Re: take threads off the table

2008-02-17 Thread Reid Nichol
--- Geoff Steckel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 threads is a particular programming model of multiple execution
 contexts in a (mostly) shared memory and (mostly) shared resource
 environment which is not cost-effective for producing reliable

Only because people design threaded programs like single
threaded/forked programs.  This has obvious results.  Once programmers
finally start thinking in threads when they program threaded programs,
the benefits will start to take hold.

As has been said before, the hardware produced today will force this
issue.  Multi-core CPU's certainly aren't going away.  Nor,
unfortunately, are programmers that refuse to enter (intelligently)
into this new way of doing things.

Quite frankly, I find it rather sad that people who are in an industry
that requires perpetual learning refuse to learn (at least this).  Why?
 Because, it's difficult?  Seriously, adapt or die.

best regards,
Reid Nichol

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Re: Real men don't attack straw men

2008-01-11 Thread Reid Nichol
--- Richard Stallman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Thus the combined work, THE WHOLE POINT OF WRITING IT, is under
 the GPL.  That IS what you just said.  Which is forcing me into a
 license for my project that I don't want.
 We require you to use, for your program that contains our code,
 a license that protects the essential freedom for all its users.
 That defends real freedom.

You mean your twisted definition of freedom.  Btw, your own FAQ states
that I can't BSD my code if I link to a GPL'd lib.  Contrary to what
you said I might add.  I think you need to read your own FAQ.

And find out what freedom actually means:

I would comment further, and on other things, but I believe that you're
too far gone to warrant any more time spent on this.  At least from me
and as it seems others as well.  That is, until you gain some sanity.

best regards,
Reid Nichol

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Re: Real men don't attack straw men

2008-01-08 Thread Reid Nichol
--- Richard Stallman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 But, when people use the word free, even within a particular
 context, anyone would be able to understand what that person was
 talking about within an acceptable level of error.
 I don't think so -- that is too much to ask.  In any area, the
 meaning of freedom involves filling in details which are not
 obvious in advance.  It seems simple while you stay at the abstract
 level; it becomes hard when you address the details.

You're confusing full understanding with an intuitive meaning.  People
can get what's going on at a high level, without having a wtf when
looking at the details, because the spirit of free is retained.  The
details merely being the implements.

But, with your usage, this is not retained, AGAIN, see below.

 But, if I'm wrong (which is possible), please tell me how I can
 statically link a program that I write to a GPL'd lib and still
 retain my freedom to BSD license my code.
 Under the usual interpretation of the revised BSD license, this is
 straightforward.  You put the revised BSD license on your file, you
 package it with the source of the GPL-covered library, and you
 release it all.  The combination, as a whole, is under the GNU GPL,
 but anyone can use code from your file under the revised BSD license.
 This is lawful because the revised BSD license permits users to
 release the combination under the GPL.

Thus the combined work, THE WHOLE POINT OF WRITING IT, is under the
GPL.  That IS what you just said.  Which is forcing me into a license
for my project that I don't want.  How does that equal freedom for me

Are you deliberately missing the point?

best regards,
Reid Nichol

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Re: Real men don't attack straw men

2008-01-08 Thread Reid Nichol
--- Richard Stallman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Quick question, do we really need an endorsement from Richard
 Stallman and the 
 FSF for OpenBSD?
 If OpenBSD does not need my endorsement, then OpenBSD developers
 should not need to argue with me that I owe them an endorsement.

What planet are you on?

best regards,
Reid Nichol

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Re: Real men don't attack straw men

2008-01-08 Thread Reid Nichol
--- Richard Stallman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Why do you use (obviously flawed) research methods?
  My method is to ask other people to do it for me.  I use that
  because it is efficient.  Its results are accurate, too.
  However, when a person tells me his OS is free, I have not
  checked.  Sometimes I just took his word for it.  The problems
  have been reported here in various free systems (and, mostly,
  corrected) show I need to discuss the criteria more carefully
 You contradict yourself.  You say it's efficient and accurate and
 then point out its inefficiency inaccuracy.  I find it stunning
 that you can reconcile this.
 There is nothing to reconcile -- you have combined two statements
 about two different things, so the resulting contradiction didn't
 come from me.

You said:

My method is to ask other people to do it for me.  I use that method
because it is efficient. Its results are accurate, too.

But, we have seen very much inaccuracy from things that you've said was
researched.  I recall OpenSolaris being among them in this thread. 
This is something that you've had to go back, check on and change, etc.
 This means that your research methods are inefficient because you have
to do them over and over.

Wow, look at that!  The two statements are actually related!

 When I want research, I ask people to do it.  That is efficient, and
 we have not seen any errors in it.

See above.  I will also recommend that you re-read much of this thread
because there are... many more examples.

 In the case of AROS, it's possible I did not ask anyone to do
 research.  I might have just taken the developers' word that the
 system is free.  It was years ago and I do not know what happened.

Taking someone's word for it.  Yah, that's responsible...

Btw, not keeping an endorsement list up to date is wildly irresponsible
for a person in your position.  If you don't have the time or energy to
maintain a list, then don't have one.

 However, most of these problems had nothing to do with quality of
 research, because they did not arise until after I had decided to
 endorse a program.

I want you to seriously think about this statement and why it is
horribly wrong.  Consider it homework in critical thinking.  Something
which you sorely need.

 Research can only check the present, not the
 future.  For instance, the reference to unrar on BLAG's site was in a
 wiki; it was posted by a user in the recent past.  (It is possible
 that this happened with AROS too.)  Likewise for the GNU/Darwin
 problem.  I think this occurred in several others too.

If you're checking wiki sites instead of reading the licenses
themselves?!?!?  Just stunning.

 My conclusion is that I should do more detailed discussions with the
 developers of the FSF-endorsed systems about these specific possible
 problems and how to avoid them.

What, like actually do research?  Are you sure you're up to it?

best regards,
Reid Nichol

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Re: Completeness consistency, was: A sad threa

2008-01-08 Thread Reid Nichol
--- Eliah Kagan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 You insist on me giving examples even when I have already done so,
 repeatedly. I have acquiesced to your request. Now I would ask that
 you give specific examples of my unreasonable conclusions and specify
 why they are unreasonable.

You don't seem to understand what inconsistent means with regards to

As in, Euclidean and non-Euclidean are two DIFFERENT systems.  Saying
that the two are mutually inconsistent is a meaningless statement to
make and implies the misunderstanding on your part stated prior.

Btw, with that email, I killed two birds with one stone.  The first
part was directed at Ingo Schwarze, and after your quote, that was
directed at you.  Though the separation was obviously non-obvious and a
mistake.  I'll try to watch that in the future and I apologise for the
confusion.  I'll also apologise for the rudeness in it and but I'll
stand by the effective content aside from that.

At any rate, I hope that this puts this OT divergence to bed.

best regards,
Reid Nichol

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Re: Real men don't attack straw men

2008-01-07 Thread Reid Nichol
--- Richard Stallman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Why do you use (obviously flawed) research methods?
 My method is to ask other people to do it for me.  I use that method
 because it is efficient.  Its results are accurate, too.
 However, when a person tells me his OS is free, I have not always
 checked.  Sometimes I just took his word for it.  The problems that
 have been reported here in various free systems (and, mostly,
 corrected) show I need to discuss the criteria more carefully with

You contradict yourself.  You say it's efficient and accurate and then
point out its inefficiency inaccuracy.  I find it stunning that you can
reconcile this.

best regards,
Reid Nichol

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Re: Real men don't attack straw men

2008-01-07 Thread Reid Nichol
--- Richard Stallman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 No, but when you redefine free to mean something specific, you
 your own language.
 It's normal to develop criteria for what free means in specific
 activities.  Consider, for instance, free elections.  Human rights
 organizations and election monitors have worked out specific criteria
 for what that should mean in practice.

But, when people use the word free, even within a particular context,
anyone would be able to understand what that person was talking about
within an acceptable level of error.  The problem with your definition
is that this is not so.  Your definition does not stay true to the
spirit of the word (as used in reality).

But, if I'm wrong (which is possible), please tell me how I can
statically link a program that I write to a GPL'd lib and still retain
my freedom to BSD license my code.

best regards,
Reid Nichol

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Re: Real men don't attack straw men

2008-01-07 Thread Reid Nichol
Stay on list or stay out of my inbox.

--- Karthik Kumar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On a more serious note: everybody who criticizes the other of
 non-free software must come clean first: No clean, no talk.
Sophistry.  If there is problems in logic, etc then one need
 not be
a certain type (with respect to what you're saying) to realize
point it out.  To say so is asinine (above as well).
 I already poiinted out that both sides need to do something than
 accuse the other of non-free. Didn't my first reply say 'everybody'.
 Then someone made it 'somebody' apparently biasing that statement.
 Which is why I fought back against that argument. Does that answer
 your question?

Well, I didn't actually ask a question.

But, (we'll call them) the OpenBSD people have supported there
arguments (which I'd say is more than just accusing).  Whereas the
other side has not.  You'd know this if you would have read at least
some of the thread before you put in your (non) two cents.

For the record, somebody is within everybody.  So, when you say
everybody, one can reply with a counter example of somebody to such a
sweeping statement.

You also didn't reply to what I wrote.  You made something up and
replied to that.

In all honesty, I really believe that you really *really* need to read
those links that I sent.  Please, go do that now or at your earliest 

best regards,
Reid Nichol

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Re: Real men don't attack straw men

2008-01-07 Thread Reid Nichol
--- Roberto J. Dohnert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Quick question, do we really need an endorsement from Richard
 Stallman and the 
 FSF for OpenBSD?  When I choose an OS I don't go to Richard and the
 FSF, I 
 choose the OS I want to use whether its Kubuntu or PCLinuxOS for the
 (with all the non-free software that makes my heart sing), OpenBSD
 for my 
 server and NetBSD for my Firewall.  I never consulted anyone on my
 Windows machines either,  Richard Stallman and the FSF have NEVER
 endorsed a 
 BSD or UNIX system, so why should that change now?  I'm sure some of
 you care 
 what Richard and the FSF think but in the long run.  Does it really
 To me this thread has spiraled out of control with no give or take
 either side and its equatable to trying to convince Bill and Steve to
 source Windows.

I definitely care what RMS thinks.  I most certainly care that his
nutter values, etc NOT be associated with OpenBSD.

I would request the devs make not one move to satiate his extremist
desires.  But, to spend that time doing what they have always done;
make OpenBSD better and better and...

best regards,
Reid Nichol

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Re: Real men don't attack straw men

2008-01-07 Thread Reid Nichol
Stay on list or stay out of my inbox.

--- Karthik Kumar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Jan 6, 2008 7:23 AM, Reid Nichol [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Which OpenBSD does.  You have failed to show otherwise.
 To show that OpenBSD follows them as goals? Ah, perhaps. :-)

And you've continued to try... and failed utterly.

   I use ports. I am not dumb. :P The goals do not specify to
   people to use non-free software, but I see that happening
  Where?  Are you refering to the FAQ?  Are you aware of what FAQ
 Yes, I do. You can join a channel like: freenode #openbsd. When
 something goes wrong and you ask questions, the first thing you're
 told is to read the FAQ and the man page.

What's your point?

 Besides, I'm not anti campaigining for OpenBSD. Remember, I want both
 sides to clear off this bs. This thread could possibly be the end, as
 we know it. I hope you understand. Read my earlier posts: they were
 neutral; I cry FUD where I see it.

The end?  What?

I read them and the ones since... I won't reply further on that because
others have said what I would have (and more) much better.

best regards,
Reid Nichol

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Re: A sad thread - RMS vs. OpenBSD

2008-01-07 Thread Reid Nichol
--- Duncan Patton a Campbell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Sun, 6 Jan 2008 22:21:14 -0500
 Eliah Kagan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  (There are also multiple useful,
  mutually-inconsistent formal systems in both fields.)
 Provably so?


I'd love an example of Math being inconsistent.  Quite frankly, I'd be
surprised if this is true.

best regards,
Reid Nichol

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Re: A sad thread - RMS vs. OpenBSD

2008-01-07 Thread Reid Nichol
--- Tony Abernethy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Duncan Patton a Campbell wrote:
  On Sun, 6 Jan 2008 22:21:14 -0500
  Eliah Kagan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   (There are also multiple useful,
   mutually-inconsistent formal systems in both fields.)
  Provably so?
 Euclidean and ono-Euclidian geometries should suffice.

Google (including scholar.g) gave nothing of value (I see 4 results
when I search for ono-Euclidean on g and nothing on scholar.g).  Any
specific references?  Or something else that would yield results.

best regards,
Reid Nichol

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Re: Completeness consistency, was: A sad thread

2008-01-07 Thread Reid Nichol
Setting the record straight because I can't in good conscience have
such nonsense sitting in public not refuted.

You haven't pointed to an instance of an inconsistency in Mathematics. 
Which, I'll point out, was what I explicitly asked for.

Basically, you're referencing a choice in Mathematics that we have,
that we can go for either consistent OR complete.  And you seem to be
saying that Mathematics is neither?  You don't seem to understand the
issues involved and/or have incomplete knowledge/understanding of the
history of Mathematics.

What is flabbergasting me is that you haven't a clue and/or lack the
attention to detail to answer questions that were explicitly asked.

Point of fact, Mathematics has been proven to have the option to be
either consistent OR complete.  From what I've learned, we've chosen to
be consistent.  Which, IMO, was a very very wise decision.  If you
don't agree, point to a specific instance of an inconsistency in modern

Eliah Kagan wrote:

Tony Abernethy's example of non-Euclidean geometries being
inconsistent with Euclidean geometry is a good one.

This is so very wrong it isn't even funny.  You deserve to be ridiculed
publicly into oblivion for making such nonsensical statements.

I mean seriously, Euclidean geometry assumes a perfectly flat plain
whereas non-Eucliden geometry does not.  Do you think they'll go in
different directions?  Do you think that it is even remotely reasonable
to compare the conclusions after such a divergence without considering
limiting cases?

Though a couple of the statements you make after the above statement
are reasonable, you take it in a direction and make conclusions that
aren't (meaningless?!?!?).  This mixture of reasonable with
unreasonable, including such logic makes such statements erroneously
compelling, which is very dangerous for those learning this stuff for
the first time.  Please stay away from making any statements on the
foundations of Mathematics in the future as you seem to be at least
partially ill equipped to speak on this topic.  In other words, you
have enough knowledge and speak well enough to convince students/others
and perhaps yourself, but at the same time, lack the necessary
knowledge/logic to come to reasonable conclusions.


--- Ingo Schwarze [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Reid Nichol wrote on Mon, Jan 07, 2008 at 12:02:19AM -0800:
  Duncan Patton a Campbell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Eliah Kagan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  (There are also multiple useful,
  mutually-inconsistent formal systems in both fields.)
  Provably so?
  I'd love an example of Math being inconsistent.
  Quite frankly, I'd be surprised if this is true.
 Eliah has beautifully demonstrated this for both Mathematics
 and Physics.  What is flabbergasting me about such questions
 is that these are extremely old facts - essentially, known for
 more than 70 years - and many people still believe that formal
 science can be both complete and consistent.
  - nicely narrating how the attempt to transform mathematics
into a single unified and consistent theory miserable failed
  - explaining why  (1906-1978)
  - One of the most significant logicians of all time, GC6el's work
 has had immense impact upon scientific and philosophical thinking
 in the 20th century, a time when many, such as Bertrand Russell,
 A. N. Whitehead and David Hilbert, were attempting to use logic
 and set theory to understand the foundations of mathematics.
 Still, many people appearantly never heard of the problems he
 described, even though we are now well into the 3rd millenium...
 Reply-To: poster   set, we are *terribly* off-topic.


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Re: Real men don't attack straw men

2008-01-05 Thread Reid Nichol
--- Karthik Kumar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Use of non-free software is highly harmful to your
 computer and ethics.

Please cite a piece of software that can harm my computer merely
because it is non-free in the FSF/GNU sense.  And you should probably
qualify that ethics remark with: Should you be an extremist of sorts...

 On a more serious note: everybody who criticizes the other of
 non-free software must come clean first: No clean, no talk.

Sophistry.  If there is problems in logic, etc then one need not be of
a certain type (with respect to what you're saying) to realize that nor
point it out.  To say so is asinine (above as well).

On a more general note, I'd (and I imagine a lot of people on misc@
too) would appreciate before any more replies are sent from the
religious people, please religious people, read:

Pay special attention to the Fanaticism type:

Link to full text within:

And really really reflect on this before you reply.

best regards,
Reid Nichol

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Re: Real men don't attack straw men

2008-01-05 Thread Reid Nichol
--- Shane J Pearson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 06/01/2008, at 3:28 AM, Karthik Kumar wrote:
  If you don't mind users using non-free software, you shouldn't be
  putting the 'Free. ' in 'Free. Functional. Secure.'
 Huh? OpenBSD is built from free software and allows users the freedom
 to do what they please, even if that means running non-free software.
 You have a strange idea of free.

 An OpenBSD user exercising freedom of choice, by choosing to use some
 non-free software, does not make OpenBSD non or less free.

No shit!  They go ahead and redefine what 'free' means and they try to
criticise people for still using dictionaries.  Kinda says something
about the level they're working on.

best regards,
Reid Nichol

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Re: Real men don't attack straw men

2008-01-05 Thread Reid Nichol
--- Karthik Kumar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Jan 6, 2008 1:06 AM, Reid Nichol [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  --- Karthik Kumar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Use of non-free software is highly harmful to your
   computer and ethics.
  Please cite a piece of software that can harm my computer merely
  because it is non-free in the FSF/GNU sense.  And you should
  qualify that ethics remark with: Should you be an extremist of
 How about nvidia proprietary drivers on OpenBSD?

Unless I'm mistaken, these don't exist.  Of course, if I'm wrong,
you'll be able to provide documentation that they do.  I won't hold my
breath though.

 Should you be an extremist of sorts, you should put it in the ports
 tree and call it free.

I'm certain that there was some inner dialogue going on while you wrote
this that you're not letting me in on.  Because, I have no idea what
you're talking about here.

   On a more serious note: everybody who criticizes the other of
   non-free software must come clean first: No clean, no talk.
  Sophistry.  If there is problems in logic, etc then one need not be
  a certain type (with respect to what you're saying) to realize that
  point it out.  To say so is asinine (above as well).
 No, it isn't. If you're simply preaching to the world that you're
 free, it only makes you political. And that includes you, OpenBSD.

Well OpenBSD is fine here.  But, are you sure about RMS?  Because he
has been contradicting himself all over the place in this thread alone.
 Not to mention his actions, both past and present everywhere.  But, in
his mind (and I imagine yours) it's probably easy to not see this when
what you believe/preach changes from second to second to avoid any
criticism that comes your way.

But, I'll also mention that you didn't actually comment on what I
wrote.  You commented on something you made up.  Please read what I
wrote and comment on that should you reply again.

best regards,
Reid Nichol

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Re: Real men don't attack straw men

2008-01-05 Thread Reid Nichol
--- Karthik Kumar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I understand the goals that are not written on that page: do what you
 like and fight for what you believe in. Goals are just text written
 in a stupid web page until you live up to them.

Which OpenBSD does.  You have failed to show otherwise.

  We do not provide flash, we provide a Makefile which will allow
 someone to
  install flash if he wants to. This Makefile is not even part of the
  and needs to be fetched manually by the user. This is *NOT* against
  which you do not want to read.
 I use ports. I am not dumb. :P The goals do not specify to encourage
 people to use non-free software, but I see that happening anyway.

Where?  Are you refering to the FAQ?  Are you aware of what FAQ means?

 I am not uninformed. What makes you say that? You, sir are biased
 towards OpenBSD and you can say what you want but it doesn't make
 your version of the truth any better.

It is the truth though.  But, I'll mention that what you just said
doesn't make your delusion true.

best regards,
Reid Nichol

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Re: Play Nice - Real men don't attack straw men (Theo)

2007-12-16 Thread Reid Nichol

  I have followed this thread for the first couple hundred mails.  But,
as the noise is getting to much for me, someone that is just a lurker,
so I feel I must make a couple comments and a request.

  As your views on open-source have become more and more extreme over
time, you have become less and less relevant to a overall practical
open-source community (I call it reality).  You have also made, to be
polite, inaccurate statements about OpenBSD which have been corrected
in great detail.  But, your response has only been to become a slimy
politician and change your views (or those that you have presented on
list) as the previous views have failed.  Furthermore, you have flat
out ignored some corrections and I can only assume that this conflicts
with your core values to the point that you refuse to change (much like
fundamentalist evangelical *insert religion here*'s) one iota.

  But, what I find most disturbing about your behaviour is that it you
try to shove your views down other peoples throat with great vigour. 
You have admitted as much on this list with regards to failed attempts
with Ubuntu and Debain and you have now failed here.  Even your cronies
have made, to be polite, little headway because there views are pretty
much as extreme as yours.  Not to mention the inherent sophistry

  I think that at this point it is obvious that OpenBSD is /not/ going
to change its views because of RMS.  And I for one thank the devs
because OpenBSD suits me just fine the way it is.  IMO, to change it in
any way toward your extreme views would only detract from an otherwise
clean and free OS.

  Please go away, take your cronies with you and live in your own
little pocket universe so the rest of us can live in peace.



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Re: they say openbsd is not as scalable as others

2006-05-25 Thread Reid Nichol
--- Gustavo Rios [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 What we need to keep in mind, is that techincally, just because we
 keep our mind in security for the first concern, it should not take
 as an excuse for delivering slow processing.
 Sacrifice correctness for speed is completing nonsense. I cannot even
 try to understand it: what is the value of a program processing tasks
 fast and devilering wrong results.
 So, the next time some justify openbsd being less faster than X, or
 even Y because of its security oriented models, i wonder that's the
 real motivation behind the scenes.
 One good example, the the qmail, extremely fast and secure. So,
 secure is not a trade off for speed.
 Just my opnions so far.

It's not an excuse, it's a matter of how correctness is done.  As in,
things must be properly error checked, etc.  This requires more
processing time.  So, speed /is/ a sacrific of correctness.

Qmail is fast compared to what, sendmail?  That bloated piece of
software with config files the technical equivalent to black voodoo

I'd attribute the faster qmail to a leaner program.

best regards,
Reid Nichol

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Re: Port collection missing...

2006-04-28 Thread Reid Nichol
As well, since this is your first install, I'll point out afterboot(8).

Also, just FYI, 3.9 is released Monday.

--- Peter Blair [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 4/28/06, S t i n g r a y [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Well i just installed my First OpenBSD BOX :) feels
  good !!! but to install packages i cannot find ports
  collection in /usr how can i get them ? i am using 3.7
  *:$., 88,.$:*(((*$ Stingray *:$., 88,.$:*((*$
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Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Re: C++ textbooks: recommendations?

2006-04-05 Thread Reid Nichol
I taught from C++ How to Program by Deitel  Deitel and found it to be
a good book.

Anything from O'Reilly is typically gold.

As has been mentioned, there is also the book written by the creator of
the language.

All in all, I recommend going to a book store and looking through the
suggested books and see which one speaks to you most.

best regards,
Reid Nichol

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 i need to learn C++, but do not know where to begin with textbooks or
 docs. since, AFAICT, there are a great many skilled programmers on
 list, i would
 appreciate any recommendations that can be made about introductory
 intermediate texts on C++.
 my motivation for asking this is to avoid purchasing texts that will
 sit on my
 shelf and collect dust. there are a great many introductory texts on
 every subject that do just that and/or don't cover enough material in
 are there any texts on best practices for writing exploit-free code?
 if you feel
 this is insufficiently openbsd related, please reply off-list to
 reduce chatter.
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Re: why is there . [dot] in default PATH?

2006-04-04 Thread Reid Nichol
--- Hannah Schroeter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Wed, Apr 05, 2006 at 07:35:32AM +1000, Andrew Dalgleish wrote:
 On Tue, Apr 04, 2006 at 08:56:39PM +0100, Jon Kent wrote:
  Can see your point here, but I prefer to play on the paranoid side
  fence hence my dislike of this.  I'm not sure it should be there
  default, rather if you like it you should add it.
 Inexperienced users might add it to the beginning of PATH,
 so having it at the end by default is a reasonable compromise.
 For that it'd be enough to have a line with dot at the end of the
 path in there, commented out, perhaps with a line like
 #If you really want the current directory in your path, you should
 #at least add it at the end, like this:
   ^^^ Here copy the path you set by default, w/o .
 Anyone with enough experience to know why they want it removed
 also has enough experience to remove it themselves.
 Secure by Default.
 Andrew Dalgleish
 Kind regards,

If my suggestion is completely ridiculous, sorry.

But, if . is removed from the default path, wouldn't it make sense to
add in a comment in afterboot (8)?  It does seem to be a deviation from
the way that the other *nix's have there defaults.
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Re: what is next? 3.10 or 4.0???

2006-03-03 Thread Reid Nichol
--- Jean-So?=bastien Bour [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Matthias Kilian a icrit :
  a) 4 is the first non-prime, at least according to factor(6).

 No, it is 1 :)
 Explanation : a prime number can only be divided by two different 
 numbers : 1 and itself. 1 can only be divided by one number,
 therefore it is not prime.


You got the definition of what a prime number is wrong.  A prime number
is defined as a positive integer greater than one which has positive
divisors 1 and itself, only.

Please note that using your definition 7 is not prime because -7, -1, 1
and 7 all divide 7.

I suggest at least looking into elementary number theory before making
such statements again.
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Re: what is next? 3.10 or 4.0???

2006-03-03 Thread Reid Nichol
--- Jean-SC)bastien Bour [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Reid Nichol a icrit :
  --- Jean-So?=bastien Bour [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Matthias Kilian a icrit :
  a) 4 is the first non-prime, at least according to factor(6).

  No, it is 1 :)
  Explanation : a prime number can only be divided by two different 
  numbers : 1 and itself. 1 can only be divided by one number,
  therefore it is not prime.
  You got the definition of what a prime number is wrong.  A prime
  number is defined as a positive integer greater than one which has
  positive divisors 1 and itself, only.
  Please note that using your definition 7 is not prime because -7,
  -1, 1 and 7 all divide 7.
  I suggest at least looking into elementary number theory before
  making such statements again.

 No no not wrong, indeed I didn't talk about being positive. But being
 prime is being positive (should have said it I agree) and have
 TWO different divisors.  And if 1 were prime you wouldn't have only
 one unique decomposition in prime numbers ;) (for exemple, is 45 =
 3x3x5 or 1x3x3x5 or 1x1x1x3x3x5 or... ?) It would crush many things
 down about arithmetics.
 Luckily I have learnt some things during my two year special
 scientific studies (heard about Classes priparatoires in France ?)
 and this is one of those.

Point of fact, your definition did /not/ state that a prime number had
to be positive.

Point of fact, your definition did /not/ state that the divisors must
be positive as well.

Perhaps you should've spent more time listening in class.  Or even just
listening to me.  Or look it up at mathworld, or wikipedia.  They all
prove that your definition is *wrong*.

Perhaps those classes that you supposedly took should teach something
about mathematics aside from just using them.

best regards,
Reid Nichol

We're in a giant car heading into a brick wall at 100 miles/hr and
everybody's arguing about where they want to sit.
-David Suzuki
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Re: what is next? 3.10 or 4.0???

2006-03-03 Thread Reid Nichol
I find it interesting that you didn't send this entirely condisending
superior reply to the list.  Now why is that?

--- Matthew Weigel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Reid Nichol wrote:
  I suggest at least looking into elementary number theory before
 making such statements again.
 You might want to look into same, especially if you think you've
 already looked into number theory enough to discuss the subject.
 #1: he didn't say what a number was.

We are talking about mathematics, NOT philosophy.

 In elementary number theory, numbers are usually the set of
 positive integers, including or not including 0 depending on

And you even use the usually.  Perhaps you should check out the
definition of divisibility and what a divisor is before you make such a

Even sticking to the positive integers if a divides b (written a|b) if
and only if there is an integer d such that ad=b.

Notice the work integer in there.  Notice the word positive is NOT in

So, -7 is a divisor of 7 because (-7)(-1)=7.  We /must/ restrict the
divisors to positive numbers.  Which is what the original poster didn't

Or didn't you notice that?

And what does 0 (another special case) have to do with this

 #2: these definitions are fluid - by some definitions, '1' *is*
 prime, and by others it isn't.  The question really depends on a
 particular mathematical writer's view, because it really has no
 on the interesting results of elementary number theory.

Really.  Point to a reference.  Because the wikipedia and mathworld
agree with my definition.   Not to mention all my professors and every
text that I've come across.

 #3: you are a lot more condescending than your demonstrated knowledge

Deja vu.

   Matthew Weigel

Someone who puts hacker into there signature to describe themselves
really shouldn't be making such comments.

best regards,
Reid Nichol

We're in a giant car heading into a brick wall at 100 miles/hr and
everybody's arguing about where they want to sit.
-David Suzuki
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Re: manual vs. crontab execution

2006-02-26 Thread Reid Nichol
As a shot in the dark, it might have something to do with environmental
variables or lack thereof.  Are you sure everything is setup *exactly*
the same?

At any rate, that's the first thing that popped into my head.

Good luck :)

best regards,
Reid Nichol

--- Peter Bako [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have a weird problem I cannot find a solution to.  I've written a
 script (attached below) that I put on the dozen or so systems that I
 maintain for friends and clients, that daily sends some basic
 information to
 my web server.  This data is then stored in a MySQL database and
 viewed via
 another script.  All the systems are running OpenBSD version 3.5 to
 3.8, and
 the one in question here is 3.8.
 The problem is this.  On one remote system (identical in every
 respect to
 about 8 others out there), the script when executed manually (either
 as root
 or as a non-privileged user) runs normally and uploads its data as it
 should.  However when the cron job hits at midnight the script always
 and without any error message that I can get.  As you can see the
 script is
 quite simple, the only active component is a call to CURL which hits
 specific address.  The local log entry lists my error message but
 $result is
 always empty so I have no specific error to go by.  By looking
 through the
 logs of my own web server at the same time that the local log entry
 is made,
 I know that the connection to my system is never established.
 Here is the script:
 name=`uname -n`
 ip=`ifconfig sis0 | grep 'inet ' | awk '{ print $2 }'`
 space=`df | tail -1 | awk '{ print $4 }'`
 ver=`uname -r`

 result=`/usr/local/bin/curl -s $data`
 case $result in
 `logger Info sucessfully logged!`
 exit 0
 `logger Unable to log system info!  Error: $result`
 exit 1
 The cron job that launches it is added to root's crontab (crontab -u
 -e) and looks like this:
 I've tried leaving the -s flag off of the CURL call to get some kind
 of an
 error out, but whatever might come back does not make it out to the
 variable.  Again this identical script works on over a dozen other
 most totally identical to this unit down to the hardware and OS
 version, so
 it has to be more or less correct.
 Any suggestion, ideas, etc. are appreciated.
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pf rdr problem

2006-02-26 Thread Reid Nichol
 out on $int_if from $int_if:network to $int_if:network keep state
queue std

pass out on $ext_if proto tcp all modulate state flags S/SA queue

pass out on $ext_if inet proto tcp from any to any flags S/SA \
keep state queue(std_out, tcp_ack_out)
pass out on $ext_if inet proto { udp, icmp } all keep state queue
pass out on $ext_if inet proto { tcp, udp } from any to any port domain
keep state queue(dns_out)
pass out on $ext_if inet proto tcp from any to any port ssh \
flags S/SA keep state queue(std_out, ssh_out)

best regards,
Reid Nichol
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Re: pf rdr problem [Solved]

2006-02-26 Thread Reid Nichol
Thanks for the tcpdump switches.  I don't know what was going on with
the switches that I was using, but when I used yours, I started to get
debugging info, which revealed some strange behaviour.

From there I started to re-read (again) the docs and found and tried
TCP Proxying which worked like a charm.

Next time I'll try to keep my posted rules to a minimum as requested.

Thanks for the help.

best regards,

--- Stuart Henderson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On 2006/02/26 14:13, Reid Nichol wrote:
  inet -- andrew  -- xander
Everything is working, NAT, RDR for the other stuff, just not the
  server.  I've tried some variations for rdr used rdr pass, etc, but
  nothing in the logs.  I use:
 a simple 'tcpdump -n port 80' on xander will show if the packets
 there or not.
Here is andrews pf.conf:
  rdr pass on $ext_if proto tcp from any to any port 80 - $xander
 port 80
 I couldn't identify whether you were using the 'log' rules to debug
 where a basic problem with the redirect lies, or whether the problem
 that the logging isn't working. But this creates an implicit 'pass'
 so if it's the latter, you probably wanted to write 'rdr pass log'.
 Just my #0.02, but it's quite a complex ruleset to be looking at
 debugging a problem. You might want to simplify and just use the bare
 minimum rules for the problem you're trying to fix. It might help
 illuminate the problem and, even if it doesn't, it's easier for
 to help if they have fewer rules to read.
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Re: PF problem? Connection reset, but only from behind NAT.

2006-02-19 Thread Reid Nichol
 No set options in pf.conf, i had scrub in, then changed to scrub
 in on 
 $ext_if, then commented out at all.
 Quite simple NAT, couple rules redirecting incoming traffic, pass
 out keep 
 state. Or should I paste the whole thing?
 3.9 GENERIC#597 i386, snapshot from 5th/6th Feb, or should I paste
 the whole 
 thing? I'll have to reboot for that, as for now it got filled with
 about me trying to write to a full system, eh, the habit of mirroring
 install sets of various distributions... ;)
 Thanks in advance for any help, pointers, or kicks in the right
 direction. I 
 think i saw someone with a problem like that, but didn't manage to
 anything in the archives...
 (I am subscribed to the list)

I had something like this problem awhile ago.  It had to do with
something regarding the default max-mss values.  Don't know the exact
details, but changing the scrub lines to the below solved my issue,
perhaps yours too.

scrub in all max-mss 1452
scrub out all max-mss 1452

Hope that helps, or at least gives you something else to look at.

best regards,
Reid Nichol

We're in a giant car heading into a brick wall at 100 miles/hr and
everybody's arguing about where they want to sit.
-David Suzuki
Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Re: Why Perl (a request to the developer sof the Ports-System)

2005-12-02 Thread Reid Nichol
--- Sebastian Rother [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I scrited with pdksh all the time lon for now.
 Now I'm interested into learning another
 I can't decide between Perl and Python.
 Perl has a lot modules but it's GPLed.
 Python on the other hand is under a BSD-compatible
 License and has less
 I would like to know some facts why Perl is in the
 base system on a
 BSD even Python is a BSD-licensed alternativ. Does
 it have some
 advantages I don#t know?
 I read a lot papers about both languages. Also
 CS-related Papers but I
 can't decide.
 I would be happy if some developers would tell me
 why they prefere Perl.
 Even if the answer would be: It's more common or: It
 existed at first.
 Kind regards,

My recommendation is to stop reading the CS-related
papers and start poking around with the code.  There
are tonnes of tutorials for both languages that will
help you in this endeavour.

You're also going to have to think about what you are
going to use it for.  A language is something of a
tool.  You _can_ get the job done with pretty much any
language, but some are better than others for certain
jobs.  ie parallel. You wouldn't want to dig a
foundation of a house with a screw driver.  So, Perl,
Python or neither might be the one for you.

But, keeping it restricted to Python/Perl.  There is
also the esthetic quality of the language.  I find
Python *far* more pretty than Perl.  I also find
Python *far* easier to code and read than Perl. 
Though I'm certian someone, somewhere will disagree.

I'm also not certain as to why the license of the
language interpreter is coming into play.  The code
you write is yours, and Perl's or Python's license is
rather moot.  That is unless you plan to embed the

IMO, the more languages you know (and I mean actually
know, not just familiar with), the better programmer
you are, the better you can get the job done.  You
really should be learning both.  Just start with the
one that'll be more useful to you right now.

What is it that you wanted to accomplish?

best regards,
Reid Nichol

We're in a giant car heading into a brick wall at 100 miles/hr and everybody's 
arguing about where they want to sit.
-David Suzuki
Just $16.99/mo. or less. 

Re: Why Perl (a request to the developer sof the Ports-System)

2005-12-02 Thread Reid Nichol
--- Alexander Farber [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 On 12/2/05, Reid Nichol [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  --- Sebastian Rother
  What is it that you wanted to accomplish?
 Just talk ;-)

I know this is just a poke, but it does bring up a
point about an ambiguity in my phrasing.

I meant what needs to be done programmatically. 
Wasn't trying to start anything.

best regards,
Reid Nichol

We're in a giant car heading into a brick wall at 100 miles/hr and everybody's 
arguing about where they want to sit.
-David Suzuki
Just $16.99/mo. or less. 

Re: Something hosing my msdos/FAT32 file system

2005-09-30 Thread Reid Nichol
I can confirm this behaviour.  But, I can still mount
and use the partition.  I'm using 3.7.

What I get is:

1) say /mnt/ms/ directory contains 1, 2, 3 directories
with a bunch of stuff in them.

2) cd /mnt/ms/; mkdir 4; mv * 4

3) cd 4

4) ls and 1, 2, 3 gets listed.

But, if I cd into any of these directories I get:
ls: .: No such file or directory

Still able to mount it and everything.  And the
filesystem still tells me the space is used.  Just
can't see any of it.

I was waiting till I was able to form a proper report
(ie upgrade to 3.8 at least) on this, but since we're
talking about it already thought I'd add in my

best regards,
Reid Nichol

--- Andreas Bihlmaier [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I don't want to heat up this discussion even
 further, BUT
 mount a FAT32 partition somewhere and
 cp /some_folder /mnt/fat
 There should be files (the more the better) in the
 directory (they should NOT be
 Now use cmp or diff to compare the directories.
 Everything still correct ?
 Good because it should be!
 BUT NOW move that directory INSIDE the FAT32
 Partition, something a long the
 lines of
 mkdir -p /mnt/fat/foo/bar/foobar/
 mv /mnt/fat/some_folder/ /mnt/fat/foo/bar/foobar/
 NOW use diff again. Should be hosed up like hell.
 At least that is what I get/got 1 week ago on i386
 AND amd64.
 With a 1 week old snapshot.
 Had the same issue with 3.7 stable.
 Don't have a FAT parition anymore since!
 Was this information helpful ? try to reproduce it.

Re: lowering the securelevel?

2005-08-09 Thread Reid Nichol
In rc.securelevel there is:


man securelevel

--- Matt Garman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I would like to (temporarily) lower my
 kern.securelevel so that
 mbmon (or healthd) can be used.  I.e., when I try to
 run mbmon (even
 as root), I get the following message:
 InitMBInfo: Operation not permitted
 According to the mbmon readme
 I need to decrease the securelevel.
 I understand that kern.securelevel cannot be lowered
 while the
 system is running.  However, I tried editing
 /etc/rc.securelevel and
 rebooting, yet the system still boots into
 Is there some other step I'm missing?
 Matt Garman
 email at:

best regards,
Reid Nichol

Canada being mad at you is like Mr. Rogers throwing a brick through you 
window. -Jon Stewart, The Daily Show

Start your day with Yahoo! - make it your home page 

Re: lowering the securelevel?

2005-08-09 Thread Reid Nichol
No you didn't.  You stated that you edited
rc.securelevel; you didn't say how.

I took this to mean that you placed the init code
there.  Thus my message.

If you don't write exactly what you think/did, how am
I supposed to know?


--- Matt Garman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Tue, Aug 09, 2005 at 04:00:24PM -0700, Reid
 Nichol wrote:
  In rc.securelevel there is:
  man securelevel
 As I said in my original post, I edited the
 securelevel parameter in
 /etc/rc.securelevel, and rebooted, yet the change
 had no effect.
  --- Matt Garman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   system is running.  However, I tried editing
   /etc/rc.securelevel and
   rebooting, yet the system still boots into