RE: Is mod_perl the right solution for my GUI dev?

2002-06-25 Thread Vuillemot, Ward W

   :I would like to continue in the same web front-end 
   :  path for more
   :  interactive forms.  May be I will have to fight with 
   :  Javascript more.
   :  Yes, much more.  But a book I found helpful was 'DHTML 
   :  and CSS for the 
   :  WWW'.  It has helpful examples of various menus and 
   :  widgets that can be 
   :  accomplished on the web to make an interface richer.

While not germane to mod_perl, I did want to add my two cents to this.  I
did not follow the rest of the thread, so I am not sure in what context you
want to deploy a web-site, but be careful with JS and other client-side
technologies.  IMO, they should be used when they are value-added, but do
not become mission critical.  In that, they might add some functionality
that is useful but not vital for the user to complete the forms or navigate
the site.  Even in an intranet setting, unless you can positively ensure
what browsers are used, you will encounter situations where things just do
not work for a certain set of users.  When using these technologies, do not
be tempted to use browser-specific functions or plug-ins unless you are
willing to accept that people will have to use your choice of browser.
Follow open standards and rely of server-side solutions as in the end they
will save you a lot of headaches and enable you to support the greatest
variety of users with the least amount of effort.  

Good luck!


RE: mod_perl/passing session information (MVC related, maybe...)

2002-06-13 Thread Vuillemot, Ward W

I am not sure if I follow completely.  How do you verify that user who the
user says he/she is?
I log into your web-site as memberA.  You kindly leave me a delicious cookie
with my username stored in it.  Maybe even my password (I hope not!).  Now,
I know that another member, memberB, has special rights to your site.  What
is stopping me from editting the cookie to memberB's username and hijacking
their account?  And if you do store the password information in the are letting each user be compromised either as the cookie is
flung through the Internet ether, or minimally on their own computer where
someone else can easily access the cookies.  

With sessionID, you have an ID and information that is checksum'd.  We keep
that sessionID in a DB once a user has successfully logged in.  Whenever I
check the sessionID I know they have already logged in -- on top of that,
there is no really useful information in the cookie that might compromise
security.  (Plus, the checksum ensures that one is tampering with the
cookie.)  But you do keep username, userlevel information within the session
information stored on your local DB -- where is reasonably safe from prying

If I wanted to delete a user and ensure they immediately lost all access, it
is rather trivial to go through all active sessions in the db, see if the
user I am deleting matches the username in the session information, and if
so delete the session record.

   :  * User logs in.
   :  * Site Admin decides to delete the user.
   :  * In our stateless servers, the user_id is invalidated 
   :  immediately.
   :  * Next request from User, he's implicitly logged out, 
   :  because the user_id
   :is verified on every request.
   :  In the case of a session-based server, you have to delete 
   :  the user and
   :  invalidate any sessions which the user owns.

mod_perl/passing session information (MVC related, maybe...)

2002-06-12 Thread Vuillemot, Ward W

I was wondering how people are saving state between pages of a session.

There is a Apache::Session which is sufficient to check to see if they are
logged in, et cetera.
But I want to be able to remember the last query so that I can return
results into multple pages along with memory of where in the stack I am at.
The easiest would to be store the query parameters along with the count
information. . .but I do not want to use Apache::Session as I believe that
has too much overhead for this sort of thing.
There are persistent modules, but I am wondering if there is a better way
with Apache and mod_perl -- that ppl have tried and can vouche for its


RE: OSC early bird and mod_perl T-Shirts

2002-06-11 Thread Vuillemot, Ward W

here is a stretch

mod_perl, MODe opPERLtunity

mod_perl. one thing you cannot FOO::BAR (but you could (objectively, of

mod perl. scrumpt-diddly-delicious.

   :  -Original Message-
   :  From: Alfred Vahau [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
   :  Sent: Tuesday, June 11, 2002 2:54 PM
   :  To: 'mod_perl list'
   :  Subject: Re: OSC early bird and mod_perl T-Shirts
   :  May I suggest a camel with the wings of an eagle or a 
   :  double humped eagle???
   :  The two icons are associated with the two invaluable 
   :  references of the Perl
   :  world and somehow the
   :  design must incorporate them. I'm not about to suggest 
   :  which creature gets
   :  the prominence.
   :  Final point:
   :  I'm 10 hrs ahead of GMT on the other side of the world. 
   :  In these hard times,
   :  it's difficult to find a generous sponsor so I won't be 
   :  attending the OSC.
   :  But I'd like to have a mod_perl  'T' one day. Please 
   :  advice how I could go
   :  about getting one.
   :  Alfred Vahau
   :  Project Breeeze
   :  SNPS
   :  Uni. PNG
   :  Gunther Birznieks wrote:
   :   Maybe this year Randal Schwartz can get his idea 
   :  implemented. I think he
   :   had suggested a motto last year that people seemed OK 
   :  with but then the
   :   T-Shirts never got done in the end...
   :   Ah, the annual motto vote... :) Just re-read the same 
   :  thread in the
   :   archives last year.
   :   Later,
   :   Gunther
   :   At 06:55 PM 6/11/2002, John Bass wrote:
   :   mod_perl: The camel with wings
   :   John
   :   -Original Message-
   :   From: Lupe Christoph [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
   :   Sent: 11 June 2002 11:51
   :   To: Leon Brocard
   :   Cc: mod_perl list
   :   Subject: Re: OSC early bird and mod_perl T-Shirts
   :   On Tuesday, 2002-06-11 at 10:44:26 +0100, Leon Brocard wrote:
   : Yup, I have a designer here who is willing to come 
   :  up with something.
   : Constructive ideas welcome offlist. Better slogans 
   :  than modperl: the
   : only way to fly, modperl: obey your thirst etc. 
   :  very welcome too
   :   ;-)
   :   SCNR:
   :   Quetzalcoatl: The Feathered Snake
   :mod_perl: The Feathered Camel
   :   Profound excuses,
   :   Lupe Christoph
   :   --
   :   | [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |
 | I have challenged the entire ISO-9000 quality assurance team to a
 | Bat-Leth contest on the holodeck. They will not concern us again.

 Gunther Birznieks ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
 eXtropia - The Open Web Technology Company
 Office: (65) 64791172 Mobile: (65) 96218290

RE: [OT] MVC soup (was: separating C from V in MVC)

2002-06-10 Thread Vuillemot, Ward W

Wow!  I kept deleting the MVC Soup mailings wihtout reading...I saw Soup,
thought Soap. . .and just deleted.

From what I have read thusfar of the archives on MVCyes!  I agree.  I
want to read MORE!!!  I have been a practicing wannabe programmer for
sometime, and I have been working out the issues of MVC on my own time as
a learning experience for mod_perl, sql, html, et cetera.  I figured the
rest of the world already had all this figured out, and I outta catch up
with the curve.

The one thing I have been thinking over of recent is my basic templating
system.  I have content broken into sheets that can be infinately nested
through programming the controller.  (I am trying to use this new lingo, so
I apologize if I mutilate my own words in the process).  I have broken the
langugae (e.g. English, Japanese, German) into separate config files.  Each
CGI is a separate application/module that can be added to the main
authentication controller (includes restrictions/access to users, user
levels (admin/guest/user), and groups of users).  Anything worth controlling
of any application can be done through TEXT config files.  Nothing new here,
I think.

What I would really like to hear is how people handle their own templating.
Is XML'izing (more pointedly XSLT'izing) the process worth the effort?  I
want to develop a system similar to how AxKit does things.  It identifies
the user's display, user's preferred language, et cetera and grabs the
correct content branch (e.g. html, pdf, wml, text).  Any of this can be
overridden by the user (e.g. give me this URL as PDF, or send this URL via
email to this address).

I know that there are a LOT of templating systems out there. . .N+1 for N
perl programmers.

And there is the issue of data checking/integrity/validation.  How
abstracted have people made this process, too?

Before I babble more than necessary...what about taking on
this whole MVC issue as a part of the site?  Like someone else mentioned, we
have a lot of tactical information, but little strategic information
available.  Becauese there are so many ways to do things. . .it can be
frustrating. . . since while there are N ways to do it, IMHO there are only
n solutions worth considering.  And where n  N.  I would like to get to
that n ways before I die.  :)


   :  -Original Message-
   :  From: Lyle Brooks [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
   :  Sent: Friday, June 07, 2002 4:49 PM
   :  To: Bill Moseley
   :  Subject: Re: [OT] MVC soup (was: separating C from V in MVC)
   :  Quoting Bill Moseley ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
   :   I, like many, find these discussion really interesting. 
   :   I always wish
   :   there was some write up for the mod_perl site when all 
   :  was said and done.
   :   But I guess one of the reasons it's so interesting is 
   :  that there's more
   :   than one correct point of view.
   :  I also find this thread extremely interesting.  I didn't 
   :  really know 
   :  what MVC coding was before reading this thread, or that 
   :  by trial and error 
   :  what I had coded had gradually evolved to be more 
   :  MVC-like, but I'm
   :  really glad this thread came up.
   :  To me, the eagle book, the guide, and the cookbook all 
   :  help produce 
   :  great tactical coding techniques, but this discussion 
   :  helps fill in a 
   :  framework for what I've found somewhat missing to date, 
   :  and that is
   :  the employing of strategic coding techniques.
   :  I wish I had more to offer to the discussion, but I echo Bill's 
   :  sentiments that a write-up would be much appreciated and 
   :  I hope the
   :  the OT won't take the discussion off list, because I 
   :  think it's has
   :  a great bearing on developing quality mod_perl enabled 
   :  applications.

RE: separating C from V in MVC

2002-06-10 Thread Vuillemot, Ward W

   :  Really interesting, xml 
   :  appears to be
   :  the final destination for most of us, even if now i 
   :  prefer objects.
   :  Ciao, Valerio

That is my big question.  Is XML/XSLT really the right solution?  Using SAX
along with having tags call handlers seems like a pretty powerful way to get
a very cool tool to build powerful templating services.  I haven't decided
if XSLT really is worth the effort as it just seems like a glorified XML
(yes; it is indeed) -- what I mean to say, does XSLT really have any real
value since everything it does can be done in Perl.  If I got make handlers
for XSLT, too -- then why even use XSLT?  Just go back to plain XML and do
it all on my own, no?

Part of me wants to go XML as it seems like nearly embraced technology.  And
having the parsing, et cetera handled by something other my own Perl seems
like a good way to remove some headaches and let me get to the job of coding
useful things.  ;)

RE: Porting to OS X

2002-06-04 Thread Vuillemot, Ward W

Wheeler's site provides a lot of great 
information. When I get to my other computer, I can send you some other 
useful URLs for setting up UNIX apps on the OS X if you 

found it took about an evening to install all the software.
Another evening to get mod_perl apps up and running, 
but I had to install XML-related software, too. . .mysql is a snap, 
And I am NOT a sysadmin...not even 

think it is relatively an easy move, IMHO. Just beaware that the Mac OS 
filesystem is NOT case-sensitive. Which can cause problems with certain 
applications. . .and we hope (Apple, you listening?) that they will fix this 
gross over-sight.


  -Original Message-From: Noam Solomon 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Tuesday, June 04, 2002 10:43 
  AMTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Porting to OS X 
  Can anyone give me a rough idea how much time it 
  would take to move a server serving mod_perl websites
  from UNIX to OS X?It 
  usesApache::Session, DBI::Mysql, HTML::Mason,CGI, 
  among others, and uses both AuthHandlers and AuthzHandlers.
  Iknow it's difficult to estimate without 
  knowing how big the websites are, what kind of functions they call, 
  but if you could give me an idea of what kind of 
  problems I can expect to encounter and how difficult they are
  to work around, I can give a quote to my 
  Noam Solomon

[SOT] C/F77 Wrapper for Perl

2002-04-23 Thread Vuillemot, Ward W

Since I have been unable to use Open3 effectively on my Win32, I am looking
for some alternatives.
BTW, one of my goals is to make the scripts relatively platform independent
-- and therefore I am leaving Open3 and its IPC::Run cousin behind.

I have a set of f77 libraries that I know can be compiled on a variety of
platforms (Win, UN*X, Mac).  For now, I have created an executable on my
Win32, whereby it takes STDIN for input and returns results as STDOUT.  

Is it possible to write a simple C wrapper to the f77 library, and then link
to Perl as a module?

I have never written a lick of code other than Hello, World!, and I am not
looking to be an expert in C.  I just want to get the libraries up and
functioning.  I know this may not be the best place to ask. . .but I thought
others might have a fair amount experience with IPC in its many forms. . .



RE: Sharing Variable Across Apache Children

2002-04-17 Thread Vuillemot, Ward W

I am desperate enough to use this thread to try to get an answer to my own
IPC question.  ;)

I keep getting the following error using OPEN3 along with the appropriate
modifications to my code for using mod_perl with Perl 5.6.1.  The offending
(and it is very offensive to me!) is:

[error] open3: Can't call method close on an undefined value at
C:/Perl/lib/IPC/ line 327, _GEN_0 line 154.
[error] [client] [libapreq] remove error on

Okay, it is two errors.  But I am quite positive they are related.  I am
trying to run this on Win32.  When I look at the processes, I found a bunch
of abandoned children that I had to kill off. 

Any ideas?

   :  -Original Message-
   :  From: Sam Tregar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
   :  Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2002 1:41 PM
   :  To: Perrin Harkins
   :  Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; modperl list
   :  Subject: Re: Sharing Variable Across Apache Children
   :  On Wed, 17 Apr 2002, Perrin Harkins wrote:
   :   Benjamin Elbirt wrote:
   :Well, lets assume that I were to go with
   :the shared memory option anyway... what would the 
   :  pitfalls be / concerns?
   :   As mentioned before, you'd probably be better off with 
   :  MLDBM::Sync or
   :   Cache::Cache.  You can try IPC::Shareable, but a lot of 
   :  people seem to
   :   have trouble getting it to work.
   :  I agree with you 100% - file-based caches are generally 
   :  as-fast and far
   :  easier to manage.  Still, I can't resist the urge to plug my
   :  IPC::SharedCache module.  It's much easier than using 
   :  IPC::Shareable (or
   :  even the better alternative, IPC::ShareLite).
   :  -sam


2002-04-10 Thread Vuillemot, Ward W

I resolved some of my other open3 related errors by undef stdin, etc per the
docs.  How stdin or stdout have tow references is beyond me, though.  For
the time being it works, though.

Nonetheless, I have getting the following two (related, I assume) errors.  I
cannot find any docs on these.  Anyone have ideas?

BTW, when running a command from OPEN3 on Win2k, should the absolute path be
UNIX style or DOS style?  E.g. /dir1/dir2/prog.exe or c:\dir1\dir2\prog.exe


[error] open3: Can't call method close on an undefined value at
C:/Perl/lib/IPC/ line 327, _GEN_0 line 154.
[error] [client] [libapreq] remove error on

Apache::Session suggested mod

2002-04-10 Thread Vuillemot, Ward W

Has anyone ever thought to have the table name modifiable?  E.g. instead of
'sessions', you could set it to something like 'preferences' for a given
instance.  I wanted to maintain session information, but also preferences
that are attached to a given username.  I could just put the two within the
same table. . .but as I am anal, I would rather see the data separated.

I was thinking of doing it myself -- but thought it might be a worthwhile
mod for the entire community.  And it saves me maintaining two sets of
nearly identical code...and of course, there might be good reasons NOT to do

Ideas?  Thoughts?


RE: Open3

2002-04-09 Thread Vuillemot, Ward W

I tried the following code submitted by Don, but got the following errors.

[Tue Apr  9 16:32:38 2002] nul: untie attempted while 1 inner references
still exist at C:/apache/Apache/cgi-lib/FLOE/App/ line 101.
[Tue Apr  9 16:32:38 2002] nul: untie attempted while 1 inner references
still exist at C:/apache/Apache/cgi-lib/FLOE/App/ line 102.
[Tue Apr 09 16:32:38 2002] [error] open3: Can't call method close on an
undefined value at C:/Perl/lib/IPC/ line 327.

Per UNTIE docs, this occurs when a second reference exits for the tied
object.  I do not see where, though.

Further assistance appreciated!


P.S.  I tried to use IPC::Run, but was unsuccessful.  seems flakey on win2k.

   :  -Original Message-
   :  From: Don Hayward [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
   :  Sent: Thursday, April 04, 2002 6:28 AM
   :  To: Vuillemot, Ward W
   :  Subject: RE: Open3
   :  Hi Ward --
   :  Since Perl5.6 someting like this has been necessary for 
   :  Open2 and Open3
   :  under modperl:
   :  my ($stdin, $stdout, $stderr);
   :  $stdin = tied *STDIN;
   :  $stdout = tied *STDOUT;
   :  $stderr = tied *STDERR;
   :  untie *STDIN;
   :  untie *STDOUT;
   :  untie *STDERR;
   :  use FileHandle;
   :  my $Reader = new FileHandle;
   :  my $Writer = new FileHandle;
   :  my $ERR = new Filehandle;
   :  use IPC::Open3;
   :  my $pid = open3(  \*Writer,\*Reader, \*ERR, somescript);
   :  unless ($pid) { print open3 failed\n,$c-end_html; exit; }
   :  Writer-autoflush();
   :  .
   :  .
   :  .
   :  print Writer $stuff\n;
   :  my $ret = Reader;
   :  .
   :  .
   :  .
   :  tie *STDIN, ref $stdin, $stdin;
   :  tie *STDOUT, ref $stdout, $stdout;
   :  tie *STDERR, ref $stderr, $stderr;
   :  On Wed, 3 Apr 2002, Vuillemot, Ward W wrote:
   :   Since we are on the topic...and before some says it is 
   :  WOT, I wanted to ask
   :   a corollary question.
   :   I wrote a simple script to use Open2 as a means of 
   :  interacting with some
   :   FORTRAN programs I have.  I wanted to create pre and 
   :  post-processing using
   :   PERL and leave the numerical stuff (and tons of legacy 
   :  code) to the FORTRAN.
   :   Anyway, the Perl script from a command prompt works -- it sends
   :   pre-processed data as STDIN and catches the processed 
   :  data from STDOUT
   :   without a hitch.  The moment I try it running Apache 
   :  1.33, Perl 5.6.1,
   :   latest version of Open2, and mod_perl the thing just 
   :  ties up all the
   :   computer's resources.
   :   If I could get it to work then I would be a LONG WAY to 
   :  really altering the
   :   way we do things at work.
   :   I have read what docs there are with Perl for this. . 
   :  .but I am wondering if
   :   there are any caveats that I should be aware from using 
   :  a web-server to
   :   initiate the commands.  Or is there an alternative 
   :  method I might explore?
   :   thanks!
   :   Ward
   :  :  -Original Message-
   :  :  From: Rasoul Hajikhani [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
   :  :  Sent: Wednesday, April 03, 2002 1:54 PM
   :  :  To: Elizabeth Mattijsen
   :  :  Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   :  :  Subject: Re: Open3
   :  :
   :  :
   :  :  Elizabeth Mattijsen wrote:
   :  :  
   :  :   At 01:44 PM 4/3/02 -0800, Rasoul Hajikhani wrote:
   :  :   Hello folks,
   :  :   I am writing a web based interface to gpg and am using
   :  :  IPC::Open3 and
   :  :   IO::Select to manage STDIN, STDOUT and STDERR handles.
   :  :  But, I can not
   :  :   get stdin to work properly. Here is my code:
   :  :   I am using perl 5.053 and Apache/1.3.14 Ben-SSL/1.42
   :  :  (Unix) PHP/4.0.3pl1
   :  :   mod_perl/1.24_01.
   :  :   Can anyone see what am I doing wrong?
   :  :  
   :  :   Make sure your IPC::Open3 is up-to-date.  If it is the
   :  :  version that came
   :  :   with Perl 5.053, it probably has a bug in it.  I
   :  :  remember having to patch
   :  :   it waaay back (like 5 years ago) to get it to 
   :  work properly...
   :  :  
   :  :   Elizabeth Mattijsen
   :  :
   :  :  My IPC::Open3 is OK. My problem is with IO::Select. Does
   :  :  anyone know
   :  :  whether IO::Select has any bugs? I have read the man
   :  :  pages and looked
   :  :  through the Perl Cook Book for a code snipet that would
   :  :  use IO::Select
   :  :  to write to STDIN. The one that is in the book does not
   :  :  work for me. So
   :  :  any comments/suggestions?
   :  :  Thanks in advance
   :  :  -r
   :  :
   :  Don Hayward   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   :  Mote Marine LaboratoryVoice: 941.388.4441  
   :  Cell

RE: Open3

2002-04-03 Thread Vuillemot, Ward W

Since we are on the topic...and before some says it is WOT, I wanted to ask
a corollary question.

I wrote a simple script to use Open2 as a means of interacting with some
FORTRAN programs I have.  I wanted to create pre and post-processing using
PERL and leave the numerical stuff (and tons of legacy code) to the FORTRAN.
Anyway, the Perl script from a command prompt works -- it sends
pre-processed data as STDIN and catches the processed data from STDOUT
without a hitch.  The moment I try it running Apache 1.33, Perl 5.6.1,
latest version of Open2, and mod_perl the thing just ties up all the
computer's resources.

If I could get it to work then I would be a LONG WAY to really altering the
way we do things at work.

I have read what docs there are with Perl for this. . .but I am wondering if
there are any caveats that I should be aware from using a web-server to
initiate the commands.  Or is there an alternative method I might explore?


   :  -Original Message-
   :  From: Rasoul Hajikhani [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
   :  Sent: Wednesday, April 03, 2002 1:54 PM
   :  To: Elizabeth Mattijsen
   :  Subject: Re: Open3
   :  Elizabeth Mattijsen wrote:
   :   At 01:44 PM 4/3/02 -0800, Rasoul Hajikhani wrote:
   :   Hello folks,
   :   I am writing a web based interface to gpg and am using 
   :  IPC::Open3 and
   :   IO::Select to manage STDIN, STDOUT and STDERR handles. 
   :  But, I can not
   :   get stdin to work properly. Here is my code:
   :   I am using perl 5.053 and Apache/1.3.14 Ben-SSL/1.42 
   :  (Unix) PHP/4.0.3pl1
   :   mod_perl/1.24_01.
   :   Can anyone see what am I doing wrong?
   :   Make sure your IPC::Open3 is up-to-date.  If it is the 
   :  version that came
   :   with Perl 5.053, it probably has a bug in it.  I 
   :  remember having to patch
   :   it waaay back (like 5 years ago) to get it to work properly...
   :   Elizabeth Mattijsen
   :  My IPC::Open3 is OK. My problem is with IO::Select. Does 
   :  anyone know
   :  whether IO::Select has any bugs? I have read the man 
   :  pages and looked
   :  through the Perl Cook Book for a code snipet that would 
   :  use IO::Select
   :  to write to STDIN. The one that is in the book does not 
   :  work for me. So
   :  any comments/suggestions?
   :  Thanks in advance
   :  -r

RE: Asia To USA Shipping Rates

2002-03-25 Thread Vuillemot, Ward W

Not to beat a dead horse...but we all can have an impact on these guys.

Write a VERY pointed email explaining your position as a web developer.  If
you do contracting work, convince the company that you _will_ never use
their product, nor suggest it to any of your *many* customers. . .and will
further go to any pains to direct traffic to their competitors.  Period.

we are the ones with the power. . .we are the GEEKS!  And the NERDS!  I mean
those two words in the best of light, with the greatest of respect and
pride.  :D


   :  -Original Message-
   :  From: Ask Bjoern Hansen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
   :  Sent: Saturday, March 23, 2002 2:14 AM
   :  To: Geoffrey Young
   :  Subject: Re: Asia To USA Shipping Rates
   :  On Mon, 18 Mar 2002, Geoffrey Young wrote:
   :   [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   :We have a full collection of wholesale freight rate 
   :  calculators at
   :   Aaaahhh!! Ask, anybody, make it stop!!!
   :  Wow. The lusers had actually subscribed that address to 
   :  be able to 
   :  post.
   :  I'll do what I can to make it stop.
   :   - ask

RE: mod_perl does not see multipart POSTs

2002-03-20 Thread Vuillemot, Ward W

I tried the code.  Still nothing.  I did turn On PerlWarn in httpd.conf.
Upon restart I saw the following:

[Wed Mar 20 07:55:19 2002] [info] master_main: Restart event signaled. Doing
a graceful restart.
defined(@array) is deprecated at C:/Perl/site/lib/Apache/ line 135.
(Maybe you should just omit the defined()?)
[Wed Mar 20 07:55:21 2002] [info] Parent: Created child process 2936
[Wed Mar 20 07:55:21 2002] [info] Parent: Duplicating socket 244 and sending
it to child process 2936
[Wed Mar 20 07:55:22 2002] [info] BytesRead = 372 WSAProtocolInfo = 2006620
[Wed Mar 20 07:55:26 2002] nul: Use of uninitialized value in subroutine
entry at C:/Perl/site/lib/ line 61.

I am not sure where the Apache::DBI error crept in, but I believe it is
unrelated.  As for line 61 of Apache, I do not know if this is a warning I
can ignore or not.
Also, as for not using parse() -- it was my understanding it was not
necessary to call explicitly, however you could use the status to provide
some error catching. . .

Is there a bare-bones httpd.conf file I can use to run mod_perl?  I am
presuming it is my configuration of Apache that might be causing problems.

I have the latest mod_perl, apache modules, and apache that I am aware of.

completely befuddled now.  :|


   :  -Original Message-
   :  From: Randy Kobes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
   :  Sent: Tuesday, March 19, 2002 9:24 PM
   :  To: Vuillemot, Ward W
   :  Cc: 'Issac Goldstand'; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   :  Subject: Re: mod_perl does not see multipart POSTs
   :  - Original Message -
   :  From: Vuillemot, Ward W [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   :  To: 'Issac Goldstand' [EMAIL PROTECTED]; 
   :  Sent: Tuesday, March 19, 2002 2:30 PM
   :  Subject: RE: mod_perl does not see multipart POSTs
   :   I simplified everything to the bare bones.  Nothing is 
   :  getting passed.  I
   :  am
   :   at a complete loss.  If anyone has a few minutes, just 
   :  try running this.
   :   You should be able to point it toward a text/plain file 
   :  and have it
   :   displayed below the file upload form.
   :  I'm not quite sure what the full requirements are, but 
   :  the following
   :  works for me in displaying the contents of the uploaded 
   :  file - this
   :  is on Win32 with the latest mod_perl/libapreq packages.
   :  In httpd.conf:
   :  **
   :  PerlModule Apache::testUpload
   :  Location /testUpload
   :SetHandler perl-script
   :PerlHandler Apache::testUpload
   :PerlSendHeader Off
   :  /Location
   :  **
   :  and Apache/ is
   :  package Apache::testUpload;
   :  use strict;
   :  ##
   :  ##
   :  use Apache::Request ();
   :  use CGI;
   :  use Apache::Constants qw(:common);
   :  ##
   :  ### HANDLER###
   :  ##
   :  sub handler{
   :my $q = Apache::Request-new(shift, DISABLE_UPLOADS = 0,
   :POST_MAX = 2048);
   :return main($q);
   :  }
   :  ##
   :  ###  START OF MAIN LOGIC   ###
   :  ##
   :  sub main{
   :my $q = shift;
   :my $status = $q-parse();
   :return $status unless $status == OK;
   :my %results = ();
   :my $cgi = CGI-new();
   :## START FORM  ##
   :$results{content} .= $cgi-start_multipart_form;
   :$results{content} .= $cgi-filefield(-name='uploaded_file',
   : -default='starting value',
   : -size=50,
   : -maxlength=80);
   :$results{content} .= $cgi-submit();
   :$results{content} .= $cgi-endform;
   :my $upload = $q-upload || undef;
   :if ($upload) {
   :  my $fh = $upload-fh;
   :  my $filename = $upload-filename;
   :  my $size = $upload-size;
   :  $results{content} .= Upload Filebr /;
   :  $results{content} .= Filename: $filenamebr /;
   :  $results{content} .= Size: $sizebr /;
   :  $results{content} .= $_br / while $fh;
   :# send results to browser
   :print $cgi-start_html('File Upload Test');
   :print $cgi-h1('Content') . $results{content};
   :print $cgi-end_html();
   :return OK;
   :  }
   :  1;
   :  **
   :  Apart from abbreviating the output

RE: mod_perl does not see multipart POSTs -- SOLVED

2002-03-20 Thread Vuillemot, Ward W

Using the POST2GET snippet was interferring.  I thought I had turned it off
when trying Lergon's suggestion.  I must not have.
As for the actual code. . .I copied it exactly as Lergon's and it works.  I
know what was different, but I swear that what I had was taken verbatim from
mod_perl documentation.

Just for academic purposes.

I had something like

sub handler{
use Apache::Constants qw(:common);
my $r = Apache-request(shift);
return OK;
sub main{
my $r = shift;
my $q = Apache::Request-new(shift, DISABLE_UPLOADS = 0, POST_MAX
= 204800);
blah blah blah

Per Lergon's code I just simplified it to
sub handler{
use Apache::Constants qw(:common);
my $q = Apache::Request-new(shift, DISABLE_UPLOADS = 0, POST_MAX
= 204800);
return OK;
sub main{
my $q = shift;
blah blah blah
To boot, I was using the POST2GET module found at
Once I got rid of POST2GET and simplified the script ala Lergon's code
things started to work.  Sigh.

However, I followed code snippets from
I guess I either did not read things carefully, or I am missing something.
:(  I would imagine I had about 3 solutions going at once -- that is to say
that if any one of them were implemented alone things might have worked.  In
conjunction with each other they fumbled each other up.

Oh well.

I do appreciate everyone's time.  Hopefully the above information might
prove useful to other people in similar situation.


   :  -Original Message-
   :  From: Ernest Lergon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
   :  Sent: Tuesday, March 19, 2002 1:30 PM
   :  Subject: Re: mod_perl does not see multipart POSTs
   :  Vuillemot, Ward W wrote:
   :   Here is the Apache config
   :   PerlModule testUpload
   :   Location /testUpload
   : SetHandler perl-script
   : PerlHandler testUpload
   : PerlSendHeader Off
   : # limit POSTS so that they get processed properly
   : Limit POST
   :   PerlInitHandler POST2GET
   : /Limit
   :   /Location
   :  Hi Ward,
   :  assumed, you have seen the example from
   :  om_POST_request
   :  and you have written your own, more questions 
   :  are arising:
   :  Is loaded anywhere - in a or via 
   :  httpd.conf?
   :  Some more hints:
   :  Add 'use warnings;' to your code and look at your error_log.
   : should be loaded AND compiled very early.
   :  Be careful with global vars under mod_perl.
   :  Look in CPAN to avoid reinventing the wheel:
   :  Ernest
   :  -- 
   :  **
   :  ***
   :  * VIRTUALITAS Inc.   *
   :  **
   :  * European Consultant Office *  *
* Internationales Handelszentrum *   contact:Ernest Lergon  *
* Friedrichstraße 95 *mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *
* 10117 Berlin / Germany *   ums:+49180528132130266 *

RE: mod_perl does not see multipart POSTs -- SOLVED

2002-03-20 Thread Vuillemot, Ward W


My apologies!  Thank you for the code.  


Thanks for the clues!  You take your namesake seriously, too.  Wonderful! ;)


RE: mod_perl does not see multipart POSTs

2002-03-19 Thread Vuillemot, Ward W

I simplified everything to the bare bones.  Nothing is getting passed.  I am
at a complete loss.  If anyone has a few minutes, just try running this.
You should be able to point it toward a text/plain file and have it
displayed below the file upload form.

No matter what I do, all I am seeing for content_type is:
CONTENT_TYPE: multipart/form-data;

ie, nothing.

Here is the Apache config
PerlModule testUpload
Location /testUpload
  SetHandler perl-script
  PerlHandler testUpload
  PerlSendHeader Off
  # limit POSTS so that they get processed properly
  Limit POST
PerlInitHandler POST2GET

Here is the code:
package testUpload;
use strict; 

our %results;
our %messages;

use Apache::Request ();

### HANDLER###
sub handler{
use Apache;
use Apache::Constants qw(:common);

my $r = shift;

return OK;

sub main{
my $r = shift;
my $q = Apache::Request-new($r, DISABLE_UPLOADS = 0, POST_MAX =

my $cgi = CGI-new();
$results{content} .= $cgi-start_multipart_form;
$results{content} .= $cgi-filefield(-name='uploaded_file',
-default='starting value',
$results{content} .= $cgi-submit();
$results{content} .= $cgi-endform;

my $upload = $q-upload || undef;
my $fh = ( defined($upload) ? $upload-fh : undef );
$results{content} .= Upload Filebr /;
if (defined( $fh )) {
while ($fh) {
$results{content} .= $_;

foreach my $var (sort keys %ENV) {
push(@{$messages{debug}},(  $var: $ENV{$var} ))  if
($var =~ /content/i);
foreach my $var ($q-param) {
push(@{$messages{debug}},(  $var: .$q-param($var) ))
if $var;

# generate messages and/or errors if any
foreach my $type (keys %messages) {
my $status = join($cgi-p,@{$messages{$type}}) if
$results{contenterrata} .= $status if $status;

# send results to browser
print $cgi-start_html('File Upload Test'); 
print $cgi-h1('Content') . $results{content};
print $cgi-h1('Errata') . $results{contenterrata};
print $cgi-end_html();

# clean up for mod_perl
%results = ();
%messages = ();


   :  -Original Message-
   :  From: Issac Goldstand [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
   :  Sent: Monday, March 18, 2002 9:37 AM
   :  To: Vuillemot, Ward W
   :  Subject: Re: mod_perl does not see multipart POSTs
   :  I'm not sure I understand what you're asking...  Apache, 
   :  on it's own, 
   :  does not support any internal parsing of POST data, multipart or 
   :  otherwise, so why should mod_perl?  For this, we have the 
   :  Apache::Request library in mod_perl (Which is the 
   :  mod_perl interface to 
   :  the libapreq library for Apache's C API).  libapreq supports 
   :  multipart/form-data, even without a file upload...
   :   Issac
   :  Vuillemot, Ward W wrote:
   :  All,
   :  I am still trying to figure out why my setup of mod_perl 
   :  does not have
   :  multipart POSTs.  I rebooted my machine, and found that, 
   :  whereas I reported
   :  before mod_perl would try to reload the page (which it 
   :  should not but send
   :  out a text/plain attachment for download), it appears 
   :  the script (running as
   :  a perl handler) does not see any of the multipart POST.  
   :  Vanilla posts are
   :  not a problem, though.  Even if the information being 
   :  sent via multipart is
   :  _not_ a file to upload to the server, the information is 
   :  lost in transit.
   :  Here is what is odd.  
   :  The same scripts/modules unmodified and running as 
   :  perl_cgi are okay.
   :  Multipart forms allow me to upload files, et

RE: mod_perl does not see multipart POSTs

2002-03-18 Thread Vuillemot, Ward W

Just to re-iterate a previous post.  Here is what I have done thusfar.

My httpd.conf file:
# **
# **
# limit POSTS so that they get processed properly
Limit POST
  PerlInitHandler POST2GET
# force reloading of modules on restart
PerlFreshRestart on
# Perl module primitive mother load on start/restart
#PerlRequire lib/perl/
# FLOE application (mod_perl)
PerlModule Apache::DBI
PerlModule floeApp
Location /floeApp
  SetHandler perl-script
  PerlHandler floeApp
  PerlSendHeader On

And the relevant two snippets of code from the script are:
## process incoming
# if submitted
my %hash = undef;
my $initialList = $q-param('initialList') || '';
my $upload = $q-upload || undef;
my $fh = $upload-fh if defined($upload);
if (defined($upload)  $upload) {
$initialList = '';
while ($fh) {
$initialList .= $_;

## some processing is done to the POST'ed data
## and eventually. . .

## send file to client
print   Content-type: text/plain\n;
print   Content-Disposition: attachment;

foreach my $value (sort keys %$hash) {
next unless ($value);
print $hash-{$value}$CRLF$value$CRLF;


$q is the Apache::Request object.  When running in CGI mode it is simply
pointing toward the object.

I did not mean to presume Apache was doing anything to anything.
Apache::Request does not seem to appear to support/handle multipart in my
present config.  I do not know why.  All I have changed in my code is to use
Apache::Request instead of CGI.   Otherwise, the scripts are untouched.
Same machine, same httpd.conf other the mod_perl changes, same scripts. . .
.then why cannot I not see anything being passed via multipart/form-data

   :  -Original Message-
   :  From: Issac Goldstand [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
   :  Sent: Monday, March 18, 2002 9:37 AM
   :  To: Vuillemot, Ward W
   :  Subject: Re: mod_perl does not see multipart POSTs
   :  I'm not sure I understand what you're asking...  Apache, 
   :  on it's own, 
   :  does not support any internal parsing of POST data, multipart or 
   :  otherwise, so why should mod_perl?  For this, we have the 
   :  Apache::Request library in mod_perl (Which is the 
   :  mod_perl interface to 
   :  the libapreq library for Apache's C API).  libapreq supports 
   :  multipart/form-data, even without a file upload...
   :   Issac
   :  Vuillemot, Ward W wrote:
   :  All,
   :  I am still trying to figure out why my setup of mod_perl 
   :  does not have
   :  multipart POSTs.  I rebooted my machine, and found that, 
   :  whereas I reported
   :  before mod_perl would try to reload the page (which it 
   :  should not but send
   :  out a text/plain attachment for download), it appears 
   :  the script (running as
   :  a perl handler) does not see any of the multipart POST.  
   :  Vanilla posts are
   :  not a problem, though.  Even if the information being 
   :  sent via multipart is
   :  _not_ a file to upload to the server, the information is 
   :  lost in transit.
   :  Here is what is odd.  
   :  The same scripts/modules unmodified and running as 
   :  perl_cgi are okay.
   :  Multipart forms allow me to upload files, et cetera.  In 
   :  short, I am
   :  confident the problem is not with my programming.
   :  I am using the code snippet, POST2GET, to capture the 
   :  one-time read of POST
   :  and storing as if it was retrieved via GET.
   :  Any ideas how to debug this?
   :  I REALLY REALLY would love some feedback.  I would love 
   :  to think that all my
   :  effort to stay away from M$ ASP are worth it -- esp. 
   :  when I stand up to
   :  defend Perl, Apache, and mod_perl in an environment that 
   :  is decidely
   :  M$-bent.
   :  Thanks!
   :  Ward

POST and multipart/data-form question

2002-03-14 Thread Vuillemot, Ward W

I have searched off and on for the past 3 weeks for a solution to my
problem.  I am at wits end. . .and thought I would finally ask the

I had a set of CGI scripts that worked without problem.  I began the process
about 4 weeks ago of moving them to mod_perl.  The suite of scripts are
handled as their own perlHandler collection.  One of the scripts has a form
where a user can either enter data directly, or indicate a file of
equivalent data.

When I use the form to POST without any enctype and if you enter directly
into the form things work correctly.  That is, the data is massaged and
sent back to you as downloadable file.  Of course, this form does not handle
file uploads.

Now, I change nothing more than the form enctype to multipart/data-form.
Now, regardless of how the data is presented in the form (e.g. directly or
via file upload) the browser tries to refresh the screen with the web-page
(which it should not since its only response is to send to the client a file
to download).  However, the web page does not get completely sent, and
consistently stops in the middle of the send.

I have been using the POST2GET snippet to help make the post more
persistent.  In short, my httpd.conf file looks like:

# **
# **
# limit POSTS so that they get processed properly
Limit POST
  PerlInitHandler POST2GET
# force reloading of modules on restart
PerlFreshRestart on
# Perl module primitive mother load on start/restart
#PerlRequire lib/perl/
# FLOE application (mod_perl)
PerlModule Apache::DBI
PerlModule floeApp
Location /floeApp
  SetHandler perl-script
  PerlHandler floeApp
  PerlSendHeader On

And the relevant two snippets of code from the script are:
## process incoming
# if submitted
my %hash = undef;
my $initialList = $q-param('initialList') || '';
my $upload = $q-upload || undef;
my $fh = $upload-fh if defined($upload);
if (defined($upload)  $upload) {
$initialList = '';
while ($fh) {
$initialList .= $_;

## some processing is done to the POST'ed data
## and eventually. . .

## send file to client
print   Content-type: text/plain\n;
print   Content-Disposition: attachment;

foreach my $value (sort keys %$hash) {
next unless ($value);
print $hash-{$value}$CRLF$value$CRLF;


Any ideas?  I would love to get this solved so I can get back to developing
useful scripts.  :)


Ward W. Vuillemot
Boeing Flight Operations Engineering
Performance Software
tel +01 206-662-8667 * fax +01 206-662-7612

RE: POST and multipart/data-form question

2002-03-14 Thread Vuillemot, Ward W

not a type -- just my brain switching things.  the form is correct.  

   :  -Original Message-
   :  From: Robin Berjon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
   :  Sent: Thursday, March 14, 2002 8:22 AM
   :  Subject: Re: POST and multipart/data-form question
   :  On Thursday 14 March 2002 17:12, Vuillemot, Ward W wrote:
   :   Now, I change nothing more than the form enctype to 
   :  multipart/data-form.
   :  I haven't looked at your sample code in detail, but as 
   :  someone that got 
   :  caught on similar problems due to silly typoes I'd like 
   :  to point out that 
   :  it's multipart/form-data and not the other way 'round.
   :  -- 
   :  __
   :  _
   :  Robin Berjon [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- CTO
   :  k n o w s c a p e : // venture knowledge agency
   :  --
   :  -
   :  There's too much blood in my caffeine system.