Re: load balancing on apache

2001-12-14 Thread ed phillips

Jeff Beard wrote:
 On Fri, 14 Dec 2001, Perrin Harkins wrote:
   I _really_ hate so-called dedicated boxes. They're closed, nasty,
   inflexible and often don't work in _your_ situation. Doing smart
   session-based redirection can be hard with these boxes.
  You can make it work with homegrown solutions, but I've found the dedicated
  load-balancing tools (at least Big/IP) to be effective and fairly easy to
  work with, even with large loads, failover requirements, and more exotic
  stuff like sticky sessions.  This is one area where the problem seems to be
  well enough defined for most people to use an off-the-shelf solution.
  They're often more expensive than they should be, but if you don't have
  someone on hand who knows the ipchains or LVS stuff it can save you some
  time and trouble.
 I couldn't agree more. In terms of managability and scalability,
 the various software solutions simply add complexity to something that is
 already so. I've got some experience with Alteon AceDirectors and even though
 they seem little flakey at times, you do end up with true load balacing. (We
 have Cisco's solution deployed and they periodically have issues too.)
 DNS round-robin should be avoided at all costs. It's half-assed at best. In
 the case of a failure those clients that have that IP cached are SOL.
 On some of the systems that I've deployed we have a frontend proxy on the same box
 as the mod_perl with the mod_perl server listening on This is
 behind an Alteon (or 2). You can put the proxy on a separate box as well but
 (I've seen some odd problems with TCP connections not working in this situation
 which I never fully understood but may have had to do with the Alteon being flakey.)
 Anyway, my advice is to go with a hardware load balancer/intelligent IP switch.
 In the long term, it will pay for itself in the time recovered from *not* being
 spent on troubleshooting complex problems.

yes. It's a money vs. time/knowledge thing. Plus the state of the free
software available. Anyone care to compare the features and power of
some of the opensource projects vs. the Big/IP's? Which are the more
promising opensource projects in this area?

It would be nice to use an open source solution, or at least be able to
offer it as an option, and I'd like to track the progress of some of the
more promising projects.



Re: Defeating mod_perl Persistence

2001-12-11 Thread ed phillips

Ged Haywood wrote:
 Hi there,
 On Tue, 11 Dec 2001, Jonathan M. Hollin wrote:
  When using Mail::Sender only the first email is sent on my mod_perl server.
  When I investigated, I realised that the socket to the SMTP server was
  staying open after the completion of that first email (presumably mod_perl
  is responsible for this persistence).
  Is there any way to defeat the persistence on the socket while running my
  script under mod_perl, or do such scripts always need to be mod_cgi?
 The idea is for the mod_perl process to complete its job and get on
 with another as quickly as possible.  Waiting around for nameserver
 timeouts and such doesn't help things.
 You might be better off re-thinking the design for use under mod_perl.
 This is a well-trodden path, have a browse through the archives.

Yes, this has come up before. Ideally you want to separate out your mail
service and pass your mails to a queue. Then, wholly independent of your
app, your smtp server can negotiate with remote hosts and generally do
its thing. That is, you shouldn't even make your app wait for your SMTP
server to send an email before you free it to handle the next request.
This is analagous to using a proxy server to handle slowish clients. See
the guide, archives.


[OT]Re: The DEFINITIVE answer to: How much should I charge?

2001-10-10 Thread ed phillips

Tom Mornini wrote:
 This whole thread can be answered very easily:
 ANSWER: As much as you can.
 That's it! That's the entire answer. Nothing else should figure in
 unless you
 personally wish to make exceptions for any reason you see fit.
 Did the people who ask this question grow up and become educated in a
 part of the
 world where free markets and capitalism did not exist?
 Perhaps in socialistic colleges in the U.S.? :-)

If you mean when you say, sociailistic colleges, very well funded
universities full of tenured radicals, then I'm guilty. ;-)

Those were my favorite professors!  But, I was never deluded into
thinking they had in any sense escaped the money economy. The star
tenured radicals such as Fred Jameson for example make as much or more
than a very well paid software developer so one must appreciate the

As a freelancer you charge what the market will bear. Besides the extra
cost of benefits and the added tax liabilities one must also factor in
the assumption of risk if you want to come to a justification for
charging 100+ per hour. If you don't feel the need to justify, then you
merely say, I charge the market rate. No tenured radical would
begrudge you. They know on what side their bread is buttered. ;-)


Re: [OT] Re: What hourly rate to charge for programming?

2001-10-03 Thread ed phillips

Perrin Harkins wrote:
  Now take the amount you want to make and divide it by the number
  of hours you came up with above ($40,000 / 1,000).  You get $40.
  That's your target hourly rate.  And despite what they high-flying
  .com weanies were saying a year ago, that's going to be a nice
  living for a young guy unless you're smack in the middle of a
  high-cost area and can't bother to cook your own meals.
 Don't forget that self-employed people in the US must pay considerably more
 in social security, as well as covering the full cost of their own health
 insurance and other needed benefits.  $40K as a consultant is much less
 spendable money than $40K as an employee.
 - Perrin

Yes, that's an additional 7.5% for social security. In addition, you
have to take care of your own benefits, etc.

Market downturns can be a better time for contract work over full-time,
especially since stock options don't mean what they do during an upturn.
;-) And many employers don't have the resources to take on full-time

I'd recommend that you start to inch up your rate with new clients, and
that you try and see what your market will bear. Your target should be
$100+ in the U.S. for basic consulting and more for mod_perl specific
work, again if your market will bear it.

Good Luck,


Re: [ANNOUNCE] sponsors mod_perl development

2001-09-20 Thread ed phillips

Congratulations to Stas, mod_perl, and the guide.



Stas Bekman wrote:
 If you remember back in the end of April, I've posted to the list an
 unusual job seek request [1], where I was saying that I want some
 company to sponsor me to work full time on mod_perl 2.0 development.
 Believe it or not my unusual request has been answered by Craig McLane
 from (which owns is a heavy user of mod_perl technology and interested in
 making sure that mod_perl technology get more and more mature and ensure
 their business' success.
 So starting from this September I'm working on mod_perl 2.0
 development, a new documentation project (which you are welcome to
 join) and doing mod_perl advocacy through teaching at the conferences
 and other ways.
 Currently the contract is for one year. But if everything goes well,
 and mod_perl 2.0 rocks the world even better than 1.x did we will see
 more support and sponsoring from TicketMaster.
 This email's purpose:
 - is to set a precedent for other business to sponsor mod_perl and
related technologies. There are at least a few excellent developers
that I know will jump on the opportunity of being able to do what
they love full time.
 - is to set a precedent for other developers to seek what they really
want and read less stories about hi-tech recession, since good
developers are always in demand. Therefore I hope that this email
will encourage you to do that.
 Stas Bekman  JAm_pH --   Just Another mod_perl Hacker   mod_perl Guide

Re: [ANNOUNCE] sponsors mod_perl development

2001-09-20 Thread ed phillips

Aaron E. Ross wrote:
 On Fri, Sep 21, 2001 at 02:01:31AM +0800, Gunther Birznieks wrote:
  You can reach your goals.
  I'm living proof.
  -- Eric Cartman
  LOL!  sounds like a great project stas! thanks ticketmaster!

Yeah. Kudos to Ticketmaster for supporting a great Open Source project.

Re: mod_proxy and mod_perl in guide

2001-09-17 Thread ed phillips

Thanks Vivek,

Andrei, use the front end to directly handle any binaries, static files,

I doubt they are generating of these on the fly.

Vivek Khera wrote:
  AAV == Andrei A Voropaev [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 AAV In our system we have to pass large PDF files thru mod_perl to
 AAV proxy and we noticed that it takes the same time as sending it
 AAV directly to customer.
 Why do you have to pass the PDF thru mod_perl?  Are you generating it
 on the fly?  If not, configure your proxy front end to intercept
 static documents like .pdf .txt .html etc. to be handled by the front
 end directly.  I use mod_rewrite for this, and my configs have been
 posted to this list at least twice.
 Vivek Khera, Ph.D.Khera Communications, Inc.
 Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Rockville, MD   +1-240-453-8497
 AIM: vivekkhera Y!: vivek_khera

Re: modperl/ASP and MVC design pattern

2001-04-25 Thread ed phillips


  Francesco, I believe that Ian was joking, hence the yikes before the name,
  so  the above post is the documentation!

 .. so the best environment for the MVC++ design pattern is parrot/mod_parrot :)



Wasn't Ian the one responsible for the mod_parrot MVC++ API?


Re: Can AxKit be used as a Template Engine?

2001-04-23 Thread ed phillips

Michael Alan Dorman wrote:

 Matt Sergeant [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  It depends a *lot* on the type of content on your site. The above is brochureware, so it's not likely to need to be
  re-styled for lighter browsers, or WebTV, or WAP, or... etc. So your
  content (I'm guessing) is pure HTML, with Mason used as a fancy way
  to do SSI, with Mason components for the title bars/menus, and so
  on. (feel free to correct me if I'm wrong).

 It is more sophisticated than that, but you're basically right.  I do
 pull some tagset-like tricks for individual pages, so it's not totally
 pure HTML, but yeah, if we wanted to do WebTV we'd be fscked.

  AxKit is just as capable of doing that sort of thing, but where it
  really shines is to provide the same content in different ways,
  because you can turn the XML based content into HTML, or WebTV HTML,
  or WML, or PDF, etc.

 Ah---well a web site that does all of that isn't what first comes to
 mind when someone talkes about doing a static site---though now that
 you've explained further, I believe I understand exactly what you

  I talk about how the current Perl templating solutions (including
  Mason) aren't suited to this kind of re-styling in my AxKit talk,
  which I'm giving at the Perl conference, so go there and come see
  the talk :-)

 Heh.  I agree entirely with this assesment---I can conceptualize a way
 to do it in Mason, but the processing overhead would be unfortunate,
 the amount of handwaving involved would be enormous, and it would
 probably be rather fragile.

  So I take back that people wouldn't be using Mason for static
  content. I was just trying to find a simple way to classify these
  tools, and to some people (I'd say most people), Mason is more on
  the dynamic content side of things, and AxKit is more on the static
  content side of things, but both tools can be used for both types of
  (I hate getting into these things - I wish I'd never brought up
  Mason or EmbPerl)

 Well I will say that you made an excellent point that hadn't really
 occured to me---I use XML + XSL for a lot of stuff (the DTD I use for
 my resume is a deeply reworked version of one I believe you had posted
 at one time), but not web sites, in part because I'm not currently
 obligated to worry about other devices---so I don't exactly regret
 getting you to clarify things.

 Could I suggest that a better tagline would be that AxKit is superior
 when creating easily (re-)targetable sites with mostly static content?
 It might stave off more ignorant comments.



I've also found your use of static to describe transformable or
word) content to be confusing. This discussion helps clarify things, a
little. ;-)


Re: Fast DB access

2001-04-18 Thread ed phillips

Matthew Kennedy wrote:

 I'm on several postgresql mailing lists and couldn't find a recent post
 from you complaining about 6.5.3 performance problems (not even by an
 archive search). Your benchmark is worthless until you try postgresql
 7.1. There have been two major releases of postgresql since 6.5.x (ie.
 7.0 and 7.1) and several minor ones over a total of 2-3 years. It's no
 secret that they have tremendous performance improvements over 6.5.x. So
 why did you benchmark 6.5.x?

 This is a good comparison of MySQL and PostgreSQL 7.0:

 "Open Source Databases: As The Tables Turn" --

  We haven't tried this one. We are doing a project on mysql. Our preliminary 
assessment is, it's a shocker. They justify not having commit and rollback!! Makes us 
think whether they are even lower end than MS-Access.

 Again, checkout PostgreSQL 7.1 -- I believe "commit" and "rollback" (as
 you put it) are available. BTW, I would like to see that comment about
 MS-Access posted to pgsql-general... I dare ya. :P


You can scale any of these databases; Oracle, MySQL or PostgreSQL, but please research 
each one thoroughly and tune it properly before you do your benchmarking.  And, again, 
MySQL does support transactions now. Such chutzpah for them to have promoted an "atomic
operations" paradigm for so long without supporting transactions! But that discussion 
is moot now.

Please be advised that MySQL is threaded and must be tuned properly to handle many 
concurrent users on Linux. See the docs at  The author of the PHP 
Builder column did not do his research, so his results for MySQL on Linux are way off.
Happily, though, even he got some decent results from PostgreSQL 7.0.

The kernel of wisdom here:  If you are going to use one of the Open Source databases, 
please use
the latest stable release (they improve quickly!) and please either hire someone with 
some expertise installing and administering, and tuning your database of choice on 
your platform of choice or do the research thoroughly yourself.


Re: Varaible scope memory under mod_perl

2001-03-14 Thread ed phillips


check the headers!

Steven Zhu wrote:

 How could I unsubscribe from [EMAIL PROTECTED] you so

  -Original Message-

Re: Not even beginning - INSTALL HELP

2001-02-27 Thread ed phillips

If you are going to upgrade gcc for RH 7.0, I reccomend the
new source RPM for gcc to be found in the updates directory
on any redhat mirror site.  In fact, if you are sticking with RH
you should see about updating a number of things.



"G.W. Haywood" wrote:

 Hi there,

 On Tue, 27 Feb 2001, A. Santillan Iturres wrote:

  I have Apache 1.3.12 running on a RedHat 7.0 box with perl, v5.6.0 built for
  I went to install mod_perl-1.25:
  When I did:
  perl Makefile.PL
  I've got a:
  Segmentation fault (core dumped)

 Did you build your Perl yourself?  Sounds like there's a problem with
 it.  Check out the mod_perl List archives for problems with gcc (the C
 compiler) that was shipped with RedHat 7.0.  You should probably get
 that replaced to start with.  (Or use Slackware - sorry:)


Re: is morning bug still relevant?

2000-12-18 Thread ed phillips

Please use the  MySQL modules list. Responses are timely.


Subscribe: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Vivek Khera wrote:

  "SV" == Steven Vetzal [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 SV Greetings,
  to say "ping doesn't work in all cases" without qualifiying why and/or
  which drivers that applies to.

 SV We've had to write our own -ping method for the MySQL DBD
 SV driver. Our developer tried to track down a maintainer for the
 SV DBD::msql/mysql module to submit a diff, but to no avail.

 How old a version are you talking about?  In any case, according to
 CPAN, the DBD::mysql module is "owned" by

 Module id = DBD::mysql
 DESCRIPTION  Mysql Driver for DBI
 DSLI_STATUS  RmcO (released,mailing-list,C,object-oriented)
 INST_FILE(not installed)

 and I *know* he's responsive to that email address at least as of a
 month or so ago, as we exchanged correspondence on another matter.

 Vivek Khera, Ph.D.Khera Communications, Inc.
 Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Rockville, MD   +1-240-453-8497
 AIM: vivekkhera Y!: vivek_khera

[OT]Re: mod_perl advocacy project resurrection

2000-12-06 Thread ed phillips

Aristotle from the Ars Rhetorica on money:

Money will not make you wise, but it will bring a wise man to your door.

Robin Berjon wrote:

 At 12:39 06/12/2000 -0800, brian moseley wrote:
  ActiveState has built an Perl/Python IDE out of Mozilla:
 too bad it's windows only :/

 That's bound to change. I think AS will release it on all platforms where
 Moz/Perl/Python run when it's finished. The current release is very
 unstable anyway.

 -- robin b.
 All paid jobs absorb and degrade the mind. -- Aristotle

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To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: Apache::Registry() and strict

2000-11-07 Thread ed phillips


This is a greivous FAQ.  Please read the guide at

You'll find much more than this question answered.


Ron Rademaker wrote:


 I'm just starting with mod_perl and I'm using Apache::Registry(). The
 second line after #!/usr/bin/perl -w is use strict;
 But somehow variables I use in the script are still defined if I execute
 the script again, in one of the script I said undef $foo at the
 end, but I don't think this is the way it should be done, but it did work.
 Anyone knows what could be causing this??

 Ron Rademaker

 PS. Please CC to me because I'm not subscribed to this mailinglist

Re: Apache trouble reading in large cookie contents

2000-10-20 Thread ed phillips

Explictly echoing Gunther, don't go there!

Use cookies, think crumbs of info, as flyweights.  Significant chunks of data need
to be passed and stored
in other ways.


Gunther Birznieks wrote:

 Caveat: even if you modify apache to do larger cookies, it's possible that
 there will be a set of browsers that won't support it.

 At 04:48 PM 10/20/00 -0700, ___cliff rayman___ wrote:
 i'm not an expert with this, but, a quick grep for your error in
 the apache source (mine is still 1.3.9 ) and some digging yield:
 ./include/httpd.h:#define DEFAULT_LIMIT_REQUEST_FIELDSIZE 8190
 so you're right, 8K is currently the apache limit. if you try to change
 this value in
 the source code, you will probably also have to muck with IOBUFSIZE and
 possibly other things as well.  IOBUFSIZE is 8192 and the
 DEFAULT_LIMIT_REQUEST_FIELDSIZE is set to 2 bytes below that to make
 room for the extra \r\n after the last header.
 looks like you'll have to take responsibility for mucking with the apache
 source, or
 sending smaller cookies and using some other techniques such as HIDDEN fields.
 "Biggs, Jody" wrote:
   I'm having trouble when a browser sends a fair sized amount of data to
   Apache as cookies - say around 8k.
   Apache then complains (and fails the request) with
   a message of the sort:
   [date]  [error] [client] request failed: error reading the headers
   I assume this is due to a compile time directive to Apache specifying the
   maximum size of a header line.

 Gunther Birznieks ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
 eXtropia - The Web Technology Company

Re: Forking in mod_perl?

2000-10-04 Thread ed phillips

Hi David,

Check out the guide at

The Eagle book also covers the C API subprocess details on page 622-631.

Let us know if the guide is unclear to you, so we can improve it.


"David E. Wheeler" wrote:

 Hi All,

 Quick question - can I fork off a process in mod_perl? I've got a piece
 of code that needs to do a lot of processing that's unrelated to what
 shows up in the browser. So I'd like to be able to fork the processing
 off and return data to the browser, letting the forked process handle
 the extra processing at its leisure. Is this doable? Is forking a good
 idea in a mod_perl environment? Might there be another way to do it?

 TIA for the help!


 David E. Wheeler
 Software Engineer
 Salon Internet ICQ:   15726394
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]   AIM:   dwTheory

Re: Forking in mod_perl?

2000-10-04 Thread ed phillips

I hope it is clear that you don't want fork the whole server!

Mod_cgi goes to great pains to effectively fork a subprocess, and
was the major impetus I believe for the development of
the C subprocess API. It  (the source code for
mod_cgi) is a great place to learn some of the
subtleties as the Eagle book points out. As the Eagle book
says, Apache is a complex beast. Mod_perl gives
you the power to use the beast to your best advantage.

Now you are faced with a trade off.  Is it more expensive to
detach a subprocess, or use the child cleanup phase to do
some extra processing? I'd have to know more specifics to answer
that with any modicum of confidence.



"David E. Wheeler" wrote:

 ed phillips wrote:
  Hi David,
  Check out the guide at
  The Eagle book also covers the C API subprocess details on page 622-631.
  Let us know if the guide is unclear to you, so we can improve it.

 Yeah, it's a bit unclear. If I understand correctly, it's suggesting
 that I do a system() call and have the perl script called detach itself
 from Apache, yes? I'm not too sure I like this approach. I was hoping
 for something a little more integrated. And how much overhead are we
 talking about getting taken up by this approach?

 Using the cleanup phase, as Geoffey Young suggests, might be a bit
 nicer, but I'll have to look into how much time my processing will
 likely take, hogging up an apache fork while it finishes.

 Either way, I'll have to think about various ways to handle this stuff,
 since I'm writing it into a regular Perl module that will then be called
 from mod_perl...



Re: open(FH,'|qmail-inject') fails

2000-10-02 Thread ed phillips

Greg Stark wrote:

 A better plan for such systems is to have a queue in your database for
 parameters for e-mails to send. Insert a record in the database and let your
 web server continue processing.

 Have a separate process possibly on a separate machine or possibly on multiple
 machines do selects from that queue and deliver mail. I think the fastest way
 is over a single SMTP connection to the mail relay rather than forking a
 process to inject the mail.

 This keeps the very variable -- even on your own systems -- mail latency
 completely out of the critical path for web server requests. Which is really
 the key measure that dictates the requests/s you can serve.

Exactly, Greg.  This is homologous to proxy serving http requests. Ideally, the
should be relayed to a separate, dedicated mail server.  This has come up
for me on performance tuning projects. If there are a number of mail processes
with remote hosts even running on the same machine as you are web serving from,
you may,
under significant load, degrade performance.

Re: [OT] [JOB] mod_perl and Apache developers wanted

2000-06-21 Thread Ed Phillips

It is interesting and and somewhat ironic that the Engineering
dep at eToys is part of the open source community and culture
while their management's behavior was so disastrously misguided
and so misunderstanding of net culture and precedent.
They shot themselves in the foot pretty badly.

Would eToys have paid for the legal expenses of the Etoy group
if they weren't clued in by their Engineering department? Have
they learned a hard lesson?

Perrin is an exemplary figure, and I commiserate with him, but
some basic precedents of net culture need to be respected for the
network to function and the culture to flourish. If we had not
protested the attempted eToys domain grab, and I was one
who protested, they may have never recanted and  Etoy might
still be fighting at absurd personal cost.



Paul Singh wrote:

 Regardless of what eToys' intentions were, the way I see it, this was a case
 in which a billion dollar corporation (well, at least it was back then)
 filed suit against a handful of artists who had the domain way
 before eToys came along.  eToys had no legitimate stake to the domain... and
 I don't associate legitimacy with the law... they seldom coincide.  So if
 this isn't a case of the bigger guy bullying the little guy, what is it?
 Granted, I have a distant association with the eToy crew so my opinions will
 be biased... however, even with staying to the facts and ignoring eToys'
 motivations, their actions alone reek of unfairness (at best).

 Of course, this says little of what type of work environment eToys is and
 the people that work there... but it does comment on the corporation and the
 people running it.

 But as you said, this is definitely off-topic, and I will cease further
 comment... take care.

 - jps

  -Original Message-
  From: Perrin Harkins [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Friday, June 16, 2000 4:48 PM
  To: Paul Singh
  Cc: ModPerl Mailing List
  Subject: RE: [OT] [JOB] mod_perl and Apache developers wanted
  On Thu, 15 Jun 2000, Paul Singh wrote:
   While that may be true (as with many publications), I hope you're not
   denying the facts of this case
  The basic facts are correct: eToys received complaints from parents about
  the content their children found on the site and, after failing
  to reach an agreement with the site's operators, filed a lawsuit involving
  trademarks which led to etoy being ordered to shut down their site by a
  Slashdot's coverage ignored or underreported some aspects of the situation
  (the motivation behind the lawsuit, epxloitation of the name confusion on
  the part of etoy), and reported some conjecture and pure flights of fancy
  as fact (evil intentions, scheming lawyers).  You have no idea how painful
  it is to read things like that from a source that you trust and consider
  part of your community.  I guess I should have known better though:
  Slashdot is an op/ed site.  If you want the news, you still have to read
  the New York Times (who had much more accurate coverage of the events).
  Anyway, I don't claim that eToys was right to take legal action, just that
  the reports about an evil empire were greatly exaggerated and that eToys
  is a good place to work, full of good people.  Anyone who doesn't believe
  me at this point probably never will, so I'm going to stop spamming the
  list about this subject and go back to spamming about mod_perl.
  - Perrin down

2000-06-02 Thread Ed Phillips

"Hughes, Ralph" wrote:

 I couldn't wait...
 I built and installed mod_perl 1.24 and it fixed the problem!   Now if I can
 just get the CGI module
 to recognize my domainname .. :-)

 -Original Message-
 From: Hughes, Ralph
 Sent: Friday, June 02, 2000 2:02 PM
 To: Geoffrey Young; 'Michael Todd Glazier'; ModPerl
 Subject: RE: Segmetation Fault problem

 I'm not too good on back traces myself.   `
 I'm using a dynamic build of mod_perl, so I may try building the 1.24
 version next week sometime.
 I hadn't thought of changing the PerFreshStart parameter, it might make a

 -Original Message-
 From: Geoffrey Young [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Friday, June 02, 2000 1:11 PM
 To: Hughes, Ralph; 'Michael Todd Glazier'; ModPerl
 Subject: RE: Segmetation Fault problem

 hmmm, did you try upgrading your installation then?
 you are using a static mod_perl?
 PerlFreshRestart Off?

 I'm no good at reading backtraces, but posting that is probably the next
 step (see SUPPORT doc section on core dumps in the distribution)

 sorry I can't be of more help...


was down

2000-06-02 Thread Ed Phillips

Level 3 is broken.

They know and are working on it. hmmm


Re: was down

2000-06-02 Thread Ed Phillips

Replying to myself.  It is back up, obviously. sorry for the noise

Ed Phillips wrote:

 Level 3 is broken.

 They know and are working on it. hmmm


Re: [benchmark] DBI/preload (was Re: [RFC] improving memory mappingthru code exercising)

2000-06-02 Thread Ed Phillips

Yes, very cool Stas!

Perrin Harkins wrote:

 On Sat, 3 Jun 2000, Stas Bekman wrote:

  correction for the 3rd version (had the wrong startup), but it's almost
  the same.
Version Size   SharedDiff Test type

  1  3469312  2609152   860160  install_driver
  2  3481600  2605056   876544  install_driver  connect_on_init
  3  3469312  2588672   880640  preload driver
  4  3477504  2482176   995328  nothing added
  5  3481600  2469888  1011712  connect_on_init

 Cool, thanks for running the test!  I will put this information to good

Re: oracle : The lowdown

2000-01-20 Thread Ed Phillips

For those of you tired of this thread please excuse me, but
here is MySQL's current position statement on and discussion
about transactions:

Disclaimer: I just helped Monty write this partly in response to
some of the fruitful, to me, discussion on this list. I know
this is not crucial to mod_perl but I find the "wise men who 
are enquirers into many things" to be one of the great things
about this list, to paraphrase old Heraclitus. I learn quite
a bit about quite many things by following leads and hints here
as well as by seeing others problems.

I'd love to see your criticism of the below either here or
off the list.


The question is often asked, by the curious and the critical, "Why is
MySQl not a transactional database?" or "Why does MySQl not support 

MySQL has made a conscious decision to support another paradigm for 
data integrity, "atomic operations." It is our thinking and experience 
that atomic operations offer equal or even better integrity with much 
better performance. We, nonetheless, appreciate and understand the 
transactional database paradigm and plan, in the next few releases, 
on introducing transaction safe tables on a per table basis. We will 
be giving our users the possibility to decide if they need
the speed of atomic operations or if they need to use transactional 
features in their applications. 

How does one use the features of MySQl to maintain rigorous integrity 
and how do these features compare with the transactional paradigm?

First, in the transactional paradigm, if your applications are written 
in a way that is dependent on the calling of "rollback" instead of "commit" 
in critical situations, then transactions are more convenient. Moreover, 
transactions ensure that unfinished updates or corrupting activities 
are not commited to the database; the server is given the opportunity 
to do an automatic rollback and your database is saved. 

MySQL, in almost all cases, allows you to solve for potential 
problems by including simple checks before updates and by running 
simple scripts that check the databases for inconsistencies and 
automatically repair or warn if such occurs. Note that just by 
using the MySQL log or even adding one extra log, one can normally 
fix tables perfectly with no data integrity loss. 

Moreover, "fatal" transactional updates can be rewritten to
 be atomic. In fact,we will go so far as to say that all
 integrity problems that transactions solve can be done with 
LOCK TABLES or atomic updates, ensuring that 
you never will get an automatic abort from the database, which is a
common problem with transactional databases.
Not even transactions can prevent all loss if the server goes down.  
In such cases even a transactional system can lose data.  
The difference between different systems lies in just how small 
the time-lap is where they could lose data. No system is 100 % secure, 
only "secure enough". Even Oracle, reputed to be the safest 
of transactional databases, is reported to sometimes lose data
 in such situations.

To be safe with MySQL you only need to have backups and have the update
logging turned on.  With this you can recover from any situation that you could
with any transactional database.  It is, of course, always good to have
backups, independent of which database you use.

The transactional paradigm has its benefits and its drawbacks. Many users
and application developers depend on the ease with which they can code around
problems where an "abort" appears or is necessary, and they may have to do
 a little more work with MySQL to either think differently or write more.
 If you are new to the atomic operations paradigm, or more familiar or more
comfortable with transactions, do not jump to the conclusion that MySQL 
has not addressed these issues. Reliability and integrity are foremost 
in our minds.

Recent estimates are that there are more than 1,000,000 mysqld servers 
currently running, many of which are in production environments.  We hear
 very, very seldom from our users that they have lost any data, and in
 almost all of those cases user error is involved. This is in our 
opinion the best proof of MySQL's stability and reliability.

Lastly, in situations where integrity is of highest importance, MySQL's
 current features allow for transaction-level or 
better  reliability and integrity. 

If you lock tables with LOCK TABLES, all updates will stall until any
integrity checks are made.  If you only do a read lock (as opposed to
a write lock), then reads and inserts are still allowed to happen.
The new inserted records will not be seen by any of the clients
that have a READ lock until they relaease their read locks.
With INSERT DELAYED you can queue insert into a local queue, until
the locks are released, without having to have the client to wait for
the insert to complete.

Atomic in the sense that we mean it is nothing magical, it only means 
that you can be sure that while each specific 

Re: modperl success story

2000-01-14 Thread Ed Phillips

The troll vanisheth!


Reminds me of the Zen story of an old fisherman in a boat on a lake in a heavy can't 
see your hands fog. He bumps into another boat, and shouts at the other guy, "Look 
where you're going would you! You almost knocked me over."  He pulls up beside the 
boat and is about to give the other guy a piece of his mind, but when he looks in the 
other boat, he discovers that no one else is there.

Flame trolls on mailing lists are virtual empty boats, whose only value is the 
sometimes humorous apoplexy elicited in the old sea salts on the list.



2000-01-14 Thread Ed Phillips


You are very entertaining. The code in question is also known as a combined
copy and substitution.

Beware if you haven't got /src on the end of your source directory!

If you don't have a match with the string or regexp , you'll just get a straight copy.


   X-Authentication-Warning: ged owned process doing -bs
   Date: Sat, 15 Jan 2000 00:00:37 + (GMT)
   From: "G.W. Haywood" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
   Precedence: bulk

   Hi there,

   On 14 Jan 2000, William P. McGonigle wrote:

Can someone explain what APACHE_ROOT is meant to be?  I'm assuming
it's somehow different thatn APACHE_SRC (which I'm defining).

   The expression

   ($APACHE_ROOT = $APACHE_SRC) =~ s,/src/?$,,;

   sets the scalar $APACHE_ROOT to be equal to the scalar $APACHE_SRC and
   then chops off any "/src" or "/src/" from the end of it.  

   The =~ binding operator (p27) tells perl to do the substitution
   s,/src/?$,, to the thing on left hand side of its expression.

   The parentheses (p77) mean the thing in them is a term, which has the
   highest precedence in perl so the assignment has to be done first.

   The substitution then has to be done on the result, $APACHE_ROOT and
   not $APACHE_SRC, er, obviously.

   The three commas are quotes (p41) for a substitution, presumably
   chosen because they can't easily appear in a filename.

   The pattern to match is


   The question mark is a quantifier (p63), it says we can have 0 or 1
   trailing slash in the pattern we match - it's trailing at the end of
   a string because of the $ (p62).

   If our string matches, the matching bit is replaced with the bit
   between the second and third commas.  There's nothing between the
   second and third commas, so it's replaced with nothing.  Have a look
   at pages 72 to 74 especially for more about the s/// construct.

   The page numbers are from the Camel Book, second edition.  I keep it
   on my desk at all times, it stops my papers blowing around.  You will
   help yourself a lot with these things if you read chapters one and two
   five or six times this year as a kind of a penance.

   So if

   $APACHE_SRC eq  "/usr/local/apache/src/"


   $APACHE_SRC eq  "/usr/local/apache/src"


   $APACHE_ROOT eq "/usr/local/apache"

   after the substitution.

   I just *love* Perl's pattern matching!


Re: on Apache/mod_perl/perl win98

2000-01-10 Thread Ed Phillips

Hi Dave,

I only do *nix, but I think that you should not need if you are using
DBI/DBD. Jochen is quite helpful on the MySQL modules list. subscription info availble 

Good Luck,


Re: Comparing arrays

2000-01-05 Thread Ed Phillips

Really Dheeraj,

This is not a mod_perl specific question, and I don't know the all important context 
into which this boilerplate code you are seeking to elicit from the list is to be 

here is a boilerplate "find me keys that are not in both hashes":

foreach (keys %hash_one) {
  push(@here_not_there, $_) unless exists $hash_two{$_};  

shame on you. To expiate your sins, read perldoc pages for two hours
everyday for two weeks.


Re: Comparing arrays

2000-01-05 Thread Ed Phillips


I wanted him to work for the rest of it, or at least go to another list.

It looks like he wanted two arrays, @in_hash_one_alone and @in_hash_two_alone,
so having him push to one array may confuse him. he's better off doing a little
studying, methinks.



1999-11-11 Thread Ed Phillips

This is also not a mod_perl question.

depending on where your DBD::Oracle is installed you can get away with certain 
liberties in the Oracle library department. 

Nonetheless, you should continue your inquiry on a DBI related list.

Thank you,


Re: Server Stats

1999-10-21 Thread Ed Phillips

this is like closing the gate after the horse has bolted without things
like decent locking and transactions. Although perhaps I'm mistaken and

You can rest assured that they know what they are doing. :-)

It is also worth upgrading to newer versions. The newest versions not deemed stable 
just yet no longer use ISAM, are much faster, and will allow for a host of new 
features. stay tuned.


Re: Spreading the load across multiple servers (was: Server Stats)

1999-10-21 Thread Ed Phillips

I don't have any real answers - just a suggestion. What is wrong with the
classic RDBMS architecture of RAID 1 on multiple drives with MySQL - surely
it will be able to do that transparently?

Yes, RAID is very helpful with MySQL.  I spoke with Monty, the developer of MySQL at 
the open source conference in Monterey and he said that they are currently working on 
replication and mirroring features. It might be worth inquiring directly with them. 
