
 convert GPL'd code to proprietary code.

 BSD/ISC Licenses claim to be Totally Free - specifically because
 you can convert the code to proprietary code.

You could not be more wrong, I think.  Seems to me the BSD license is
designed precisely to prevent this.  Granting of rights != transfer of
ownership.  You can _use_ BSD-licensed code in a proprietary product;
that does not mean you have a proprietary claim on the BSD-licensed
code.  That's the point of requiring that the copyright/license notice
be retained.  There is no conversion to proprietary code here.

In this respect GPL and BSD are in complete agreement.  The difference
is in the obligations they impose on the licensee regarding use.  BSD
imposes one simple negative condition - you /must not/ remove the
license.  GPL imposes a more complex set of positive conditions - you
/must/ make alterations available under the same license.  In neither
case does ownership enter the picture.

Copyright law goes back centuries, contract law goes back to the
Romans.  There's more than meets the eye there; common sense
interpretations uninformed by some degree of awareness of the legal
traditions - as in, I don't see anything in there that says I can't
do X is almost certain to be wrong.

IANAL, though.  Talk to one of them if you really have a burning
desire to understand all this.  Even then, only the courts can settle
the matter.


code analysis tools

2007-03-26 Thread Gregg Reynolds


I wonder if the OpenBSD developers have a favored set of tools for C
code analysis.  E.g. the kind of stuff listed at  Esp. stuff like  Are such tools used in OpenBSD code audits?

Also, what about automatic code documentation tools (for lack of a
better term)?  This kind of stuff:

I'm interested because I think OpenBSD is a terrific development
platform, number one, and number two, I'd like to follow the code
development practices of OpenBSD.



Re: code analysis tools

2007-03-26 Thread Gregg Reynolds

Clarification:  I'm mostly interested in source browser tools (e.g.
cscope, e/t/gtags, global, etc.) or whatever can help a developer
understand unfamiliar source code in the shortest possible time.  Is
there a preferred tool among OpenBSD developers?

On 3/26/07, Gregg Reynolds [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I wonder if the OpenBSD developers have a favored set of tools for C
code analysis.  E.g. the kind of stuff listed at  Esp. stuff like  Are such tools used in OpenBSD code audits?

Also, what about automatic code documentation tools (for lack of a
better term)?  This kind of stuff:

I'm interested because I think OpenBSD is a terrific development
platform, number one, and number two, I'd like to follow the code
development practices of OpenBSD.



Re: code analysis tools

2007-03-26 Thread Gregg Reynolds

On 3/26/07, Nick ! [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

OpenBSD... does not work like that. What made you decide it is a
terrific development platform? You do not even understand it's

I understand the Standard Response to that would be RTFM.  But that
would be unhelpful, and even worse, rude.  So please see item one (and
most of the others) at, and once
you've mastered that, see

Thanks very much for your helpful pointers.  Please do not feel
obligated to respond.

Re: code analysis tools

2007-03-26 Thread Gregg Reynolds

On 3/26/07, Tobias Ulmer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

lint(1), gcc-local(1)

style(7) may be worth reading...

Thank you; I didn't know about those man pages; I'll have to dig
around and find what other similar pages are there.  OpenBSD's
documentation is pretty amazing.


Re: code analysis tools

2007-03-26 Thread Gregg Reynolds

On 3/26/07, Marco Peereboom [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


All work fine within emacsOS and vim. is invaluable too.

I see GNU Global does something similar:  Ever looked at it?

BTW I plan to write up a paper or guide on tools and resources for
development on OpenBSD with this info.

