[solved] Re: files are going missing

2024-04-01 Thread beecdaddict
hello list, long time no e-mail
sorry I didn't reply to every e-mail on this topic I did read all of them

I think what happened is that another partition got filled and so other
partitions were affected too which is not something that I expected, I
expected other partitions to continue working just fine
I hope someone can confirm this but yeah the problem didn't happen again
after I removed some corefiles and logfiles!
thanks to everyone who tried to help and turns out I wasted your time.

On Wed, March 13, 2024 4:45 am, Alexis wrote:
> Michael Hekeler  writes:
>> Am 11.03.24 19:04 schrieb beecdadd...@danwin1210.de:
>>> I'm not stupid, of course I know about -o
>> Am 11.03.24 18:37 schrieb beecdadd...@danwin1210.de:
>>> ...why still ask redundant question?
>> isn't this a rather strange way of communicating for someone who is
>> looking for help ;-) ??
> Indeed. :-) Having spent a lot of time over the years trying to
> help people with tech stuff, i'm going to soapbox for a bit:
> Part of the issue can be that, at the point someone is asking for
> help on a public forum, they might well have spent quite some time working
> on the problem, and so are quite frustrated. However, they might not be
> aware that it's very common for people to spend little time trying to
> solve the problem on their own (e.g. by *gasp* reading the man pages or
> other documentation) before resorting to public forums, which many of us
> can find frustrating ourselves (particularly those of us who spend quite a
> bit of time working on documentation).
> On top of all this, many people asking for help don't understand
> that those who are trying to help are often trying to methodically rule out
> certain possible causes of the problem, and to reduce the number of
> 'moving parts' that need to be taken into consideration.
> OP (and others), please note the above, and also take time to read
> e.g. https://idownvotedbecau.se/, which lists a number of common issues
> with how people ask for tech help. Help us help you. And be sure to check
> your configs for typos (e.g. via the `-n` flag on programs like smtpd(8)):
>> < nutbar> [root@linux!/usr/src/bind] grep "{" named.conf.newer |
>> wc -l < nutbar>   19314
>> < nutbar> [root@linux!/usr/src/bind] grep "}" named.conf.newer |
>> wc -l < nutbar>   19313
> -- http://bash.org/?7748
> :-)
> Alexis.

Re: files are going missing

2024-03-11 Thread beecdaddict
good to know
videos from yt-dlp weren't on /tmp at that time I think and more important
is that they were freshly downloaded
and torrented files maybe they were seeding, if not then your thing makes
sense, I did torrent to /tmp

but this doesn't explain yt-dlp videos going missing, I think.. I'll keep
eye on this in future

On Mon, March 11, 2024 7:12 pm, Todd C. Miller wrote:
> On Mon, 11 Mar 2024 18:37:04 -, beecdadd...@danwin1210.de wrote:
>> sometimes, but I said other files are not deleted, files in same path
>> folder as the file that was deleted so /tmp/folder/video got deleted,
>> but /tmp/folder/jsonfile did not get deleted same with home directory I
>> think and with torrent there were about 3-4 other files about same size
>> I told you there were other files in same folder, why still ask
>> redundant question?
>> I didn't experience daily clearing of /tmp files and computer online
>> sometimes for days?
> The /etc/daily cron job removes files from /tmp that haven't been
> _accessed_ in 7 days.  Empty directories in /tmp that haven't been
> _modified_ in over a day are also removed.  This may explain why
> some files get removed and others do not.
> You can try commenting out the bits of /etc/daily after "Removing
> scratch and junk files" and see if that fixes your problem.
> - todd

Re: files are going missing

2024-03-11 Thread beecdaddict
I'm not stupid, of course I know about -o
and you're ignoring torrent files missing

On Mon, March 11, 2024 6:39 pm, Страхиња Радић wrote:
> On 24/03/11 05:24PM, beecdadd...@danwin1210.de wrote:
>> didn't reboot, and I didn't mention but other files both from yt-dlp
>> and the folder structure of torrenting are there, and yt-dlp said that
>> video and other files are downloaded
> Check the directory given to yt-dlp as the parameter to -o switch and the
> same option in the configuration file.
> According to [1], the configuration file can be in the following
> locations:
>> ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/yt-dlp.conf
>> ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/yt-dlp/config (recommended on Linux/macOS)
>> ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/yt-dlp/config.txt
>> ${APPDATA}/yt-dlp.conf
>> ${APPDATA}/yt-dlp/config (recommended on Windows)
>> ${APPDATA}/yt-dlp/config.txt
>> ~/yt-dlp.conf
>> ~/yt-dlp.conf.txt
>> ~/.yt-dlp/config
>> ~/.yt-dlp/config.txt
>> If unset, ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME} defaults to ~/.config and
>> ~/.cache
>> System Configuration:
>> /etc/yt-dlp.conf
>> /etc/yt-dlp/config
>> /etc/yt-dlp/config.txt
> [1]: https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp/blob/master/README.md

Re: files are going missing

2024-03-11 Thread beecdaddict
sometimes, but I said other files are not deleted, files in same path
folder as the file that was deleted
so /tmp/folder/video got deleted, but /tmp/folder/jsonfile did not get
same with home directory I think
and with torrent there were about 3-4 other files about same size

I told you there were other files in same folder, why still ask redundant

I didn't experience daily clearing of /tmp files and computer online
sometimes for days?

On Mon, March 11, 2024 6:09 pm, Stuart Henderson wrote:
> On 2024-03-11, beecdadd...@danwin1210.de 
> wrote:
>>> Did you perhaps download these files to somewhere under /tmp or
>>> /var/tmp
>>> or somewwhere else volatile like a memory file system and then reboot
>>> before trying to access those downloads?
>> didn't reboot, and I didn't mention but other files both from yt-dlp
>> and the folder structure of torrenting are there, and yt-dlp said that
>> video and other files are downloaded
> Is it in /tmp though?
> As well as most files being cleared at boot, old files are cleared daily.

Re: files are going missing

2024-03-11 Thread beecdaddict
On Mon, March 11, 2024 4:41 pm, Peter N. M. Hansteen wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 11, 2024 at 12:43:58PM -, beecdadd...@danwin1210.de
> wrote:
>> I have a problem where files recently downloaded go missing and it
>> happened over 3 times and on patition/s with enough available space I
>> want to verify it 1 more time before knowing hdd is failing for sure
> Did you perhaps download these files to somewhere under /tmp or /var/tmp
> or somewwhere else volatile like a memory file system and then reboot
> before trying to access those downloads?

didn't reboot, and I didn't mention but other files both from yt-dlp and
the folder structure of torrenting are there, and yt-dlp said that video
and other files are downloaded
and the torrent file that is missing I did use and don't remember deleting it
and yt-dlp videos I wouldn't delete I am 100% sure because I don't delete
what I didn't watch and this happened multiple times once it happened to 2
videos that were downloaded almost at the same time and at least 1 more
previous case
so I really think I am not imagining this..

> In general, files do not go missing unless someone explicitly delete
> them, but there is a possibility that you stumbled into one of the
> scenarios where either a cleanup script or the volatile nature of the
> location you were playing with did away with the data.

I know /tmp is cleared every time
and OpenBSD did fsck on reboot and says clean filesystem is ok

>> so what gives? is hdd failing? but how do entire files go missing? maybe
>> hdd metadata/header corruption of some kind?
> If a drive is failing, more likely than not you would be seeing messages
> in system log files or possibly even in dmesg output. Totally silent
> failures are not very common.
> --
> Peter N. M. Hansteen, member of the first RFC 1149 implementation team
> https://bsdly.blogspot.com/ https://www.bsdly.net/ https://www.nuug.no/
> "Remember to set the evil bit on all malicious network traffic"
> delilah spamd[29949]: disconnected after 42673 seconds.

what system log files?
thank you for time, tell me if more info can help, I don't see anything in
dmesg output
I just hope older files aren't getting deleted :(

Re: Mouse moving on its own, kbd typing on its own

2024-03-11 Thread beecdaddict
this could mean that somehow you got some attacker to insert malicious
code in your bios/firmware meaning that no matter how many times you
reinstall you're still hacked
you should probably sell your motherboard or entire computer and get a new
one... maybe cpu is affected, too? I don't know where microcode is at
that's what you get for using fedora instead of openbsd and not reading
source code

On Fri, March 8, 2024 4:43 pm, ofthecentury wrote:
> I have a USB mouse that starts to move a little
> on its own once in a while when I'm browsing the internet using chromium.
> My USB keyboard
> is also acting up...it just started typing spaces all of a sudden as I was
> typing up this email and wasn't reactive to any input until I unplugged it
>  and plugged it back in. Is it Chromium? Or is it OpenBSD? I think it's
> Chromium, but how to get to the bottom of it?
> I'm on OpenBSD 7.5 right now, but I've seen it
> on OpenBSD 7.4. And I've seen this on my Fedora 39 installation before, by
> the way. I think it's a major security flaw somewhere.

files are going missing

2024-03-11 Thread beecdaddict
hi list
I have a problem where files recently downloaded go missing and it
happened over 3 times and on patition/s with enough available space
I want to verify it 1 more time before knowing hdd is failing for sure

for example newly downloaded videos via yt-dlp go missing, torrent files
go missing, all of them recent, and I didn't touch them because I know I
restarted torrent client a few times and every time no Missing File error
was shown and I didn't go in that torrent directory for many days

so what gives?
is hdd failing? but how do entire files go missing?
maybe hdd metadata/header corruption of some kind?
I did not do a fsck yet, will do it and report if anything new
just so you know hdd is old and frequent read and write, mostly
sequantial, but random too
I tried searching internet, nothing of answer came in view

Re: disklabel and df -h don't show same size

2024-03-03 Thread beecdaddict
thanks for your time!

On Sun, March 3, 2024 1:05 pm, Otto Moerbeek wrote:
> On Sun, Mar 03, 2024 at 12:59:08PM -, beecdadd...@danwin1210.de
> wrote:
>> that's why not having that reserved space can set the drive to crawling
>>  speed when full?
> Yes, internal bookkeeping of FS space to use for files gets less
> efficient when the FS is close to full.
>> how do you reserve that space when doing partitions on the installer?
>> just leave unallocated space?
> You cannot use a non-default reserved space during installation, it
> wil be fixed at 5%.
> You do not need to leave unallocated space for the reserved space, as
> the reserved space is a fraction of the total space *inside* the FS.
> -Otto

Re: disklabel and df -h don't show same size

2024-03-03 Thread beecdaddict
yes thanks everyone for answering
is 12G not 8 sorry
if it's default, I won't touch it then
is there no way to know how many rounds a drive needs to be decrypted? if
so, then that's good security but want to know how many rounds my computer
would do, after the crypto has been created?
I find -v gives you rounds and probably default rounds if you don't do -r,
but I am too late to find out that now
thanks again

On Sun, March 3, 2024 12:47 pm, Stuart Henderson wrote:
> On 2024-03-03, beecdadd...@danwin1210.de 
> wrote:
>> On Sun, March 3, 2024 12:07 pm, Otto Moerbeek wrote:
>>> On Sun, Mar 03, 2024 at 12:01:12PM -, beecdadd...@danwin1210.de
>>> wrote:
 oh okay reserved for root? I ran those commands as root, or you
 mean something else? I didn't know overhead was that big.. so this
 is okay, then? thanks for very fast reply
>>> 3.5G meta data overhead is less than 1.5% of your partition. Not that
>>>  high, I'd say.
>> 235-223 is 8G, not 3.5G?
> 238.5-235 = 3.5G (overhead)
> 235-223   = 12G  ~= 5% (reserved for root)
>>> You can change that 5% by using tunefs, or when doing newfs from the
>>> start).
>> newfs from the start? I did newfs from the start?
>> https://www.openbsd.org/faq/faq14.html#softraidcrypto
>> is this not what you mean by newfs from the start?
> You can change the 5% by using the -m flag when you newfs, or by running
> tunefs on an existing filesystem (but it will need to be unmounted first).
> A fileystem has meta data overhead. That space is not avalailable
> for user files. Also, by default 5% of available space is reserved
> for root only. That fraction is represented in available space.
> See
> newfs(8).
> --
> Please keep replies on the mailing list.

Re: disklabel and df -h don't show same size

2024-03-03 Thread beecdaddict
On Sun, March 3, 2024 12:07 pm, Otto Moerbeek wrote:
> On Sun, Mar 03, 2024 at 12:01:12PM -, beecdadd...@danwin1210.de
> wrote:
>> oh okay reserved for root? I ran those commands as root, or you mean
>> something else? I didn't know overhead was that big.. so this is okay,
>> then? thanks for very fast reply
> 3.5G meta data overhead is less than 1.5% of your partition. Not that
> high, I'd say.

235-223 is 8G, not 3.5G?

> Only root processes can write crossing the reserved space limit. The
> disk will than show a Capacity number larger than 100%.

so root process, not root user? ok

> Non-root proceses will see failed writes.
> You can change that 5% by using tunefs, or when doing newfs from the
> start).
> -Otto

newfs from the start? I did newfs from the start?
is this not what you mean by newfs from the start?

>> On Sun, March 3, 2024 11:57 am, Otto Moerbeek wrote:
>>> On Sun, Mar 03, 2024 at 11:48:01AM -, beecdadd...@danwin1210.de
>>> wrote:

 disklabel -h sd3 shows this

 # /dev/rsd3c:
 type: SCSI
 disk: SCSI disk
 label: SR CRYPTO
 duid: some-number
 bytes/sector: 512
 sectors/track: 63
 tracks/cylinder: 255
 sectors/cylinder: 16065
 cylinders: 31130
 total sectors: 500117600 # total bytes: 238.5G boundstart: 64
 boundend: 500117600

 16 partitions:
 #size   offset  fstype [fsize bsize   cpg]
 c:   238.5G0  unused
 i:   238.5G   64  4.2BSD   4096 32768 26062 #

 but df -h shows that sd3i is of size 235G but only 223G is
 available, and the Used space is 4.0k.. SSD is new and I followed

>>> A fileystem has meta data overhead. That space is not avalailable for
>>>  user files. Also, by default 5% of available space is reserved for
>>> root only. That fraction is represented in available space. See
>>> newfs(8).
>>> -Otto

Re: mount not working as expected? and what are my default bioctl rounds?

2024-03-03 Thread beecdaddict
On Sun, March 3, 2024 11:50 am, Otto Moerbeek wrote:
> On Sun, Mar 03, 2024 at 10:47:31AM -, beecdadd...@danwin1210.de
> wrote:
>> hi list I want to know how many rounds my computer defaults to for
>> bioctl -r, so I can change it and know how stronger it is can you help
>> me?
>> after reading mount manual about DUID I realized that it is not working
>>  for me as expected in /etc/fstab I have the same DUID I got from
>> disklabel of that same crypto volume (sd3), and when I do mount sd3i, it
>> goes to look at fstab and should find that same DUID.i entry, but it
>> gives me this mount: can't find fstab entry for sd3i.
>> the fstab line is this DUID-of-sd3.i /mnt/extssd ffs
>> rw,noatime,noexec,nodev,nosuid 0 0
> When you have a duid entry in fstab, you should refer to is by duid.

But manual says this
"If it is a DUID, it will be automatically mapped to the appropriate entry
in /dev"
I assumed the opposite would be true, if I did mount sd3i, and that mount
would check it's DUID and check in fstab for it it does not do that?

>> the real RAID non-crypto volume of external ssd is sd2, as said crypto
>> volume gets attached as sd3
>> and on topic of fstab, I couldn't find what the last two '0 0' are
>> called, I remember linux has had it in manual in past so I know they say
>> if system can boot without those drives or something like that
> You did not look very hard:

true.. I was looking for numbers, but numbers were written in words
instead of 0 1 2... my bad, I hope it was readable so I could find it

> man fstab: ...
> A line has the following format:
> fs_spec fs_file fs_vfstype fs_mntops fs_freq fs_passno ...

Re: disklabel and df -h don't show same size

2024-03-03 Thread beecdaddict
oh okay
reserved for root? I ran those commands as root, or you mean something
else? I didn't know overhead was that big.. so this is okay, then?
thanks for very fast reply

On Sun, March 3, 2024 11:57 am, Otto Moerbeek wrote:
> On Sun, Mar 03, 2024 at 11:48:01AM -, beecdadd...@danwin1210.de
> wrote:
>> disklabel -h sd3 shows this
>> # /dev/rsd3c:
>> type: SCSI
>> disk: SCSI disk
>> label: SR CRYPTO
>> duid: some-number
>> flags:
>> bytes/sector: 512
>> sectors/track: 63
>> tracks/cylinder: 255
>> sectors/cylinder: 16065
>> cylinders: 31130
>> total sectors: 500117600 # total bytes: 238.5G boundstart: 64
>> boundend: 500117600
>> 16 partitions:
>> #size   offset  fstype [fsize bsize   cpg]
>> c:   238.5G0  unused
>> i:   238.5G   64  4.2BSD   4096 32768 26062 #
>> /mnt/extssd
>> but df -h shows that sd3i is of size 235G but only 223G is available,
>> and the Used space is 4.0k.. SSD is new and I followed
> A fileystem has meta data overhead. That space is not avalailable for
> user files. Also, by default 5% of available space is reserved for root
> only. That fraction is represented in available space. See newfs(8).
> -Otto

disklabel and df -h don't show same size

2024-03-03 Thread beecdaddict
disklabel -h sd2 shows this

# /dev/rsd2c:
type: SCSI
disk: SCSI disk
label: nal USB 3.0
duid: some-number
bytes/sector: 512
sectors/track: 63
tracks/cylinder: 255
sectors/cylinder: 16065
cylinders: 31130
total sectors: 500118192 # total bytes: 238.5G
boundstart: 64
boundend: 500118192

16 partitions:
#size   offset  fstype [fsize bsize   cpg]
  a:   238.5G   64RAID
  c:   238.5G0  unused

disklabel -h sd3 shows this

# /dev/rsd3c:
type: SCSI
disk: SCSI disk
label: SR CRYPTO
duid: some-number
bytes/sector: 512
sectors/track: 63
tracks/cylinder: 255
sectors/cylinder: 16065
cylinders: 31130
total sectors: 500117600 # total bytes: 238.5G
boundstart: 64
boundend: 500117600

16 partitions:
#size   offset  fstype [fsize bsize   cpg]
  c:   238.5G0  unused
  i:   238.5G   64  4.2BSD   4096 32768 26062 #

but df -h shows this ..SSD is new and I followed
https://www.openbsd.org/faq/faq14.html encrypting external disks

Filesystem SizeUsed   Avail Capacity  Mounted on
/dev/sd3i  235G4.0K223G 1%/mnt/extssd

this is weird, does this have to be like this? or did I do something
wrong? I did do everything twice sxcept overwriting with /dev/urandom,
maybe it's that
also did bioctl -P -r newnumber after sd2 was decrypted and sd3 mounted

disklabel and df -h don't show same size

2024-03-03 Thread beecdaddict

disklabel -h sd3 shows this

# /dev/rsd3c:
type: SCSI
disk: SCSI disk
label: SR CRYPTO
duid: some-number
bytes/sector: 512
sectors/track: 63
tracks/cylinder: 255
sectors/cylinder: 16065
cylinders: 31130
total sectors: 500117600 # total bytes: 238.5G
boundstart: 64
boundend: 500117600

16 partitions:
#size   offset  fstype [fsize bsize   cpg]
  c:   238.5G0  unused
  i:   238.5G   64  4.2BSD   4096 32768 26062 #

but df -h shows that sd3i is of size 235G but only 223G is available, and
the Used space is 4.0k.. SSD is new and I followed

mount not working as expected? and what are my default bioctl rounds?

2024-03-03 Thread beecdaddict
hi list
I want to know how many rounds my computer defaults to for bioctl -r, so I
can change it and know how stronger it is can you help me?

after reading mount manual about DUID I realized that it is not working
for me as expected
in /etc/fstab I have the same DUID I got from disklabel of that same
crypto volume (sd3), and when I do mount sd3i, it goes to look at fstab
and should find that same DUID.i entry, but it gives me this
mount: can't find fstab entry for sd3i.

the fstab line is this
DUID-of-sd3.i /mnt/extssd ffs rw,noatime,noexec,nodev,nosuid 0 0

the real RAID non-crypto volume of external ssd is sd2, as said crypto
volume gets attached as sd3

and on topic of fstab, I couldn't find what the last two '0 0' are called,
I remember linux has had it in manual in past so I know they say if system
can boot without those drives or something like that

Re: how to external encrypted drive that supports OpenBSD and FreeBSD?

2024-03-01 Thread beecdaddict
that will do! is just backup! thank you very much
what if it wasn't read-only and was active partition with writing?

and doesn't freebsd support ffs? I was reading manual and found something
about it

On Fri, March 1, 2024 5:00 pm, Crystal Kolipe wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 01, 2024 at 04:50:01PM -, beecdadd...@danwin1210.de
> wrote:
>> hi list do you have any recommendation? internet can't find my answer
>> drive is external usb and it has to be encrypted.. something that can
>> also supports freeBSD is what I need fast solution is fat32, but how do
>> I encrypt it? freebsd doesn't have
>> softraid or bioctl
> What is your use case exactly?
> Do you actually need to re-write the data on the disk after it's been
> written, or is this just a one-off archiving of data to an encrypted volume
> that might need to be read back on either OS in the future?
> If the data is unchanging or rarely changing, you could use a FAT
> volume to store tar archives and encrypt those tar archives individually
> using a symmetric cipher using the openssl command line tool.

how to external encrypted drive that supports OpenBSD and FreeBSD?

2024-03-01 Thread beecdaddict
hi list
do you have any recommendation? internet can't find my answer

drive is external usb and it has to be encrypted..
something that can also supports freeBSD is what I need
fast solution is fat32, but how do I encrypt it? freebsd doesn't have
softraid or bioctl

Re: do all headphone amps work?

2024-02-20 Thread beecdaddict
that's very simple to check, so if it has drivers listed avoid it


On Sat, February 17, 2024 3:52 pm, Stephen Wiley wrote:
> They'll need to provide drivers for Windows and OSX as downloads on their
> web site.  If you can't find those then it's probably just using the USB
> audio class and will work OOTB with OpenBSD and Linux.
> --Stephen
> On Sat, Feb 17, 2024 at 03:07:44PM -, beecdadd...@danwin1210.de
> wrote:
>> so how do I know if they have special drivers or something? not known if
>> I'll be able to refund..
>> thanks
>> On Thu, February 15, 2024 4:34 pm, Stephen Wiley wrote:
>>> I haven't used a USB sound card but it looks to me like there's a
>>> standard device class for them from the USB IF (like CDC, HID, MSC
>>> etc.) so I would expect it to work unless they're doing something
>>> strange. If they don't have special drivers that are needed to make it
>>> on Windows they probably aren't. --Stephen
>>> On Thu, Feb 15, 2024 at 11:35:53AM -, beecdadd...@danwin1210.de
>>> wrote:
 hi list I have a question: do all headphones amps work on OpenBSD?
 think USB does it have some sort of driver? what do I look for? any
 tips? does sound sound well on OpenBSD? does it depend on
 driver/headphones? I don't want to waste money if they don't work

 thanks best regards


Re: do all headphone amps work?

2024-02-15 Thread beecdaddict
Beec? my username is supposed to be like BSD addict but that was boring

yes I was wondering about specification or whatever if they follow..
I plan to buy expensive combo at least expensive to me and I wouldn't
change OS.. and not sure if they would do refund

thanks good to know

On Thu, February 15, 2024 1:13 pm, Shokara Kou wrote:
> Hi Beec,
> I don't know if they all work, but I'm assuming all DACs and DAC+Amp
> combos work if they follow the USB audio specification (which should be
> most if not all of them), which is the uaudio(4) driver on OpenBSD.
> My headphone amp (Monolith Liquid Spark) connects to a cheap USB
> audio adapter I already had (C-Media Electronics Inc., USB Audio Device)
> and still sounds amazing in OpenBSD with my headphones, or at least I
> don't notice any buffer underruns or other audio issues.
> I think you'll only have issues with Bluetooth headphones unless
> you can plug them in directly to an audio jack or USB-audio compliant
> adapter.
> If you do have an issue, you should still be able to get a refund
> and/or try another replacement.
> Regards,
> Shokara Kou

do all headphone amps work?

2024-02-15 Thread beecdaddict
hi list
I have a question: do all headphones amps work on OpenBSD? I think USB
does it have some sort of driver? what do I look for?
any tips?
does sound sound well on OpenBSD? does it depend on driver/headphones?
I don't want to waste money if they don't work

thanks best regards

Re: KeyTrap DNS vulnerability

2024-02-15 Thread beecdaddict
On Wed, February 14, 2024 4:44 am, Peter J. Philipp wrote:
> ...
> * I'm not a cryptographer, mathematician nor do I program DNS on the
> recursive end.  I program on the authoritative server end, where you can't
> do anything about something like a MITM anyhow. Donald Knuth and other
> books using algorithmic approaches may be good reading for this.

if you have I2P instead or even Tor (hidden services only, not clearweb) 
you don't need broken DNS

Re: how to play bytebeat on openbsd?

2024-02-05 Thread beecdaddict
ah after bumping up the 8 I find it to be more-less the same as with sox!
thank you I think the problem was -c has to be 0:0 :) and also -o came useful
I forgot how to read manual (I was looking for it in manual but I didn't know
what I was looking for)

I can delete sox now and have less program thanks!

On Mon, February 5, 2024 1:21 pm, Alexandre Ratchov wrote:
> On Fri, Feb 02, 2024 at 06:41:46PM -, beecdadd...@danwin1210.de wrote:
>> hello
>> I've tried for hours to play bytebeat as everyone else
>> I cannot find anything on the entire internet
>> all I got is `cat a.out >> /dev/speaker)` as root.. a.out is compiled code
>> , a
>> loop and `putchar(t*((t>>12|t>>8)&63>>4));`.. this doesn't sound nearly
>> the same as it does to other people it's also slow, not fast
> You've to compile the bytebeat program, run it and send the result to a
> program that will play can play usinged 8-bit mono at 8kHz.  aucat(1) can do
> this.
> Example, create a bytebeat.c file with your one-liner and the proper C
> boilerplate:
> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
> #include 
> int main(void) {
> int t;
> for (t = 0; t < 8; t++) { putchar(t*((t>>12|t>>8)&63>>4)); }
> return 0; }
> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
> Build it:
> cc -Wall bytebeat.c
> Play the result:
> ./a.out | aucat -e u8 -c 0:1 -r 8000 -i -
> Or save it a as music.wav so you can futher process it and/or send it to
> someone:
> ./a.out | aucat -e u8 -c 0:0 -r 8000 -i - -n -o music.wav

Re: questions about RAID5C, RAID6, RAID6C, can Openbsd be a good storage-server OS?

2024-02-05 Thread beecdaddict
On Mon, February 5, 2024 1:13 pm, Crystal Kolipe wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 05, 2024 at 12:56:39PM -, beecdadd...@danwin1210.de wrote:
>> wow that's unreadable on my browser is that 75M I'm seeing? and doesn't even
>> work as a readable site Ill be reading that for the rest of life thanks
> The linked page passes HTML and CSS validation:
> https://validator.nu
> https://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator
> Therefore, if it is not rendering correctly in your browser, please open a
> bug report with the authors of your browser.

is not a bug, Links displays HTML and CSS just fine! don't insult Links
text on the site is just close together hard to read

> If you do not want to install a standards compliant web browser to read the
> material, the text of the article is also available on our Gemini site.

that is cool

> And what is "75M"?  If you mean 75 megabytes, the page weight is nowhere near
>  that value. You may be using a compromised browser which is downloading
> malware from elsewhere, or having script injected by a malicious third party.

I maybe did math wrong said like 75xxx bytes or something
I read 1/3 of text.. I almost fell asleep
the only thing I gathered from that text is that yes I think I will use
OpenZFS on FreeBSD, have it connect not to internet but to my other OpenBSD
box thich will be securer and face internet
thanks guys, I know RAID isn't THE solution, but I can't afford mirroring or
have another site for another backup

it will protect me against bitrot, has check-sums for everything and I can
rollback because I do make stupid mistakes very stupid.. I did multiple times
rm file * by accident instead of rm file.* I thought it was more but didn't
check.. now I do rm -i haha

but someone said that filesystem can also get corrupted and I think to myself
how what do they think?

Re: questions about RAID5C, RAID6, RAID6C, can Openbsd be a good storage-server OS?

2024-02-05 Thread beecdaddict
wow that's unreadable on my browser
is that 75M I'm seeing? and doesn't even work as a readable site
Ill be reading that for the rest of life thanks

On Mon, February 5, 2024 3:37 am, David Rinehart wrote:

> This is a good read: 
> https://research.exoticsilicon.com/articles/backup_strategies
> On Sun, 2024-02-04 at 19:02 +, beecdadd...@danwin1210.de wrote:
>> hello
>> I will make a storage server, and RAID just has to be on it, right?
>> is RAID6 in work or maybe plans, I would like to know what about RAID5 +
>> I read these
>> https://www.reddit.com/r/openbsd/comments/r4bydk/encrypted_raid6_support/
>> and from it https://marc.info/?t=15434869341=1=2
>> encryption is a must, I won't have it unencrypted what about RAID controller
>> like RAID6 and software RAIDC combination? it would be cool to have
>> redundancy like RAID6 and secure data with CRYPTO..
>> RAID1C is too expensive
>> does anyone run multi-TB storage servers with OpenBSD? what raid do you run,
>>  what about hardware raid? I fear/dislike hardware raid but I never tried it
>>  I want to live without OpenZFS/FreeBSD, butnot without encryption and
>> redundancy
>> I don't have to be able to boot from it (canbe other disk which also
>> maybe in RAID1C), but would be nice
>> I know OpenBSD is not meant to be run as big fancy storage server
>> with maybe complicated reliability like RAID6 + CRYPTO, but what you expect?
>> everyone loves OpenBSD and wants to use it for everything, not FreeBSD
>> thank you I am sorry if I ask too much, I don't demand, just nice request

Re: questions about RAID5C, RAID6, RAID6C, can Openbsd be a good storage-server OS?

2024-02-05 Thread beecdaddict
On Sun, February 4, 2024 9:55 pm, Nick Holland wrote:

> On 2/4/24 14:02, beecdadd...@danwin1210.de wrote:

>> hello


>> I will make a storage server, and RAID just has to be on it, right?


> mybbe... (more later)


>> is RAID6 in work or maybe plans, I would like to know

>> what about RAID5 + CRYPTO or RAID6 + CRYPTO?

>> I read these

>> https://www.reddit.com/r/openbsd/comments/r4bydk/encrypted_raid6_support/

>> and from it

>> https://marc.info/?t=15434869341=1=2


> best to start with authoritative sources that are up to date.

> https://man.openbsd.org/softraid


> you will note no reference to RAID6 in there.  Nor one-layer

> softraid 5C, like there is 1C.

I know I read `man bioctl` instead..

> Is it "in the works"?  how would that matter?  If it is there, you

> can use it.  If it isn't...you can't.  If it is "in the works", it

> still isn't there.  So...I'd suggest just assuming it isn't there,

> and if it is added (or you add it), upgrade at your next HW refresh.


>> encryption is a must, I won't have it unencrypted

>> what about RAID controller like RAID6 and software RAIDC combination?

>> it would be cool to have redundancy like RAID6 and secure data with CRYPTO..

>> RAID1C is too expensive


> "RAID1C is too expensive" -- define expensive?

with parity-RAID you get more storage meaning more bang for buck

> You can get a Really Big SATA disk for the price of a good HW RAID controller,

> and a good HW RAID controller generally requires a big, power hungry chassis.

> Oh...and if you are going to run HW RAID, you MUST have spare HW on-hand

> because you can't just take the drives off RAID controller X and put them on

> the RAID controller you just managed to find two years later when you need

> it and hope it will work.  And of course, that implies a second chassis,

> because these things tend to work together.

someone said HW RAID bad today because it doesn't check parity, so to do that
need to have good HW raid controller (doesn't exist anymore?) and disks with
520-byte sectors (also doesn't exist unless some lucky expensive entterprise)
so I think HW RAID is a no-go :(
I want many TB, and possibly expandble (on same RAID array)
HW raid also sounds to be too complicated and also more failure prone?
because like OpenZFS checks parity because it has check-sums of parity, and
with 520-byte sectors the 512bytes used for data, but the 8 for check-sum of
parity, and also HW RAID controller has to support that

>> does anyone run multi-TB storage servers with OpenBSD? what raid do you run,

>> what about hardware raid? I fear/dislike hardware raid but I never tried it

>> I want to live without OpenZFS/FreeBSD, butnot without encryption and


> HW RAID works, but you better understand your controller.  Most people get

> their system running, pat themselves on the back, and are 100% hosed when

> they need to replace a drive and have no idea how.  HW raid is usually a

> little easier to figure out how to get running without reading the

> instructions, but much harder to figure out when things go wonky.

I think so, too

> (granted, SW raid, you have to figure out how to detect and swap out a

> failed drive, but my SW RAID is more similar to yours than my HW RAID is

> to yours, and thus, I can probably help you out more.  x the number of

> people on misc@ :)

heh I am glad people use stuff like this here.. I don't have RAID yet, but plan
on getting it.. my budget maybe 400$ starter but want to increase as time goes
and money comes, I would do it a non-standard homemade chassie so it's cheap
and put some DIY strap-with-spunge so it's non-vibrator

>> I don't have to be able to boot from it (canbe other disk which also maybe in

>> RAID1C), but would be nice


>> I know OpenBSD is not meant to be run as big fancy storage server with maybe

>> complicated reliability like RAID6 + CRYPTO, but what you expect? everyone

>> loves OpenBSD and wants to use it for everything, not FreeBSD


> Realistically, for home use, I suspect OpenBSD will be more-than-sufficient

> for most people.  You just don't need the World's Fastest for most

> applications.  Case in point: I was whining to myself about the removal of

> softdeps from OpenBSD recently...it is a HUGE performance hit for a few of

> the systems I manage.  But you know what I discovered?  Worst case, even

> though one backup went from two hours to eight or more hours, it doesn't

> change what I accomplish in a day.  Wickedly fast is fun.  But the real

> performance problem is usually me.  It would work fine for many business

> uses, too.

what you mean removal of softdep?
doesn't having softdep increase speed?? I got softdep in /etc/fstab on
everything almost

I don't care about fast.. I wanted archive drives but they too slow and at
higher TB count it's more easily prone to another failure so RAID6 is ideal,
but also non-archive drives because I will do more random 

questions about RAID5C, RAID6, RAID6C, can Openbsd be a good storage-server OS?

2024-02-04 Thread beecdaddict

I will make a storage server, and RAID just has to be on it, right?

is RAID6 in work or maybe plans, I would like to know
what about RAID5 + CRYPTO or RAID6 + CRYPTO?
I read these
and from it

encryption is a must, I won't have it unencrypted
what about RAID controller like RAID6 and software RAIDC combination?
it would be cool to have redundancy like RAID6 and secure data with CRYPTO..
RAID1C is too expensive

does anyone run multi-TB storage servers with OpenBSD? what raid do you run,
what about hardware raid? I fear/dislike hardware raid but I never tried it
I want to live without OpenZFS/FreeBSD, butnot without encryption and redundancy

I don't have to be able to boot from it (canbe other disk which also maybe in
RAID1C), but would be nice

I know OpenBSD is not meant to be run as big fancy storage server with maybe
complicated reliability like RAID6 + CRYPTO, but what you expect? everyone
loves OpenBSD and wants to use it for everything, not FreeBSD

thank you I am sorry if I ask too much, I don't demand, just nice request

Re: [answered]Re: how to play bytebeat on openbsd?

2024-02-04 Thread beecdaddict
that does work, then why doesn't this work?
./a.out | sox -r 8000 -c 1 -t u8 - -d
doesn't work
but if uint8_t is changed to int, it works well..
also in sox sounds sounds different compared to say mpv, cannot decide which
is better because I cannot seek forward in sox's play?

can you make music with sox/play alone? you can make guitar sounds with play,
maybe can also somehow write a whole song only in CLI?


int main (int argc, char **argv) {
  uint8_t t = 0;
  for (t=0;;t++)

On Sat, February 3, 2024 2:58 pm, Nick Owens wrote:
> try piping to
> sox -r 8000 -c 1 -t u8 - -d
> for example, this should work as a demo:
> python3 -c 'import sys; [sys.stdout.write(chr(( t & (t >> 8)) % 256)) for t in
> range(2**19)]' | sox -r 8000 -c 1 -t u8 - -d
> On Sat, Feb 3, 2024 at 6:20 AM  wrote:
>> thank you, stranger!
>> I found so many good C formulas, some sound like they could be used within
>> a game, even has pauses with silence and everything!
>> I had to find out how to use sox, though on another site: `sox -r 8000 -c
>> -t
>> u8 test.raw output.wav`
>> what is weird is that I can't get bytebeats if the `t` is int8_t or
>> something.. doesn't seem like that makes sense, it's like 4 bytes 32-bit,
>> not 1 byte.
>> not sure difference between signed 32, 64 and unsigned, but I tried 16-bit
>> `t`
>> and it's just not it.. am I messing something up?
>> does this only mimic bytebeat, and is not true 8-bit technique to get
>> realistic bytebeat?
>> On Fri, February 2, 2024 9:15 pm, Nick Owens wrote:
>>> back when i used to mess with these, i frequently used `sox` to play the
>>> 8-bit
>>> samples. it can do the sample conversion for you to whatever the system
>>> needs.
>>> On Fri, Feb 2, 2024 at 11:08 AM Omar Polo  wrote:

 On 2024/02/02 18:41:46 +, beecdadd...@danwin1210.de wrote:

> hello
> I've tried for hours to play bytebeat as everyone else
> I cannot find anything on the entire internet
> all I got is `cat a.out >> /dev/speaker)` as root.. a.out is compiled
>  code , a loop and `putchar(t*((t>>12|t>>8)&63>>4));`.. this
> doesn't sound nearly the same as it does to other people it's also
> slow, not fast

 I don't think it makes sense to feed speaker(4) with an executable

 Haven't seen the code, but based on your description I guess it should
 be more like

 $ ./a.out | doas tee /dev/speaker

 or at least that's my guess, my crystall ball don't always works


[answered]Re: how to play bytebeat on openbsd?

2024-02-03 Thread beecdaddict
thank you, stranger!

I found so many good C formulas, some sound like they could be used within a
game, even has pauses with silence and everything!

I had to find out how to use sox, though on another site: `sox -r 8000 -c -t
u8 test.raw output.wav`

what is weird is that I can't get bytebeats if the `t` is int8_t or
something.. doesn't seem like that makes sense, it's like 4 bytes 32-bit, not
1 byte.
not sure difference between signed 32, 64 and unsigned, but I tried 16-bit `t`
and it's just not it.. am I messing something up?

does this only mimic bytebeat, and is not true 8-bit technique to get
realistic bytebeat?

On Fri, February 2, 2024 9:15 pm, Nick Owens wrote:
> back when i used to mess with these, i frequently used `sox` to play the 8-bit
> samples. it can do the sample conversion for you to whatever the system needs.
> On Fri, Feb 2, 2024 at 11:08 AM Omar Polo  wrote:
>> On 2024/02/02 18:41:46 +, beecdadd...@danwin1210.de wrote:
>>> hello
>>> I've tried for hours to play bytebeat as everyone else
>>> I cannot find anything on the entire internet
>>> all I got is `cat a.out >> /dev/speaker)` as root.. a.out is compiled
>>> code , a loop and `putchar(t*((t>>12|t>>8)&63>>4));`.. this doesn't
>>> sound nearly the same as it does to other people it's also slow, not fast
>> I don't think it makes sense to feed speaker(4) with an executable code.
>> Haven't seen the code, but based on your description I guess it should
>> be more like
>> $ ./a.out | doas tee /dev/speaker
>> or at least that's my guess, my crystall ball don't always works correctly.

Re: how to play bytebeat on openbsd?

2024-02-02 Thread beecdaddict
there is this video with some C code
these are some examples

On Fri, February 2, 2024 6:41 pm, beecdadd...@danwin1210.de wrote:
> hello
> I've tried for hours to play bytebeat as everyone else
> I cannot find anything on the entire internet
> all I got is `cat a.out >> /dev/speaker)` as root.. a.out is compiled code ,
> a loop and `putchar(t*((t>>12|t>>8)&63>>4));`.. this doesn't sound nearly
> the same as it does to other people it's also slow, not fast
> man speaker doesn't help much aucat also doesn't seem to be for this
> do I need PCM? All videos I found people writting in C++, a bytebeat player
> was for Windows
> please help

how to play bytebeat on openbsd?

2024-02-02 Thread beecdaddict

I've tried for hours to play bytebeat as everyone else

I cannot find anything on the entire internet

all I got is `cat a.out >> /dev/speaker)` as root.. a.out is compiled code , a
loop and `putchar(t*((t>>12|t>>8)&63>>4));`.. this doesn't sound nearly the
same as it does to other people
it's also slow, not fast

man speaker doesn't help much
aucat also doesn't seem to be for this

do I need PCM?
All videos I found people writting in C++, a bytebeat player was for Windows

please help

[offtopic] hardware routers failing

2024-01-30 Thread beecdaddict
I have problem while running program i2pd and increasing bandwidth/number of
tunnels, router fails and internet connectivity network-wide goes down, router
restarts it after a few seconds up to minutes

someone told me this:

> For an ISP "customer premises equipment" router (home/officr router)?
> That often means you made too many connections and exceeded the size of
> NAT/firewall state table that they can cope with. Also for ISPs with
> CGN, you might have a limited port-range that you're allowed to use and
> can't make more connections once that has been exceeded.

the 1st problem can be solved by custom router running OpenBSD, yes?
how can I make sure it's 1st solution without buying/making router?
ISP says there is nothing they can do or they act dumb

can someone help me?
thank you
- best regards

Re: M.2 Libre NIC

2024-01-30 Thread beecdaddict
I don't, what about the rest of system?
I'm interested in libre hardware/firmware and maybe buy

On Tue, January 30, 2024 6:13 pm, Rohan Ganapavarapu wrote:
> Do any of you guys know of a NIC card with OpenBSD support, fits in a M.2
> slot, and has libre firmware?
> I found the AR9462, which has libre firmware and is M.2, but the current
> ath9k driver does not support it.
> --
> rohan

Re: my software is changing its future

2024-01-30 Thread beecdaddict
please stop trolling

On Tue, January 30, 2024 11:20 am, hahahahacker2...@airmail.cc wrote:
> On 2024-01-29 23:31, beecdadd...@danwin1210.de wrote:
> You are not using the right word.
> When a software is open source, you can have your eyes on it and
> fix its bug if it is broken, or use pledge and unveil to sandbox it. when open
> source is to make sure a software is not malware, it is useless. Correct
> yourself on future posts about open source.
>> open source model benefits everyone because people can check and know there
>> are no spyware/malware which affects people directly (use your software) or
>> by using some service that uses your software like companies getting hacked
>> left and right even the biggest companies get hacked because they are full of
>>  idiots who use proprietary code
>> I am not familiar with the whole profiting thing, but the idea of
>> paying only for compiled binaries sounds reasonable (and accepting donations
>> if they don't) like if someone is on windows, how are they going to compile
>> it? I never seen compiling done on MS Windows, so still profitable? this
>> makes sense to me
>> and if you have money and time think of us who don't like viruses on our
>> computer because that's what proprietary is, virus
>> thank you
>> On Mon, January 29, 2024 3:07 pm, Peter J. Philipp wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I have written an authoritative DNS server since 2005.  This february
>>> 16th
>>> it will have the last Open Source release at version 1.8.  The Open Source
>>> development was a great prototype (for me), but I feel that asking for
>>> donations is not going to make me a lot of money so I intend to port it to
>>>  Microsoft Windows (and perhaps Mac OS) in the next two years.
>>> I also intend to keep this part non-open source, and you may be able
>>> to buy that port in a microsoft store.  This is just part of a greater plan
>>>  to eventually enter the firewall market as a cloud based layer seven
>>> firewall. Many systems already exist doing this, but I'm hoping my
>>> approach will eventually get me a minute market share enough to pay some
>>> bills.
>>> Now to my question(s):
>>> 1. Does the LibreSSL port to windows work?  If so, great!  That will
>>> easen the porting work.
>>> 2. How hard would it be to port the imsg framework to Windows?  I
>>> understand there is descriptor passing involved which windows doesn't know.
>>> But
>>> I'm
>>> confident that an alternative can be found.  Does a windows port to imsg
>>> already exist?
>>> 3. Just out of the blue, is there Windows efforts for pledge and
>>> unveil?  I don't intend to port them but leave them be just like the Linux
>>> port that is already working.
>>> Please, don't feel annoyed that I'm porting to Windows.  It is just an
>>> effort to gain a larger marketshare of people that could use this as a
>>> product. After
>>> nearly 20 years I have finally a chance to make some money.  Something I
>>> never had before.  Also version 1.8 will always be around, it will never
>>> go away. And in a few years I do intend to release version 1.9 (without
>>> windows port),
>>> I'm a firm believer that the Open Source model benefits the cream of
>>> the crop (the people with skills on top), but it doesn't benefit everyone.
>>> I'm not
>>> a hotshot programmer, I'm mediocre at best.  This is why I want to adopt an
>>>  "open core" business model.  This may be selling out to some.  So
>>> what.
>>> Also the days of closed source are almost finished.  People with
>>> enough ML/AI power can devise decompilers that are able to make a fine
>>> human understandable code (in C) of a binary.  I have seen screenshots of
>>> C
>>> decompilers that label variables var0, var1, var2, var3 etc etc.  So
>>> non-coherent.  But with a bit of AI the var1, var2, varN... can be
>>> rearranged to something more understandable. This also means that open
>>> source will win, but its significance will not be so obvious anymore.  So I
>>> give my "closed
>>> source" part a few years before they are decompiled back into source.
>>> Hopefully enough time to make a bit of money.
>>> Thank you for your help along the way for the last 19 years!  And who
>>> knows you can always fork my open source version and continue development
>>> for all. It would be nice to see what you're doing with it and even
>>> participate but my priority for the next two years is re-education as a
>>> social worker and when I can to work on this windows port, so that I have
>>> more options to make money in 2026 and beyond (before I reach retirement
>>> age in 20 odd years).
>>> -peter
>>> Please reply with CC to me since I'm not on tech@ and misc@ lists for
>>> the time being.

Re: my software is changing its future

2024-01-29 Thread beecdaddict
open source model benefits everyone because people can check and know there
are no spyware/malware which affects people directly (use your software) or by
using some service that uses your software like companies getting hacked left
and right even the biggest companies get hacked because they are full of
idiots who use proprietary code

I am not familiar with the whole profiting thing, but the idea of paying only
for compiled binaries sounds reasonable (and accepting donations if they
like if someone is on windows, how are they going to compile it? I never seen
compiling done on MS Windows, so still profitable? this makes sense to me

and if you have money and time think of us who don't like viruses on our
computer because that's what proprietary is, virus

thank you

On Mon, January 29, 2024 3:07 pm, Peter J. Philipp wrote:
> Hi,
> I have written an authoritative DNS server since 2005.  This february 16th
> it will have the last Open Source release at version 1.8.  The Open Source
> development was a great prototype (for me), but I feel that asking for
> donations is not going to make me a lot of money so I intend to port it to
> Microsoft Windows (and perhaps Mac OS) in the next two years.
> I also intend to keep this part non-open source, and you may be able to buy
> that port in a microsoft store.  This is just part of a greater plan to
> eventually enter the firewall market as a cloud based layer seven firewall.
> Many systems already exist doing this, but I'm hoping my approach will
> eventually get me a minute market share enough to pay some bills.
> Now to my question(s):
> 1. Does the LibreSSL port to windows work?  If so, great!  That will easen
> the porting work.
> 2. How hard would it be to port the imsg framework to Windows?  I understand
> there is descriptor passing involved which windows doesn't know.  But I'm
> confident that an alternative can be found.  Does a windows port to imsg
> already exist?
> 3. Just out of the blue, is there Windows efforts for pledge and unveil?  I
> don't intend to port them but leave them be just like the Linux port that is
> already working.
> Please, don't feel annoyed that I'm porting to Windows.  It is just an effort
>  to gain a larger marketshare of people that could use this as a product.
> After
> nearly 20 years I have finally a chance to make some money.  Something I never
>  had before.  Also version 1.8 will always be around, it will never go away.
> And in a few years I do intend to release version 1.9 (without windows port),
> I'm a firm believer that the Open Source model benefits the cream of the crop
>  (the people with skills on top), but it doesn't benefit everyone.  I'm not
> a hotshot programmer, I'm mediocre at best.  This is why I want to adopt an
> "open core" business model.  This may be selling out to some.  So what.
> Also the days of closed source are almost finished.  People with enough ML/AI
>  power can devise decompilers that are able to make a fine human
> understandable code (in C) of a binary.  I have seen screenshots of C
> decompilers that label variables var0, var1, var2, var3 etc etc.  So
> non-coherent.  But with a bit of AI the var1, var2, varN... can be rearranged
> to something more understandable. This also means that open source will win,
> but its significance will not be so obvious anymore.  So I give my "closed
> source" part a few years before they are decompiled back into source.
> Hopefully enough time to make a bit of money.
> Thank you for your help along the way for the last 19 years!  And who knows
> you can always fork my open source version and continue development for all. 
> It
> would be nice to see what you're doing with it and even participate but my
> priority for the next two years is re-education as a social worker and when I
>  can to work on this windows port, so that I have more options to make money
> in 2026 and beyond (before I reach retirement age in 20 odd years).
> -peter
> Please reply with CC to me since I'm not on tech@ and misc@ lists for the
> time being.