Re: [MOPO] Halloween

2008-10-31 Thread Freedom Lover
Yeah!  My favorite Holiday and actually, it happened on the new moon  
on Oct. 28, at 11:14 PM.  Just wanted to put a little more 'spook' in  
your day!!!

My youngest was born on this day in Salem, Mass.  Yup.  That's true!

Happy Halloween Folks!  May all your dead favorites show up to say hi.

On Oct 31, 2008, at 7:27 AM, wrote:

Happy Halloween everyone!
Movie Posters, Lobby Cards and more...
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[MOPO] Fwd: The Cat Creeps OS

2008-10-29 Thread Freedom Lover

Begin forwarded message:

From: Andrea Kanter [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: October 10, 2008 11:09:32 AM EDT
To: Chris Cloutier [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: The Cat Creeps OS

Hi Chris,
I haven't received a reply to my email on the status of my poster  
and I'm hoping it's not because you're going out of business.  The  
economy has so many people nervous.  Please let me know you still  
intend to complete our deal and the estimated time you'll have it  
finished.  Also, if you're business is in trouble should we not  
bring you more?  We need to know ASAP, as Alan is planning his trip  
to the Swann Auction shortly and I won't have him schlep posters up  
there unless this one has already been returned.

Please respond in a timely fashion, as I will consider the lack of a  
response as a danger sign.  Please also note that do to our  
business, we are fairly recession proof and shall keep investing and  

Thank-you in advance for working with us.

Andrea Kanter

P.S.  I fixed my printer!

Let us resolve and work toward achieving some very simple  
propositions: There are no acceptable limits and there are no  
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[MOPO] Fwd: The Cat Creeps - What's going on?

2008-10-29 Thread Freedom Lover

Forgot this one, sorry.  People, let me know if you need more.

Begin forwarded message:

From: Andrea Kanter [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: October 23, 2008 4:59:43 PM EDT
To: Chris Cloutier [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: The Cat Creeps - What's going on?

Hi Chris,
You told me you read your emails every day.  It's been 5 days since  
I wrote and nothing.  You also told me turnaround time was 3-5 wks.   
You've had it since Sept. 5 and today is Oct 23.  Then you told me  
you were backed up without your wife.  So why say 3-5 weeks if you  
know you can't pull it off?

You say you're backed up, yet you want my husband to send you more  
posters.  How does that make sense for us?  However, I see you had  
time to get my check cashed, but not ship the poster which you said  
was done and has been paid for.  So far, Chris, we are not  
impressed.  I hope your work is worth the unprofessionalism.

Andrea Kanter

Let us resolve and work toward achieving some very simple  
propositions: There are no acceptable limits and there are no  
acceptable prejudices in the twenty-first century.

- Sen Hillary Rodham Clinton

Let us resolve and work toward achieving some very simple  
propositions: There are no acceptable limits and there are no  
acceptable prejudices in the twenty-first century.

 - Sen Hillary Rodham Clinton

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[MOPO] Apologies for doing that BUT

2008-10-29 Thread Freedom Lover
you guys had to know and there were some who thought Chris was getting  
hog tied.  If I get kicked off MoPo, then so be it.  At least you 'll  
know better and avoid his drama.  I apologize if I've offended anyone  
by doing this.  I really do.  I just can't sit here and watch this  
whole thing be swept under the carpet.

Scott, mea culpa.  I promise not to do it again (there are lots more),  
but I had to really get this through to EVERYONE, even the doubters.   
Please, please don't kick me off.  Please??

Also, this is my last post today.  I've already used up a whole week's  

Again, I felt it was necessary according to some of the private posts  
I received.  Now y'all can decide for yourselves and I can be done  
talking about it.  I feel I've sufficiently warned you all.  I'm done.


Let us resolve and work toward achieving some very simple  
propositions: There are no acceptable limits and there are no  
acceptable prejudices in the twenty-first century.

 - Sen Hillary Rodham Clinton

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2008-10-28 Thread Freedom Lover
Thanks David, he is calling as we speak.  So far today, he called 13  
times in 45 minutes, leaving 5  messages.  So far, I've only listened  
to one and it was menacing. That was this morning.

Now he's calling again and again and again.  Sent me a few more  
emails, too.  Can't wait to hear his afternoon rantings!  So far, it  
seems he wants to behead me, shoot me, and 'find me'.   I will say  
this... this man sure has the Halloween spirit.  13 more calls between  
3:13 and 3:24 PM.  One of the emails has just a simple name on it as  
the subject.  I'm pretty sure he's trying to threaten someone's  
welfare, as there's no message to go with it and the subject is in  
Caps and bold.  That's my theory.

Sue is cool, she didn't know.

I tell you ALL, this man is worse than a mammogram!  Oops!  He's  
baaack.  Let's see how many calls he makes now.  Btw, if I end up  


On Oct 28, 2008, at 3:17 PM, David Kusumoto wrote:

Hey I'm quickly taking a break from my busy weekday to the following  
will expose my obvious bias about everything Sue Heim does and  
says.  When Sue puts her stamp of judgment on anything, about 99  
7/8ths of the time, I'm gonna to go along without further review.   
The other 3/8ths makes her a more attractive human to me.  In  
sum, Chris Cloutier and POSTER FIX are Brooklyn TOAST.  Anyone  
within earshot is going to hear us spread it to the 4-corners of  
this hobby, by whatever means.  No fear of lawsuits or slander.  His  
e-mails to Andrea (which I haven't seen, and don't need to) --  
appear indefensible...

I encourage you to visit and remember the following contact  
information so it's seared in your brains.
Chris Cloutier
317 Washington Avenue #2B
Brooklyn NY 11205

It's a shame that Chris's years of hard work to build up his  
business -- may fall down in a snap -- because of a diminishing fear  
by others to speak out.  The key?  Andrea's situation appears NOT  
isolated -- and this MATTERS, big time.  Even those with favorable  
experiences -- may pause to send him future business -- if not  
because of the abuse -- then because of interminable delays.  It  
isn't worth the risk when there are so many fine and reliable  
restorers out there.

-kuz w/the news.

Date: Tue, 28 Oct 2008 15:44:06 +
Subject: Re: Head's Up - POSTERFIX ALERT

Hello All,
   I have Posterfix listed as a link on my website. I have had  
customers over the years send me posters that Chris had restored and  
hadn't ever heard anything negative about his business. When Andrea  
asked me about him as a potential source for linenbacking, I told  
her my experiences and that was that. However, with the history in  
this hobby of certain linenbacker/restorers and then not getting  
responses to emails, I can understand her worries. When one promises  
a product by a certain time and doesn't deliver, the customer has  
every right to inquire. Andrea has forwarded to me the emails she  
and Chris exchanged. So, I have seen both sides of the emails.   I  
have to say that I am flabbergasted. The comments from Chris were so  
despicable and rude that there is no explanation or excuse that  
could be given. I know to some it might not matter so much anymore  
in our culture, but this is not just a business speaking to a  
customer, this is a man speaking to a woman. The language and names  
he called her were so vile and, in my opinion,  totally  unwarranted  
based on her inquiries.
  I know that business owners sometimes see customers as pains  
in the rear end. Some are, and I am not of the mind that the  
customer is always right, but the customer, in this case, paid for  
the product and has a right to expect certain results, not conduct  
and language that I saw in these emails. I am immediately removing  
his link from my website.

(800) 463-2994

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Let us resolve and work toward achieving some very simple  
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2008-10-28 Thread Freedom Lover
Well then, I'd like Chris to explain to MoPo how he decided he gets to  
keep my poster AND my money because I told MoPo about all this.  He  
left me a voice message.  Actually, he called my house 30 times today.

Start there, Counselor.


On Oct 28, 2008, at 12:21 PM, McDaniel Kirby wrote:

Wait a minute.  Kangaroo Court in now in session.

All rise!

I have telephoned Chris Cloutier and alerted him to the brou-ha-ha  
on MOPO.  I suggested he get in touch

with mopo to address the concerns.  He said he would.

We don't have a dog in this hunt.  We use different restorers.
Understand that this is not a comment

on Chris or his work, it's just a fact.

Kirby McDaniel

Kirby McDaniel
MovieArt Original Film Posters
P.O. Box 4419
Austin TX 78765-4419
512 479 6680
mobile 512 589 5112

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Let us resolve and work toward achieving some very simple  
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acceptable prejudices in the twenty-first century.

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2008-10-28 Thread Freedom Lover
Thank-you.  Well, I shared those emails with Claude, too.  That's it.   
There's more that arrived later.  Wow!  He called 3 more times  
tonight.  And replied to different emails from days before, that had  
been previously answered.   I'm thinking of buying a pit bull!

So let me see if I'm getting this right:

This morning he emailed saying he was sending my poster back, undone  
(again).  This is good.

Later he starts harassing the he** out of me with his vulgarity and  
incessant phone calls and leaves a message that he's keeping my poster  
(suddenly backed) and I assumed that included my money.  This is an  
about face.

Kirby, is it from you calling him?

I lost more than Richie, folks.  Hey, if I'm going to lose my poster,  
I may as well have some good come out of it.  I'm glad to be of  
service to you and I thank those of you who've stood up for me and  
those who spoke about their own experiences with Chris.


On Oct 28, 2008, at 9:12 PM, Richard Halegua Comic Art wrote:

well that's equally onerous to the language that he used in the  
letter to Andrea that she shared with me as well as sue

the one where he calls her a C

I think he should start there. I mean, I don't think I've used that  
word in front of a woman since I was a sophomore in hi-school and I  
most certainly have never used it AT a woman in my entire life.  
Behavior of that nature is much more telling than anything Chris  
could say here..

but like I said.. I had my single experience with Posterfix in 2004,  
and based on that single experience I determined they were not  
worthy of any further business . It was a $50 lesson for me and $50  
worth of bad advertising for Posterfix


At 05:42 PM 10/28/2008, Freedom Lover wrote:
Well then, I'd like Chris to explain to MoPo how he decided he gets  

keep my poster AND my money because I told MoPo about all this.  He
left me a voice message.  Actually, he called my house 30 times  

Start there, Counselor.


On Oct 28, 2008, at 12:21 PM, McDaniel Kirby wrote:

Wait a minute.  Kangaroo Court in now in session.

All rise!

I have telephoned Chris Cloutier and alerted him to the brou-ha-ha
on MOPO.  I suggested he get in touch
with mopo to address the concerns.  He said he would.

We don't have a dog in this hunt.  We use different restorers.
Understand that this is not a comment
on Chris or his work, it's just a fact.

Kirby McDaniel

Kirby McDaniel
MovieArt Original Film Posters
P.O. Box 4419
Austin TX 78765-4419
512 479 6680
mobile 512 589 5112

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Let us resolve and work toward achieving some very simple
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acceptable prejudices in the twenty-first century.

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2008-10-27 Thread Freedom Lover

Three things:
1.  I love Richie Halengua
2.  Alan doesn't know about the Posterfix disaster.
3.  He knows I love Richie and he's OK with it ;)

Chris has until Friday to return my poster, which he now says is  
undone.  If he does what he claims he's going to do to it, I'll post a  
jpg for everyone.  That alone should total out his business.

I don't know if he belongs to MoPo, but Rich is right.  I have no  
intention of backing off this p.o.s.
Who wants to handle a class action suit for all of us who have been  
screwed by Chris Cloutier?


On Oct 27, 2008, at 6:30 PM, Richard Halegua Comic Art wrote:

I bought a poster from Posterfix on eBay a few years back


first of all the poster was shipped in one of those triangular USPS  
tubes.. well those idiots didn't put any packing material into the  
tube.. just rolled the poster inside  shipped

the tube came in bent almost in half and naturally the poster was  
but even more.. the linenbacking  inpainted restoration looked like  
something my girlfriend's 3 year old niece could have improved upon  
with a box of crayola crayons so the bent in half part may have  
actually been a plus to it. I emailed those morons and the response  
I got back wasn't worth the time of bothering with those twits any  


I wouldn't recommend these idiots to anyone except my worst enemies.  
They have the skill and talent of a dead corpse.

Moreover, Chris sent an email to Andrea today that uses words I not  
only could not post here, but words I never used against the worst  
girlfriend I ever had. If I was Andrea's hubby, I'd be calling some  
of the convicts who have eaten the food they supply to the prisons  
to have them pay a visit to him at Posterfix.

Chris, I hope you're reading this.. Not only will Andrea be crapping  
on what little reputation you have, but I'll be sure to repeat what  
I have written here in every possible way for all eternity and crap  
on that little reputation you have because you are the lowest filth  
on the face of the movie poster collecting hobby.. Even lower than  
Eugene Hughes


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2008-10-26 Thread Freedom Lover
I've been asked to make you all aware of the problems I've been having  
with Chris Cloutier of Posterfix in Brooklyn.  I initially checked him  
out as he has a link on a MoPo members site.  I was assured his work  
was reputable and he didn't steal posters.  I suppose that member  
didn't know, but I find that odd as this person has a finger on the  
pulse of all things 'poster'.

Now I find out not only does he ignore his customers, but he also does  
terrible work!  I will tell you I have only spoken with him once and  
he was so rude!  If that had been one of my daughters, I would have  
slapped them across the face for opening such a disrespectful mouth to  
me.  The man claims to have done the work, a simple backing.  Somehow  
he is too busy to respond to a customer who is waiting to pack and  
bring many more posters to him.  Not only is this unprofessional, it  
is UNINTELLIGENT!  We're in a recession and Chris Cloutier doesn't  
need money.

Everyone go elsewhere!  Wish someone had warned me!!!

Andrea Kanter

Let us resolve and work toward achieving some very simple  
propositions: There are no acceptable limits and there are no  
acceptable prejudices in the twenty-first century.

 - Sen Hillary Rodham Clinton

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[MOPO] Fwd: [MOPO] I am REALLY angry at George Bush and this Democratic Congress!

2008-10-25 Thread Freedom Lover
OK.  This was meant to be 'Reply All'.  LOLOL!!!  Sorry, Bruce.   
Really sorry, man.  lolo..  I was kind of freaked out by your  
response as well. :0)

Begin forwarded message:

From: Freedom Lover [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: October 25, 2008 11:31:21 AM EDT
To: Bruce Hershenson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [MOPO] I am REALLY angry at George Bush and this  
Democratic Congress!

I got in trouble last time I said what I thought.  I think Al Gore  
should have been President because he won and that we wouldn't be in  
this kind of trouble if he had.  I also think the planet, at least  
America, would be in better condition for our kids, green jobs would  
already be abundant, ergo we wouldn't be in this financial mess (as  
deeply) , etc.

I think it's pretty obvious the primary was was won by Hillary and  
that Bill would have gone in and fixed whatever he screwed up the  
first time, which I'm sure so many Presidents wish they could have  
also done.  I think we'd have a kick-ass health program.

And finally, after this past decade, I think we should have an  
Independent for  POTUS.  They work between party lines.  In fact, I  
think it would do us well to not have a politician for President.  I  
think a successful entrepreneur has more knowledge of what America  
needs than a politician who just knows what America wants to hear.

PS: If Bruce talks politics, it's OK.  If I do it, it's not.   
There's a Yiddish expression for people like that...


On Oct 25, 2008, at 10:07 AM, Bruce Hershenson wrote:

I KNOW full well that my current 9th Halloween auction is far and  
away my best ever (and you guys have ONLY seen Parts I and II, and  
you are going to be even MORE amazed when you see Parts III and IV  
next week, which includes much of the best material!).

I also know full well that these items would have certainly sold  
incredibly well any previous year. I feel certain they deserve to,  
and if they don't, I feel the blame can surely be placed on George  
Bush and this Democratic Congress. Their massively wrong-headed  
policies in so many ways have hurt the world drastically, and it  
may take decades to undo what they did in 8 years (but maybe once  
the elections are over, we can quickly get on the right track, and  
it hopefully won't take nearly that long).

If there ARE many bargains to be found in these auctions, I hope  
that long-time collectors will take advantage of them!

Does anyone here doubt that George Bush will go down as the worst  
President in American history? And I am not being partisan in  
saying this, for I feel the Democratic Congress is at least equally  
to blame for all the terrible decisions that were made the past 8  
years (some they came up with on their own, and some they simply  
went along with Bush, passing his wacky ideas, when any sane person  
would have recognized them as recipes for disaster). And they let  
the robber barons on Wall Street loot the country for 7 years, and  
then, when those fools managed to bankrupt themselves, they go  
along with the insane plan of bailing them out with OUR money!

What do YOU think?

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Let us resolve and work toward achieving some very simple  
propositions: There are no acceptable limits and there are no  
acceptable prejudices in the twenty-first century.

   - Sen Hillary Rodham Clinton

Let us resolve and work toward achieving some very simple  
propositions: There are no acceptable limits and there are no  
acceptable prejudices in the twenty-first century.

 - Sen Hillary Rodham Clinton

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Re: [MOPO] Politicking!!!

2008-10-13 Thread Freedom Lover
PERFECT FOR NOW!!!  I really, really enjoyed that.  It lessens  
stress to laugh.  Great timing, Jim!!!


P.S.  Y'all send this link to other stressed out voters, please. :)

On Oct 13, 2008, at 11:41 AM, jim wrote:

 Check out our shop video

jim episale
Unshredded Nostalgia
323 South main St. Route 9
Barnegat, N.J. 08005
800-872-9990 609-660-2626

Money back if not satisfied
MasterCard Visa Discover American Express

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 - Sen Hillary Rodham Clinton

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Re: [MOPO] Sarah Palin Stopped My eBay Auctions!

2008-10-12 Thread Freedom Lover

Is your day job a used car salesman?


On Oct 12, 2008, at 9:03 AM, luminita hascalovitz wrote:

Hi MoPoers,

Okay, Sarah Palin didn't really stop my eBay auctions, but nothing  
would surprise me this Election year. If you are more interested in  
vintage movie posters and lobby cards than politics, please have a  
look at my auctions ending today. I have a nice assortment of Sci-Fi  
lobby cards, a few serial posters, Abbott and Costello, Cagney, Raft  
and more.

Click on the link or search by seller ID lobbies


(lobbies on eBay)
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Let us resolve and work toward achieving some very simple  
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acceptable prejudices in the twenty-first century.

 - Sen Hillary Rodham Clinton

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Re: [MOPO] Mopo- Posters - enconomy- Polotics- Future _ perspective

2008-10-12 Thread Freedom Lover
Part of my coming to MoPo is to escape the bs from the Dems, ACORN,  
and the creep they selected to be the US Puppet.  His kind of change  
will tax the crap out of the people who spend thousands of dollars on  
this hobby, Tom!

Since I kept my passion for Hillary off MoPo this WHOLE TIME out of  
respect for all of you, I expect the same.  Tom, if you feel that  
strongly, use one of his quotes at your sign-off, like I do.  But have  
the respect to NOT put him in the body of your message, as I often  
read what you have to say and don't need that fool in my face on a  
lovely Sunday morning!!!  That was RUDE!

If you need to vote, he has plenty extra names you can use that he  
pretends to not know about.  Better yet, email ACORN and they'll send  
you a whole city block of names. Don't forget, they take pets and  
corpses, too!


On Oct 12, 2008, at 9:28 AM, Tom Martin wrote:

Hello Mopo- Thought I would give a veiw from what I have seen in  
last year as far as whats happening

in many sectors of our business

I started in 1977 and have seen several shake outs as far as  
recessions.  Movie memorabilia and collectables,

or diversions have typically been a refuge or escape for people  
during rough times. Vintage material seems

to be pretty safe as investment however high ticket items can soften  
as people have less money. The wealthy

it appears however are being hurt this round as they invested in  
stock market and portfolios that were in mutual funds.

As far as assets the real estate seems to have been  a fluffed up  
investment loseing 30-60% value in the last year.

My House ( bought from Leyman bros.. was bought at 115K and is worth  
at monent would guess..  80 k and was financed

at 8.5 at 30 years fixed.  Not a brilliant investment and  only  
grace was it was  zero down.

Politically - Barack Obama is going to be here-( Toledo, Ohio) for 4  
days at the maumee state park resort giving a speech tommorrow and  
he will prepare for the last debate. here

I was at 1st for Barack and  then I became confused as Both sides  
presented great arguments and also

they both cast doubt on each others abilitys,, But this last week  
when McCain defended Barack and said

we need not be afraid that hes a good honest man, I relized that  
they both were  brave to want to lead this country and that it  
actually would be great if they worked together to achieve unity and  
to fix the Usa
economic woes. They can as tey are both senators even after the race  
in over so they can help each other.

So either way it turns out they should work together as Both has a  
passion for this country. For me Barack has

endured so many attacks on his Faith, his color, his family history,  
his past association with people

and the radical in question seemd to be a anti veitnam war radical.

well back in the 60's the hippies and people that wanted the war to  
stop,, where considered radicals.. But

they wanted the killing to stop...At Kent state university in OHIO   
4 -protesters where shot and killed by

Ohio Gaurd troops because they stood up and  rebelled.. against the  
WAR .. so Did the people at the Boston tea party... and

the entire USA was founded by Rebels that wanted to have thier own  
country. The country is a melting POT

of every religion, and culture and ethnic group.  That is why we  
have so much diversity.  If you look historically in so many areas  
like engineering, and creative areas we have been a merger of all  
and all peoples... Not one but all...( One nation , with Liberty and  
Justice for ALL) Look at the space program NASA, entertainment,  
autos, electronics//

heck Ebay, computers , medical..aircraft, Foods,  
telecommunication//   we have been leaders and innovators in all  
sectors along with allies in other areas.

I see it as we just need to see that its time that the world come  
together as we will clearly see this week we are all

linked by a financial, energy  and  ecology and dependence on each  
other that is a good thing.. because sure there are some with

differances in how to live but that has  been since age of time. We  
now have the ability to communicate and work

together in a way never before seen and have the technology to  
correct the worlds issues if we work in a unified  world  that would  
address health care on a global level. peace on a global level.

The recent events and the financial meltdown prove that we all need  
each other globally .. and that greed does not work. PERIOD.

If we find new energy solutions in wind and solar ( Toledos Xunlight  
is the world leader and also First Solar)

So we can make a differance, we can make a change  and if we do as  
our forefathers did and to get to work

and forge ahead we will survive any clamity either man-made or by  

So In summery --- I missed getting registared to vote as I  
was so damn undecided and i was frustrated so yesterday


Re: [MOPO] Mopo- Posters - enconomy- Polotics- Future _ perspective

2008-10-12 Thread Freedom Lover
 this is a important time because we will all be effectly greatly  
in the next month!!

This week will be very volitile in the market...

all the best to You Andrea.

best, Tom

Freedom Lover wrote:
Part of my coming to MoPo is to escape the bs from the Dems, ACORN,  
and the creep they selected to be the US Puppet.  His kind of  
change will tax the crap out of the people who spend thousands of  
dollars on this hobby, Tom!

Since I kept my passion for Hillary off MoPo this WHOLE TIME out of  
respect for all of you, I expect the same.  Tom, if you feel that  
strongly, use one of his quotes at your sign-off, like I do.  But  
have the respect to NOT put him in the body of your message, as I  
often read what you have to say and don't need that fool in my face  
on a lovely Sunday morning!!!  That was RUDE!

If you need to vote, he has plenty extra names you can use that he  
pretends to not know about.  Better yet, email ACORN and they'll  
send you a whole city block of names. Don't forget, they take pets  
and corpses, too!


On Oct 12, 2008, at 9:28 AM, Tom Martin wrote:

Hello Mopo- Thought I would give a veiw from what I have seen in  
last year as far as whats happening

in many sectors of our business

I started in 1977 and have seen several shake outs as far as  
recessions.  Movie memorabilia and collectables,

or diversions have typically been a refuge or escape for people  
during rough times. Vintage material seems

to be pretty safe as investment however high ticket items can  
soften as people have less money. The wealthy

it appears however are being hurt this round as they invested in  
stock market and portfolios that were in mutual funds.

As far as assets the real estate seems to have been  a fluffed up  
investment loseing 30-60% value in the last year.

My House ( bought from Leyman bros.. was bought at 115K and is  
worth at monent would guess..  80 k and was financed

at 8.5 at 30 years fixed.  Not a brilliant investment and  only  
grace was it was  zero down.

Politically - Barack Obama is going to be here-( Toledo, Ohio) for  
4 days at the maumee state park resort giving a speech tommorrow  
and he will prepare for the last debate. here

I was at 1st for Barack and  then I became confused as Both sides  
presented great arguments and also

they both cast doubt on each others abilitys,, But this last week  
when McCain defended Barack and said

we need not be afraid that hes a good honest man, I relized that  
they both were  brave to want to lead this country and that it  
actually would be great if they worked together to achieve unity  
and to fix the Usa
economic woes. They can as tey are both senators even after the  
race in over so they can help each other.

So either way it turns out they should work together as Both has a  
passion for this country. For me Barack has

endured so many attacks on his Faith, his color, his family  
history, his past association with people

and the radical in question seemd to be a anti veitnam war radical.

well back in the 60's the hippies and people that wanted the war  
to stop,, where considered radicals.. But

they wanted the killing to stop...At Kent state university in  
OHIO  4 -protesters where shot and killed by

Ohio Gaurd troops because they stood up and  rebelled.. against  
the WAR .. so Did the people at the Boston tea party... and

the entire USA was founded by Rebels that wanted to have thier own  
country. The country is a melting POT

of every religion, and culture and ethnic group.  That is why we  
have so much diversity.  If you look historically in so many areas  
like engineering, and creative areas we have been a merger of all  
and all peoples... Not one but all...( One nation , with Liberty  
and Justice for ALL) Look at the space program NASA,  
entertainment, autos, electronics//

heck Ebay, computers , medical..aircraft, Foods,  
telecommunication//   we have been leaders and innovators in all  
sectors along with allies in other areas.

I see it as we just need to see that its time that the world come  
together as we will clearly see this week we are all

linked by a financial, energy  and  ecology and dependence on each  
other that is a good thing.. because sure there are some with

differances in how to live but that has  been since age of time.  
We now have the ability to communicate and work

together in a way never before seen and have the technology to  
correct the worlds issues if we work in a unified  world  that  
would address health care on a global level. peace on a global  

The recent events and the financial meltdown prove that we all  
need each other globally .. and that greed does not work. PERIOD.

If we find new energy solutions in wind and solar ( Toledos  
Xunlight is the world leader and also First Solar)

So we can make a differance, we can make a change  and if we do as  
our forefathers did and to get to work

and forge ahead we

Re: [MOPO] Interesting to see a minty white and a known original side by side!

2008-10-09 Thread Freedom Lover

Great idea!

On Oct 9, 2008, at 9:22 AM, Sean Linkenback wrote:

Since you have these in hand now, why don't you do everyone a great  
service by photo-documenting the original side by side with one of  
the minty whites (hopefully with some close-ups), and post it up on  
your site or give it to Ed and Sue to document on LAMP.

-- Original message from Bruce Hershenson [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
: --

I am currently auctioning inserts, and when I gathered up all the  
hundreds of inserts that I have been consigned, I discovered I had  
been sent FIVE different Scarface ones (the Pacino version). Close  
examination of them determined that four of them are minty whites,  
the fake inserts that have polluted our hobby (see past MoPo e-mails  
or my E-Mail Club Archive or the LAMP site for more on these  
fakes).I will be returning those fake inserts to their owners, with  
the plea that they don't consign them to another auction (or put  
them on eBay).

But this was a great chance to look at the fakes very closely! Of  
course, they can be distinguished from the known original from their  
trademark whiter than white paper, and their glossier back side.  
But what is interesting to me is that when they are laid side by  
side, the lousy printing of the minty white becomes painfully  
obvious. They were clearly NOT printed from the original plates (as  
has sometime been speculated) but instead were made by photographing  
a known original, because the fine shadings in some areas are blurry  
or filled in, as would be expected when you reproduce an original.

Unfortunately, this would not jump out at most people when they  
solely look at the minty white fake. But when you look at BOTH the  
minty white fake and the proven original, those printing differences  
would be obvious to anyone (except maybe Professor Powers).

Have the minty white fakes killed the value of the proven originals?  
The Scarface insert I am auctioning is currently at $246. so that is  
clearly not the case!

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Let us resolve and work toward achieving some very simple  
propositions: There are no acceptable limits and there are no  
acceptable prejudices in the twenty-first century.

 - Sen Hillary Rodham Clinton

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Re: [MOPO] Movie Paper and The Domestic / World Economy

2008-10-08 Thread Freedom Lover
There are several things to think about here.  First, it's a fabulous  
time to get some great deals because so many people are afraid to  
spend.  It's a good time to invest in ephemera, which is now being  
considered as viable as real estate and stocks ().  Same thing w/ 
real estate, if you know what you're doing (i.e. stay away from  
property that is hurricane prone).  Cars - BAD time!  They'll all be  
changing in the next few years and you don't want a brand new out- 
dated inefficient model that you can't unload.

If you have an incompetent mortgage, best not spend.  If you're OK,  
spend some and stash some.  The thing is, you don't want to panic to  
the point where you're wary of investing.  This economic thing will  
fade, you'll still be alive and the ephemera can help pull you back to  
where you were.  The thing is:  restoration will be all the rage.   
Waste not, want not, right?  Well, it goes along with being green;  
don't throw it away until it's really beat.  Restore, repair, re-use.

Now about those Mayans...  if they're right, at least you went ahead  
and bought that poster before we all croaked!  Also, go ahead and eat  
carbs, sodium, and fat grams.  Pass the dark chocolate, please!


On Oct 8, 2008, at 3:34 PM, Tom Martin wrote:

dear Pos Adler and Mopo  Ive been thinking about this for about 20  
years and its been turning out as I suspected,,

The problem as I see it was simple historically all economy was  
based on a unbalanced  Musical chair

syndrome.  In other words it was always based on propped up  
artificial concepts.. that all tied to artificial

economys. The problem I see was the speed of Internet as being the  
pivitol point of downfall... because the

base support of the economy was and it the middle class workers that  
Bought the ' STUFF' cars , homes, computers and volume...  thats the  
achilles heal

The Pay of this class was modified and peaked with artificle re- 
finance tactic that where the undoing.

The mind set of the buyers was to get stuff as a form of security.  
Yet many leveraged the debt by basically gambleing future earnings  
and sales that where now not there.

With the depreciateion in Real estate, and the stock market all the  
imaginary gains  have now become

So in summery the cash flow of all markets  are now beeing reset to  
pre-90's or even 70's prices..

Look at wages... many  in the blue collar are roled back to 10-15  
hr... yet the  average houshold food, gas and operating Budget has  
answer= Less spending and Low ticket items will be the norm for  
several years. Secondary market used goods will flourish, service  
sectors will abound, and the collectable market and entertainment will

as historically done be a refuge for many as a form of diversion.

Yet this time its differant and will be a bit harder as  basically  
the entire world needs to get some order
in personal liability for the ecology, and for treatment of fellow  
man , both ethically, and also by education

of people to use credit and finance in a healthy way.

Otherwise if nort corrected quickly all classes of people with come  
down like a tumbling card deck.

if it isnt already too late...

suggestion...  prepare to live as modest as possible to weather the  
oncoming storm.

get a budget... and if you have some  excess investment cash this  
could be a great time to buy for future

at same time if anyone had a magic ball they would have saw this  
coming instead of  trusting thier finacial advisors.

I think the Leyman Brother Fuld guy has the Crytal ball as he netted  
350 Million off peoples trust

including My home loan 

the Mayans  say the world will end in 2012 so do many doomsdayers

Maybe they were off by a few years !

Personally I think this will all end in a Postive good way...

and I aint giving up !  and I will  do my best to help others and  
the world

so... Just remember that !!!


Alan Adler wrote:

Mopos -

Given the size of the shake-up (or more to the point shake-down)  
of  our economy,
it seems like there's been a conspicuous absence of discussion how   
this turn of events affects our world of paper.

I know it is perhaps a bit early to tell -
but I am curious how those of us that make even a partial living  
on  selling posters and memorabilia (include comics, props, toys,   
autographs, cards, etc.) are doing.

Are you finding big drops or is memorabilia holding its value?
What do you forsee in the immediate and long term future for  

Are some things selling better due to the general downswing?
(I.E. Certain types of buyers finding security or at least  
tangibility  in object investment vs. financial investment?)

Are some things hardest hit due to the above?
Are folks going to the movies more as they did when times were  
tough  in the good old depression?

How fares our international brethren on all topics?

Just thought it might be illucidating to share our 

Re: [MOPO] Bon Voyage O J

2008-10-04 Thread Freedom Lover

I hope OJ likes roast beef ends and pieces  and fantasy fish...
Andrea Kanter
Cell-ebrity Foods

On Oct 4, 2008, at 5:31 PM, Richard Halegua Comic Art wrote:

Maybe OJ, Michael Vick, Lawrence Phillips, Ray Lewis, Rae Carruth,  
Cecil Collins, Steve Muhammad , Todd Marinovich, Matt O'Dwyer, Mark  
Chmura and even Pac Man Jones (not in jail) and all those other  
idiots of the National Felons League can get a pickup football game  
scheduled in between their bologna sandwiches

the big question.. who's going to be the wide receiver, or the tight  

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Let us resolve and work toward achieving some very simple  
propositions: There are no acceptable limits and there are no  
acceptable prejudices in the twenty-first century.

 - Sen Hillary Rodham Clinton

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Re: [MOPO] What are movies that you watch over and over?

2008-09-28 Thread Freedom Lover

If I can't sleep and 007 is on, I can safely rest to sleep, knowing I  
won't miss any of the dialogue, as I have the bulk of them memorized.   
Same w/ Butch Cassidy/Sundance kid.  There are more...

These are not the same as the ones I'd have to finish watching, if I  
walked in on them.  That's a whole list.


On Sep 28, 2008, at 1:42 PM, Susan Heim wrote:

Too funny Patrick Michael..There are too many movies for me to  
list that make me stop and watch till the end.  What about movies  
that you just come home from a hard day's work and watch to get  
away from it all?  I have several, but my main two are To Kill and  
Mockingbird and Picnic. One of my favorite things to do on a night I  
can't sleep (too much work stuff in my brain), is get up, the house  
is all quiet, everyone else is sleeping and I put Picnic on.  How  
about you all?


Date: Sun, 28 Sep 2008 09:40:57 -0700
Subject: Re: [MOPO] What are movies where EVERY time you see one  
flipping channels, you end up watching some or all?


I don't know why, but GROUNDHOG DAY

I don't know why, but GROUNDHOG DAY

I don't know why, but GROUNDHOG DAY

I don't know why, but GROUNDHOG DAY

I don't know why, but GROUNDHOG DAY

I don't know why, but GROUNDHOG DAY

I don't know why, but GROUNDHOG DAY

I don't know why, but GROUNDHOG DAY

I don't know why, but GROUNDHOG DAY

I don't know why, but GROUNDHOG DAY

I don't know why, but GROUNDHOG DAY

I don't know why, but GROUNDHOG DAY

I don't know why, but GROUNDHOG DAY


On Sep 28, 2008, at 5:34 AM, John Mody wrote:

Caddyshack for sure. Can't stop watching it. Jaws, Shawshank and  
Goodfellas close second.

John Mody

Casablanca, The Lady Eve, To Kill a Mockingbird, Singing in the  
Rain, Night at the Opera, Sunset Blvd., The Maltese Falcon...The  
Thing (both of them)...I'm afraid this list is longer


- Original Message 
From: Alan Heimann [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, September 27, 2008 8:38:44 PM
Subject: Re: [MOPO] What are movies where EVERY time you see one  
flipping channels, you end up watching some or all?

can't resist bond flicks
-MoPo List mopo-l@LISTSERV.AMERICAN.EDU wrote: -

From: Bruce Hershenson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent by: MoPo List mopo-l@LISTSERV.AMERICAN.EDU
Date: 09/27/2008 06:19PM
Subject: [MOPO] What are movies where EVERY time you see one  
flipping channels, you end up watching some or all?

I was e-mailing with Freeman Fisher and he mentioned he had seen Hud  
at least a dozen times (and I know I have as well, because it is  
simply a wonderful movie). I have found that there are a select  
group of movies where EVERY time I see one of them while flipping  
channels, I say I'll just watch a few minutes of this (even if it  
is in the middle or near the end) but then I realize a great scene  
is coming up soon, and I think, well, I have to watch that and  
then there is another great scene coming up and then quite often I  
end up watching it all (and marveling just how great a movie I think  
it is)! A good example of this for me is The Princess Bride or  
Cool Hand Luke, but there are lots of others.
I was wondering, is this just true of me, or do many of you also  
have movies that you find irresistible to not start watching when  
you see they are playing on TV (even though you have seen them one  
or many times before)? And if so, what movies are they?

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Re: [MOPO] Best tale of the week!

2008-09-27 Thread Freedom Lover

Boy oh boy, it's a good thing he didn't say 'lipstick'...

On Sep 27, 2008, at 5:57 AM, Bruce Hershenson wrote:

Tring to make this home-made poster on the back of a real poster  
(which was done all the time in the 1930s to 1960s, and which most  
collectors consider a major defect) sound like a real rarity and  
something wonderful is akin to putting earrings on a pig (no matter  
how you dress it up, it is still a pig).

Any bets on it selling at that price? And what do you suppose it  
would sell for if it started at $1 no reserve? Or would it sell?


On Sat, Sep 27, 2008 at 12:00 AM, Evan Zweifel [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

A fun piece for you fans of oddball paper.  This story has to be the  
best I've seen on eBay in a while!

Just had to share.



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Let us resolve and work toward achieving some very simple  
propositions: There are no acceptable limits and there are no  
acceptable prejudices in the twenty-first century.

 - Sen Hillary Rodham Clinton

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Re: [MOPO] Paul Newman Dead

2008-09-27 Thread Freedom Lover

Such a classy man.  Paul Newman will be missed and remembered.

On Sep 27, 2008, at 10:46 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Truly one of the greats.  My personal favorite of his without  
hesitation  HUD.

Below is just posted obituary from the NYTIMES

WESTPORT, Conn. (AP) -- Paul Newman, the Academy-Award winning  
superstar who personified cool as an activist, race car driver,  
popcorn impresario and the anti-hero of such films as Hud, Cool  
Hand Luke and The Color of Money, has died. He was 83.

Newman died Friday after a long battle with cancer at his farmhouse  
near Westport, publicist Jeff Sanderson said. He was surrounded by  
his family and close friends.

In May, Newman he had dropped plans to direct a fall production of  
Of Mice and Men, citing unspecified health issues.

He got his start in theater and on television during the 1950s, and  
went on to become one of the world's most enduring and popular film  
stars, a legend held in awe by his peers. He was nominated for  
Oscars 10 times, winning one regular award and two honorary ones,  
and had major roles in more than 50 motion pictures, including  
Exodus, Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, The Verdict, The  
Sting and Absence of Malice.

Newman worked with some of the greatest directors of the past half  
century, from Alfred Hitchcock and John Huston to Robert Altman,  
Martin Scorsese and the Coen brothers. His co-stars included  
Elizabeth Taylor, Lauren Bacall, Tom Cruise, Tom Hanks and, most  
famously, Robert Redford, his sidekick in Butch Cassidy and The  

He sometimes teamed with his wife and fellow Oscar winner, Joanne  
Woodward, with whom he had one of Hollywood's rare long-term  
marriages. I have steak at home, why go out for hamburger? Newman  
told Playboy magazine (NYSE:PLA) when asked if he was tempted to  
stray. They wed in 1958, around the same time they both appeared in  
The Long Hot Summer, and Newman directed her in several films,  
including Rachel, Rachel and The Glass Menagerie.

With his strong, classically handsome face and piercing blue eyes,  
Newman was a heartthrob just as likely to play against his looks,  
becoming a favorite with critics for his convincing portrayals of  
rebels, tough guys and losers. I was always a character actor, he  
once said. I just looked like Little Red Riding Hood.

Newman had a soft spot for underdogs in real life, giving tens of  
millions to charities through his food company and setting up camps  
for severely ill children. Passionately opposed to the Vietnam War,  
and in favor of civil rights, he was so famously liberal that he  
ended up on President Nixon's enemies list, one of the actor's  
proudest achievements, he liked to say.

A screen legend by his mid-40s, he waited a long time for his first  
competitive Oscar, winning in 1987 for The Color of Money, a  
reprise of the role of pool shark Fast Eddie Felson, whom Newman  
portrayed in the 1961 film The Hustler.

Newman delivered a magnetic performance in The Hustler, playing a  
smooth-talking, whiskey-chugging pool shark who takes on Minnesota  
Fats -- played by Jackie Gleason -- and becomes entangled with a  
gambler played by George C. Scott. In the sequel -- directed by  
Scorsese -- Fast Eddie is no longer the high-stakes hustler he  
once was, but rather an aging liquor salesman who takes a young pool  
player (Cruise) under his wing before making a comeback.

He won an honorary Oscar in 1986 in recognition of his many and  
memorable compelling screen performances and for his personal  
integrity and dedication to his craft. In 1994, he won a third  
Oscar, the Jean Hersholt Humanitarian Award, for his charitable work.

His most recent academy nod was a supporting actor nomination for  
the 2002 film Road to Perdition. One of Newman's nominations was  
as a producer; the other nine were in acting categories. (Jack  
Nicholson holds the record among actors for Oscar nominations, with  
12; actress Meryl Streep has had 14.)

As he passed his 80th birthday, he remained in demand, winning an  
Emmy and a Golden Globe for the 2005 HBO drama Empire Falls and  
providing the voice of a crusty 1951 car in the 2006 Disney-Pixar  
hit, Cars.

But in May 2007, he told ABC's Good Morning America he had given  
up acting, though he intended to remain active in charity projects.  
I'm not able to work anymore as an actor at the level I would want  
to, he said. You start to lose your memory, your confidence, your  
invention. So that's pretty much a closed book for me.

He received his first Oscar nomination for playing a bitter,  
alcoholic former star athlete in the 1958 film Cat on a Hot Tin  
Roof. Elizabeth Taylor played his unhappy wife and Burl Ives his  
wealthy, domineering father in Tennessee Williams' harrowing drama,  
which was given an upbeat ending for the screen.

In Cool Hand Luke, he was nominated for his gritty role as a  
rebellious inmate in a brutal Southern 

Re: [MOPO] We survived Hurricane Ike....

2008-09-24 Thread Freedom Lover

Hi Earl,
Glad you fared well, if you call it that.  What a nightmare
Hope your power comes back sooner than they say.

Be well,
Andrea Kanter

On Sep 24, 2008, at 2:56 PM, Captain Bijou wrote:

Fellow MoPoers:

Thankfully, we survived the destruction of Hurricane Ike with only  
minor property damage and without physical injury.

Twelve days after the storm, over 600,000 Houstonians are still  
without power, including yours truly. The local energy provider,  
Centerpoint Energy, does not expect all of the repairs to be  
completed until November. Fallen trees, debris and damaged  
properties are fill the streets in both the urban and suburban  
wooded areas.

Thanks to an auxiliary gasoline generator and my wife's DSL line, I  
am able finally able to get back on line for a limited time each day.

We were far more fortunate than the Galveston and coastal areas,  
which suffered catastrophic devastation and loss of life.

Our thanks to everyone for their thoughts and prayers.


Earl and Eloise Blair
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Re: [MOPO] Gov. Palin's Yahoo account

2008-09-23 Thread Freedom Lover

How do you know it wasn't Blue Lagoon?  ;)


On Sep 22, 2008, at 10:58 PM, Michael B wrote:

considering the news of how Gov. Palin's yahoo account was  
compromised ..

consider this:  aol has a security question (as i am sure other  
sites have):  what is your favorite movie?

i suggest we remove your answer:  CASABLANCA


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Re: [MOPO] Movie Poster Fun

2008-09-23 Thread Freedom Lover
The new camera had a red tinge that sucked, so that's not all that  
bad.  Get a different brand next time.  The laptop I feel bad about.   
The hole in the wall should go next to the Butch Cassidy posters.

You have stupid crooks, but we still love you :)


On Sep 23, 2008, at 12:32 AM, Richard Halegua Comic Art wrote:

ah yes folks.. today was a very fun day

I get to my warehouse at about 5pm to find that lo-and-behold..


they didn't take any posters of course  the House of Dracula 1  
sheet is still sitting on top of the shelf, with the TV
and they didn't take the computer on my desk, or even the flat panel  

what joy

so instead of listing auctions all evening I've had the CSI team  
over here dusting for fingerprints (they found none)

so tell me .. would you rather they stole your computer.. or some  

and folks, if the pics next week look crappy.. is becuz I'll be  
using my 8 year old kodak again

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Re: [MOPO] Movie Poster Fun

2008-09-23 Thread Freedom Lover

I LIKE Alan Adler!  That man has a great brain on his shoulders.


On Sep 23, 2008, at 11:36 AM, Alan Adler wrote:

So sorry, Rich to hear about the theft.
What is wrong with people!

When I used to live in a rough part of Santa Monica -
Every time my tv got stolen - I bought a bigger one!

It's small consolation I know -
but buy that bigger camera with more attachments -
and that brand new super Mac you've always wanted.
Living well is the best recourse (if not revenge).


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2008-09-22 Thread Freedom Lover

Horror story...

When Alan and I were first married, we took a family trip up north to  
vacation and get some of his posters to bring down to Florida.  The  
girls were like 6 and 7.  We arrive back home (airport) and he lays  
his tubes down to fetch a cab.  It is midnite.  We get the luggage  
into the trunk, I put the girls in the back seat.  Alan jumps in and  
we leave.

We each thought the other had the tubes!!!  Three MAJOR and RARE and  
FINALLY RESTORED magic posters.  Huge posters.  I felt someone find  
them and their greed was overwhelming!!!  What a horrible chill it  
sent through me.  Alan thought it was MY fault and that I should have  
paid attention to the posters and not my little girls (at the airport,  
at midnite).

He had to go to therapy for it.  The therapist convinced him it wasn't  
my fault and that's what people with kids do.

We've never seen those pieces again, at any auctions or any of his  
friends, so we haven't yet replaced them and it's been over 15 years.   
Figure over $50,000.

It makes me sick to think of that!  Gee, thanks for the plop down  
memory lane, Michael!!!

Andrea K.

On Sep 22, 2008, at 3:39 PM, Michael B wrote:

just curious..

has anyone ever had a single poster or two stolen from their  
collection?  i have heard that dealers have lost stuff at shows.


(((FINGERPRINTS ON POSTERS:  on this subject, i own both gorgeous,  
rare half sheets of 1934 IMITATION OF LIFE that i bought from  
heritage about 5 years ago.  they each have small border areas of  
india ink stains.  those are like fingerprints, which markings will  
forever be in heritage's website and their printed catalogue.  No  
one will be able to sell them publicly.BUT most posters  
do not have these documented fingerprints unless you have  
photographed your items with close-ups.)

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2008-09-14 Thread Freedom Lover
Thank God Kirby and Austin didn't get it!  Thank God your daughter is  
in Junior High now!  What an awful week.  If anyone hears from anyone  
who got the storm, please let us know they're OK.


On Sep 14, 2008, at 11:30 AM, Susan Heim wrote:

Good to hear Kirby that  you are safe. I have been watching the  
scenario unfold most of the week. One of the problems I see now is  
that all the people who were told to evacuate that didn't are now  
having to be rescued which adds to the already awful sitution  
officials are dealing with. We had our own situation here in  
Chatsworth on Friday afternoon when a Metrorail train collided head  
on with a freight train. The tracks where the accident occured run  
right alongside my daughter's elementary school. In fact the grassy  
area that was shown on the t.v. as the triage area was their playing  
field. We worried for years about those track locations hoping that  
no train would ever jump the track and head into a playing field  
with children on it. She is now in jr. high school about a block up  
the road but was being picked up from volleyball practice exactly as  
the trains collided. So, it was a mess and a very sad situation.

So, everyone take care out there and be safe!


Date: Sun, 14 Sep 2008 09:56:28 -0500
Subject: [MOPO] TEXAS

It is doubtful that anyone on the list who really experienced this  
storm is really even in a position to get this
post.  There is no power.  The upper Texas coast is a mess.  Even  
though the storm was actually not as bad as Texas officials had  
feared, nevertheless it was awful.  There is no power for almost 2  
MILLION people.  When people tell you that everything in Texas is  
big, that includes power outages as well.  Flooding is widespread  
and is being complicated today by additional, non - hurricane  
related rains caused by a cool front wringing moisture from the  
coastal atmosphere.  This means that the hurricane flooding is being  
hampered in draining.  There haven't been a lot
of deaths reported, but this may be because rescue teams cannot get  
into some of the residential areas yet.

In short, it's a wreck.

Here in Austin we did not even get one drop of rain or any high  
wind.  This was a different scenario than the
one posited at the beginning of last week, when Austin was in the  
storm target area.


On Sep 13, 2008, at 840PM, Glenn Taranto wrote:

First off... Hope every one in Texas is doing OK after the big blow...

Secondly,  I was offered a trade today for an original release High  
Society one sheet.  It wasn't folded and had no NSS number. Other  
than that all the printing on the bottom was correct for that poster.

It was 27x40 1/2. It was obviously trimmed on the bottom as the trim  
was not as sharp as the other three sides. There was nothing  
indicating it was a reprint.

I explained to him that I felt it was a reprint but he insisted that  
he worked at MGM and has had this poster since the mid-sixties and  
that it came from the president's office. He also claimed to have  
sold another exactly like it, unfolded. Another red flag I thought.  
Following all that the paper didn't feel right either.

Anyone know of early reprints on this title or run across anything  
like this on this title before? I'd like to be honest with the guy  
and tell him exactly what he has.

I would appreciate any comments.

Many thanks,

Glenn T.
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2008-09-11 Thread Freedom Lover
You have my prayers, Kirby.  We were lucky and just missed it.   
However, even though it was several hundred miles away, we still had  
wind warnings.  Man, you could just tell...

Take care and your cousin, too.


On Sep 10, 2008, at 10:31 PM, McDaniel Kirby wrote:

Here in Texas we are casting a wary eye on Hurricane Ike.
It looks as if we are going to catch it this time.  There may be
some of you who are thinking that it's about time.  But that's
another story.

Anyway, Austin is about 200 - 250 miles inland from where this
storm is supposed to make landfall.  The problem is that is bigger
than a lot of states - about 300 miles across and has two more days to
churn itself into fury over the Gulf of Mexico.

My cousin (who actually collects film posters, by the way) works
for Kirby Corporation in Houston (no connection to yours truly) in  
the inland

marine business, and I can tell you that the people who are very
familiar with hurricanes are worried as hell.

Here in Austin we expect this to be downgraded to perhaps a
tropical storm by the time it gets here.  Still it could spin
off some tornados and we could lose power.  If I get a tornado
there could be movie posters all over East Austin.

If I see Elmira Gulch riding by on her bike (or Lance Armstrong)
I'll let you know.

Ya'll pray now!

Kirby McDaniel
MovieArt Original Film Posters
P.O. Box 4419
Austin TX 78765-4419
512 479 6680
mobile 512 589 5112

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Re: [MOPO] Houston -- near the eye of the storm

2008-09-11 Thread Freedom Lover

Hey Earl and everyone else in Ike's path,

Take care of yourselves (and your pets).  Please let us know you're  
OK.  You have my prayers.


On Sep 11, 2008, at 4:37 AM, Captain Bijou wrote:

Fellow MoPoers:

Here in Houston we are bracing for the arrival of Hurricane Ike,  
which is due to make landfall as a category 3 storm on Saturday  
morning. We will begin feeling the effects of its approach  

In 2005 it was Katrina and Rita. This year it's Hannah and Ike

Initially, Ike was due to make landfall about 90 miles to the south  
of the Houston, Galveston area, but the latest models have moved us  
closer to center of the storm.

Since we are located in the northern central part of the city, we  
will be riding this one out.

Prayers are gladly accepted.


Earl Blair

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Re: [MOPO] Houston -- near the eye of the storm

2008-09-11 Thread Freedom Lover

What about the Heritage people?  Aren't you guys down there, as well?

On Sep 11, 2008, at 9:50 AM, Bruce Hershenson wrote:

Even if you do stay where you are, doesn't a storm force 4 take you  
somewhere else anyway?

All you guys get the heck out of there! Better safe than sorry. I  
will be worrying about you, and hope you find a way to post soon  
after the storm passes (and hopefully the threat is overblown).


On Thu, Sep 11, 2008 at 7:59 AM, McDaniel Kirby [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
If you and Earl have a storm force 3 headed for you, you all need to  
get out of there.  I guarantee you in a storm force 4 YOU WILL WISH  


On Sep 11, 2008, at 7:32 AM, Erich Linder wrote:

We are hunkering down here too... myself, my wife, and our three  
cats.  This is our first one since we moved here only about a year  


On Thu, Sep 11, 2008 at 6:47 AM, Tom Martin [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

best to you  Earl hope all goes well.


Captain Bijou wrote:

Fellow MoPoers:

Here in Houston we are bracing for the arrival of Hurricane Ike,  
which is due to make landfall as a category 3 storm on Saturday  
morning. We will begin feeling the effects of its approach  

In 2005 it was Katrina and Rita. This year it's Hannah and Ike

Initially, Ike was due to make landfall about 90 miles to the  
south of the Houston, Galveston area, but the latest models have  
moved us closer to center of the storm.

Since we are located in the northern central part of the city, we  
will be riding this one out.

Prayers are gladly accepted.


Earl Blair

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2008-09-09 Thread Freedom Lover
Come on now, Irv just wanted to prove to us that he was serious about  
Rich's invitation.  OK.  Irv, I see what you were talking about.  We  
were all invited.  But you two seem to be having a personality clash  
and maybe we can let it no now?


On Sep 8, 2008, at 11:11 PM, Richard Halegua Comic Art wrote:

I was up on the grassy knoll
so I couldn't have gotten any emails

then they detained me and took me to the precinct. I'm the third guy  
in the pic with the new shoes
I was released just in time to be standing behind Jack Ruby when he  
rubbed out Oswald. I was the backup if Ruby failed

now I live on top of Mt Arrarat and dole out sage advice on stone  

At 08:04 PM 9/8/2008, Phil Edwards wrote:

This is going to be like JFK.

Where were you when Irv sent the email to Rich?

Yes, please, take it private.


- Original Message -
From: Glenn Taranto
Sent: Tuesday, September 09, 2008 12:51 PM

Wow are we still on this?

Can you take this private? My head is ready to explode. And since  
there's nothing in my head to speak of it's going to make a  
really,really loud noise!

Glenn T.
- Original Message -
From: Irvin J Gelb
Sent: Monday, September 08, 2008 7:42 PM

The below email sent in May is what I was referring to. I tried to  

Richard then with no luck.
Take care,

-Original Message-
From: MoPo List [ mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of  

Halegua Comic Art
Sent: Monday, May 19, 2008 8:31 PM
Subject: [MOPO] Last Chance to Sign Up as Seller on MPB

Okay Folks

I see all the griping about FleaBay
I've been reading the gripes for months now since they announced all
the things you hate began happening

Well, I'm going to give sellers one last chance to register at

Why do I say Last Chance ?

It's because I have been seriously considering turning MPB private
for moths now and I think I have finally reached the point where I'm
going to be making my final decision.

Why would I want to turn the site private ?
To be honest, during the past 2 years since I bought the site I
really haven't had very many sellers come over. I understand that
many sellers feel the site wasn't ready for them to come over, but
now that I've been running my 99 cents no reserve auctions
successfully for 60 weeks, I really don't think that the issues
preventing sellers from signing up exist anymore. None the less, if
sellers don't want to migrate to MPB, there isn't any reason for MPB
to continue to make seller status available.

Does fleaBay have more buyers.. well yes it does.. But who says you
have to leave them behind? You can indeed list at both sites  I
doubt you will find a detriment to it.

Also, I'm not exactly cutting off all seller registrations. I'm going
to be dividing MPB into two sections
1) 99 cent no reserve auctions (my auctions)
2) MPB Stores (all other sellers except for during special event  

Future sellers will only be those that are invited and those that
have supported MPB in the past.
By limiting the sellers in this way, I can be sure that only 100%
honest sellers have material listed and of course that reduces
problematic issues that both collectors and administration have to  
deal with

At Cinevent I will be having extensive design  architecture
discussions with my programmer as we continue to redesign the site,
and we will announce these improvements afterward, but for now you
just have to answer one question.

Do you or do you not want to be selling Movie Posters at the only
site devoted strictly to Cinemaphiles?

Please note: I will be vetting any member who wishes to get seller
status and also I have begun deleting seller status for members who
haven't signed on for a long time.. I will continue that process
during this transition period. So consider this a final invitation.

Sign up now... or forever hold your fleaBay


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Re: [MOPO] new eBay mandatory $4.00 max on shipping????

2008-09-05 Thread Freedom Lover

I like this plan.

On Sep 5, 2008, at 11:59 AM, Dave Rosen wrote:

If eBay continues as it does and leaves the stage completely as an  
online auction venue for vintage collectibles, the vacuum they leave  
behind could be a golden opportunity for someone out there with a  
bit of chutzpah and financial backers with balls of steel.

All I know is if I were Rich and I had a working auction site like  
he does, I'd think about waylaying one those high rollers who are  
always jetting into Vegas and putting the arm on them for some seed  
money to turn MPB into a full-fledged vintage collectibles auction  
site. Probably could be done for a couple of million, excluding  
advertising costs. Pocket change to some. Over time the returns  
could be in the billions!

So, Rich?

- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, September 05, 2008 11:49 AM
Subject: Re: [MOPO] new eBay mandatory $4.00 max on shipping

In a message dated 9/5/2008 10:36:48 A.M. Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
eBay won't alter their thinking, Sue. They want sellers to roll the  
cost of shipping into the price of the item so they can collect the  
increased Final Value Fee. Then, in a few months, they'll require  
free shipping so that the entire cost of shipping will have to be  
included in the purchase price, for the same reason.

The net effect will be to drive small and medium-sized sellers off  
the site. That is the intention. It's not a mistake, a  
miscalculation or a misstep, it's part of their plan to transform  
the company.

Yeah, it's definitely becoming obvious that folks like me aren't  
wanted anymore... I am now accepting this and am over the denial  

You poster collectors are very fortunate to have such a vast  
interest in the community making all of these off-ebay auction sites  
such as Bruce's and Movieposterbid, etc...

But what about small-interest items like my monster mags... or even  

It's only a deal if it's where you want to go. Find your travel deal  

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Re: [MOPO] Is Ebay using the GOP Presidential race and Sarah Palin to promote itself?

2008-09-05 Thread Freedom Lover
It's funny... I thought I was probably the activist in the group.  The  
one most likely to pack up and go to Denver (if my daughter wasn't at  
an important show that week)...  And here you are going at  
it...politics on MoPo.  People, it's amazing I've kept my mouth shut!   
Must be all those evening blogs...


On Sep 5, 2008, at 3:52 PM, Dave Rosen wrote:

Everybody take a valium.

There. That's better, isn't it?

- Original Message -
From: CK MacLeod
Sent: Friday, September 05, 2008 3:36 PM
Subject: Re: [MOPO] Is Ebay using the GOP Presidential race and  
Sarah Palin to promote itself?

No keep going!  Maybe the Obama campaign will hear about it, and  
make the focus of their remaining two months the horrifying SCANDAL  
that Gov Palin merely put up, rather than successfully completed the  
sale of, the state jet on eBay!  And the even greater scandal that  
McCain doesn't recognize the difference!  And the dreadful  
conspiracy, shades of Halliburton, that eBay has taken control of  
the GOP through its former CEO!!1!11!!

Obama - eBay Sales Results We Can Believe In!

Too bad he didn't pick Bruce as a running mate.

CK MacLeod Collectibles at
Kymar's on eBay

-Original Message-
From: MoPo List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of jim
Sent: Saturday, September 06, 2008 12:13 AM
Subject: Re: [MOPO] Is Ebay using the GOP Presidential race and  
Sarah Palin to promote itself?


 Check out our shop video

jim episale
Unshredded Nostalgia
323 South main St. Route 9
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800-872-9990 609-660-2626

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From: MoPo List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of  

Sent: Friday, September 05, 2008 2:39 PM
Subject: Re: [MOPO] Is Ebay using the GOP Presidential race and  
Sarah Palin to promote itself?
But you’ve never let the truth stop you before, so why do it now?   
You don't even know me.

The fact is she implied that she SOLD it on Ebay and her surrogates  
that hit the afternoon talk shows all said She sold it on Ebay.  
She didn't. That's called  lying.

And my question was Why the plug for Ebay? Had she said I sold the  
jet, the point of the story would have been the same.


-Original Message-
From: Sean Linkenback [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, September 05, 2008 11:31 AM
Subject: RE: [MOPO] Is Ebay using the GOP Presidential race and  
Sarah Palin to promote itself?

Actually she never said that she sold it on eBay at all – her line  
was that she “put it on eBay”, which of course is absolutely true.
(You can watch that part of her speech again here: 
, or read the text here: 

But you’ve never let the truth stop you before, so why do it now?

From: MoPo List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of  

Sent: Friday, September 05, 2008 9:51 AM
Subject: Re: [MOPO] Is Ebay using the GOP Presidential race and  
Sarah Palin to promote itself?

This is so weird, I just have to ask the question: Is Ebay so  
desperate that it is trying to promote itself through the GOP  
Presidential race? No doubt everyone knows by now that former CEO  
Meg Whitman was previously an advisor to Mitt Romney's failed  
presidential campaign and is now one of John McCain's chief advisors  
being one of the several people he indicated he most admired and  
sought professional advice from. Well, Sarah Palin has mentioned  
several times now in her stump speech in which she lists all her  
accomplishments as Governor of Alaska that he successfully auctioned  
off on Ebay the luxury Alaskan state jet bought by the previous  
government for use by her office.  Turns out that's not true. After  
going unsold for months, the jet was put in the hands of Turbo North  
Aviation, an Anchorage aircraft broker, which put an asking price of  
$2.45 million on the nearly $2.7 million jet. It was ultimately sold  
privately to an Alaskan business man for $2.1 million, $31,000 of  
which went to Turbo Aviation as a sales commission. Why is Sarah  
Palin lying about an Ebay connection? It doesn't diminish whatever  
accomplishment she achieved in selling an Alaskan state jet but it  
strangely propels Ebay into the headlines and promotes it as an  
effective selling tool in the public's eyes. I find this very  
puzzling. Does anybody else?  FRANC

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Re: [MOPO] The Republican Talking Points are that She Sold It On EBAY --You Tube video

2008-09-05 Thread Freedom Lover
HAHAHAHAH!!!  That's it!  It should've been the hospital.  I'm  
going to go withincompetent geek.


On Sep 5, 2008, at 3:56 PM, Old Time Cinema wrote:

Not really politics, but I have a question:

Can anyone explain to me WHY Republican Presidential Nominee, John  
was making his acceptance speech...with a back drop picture of my  
Junior High

School in North Hollywood, CA.?

For much of his speech he had a picture of Walter Reed Junior High  
behind him.  I know he emphasized education as a policy issue, not  
sure if

the pic was connected to that.

More likely, he hired an incompetant tech geek to do the pics and  
videos, who
was supposed to have Walter Reed Army Hospital as the backdrop.  
the speech I kept wondering WHY the building looked so familiar, I  
guess I

buried those Middle school memories pretty deep in my psyche!


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Re: [MOPO] Is Ebay using the GOP Presidential race and Sarah Palin to promote...

2008-09-05 Thread Freedom Lover

Everyone inhaled at Dead concerts.  It was a rule.

On Sep 5, 2008, at 7:20 PM, Phil Edwards wrote:

But didn't inhale. At all.
- Original Message -
Sent: Saturday, September 06, 2008 8:59 AM
Subject: Re: [MOPO] Is Ebay using the GOP Presidential race and  
Sarah Palin to promote...

Just like when Al Gore and Tipper would go to Grateful Dead  

Pt...Have you heard the news? There's a new fashion blog, plus  
the latest fall trends and hair styles at

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Re: [MOPO] Forbidden Planet insert sells on MPB

2008-09-04 Thread Freedom Lover

Congrats Sean!   Congrats to whoever got it, too!  Very cool poster


On Sep 4, 2008, at 8:16 PM, Richard Halegua Comic Art wrote:

Congratulations to Sean Linkenback who sold a Forbidden Planet  
insert on MoviePosterBid this week for a whopping $3700 bid

see the listing:

I'm sure we'll see Sean listing more stuff soon

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Re: [MOPO] My Concern's For Ed Sue Poole At LAMP

2008-08-30 Thread Freedom Lover
Why don't Ed and Sue evacuate to a higher place and go house hunting  
til this is over?  Be safe, you guys, and stay dry.  Vaya con dios.


On Aug 30, 2008, at 2:38 AM, Tom A. Pennock wrote:

My thought's and prayer's go out to my good friend's Ed and Sue  
Poole tonight as the hurricane coming might again be bad like  
Katrina was. They have done so much for this hobby with ALL their  
work with LAMP. I pray that this time thing's will work out better  
for them. That the path of the storm might take another direction or  
be less severe.

God Bless you both Ed and Sue and family. You are ALL in my prayer's.


--Tom Pennock

It's only a deal if it's where you want to go. Find your travel deal  

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[MOPO] ...and Ed and Sue?

2008-08-30 Thread Freedom Lover

Please check in and let us know you're OK as soon as you're able.

On Aug 30, 2008, at 3:22 AM, pj Angel wrote:

First, and more important than what follows, I echo Tom's concerns  
and good wishes to Ed and Susan, and also add good wishes and  
thoughts to Joe B. in NO and My Brother Fred in BR, who also could  
be in for a bit of blow. You guys need to move north/northwest,  
maybe to Idaho. I'll make room.

Direct Sale from

Two Warner Bros. Linen Title Cards

BUSSES ROAR (1942)  11X14 Title Card

Condition: Good+ (7+/10) Condition, Note lower left corner

Price: $25.00

Shipping: $8 to the US and Canada, insurance included.


I'll toss in that Scene Card shown below in the deal. Two cards total.

ESCAPE FROM CRIME (1947) 11x14 Title Card

Condition: Very Good! (8/10) - Minor issues.

Price: $25.00


Shipping: $8 to the US and Canada, insurance included.

eMail me for availability at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

First Come, first etc...

I accept PayPal.

Still Available:

Prices reduced.

Playgirl HS, Style B, 7+/10, $25.00

Take One False Step, Style A, 8/10, $25.00

Thanks for looking!


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Let us resolve and work toward achieving some very simple  
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acceptable prejudices in the twenty-first century.

 - Sen Hillary Rodham Clinton

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2008-08-30 Thread Freedom Lover
Is Joe back in NOLA?  Skedaddle, young man.  Check in when you can,  
please.  My heart is with all you guys... and it may my turn again  
next week...hannah


On Aug 30, 2008, at 4:10 AM, Phil Edwards wrote:

Me too, and all the less well-heeled souls who are all still feeling  
the pain of Katrina, both financially and emotionally.

See Joe, weeza still here!

Let's all hope the warning is worse than the event.

- Original Message -
From: Glenn Taranto
Sent: Saturday, August 30, 2008 5:41 PM
Subject: Re: [MOPO] DS: Two Warner Bros 1940s LINEN Title Cards

Yes, I am sending out my very best thoughts to all the folks in  
harm's way.

- Original Message -
From: pj Angel
Sent: Saturday, August 30, 2008 12:22 AM
Subject: [MOPO] DS: Two Warner Bros 1940s LINEN Title Cards

First, and more important than what follows, I echo Tom's concerns  
and good wishes to Ed and Susan, and also add good wishes and  
thoughts to Joe B. in NO and My Brother Fred in BR, who also could  
be in for a bit of blow. You guys need to move north/northwest,  
maybe to Idaho. I'll make room.

Direct Sale from

Two Warner Bros. Linen Title Cards

BUSSES ROAR (1942)  11X14 Title Card

Condition: Good+ (7+/10) Condition, Note lower left corner

Price: $25.00

Shipping: $8 to the US and Canada, insurance included.


I'll toss in that Scene Card shown below in the deal. Two cards total.

ESCAPE FROM CRIME (1947) 11x14 Title Card

Condition: Very Good! (8/10) - Minor issues.

Price: $25.00


Shipping: $8 to the US and Canada, insurance included.

eMail me for availability at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

First Come, first etc...

I accept PayPal.

Still Available:

Prices reduced.

Playgirl HS, Style B, 7+/10, $25.00

Take One False Step, Style A, 8/10, $25.00

Thanks for looking!


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Let us resolve and work toward achieving some very simple  
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acceptable prejudices in the twenty-first century.

 - Sen Hillary Rodham Clinton

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[MOPO] Local linen backer?

2008-08-29 Thread Freedom Lover
Do we have anyone in S. Fl., so I can just drop this off?  I'm trying  
to avoid trusting the people down here to transport it.  I know if  
it's complicated it must be shipped out, but isn't there a reliable  
linen backer in south florida?  I don't mind driving to Orlando, if I  
have to.  But my area is preferred.  Already tried Google.

The back log in my closet is scary.  You can't open the door without  
an avalanche.  I keep buying, but am leery of mailing out to restore.   
And on it goes.  Then the cat got into a box w/styrofoam peanuts in it  
and it got all over the frigging place.  GEEZ.


Does anyone know anyone down here who can build me an extra  


Let us resolve and work toward achieving some very simple  
propositions: There are no acceptable limits and there are no  
acceptable prejudices in the twenty-first century.

 - Sen Hillary Rodham Clinton

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2008-08-26 Thread Freedom Lover

This is so neat!

On Aug 26, 2008, at 12:26 PM, Marcel Elsener wrote:

Yep, that's right, we call that one stop poster (although I don't  
know why). We have one of MANHATTAN:

Marcel Elsener

MovieArt GmbH
Walchestrasse 17
CH-8006 Zürich
Phone ++41 (0)44 363 50 26
- Original Message - From: Dave Rosen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2008 6:03 PM


Sounds like a one-stop. Though I may be wrong and if so I'm sure  
I will be corrected immediately.


- Original Message - From: Alan Adler [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2008 11:58 AM

Dear Mopes -

Have what looks like a jumbo quad here from PIRANHA.

Has a one sheet on one side, set of 8 lobbies in middle and  
alternate one sheet on right.

All printed together.

Never saw this very cool configuration before -
Pretty sure it is English.
Size is appx. 77 x 41.

What is the preferred nomenclature for this size poster - jumbo  
quad, double quad, etc.?

Thanks in advance for the help.

Alan Adler

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Let us resolve and work toward achieving some very simple  
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acceptable prejudices in the twenty-first century.

 - Sen Hillary Rodham Clinton

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2008-08-26 Thread Freedom Lover

Could someone put a link to a jpg?  I'd love to see something like that.

On Aug 26, 2008, at 12:19 PM, Dave Rosen wrote:

I've never handled 'em myself, but here's what it says about them on  
Bruce's site:

One stop posters are a very special kind of poster! They have two  
different style one-sheets from a movie, along with the full set of  
eight lobby cards, all printed on a single sheet of one-sheet type  
paper (with the lobby cards in the middle between the two one- 
sheets)! They were used in non-U.S. countries, and were printed in  
both English and in Spanish!


- Original Message - From: Alan Adler [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2008 12:17 PM

It does say 1 Stop on outside but it didn't make any sense to me.
Can you tell me any more about one-stops?
Are they rare?

On Aug 26, 2008, at 9:03 AM, Dave Rosen wrote:


Sounds like a one-stop. Though I may be wrong and if so I'm sure  
I  will be corrected immediately.


- Original Message - From: Alan Adler [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2008 11:58 AM

Dear Mopes -

Have what looks like a jumbo quad here from PIRANHA.

Has a one sheet on one side, set of 8 lobbies in middle and   
alternate one sheet on right.

All printed together.

Never saw this very cool configuration before -
Pretty sure it is English.
Size is appx. 77 x 41.

What is the preferred nomenclature for this size poster - jumbo   
quad, double quad, etc.?

Thanks in advance for the help.

Alan Adler

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Let us resolve and work toward achieving some very simple  
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- Sen Hillary Rodham Clinton

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2008-08-26 Thread Freedom Lover

Were these meant to be cut and used separately?


On Aug 26, 2008, at 12:46 PM, ed wrote:



-Original Message-
From: MoPo List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of  
Marcel Elsener

Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2008 11:26 AM

Yep, that's right, we call that one stop poster (although I don't  

why). We have one of MANHATTAN:

Marcel Elsener

MovieArt GmbH
Walchestrasse 17
CH-8006 Zürich
Phone ++41 (0)44 363 50 26
- Original Message -
From: Dave Rosen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2008 6:03 PM


 Sounds like a one-stop. Though I may be wrong and if so I'm sure  
I will

 be corrected immediately.


 - Original Message -
 From: Alan Adler [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2008 11:58 AM

 Dear Mopes -

 Have what looks like a jumbo quad here from PIRANHA.

 Has a one sheet on one side, set of 8 lobbies in middle and  

 one sheet on right.
 All printed together.

 Never saw this very cool configuration before -
 Pretty sure it is English.
 Size is appx. 77 x 41.

 What is the preferred nomenclature for this size poster - jumbo  

 double quad, etc.?

 Thanks in advance for the help.

 Alan Adler

 Visit the MoPo Mailing List Web Site at


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Let us resolve and work toward achieving some very simple  
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acceptable prejudices in the twenty-first century.

 - Sen Hillary Rodham Clinton

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2008-08-26 Thread Freedom Lover
Is this something newer that they began?  I can't believe I've never  
seen them for sale or heard anything about them all these years I've  
been on MoPo.  Very interesting, you guys!!!


On Aug 26, 2008, at 5:38 PM, JOHN REID Vintage Movie Memorabilia wrote:

They were often cut and are very hard to find intact. I have about a  
dozen of them that I found in New Zealand including a great one stop  
for Moonraker. The third panel on these posters often featured quite  
unique artwork.


Sign up for my regular newsletter on movie memorabilia:

Visit my Website:

All About Australian posters:

My eBay Store and Lisitngs:


PO Box 92
Palm Beach
Qld 4221
- Original Message -
From: Freedom Lover
Sent: Wednesday, August 27, 2008 2:59 AM

Were these meant to be cut and used separately?


On Aug 26, 2008, at 12:46 PM, ed wrote:

-Original Message-
From: MoPo List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of  
Marcel Elsener

Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2008 11:26 AM
Yep, that's right, we call that one stop poster (although I don't  

why). We have one of MANHATTAN:
Marcel Elsener
MovieArt GmbH
Walchestrasse 17
CH-8006 Zürich
Phone ++41 (0)44 363 50 26
- Original Message -
From: Dave Rosen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2008 6:03 PM

 Sounds like a one-stop. Though I may be wrong and if so I'm  
sure I will

 be corrected immediately.


 - Original Message -
 From: Alan Adler [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2008 11:58 AM

 Dear Mopes -

 Have what looks like a jumbo quad here from PIRANHA.

 Has a one sheet on one side, set of 8 lobbies in middle and  

 one sheet on right.
 All printed together.

 Never saw this very cool configuration before -
 Pretty sure it is English.
 Size is appx. 77 x 41.

 What is the preferred nomenclature for this size poster - jumbo  

 double quad, etc.?

 Thanks in advance for the help.

 Alan Adler

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Let us resolve and work toward achieving some very simple  
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 - Sen Hillary Rodham Clinton

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2008-08-26 Thread Freedom Lover

OK.  Now THAT's cool!

On Aug 26, 2008, at 7:13 PM, Phil Edwards wrote:

Here's another example. I think I'm more suprised that more  
professional dealers and long-time collectors who have been around  
for a few years don't know about these.


- Original Message -
From: Freedom Lover
Sent: Wednesday, August 27, 2008 8:40 AM

Is this something newer that they began?  I can't believe I've never  
seen them for sale or heard anything about them all these years I've  
been on MoPo.  Very interesting, you guys!!!


On Aug 26, 2008, at 5:38 PM, JOHN REID Vintage Movie Memorabilia  

They were often cut and are very hard to find intact. I have about  
a dozen of them that I found in New Zealand including a great one  
stop for Moonraker. The third panel on these posters often featured  
quite unique artwork.


Sign up for my regular newsletter on movie memorabilia:

Visit my Website:

All About Australian posters:

My eBay Store and Lisitngs:


PO Box 92
Palm Beach
Qld 4221
- Original Message -
From: Freedom Lover
Sent: Wednesday, August 27, 2008 2:59 AM

Were these meant to be cut and used separately?


On Aug 26, 2008, at 12:46 PM, ed wrote:

-Original Message-
From: MoPo List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of  
Marcel Elsener

Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2008 11:26 AM
Yep, that's right, we call that one stop poster (although I  
don't know

why). We have one of MANHATTAN:
Marcel Elsener
MovieArt GmbH
Walchestrasse 17
CH-8006 Zürich
Phone ++41 (0)44 363 50 26
- Original Message -
From: Dave Rosen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2008 6:03 PM

 Sounds like a one-stop. Though I may be wrong and if so I'm  
sure I will

 be corrected immediately.


 - Original Message -
 From: Alan Adler [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2008 11:58 AM

 Dear Mopes -

 Have what looks like a jumbo quad here from PIRANHA.

 Has a one sheet on one side, set of 8 lobbies in middle and  

 one sheet on right.
 All printed together.

 Never saw this very cool configuration before -
 Pretty sure it is English.
 Size is appx. 77 x 41.

 What is the preferred nomenclature for this size poster - jumbo  

 double quad, etc.?

 Thanks in advance for the help.

 Alan Adler

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Let us resolve and work toward achieving some very simple  
propositions: There are no acceptable limits and there are no  
acceptable prejudices

Re: [MOPO] EBAY Selling Question

2008-08-25 Thread Freedom Lover
On Bruce's Thursday auction, there are several really nice posters I'd  
love to have.  I couldn't understand why the bids were so low.  Well,  
the way he needs to ship them, flat and on some kind of cardboard  
backing, the shipping is $120.  He tells you this upfront.  (Don't go  
by how I describe it; read what he says)  I still am thinking about  
it, but it certainly figures in how much I'd bid for them.  What has  
me more, though, is the restoration involved.  Beautiful pieces.  I  
like them all


On Aug 25, 2008, at 9:38 PM, Claude Litton wrote:

Evan's reply is illogical when he states that he does not factor the  
cost of shipping into what he will pay for a poster.  If what he  
says is true then he must only bid on very expensive posters but I  
doubt that because as an example he cites $50 for a poster.  At that  
price postage is a definite factor to be considered. In any case,  
shipping is a cost to be considered.  He states that regardless of  
the shipping he will not pay $51 if he made up his mind to bid $50.

I ask himIf two posters are up for auction that you want and  
are willing to pay $50 for each--Will you bid exactly $50  
for each if one states shipping is $10 and the other states shipping  
is Free?

I just purchased two posters at auctions.  I paid $727 for a poster  
from Bruce H and I never factored shipping in while I was bidding.   
Postage for this poster was irrelevant to me when bidding.  (As an  
aside, Bruce Hershenson spent $20.50 in postage plus the cost of the  
tube and the labor in packing and only charged me $9 for shipping.)

I bought a poster from Heritage for less than $45 and paid around  
$18 in shipping (very well packed and a large flat).  The price was  
fair for both (even if Bruce had charged the full amount).

My point here is simple.  I paid no attention to the shipping cost  
with the poster from Bruce because I was willing to pay more than  
the final price (I bid higher but the other person stopped at  
$702).  I definitely factored in the shipping price with Heritage  
because I did not want to exceed $85 for the poster so I placed a  
bid around $65.  Shipping becomes minor as the price of the poster  

In any case, this is another situation where ebay is making changes  
to strengthen their bottom line without giving the consequences the  
necessary serious thought.
As Bruce H said recentlyThis is the best example of a  
mismanaged company.

Claude Litton

It's only a deal if it's where you want to go. Find your travel deal  

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Re: [MOPO] McCain Ad Featuring The Ten Commadments

2008-08-23 Thread Freedom Lover

I thought they were great,  It gave me a good off topic chuckle.

On Aug 23, 2008, at 3:34 PM, CK MacLeod wrote:

No, Phil - the clip was used to satirize a statement of Obama's  
making it
sound like he, Obama, was promising to stop the tides himself,  
You'd have to be following the campaign here to understand.  And it  
was a
web ad, not a TV ad, and included other in-jokes.  A more recent web  
Ad -

The One II - reprised the parting of the Red Sea clip - in this case
leading to a shot of Obama body-surfing during his recent Hawaii  
vacation -

and added Yul Brynner as well.

Here's a link to the McCain ads on Youtube - The One and the One II  
- which

will go down in history, regardless of the outcome of the election.

There was a third web ad - Fan Club - whose original version  
with Wayne and Garth doing their I'm not worthy genuflection.   
Mike Myers
objected, and the clip was removed.  Another ad somewhat in the same  
vein -
Celeb, at - got a lot of  
for comparing Obama to Paris and Britney as an empty celebrity.  I'm  
sure, however, that anyone who hasn't been following the election  
closely, in particular the messianic overtones of the Obama  
campaign, will

get them, especially the two One ads.

Running on Empty was a reference to energy policy, in particular the
Democrats' resistance to new drilling for oil.


CK MacLeod Collectibles at
Kymar's on eBay

-Original Message-
From: MoPo List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Phil
Sent: Friday, August 22, 2008 02:03 AM
Subject: Re: [MOPO] McCain Ad Featuring The Ten Commadments

McCain is going to part the Red Sea if elected?

Or be in a remake of THE TEN COMMANDMENTS?

RUNNING ON EMPTY is about the state of his campaign funds warchest?


- Original Message -
From: Patrick Michael Tupy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, August 22, 2008 5:58 PM
Subject: Re: [MOPO] McCain Ad Featuring The Ten Commadments

Don't know about any infringement with the usage of film clips, but
McCain has continued to use music without permission from several
artists including Jackson Browne who is suing his campaign for
$75,000 for using his song Runnin' On Empty in one of his t.v. ads
without permission.


On Aug 21, 2008, at 11:40 PM, channinglylethomson wrote:

I was really surprised to see the TEN COMMANCMENTS footage of the
parting of the Red Sea with Charlton Heston as Moses used in the
recent McCain TV ad.  From what I understand the film is heavily
copyrighted (it's shown yearly still on network TV around Passover/
Easter).  Also, I think the ad includes music by Elmer Bernstein
from the original soundtrack.  Anyone know if they are using this
footage with permission?  Maybe the DeMille estate granted this.
Seems strange to me.

Channing Thomson in San Francisco

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acceptable prejudices in the twenty-first century.

 - Sen Hillary Rodham Clinton

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Re: [MOPO] Hollywood Poster Frames

2008-08-22 Thread Freedom Lover
Who wants to take this one? ;)  They are fabulous, Steve.  Let me know  
if you want to see my latest framed poster.  This is Sue Heim; she's  
one of us!  I mean it.  Don't even hesitate.

Andrea Kanter

On Aug 22, 2008, at 9:17 PM, Steve Chen wrote:

Hello all--

Mostly a lurker, and just got into collecting, but I was curious  
about Hollywood Poster Frames.  Anybody ever use this company?   
What's their reputation?  Is there another framer that's  
recommended?  I'm in the LA area, so anything local to LA or OC  
would be good, too.


Steve Chen.
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acceptable prejudices in the twenty-first century.

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2008-07-31 Thread Freedom Lover
Tom wait!  You forgot the most important bennie.  The poster!  You get  
final approval over both styles.  Actually,

 I think all of MoPo should get to oversee the poster.


On Jul 31, 2008, at 1:04 PM, Tom Martin wrote:

thats all Fun and peachy Alan... now lets get down to brass tacks,,

Ill be needin 3% of gross sales for the great review... 2% of all  
tv/ movie of the week and subsequent

sequels  - for perpituity and beyond.

I will need the Toy rights to the Cat, and any spinoffs like Cat  
lick Ic cream  and the Like.

Any cat tennis shoes  or the various related  2% accross the board.

also... You should write in the sttory a  feeble Forgetful  Movie  
memorabilia dealer in the  adapted screenplay

and feature a Franklin Pangbore-ish Character named   Fly Fisker   
that is secretly a  secret ops  caped crusader.

that can be in the sequel and I wont hold you to it. just a idea..

Hollywood should send a Limo for you and smother you in Bagels and  
crean cheese

and  C-notes

Remember Alan - This is SHOW BUSINESS

you have the address-  .

Alan Adler wrote:


You are truly an original.
An iconoclast of the first order.
All of us are honored and lucky to have you in MOPO as a friend  
and  spokesman.

Nobody puts it quite like you do on a very wide range of subjects!

I want to publicly thank you for the great read and your kind  
words  along the way.

I must admit I was a bit concerned here and there -
But from your posts it sounds like you enjoyed yourself and the  

You got the Jaws angle - which no one else has so far.

Thanks, again, for being a fun guy!

So, now that I have the Tom Martin seal of approval -
And as I wait patiently for those Hollywood offers to pour in...
Here's how to get CAT if any other Warner Brothers noir, Bogart-  
Robinson-loving, black and white addicted Mopo-ites want to screen  
(I  mean read) my book -


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Re: [MOPO] Can a major director shoot an epic on a low budget?

2008-07-22 Thread Freedom Lover
Maybe if the Cannes Film Fest had a new category -  films under such  
and such a budget - some of them would try?  I think it would be a  
great effort.  Or if there was an award for best film under X amount...


On Jul 22, 2008, at 6:36 PM, Patrick Michael Tupy wrote:

Yeah, Dave, I definitely agree with you about John's post as a  
'challenge' for today's A-List Directors.  But times have clearly  
changed so I think that without sufficient motivation for one of  
these A-Listers to take on a smaller project, it's all speculative  
on our parts.   Could they do it?  I think they could but only if  
they HAD to.  That's why I mentioned the certain 'Director' in the  
40's who sought and possibly had to prove to the studios that he  
could direct a studio film on time and under budget.

Ultimately, we'd all have to agree that it's not in any of their  
interests to do so.  The studios would possibly expect them to cut  
their future budgets and there's no guarantee that studios would  
sufficiently support their shoestring project with advertising or  
wide distribution for their smaller films so there's no guarantee  
that anyone would flock to the lower budget film made by one of  
these highly successful Directors.  Not that it couldn't happen, but  
put yourselves in their shoes, it's virtually a 'lose/lose' for  
them.  Making a small film has all the same headaches (and possibly  
more) than making a film with a fat budget.  Trust me, I'm working  
on one now and production has been pushed back a month already due  
to scheduling and budget issues and everyone's scrambling to pay  
their bills everywhere.  I was supposed to be working from July 4th  
forward and now it looks like I'm not going to be there until mid- 
August.  I'm losing thousands of dollars in preproduction income I  
was counting on.  That rarely happens on a full-fledged Studio  
film.  So I'll ask you, which situation would you rather find  
yourself in?  If you're younger and hungry, I get it.  You're still  
trying to prove yourself.  If you've 'arrived' and have 'earned' and  
been used to the perks, why would you throw them back?  I mean, if  
you could fly first class all the time would you suddenly decide to  
fly economy if you don't have to?  Especially when you're not paying  
for it but you're still getting all the frequent flyer miles!   
Bottom line, these Director's could always choose to fly economy,  
but why?

I can tell you this, from own experience as a writer having been  
employed at Warner Brothers, I would NEVER drop my quote if my films  
were continually successful unless I had a 'vanity' project that I  
was going to be allowed to direct or receive some ownership of the  
film, etc. in order to make it worth my risk.  Times have changed  
from the '60's. Too few films are made anymore, the business is too  
fickle, the risks MUCH higher than they were when PSYCHO was made,   
and the window for a career is just too damned small.


On Jul 22, 2008, at 3:02 PM, David Kusumoto wrote:

I believe John's post was designed to challenge whether our most  
successful film directors today -- are capable of going back to  
making films on the cheap as most at one time did.

But I your reply was on the mark -- esp. your comparisons to  
Duel (a TV-movie released theatrically overseas) and Memento,  
an indie film throughout.  Spielberg demonstrated he could in fact  
go back in 1993 -- after a string of classic blockbusters (and  
some duds in between).  And I believe he was indulged by  
Universal because he always intended to deliver the $65 million  
Jurassic Park -- which was briefly the #1 box office hit of all  
time -- the same year as his $22 million Schindler's.  In  
interviews, Spielberg later acknowledged his track record enabled  
him to make a Holocaust picture few would finance, and that he  
himself intended Schindler's to be a non-fiction novel, an  
artifact -- told in a style akin to Truman Capote's, In Cold  
Blood and author Thomas Kenneally's own source material,  
Schindler's Ark.

Good points, though, Patrick.

Date: Tue, 22 Jul 2008 14:42:57 -0700
Subject: Re: Can a major director shoot an epic on a low budget?

Dave, clearly you did not read my response to John's original  
post.  Here is what I posted in reply:


And I'd like to see Federer, Nadal, the Williams Sisters, etc. play  
a tournament with wooden rackets.  The problem is that there is no  
incentive for highly successful filmmakers to go 'guerilla' on us  
to prove your point.  They could most likely do it.  Spielberg made  
DUEL for $450,000 in 1971 which was likely about $200,000 in 1960  
dollars and Christopher Nolan made MEMENTO for $5,000,000 40 years  
after PSYCHO which was likely close to $1,000,000 in 1960 dollars.   
Point being, we expand to our 

[MOPO] I need advice from you guys - OFF topic, but essential!

2008-07-21 Thread Freedom Lover
My husband and I have ATT.  It's on the house phone and the  
internet.  He had a big fight with them and told me to switch.  I have  
Comcast (don't know if you people have them, but they're good) on the  
cable.  They do the rest, but I have a strict policy of NOT bundling;  
thereby avoiding 'all systems down' when we have a storm.  Usually,  
this way, I always have one system working.

So, does anyone have any suggestions for Internet providers and/or  
landlines?  I'd also like suggestions on who to NOT use!This will  
most likely change my emails addresses.  Spousesgeesh!

(Cell phone # remains the same, you can always email me at [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Thanks for your help!!!


Let us resolve and work toward achieving some very simple  
propositions: There are no acceptable limits and there are no  
acceptable prejudices in the twenty-first century.

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Re: [MOPO] FA: Horror/Scifi Summer Sale ending today!

2008-07-16 Thread Freedom Lover
I can't remember where I read it, but a few months back there was an  
article about ephemera being the up and coming investment over real  
estate and stocks (for this economy).  If you follow the other two,  
you see their decline.  It seems to me, simply as an observer, that  
the article may have some merit.  What do you sellers think?  (I mean,  
let's not consider ebay, because you can't tell due to their 'other  
circumstance', like being hated)

Also, I only know about posters.  I wonder if autographs and books are  
going up?  Have any of you heard of this?


On Jul 16, 2008, at 10:21 AM, Helmut Hamm wrote:


maybe you're right, and it is eBay that's dead. Then again, anybody  
bids in the last seconds these days, so I still have some hope left!

However, this brings me to another topic I have been thinking about  
for some time:

At the time being, there are constantly TONS of material on offer:  
eBay, three major Heritage auctions a year, 1500+ lots from Bruce  
every week, and so on.

So far, we see new 'world records' quite frequently, and the next  
'bigger than ever' auction event always seems to be just around the  

What I wonder is: How long can the market eat up this constant flow  
of material?

Is the decay of the poster market on eBay just the self-deserved  
downfall of a corrupted system, or will it be exemplary for the hobby?

Remember, a few years ago eBay spiralled poster prices into new  
dimensions, very much like some live auctions do today.

I wonder: Is the hobby actually prospering or are we aslready in a  
bubble that's going to burst sooner or later, like the New Economy  

Let's hear some opinions on this.


On Wed, Jul 16, 2008 at 8:12 AM, Helmut Hamm [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
wrote;  frankly, I wonder if horror and scifi is dead? So far, most  
of these posters are basically a GIVEAWAY!

Maybe you are misidentifying the corpse. I think it is eBay that is  
dead, not horror and sci-fi!


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Re: [MOPO] Is tape on the back restoration?

2008-07-16 Thread Freedom Lover
I agree with Dario.  When I buy a poster, I automatically consider  
whether I'd have it restored or not.  If it's important and somewhat  
rare, it's a given it'll get sent in.  I also have many posters that  
need the whole treatment, but aren't worth very much monetarily.  I  
will get them done, eventually.  I'm more concerned with preservation  
than investment.  I feel it's a responsibility to conserve.

Now, if it's pristine when I buy it, I do NOT back it, but leave it as  
is (unlike my spouse who is a linenback maniac)

So, we espouse to ephemeric responsibility!  LOL!!!


On Jul 16, 2008, at 2:45 PM, Dario Casadei wrote:

Hi Bruce et All,

Tape is definitely not restoration and Sean's listing was correct  
stating It is completely unrestored As well as pointing out the  
two tape bits which is considered a defect.

P 90 Archival tape is great to keep tears from extending and  
perfectly safe to use, still I would not call it restoration.

Us restorers hate tape! It must be removed prior to backing a  
poster, you can't back a poster with tape on the back. It can be a  
very sticky situation and further damage can accure before all tape  
and residue has been removed.

Michael calls linen backing it, hiding a tear, I call it conserve  
and restore a Vintage Movie poster from sustain any further damage.

I can't help to feel a bit sour, listening to Michale's unrepentant  
and anal views about Conservation and Restoration, week in week out!

As a temporary caretaker, it is your responsibility to take good  
care of your collection, to make sure it will not deteriorate.  
Posters were never printed on quality paper since they were ment to  
be trown away after use.

I can't speak for Bruce but when I read  As to the poster's  
condition, it was really not too bad, and could be easily corrected  
through linenbacking (although as we have all learned, that is to be  
avoided at all costs!).

I said Ha ha!! cheeky, Yes, we are reminded every week how bad it  
is!! and if you are a dealer and have a poster backed or in your  
inventory, most likely you are up to no good. I would feel very  
insulted if I was a dealer.

Seriously, Shame on you, Dude.


Bruce Hershenson wrote:

I was perusing Sean's fine listings Sunday, and I placed a bunch of  
bids, but lost them all (shouldn't I have won some since the  
economy is down?).

But I noticed that on one card Sean wrote, It is completely  
unrestored and later noted, There are two small tape repairs on  
the back.

This might have simply been a mistake on Sean's part (easy to make  
when selling so much), but I wondered if he (and the rest of you)  
possibly don't consider clear tape on the back of a card (which may  
well have been put there decades ago) to be restoration.

And (in the spirit of the great buyers premium debate), does it  
matter if there is a single piece of tape, or many? Does the kind  
of tape used matter? Does it matter if it has yellowed? Does it  
matter if it has bled through to the front, even the littlest bit?  
Does it matter if it is brown paper tape, which was not put for any  
restoration purpose (many exchanges and theaters used to turn four  
cards of a lobby set in one direction and four in the other  
direction and then use paper tape to hold all eight together, so  
that two cards would each have two pieces of brown paper tape on  
the back).

And most importantly of all, does size matter (does it matter if  
the tape is say, 6 inches or 9 inches in length)?

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Re: [MOPO] Poster restoration their equivalence to fine art

2008-07-16 Thread Freedom Lover

David, David, David.  DIAMONDS ARE FOREVER!

On Jul 16, 2008, at 4:08 PM, David Kusumoto wrote:

Franc is correct.  Museums and syndicates/corporations which own  
original works of art employ convervators and restorers regularly.   
Michelangelo's Sistine Chapel in Rome AND Da Vinci's The Last  
Supper -- frescoes painted on wet plaster before hardening -- were  
indeed darkening and crumbling, exposed to years of humidity, human  
breath, heat, smoke from candles, etc.  They were both restored --  
yes, amid controversy -- but the end result was preservation of  
these treasures for future generations to enjoy.  Both were in  
danger of being lost forever -- headed to the bin of wistful  
photographs of how they were before they crumbled to dust.  Hell,  
even portions of the crumbling Dead Sea Scrolls have undergone some  
restoration.  The Museum of Modern Art in New York (note the word,  
modern!) displays paper, including restored posters, photographs  
and misc. commercial ads.  Such conservators recognize the transient  
nature of things, esp. paper filled with acid -- and have acted  
accordingly.  Nothing -- including rocks -- lasts forever -- without  
some form of human intervention/constant care.


Date: Wed, 16 Jul 2008 12:43:41 -0700
Subject: Re: Dario/ poster restoration

i would wager to say that you are incorrect on this thought, even  
for the purists...

darken and crumble?? very dramatic ..   :)


On Jul 16, 2008, at 12:29 PM, Franc wrote:

I think some of the purists on this board would have preferred it if  
Sistine Chapel were just allowed to darken and crumble so that it  

remain in its original state and untouched by the obscene hands of an
evil restorer!
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Let us resolve and work toward achieving some very simple  
propositions: There are no acceptable limits and there are no  
acceptable prejudices in the twenty-first century.

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Re: [MOPO] Please cut it out!

2008-07-15 Thread Freedom Lover
You poor baby.  I can't believe that happened to your son... and so  

Did I ever tell you about my kid brother, Captain Atheist?  He was on  
the news, too.  I think I'll get him the '10 Commandments' for  
Hanukah... (the poster).  He'll go nuts! LOL!!!  Hey, if he's an  
atheist, I'm not really discussing religion, right?

Then, of course, it would mean Independents aren't really political...

How many atheists and Independents are on Ebay?  And, most  
importantly, how do these 'fringe' people feel about BP?  Do they even  
subscribe to the PayPal mentality?  Do they honor their restorers and  
leave sacrificial pots of touch-up paint?

I don't trust them.


On Jul 15, 2008, at 4:19 PM, Evan Zweifel wrote:

If you need something to unify behind, why don't we discuss how  
awful eBay


The other day, my son (who is 11) discovered the joys of reading  
Dave Barry.  So we logged onto eBay found a lot of 10 books  
closing in a couple of hours.  We put in a bid and won (10 books for  
$11 + $7 shipping) !!  I clicked on the the paypal button and about  
30 seconds later money transferred from the bank account (yes, my  
bank account) to someone, somewhere out in the ether.  Yesterday, a  
box arrived with my books arrived and I left positive feedback for  
the seller.

That was awful!!!

eBay and paypal totally suck.

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From: Bruce Hershenson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: July 15, 2008 3:52:09 PM EDT
Subject: [MOPO] Please cut it out!

I don't like what I am seeing. First you all divide into two camps  
over whether the buyers premium should be included in the price, and  
then one side calls those who disagree morons, and then you all  
again divide into two camps over whether that is an appropriate  

I understand you all have the right to do and say whatever you want,  
but is this not very counter-productive? No one is changing sides,  
and no one is convincing anyone of anything, and people are getting  
more heated.

Remember J.R., that prolific poster who got in a big fight on these  
boards and then was never seen again (and of course the person who  
got into it with him almost never posts either)? Is this going to be  
an instant replay? Does MoPo have so many regular posters that it  
can afford to lose one or two of the best ones? I think not.

Imagine the shape our world would be in if entire countries acted  
the way MoPo members did in this silly affair. Oh wait, they DO act  
that way, so look at what bad shape the world is in, and decide if  
you want a microcosm of that here.

If you want to split the list down the middle discussing something  
that no one will ever change their minds on, why not discuss gun  
control or abortion, or gay marriage?

I like MoPo, and I can't help  noticing the number of people drops  
little by little every week, and I can't help wondering if topics  
like these don't contribute to that.

If you need something to unify behind, why don't we discuss how  
awful eBay is?


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Let us resolve and work toward achieving some very simple  
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[MOPO] and Happy Birthday to Freeman!

2008-07-15 Thread Freedom Lover
Whatever religion or political party you are.  Whether you restore or  
not, in times of PayPal, and in times of wrong listings.  I now  
pronounce you a year older!


Let us resolve and work toward achieving some very simple  
propositions: There are no acceptable limits and there are no  
acceptable prejudices in the twenty-first century.

 - Sen Hillary Rodham Clinton

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Re: [MOPO] ???????????

2008-07-14 Thread Freedom Lover



On Jul 14, 2008, at 2:01 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Remember.wjen you buy INBACKED, UNRESTORED, YOU KNOW  

Is there a rule on MOPO for the number of moronic statements a  
member can post in a week?


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Let us resolve and work toward achieving some very simple  
propositions: There are no acceptable limits and there are no  
acceptable prejudices in the twenty-first century.

 - Sen Hillary Rodham Clinton

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Re: [MOPO] Paper Envy?

2008-07-14 Thread Freedom Lover
Alan and I have blanket permission from each other to restore whatever  
we think needs it.  It's a part of preserving history and I feel it's  
us doing our part.  We think restorers are doing a much larger service  
than they may be aware.  Bravo to Dario and all you other restorers  
out there.  For what it's worth, my husband and I think you rock!   


On Jul 14, 2008, at 2:10 PM, Dario Casadei wrote:

Hi Guys,

I have definitely noticed a big increase in the last 4-5 years of  
expensive and rare posters in horrible shape being sent to me for  
work, and let me tell you, they look like rags ready for the dumpster.

The hobby is growing so supply Vs. demand for pristine posters has  
become a big issue and so has the affordability.

This is a trend that will continue, after all what ever was printed,  
that's it! and what ever has survived in pristine condition, that's  

So collectors are settling for lesser condition posters, not  
necessary by choice.

End of the day, I feel very blessed that I can be a part of rescuing  
old rare posters, so collectors who might not have the opportunity  
to get that near perfect poster for different reason can still enjoy  
this great hobby.

It's all good!


Helmut Hamm wrote:

I agree with Sean. However, this trend has been there for several  
years and, if anything, it is growing stronger.

I've said it before and I'll say it again: I still believe that the  
trend of linenbacking and (over-)restoring each and anything will  
fall heavily on our feet in years to come.

I have no doubt that in a few years from now, an unrestored poster  
in good condition will bring considerably more money than an  
identical copy that has been backed and restored.


Sitting at the auction the past two days I definitely spotted some  

Condition, Condition, Condition.
Top Condition Unrestored, (or nearly unrestored in the case of  
larger paper) pieces continued to set records while others stay  
stagnant or even regressed slightly (possibly due to the economy).

Nowhere was this more apparent than in the selection of Midget  
Window Cards where unrestored pieces reached dizzying heights  
while even cards from top titles (like Maltese Falcon) sold for  
lower than their pre-sale estimates if they were heavily restored.

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Let us resolve and work toward achieving some very simple  
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Re: [MOPO] Freeman Fisher

2008-07-14 Thread Freedom Lover

You asked for it, CL...   1__er

C'mon Baby, dare me again!


On Jul 14, 2008, at 10:16 PM, Claude Litton wrote:

I have read all the posts for the last few days and I believe what  
Freeman wrote was directed at more than one comment and most likely  
out of frustration.  Freeman Fisher is a wonderful person and I  
have  enjoyed my relationship with him (through mopo, buying and  
selling and just conversing on the telephone).

He is a great asset to mopo and as Kirby said, more people should  
post.  I like reading comments even if I disagree with them.  What I  
dislike are stupid one liners that are meant to be funny but are a  
total waste of time.  (Now is the time to attack me for that  
statement but please keep in mind that I am a thick skinned old  
bird.)I have loved every post Freeman has made and may he keep  
doing what he does best, which is putting words together like no one  
else.  He is in a class by himself.

Claude L

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Let us resolve and work toward achieving some very simple  
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Re: [MOPO] O.k....Where do you stand?

2008-07-13 Thread Freedom Lover

This makes the best sense to me.  I'll go with this one.


On Jul 13, 2008, at 8:22 PM, Richard Halegua Comic Art wrote:

man I tell ya folks, it's hard to me to understand how anyone can  
say that the extra $390 I gave Geritage on a $2000 poster is just  

if you went to the supermarket  your bill came to $120 and the  
cashier says we also have the buyer's premium of 10% so your bill  
is $132 I think you would all go ballistic. You're paying the full  
cost of the item.

But here's where you'll find the most obvious example of what true  
cost is

if you buy a poster for $10,000 at Heritage and they add $1950 and  
you pay $100 to get it shipped to you... your insurance policy will  
pay you $11,950 when it burns up in your house fire north of L.A.


end of story

your cost is $11,950

however your shipping cost IS evaporation. The insurer will not  
refund to you the cost of shipping..

when I bid $3000 I know I'm really bidding $3585. that is my cost..  
my cost is my check, not my check minus $585

anyone who thinks otherwise is NUTS

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Let us resolve and work toward achieving some very simple  
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acceptable prejudices in the twenty-first century.

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Re: [MOPO] Happy $th

2008-07-04 Thread Freedom Lover


Lover of America and the Planet Earth

On Jul 4, 2008, at 11:44 AM, Glenn Taranto wrote:

I would like to wish all of you a happy 4th of July.

I'm feeling very independent today!  Hope you feel the same!

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Let us resolve and work toward achieving some very simple  
propositions: There are no acceptable limits and there are no  
acceptable prejudices in the twenty-first century.

 - Sen Hillary Rodham Clinton

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Re: [MOPO] Dinner with John Charles Carter

2008-07-02 Thread Freedom Lover
I second the motion.  I'm Clintonian and spend a good portion of my  
time rebelling against the DNC.  Now, you people didn't know that.  I,  
too, am bombasted w/ petitions, etc.  Also, I'm an online activist for  
the planet!  Go Earth!!!

So now, P O S T E R S !!!


P.S.  Since we're doing this, guess what?  I got my backyard/lake area  
designated as a wildlife sanctuary!  Cool, huh?  We have huge turtles,  
iguanas, otters, fish, ducks, other really colorful birds, and a  
zillion frogs.  Also, I get to put up an official sign!

On Jul 2, 2008, at 12:04 AM, jbirddouglass wrote:

Hi Rod
While I wholeheartedly agree with you on this issue, I seriously  
question putting it up on the MOPO website. I am bombarded night and  
day with emails regarding social and political issues from my  
liberal and conservative friends alike (I am a  total commie pinko  
liberal, by the way) and none of them is likely to change my mind  
about anything I already believe in. I like MOPO for its pure  
unspoiled geekiness; where else can I learn about the best way to  
get high off of Bestine, the dangers of minty white inserts, or how  
to avoid getting the runs from handling too many Mexican lobby cards?
Generally, religion and politics on MOPO result in annoying flame  
wars, my hand cramps up from hitting the delete button, and I can  
hear Scott Burns belching up acid all the way here in San Diego.
I need a break from the world's heaviosity, and MOPO is one of those  
places I can go and let my inner dweeb run free.

Enough already.
Greg Douglass
rodxmorgan wrote:

Perhaps he could spin this report into a tale of patriotism...

ATLANTA: The Supreme Court’s landmark ruling on gun ownership last  
week focused on citizens' ability to defend themselves from  
intruders in their homes. But research shows that surprisingly  
often, gun owners use the weapons on themselves.

Suicides accounted for 55% of the nation's nearly 31,000 firearm  
deaths in 2005, the most recent year for which statistics are  
available from the centers for disease control and prevention.

There was nothing unique about that year — gun-related suicides  
have outnumbered firearm homicides and accidents for 20 of the last  
25 years. In 2005, homicides accounted for 40% of gun deaths.  
Accidents accounted for 3%. The remaining 2% included legal  
killings, such as when police do the shooting and cases that  
involve undetermined intent.

Public-health researchers have concluded that in homes where guns  
are present, the likelihood that someone in the home will die from  
suicide or homicide is much greater.

Studies have also shown that homes in which a suicide occurred were  
three to five times more likely to have a gun present than  
households that did not experience a suicide, even after accounting  
for other risk factors.

In a 5-4 decision, the high court struck down a handgun ban enacted  
in the District of Columbia in 1976 and rejected requirements that  
firearms have trigger locks or be kept disassembled. The ruling  
left intact the district's licensing restrictions for gun owners.

One public-health study found that suicide and homicide rates in  
the district dropped after the ban was adopted. The district has  
allowed shotguns and rifles to be kept in homes if they are  
registered, kept unloaded and taken apart or equipped with trigger  

The American Public Health Association, the American Association of  
Suicidology and two other groups filed a legal brief supporting the  
district's ban. More than 90 percent of suicide attempts using guns  
are successful, while the success rate for jumping from high places  
was 34%. The success rate for drug overdose was 2%, the brief said,  
citing studies.

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Let us resolve and work toward achieving some very simple  
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acceptable prejudices in the twenty-first century.

 - Sen Hillary Rodham Clinton

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Re: [MOPO] dinner

2008-07-02 Thread Freedom Lover

We love you, too!

I have to tell you.  A hollywood star lives around the corner from me  
(2 neighborhoods down).  It's the house with it's own limo.  I always  
thought it was Debbie Reynolds.  Your stepmother sounds like a pretty  
cool lady!  I can't get over how many stars you California MoPoer's  
get to meet !!

I love these stories, guys.  I was thinking of changing dinner w/ 
Marilyn to Billy Crystal.

I met Yul Brynner (fell over the back of a couch into his lap at  
Studio 54), John Kenneth Galbraith, saw Mick and Bianca Jagger ;  all  
that same night.  But that's it for stars.  There were more drugs in  
one place than I have ever seen in all my hippie years!  It was a  
night they did the Academy Awards live on screen and had two parties  
on two coasts.  I was working for Polaroid, shooting instant movies of  
them and putting them up on other screens.
These people I didn't know kept coming up and handing me their drugs  
to hold while they danced!


On Jul 2, 2008, at 1:20 PM, Susan Heim wrote:

Hey Bruce,
  I was at that same event at the Cinerama Dome. We went early also  
to get the special program book. The only good thing I can say  
about it was that while we were waiting in the line to get the book,  
we were positioned right in front of the area where they were  
interviewing the celebrities as they got out of their limos.  So we  
saw Angela Lansbury, Jack Nicholson, Billy Crystal, Julie Andrews,  
Kirk Douglas (we actually attended to see Spartacus), and a few  
others I can't remember now (I'm getting old and forgetful). You are  
right, though, the book wasn't that great but it did have some very  
nice photos in it.

   Also, about Debbie Reynolds. My step Mom has been in the  
costuming business for 50 years. She and Debbie are good friends.  
Years ago Debbie found many of the costumes from Gone With the  
Wind stored at a Bekins storage facility in Hollywood, having been  
stored their by Selznick. Over the years she bought and found many  
other costumes and many of them were restored at my step Mom's shop.  
She saved me all the scraps and I have them stored and labeled in  
little jars at home (o.k., I'm a pack rat). About 15 years ago, my  
step-Mom bought the original half sheet for Singin' In the Rain and  
Debbie took it to Gene and Donald's house to have it signed. My  
birthday is New Years Eve, so typically I have always gotten the  
combined Christmas/Birthday gift, which is cool, except when I was a  
kid and the birthday would come but I'd already gotten the gift a  
week before (kids can be so greedy!).  So, when I went over to see  
my step-Mom at the holidays and she handed me a tube, unwrapped (her  
no frills style, I love it), I thought it was something she wanted  
me to frame for her. Inside was the signed half sheet with a little  
note from Debbie. It is my most prized possession in my collection.  
Not my most valuable, monetarily, but the care that went into  
getting it for me was the value to me.

I have been lucky enough to meet, work and dine with many  
celebrities. Some were nice people, some were fantastic, and some  
were grumpy and some downright rude. Just like regular people. My  
favorites have been Fred Astaire, Bette Davis, Gregory Peck, Gene  
Kelly, Patty Duke  John Astin, Carol Burnett, Helen Hayes, and a  
few others. Those just stand out in my mind. With my business I have  
had for the past twenty years since I retired from the film business  
I have many people in the public eye that are customers. Believe it  
or not, most are just down home folks who got lucky and they are the  
first to say it. There are some that think they are all that, but  
they probably did before they became famous also. Just like regular  

To be honest, I'm with some of you. I would rather have dinner  
or hang out with some of my customers that are regulars on this  
group and I have with some of them. Koose (Dave K.), Toochis,  
Patrick/Michael, Richard Del Belso, John Schad, Freeman, and  
others.  There are so many on the group that I would love to meet in  
person. Kirby, Alan Heimann, Andrea, Joe Bonelli, Greg Douglass,  
John Reid, and pretty much everybody. I love the varying  
personalities of this group. That's my spin.

- Original Message -
From: Bruce Hershenson
Sent: Wednesday, July 02, 2008 3:59 AM
Subject: Re: [MOPO]  dinner 

I was real busy last night with my auctions, and am just now seeing  
this. Obviously, I am both greatly complimented and embarrassed by  
this sweet reply from Marty, and he knows I enjoy time with him just  
as much (or more) than he enjoys spending time with me (we clearly  
have a mutual admiration society).

Funny true Marty Davis story. I was passing through Cleveland like  
20 years ago, and someone had told me of this MAJOR collector I  
should meet named Marty Davis, and I called him up and he 

Re: [MOPO] dinner

2008-07-01 Thread Freedom Lover

Marilyn Monroe

On Jul 1, 2008, at 12:42 PM, Michael B wrote:

if you could have dinner and then chat for hours with any hollywood/ 
movie person, past of present, who would it be?

my vote:  alfred hitchcock

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Let us resolve and work toward achieving some very simple  
propositions: There are no acceptable limits and there are no  
acceptable prejudices in the twenty-first century.

 - Sen Hillary Rodham Clinton

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Re: [MOPO] Paypal............please speak english

2008-06-30 Thread Freedom Lover

You are so right, Michael.  That drives me nuts!

On Jun 30, 2008, at 9:51 PM, Michael B wrote:

recently, many posts addressed Paypal's outrageous redesign of their  
site to confuse purposefully its users whereby bank accounts were  
used as the source of funds instead of the user's credit card.  i  
was duped last month, but luckily the seller (in france) refunded my  
money whereupon i re-sent the money with credit card.  then i spoke  
ENGLISH.  Several calls!!!

on friday, another improvement of parpal did not let me override the  
billed amount.  i had to send the seller extra money, based upon  
other dealings.  so i called Paypal.  Or should i say, PAYPAL  

so i wrote to Paypal, friday:  'i  am  very  disappointed  with

my  many  recent  calls  to  paypal.

it  is  horrible  that  so  many  reps  are  in  india  that  lack   
the  ability

to  speak  intelligble  english.

i  have  had  to  hang  up,  and  re-try  and  re-try  and  retry   
and  re-try

until i  got  the  USA.   on  some  occasions,  i  called  ebay   
directly  to  assist me.

A nice Paypal rep from Nebraska called me today.  Very friendly, and  
said that Paypal has received many complaints about (1) the new  
screen and, (2) INDIA.

I told Paypal of MOPO and that Paypal is often the discussion.  I  
suggest to each and every one of you that you go to your paypal  
account, hit the link, CONTACT US, and politely explain your  

ANDa few days ago, i received a $100 purchase credit from  
paypal.  perhaps it was due to my call last month.


Paypal deals with money.  A mistake could be very costly.  Shouldnt  
you expect the agent at the other end to speak intelligible english?

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Let us resolve and work toward achieving some very simple  
propositions: There are no acceptable limits and there are no  
acceptable prejudices in the twenty-first century.

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Re: [MOPO] Wow!! What an Auction!!

2008-06-26 Thread Freedom Lover
OK.  THIS ONE WORKS WELL.  We've both used it on each other! lol!   
Also, 'it goes with the room' and 'I need it' are nice.  My husband  
goes through these long intricate explanations of how 'this really  
belongs as part of my collection..  you'll see.  You'll like it!'

But 'the back of the closet' is the best. ;)

Scary for a woman, is when buying posters trumps shoes!


On Jun 26, 2008, at 8:11 PM, allen day wrote:

True ... it is one heckuva auction.

I agreed to go on a 'buying diet' until both households have melded  
into one ...  ... I wonder how original this sounds ... Gee  
honey, look what I found in the back of the closet?


--- On Thu, 6/26/08, Susan Heim [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From: Susan Heim [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [MOPO] Wow!! What an Auction!!
Date: Thursday, June 26, 2008, 7:53 PM

 I received my Heritage auction catalog today. I am always  
excited when it gets here to have a quick look. I go through it  
carefully later on in the evening when I am home. First off, the  
thing is really heavy. It's like the coffee table edition. There  
were so many great things in this catalog, many that I haven't seen  
in a long time. The thing that really caught my attention was the  
great diversity and quantity in the different genres. There are so  
many things that I would love to have. I don't need them, but I want  
them. It's been awhile since a catalog had me thinking about bidding  
on so many items. I admit, I also like to know what I already own is  
going for. I will probably have to narrow down my desires to one,  
maybe two items, if that. But it's fun looking and, of course, I am  
usually lucky to get to frame so many of the items that sell in the  
auction, so I often get to see them in person. That's a lot of fun!!

 Anyway, I wanted to congratulate Grey on putting together what  
looks to be a fantastic auction. I can hardly wait. It has become an  
event around my shop showing the auction live on my computer so we  
can all take a peek in now and again during the day. Happy  
Collecting everyone!!


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Let us resolve and work toward achieving some very simple  
propositions: There are no acceptable limits and there are no  
acceptable prejudices in the twenty-first century.

 - Sen Hillary Rodham Clinton

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Re: [MOPO] Wow!! What an Auction!!

2008-06-26 Thread Freedom Lover
It took all last night to go through it.  I marked off all the ones I  
want, so it was a pleasant process.  That catalog is quite a treat!


On Jun 26, 2008, at 7:53 PM, Susan Heim wrote:

 I received my Heritage auction catalog today. I am always  
excited when it gets here to have a quick look. I go through it  
carefully later on in the evening when I am home. First off, the  
thing is really heavy. It's like the coffee table edition. There  
were so many great things in this catalog, many that I haven't seen  
in a long time. The thing that really caught my attention was the  
great diversity and quantity in the different genres. There are so  
many things that I would love to have. I don't need them, but I want  
them. It's been awhile since a catalog had me thinking about bidding  
on so many items. I admit, I also like to know what I already own is  
going for. I will probably have to narrow down my desires to one,  
maybe two items, if that. But it's fun looking and, of course, I am  
usually lucky to get to frame so many of the items that sell in the  
auction, so I often get to see them in person. That's a lot of fun!!

 Anyway, I wanted to congratulate Grey on putting together what  
looks to be a fantastic auction. I can hardly wait. It has become an  
event around my shop showing the auction live on my computer so we  
can all take a peek in now and again during the day. Happy  
Collecting everyone!!


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Let us resolve and work toward achieving some very simple  
propositions: There are no acceptable limits and there are no  
acceptable prejudices in the twenty-first century.

 - Sen Hillary Rodham Clinton

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Re: [MOPO] displaying three sheets

2008-06-05 Thread Freedom Lover
I can answer this one! 6,8, and 24 sheets get their own closets.   
Didn't you know that?  No, really, 6 and 8 sheets go on the walls.   
You just need to use more than your media room.  Our whole house is  
postered.  It looks the nuts!


On Jun 5, 2008, at 7:41 PM, Michael B wrote:

i have wall to wall, ceiling to floor posters in my media room.   
nearly 70 in total.  3 are three-sheets (The Stranger, Gaslight and  
To Each His Own).  i have been collecting for 20++ years.  i once  
had 7 three sheets displayed.  (thankfully my framer salvaged my  
metal frames.)

i am now debating removing one three sheet and would be able to hang  
9 inserts, or some combination of half sheets and inserts for that  

it kills me to not have many favorites titles not displayed.  sought  
after-top titles.

three sheets are great if you have just a few posters.  and they  
have an awesome presence.  but...

what do collectors really do with six sheets?

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Re: [MOPO] displaying three sheets

2008-06-05 Thread Freedom Lover
We never ever throw things near the posters.  We'd rather do it in  
public than risk hurting a poster. ;)


On Jun 5, 2008, at 9:31 PM, Kirby McDaniel wrote:

Yes, if you don't do it too tightly.  Do that too tightly and you  
could pop the poster
right off the linen.  Remember, it has to breathe.  Also, you take  
the risk that it will get soiled.
You know, your signficant other throws a drink at you and it hits  
Bacall instead.  Bad.

This advice from the six sheet King.

Sorry, folks, I couldn't resist.


On Jun 5, 2008, at 8:18 PM, Matthew McDonald wrote:

This may be a bad idea, but could you have them linen backed with a  
couple of inches of linen on each side left, then gallery wrap  
them onto a wooden a canvas?

-Original Message-
From: MoPo List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of  
Michael B

Sent: Thursday, June 05, 2008 6:42 PM
Subject: [MOPO] displaying three sheets

i have wall to wall, ceiling to floor posters in my media room.   
nearly 70 in total.  3 are three-sheets (The Stranger, Gaslight and  
To Each His Own).  i have been collecting for 20++ years.  i once  
had 7 three sheets displayed.  (thankfully my framer salvaged my  
metal frames.)

i am now debating removing one three sheet and would be able to  
hang 9 inserts, or some combination of half sheets and inserts for  
that space.

it kills me to not have many favorites titles not displayed.   
sought after-top titles.

three sheets are great if you have just a few posters.  and they  
have an awesome presence.  but...

what do collectors really do with six sheets?

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[MOPO] Auctions on eBay: A Dying Breed - Yahoo! News

2008-06-03 Thread Freedom Lover;_ylt=As_a5U4rKfqidvwmhRiJPpOyBhIF

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[MOPO] Quinn's Auction

2008-05-29 Thread Freedom Lover
I was too busy yesterday to check it out fully and then went back.   I  
just got off the phone with her.  She said they're taking the pictures  
today and updating as they go.  They expect all the pix to be up  


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Re: [MOPO] Quinn's Auction Gallery in Falls Church

2008-05-28 Thread Freedom Lover

Go back, Evan.  I called and she said the link just went up.

On May 28, 2008, at 3:12 PM, Evan Zweifel wrote:

So, whats the deal with Quinn's Auction of movie posters.  It's  
going to be a little difficult to bid on these lots w/o some idea of  
condition (not to mention the titles).

Anyone going to be there?


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From: Tom Martin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: May 26, 2008 10:07:11 PM EDT
Subject: Re: [MOPO] WTB: What's up Doc? 1-Sheet

funny story.. I tried to Give Peter a clapper i made for the 100  
films that the AFI  chose...

he wouldnt take it... It was 1st time I was refused .. he said  
because he didnt aggree with the 100 pics

I also have paper moon stills and  I think some stray lobbies..  I  
may have postes on both in inserts I just have everything buried..

Good Luck and thanks for the  kind  words


Peter Bogdonovich has always been one of my favorite directors (I  
think Paper Moon is great), however I wondered what happened -- how  
could he make such junk after making such great films.

Anyway, I personally am looking only for the specific one sheet --  
and not a reprint.  But if you ever find one, please keep me in mind.



-- Original message --
From: Tom Martin [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 theres a repo omn ebay for 9.99 its 11x17 from Moviegoods.

 I have some original stills from the film... when Peter  
Bogdonovich came
 here for a lecture I was able to get him to sign a few..  
Incluseding a

 shot of him with John Ford who he admired.

 I may also have a pressbook if I can find it... and maybe a
 insert.. if i can find... and a few stary lobby cards,,

 Jeff Potokar wrote:

  this one sheet also just sold at heritage, on may 18th, 2008, for
  45.00, -- this price INCLUDES the buyer's premium.
  here's the link:
g t; 
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[MOPO] Quinns link

2008-05-28 Thread Freedom Lover

Quinn's  Waverly Auction Galleries - Quinn's  Waverly June Sales

I already saw the posters...Bogart, etc. 

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Re: [MOPO] Poster!

2008-05-24 Thread Freedom Lover
Followed by the summer sizzler, Shades of Time featuring stoned litho  
magnate, Richard Q. Halengua.  This intense drama takes place in the  
dark depths of sin city, where a roll of the dice can result in  
restoration of priceless ephemera or the devastating loss of color and  
increase of innumerable fold lines.  See Richard rescue helpless,  
unloved one sheets, barehanded,  yet wearing a cape, as he battles  
with the postman, played by Oscar winner Tom Martin.

On May 24, 2008, at 1:01 PM, Joseph Bonelli wrote:

 'Poster Dragnet'...a humorless cop, played by Joe Bonelli,
who tries to smash a ring of crooks dealing in minty-white
Bladerunner inserts. 

The sorry news is, Roger, et. al., that I was forced to withdraw  
from the Poster Dragnet series as the term minty white seemed to  
be offensive to some (residents of Rochester, NY) and, as a  
born,raised,left and semi-returned Caucasian US Southerner, it was  
considered that my presence on the series would be offensive to fans  
of the late Jack Webb.

God knows what this has done to my career!!!


Joe Bonelli-- on air at as Joe Hastings-- weeknights 6-10  

Roger Kim [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I just called Comcast regarding the Movie Poster Channel, and they
told me that MPC will producing an original dramatic series called
Poster Dragnet. It's about a humorless cop, played by Joe Bonelli,
who tries to smash a ring of crooks dealing in minty-white
Bladerunner inserts. In the first episode, they manage to throw him
off the trail by producing large quantities of minty-whites for films
like V.I. Warshawski and The Gumball Rally.

Sadly, my local Comcast is charging $17.95 per month for this
channel, and I refuse to pay it.


On May 23, 2008, at 8:57 AM, jbirddouglass wrote:

 Phillip and Evan,
 Thanks for the turn-on to this article. It's always good to see our
 hobby sneak into a major media outlet. Actually, I just recently
 added The Movie Poster Channel on my cable system, and it is non-
 stop riveting viewing. I especially love Pinhole Counter's
 Corner, an hour show with a different anal-retentive condition
 freak on every day, whining about dealers who missed a scuff mark
 or a tiny bit of foxing in their description. Eugene Hughes Talks
 About Business Ethics is also an instructive daily lesson in
 building a solid reputation within the collecting community, and I
 have learned a lot from it. But The Movie Poster Channel is not
 just All dweebs, all the time. There's a Friday night cage match
 between Bruce Hershenson and a different dealer every week. While
 the West Plains Warrior may look a few pounds overweight, so far he
 has solidly beaten all comers. Don't let that Jerry Mathers-like
 smile fool you; the man is an animal in the ring. However, he'll be
 up against Rich Halegua just after Cinevent. Rich will be energized
 and ready. I'm warming up my TIVO.
 Ask your cable company about The Movie Poster Channel, and tell 'em
 Greg sent you.
 Greg Douglass
 No Longer Lurking in Beautiful Escondido, CA
 Evan Zweifel wrote:

 For those of you who get their news online:

 -- Original message --

  There is a great article of drew struzan poster artist in
 la times. It
  is very rare of any daily newspaper report a large piece about
 movie posters.
  Great article kids.
  Sent via BlackBerry by ATT
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2008-05-08 Thread Freedom Lover

Is this one of us?  Does anyone know anything about them?

Andrea K.

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Re: [MOPO] Share your most embarrassing moments at the movies:

2008-04-08 Thread Freedom Lover
OK.  One I won't tell you about.  The other one happened recently.  We  
took Aiden (now 3) to see Horton Hears a Who.   Earlier that day, we  
had gone on a 'bus-that-becomes-a-boat' tour on the Intracoastal.   
They give you these duck whistles to blow.  You guessed it.  We didn't  
realize he brought his whistle with him, and at one of the parts where  
they're trying to listen for the Who, Aiden hauls off and blows that  
thing.  He was on my lap when I jumped, popcorn all over, and little  
kids came out of their skin.   Now it's really funny...


On Apr 8, 2008, at 7:30 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

This is an easy one.  As you all well know, my beloved  Morris  
loves  his movies. And he also loves his popcorn. Once he gets  
settled in his seat and the movie begins, he dives into that popcorn  
bag with great gusto...and I mean gusto.  This is a noisy  
proposition because he is also a loud chewer. a  
movie (can't remember the name) that was rather a quiet, serious  
one, a lady half way down the row kept craning her neck to deliver  
dirty looks our way, along with an occasional annoyed  
shh!  Mr. Oblivious just munched away.
She finally got up and moved to another row, glaring at us angrily  
all the way.

By the way, we just got home from the film 21.  Loved it. And  
because we went at 4:00, we had the theater all to ourselves, so no  

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Re: [MOPO] Excellent comparison: Hollywood Blacklist and Gun Deaths

2008-04-07 Thread Freedom Lover
ONE of the magicians was an anti-semite.  He sold ALL of the ones from  
that magician for a song.

On Apr 6, 2008, at 11:50 PM, Jeff Potokar wrote:

you said that ONE of the posters was anti semitic yet he sold them  
ALL for a song? he sold all his posters because of one? am i reading  
this right?


On Apr 6, 2008, at 8:20 PM, Freedom Lover wrote:

When my husband found out one of the magicians poster he collected  
was an anti-semite, he sold them all for a song.  He didn't even  
want them in the house..

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Re: [MOPO] Excellent comparison: Hollywood Blacklist and Gun Deaths

2008-04-07 Thread Freedom Lover

Hi Phil,

First, thanks for remembering Al's name :)

This is like politics.  You have to make your own call; it's very  
personal.  I could only let Alan do whatever he wanted and respect his  
feelings.  I will say that bias and prejudice definitely has a play in  
our collecting (or lack thereof).

Personally, if someone is/was anti-semitic, I'm not about to do  
anything that would make the work that person did go up in value.
But it's not just anti-semitism; it's whoever offends me.  Heck, it's  
my money, I'll spend it (or not) where I choose. (i.e. I don't like  
hunters.  In my world, people who kill animals to hang their heads on  
a wall are murderers.)


On Apr 7, 2008, at 12:14 AM, Phil Edwards wrote:

Andrea, et al (yoall know Al).

It's actually a really interesting question.

Because once one starts somewhere on such a subject, it's
a point of where one might stop... and draw the line.

Let's say (as has been suggested by Fritz Lang) that his then-wife  
Thea Von Harbou was a member of the Nazi Party (or the Nutzi Party  
as Ernst and Mel might put it) does one therfor decline the offer of  
a METROPOLIS poster (or any Ufa poster post 1932-ish spreading it a  
little wider) because probably at least many if not most of the crew  
are Nutzi Party members?

Or one discovers that some director on some favourite American film  
of all time was a member of the KKK... so you get rid of the poster?  
Of course it depends if one approves of the KKK and their beliefs,  
or not, may well be part of the reasoning.

Putting the shoe on the foot - if one is anti-Semite, does one  
boycott Steven Spielberg's films say, or just the ones he made after  
he re-discovered the importance of his faith to him?

Not having shots at anyone here, but where and how does one draw a  
line and if so, why so?

- Original Message - From: Freedom Lover [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Sent: Monday, April 07, 2008 1:20 PM
Subject: Re: [MOPO] Excellent comparison: Hollywood Blacklist and  
Gun Deaths

When my husband found out one of the magicians poster he collected  
was  an anti-semite, he sold them all for a song.  He didn't even  
want them  in the house.  They're posters, Patrick.  Magic is all  
he collects.   Sorry they couldn't have been movie posters, but I  
wanted to reply to  your question.  I thought it was pertinent.

(and please, don't bark at me.  It's art.)

On Apr 6, 2008, at 6:40 PM, Patrick Michael Tupy wrote:

Now your last question is definitely on topic!  Thanks for  
steering  us back, Phil.

I think it's a far more complex question.  Which makes me wonder,  
do  you ignore your personal issues with a certain actor/perfomer/ 
writer/ director whether they be politics or what have you in  
order to sell  a VERY profitable poster BUT take a stand when  
convenient and don't  sell another actor/performet/writer/ 
director's posters which don't  sell for larger profits?  In other  
words, do we only take a stand  when it doesn't hurt so much in  
the poster selling world?  Or can we  all be 'bought' by profit?   
Art and personal close to a  Leni Riefenstahl stance  
do we flirt with in doing so?


On Apr 6, 2008, at 2:42 PM, Phil Edwards wrote:

There are many actors, writers, directors, et al and artists  
from  all areas of the arts whose personal politics I do not care  
for  myself.

I think what we are talking about here is the death of Mr Heston   
the actor and the legacy of films he left, his part in Hollywood   
movie history, not Mr Heston who happened to be a big name in  
the  NRA.

By extension, if as a professional seller one feels strongly  
enough about an actor/writer/director's politics, does one make  
a  statement by not dealing in material that features them or was  
made  by them?


- Original Message - From: Sean Linkenback [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Monday, April 07, 2008 7:00 AM
Subject: Re: [MOPO] Excellent comparison: Hollywood Blacklist  
and  Gun Deaths

Yes, it takes a brave man to ambush an elderly gentleman in the   
early stages

of Alzheimer's.

That may be his legacy to you, but fortunately it won't be to a  
majority of

the world.

-Original Message-
From: MoPo List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Sent: Sunday, April 06, 2008 4:32 PM
Subject: [MOPO] Excellent comparison: Hollywood Blacklist and  
Gun Deaths

2004:  almost 100,000 people killed or injured by guns, in just   
one year!

Sounds like a runaway epidemic to me---promoted largely by the  
gun- lobby

profiteers  NRA.

Heston's legacy:  running like a squirmy dog from Michael  
Moore's interview.

The image is
indelibly etched into our collective film consciousness.

Re: [MOPO] Share your most e moments at the movies:

2008-04-07 Thread Freedom Lover

What was the movie?

On Apr 7, 2008, at 9:30 PM, Ari Richards wrote:

I had sex in a cinema, but wasnt caught, so wasnt very  
embarrassing...? so I should shut up


- Original Message 
Sent: Tuesday, 8 April, 2008 10:33:57 AM
Subject: [MOPO] Share your most embarrassing moments at the movies:

Come on group.  With the exception of Alan, your stories showed no  
embarrassing moments whatsoever.

Here's one of mine.  In 1965 my family went to see The Sound of  
Music, still my favorite movie.  Dad was in such a good mood that  
during the intermission he gave us $0.50 each to buy sodas.  The  
line was so long at the drink machine that tempers were flaring.   
When it was finally our turn my spoiled little sister insisted on  
putting in the quarters and pressing the button.  With her bad luck  
the ice and soda water came down without the cup.   She used her  
hands to catch whatever she could.  I laughed so hard she threw the  
drink in my face.  After that everyone on the line laughed at me.

You rock. That's why Blockbuster's offering you one month of  
Blockbuster Total Access, No Cost.

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Re: [MOPO] Excellent comparison: Hollywood Blacklist and Gun Deaths

2008-04-06 Thread Freedom Lover
When my husband found out one of the magicians poster he collected was  
an anti-semite, he sold them all for a song.  He didn't even want them  
in the house.  They're posters, Patrick.  Magic is all he collects.   
Sorry they couldn't have been movie posters, but I wanted to reply to  
your question.  I thought it was pertinent.

(and please, don't bark at me.  It's art.)

On Apr 6, 2008, at 6:40 PM, Patrick Michael Tupy wrote:

Now your last question is definitely on topic!  Thanks for steering  
us back, Phil.

I think it's a far more complex question.  Which makes me wonder, do  
you ignore your personal issues with a certain actor/perfomer/writer/ 
director whether they be politics or what have you in order to sell  
a VERY profitable poster BUT take a stand when convenient and don't  
sell another actor/performet/writer/director's posters which don't  
sell for larger profits?  In other words, do we only take a stand  
when it doesn't hurt so much in the poster selling world?  Or can we  
all be 'bought' by profit?  Art and personal close to a  
Leni Riefenstahl stance do we flirt with in doing so?


On Apr 6, 2008, at 2:42 PM, Phil Edwards wrote:

There are many actors, writers, directors, et al and artists from  
all areas of the arts whose personal politics I do not care for  

I think what we are talking about here is the death of Mr Heston  
the actor and the legacy of films he left, his part in Hollywood  
movie history, not Mr Heston who happened to be a big name in the  

By extension, if as a professional seller one feels strongly enough  
about an actor/writer/director's politics, does one make a  
statement by not dealing in material that features them or was made  
by them?


- Original Message - From: Sean Linkenback [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Sent: Monday, April 07, 2008 7:00 AM
Subject: Re: [MOPO] Excellent comparison: Hollywood Blacklist and  
Gun Deaths

Yes, it takes a brave man to ambush an elderly gentleman in the  
early stages

of Alzheimer's.

That may be his legacy to you, but fortunately it won't be to a  
majority of

the world.

-Original Message-
From: MoPo List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Sent: Sunday, April 06, 2008 4:32 PM
Subject: [MOPO] Excellent comparison: Hollywood Blacklist and Gun  

2004:  almost 100,000 people killed or injured by guns, in just  
one year!

Sounds like a runaway epidemic to me---promoted largely by the gun- 

profiteers  NRA.

Heston's legacy:  running like a squirmy dog from Michael Moore's  

The image is
indelibly etched into our collective film consciousness.

--- Bill Brent [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

wow - take a position in the land of the free that doesn't keep  
step with

the vocal left!

I guess the liberals are just in favor of censorship - or at  
least its

okay to shut people up

who don't believe what they believe.

but then why the big outcry againt the hollywood black list -  
what's good

for the goose...

-Original Message-
CALLOWAY: He was about the worst NRA-whore who ever made a dirty  

in this city.

You rock. That's why Blockbuster's offering you one month of  

Total Access, No Cost.

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Re: [MOPO] eBay is now hiding bidder screen-names!

2008-03-06 Thread Freedom Lover
I noticed that, but I don't think it's necessarily a good idea.  I  
mostly buy and if I want something a friend of mine is bidding on,  
I'll sometimes let it go (depends on the piece, of course).  Of  
course, the sellers will say this is bad for business and they're  
right.  I still liked the option of standing aside for a bud.


On Mar 6, 2008, at 2:29 PM, Kenwick Cook wrote:

Hey gang;
I just noticed that starting today, that putting your name in  
the room means nothing... I guess it's now truly a 'silent  
auction'... bidders' screen names are no longer legible, regardless  
of the going-price... below is the new quote on all Bidding History  

To help keep the eBay community safe, enhance bidder privacy, and  
protect our members from fraudulent emails, eBay has changed how  
User IDs display on the bid history page. Only you and the seller of  
the item can view your User ID, all other members will see anonymous  
user IDs, such as x***y.

I guess as a bidder, I kinda like the limiting of fraud, however,  
I'll miss putting my screen name out there because I truly felt that  
it helped to link buyers to My Store with that silly little Red  

What're y'all's thoughts?


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Re: [MOPO] eBay is now hiding bidder screen-names!

2008-03-06 Thread Freedom Lover
I started straying from ebay a few months back.  If I come across  
something in my ebay 'searches', I check to see if it's a member of  
MoPo before I bid.   If not, I generally skip it.  Same thing for  
magic posters.  I just go directly to their private auctions.  Some  
people, like me, only go behind ebay's back because ebay is too sleazy/ 
sneaky to do good business with.  Of course, you can't leave feedback  
that way, but most of us are interested in the item, not the feedback.

Ebay brought this on themselves.  Greedy people always seem to cost  
themselves more $$ directly relating to their greed.  ... and so be  
it, no?  My guess is their greed will be their downfall.


On Mar 6, 2008, at 3:01 PM, Patrick Michael Tupy wrote:

I agree COMPLETELY!  I have had probably 50 times where I have not  
bid due to a friend being the current high bidder.  OR for me, when  
deciding how much to bid and when, to strategically see what other  
bidder's history's were in the last 30 days or so could help me gage  
in some way how high they would 'normally' go in their past  
auctions.  I have ZERO problem with anyone seeing my past history,  
etc. and as information is power, we are clearly all becoming far  
less powerful on Ebay where there is so little to be had in the  
first place.  Also, just as an aside, wouldn't being unable to see a  
bidder's ID encourage some unscrupulous Sellers to shill bid their  
items.  Anywho,  as a result, I will likely not bid as often on Ebay  
due to all the current 'improvements' and end up buying from dealers  
more.  In fact, I already have been.

I actually spoke to a rep at Ebay and complained about the new  
Seller fees and not being able to leave negative feedback while  
buyers still could.  He stated that there was retaliatory feedback  
happening (yeah, I know, shocking), to which I replied, great, now  
any bidder can hurt a Seller's rep with impunity, how is that fair?   
His response, Well, we are putting a huge amount of dedicated  
manpower toward resolving any complaints etc. and any banned buyer's  
feedback will be removed retroactively.   To which I replied,  
doesn't the fact that you feel you have to allocate all this new  
manpower mean that you've actually created a new problem that  
requires such action on your part.?  He said they'd had a lot of  
complaints about this and he'd 'note' my statements to his managers,  

I'm sure my complaint this will solve everything.


On Mar 6, 2008, at 11:35 AM, Freedom Lover wrote:

I noticed that, but I don't think it's necessarily a good idea.  I  
mostly buy and if I want something a friend of mine is bidding on,  
I'll sometimes let it go (depends on the piece, of course).  Of  
course, the sellers will say this is bad for business and they're  
right.  I still liked the option of standing aside for a bud.


On Mar 6, 2008, at 2:29 PM, Kenwick Cook wrote:

Hey gang;
I just noticed that starting today, that putting your name in  
the room means nothing... I guess it's now truly a 'silent  
auction'... bidders' screen names are no longer legible,  
regardless of the going-price... below is the new quote on all  
Bidding History pages:

To help keep the eBay community safe, enhance bidder privacy, and  
protect our members from fraudulent emails, eBay has changed how  
User IDs display on the bid history page. Only you and the seller  
of the item can view your User ID, all other members will see  
anonymous user IDs, such as x***y.

I guess as a bidder, I kinda like the limiting of fraud, however,  
I'll miss putting my screen name out there because I truly felt  
that it helped to link buyers to My Store with that silly little  
Red Door...

What're y'all's thoughts?


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Re: [MOPO] Who Cares - If I want it, it's Mine !!

2008-03-06 Thread Freedom Lover

You're so bad!
On Mar 6, 2008, at 3:47 PM, Susan Heim wrote:

Hey Andrea, Michael (Patrick), and all:

   I make it a point never to ask any of my friends what their ebay  
name is so I don't have to feel guilty and if I do know their name  
and outbid them anyway, I claim early stages of senility.  If I  
happen to be perusing Ebay and see Michael bidding on something, I  
immediately outbid him, especially if he is bidding on something of  
Kirby's. Kirby is my friend and I know Michael will keep bidding it  
up until it's his. So, more money for Kirby (yea!!). I snipe at  
every turn. If I want it, it's mine!! As Jack Lemmon says in The  
Apartment, that's the way it crumbles, cookie-wise !!

Having fun with you all,
Sue in sunny Cal

- Original Message -
From: Freedom Lover
Sent: Thursday, March 06, 2008 11:35 AM
Subject: Re: [MOPO] eBay is now hiding bidder screen-names!

I noticed that, but I don't think it's necessarily a good idea.  I  
mostly buy and if I want something a friend of mine is bidding on,  
I'll sometimes let it go (depends on the piece, of course).  Of  
course, the sellers will say this is bad for business and they're  
right.  I still liked the option of standing aside for a bud.


On Mar 6, 2008, at 2:29 PM, Kenwick Cook wrote:

Hey gang;
I just noticed that starting today, that putting your name in  
the room means nothing... I guess it's now truly a 'silent  
auction'... bidders' screen names are no longer legible, regardless  
of the going-price... below is the new quote on all Bidding History  

To help keep the eBay community safe, enhance bidder privacy, and  
protect our members from fraudulent emails, eBay has changed how  
User IDs display on the bid history page. Only you and the seller  
of the item can view your User ID, all other members will see  
anonymous user IDs, such as x***y.

I guess as a bidder, I kinda like the limiting of fraud, however,  
I'll miss putting my screen name out there because I truly felt  
that it helped to link buyers to My Store with that silly little  
Red Door...

What're y'all's thoughts?


It's Tax Time! Get tips, forms and advice on AOL Money  Finance.
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Re: [MOPO] Who Cares - If I want it, it's Mine !!

2008-03-06 Thread Freedom Lover
Ken, I like this thread.  Sue, I know what you mean about Kirby and  
Michael.  ;)  Seriously though, sometimes I convince myself I NEED  
it.  It's like a rush that comes upon me, not unlike a hot  
flash...then it's a done deal.


On Mar 6, 2008, at 3:47 PM, Susan Heim wrote:

Hey Andrea, Michael (Patrick), and all:

   I make it a point never to ask any of my friends what their ebay  
name is so I don't have to feel guilty and if I do know their name  
and outbid them anyway, I claim early stages of senility.  If I  
happen to be perusing Ebay and see Michael bidding on something, I  
immediately outbid him, especially if he is bidding on something of  
Kirby's. Kirby is my friend and I know Michael will keep bidding it  
up until it's his. So, more money for Kirby (yea!!). I snipe at  
every turn. If I want it, it's mine!! As Jack Lemmon says in The  
Apartment, that's the way it crumbles, cookie-wise !!

Having fun with you all,
Sue in sunny Cal

- Original Message -
From: Freedom Lover
Sent: Thursday, March 06, 2008 11:35 AM
Subject: Re: [MOPO] eBay is now hiding bidder screen-names!

I noticed that, but I don't think it's necessarily a good idea.  I  
mostly buy and if I want something a friend of mine is bidding on,  
I'll sometimes let it go (depends on the piece, of course).  Of  
course, the sellers will say this is bad for business and they're  
right.  I still liked the option of standing aside for a bud.


On Mar 6, 2008, at 2:29 PM, Kenwick Cook wrote:

Hey gang;
I just noticed that starting today, that putting your name in  
the room means nothing... I guess it's now truly a 'silent  
auction'... bidders' screen names are no longer legible, regardless  
of the going-price... below is the new quote on all Bidding History  

To help keep the eBay community safe, enhance bidder privacy, and  
protect our members from fraudulent emails, eBay has changed how  
User IDs display on the bid history page. Only you and the seller  
of the item can view your User ID, all other members will see  
anonymous user IDs, such as x***y.

I guess as a bidder, I kinda like the limiting of fraud, however,  
I'll miss putting my screen name out there because I truly felt  
that it helped to link buyers to My Store with that silly little  
Red Door...

What're y'all's thoughts?


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[MOPO] Hey Bruce - poster dimensions

2008-03-06 Thread Freedom Lover
So here's the thing.  I got a poster from Bruce a few months back that  
I want to buy a frame from Sue for.  I went to look on your site and  
they weren't listed there, but on posters still for sale, I'm finding  
you have the exact measurements.  You may ask why I don't just measure  
it myself?  (Trust me.  Better to just get them from his site.)

I'm most likely looking in the wrong place.  In case anyone else is  
like me, I thought I'd ask out loud (on MoPo)
I mean, I know it's a half sheet, but Sue needs, you know, inches and  
things like that.  I tried posterarchives and got all the info on my  
poster except that.  Are they gone?  Were they ever there?

Is there another link?


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Re: [MOPO] Another Unka

2008-03-05 Thread Freedom Lover

I've never seen it.  Never will.

On Mar 5, 2008, at 6:51 PM, Ari Richards wrote:

My daughter, now 13, REFUSES (and always has) to watch Old Yella,  
all she knows is when I described the story to her when she was a  
toddler, and even then she cried and cried.

I have the little golden book at home and my daughter wont open it.

My Father, saw it as a kid, and he said to this day its the most  
disturbing movie expereince he had.

Forget CANNIBAL APOCALYPSE, try Old Yella.

And I saw Disney on TV as The Wonderful World of Disney


- Original Message 
From: Jeff Potokar [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, 6 March, 2008 10:31:02 AM
Subject: Re: [MOPO] Another Unka

thanks for the correction.

here are the names the show also went by over the years:

Disney's Wonderful World
The Disney Sunday Movie
The Magical World of Disney
The Wonderful World of Disney
Walt Disney
Walt Disney Presents
Walt Disney's Wonderful World of Color

On Mar 5, 2008, at 3:15 PM, Kirby McDaniel wrote:

You're quite wrong.  The show was originally titled DISNEYLAND and  
aired on ABC-TV on

sunday evenings.

Later, in the U.S., the Disney show was changed to THE WONDERFUL  
it aired on NBC, the network that was really pre-eminent in color  

The story of the relationship between the program Disneyland, ABC  
Television, and the construction
of the theme park Disneyland (in Anaheim) has been extensively  
reported in several Disney


On Mar 5, 2008, at 4:57 PM, Jeff Potokar wrote:

to be corrected here,,, the show was called THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF  
DISNEY, not DISNEYLAND. unless there was some off the cuff show  
that disney sent to australia called DISNEYLAND.  i think that  
show was actually called SYDNEYLAND.  appropriate, i think. :)


On Mar 5, 2008, at 1:47 PM, Phil Edwards Cinema Arts wrote:

Interesting out of that list, Rich, that OLD YELLER which we can  
add to it, was the only one I saw as a young child.

All the others I saw either in late teens or even later for the  
first time. We also used to see them carved up in chunks/ 
sequences on DISNEYLAND in the early 60s. Periodically, I get the  
impression that export version of DISNEYLAND was quite different  
to the US domestic one. There seemed uncanny tie-ins to  
specials that coincided with local Australian releases of new  
Disney product.


- Original Message -
From: Richard Halegua Comic Art
Sent: Thursday, March 06, 2008 8:13 AM
Subject: Re: [MOPO] Another Unka


I think if you look at lots of Disney films, they have some  
overtly violent contexts

Snow White: the Witch terrified children at the time and I have 2  
cousins who to this day have not seen the film since they were  
little girls and refused to let their children watch it when they  
were youngsters

Bambi: the forest fire  a number of other scenes create wailing  
children everytime it is screened

Peter Pan: death  destruction

Pinochio: oh c'mon, being swallowed by the whale in that  
terrifying scene makes kids doody their pants.

and those are just some samples.


At 12:50 PM 3/5/2008, Phil Edwards Cinema Arts wrote:

Maybe Unka Walt really hated children?

I'm sure audience testing went on back then for studio releases  
specifically WDPs, and while OY is a classic childrens film  
you would think that audience test responses would have  
indicated that it was potentially a tad too traumatic for  
younger kids, especially those with a mutt at home.

So either Walt was cackling with glee up the back of the  
previews as the tots were reduced to wailing and sobbing, or  

Or as another well-known producer said privately in more recent  


- Original Message -
From: Susan Heim
Sent: Thursday, March 06, 2008 7:24 AM

About 2 years ago, I finally put Old Yeller on t.v. I had been  
telling my children about it for so many years and my now 11  
year old is a huge movie buff. We had to stop it at the part  
as she was so upset. She vowed never to watch it again.

- Original Message -
From: Doug Taylor
Sent: Wednesday, March 05, 2008 11:52 AM

Penny Serenade!  OMG

Perhaps second only to Old Yeller in heartbreaking pain.although  
I can watch Penny Serenade and if I live to be 1,000 I'll never  
watch Old Yeller again.

From: MoPo List [ mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf  
Of Jeff Potokar

Sent: Wednesday, March 05, 2008 1:28 PM
Subject: Re: [MOPO] GREAT 

Re: [MOPO] Great Lawyer Story Send...Urban Legend.. Delete if not interested...Dick C.

2008-03-01 Thread Freedom Lover
I still enjoyed it and it came at a moment of offspring aggravation.   
Thanks for making me smile, Dick!


On Mar 1, 2008, at 11:43 AM, Richard Clark wrote:

  It has been pointed out to me that my recent Great Lawyer Story  
send is an Urban Legend that has been circulating on the Internet  
for a number of years and that it is NOT TRUE.

  The following Snopes site referral will clarify.
  I apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.
  Hope all is well with you and yours.
 Dick Clark

Delicious ideas to please the pickiest eaters. Watch the video on  
AOL Living.

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Re: [MOPO] how do you search for movie posters on google?

2008-02-28 Thread Freedom Lover

original movie posters; but usually the specific one.
On Feb 28, 2008, at 12:26 PM, David Lieberman wrote:

assuming that you all sometimes buy posters OFF of ebay...

what keywords do you type into google if you are searching for movie  

do you type in:

movie posters
old movie posters
vintage movie posters
original movie posters
film posters

or some other combination of words?

David A. Lieberman
602 309 0500

15721 N. Greenway Hayden Loop, Suite 105 Scottsdale, Az 85260
Office/Gallery Open By Appt. Only.
Our eBay Auctions

Delicious ideas to please the pickiest eaters. Watch the video on  
AOL Living.

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Re: [MOPO] MOPO- most Stupid question ever asked on MOPO in 13 years

2008-02-27 Thread Freedom Lover
I believe I won that award a few years back when I asked what 'DS'  
meant. LOLOLOL!!

On Feb 27, 2008, at 4:57 PM, Tom Martin wrote:

OK - I have a question...may be the  most stupid asked  ...

I started wondering what countries have Movie poster art... I know  
there are  Canada.Japan, UK, French, German, Italian, Romainian,  
Polish, mexico , Argentina, Austrilia, US and Swedish, and maybe a  
few Im missing

However are there Posters from like  Phillipines, or  vietnam, or  
various Russian  , China, Norway?

Hong Kong, or other countries? Is there a comprehensive list  
anywhere? Sounds like a Job for Sue and Ed

stupid enquiring minds want to know. also..:)..

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Re: [MOPO] Caution! MoPo is Now a Teenager...

2008-02-25 Thread Freedom Lover
Thank-you, Scott  Think of what you've done for history just  
by having opened this site!  I'm sure your efforts have been the start  
of the yellow brick road for many a restoration.  It's a very cool  
thing that you've done.

THanks again,
Andrea Kanter

On Feb 24, 2008, at 2:29 PM, Scott Burns wrote:

Lucky 13 is upon us

MoPo celebrates birthday number 13 today! The first official  
listserv message was distributed on February 24, 1995.

The first MoPo'ers, all 11 of them, actually started communicating  
in January 1995 by simply forwarding their posts to the e-mail  
addresses of the other members. One of our early members, Adam  
Erhlich, a student at American University, was able to set up the  
listserv at AU. Adam graduated and left the group a long time ago,  
but I'm still grateful to him for what he did back in 1995.  I'm  
also very thankful that AU still allows us to use their listserv.

In addition to the listserv/e-mail system, for just over 4 years  
MoPo was also distributed via the usenet newsgroups. Anyone  
remember or usenet in general? :)  
When AU closed the mail to newsgroup gateway in July 1999, that put  
an end to our association with usenet. But the spam, porn and  
bizarre antics of some newsgroup readers were already spelling the  
end to that association even before AU forced us into it. Does  
anyone still look at the newsgroups?

Once again, for the sake of giving credit where credit is  
are the 11 original members of MoPo:

Mahtab Moayeri, Michael Danese, Rob Ellis, Donna Tschetter, Goh Kai  
Shen, Evan Zweifel, George Nichol, Cynthia Nemeth-Johannes, Adam  
Ehrlich, Static555 (his real name unknown, due to the AOL mail  
system!) and myself, your listowner!

Thanks to all MoPo members, past and present, for keeping MoPo alive!

Scott Burns
MoPo List Owner

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Re: [MOPO] More about my coming auctions that are NOT on eBay

2008-02-25 Thread Freedom Lover
If you had this system in place at Christmas, I'd have had time to  
jump on a poster that was hotter than I thought.  There'd have been  
time.  (I didn't let that happen in the following auction.)  I'm still  
burning about it, too...


On Feb 25, 2008, at 1:58 AM, Joseph Bonelli wrote:

Hi, Bruce, Roger,, from Joe Bonelli in New Orleans.

I wish you well, of course, Bruce, and I'll be checking out the new  
site with avid interest.

But I must agree with Roger on not minding the fixed-end aspect of  
the ebay auctions.  Roger's points about sniping and max bids is  
right on.  I would have missed out on some of my prized possessions  
from your auctions and others had I not been quick on the trigger  
with the snipe!!  I've never used a program. I won and lost many.
Many of those items would have possibly climbed into the  
stratosphere-- or at lease above my ability to compete had the  
auctions continued.
I'm afraid the end of fixed-end bidding and, thus, sniping will  
reduce my already-reduced participation to just about nil.

And that's no fun!!

Best wishes anyway!

Joe B.

Roger Kim [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I've never minded the fixed-end aspect of eBay auctions. People who  
are mad that items got snatched away from them should have learned  
to place high maximum bids or start doing their own sniping. After  
the first time I had an item snatched away from me, I quickly  
learned how things work.

I personally don't mind your switch to open ended auctions, since I  
live on the west coast, and your auctions end at a time when I'm  
awake and at home. But I think this change may be frustrating for  
bidders who can't be at their computers when the auctions end.


On Feb 24, 2008, at 3:44 PM, Bruce Hershenson wrote:


WEEK IN CLUB MESSAGE #386 (if not, go to the e-mail club archive  
section of my website and read it right now!). I ALSO POSTED THOSE  
Here is some more on this big change I will be making over the next  
two months:
I want to get out from under the restrictive eBay set-up, where  
everything has to be done exactly according to their rules, and ALL  
sellers live under the constant fear that they will break one of  
eBay's endless and ever-changing rules and enter the Kafka-esque  
eBay world where you are guilty until proven innocent, and where  
they try to micro-manage EVERY aspect of the seller's business,  
from how much you can charge for shipping, to what kinds of posters  
you can sell, and I am weary of the endless squabbling that I, and  
my customers do with eBay on a regular basis!
I want to expand the ability to bid during auctions, because I have  
never liked eBay's fixed time ending format, and neither do many  
bidders, for they are often left with the feeling that items are  
snatched away from them in the final seconds, and that they would  
like the chance to bid again. My new site will offer the bidder  
AUCTION COMPANY OTHER THAN EBAY! This means that if you want a  
certain poster you don?t have to worry about sniping or being  
outbid with one second left. Under the new system once the lot  
listed has reached the closing time, it will stay open for bidding  
until a certain time has passed without a bid, BUT ONLY IF A BID  
allows two or more bidders to stay with the auction until one  
collector decides to stop bidding, not when a clock dictates, WHICH  
Other than this one very significant change, little will be  
different with our new auctions! Most importantly, just as we have  
always have in the past, eMoviePoster,com will not be charging a  
buyers premium when the auction closes, EVEN THOUGH VIRTUALLY EVERY  
OTHER ONLINE AND LIVE AUCTION DOES! What you bid is the exact  
amount (plus shipping of course) that you will pay.
So, we will be keeping what we believe is good about eBay (no  
buyer's premiums), but abandoning what we feel is bad (fixed time  
entire goal will be to continue to provide 100% honest auctions,  
that treat both consignors and sellers the way we ourselves would  
like to be treated when WE are the consignor or buyer to an auction!
Next week I will have lots more details about how the new auctions  
will work (I will be discussing the safeguards that will make sure  

Re: [MOPO] More about my coming auctions that are NOT on eBay

2008-02-25 Thread Freedom Lover
I like fixed-end, except if I'm the loser.  If I'm winning, end the  
auction!   The only thing to do is give it a try and see if you like it.


On Feb 25, 2008, at 4:36 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

My Two penneth

Bruce I can understand your feelings about fixed end as opposed to  
extended end auctions, however fixed end I think is the fairest way.

If you are at a live auction the hammer drops no more bidding on  
that item, same should happen on an internet auction, if you have  
the standard ebay seven days then instead open it up to ten days but  
the end is the end.

Otherwise how long will an auction go on for.

If a bidder loses out then so be it, he didn't bid enough. We all  
have had regrest when bidding oh I'd have paid an extra $5 or $10  
but what if your opponent had bid an extra $100 or $200 would you go  
that far? Maybe and mybe not. I am sure we have all learned our  
lessons and had our fingers burned with getting into auction fever,  
If that is what you wish to encourage Bruce, but my personal opinion  
is that it is not a fair way to operate.

With open ended auctions you could be accused of greed, with such a  
business operation that you have Bruce, you don't need to be tarred  
with such a brush as your turnover is exemplarary.

The only other point I would make, if you are dispensing with ebay  
then you are in the position to makes some savings which you can  
pass on to your customers both sides. This will encourage punters to  
bid that little extra more.

Apart from that I wish you well with starting your own auction site  
I am sure it will be a success with all the past reputation you have  
from ebay.

Best of luck.

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Re: [MOPO] John Alvin

2008-02-10 Thread Freedom Lover
How come none of you writers out there has turned Tom Martin's life  
into a script yet?  The man is amazing and his life is unlike any  
other I've ever heard (or read, or seen on screen).  I think it goes  
great with Hollywood.

My 2 cents...
Andrea K.

On Feb 10, 2008, at 12:47 PM, Tom Martin wrote:

well i would like to see it..

I am astonded that I went 30 years and dont know about how many  
posters he did.

When I saw the list and art it was a trip down memory lane,,  There  
are so many people

that have been associatted with Cinema that have been great talents  
in so many areas

I hope they put a book out of His postes. if I didnt already miss  

It would be great if someone did one if it doesnt exsist.

what a great poster artist.


There is a great article about John Alvin in todays sunday edition  
of LA Times.

Sent via BlackBerry by ATT

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Re: [MOPO] eBay sellers' BOYCOTT scheduled for Feb 18 - 25

2008-02-09 Thread Freedom Lover
As one of MoPo buyers, I pledge not to buy on Ebay Feb 18-25.  I don't  
cross those lines.  People like Bruce will get those prices wherever  
they go, so just keep us posted if you guys change lanes... I'll be  
right behind you.


On Feb 9, 2008, at 7:47 PM, Jeff Potokar wrote:

thats true, too..


On Feb 9, 2008, at 4:42 PM, Franc wrote:

I think they gotten close to 1000 to sign the pledge. That’s more  
than a handful but maybe you’re right. Maybe it won’t make a dent  
but maybe it’ll just make me feel better momentarily. FRANC

-Original Message-
From: MoPo List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of  
Jeff Potokar

Sent: Saturday, February 09, 2008 7:24 PM
Subject: Re: [MOPO] eBay sellers' BOYCOTT scheduled for Feb 18 - 25

just my opinion, but even if a good handful of sellers decided to  
boycott ebay, it isn't going to rally amount to anything... similar  
to those emails that have gone around for years, asking people to  
boycott buying gas on a certain day to make a statement as we  
all know, those attempts have done nada... again.. just my 2¢ worth  
and opinion.


On Feb 8, 2008, at 4:49 PM, Lobbies Forme wrote:

Here is the URL for the news story regarding the ebay boycott   
planned for february 18 - 25:

what do you all think about this?

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Re: [MOPO] For those interested, the Sarasota paper ran a story on The Best Picture Collection today

2008-02-01 Thread Freedom Lover

Great piece!


On Feb 1, 2008, at 9:54 AM, Doug Taylor wrote:

The posters are great, but Grey Smith is the real star!


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Re: [MOPO] IMPORTANT Enough to SAVE and Pass Along....Dick C. Not on Topic

2008-01-30 Thread Freedom Lover

Done.   Thank-you, Richard.


On Jan 30, 2008, at 1:22 PM, Richard Clark wrote:

Thought this was important enough to save and  pass along. Not on  

Delete if not interested or too busy.  Dick C.


Read this and make a copy for your files in case you need to refer  
to it someday.  Maybe we should all take some of his advice!  A  
corporate Attorney sent the following out to the employees in his  

  1. Do not sign the back of your credit cards. Instead, put  

2. When you are writing checks to pay on your credit  
card Accounts, DO NOT put the complete account number on the For  
line. Instead, just put the last four numbers.  The credit card  
company knows the rest of the number, and anyone who might be  
handling your check as it passes through all the check processing  
channels won't have access to it.

3. Put your work phone # on your checks instead of your  
home Phone.  If you have a PO Box use that instead of your home  
address.  If you do not have a PO Box, use your work address.  Never  
have your SS# printed on your checks. (DUH!)  You can add it if it  
is necessary.  But if you have It printed, anyone can get it.

4. Place the contents of your wallet on a photocopy  
machine.  Do both sides of each license, credit card, etc.  You will  
know what you had in your wallet and all of the account numbers and  
phone numbers to Call and cancel.  Keep the photocopy in a safe  
place.  I also carry a Photocopy of my passport when I travel either  
here or abroad.  We've all heard horror stories about fraud that's  
committed on us in stealing a Name, address, Social Security number,  
credit cards.

 Unfortunately, I, an attorney, have firsthand knowledge because  
my Wallet was stolen last month.  Within a week, the thieve(S)  
ordered an expensive monthly cell phone package, applied for a VISA  
credit card, had a credit line approved to buy a Gateway computer,  
received a PIN number from DMV to change my driving record  
information online, and more.  But here's some critical information  
to limit the damage in case this happens to you or someone you know:

5. We have been told we should cancel our credit cards  
immediately.  But the key is having the toll free numbers and your  
card Numbers handy so you know whom to call.  Keep those where you  
can find them.

6. File a police report immediately in the jurisdiction  
where your credit cards, etc., were stolen.  This proves to credit  
providers you were diligent, and this is a first step toward an  
Investigation (if there ever is one).

But here's what is perhaps most important of all: (I never even  
thought to do this.)

7. Call the 3 national credit reporting organizations  
immediately to place a fraud alert on your name and also call the  
Social Security fraud line number.  I had never heard of doing that  
until advised by a bank that called to tell me an application for  
credit was made over the internet in my name.  The alert means any  
company that checks your credit knows your information was stolen,  
and they have to contact you by phone to authorize new credit.

By the time I was advised to do this, almost two weeks  
after the theft, all the damage had been done.  There are records of  
all the credit checks initiated by the thieves' purchases, none of  
which I knew about before placing the alert.  Since then, no  
additional damage has been done, and the thieves threw my wallet  
away this weekend (someone turned it in).  It seems to have stopped  
them dead in their tracks.

Now, here are the numbers you always need to contact  
about your wallet, etc., has been stolen:

   1.) Equifax: 800-525-6285

   2.) Experian (formerly TRW): 888-397-3742

   3.) Trans Union : 800-6807289

   4.) Social Security Administration (fraud line): 

 We pass along jokes on the Internet; we pass along just about  

   If you are willing to pass this information along, it could  
really help someone that you care about

Who's never won? Biggest Grammy Award surprises of all time on AOL  

Start the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape in the new year.
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Re: [MOPO] Heath Ledger - Actors and Drugs (Off Topic)

2008-01-26 Thread Freedom Lover
I think it's the human factor.  Look at regular people who start out  
having to climb to the top.  We were so poor when I was a kid, we had  
to... followed by Ah, those were the good ol' days...  IMO, the  
expectation that success is monetary is false.  Once one achieves that  
monetary or fame oriented goal, they realize it wasn't about those  
things at all.  Success is actually measured by love and acceptance  
from people.  It's always been about one's people.  Without love,  
there really is no true success.

Alan and I finally got to where we were permanently comfortable, but  
still fought and got divorced (and remarried to each other).  Long  
story short, I didn't get 'it' until my grandson was born.  That in  
itself changed my whole definition of 'success'.  Alan agrees. We are  
now funded to do just about whatever we want (within reason), but we  
find ourselves wanting to set up the baby, or get stocks for the  
baby... whatever it is, we think of splurging last.  We've been there  
and done that, and I promise you, the satisfaction and feeling of  
success is through this child... not what we acquire or where we eat,  
or if we fly first class.   If we move up, it would just be for more  
security... not because we want to be snooty.  When I find that  
elusive poster, the feeling of success fades quickly and there's  
another poster to find.

Nope, for me, this child is proof of my success.  I have him 24/7, and  
he doesn't go to day care.  I teach him myself.  He's 3 yrs and 2  
months.  He can reboot, refresh, backspace, enter, work all the arrows  
and type his name on the keyboard.   Besides the usual, this child  
adds, subtracts and is starting to read.  He knows what a sloth is and  
a marmocet.   If we lose all our money tomorrow, I'll still be a  
success (and consider myself wealthy)

I think when young people get 'success' so quickly it bitch slaps them  
that they aren't happy.  There are hangers on, suers, and emptiness.   
They realize their idea of success was empty and alone.  It takes age  
and experience to see some things with a more clear perspective.

As far as Heath Ledger goes, I don't think this has to do with him.   
Just my gut feeling.

You got me going, Greg.

Andrea K.

On Jan 26, 2008, at 3:18 AM, Glenn Taranto wrote:

Dear MOPO friends,

I wanted to post something about Heath Ledger's death but needed to  
make sure I had some time to do it. This is a long post so you may  
feel free to delete. Perhaps you will take a moment...

This thing about actors and drugs is something that has haunted me  
for years.

I was on the  high school newspaper at a time when Saturday Night  
Live was in its infant stages and also at its height.
I thought I'd be cute and told my teacher I wanted to go to New York  
and interview John Belushi.
She said, if you can get him to agree you can go. I guess she  
figured it would never happen.

I called NBC from the office phone and actually got to talk to  
Belushi. He said they were going to go to New Orleans in a couple of  
weeks to do a show and when they got back we could set something up.

Naturally everyone thought this was a big deal and they couldn't  
wait for me to talk to him next.

I anxiously waited for that New Orleans show to come along. Jerry  
Lewis' Broadway show Hellzapoppin' was supposed to have a big
special on that Sunday but when the show closed before it opened NBC  
was left with a big gapping hole in their schedule.  So they sent  
the SNL crowd to New Orleans.

From what I read it was quite a party.  The show, as I remember was  
not that good. I suspect it had something to do with the fact that a  
lot of partying was going on. The Tuesday following I called NBC  
again and once again, miraculously, was put through to John Belushi.  
The conversation was brief and I could tell that this was not the  
same John Belushi I had spoken with before. He was a different  
person. Seemingly not as upbeat.

He politely refused my request for an interview saying he'd been  
misquoted enough in the press.  When I pointed out that this was a  
high school paper he stated the same and said he wasn't going to do  
any more interviews. Thus ended my brush with Belushi and my hope of  
going to New York to see SNL.

Later when I got to know Dan Ackroyd's father through a mutual  
friend he intimated that was how Belushi was.  Often fueled by drugs  
he could be one person one day and another person the next. He said  
if I had called on Wednesday instead of Tuesday Belushi might have  
said yes.

Five years later,  in 1982,  when I heard Belushi died of drugs I  
wasn't surprised. It was almost as if that was where he was headed  
anyway.  A disappointment certainly but not a surprise.

I've never done anything stronger than aspirin.  Subsequently I  
never got the whole drug thing.

A year and half later, in 1983, I was working for the accounting  
firm Touche Ross. It was without 


2008-01-25 Thread Freedom Lover
Count me in, as well, Scott.  Everything I learned about movie posters  
started with this list... and I've met some amazing people here, too.   
As my daughter would say, 'You are one cool dude!'

Thank-you for the passion!
Andrea Kanter

On Jan 25, 2008, at 2:29 AM, Glenn Taranto wrote:

Scott -

I can only put this in Hollywood terms...

I don't know you.  I don't know your work but I think you're fabulous.

All the best to you and continued success...

Glenn T.
- Original Message -
From: lobby card invasion
Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2008 4:23 PM

Same here Scott.

Like Dario, I also thought that this was an old thread, but somehow  
it was revived like the  phoenix, and picked up steam.  MOPO, Go  

Anyway, Scott, it's never to late to tell you how happy I am having  
MOPO around, and how much I appreciate you for giving it to us.

Your next drink at Cinevent is on me buddy.

Best, Zeev

- Original Message -
From: Dario Casadei
Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2008 6:21 PM

Hi Scott,

I don't remember if I thanked you when this  post started a wile  
back, But I can't thank you enough. So I would like to thank you  
again for offering this wonderful place for all of us, and you do it  
with a lot of integrity. :-)


Alan Adler wrote:

You've always been there for me.

Thanks, Scott -

What would we do without you!!!

Alan Adler

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[MOPO] Well-Read Life™: Let’s Go to the Boovies

2008-01-17 Thread Freedom Lover

Thought some of you may enjoy this.  It's about which movies were  
better than the books, or didn't have a book at all.  He mentions a  
few, like Godfather, To Kill a Mockingbird, and Cry the Beloved  
Country (which I never heard of).   I don't recall the corresponding  
posters to be too popular.  It's odd that posters of the classics  
don't come near what the horror posters go for.  Culture doesn't  
correspond with price; neither does education (Bride of Frankenstein,  

So, I think the art is what it's about.  However, I'm usually in the  
minority here.

Take Care All,

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Re: [MOPO] Unusual packaging

2008-01-12 Thread Freedom Lover
OK.  Let's get the bids up here,  folks.  All proceeds go to the  
ASPCA.  So, if you're serious, so am I.


On Jan 12, 2008, at 11:48 AM, Roger Kim wrote:

Michael bids $10.01 for this rare chunk of cardboard...Do I hear $20?

(Note: Andrea is now the official owner of this cardboard, so any  
transaction must be approved by Andrea. Furthermore, a 60% buyer fee  
will be added to the hammer price. Sorry you weren't notified about  
this previously, Michael.)


On Jan 7, 2008, at 9:15 AM, Michael B wrote:

i bid 10.01

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2008-01-10 Thread Freedom Lover

Hey Mark and Everyone,
At the end here, Mark wishes us all to find the 'elusive' poster we've  
been looking for.  Has anyone noticed once they find 'that'  
poster...another one comes right behind it?  Or is it just me?  I get  
what I want, only to have another equally, extremely cool and  
difficult to acquire one pop itself at me.  (this has been going on  
for awhile)


On Jan 9, 2008, at 10:23 PM, Mark Stewart wrote:

Aloha MoPo,

Well, I've finally completed our move back to good old
Coronado,CA. It's nice to be back.

I'm looking for the following:
1. Invasion of the Saucermen 3-sheet, TOP 1/3 ONLY.
2. AC meet Frankenstein Window Card any condition.
3. House of Frankenstein Title Card.

Many Thanks and HAPPY NEW YEAR! and hope you all find
that elusive poster you've been looking for!



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