Re: Copying Apache/Mod_perl/perl installation

2002-10-09 Thread Bruce W. Hoylman

> "Ged" == Ged Haywood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> If I can use RPM under SCO Open Server 5.0.6, and it gives me perl
>> with all the modules, Apache, and mod_perl, I 'd definitely go for
>> that.  Anyone used RPM to copy installation under SCO?

My approach is to build perl, Apache, mod_perl, etc. in development
mirroring the directory heirarchy that will exist on the deployed
platform.  Once this is done, I can work within its confines through
unit test.

Consequently I've been able to simply tar/gzip this entire tree from
some common root, drop it onto the install target, undo it all at the
same root and have it function as expected.

I thought I'd be pushing the limits of shared library compatibility and
other arch. details as I'm developing on Solaris 7 and the deployment
target is Solaris 8 ... however it has not failed me yet.




2002-04-22 Thread Bruce W. Hoylman


As has been pointed out in the past, the VERSION of a module does not
necessarily reveal the module's maturity or robustness.  This is
particularly true for the RPC::XML module.

I am using it in two production environments, in both client and
modperl-enabled server modes with excellent results.  It's dependency on
the XML::Parser module has been a NO-OP for my Solaris8 deployment

I am pleased with its overall performance, ease of use and robustness,
as well as the author's continued support.



> "Eric" == Eric Frazier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Eric> Hi, Thanks, the thing that scared me about RPC::XML was the
Eric> 0.37 version number :)

Eric> I will give it a serious try before I go to something like
Eric> SOAP.

Eric> Within RPC::XML:

Eric>  Apache::RPC::Server - A subclass of RPC::XML::Server tuned
Eric>for mod_perl

Eric> I didn't see this until now. :) Getting warm fuzzy feeling
Eric> now. Thanks again,

Re: Apache::DBI

2002-02-13 Thread Bruce W. Hoylman

> "Marty" == Marty J Rogers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Marty> I had tried that, with the same result. (does Apache::DBI
Marty> overload the DBI methods?) Full error is as follows. Again,
Marty> any help is _highly_ appreciated.

You must specify the full package name to the connect_on_it sub, as in


Apache::RPC::Server questions

2002-01-08 Thread Bruce W. Hoylman


Looking at RPC::XMl::Server and subsequently the Apache::RPC::Server 
subclass I see that methods are implemented via passing a code ref to a 
named or anonymous subroutine that implements the actual method logic. 
Given the persistent nature of perl in an Apache/modperl environment, is 
there any inherient problems this might cause in a complex method, other 
than those caused via bad modperl coding practices?

The first thing I thought about is the dangers of closures and the 
potential for persistent variables and data between requests.  Will the 
avoidance of using any type of globally scoped variables within this 
method defining subroutine be enough to avoid these types of problems? 
Does this method defining subroutine ever go out of scope during the 
life of a modperl process, therefore freeing lexicals and other local 
data and data structures?  Do I need to do any explicite destruction of 
objects prior to exiting the subroutine, for example?

I may need to make database accesses from within the method.  Will 
Apache::DBI still work within this framework?

The documentation indicates it is dangerous to change package namespace 
within the method defining subroutine.  Does this apply to the 'use' or 
'require' of modules within the subroutine as well?

Frankly, I'm so used to writing the actual handler subroutine and 
supporting modules that I'm feeling a little out of my element given the 
method definition paradigm the RPC::XML::Server is introducing.

Thanks for any information you might be able to provide on this matter.


Re: Suggestions on an XML-RPC Service using modperl?

2002-01-04 Thread Bruce W. Hoylman


> "Jon" == Jon Robison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Jon> As far as the cacheing goes, we have had extremely good luck
Jon> with IPC::ShareLite used to share info across mod_perl
Jon> processes.

Have you compared this module to the Cache::* modules?  I believe the
Cache::SharedMemoryCache module provides a shared memory implementation,
for example.  I have had a few suggestions offered surrounding the use
of the Cache::* modules which is why I ask.

Thanks for your thoughts.


Re: Suggestions on an XML-RPC Service using modperl?

2002-01-04 Thread Bruce W. Hoylman


I'm on the modper digest list so pardon the delayed response to your

> "Aaron" == Aaron E Ross <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Aaron>   I've been working with a mod_perl based XML-RPC/SOAP
Aaron>   service for a few months now and I thought I'd share some
Aaron>   quick thoughts.

Thanks!  I'll take 'um.
Aaron>   As long as you are _sure_ that you won't be writing data,
Aaron>   in-memory will be fast and easy to code.  if you use
Aaron>   objects you can pretty easily build an interface
Aaron>   encouraging programmers to avoid modifying shared data.

Yes, I refuse to do *any* data arbitration between the localized
portions of the data (if any?) and the remote or official copies of it.
Copying it to a local store is meant to remove the access latency and
availability of the data, although I have not yet determined there to be
latency issues.  There are however availability issues surround these
databases.  I agree, an OO interface to it will facilitate its use and
certainly simplify any data format changes that are almost certain to
take place over the life of the service itself.
Aaron>   Aim for what you may need later, 5+ will be easy as long as
Aaron>   you have some memory.

I'm lobbying for excessive memory as we speak!  Good point.
Aaron>   I have found the Cache::Cache modules really easy to use,
Aaron>   well written, documented and supported.  MLDBM::Sync
Aaron>   provides some locking, but if you really need concurrent
Aaron>   access I would highly recommend BerkeleyDB,
Aaron>, nb this is _not_ DB_File.

Mr. Turner also mentioned the Cache::* modules for this.  I'm not really
interested in locking the data in any way whatsoever.  It's strictly
read-only so I see no reason to have to manage read locks.  Therefore
concurrent access to an in-memory data store between all the modperl
processes should be no problem, correct?

Aaron>   You haven't explained the cacheing logic at all.. perhaps
Aaron>   you don't need a cache? maybe just an object that reads
Aaron>   from the data stores on startup?

This is a good idea.  It would eliminate the interim step of loading the
data onto the local machines prior to bringing it into memory.  I'm
working on data access issues this week and want to be able to describe
the data better as well as gain query access to it.  Then I should be
able to benchmark access and availability, my two primary concerns with
the data.

Aaron>   If you do need a cacheing layer that updates on some event
Aaron>   or expiration, remember to seperate the cacheing logic and
Aaron>   the storage as much as possible to be able to tune and to
Aaron>   scale up later on.

I'll keep this in mind.
Aaron>   Why not write a simple object? I try to avoid tie's, b/c
Aaron>   they are too "magical" for my taste, but i don't think
Aaron>   there is any inherent overhead.

The object description of the data seems to be a good way to go.  I
believe this will end up being the API I present to the handler for data
access.  I agree.

Aaron>   I would recommend using SOAP::Lite for both XML-RPC and
Aaron>   SOAP. While the code is unreadable, the author is
Aaron>   responsive and helpful, and the switch from XML-RPC to SOAP
Aaron>   couldn't be easier.

You got the unreadable part right (c:  Sorry.  I've had occasion to use
Randy Ray's RPC-XML module in the past and it functioned very well.  He
describes it as a reference implementation of the XML-RPC specification
and does not attest to its effeciency or speed.  I'll do some comparison
shopping here with SOAP::Lite and see what comes out.

Aaron>   Hope this helps, Aaron

Thanks for your insight into this matter.  I really appreciate your


Re: Suggestions on an XML-RPC Service using modperl?

2002-01-04 Thread Bruce W. Hoylman


I'm on the digest for this list, so pardon my delay in responding to
everyone's comments.

>>>>> "Chip" == Chip Turner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Chip> "Bruce W. Hoylman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> Ciao!
>> I would like some input on an intranet web service I am currently
>> in the process of designing, the core of which will be modperl on
>> UN*X.

Chip> Excellent choice.  This works quite well.  Of course, like
Chip> others on this list, I might be a bit biased.

I'm sort of sneaking this in the back door.  Much of the development
surrounding these new objectives is centered in the J2EE architecture.
I'm taking a 'don't say much' approach until it's working and cranking
out the data.  Then I'll be able to meet any advances on architecture
choices.  It's not that perl/Apache is taboo here, just not looked upon
as an implementation solution of choice.  However it won't be the first
time I have faced these pundits.

Chip> How often does the data change?  How is it stored on the back
Chip> end?  You may not need to cache anything if, say, you have a
Chip> decent SQL database on the backend.  Caching never hurts, but
Chip> it isn't always necessary.  The Cache::* modules may be of use
Chip> for this, though, should you still need it.  You also might
Chip> want to consider not sharing the data in each process; the
Chip> complexity gained vs the memory lost by storing it in each
Chip> process may be a workable tradeoff.  I probably would try it
Chip> first with no cache, then a per-process on-demand cache, then
Chip> finally a shared cache, in that order.

I still have to determine the dynamic characteristics of the data in
question.  This certainly needs to be taken into account in any cacheing
or local storage of the data.  The remote data is Oracle-ized in some
7.x database instances.  When I speak of cacheing I'm referring to
taking remote data sources and making the local for some period of time,
after which they must be refreshed and localized again.  I don't believe
the service can withstand the cost of remote database access and still
be as streamlined as the requirements specify.  However I will be going
through a series of benchmarks to see just which data management
approach is appropriate.  I also am keen to the unavailability of these
external, remote data sources.  They seem to be 'down' at the most
inopportune moments.  In summation, data throughput and availability are
the two most compelling reasons for considering a localized, and I
emphasize READ-ONLY capture of the remote stores (there are two).

Chip> Five hits/second should be absolutely no problem.  If you
Chip> expect slow clients, a mod_proxy in front of things
Chip> ( can help.

This is a very interesting section of the guide.  I recommend it to
everyone simply for the sake knowing alternative configurations that
include a modperl component.

Chip> There are a lot of options, but really, I would hold off on
Chip> deciding complicated caching schemes until you know what
Chip> throughput you get without them.  Even then, I'd avoid
Chip> disk-based cache systems, instead preferring Cache::* if it
Chip> must be shared, or just global variables if it doesn't need to
Chip> be.

This is a good point.  I'm working on securing access to the data stores
this week, so I should be able to measure throughput soon.  Loading the
in-memory stores direct from the data sources is a good idea, if
necessary.  This precludes any local storage of the data which precludes
any refresh to disk logic, although I still will need to flush/fill
memory on a regular basis.  Thus I don't want to utilize per-process
data stores, but rather a common shared memory represenetation that all
the modperl processes can draw from

Chip> Can you be more specific about what the data looks like, where
Chip> it resides, and how expensive loading it is?  I wouldn't worry
Chip> about optimization yet, unless you know beyond the shadow of a
Chip> doubt speed will be a problem.  My hunch is you can do maybe
Chip> 50-100 hits/second on decent Intel hardware via the Frontier
Chip> modules, so I don't think performance will be a problem.  This
Chip> is unverified, though; I really need to benchmark it sometime.
Chip> Maybe others have pushed Frontier to its speed limits?

I'll be able to provide some numbers and the actual data representation
later on this week.  I agree on performance numbers.  I'm getting
awesome throuput now acording to ApacheBench, but that's only with my
skeletal handler.  As it I fill it out, I plan on benchmarking each
significant piece of functionality for comparison purposes.

Should be fun.

Chip> Chip

Thanks so much for your insightful comments.  I appreciate the time you
took to respond to my queries.


Suggestions on an XML-RPC Service using modperl?

2002-01-01 Thread Bruce W. Hoylman


I would like some input on an intranet web service I am currently in the
process of designing, the core of which will be modperl on UN*X.

The service itself is to access a couple of back end data stores given
parameters received in an XML-RPC request, then return the results in an
XML-RPC formated response.  The data from the back end sources will be
loaded into memory at service initialization, for fast access.  The data
is small enough and memory plentiful enough to allow this.

That's pretty much it in terms of the high level data flow.  It has to
be relatively fast, OTO 5+ requests/sec. as a relative volumetric.

I'm going to use modperl due to the embedded perl interpreter
characteristics it provides, allowing initialization overhead to be
incurred at startup.  I also wish to use an in-memory, read-only hash
structure shared across all modperl processes for access to the cached
back end data, rather than making expensive calls to these stores for
each request.  Again, throughput is critical.

I would like your thoughts on the cache management concept of the
service.  I'm looking at MLDBM::Sync as the mechanism for managing the
filesystem representation of the in-memory hash content.  What to manage
the in-memory structure itself in terms of accessing its content?  Is a
Tie structure too expensive?  I want to end up with a single structure
accessible to all of the modperl processes, loaded at service startup.

This service will ultimately be registered within a UDDI/SOAP framework,
FYI.  However this will not be in the first incarnation of the service

Thoughts and comments welcome.  Obviously this is an early brainstorm
(more like a drizzle) but I hope to get a few stimulating comments from
this most excellent resource, the list.


Re: mod_auth_digest

2001-08-16 Thread Bruce W. Hoylman

Lincoln Stein developed a very useful module for doing both Basic and
Digest user/password management.  Titled HTTPD-User-Manage-1.58
I believe it is still available as:

Check it out.  I like it, anyway.



Re: Apache::DBI and transactions

2000-12-14 Thread Bruce W. Hoylman

> "Stas" == Stas Bekman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Stas> In general it is good practice to perform an explicit commit
Stas> or rollback at the end of every script.  In order to avoid
Stas> inconsistencies in the database in case C is
Stas> I and the script finishes without an explicit rollback,
Stas> the C module uses a C to
Stas> issue a rollback at the end of every request.

I believe this paragraph spells it out, to my satisfaction anyway.  If a
script exits without committing (or rolling back) a transaction that is
currently in progress, the database remains in the uncommitted state.
Thus any data modified by the script is not actually fully modified,
just ready to be modified.  Subsequent requests to the database would
return inconsistent views of this data, i.e. views of the data prior to
the transaction, but not necessarilly what the data will look like once
the transaction is committed.

The reasonable thing to do then, not knowing why a transaction might
still open at this point in the logic flow, is to clean up in a
non-destructive fashion when a script exists.  If for example
transaction still is open when a script exits, it is either a result of
programmer, design or logic error, or something unexpected has occurred
during the course of script execution which was not properly handled.
Therefore instead of committing the transaction that contains
potentially unknown consequences, get rid of it and put things back the
way they were.

In this case the idiom appears to be "better to do nothing now than to
try and later undo something that was done unexpectedly", and I guess I
would agree in this case.

Interesting behavior ... I did not know Apache::DBI did this!


Re: debuggers

2000-12-08 Thread Bruce W. Hoylman

>>>>> "Matt" == Matt Sergeant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Matt> On Fri, 8 Dec 2000, Bruce W. Hoylman wrote:
>> use IO::File;
>> use CGI::Carp qw(carpout fatalsToBrowser carp);
Matt> Bye bye exception handling.

You mean eval{} block exception handling, or something else?  What are
the technical specifics around this assertion?

Thanks!  Maybe I'll learn something here, which is why I posted it in
the first place.


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Re: debuggers

2000-12-08 Thread Bruce W. Hoylman

> "Stas" == Stas Bekman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> Plus, I *always* use '-w' and '-T' and get them cleanly working
>> during development phases, although I shut them off for actual
>> deployment.

Stas> 1. You cannot use -T under mod_perl, you should use
Stas> instead:

This is what I was referring to actually.  However, there are many
modules, such as Date::Manip, for example, that just will not load with
taint checking turned on.  In an intranet, it's not as big a deal as it
certainly is in the 'real world'.

But what can I do, short of rewritting the parts of the module that
don't function in with checking on

Stas> 2. 'PerlTaintCheck On' is a must in production!!! not
Stas> *
Stas> * perldoc perlsec

Thanks for the input.


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Re: debuggers

2000-12-08 Thread Bruce W. Hoylman

> "Dave" == Dave Rolsky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Dave> On Thu, 7 Dec 2000, martin langhoff wrote:
>> I wonder how do those hardcore guys that develop using handlers
>> debug.  Mhhh. They must write 'perlfect' code, I guess, and/or
>> understand those cryptic debuggers ...

Dave> I just do a lot of debugging via warn statements and looking
Dave> at the error logs.

My BEGIN block looks like this.  I realize IO is rather bulky, but I
like it and the environment I'm in isn't *that* busy where it makes a
significant impact.


  # Wash the PATH.
  $ENV{'PATH'} = '/opt/gnu/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin';
  $ENV{'CDPATH'} = '';
  $ENV{'ENV'} = '';

  use IO::File;
  use CGI::Carp qw(carpout fatalsToBrowser carp);
  use Savvy::Conf qw(:WWWBasic);

  my $log = 1;
  my $logfile = "/www/cgi-logs/cgi-log";

  if ($log) {
my $LOG = IO::File->new(">> $logfile") or
  Savvy::Conf::cab("Unable to open $logfile for writing: $!\n");

# Dupe STDERR.  Original is SAVEERR.

Then I 'tail -f' the $logfile, the Apache server error_log, and watch
watever comes to the broswer due to the fatalsToBrowser.  Works well for

The '$r->log_reason' finds a home in my code as well.

Plus, I *always* use '-w' and '-T' and get them cleanly working during
development phases, although I shut them off for actual deployment.


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Re: mod_perl advocacy project resurrection

2000-12-06 Thread Bruce W. Hoylman

> "Matthew" == Matthew Kennedy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Matthew> I don't know where you got the 1GB disk requirement from?
Matthew> Even Weblogic's download is only 43Mb, jBoss' is about
Matthew> 6Mb. The Java Platform is somewhere between that. Your
Matthew> compiled enterprise app might only be 300Kb (and not just a
Matthew> "report queue manager"). And 500Mb of memory?  That's
Matthew> tuppence in the server world anyway.

This happens to be minimum numbers for working with a particular
Application Server marketed by a well-known database vendor by the name
of Oracle Corp.

Matthew> I think it's exciting to think what an n-tier framework in
Matthew> Perl might look like. IMHO, it should be more than just the
Matthew> outgrowth of CPAN's contents.

I agree, but I should be able to expand and contract this middle tier
monster in a very similiar fashion.  Hey, I want some functionality, get
it, configure it, install use it, derive from it, whatever.  On the
other hand, if I don't want, I can wipe it out without horking up the
entire system.

A degree of independence, sort of like the model driving a light weight
operating system, where the base is a skeleton framework and I can plug
in services, and uplug them, as necessary.  I can create said services
from existing ones via extension, or scratch together my own for a
particular need.

So CPAN has the concept just right.

Matthew> Sounds almost like you're talking about "enterprise" being
Matthew> a "company"?  I know you can't be though... right?

Yeah, right.

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RE: mod_perl advocacy project resurrection

2000-12-06 Thread Bruce W. Hoylman

This debate has really hit some hot buttons.  I love reading the
exchanges as there are clearly some personal philosophies at work here.
Ain't it great!

> "Michael" == Michael Robinton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Michael> Give a man a dump truck full of leggos, motors and gears
Michael> and you can build some really interesting stuff, give man
Michael> an end mill or a lathe and he can build a rocket ship to
Michael> the moon. You figure out which one is Weblogic and which
Michael> one is Apache-modperl :-)


In my experience, these so-called enterprise solutions are just that
... a huge lathe, or whatever an end mill is.  Their solution to even
the most minute problem is to throw huge - I mean huge - application
piece parts at it, hoping to bury it in the wizard technology of the
moment.  There is no other solution.  You get it all or you get none of
it.  Or if you only want a part of the bulk, you still must sift through
a mountain of installed crap.  "What do you mean I need 1GB of disk and
500 MB of memory just to get an internet-enabled report queue manager?"

Now maybe some feel better with a large enterprise application server or
whatever staring over one's shoulder, but I prefer to build my solution
in a way that I get only what I need.  The rest can be called upon,
installed if you will, when it is deemed necessary (by me, or by the
needs of the environment), but otherwise only the necessary parts are
present and in play.  And I can determine what is necessary and when,
not the vendor supplying the solution-of-all-solutions.

Apache/mod_perl has enabled my team and I to craft finely detailed
modules that I can apply to specific problems in my intranet
environment.  I can bring to the battle one, some, or all of mod_perl's
intrinsics coupled with the vast CPAN, tightly woven with modules of

An enterprise-size solution is rarely a viable answer to an
enterprise-size problem.


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Re: Resurrection of startup SIGSEGV with latest CVS snapshot?

2000-10-26 Thread Bruce W. Hoylman

>>>>> "Doug" == Doug MacEachern <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Doug> On Tue, 3 Oct 2000, Bruce W. Hoylman wrote:
>> Hello, Doug --
>> Thanks for the reply.
>> I have already applied this patch.  The backtrace I provided was
>> producted by an httpd executable with the perl_util.c patch
>> already applied.  The perl 5.6 patch from p5p was also in effect.

Doug> bruce, maybe this patch will cure?

>> From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Fri Oct 13 10:21:16 2000
Doug> Date: Sat, 07 Oct 2000 21:32:25 -0700 From: Gurusamy Sarathy
Doug> CGI::Carp, use X, die in causes 0xc005 (APR#330)

YES!  This additional p5p patch, coupled with your previous patch to
perl_util.c did the trick.

Yow ... too many tweaks in the pot.


Re: Resurrection of startup SIGSEGV with latest CVS snapshot?

2000-10-03 Thread Bruce W. Hoylman

Hello, Doug --

Thanks for the reply.

I have already applied this patch.  The backtrace I provided was
producted by an httpd executable with the perl_util.c patch already
applied.  The perl 5.6 patch from p5p was also in effect.

The combined patches worked for the earlier CVS snapshot of modper, as I
mentioned.  However today's snapshot ressurects the problem.

So, in essence the perl_util.c patch is ineffective in this case.

Resurrection of startup SIGSEGV with latest CVS snapshot?

2000-10-03 Thread Bruce W. Hoylman


With the latest modperl from CVS, all tests pass during build/test
phase.  However it coredumps when used with my http.conf/
files.  An earlier CVS release of modperl (modperl_2911162240)
functions as expected.  Both modperl revisions have the perl_util.c
patch applied and perl 5.6 has been patched based on information from
p5p regarding cop.h and threads.  These patches solved an earlier
SIGSEGV problem (similiar to this one?).

The particulars are included below.

Thanks for any insight.


(gdb) run -X -f /www/etc/httpd/httpd.conf -d /tmp   
Starting program: /www/sbin/httpd -X -f /www/etc/httpd/httpd.conf -d /tmp
[New LWP 1]
[New LWP 2]
[New LWP 3]
[New LWP 4]

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0xe0cd8 in Perl_gv_init (gv=0x22ddd0, stash=0x1f9880, name=0x185f20 "Location", 
len=8, multi=2) at gv.c:106
106 GvFILE(gv) = CopFILE(PL_curcop) ? CopFILE(PL_curcop) : "";
(gdb) bt
#0  0xe0cd8 in Perl_gv_init (gv=0x22ddd0, stash=0x1f9880, name=0x185f20 "Location", 
len=8, multi=2) at gv.c:106
#1  0xe22f8 in Perl_gv_fetchpv (nambeg=0x185f20 "Location", add=2, sv_type=11)
at gv.c:681
#2  0x44928 in perl_section_hash_init (name=0x185f20 "Location", dotie=0)
at perl_config.c:1628
#3  0x44d48 in perl_section (parms=0xefffba78, dummy=0x1d5708, arg=0x0)
at perl_config.c:1731
#4  0x44aa8 in perl_section_self_boot (parms=0xefffba78, dummy=0x1d5708, 
arg=0x290e58 "/www/") at perl_config.c:1653
#5  0x41d00 in perl_cmd_require (parms=0xefffba78, dummy=0x1d5708, 
arg=0x290e58 "/www/") at perl_config.c:638
#6  0xa21e8 in invoke_cmd (cmd=0x1bf600, parms=0xefffba78, mconfig=0x1d5708, 
args=0xefff998b "") at http_config.c:916
#7  0xa28b0 in ap_handle_command (parms=0xefffba78, config=0x1d5580, 
l=0xefff9970 "PerlRequire /www/") at http_config.c:1028
#8  0xa2990 in ap_srm_command_loop (parms=0xefffba78, config=0x1d5580)
at http_config.c:1042
#9  0xa3018 in ap_process_resource_config (s=0x1d4440, 
fname=0x1c2a30 "/www/etc/httpd/httpd.conf", p=0x1d4418, ptemp=0x1dc418)
at http_config.c:1230
#10 0xa3c40 in ap_read_config (p=0x1d4418, ptemp=0x1dc418, 
confname=0x1c2a30 "/www/etc/httpd/httpd.conf") at http_config.c:1513
#11 0xb2bdc in main (argc=6, argv=0xefffbc4c) at http_main.c:4974
(gdb) quit

Summary of my perl5 (revision 5.0 version 6 subversion 0) configuration:
osname=solaris, osvers=2.6, archname=sun4-solaris
uname='sunos savvy 5.6 generic_105181-21 sun4u sparc '
hint=recommended, useposix=true, d_sigaction=define
usethreads=undef use5005threads=undef useithreads=undef usemultiplicity=undef
useperlio=undef d_sfio=undef uselargefiles=define 
use64bitint=undef use64bitall=undef uselongdouble=undef usesocks=undef
cc='gcc', optimize='-g -O', gccversion=2.95.2 19991024 (release)
cppflags='-fno-strict-aliasing -I/opt/gnu/include -I/usr/local/include'
ccflags ='-fno-strict-aliasing -I/opt/gnu/include -I/usr/local/include 
stdchar='unsigned char', d_stdstdio=define, usevfork=false
intsize=4, longsize=4, ptrsize=4, doublesize=8
d_longlong=define, longlongsize=8, d_longdbl=define, longdblsize=16
ivtype='long', ivsize=4, nvtype='double', nvsize=8, Off_t='off_t', lseeksize=8
alignbytes=8, usemymalloc=y, prototype=define
  Linker and Libraries:
ld='gcc', ldflags ='-L/opt/gnu/lib -L/usr/local/lib -L/lib -L/usr/lib 
-L/usr/ccs/lib '
libpth=/opt/gnu/lib /usr/local/lib /lib /usr/lib /usr/ccs/lib
libs=-lsocket -lnsl -lgdbm -ldb -ldl -lm -lc -lcrypt -lsec
libc=/lib/, so=so, useshrplib=false, libperl=libperl.a
  Dynamic Linking:
dlsrc=dl_dlopen.xs, dlext=so, d_dlsymun=undef, ccdlflags=' '
cccdlflags='-fPIC', lddlflags='-G -L/opt/gnu/lib -L/usr/local/lib -L/lib 
-L/usr/lib -L/usr/ccs/lib'

Characteristics of this binary (from libperl): 
  Compile-time options: DEBUGGING USE_LARGE_FILES
  Built under solaris
  Compiled at Sep 12 2000 16:06:55

Re: segfaulting httpd :(

2000-09-14 Thread Bruce W. Hoylman

> "Ben" == Ben Turner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Ben> this afternoon i compiled a fresh httpd (apache 1.3.12),
Ben> together with mod_perl 1.24. i'm on Solaris 8, running perl
Ben> 5.6.0.

Sounds like what I happened to just go through, finding perl 5.6.0 as
the (known) culprit.  Go to:

and apply the supplied patch.  It fixed my SIGSEGVs immediately.  HTHYO.


Re: modperl startup dumps core; trace included

2000-09-12 Thread Bruce W. Hoylman

Rebuilding perl 5.6.0 with the p5p patch solved the SIGSEGV problem.
Thanks for the 'point'.


Re: modperl startup dumps core; trace included

2000-09-12 Thread Bruce W. Hoylman

> "Doug" == Doug MacEachern <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Doug> looks like one of the 5.6.0 bugs, the Perl patch has been
Doug> posted here (don't have it handy), here's one that has also
Doug> helped on the mod_perl side, does it fix the problem for you?

Applying the perl_util.c patch you provided and attempting to load my
module from as before results in the same problem.  However
having rebuilt my perl 5.6.0 with '-DDEBUGGING', I get the following
stack trace of the SIGSEGV, with much better symbol output:

Starting program: /www/sbin/httpd -X
[New LWP 1]
[New LWP 2]
[New LWP 3]
[New LWP 4]

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0xdea34 in Perl_gv_init (gv=0x4f1fb0, stash=0x1e3600, name=0x183f28 "Location", 
len=8, multi=2) at gv.c:106
106 GvFILE(gv) = CopFILE(PL_curcop) ? CopFILE(PL_curcop) : "";
(gdb) where
#0  0xdea34 in Perl_gv_init (gv=0x4f1fb0, stash=0x1e3600, name=0x183f28 "Location", 
len=8, multi=2) at gv.c:106
#1  0xe0054 in Perl_gv_fetchpv (nambeg=0x183f28 "Location", add=2, sv_type=11)
at gv.c:681
#2  0x44720 in perl_section_hash_init (name=0x183f28 "Location", dotie=0)
at perl_config.c:1598
#3  0x44b40 in perl_section (parms=0xefffbab8, dummy=0x1d0d80, arg=0xefff99b6 "")
at perl_config.c:1701
#4  0xa1120 in invoke_cmd (cmd=0x1bcda0, parms=0xefffbab8, mconfig=0x1d0d80, 
args=0xefff99b6 "") at http_config.c:808
#5  0xa2198 in ap_handle_command (parms=0xefffbab8, config=0x1d0bf8, 
l=0xefff99b0 "") at http_config.c:1028
#6  0xa2278 in ap_srm_command_loop (parms=0xefffbab8, config=0x1d0bf8)
at http_config.c:1042
#7  0xa2900 in ap_process_resource_config (s=0x1cfab8, 
fname=0x1d1a38 "/www/etc/httpd/httpd.conf", p=0x1cfa90, ptemp=0x1d3ac0)
at http_config.c:1230
#8  0xa3528 in ap_read_config (p=0x1cfa90, ptemp=0x1d3ac0, 
confname=0x1c02c0 "etc/httpd/httpd.conf") at http_config.c:1513
#9  0xb24c4 in main (argc=2, argv=0xefffbc8c) at http_main.c:4974

Any other ideas?

I will next use the p5p patch you alluded to and see if it has any
effect.  Thanks for your help.


modperl startup dumps core; trace included

2000-09-11 Thread Bruce W. Hoylman

I have a peculiar problem with a modperl module I have written.  When
migrating to the following configuration:

  perl, v5.6.0 built for sun4-solaris
  modperl_2911162240 (1.2401)

If I attempt to load the module in my using:

   use Savvy::Moveform ();

the server SIGSEGVs with the following stack trace:

(gdb) set args -X 
(gdb) run
Starting program: /www/sbin/httpd -X
[New LWP 1]
[New LWP 2]
[New LWP 3]
[New LWP 4]

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0xdf81c in Perl_gv_init ()
(gdb) where
#0  0xdf81c in Perl_gv_init ()
#1  0xe0d74 in Perl_gv_fetchpv ()
#2  0x4401c in perl_section_hash_init (name=0x17c848 "Location", dotie=0)
at perl_config.c:1598
#3  0x4440c in perl_section (parms=0xefffbab0, dummy=0x1c7308, arg=0xefff99ae "")
at perl_config.c:1701
#4  0xa0a38 in invoke_cmd (cmd=0x1b1540, parms=0xefffbab0, mconfig=0x1c7308, 
args=0xefff99ae "") at http_config.c:808
#5  0xa1ab0 in ap_handle_command (parms=0xefffbab0, config=0x1c7180, 
l=0xefff99a8 "") at http_config.c:1028
#6  0xa1b90 in ap_srm_command_loop (parms=0xefffbab0, config=0x1c7180)
at http_config.c:1042
#7  0xa2218 in ap_process_resource_config (s=0x1c6040, 
fname=0x1c7fc0 "/www/etc/httpd/httpd.conf", p=0x1c6018, ptemp=0x1ce018)
at http_config.c:1230
#8  0xa2e40 in ap_read_config (p=0x1c6018, ptemp=0x1ce018, 
confname=0x1b4a60 "etc/httpd/httpd.conf") at http_config.c:1513
#9  0xb1ddc in main (argc=2, argv=0xefffbc84) at http_main.c:4974

The  section defining the Location directive for the modules is:

$Location{'/Moveform'} = {
   Options => 'FollowSymLinks -Indexes',
   Sethandler => 'perl-script',
   PerlHandler => 'Savvy::Moveform',
   PerlSendHeader => 'Off',

   AuthType => 'Savvy::AuthCookieHandler',
   AuthName => 'AuthCookie',
   PerlAuthenHandler => 'Savvy::AuthCookieHandler->authenticate',
   PerlAuthzHandler => 'Savvy::AuthCookieHandler->authorize',

   require => 'valid_wrkr'

Does the trace indicate the Location directive as the culprit?  If so,
it doesn't seem to get too far into it before it bonks.  Suggestions?

This same configuration and module functions as expected using perl
5.005_03 built for sun4-solaris, mod_perl 1.2201, apache-1.3_2314111200.



'make test' error with CVS modperl

2000-08-22 Thread Bruce W. Hoylman

Having downloaded the latest CVS snapshot of modperl, using my standard
APACI config parameters to configure and compile, it compiles to
completion without error.  'make test' however returns the following
error when attempting to start the test httpd process:

letting apache warm up...[Tue Aug 22 10:46:31 2000] [error] Can't load 
'/opt/gnu/lib/perl5/5.00503/sun4-solaris/auto/IO/' for module IO: 
/www/src/apache-1.3_2817161200/src/httpd: fatal: relocation error: file 
/opt/gnu/lib/perl5/5.00503/sun4-solaris/auto/IO/ symbol main: referenced symbol 
not found at /opt/gnu/lib/perl5/5.00503/sun4-solaris/ line 169.

I have IO-1.20 installed, and have had it there for a long time.  Here
are the particulars for perl:

Summary of my perl5 (5.0 patchlevel 5 subversion 3) configuration:
osname=solaris, osvers=2.6, archname=sun4-solaris
uname='sunos savvy 5.6 generic_105181-15 sun4u sparc '
hint=recommended, useposix=true, d_sigaction=define
usethreads=undef useperlio=undef d_sfio=undef
cc='gcc', optimize='-O', gccversion=2.95.2 19991024 (release)
cppflags='-I/usr/local/include -I/opt/gnu/include'
ccflags ='-I/usr/local/include -I/opt/gnu/include'
stdchar='unsigned char', d_stdstdio=define, usevfork=false
intsize=4, longsize=4, ptrsize=4, doublesize=8
d_longlong=define, longlongsize=8, d_longdbl=define, longdblsize=16
alignbytes=8, usemymalloc=y, prototype=define
  Linker and Libraries:
ld='gcc -B/usr/ccs/bin/', ldflags =' -L/usr/local/lib -L/opt/gnu/lib'
libpth=/usr/local/lib /opt/gnu/lib /lib /usr/lib /usr/ccs/lib
libs=-lsocket -lnsl -lgdbm -ldb -ldl -lm -lc -lcrypt
libc=/lib/, so=so, useshrplib=false, libperl=libperl.a
  Dynamic Linking:
dlsrc=dl_dlopen.xs, dlext=so, d_dlsymun=undef, ccdlflags=' '
cccdlflags='-fPIC', lddlflags='-G -L/usr/local/lib -L/opt/gnu/lib'

Characteristics of this binary (from libperl): 
  Built under solaris
  Compiled at Jan 26 2000 13:27:51

I have done this process numerous times in the past with no problems at
all.  Now all of a sudden I get the relocation error with IO.  I'm not
sure why.

Any thoughts/suggestions?


Re: canned footers

2000-08-16 Thread Bruce W. Hoylman

Have you looked at Apache::Sandwich from CPAN?  It is easy to implement
and I have used it for awhile now to add confidentiality headers and
footers to pages in a small to medium site.

cpan> m /Apache::Sandwich/
Module id = Apache::Sandwich
MANPAGE  Apache::Sandwich - Layered document (sandwich) maker

It could most certainly be use as a basis for your needs and


Re: Hang in $r->print w/ POST

2000-07-07 Thread Bruce W. Hoylman

> "heddy" == heddy Boubaker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> I liked the CGI functions to generate HTML ... it seems there is no
>> simple way to tell CGI module not to eat POST data. HTML::StickyForms
>> could be an option for forms ... the others (Template, Mason) are not
>> for what I'm trying to do. I'm just looking for a simple but complete
>> html generator (instead of hard coding all html tags in my code),
>> does such a beast exists or have I to write my own?
>From the CGI docs:

To create an empty query, initialize it from an empty string
or hash:

   $empty_query = new CGI("");


   $empty_query = new CGI({});

This gives you a CGI object that you can use to generate your html and
leave the query content alone.



Re: Privilege Management

2000-06-26 Thread Bruce W. Hoylman

> "Robert" == Robert Monical <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Robert> Each screen has a defined list of possible actions.  This
Robert> information is "hardcoded" into the entry logic for the
Robert> screen.  When a screen is sent to the user, the possible
Robert> action is checked and enabled/disabled based on the user
Robert> privilege.  The maintenance screen for these tables will be
Robert> in Oracle forms.

I would NOT show all actions that are available in the system but rather
only show the actions which client viewing your actions screen has
access to.  In my experience showing all available actions whether
granted to the client or not, tends to give the client 'action envy' and
you will be busy either granting all the actions to the clients they do
not currently have, or explaining why an action is available and they
have not been granted the authority to perform said action.

You can dynamically generate the action list based on the enabled
privileges of a user, and perhaps sock this list into your session

Otherwise, you approach is basic and sound, IMHO.


tainted operation in Apache::Session::Lock::File

2000-06-08 Thread Bruce W. Hoylman

* Server Version: Apache/1.3.13-dev (Unix) mod_perl/1.24_01-dev
* perl, version 5.005_03 built for sun4-solaris
* SunOS 5.6
* Apache::Session 1.5
* Apache::Session::Lock::File 1.00

With taint checking turned on in my modperl server, as in:

PerlTaintCheck Off
PerlWarn Off
PerlFreshRestart Off

using the Apache::Session::File causes Apache::Session::Lock::File to
croak on the second access to the session file with a message in my
error_log stating:

[Thu Jun  8 21:15:03 2000] [error] access to /TS/ failed for XX.XX.XX.XX, reason: 
Could not access session storage: Insecure dependency in open while running with -T 
switch at /opt/gnu/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/Apache/Session/Lock/ line 62.

The line of code in my handler that is outputing this message is:

eval {tie %$session, 'Apache::Session::File', $sesid, $SESSOPTS};
if ($@) {
  $r->log_reason("Could not access session storage: $@", $r->uri);
  return SERVER_ERROR;

and finally, the options passed to tie() are:

%SESSOPTS = {'Directory' => '/somepath/sessions',
 'LockDirectory' => '/pathtolocks/sessions',
 'Transaction'   => 1};

permissions on these two directories are:

drwxrwx---   2 nobody nobody 512 Jun  8 21:27 /somepath/sessions/
drwxrwx---   2 nobody nobody 512 Jun  8 21:28 /pathtolocks/sessions/

where nobody.nobody are the user/group of the httpd processes.

The file is initially created, along with its correspond lock file, but
a second attempt to tie() to the existing session file returns the taint
error.  Disabling taint checking in the server allows the session logic
to proceed without error, by the way.  I would prefer not to run in this
mode, however.

Having exhausted my understanding of tainted data, I'm hoping I can get
some hints from this list.

Thanks for your attention.


Re: CGI/mod_perl strangeness...

2000-05-31 Thread Bruce W. Hoylman

> "Trevor" == Trevor Phillips <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Trevor> Thing is, this is from an Apache Perl module using mod_perl,
Trevor> not from a CGI using (as this line is printed to
Trevor> stderr when you supposedly run a CGI from the command
Trevor> prompt).

A code clip would help ...

Otherwise, to get to prompt for values, you must be running in
'-debug' mode.

Try using the '-no_debug' pragma and see if the condition persists:

use CGI qw/-no_debug/;


Re: Questions about Apache::Session

2000-05-19 Thread Bruce W. Hoylman

> "Edgardo" == Edgardo Szulsztein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Edgardo> Then, I tried to use FileStore, and it worked
Edgardo> fine. However, it stores the sessions files in the /tmp
Edgardo> directory. How could I change the location of the sessions
Edgardo> file in the httpd.conf file?

Good move.  Get it working via FileStore, then get the database version
of your session handling going.

As for the session file storage, set the SESSION_FILE_DIRECTORY
variable, and/or use a 'EMBPERL_SESSION_ARGS "Directory=/web/sessions"'.
I threw both into my httpd.conf, which looks like this by the way:

PerlSetEnv  SESSION_FILE_DIRECTORY /web/sessions
PerlSetEnv  EMBPERL_SESSION_CLASSES "FileStore NullLocker"
PerlSetEnv  EMBPERL_SESSION_ARGS "Directory=/web/sessions"

   PerlSetEnv EMBPERL_OPTIONS 16535
   SetHandler perl-script
   PerlHandler HTML::Embperl
   Options ExecCGI
   PerlSendHeader Off



Re: Q: DBMS update framework for use within Apache::DBI?

2000-05-18 Thread Bruce W. Hoylman

> "Gunther" == Gunther Birznieks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Gunther> This first criteria seems a tad odd to me. What business
Gunther> scenario is there for this?

Gunther> To me, when a user issues an update they expect that the
Gunther> record exists. In a way, if the record does NOT exist, then
Gunther> you are really going against your rule #2. That is, if they
Gunther> issue an update and the record no longer exists, then that
Gunther> is also a change to the record that someone did (a
Gunther> deletion) and you are effectively overriding someone elses
Gunther> deletion.

The framework is to support an intranet time tracking application.  The
business rules of the system dictate there are no deletions of
previously submitted time ... only inserts/updates.  Therefore I can say
without question that an existing time record will *always* exist (a
modify), albeit in a potentially 'dirty' state (rule #2).

Furthermore, if a particular time period has not been accounted for,
i.e. no time record has been previously submitted, a default time
record will be presented for modification, and subsequent submission (an
insert).  This is seamless to the client requesting the period.  If
there is no default time record available, then a 0-hour time record is
presented for modification/submission (also an insert).

Gunther> An application which implements #2 and is accelerated when
Gunther> used with mod_perl (Apache::Registry) and Apache::DBI is
Gunther> our latest version of WebDB.  You may download a copy at
Gunther> and click on download button at
Gunther> the top upper right)...

Thank you for the pointer.  I will *gleefully* investigate its

| Hope this helps,
|  Gunther

I'll let you know ...


Q: DBMS update framework for use within Apache::DBI?

2000-05-17 Thread Bruce W. Hoylman


I am searching for the makings of a framework built around or within
mod_perl/Apache::DBI that supports the consistent update of a record
within a database.  Primarily I am wanting to ensure read/write
integrity between database accesses by the web client, meaning I wish to
ensure the record about to be updated meets the following criteria:

1) It exists.  If it does not, perform an insert instead
2) If it exists, check that it is unchanged from the time the web
   client first retrieved it for update.  If it has changed, throw
   an exception.  I do not want a "last update wins" situation.

This is being done in an mod_perl/embperl/Apache::DBI environment.

Suggestions or pointers to additional information would be greatly


Re: hey I have a question

2000-05-03 Thread Bruce W. Hoylman

> "FEITO" == FEITO Nazareno <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

FEITO> Make httpd from mod_perl or make prep_httpd and then make
FEITO> httpd from apache?  I hope you understand my question.

Using APACI, I've 'made' Apache from mod_perl without fail for quite
awhile now.  I do not do DSO however, so YMMV.  Is it better?  Unknown.


Re: ANNOUNCE: Apache-TicketAccess 0.10

2000-04-27 Thread Bruce W. Hoylman

> "Michael" == Michael Schout <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Michael> Okay.  I guess I am at a loss as to what this module should
Michael> be named then.  It is heaily based on the TicketAccess
Michael> system in the modperl book.  It is a ticket based
Michael> authentication system.

Michael> Maybe Apache::AuthTicket?

Michael> Does anyone have any suggestions?

I was thinking AuthTicket also.  That is my vote.

Re: [RareModules] new Apache::Status features (Memory Usage)

2000-02-08 Thread Bruce W. Hoylman

I had to add a 'Use B::TerseSize' to my in order to get the
right stuff available.  Otherwise, I was getting:

[Mon Feb  7 12:00:38 2000] [error] Undefined subroutine &B::TerseSize::package_size 
called at /opt/gnu/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/sun4-solaris/Apache/ line 375.

Excellent information though.


Ahhh! Too many Cookie modules ...

2000-01-31 Thread Bruce W. Hoylman

There are three CPAN modules that seem to want to compete for my Cookie
module attention:

Apache-Cookie-0.1:  installs: site_perl/5.005/Apache/

unlinks:  perl5/5.00503/CGI/

libapreq-0.31:  installs: site_perl/5.005/sun4-solaris/Apache/
unlinks:  site_perl/5.005/Apache/

CGI:installs: perl5/5.00503/CGI/
unlinks:  site_perl/5.005/CGI/

It looks like Apache-Cookie-0.1 is the odd-man-out as the other two
modules each uninstall one of its components.  Or the other way around,
depending on the order of install.  I take it this is no longer a viable
module ... or not?

Just checking.



2000-01-31 Thread Bruce W. Hoylman


Before I get too far into this, is it a reasonable solution to use the
EMBPERL_INPUT_FUNC feature for combining SSI and Embperl code in the
same page?

I probably want to migrate away from SSI and do everything within the
Embperl framework, but for initiating the site and using my current SSI
templates, headers, trailers, etc., I want to begin using Embperl right
away along with SSI.  I am not satisfied (yet) with the EmbperlFilter
solution of chaining the handlers, for various reasons.

I came across the ProxyInput() function and followed the hint regarding
using this for SSI.  My setup works fine on the few test pages I've
cobbled together.  I just would like to hear from anyone who might have
thoughts on this technique, either positive or negative.



Re: mod_perl and Content-Negotiation

2000-01-27 Thread Bruce W. Hoylman

> "Doug" == Doug MacEachern <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Doug> Apache::RegistryNG uses the filename instead of uri.  uri was
Doug> chosen because there used to be a limit to the length of Perl
Doug> package names.  and regardless, shorter package name based on
Doug> the uri uses less memory and provides a faster lookup than the
Doug> filename.

I see Apache::RegistryNG @ISA Apache::PerlRun. Furthermore, perldoc
Apache::PerlRun states the following:

   The Apache::Registry handler is much faster than
   Apache::PerlRun.  However, Apache::PerlRun is much faster
   than CGI ...

This would seem to imply Apache::Registry is also much faster than
Apache::RegistryNG.  Apart from the filename vs. uri namespace
difference and the OO nature of Apache::RegistryNG, are there any
compelling reasons to consider RegistryNG over Registry?


Re: Apache::AuthCookie takeover?

2000-01-24 Thread Bruce W. Hoylman

> "Ken" == Ken Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> make a new module with a new name, since some of my changes have
>> changed the interface, or usurp the Apache::AuthCookie module and
>> provide a clear stepwise migration path?  Doug said he'd be willing
>> to make me the maintainer.

My vote is for 'usurption'.  I use this module alot and I too have seen
the need for changes.  I think it best to go forward with the current
module and namespace conventions for continuity at my site.

You do good work, Ken.  I look forward to seeing what you have done with
this very useful module.


Re: Apache::Sandwich and SSI problems

1999-11-23 Thread Bruce W. Hoylman

> "Shay" == Shay Mandel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Shay> #
Shay> # To use server-parsed HTML files
Shay> #
Shay> AddType text/html .shtml AddHandler server-parsed .shtml
Shay> AddHandler server-parsed .html

Shay>  SetHandler perl-script
Shay> PerlHandler Apache::Sandwich

Shay> # use these documents as header and footer
Shay> PerlSetVar HEADER /.includes/header2.shtml PerlSetVar
Shay> FOOTER /.includes/footer.shtml

Shay> # parse ssi after sandwiching the page
Shay> PerlSetVar SandwichHandler server-parsed

Shay> # Options Includes # shayman - it doesn't seem to work

Try using a different file suffix for the files to be handled by
Apache::Sandwich.  Something like this works for me:

   SetHandler perl-script
   PerlHandler Apache::Sandwich

Then for various directories, I have the following:

  PerlSetVar HEADER /includes/brc/unix_header.shtml
  PerlSetVar FOOTER /includes/brc/general_trailer.shtml

Note the 'shtml' suffix is handled as:

AddType text/x-server-parsed-html .shtml

   SetHandler perl-script
   PerlSendHeader Off
   Options ExecCGI
   PerlHandler Apache::SSI

Everything in HEADER and FOOTER is parsed as expected.  I'm opting to
use the Apache::SSI module as opposed to the mod_ssi, but it should not
make a difference.



Re: Patch for Apache::AuthCookie

1999-10-29 Thread Bruce W. Hoylman

> "Spidaman" == Spidaman The Defenestrator <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Spidaman> I've been messing around with some wacky PerlAccessHandler
Spidaman> and PerlAuthenHandler code lately, if Apache::AuthCookie
Spidaman> is orphaned I might want to fix it up.  Last I looked,
Spidaman> it's tests choked on "Undefined subroutine
Spidaman> &Apache::perl_hook" ...IIRC that means it's not current.
Spidaman> Is anybody using it in production with recent mod_perl's??

Yes, I am using the CPAN version of Apache-AuthCookie-1.4 with mod_perl
1.2101, apache 1.3.10dev, both as of 19991006, although AuthCookie was
compiled and installed with earlier versions of mod_perl and Apache.

Looking back at the installation source which I keep around for
posterity and attempting the standard 'perl Makefile.PL; make test', I
now get the message:

Undefined subroutine &Apache::perl_hook called at
/u/bhoylma/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/sun4-solaris/ line 28.

This does not appear to effect the run quality of the package as it is
working flawlessly, although I would not be able to get it to pass its
test cases with my current configuration.

No worries, right?
