PerlModule vs "use" in a section

2001-03-01 Thread Pierre Phaneuf

I was using Apache::Status to learn a bit about what is loaded by my
server, and I am wondering about a detail...

If I put this:

use Apache::Foo;

Or this:

PerlModule Apache::Foo

I would expect the two to behave the same, but they don't! The "use" in
the  section does as I was expecting (the module and everything it
loaded was right there), but while the PerlModule seemed to change
something (Apache::Util was loaded, which I use in my Apache::Foo
module), Apache::Foo itself wasn't on the list of loaded modules!

Using a "+" when installing the PerlHandler (like this: "PerlHandler
+Apache::Foo") did load the module as expected.

Now, why aren't modules loaded with PerlModule not showing up in the
loaded modules list of Apache::Status?


Pierre Phaneuf

Tip : building Apache modules under Compaq Tru-64 Unix (formerly Digital Unix / OSF1)

2001-03-01 Thread Arthur Watts


Those of us with Tru-64 often run into some interesting problems
when buiilding Open Source software, particularly software which does not
come with a configure script. The recent upgrade to v5.0 of Tru-64 caught
out a lot of the configure scripts, but this tip is for those who have to
'wing it' completely.

Current Apache releases contain the facility to build your httpd
executable with support for dynamically linked modules (DSO). This means
that your httpd executable no longer gets bigger with each successive module
added to it. This is accomplished via the 'apxs' tool. 

PyApache is a module designed to speed up the execution of Python
CGI scripts running under the Apache webserver. It comes with a single
README containing a line which shows you how the suggested APXS command.
Because of the nature of the Tru-64 compilation/linking environment, the
supplied script will *not* work properly.

To build PyApache under Tru-64, save this in a script called
'' or similar :


echo "Building ${MODULE}"
   -c \
   -Wl,"-shared -expect_unresolved '*'" \#
essential for Tru-64
   -I${PYINC} \
   -L${PYTHONLIB}/config \
   -lpython1.5 \
   -lm \
   -lpthread \

if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
   echo "Installing ${MODULE}"
   $APACHEBIN/apxs \
 -i \
 -a \

The net payoff for this effort was an increase from 15
requests/second to over 58 requests/sec on our Alpha. Definitely worth it !
Note that the script above should work for most Apache modules which support
DSO - you'll just need to change the include and library paths. Other
options such as threading may or may not suit your environment. Your version
of Python may differ, and so may the location of your Apache executables.
Some installs have apxs in apache/sbin instead of apache/bin, but thats
purely personal choice. If the build works, you should see apxs output
indicating that httpd.conf is being updated. Please consult the apxs manpage
(under apache/man) for further details re the options you need to pass apxs.
The above script uses Korn shell syntax - it may need to be modified if you
prefer another shell. Don't forget to read the INSTALL and README files to
ensure that all necessary configuration is done before restarting Apache.
Finally, my apologies for the size of this post !



Arthur Watts
Software Engineer GBST Automation
Global Banking & Securities Transactions

Telephone + 61 7 3331 

RE: security!

2001-03-01 Thread mgraham

> > And forking a new process under mod_perl
> > really defeats the purpose.
> Does it? 

Well I confess I just assumed.

> I used to believe that too, but now that I've developed
> applications that make rather extensive use of the Apache API, I would
> actually love to have an environment similar to CGI but 
> providing the full
> Apache API, including logging, notes/pnotes, etc. 

How would it be similar to CGI then?  I'm guessing you want to be able to
register a separate program to handle any part of the request phase?

> I certainly don't like the way we're all assuming mod_perl 
> 2.0 is going to solve all our problems. It won't. 

Well, personally, I use my own servers when I use mod_perl, so this
particular problem doesn't affect me.  But I think that finding a good
ISP-friendly mod_perl solution would be good in general to help promote Perl
as a viable modern web programming language.  I think that promoting perl as
a *modern* web programming language would be good for the perl community
because it would encourage more people to use modern programming practices
(strict mode, OO etc.) rather than the quick one-offs of yore that were so
popular with CGI.  Not that there's anything wrong with that of course.

I know some people who run a small ISP and they would probably consider
offering a mod_perl service, if they could put a bunch of users on a box and
protect the users from each other reasonably well.  

Of course, mod_perl is not the only way to promote Perl on the web, but this
is a mod_perl list :)


RE: HTML Mason 1.0 setup

2001-03-01 Thread Steven Vetzal

Hi Rob,

> I've been using HTML::Mason under mod_perl on my site for 
> awhile, using
> 0.89, and I like it lots. :-)  So when the new 1.0 came out, 

Me too 8^) I'm a Mason junkie for going on 4 years now I think - since 0.4

> I went to go
> upgrade, and broke EVERYTHING.

There are some very specific differences. Make sure that you are setting up
the ApacheHandler correctly - you may need to compare the handler included
in the distribution. Most importantly make sure you have

use HTML::Mason::ApacheHandler;

I did not see this in your sample attachment.

> Not only that, but, I haven't been able to make sense out of 
> what Mason
> wants for its dir heirarchy, anyway:
> First, comp_root (apparently) needs to be the same as 
> DocumentRoot, which
> seems horribly insecure...  if I could find another way to do 
> it, I would,

This is not correct - I use a drastically different component root than my
document root on all of my installations, specifically for security reasons.
Make sure you un-comment the lines in the for:

chown ( scalar(getpwnam "nobody"), scalar(getgrnam "nobody"),
$interp->files_written );

Substitute the "nobody" for the user & group your web server runs under. The
transient files created by Mason will need to be writable by that user, and
the Mason handler will take care of the permissions issues for you.

> Why can't I have
> /home/httpd/html
> /home/httpd/components(instead of /home/httpd/html/components)
> /home/httpd/mason (instead of /home/httpd/html/mason)

I would generally use a directory structure like:

AppName/web/pub/ (document root, public HTML documents and top-level Mason
AppName/web/elements/ (non top-level Mason components)

And then set the component root to AppName/web, allowing you to use absolute
references in your <& &> and $m->comp calls such as
$m->comp("/elements/banner.html"), or <& /elements/footer.html &>

This ensures that banner.html and footer.html are NOT accessible directly
via the web server.

My Mason Interpreter object is usually set up like:

my $interp = new HTML::Mason::Interp (parser=>$parser,

Then my VirtualHost directive sets:

DocumentRoot /home/www/AppName/pub

Check out that use directive I noted at the top - it might be your sticking

Good Luck!


(changing userids/2.0/suexec) was: RE: security!

2001-03-01 Thread Tom Brown

> > 
> > > This is a general Unix webserver issue and not specific to 
> > > mod_perl, so I've marked your message [OT] for off-topic.
> > 
> > Well, workarounds are available for specific webserver environments, so I
> > don't believe it's an inappropriate question.
> > 
> > With CGI, you use the suexec mechanism to start executable programs as a
> > particular user.  AFAIK you can't impersonate a user on unixy environments
> > without forking a new process.  And forking a new process under mod_perl
> > really defeats the purpose.

changing userids has nothing to do with fork()... the problem is simply
that it requires root priviledges, and since you need to give them up
permanently if you're going to run some else's "insecure" code, that
usually means a temporary process... (which typically means fork()ing a
short lived process, so you could make the connection)...

The apache 2.0 model seems to include a mechanism for routing requests to
a group of apache child processes which have _already_ switched to the
target userid... in short, the pre-fork model is extended to have classes
of pre-forked processes... it seems to be a mightly good fix for this
particular problem.

That said, I only took about two minutes reading one of the URLs posted
earlier today, but I got that far and said "that'll work!" and quit
reading until I have time to actually test some of this ...


RE: security!

2001-03-01 Thread Matt Sergeant

On Thu, 1 Mar 2001, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> > This is a general Unix webserver issue and not specific to 
> > mod_perl, so I've marked your message [OT] for off-topic.
> Well, workarounds are available for specific webserver environments, so I
> don't believe it's an inappropriate question.
> With CGI, you use the suexec mechanism to start executable programs as a
> particular user.  AFAIK you can't impersonate a user on unixy environments
> without forking a new process.  And forking a new process under mod_perl
> really defeats the purpose.

Does it? I used to believe that too, but now that I've developed
applications that make rather extensive use of the Apache API, I would
actually love to have an environment similar to CGI but providing the full
Apache API, including logging, notes/pnotes, etc. I realise a lot of this
would be tricky and would require RPC (thus opening up a security hole in
its own right) but I think it would be worthwhile.

I certainly don't like the way we're all assuming mod_perl 2.0 is going to
solve all our problems. It won't. It will just give us some fresh ones
(like making all modules thread safe).


/||** Founder and CTO  **  ** **
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//  \\

RE: security!

2001-03-01 Thread mgraham

> This is a general Unix webserver issue and not specific to 
> mod_perl, so I've marked your message [OT] for off-topic.

Well, workarounds are available for specific webserver environments, so I
don't believe it's an inappropriate question.

With CGI, you use the suexec mechanism to start executable programs as a
particular user.  AFAIK you can't impersonate a user on unixy environments
without forking a new process.  And forking a new process under mod_perl
really defeats the purpose.

Plus, because it is easy to crash or stall a server running mod_perl, each
mod_perl user really needs administrative access to his or her own web
server, including the ability to stop and start it.

One method (as people have noted) is to create a number of complete virtual
chrooted unix environments, each with its own webserver.

Another is to have pools of httpds: each pool running as a different user
and listening to a unique port;  then you run a proxying front-end to direct
traffic to each user's server based on hostname or whatever.  Complicated,
and (I believe) quite memory-intensive.

More info is in the guide:

In mod_perl 2.0 (when it is released) you will have the opportunity
(depending on your platform) to use the hybrid process/threading model.
Then you will have a single httpd for each user, and that httpd will be able
to handle multiple requests via multiple threads.  This solution could
probably be used in an ISP, to achieve the same level of user-partitioning
that is now availble under CGI via suexec.


Re: [OT] security!

2001-03-01 Thread Andrew Ho


GR>By looking the way modperl works today, it's clearly it were not
GR>desgined to SECURELY support a multi-user environment. For instance: Any
GR>user can write a script that will be able to read any file owned by the
GR>httpd server, in a multi-user environment it should not be allowed.

This is a general Unix webserver issue and not specific to mod_perl, so
I've marked your message [OT] for off-topic.

You cannot easily avoid this problem in general.
(1) HTTP requests can come from anybody.
(2) All HTTP requests are serviced by the same webserver.
(3) The webserver needs to be able to read and execute scripts.

Therefore, in general if untrusted users can write webserver executed
scripts, they can read anything the webserver can.

GR>A gentle way to prevent this would be not to allow a script read a file
GR>whose owner id is not the same from the script owner id, isn't it?

This is fine, but you're talking about revamping Unix permissions here,
not at the webserver level. The webserver cannot enforce this condition
because the webserver only runs the script, it is not the OS that the
script runs on.

GR>Another problem: process creation should be wrapped by apache suexec
GR>mechanism, is it currently done this way? Why not?

This could help sidestep the issue. It is not done this way by default,
because even using suexec doesn't automatically make your scripts secure,
and in fact it can make the situation worse.

GR>May some here confirm me that if i am a security concious admin, i
GR>should not make modperl+embperl available to my user?

If you are a security conscious admin, and you cannot trust your users,
you should not make mod_perl available to them. In fact you should not
make any dynamic HTTP functionality available to them--CGI, ISAPI,
FastCGI, or anything else.



Engineer   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Voice 650-930-9062
Tellme Networks, Inc.   1-800-555-TELLFax 650-930-9101

Re: security

2001-03-01 Thread Todd Finney

Stas Bekman wrote:
 > On Wed, 28 Feb 2001, Gustavo Vieira Goncalves Coelho 
Rios wrote:
 > > the key user\password are kept inside this file, so 
anyone can uses an
 > > editor to retrieve the user mysql account. I resolve 
this problem
 > > running php on secure mode and chgrping the php file 
the same user as
 > > the http process and removing other flags file access 
(g-rwx). So nobody
 > > besides the owner of the file (or the http process) 
will be able to read
 > > it.
 > At this moment anybody who has an access to mod_perl 
server can read any
 > data which is accessible by the same server. suexec is 
not an option
 > because of process persistance.
 > I understand that you want to store the SQL engine 
authentication info,
 > and users not to know each other's access credentials. 
The only solution
 > at this point is to either trust your users not to abuse 
each other, or
 > run a separate server for each one :(

There is a distinct possibility that I don't understand the 
problem, but couldn't you set up a db connection sub in a 
file, -750 customer.nobody, like this:

sub connect {
my $r = shift;  # we need a request object from somewhere
return undef unless $r->server_name eq 
my $db_user = 'user';
my $db_pass = 'pass';
my $db_name = 'name';
use DBI;
my $dbh=DBI->connect(mumblemumblemumble);
return $dbh;

You might want to think about another way of doing your 
connections, anyway.  If you have lots of virtual hosts, 
and all of them are opening distinct connections, you're 
going to run out of MySQL handles pretty quick, or choke 
your server with Apache::DBI cached handles.  I've heard 
that you can use a single connection module which then 
changes to use a specified database, but I've never tried 
that myself.


CONNECT proxy rewrite

2001-03-01 Thread Chris Lewis

Does anybody know how to alter the destination of a CONNECT transaction
(in this case "secure proxy" request) in mod_perl? 
$r->uri("newplace:newport") in a Trans handler doesn't seem to do it.

Re: security!

2001-03-01 Thread clayton cottingham

Vladimir Ivaschenko wrote:
> Take a look at I haven't used it personally, but
> it looks like something that you need..
> This system is a based on making a chroot environment for each user with
> his own apache and everything.

i can vouch for this approach to development 
weve been using it in house for 3 months
its so nice
multiple developers on one box!!

Re: security!

2001-03-01 Thread Vladimir Ivaschenko

Take a look at I haven't used it personally, but
it looks like something that you need..
This system is a based on making a chroot environment for each user with
his own apache and everything.

Gustavo Vieira Goncalves Coelho Rios wrote about "security!":

> After some time playing with modperl, i realized some problem (that's
> the way i call them) related with modperl!
> By looking the way modperl works today, it's clearly it were not
> desgined to SECURELY support a multi-user environment. For instance: Any
> user can write a script that will be able to read any file owned by the
> httpd server, in a multi-user environment it should not be allowed. A
> gentle way to prevent this would be not to allow a script read a file
> whose owner id is not the same from the script owner id, isn't it?
> Another problem: process creation should be wrapped by apache suexec
> mechanism, is it currently done this way? Why not? 
> May some here confirm me that if i am a security concious admin, i
> should not make modperl+embperl available to my user?

Best Regards
Vladimir Ivaschenko
RedHat Certified Linux Engineer (RHCE)


2001-03-01 Thread Gustavo Vieira Goncalves Coelho Rios

After some time playing with modperl, i realized some problem (that's
the way i call them) related with modperl!

By looking the way modperl works today, it's clearly it were not
desgined to SECURELY support a multi-user environment. For instance: Any
user can write a script that will be able to read any file owned by the
httpd server, in a multi-user environment it should not be allowed. A
gentle way to prevent this would be not to allow a script read a file
whose owner id is not the same from the script owner id, isn't it?

Another problem: process creation should be wrapped by apache suexec
mechanism, is it currently done this way? Why not? 

May some here confirm me that if i am a security concious admin, i
should not make modperl+embperl available to my user?

Re: mod_php mod_perl install with apache problems - same story :(

2001-03-01 Thread Wade Burgett

This is probably what you need more or less.  You have to tell Apache what
files are your mod perl scripts (or more specifically what files you want
handled by Apache::Registry - the persistent cgi program module).

Alias /perl/ /home/httpd/perl/
  PerlModule Apache::Registry
SetHandler perl-script
PerlHandler Apache::Registry
Options ExecCGI
allow from all
PerlSendHeader On is the configuration portion of a
great guide by Stas Berkman that has this information in it.  The O'Reilly
book Building Apache Modules with Perl and C has some instructions about
this as well.  Recommened.


- Original Message - 
From: "Terry Davis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, March 01, 2001 12:53 PM
Subject: mod_php mod_perl install with apache problems - same story :(

> Hello!
> Well, I have seen a ton of people with this problem but no answers.
> I have mod_php compiled in with apache along with mod_ssl.
> I want to use apxs to build mod_perl.  I have done this and apache
> starts fine, but it does not render the perl, for lack of better terms. 
> It simply prints the source.  The only directives i have in httpd.conf
> are LoadModule and DirectoryIndex.  When I start apache, apachectl
> startssl, the eror log says:
> Apache/1.3.17 (Unix) mod_perl/1.25 PHP/4.04 mod_ssl/2.8.0 OpenSSL/0.9.6
> configured -- resuming normal operations.
> This all looks fine.
> Anyone have any insight as to what my problem may be?
> Thank you!
> -- 
> Terry Davis
> Systems Administrator
> BirdDog Solutions, Inc.
> 2102 N 117th Ave
> Omaha, NE 68164
> voice: (402) 829-6059
> fax: (402) 829-6199
> pager: (877) 973-6995

Re: HTML Mason 1.0 setup

2001-03-01 Thread Karl M. Hegbloom

> "Ray" == Ray Zimmerman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Ray> At 11:03 AM -0800 3/1/01, Rob Bloodgood wrote:

>> and in the same vein, the *ONLY* way I could get it to run was to put it's
>> data_dir under DocumentRoot as well. 

Ray> Is it a file permissions problem? If you're running your webserver as
Ray> user 'nobody', nobody has to have write access to the data_dir. You
Ray> definitely don't want to have your data_dir under your DocumentRoot.

 Nobody and nogroup should not have writes anywhere.  Your web server
 thus should not run as "nobody", but as a special user.  On Debian
 GNU/Linux systems, the web server runs as "www-data", group

mailto: (Karl M. Hegbloom) [EMAIL PROTECTED]

mod_php mod_perl install with apache problems - same story :(

2001-03-01 Thread Terry Davis


Well, I have seen a ton of people with this problem but no answers.
I have mod_php compiled in with apache along with mod_ssl.
I want to use apxs to build mod_perl.  I have done this and apache
starts fine, but it does not render the perl, for lack of better terms. 
It simply prints the source.  The only directives i have in httpd.conf
are LoadModule and DirectoryIndex.  When I start apache, apachectl
startssl, the eror log says:
Apache/1.3.17 (Unix) mod_perl/1.25 PHP/4.04 mod_ssl/2.8.0 OpenSSL/0.9.6
configured -- resuming normal operations.
This all looks fine.
Anyone have any insight as to what my problem may be?

Thank you!

Terry Davis
Systems Administrator
BirdDog Solutions, Inc.
2102 N 117th Ave
Omaha, NE 68164
voice: (402) 829-6059
fax: (402) 829-6199
pager: (877) 973-6995

Using Apache::Sandwich on php files

2001-03-01 Thread Clint Gilders

I'm trying to figure out how to "Sandwich" php files.  Is this
possible? For my .htm* files I have:

SetHandler perl-script
PerlHandler Apache::Sandwich
PerlSetVar HEADER "/includes/head.html"
PerlSetVar SandwichHandler server_parsed

What would I need to change to have this work for php?

Clint Gilders
Servermaster Onlinehobbyist Inc.

Re: security

2001-03-01 Thread Jimi Thompson

Probably a stupid question, but wouldn't named virtuals solve this problem?
I'm not all that familiar with MySQL, but we have a similar set up here with
slightly different technology - Solaris, Netscape Enterprise Server, and
Oracle.  I should think that you could replicate this using BSD, Apache, and
MySQL, but please don't quote me on that.  Then again, we authenticate via
LDAP and some of our other parameters vary from what you have as well.


Stas Bekman wrote:

> On Wed, 28 Feb 2001, Gustavo Vieira Goncalves Coelho Rios wrote:
> > Hi folks!
> >
> > I have a FreeBSD server configured as a http server, running apache.
> > This installation includes mod_perl+EmbPerl, mod_php4 mod_cgi and
> > mod_fastcgi. Some of my users will be using mysql for database. The
> > problem is that this scenario requires sensitive information inside
> > file. This means no problem when these users write their dymanic pages
> > inside a compiled program. I can chmod a-rw and nobody will be able to
> > take away user/password from a compiled program. The problem happens
> > when write their php or embperl pages!
> >
> > the key user\password are kept inside this file, so anyone can uses an
> > editor to retrieve the user mysql account. I resolve this problem
> > running php on secure mode and chgrping the php file the same user as
> > the http process and removing other flags file access (g-rwx). So nobody
> > besides the owner of the file (or the http process) will be able to read
> > it.
> >
> > since php have some security facilities, like: if the file owner id !=
> > the file the script is trying to open => fails.
> > My problem is with perl: how to solve such a problem in a perl
> > environment?
> > Does mod perl allows any kind of security, to prevent ones writing
> > script to read others files?
> >
> >
> > PS: All cgi runs through suexec, so even cgi are not able to run the
> > script, ok?
> At this moment anybody who has an access to mod_perl server can read any
> data which is accessible by the same server. suexec is not an option
> because of process persistance.
> I understand that you want to store the SQL engine authentication info,
> and users not to know each other's access credentials. The only solution
> at this point is to either trust your users not to abuse each other, or
> run a separate server for each one :(
> _
> Stas Bekman  JAm_pH --   Just Another mod_perl Hacker
>   mod_perl Guide

Jimi Thompson

"It's the same thing we do every night, Pinky."

Re: HTML Mason 1.0 setup

2001-03-01 Thread Bill McCabe

Hi Rob

I just went through this exact situation this morning. I ended up
(unnecessarily) recompiling apache/mod_perl in the hopes of fixing it. All
that really needed to be done was to add "use HTML::Mason::ApacheHandler;"
to mason's I'm assuming your v0.89 site was working properly.

Anyway, my apache and mod_perl are up to date now at least.


At 11:03 AM -0800 3/1/01, Rob Bloodgood wrote:
>I've been using HTML::Mason under mod_perl on my site for awhile, using
>0.89, and I like it lots. :-)  So when the new 1.0 came out, I went to go
>upgrade, and broke EVERYTHING.
>Not only that, but, I haven't been able to make sense out of what Mason
>wants for its dir heirarchy, anyway:
>First, comp_root (apparently) needs to be the same as DocumentRoot, which
>seems horribly insecure...  if I could find another way to do it, I would,
>but for now, knowing the path my components run under makes them viewable
>_AS SOURCE_ by anyone who knows the url.
>and in the same vein, the *ONLY* way I could get it to run was to put it's
>data_dir under DocumentRoot as well. 
>Why can't I have
>/home/httpd/components (instead of /home/httpd/html/components)
>/home/httpd/mason  (instead of /home/httpd/html/mason)
>? Or more correctly, how do I tell Mason to use that kind of strucure?
>And what (the docs don't say, the changelog isn't indicative) changed in the
>required setup procedure at 1.0?  My friend called me wanting to do
>HTML::Mason, which I told him was absolutely awesome for development, but he
>couldn't get it running at all (he only had access to the 1.0 from CPAN)
>(and we only had my working config to start with).
>This is the relevant section of my
>package HTML::Mason;
>use strict;
>use Apache::Constants qw(:common);
>use Date::Format;
>local $| = 1;
>my $parser = new HTML::Mason::Parser;
>my $interp = new HTML::Mason::Interp ( parser => $parser,
>   comp_root => '/home/httpd/html',
>   data_dir =>
>'/home/httpd/html/mason', );
>my $ah = new HTML::Mason::ApacheHandler ( interp => $interp,
>  output_mode => 'batch',
># output_mode => 'stream',
>  error_mode => 'html', # fatal
>  debug_mode => 'all',
>  debug_perl_binary =>
>  debug_handler_script =>
>  debug_handler_proc =>
>'HTML::Mason::handler', );
># {{{ setuid/taint shut UP!
>if (0) {
>my @test = ( qw/1 2 3/ );
>my @files_written = map {/(.*)/; $1} @test # $interp->files_written
>warn "Trying to deal w/ tainting: >",
>  Data::Dumper->Dump([ \@files_written ], [ qw/files_written/ ] ) ,
>chown( [getpwnam('nobody')]->[2],[getpwnam('nobody')]->[2],
>@files_written );
># }}}
>sub handler {
>my ($r) = @_;
># {{{ globals
>package HTML::Mason::Commands;
>use vars qw($dbh %session);
>  # my ($dsn, $user, $pass) = (My::dbi_connect_string(),
>  # $dsn = 'dbi:Proxy:hostname=devel;port=;dsn=' . $dsn;
>  {
>  local $^W = 1;
>  #  ( dsn, username, password )
># $interp->set_global(dbh => DBI->connect(My::dbi_connect_string(),
>  #$dbh = DBI->connect(My::dbi_connect_string(),
>My::dbi_pwd_fetch()) or die DBI->errstr;
>  #$dbh->{AutoCommit} = 0;
>  }
># }}} globals
>#!/usr/bin/perl -w
>use Disclaimer qw/:standard/;

Re: Passing control from one apache module to another

2001-03-01 Thread Michael Turley

You mean in httpd.conf? I could use that but what I
hoped to do was pull http vars into a database for
each server request. This is so someone could
interactively view accesses rather than reviewing
static pregenerated files. 

The overhead of opening and closing readonly
filehandles on different files which apache writes to
and then processing that data seems a little messier
than a simple sql insert.

I'm reading the apache modules book by L Stein and D
MacEachern to get a better understanding apache

--- Perrin Harkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I am writing an apache perl module which logs HTTP
> > environment variables. This is fine for static
> content
> > (html, images) but is a problem for dynamic
> content
> > such as php. 
> Why doesn't Log Format work for you?
> - Perrin

Mr. Michael Turley
Gracious winner, Generous lover, All round great guy.

Do You Yahoo!?
Get email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail.

Re: HTML Mason 1.0 setup

2001-03-01 Thread Ray Zimmerman

At 11:03 AM -0800 3/1/01, Rob Bloodgood wrote:
>I've been using HTML::Mason under mod_perl on my site for awhile, using
>0.89, and I like it lots. :-)  So when the new 1.0 came out, I went to go
>upgrade, and broke EVERYTHING.
>Not only that, but, I haven't been able to make sense out of what Mason
>wants for its dir heirarchy, anyway:
>First, comp_root (apparently) needs to be the same as DocumentRoot, which
>seems horribly insecure...  if I could find another way to do it, I would,
>but for now, knowing the path my components run under makes them viewable
>_AS SOURCE_ by anyone who knows the url.

Well, the only reason a component should be visible as source is if 
Mason isn't working, right?  So saying that it's horribly insecure is 
the same as saying that it's not working right?

Here's what I use in my httpd.conf to get get Mason to handle all 
files with .md extensions (Mason documents). These are the top level 
components that return an entire page. The .mc files are other 
components which in the comp_root and thus available be called by 
other Mason components, but cannot be requested directly via a URL. 
This seems secure to me and it's been working just fine from 0.7 or 
so up through 1.0.

AddType text/html .md

SetHandler perl-script
PerlHandler HTML::Mason
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks ExecCGI

 Order allow,deny
 Deny from all

>and in the same vein, the *ONLY* way I could get it to run was to put it's
>data_dir under DocumentRoot as well. 

Is it a file permissions problem? If you're running your webserver as 
user 'nobody', nobody has to have write access to the data_dir. You 
definitely don't want to have your data_dir under your DocumentRoot.


HTML Mason 1.0 setup

2001-03-01 Thread Rob Bloodgood

I've been using HTML::Mason under mod_perl on my site for awhile, using
0.89, and I like it lots. :-)  So when the new 1.0 came out, I went to go
upgrade, and broke EVERYTHING.

Not only that, but, I haven't been able to make sense out of what Mason
wants for its dir heirarchy, anyway:
First, comp_root (apparently) needs to be the same as DocumentRoot, which
seems horribly insecure...  if I could find another way to do it, I would,
but for now, knowing the path my components run under makes them viewable
_AS SOURCE_ by anyone who knows the url.

and in the same vein, the *ONLY* way I could get it to run was to put it's
data_dir under DocumentRoot as well. 

Why can't I have
/home/httpd/components  (instead of /home/httpd/html/components)
/home/httpd/mason   (instead of /home/httpd/html/mason)

? Or more correctly, how do I tell Mason to use that kind of strucure?

And what (the docs don't say, the changelog isn't indicative) changed in the
required setup procedure at 1.0?  My friend called me wanting to do
HTML::Mason, which I told him was absolutely awesome for development, but he
couldn't get it running at all (he only had access to the 1.0 from CPAN)
(and we only had my working config to start with).

This is the relevant section of my
package HTML::Mason;

use strict;

use Apache::Constants qw(:common);
use Date::Format;

local $| = 1;

my $parser = new HTML::Mason::Parser;
my $interp = new HTML::Mason::Interp ( parser => $parser,
   comp_root => '/home/httpd/html',
   data_dir =>
'/home/httpd/html/mason', );

my $ah = new HTML::Mason::ApacheHandler ( interp => $interp,
  output_mode => 'batch',
# output_mode => 'stream',
  error_mode => 'html', # fatal
  debug_mode => 'all',
  debug_perl_binary =>
  debug_handler_script =>
  debug_handler_proc =>
'HTML::Mason::handler', );

# {{{ setuid/taint shut UP!
if (0) {

my @test = ( qw/1 2 3/ );

my @files_written = map {/(.*)/; $1} @test # $interp->files_written

warn "Trying to deal w/ tainting: >",
  Data::Dumper->Dump([ \@files_written ], [ qw/files_written/ ] ) ,

chown( [getpwnam('nobody')]->[2],[getpwnam('nobody')]->[2],
@files_written );
# }}}

sub handler {
my ($r) = @_;

# {{{ globals

package HTML::Mason::Commands;

use vars qw($dbh %session);

  # my ($dsn, $user, $pass) = (My::dbi_connect_string(),
  # $dsn = 'dbi:Proxy:hostname=devel;port=;dsn=' . $dsn;

  local $^W = 1;
  #  ( dsn, username, password )
# $interp->set_global(dbh => DBI->connect(My::dbi_connect_string(),
  #$dbh = DBI->connect(My::dbi_connect_string(),
My::dbi_pwd_fetch()) or die DBI->errstr;
  #$dbh->{AutoCommit} = 0;

# }}} globals



#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use Disclaimer qw/:standard/;

Re: apache question...

2001-03-01 Thread Robert Landrum

RedirectMatch ^/index.html


At 8:33 PM -0700 2/28/01, Joseph Crotty wrote:
>I am set up on apache_1.3.14/mod_perl currently, however, have an older
>non-mod_perl apache_1.3.6.  The old apache's index.html needs to redirect to
>the index.html on the new apache/mod_perl.  The old and new apache servers
>are on different unix boxes.  Anyone think of an elegant block directive
>solution, because I can't.
>Joe Crotty

"Only two things are infinite: The universe, and human stupidity. And I'm not
sure about the former." --Albert Einstein

Re: Passing control from one apache module to another

2001-03-01 Thread Perrin Harkins

> I am writing an apache perl module which logs HTTP
> environment variables. This is fine for static content
> (html, images) but is a problem for dynamic content
> such as php. 

Why doesn't Log Format work for you?

- Perrin

Re: lingerd & mod_perl & apache_ssl

2001-03-01 Thread Michael

> > Vivek Khera wrote:
> > > mod_ssl alters the Apache API, so if you're doing the same then that's
> > > why they clash.  Either that or you're patching something near what
> > > mod_ssl patches.

Using apache_ssl requires no alteration of the current lingerd. 
Built it last night and am currently testing.

apache-1.3.14 + apache_ssl-1.4.2 + modperl-1.24_01

Re: Passing control from one apache module to another

2001-03-01 Thread Matt Sergeant

On Thu, 1 Mar 2001, Michael Turley wrote:

> Hello,
> I am writing an apache perl module which logs HTTP
> environment variables. This is fine for static content
> (html, images) but is a problem for dynamic content
> such as php. 
> I want my module to process the required HTTP
> variables and seamlessly pass the http request back to
> the control of other relevant apache modules.
> Something like chaning content handlers but where I
> can use other apache modules within the perl module
> (or at least pass control between them). Does anyone
> have an idea how to do this?
> If I figure it out I'll let the list know (presuming
> anybody is interested).

Provided you do this in a mod_perl handler before mod_mime is called
(i.e. before the type handler phase), then it should just work. I suggest
doing it in a Trans (uri translate) handler, and return DECLINED.


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[Take23] In search of new articles...

2001-03-01 Thread Matt Sergeant

Its been a rather slow period in the mod_perl world lately, but here at
Take23 we are still looking for those articles of interest. Specifically
we'd like to hear from people interested in writing about the following

 - Template Toolkit
 - Authentication
 - Mason, EmbPerl or AxKit
 - Databases/DBI (doesn't have to be mod_perl specific)
 - mod_perl alternatives (FastCGI, Velocigen, PerlEx, SpeedyCGI)
 - Success Stories

Alternatively we are also interested in re-publishing articles that you
have permissions to do so with, so that we can have all mod_perl articles
located in one central place.


/||** Founder and CTO  **  ** **
   //||** Ltd   **  ** XML Application Serving **
  // ||** **  ** XSLT, XPathScript, XSP  **
 // \\| // ** mod_perl news and resources:  **
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Passing control from one apache module to another

2001-03-01 Thread Michael Turley


I am writing an apache perl module which logs HTTP
environment variables. This is fine for static content
(html, images) but is a problem for dynamic content
such as php. 

I want my module to process the required HTTP
variables and seamlessly pass the http request back to
the control of other relevant apache modules.
Something like chaning content handlers but where I
can use other apache modules within the perl module
(or at least pass control between them). Does anyone
have an idea how to do this?

If I figure it out I'll let the list know (presuming
anybody is interested).

Mr. Michael Turley
Gracious winner, Generous lover, All round great guy.

Do You Yahoo!?
Get email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail.

Re: security

2001-03-01 Thread Stas Bekman

On Thu, 1 Mar 2001, Gunther Birznieks wrote:

> mod_perl 2.0
> At 10:33 PM 2/28/2001 -1000, Kee Hinckley wrote:
> >Hash: SHA1
> >
> >At 9:44 AM +0800 3/1/01, Stas Bekman wrote:
> > >At this moment anybody who has an access to mod_perl server can read any
> > >data which is accessible by the same server. suexec is not an option
> > >because of process persistance.
> >
> >I suspect this is why it is very easy to find hosting providers who
> >provide PHP, and not as easy to find providers who support Embperl,
> >Mason or other mod_perl solutions.  Is there any effort to deal with
> >this?  (Per-virtual-server-process-sharing, with the option of
> >dropping to zero processes, seems like a good start.)  I'd really
> >like to see languages like Embperl stand a better chance going
> >head-to-head against PHP.  It's very annoying to be able to whip
> >together a great solution for my own servers, only to have to
> >implement it for one of my clients in PHP, without nearly the power
> >that Perl gives me.


Stas Bekman  JAm_pH --   Just Another mod_perl Hacker   mod_perl Guide

Re: security

2001-03-01 Thread Gunther Birznieks

mod_perl 2.0

At 10:33 PM 2/28/2001 -1000, Kee Hinckley wrote:
>Hash: SHA1
>At 9:44 AM +0800 3/1/01, Stas Bekman wrote:
> >At this moment anybody who has an access to mod_perl server can read any
> >data which is accessible by the same server. suexec is not an option
> >because of process persistance.
>I suspect this is why it is very easy to find hosting providers who
>provide PHP, and not as easy to find providers who support Embperl,
>Mason or other mod_perl solutions.  Is there any effort to deal with
>this?  (Per-virtual-server-process-sharing, with the option of
>dropping to zero processes, seems like a good start.)  I'd really
>like to see languages like Embperl stand a better chance going
>head-to-head against PHP.  It's very annoying to be able to whip
>together a great solution for my own servers, only to have to
>implement it for one of my clients in PHP, without nearly the power
>that Perl gives me.
>- --
>Kee Hinckley - Somewhere.Com, LLC - Cyberspace Architects
>Now Playing - Folk, Rock, odd stuff -
>I'm not sure which upsets me more: that people are so unwilling to accept
>responsibility for their own actions, or that they are so eager to regulate
>everyone else's.
>Version: PGPfreeware 7.0.3 for non-commercial use 

Gunther Birznieks ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
eXtropia - The Web Technology Company

Re: security

2001-03-01 Thread Kee Hinckley

Hash: SHA1

At 9:44 AM +0800 3/1/01, Stas Bekman wrote:
>At this moment anybody who has an access to mod_perl server can read any
>data which is accessible by the same server. suexec is not an option
>because of process persistance.

I suspect this is why it is very easy to find hosting providers who 
provide PHP, and not as easy to find providers who support Embperl, 
Mason or other mod_perl solutions.  Is there any effort to deal with 
this?  (Per-virtual-server-process-sharing, with the option of 
dropping to zero processes, seems like a good start.)  I'd really 
like to see languages like Embperl stand a better chance going 
head-to-head against PHP.  It's very annoying to be able to whip 
together a great solution for my own servers, only to have to 
implement it for one of my clients in PHP, without nearly the power 
that Perl gives me.
- -- 

Kee Hinckley - Somewhere.Com, LLC - Cyberspace Architects
Now Playing - Folk, Rock, odd stuff -

I'm not sure which upsets me more: that people are so unwilling to accept
responsibility for their own actions, or that they are so eager to regulate
everyone else's.

Version: PGPfreeware 7.0.3 for non-commercial use 


Re: lingerd & mod_perl & mod_ssl

2001-03-01 Thread Wim Kerkhoff

Roger Espel Llima wrote:
> Vivek Khera wrote:
> > mod_ssl alters the Apache API, so if you're doing the same then that's
> > why they clash.  Either that or you're patching something near what
> > mod_ssl patches.
> Good guess.  mod_ssl adds some initialization code add the end of
> common_init(), and so does lingerd  which is why lingerd's patch
> wasn't applying cleanly.
> I had to make a different patch, for use with mod_ssl.  The file is
> (I'll put it in a proper lingerd release once I've checked a bit
> more closely how it all works)
> With this patch, I got Apache to build with lingerd, mod_perl and
> mod_ssl, and it seems to work fine.  Netscape can access it, the
> ssl_engine_log doesn't show any errors, and keep-alive works.

Awesome! I will give it a try once I get a chance, I've got some totally
different things to deal with now...

> Btw, SSL really wants keep-alives on (key setup is slow), while
> mod_perl kind of wants them off (images should be served separately
> anyway, and lingerd is much more effective when keep-alives are
> off), so putting mod_ssl and mod_perl in the same Apache is a bit of
> a compromise.  I'd still do it for secure dynamic pages, since you
> really need both, but I'd never serve non-secure (http) pages from
> the Apache that has mod_ssl in and keep-alives on.

Interesting!  On the server I have this set up on, I have apache running
three different ports. Port 80 is just normal apache/mod_perl. Port 443
(https) is that plus mod_ssl. Port 80 and 443 just have normal web
content, a bunch of plain ol' perl CGI's for administrating things, and
some new Embperl scripts.  Port 444 is my custom port. This is running
mod_ssl.  I'm trying to optimize that port for speed.  All that's
running is two mod_perl handlers. One of them takes care of validating a
short list of registration keys, the other gives files (0-5mb in size)
to the client after verifying that they are allowed. Pretty simple
stuff, just some database calls and logging, and lots of error
checking.  The client on the other end is actually a Java application,
which creates an SSL connection to my stuff. Apparently the classes the
Java programmers are using don't support keep-alives. In our case I
don't think it really matters, because after the initial quick auth
request, the actual file downloads take quite a bit longer.  At the
moment I'm running lingerd with each port. Before I set up lingerd, they
were having problems with the Java application hanging while downloading
the files from the server. Now (even though apache will randomly
segfault and die) everything on the client is working just fine.

> Let me know if something like that works for you...  I want to
> officially support mod_ssl in the next release of lingerd, but I
> need more test data!

I'll defenitly let you know how I make out once I get a chance to
recompile everything, test it myself, and get our testers to test the
Java app with it again. It works right now, but obviously it needs to be
fixed properly.  I'm hoping to do this stuff early next week... but with
my luck it'll probably be later than that.

Thanks for all your help people! It's much appreciated... this list



Wim Kerkhoff, Software Engineer
Merilus, Inc.  -|-
 S/MIME Cryptographic Signature