Re: MD Relations between levels

2001-07-04 Thread Wim Nusselder

Dear Lawry,

Your 27/6 17:51 -0400 post should be an 
evaluation of my analogy
Biological/Social/Intellectual evolution can be seen as a 
process by which weak Dynamic forces at a subatomic/subcellular/individual level 
discover stratagems for overcoming huge static inorganic/biological/social 
forces at a superatomic/supercellular/collective 
(That's what I asked for at 

You write Static patterns can 
control systems at all levels, big or small, individual or collective. A 
subsystem may be the place where dynamic change is launched upon the larger 
system to which it belongs, or dynamic change can be initiated at the level of 
the system-as-a-whole, and imposed upon its parts, including those parts that 
would prefer to remain static.

This seems to me to only list logical 
alternatives without evaluating which is most real or most Meaningful (in your 
experience). I am not clear how your systems relate to my 
levels, either.
Do you understand biological patterns 
to be a subsystem of social patterns and social patterns to be a subsystem of 
intellectual patterns or the other way round? Or, if you understand 
systems to be on one level only: What is the source of the Dynamic? 
Why would either a subsystem or the system-as-a-whole want to change 
if it is subject to the same laws as the rest of the level?

Do you mean to say that 
biological/social/intellectual evolution can be driven by Dynamic forces at any 
level below or on the biological/social/intellectual level itself?
That would mean that biological 
evolution (the breaking up of biological patterns of value and the creation of 
new and better ones) can be driven by biological organisms' drive to 
That would mean that social evolution 
(the breaking up of social patterns of value and the creation of new and better 
ones) can be driven by the human drive for status (depending on furthering the 
collective good)?
That would mean that intellectual 
evolution (the breaking of intellectual patterns of value and the creation of 
new and better ones) can be driven by individuals' drive for truth (true 
representation of an external or internal world)?

Maybe that's right, but I am not sure 
if that accounts for the creation of better static patterns of 
value, patterns of value that create more freedom from the next lower level. The 
drive to live would need to have some consciousness of the inorganic 
level to know how to distance itself from it. The drive for status 
would need to have some consciousness of the biological level and 
the drive for truth some consciousness of the social level. In other 
words: these drives would derive some itself (part of the drive) 
from a lower level.

I don't think that accounts for how 
biological/social/intellectual evolution originate. They can't originate in 
their own level, because that does not exist yet. They can't originate in the 
next lower level, for that is what they are freeing and distancing themselves 
from. So they must originate two levels lower.

With friendly greetings,


Re: MD Relations between levels

2001-07-04 Thread Wim Nusselder

Dear Dan,

You wrote 28/6 1:13 -0500:
If you really want my advice, 
yes. Give up your pursuit [of Dynamic Quality]. It has been my 
experience that the 'spirit' which we believe we pursue will find us more 
righteous unaware. Just do [static] good.

I agree. The religions I value all 
teach this. God seeks us, just let yourself be found. Just do [static] 
good. also amounts to You free yourself 
from static patterns by putting them to sleep. That is, you master them with 
such proficiency that they become an unconscious part of your nature. You get so 
used to them you completely forget them and they are gone. There in the center 
of the most monotonous boredom of static ritualistic patterns the Dynamic 
freedom is found. (Lila ch. 30).

So pursuing 
Dynamic Quality should be understood in the limited sense of being ready 
for it when it occurs, not identifying overmuch with static patterns of 
value so Dynamic Quality when it finds us won't be experienced only as a threat 
to static good and be filtered away from our conscious experience. As I quoted 
from Quaker advises in my 29/6 23:37 +0200 post to John: Are you open 
to new light, from whatever source it may come?

With friendly 


Re: MD Relations between levels

2001-07-02 Thread Dan Glover

From: Wim Nusselder [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: MD Relations between levels
Date: Wed, 27 Jun 2001 22:12:29 +0200

I would still like to know to what extent my analogy 
Biological/Social/Intellectual evolution can be seen as a process by which 
weak Dynamic forces at a subatomic/subcellular/individual level discover 
stratagems for overcoming huge static inorganic/biological/social forces at 
a superatomic/supercellular/collective level. is still a valuable 
reflection of 'reality' (intellectual pattern) and/or a meaningful insight 
in your opinion.

Hi Wim

I found this quote which seems to be pertinent to our topic of discussion:

‘… just as the quantum of action appears in the account of atomic phenomena 
as an
element for which an explanation is neither possible nor required, the 
notion of
life is elementary in biological science …’ (Neils Bohr)

Seen as discrete yet continuous levels, the quantum of action as inorganic 
moral force, life as biological moral force, and celebrity (see Lila) as 
social moral force require no explanation nor is one possible. I am not 
quite sure my mind wraps entirely around your analogy but it seems you are 
attempting to reduce the irreducible.

How wrong am I?


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Re: MD Relations between levels

2001-06-28 Thread Dan Glover

Hello everyone

From: Wim Nusselder [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: MD Relations between levels
Date: Wed, 27 Jun 2001 22:12:29 +0200

Dear Dan,

In your 26/6 17:37 -0500 post you counter my disappointment in Pirsig (He 
... 'closes up an opening to attack' on his MoQ when interpreted as merely 
an intellectual pattern of value, but leaves countless others. In the 
process it widens the chasm between the empirical and rational modes of 
knowing ... and the spiritual mode of knowing) with a story with the moral 
(in your interpretation) Sometimes ... it is best simply to rejoice in 
what you have been given..
So I should give up (at least this time) my pursuit of spiritual knowledge 
and my hope of using the MoQ as a vehicle and be content with the MoQ as 
merely an intellectual pattern of value? I'm afraid I can't and (as I have 
argued in the Religion/God ~ MoQ/DQ-thread) I think no human being can be 
fully human without jumping to the moon(s) of DQ/God in one way or another.

Hi Wim

If you really want my advice, yes. Give up your pursuit. It has been my 
experience that the spirit which we believe we pursue will find us more 
righteous unaware. Just do good.

I would still like to know to what extent my analogy 
Biological/Social/Intellectual evolution can be seen as a process by which 
weak Dynamic forces at a subatomic/subcellular/individual level discover 
stratagems for overcoming huge static inorganic/biological/social forces at 
a superatomic/supercellular/collective level. is still a valuable 
reflection of 'reality' (intellectual pattern) and/or a meaningful insight 
in your opinion.

This requires a bit of pondering. I'd like to see what others might have to 
say and perhaps consult a couple sources. We will see what develops.

You write Sorry for the confusion, but sometimes one must work for 
answers. I could attempt to answer your questions but that would do either 
of us little good. We'd just get into a debate. You must answer them for 
yourself, as must we all.
Isn't a debate (including exchange of experience and stories) a way of 
working for answers together? I will find my own answers in due course and 
will try to explain them to you then, but wouldn't it be 'better' to work 
for and reach them together?

Of course you are right. Most times I read what's written here and grow 
confused as well. Notice I said I could attempt to answer your questions but 
I seriously doubt I could do so adequately, hence my reticence I suppose.

Take care

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RE: MD Relations between levels

2001-06-27 Thread Lawrence DeBivort

Greetings, Wim,

patterns can control systems at all levels, big or small, individual or 
collective. A subsystem may be the place where dynamic change is launched upon 
the larger system to which it belongs, or dynamic change can be initiated at the 
level of the system-as-a-whole, and imposed upon its parts, including those 
parts that would prefer to rename static. Of course, resistance is possible and 
may be successful if the changes are not well executed. (Been there, done 

de Bivort

  I would still like to 
  know to what extent my analogy "Biological/Social/Intellectual evolution 
  can be seen as a process by which weak Dynamic forces at a 
  subatomic/subcellular/individual level discover stratagems for overcoming huge 
  static inorganic/biological/social forces at a 
  superatomic/supercellular/collective level." is still a valuable 
  reflection of 'reality' (intellectual pattern) and/or a meaningful insight in 
  your opinion.

Re: MD Relations between levels

2001-06-26 Thread Dan Glover

Hello everyone

From: Wim Nusselder [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: MD Relations between levels
Date: Mon, 25 Jun 2001 10:16:19 +0200

Dear Dan,

I renamed the subject, but this is a reply to your 20/6 11:24 -0500 posting 
in the True Libertarians Please Stand Up-thread.

In my contribution of 16/6 21:59 +0200 I suggested that the different 
levels evolve in analogous ways:
Biological/Social/Intellectual evolution can be seen as a process by which 
weak Dynamic forces at a subatomic/subcellular/individual level discover 
stratagems for overcoming huge static inorganic/biological/social forces at 
a superatomic/supercellular/collective level.

You wrote 17/6 10:45 -0500:
I believe Lila may contradict your analogy though I find it very 
intriguing. and quoted Pirsig 'against me'.

18/6 22:35 +0200 I raised 4 defences:
1. If you are intrigued by the analogy, that's enough to let it stand for a 
while, without bothering about contradictions with other valuable ideas. 
Let's see what fresh insights come out of your (and mine) intriguedness.
2. Why bother (too much) about contradictions with Pirsig's writings. They 
are not the supreme authority in interpreting and extending a MoQ. Our own 
Quality experience is.
3. Pirsig's writings themselves are full of contradictions. they can be 
read as pointing towards a more inclusive level of truth that can't be 
adequately expressed in words. It's the paradoxes (apparent contradictions) 
and metaphors that make us aware of this more inclusive truth.
4. The contradiction may be solved by distinguishing between moral codes 
under which a level operates (the law of the jungle on the biological 
level, competition for status or the law according to Lila p. 183 on the 
social level, competition for veracity on the intellectual level) and the 
way in which levels evolve. The ways in which levels evolve are analogous, 
but don't follow a law. Static patterns of value on different levels are 
just all being pushed/pulled by Dynamic Quality to migrate and sometimes 
they create patterns on the next-higher level in the process.

In your reply of 20/6 11:24 -0500 you quote Pirsig (via Ant McWatt). He 
indeed closes up an opening to attack on his MoQ when interpreted as 
merely an intellectual pattern of value, but leaves countless others. In 
the process it widens the chasm between the empirical and rational modes of 
knowing (see John's explanation 15:33 +1000 rephrasing Ken Wilber) on the 
one hand, which in my view are integrated by the MoQ, and the spiritual 
mode of knowing (Pirsig's a Buddha’s level of understanding) on the other 
hand, because it precludes interpreting DQ as goal of migrating patterns 
as a metaphor. Pirsig disappoints me in this quote.

Hi Wim

I remember reading a story in one of Carlos Castenada's books about a thief 
who waylaid an old man carrying gords full of food and water. The old man 
called up a vision of a beautiful magical horse and told the thief he could 
have his choice: the magical horse or the gords containing food and water. 
The thief thought it a trick, believing if the old man could summon a 
magical horse on demand that the gords held much more than just food and 
water. what do you really have in those gords? he asked the old man. Once 
again the old man told him it was food and water. The thief still did not 
believe him, so he choose the gords. The old man handed them over and the 
thief ran off clutching what he thought were magical gords. But when he 
opened them all he found was food and water, just as the old man had said. 
He smashed the gords against a rock and bemoaned his lost chance at 
possessing a magical horse for the rest of his miserable life.

I view Ant's Pirsig quote like this: there is indeed a chasm between 
rational and spiritual modes of knowing that cannot be obliterated by 
thinking or meditating or zazen. Dynamic Quality is not open to 
interpretation, only static quality is. We might say Dynamic Quality is 
behind the interpretation but that is not exactly right either. As we are 
deeply rational beings we regard any spiritual mode of knowing rationally, 
but the more we struggle to uncover any rational truth of reality the 
farther it recedes from our grasp.

Rationality's failure to uncover any rational truth that can be 
substantiated should not be taken as an outright rejection of rationality, 
however. In the world of everyday affairs rationality fuctions as the 
highest (and the only) set of intellectual static quality patterns of value 
available, while from a Buddha's level of understanding (and I've heard it 
said Buddha nature has us all) rationality is merely a mode of knowing the 
everyday world. As the children's song is but a dream...the 
everyday world is a dream, albeit a rational dream.

Sometimes even when all we find is food and water (and what is more powerful 
than food and drink when one is hungry and thirsty?) when we were

MD Relations between levels

2001-06-25 Thread Wim Nusselder

Dear Dan,

I renamed the subject, but this is a 
reply to your 20/6 11:24 -0500 posting in the True Libertarians Please Stand 

In my contribution of 16/6 21:59 +0200 
I suggested that the different levels evolve in analogous ways:
Biological/Social/Intellectual evolution can be seen 
as a process by which weak Dynamic forces at a subatomic/subcellular/individual 
level discover stratagems for overcoming huge static inorganic/biological/social 
forces at a superatomic/supercellular/collective level.

You wrote 17/6 10:45 
I believe Lila may contradict your 
analogy though I find it very intriguing. and quoted Pirsig 'against 

18/6 22:35 +0200 I raised 4 
1. If you are intrigued by the analogy, 
that's enough to let it stand for a while, without bothering about 
contradictions with other valuable ideas. Let's see what fresh insights come out 
of your (and mine) intriguedness.
2. Why bother (too much) about 
contradictions with Pirsig's writings. They are not the supreme authority in 
interpreting and extending a MoQ. Our own Quality experience is.
3. Pirsig's writings themselves are 
full of contradictions. they can be read as pointing towards a more inclusive 
level of truth that can't be adequately expressed in words. It's the paradoxes 
(apparent contradictions) and metaphors that make us aware of this more 
inclusive truth.
4. The contradiction may be solved by 
distinguishing between moral codes under which a level operates (the 
law of the jungle on the biological level, competition for status or the 
law according to Lila p. 183 on the social level, competition for veracity 
on the intellectual level) and the way in which levels evolve. The ways in which 
levels evolve are analogous, but don't follow a law. Static patterns of value on 
different levels are just all being pushed/pulled by Dynamic Quality to migrate 
and sometimes they create patterns on the next-higher level in the 

your reply of 20/6 11:24 -0500 you quote Pirsig (via Ant McWatt). He 
indeed closes up an opening to attack on his MoQ when 
interpreted as merely an intellectual pattern of value, but leaves countless 
others. In the process it widens the chasm between the empirical and rational 
modes of knowing (see John's explanation 15:33 +1000 rephrasing Ken Wilber) on 
the one hand, which in my view are integrated by the MoQ, and the spiritual mode 
of knowing (Pirsig's a Buddhas level of 
understanding) on the other hand, because it precludes interpreting 
DQ as goal of migrating patterns as a metaphor. Pirsig disappoints 
me in this quote.

The rest of your reply of 20/6 11:24 
-0500 confuses me. You seem to address the 3rd of my 4 defences with your quote 
from Michael Nagler's Reading the Upanishads, but I don't quite see 
what point you are trying to make regarding the analogy I suggested. Are you 
trying to say that a MoQ CAN adequately express in words a more inclusive level 
of truth? Does your evolutionary forces of value guiding each of the 
four levels being Dynamic and therefore unpredictable contradict my 
analogy in your opinion?
Please explain 

With friendly greetings,
