Can't Install OpenBSD 5.6 with FTP

2014-11-22 Thread Hendrickson, Kenneth
I can't install OpenBSD 5.6 with PXE with an FTP server.
I now must figure out how to get a http server running.
After 3 hours, it isn't working yet.
There is NO documentation on how to set up the required web server pages.  I've 
looked.  There are no examples.  Not even one example.

This is NOT a good thing.
Why was this done?
Please reverse this decision.
Please bring back installing from an FTP server.

Why break something that was working well for more than a decade??
Why reduce functionality??

Re: Can't Install OpenBSD 5.6 with FTP

2014-11-22 Thread Hendrickson, Kenneth
Note that I'm trying to install from my own private network.  Yes, I could 
install from the servers on the web.  But I have many boxes to install, and I 
want the installations to go fast.  I don't want to pound the servers with 
hundreds of requests.  So I want to use my own servers.  And I can't.  That is 
what I'm pissed off about.


From: Hendrickson, Kenneth
Sent: Saturday, November 22, 2014 9:34 PM
Subject: Can't Install OpenBSD 5.6 with FTP

I can't install OpenBSD 5.6 with PXE with an FTP server.
I now must figure out how to get a http server running.
After 3 hours, it isn't working yet.
There is NO documentation on how to set up the required web server pages.  I've 
looked.  There are no examples.  Not even one example.

This is NOT a good thing.
Why was this done?
Please reverse this decision.
Please bring back installing from an FTP server.

Why break something that was working well for more than a decade??
Why reduce functionality??

Re: Bake Sale

2014-01-14 Thread Hendrickson, Kenneth
--- Theo de Raadt wrote:
> Anyone want to suggest we hold a bake sale?

I understand there is a market for brownies in Colorado and Washington state.

Ken Hendrickson

Re: Add Route at Boot Time

2012-01-20 Thread Hendrickson, Kenneth
Thanks.  But the !command-line option in hostname.if(5) seems more elegant.


-Original Message-
From: Stuart VanZee []
Sent: Friday, January 20, 2012 9:58 AM
To: Hendrickson, Kenneth
Subject: RE: Add Route at Boot Time

Or you could just add the route command to your /etc/rc.local file and
have done. :)


-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of Hendrickson, Kenneth
Sent: Friday, January 20, 2012 9:30 AM
Subject: Add Route at Boot Time

|   Firewall   |
|  | .
| vr0dhcpd |  |  |  |  |  Wired Network
| |--+--+--+--+- 172.24.10/24
|  |
|  |   +-+
| vr1  |   | Wireless Router |
|  |---| |Wireless Network
|  |   | |--- 192.168.2/24
|  |   |   dhcpd |
|  |   +-+
| vr2  |
|  |- Future Use
|  |
|  |   +-+
| vr3 dhclient |---|   Cable Modem   |--- Internet Cloud
+--+   +-+

Problem.  I need to manually do:
route add -inet

How do I get this done automagically at boot time?
What man pages do I need to (re-)read?


Re: Add Route at Boot Time

2012-01-20 Thread Hendrickson, Kenneth

-Original Message-
From: Fred Crowson []
Sent: Friday, January 20, 2012 9:51 AM
To: Hendrickson, Kenneth
Subject: Re: Add Route at Boot Time

On 20 January 2012 14:29, Hendrickson, Kenneth  wrote:
> +--+
> |   Firewall   |
> |  | .
> | vr0dhcpd |  |  |  |  |  Wired Network
> | |--+--+--+--+- 172.24.10/24
> |  |
> |  |   +-+
> | vr1  |   | Wireless Router |
> |  |---| |Wireless Network
> |  |   | |--- 192.168.2/24
> |  |   |   dhcpd |
> |  |   +-+
> | vr2  |
> |  |- Future Use
> |  |
> |  |   +-+
> | vr3 dhclient |---|   Cable Modem   |--- Internet Cloud
> +--+   +-+
> Problem.  I need to manually do:
>route add -inet
> How do I get this done automagically at boot time?
> What man pages do I need to (re-)read?
> Thanks,
> Ken


!route add -inet

to the appropriate hostname.if

See man hostname.if



Add Route at Boot Time

2012-01-20 Thread Hendrickson, Kenneth
|   Firewall   |
|  | .
| vr0dhcpd |  |  |  |  |  Wired Network
| |--+--+--+--+- 172.24.10/24
|  |
|  |   +-+
| vr1  |   | Wireless Router |
|  |---| |Wireless Network
|  |   | |--- 192.168.2/24
|  |   |   dhcpd |
|  |   +-+
| vr2  |
|  |- Future Use
|  |
|  |   +-+
| vr3 dhclient |---|   Cable Modem   |--- Internet Cloud
+--+   +-+

Problem.  I need to manually do:
route add -inet

How do I get this done automagically at boot time?
What man pages do I need to (re-)read?


Re: Microsoft mouse, ums and wsmouse

2009-07-22 Thread Hendrickson, Kenneth
turn on wsmouse in /etc/rc.conf.local

read /etc/rc.conf (but don't modify it) to see what it does

-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of Luis Useche
Sent: Wednesday, July 22, 2009 5:47 PM
Subject: Microsoft mouse, ums and wsmouse

Hi Guys,

I am new to OpenBSD and I was giving it a try by installing in my
laptop. My
problem is that my usb wireless mouse does not work on X or with
>From a message standpoint, everything seem normal. I got from dmesg:

uhidev0 at uhub4 port 2 configuration 1 interface 0 "Microsoft Microsoft
Wireless Optical Mouse\M-. 1.00" rev 2.00/0.07 addr 2
uhidev0: iclass 3/1, 23 report ids
ums0 at uhidev0 reportid 17: 3 buttons, Z dir
wsmouse1 at ums0 mux 0
uhid0 at uhidev0 reportid 18: input=0, output=0, feature=1
uhid1 at uhidev0 reportid 19: input=1, output=0, feature=0
uhid2 at uhidev0 reportid 20: input=1, output=0, feature=0
uhid3 at uhidev0 reportid 21: input=3, output=0, feature=0
uhid4 at uhidev0 reportid 23: input=0, output=0, feature=1

Which means that the mouse is detected and attached to the wsmouse
driver as
"wsmouse1". However, it does not work at all. I have been looking all
for a solution with no success. At this point I am clueless.

Any help is very appreciated.

Luis Useche

Re: Soekris net5501 OpenBSD 4.5 Booting Problem

2009-07-17 Thread Hendrickson, Kenneth
> > *0: A6  0   1   1 -131 127  63 [  63: 2112516 ]
> >  1: DA131 128   1 -262 254  63 [ 2112579: 2112516 ]

> >  2: DA263   0   1 -   6211 254  63 [ 4225095:95570685 ]

> >  3: DA   6212   0   1 -  12160 254  63 [99795780:95570685 ]

> Just follow the instructions in the OpenBSD installer, offered by
> default. When it prompts you 'Do you want to use all of wd0 for OpenBSD',
> just say yes, it will run fdisk -i
> It will make partition 3 the default active bootable one

But I *never* want to use the entire disk for OpenBSD.  I have a system for
quick recovery in case of a disaster.  I only use half of the disk.  When I
install a new version of OpenBSD, I use the other half of the disk.  That
if a disaster happens, I can quickly boot, run fdisk -- changing the bootable
partition, and then reboot into my previous system.

In the above fdisk output, partitions 0 and 2 are my current system, while
partitions 1 and 3 are my last and next systems.  After I install a new
onto partitions 1 and 3, partitions 0 and 2 will become my last and next

(Using 2 partitions like this is a holdover from the days when the bootable
partition had to be in the first few cylinders of the drive.)

I'm surprised more people don't do this.  It provides for very quick and easy
recovery in the case of a disaster.  (I've only ever had such a disaster
I've been using OpenBSD since late 1996.)

The other advantage of this system is that it provides an easy means for
seeing how I did things previously.  I can quickly run disklabel, use an
empty slice to point to one of my old slices, and then mount it.  After I'm
done I can run disklabel again and put it back.

So I never want to use the entire disk for OpenBSD.  Therefore, I will need
to remember to escape to a shell and run "fdisk -u" when installing to a
virgin disk.

It would be nice if the OpenBSD install procedure checked for the lack of
a valid MBR, and installed one automatically (after asking); that would
save some people from experiencing the problem I experienced.

Ken Hendrickson

Re: SOLVED: Soekris net5501 OpenBSD 4.5 Booting Problem

2009-07-16 Thread Hendrickson, Kenneth
Problem solved!  My Soekris net5501 is now booting from hard drive.

The solution is here:

Thanks for everybody's help,
Ken Hendrickson

PS  Note to OpenBSD: I've never installed to a virgin disk before.
I didn't know that I had to do fdisk -u wd0 to write a master boot
record.  I would like to suggest that the install process should
check for the lack of a MBR, and if no MBR is found, prompt the
installer to write one.  If such code existed in the install process,
I would not have had the problem I just had over the last week.

Re: Soekris net5501 OpenBSD 4.5 Booting Problem

2009-07-16 Thread Hendrickson, Kenneth
I cannot get a Soekris net5501 to boot OpenBSD 4.5 from a hard drive.

Much traffic has passed on the Soekris email list.  I've now included, because it might be an OpenBSD problem.

I re-installed OpenBSD.  And I noticed a problem at the end of the
install process.  I have a "broken MBR".  This is probably why my
Soekris net5501 won't boot from hard drive.

- start of transcript -
Installing boot block...
boot: /mnt/boot
proto: /usr/mdec/biosboot
device: /dev/rwd0c
/usr/mdec/biosboot: entry point 0
proto bootblock size 512
/mnt/boot is 3 blocks x 16384 bytes
fs block shift 2; part offset 63; inode block 24, offset 11048
installboot: broken MBR
- end of transcript -

Notice that I have a broken MBR.  This is bad.  I've never seen this
happen before.

Here is my partitioning and slicing information:
- start of transcript -
# fdisk wd0
Disk: wd0   geometry: 12161/255/63 [195371568 Sectors]
Offset: 0   Signature: 0x0
Starting Ending LBA Info:
 #: id  C   H   S -  C   H   S [   start:size ]
*0: A6  0   1   1 -131 127  63 [  63: 2112516 ] OpenBSD
 1: DA131 128   1 -262 254  63 [ 2112579: 2112516 ] 
 2: DA263   0   1 -   6211 254  63 [ 4225095:95570685 ] 
 3: DA   6212   0   1 -  12160 254  63 [99795780:95570685 ] 
# disklabel wd0
# /dev/rwd0c:
type: ESDI
disk: ESDI/IDE disk
label: FUJITSU MHW2100B
bytes/sector: 512
sectors/track: 63
tracks/cylinder: 255
sectors/cylinder: 16065
cylinders: 12161
total sectors: 195371568
rpm: 3600
interleave: 1
trackskew: 0
cylinderskew: 0
headswitch: 0   # microseconds
track-to-track seek: 0  # microseconds
drivedata: 0

16 partitions:
#size   offset  fstype [fsize bsize  cpg]
  a:  2112516   63  4.2BSD   2048 163841
  b:  1076355  4225095swap
  c:1953715680  unused
  d:  2112516  5301450  4.2BSD   2048 163841
  e:  4201029  7413966  4.2BSD   2048 163841
  f:  4209030 11614995  4.2BSD   2048 163841
  g:  4209030 15824025  4.2BSD   2048 163841
  h:  4209030 20033055  4.2BSD   2048 163841
  i:  2112516  2112579 unknown
  j:  2104515 28451115  4.2BSD   2048 163841
  k: 95570685 99795780 unknown
  l:  2104515 24242085  4.2BSD   2048 163841
  m:  2104515 26346600  4.2BSD   2048 163841
  n: 50347710 30555630  4.2BSD   2048 163841
  o: 16787925 80903340  4.2BSD   2048 163841
  p:  2104515 97691265  4.2BSD   2048 163841
# mount -t ffs /dev/wd0a /mnt
# cat /mnt/etc/fstab
/dev/wd0a / ffs rw 1 1
/dev/wd0d /altroot ffs rw,nodev,nosuid 1 2
/dev/wd0j /root ffs rw,nodev,nosuid 1 2
/dev/wd0e /tmp ffs rw,nodev,nosuid 1 2
/dev/wd0n /usr ffs rw,nodev 1 2
/dev/wd0p /usr/local/src ffs rw,nodev 1 2
/dev/wd0o /usr/obj ffs rw,nodev,nosuid 1 2
/dev/wd0f /var ffs rw,nodev,nosuid 1 2
/dev/wd0h /var/crash ffs rw,nodev,nosuid 1 2
/dev/wd0l /var/log ffs rw,nodev,nosuid 1 2
/dev/wd0m /var/mail ffs rw,nodev,nosuid 1 2
/dev/wd0g /var/tmp ffs rw,nodev,nosuid 1 2
# umount /mnt
- end of transcript -

What do I need to do to fix this problem?  I realize this is as much an
OpenBSD problem (or more so) as it is a Soekris net5501 problem.

Is there a problem with my disk partitioning?

Is there a problem with my OpenBSD partition disk slicing?

I can provide a full transcript of the install if it will help.

Thanks In Advance,
Ken Hendrickson

Re: Thinkpad x200 suspend to ram and to disk newby help

2009-07-16 Thread Hendrickson, Kenneth
> Also, do I need a hidden partition to suspend to disk?
> Has anyone time to give me some details?

Yes, you need a partition to suspend.  And that partition
must have the correct type, and have some sort of formatting
on it.  I don't remember any details, so Google is your

Back when I had a laptop (2000 or so), suspend worked in
OpenBSD but failed miserably in Winblows.

Ken Hendrickson

Re: Cannot Boot with Intel D201GLY Motherboard [dmesg, fdisk, disklabel]

2009-07-05 Thread Hendrickson, Kenneth
> Unfortunately I cannot see your attachments..
> as the lists do not permit them.

I will post them in this message.
However, I cannot post OpenBSD.PBR because it is a binary file.

> As this is a strictly a recovery operating,

I would like to run OpenBSD on my D201GLY motherboard.
It is not strictly a recovery operation.

During booting, the kernel dies very shortly after printing "cpu0 at
However, it boots just fine from the install CD.

-- 8< --

OpenBSD 4.5 (RAMDISK_CD) #1112: Sat Feb 28 15:06:26 MST 2009
cpu0: Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU 220 @ 1.20GHz ("GenuineIntel" 686-class) 1.21
real mem  = 935886848 (892MB)
avail mem = 898048000 (856MB)
mainbus0 at root
bios0 at mainbus0: AT/286+ BIOS, date 08/22/07, SMBIOS rev. 2.4 @ 0xe4da0 (23
bios0: vendor Intel Corp. version "LY66210M.86A.0122.2007.0822.2001" date
bios0: Intel Corporation D201GLY
acpi0 at bios0: rev 0
acpi0: tables DSDT FACP APIC
acpimadt0 at acpi0 addr 0xfee0: PC-AT compat
cpu0 at mainbus0: apid 0 (boot processor)
cpu0: apic clock running at 133MHz
ioapic0 at mainbus0: apid 4 pa 0xfec0, version 14, 24 pins
ioapic0: misconfigured as apic 0, remapped to apid 4
acpiprt0 at acpi0: bus 0 (PCI0)
acpiprt1 at acpi0: bus 1 (P0P1)
bios0: ROM list: 0xc/0x1 0xd/0xa000
pci0 at mainbus0 bus 0: configuration mode 1 (bios)
pchb0 at pci0 dev 0 function 0 "SiS 662 PCI" rev 0x01
ppb0 at pci0 dev 1 function 0 "SiS 648FX AGP" rev 0x00
pci1 at ppb0 bus 1
vga1 at pci1 dev 0 function 0 "SiS 6330 VGA" rev 0x04
wsdisplay0 at vga1 mux 1: console (80x25, vt100 emulation)
pcib0 at pci0 dev 2 function 0 "SiS 964 ISA" rev 0x36
pciide0 at pci0 dev 2 function 5 "SiS 5513 EIDE" rev 0x01: 964: DMA, channel 0
wired to compatibility, channel 1 wired to compatibility
wd0 at pciide0 channel 0 drive 0: 
wd0: 16-sector PIO, LBA, 114473MB, 234441648 sectors
atapiscsi0 at pciide0 channel 0 drive 1
scsibus0 at atapiscsi0: 2 targets
cd0 at scsibus0 targ 0 lun 0:  ATAPI 5/cdrom removable
wd0(pciide0:0:0): using PIO mode 4, Ultra-DMA mode 5
cd0(pciide0:0:1): using PIO mode 4, Ultra-DMA mode 2
pciide0: channel 1 disabled (no drives)
"SiS 7012 AC97" rev 0xa0 at pci0 dev 2 function 7 not configured
ohci0 at pci0 dev 3 function 0 "SiS 5597/5598 USB" rev 0x0f: apic 4 int 20
(irq 11), version 1.0, legacy support
ohci1 at pci0 dev 3 function 1 "SiS 5597/5598 USB" rev 0x0f: apic 4 int 21
(irq 10), version 1.0, legacy support
ohci2 at pci0 dev 3 function 2 "SiS 5597/5598 USB" rev 0x0f: apic 4 int 22
(irq 11), version 1.0, legacy support
ehci0 at pci0 dev 3 function 3 "SiS 7002 USB" rev 0x00: apic 4 int 23 (irq
ehci0: timed out waiting for BIOS
usb0 at ehci0: USB revision 2.0
uhub0 at usb0 "SiS EHCI root hub" rev 2.00/1.00 addr 1
sis0 at pci0 dev 4 function 0 "SiS 900 10/100BaseTX" rev 0x91: apic 4 int 19
(irq 11), address 00:1c:c0:26:8a:c3
ukphy0 at sis0 phy 1: Generic IEEE 802.3u media interface, rev. 1: OUI
0x0050ef, model 0x0007
pciide1 at pci0 dev 5 function 0 "SiS 181 SATA" rev 0x01: DMA
pciide1: using apic 4 int 17 (irq 10) for native-PCI interrupt
ppb1 at pci0 dev 31 function 0 "SiS PCI-PCI" rev 0x00
pci2 at ppb1 bus 2
isa0 at pcib0
isadma0 at isa0
com0 at isa0 port 0x3f8/8 irq 4: ns16550a, 16 byte fifo
pckbc0 at isa0 port 0x60/5
pckbd0 at pckbc0 (kbd slot)
pckbc0: using irq 1 for kbd slot
wskbd0 at pckbd0: console keyboard, using wsdisplay0
npx0 at isa0 port 0xf0/16: reported by CPUID; using exception 16
usb1 at ohci0: USB revision 1.0
uhub1 at usb1 "SiS OHCI root hub" rev 1.00/1.00 addr 1
usb2 at ohci1: USB revision 1.0
uhub2 at usb2 "SiS OHCI root hub" rev 1.00/1.00 addr 1
usb3 at ohci2: USB revision 1.0
uhub3 at usb3 "SiS OHCI root hub" rev 1.00/1.00 addr 1
rd0: fixed, 3800 blocks
"American Power Conversion Back-UPS RS 900 FW:9.o2 .D USB FW:o2" rev 1.10/1.06
addr 2 at uhub2 port 2 not configured
softraid0 at root
root on rd0a swap on rd0b dump on rd0b

-- 8< --

Disk: wd0   geometry: 232581/16/63 [234441648 Sectors]
Offset: 0   Signature: 0xAA55
Starting Ending LBA Info:
 #: id  C   H   S -  C   H   S [   start:size ]
 0: A6  0   1   1 -495  15  63 [  63:  499905 ] OpenBSD
*1: 07496   0   1 -  13393  15  63 [  499968:13001184 ]
 2: 05  13394   0   1 - 202759  15  63 [13501152:   190880928 ] Extended
 3: DA 202760   0   1 - 232580  15  63 [   204382080:30059568 ] 
Offset: 13501152Signature: 0xAA55
Starting Ending LBA Info:
 #: id  C   H   S -  C   H   S [   start:size ]

Re: Cannot Boot with Intel D201GLY Motherboard

2009-07-05 Thread Hendrickson, Kenneth
> perhaps the geometry reported by the pciide(4)
> driver differs from the one determined by the BIOS,

Nope.  I cannot get OpenBSD to boot on my D201GLY motherboard even without the
Promise IDE controller plugged in.  (I've tried both with and without the
Promise IDE controller.)

> However, the best option would be to simply acquire an
> old beige box and install OpenBSD and back up the files
> to another system on your network.

Unfortunately, this seems to be my only option.  It is not good that OpenBSD
will not boot on the D201GLY motherboard.  :-(

Kenneth J. Hendrickson

Re: Cannot Boot with Intel D201GLY Motherboard

2009-07-04 Thread Hendrickson, Kenneth
Disabling acpi (in OpenBSD 4.5) does not work.

Any help would be appreciated.  I do *not* want to lose my old data!

Ken Hendrickson

-Original Message-
From: Mike Belopuhov []
Sent: Sat 7/4/2009 6:39 PM
To: Hendrickson, Kenneth
Subject: Re: Cannot Boot with Intel D201GLY Motherboard

you have to put a PCI video card in. it's SiS video that blows things up.
though, as RAMDISK kernel works, surely it's openbsd defficiency. nobody
has figured out what's actually is a problem because of the lack of this

On Sat, Jul 04, 2009 at 17:00 -0400, Hendrickson, Kenneth wrote:
> Cannot Boot with Intel D201GLY Motherboard
> Disk is 120GB PATA IDE
> dmesg, fdisk output, and disklabel output are all attached
> OpenBSD.PDR is also attached
> I have Googled for problems/answers, and still run into a dead end.
> There must be a requirement which is not stated in the documentation,
> which I am not following.  Please help.
> (I am an experienced OpenBSD user, having used OpenBSD continuously
> since 1998, and having built my own kernels/userland, and also have
> built OpenBSD for embedded systems.)
> The instructions for booting from NTLDR (Windows 2000) do not work.
> As soon as the messages get to the CPU, the system reboots.  Booting
> never works, either from the OpenBSD partition, or from NTLDR from
> Windows 2000.  I have included my OpenBSD.PDR file for examination.
> Originally, my OpenBSD partition was #4 in fdisk.  I added the #1
> partition, and had both #1 and #4 set to "a6" for OpenBSD.  That
> didn't work.  I then chose only #1 partition to be "a6" for OpenBSD,
> and #4 partition was set to "da" for "No Filesystem".  That also
> didn't work.  Please note that my entire OpenBSD / filesystem is
> within the 1024 cylinder boundary.  The /boot file is totally
> contained within the 1024 cylinder boundary.  It still won't boot.
> It won't boot on its own, nor will it boot from the Windows 2000
> NTLDR bootloader.
> Also note that while my fdisk and disklabel indicates Linux
> partitions, none of them have yet been installed.  I installed
> Windows 2000 first, then OpenBSD.  Since I could never get OpenBSD
> to boot, I have not yet installed Linux.
> Please help if you can.
> Thank you,
> Kenneth J. Hendrickson
> [demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type application/octet-stream which
had a name of dmesg]
> [demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type application/octet-stream which
had a name of fdisk]
> [demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type application/octet-stream which
had a name of disklabel]
> [demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type application/octet-stream which
had a name of OpenBSD.PDR]

Re: Cannot Boot with Intel D201GLY Motherboard

2009-07-04 Thread Hendrickson, Kenneth
This is a very disappointing result!!! :-(

I am trying to recover old data from a ccd device, on a
Promise hard drive controller card.

If I cannot use the Promise HDD controller card, then I
cannot recover my data.

If I must use another PCI video card, then I will not be
able to use the Promise HDD controller card, because my
motherboard has only 1 PCI slot.

So this will defeat the entire purpose!

If anybody else has any suggestions, please let me know!

Kenneth J. Hendrickson

-Original Message-
From: Mike Belopuhov []
Sent: Sat 7/4/2009 6:39 PM
To: Hendrickson, Kenneth
Subject: Re: Cannot Boot with Intel D201GLY Motherboard

you have to put a PCI video card in. it's SiS video that blows things up.
though, as RAMDISK kernel works, surely it's openbsd defficiency. nobody
has figured out what's actually is a problem because of the lack of this

On Sat, Jul 04, 2009 at 17:00 -0400, Hendrickson, Kenneth wrote:
> Cannot Boot with Intel D201GLY Motherboard
> Disk is 120GB PATA IDE
> dmesg, fdisk output, and disklabel output are all attached
> OpenBSD.PDR is also attached
> I have Googled for problems/answers, and still run into a dead end.
> There must be a requirement which is not stated in the documentation,
> which I am not following.  Please help.
> (I am an experienced OpenBSD user, having used OpenBSD continuously
> since 1998, and having built my own kernels/userland, and also have
> built OpenBSD for embedded systems.)
> The instructions for booting from NTLDR (Windows 2000) do not work.
> As soon as the messages get to the CPU, the system reboots.  Booting
> never works, either from the OpenBSD partition, or from NTLDR from
> Windows 2000.  I have included my OpenBSD.PDR file for examination.
> Originally, my OpenBSD partition was #4 in fdisk.  I added the #1
> partition, and had both #1 and #4 set to "a6" for OpenBSD.  That
> didn't work.  I then chose only #1 partition to be "a6" for OpenBSD,
> and #4 partition was set to "da" for "No Filesystem".  That also
> didn't work.  Please note that my entire OpenBSD / filesystem is
> within the 1024 cylinder boundary.  The /boot file is totally
> contained within the 1024 cylinder boundary.  It still won't boot.
> It won't boot on its own, nor will it boot from the Windows 2000
> NTLDR bootloader.
> Also note that while my fdisk and disklabel indicates Linux
> partitions, none of them have yet been installed.  I installed
> Windows 2000 first, then OpenBSD.  Since I could never get OpenBSD
> to boot, I have not yet installed Linux.
> Please help if you can.
> Thank you,
> Kenneth J. Hendrickson
> [demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type application/octet-stream which
had a name of dmesg]
> [demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type application/octet-stream which
had a name of fdisk]
> [demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type application/octet-stream which
had a name of disklabel]
> [demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type application/octet-stream which
had a name of OpenBSD.PDR]

Re: Cannot Boot with Intel D201GLY Motherboard

2009-07-04 Thread Hendrickson, Kenneth
This will defeat the entire purpose.

I am trying to recover data from a ccd device on a very old OpenBSD
system.  If I have to plug in a PCI video card, then the PCI slot
will not be available for the Promise PCI hard drive controller.
(There is only 1 PCI slot on this motherboard.)

The only way I can recover my data is with the Promise card.

So this is a very disappointing result.  :-(

If anybody has any other suggestions, please let me know.

Kenneth J. Hendrickson

-Original Message-
From: Mike Belopuhov []
Sent: Sat 7/4/2009 6:39 PM
To: Hendrickson, Kenneth
Subject: Re: Cannot Boot with Intel D201GLY Motherboard

you have to put a PCI video card in. it's SiS video that blows things up.
though, as RAMDISK kernel works, surely it's openbsd defficiency. nobody
has figured out what's actually is a problem because of the lack of this

On Sat, Jul 04, 2009 at 17:00 -0400, Hendrickson, Kenneth wrote:
> Cannot Boot with Intel D201GLY Motherboard
> Disk is 120GB PATA IDE
> dmesg, fdisk output, and disklabel output are all attached
> OpenBSD.PDR is also attached
> I have Googled for problems/answers, and still run into a dead end.
> There must be a requirement which is not stated in the documentation,
> which I am not following.  Please help.
> (I am an experienced OpenBSD user, having used OpenBSD continuously
> since 1998, and having built my own kernels/userland, and also have
> built OpenBSD for embedded systems.)
> The instructions for booting from NTLDR (Windows 2000) do not work.
> As soon as the messages get to the CPU, the system reboots.  Booting
> never works, either from the OpenBSD partition, or from NTLDR from
> Windows 2000.  I have included my OpenBSD.PDR file for examination.
> Originally, my OpenBSD partition was #4 in fdisk.  I added the #1
> partition, and had both #1 and #4 set to "a6" for OpenBSD.  That
> didn't work.  I then chose only #1 partition to be "a6" for OpenBSD,
> and #4 partition was set to "da" for "No Filesystem".  That also
> didn't work.  Please note that my entire OpenBSD / filesystem is
> within the 1024 cylinder boundary.  The /boot file is totally
> contained within the 1024 cylinder boundary.  It still won't boot.
> It won't boot on its own, nor will it boot from the Windows 2000
> NTLDR bootloader.
> Also note that while my fdisk and disklabel indicates Linux
> partitions, none of them have yet been installed.  I installed
> Windows 2000 first, then OpenBSD.  Since I could never get OpenBSD
> to boot, I have not yet installed Linux.
> Please help if you can.
> Thank you,
> Kenneth J. Hendrickson
> [demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type application/octet-stream which
had a name of dmesg]
> [demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type application/octet-stream which
had a name of fdisk]
> [demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type application/octet-stream which
had a name of disklabel]
> [demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type application/octet-stream which
had a name of OpenBSD.PDR]

FW: Cannot Boot with Intel D201GLY Motherboard

2009-07-04 Thread Hendrickson, Kenneth
I should mention that booting from the CD install media
works, but booting after installing the OpenBSD 4.5 OS

Please help if you can.

Thank you,
Kenneth J. Hendrickson

PS  I need to get this box up with OpenBSD in order to
recover some data from a ccd drive on a Pentium 266 MHz
which recently failed.  It was my main file server.  I
do not want to lose my data!

PPS  If I cannot get this D201GLY motherboard up with
OpenBSD, I am willing to buy another motherboard, in
order to get my data back.  But I'd rather not have to
buy another motherboard.  The D201GLY will serve my
purposes if only I can get it to boot!!

Re: Cannot Boot with Intel D201GLY Motherboard

2009-07-04 Thread Hendrickson, Kenneth
I should mention that booting from the CD install media
works, but booting after installing the OpenBSD 4.5 OS

Please help if you can.

Thank you,
Kenneth J. Hendrickson

PS  I need to get this box up with OpenBSD in order to
recover some data from a ccd drive on a Pentium 266 MHz
which recently failed.  It was my main file server.  I
do not want to lose my data!

PPS  If I cannot get this D201GLY motherboard up with
OpenBSD, I am willing to buy another motherboard, in
order to get my data back.  But I'd rather not have to
buy another motherboard.  The D201GLY will serve my
purposes if only I can get it to boot!!

-Original Message-
From: Hendrickson, Kenneth
Sent: Sat 7/4/2009 5:00 PM
Subject: Cannot Boot with Intel D201GLY Motherboard

Cannot Boot with Intel D201GLY Motherboard

Disk is 120GB PATA IDE

dmesg, fdisk output, and disklabel output are all attached
OpenBSD.PDR is also attached

I have Googled for problems/answers, and still run into a dead end.

There must be a requirement which is not stated in the documentation,
which I am not following.  Please help.

(I am an experienced OpenBSD user, having used OpenBSD continuously
since 1998, and having built my own kernels/userland, and also have
built OpenBSD for embedded systems.)

The instructions for booting from NTLDR (Windows 2000) do not work.
As soon as the messages get to the CPU, the system reboots.  Booting
never works, either from the OpenBSD partition, or from NTLDR from
Windows 2000.  I have included my OpenBSD.PDR file for examination.

Originally, my OpenBSD partition was #4 in fdisk.  I added the #1
partition, and had both #1 and #4 set to "a6" for OpenBSD.  That
didn't work.  I then chose only #1 partition to be "a6" for OpenBSD,
and #4 partition was set to "da" for "No Filesystem".  That also
didn't work.  Please note that my entire OpenBSD / filesystem is
within the 1024 cylinder boundary.  The /boot file is totally
contained within the 1024 cylinder boundary.  It still won't boot.
It won't boot on its own, nor will it boot from the Windows 2000
NTLDR bootloader.

Also note that while my fdisk and disklabel indicates Linux
partitions, none of them have yet been installed.  I installed
Windows 2000 first, then OpenBSD.  Since I could never get OpenBSD
to boot, I have not yet installed Linux.

Please help if you can.

Thank you,
Kenneth J. Hendrickson

Cannot Boot with Intel D201GLY Motherboard

2009-07-04 Thread Hendrickson, Kenneth
Cannot Boot with Intel D201GLY Motherboard

Disk is 120GB PATA IDE

dmesg, fdisk output, and disklabel output are all attached
OpenBSD.PDR is also attached

I have Googled for problems/answers, and still run into a dead end.

There must be a requirement which is not stated in the documentation,
which I am not following.  Please help.

(I am an experienced OpenBSD user, having used OpenBSD continuously
since 1998, and having built my own kernels/userland, and also have
built OpenBSD for embedded systems.)

The instructions for booting from NTLDR (Windows 2000) do not work.
As soon as the messages get to the CPU, the system reboots.  Booting
never works, either from the OpenBSD partition, or from NTLDR from
Windows 2000.  I have included my OpenBSD.PDR file for examination.

Originally, my OpenBSD partition was #4 in fdisk.  I added the #1
partition, and had both #1 and #4 set to "a6" for OpenBSD.  That
didn't work.  I then chose only #1 partition to be "a6" for OpenBSD,
and #4 partition was set to "da" for "No Filesystem".  That also
didn't work.  Please note that my entire OpenBSD / filesystem is
within the 1024 cylinder boundary.  The /boot file is totally
contained within the 1024 cylinder boundary.  It still won't boot.
It won't boot on its own, nor will it boot from the Windows 2000
NTLDR bootloader.

Also note that while my fdisk and disklabel indicates Linux
partitions, none of them have yet been installed.  I installed
Windows 2000 first, then OpenBSD.  Since I could never get OpenBSD
to boot, I have not yet installed Linux.

Please help if you can.

Thank you,
Kenneth J. Hendrickson

[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type application/octet-stream which had 
a name of dmesg]

[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type application/octet-stream which had 
a name of fdisk]

[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type application/octet-stream which had 
a name of disklabel]

[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type application/octet-stream which had 
a name of OpenBSD.PDR]