Re: How to get two perl namespaces in apache

2002-03-26 Thread Perrin Harkins

Ernest Lergon wrote:
> just throwing a glance I found:

Not a good idea for production use.  It will slow things down.  Handy 
for development with multiple projects using separate virtual hosts though.

- Perrin

Re: AddModule mod_perl.c

2002-03-27 Thread Perrin Harkins

Stas Bekman wrote:
> Arh, I mean to use the hints how to get the core dump backtrace.

Hang on, this guy is just trying to do an install.  He shouldn't need to 
troubleshoot at that low a level.

John, who built this server and why is it DSO?  If you have control of 
this system, I would recommend that you simply start over and build 
Apache/mod_perl statically, following the instructions that come in the 
mod_perl package.  It completely avoids all of the AddModule business 
that is getting you confused.

I've always avoided DSO like the plague, but if you're really determined 
to use it your best bet is to let the mod_perl build script do the 
LoadModule/AddModule stuff for you, which it will do if you tell it to 
with the USE_DSO=1 flag.

- Perrin

Re: AddModule mod_perl.c

2002-03-27 Thread Perrin Harkins

Sorry you're having so much trouble with the install.  It goes pretty
smoothly for most people, but you are complicating things a bit by
putting PHP and SSL in the mix on your first try.

>Perrin, I have no idea if DSO is still involved

Apache will not build DSO unless you tell it to.

Your build routine looks fine to me.  I do the same except I don't
usually build in mod_ssl, and it works.

>After I install the apache server I check the
> httpd.conf.  In it are 2 key lines:
>   LoadModule perl_module  libexec/
>   AddModule mod_perl.c

Get rid of your old conf file.  You don't want any of that
LoadModule/AddModule junk at all in a static server.  That's DSO-only. 
(Anyone know if mod_ssl somehow forces you to use DSO?)

> However, when I try to browse my
> file (from Apache Modules w/ Perl & C, pp 42-4) it
> displays it as text rather than an html page.  It's as
> if the Options ExecCGI were not applied.

That script should work under CGI as well.  Does it?  Did you remember
to make it executable?

I'm afraid I'm not that much help with install problems because I just
haven't had any of my own to deal with.  You can try using Apache
Toolbox to do the build.  It's supposed to make this stuff easier.  If
it seems hopeless, you could always check out SpeedyCGI, which gives a
similar speedup for perl CGI scripts bu does not require apache to be
recompiled.  It doesn't give you access to the full range of mod_perl
tools, but it may be all you need in this case.

- Perrin

Re: Segmentation fault 11 (php/mod_perl)

2002-03-28 Thread Perrin Harkins

Bob Pickles wrote:
> I've been hacking at this a couple days.  At first I really wanted to 
> get mod_perl working as a DSO.  Got everything compiled, and added lines 
> to httpd.conf.  Died on startup if I had AddModule mod_perl.c.  
> Following  a tip on this list, I gave up on DSO and went static 
> compile.

And then what happened?  Did you start with a clean conf file?  There 
should be no LoadModule/AddModule stuff in it for a static server.

- Perrin

Re: startup vs. child initialization question

2002-04-01 Thread Perrin Harkins

>> Also, I read about issues of database handlers becoming
>>unstable across forks.  So should I place this initialization
>>information into a perl child init handler?

See the connect_on_init() method in the Apache::DBI docs.

>We use PerlSetVar's for this where I work.

That's how I would do it too, for anything that might vary by virtual host.

- Perrin

Re: Global Config Module

2002-04-01 Thread Perrin Harkins

Christopher H. Laco wrote:
> If I use the module in, and have it load all of it's data at
> startup, it that the instance all child processes will use?

Yes, that's the best way to do it.

> On a side note, I'm fairly comfortable with Perl/OOP at the
> batch/command/cgi level, but the where's and whens of mod_perl still leave
> me a bit unclear.

It's mostly a question of understanding the lifecycle of the Apache 
server.  You'll get it.

- Perrin

Re: Global Config Module

2002-04-01 Thread Perrin Harkins

> In my limited understanding then,  in the, one could do the
> following:
> use strict;
> use MyMod::Config();
> MyMod::Config::load();

Yes.  Then you can have a function for accessing the config variables,
or put them in globals ($MyMod::Config::database_password), or various
other things.

> What about existing components the are normally created in scripts
> new..
> use strict;
> use MyMod::Config();
> my $config = MyMod::Config->new();

What about them?  That's a lexical variable, and not a problem.

> Since the use of globals is bad,  should existing things be converted
> pure packages instead of oop classes.
> Is it prefered in the mod_perl world to create packages rather than

I think you're getting your terminology a little mixed up.  In Perl,
packages are classes.  And I'm not sure what globals you're talking

> What about statefull vs. stateless objects?

Since users are not guaranteed to return to the same Apache process each
time, you can't keep read/write data in memory between requests (at
least not without some kind of expiration system).  Read-only data, like
your config info, is fine to keep in memory.  If you want to keep some
sort of global application state, use MLDBM::Sync or Cache::Cache.  For
user sessions, look at Apache::Session.

- Perrin

Re: general timeout for mod_perl scripts?

2002-04-01 Thread Perrin Harkins

> i would like to prevent any of my mod_perl scripts from running longer
> 5 seconds.  is there an elegant way to make a general timeout that
does not
> require changing all my scripts?  i run both Registry and Mason
scripts in
> my environment.

You could try setting an alarm in a fixup handler.  But if you're just
trying to prevent runaway servers, I'd suggest Apache::Resource.

- Perrin

Re: Proxy authentication against a mod_perl backend - how?

2002-04-01 Thread Perrin Harkins

> My first thoughts were to use mod_proxy to forward requests for
> /protected/login to the backend, where the authentication will be
> Then, just redirect the request to another URL behind /protected.  The
> authentication information should be passed as part of the request,
> it not?

Sure, but your proxy server won't be checking to see what it is.  People
could go to any of your proctected pages freely if they know the URL.

Sounds like you're going to a lot of trouble to avoid using standard
auth to me.  There are a number of auth modules out there which don't
need mod_perl, and you may find one that will play nicely with your
backend programs.  Modules that auth against MySQL or LDAP servers

If you're determined to do auth on the backend, I would just let the
backend do the auth and serving of the static pages.  It will dump them
out fast and let the proxy servers do the slow work of dribbling the
bytes out to clients.

- Perrin

Re: Astronomical Information

2002-04-01 Thread Perrin Harkins

> Maybe i have been searching for the wrong keywords or been looking in
> the wrong places

You have.  Try this:

- Perrin

Re: Apache::DBI or What ?

2002-04-02 Thread Perrin Harkins

Eric Frazier wrote:
> I also still don't see how a connection can be "reconnected" at such a high
> level.

It can't, unless your database specifically supports the command 
"reauthenticate".  Oracle does, which is what he wrote this for, but I 
don't think it's a standard part of SQL syntax so it will probably not 
work with MySQL.

Of course MySQL connects really quickly, so you can probably get 
perfectly good performance without using Apache::DBI at all.

- Perrin

Re: PDF generation

2002-04-04 Thread Perrin Harkins

Mike808 wrote:
> Don't know if you can run a JServ+mod_perl or JPerl hybrid, though.

You can, but it would be the biggest memory hog every created, since it 
would be running a JVM in addition to the Perl interpreters.

- Perrin

Re: Problem with DBM concurrent access

2002-04-04 Thread Perrin Harkins

Franck PORCHER wrote:
> So my question narrows down to :
> How to flush on disk the cache of a tied DBM (DB_File) structure
> in a way that any concurrent process accessing it in *read only* mode
> would automatically get the new values as soon as they
> are published (synchronisation)

You have to tie and untie on each request.  There's some discussion of 
this in the Guide.  As an alternative, you could look at using 
BerkeleyDB, or MLDBM::Sync (which does the tie/untie for you).

- Perrin

Re: Problem with DBM concurrent access

2002-04-04 Thread Perrin Harkins

> > Isn't that just as simple as
> >
> > tied(%dbm_array)->sync();
> I believe that's not enough, because the reader may read data during
> write, resulting in corrupted data read.

Not only that, there's also the issue with at least some dbm
implementations that they cache part of the file in memory and will not
pick up changed data unless you untie and re-tie.  I remember a good
discussion about this on the list a year or two back.

- Perrin

Re: Thanks and GoodBye

2002-04-05 Thread Perrin Harkins

John Kolvereid wrote:
>Thanks for all your help, but I am NOT able to
> install mod_perl.  It's probably something that is not
> installed on my particular server - I'll never know. 

I suspect you were just trying to do too much at once on your first try 
by throwing PHP and SSL in the mix.  I suggest you look at SpeedyCGI 
(, which offers similar speedups for CGI 
scripts but does not require you to recompile Apache.  It doesn't have 
the same feature set as mod_perl, but all you wanted to do was speed up 
your existing CGI scripts anyway.

- Perrin

Re: mod_perl Cook Book

2002-04-05 Thread Perrin Harkins

Rasoul Hajikhani wrote:
> Has anyone purchased the mod_perl cook book from this list? If so, what
> do you think of it? Is it a good buy?

Yes.  Go get it.

- Perrin

Re: Pipelinning Output "APP" Framework

2002-04-05 Thread Perrin Harkins

> I know alot of you must do this.
> I want build a simple APP framework to chain the output of all my content
> handlers, which would live in many different PM's for easy code management.
> for example:
> APP::Header
> APP::Footer
> APP::Content
> APP::Chemical_entry
> APP::...
> APP::Controller
> - would push_handlers based on uri and/or app logic
> - The result would be the entire html output in ( via print array )
> WHY ( so that my content can: )
> - pass named paired parameters to following handlers
> - modify previous content ( eg update "html" header code with a msg from
> main content handler )

This is not the best way to think about the problem, especially if you 
want it to be "FAST, FAST, FAST".  Having one piece of code manipulate 
the HTML output from another piece is messy, slow, and will probably 
break every time your designers change the HTML.  Instead, build a 
pipeline for working on the data to be displayed, which you can easilly 
pass through method arguments or $r->pnotes(), and then run a template 
(which may include many smaller templates) at the end to generate HTML. 
  There are several templating tools you can use for this, and I've 
summarized the best ones at

- Perrin

Re: tt2 using mason tags

2002-04-08 Thread Perrin Harkins

Mark Fowler wrote:
> Sounds like you're getting confused between [% %] for template code 
> and [% PERL %] ... [% END %] for actual real perl code

Agreed.  Also, any significant Mason component is likely to use Mason's 
built-in object model, which is not part of TT.  You will probably have 
to port some code before it will run.

- Perrin

Re: Ordering in %INC for PerlRestart

2002-04-08 Thread Perrin Harkins

Ged Haywood wrote:
> Hi there,
> On Tue, 2 Apr 2002, [iso-8859-1] Sreeji K Das wrote:
>>I use PerlFreshRestart on to reload my modules.
> [snip]
>>However, here my modules are getting loaded before the
>>PerlRequire'd is loaded (since %INC is a hash).
>>First, can some1 suggest a solution for this ?
> I always stop (with SIGTERM) and start my servers rather than using
> restart (SIGUSR1) as I find that there are fewer surprises.  I think
> that Perrin will agree.  There are very few systems that can't cope
> with a few seconds of downtime.

It's certainly a lot safer, and it won't trash your shared memory the 
way PerlFreshRestart will.

- Perrin

Re: mod_perl and open files limit

2002-04-08 Thread Perrin Harkins

Ged Haywood wrote:
> I'd suggest setting MaxRequestsPerChild to a low value (I generally
> use something in the range of 50-100 but Perrin will tell you that's
> *very* low... :) to avoid leak problems.

A setting of 0 is fine, as long as you are using Apache::SizeLimit or 
Apache::GTopLimit.  In fact, that's the best way to do it, since it 
gives your child processes the longest possible lifespan while 
preventing them from getting too big.

As for the source of the original problem, it is probably a bug in the 
local code.  You should check to make sure all of your filehandles are 
being closed.  The other suspicious-sounding module is 
Apache::Lock::File.  You can check it by replacing it with NullLocker 
and watching to see if the problem disappears.

- Perrin

Re: tt2 using mason tags

2002-04-08 Thread Perrin Harkins

Rafiq Ismail (ADMIN) wrote:
> It's just the fact that in spite of my specifying that it should use
> inline_perl, it didn't interpolate the inline code which uses custom
> modules in mason tags.  I've got it to try and interpolate now, however it
> seems to warn that "$VARNAME's" are odd symbols.

If you post an example of the troublesome templates on the TT list, 
someone will probably be able to help you.

- Perrin

Re: Unsubscribe me please [KILL THIS THREAD]

2002-04-09 Thread Perrin Harkins

Please kill this thread.  Some people are not good at dealing with
mailing lists.  At least this guy was polite.

- Perrin

Re: Ordering in %INC for PerlRestart

2002-04-10 Thread Perrin Harkins

Sreeji K Das wrote:
> Thanx for the reply (I hardly get replies for subjects
> with restart :-( I guess I'm the only one using
> PerlFreshRestart (sic !).

Hopefully you are the only one!

> My requirement is to do a neat kill of children and
> then do a complete restart. I don't want any existing
> connections to be terminated abruptly.

I've done this in a load-balanced cluster by stopping all traffic to the 
machine I want to restart, allowing current requests to finish, and then 
restarting it.  It would be nice to have a "graceful shutdown" option 

> Also I want a
> complete restart (ie. any modified files should be
> loaded - using Apache::Reload/StatINC does a lot of
> stat()'s & further each children would get a separate
> copy).

I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure PerlFreshRestart will not result 
in as much shared memory as an actual restart.  How does your shared 
memory look after a clean restart vs. a PerlFreshRestart?

> Restart was working perfectly until mod_perl-1.19.

Maybe for you.  For many people it resulted in unexplained segfaults and 
closure problems in CPAN modules.  It's just not a very safe thing to do.

> After that a lot has changed. Now I have fixed a lot
> in mod_perl to get Restart fully working.

You can send your patches to the dev list.  However, most effort is 
focused on getting mod_perl 2 out right now.

- Perrin

Re: Content management systems

2002-04-10 Thread Perrin Harkins

Matthew Watson wrote:
>  I was wondering if there are any content management systems around for
> modperl , i'm after a similar kind of thing
> as postnuke for php. I'd much rather something 'out of the box' as I don't
> have time to develop a system from scratch mysql.

It looks Robin Berjon is going to give an overview of CMS for mod_perl 

I know I'll be there.

- Perrin

Re: alarms

2002-04-10 Thread Perrin Harkins

mire wrote:
> 1) what happens when you set an alarm for lets say 30 seconds and the request
> finishes in 20 ?

You are supposed to unset the alarm if the event you were timing 
finishes before it goes off.

> 2) does apache child die when you issue die; from perl code (mod_perl
> ofcourse) ?

No, only when you call exit or child_terminate().

- Perrin

Re: [Fwd: Re: How to reload PERL module in all Apache children]

2002-04-11 Thread Perrin Harkins

> On Fri, 12 Apr 2002, Stas Bekman wrote:
>>But if talk about futuristic Solar variables (perl globals shared 
>>between threads). what if a solar variable is a reference to CODE? Can 
>>this be shared? If so, will reloading this variable in one interpreter 
>>affect others?
> even if that would work, it would kill performance due to required mutex 
> locking.  and that locking would need to happen in the perl core, unlike
> simple scalars, arrays and hashes.

Does it look you'll be able to get the solar variables idea to work for 
those data types?

- Perrin

Re: alarms

2002-04-11 Thread Perrin Harkins

Damyan Ivanov wrote:
> OK, but I am really curious. What really happens if I intentionally set
> the alarm to ring after the request has finished? For example if I want
> something to hapen if apache child is idle for more than 15 minutes.

Try it.  Most likely it will run the alarm, but will interrupt some 
other unrelated request from a different user to do it.

Re: Enforcing user logged in from only 1 browser?

2002-04-15 Thread Perrin Harkins

Fran Fabrizio wrote:
> Unfortunately, there's some terminology muddling...AuthCookie calls it a 
> session when it establishes that a user is a valid user and sets a 
> cookie on their browser.  Apache::Session considers a session a series 
> of page hits from the same user.  It assumes you've already done 
> whatever you need to do to assure that the user is valid.

I think you may find that neither of these does everything you need 
without a bit of additional coding.  The common way to do this sort of 
thing is to use Apache::Session to track sessions (as in a series of 
page hits from the same user), and if the user authenticates, you put 
his user ID into the session data.

You would have to do the auth part yourself, as well as the actual 
cookie handling, or else hack AuthCookie to cooperate with Apache::Session.

- Perrin

Re: "Kind-of" PerlSections, and location question

2002-04-15 Thread Perrin Harkins

Daniel W. Burke wrote:
> We have an application we're serving by using the same
> set of source code, and setting up different 
> sections in the virtual host to set different variables
> and path aliases based on who the customer is...
> What I'd like to do (if even possible!), is have something
> like this:
> Have a databae table that stores the information for each
> setting, then load it dynamically as a request comes in...

Off the top of my head, there are two simple ways to do this.  The first 
is to generate your httpd.conf using a template and database.  I've done 
this using Template Toolkit, and it worked great.  This also works for 
servers that don't have mod_perl, like proxy servers.

The other way would be to write a PerlTransHandler to look at all 
incoming requests and then decide how to handle them based on your 
database info.  This is better if you need to be able to update it 
without restarting apache.

- Perrin

Re: [OT] [ANNOUNCE] mod_log_sqlite

2002-04-15 Thread Perrin Harkins

Tatsuhiko Miyagawa wrote:
> Announcing new Apache module (written in C):
> mod_log_sqlite is an Apache logging module for sqlite database. It
> allows you to log your HTTP stats into sqlite, then you can do queries
> using sqlite's SQL feature (including subselects, views) to HTTP
> statistics.

The SQLite FAQ seems to suggest that SQLite isn't very good at parallel 
read/write situations:

Have you seen any problems so far?

- Perrin

Re: [OT] [ANNOUNCE] mod_log_sqlite

2002-04-15 Thread Perrin Harkins

Matt Sergeant wrote:
> Is that any different to how it is with file logging?

I would guess it's the same, but I don't know the details of how either 
system implements locking.  I'm mostly interested because if SQLite 
works for this it might work for fast data sharing between processes as 
well (maybe as a Cache::Cache backend).

- Perrin

Re: PerlRequire

2002-04-16 Thread Perrin Harkins

Florence Dardenne wrote:
> Does mod_perl 1.26 includes the 'PerlRequire' functionality or do I need
> higher version ?

All versions of mod_perl have that feature.  You must not have mod_perl 
compiled into that server.  See this entry in the guide:

- Perrin

Re: PerlRequire -mod_perl-2 - Apache 2.0.35

2002-04-16 Thread Perrin Harkins

> I am a newbie and had developed a proof-of-concept application on Apache 
>1.3.23/Mod_Perl-1.26-dev. We are researching into moving away from ASP/IIS 
>Webapplications to Apache/Mod_Perl. I am stuck with the latest Apache 2.0.35 with the 
>following problems.

Do you really need to use Apache 2 and mod_perl 2?  Why not use the 
proven 1.x series?  It's still pretty early to be using the new stuff.

- Perrin

Re: Apache::DProf seg faulting

2002-04-16 Thread Perrin Harkins

Sam Tregar wrote:
> On Tue, 16 Apr 2002, Sam Tregar wrote:
>>On 16 Apr 2002, Garth Winter Webb wrote:
>>>Sam, try getting rid of the 'PerlModule Apache::DB' line.  I've used
>>>Apache::DProf w/o any problems by including only the one PerlModule
>>>line.  Since they both want to use perl debugging hooks, I'm guessing
>>>that Apache::DProf is getting crashed up when it tries to use hooks
>>>already grabbed by Apache::DB...
>>Same result.  Thanks though!
> Aw nuts, that was the problem!  I thought I'd tried that already, but I
> guess not.  I actually got those PerlModule lines from the "mod_perl
> Developers Cookbook" - guess this is an errata!

Strange, that works for me.  I do it like this:

 use Apache::DProf;
 use Apache::DB;

Or at least I did last time.  Maybe this has changed in more recent 
versions.  At the time (June 2000), I discovered I needed to call 
Apache::DB->init or else the debugging symbols would not get put in for 
modules that I used in my, and they would not get profiled.

- Perrin

Re: Sharing Variable Across Apache Children

2002-04-17 Thread Perrin Harkins

Benjamin Elbirt wrote:
> Well, lets assume that I were to go with
> the shared memory option anyway... what would the pitfalls be / concerns?

As mentioned before, you'd probably be better off with MLDBM::Sync or 
Cache::Cache.  You can try IPC::Shareable, but a lot of people seem to 
have trouble getting it to work.

Note that this is not shared acorss all the machine in the cluster 
unless you used a shared filesystem like NFS.

- Perrin

Re: Sharing Variable Across Apache Children

2002-04-17 Thread Perrin Harkins

> Abstracting access to data is only half of the storythe more
> part is race conditions and lock management...

All of the data sharing tools take the logistics of multi-process
read/write situations into account, although they do it in different
ways.  Some use file locking, others use semaphores, and still others
use tricks like atomic file renames.  The ones I mentioned in this thead
(MLDBM::Sync and Cache::Cache) are both written to provide safe
multi-process access.

- Perrin

Re: [OT] Encrypting Embedded URLs

2002-04-18 Thread Perrin Harkins

Nigel Hamilton wrote:
>   I'm looking for a two-way cipher to obfuscate URL parameters
> safely and succinctly (not too many extra characters).

Try Crypt::CBC.

- Perrin

Re: Apache::DProf seg faulting

2002-04-19 Thread Perrin Harkins

Paul Lindner wrote:
>>But while I have your attention, why are you using Apache::DB at all?  The
>>Apache::DProf docs just have:
>>  PerlModule Apache::DProf
> Legacy knowledge :)
> I think it may have been required in the past, or perhaps I had some
> problems with my INC paths long-long ago..  And well, it just kinda
> stuck.

I used to do it because if I didn't DProf would not know anything about 
modules I pull in from (since the debugger was not 
initialized until after they were loaded).  This may not be necessary 

- Perrin

Re: Throttling, once again

2002-04-19 Thread Perrin Harkins

Hi Bill,

> Wasn't there just a thread on throttling a few weeks ago?

There have been many.  Here's my answer to one of them: 
004101c0f2cc$9d14a540$[EMAIL PROTECTED]">$9d14a540$[EMAIL PROTECTED]

> Anyway, I remember Randal's Stonehenge::Throttle discussed not too long
> ago.

What we did was take that module, replace the CPU monitoring stuff with 
simple hit counting, and make it just return an "Access Denied" when the 
limit is  hit.  We also did some slightly fancier stuff than just 
blocking by IP, since we were concerned about proxy servers getting 
blocked.  You may not need to bother with that though.

One nice thing about Randal's module is that it uses disk (not shared 
memory) and worked well across a cluster sharing the directory over NFS.

> Also, does anyone have suggestions for testing once throttling is in place?
>  I don't want to start cutting off the good customers, but I do want to get
> an idea how it acts under load.  ab to the rescue, I suppose.

That will work, as will http_load or httperf.

- Perrin

Re: [OT] Doubt on directories for development

2002-04-22 Thread Perrin Harkins

F. Xavier Noria wrote:
> The fact is that developers in my team have Apache under /usr/local in
> Linux machines, but we would prefer to develop as normal users, not as
> www or nobody, though that will be the user in production.
> What is the standard way to configure things for that? We have created
> somehow the Apache directory layout under the root of the project tree
> and call httpd -f project_root/conf/httpd.conf, where we customize the
> user and group (in my case fxn), full paths to log and pid files
> writable by that user, etc. but ServerRoot is /usr/local/apache and the
> original modules under /usr/local/apache are there, so we cannot use
> $r->server_root_relative to access, say, to application config files
> which seems to be standard (and quite natural) idiom. The httpd.conf in
> CVS is a template customized once per-machine with a script.

It doesn't seem worth it to me to go to a lot of trouble to avoid 
starting apache as root in development, especially if that's how you'll 
do it in production.  I've always just put my modules in 
/usr/local/apache/lib/perl where they get picked up automatically (with 
no use lib or @INC changes).  I make that directory writeable by my 
standard login (a security hole, but it's just my personal machine and 
not visible on the Internet), and keep a root shell open for restarting 
the server.  That works fine unless you have mutiple users developing on 
the same box.

- Perrin

Re: Q & A: $r->custom_response

2002-04-23 Thread Perrin Harkins

Issac Goldstand wrote:
> Reposting a question (and the answer) that geoff and I discussed in the 
> IRC room, as I think it's worthwhile to mention...
> I had the following line of code (actually many of the sort):
> $r->custom_response(FORBIDDEN=>"File size exceeds quota.");
> And kept getting errors like:
> [Tue Apr 23 19:46:14 2002] null: Argument "FORBIDDEN" isn't numeric in 
> subroutine entry at /usr/local/httpd/lib/perl/Mine/Pic/ 
> line 1343.
> The answer to the problem is that by using '=>' instead of ',', I was 
> making 'FORBIDDEN' become '"FORBIDDEN"' (string instead of numeric 403).
> Moral of the story: don't use => with Apache::Constants!

In fact, don't use constants at all.  At least not the kind created by 
the "use constants" pragma and similar tricks.  They have all kinds of 
problems like this.  Use package variables instead ($FORBIDDEN).  Maybe 
some day Perl will have real constants, but I'm perfectly happy with 
package variables in the meantime.

- Perrin

Re: Q & A: $r->custom_response

2002-04-23 Thread Perrin Harkins

Per Einar Ellefsen wrote:
> Well, this one is exported by Apache::Constants, so if you don't want to do
> somewhere at the top of your code, you're bound to continue using 
> constants, right?

That's still safer.  I used the constants pragma on a big project and I 
saw people get bitten by $hash{CONSTANT} and "string interp CONSTANT" as 
well as the aforementioned CONSTANT => value problem.  It's just asking 
for trouble, in my opinion.

Can anyone tell us if the Apache::Constants all just standard HTTP 
response codes, or are some of them actually Apache-specific?

- Perrin

Re: Q & A: $r->custom_response

2002-04-23 Thread Perrin Harkins

Per Einar Ellefsen wrote:
> I suppose Apache::Constants could have been extended to return globals 
> if requested... But is there really any gain in that?

Only in that people will not get tripped up by the possible bugs that 
using subroutines as constants causes.  I guess Apache::Constants is 
difficult to replace, so everyone will just have to keep an eye out for 
this sort of problem.

- Perrin

Re: [Q maybe OT] forward

2002-04-24 Thread Perrin Harkins

Martin Haase-Thomas wrote:
> forwarding is a term that i borrowed from the JSP concept - which i'm 
> currently trying to implement in perl.

JSP forward is directly equivalent to an internal redirect.  It's just 
an include that doesn't return.  In short, it's a GOTO statement.  Thank 
you Sun.

- Perrin

Re: Apache2/mod_perl2 an order of magnitude more powerful?

2002-04-24 Thread Perrin Harkins

Nigel Hamilton wrote:
>   I would love to run 250 Apache children on my linux server but I
> just don't have enough memory (50 children max).

  thread still needs its own perl interpreter.Then you probably won't 
have enough memory with Apache 2 either.  There is some additional 
memory savings from sharing the opcode tree, but each   Expect it to be 
better, but you don't get something (unlimited parallelism) for nothing 
(limited RAM).

- Perrin

Re: full-featured online database apps

2002-04-24 Thread Perrin Harkins

Peter Bi wrote:
> Well, I changed it back to "HTML::Template".

No template flame wars, please.  HTML::Template is not unique (it has 
much in common with Template Toolkit and dozens of other less famous 
modules from CPAN), and Embperl::Object is really pretty cool.  Your 
original point about separating presentation out into templates helping 
with code reusability is a good one, so let's just leave it at that.

- Perrin

Re: Apache::OK error

2002-04-25 Thread Perrin Harkins

Lihn, Steve wrote:
> [Thu Apr 25 15:32:15 2002] [error] Bareword "Apache::OK" not allowed while
> "strict subs" in use at C:\Apache2/blib/lib/Apache2/Apache/ line 25.
> Compilation failed in require at (eval 2) line 3.
> What do I miss?

Try Apache::OK() instead.  Damn these faux constants!

Re: Apache::OK error

2002-04-25 Thread Perrin Harkins

Oops, that's right, it's in the Apache::Constants package.  Changing 
your code to say Apache::Constants::OK should do it.  No need to import 
all of that stuff unless you want to.

Jon Robison wrote:
> maybe a "use Apache::Constants qw/ :common /;"  
> --Jon Robison
> "Lihn, Steve" wrote:
>>I am testing the Apache::Echo connection handler for Apache2 and mod_perl 2.
>>But encounter the following error:
>>[Thu Apr 25 15:32:15 2002] [error] failed to resolve handler `Apache::Echo'
>>[Thu Apr 25 15:32:15 2002] [error] Bareword "Apache::OK" not allowed while
>>"strict subs" in use at C:\Apache2/blib/lib/Apache2/Apache/ line 25.
>>Compilation failed in require at (eval 2) line 3.
>>What do I miss?
>>package Apache::Echo;
>> use strict;
>> use Apache::Connection ();
>> use APR::Socket ();
>> use constant BUFF_LEN => 1024;
>> sub handler {
>> my Apache::Connection $c = shift;
>> my APR::Socket $socket = $c->client_socket;
>> my $buff;
>> for (;;) {
>> my($rlen, $wlen);
>> my $rlen = BUFF_LEN;
>> $socket->recv($buff, $rlen);
>> last if $rlen <= 0;
>> $wlen = $rlen;
>> $socket->send($buff, $wlen);
>> last if $wlen != $rlen;
>> }
>> return Apache::OK;
>> }
>> 1;
>> __END__
>>  Steve Lihn
>>  FIS Database Support, Merck & Co., Inc.
>>  Tel: (908) 423 - 4441
>>Notice:  This e-mail message, together with any attachments, contains information of 
>Merck & Co., Inc. (Whitehouse Station, New Jersey, USA) that may be confidential, 
>proprietary copyrighted and/or legally privileged, and is intended solely for the use 
>of the individual or entity named in this message.  If you are not the intended 
>recipient, and have received this message in error, please immediately return this by 
>e-mail and then delete it.

Re: Basic usage of Apache::Session::Oracle

2002-04-28 Thread Perrin Harkins

> 1. Is the reference to the user storable?

Yes, but it will store the complete user object in the database, not
just a reference.

> 2. Do I need to create more columns in the table or everything
>to the "a_session" column?

The latter.

> 3. Could one set up things in a way that allows the database to
>the timestamps and program a trigger to delete old sessions?

Yes.  You will have to hack the Apache::Session code to do it, but it's
not very hard.  Just make it store a timestamp in a different table.  Or
put a trigger in the database to update a timestamp column when the
a_session column gets updated.

However, this implies that every time a user accesses a page you will be
updating his session.  That's not true for most sites.  If you really
need an accurate time for when the user last accessed a page, you will
have to make sure to update his session every time.  See the information
on forcing an update in the Apache::Session docs.

- Perrin

Re: Memory explodes loading CSV into hash

2002-04-28 Thread Perrin Harkins

> $foo->{$i} = [ @record ];

You're creating 14000 arrays, and references to them (refs take up space
too!).  That's where the memory is going.

See if you can use a more efficient data structure.  For example, it
takes less space to make 4 arrays with 14000 entries in each than to
make 14000 arrays with 4 entries each.  There is some discussion of this
in the Advanced Perl Programming book, and probably some CPAN modules
that can help.

- Perrin

Re: Memory explodes loading CSV into hash

2002-04-29 Thread Perrin Harkins

Ernest Lergon wrote:
> So I turned it around:
> $col holds now 18 arrays with 14000 entries each and prints the correct
> results:
> and gives:
> 12364  12M  1044
> Wow, 2 MB saved ;-))

That's pretty good, but obviously not what you were after.

I tried using the pre-size array syntax ($#array = 14000), but it didn't 
help any.  Incidentally, that map statement in your script isn't doing 
anything that I can see.

> I think, a reference is a pointer of 8 Bytes, so:
> 14.000 * 8 = approx. 112 KBytes - right?

Probably more.  Perl data types are complex.  They hold a lot of meta 
data (is the ref blessed, for example).

> This doesn't explain the difference of 7 MB calculated and 14 MB
> measured.

The explanation of this is that perl uses a lot of memory.  For one 
thing, it allocates RAM in buckets.  When you hit the limit of the 
allocated memory, it grabs more, and I believe it grabs an amount in 
proportion to what you've already used.  That means that as your 
structures get bigger, it grabs bigger chunks.  The whole 12MB may not 
be in use, although perl has reserved it for possible use.  (Grabbing 
memory byte by byte would be less wasteful, but much too slow.)

The stuff in perldebguts is the best reference on this, and you've 
already looked at that.  I think your original calculation failed to 
account for the fact that the minimum numbers given there for scalars 
are minimums (i.e. scalars with something in them won't be that small) 
and that you are accessing many of these in more than one way (i.e. as 
string, float, and integer), which increases their size.  You can try 
playing with compile options (your choice of malloc affects this a 
little), but at this point it's probably not worth it.  There's nothing 
wrong with 12MB of shared memory, as long as it stays shared.  If that 
doesn't work for you, your only choice will be to trade some speed for 
reduced memory useage, by using a disk-based structure.

At any rate, mod_perl doesn't seem to be at fault here.  It's just a 
general perl issue.

- Perrin

Re: schedule server possible?

2002-04-29 Thread Perrin Harkins

Lihn, Steve wrote:
> How do you use cron to do scheduling, yet "calls" Apache/mod_perl to
> do the processing?

Your cron script just uses LWP to call a module running in mod_perl.

> Consider cron does not exist in Win32, maybe an all-Apache solution
> will be simpler and more elegant!?

Cron does exist on Win32.  It's called "Scheduled Tasks".  I use it all 
the time to kick off perl scripts.

- Perrin

Re: PerlRun problem: can't find method "uri"?

2002-04-30 Thread Perrin Harkins

Ricky wrote:
> When running under apache::perlrun, the script sometimes crash.

I agree with Stas that if you fix the problems with your script running 
under "strict" this will most likely go away.

> In mod_perl manual said that the script usually run in apache::perlrun 
> widthout change but not in my script.

One thing that often causes problems is old Perl4-style library files. 
If you have functions that you load from some .pl files which have no 
package name and are pulled into the main namespace, you should change 
them into real Perl5-style modules.  There are lots of reasons you 
should fix this; mod_perl is just one of them.

> And I can't add "use strict" because it will crash the script immediatelly.
> In error_log show :
> "Variable "%in" is not imported at /home/httpd/html/scdf/scdf.plx line 174."
> "Global symbol "$sth" requires explicit package name at 
> /home/httpd/html/scdf/scdf.plx line 171."

If you've read the documentation and you still need help understanding 
how to program with the "strict" pragma, I suggest looking on

> Is it a good decision try to move to mod_perl because the implementation time 
> is slow.
> Is there any other tech that easier/more faster than mod_perl?
> How about PHP or JSP?

It will be much faster to fix your CGI scripts so they run under 
mod_perl than to re-write them in PHP or JSP.

- Perrin

Re: Cheap and unique

2002-04-30 Thread Perrin Harkins

David Jacobs wrote:
> I'm converting a few CGI scripts that used the PID as a cyclical unique 
> number (in concert with TIMESTAMP - so it was TIMESTAMP.PID).
> Our goal is to find a replacement function that is extremely cheap 
> (cheaper than say, random(100)) and will never repeat. Any ideas? 

Yes, mod_unique_id will do that, as will Sys::UniqueID and Data::UUID on 
CPAN.  Of course that random function is probably very lightweight, but 
it's not actually unique.

- Perrin

Re: Cheap and unique

2002-04-30 Thread Perrin Harkins

OCNS Consulting wrote:
> Check your "Programming in PERL" book. Specifically, the "srand" function.

'random' ne 'unique'

A random function could return the same number 10 times in a row.  It's 
very unlikely, but it could happen.  That's the definition of random.

- Perrin

Re: SOAP and web services

2002-05-02 Thread Perrin Harkins

Richard Clarke wrote:
> I use mod_perl/apache/soap::lite to create an internal "application server"
> so that I can distribute processing load from the public webserver.

That would be a lot more efficient if you just used vanilla HTTP.  Less 
wasted overhead.  This is the same principal at work when you use 
mod_proxy in your web server and a backend system with mod_perl on it.

- Perrin

Re: Using a 404 ErrorDocument to serve content

2002-05-06 Thread Perrin Harkins

Ken Williams wrote:
> The idea is that I'd put a bunch of JPEGs on the 
> server at locations like foo/123.jpg , and then if a request came for 
> foo/123-medium.jpg , I'd catch that with a 404 ErrorDocument and 
> generate the resized image using Imager.  If I wanted to, I could also 
> create the resized image on disk, so it wouldn't need to be generated 
> next time.

Incidentally, that's how Vignette StoryServer works.  You could also do 
this kind of thing with a transhandler (or mod_rewrite) that checks for 
the existence of a static file and rewrites the URL if it can't find 
one.  That might be more "correct", but trapping 404 is the best 
possible performance, since there is no additional code in the response 
chain if the static file is there.

- Perrin

Re: Cheap and unique

2002-05-06 Thread Perrin Harkins

Ken Williams wrote:
> If you have the additional requirement that the unique values shouldn't 
> be easily *guessable*, that becomes a very hard problem, precisely 
> because "random" and "unique" are such poor friends.  Usually people 
> just cheat by generating a large random ID such that the probability of 
> it being already-used is low, and then they check all the previous IDs 
> to make sure.

The requirement to prevent guessing is usually aimed at security and 
preventing "session hijacking" and similar attacks (and believe me, this 
kind of attack is very common).  Another way to do this is to use a MAC 
like MD5 or SHA1, as described in the Eagle book and O'Reilly's CGI 
book.  This makes it very difficult for an attacker to generate a valid 
ID, even if the sequence of IDs is predictable.

- Perrin

Re: Cheap and unique

2002-05-06 Thread Perrin Harkins

> I've been following this conversation and I'd like to clarify whether my 
> idea (since I and others want to do this as well) would be use an 
> incrementing counter for uniqueness. Then also store a bit of secret 
> randomness, concatenate both values together and create a digest hash. 
> That hash would be sent along with the sequence as well. This would allow 
> uniqueness and prevent guessing since the digest would have to match as 
> well. Depending on my paranoia I could either get fresh random bits each 
> time (and have a good hardware source for this then) or keep it around for 
> a bit and throw it away after a period.
> Does that sound right?

Yes, except for the random part.  There is no randomness involved here. 
  You should use a secret key stored on your server.  There's an example 
of this technique here:

- Perrin

Re: convention on logging?

2002-05-07 Thread Perrin Harkins

F.Xavier Noria wrote:
> I am writing a web application that uses Apache modules and core classes
> in a MVC style.  AFAICT using $r->log->debug() is the standard way to
> print debug messages in Apache modules, but which would be the right way
> to print debug messages in the core classes provided both types of
> modules are going to run together?

You can use Apache->server->log().  If you want your modules to work 
outside of mod_perl, you can write a wrapper class that uses the server 
log when it sees you are in mod_perl and uses something else when you're 
not.  There are several fancy logging modules on CPAN.

- Perrin

Re: Apache::Session

2002-05-09 Thread Perrin Harkins

Stathy G. Touloumis wrote:
>>You need to do some more debugging.  Problems with Apache::Session are 
>>usually due to scoping, so put in some debug statements to see that the 
>>session objects for the IDs having trouble are getting properly cleaned 
>>up (i.e. DESTROY is getting called).  It is possible to have problems 
>>with DB_File if it doesn't get untied after each request.
> Wouldn't the issue above (untie) be alleviated by restarting apache?

Probably.  There are some strange situations you can get into with 
DB_File if you don't untie (due to caching and lost updates), but you're 
right that the file locks would probably make the system hang if the 
session wasn't getting cleaned up.

I don't know what else could be causing your problem, but I would still 
suggest trying Apache::Session::File as a potential fix.

- Perrin

Re: Load Balancing, mod_proxy, rewrite problem

2002-05-14 Thread Perrin Harkins

mire wrote:
> I have code like this:
> RewriteEngine On
> RewriteLog "/var/site/rewrite.log"
> RewriteMaplb  prg:/tmp/lb
> RewriteRule  ^/trta$  http://${lb:prvi|drugi}  [proxy,last] 
> and a perl script (a copy from mod_proxy manual) but it doesn't work, it seems
> like perl script is waiting indeffinetly for input.

Sorry, this is not a mod_perl problem.  You should try the general 
Apache user mailing lists, or see if there's a list or newsgroup for 

- Perrin

Re: mod_perl and mod_cgi

2002-05-16 Thread Perrin Harkins

Konstantin Yotov wrote:
> On my
> development machine everything was ok, but when I move
> to productional server the mod_perl version works
> twice slower than mod_cgi.

Start by making sure you really have mod_perl installed and your scripts 
are running under it, and not mod_cgi.  You can verify this using the 
instructions in the guide.  One quick way is to check the value of 

Also, which platform are you on and what are your settings for 
MaxClients and MaxRequestsPerChild form httpd.conf?

- Perrin

Re: '&' in regex

2002-05-18 Thread Perrin Harkins

Rizwan Majeed wrote:
> I was trying this out : $SomeVar =~ /&/ ;$SomeVar =~ /'&'/ ;$SomeVar
> =~ /\&/ ;none of these works.
> Need help

This list is for mod_perl questions.  For beginner Perl questions, you 
should try one of the mailing lists at or post 
your question on

- Perrin

Re: mod_perl and mod_cgi

2002-05-18 Thread Perrin Harkins

Konstantin Yotov wrote:
> MaxClients 150
> MaxRequestsPerChild 0

You're probably running out of memory and going into swap, which will 
give terrible performance.  MaxClients 150 is really high, and you 
should only set MaxRequestsPerChild to 0 if you're using 
Apache::SizeLimit or Apache::GTopLimit.

There's a lot of information about these settings in the guide at

- Perrin

Re: Apache::DBI

2002-05-18 Thread Perrin Harkins

Gregory Matthews wrote:
> Does this mean if each user has to use a unique username/password to 
> OPEN the database?

Yes, eaxctly.

> My prog will use the same database:username:password 
> for all connection requests opened with a 
> "db_connect($database,$user,$password)" call, however, each user will 
> have his/her own unique file/table within this database which requires a 
> unique username/password to access.

So that security is handled by your program, not by the database?  No 
problem for Apache::DBI logins then.

- Perrin

Re: Apache::DBI

2002-05-18 Thread Perrin Harkins

Gregory Matthews wrote:
> Yes, my prog checks for valid username/password requests and issues the 
> proper response. So it sounds like Apache::DBI is a good solution then 
> since all users will be working under the same handle?

Yes, that's correct.

Re: Memory Leaks

2002-05-19 Thread Perrin Harkins

> I have a couple of questions regarding leaking memory in mod_perl:
> 1.  What are the main culprits, in order of severity, of memory leaks,
> a.  global variables (NOT lexically scoped via my)
> b.  ...
> c.  ...
> 2.  When writing code from scratch (a new application), what is the
> way to avoid creating leaks to begin with, i.e., use strict;, PerlWarn
> etc.. ?

There are actually not very many ways you can leak memory in Perl (and
thus mod_perl).  Most people confuse memory growth with memory leakage.
If you want to know how to avoid memory growth, look at the performance
tuning stuff in the Guide, like passing references, avoiding slurping of
large files, controlling the buffering of DBI result sets, etc.

Leaks are caused by circular references, the string form of eval (at
least it used to leak a little), nested closures (sometimes created
accidentally with the Error module), and one or two obscure syntax
problems.  I think one of them involved code like "my $x = 7 if $y;".
Matt Sergeant got bitten by this in the early stages of AxKit
development, and the details are in the mailing list archive.

Global variables by themselves are not a source of leaks or growth.  If
you slurp a large file into a global, your process will grow, but the
same is true for a lexical.

- Perrin

Re: Memory Leaks

2002-05-19 Thread Perrin Harkins

> So am I being overly paranoid concerning the "leak" potential of
> programming?

No, memory management is very important with mod_perl.

> If I start with "strict" code to begin with and try my best to stay
> from the problems you mentioned, then any potential memory leak/drain
> issues will be avoided?

Using strict is an absolute must for many reasons.  It won't prevent you
from using up tons of memory though.  You have to become tuned in to the
things that use up memory so that you can avoid them.  Start with the

- Perrin

Re: sending CGI ouput through a handler

2002-05-19 Thread Perrin Harkins

> My::Handler takes the requested file and adds some markup to it with
> Template Toolkit if the MIMEtype of the file is text/html.  I want to
> able to use the same handler to also add markup to the output of
> CGI.  What is the best way to do this?

You can't feed the output of mod_cgi to mod_perl, at least not in Apache
1.x.  The best thing to do (at least for performance) would be to
rewrite the CGI so that you call it as a module from your handler.
Another approach would be to use Apache::Filter to grab the output from
PerlRun or Regsistry.  You could also sublass PerlRun or Registry and
add your handler code to it.

- Perrin

Re: Memory Leaks

2002-05-20 Thread Perrin Harkins

Gregory Matthews wrote:
> I too thought of setting a cron job to restart the server once per day 
> in order to keep the memory "fresh".
> In a production environment, are there any downsides to doing this, 
> i.e., server inaccessibility, etc..?

There have been some discussion on the list about this in the past.  The 
ideal situation is to have a cluster that you can do a rolling restart 
on without making the service totally unavailable.

- Perrin

Re: Memory Leaks

2002-05-20 Thread Perrin Harkins

Per Einar Ellefsen wrote:
> And if something goes wrong? You'd be having a server offline with noone 
> knowing about it.

You can easilly set up mon ( to page 
you if the server doesn't come back up within a certain amount of time.

- Perrin

Re: Memory Leaks

2002-05-20 Thread Perrin Harkins

Jason wrote:
> If you don't want to restart the server then don't do this instead, it should 
>help prevent small leaks from being a problem.

Apache::SizeLimit or Apache::GTopLimit is a better way to do it, since 
it results in fewer unnecessary restarts.  However, it's still a good 
idea to restart periodically, because some of the shared memory seems to 
become unshared over time no matter what you do, and restarting fixes that.

- Perrin

Re: Monitoring the processes

2002-05-20 Thread Perrin Harkins

Gregory Matthews wrote:
> For example, is there a command line tool to use that will allow me to 
> see the process growth upon request reload?  I know that I should run 
> the server with httpd -X, but I don't know how to actually see the 
> memory being used/increased/decreased when the prog is being executed. 
> As I understand it, this is a good indication that there might be a 
> problem.

You can steal some code from Apache::SizeLimit or Apache::GTopLimit to 
print the current size in the error log.  Otherwise, just use top.  Keep 
in mind that sometimes a leaky piece of code will have to be run several 
times before you see the leak, because of the way that Perl allocates 
memory in chunks.

- Perrin

Re: Apache::GTopLimit

2002-05-20 Thread Perrin Harkins

> Does using the Apache::GTopLimit module have the same net effect as
> restarting the server itself by simply killing off the actual
> which are growing beyond the set threshold, and thereby causing new
> processes to be born?

It does kill off processes that are getting too big, and you definitely
should use either GtopLimit or SizeLimit to get the most out of your
server.  However, it's not quite the same thing as a restart.  Over
time, some of the shared memory from the parent process appears to
become unshared, and new processes that are spawned start out with less
shared memory because of this.  Restarting now and then takes care of
this problem.

- Perrin

Re: Apache::GTopLimit

2002-05-20 Thread Perrin Harkins

> So to modify my previous question, other than the loss of some shared
> memory over time,  GTopLimit will have the same effect as restarting
> server?

Yes.  That shared memory is important though.

> On a side note, how are you tracking/discovering the this minimal loss
> time?

Apache::SizeLimit prints statistics to the error log when it kills a
process.  Also, you can just look at top.

- Perrin

Re: Apache::GTopLimit

2002-05-21 Thread Perrin Harkins

Stas Bekman wrote:
> Hmm, when a new process starts it shares *everything* with the parent. 
> Why do you say that it's not?

It doesn't share everything with the parent.  As soon as it forks there 
is unshared memory, and after the first request it handles there is 
usually more.

Over time, the average amount of shared memory among child processes 
seems to gradually decrease.  Restarting fixes this.

- Perrin

Re: Apache::GTopLimit

2002-05-21 Thread Perrin Harkins

Stas Bekman wrote:
> What you are saying is that when the server is started afresh, the newly 
> started child processes share more memory with the parent, than newly 
> started child processes some time later. Am I correct?

Yes, exactly.

Re: Apache::GTopLimit

2002-05-21 Thread Perrin Harkins

Stas Bekman wrote:
> Perrin Harkins wrote:
>> Stas Bekman wrote:
>>> What you are saying is that when the server is started afresh, the 
>>> newly started child processes share more memory with the parent, than 
>>> newly started child processes some time later. Am I correct?
>> Yes, exactly.
> Any ideas why?

Not really.  I thought maybe it was because of something changing in the 
parent process, but that doesn't seem possible.

There was a long thread a little while back about turning swap off and 
on again to solve this.  I've never tried that.  I think restarting 
every 24 hours is a good idea anyway, because I've seen strange things 
happen now and then when a server is up for a long time.

- Perrin

Re: GTop

2002-05-21 Thread Perrin Harkins

If you're not able to resolve your difficulties with GTop, try
Apache::SizeLimit instead.  It fully supports FreeBSD.  You just need to
install the BSD::Resource module, which is useful to have anyway.

- Perrin

Re: Image::Size, TT, and mod_perl Question

2002-05-21 Thread Perrin Harkins

>  my %vars = {TOO_WIDE => 1};

That isn't doing what you think it's doing.  Try this:

my $vars = { 'TOO_WIDE' => 1 };

Re: Apache::DBI connection cache

2002-05-22 Thread Perrin Harkins

Ask Bjoern Hansen wrote:
> Apache::DBI is turning the argument hashref into the "cache key" 
> with the following code,
>   my ($key, $val);
>   while (($key,$val) = each %{$args[3]}) {
>$Idx .= "$;$key=$val";
>   }
> can anyone think of a good reason not to change that to something 
> like
>   map { $Idx .= "$;$_=$args[3]->{$_}" } sort keys %{$args[3]};

Good find.  That's a bug.  Fix it.

- Perrin

Re: MVC advice..?

2002-05-29 Thread Perrin Harkins

Rafiq Ismail (ADMIN) wrote:
> Now my problem is that I have to assign which
> Subclass I want to instantiate, based on the script and params.

So, you're asking how to map URLs to perl modules?  Is there some reason 
you aren't simply using httpd.conf or Apache::Dispatch?  In my last MVC 
design, we had all of our controllers inherit from one base controller 
that held all of the common code.  Then we could just map from URLs to 
the specific controllers that handled them:

   SetHandler  perl-script
   PerlHandler My::Controller

> I my last
> effort I went for a Shared datastructure holding (script, control module
> pairs) which then allowed one to be dynamically "eval 'use..'"'ed in the
> main content handler.  I found that clunky.

There's no good reason to do an eval 'use'.  Use require instead, and 
import if you need to (but most people don't).

> I'm building from scratch
> again and am thinking of just firing up a template and allowing the
> control to be loaded INTO the view as a template toolkit plugin.  What I
> hate about this is that I'm surrendering my View layer.

I agree, that's a bad idea and certainly not MVC.

- Perrin

Re: separating C from V in MVC

2002-05-29 Thread Perrin Harkins

Ray Zimmerman wrote:
> If I understand correctly, the Mason component that generates the page 
> the user sees would be considered the View. But where is the Controller?

I wrote a little about this in my templating guide, and there has been 
discussion on the Mason list.  A common approach is to use Mason's 
autohandlers as controllers, but you could really use any component. 
Just have it do some work in perl, gather some data, and then pass it 
off to a view component that generates the HTML.

> This is code I
> would normally have put in the <%init> section of the display component 
> (with a possible redirect to another component based on application 
> logic). This sounds like C and V are not separated as they should be.

That's a standard way to do it in Mason, but not an MVC way.  To make it 
more MVC, you need to have separate components for C and V, with V just 
receiving data and displaying it in HTML.

- Perrin

Re: MVC advice..?

2002-05-29 Thread Perrin Harkins

Dave Rolsky wrote:
> On Wed, 29 May 2002, Perrin Harkins wrote:
>>There's no good reason to do an eval 'use'.  Use require instead, and
>>import if you need to (but most people don't).
> Actually, there is.  This code:
>   my $module = 'Foo::Bar';
>   require $module;
> is not the same as this:
>   require Foo::Bar;
> If require is given a string, it looks for a filename _matching_ that
> string.  If it's given a bareword, it converts '::' to filesystem path
> separators first.

Then do an eval 'require Foo::Bar', but eval 'use Foo::Bar' doesn't make 

- Perrin

Re: MVC advice..?

2002-05-29 Thread Perrin Harkins

Rafiq Ismail (ADMIN) wrote:
> I'm not so keen on loading all the inheriting classes into memory
> beforehand

You really should do that, because it will save overall memory by 
increasing the amount of memory that's shared.  All modules should be 
loaded during startup in the parent process.

> It's a
> fairly large site and my main concern was to do with how I should store
> the correspondence from uri to object.

The httpd.conf format seems about as simple as you can get to me.  It's 
pretty unusual for a site to have dozens of controllers, and it usually 
indicates a design problem.  Apache::Dispatch is fine too.

> How does StatINC behave with 'required' packages?

Require and use are very similar and both add the loaded module to %INC. 
  Read 'perldoc -f use' for the exact differences.

- Perrin

Re: Persistent Net::Telnet Objects

2002-05-29 Thread Perrin Harkins

French, Shawn wrote:
> Although this is working right now, I don't know enough [ anything? :) ]
> about Apache or mod_perl to be sure that this will work in the future.

I can't see how it could be working now, unless it is actually creating 
a new Telnet object on every request.  Your %sessionHash is not shared 
between processes and you have no control over which process will handle 
any request.  You're probably opening new telnet connections from each 
apache process.

> What
> I am really concerned about is that the telnetObj will only be accessible
> from scripts run by the same child process as that which created and saved
> it.

That won't work, since you can't control which process will handle 
requests from the client.

> Is there a better way to do this?

You could write a web server in Perl, which would run a separate 
persistent process for each client on a different port.  Randal wrote a 
column about that:

You could also use this technique to make a sort of telnet server, and 
hide that server behind Apache/mod_perl, i.e. clients talk to mod_perl 
which talks to the telnet server.

Of course the simplest approach would be to just let each Apache process 
open telnet sessions as needed.

- Perrin

Re: Persistent Net::Telnet Objects

2002-05-31 Thread Perrin Harkins

French, Shawn wrote:
> Recall that I am using: Apache/1.3.20 (Win32) mod_perl/1.25_01-dev
> mod_ssl/2.8.4 OpenSSL/0.9.6a on Windows 2000 with PHP 4.21
> Would this be why my scripts are working?

Mystery solved!  Yes, that's why.  You are running mod_perl in single 
process mode because you're on Windows, so only one request is handled 
at a time.  That means that every user will always return to the same 
Apache process, since there is only one of them!

> Does this mean that as long as I
> stay with windows I will be alright?

For certan definitions of alright, yes.  It won't be speedy if you start 
getting many concurrent requests.

- Perrin

Re: Persistant references [was] Persistent Net::Telnet Objects

2002-05-31 Thread Perrin Harkins

First, there is no way to effectively pass compiled code between 
processes at this time.  It isn't likely to happen with Perl 5 because 
attempts at loading compiled bytecode from disk have usually had poor 
performance and other issues.

Second, what you're proposing is probably not a good idea unless this is 
for a small in-house project.

> What I mean is, if a request comes in for a certain form I would like to be
> able to do something like this:
> my $form = &load_form($r);
> $c{$session_id}->{handler} = $form->{handler}; # <-- this being a code
> ref...
> $r->send_http_header;
> print $form;
> Then when the user completes the form and resubmits:
> my $handler = $c{$session_id}->{handler};
> $r->send_http_header;
> print $handler->($r);

What if the same user has multiple browser windows open and starts on a 
new form before finishing the existing form?  Remember, sessions are 
global to all browser windows.

The right thing to do here is pass the form data the old-hasioned way, 
in URLs or form fields.  Those are distinct for each browser window.

> I would like to be able to dynamically create anonymous
> subroutine handlers based on input and have them be active until the form is
> submitted, at which time they are used to process the form then discarded.

But why go to all that trouble, generating subroutines on the fly?  It 
just doesn't seem necessary for processing form input.

- Perrin

Re: separating C from V in MVC

2002-05-31 Thread Perrin Harkins

Jeff AA wrote:
> do you use any standards for the data being
> returned to the Controller? eg do you use a struct [ie hash/array Perl
> primitive] or do you return an object? eg a table object etc?

HTML::Template requires you to pass a perl data structure.  Template 
Toolkit can handle objects as well (i.e. automatically call their 
accessor methods to fetch properties).  Passing perl structs is faster, 
while passing objects allows for some additional tricks, like 
lazy-loading data in Class::DBI objects.  (Class::DBI is a module for 
modelling database data as objects.)

For more background on templating tools, see my article here:

 > does the Model returned data contain lots of
> style hints? Or do you leave this completely to the View layer?

Ideally you should have no style information at all in the model.

> How does
> the view layer know for example to render an Error cell as RED in HTML
> but blue in Excel due to Excel palette limitations?

You have different views for different targets.  Make an HTML view and 
an Excel view and have the controller know which one to use.

>>Optimally, the View avoids *ALL* application logic.  
>  - so the Model has to say RED rather than ERROR?

Just the opposite: the model provides the list of errors, and the view 
knows how to display them.

> Sounds like Controller only interacts with one Model?

The model might be made up of dozens of different classes, but it's 
still referred to as "the model" as in "the application's data model."

> What controls the overall layout?

The view.

> e.g. what is the equivalent of the
> 'Grid Bag' layout manager - is this done in the Controller? and then
> passed to the View with all the data from a set of Models? Or do you 
> make the Controller minimalist and have a meta-Model that assembles
> all the sub-Models into a layout.

I don't know what a Grid Bag is, but the idea is pretty simple:
- Controller looks at input and decides which model objects to call.
- Controller calls some methods on model objects.
- Controller picks a view and passes data from model objects to it.

I wrote about this in my article on the eToys system:

- Perrin

Re: 'Apache::Session' using REMOTE_USER as key

2002-05-31 Thread Perrin Harkins

Brian Parker wrote:
> I'm trying to use Apache::Session::MySQL.  Since I'm generating my own
> session key outside of Apache::Session (using $ENV{REMOTE_USER}), what
> method(s) do I have to override to prevent Apache::Session from trying
> to create a session key for me?  Since I'm not using Apache::Session's
> key generation capability, is there another implementation that would be
> more appropriate for my application?

Just write a replacement for Apache::Session::Generate::MD5.  You can 
look at Apache::Session::Generate::ModUsertrack, which is probably very 
close to what you want to do.

- Perrin

Re: separating C from V in MVC

2002-05-31 Thread Perrin Harkins

Hi Jesse,

> It's the "addition tricks" which bug me out.  With those two words you
> establish the mother of all slippery slopes to architecture oblivion.  When
> you have objects passing freely between your "Controller" and "View" (which
> are quoted here, 'cuz I don't think they are separate in this case), how do
> you decide where to put a particular bit of code?  The answer is, it is
> completely arbitrary.

First of all, I don't do it that way.  I pass simple Perl data 
structures to Template Toolkit, because I know what data I want to send 
and it's faster that way.

However, I don't really understand your objection.  The view doesn't get 
to do anything but call accessor methods on the object.  They look just 
like simple structures:

NAME: [% %]

The template coder doesn't know that "person" is an object and TT called 
a method to get that instead of just doing a hash lookup.

The reason people usually do this is so they can do lazy-loading.  With 
something like Class::DBI you can set it so that if no one ever uses in a template it will never be loaded from the database. 
It's a performance optimization.

People who like that approach have objected to my approach of passing 
data because it requires the controller to know exactly what data the 
template will need, or else pass data that may not be needed and 
possible waste effort.  Personally, I don't mind having the controller 
know what data is needed, as long as it doesn't make any decisions about 
how the data is shown.

> In the architecture you describe it is inevitable that given enough time and
> different programmers your "Controller" and "View" will coalesce into a
> undifferentiated mash of code and HTML, separated only by the fact that they
> are in two different files.

I don't see where you're getting this from.  The objects return data, 
not HTML, and they have no side effects.  They are read-only.  The view 
(template) does all of the formatting.

> IMHO, any system built on Template Toolkit (unless it is small and always
> managed by the same programmer) will ultimately devolve in just the same way
> as a Server Page system.

Well, you're not right about that.  We built a very large system at 
eToys using TT and it never had any of these problems you're describing. 
   The separation was clear, and the templates did nothing but display data.

> HTML::Template isn't just faster than just about
> everything else out there -- it also is pretty much the only templating
> system which has an actual clear vision when it comes to how it fits into
> the larger architecture.

I don't agree with that either.  Template Toolkit and AxKit (or any 
other XSLT-based system) can both enforce a clear separation of 
responsibilities.  Template Toolkit allows people to do it other ways if 
they want to, through the use of plugins or by passing objects that do 
more than just return data, but the documentation and most of the 
mailing list discussion centers around the same approach as HTML::Template.

The speed differences aren't really significant at this point.  All of 
these tools are blazing fast.  They all have C code under the hood now 
(with the new HTML::Template compiler).  The bottleneck on performance 
of web applications is still what it always was: data access.

- Perrin

Re: [Mason] Re: separating C from V in MVC

2002-05-31 Thread Perrin Harkins

Dave Rolsky wrote:
> Alzabo could handle a _lot_ of this for you.  Class::DBI could handle some
> of it (though less).

SPOPS is also a good choice for this.  All of them are on CPAN, just 
waiting for you.

- Perrin

Re: separating C from V in MVC

2002-05-31 Thread Perrin Harkins

Jeff AA wrote:
> For example to render a date in Excel some jiggery pokey is required,
> and I would also expect a HTML V to print pretty dates rather than 
> 20020531172534 (or something other than the raw stringification)

Yes.  That's why you need to use a good templating system.  There is a 
plugin for date formatting in Template Toolkit and HTML::Template can do 
it by using the HTML::Template::Expr module.  Maybe some AxKit expert 
could explain how to handle it there.

> We also deal with lots of numerics - some are quantities, and others 
> are values or interest rates - they need zero, 2 or 4dps when being
> presented.

Same deal: TT has a formatting plugin, and HTML::Template::Expr gives 
you access to sprintf or an arbitrary formatting function of your own.

> So for
> example if your savings balance has gone negative, the value should
> be rendered as an error balance rather than a normal balance. In
> HTML you might choose to display the cell with a RED background,
> but this does not work in Excel, where a RED background prints as
> black, so you can't just tell the view RED - you need to tell it
> the reason and let Excel choose one of its limited bg colours.

A simple approach for this would be to have a data model that includes a 
boolean flag for whether or not this balance is overdrawn.  For example:

my $balance = {
value => -7,
overdrawn => 1

Note that the model object is making the decision about whether the 
balance is overdrawn and no logic about that is going into the template.

Then in your template you say something like this:
[% IF balance.overdrawn %]
[% END %]

Or whatever makes sense for your target output.

> Ok - so results from a collection of models are assembled and 
> passed to the view.

One model, made up of many data objects.

>  - not sure if I like this. I thought the whole point of the View
> was to contain all the logic about things like HTML tags or Excel binary
> representation etc, and as little as possible about other things.

That's right.

> Exactly where in the MVC world, would I decide that column 3 which
> contains a description should expand to fill 70% of the available 
> space and that column 5 which contains a possibly long name should 
> use the remaining available space, whilst column 1 which contains
> a name should not be wrapped?

In the view.  I'm not sure where your confusion lies here.

> I guess I have talked myself round to thinking that the Controller
> is actually the layout manager, in that it marshals results from
> a set of models, decides how this collection should interact, and
> then asks an appropriate View to render the result in a specific
> interface flavour.

That's exactly what I'm saying, except that I don't see what your 
"layout manager" is for.  You should just pass some data to a template 
(or maybe to something fancier for certain types of output like Excel) 
and then the template makes all the decisions about how to show that data.

> Have I talked myself out of HTML:Template route? Not sure, I guess
> it depends on whether HTML::Template can be smartened up to 
> understand that I want Dates rendered in a pretty format, quantities
> should be commified, cash values must have commas and 2dps, interest
> rates should have 4dps and cells with an error attribute should have
> a red background.

No problem, as I explained above.

- Perrin

Re: separating C from V in MVC

2002-05-31 Thread Perrin Harkins

Rob Nagler wrote:
> Layout managers accept a declaration ('this cell is northwest', 'this
> other one expands across the bottom', etc.).  They interpret the decl
> at run-time.  It's like HTML, but more declarative.  Some attributes
> of our Grid manager are:
>   cell_nowrap - don't wrap the text in the cell
>   cell_align - gens valign and align from a single compass direction
>   cell_expand - this cell eats up the rest of the columns in the row
>   row_control - a conditional value to control whether row is displayed
>   cell_width - contains the HTML width= value (may be dynamic)

Can't all of that be expressed in an HTML template?  It seems like the 
template should know enough about what kind of data it's displaying to 
know how to arrange the tables.  After all, it's not a template for a 
generic table; it's a template for a table that displays specific data 
with a structure that is pre-determined.

Usually when I see people doing this kind of thing it's because they 
haven't expressed all the necessary information in their model.  For 
example, if you have a rule that says people's names don't get wrapped, 
then you need to know which pieces of data are names.  If that isn't 
obvious from your data structure (i.e. is always a name) 
then you add some flag to your data structure like is_name, so that the 
model can tell the view that this is a name.  Then the view gets to 
decide what special treatment to give that data.

Maybe there's a certain class of problems where the sort of layout hints 
you're talking about are needed and I've just never had to deal with it.

- Perrin

Re: separating C from V in MVC

2002-05-31 Thread Perrin Harkins

Rob Nagler wrote:
> Let's say, though, that you want the same template to render
> in a WAP, Opera, Konqueror, IE, NS, etc.  The implementation of Grid
> handles this for you.  For example, our code automatically renders
> style sheets for IE5+, but no other browsers.  (This isn't in Grid,
> but you get what I mean, I hope.)

The same template?  How does the layout manager help with that?  Does it 
modify the template?  It would make more sense to me if this were a sort 
of abstraction to factor out common layout ideas from multiple templates.

> However, sometimes you have dense tables where you allow wrapping and
> other sparse tables where you don't.  We have a really wide table for
> admins which allows them to see all EC info at a glance.  It has to
> wrap all cells or it wouldn't fit on some screens.  When the customer
> sees the payment reason, on their subscription page, it doesn't wrap.
> Two views of the same data.

That doesn't require a layout manager though.  Simple templating is fine 
for that, i.e. two different templates (views).

- Perrin

Re: separating C from V in MVC

2002-06-02 Thread Perrin Harkins

> > It seems problematic to me to require the programmers to do work
when a
> > designer wants to change the number of decimals in a page, for
> HTML::Template::Expr may present a solution to this particular desire,
> although it isn't one I've come across.  How often are HTML designers
> fiddling with numeric formats?  Are they really HTML designers if they
> deal with, say, a printf-style format string?

Yes, they are, and printf isn't so much harder than JavaScript, style
sheets, and templating tags.  One place where this comes up is date
formatting and internationalization.  Making the model objects
understand locale and act appropriately is not always a good approach,
and supplying a date format in the template - which is all about
appearance anyway - seems appropriate.

This can also be useful when the same date needs to be displayed in
multiple ways, like an abbreviated format on one page and a fixed length
format in an e-mail template.  You could make the controller do this
sort of formatting before passing data off to the view, but I think it's
an awkward fit and increases the coupling between components

Obviously there are lots of ways to solve these problems, but what I
like about doing it in the template is that it puts these concerns in
the hands of the people who control the rest of the look-and-feel issues
in the application, and gets them out of the perl programmers' way.

- Perrin

Re: separating C from V in MVC

2002-06-02 Thread Perrin Harkins

> It is interesting to try and fit our approach into the MVC+template
> pattern

Just to clarify, it's not MVC+template; it's just MVC.  The templates
are one way of implementing views.  You could mix and match this where
appropriate, so that your Excel view is a perl module with a set of
formatting guidelines stored in a sort of style sheet, while your HTML
view is simply a template executed by a templating module.

> I see the Controller as also responsible for deciding what to do with
> the results of rendering the DOM in Excel or HTML formats - Views
> don't decide how their results should be distributed.

This is typically something you would put into the controller, since the
view shouldn't have to worry about details like HTTP headers.

- Perrin

Re: separating C from V in MVC

2002-06-02 Thread Perrin Harkins

> A String widget/template allows you to control the rendering of all
> fonts dynamically.  If the String widget/template sees the incoming
> request is from IE5+, it doesn't render the font if the font is the
> same as the default font.  The Style widget/template renders the
> default font in a style if the browser is IE5+.  This avoids the
> stylesheet bugs in all other browsers and gives 90% of your users who
> are running IE5+ a much lighter weight page.
> It's cumbersome to do wrap all text in string templates, because the
> calling mechanism is verbose.  Most template languages I've looked at
> only support named parameters.
> Widgets can have named parameters, e.g.
> String({
> value => ['User.first_name'],
> string_font => 'my_first_name_font',
> });
> but it is much more convenient to use positional notation:
> String(['User.first_name'], 'my_first_name_font');

You can actually do that pretty comfortably with Template Toolkit.  You
could use a filter for example, which might look like this:

[% FILTER font('my_first_name_font') %]
... some text, possibly with other template directives in it...
[% END %]

The filter is a module which would get to post-process the output of the
contained block.

I believe the taglibs in AxKit could be used in a similar way.

- Perrin

Re: separating C from V in MVC

2002-06-03 Thread Perrin Harkins

Rob Nagler wrote:
> Perrin Harkins writes:
>>You can actually do that pretty comfortably with Template Toolkit.  You
>>could use a filter for example, which might look like this:
>>[% FILTER font('my_first_name_font') %]
>>... some text, possibly with other template directives in it...
>>[% END %]
> One of the reasons Perl is popular is its idioms.  Having to say
> something in three lines is not as idiomatic as one line.  It takes a
> lot of discipline to use it everywhere.  In other words, I don't think
> the above is more comfortable than:
> String(['User.first_name'], 'my_first_name_font');

The advantage is that my example can contain other templating code:

[% FILTER font('basic_info_font') %]
   Hello [% User.first_name %]!
   [% IF User.accounts %]
  You have these accounts:
  [% FOREACH User.accounts %]
[% name %]: [% balance %]
  [% END %]
   [% END %]
[% END %]

Unless I'm missing something about your example, the FILTER concept 
seems more powerful.  It is perfectly possible to simply add a plugin to 
TT to make it look like yor example though:

[% String(User.first_name, 'my_first_name_font') %]

> Note also the accessor for User.first_name in Template Toolkit is
> probably nontrivial.

Assuming it's just $User->first_name() and you passed in $User as part 
of your data to the view, there's no additional work.

- Perrin

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