Re: NTLM module

2002-08-19 Thread Peter Bi


Netscape does behave somehow differently under the authentication. I used to
have similar problem with a Perl authen module using Netscape 6 (Netscape
4.0 and 3.0 are okay, however).  It looks like N6 uses more caching, and
does not tolerate any departure from the httpd 1.1 definition; so one gets
often the same pop-up login page instead of the redirected page. You may try
to remove any caching tags and add nocache in the code.


- Original Message -
From: "Kaye-Smith Adam" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Gerald Richter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Peter Bi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;
Sent: Monday, August 19, 2002 9:46 PM
Subject: RE: NTLM module

I am still having problems with the AuthenNTLM module.

All works fine for IE and Mozilla browsers but when I use Netscape, I am
repeatedly promted for passwords. If I enter my password about 3 to 6
times I will eventually get the full page . If I enter password once, (
and cancel for any further password prompts ) I get only bit of the
expected page.

If I put a sleep (2) in the perl module before it goes to verify against
the SMB server, netscape browser will work albeit somewhat slower.

The other aspect I can not understand is that when the perl NTLM module
is running, it will often exit from sub's other than the handler sub. ie
the handler sub is always called first which calls other sub's but
whilst executing these other sub''s , it appears that something seems to
cut processing short & passes control back to apache - the perl code
never gets a chance to return to the handler module & exit code with a
'return xx'.

I have been observing the perl's progress by looking at entries in the
error.log . I have also put in a variety of print STDERR staements at
key positions to see where the code is exiting.

If for instance I put a sleep command in the perl module, the code will
often exit whilst the sleep is taking place - it appears that the NTLM
module has run out of its allowed time and it has been cut short. The
other conclusion is that multiple threads are running and outputting to
the error.log & confusing me with the overlapping output.

This strange exiting behaviour also appears to occur on all browsers
(once that work ok & netscape that does not work.)

The other error I get is that the username/password is passed ok from
the SMB server verification phase, but then in subsequent calls to the
SMB server, the username/password fails - this occurs during the one
entry of username/password but the SMB server is contacted several times
for verification ( I also check the username & password in the script
before thay are submitted to the SMB server so I know they are correct.)
Would this be because of timeout in the SMB to respond.

I would also expect the SMB server to only need to referred to once, but
the perl module is calling the SMB module 3 times during the one
username/password entry.

I hope the above make sense. I can my log file if this would help.



-Original Message-
From: Kaye-Smith Adam
Sent: Monday, 19 August 2002 9:15 AM
To: 'Gerald Richter'; Peter Bi; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: NTLM module

Thanks for your advice Gerald.

I have found a compromise buy having the directive of Authtype Basic but
the perl code has been changed to run the NTLM check as well as SMB
(regardlesss of the config file)  and if both authentications fail, the
standard mod_auth code will then be run.

Thanks once again.


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RE: NTLM module

2002-08-19 Thread Kaye-Smith Adam

I should add that I am using Apache 1.3, perl 5.6.1 & mod_perl 1.26.

my httpd.conf file for the perl_mod is as below ( I have add the first 3
lines during the cause of troubleshooting.

PerlFreshRestart On
PerlWarn On

# This may also be "None", "All", or any combination of "Indexes",
# "Includes", "FollowSymLinks", "ExecCGI", or "MultiViews".
# Note that "MultiViews" must be named *explicitly* --- "Options All"
# doesn't give it to you.
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks

# This controls which options the .htaccess files in directories can
# override. Can also be "All", or any combination of "Options",
# "AuthConfig", and "Limit"
AllowOverride None

PerlAuthenHandler +Apache::AuthenNTLM
AuthUserFile "/tmp/htpasswd"
AuthName "Warning you are entering a development server!!  (and"
AuthType basic
#AuthType ntlm,basic
#AuthType ntlm
PerlAddVar ntdomain "LANDS zeta zeta"
PerlSetVar ntlmauthoritative off
PerlSetVar basicauthoritative off
PerlSetVar defaultdomain LANDS
PerlSetVar ntlmdebug 1
require valid-user
# Controls who can get stuff from this server.
Order allow,deny
Allow from all



-Original Message-
From: Kaye-Smith Adam 
Sent: Tuesday, 20 August 2002 2:46 PM
To: 'Gerald Richter'; 'Peter Bi'; '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
Subject: RE: NTLM module

I am still having problems with the AuthenNTLM module.

All works fine for IE and Mozilla browsers but when I use Netscape, I am
repeatedly promted for passwords. If I enter my password about 3 to 6
times I will eventually get the full page . If I enter password once, (
and cancel for any further password prompts ) I get only bit of the
expected page. 

If I put a sleep (2) in the perl module before it goes to verify against
the SMB server, netscape browser will work albeit somewhat slower.

The other aspect I can not understand is that when the perl NTLM module
is running, it will often exit from sub's other than the handler sub. ie
the handler sub is always called first which calls other sub's but
whilst executing these other sub''s , it appears that something seems to
cut processing short & passes control back to apache - the perl code
never gets a chance to return to the handler module & exit code with a
'return xx'.

I have been observing the perl's progress by looking at entries in the
error.log . I have also put in a variety of print STDERR staements at
key positions to see where the code is exiting.

If for instance I put a sleep command in the perl module, the code will
often exit whilst the sleep is taking place - it appears that the NTLM
module has run out of its allowed time and it has been cut short. The
other conclusion is that multiple threads are running and outputting to
the error.log & confusing me with the overlapping output.

This strange exiting behaviour also appears to occur on all browsers
(once that work ok & netscape that does not work.)

The other error I get is that the username/password is passed ok from
the SMB server verification phase, but then in subsequent calls to the
SMB server, the username/password fails - this occurs during the one
entry of username/password but the SMB server is contacted several times
for verification ( I also check the username & password in the script
before thay are submitted to the SMB server so I know they are correct.)
Would this be because of timeout in the SMB to respond. 

I would also expect the SMB server to only need to referred to once, but
the perl module is calling the SMB module 3 times during the one
username/password entry.

I hope the above make sense. I can my log file if this would help.



-Original Message-
From: Kaye-Smith Adam 
Sent: Monday, 19 August 2002 9:15 AM
To: 'Gerald Richter'; Peter Bi; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: NTLM module

Thanks for your advice Gerald.

I have found a compromise buy having the directive of Authtype Basic but
the perl code has been changed to run the NTLM check as well as SMB
(regardlesss of the config file)  and if both authentications fail, the
standard mod_auth code will then be run.

Thanks once again.


The information in this e-mail together with any attachments is
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Any form of review, disclosure, modification, distribution
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If you have received this message in error, you are asked to
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computer system network.  

RE: NTLM module

2002-08-19 Thread Kaye-Smith Adam

I am still having problems with the AuthenNTLM module.

All works fine for IE and Mozilla browsers but when I use Netscape, I am
repeatedly promted for passwords. If I enter my password about 3 to 6
times I will eventually get the full page . If I enter password once, (
and cancel for any further password prompts ) I get only bit of the
expected page. 

If I put a sleep (2) in the perl module before it goes to verify against
the SMB server, netscape browser will work albeit somewhat slower.

The other aspect I can not understand is that when the perl NTLM module
is running, it will often exit from sub's other than the handler sub. ie
the handler sub is always called first which calls other sub's but
whilst executing these other sub''s , it appears that something seems to
cut processing short & passes control back to apache - the perl code
never gets a chance to return to the handler module & exit code with a
'return xx'.

I have been observing the perl's progress by looking at entries in the
error.log . I have also put in a variety of print STDERR staements at
key positions to see where the code is exiting.

If for instance I put a sleep command in the perl module, the code will
often exit whilst the sleep is taking place - it appears that the NTLM
module has run out of its allowed time and it has been cut short. The
other conclusion is that multiple threads are running and outputting to
the error.log & confusing me with the overlapping output.

This strange exiting behaviour also appears to occur on all browsers
(once that work ok & netscape that does not work.)

The other error I get is that the username/password is passed ok from
the SMB server verification phase, but then in subsequent calls to the
SMB server, the username/password fails - this occurs during the one
entry of username/password but the SMB server is contacted several times
for verification ( I also check the username & password in the script
before thay are submitted to the SMB server so I know they are correct.)
Would this be because of timeout in the SMB to respond. 

I would also expect the SMB server to only need to referred to once, but
the perl module is calling the SMB module 3 times during the one
username/password entry.

I hope the above make sense. I can my log file if this would help.



-Original Message-
From: Kaye-Smith Adam 
Sent: Monday, 19 August 2002 9:15 AM
To: 'Gerald Richter'; Peter Bi; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: NTLM module

Thanks for your advice Gerald.

I have found a compromise buy having the directive of Authtype Basic but
the perl code has been changed to run the NTLM check as well as SMB
(regardlesss of the config file)  and if both authentications fail, the
standard mod_auth code will then be run.

Thanks once again.


The information in this e-mail together with any attachments is
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computer system network.  

Re: Apache::Session - What goes in session?

2002-08-19 Thread Perrin Harkins

md wrote:

>We are using a load-balanced
>system; I shoudl have mentioned that earlier. Won't
>that be an issue with caching to disk? Is it possible
>to cache to the db?

There are a few ways to deal with this.  The simplest is to use the 
"sticky" load-balancing feature that many load-balancers have.  Failing 
that, you can store to a network file system like NFS or CIFS, or use a 
database.  (There are also fancier options with things like Spread, but 
that's getting a little ahead of the game.)  You can use MySQL for 
caching, and it will probably have similar performance to a networked 
file system.  Unfortunately, the Apache::Session code isn't all that 
easy to use for this, since it assumes you want to generate IDs for the 
objects you store rather than passing them in.  You could adapt the code 
from it to suit your needs though.  The important thing is to leave out 
all of the mutually exclusive locking it implements, since a cache is 
all about "get the latest as quick as you can" and lost updates are not 
a problem ("last save wins" is good enough for a cache).

>The "modules" will consist of a "pages" module with
>the names of all the pages the user has created (with
>links) and a "emails" module which will display all
>the features that the user is getting via email. 
>These modules will be displayed on every page. 
>You can see that almost everything is user-specific.

The relationships to the features and pages differ by user, but there 
might be general information about the features themselves that is 
stored in the database and is not user-specific.  That could be cached 
separately, to save some trips to the db for each user.

>Right now I'm storing the page names/ids in a hash ref
>in the session (the emails module isn't live yet), but
>I thought that I would change that and only store the
>module id and pull the names from the db (if the user
>hasn't turned off the module) with each page call.

You can cache the names too if you want to, but keeping them out of the 
session means that you won't be slowed down by fetching that extra data 
and de-serializing it with Storable unless the page you're on actually 
needs it.  It's also good to separate things that have to be reliable 
(like the ID of the current user, since without that you have to send 
them back to log in again) from things that don't need to be (you could 
always fetch the list of pages from the db if your cache went down).

- Perrin

PDF documentation

2002-08-19 Thread Rich Duzenbury

Hello list,

Does anyone have a working link to a pdf version (mod_perl 1.27) of the 
guide?  Found one in the archives that no longer works...

I tried cvs'ing the data and doing the build deal referenced on, but I'm missing something as I get an error from 
DocSet/  It's trying to load on line 13, but I don't 
have a on my system anywhere.

Seems to me this should be right in plain sight, but it's late here.

Thank you.


Re: Apache::Session - What goes in session?

2002-08-19 Thread md

--- Perrin Harkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> >Current page name and id are never stored in db, so
> >different browser windows can be on different
> >pages...
> >
> I thought your session was all stored in MySQL.  Why
> are you putting 
> these in the session exactly?  If these things are
> not relevant to more 
> than one request (page), they don't belong in the
> session.  They should 
> just be in ordinary variables.

You are correct, these items are in the session in the
db. I meant that they weren't kept in long term
storage in the db after the session ended like the
default page id and user name are. The current page
id/name is only relevent for an active session. Once a
session is started current page is set to whatever the
default page id is and will change as the user changes
pages. The only reason I did this (as I recall) is
that way I can get the page name once. 
> You should use a cache for that, rather than the
> session.  This is 
> long-term data that you just want quicker access to.

Yes, that's exactly what I want to do. My main concern
is long-term data that I want quicker access to. I can
definitely get it all from the db, but that doesn't
seem very efficient.
> Template Toolkit caches the compiled template code,
> but it doesn't cache 
> your data or the output of the templates.  What you
> should do is grab a 
> module like Cache::Cache or Cache::Mmap and take a
> look at the examples 
> there.  You use it in a way that's very similar to
> what you're doing 
> with Apache::Session for the things you referred to
> as global.  There 
> are also good examples in the documentation for the
> Memoize module.

Great...exactly the kind of info I was looking for.
I'll look at those. We are using a load-balanced
system; I shoudl have mentioned that earlier. Won't
that be an issue with caching to disk? Is it possible
to cache to the db?

> There are various reasons to use a cache rather than
> treating the 
> session like a cache.  If you put a lot of data in
> the session, it will 
> slow down every hit loading and saving that data. 
> In a cache, you can 
> just keep multiple cached items separately and only
> grab them if you 
> need them for this page.  With a cache you can store
> things that come 
> from the database but are not user-specific, like
> today's weather.

Thank you for all the excellent advice and
explination(in this and other posts).

Most of the info I'll be pulling is *very*
user-specific...user name, which features to display
on which page, what features the user gets by email,

What happens is the user logs in and then the username
(greeting), the default page id (the user can create
many pages with different features per page) and what
features go on the default page are pulled from the
database and the default page is displayed, as well as
any "module" info.

The "modules" will consist of a "pages" module with
the names of all the pages the user has created (with
links) and a "emails" module which will display all
the features that the user is getting via email. 
These modules will be displayed on every page. 

You can see that almost everything is user-specific.

Right now I'm storing the page names/ids in a hash ref
in the session (the emails module isn't live yet), but
I thought that I would change that and only store the
module id and pull the names from the db (if the user
hasn't turned off the module) with each page call.

Thanks again for all the info!

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Re: solaris 2.6, mod_perl 1.27, apache 1.3.26, resulting serverfails

2002-08-19 Thread John E. Mendenhall

modperl Gurus,

> What do you get from running:
> nm httpd | grep Apache__Log
> there should be boot_Apache__Log there.

I get the following:

[2638]  |286064| 216|FUNC |GLOB |0|8  |XS_Apache__Log_alert
[3893]  |286280| 216|FUNC |GLOB |0|8  |XS_Apache__Log_crit
[3960]  |287360| 216|FUNC |GLOB |0|8  |XS_Apache__Log_debug
[3382]  |285848| 216|FUNC |GLOB |0|8  |XS_Apache__Log_emerg
[3619]  |286496| 216|FUNC |GLOB |0|8  |XS_Apache__Log_error
[2981]  |287144| 216|FUNC |GLOB |0|8  |XS_Apache__Log_info
[2566]  |285508| 340|FUNC |GLOB |0|8  |XS_Apache__Log_log
[3223]  |286928| 216|FUNC |GLOB |0|8  |XS_Apache__Log_notice
[2866]  |286712| 216|FUNC |GLOB |0|8  |XS_Apache__Log_warn
[4347]  |287988| 772|FUNC |GLOB |0|8  |boot_Apache__Log

And, Lupe wrote:

> John, please check this:
> grep boot_Apache__Log apache_1.3.26/src/modules/perl/perlxsi.c
> EXTERN_C void boot_Apache__Log _((CV* cv));
> newXS("Apache::Log::bootstrap", boot_Apache__Log, file);

When I run the above grep, I get the following:

% grep boot_Apache__Log perlxsi.c
EXTERN_C void boot_Apache__Log (pTHXo_ CV* cv);
newXS("Apache::Log::bootstrap", boot_Apache__Log, file);

So, it appears everything still looks okay.  What is the next step?  Some
sort of truss to determine where this is getting messed up?

Should I try modifying the configuration to see if that is the problem?
Or, should I try to run it under truss to see where it is dying?  I would
really like to get my servers upgraded.  Could it be some version conflict
between all the different perl/apache modules?

Please let me know what you think about all this.  Thank you very much in


## John Mendenhall
## Senior Network/Systems Administrator

Re: AutoLoader bypass?

2002-08-19 Thread Randy J. Ray

On 2002.08.19 14:47 Elizabeth Mattijsen wrote:
> At 02:37 PM 8/19/02 -0700, Randy J. Ray wrote:
> >>   use AutoLoader 'preload';  # preload anything you can find in %INC
> >>   use AutoLoader preload => { module => '' }; # all from specific module
> >>   use AutoLoader preload => { module => [qw(suba subb)] }; # only specific
> >>Would that make sense?
> >Problem with that approach is that it doesn't offer any control over whether
> >you are pre-loading or not. If you are going to pre-load a certain sub-set
> of
> >routines all the time, just put them above the __END__ token and don't
> burden
> >AutoLoader with new functionality at all.
> Well, my C would be _outside_ any of the loaded modules in
> the mod_perl script after all the modules necessary for proper
> execution of _your_ mod_perl environment, are loaded.

I see... you mean to have a line like this:

 use AutoLoader preload => { module => [qw(suba subb)] };

be responsible for both including "module" (into the caller's namespace) *and* 
pre-loading the specified routines? That's different that what I had 
interpreted from your first idea. I though that the preload specification 
would be when the target module issues its call to "use AutoLoader".

 From this vantage point, it does make more sense, yes. Especially since 
module authors would no be responsible for retro-fitting to their packages. I 
would be interested to see if this can be done cleanly, without making any harder to read than it currently is :-).

(OK, that might be asking a bit much...)

Randy J. Ray | Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing had happened.
+1 650 930-9097  |   -- Sir Winston Churchill

Re: Apache::Session - What goes in session?

2002-08-19 Thread Perrin Harkins

md wrote:

>I don't think "global" was the term I should have
>used. What I mean is data that will be seen on all or
>most pages by the same "Hello Jim"

Okay, don't put that in the session.  It belongs in a cache.  The 
session is for transient state information, that you don't want to keep 
after the user logs out.

>Current page name and id are never stored in db, so
>different browser windows can be on different

I thought your session was all stored in MySQL.  Why are you putting 
these in the session exactly?  If these things are not relevant to more 
than one request (page), they don't belong in the session.  They should 
just be in ordinary variables.

>>That sounds like a "user" or "subscriptions" object
>>to me, not session data.
>Once again, I shouldn't have used the term "global".
>This is the "subscriptions" info for a single
>user...that's why I had thought to put this in the
>session instead of pulling from the db each page call
>since the data will rarely change.

You should use a cache for that, rather than the session.  This is 
long-term data that you just want quicker access to.

>I am using TT caching
>for the templates, but I'm not sure how to cache the
>non-session data.

Template Toolkit caches the compiled template code, but it doesn't cache 
your data or the output of the templates.  What you should do is grab a 
module like Cache::Cache or Cache::Mmap and take a look at the examples 
there.  You use it in a way that's very similar to what you're doing 
with Apache::Session for the things you referred to as global.  There 
are also good examples in the documentation for the Memoize module.

There are various reasons to use a cache rather than treating the 
session like a cache.  If you put a lot of data in the session, it will 
slow down every hit loading and saving that data.  In a cache, you can 
just keep multiple cached items separately and only grab them if you 
need them for this page.  With a cache you can store things that come 
from the database but are not user-specific, like today's weather.

>What about something like "default page id", which is
>the page that is considered your home page? This id is
>stored permanently in the db ("lasts more than the
>current current browsing session") but I keep it in
>the session since this also rarely changes so I don't
>to keep hitting the db to get it.

I would have some kind of user object which has a property of 
default_page_id.  The first time the user logs in I would fetch that 
from the database, and then I would cache it so that I wouldn't need to 
go back to the database for it on future requests.

- Perrin

Re: Apache::Session - What goes in session?

2002-08-19 Thread md

--- Perrin Harkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> md wrote:

> That doesn't sound very global to me.  What happens
> when users open 
> multiple browser windows on your site?  Doesn't it
> screw up the "current 
> page" data?

I don't think "global" was the term I should have
used. What I mean is data that will be seen on all or
most pages by the same "Hello Jim", where
"Jim" is pulled from the database when the session is
created and passed around in the session after that
(and updated in the db and session if user changes
their greeting name). 

Current page name and id are never stored in db, so
different browser windows can be on different
pages...I'm not sure if that's good or bad. However,
changes to the user name will be seen in both browser
windows since that's updated both in the session and

> Optimizing database fetches or caching data is
> independent of the 
> session issue.  Nothing that is relevant to more
> than one user should 
> ever go in the session.

Correct. That little info I am putting in the session
corresponds directly to a single user.

> That sounds like a "user" or "subscriptions" object
> to me, not session data.

Once again, I shouldn't have used the term "global".
This is the "subscriptions" info for a single
user...that's why I had thought to put this in the
session instead of pulling from the db each page call
since the data will rarely change. This info will be
displayed on every page the user visits (unless they
"turn off" this module).

> No, that's caching.  Don't use the session for
> caching, use a cache for 
> it.  They're not the same.  A session is often
> stored in a database so 
> that it can be reliable.  A cache is usually stored
> on the file system 
> so it can be fast.

The session is stored in a database
(Apache::Session::MySQL), and I am using TT caching
for the templates, but I'm not sure how to cache the
non-session data. I've seen this discussed but I
definitely need more info on this. As it stands I see
two options: get data from the session or get it from
the do I bring  caching into play?
> Things like the login status of this session, and
> the user ID that is 
> associated with it go in the session.  Status of a
> particular page has 
> to be passed in query args or hidden fields, to
> avoid problems with 
> multiple browser windows.  Data that applies to
> multiple users or lasts 
> more than the current browsing session never goes in
> the session.

What about something like "default page id", which is
the page that is considered your home page? This id is
stored permanently in the db ("lasts more than the
current current browsing session") but I keep it in
the session since this also rarely changes so I don't
to keep hitting the db to get it.

Thanks again...

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RE: Apache::Session - What goes in session?

2002-08-19 Thread Narins, Josh

Thanks though. That was succinctly put.

Could you go back in time and tell me that a year or two ago?

That would be great, thanks again.



> Things like the login status of this session, 
> and the user ID that is associated with it go
> in the session.  Status of a particular page 
> has to be passed in query args or hidden fields,
> to avoid problems with multiple browser windows.
> Data that applies to multiple users or lasts 
> more than the current browsing session never 
> goes in the session.

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Re: AutoLoader bypass?

2002-08-19 Thread Elizabeth Mattijsen

At 02:37 PM 8/19/02 -0700, Randy J. Ray wrote:
>>   use AutoLoader 'preload';  # preload anything you can find in %INC
>>   use AutoLoader preload => { module => '' }; # all from specific module
>>   use AutoLoader preload => { module => [qw(suba subb)] }; # only specific
>>Would that make sense?
>Problem with that approach is that it doesn't offer any control over whether
>you are pre-loading or not. If you are going to pre-load a certain sub-set of
>routines all the time, just put them above the __END__ token and don't burden
>AutoLoader with new functionality at all.

Well, my C would be _outside_ any of the loaded modules in the 
mod_perl script after all the modules necessary for proper execution of 
_your_ mod_perl environment, are loaded.

>What I was suggesting was a way that I, as the writer of (picking one of my
>own modules as an example) RPC::XML::Server can incorporate something in the
>compile-time logic so that Apache::RPC::Server contains:
>use RPC::XML::Server 'compile';
>And RPC::XML::Server can have:
>sub import {
> AutoLoader::preload(__PACKAGE__, @list_o_routines)
> if (lc $_[1] eq 'compile');
>(Admittedly a simplistic example, but I hope it gets the point across)

That also makes sense, but wasn't my original idea.

I'd rather make this a class method, so:

   AutoLoader->preload( @list_o_routines );

and have the module derive the module name from caller().  That would at least 
simplify the call and it would reduce the risk of abuse.

>This way, I only pre-load routines in the cases where I need it done. Your
>suggestion is good for modules that are only ever used under mod_perl, but
>modules may be designed to work in other environments. Oh, you could manage
>to get the same affect as my idea using a BEGIN block and conditional calls
>of "use AutoLoader", but the above seems to me to be much cleaner.

I'm more interested in the modules that either work in a mod_perl environment and a 
"normal" Perl environment.  If a module is supposed to be used in mod_perl, it just 
shouldn't use AutoLoader.


Re: AutoLoader bypass?

2002-08-19 Thread Randy J. Ray

On 2002.08.19 14:19 Elizabeth Mattijsen wrote:

>   use AutoLoader 'preload';  # preload anything you can find in %INC
>   use AutoLoader preload => { module => '' }; # all from specific module
>   use AutoLoader preload => { module => [qw(suba subb)] }; # only specific
> Would that make sense?

Problem with that approach is that it doesn't offer any control over whether
you are pre-loading or not. If you are going to pre-load a certain sub-set of
routines all the time, just put them above the __END__ token and don't burden
AutoLoader with new functionality at all.

What I was suggesting was a way that I, as the writer of (picking one of my
own modules as an example) RPC::XML::Server can incorporate something in the
compile-time logic so that Apache::RPC::Server contains:

 use RPC::XML::Server 'compile';

And RPC::XML::Server can have:

sub import {
 AutoLoader::preload(__PACKAGE__, @list_o_routines)
 if (lc $_[1] eq 'compile');

(Admittedly a simplistic example, but I hope it gets the point across)

This way, I only pre-load routines in the cases where I need it done. Your
suggestion is good for modules that are only ever used under mod_perl, but
modules may be designed to work in other environments. Oh, you could manage
to get the same affect as my idea using a BEGIN block and conditional calls
of "use AutoLoader", but the above seems to me to be much cleaner.

Randy J. Ray | Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing had happened.
+1 650 930-9097  |   -- Sir Winston Churchill

Re: Apache::Session - What goes in session?

2002-08-19 Thread Perrin Harkins

md wrote:
> Currently I'm putting very little in the session

Good.  You should put in as little as possible.

> what I am putting in the session is more "global" in
> nature...greeting, current page number, current page
> name...

That doesn't sound very global to me.  What happens when users open 
multiple browser windows on your site?  Doesn't it screw up the "current 
page" data?

> I'm
> pulling a lot of info from the database and I wonder
> if my design is sound.

Optimizing database fetches or caching data is independent of the 
session issue.  Nothing that is relevant to more than one user should 
ever go in the session.

> Now I need to add global "modules" to the page which
> will show user info like which pages they have created
> and which features are being emailed to the user.
> These modules will display on every page unless the
> user turns them off.

That sounds like a "user" or "subscriptions" object to me, not session data.

> It seems that since this info
> wouldn't change very often that I should put the data
> in the session...

No, that's caching.  Don't use the session for caching, use a cache for 
it.  They're not the same.  A session is often stored in a database so 
that it can be reliable.  A cache is usually stored on the file system 
so it can be fast.

Things like the login status of this session, and the user ID that is 
associated with it go in the session.  Status of a particular page has 
to be passed in query args or hidden fields, to avoid problems with 
multiple browser windows.  Data that applies to multiple users or lasts 
more than the current browsing session never goes in the session.

- Perrin

Re: AutoLoader bypass?

2002-08-19 Thread Elizabeth Mattijsen

At 02:05 PM 8/19/02 -0700, Randy J. Ray wrote:
>>Because routines are loaded when they are requested, they may be loaded in
>>child processes, causing duplication in memory because they are not shared.
>>They would be shared if they would be loaded in the initialization phase
>>before the child processes are forked.  But in that phase you wouldn't call
>>all of those routines that you might need in the child processes.
>The problem I would anticipate would be in having a portable way of locating the code 
>to load without having it executed. You could pull some functionality out of 
>AutoLoader, but then you have code duplication.

Indeed.  Most of the necessary code is in AutoLoader::import and AutoLoader::AUTOLOAD 

>Or, an idea that just hit me, you could provide a call in the AutoLoader module that 
>does the job for you. It would have access to all the logic already in the module, 
>and module-writers could use it conditionally a la:
>AutoLoader::preload(__PACKAGE__, @routines)
> if $running_under_modperl;
>Where the @routines list is optional, and defaults to every *.al file found for 

I was more thinking along:

  use AutoLoader; # current behaviour

  use AutoLoader 'AUTOLOAD'; # import AUTOLOAD

  use AutoLoader 'preload';  # preload anything you can find in %INC

  use AutoLoader preload => { module => '' }; # all from specific module

  use AutoLoader preload => { module => [qw(suba subb)] }; # only specific

Would that make sense?


[DIGEST] mod_perl digest 2002/08/12

2002-08-19 Thread jgsmith


  mod_perl digest
 August 12, 2002 - August 18, 2002


Recent happenings in the mod_perl world...


  o mod_perl status
  o module announcements
  o mod_perlers wanted
  o links

mod_perl status

  o mod_perl
- stable: 1.27 (released June 1, 2002) [1]
- development: 1.27_01-dev [2]
  o Apache
- stable: 1.3.26 (released June 18, 2002) [3]
- development: 1.3.27-dev [4]
  o mod_perl 2.0
- beta: 1.99_04 (released June 21, 2002) [5]
- development: (from cvs) [6]
  o Apache 2.0
- stable: 2.0.40 (released August 9, 2002) [7]
  o Perl
- stable: 5.8.0 (released July 18, 2001) [8]
- development: none [9]

module announcements

  o OpenInteract 1.41 - extensible web application server [10]

  o StateMachine::Gestinanna 0.05 - data-driven state machine [11]

module rfcs

  o Graphics::ColorPicker [12]

mod_perlers wanted

  o Senior mod_perl programming in Oslo, Norway [13]


  o The Apache/Perl Integration Project [14]
  o mod_perl documentation [15]
  o Apache modules on CPAN [16]
  o _Writing Apache Modules with Perl and C_ homepage [17]
  o mod_perl news and advocacy [18]
  o mod_perl list archives
  - modperl@ [19]
  - dev@ [20]
  - docs-dev@ [21]
  - advocacy@ [22]

happy mod_perling...







Re: AutoLoader bypass?

2002-08-19 Thread Randy J. Ray

On 2002.08.19 13:53 Elizabeth Mattijsen wrote:

> Because routines are loaded when they are requested, they may be loaded in
> child processes, causing duplication in memory because they are not shared.
> They would be shared if they would be loaded in the initialization phase
> before the child processes are forked.  But in that phase you wouldn't call
> all of those routines that you might need in the child processes.

I don't know of a module or "standardized" way of doing this, but the CGI 
module offers this to the user in the form of a "compile" directive in the 
imports list. It tells the module proper to pre-compile the specified list of 
routines, and (as I understand it) the functionality stemmed from the kind of 
situation you describe, where application developers wanted to ensure that 
load-on-demand functions be pre-loaded before forking.

The problem I would anticipate would be in having a portable way of locating 
the code to load without having it executed. You could pull some functionality 
out of AutoLoader, but then you have code duplication.

Or, an idea that just hit me, you could provide a call in the AutoLoader 
module that does the job for you. It would have access to all the logic 
already in the module, and module-writers could use it conditionally a la:

 AutoLoader::preload(__PACKAGE__, @routines)
 if $running_under_modperl;

Where the @routines list is optional, and defaults to every *.al file found 
for __PACKAGE__.

Randy J. Ray | Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing had happened.
+1 650 930-9097  |   -- Sir Winston Churchill

RE: Apache::Session - What goes in session?

2002-08-19 Thread Jesse Erlbaum

Hello md --

> I'm using mod_perl and Apache::Session on an app that
> is similar to MyYahoo. I found a few bits of info from
> a previous thread, but I'm curious as to what type of
> information should go in the session and what should
> come from the database.

One thing to watch out for is the trap of using session data as a dumping
ground for global variables.  Since you are asking "what belongs in a
session", it seems you are already thinking along those lines.  I have found
that many people who are fond of sessions often use them to store data which
I would be personally inclined to store in hidden form data, in a simple
cookie, or retrieve from a database when needed.

In my systems I usually only store a single "session ID" in a cookie -- a
key which references a database row.  This allows me to have as much data as
I like but keep it all in the database.  There is one case where it might
make sense to put data into a "session" of some sort -- to cache information
which is very time-consuming to retrieve.  Minimizing time-consuming
database operations is an important thing to think about in large systems,
and a place where session data might come in handy.

Warmest regards,



  Jesse Erlbaum
  The Erlbaum Group
  Phone: 212-684-6161
  Fax: 212-684-6226

AutoLoader bypass?

2002-08-19 Thread Elizabeth Mattijsen

It wasn't until recently that I realized that the functionality of AutoLoader might 
actually be counter-productive for mod_perl, at least in a prefork MPM.

Because routines are loaded when they are requested, they may be loaded in child 
processes, causing duplication in memory because they are not shared.  They would be 
shared if they would be loaded in the initialization phase before the child processes 
are forked.  But in that phase you wouldn't call all of those routines that you might 
need in the child processes.

I was therefore thinking about the development of a module that would just go through 
%INC and check each of the modules for auto/*.al files and do() all of them (possibly 
limited by a hash keyed to module names with subroutine lists).  And then possibly 
disable AutoLoader altogether, so no memory would inadvertently be lost by routines 
being loaded by child processes.

Does such a beast exist already? If not, would such a module make sense?  What would 
be a good name for it?


Apache::Session - What goes in session?

2002-08-19 Thread md

I'm using mod_perl and Apache::Session on an app that
is similar to MyYahoo. I found a few bits of info from
a previous thread, but I'm curious as to what type of
information should go in the session and what should
come from the database.

Currently I'm putting very little in the session, but
what I am putting in the session is more "global" in
nature...greeting, current page number, current page that doesn't change very often. I'm
pulling a lot of info from the database and I wonder
if my design is sound. Most of the info being pulled
from the database is features for the page. 

Now I need to add global "modules" to the page which
will show user info like which pages they have created
and which features are being emailed to the user.
These modules will display on every page unless the
user turns them off. It seems that since this info
wouldn't change very often that I should put the data
in the session...

Anyone have any general tips on session design?


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Re: Mod_perl Application Development

2002-08-19 Thread Perrin Harkins

Jonathan Lonsdale wrote:
> 2. Distinct content handlers each with their own Location directive. Could
> be a pain to maintain the server config.

You would typically have a single handler that covers one "application" 
with many screens, so instead of having an entry there for every 
template you would have a just a small number of entries for 
applications like a shopping cart or a message board.  The applications 
then manage which template to send out on each request using their own 
internal logic.  Things like CGI::Application and Apache::PageKit are a 
formalization of this approach.

People often seem to get bent out of shape about putting a few Location 
directives in httpd.conf, but I find it simple to manage and like doing 
this the standard way.  Having Location directives lets you use all of 
the normal Apache config options for access control, customized logging, 
etc. without inventing your own config system.  There are exceptional 
situations (a requirement to add new handlers without a restart, for 
example), but most people will be just fine doing it the old-fashioned way.

- Perrin

Re: HTML::Template

2002-08-19 Thread Sam Tregar

On Mon, 19 Aug 2002, Pierre Vaudrey wrote:

> with the following starnge error (The Title is displayed but not the
> vignette.gif file)
> [Mon Aug 19 07:22:24 2002] [error] Missing right curly or square bracket
> at /Library/WebServer/Documents/perl/vignette.gif line 1, at end of line
> syntax error at /Library/WebServer/Documents/perl/vignette.gif line 1,
> at EOF

For some reason vingette.gif is being interpreted as a Perl script instead
of an image.  This is probably a case of a misconfigured web server,
although I don't know enough about your setup to be sure.  What happens if
you try to load this image separate from HTML::Template, just by typing
the URL into your browser?


Re: Compile problem

2002-08-19 Thread Randy Kobes

On 19 Aug 2002, Bjarte Kileng wrote:

> I get an error when I try to compile mod_perl. I have tried to
> read the manuals, but I do not find anything appropriate.
> I am using Perl 5.6.1 and httpd-2.0.40.
> Apache builds and installs without problems. From the
> httpd-2.0.40 directory this is done using:
>   ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/apache-2.0 --with-mpm=prefork
>   make
>   make install
> Then I try to build mod_perl. I picked up
> mod_perl-2.0-current.tar.gz which unpacks as mod_perl-1.99_04.
> In the mod_perl-1.99.04 directory I try
>   perl Makefile.PL MP_AP_PREFIX=/usr/local/apache2
> This works fine. No errors or warnings.
> Then I try
>   make
> This gives the following output:
[ .. ] 
> -c mod_perl.c && mv mod_perl.o mod_perl.lo mod_perl.c:511:
> warning: passing arg 3 of `ap_register_output_filter' makes
> pointer from integer without a cast 
> mod_perl.c:511: too few
> arguments to function `ap_register_output_filter'
[ .. ]

With apache-2.0.40, you should use the cvs version of

best regards,
randy kobes

Re: Mod_perl Application Development

2002-08-19 Thread Tom Hukins

On Sun, Aug 18, 2002 at 12:31:03AM +0100, Jonathan Lonsdale wrote:
> I'm curious to know how people approach application development with
> mod_perl in situations where there could be dozens of distinct
> screens/interfaces. I'm currently using the HTML::Template system.

When using HTML::Template, I've found its query() method useful to
tell the controller what code to call to pass data back to the


Weird: [mp2]

2002-08-19 Thread Alessandro Forghieri

This happens on win32.

If the following is inserted in httpd.conf:

I get, reasonbly enough:

Syntax error on line 961 of D:/Apache2/conf/httpd.conf:
 sections not yet implemented in modperl-2.0

Tough, but fair. But why should the following:


give me the totally unreasonable:

Syntax error on line 960 of D:/think4/Apache2/conf/httpd.conf:
Expected > but saw 

Obviously minor, but gave me about 15 mins. of head scratching...


Re: DBI->connect_cached not playing with Apache::DBI

2002-08-19 Thread Tim Bunce

On Fri, Aug 16, 2002 at 04:07:52PM -0700, Michael G Schwern wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 13, 2002 at 10:22:35PM +0100, Tim Bunce wrote:
> > > > But how about a new method:
> > > > 
> > > >   DBI->connect_method("connect");
> > > >   DBI->connect_method("Apache::DBI::connect"); # effectively what "use 
>Apache::DBI;" does now
> > > >   DBI->connect_method("connect_cached");
> > > 
> > > Useful, but doesn't solve the problem.
> > 
> > Actually it would. I wasn't very clear. The application would do
> > 
> > DBI->connect_method("connect_cached");
> > and
> > $dbh = DBI->connect(...);
> I'm confused.  How, or maybe it's better to ask why, would this be different
> than just:
>  $dbh = DBI->connect_cached(...);
> Why would useing connect_method() make it automagical but connect_cached()
> not?

Good question. I'm kind'a making this up as I go along and I can't
now remember where I thought the point of leverage/indirection was.

I'm coming round to the view that Apache::DBI should simply override
the behaviour of DBI->connect_cached in addition to DBI->connect...
Which is where you came in :)

Patches welcome.

[I've finally fixed the CC line to have the correct address for
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and would appreciate comments from anyone who
can think of a good reason not to have Apache::DBI override
connect_cached in addition to connect.]


Compile problem

2002-08-19 Thread Bjarte Kileng

I get an error when I try to compile mod_perl. I have tried to read the manuals,
but I do not find anything appropriate.

I am using Perl 5.6.1 and httpd-2.0.40.

Apache builds and installs without problems. From the httpd-2.0.40 directory
this is done using:

  ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/apache-2.0 --with-mpm=prefork
  make install

Then I try to build mod_perl. I picked up mod_perl-2.0-current.tar.gz
which unpacks as mod_perl-1.99_04. In the mod_perl-1.99.04 directory I try

  perl Makefile.PL MP_AP_PREFIX=/usr/local/apache2

This works fine. No errors or warnings.

Then I try


This gives the following output:

cd "src/modules/perl" && make -f Makefile.modperl
make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/mod_perl-1.99_04/src/modules/perl'
gcc -I/usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/mod_perl-1.99_04/src/modules/perl 
-I/usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/mod_perl-1.99_04/xs -I/usr/local/apache2/include 
-fno-strict-aliasing -I/usr/local/include  -I/usr/lib/perl5/5.6.1/i386-linux/CORE 
-DMOD_PERL -O2 -march=i386 -mcpu=i686 -fPIC \
-c mod_perl.c && mv mod_perl.o mod_perl.lo
mod_perl.c: In function `modperl_register_hooks':
mod_perl.c:511: warning: passing arg 3 of `ap_register_output_filter' makes pointer 
from integer without a cast
mod_perl.c:511: too few arguments to function `ap_register_output_filter'
mod_perl.c:515: warning: passing arg 3 of `ap_register_input_filter' makes pointer 
from integer without a cast
mod_perl.c:515: too few arguments to function `ap_register_input_filter'
mod_perl.c:519: warning: passing arg 3 of `ap_register_output_filter' makes pointer 
from integer without a cast
mod_perl.c:519: too few arguments to function `ap_register_output_filter'
mod_perl.c:523: warning: passing arg 3 of `ap_register_input_filter' makes pointer 
from integer without a cast
mod_perl.c:523: too few arguments to function `ap_register_input_filter'
make[1]: *** [mod_perl.lo] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/mod_perl-1.99_04/src/modules/perl'
make: *** [modperl_lib] Error 2

What am I doing wrong?

Best regards,
Bjarte Kileng