[Monotone-devel] usabilty of translations

2010-05-29 Thread Zbigniew Zagórski

What do you think about internalization of software like monotone ? I
know that there are few localizations (currently INST_LINGUAS = sv it
de es pt).

I am wondering if there is for more translation - at least I can
easily add polish translation. But i am worried about two things:

1) Would anyone use it ?

I know that amongst developers (at least professional ones), there is
strong movement to use english-only UI/termsinstead native ones -
ad-hoc created terms create only confusion and thus are problematic
(at least polish IT/CS terminology/vocabulary is week) . YYMV but in
my experience- use only english terms.

So then ... I this experience is similar to yours?

2) Do you encountered any non-developer users of monotone or VSC /
SCM who would need / understand and use these ideas ? Do you (authors
of these translations) use them ?

And last final question:
Are there any polish people on list who would like to see polish
messages in monotone UI?

Zbigniew Zagórski
/ software developer / geek / http://zbigg.blogspot.com /

Monotone-devel mailing list

Re: [Monotone-devel] Release time

2010-05-29 Thread CooSoft Support

Thomas Keller wrote:

Am 28.05.2010 15:07, schrieb Philipp Gröschler:

On 28.05.2010 10:23, CooSoft Support wrote:

I couldn't agree more with Thomas's point about Monotone dying if we are
not careful. It's a psychological thing. `Oh it's only at 0.xxx - still

Sure it's psychological and nowadays in the age of OSS, versioning
schemes or rather the progress of their numbers are often not really
expressive. Wine took 10 years to release 1.0 and noone really cared in
the end, because it has been working for ages before. On the other hand
I've seen software for example in a 5.x version and was hugely wondering
what that thing did the four major versions before.

Absolutely right, I don't want to increase the major version every few
months from now on either, but I also don't think we should follow
Wine's example here. Six years are enough :)


People shouldn't look at the numbers of the version but rather on the
feature list on the project's website. Maybe somewhere on that website
there should be included a sentence like We use it all the time and no
problems so far. Like Jack, I personally use Monotone for all my work
stuff, source codes, server configs, etc. My lady is using Monotone for
her thesis. No problems ever, so count that as +2 from here :-)

Tony mentioned some praise as well, and hey, we even have a dedicated
wiki page to add this:


So don't be shy and add your comments there - I'll happily link this
wiki page on the front page!
Lol - I have some time ago. I was the one responsible for the gushing 
`look no further' comment at the bottom. Sorry, I was just feeling 
emotional at the time - lol :-). Our SDA was I think responsible for the 
11 year old CVS code base one (although he is keeping quiet about it!). 

One problem of a 1.0 or 1.0.0 release could be, that the more
sophisticated users from bigger development groups, which then start to
use monotone because of the major release, often stick to a version they
chose in the beginning of a project. Of course they still want to have
bugfix releases, but by no means they want breakage in the API or
interface or whatever applies.

I've seen this happen on another project I accompanied a while ago. As
soon as they put out 1.0 there only came bugfix releases afterwards,
although many requests for mostly the same improvements appeared on the
mailing list and the excuse always was like No we don't do that,
because then we would break with the big guys. Does Monotone have the
power to support two branches, so that new and needed features don't get

For that to happen we'd need to have more of these big guys in first
instance - and I'd love to support them all. From a management point of
view I don't care if I handle one single branch or two, a stable and a
feature branch, or whatever works for them.



Monotone-devel mailing list

Monotone-devel mailing list

Re: [Monotone-devel] Release time

2010-05-29 Thread CooSoft Support

Philipp Gröschler wrote:

On 28.05.2010 10:23, CooSoft Support wrote:

I couldn't agree more with Thomas's point about Monotone dying if we are
not careful. It's a psychological thing. `Oh it's only at 0.xxx - still

Sure it's psychological and nowadays in the age of OSS, versioning
schemes or rather the progress of their numbers are often not really
expressive. Wine took 10 years to release 1.0 and noone really cared in
the end, because it has been working for ages before. On the other hand
I've seen software for example in a 5.x version and was hugely wondering
what that thing did the four major versions before.


I agree that's how techies work, oooh looks cool I'll give that a spin. 
But, and pardon me for saying this, SCM systems are the sort of tools 
that techies don't get too excited about generally, and just want 
something that works and is reliable, and so may only look more 
superficially because they want to get back to doing `cool stuff'. Also 
the dreaded management peeps stick their oar in and start going on about 
trusting our crown jewels to `something that isn't formally released 
yet'. I had to fight for about 6 months on and off to keep the 
management off our backs otherwise we would have been forced to use 
ClearCase. It would have been easier to convince them of mtn's stability 
if it was at 1.x rather than 0.x. I know, silly, but we are talking 
about management after all.

Your point about version 5.x and wondering reminds me of TopCased. It's 
at version 2 and as stable as a Jenga tower! Makes me wonder what 1.x 
was like :-(.

Point taken about 1.0 forcing you to not break things. Changing schemas 
is no biggie, easy for a user to cope with, db migrate or sync. CLI is 
unlikely to change that much (at least I hope not) as that is one of its 
many selling points. CVS/SVN users can virtually use it straight away 
(unlike GIT), even ClearCase users (mind you they are usually so 
thankful not to be using ClearCase).

au stdio, hopefully will mainly be additive from now on (I hope! - lol).

As for feature freeze. We have had to do that for our software. We 
currently have ~10 release branches and develop on the latest version 
whilst supplying patch fixes to 8 year old releases. That's why we love 
Monotone, it makes it so easy :-). Comes with the territory of doing 
something people want I'm afraid.

People shouldn't look at the numbers of the version but rather on the
feature list on the project's website. Maybe somewhere on that website
there should be included a sentence like We use it all the time and no
problems so far. Like Jack, I personally use Monotone for all my work
stuff, source codes, server configs, etc. My lady is using Monotone for
her thesis. No problems ever, so count that as +2 from here :-)

Agreed but some peeps do :-(

One problem of a 1.0 or 1.0.0 release could be, that the more
sophisticated users from bigger development groups, which then start to
use monotone because of the major release, often stick to a version they
chose in the beginning of a project. Of course they still want to have
bugfix releases, but by no means they want breakage in the API or
interface or whatever applies.

I've seen this happen on another project I accompanied a while ago. As
soon as they put out 1.0 there only came bugfix releases afterwards,
although many requests for mostly the same improvements appeared on the
mailing list and the excuse always was like No we don't do that,
because then we would break with the big guys. Does Monotone have the
power to support two branches, so that new and needed features don't get

Just a few thoughts :-)


Monotone-devel mailing list

Monotone-devel mailing list

[Monotone-devel] Re: monotone.ca nvm: pull fails on invariant

2010-05-29 Thread Zbigniew Zagórski
Hello again,

W dniu 29 maja 2010 02:54 użytkownik Zbigniew Zagórski
z.zagor...@gmail.com napisał:
 I can't pull nvm branch from any server (both monotone.ca and
 monotone.mtn-host.prjek.net) [1]

 $ mtn pull monotone.ca 'net.venge.monotone'
 mtn:   251.3 k |   107.7 k |   78/152 |   27/48
 mtn: fatal: error: graph.cc:99: I(!next.empty())

Just for record, this was my local issue. Later i've executed mtn db
check and it yielded something like this

$ mtn -d monotone-bad.mtn db check
mtn: revision 0e67b65edabb68ee96fe6d4eff5a32c3da79b013 incomplete (1
missing manifests)
mtn: revision 0e67b65edabb68ee96fe6d4eff5a32c3da79b013 incomplete
(missing roster)
mtn: revision 0e67b65edabb68ee96fe6d4eff5a32c3da79b013 missing author cert
mtn: revision 0e67b65edabb68ee96fe6d4eff5a32c3da79b013 missing changelog cert
mtn: revision 0e67b65edabb68ee96fe6d4eff5a32c3da79b013 missing date cert
mtn: height missing for revision 0e67b65edabb68ee96fe6d4eff5a32c3da79b013
mtn: warning: 2 unreferenced files
mtn: warning: 2 incomplete revisions
mtn: warning: 1 missing rosters
mtn: warning: 445 missing certs
mtn: warning: 40 mismatched certs
mtn: warning: 1 missing heights
mtn: check complete: 51774 files; 16115 rosters; 16116 revisions; 60
keys; 64807 certs; 16117 heights
mtn: total problems detected: 491 (449 serious)
mtn: error: serious problems detected

(module missing and duplicated certs).

For record: db kill_rev_locally on this revision helped issue and
following pull retrieved it correctly.

- Zbyszek

Monotone-devel mailing list

Re: [Monotone-devel] Release time

2010-05-29 Thread CooSoft Support
One slight deviating point about breaking BC with au stdio... I feel 
what ever applications we provide that use it should strive to cope with 
BC breakages. E.g. Monotone:AutomateStdio works from 0.35 to the current 
release as does mtn-browse which relies on it.

Hopefully though with the changes made recently to stdio, future changes 
will be additive :-) (fingers crossed).

Why did I go to this effort? Apart from the obvious it was also because 
at work they are on version 0.39 of mtn as any higher breaks the `direct 
access to db version of monotone-vis', the later au stdio version of 
monotone-viz for some unknown reason runs MUCH slower on our db, too 
slow to be of any use :-(. Other companies/people may have similar 
issues. And monotone-viz is one of mtn's killer apps...

I like the idea of attaching a specific significance to a change in 
major/minor/patch level number. Makes it much clearer for the user.


Ethan Blanton wrote:

Derek Scherger spake unto us the following wisdom:

1) if a release only consists of bug fixes or has small, not BC-breaking
improvements (esp. in respect to automate), raise the patch release

2) if a release has bigger improvements or breaks BC, raise the minor

3) if a major flag day introduces major new things or we've rewritten
90% of monotone (:)), raise the major number.


I think that pretty much agrees with
http://apr.apache.org/versioning.htmlwhich is referenced by various
other projects.

I'd modify this somewhat, for monotone, because *network*
compatability is quite possibly its most visible feature.  Perhaps
something like:

Major version bump - netsync incompatability (or major features you
  don't want people to miss)
Minor version bump - database upgrade required (or ...)
patchlevel - bug fixes, minor changes, user can upgrade
  without concern toward databases or

This is along the lines of typical library versioning, with minor
versions indicating link-compatible changes, and major versions
requiring relinking.  (The binary compatability prose in the Apache
page above.)

That said, versioning is *way* bikeshed.  Everyone has their own
opinion on how it should be handled.  I think the important thing here
is to pick *something* meaningful and stick to that meaning.



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Monotone-devel mailing list

[Monotone-devel] [bug #29982] Windows installer does not install documentation CSS and images

2010-05-29 Thread Thomas Keller

Follow-up Comment #2, bug #29982 (project monotone):

I just came up with the idea because some people told me that the monolithic
version is kind of hard to browse (and even very slow to browse f.e. on
Firefox). If its easy to generate (or even automate the generation of) chm
help files, then go for it!

Thanks for your work so far!


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  Nachricht geschickt von/durch Savannah

Monotone-devel mailing list

[Monotone-devel] guitone 1.0rc4 released

2010-05-29 Thread Thomas Keller

Hi all!

This fourth release candidate is dedicated to Lena, the Eurovision Song
Contest Winner of 2010 [0] :) . It comes with a few new nifty features
like an improved changeset browser and enhanced certificate support, as
well as a couple of other smaller improvements and bugfixes.

The Tarball and a Mac OS X disk image can already be downloaded at the
usual location [1], the Windows installer will follow shortly.

As always, please report bugs [2] if possible. And while guitone now
comes with one new translation, Portuguese, thanks to Américo Monteiro,
I’m still looking for more translators – if you’re interested, drop me a


[0] http://www.eurovision.tv/
[1] http://guitone.thomaskeller.biz/g/download
[2] http://guitone.thomaskeller.biz/g/tracker

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Monotone-devel mailing list

[Monotone-devel] [bug #17499] can't commit files in newly created dir

2010-05-29 Thread Derek Scherger

Update of bug #17499 (project monotone):

 Open/Closed: In Test = Closed 


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Monotone-devel mailing list

[Monotone-devel] [bug #20447] mtn diff filename fails inside of a renamed directory

2010-05-29 Thread Derek Scherger

Update of bug #20447 (project monotone):

 Open/Closed: In Test = Closed 
  mtn version --full: C:\dev\fortamtn --full-version

monotone 0.35 (base revision: f92dd754bf5c1e6eddc9c462b8d68691cfeb7f8b)  
Running on  : Windows NT/2000/XP/2003 (5.1, build 2600, Service Pack
on ia32 (level 6, rev 3846)  
C++ compiler: GNU C++ version 3.4.2 (mingw-special)  
C++ standard library: GNU libstdc++ version 20040907 
Boost version   : 1_33_1 
Changes since base revision: 
format_version 1   
new_manifest [33fa9f84dee6ec2e1bde81b607a067befbe2fc3e]  
old_revision [f92dd754bf5c1e6eddc9c462b8d68691cfeb7f8b]  
patch Makefile.am  
 from [ecc00e0b8e9b5350157a1922e430ade4508d31bd] 
   to [a52adc6a23a4bedf2d636a6c3e91cd46ce900a35] 
   = C:devfortamtn --full-version   
monotone 0.35 (base revision: f92dd754bf5c1e6eddc9c462b8d68691cfeb7f8b)  
Running on  : Windows NT/2000/XP/2003 (5.1, build 2600, Service Pack
on ia32 (level 6, rev 3846)  
C++ compiler: GNU C++ version 3.4.2 (mingw-special)  
C++ standard library: GNU libstdc++ version 20040907 
Boost version   : 1_33_1 
Changes since base revision: 
format_version 1   
new_manifest [33fa9f84dee6ec2e1bde81b607a067befbe2fc3e]  
old_revision [f92dd754bf5c1e6eddc9c462b8d68691cfeb7f8b]  
patch Makefile.am  
 from [ecc00e0b8e9b5350157a1922e430ade4508d31bd] 
   to [a52adc6a23a4bedf2d636a6c3e91cd46ce900a35] 


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Monotone-devel mailing list

[Monotone-devel] [bug #22044] diff fails for files that have been moved and patched

2010-05-29 Thread Derek Scherger

Update of bug #22044 (project monotone):

 Open/Closed: In Test = Closed 


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  Message sent via/by Savannah

Monotone-devel mailing list

Re: [Monotone-devel] Release time

2010-05-29 Thread Derek Scherger
On Thu, May 27, 2010 at 9:54 AM, Derek Scherger de...@echologic.com wrote:

 As I've announced earlier I'd like to start the machinery for the next
 monotone release now that the database management branch has landed. So
 if you have anything you'd also really like to see in the next monotone
 version, please finish it up and merge it into mainline (I remember we
 still have a couple of open bugfest branches, right Derek and Richard?),

 I've got a bit left to do on the diff branch but I should be able to have
 that complete and landed in the next few days.

This has been merged.

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