Re: Working directory of script is / !

2003-08-07 Thread Ed Grimm
On Wed, 30 Jul 2003, Stas Bekman wrote:

 Perrin Harkins wrote:
 On Tue, 2003-07-29 at 07:23, Stas Bekman wrote:
That's correct. This is because $r-chdir_file in compat doesn't do
anything.  The reason is that under threaded mpm, chdir() affects all
threads. Of course we could check whether the mpm is prefork and do
things the old way, but that means that the same code won't work the
same under threaded and non-threaded mpms. Hence the limbo. Still
waiting for Arthur to finish porting safecwd package, which should
resolve this problem.
 When he does finish it, won't we make the threaded MPM work just like
 this?  It seems like it would be reasonable to get prefork working
 properly, even if the threaded MPM isn't ready yet. 
 It's a tricky thing. If we do have a complete implementation then it's
 cool.  If not then we have a problem with people testing their code on
 prefork mpm and then users getting the code malfunctioning on the
 threaded mpms.
 I think we could have a temporary subclass of the registry (e.g.:
 ModPerl::RegistryPrefork) which will be removed once the issue is
 resolved. At least it'll remind the developers that their code won't
 work on the threaded mpm setups. However if they make their code
 working without relying on chdir then they can use Modperl::Registry
 and the code will work everywhere.

What's wrong with having the chdir code check for the threaded mpm, and,
if it detects it, generate a warning that describes the situation?

Admittedly, I have a difficult time understanding someone who tests
under one mpm, and then releases under another mpm without testing.  I
realize there are people who do this sort of thing; I'm merely stating
that I have difficulty understanding them.


RE: Compiled-in but not recognized

2002-08-11 Thread Ed Grimm

On Sun, 11 Aug 2002, Colin wrote:

 -Original Message-
 From: Ged Haywood [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Sunday, August 11, 2002 6:02 PM
 Subject: Re: Compiled-in but not recognized

 Hi there,

 On Sun, 11 Aug 2002, Colin wrote:

 I know this is a recurring problem but bear with me ...


 httpd -l
 Compiled-in modules:


I think that Ged was suggesting you might have multiple httpd binaries
on your system, and was suggesting that you verify you're running the
binary you think you're running.

It's really annoying when you're trying to debug a program, and the
program you're running is not the one you're adding the debugging
statements to.  However, I suspect most of us have done it on occasion.

How the #@*! is it getting past all those debug statements without
hitting any?!?! - Me

Re: PerlChildInitHandler doesn't work inside VirtualHost?

2002-08-10 Thread Ed Grimm

On Thu, 8 Aug 2002, Rick Myers wrote:

 On Aug 09, 2002 at 12:16:45 +1000, Cees Hek wrote:
 Quoting Jason W May [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Running mod_perl 1.26 on Apache 1.3.24.
 I've found that if I place my PerlChildInitHandler inside a VirtualHost
 block, it is never called.
 It doesn't really make sense to put a PerlChildInitHandler
 inside a VirtualHost directive.
 Why? The Eagle book says this is a perfectly valid concept.

Well, for one thing, it would only call the handler if a request to that
virtual host was the first request for that child.  Assuming it works;
I'd think this would be a good canidate for a case that's never been
tested before, due to the fact that it would not call the handler if the
request that initiated the child was not to that virtual host...

It would fail to work in all cases if Apache does not recognize what
triggered the child until after child init.  Looking over pages 59
through 61, 72 and 73, this appears to me to be the case.  Yes, it does
explicitly say that it's ok in virtual host blocks, but it doesn't say
it works.


Re: mod perl load average too high

2002-08-08 Thread Ed Grimm

That looks like there's something that occasionally goes off and starts
spinning, given the low memory usage and the fact that some processes
using little cpu are also not swapped out.

I suspect that one of your pages has a potential infinite loop that's
being triggered.  Try and catch at what point the load suddenly starts
rising, and check what pages were accessed around that time.  They're
where you should start looking.

Note that you should probably focus on the access and error log lines
that correspond with processes that are using excessive amounts of cpu.


On Tue, 6 Aug 2002, Anthony E. wrote:

 I'm using apache 1.3.26 and mod_perl 1.27
 My apache processes seem to be taking up more and more
 system resources as time goes on.
 Can someone help me determine why my server load is
 going up?
 When i first start apache, my load average is about
 .02, but after a couple of hours, it goes up to 4 or
 5, and after a couple of days, has been as high as
 I have the following directives configured in
 MaxKeepAliveRequests 100
 MinSpareServers 5 
 MaxSpareServers 20
 StartServers 10
 MaxClients 200
 MaxRequestsPerChild 5000
 Here is a snip of 'top' command:
   6:28pm  up 46 days, 23:03,  2 users,  load average:
 2.24, 2.20, 1.98
 80 processes: 74 sleeping, 6 running, 0 zombie, 0
 CPU0 states: 99.3% user,  0.2% system,  0.0% nice, 
 0.0% idle
 CPU1 states: 100.0% user,  0.0% system,  0.0% nice, 
 0.0% idle
 Mem:  1029896K av,  711884K used,  318012K free,  
 0K shrd,   76464K buff
 Swap: 2048244K av,  152444K used, 1895800K free   
   335796K cached
 25893 nobody16   0 10188 9.9M  3104 R95.5  0.9
  21:55 httpd
 25899 nobody16   0  9448 9448  3104 R95.3  0.9
  63:27 httpd
 25883 nobody 9   0 10468  10M  3096 S 2.5  1.0
   0:16 httpd
 25895 nobody 9   0 10116 9.9M  3104 S 2.1  0.9
   0:15 httpd
 25894 nobody 9   0 10240  10M  3104 S 1.9  0.9
   0:16 httpd
 25898 nobody 9   0 10180 9.9M  3100 S 1.7  0.9
   0:13 httpd
 Also, I notice in my error_log i get this entry quite
 26210 Apache::DBI new connect to
 What can i do to keep the server load low?
 Anthony Ettinger
 home: 415.504.8048
 mobile: 415.385.0146
 Do You Yahoo!?
 Yahoo! Health - Feel better, live better

Re: [announce] mod_perl-1.99_01

2002-04-10 Thread Ed Grimm

On Mon, 8 Apr 2002, Stas Bekman wrote:

 Ged Haywood wrote:
 Compilations should be SILENT unless something goes wrong.

 The build process takes time, if you don't give an indication
 of what's going on users will try to do funky things. Since the
 build process is comprised of many small sub-processes you cannot
 really use something like completion bar.

As someone said, redirect the output to a temporary location.  But, add
to that one of those little | bars, which turns one position every time
another build step completes (each file compiled, each dependancy file
built, etc.).  However, in the case of an error, I would want the whole
thing available.  Possibly something along the lines of, the last build
step and all output from then on printed to stdout (or stderr), ended
with, For the full build log, see /tmp/ or some

 Also remember that mod_perl build prints very little,
 it's the compilation messages that generated most of the output.
 p.s. I don't recall seeing silent build processes at all.

The only ones I've seen went too far the other way.  I especially loved
the one which used a shell script, which started out with a dozen large
shell functions, then an 'exec /dev/null 2/dev/null', then a
half-dozen more large shell functions, and ending with 'main $'.
When the shell script finished, its caller checked its exit code, and
reported 'done.' or 'failed.' as appropriate.  Admittedly, I wouldn't
have minded too much, except that I'd gotten the latter answer.


Re: Apache::DBI or What ?

2002-03-25 Thread Ed Grimm

On Sun, 24 Mar 2002, Andrew Ho wrote:

What would be ideal is if the database would allow you to change the
user on the current connection.  I know PostgreSQL will allow this
using the command line interface psql tool (just do \connect
database user), but I'm not sure if you can do this using DBI.

Does anyone know if any datbases support this sort of thing?
 This occurred to me in the case of Oracle (one of my co-workers was
 facing a very similar problem in the preliminary stages of one of his
 designs), and I actually had asked our DBAs about this (since the
 Oracle SQL*Plus also allows you to change users). As I suspected (from
 the similar connect terminology), our DBAs confirmed that Oracle
 just does a disconnect and reconnect under the hood. I would bet the
 psql client does the same thing.

First, I'll suggest that there are hopefully other areas you can look at
optimizing that will get you a bigger bang for your time - in my test
environment (old hardware), it takes 7.4 ms per
disconnect/reconnect/rebind and 4.8 ms per rebind.  Admittedly, I'm
dealing with LDAP instead of SQL, and I've no idea how they compare.

If the TCP connection were retained, this could still be a significant
win.  *Any* reduction in the connection overhead is an improvement.  If
there are a million connects per day, and this saves a milli-second per
connect (believable to me, as at least three packets don't need to be
sent - syn, syn ack, and fin.  My TCP's a bit fuzzy, but I think there's
a couple more, and there's also the mod_perl disconnect/reconnect
overhead), that's over 15 minutes of response time and about 560,000,000
bits of network bandwidth (assuming the DB is not on the same machine)
saved.  Admittedly, at 100Mb/s, that's only 6 seconds.

It may, in some cases, still be necessary to move access control from
the DB into ones application, so one can maintain a single connection
which never rebinds, but I think it's better to utilize the security in
the DB instead of coding ones own - more eyes have looked over it.
We're talking about a fairly small unit of time; it may very well be
better to throw money if you are near your performance limit.


Re: Performace...

2002-03-24 Thread Ed Grimm

On Sun, 24 Mar 2002, Kee Hinckley wrote:
 At 2:27 PM -0500 3/23/02, Geoffrey Young wrote:

you might be interested in Joshua Chamas' ongoing benchmark project:


he has the results from a benchmark of Apache::Registry and plain 
handlers, as well as comparisons between HTML::Mason, Embperl, and 
other templating engines.
 Although there are lots of qualifiers on those benchmarks, I consider 
 them rather dangerous anyway.  They are Hello World benchmarks, in 
 which startup time completely dominates the time. The things that 

That explains why Embperl did so poorly compared to PHP, yet when we
replaced our PHP pages with Embperl, our benchmarks using real user
queries, sending the same queries through the old and new pages, the new
pages showed a 50% performance boost.

Note: that gain was enough to saturate our test network.  Our purpose
for the benchmark was to determine if it was an improvement or not, not
to determine the exact improvement, so we don't really know what the
real gain was.  The same machines do several other tasks, and our
monitoring at the time of change was not very sophisticated, so we only
really know it was a big win.  Something on the order of 37 load issues
the week before the change, most of which were fairly obviously web
overload, and two the week after (those two being very obviously
associated with other services the boxes are running.)


Re: 'Pinning' the root apache process in memory with mlockall

2002-03-22 Thread Ed Grimm

Danger: Rant ahead.  Proceed with caution.

On Sat, 23 Mar 2002, Stas Bekman wrote:

 See the discussion on the [EMAIL PROTECTED] list, where it was
 said that it's a very bad idea to use mlock and variants. Moreover the
 memory doesn't get unshared when the parent pages are paged out, it's
 the reporting tools that report the wrong information and of course
 mislead the the size limiting modules which start killing the
 processes. As a conclusion to this thread I've added the following
 section to the performance chapter of the guide:
 =head3 Potential Drawbacks of Memory Sharing Restriction
 It's very important that the system won't be heavily engaged in
 swapping process. Some systems do swap in and out every so often even
 if they have plenty of real memory available and it's OK. The
 following applies to conditions when there is hardly any free memory
 So if the system uses almost all of its real memory (including the
 cache), there is a danger of parent's process memory pages being
 swapped out (written to a swap device). If this happens the memory
 usage reporting tools will report all those swapped out pages as
 non-shared, even though in reality these pages are still shared on
 most OSs. When these pages are getting swapped in, the sharing will be

My Solaris 2.6 box, while in this situation, was swapping hard, as
measured by my ears, by iostat, and by top (both iowait and the memory

Note that mlockall does not restrict memory sharing, it restricts
swapping a certain portion of memory.  This will prevent this memory
from ever being needlessly unshared.

In the discussion you referred to, all of the people saying this was a
bad idea were using terms like, I think.  None of them had the
situation themselves, so have a difficult time coming to terms with it.
None of them had related former experience using this.  Something like
this really needs to be tested by someone who has the issue, and has the
ability to do benchmarks with real data streams.  If they find it seems
to work well, then they should test it on production systems.  Anyone
else talking about it is simply that much hot air, myself included.  (I
*could* test it, but I don't have enough of a problem to put a priority
on it.  If we were waiting for me to get time, we'd be waiting a long

Yes, I agree, it's better to never swap.  But if we take the attitude
that we won't use tools to help us when times are tight, then get rid of
swap entirely.  Locking memory is all about being selective about what
you will and won't swap.

Yes, I agree, it'd be better to mlock those bits of memory that you
really care about, but that's hard to do when that memory is allocated
by software you didn't write.  (In this case, I'd really like to mlock
all the memory that perl allocated but did not free in BEGIN sections
(including, of course, use blocks).  I would also like to compact that
first, but that could be even more difficult.)

As far as the logic regarding 'let the OS decide' - the admin of the
system has the ability to have a much better understanding of how the
system resources are used.  If I have one section of memory which is
used 95% of the time by 75% of my active processes, I really don't want
that memory to swap out just because another program that'll only run
for a minute wants a bit more memory, if it can take that memory from
anywhere else.  When doing individual page-ins, memory managers tend to
worry only about those processes that they are trying to make runable
now; they're not going to go and load that page back on to every other
page map that shares it just because they also use it.  So even though
that memory is loaded back into memory, all those processes will still
have to swap it back.

For them to do otherwise would be irresponsible, unless the system
administrator clearly doesn't know how to system administrate, or has
chosen not to.  The OS is supposed to handle the typical case; having
one segment of memory used by dozens of processes actively is not the
typical case.  This does not happen on end-user machines; this only
happens on servers.  Theoretically speaking, servers are run by people
who can analyze and tune; mlock and mlockall are tools available to them
to do such tuning.

 reported back to normal after a certain amount of time. If a big chunk
 of the memory shared with child processes is swapped out, it's most
 likely that CApache::SizeLimit or CApache::GTopLimit will notice
 that the shared memory floor threshold was crossed and as a result
 kill those processes. If many of the parent process' pages are swapped
 out, and the newly created child process is already starting with
 shared memory below the limit, it'll be killed immediately after
 serving a single request (assuming that we the
 C$CHECK_EVERY_N_REQUESTS is set to one). This is a very bad
 situation which will eventually lead to a state where the system won't

Re: Berkeley DB 4.0.14 not releasing lockers under mod_perl

2002-03-21 Thread Ed Grimm

Does shutting down apache free up your locks?

(As an aside, I'm not sure I'll ever get over undef being proper closing
of a database connection; it seems so synonomous to free([23]).  I
expect something like $db-db_close() or something.)


On Thu, 21 Mar 2002, Dan Wilga wrote:

 At 2:03 PM -0500 3/21/02, Aaron Ross wrote:

  I'm testing with the Perl script below, with the filename ending
  .mperl (which, in my configuration, causes it to run as a mod_perl
  registry script).

  I would re-write it as a handler and see if Apache::Registry is partly
to blame.
 I tried doing it as a handler, using the configuration below (and the 
 appropriate changes in the source) and the problem persists. So it 
 doesn't seem to be Registry's fault.
 Location /dan
  SetHandler perl-script
  PerlHandler DanTest
  source code 
 package DanTest;
 use strict;
 my $dir='/home/httpd/some/path';
 sub handler {
   system( rm $dir/__db* $dir/TESTdb );
   foreach( 1..5 ) {
   my $env = open_env($dir);
   my %hash;
   my $db = open_db( TESTdb, \%hash, $env );
   untie %hash;
   undef $db;
   undef $env;
   print HTTP/1.1 200\nContent-type: text/plain\n\n;
   print `db_stat -c -h $dir`;
   print \n;
 sub open_env {
   my $env = new BerkeleyDB::Env(
   -Home= $_[0],
   die Could not create env: $! .$BerkeleyDB::Error. \n if !$env;
   return $env;
 sub open_db {
   my( $file, $Rhash, $env ) = @_;
   my $db_key = tie( %{$Rhash}, 'BerkeleyDB::Btree',
   -Env=$env );
   die Can't open $file: $! .$BerkeleyDB::Error.\n if !$db_key;
   return $db_key;
 Web Technology Specialist
 Mount Holyoke CollegeTel: 413-538-3027
 South Hadley, MA  01075Seduced by the chocolate side of the Force

RE: loss of shared memory in parent httpd

2002-03-16 Thread Ed Grimm

I believe I have the answer...

The problem is that the parent httpd swaps, and any new children it
creates load the portion of memory that was swaped from swap, which does
not make it copy-on-write.  The really annoying thing - when memory gets
tight, the parent is the most likely httpd process to swap, because its
memory is 99% idle.  This issue aflicts Linux, Solaris, and a bunch of
other OSes.

The solution is mlockall(2), available under Linux, Solaris, and other
POSIX.1b compliant OSes.  I've not experimented with calling it from
perl, and I've not looked at Apache enough to consider patching it
there, but this system call, if your process is run as root, will
prevent any and all swapping of your process's memory.  If your process
is not run as root, it returns an error.

The reason turning off swap works is because it forces the memory from
the parent process that was swapped out to be swapped back in.  It will
not fix those processes that have been sired after the shared memory
loss, as of Linux 2.2.15 and Solaris 2.6.  (I have not checked since
then for behavior in this regard, nor have I checked on other OSes.)


On Thu, 14 Mar 2002, Bill Marrs wrote:

 It's copy-on-write.  The swap is a write-to-disk.
 There's no such thing as sharing memory between one process on disk(/swap)
 and another in memory.
 agreed.   What's interesting is that if I turn swap off and back on again, 
 the sharing is restored!  So, now I'm tempted to run a crontab every 30 
 minutes that  turns the swap off and on again, just to keep the httpds 
 shared.  No Apache restart required!

 Seems like a crazy thing to do, though.
 You'll also want to look into tuning your paging algorithm.
 Yeah... I'll look into it.  If I had a way to tell the kernel to never swap 
 out any httpd process, that would be a great solution.  The kernel is 
 making a bad choice here.  By swapping, it triggers more memory usage 
 because sharing removed on the httpd process group (thus multiplied)...
 I've got MaxClients down to 8 now and it's still happening.  I think my 
 best course of action may be a crontab swap flusher.

Re: [OT] RE: modperl growth

2002-02-05 Thread Ed Grimm

On Tue, 5 Feb 2002, Dave Rolsky wrote:
 On Mon, 4 Feb 2002, Andrew Ho wrote:
 One last thing that is hard is where is your DocumentRoot? This is a huge
 problem for web applications being installable out of the box. Perl
 can't necessarily figure that out by itself, either.
 You take a guess and then ask the user to confirm.  And you can't guess
 you just ask.

That's a good strategy (assuming a missing if in there somewhere).  It
can be augmented with the tactic of check for a running apache, see
where it gets its config file from, and parse the config file to get
the initial guess.  (Note that I wouldn't want this to be a final guess;
I'm using mod_perl in a virtual host config; the main apache config
doesn't use it, and has a completely unrelated docroot
(/usr/local/apache/htdocs as opposed to /home/appname/public_html))

 There's nothing wrong with an interactive installer.  What kills mod_perl
 apps is they simply have a README or INSTALL that says Copy all the
 template files to a directory called 'app-root' under your document root.

My what?  Which files are templates?  I don't know this unix stuff;
copy doesn't work right.

I think we've all probably heard these words before...

 I guess my point is that installation is hard. Rather than trying to make
 it work for everybody out of the box, you should make it work for the
 typical case out of the box, and then provide hooks for installing it in
 custom places.

 I think the best installer is an interactive installer that tries really
 hard to provide good defaults.

I agree; while I frequently leave unimportant considerations alone (note
my main docroot above), I tend to have very poor luck with the works
with the typical case out of the box, and then provides hooks which
change with every bloo^W^W^W^W^Wfor installing it in custom places.  I
won't go into speculations why.


Re: performance coding project? (was: Re: When to cache)

2002-01-26 Thread Ed Grimm

On Sat, 26 Jan 2002, Perrin Harkins wrote:

 It all depends on what kind of application do you have. If you code
 is CPU-bound these seemingly insignificant optimizations can have a
 very significant influence on the overall service performance.

 Do such beasts really exist?  I mean, I guess they must, but I've
 never seen a mod_perl application that was CPU-bound.  They always
 seem to be constrained by database speed and memory.

I've seen one.  However, it was much like a normal performance problem -
the issue was with one loop which ran one line which was quite
pathological.  Replacing loop with an s///eg construct eliminated the
problem; there was no need for seemlingly insignificant optimizations.
(Actually, the problem was *created* by premature optimization - the
coder had utilized code that was more efficient than s/// in one special
case, to handle a vastly different instance.)

However, there could conceivably be code which was more of a performance
issue, especially when the mod_perl utilizes a very successful cache on
a high traffic site.

 On the other hand how often do you get a chance to profile your code
 and see how to improve its speed in the real world. Managers never
 plan for debugging period, not talking about optimizations periods.

Unless there's already a problem, and you have a good manager.  We've
had a couple of instances where we were given time (on the schedule,
before the release) to improve speed after a release.  It's quite rare,
though, and I've never seen it for a mod_perl project.


Re: UI Regression Testing

2002-01-25 Thread Ed Grimm

On Sat, 26 Jan 2002, Gunther Birznieks wrote:

 I agree that testing is great, but I think it is quite hard in practice. 
 Also, I don't think programmers are good to be the main people to write 
 their own tests. It is OK for programmers to write their own tests but 
 frequently it is the user or a non-technical person who is best at doing 
 the unexpected things that are really were the bug lies.

My experience is that the best testers come from technical support,
although this is not to suggest that all technical support individuals
are good at this; even among this group, it's rare.  Users or other
non-technical people may find a few more bugs, but frequently, the
non-technical people don't have the ability to correctly convey how to
reproduce the problems, or even what the problem was.  I clicked on the
thingy, and it didn't work.

This being said, users and tech support can't create unit tests; they're
not in a position to.

 Finally, unit tests do not guarantee an understanding of the specs because 
 the business people generally do not read test code. So all the time spent 
 writing the test AND then writing the program AND ONLY THEN showing it to 
 the users, then you discover it wasn't what the user actually wanted. So 2x 
 the coding time has been invalidated when if the user was shown a prototype 
 BEFORE the testing coding commenced, then the user could have confirmed or 
 denied the basic logic.

For your understanding of the spec, you use functional tests.  If your
functional test suite uses test rules which the users can understand,
you can get the users to double-check them.

For example, at work, we use a suite which uses a rendered web page as
its test output, and the input can be sent to a web page to populate a
form; this can be read by most people who can use the application.

Unit software is a means of satisfying a spec, but it doesn't satisfy
the spec itself - if it did, you'd be talking about the entire package,
and therefore refering to functional testing.  (At least, this is the
way I distinguish between them.)

Admittedly, we are a bit lacking in our rules, last I checked.


Re: Single login/sign-on for different web apps?

2002-01-20 Thread Ed Grimm

On Wed, 16 Jan 2002, Paul Lindner wrote:
 On Wed, Jan 16, 2002 at 06:56:37PM -0500, Vsevolod Ilyushchenko wrote:
  3) Perl-based applications can just use the module and the common key
 to decrypt the contents of the cookie to find the authenticated
 username.  If the cookie is not present redirect to the central
 authentication page, passing in the URL to return to after
 Hmmm... Can I do it securely without using Kerberos? I think so. Looks like
 if I use https instead of http, people won't be able to steal my (encoded)
 session information as it is transmitted. And I can also add the IP address
 to the cookie information.
 But the cookies file might be readable by other people! If they can steal
 that file and change the IP address of another machine to yours, they can
 pretend they are you!
 I wonder if there is a way out of this...
 Yes, you use the timestamp.  Just reauthenticate the user when they
 try to do 'sensitive' activities.

No, use session cookies - they're not stored on disk.  If you need the
system to retain knowledge through a browser shutdown, you can use a
timestamped cookie to retain the user ID, but don't have it allow them
to do anything other than not have to type their user ID in again
(password screen has user ID filled out for them.)

One can also mark the cookies such that they'll only be transmitted over

 $cookie = CGI::Cookie-new(-name   = 'login',
-value  = 
tgape::setcookiepassword($uid, $pass),
-domain = '',
-path   = '/',
-secure = 1,

If you feel the need to timestamp your session cookies, make the cookie
include an encrypted timestamp.

 For example you might allow someone to view their bank balance if they
 typed their password within the last 2 hours.  Transferring money
 might require a valid password within the last 10 minutes..

Ah, but many systems will refresh a cookie on activity.  So they view
their balance, get a new cookie, and then transfer money.

 Of course, the best authentication system for banking I've seen is
 from UBS.  They send you a scratchlist of around 100 numbers.  Every
 time you login you use one of the numbers and cross it off.  Very

All I need to do is find where you left the list.  Written passwords are
not anywhere near as secure as memorized passwords, unless the person
carrying them around is really conscious about security concerns.


RE: mod_perl beginners list

2002-01-20 Thread Ed Grimm

On Tue, 15 Jan 2002, Robert Landrum wrote:
 At 10:22 PM + 1/15/02, Matt Sergeant wrote:
On Tue, 15 Jan 2002, Robert Landrum wrote:

 I've seen nothing on this list that suggests that new users shouldn't
 ask questions.  If they don't ask questions because they're afraid
 of the response they might get, then maybe they should stay home and
 leave the programming to those people who have mettle to ask.

I know where the sentiment comes from, but I really hope people don't read
that and stay away in fear. Really folks, we're friendly here, so long as
you play by the rules: quote cleanly, don't post HTML, and ask politely.
 Absolutly.  My response was addressing Joe's statment that users are 
 too intimidated to post.  I disagree.  True programmers know no fear.

True programmers know no fear of computers.  However, any programmer who
knows fear of RTFM would likely not post to any perl mailing list that
didn't have beginner or newbie in the name, due to having experience
with such lists before ever hearing about mod_perl.

Count me as someone who would be interested in being on the list, though
not necessarily very active.


Re: Single login/sign-on for different web apps?

2002-01-20 Thread Ed Grimm

No.  There are very important reasons why Apache by default puts an ACL
restricting .ht* from being viewable.  (Basically, the password encryption
used in said file is moderately easily cracked via brute force.)

One could use a file distributed using rsync(1) or some such (preferably
with RSYNC_RSH=ssh).  However, that's still a bit on the unsecure side,
unless you really do trust everyone who is running one of these web


On Wed, 16 Jan 2002, Medi Montaseri wrote:

 I wonder if one could change the HTTP Server's behavior to process a
 distributed version of AuthUserFile and AuthGroupFile.
 That instead of
 AuthUserFile /some/secure/directory/.htpasswd
 One would say
 Then write a GUI (web) inteface to this password and group file and
 you have distributed authentication system.
 Ed Grimm wrote:
  On Wed, 16 Jan 2002, Medi Montaseri wrote:
   I think Netegrity single sing-on system modifies the HTTP server
   (possible with mod_perl) to overload or override its native
   authoentication and instead contact a Host, Database or LDAP to get
   the yes or no along with expiration data it then sends its finding
   to the CGI by sending additonal HTTP Header info. A CGI program can
   then go from there...
  Something like this.  Basically, it has modules, plugins, or access
  instructions, as appropriate, for various web servers, to configure them
  to use it.  I know it gives an LDAP interface, and I'm assuming it gives
  an LDAPS interface; I'm not sure what others it may present.
   I might not have this 100%, but perhaps we can learn from those
   commercial products.
   Someone suggested using LDAP and RDBMS, my question is why both, why
   not just RDBMS.
  Why not just LDAP?  As someone working on rolling out a single sign-on
  solution with LDAPS, I really want to know...  (We're planning on
  getting Netegrity for its distributed administration stuff; at that
  time, we'll start using its web server configuration stuff for any new
  web servers.  Until that time, we're rolling out LDAPS, and we're not
  currently planning on converting systems we roll out in the interm to
  Incidentally, we're being a bunch of lazy bums, compared to the rest of
  y'all.  We're considering single sign-on to mean they only need to keep
  track of one userid and password (unless they need to access classified
  or otherwise restricted stuff.)  If they go to different sites and have
  to log on again, we don't currently care.  (Basically, we have too many
  sites created by too many groups.  We'll share the same login between
  servers run by the same group, but beyond that, security concerns
  outweigh user convinience.)
   Aaron Johnson wrote:
   We are working on/with a similar system right now.
   We have an application that is written in Perl, but the people
   visiting will most likely be signing on at a different point then our
   applications sign in page. Our system was built to use its own
   internal database for authentication and their app/login uses a
   different method.  The design requirements were that each side would
   have to do as little possible to modify there application to work in
   our single sign on solution.
   We have the luxury of not being overly concerned with the security
   aspect so please keep that in mind.
   We setup a nightly sync program that verifies the data in the current
   database vs. their login user information database.
   Here is a less then detailed summary of how the system operates.
   1) The user logs into the application through their application and
   they are sent a cookie that contains the user name.
   2) All links to our application are sent to a single page on their
   end with the full url of the page they want as part of the query
   3) They verify that the user is valid using whatever method they
   4) The user is then redirected to a special page in our application
   that expects the query string to contain two items, the user name and
   the final URL to go to.
   5) Our application verifies the HTTP_REFFERER and the query string
   contains valid values.
   6) Our application checks the database for a user matching the name
   sent in. Then if the user already has a session if they do then they
   are redirected to the correct page, otherwise it does a lookup in our
   system to create a session for the user based on the incoming user
   name and then redirects to the final URL.
   Now a user can go between the two applications without concern since
   they have a cookie for each domain.
   If the user comes to our site the reverse of the above occurs.
   This allowed us to plug into existing applications without a lot of
   rework. It is also fairly language/platform independent.
   As stated above I know there are some large security issues with this

Re: Single login/sign-on for different web apps?

2002-01-20 Thread Ed Grimm

On Wed, 16 Jan 2002, Medi Montaseri wrote:

 I think Netegrity single sing-on system modifies the HTTP server
 (possible with mod_perl) to overload or override its native
 authoentication and instead contact a Host, Database or LDAP to get
 the yes or no along with expiration data it then sends its finding
 to the CGI by sending additonal HTTP Header info. A CGI program can
 then go from there...

Something like this.  Basically, it has modules, plugins, or access
instructions, as appropriate, for various web servers, to configure them
to use it.  I know it gives an LDAP interface, and I'm assuming it gives
an LDAPS interface; I'm not sure what others it may present.

 I might not have this 100%, but perhaps we can learn from those
 commercial products.

 Someone suggested using LDAP and RDBMS, my question is why both, why
 not just RDBMS.

Why not just LDAP?  As someone working on rolling out a single sign-on
solution with LDAPS, I really want to know...  (We're planning on
getting Netegrity for its distributed administration stuff; at that
time, we'll start using its web server configuration stuff for any new
web servers.  Until that time, we're rolling out LDAPS, and we're not
currently planning on converting systems we roll out in the interm to

Incidentally, we're being a bunch of lazy bums, compared to the rest of
y'all.  We're considering single sign-on to mean they only need to keep
track of one userid and password (unless they need to access classified
or otherwise restricted stuff.)  If they go to different sites and have
to log on again, we don't currently care.  (Basically, we have too many
sites created by too many groups.  We'll share the same login between
servers run by the same group, but beyond that, security concerns
outweigh user convinience.)


 Aaron Johnson wrote:
 We are working on/with a similar system right now.

 We have an application that is written in Perl, but the people
 visiting will most likely be signing on at a different point then our
 applications sign in page. Our system was built to use its own
 internal database for authentication and their app/login uses a
 different method.  The design requirements were that each side would
 have to do as little possible to modify there application to work in
 our single sign on solution.

 We have the luxury of not being overly concerned with the security
 aspect so please keep that in mind.

 We setup a nightly sync program that verifies the data in the current
 database vs. their login user information database.

 Here is a less then detailed summary of how the system operates.

 1) The user logs into the application through their application and
 they are sent a cookie that contains the user name.

 2) All links to our application are sent to a single page on their
 end with the full url of the page they want as part of the query

 3) They verify that the user is valid using whatever method they

 4) The user is then redirected to a special page in our application
 that expects the query string to contain two items, the user name and
 the final URL to go to.

 5) Our application verifies the HTTP_REFFERER and the query string
 contains valid values.

 6) Our application checks the database for a user matching the name
 sent in. Then if the user already has a session if they do then they
 are redirected to the correct page, otherwise it does a lookup in our
 system to create a session for the user based on the incoming user
 name and then redirects to the final URL.

 Now a user can go between the two applications without concern since
 they have a cookie for each domain.

 If the user comes to our site the reverse of the above occurs.

 This allowed us to plug into existing applications without a lot of
 rework. It is also fairly language/platform independent.

 As stated above I know there are some large security issues with this

 Aaron Johnson

 Vsevolod Ilyushchenko wrote:


 Have you ever ran into the problem of putting up many separate web
 apps on several machines in your company/university/whatever that
 are written from scratch or downloaded frow the Web and each of
 which has its own user database? What would you think is a good way
 to make the system seem more cohesive for the users?

 It occurs to me that 1) for the single login they all should use the
 same user database (obviously :), and 2) for the single sign-on
 there must be a way of storing the session information. That is,
 once I login in the morning to the first app, I get a cookie, a
 ticket or something similar, and then, as I go from app to app, I
 will not have to re-enter my credentials because they are supplied
 by a cookie. Apache::Session sounds like the right tool for the job.
 (Did I hear Kerberos? :)

 Has anyone had experince with this kind of app integration? The
 downside I see is that once I settle on a particular scheme to do
 it, I will have to build this scheme into every app that 

Re: Single login/sign-on for different web apps?

2002-01-20 Thread Ed Grimm

On Thu, 17 Jan 2002, Gunther Birznieks wrote:

 Of course, the best authentication system for banking I've seen is
 from UBS.  They send you a scratchlist of around 100 numbers.  Every
 time you login you use one of the numbers and cross it off.  Very
 Does that really work in practice? That sounds really annoying. Is this for 
 business banking or for retail? How do they get the next 100 numbers to the 
 user? Do they mail it out when they've used 90?
 It sounds like it would be less annoying to use certificates and some 
 plug-in token there is going to be that much extra work to deal with a 
 password sheet.

Alternately, for a high-tech approach, RSA makes a nice product called a
SecurID token (Well, one of mine says Security Dynamics on the back, but
the new ones definitely say RSA).  Actually, they make two, one nice,
one not nice.  The nice one has a keypad where you enter in a pin, press
a button, and it generates a temporary id based on its serial number,
your pin, and the current time interval; the time interval changes every
minute or two.  The not nice one has no keypad; it works like the other
would if you didn't enter a pin.

I know of several companies that use these; they tend to work fairly
well.  (I had one break on me, but I gave it a lot of abuse first; it
lasted almost half of its battery span in spite of not being taken care
