Lenovo Notebook: No HDMI video output; DRM error; -current MP#115

2017-07-22 Thread Michel Behr
Hi - I'm trying to connect my Lenovo Laptop a monitor via HDMI but I'm
getting no output (below I'm including messages regarding xrandr, dmesg,
and Xorg.0.log).

Any pointing to the right direction would be much appreciated.

Kind regards,


$ uname -a

OpenBSD S400 6.1 GENERIC.MP#115 amd64
$ dmesg

OpenBSD 6.1-current (GENERIC.MP) #96: Thu Jul 13 19:31:55 MDT 2017
RTC BIOS diagnostic error 80
real mem = 4140773376 (3948MB)
avail mem = 4009488384 (3823MB)
mpath0 at root
scsibus0 at mpath0: 256 targets
mainbus0 at root
bios0 at mainbus0: SMBIOS rev. 2.7 @ 0xe6fd0 (61 entries)
bios0: vendor LENOVO version "6DCN92WW(V8.06)" date 02/21/2013
acpi0 at bios0: rev 2
acpi0: sleep states S0 S3 S4 S5
acpi0: wakeup devices P0P1(S0) EHC1(S3) EHC2(S3) XHC_(S3) HDEF(S0) PXSX(S3)
RP07(S0) PXSX(S3) [...]
acpitimer0 at acpi0: 3579545 Hz, 24 bits
acpihpet0 at acpi0: 14318179 Hz
acpimadt0 at acpi0 addr 0xfee0: PC-AT compat
cpu0 at mainbus0: apid 0 (boot processor)
cpu0: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3317U CPU @ 1.70GHz, 1696.40 MHz
cpu0: 256KB 64b/line 8-way L2 cache
cpu0: TSC frequency 1696402120 Hz
cpu0: smt 0, core 0, package 0
mtrr: Pentium Pro MTRR support, 10 var ranges, 88 fixed ranges
cpu0: apic clock running at 99MHz
cpu0: mwait min=64, max=64, C-substates=, IBE
cpu1 at mainbus0: apid 1 (application processor)
cpu1: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3317U CPU @ 1.70GHz, 1696.14 MHz
cpu1: 256KB 64b/line 8-way L2 cache
cpu1: smt 1, core 0, package 0
cpu2 at mainbus0: apid 2 (application processor)
cpu2: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3317U CPU @ 1.70GHz, 1696.14 MHz
cpu2: 256KB 64b/line 8-way L2 cache
cpu2: smt 0, core 1, package 0
cpu3 at mainbus0: apid 3 (application processor)
cpu3: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3317U CPU @ 1.70GHz, 1696.14 MHz
cpu3: 256KB 64b/line 8-way L2 cache
cpu3: smt 1, core 1, package 0
ioapic0 at mainbus0: apid 0 pa 0xfec0, version 20, 24 pins
acpimcfg0 at acpi0 addr 0xf000, bus 0-63
acpiprt0 at acpi0: bus 0 (PCI0)
acpiprt1 at acpi0: bus -1 (P0P1)
acpiprt2 at acpi0: bus 1 (RP01)
acpiprt3 at acpi0: bus -1 (RP02)
acpiprt4 at acpi0: bus -1 (RP03)
acpiprt5 at acpi0: bus -1 (RP04)
acpiprt6 at acpi0: bus -1 (RP05)
acpiprt7 at acpi0: bus -1 (RP06)
acpiprt8 at acpi0: bus -1 (RP07)
acpiprt9 at acpi0: bus -1 (RP08)
acpiprt10 at acpi0: bus -1 (PEG0)
acpiprt11 at acpi0: bus -1 (PEG1)
acpiprt12 at acpi0: bus -1 (PEG2)
acpiprt13 at acpi0: bus -1 (PEG3)
acpiec0 at acpi0
acpicpu0 at acpi0: C2(350@80 mwait.1@0x20), C1(1000@1 mwait.1), PSS
acpicpu1 at acpi0: C2(350@80 mwait.1@0x20), C1(1000@1 mwait.1), PSS
acpicpu2 at acpi0: C2(350@80 mwait.1@0x20), C1(1000@1 mwait.1), PSS
acpicpu3 at acpi0: C2(350@80 mwait.1@0x20), C1(1000@1 mwait.1), PSS
acpitz0 at acpi0: critical temperature is 127 degC
"INT3F0D" at acpi0 not configured
acpibtn0 at acpi0: PWRB
"IDEA0100" at acpi0 not configured
"SYN2B04" at acpi0 not configured
"VPC2004" at acpi0 not configured
"AOA2011" at acpi0 not configured
acpibat0 at acpi0: BAT1 model "PABAS0241231" serial 41167 type Li-Ion oem
acpiac0 at acpi0: AC unit online
acpibtn1 at acpi0: LID0
"INT340E" at acpi0 not configured
acpivideo0 at acpi0: VGA_
acpivideo1 at acpi0: VGA_
acpivideo2 at acpi0: GFX0
acpivout0 at acpivideo2: DD02
cpu0: Enhanced SpeedStep 1696 MHz: speeds: 1701, 1700, 1600, 1500, 1400,
1300, 1200, 1100, 1000, 900, 800, 782 MHz
pci0 at mainbus0 bus 0
pchb0 at pci0 dev 0 function 0 "Intel Core 3G Host" rev 0x09
inteldrm0 at pci0 dev 2 function 0 "Intel HD 

Re: github

2016-08-07 Thread Michel Behr
>From all discussions:
1) a solution looking for a problem
2) the problems github tries to address are not considered urgent nor
important problems by OpenBSD developers
3) migration cost/benefit is not worth it - and using 2 different methods
of VC take away focus from the team".

On Sunday, 7 August 2016, Jack J. Woehr  wrote:

> Ingo Schwarze wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Dariusz Sendkowski wrote on Sun, Aug 07, 2016 at 02:44:58PM +0200:
>> Is this https://github.com/openbsd the official OpenBSD github site?
>> As one of the OpenBSD developers, i don't know and frankly i don't
>> care.  You certainly shouldn't trust it in any way.
> It seems this discussion has gone on quite a while without stating the
> obvious:
> 1. The developers are happy with CVS.
> 2. As is, OpenBSD has full goddawmitey control of their source repository
> whereas on GitHub it would belong to a corporation.
> Doesn't that simply end the discussion right there?
> --
> Jack J. Woehr # Science is more than a body of knowledge. It's a way of
> www.well.com/~jax # thinking, a way of skeptically interrogating the
> universe
> www.softwoehr.com # with a fine understanding of human fallibility. -
> Carl Sagan

help: wireless mouse detected but not working

2016-07-20 Thread Michel Behr
Hi all! I'm trying to use a Logitech wireless mouse - it gets detected
(dmesg attached) but it doesn't work. The laptop has trackpad and it is
working OK. A regular USB mouse works simply plugging, but not a wireless

It's not a bluetooth device, so AKAIU it should be working. I tried looking
at man pages mouse(4), rcctl(8), wsmouse(4), wsmoused(8), wsconsctl(8), and
ums(4). I tried "doas rcctl start wsmoused", "doas rcctl enable wsmoused",
no success ("failed" message). I'm inclined to think it needs some manual
configuration, but I'm a bit lost on how to do it - any advice would be

Kind regards,

OpenBSD 6.0 (GENERIC.MP) #2299: Sun Jul 17 11:33:14 MDT 2016
RTC BIOS diagnostic error 80
real mem = 4140773376 (3948MB)
avail mem = 4010737664 (3824MB)
mpath0 at root
scsibus0 at mpath0: 256 targets
mainbus0 at root
bios0 at mainbus0: SMBIOS rev. 2.7 @ 0xe6fd0 (61 entries)
bios0: vendor LENOVO version "6DCN92WW(V8.06)" date 02/21/2013
acpi0 at bios0: rev 2
acpi0: sleep states S0 S3 S4 S5
acpi0: wakeup devices P0P1(S0) EHC1(S3) EHC2(S3) XHC_(S3) HDEF(S0) PXSX(S3) 
PXSX(S3) PXSX(S3) PXSX(S3) PXSX(S3) RP05(S0) PXSX(S3) RP06(S0) PXSX(S3) 
RP07(S0) PXSX(S3) [...]
acpitimer0 at acpi0: 3579545 Hz, 24 bits
acpihpet0 at acpi0: 14318179 Hz
acpimadt0 at acpi0 addr 0xfee0: PC-AT compat
cpu0 at mainbus0: apid 0 (boot processor)
cpu0: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3317U CPU @ 1.70GHz, 1947.66 MHz
cpu0: 256KB 64b/line 8-way L2 cache
cpu0: smt 0, core 0, package 0
mtrr: Pentium Pro MTRR support, 10 var ranges, 88 fixed ranges
cpu0: apic clock running at 99MHz
cpu0: mwait min=64, max=64, C-substates=, IBE
cpu1 at mainbus0: apid 1 (application processor)
cpu1: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3317U CPU @ 1.70GHz, 2394.57 MHz
cpu1: 256KB 64b/line 8-way L2 cache
cpu1: smt 1, core 0, package 0
cpu2 at mainbus0: apid 2 (application processor)
cpu2: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3317U CPU @ 1.70GHz, 2394.57 MHz
cpu2: 256KB 64b/line 8-way L2 cache
cpu2: smt 0, core 1, package 0
cpu3 at mainbus0: apid 3 (application processor)
cpu3: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3317U CPU @ 1.70GHz, 2394.57 MHz
cpu3: 256KB 64b/line 8-way L2 cache
cpu3: smt 1, core 1, package 0
ioapic0 at mainbus0: apid 0 pa 0xfec0, version 20, 24 pins
acpimcfg0 at acpi0 addr 0xf000, bus 0-63
acpiprt0 at acpi0: bus 0 (PCI0)
acpiprt1 at acpi0: bus -1 (P0P1)
acpiprt2 at acpi0: bus 1 (RP01)
acpiprt3 at acpi0: bus 2 (RP02)
acpiprt4 at acpi0: bus -1 (RP03)
acpiprt5 at acpi0: bus -1 (RP04)
acpiprt6 at acpi0: bus -1 (RP05)
acpiprt7 at acpi0: bus -1 (RP06)
acpiprt8 at acpi0: bus -1 (RP07)
acpiprt9 at acpi0: bus -1 (RP08)
acpiprt10 at acpi0: bus -1 (PEG0)
acpiprt11 at acpi0: bus -1 (PEG1)
acpiprt12 at acpi0: bus -1 (PEG2)
acpiprt13 at acpi0: bus -1 (PEG3)
acpiec0 at acpi0
acpicpu0 at acpi0: C2(350@80 mwait.1@0x20), C1(1000@1 mwait.1), PSS
acpicpu1 at acpi0: C2(350@80 mwait.1@0x20), C1(1000@1 mwait.1), PSS
acpicpu2 at acpi0: C2(350@80 mwait.1@0x20), C1(1000@1 mwait.1), PSS
acpicpu3 at acpi0: C2(350@80 mwait.1@0x20), C1(1000@1 mwait.1), PSS
acpitz0 at acpi0: critical temperature is 127 degC
"INT3F0D" at acpi0 not configured
acpibtn0 at acpi0: PWRB
"IDEA0100" at acpi0 not configured
"SYN2B04" at acpi0 not configured
"VPC2004" at acpi0 not configured
"AOA2011" at acpi0 not configured
acpibat0 at acpi0: BAT1 model "PABAS0241231" serial 41167 type Li-Ion oem 
acpiac0 at acpi0: AC unit online
acpibtn1 at acpi0: LID0
"INT340E" at acpi0 not configured
acpivideo0 at acpi0: VGA_
acpivideo1 at acpi0: VGA_
acpivideo2 at acpi0: GFX0
acpivout0 at 

Re: just a friendly request

2016-01-24 Thread Michel Behr
Just my 2 cents (I hope my comments are not misleading in terms of the
project directives)

The content you would usually find in Linux tutorials, as "recipes" (e.g.
"type these characters to find happiness") in OpenBSD
AFAIK are incorporated into:
1) "quasi-tutorials" man pages - e.g. afterboot(8), crash(8), intro(8),
ssl(8), style(9), perlunicook(1)
2) man pages with more extensive Examples sections - e.g. sysctl(8),
pax(1), find(1)
3) FAQ pages:
PF: http://www.openbsd.org/faq/pf/index.html
4) mail-lists discussions

So I think there are already "channels" for providing practical advice,
maybe is just a matter of getting our hands dirty and sending diffs to



On Sunday, 24 January 2016, Gleydson Soares  wrote:

> Hi,
> > I am looking for tutorials on developing any and every aspect of OpenBSD,
> > from bootloaders to device drivers to writing a raspberry pi image of
> > OpenBSD.
> >
> > The more tutorials the better, because it allows the end user to not only
> > provide useful feedback to the developers, it allows the user to
> customize
> > their install in a safe and easy manner.
> >
> > You could post tutorials for writing custom audio and graphics frameworks
> > too as I am looking to write a few frameworks myself.
> >
> > so literally tutorials on any and every aspect of developing openBSD,
> > including how to get software to run under openbsd would be great
> tutorials
> > for the entire world of computers.
> do you learn how to ride a bike by reading a tutorial ? :)
> If you already know C, this is good enough to start reading OpenBSD src/
> You will notice a high quality of code and documentation(manpages).

Re: bandwidth usage limits with pf, etc.

2015-12-31 Thread Michel Behr
AFAIK systat displays info, it doesn't allow to limit bandwidth for example

On Thursday, 31 December 2015, Brian Conway  wrote:

> systat will show you most of what pftop does, no package necessary.
> http://www.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/man.cgi/OpenBSD-current/man1/systat.1?query=systat=1
> Brian Conway
> On Dec 31, 2015 2:30 PM, "Mark Carroll" >
> wrote:
> > I was wondering recently what the biggest bandwidth hogs were on my home
> > network at a certain moment. On Linux I use iftop on the router for
> > this, but I wonder in OpenBSD if, rather than install the iftop package,
> > there's something different -- more OpenBSD-ish -- I should be doing
> > with clients to pflow or whatever to achieve this same near-instanteous
> > view of machines' Internet usage across the router (which NATs them from
> > their LAN).
> >
> > Lately I've been reading about CARP and discovering that the packet
> > filter code has all kinds of cool stuff built in for transparent
> > load-balancing and failover. And, I like the keep-state stuff that lets
> > me do things like rate-limit ssh connections. So, I'm thinking that PF
> > may offer me all manner of wonders. So, I got to thinking today:
> >
> > I wondered about my kids' use of YouTube and suchlike, and I wondered if
> > there's a good way of using PF on the router to give them a weekly
> > download limit, perhaps cumulative over their devices, after which it
> > gets limited to a slow crawl or even cut off. Is this (or some variant
> > thereof) something that PF makes easy (any pointers?), or is tricky but
> > clearly described in the latest Book of PF, or just not worth the effort
> > of attempting -- any thoughts? I may have just picked the wrong web
> > search terms, or maybe this just isn't yet at all easy.
> >
> > (... and Happy New Year!)
> >
> > -- Mark

Re: A branded USB stick as an alternative to the CD set?

2015-12-01 Thread Michel Behr
As I understand, one of the reasons for the Foundation to avoid targeted
contributions is to preserve the independence of the project - in the
current model they are accountable for allocating the resources as they see
fit. So IMHO there is value in that model for that regard. On the other
hand, the fact that none of the donations is directed specifically to
compensate for the hard work of the developers (and more specifically
Theo's) gives the foundation the prerogative to, for example, have at the
donation page one donation account separate, specific for developers, with
a clear message that those resources would go directly to the developers
(or to one developer...), in contrast with the "standard" donation channel,
which funds only events, infrastructure, etc. It would a reasonable
exception. I think if this done with the same transparency things have
being managed so far, there's no problem.

And by the way, this suggestion is mine, not Theo's (and I'm far from being
a developer!), so I'm cc'ing the foundations' e-mail address - I see this
as matter of interest to the foundation because it touches directly their
purpose of providing the administrative support for the project to keep it
moving forward - e.g. providing a channel through the donations page for
developers to receive direct contributions would permit them the
flexibility to dedicate even more time to the project. It would also be one
more "communication channel" for recognition to the developers high-quality
code that's been produced over the years.

Anyway, just my $0.02... (I think this is a matter that's between the
non-developers community and the OpenBSD Foundation, Theo and the other
OpenBSD developers should not need to get involved on this discussion).

Kind regards,

On Tue, Dec 1, 2015 at 4:35 PM, Theo de Raadt 

> > > > Now to be clear Theo, are donation via the paypal on the donations
> page
> > > > are directly to you and you can do as you see fit, and/or only checks
> > > > would be best?
> > >
> > > Correct, as I see fit.  I try to use it for the Project for things the
> > > Foundation doesn't fund.  I declared it that way on the web site.  I
> > > have not used it much for my own needs.
> >
> > I'd guess this has been thought of and just throwing in lame ideas
> > on the off chance it's of any use and maybe it's just extra site coding
> > work and there are legal complications, if not then are the people in
> > charge of the foundation website/operation privvy to this list? Is Bob
> > part of that?
> >
> > 
> > I wonder if it would gain any traction if there was a separate donation
> > box and cheque address with a statement along the lines of The OpenBSD
> > project leader works full time and receives no support from donations
> > to the foundation. If you would like to also support The project
> > leader directly then you can do so here or by sending a cheque to.
> >
> > ___Made up example, Don't send here
> >
> > Theo De Raadt
> > The OpenBSD project leader
> > 8101 160 Street
> > Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
> > T5R 2G9
> > ___
> >
> > Alternatively but perhaps more complex behind the scenes?.. a percentage
> > box so everytime someone makes a donation they can choose a percentage
> > of their donation to the foundation from 0%-?% that goes to support the
> > project leader.
> >
> > That way I guess the project leader could choose to waive it if the
> > foundation is ever in trouble financially should they wish so long as
> > the site foundation site discloses that possibility for legal reasons I
> > guess?
> We've heard numerous times that the OpenBSD Foundation avoids
> targetted contributions.  I don't think what you suggest is the
> right method of solving this (essentially, splitting a pie).

Re: A branded USB stick as an alternative to the CD set?

2015-12-01 Thread Michel Behr
Just one more thing: for non-developers, if you think there's any sense in
this idea I just described, please, some "seconding" and/or additions would
be welcomed. Also some e-mails directed to fundrais...@openbsdfoundation.org
would be great in this regard too. (Again: OpenBSD developers should *NOT*
need to get involved in this discussion, this is between non-developers and
the OpenBSD foundation).

On Tue, Dec 1, 2015 at 6:18 PM, Michel Behr <michelb...@gmail.com> wrote:

> As I understand, one of the reasons for the Foundation to avoid targeted
> contributions is to preserve the independence of the project - in the
> current model they are accountable for allocating the resources as they see
> fit. So IMHO there is value in that model for that regard. On the other
> hand, the fact that none of the donations is directed specifically to
> compensate for the hard work of the developers (and more specifically
> Theo's) gives the foundation the prerogative to, for example, have at the
> donation page one donation account separate, specific for developers, with
> a clear message that those resources would go directly to the developers
> (or to one developer...), in contrast with the "standard" donation channel,
> which funds only events, infrastructure, etc. It would a reasonable
> exception. I think if this done with the same transparency things have
> being managed so far, there's no problem.
> And by the way, this suggestion is mine, not Theo's (and I'm far from
> being a developer!), so I'm cc'ing the foundations' e-mail address - I see
> this as matter of interest to the foundation because it touches directly
> their purpose of providing the administrative support for the project to
> keep it moving forward - e.g. providing a channel through the donations
> page for developers to receive direct contributions would permit them the
> flexibility to dedicate even more time to the project. It would also be one
> more "communication channel" for recognition to the developers high-quality
> code that's been produced over the years.
> Anyway, just my $0.02... (I think this is a matter that's between the
> non-developers community and the OpenBSD Foundation, Theo and the other
> OpenBSD developers should not need to get involved on this discussion).
> Kind regards,
> On Tue, Dec 1, 2015 at 4:35 PM, Theo de Raadt <dera...@cvs.openbsd.org>
> wrote:
>> > > > Now to be clear Theo, are donation via the paypal on the donations
>> page
>> > > > are directly to you and you can do as you see fit, and/or only
>> checks
>> > > > would be best?
>> > >
>> > > Correct, as I see fit.  I try to use it for the Project for things the
>> > > Foundation doesn't fund.  I declared it that way on the web site.  I
>> > > have not used it much for my own needs.
>> >
>> > I'd guess this has been thought of and just throwing in lame ideas
>> > on the off chance it's of any use and maybe it's just extra site coding
>> > work and there are legal complications, if not then are the people in
>> > charge of the foundation website/operation privvy to this list? Is Bob
>> > part of that?
>> >
>> > 
>> > I wonder if it would gain any traction if there was a separate donation
>> > box and cheque address with a statement along the lines of The OpenBSD
>> > project leader works full time and receives no support from donations
>> > to the foundation. If you would like to also support The project
>> > leader directly then you can do so here or by sending a cheque to.
>> >
>> > ___Made up example, Don't send here
>> >
>> > Theo De Raadt
>> > The OpenBSD project leader
>> > 8101 160 Street
>> > Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
>> > T5R 2G9
>> > ___
>> >
>> > Alternatively but perhaps more complex behind the scenes?.. a percentage
>> > box so everytime someone makes a donation they can choose a percentage
>> > of their donation to the foundation from 0%-?% that goes to support the
>> > project leader.
>> >
>> > That way I guess the project leader could choose to waive it if the
>> > foundation is ever in trouble financially should they wish so long as
>> > the site foundation site discloses that possibility for legal reasons I
>> > guess?
>> We've heard numerous times that the OpenBSD Foundation avoids
>> targetted contributions.  I don't think what you suggest is the
>> right method of solving this (essentially, splitting a pie).

Re: whats wrong with me?

2015-11-30 Thread Michel Behr
Krzysztof, dmesg output could also be helpful for people trying to help you

Interesting how this applies to so many other contexts in our lives -
especially in business and overall management related matters: "Always
provide as much information as possible. Try to pin-point the exact
problem. (...) Try to describe the problem with as much accuracy and
non-confusing terminology as possible, especially if it is not easy to
Many problems become harder because we can't describe them precisely,
and usually because we don't understand how things work or should work in
the first place.
Worst than that: we don't know how "problem solving" works! (and that's
critically important in a group effort like the openbsd project, right?).
The poor soul's understanding is that providing an error message is enough,
without being considerate or aware of the challenges this imposes to the
very people that are willing to help him (which sometimes go as far as to
aggressively provide clear evidences of his ignorance!) - not in this case,
let me be clear!

yes, let's try to describe our problems precisely, and provide more
Information to help our helpers...

Btw (just an idea), maybe there could be a script to save last error
messages, run uname -a save its output, + any other frequently useful info
(dmesg? a sanitized copy of traceroute output?)... I know sendbug(1) does
something along those lines, but I wonder if it would be feasible to do
something similar for "support requests"...?

One of the challenges is that it's hard to separate the demand for OpenBSD
specific knowledge and the lack of understanding over "universal computer
science concepts" like network protocols for example...? And the
correspondent triage of all this in an effective and efficient way.

Anyway, sorry for the ranting, just some thoughts... ("Well, why don't YOU
go there and code this suggested tool, and send us the diff?! Easy to just
give ideas, huh?!") :-) take it easy guys, just ideas...

On Monday, 30 November 2015, Alexander Salmin  wrote:

> On 2015-11-30 20:52, Krzysztof Strzeszewski wrote:
>> Hi,
>> whats wrong?:
>> httpd: could not parse macro definition SSL
>> httpd[21336]: server_tls_init: failed to configure TLS - failed to read
>> private key: Operation not supported by device
>> Krzysztof Strzeszewski
> Hey Krzysztof,
> Two reasons why you did not receive much feedback on this.
> - You did not supply OpenBSD version (uname -a) so we can't replicate with
> same version.
> - You did not provide httpd.conf(8) so we can't replicate your exact setup.
> A key to good free online OpenBSD support is to; "Always provide as much
> information as possible. Try to pin-point the exact problem. Give clear
> instructions on how to reproduce the problem. Try to describe the problem
> with as much accuracy and non-confusing terminology as possible, especially
> if it is not easy to reproduce." // http://www.openbsd.org/report.html
> Continue to fail this and the world will just lead to sadness and despair.
> Alexander

Re: Private cloud hosting recommendations

2015-10-09 Thread Michel Behr
I don't have a server recommendation. Just my 0.02: for rootbsd, the fact
they might be too small do have its advantages in terms of exposure (who
would spend too much energy trying to hack them?). And for rootbsd or any
other option some backup policy would be recommended, right? (So even with
risk of rootbsd guys running off to Mexico with your $139.99 you would be

On Friday, 9 October 2015, Martín Ferco  wrote:

> Hi misc,
> I'm looking for alternatives to host our OpenBSD web frontends off-site. Up
> until now we've been using AWS for contingecy, but as you may well know,
> they only support Linux and Windows instances. We already have a couple of
> OpenBSD frontends on-site, and getting all our frontends to be OpenBSD
> would be ideal (instead of using Linux as contingency in AWS).
> So I'm trying to find similar solutions to AWS, but with OpenBSD
> capabilities. So far the only I've found is rootbsd. I've looked at
> arpnetworks but they don't seem to offer private cloud hosting from what
> I've seen.
> Another importat thing for us is to have a private network that we can
> connect to our main site and AWS using a VPN. rootbsd does seem to offer
> this as well.
> Ideally, I'd like something that runs an ESXi Hypervisor, which is what
> we'be been using on-site with good results. rootbsd seems to offer a mix of
> Xen and KVM, but I don't have experience with those. KVM seems to work fine
> with OpenBSD from what I've read though.
> Do you know or can recommend other private cloud providers? rootbsd does
> seem to offer every thing we need, but I'm a bit concerned about them
> being, probably, a small sized company. I know they won't be AWS, but it
> would be reassuring if someone commented on them, especially if they have
> experience running a private cloud with them. I started to look at VMware
> vcloud air, but haven't heard from him yet, and was starting to take a look
> at virtustream -- they seem to offer ESXi hypervisors as well as VMware
> vloud air.
> Thanks!

Re: Blob-free OpenBSD kernel needed

2015-06-05 Thread Michel Behr
Countryguy, I guess my challenge would be this: If you consire all
this easy and important, why don't you start right away implementing on
those ideas and share the links with the results with everyone? (This
is what I say to myself every time I think about something on the lines of
your message. That is, it's not something to write about, or to
suggest, but to get done. If it's good and relevant to you, start working
on it, it's all BSD - maybe other people would follow you). I guess that's
why projects like OpenBSD deserve respect: they are not just preaching the
importance of security, they are actually working and building an OS
consistent with this. And they are working on that for a looong time.

So, the best constructive critic IMHO is 1) provide better code; or 2)
fork. What will it be? Nah, just had this great important revolutionary
idea that I thought would change reality. Thanx, but... It's harder than
this, YOU need to WORK on your idea, A LOT, implement it, ask for guidance
from other people, make it better... Takes a good load of stamina.

If you want HW freedom, I think the viable way is this:

Don't forget to cryptograph all your messages, all your data, making sure
it goes encrypted end to end always.


On Friday, June 5, 2015, countryg...@safe-mail.net wrote:

 It has come to my attention that OpenBSD does not included non-free
 drivers, dubbed blobs - which is excellent. However, you still include
 non-free firmware in the kernel and some packages.

 With spying revelations, it is well-known that non-free firmware can
 contain backdoors. ( just one recent example:
 http://www.wired.com/2015/02/nsa-firmware-hacking/ )

 I would feel a lot safer if the kernel and packages were fully free,
 containing no non-free drivers nor non-free firmware.

 At the very least provide a separate branch of known clean 100% free
 packages and kernel. For example the non-free athn and rsu firmware are
 currently in the repository, and I would suspect other non-free firmware is
 into the kernel.

 Offering a stripped kernel and separating those few packages only
 increases the security of OpenBSD.

 Also, We can probably find replacements for most all the non-free
 firmware. Taking for example this replacement for some of the athn
 firmwares: https://github.com/qca/open-ath9k-htc-firmware

 All we'd need is a driver to load those instead of the blobs.

 Thanks for your time and consideration!