Re: [OTish] Version Control?

2002-11-04 Thread Michael Schout
"perl Makefile.PL < /dev/null" works for us.  We encapsulate it in a
macro (see below).

Now why didn't I think of that? :). This works nicely.  We still ahve to 
patch some of the individual Makefile.PL's, but that is acceptable (some 
of them have "exit;" at the end of them for example which causes the 
Makefile generation to stop :)).  We use a vendor branch to import the 
new versions of modules as we update, and CVS handles this fairly well.


Re: [OTish] Version Control? (Project Idea)

2002-11-04 Thread Luis Fagundes
I find not only amazing that so many of us are doing the exact same 
thing, but also that the project I'm working on now is about these same 
ideas we have. So, why not make it GPL?

I'm developing an intranet to organize a web development team and there 
is a lot of CVS involved in it. Right now all everyone, from designers 
to programmers, is using CVS and the next step being developed is making 
the correct versions of the site to be published in the right servers, 
for the client to approve, for developers to test and benchmark, etc.

Any thoughts about this?


 > Who needs network guys, reverse pop the ssh tunnel ;)
 > I find it amazing that so many of us are doing the exact same thing in
 > terms of managing our large site installs yet its nowhere to be found in
 > any FAQ, knowledge base or general forum.
 > I know on our side we developed these solutions over months and months
 > on our own, dealing with problems at every step. Had there been a nice
 > little FAQ on it, well, it would have saved us a ton of time :)
 > I sense some writing..
 > John-
 > On Wed, 30 Oct 2002 15:40:45 -0700
 >  "Ken Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 >> doubt if I could have enticed the network folks to open the firewall
 >> to let
 >> CVS traffic through in any case
 >> Cheers!
 >> -klm.

Re: [OTish] Version Control?

2002-11-03 Thread Les Mikesell
From: "Steven Lembark" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> One quick way to deal with testing things is to tag the releases
> with something meaningful and pass the tag to Q/A. They do an
> update -d -P -r yourtag and test it. If things work then the update
> gets run again in production and life goes on. Since nothing but
> tagged releases go into production they can also back off easily if
> a problem is found; ditto Q/A.

Yes, you always need to tag everything at least at the 'known-working'
points.  In addition to assigning unique tags that you have to remember,
you can 'float' existing tags to specific points which makes it easier
to script actions and keep track of the 'release-1' and 'release-2' versions.
For example, one script can pull several developers' work together from
the head of the repository into a test area.  Then when it all works, another
script can float the 'release-n' tags up one position, tag the testbed instance
as the current release, then update using the release tag to the production
machine or a staging area where you rsync to production.  This allows new
work to continue at the head of the repository without getting pulled into
a production update before testing and gives you a known tag to go back
to the previous tested/working system.  I've never actually backed out a
whole release that way but its one of those things that gives a warm-fuzzy
feeling knowing that you can and the ability to see all the changes between
versions from cvsweb has made it much easier to find and fix problems
that pop up after an update into production.

  Les Mikesell

Re: [OTish] Version Control?

2002-11-03 Thread Steven Lembark

-- Rob Nagler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

We are transitioning (slowly) between perl 5.005 and 5.6.1.  Our trick
is to have separate 5.005 and 5.6.1 build/test (and sometimes dev)
machines.  I'm not sure this solves your problem.

Simplest fix is to have two trees. One way to do this is take
everything in CVS and force it to, say, version 2.0. Any fixes
to 1.x are the 5.005 code; anything committed on the new tree
is 5.6.1. To look at new code just get the 2.X versions of
things; to patch the old stuff try 1.x. If you already have
2.X of some things take max(existing_version) + 1 for the new
version and go from there.

One quick way to deal with testing things is to tag the releases
with something meaningful and pass the tag to Q/A. They do an
update -d -P -r yourtag and test it. If things work then the update
gets run again in production and life goes on. Since nothing but
tagged releases go into production they can also back off easily if
a problem is found; ditto Q/A.

A daily automated build can be run using update -d -P and
a make test. If the make test passes in development then it
is tagged with "passed--MM-DD". When enough fixes are in
the tag is forwarded to Q/A, who then do their update -r
with it. If that passes full testing on Q/A the tag becomes
a candidate for production -- which can use an update -r to
get the sources there.


Steven Lembark   2930 W. Palmer
Workhorse Computing   Chicago, IL 60647
   +1 800 762 1582

Re: [OTish] Version Control?

2002-11-03 Thread Rob Nagler
Michael Schout writes:
> example, one time we upgraded Apache::Filter between releases. 
> Unfortunately, the old version was not compatible with the new version, 
> so a single machine could run either the current release branch, or the 
> development branch, but not both simultaneously (because Apache::Filter 
> was incomptaible and was installed under /usr/lib/perl5).

We are transitioning (slowly) between perl 5.005 and 5.6.1.  Our trick
is to have separate 5.005 and 5.6.1 build/test (and sometimes dev)
machines.  I'm not sure this solves your problem.

> 1) some Makefile.PL's refuse to generate a Makefile if PREREQ_PM's are 
> not satisfied (if we haven't built them yet)

If we have to bootstrap, we do a regular CPAN install on the build
machine and then install over it with the RPM build.  Also, we use
Red Hat which has many CPAN modules already installed (see uninstall
instructions below), so bootstrapping is rarely an issue.

> 2) some Makefile.PL's are INTERACTIVE, and you cant turn it off (e.g.: 
> Apache::Filter requires you to hit  a number of times at a MINIMUM.

"perl Makefile.PL < /dev/null" works for us.  We encapsulate it in a
macro (see below).

> So we resorted to a set of overly-complicated GNUmakefiles that would 
> generate Makefile's from Makefile.PL's, and these would set PERL5LIB to 
> find the dependencies (e.g.: DBD-Pg would put ../DBI/blib into

Here's our spec file:

Name: perl.modules
Summary: Perl Modules not in stock RH7
Group: Perl/Modules
Provides: perl.modules perl-libwww-perl
Requires: perl
Version: 5.6
BuildRoot: install
%define modules BSD-Resource IO-stringy Digest-MD5 Digest-HMAC Digest-SHA1 MD5 
Crypt-IDEA Crypt-DES Crypt-Blowfish Crypt-CBC DBI DBD-Pg DBD-Oracle DBD-Sybase 
DBD-mysql TimeDate MailTools MIME-tools Devel-Symdump Image-Size Compress-Zlib 
Archive-Zip File-MMagic TermReadKey Crypt-SSLeay libwww-perl Parse-RecDescent 
Mail-Field-Received POP3Client Mail-2IMAPClient Test-Simple Time-HiRes Digest-Nilsimsa 
razor-agents Mail-Audit Mail-SpamAssassin XML-XPath httpmail

Perl Modules not in stock RH7 or newer CPAN versions.

To remove RedHat standard installs, do:
rpm -e --nodeps $(rpm -qa | egrep 'perl-(DBD|DBI|libwww)')

If you want to use Sybase (SQL Server), you need:
b-release install freetds-0.53-1.i386.rpm

And to compile this, you need:
b-release install freetds-devel-0.53-1.i386.rpm

%{cvs} external/perl-modules-5.6


cd external/perl-modules-5.6
for f in %{modules}; do
if test $f = 'Crypt-IDEA'; then
elif test $f = 'DBD-Sybase'; then
export SYBASE=/usr
elif test $f = 'DBD-Pg'; then
export POSTGRES_LIB=/usr/lib  POSTGRES_INCLUDE=/usr/include/pgsql
cd $f

cd external/perl-modules-5.6
for f in %{modules}; do
(set -e; cd $f; %{perl_make_install})

%{allfiles} >../files

%files -f files

[ "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT" != "/" ] && rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT

# Perl must be setup properly
perl -e 'require ""' 2> /dev/null || (
umask 022
cd /usr/include
h2ph -r -l . > /dev/null

The macros perl_make_install and perl_make are defined below.  We run
a program (Bivio::Util::Release mentioned in another post) which
generates the actual spec file and calls rpm. (%{allfiles} and %{cvs}
are trivial and defined there, too.)  This program also builds a
separate directory and defines topdir, etc. correctly so you can build
everything as any user.

sub _perl_make {
'%define perl_make umask 022 && perl Makefile.PL < /dev/null && '
. " make POD2MAN=true\n"
. '%define perl_make_install umask 022; make '
. join(' ', map {
 uc($_) . '=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT' . $Config::Config{$_};
} grep($_ =~ /^install(?!style)/
&& $Config::Config{$_} && $Config::Config{$_} =~ m!^/!,
.  ' POD2MAN=true pure_install && '
. ' find $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/perl? -name "*.bs" '
. " -o -name .packlist -o -name perllocal.pod | xargs rm -f\n";

[Uh oh, there's that nasty map function. ;-]

Note that we don't install man pages.  This slows down the
build/install, and perldoc is just as easy to type as man. :-)

We use this same function for all our perl apps.  Indeed, to build a
new app, our specfile looks like:

Copyright: Logistics R Us, Inc.
Requires: Bivio-bOP apache ImageMagick-perl
%define perl_root LogisticalNightmare
%define perl_exe_prefix ln


perl-app.include knows how to read our tree structure, which is
consistent across projects, and it installs all perl, programs,
images, views, etc.

> How does everyone else cope with this (managing trees of CPAN modules / 
>   CPAN module tree build environments)? Maybe we are sort of 

Re: [OTish] Version Control?

2002-11-02 Thread Michael Schout
Okay, I'll chime in on this one.

I work on a medium sized mod_perl project (approximately 50,000 lines of 
perl code).  This project is managed similarly to to the setups that 
have been described so far.  We store all of our CPAN module sources in 
CVS, and currently we distribute the modules to the servers via RPM. Its 
critical that we maintian sources to the CPAN modules in CVS because 
some modules have to be patched to make the modules work for this 
particular project (and some modules just plain have bugs :)). The 
modules get installed in the main perl directory (e.g.: /usr/lib/perl5).

We use cvs branches to manage releases and development versions of the 
web site and perl code.  When we get to a realease point we make a 
branch (e.g.: RELEASE-1_0), and html developers continue working on that 
branch for changes to the currently released site.  The web servers can 
be updated with simply "cvs update" this way.

On the main trunk perl/web development continues until the next release 
happens.  However, due to the fact that the CPAN modules are distributed 
via RPM, there are various incompatibility problems that come up.  For 
example, one time we upgraded Apache::Filter between releases. 
Unfortunately, the old version was not compatible with the new version, 
so a single machine could run either the current release branch, or the 
development branch, but not both simultaneously (because Apache::Filter 
was incomptaible and was installed under /usr/lib/perl5).

So currently we are looking into also installing CPAN modules under the 
project directory and managing the binary CPAN modules CVS, which would 
solve this problem.  Developers could check out a sandbox of the release 
branch and they would get the modules that belong to that release 
(binary compatibility is okay because our development machines match the 
production machines).

The management nightmare to all of this is that automating the build 
process for lots of CPAN modules (rougly 110 of them) is painful. Our 
CPAN source tree looks something like this:


First we tried making a Makefile.PL in "src" that used the DIR attribute 
of WriteMakefile to specify the subdirs to build all of the modules. 
THis didnt work so well.  The problems with this are:

1) some Makefile.PL's refuse to generate a Makefile if PREREQ_PM's are 
not satisfied (if we haven't built them yet)
2) some Makefile.PL's are INTERACTIVE, and you cant turn it off (e.g.: 
Apache::Filter requires you to hit  a number of times at a MINIMUM.

So we resorted to a set of overly-complicated GNUmakefiles that would 
generate Makefile's from Makefile.PL's, and these would set PERL5LIB to 
find the dependencies (e.g.: DBD-Pg would put ../DBI/blib into PERL5LIB).

I'm not convinced this is the best way to go about it, but it "sort of" 

How does everyone else cope with this (managing trees of CPAN modules / 
 CPAN module tree build environments)? Maybe we are sort of unique in 
that we use so many 3rd part CPAN modules, but because we use so many of 
them its pretty critical that we manage them in CVS.


Re: [OTish] Version Control?

2002-11-01 Thread Geoffrey Young

Oh, & CVS is free which is always a good thing. :)

subversion ( has been gaining lots of 
momentum lately, and I just saw this link today:

some of you might know the folks at red-bean from their other 
projects, like and 



Re: [OTish] Version Control?

2002-11-01 Thread Adrian Howard

On Friday, November 1, 2002, at 05:04  pm, Josh Chamas wrote:

Ged Haywood wrote:

Hi all,
On Thu, 31 Oct 2002, Iain 'Spoon' Truskett wrote:

experimenting with perforce [which, so far, appears nicer than CVS] )

Yikes!  Josh, you got anything to say about that?

Well I have used perforce much more than CVS now, so that is where
I'm most comfortable.

My basic feeling is that perforce is harder to set up, but more
idiot proof while using it, especially for more advance operations
like branching & integration.


I've been playing with subversion a bit recently  and like it quite a lot. Bit harder to setup than CVS (but not that 
much harder if you're familiar with Apache et al.)

Seems solid (and is also free beer & free speech if these matter to you). 
Branches are cheap, directories are versioned, rename works as you would 
think. Worth a look.



RE: [OTish] Version Control?

2002-11-01 Thread Jesse Erlbaum
Hey Rob --

> Oh, and we *never* (almost :-) put code in programs.  The programs
> invoke a *.pm file's "main" so we can say bla-some-command and always
> get the right version.

This is how CGI::Application works, too.  You might want to check it out!

For the benefit of those who are not yet putting all their code in modules,
it really does give you a profound advantage in ease of development and




  Jesse Erlbaum
  The Erlbaum Group
  Phone: 212-684-6161
  Fax: 212-684-6226

Re: [OTish] Version Control?

2002-11-01 Thread Josh Chamas
Ged Haywood wrote:

Hi all,

On Thu, 31 Oct 2002, Iain 'Spoon' Truskett wrote:

experimenting with perforce [which, so far, appears nicer than CVS] )

Yikes!  Josh, you got anything to say about that?

Well I have used perforce much more than CVS now, so that is where
I'm most comfortable.

My basic feeling is that perforce is harder to set up, but more
idiot proof while using it, especially for more advance operations
like branching & integration.

CVS however is a breeze to set up, but I feel like its branching
& tagging is more of a hack ( note I am just starting to use it
recently. ) I really like how I do not have to explicitly "cvs edit"
files like I do in perforce before I start working on them.

Oh, & CVS is free which is always a good thing. :)

As for scaling, perforce probably has a better chance to scale
with its dbm based storage & locking, however at this one company
that uses it they get db corruption when developers hammer
its with huge media checkins which I suspect CVS never would get.



Josh Chamas, Founder   phone:925-552-0128
Chamas Enterprises Inc.
NodeWorks Link Checking

Re: [OTish] Version Control?

2002-11-01 Thread Rob Nagler
Dominic Mitchell writes:
> How do you cope with the problem that perl has of running different 
> versions of modules?

Actually, we have two problems.  One problem is developing with
multiple versions and the other is what you mention, running
production systems.

Sometimes I might be in the middle of some big refactoring, and a
customer calls with a problem.  I then do:

mkdir src_bla
cd src_bla
cvs checkout perl/Bla perl/Bivio

where Bivio is our shared code.  Then I set PERLLIB to
~/src_bla. We've got a bash command that allows me to switch the
configuration and PERLLIB as well.  It's very easy to do.

Oh, and we *never* (almost :-) put code in programs.  The programs
invoke a *.pm file's "main" so we can say bla-some-command and always
get the right version.

We solve the second problem by buying cheap machines which run Linux
just fine.  (I just bought 4 x Dell 2300, 2 x Dell 1300, and 2 x white
box for $1800. $-)  It just isn't worth my time trying to make two
sites work on the same machine, although we do this in a couple of
cases (e.g. and

When two or more sites do share the same machine, we always run the
same version of the infrastructure.  This avoids many problems,
e.g. running into defects twice and managing multiple versions.  We
don't tag our CVS.  We can backout changes with RPM.  We do several
releases a week on active applications, and one release a week on
applications in "maintenance" mode.

One final reason to avoid multiple versions is with schema changes.
The more different database versions you have, the more confusing.  On we upgraded the schema about 250 times in about two years.
It would have been impossible to keep the development, test, and
production if these three diverged too much.


RE: [OTish] Version Control?

2002-11-01 Thread Jesse Erlbaum
Hi Ray --

> Jesse are you saying that you have a single apache server running
> multiple vhosts with different versions of the same module loaded for
> different vhosts? Is that actually possible?
> I thought that whenever you first require ModuleX it will use the
> value of PERL5LIB in that context to load it, but the next time a
> require happens, even if PERL5LIB is different, it will see that the
> ModuleX is loaded and won't even try to load the one from a different
> directory. Right?
> What I do (with a very limited number of vhosts) is have each vhost
> proxy to a different backend server which does have its own version
> of (nearly) everything.

That's very nearly exactly what I do.  I prefer to have each site have its
own Apache instance because there is some contention in the way mod_perl
caches code.  Your vhost/reverse-proxy solution is a good one, particularly
for places where there is a shortage of IP addresses.



RE: [OTish] Version Control?

2002-11-01 Thread Ray Zimmerman
At 8:27 AM -0500 11/1/02, Jesse Erlbaum wrote:

Hi Dom --

 How do you cope with the problem that perl has of running different
 versions of modules?

 We have a similiar situation, in that we're running several projects
 with different sets of perl libraries.  We have common code between
 them.  The trouble starts when we're running several sites on the same
 virtual server.  At that point, there's only one copy of the canonical
 code running, rather than each vhost getting its own copy.

The short answer: PERL5LIB

Read my earlier messages in this thread.  In one I describe the layout of my
site architecture which fully accommodates this reality.

In a nutshell, each site has its own "modules/" directory in which ALL the
modules for a project, including CPAN libraries, are stored.  The
environment variable PERL5LIB can be set separately for each virtual host
(Apache directive "SetEnv" and "PerlSetEnv" for mod_perl users), thereby
allowing each site to have its OWN versions of libraries.

Um ... somebody's missing something here ...

Jesse are you saying that you have a single apache server running 
multiple vhosts with different versions of the same module loaded for 
different vhosts? Is that actually possible?

I thought that whenever you first require ModuleX it will use the 
value of PERL5LIB in that context to load it, but the next time a 
require happens, even if PERL5LIB is different, it will see that the 
ModuleX is loaded and won't even try to load the one from a different 
directory. Right?

What I do (with a very limited number of vhosts) is have each vhost 
proxy to a different backend server which does have its own version 
of (nearly) everything.

 Ray Zimmerman  / e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] / 428-B Phillips Hall
  Sr Research  /   phone: (607) 255-9645  /  Cornell University
   Associate  /  FAX: (815) 377-3932 /   Ithaca, NY  14853

RE: [OTish] Version Control?

2002-11-01 Thread Jesse Erlbaum
Hi Dom --

> How do you cope with the problem that perl has of running different
> versions of modules?
> We have a similiar situation, in that we're running several projects
> with different sets of perl libraries.  We have common code between
> them.  The trouble starts when we're running several sites on the same
> virtual server.  At that point, there's only one copy of the canonical
> code running, rather than each vhost getting its own copy.

The short answer: PERL5LIB

Read my earlier messages in this thread.  In one I describe the layout of my
site architecture which fully accommodates this reality.

In a nutshell, each site has its own "modules/" directory in which ALL the
modules for a project, including CPAN libraries, are stored.  The
environment variable PERL5LIB can be set separately for each virtual host
(Apache directive "SetEnv" and "PerlSetEnv" for mod_perl users), thereby
allowing each site to have its OWN versions of libraries.

If you isolate your web site from the host operating system you will gain
significant freedom and ease of management.

Warmest regards,



  Jesse Erlbaum
  The Erlbaum Group
  Phone: 212-684-6161
  Fax: 212-684-6226

Re: [OTish] Version Control?

2002-11-01 Thread Dominic Mitchell
Rob Nagler wrote:

Another approach which allows easy sharing between projects is:

+ Project1/
+ Project2/
+ Project3/

where Project[123] are root package names.  Set PERLLIB=~/src/perl and
you can get access to any *.pm in the system, each has a globally
unique name.  This makes it easy to implement cross-project

How do you cope with the problem that perl has of running different 
versions of modules?

We have a similiar situation, in that we're running several projects 
with different sets of perl libraries.  We have common code between 
them.  The trouble starts when we're running several sites on the same 
virtual server.  At that point, there's only one copy of the canonical 
code running, rather than each vhost getting its own copy.

I realise that this is usually what's wanted, but it can make life very 
difficult when you're trying to upgrade one vhost, which needs a new 
version of one of the shared modules because you might break one of the 
others by accident.  I haven't found a good solution to this yet...


| Semantico: creators of major online resources  |
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Re: [OTish] Version Control?

2002-10-31 Thread Ask Bjoern Hansen
On Thu, 31 Oct 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I guess in your book we suck either way eh? Life goes on
> :)

You'll change your ways when you get more servers.  :-)

It's not "easy enough" for the script to do anything if the "base
system installations" are not very similar.  If they are; then it's
much easier to distribute binaries.  If they are not then that's the
first thing you'll change as you add servers above what is managable

You are right, that if your software runs on many uncontrolled small
groups of servers, then it's likely easier to recompile for each

 - ask

ask bjoern hansen, !try; do();

Re: [OTish] Version Control?

2002-10-31 Thread siberian
I dont really understand where you are coming from, its 
easy enough for the script to recompile its external 
dependancies on install. This way I don't really care what 
core version of linux or solaris or BSD is installed on 
each platform since we do not control them all.

Precisely _because_ they are not well managed is why its 
important for our environment to build itself cleanly. No, 
not the core os etc but netpbm, imagemagick, ripmime and 
other tools get rebuilt on a 'major' config.

I guess in your book we suck either way eh? Life goes on 


On Thu, 31 Oct 2002 13:02:20 -0800 (PST)
 Ask Bjoern Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Wed, 30 Oct 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I don't believe in transfering _any_ binaries around,
every binary recompiles on its new platform at install
time. All modules, apache, external software etc. This
eliminates those pesky little problems that pop up when
you start pushing binaries.

Uhmn, if your systems are well managed you don't get any 
of those
"pesky little problems".   Do you recompile the base 
system on each
server too?

In my experience, then as soon as you have more than a 
few handfuls
of servers you get more trouble trying to coordinate 
binaries than doing it once and distributing them (in 
rpms, or with your revisioning system).

 - ask

ask bjoern hansen, !try; 

RE: [OTish] Version Control?

2002-10-31 Thread Ask Bjoern Hansen
On Wed, 30 Oct 2002, Bill Moseley wrote:

> At 04:47 PM 10/30/02 -0500, Jesse Erlbaum wrote:
> >Web development projects can map very nicely into CVS.  We have a very
> >mature layout for all web projects.  In a nutshell, it boils down to this:
> >
> >   "project/"
> > + apache/
> > + bin/
> That requires binary compatibility, though.  I have a similar setup, but
> the perl and Apache are built separately on the target machine since my
> machines are linux and the production machine is Solaris.

No, you don't need binary compatibility. You just need to design
your system right and use the right tools.  :-)

With Perforce - - you can map different
directories in the repository to directories on the client with
"client views".  I have used that (Graham Barr came up with it
there) so we could keep the binaries version controlled too.  It's
great.  There we had all of our application software (including
perl, apache, etc) distributed with perforce.  With CVS or
Subversion you could do something similar by setting up branches
right or having a few symlinks.

We had separate installations around the world serving different
clients.  Before we migrated from CVS to perforce we had a cvs tag
for each installation, so rolling a new release was just

 o) make a new release number (r345), tag the files with that
 o) move the "installation tag" ("LosAngeles_Production" or "QA"
or whatever) to the new release tag (r345).
 o) tell the servers to upgrade and restart the application.

Perforce provides some features that makes it a bit neater, so the
implementation was different but the concept the same.

It worked (works actually) great.

At another place we have a script to tag the files with a build
number and then roll some tar balls.  The tar balls then go to QA
server and then to the production servers.  There all the code is
living on shared NFS servers, so rolling it out is just putting the
code there and restarting the servers.  Perl, Apache, etc are
installed with rpms there.

For a big project I like installing everything in /home/[project]/ -
including perl, apache, mod_perl, ... - and having the whole
directory version controlled.

On the we have a bunch of smaller projects.  There we use a
shared /home/perl/ installation that gets distributed to the
servers we use for production and for development.  It has perl 5.8,
various versions of Apache and other goodies.  Each project (in
/home/[project]/) then just reference that installation.

Making it easy to setup a development environment on your own box is
really really nice.  On bigger projects I often even have several
development environments installed at the same time, so I easily can
work on different sub project or test different branches at the same

> Is anyone using cvs to manage updates made with web-based forms?

The Twiki system and the Faq-O-Matic are using RCS on the backend to
version control entries.

 - ask

ask bjoern hansen, !try; do();

Re: [OTish] Version Control?

2002-10-31 Thread Ask Bjoern Hansen
On Wed, 30 Oct 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I don't believe in transfering _any_ binaries around,
> every binary recompiles on its new platform at install
> time. All modules, apache, external software etc. This
> eliminates those pesky little problems that pop up when
> you start pushing binaries.

Uhmn, if your systems are well managed you don't get any of those
"pesky little problems".   Do you recompile the base system on each
server too?

In my experience, then as soon as you have more than a few handfuls
of servers you get more trouble trying to coordinate recompiling
binaries than doing it once and distributing them (in tarballs,
rpms, or with your revisioning system).

 - ask

ask bjoern hansen, !try; do();

Re: [OTish] Version Control?

2002-10-31 Thread Rob Nagler
Another approach which allows easy sharing between projects is:

+ Project1/
+ Project2/
+ Project3/

where Project[123] are root package names.  Set PERLLIB=~/src/perl and
you can get access to any *.pm in the system, each has a globally
unique name.  This makes it easy to implement cross-project

We use CVS for source management, and we use RPMs for deployment.
RPM allows you to ask "what release of ProjectN is on the system".
RPM also allows you to manage permissions and ownership easily.
Our RPM spec builder/installer can be found at:


Re: [OTish] Version Control?

2002-10-31 Thread Ged Haywood
Hi all,

On Thu, 31 Oct 2002, Iain 'Spoon' Truskett wrote:

> experimenting with perforce [which, so far, appears nicer than CVS] )

Yikes!  Josh, you got anything to say about that?


Re: [OTish] Version Control?

2002-10-30 Thread Randal L. Schwartz
> "Jesse" == Jesse Erlbaum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Jesse> Hey Jim --
>> Also, Randal Schwartz wrote about cvs is a slightly more general setting:

Jesse> The system we use goes a bit beyond even what Randal describes
Jesse> (although, he is on a similar track).

Jesse> In a nutshell, the Apache "httpd.conf" file is "templatized" to
Jesse> replace elements such as the IP address, host name and path
Jesse> names with variables.

Actually, my real code does that.  I had to simplify it a bit
for the article.

Below the top dir, I have:

etc/ - for apache etc, some files are templatized
htddocs/ - for apache rootdir
perl-lib/ - @INC at run-time, for custom mod_perl modules and TT2 plugins
perl-tt2/ - TT2 templates
pod/ - 158(!) column source pods, processed into HTML and listing files
sbin/ - apache sbin, contains log-roller and apachectl
generate-navbars - process META info to make navbar database
run-template - described in article
GNUmakefile - "One File To Rule Them All"

And yes, I can check the puppy out, edit and test it at 30,000 feet,
then resync when I get to a landline again.  Very nice.

Randal L. Schwartz - Stonehenge Consulting Services, Inc. - +1 503 777 0095
Perl/Unix/security consulting, Technical writing, Comedy, etc. etc.
See for onsite and open-enrollment Perl training!

Re: [OTish] Version Control?

2002-10-30 Thread Randal L. Schwartz
> "Richard" == Richard Clarke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Richard> Does anyone in the list use any kind of version control (e.g. CVS) for
Richard> the perl/template codebase of their website?

Yup. Even wrote a column about it:

Randal L. Schwartz - Stonehenge Consulting Services, Inc. - +1 503 777 0095
Perl/Unix/security consulting, Technical writing, Comedy, etc. etc.
See for onsite and open-enrollment Perl training!

Re: [OTish] Version Control?

2002-10-30 Thread Bill Moseley
At 03:21 PM 10/30/02 -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>We check in all of our perl modules into CVS and its  a 
>_MAJOR_ life saver. Keeps everyone on the same path so to 

I think I confused two different things: perl module source vs. installed
modules.  Do you check in the source or the installed modules?

I keep the source of my perl modules under cvs, but not the perl library
i.e. the files generated from make install, which might include binary

I use a PREFIX for my own modules, but I tend to install CPAN modules in
the main perl library.  My own modules get installed in the application
directory tree so that there's still a top level directory for the entire

It does worry me that I'll update a CPAN module (or Apache::*) in the main
Perl library and break something some day.  (Although on things like
updating mod_perl I have copied /usr/local/lib/perl5 before make install.)

Bill Moseley

RE: [OTish] Version Control?

2002-10-30 Thread Jesse Erlbaum
Hi Bill --

> >   "project/"
> > + apache/
> > + bin/
> That requires binary compatibility, though.  I have a similar setup, but
> the perl and Apache are built separately on the target machine since my
> machines are linux and the production machine is Solaris.

Binary incompatibility is not a problem for us because we generally develop
on the same platform on which the final code will run.

I've been bitten enough times that I don't like to wait until the proverbial
last minute to test my code on the target platform.  Part of our job is to
make sure that *all* the parts of the system work -- even those developed by
the Apache Software Foundation.  ;-)  After all, my client isn't going to
accept the excuse that "our code is perfect -- it's that OTHER code!"  At
the end of the day, if we recommend Apache (or any other third-party code),
we are expected to stand by it.

That said, if you have to support multiple platforms for any reason (a
Solaris to Linux migration, for instance... Hehe) you are right -- extra
work is involved.  Perl has a nice structure for dealing with multiple
architectures (arch library paths "i686/", "sun4/", etc.) but you will have
to devise something else for application like Apache.

> I only work on single servers, so things are a bit easier.  I
> always cvs co
> to a new directory on the production machine and start up a second set of
> servers on high ports.  That lets me (and the client) test on the final
> platform before going live.  Then it's "apache stop && mv live old && mv
> new live && apache start" kind of thing, which is a fast way to update.

I don't like any system which requires you to make any "last minute"
changes.  If you test on port 8080, there is no proof that you won't have
problems when you move to port 80.  What happens if a developer has clumsily
hard-coded ":8080" into a link to solve a problem in testing?  I've seen it
happen a thousand times, even to very smart programmers.

If you have root access on the server you would be better off binding an
additional IP address and running the stage server there, IMHO.

> I'd love to have the Perl modules in cvs, though.  Especially mod_perl
> modules.  It makes me nervous upgrading mod_perl on the live
> machine's perl
> library.  Should make more use of PREFIX, I suppose.

That is more or less how you do it.  I have a module build process which
allows me to build ALL modules in user space, isolated from the host
operating system.  If you put CPAN modules (including mod_perl) in CVS you
will even be able to select versions.  I've had forward-compatibility
problems with CPAN modules in the past.  Being able to run an old version of
a library for one site, and a different version on the host machine is a
really helpful thing.

Note that if you want to put mod_perl in CVS you *have* to also put an
Apache binary in mod_perl.  There is no way around it.  I've created an
Apache mod_perl build process which automates compiling in user space:


> Speaking of cvs, here's a thread branch:
> I have some client admin features that they update via web forms -- some
> small amount of content, templates, and text-based config settings.  I
> currently log a history of changes, but it doesn't have all the
> features of
> cvs.
> Is anyone using cvs to manage updates made with web-based forms?

Humm...  You're talking about revision control on databases.  That's a
really difficult thing.

In short, it's not possible to revision control a SQL database.  If you have
data which needs to be revision controlled put it in XML or in a Perl

Another thing to add:  Only files which are directly managed by a developer
can be effectively managed in CVS.  Files which are changed through a web
form or an automated process are not candidates for CVS because the
automation can't usually do important things like commit changes and resolve
merge conflicts.  I actually create a directory hierarchy outside of CVS,
generally called "EXTERNALS/", to store files which are managed through




  Jesse Erlbaum
  The Erlbaum Group
  Phone: 212-684-6161
  Fax: 212-684-6226

Re: [OTish] Version Control?

2002-10-30 Thread Iain 'Spoon' Truskett
* [EMAIL PROTECTED] ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [31 Oct 2002 09:47]:

> I find it amazing that so many of us are doing the exact same thing in
> terms of managing our large site installs yet its nowhere to be found
> in any FAQ, knowledge base or general forum. 

I suspect a lot of us are so used to having everything in some sort of
VCS that we take it for granted =)

(RCS at work; CVS at home; both at uni; experimenting with perforce
[which, so far, appears nicer than CVS] )


RE: [OTish] Version Control?

2002-10-30 Thread Jesse Erlbaum
Hi Wes --

> I really like your approach, and appreciate your explanation. I'm
> wondering
> how you handle the packaging and installation; do you just use a shell
> script to put the different pieces where they belong, or have you devised
> something else?

Something else!  Files don't get installed all over the system -- they all
stay together.  We use environment variables (PERL5LIB, HTML_TEMPLATE_ROOT,
etc.) set by the web server configuration to point to where the assets are

This assures that installing and upgrading doesn't involve managing a spider
web of files all over the operating system.  FYI, in production we typically
create a UNIX user who owns all project files, and put all these files in
that user's home directory.  This simplifies management enormously.

> Right now I'm also using CVS for my web development, and have the modules
> built around ExtUtils::ModuleMaker. The server gets updated via the
> standard perl Makefile.PL && make && make test && make install.

Very cool!  If you make conscience use of the built-in mechanism for
regression testing for your web apps you will really have a fantastic
software development factory.

>I don't really have the bin and cron types of things
> from your system well integrated; they seem too peripheral to include with
> the 'make install' stuff. Of course another consideration is that I'm
> developing for an intranet, not deploying to external customers, so I have
> a lot more control of the production server.

The only difference here is that your job continues beyond the project,
where our job (as contractors) generally scales down.  IOW, if something
unplanned comes up, you are probably going to be available to answer
questions.  If you can isolate all project related files to a single UNIX
user you will have a tremendously portable and maintainable environment.
For example, even the cron-processes on our sites run as the user who owns
the project files.




  Jesse Erlbaum
  The Erlbaum Group
  Phone: 212-684-6161
  Fax: 212-684-6226

Re: [OTish] Version Control?

2002-10-30 Thread siberian
We check in all of our perl modules into CVS and its  a 
_MAJOR_ life saver. Keeps everyone on the same path so to 

I don't believe in transfering _any_ binaries around, 
every binary recompiles on its new platform at install 
time. All modules, apache, external software etc. This 
eliminates those pesky little problems that pop up when 
you start pushing binaries.


On Wed, 30 Oct 2002 14:58:01 -0800
 Bill Moseley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
At 04:47 PM 10/30/02 -0500, Jesse Erlbaum wrote:

Web development projects can map very nicely into CVS. 
We have a very
mature layout for all web projects.  In a nutshell, it 
boils down to this:

+ apache/
+ bin/

That requires binary compatibility, though.  I have a 
similar setup, but
the perl and Apache are built separately on the target 
machine since my
machines are linux and the production machine is Solaris.

I only work on single servers, so things are a bit 
easier.  I always cvs co
to a new directory on the production machine and start up 
a second set of
servers on high ports.  That lets me (and the client) 
test on the final
platform before going live.  Then it's "apache stop && mv 
live old && mv
new live && apache start" kind of thing, which is a fast 
way to update.

I'd love to have the Perl modules in cvs, though. 
Especially mod_perl
modules.  It makes me nervous upgrading mod_perl on the 
live machine's perl
library.  Should make more use of PREFIX, I suppose.

Speaking of cvs, here's a thread branch:

I have some client admin features that they update via 
web forms -- some
small amount of content, templates, and text-based config 
settings.  I
currently log a history of changes, but it doesn't have 
all the features of

Is anyone using cvs to manage updates made with web-based 

Bill Moseley

RE: [OTish] Version Control?

2002-10-30 Thread Hsiao, Chang-Ping
> This could be the root of my reservations.

Why do you think people always talk about re-organize?  :-)

> Indeed, I don't get what I'm saying either.
> My organisation is something like (slightly over-simplified),
> _lib/Example/Control/
> _lib/Example/Control/
> _lib/Example/Control/
> _lib/Example/Config/
> _lib/Example/Config/
> _lib/Example/Config/
> _lib/Example/Model/
> _lib/Example/Model/
> _lib/Example/Model/
> _tmpl/section_a/view1.html
> _tmpl/section_a/view2.html
> _tmpl/section_a/view3.html
> _tmpl/section_b/view1.html
> _tmpl/section_b/view2.html
> _tmpl/section_b/view3.html
> _tmpl/section_c/view1.html
> _tmpl/section_c/view2.html
> _tmpl/section_c/view3.html
> I though CVS was more suited for something which looks more like
> _lib/Example/Section_a/Control
> _lib/Example/Section_a/Model
> _lib/Example/Section_a/View/1
> _lib/Example/Section_a/View/2
> _lib/Example/Section_a/View/3
> etc
> i.e. more suited to a "procedural" orangisation than an "object" 
> organisation

In fact, CVS doesn't complain about how you organize your files.  As long as
they are in directories, CVS seems to work fine!  Of course your
organization needs to fit your needs -- for you to easily find what you
want, but that's out of the scope of the CVS discussion.



RE: [OTish] Version Control?

2002-10-30 Thread Jesse Erlbaum
Hi Richard --

> Thanks for the extensive info,
> I am curious Assuming your website is made up different "sections",
> would I be correct in assuming that the files this section depends on
> are finite?
> e.g.
> bin/
> cron/section_a.crontab
> template/section_a.html
> htdocs/
> Does CVS provide any ability to checkout the corresponding file from
> each section?
> I figure this would require a certain amount of developer supplied meta
> data so that CVS knew which files we part of which sections.
> Is this kind of thing supported.

I'm not sure if I understand how you are using the word "section" here.  The
way I use CVS, I always check out ALL the files related to a project -- even
those not related to the immediate task at hand.  There is no advantage (at
least not one I can see) for checking out only certain files.

> Finally, going completely off topic, does your choice of editor reflect
> your extensive usage of CVS say emacs with a cvs module?

I don't think so.  I actually use pico.  (Don't bother making fun of me --
I've already been roasted by the best of 'em!)  A number of my developers
are emacs nuts, one uses vi (ouch!), and one uses a Windows-based editor and
FTP.  I imagine emacs has some sort of special CVS tie-in (it ties in
everything else!), but it obviously isn't really important for basic CVS




  Jesse Erlbaum
  The Erlbaum Group
  Phone: 212-684-6161
  Fax: 212-684-6226

RE: [OTish] Version Control?

2002-10-30 Thread Bill Moseley
At 04:47 PM 10/30/02 -0500, Jesse Erlbaum wrote:
>Web development projects can map very nicely into CVS.  We have a very
>mature layout for all web projects.  In a nutshell, it boils down to this:
>   "project/"
> + apache/
> + bin/

That requires binary compatibility, though.  I have a similar setup, but
the perl and Apache are built separately on the target machine since my
machines are linux and the production machine is Solaris.

I only work on single servers, so things are a bit easier.  I always cvs co
to a new directory on the production machine and start up a second set of
servers on high ports.  That lets me (and the client) test on the final
platform before going live.  Then it's "apache stop && mv live old && mv
new live && apache start" kind of thing, which is a fast way to update.

I'd love to have the Perl modules in cvs, though.  Especially mod_perl
modules.  It makes me nervous upgrading mod_perl on the live machine's perl
library.  Should make more use of PREFIX, I suppose.

Speaking of cvs, here's a thread branch:

I have some client admin features that they update via web forms -- some
small amount of content, templates, and text-based config settings.  I
currently log a history of changes, but it doesn't have all the features of

Is anyone using cvs to manage updates made with web-based forms?

Bill Moseley

RE: [OTish] Version Control?

2002-10-30 Thread wsheldah

Hi Jesse,

I really like your approach, and appreciate your explanation. I'm wondering
how you handle the packaging and installation; do you just use a shell
script to put the different pieces where they belong, or have you devised
something else?

Right now I'm also using CVS for my web development, and have the modules
built around ExtUtils::ModuleMaker. The server gets updated via the
standard perl Makefile.PL && make && make test && make install. My htdocs
and templates are in their own dirs but in the same overall hierarchy as
what ModuleMaker generates, and they get installed during the 'make
install' part through some extra rules in the Makefile.PL files.  Devdocs
are all in POD, but I don't really have the bin and cron types of things
from your system well integrated; they seem too peripheral to include with
the 'make install' stuff. Of course another consideration is that I'm
developing for an intranet, not deploying to external customers, so I have
a lot more control of the production server.

Wes Sheldahl

"Jesse Erlbaum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 10/30/2002 04:47:41 PM

Subject:RE: [OTish] Version Control?

Web development projects can map very nicely into CVS.  We have a very
mature layout for all web projects.  In a nutshell, it boils down to this:

 + apache/
 + bin/
 + cron/
 + devdocs/
 + htdocs/
 + modules/
 + templates/

  Jesse Erlbaum
  The Erlbaum Group
  Phone: 212-684-6161
  Fax: 212-684-6226

Re: [OTish] Version Control?

2002-10-30 Thread siberian
Who needs network guys, reverse pop the ssh tunnel ;)

I find it amazing that so many of us are doing the exact 
same thing in terms of managing our large site installs 
yet its nowhere to be found in any FAQ, knowledge base or 
general forum. 

I know on our side we developed these solutions over 
months and months on our own, dealing with problems at 
every step. Had there been a nice little FAQ on it, well, 
it would have saved us a ton of time :)

I sense some writing..


On Wed, 30 Oct 2002 15:40:45 -0700
 "Ken Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
doubt if I could have enticed the network folks to open 
the firewall to let
CVS traffic through in any case



Re: [OTish] Version Control?

2002-10-30 Thread Ken Miller
> Hey Jim --
> > Also, Randal Schwartz wrote about cvs is a slightly more general
> >
> >
> The system we use goes a bit beyond even what Randal describes (although,
> is on a similar track).
> In a nutshell, the Apache "httpd.conf" file is "templatized" to replace
> elements such as the IP address, host name and path names with variables.
> To start the server for a particular environment the developer runs a Perl
> program which creates a custom "httpd.conf"

This is so close to what I recently put together one would have to worry
about plagarism :-)

I took it one step further, in that my setup script will configure not only
the base http config files (for both proxy and app server), but also all the
database configuration scripts, and application configurations.  I did an
install for a fellow developer today in about 5 minutes - complete proxy/app
server config, build and populate database tables.  I had to edit one file,
which in turn was used to create the customized configuration files.

I don't keep the base config files in CVS - yet.  All source is in CVS, but
I haven't got around to moving the config into CVS.

Regarding deployment, I wrote a tool which goes into CVS and extracts tagged
modules.  The extracted code is placed into a tar archive with a few other
files which indicate where the code is to be installed, plus a few other
goodies.  I can then give this deployment archive to our sysadmin who can
simply type

deploy --install the-file.dar

and the code gets installed.  We have separate deployment files for the perl
libs, the Mason components, images, and a few other odds and ends.  It works
well, and it's very easy.

Why a custom deploy tool?  I didn't like the idea of using CVS on the
production server, which is in a very tightly controlled environment. I
doubt if I could have enticed the network folks to open the firewall to let
CVS traffic through in any case



Re: [OTish] Version Control?

2002-10-30 Thread siberian
Same trick here, we also customize our proxies per 
system/user as well as the, our 
library and a few other key components.

The only downside is that this system is a bit heavy to 
fix 'on the fly' since so much is 'rendered' at 
configuration time but its a real life-saver in terms of 
generalizing a system over multiple platforms ( 6 in our 
case ).


On Wed, 30 Oct 2002 17:30:08 -0500
 "Jesse Erlbaum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hey Jim --

Also, Randal Schwartz wrote about cvs is a slightly more 
general setting:

The system we use goes a bit beyond even what Randal 
describes (although, he
is on a similar track).

In a nutshell, the Apache "httpd.conf" file is 
"templatized" to replace
elements such as the IP address, host name and path names 
with variables.
To start the server for a particular environment the 
developer runs a Perl
program which creates a custom "httpd.conf"

RE: [OTish] Version Control?

2002-10-30 Thread Jesse Erlbaum
Hey Jim --

> Also, Randal Schwartz wrote about cvs is a slightly more general setting:

The system we use goes a bit beyond even what Randal describes (although, he
is on a similar track).

In a nutshell, the Apache "httpd.conf" file is "templatized" to replace
elements such as the IP address, host name and path names with variables.
To start the server for a particular environment the developer runs a Perl
program which creates a custom "httpd.conf"

Re: [OTish] Version Control?

2002-10-30 Thread Richard Clarke
Jim Martinez wrote:

On Oct 30 Richard Clarke wrote:


Does anyone in the list use any kind of version control (e.g. CVS) for
the perl/template codebase of their website?

Using cvs, I'm not sure of an elegant way to update.  I'm worried about 
CVS subdirectories sitting under htdocs, to be specific. 

Perhaps I just am not familiar enough with cvs.  Perhaps there is an 
option that will supress the CVS that will ease rollouts.

The specific comments given so far are great.

On Oct 30 Jesse Erlbaum wrote:


SSH is also encrypted and secure.  Just make sure to configure your
web server to block access to "CVS/" directories!

Also, Randal Schwartz wrote about cvs is a slightly more general setting:


I should have known better. Is there any topic he *hasn't* written an 
article on?



Re: [OTish] Version Control?

2002-10-30 Thread brian wheeler
Hear hear!

We're using AxKit for our development and everyone has a copy of the
entire site (many thousand files) in their home directories on the
development machine and its been great!  No more "I didn't touch it but
it stopped working" problems :)  It also allows everyone to experiment
with features without messing up what anyone else is working on.

Combine that with a series of perl scripts (also in cvs) which generate
our bulk content (i.e. massive database dumps into xml files), 

Every so often we run a cvs update on our production machine to keep
things in sync (we treat it just like another client).

Go for it...its worth the trouble...especially the first time someone
breaks something and you can determine who and when it was broken.

Brian Wheeler

On Wed, 2002-10-30 at 16:30, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> We felt the same way but once we went to CVS we never 
> looked back and can not imagine going with out source 
> control. It may seem like the web doesnt fit that paradigm 
> but if you break your modules up properly it works like a 
> champ.
> We broke out into 'html','components', 
> 'Libs','external_tools','internal_tools','perlinstall'. 
> This gave us good control over each different area.
> For our development team its more about consistency then 
> versioning. If you go all the way with it like we did you 
> can give each developer a sandbox that they work in and 
> CVS merges for you, it is a huge benefit. Its to the point 
> now where you check out all the modules and run one 
> script. That script builds all the perl dependancies, 
> rebuilds your http daemon, rebuilds the proxies, 
> configures the server for the platform its on based on 
> hostname and installs all the relevant files. 
> Every so often we bundle everything up into a tagged 
> 'Release' and send it on its way to production. This works 
> really well. A case in point was when we did our I18N 
> conversion. We had one version of the code that was being 
> entirely hacked apart to accomodate our changes but we 
> still had to actively support bug fixes on the release. 
> Without CVS[insert favorite source system here] this would 
> have been impossible.
> So, without good CVS things like our I18N effort, our 
> auto-install systems etc would have not been possible or 
> been a LOT more painful. As it was we busted through it in 
> record time.
> John-
> On Wed, 30 Oct 2002 21:09:05 +
>   Richard Clarke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >Does anyone in the list use any kind of version control 
> >(e.g. CVS) for the perl/template codebase of their 
> >website?
> >Now that my code base is growing I feel the increasing 
> >need to provide better version/backup control than my 
> >current hourly crontab tar.
> >I don't however feel that the organizational logic of a 
> >websites code base fits well into the CVS paradigm. Am I 
> >being to short sighted in this assumption?
> >Does anyone have any recommended method? I don't use 
> >version numbers at all? Does anyone?
> >
> >Richard.
> >

Re: [OTish] Version Control?

2002-10-30 Thread Jim Martinez
On Oct 30 Richard Clarke wrote:

> Does anyone in the list use any kind of version control (e.g. CVS) for
> the perl/template codebase of their website?

Using cvs, I'm not sure of an elegant way to update.  I'm worried about 
CVS subdirectories sitting under htdocs, to be specific. 

Perhaps I just am not familiar enough with cvs.  Perhaps there is an 
option that will supress the CVS that will ease rollouts.

The specific comments given so far are great.

On Oct 30 Jesse Erlbaum wrote:

> SSH is also encrypted and secure.  Just make sure to configure your
> web server to block access to "CVS/" directories!

Also, Randal Schwartz wrote about cvs is a slightly more general setting:


Re: [OTish] Version Control?

2002-10-30 Thread Richard Clarke
Hsiao, Chang-Ping wrote:

CVS is easy to use but confusing at first.

This could be the root of my reservations.

Once you get used to it, you should not complain.

I don't quite get your saying "I don't however feel that the organizational
logic of a websites code base fits well into the CVS paradigm."  Isn't your
files hierarchical?  If so, why is CVS not fitting your purpose?

Indeed, I don't get what I'm saying either.
My organisation is something like (slightly over-simplified),


I though CVS was more suited for something which looks more like

i.e. more suited to a "procedural" orangisation than an "object" 

Then again, like i said... perhaps my assumptions were too short sighted.


RE: [OTish] Version Control?

2002-10-30 Thread Jesse Erlbaum
Hi Richard --

> Do you use CVS checkouts to upgrade the live system or do you this
> manually. i.e. stop apache, tar and remove old code, untar new code,
> start apache et voila?

On single-server web sites (as opposed to a site running in a clustered
environment) a CVS checkout works just fine.

Once you get into a situation where you need to update multiple servers
simultaneously you need another system.  For sites with a modest amount of
traffic and a smallish cluster, NFS works very well.  For high-volume sites
with a large cluster of servers I would use rsync.

FYI, I used to be adverse to having a checked out CVS "working directory" on
a production website, but I changed my tune on that years ago.  Using CVS
for distribution of changes into production is far easier, less prone to
mistakes and downright efficient than distributing static files.  CVS over
SSH is also encrypted and secure.  Just make sure to configure your web
server to block access to "CVS/" directories!




  Jesse Erlbaum
  The Erlbaum Group
  Phone: 212-684-6161
  Fax: 212-684-6226

Re: [OTish] Version Control?

2002-10-30 Thread siberian
We use CVS to do in-place upgrades on the live system for 
smaller updates.

For the big stuff we bring the boxes out of their pools 
one at a time and upgrade them. 

In both cases, the worse case is that a user might see two 
versions of the same page in the span of 60 seconds if 
they catch us in mid-update. 


On Wed, 30 Oct 2002 21:47:01 +
 Richard Clarke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


We felt the same way but once we went to CVS we never 
looked back and 
can not imagine going with out source control. It may 
seem like the 
web doesnt fit that paradigm but if you break your 
modules up properly 
it works like a champ.

We broke out into 'html','components', 
This gave us 
good control over each different area.

For our development team its more about consistency then 
If you go all the way with it like we did you can give 
each developer 
a sandbox that they work in and CVS merges for you, it is 
a huge 
benefit. Its to the point now where you check out all the 
modules and 
run one script. That script builds all the perl 
dependancies, rebuilds 
your http daemon, rebuilds the proxies, configures the 
server for the 
platform its on based on hostname and installs all the 
relevant files.
Every so often we bundle everything up into a tagged 
'Release' and 
send it on its way to production. This works really well. 
A case in 
point was when we did our I18N conversion. We had one 
version of the 
code that was being entirely hacked apart to accomodate 
our changes 
but we still had to actively support bug fixes on the 
release. Without 
CVS[insert favorite source system here] this would have 
been impossible.

Do you use CVS checkouts to upgrade the live system or do 
you this manually. i.e. stop apache, tar and remove old 
code, untar new code, start apache et voila?

So, without good CVS things like our I18N effort, our 
systems etc would have not been possible or been a LOT 
more painful. 
As it was we busted through it in record time.



RE: [OTish] Version Control?

2002-10-30 Thread Jesse Erlbaum
Hi Richard --

> Does anyone in the list use any kind of version control (e.g. CVS) for
> the perl/template codebase of their website?

Every time!  My team has been developing web sites with CVS for years now.
I can't imagine doing a web project without it!  It would be like..  Oh...
Skydiving without a parachute?

> Now that my code base is growing I feel the increasing need to provide
> better version/backup control than my current hourly crontab tar.
> I don't however feel that the organizational logic of a websites code
> base fits well into the CVS paradigm. Am I being to short sighted in
> this assumption?
> Does anyone have any recommended method? I don't use version numbers at
> all? Does anyone?

Web development projects can map very nicely into CVS.  We have a very
mature layout for all web projects.  In a nutshell, it boils down to this:

 + apache/
 + bin/
 + cron/
 + devdocs/
 + htdocs/
 + modules/
 + templates/

The "project/" directory is the CVS module, and is an identifier for the
project on which we are working.  So, if we were hired to re-develop all of
Yahoo! in mod_perl (<*grin*>), the project directory might be "yahoo/".  A
developer might check out a copy of the project with one command:

  $ cvs co yahoo

All the other directories reflect the fact that every web site has "meta
content" beyond "htdocs" -- Perl modules, template files, etc.  Here is a
run-down on the purpose of each directory:

  apache/- This directory contains a compiled Apache binary tree,
complete with configuration files, shared libraries, etc.  This, combined
with CVS' branching and merging, has made upgrading Apache for our client's
sites a breeze.

  bin/   - A directory for executable scripts and binaries related to
the project.  These may be sys-admin utilities for managing bits of the
project or production web site.  Every project ends up with a "tool box" of

  cron/  - Similar to "bin/", this contains scripts and executables.
Files in this directory are expected to be accessed via cron.  I also put a
copy of the crontab file here so that it, too, can be version controlled.
Very useful.

  devdocs/   - Documentation!  You have some of that, right?  :-)  Also
included, any installation files (RPMs, packages, external source tarballs,
etc.) needed by the project.

  htdocs/- The hypertext documents directory.  This is the directory is
mapped as the "document root" in your web server config.

  modules/   - Project Perl modules.  Via the web server configuration, the
PERL5LIB environment variable publishes the path to this directory so that
your code can find what it needs.  Besides the code we write for a given
project, we also include *ALL* the CPAN Perl modules used for the project.
It has been a long time since I've had to "figure out" which Perl modules
are required for a web site.

  templates/ - We use HTML::Template, and this path contains all the
external template files.  (TT users can also use this structure.)  Via the
web server configuration, the environment variable HTML_TEMPLATE_ROOT
publishes the path to this directory so that your code can find what it

Our environment is specifically designed to allow every developer, designer,
QA specialist, project manager, and client to have their own completely
independent, concurrent environment.  CVS provides the glue for connecting
these environments.  Other than the occasional FTP binary/ASCII mode upload
snafu, it is rare that developers on my projects step on each others' feet.

FYI, we work exclusively on UNIX.  Our work is split roughly 80/20,

Warmest regards,



  Jesse Erlbaum
  The Erlbaum Group
  Phone: 212-684-6161
  Fax: 212-684-6226

Re: [OTish] Version Control?

2002-10-30 Thread Richard Clarke


We felt the same way but once we went to CVS we never looked back and 
can not imagine going with out source control. It may seem like the 
web doesnt fit that paradigm but if you break your modules up properly 
it works like a champ.

We broke out into 'html','components', 
'Libs','external_tools','internal_tools','perlinstall'. This gave us 
good control over each different area.

For our development team its more about consistency then versioning. 
If you go all the way with it like we did you can give each developer 
a sandbox that they work in and CVS merges for you, it is a huge 
benefit. Its to the point now where you check out all the modules and 
run one script. That script builds all the perl dependancies, rebuilds 
your http daemon, rebuilds the proxies, configures the server for the 
platform its on based on hostname and installs all the relevant files.
Every so often we bundle everything up into a tagged 'Release' and 
send it on its way to production. This works really well. A case in 
point was when we did our I18N conversion. We had one version of the 
code that was being entirely hacked apart to accomodate our changes 
but we still had to actively support bug fixes on the release. Without 
CVS[insert favorite source system here] this would have been impossible.

Do you use CVS checkouts to upgrade the live system or do you this 
manually. i.e. stop apache, tar and remove old code, untar new code, 
start apache et voila?

So, without good CVS things like our I18N effort, our auto-install 
systems etc would have not been possible or been a LOT more painful. 
As it was we busted through it in record time.



Re: [OTish] Version Control?

2002-10-30 Thread siberian
Just give each developer their own sandbox.

We have gone from :

1 Apache proxy/1 modperl server
1 apache proxy / 1 modperl per developer running out of 
their homedirs
each developer gets their own proxy and modperl.

If you tune your apache min/max server stuff this is quite 

Sandboxes are key though, everyone works on their own 

On Wed, 30 Oct 2002 16:34:24 -0500
 "Nathan Hardt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I've wondered about this too. Mainly, if you have 
multiple developers
working with the
same web server, how would you test your scripts without 
running into each
other? it
seems like CVS would work well if everyone was developing 
on his/her own


-Original Message-
From: Hsiao, Chang-Ping [mailto:CHsiao@;]
Sent: Wednesday, October 30, 2002 4:29 PM
To: 'Richard Clarke'; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: [OTish] Version Control?

CVS is easy to use but confusing at first.
Once you get used to it, you should not complain.

I don't quite get your saying "I don't however feel that 
logic of a websites code base fits well into the CVS 
Isn't your
files hierarchical?  If so, why is CVS not fitting your 

Chang-Ping Hsiao

-Original Message-
From: Richard Clarke [mailto:ric@;]
Sent: Wednesday, October 30, 2002 1:09 PM
Subject: [OTish] Version Control?

Does anyone in the list use any kind of version control 
(e.g. CVS) for
the perl/template codebase of their website?
Now that my code base is growing I feel the increasing 
need to provide
better version/backup control than my current hourly 
crontab tar.
I don't however feel that the organizational logic of a 
websites code
base fits well into the CVS paradigm. Am I being to 
short sighted in
this assumption?
Does anyone have any recommended method? I don't use 
version numbers at
all? Does anyone?



RE: [OTish] Version Control?

2002-10-30 Thread Nathan Hardt
I've wondered about this too. Mainly, if you have multiple developers
working with the
same web server, how would you test your scripts without running into each
other? it
seems like CVS would work well if everyone was developing on his/her own


> -Original Message-
> From: Hsiao, Chang-Ping [mailto:CHsiao@;]
> Sent: Wednesday, October 30, 2002 4:29 PM
> To: 'Richard Clarke'; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject: RE: [OTish] Version Control?
> CVS is easy to use but confusing at first.
> Once you get used to it, you should not complain.
> I don't quite get your saying "I don't however feel that the
> organizational
> logic of a websites code base fits well into the CVS paradigm."
> Isn't your
> files hierarchical?  If so, why is CVS not fitting your purpose?
> Chang-Ping Hsiao
> -Original Message-
> From: Richard Clarke [mailto:ric@;]
> Sent: Wednesday, October 30, 2002 1:09 PM
> Subject: [OTish] Version Control?
> Does anyone in the list use any kind of version control (e.g. CVS) for
> the perl/template codebase of their website?
> Now that my code base is growing I feel the increasing need to provide
> better version/backup control than my current hourly crontab tar.
> I don't however feel that the organizational logic of a websites code
> base fits well into the CVS paradigm. Am I being to short sighted in
> this assumption?
> Does anyone have any recommended method? I don't use version numbers at
> all? Does anyone?
> Richard.
> .

RE: [OTish] Version Control?

2002-10-30 Thread Hsiao, Chang-Ping
CVS is easy to use but confusing at first.
Once you get used to it, you should not complain.

I don't quite get your saying "I don't however feel that the organizational
logic of a websites code base fits well into the CVS paradigm."  Isn't your
files hierarchical?  If so, why is CVS not fitting your purpose?

Chang-Ping Hsiao

-Original Message-
From: Richard Clarke [mailto:ric@;]
Sent: Wednesday, October 30, 2002 1:09 PM
Subject: [OTish] Version Control?

Does anyone in the list use any kind of version control (e.g. CVS) for 
the perl/template codebase of their website?
Now that my code base is growing I feel the increasing need to provide 
better version/backup control than my current hourly crontab tar.
I don't however feel that the organizational logic of a websites code 
base fits well into the CVS paradigm. Am I being to short sighted in 
this assumption?
Does anyone have any recommended method? I don't use version numbers at 
all? Does anyone?



Re: [OTish] Version Control?

2002-10-30 Thread HLiu


What's your operation system? Solaris or Linux?
I use Solaris with CVS as the version control. It is very useful tool. You
can also consider to use Solaris Package that is for installation and also
the version control as well.



  Richard Clarke   



   Subject:  [OTish] Version Control?  

  10/30/2002 04:09 




Does anyone in the list use any kind of version control (e.g. CVS) for
the perl/template codebase of their website?
Now that my code base is growing I feel the increasing need to provide
better version/backup control than my current hourly crontab tar.
I don't however feel that the organizational logic of a websites code
base fits well into the CVS paradigm. Am I being to short sighted in
this assumption?
Does anyone have any recommended method? I don't use version numbers at
all? Does anyone?


Re: [OTish] Version Control?

2002-10-30 Thread siberian
We felt the same way but once we went to CVS we never 
looked back and can not imagine going with out source 
control. It may seem like the web doesnt fit that paradigm 
but if you break your modules up properly it works like a 

We broke out into 'html','components', 
This gave us good control over each different area.

For our development team its more about consistency then 
versioning. If you go all the way with it like we did you 
can give each developer a sandbox that they work in and 
CVS merges for you, it is a huge benefit. Its to the point 
now where you check out all the modules and run one 
script. That script builds all the perl dependancies, 
rebuilds your http daemon, rebuilds the proxies, 
configures the server for the platform its on based on 
hostname and installs all the relevant files. 

Every so often we bundle everything up into a tagged 
'Release' and send it on its way to production. This works 
really well. A case in point was when we did our I18N 
conversion. We had one version of the code that was being 
entirely hacked apart to accomodate our changes but we 
still had to actively support bug fixes on the release. 
Without CVS[insert favorite source system here] this would 
have been impossible.

So, without good CVS things like our I18N effort, our 
auto-install systems etc would have not been possible or 
been a LOT more painful. As it was we busted through it in 
record time.


On Wed, 30 Oct 2002 21:09:05 +
 Richard Clarke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Does anyone in the list use any kind of version control 
(e.g. CVS) for the perl/template codebase of their 
Now that my code base is growing I feel the increasing 
need to provide better version/backup control than my 
current hourly crontab tar.
I don't however feel that the organizational logic of a 
websites code base fits well into the CVS paradigm. Am I 
being to short sighted in this assumption?
Does anyone have any recommended method? I don't use 
version numbers at all? Does anyone?
