RE: [Mpls] Is Minneapolis police chief Robert Olson trying to stop federal mediation?

2002-12-27 Thread Tim Bonham

 (To wit: ONE community meeting to pick representatives? Dyna, apparently 
the DFL isn't the only organization that schedules conventions inconveniently.)
. . .
David Brauer
King Field
Editor, Southwest Journal & Skyway News
Well, inconvenient or not, over 80% of the DFL delegates attended 
this convention and endorsed their candidate from a group of 8 
contenders.  (Including Dyna.)
So why don't we forget the juvenile sarcasm and get back to 
discussing Minneapolis Issues, David.  (Or you'll get reported to the 
fearsome list manager! :)

Tim Bonham, Ward 12, Standish-Ericsson 


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RE: [Mpls] 3rd ward- a council seat up for auction?

2002-12-27 Thread Michael

Joe is spending time with friends at the moment. We just saw Gangs of
New York and are discussing the implications. Unfortunately he is unable
to jump to answer your veiled accusations and desperate attempts to find
a diversion to the real issues of the campaign.

So I asked Joe how the literature portion of the Samuels campaign budget
is constructed. He called up the stairs to me that there were five
pieces mailed to a universe of about 3,000 at an average of .27/piece.
No donations, no free labor; an additional 2 pieces doorknocked; on top
of that were fundraising letters volunteer recruitment letters. 

I asked if the campaign had received any major in-kind donations or PAC
funds.  His answer: "No -- and as long as Don is running against the
DFL, Republican and Green party endorsed candidates I don't really
expect we will get any either."

I also asked him why the print shop he used wasn't union and if they
were huge and went to extreme lengths to keep their employees from
forming a union.  His answer?  "No, it is a small family owned, minority
owned business in the third ward doing extremely high tech digital
graphics and printing. Everyone does everything in the shop and it is
not conducive to the union job classifications."  He noted that it never
was a union shop and that the employees are paid comparable or higher
then union wages.

Then he went into the class implications of the movie. . . . but that is
another story.

So, nice try Dyna but let's get back to the issues. 

Michael S Guest

PS: Don is on WCCO radio tonight. He is fantastic!


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[Mpls] 3rd ward- a council seat up for auction?

2002-12-27 Thread dyna
	Jim Graham opined:

Small neighborhood printers very often are family run and operated small
businesses, who only employ family members and are non-union.  I think they
should be able to be used for political work for that community.  They also
should be able to print material as a donation to a candidate.

	Thank you Jim, but we're having an election for the 3rd ward 
council seat now because the last occupant of that seat received a 
felony conviction for accepting a "donation" of $3,000 worth of 
plumbing work. If Don Samuels' campaign has been "donated" free 
printing of 20,000 or more 2 sided lit pieces in color on glossy 
paper with envelopes I think that adds up to a lot more than $3,000. 
Donations to Council campaigns are limited to $300 and may be made by 
individuals only, business donations are not allowed.

	If a the sole proprietor or partners in a graphics business 
ran off a  hundred fliers for a candidate that would probably be 
legal. In this case we have reports that Don Samuels' campaign has 
had printed and mailed at least 20,000 rather expensive pieces for 
$5,000- a near impossibility. Don Samuels' campaign owes 3rd ward 
voters some answers, and I haven't heard a response from them yet.

		Dyna Sluyter in Hawthorne

p.s.:	Some of the non union printers and mailhousess are quite 
huge, and go to extreme lengths to keep their employees from forming 
a union.


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[Mpls] RE: No bike racks at downtown Target

2002-12-27 Thread jeff carlson

Ken Bradley writes:
My son wanted to browse with his holiday dollars at
the new Target. I 
have a difficult time saying no to his requests even
if I have been a 
critic of the city using millions of tax dollars for
this project. What 
could I do now, its built and we might as well see
what all the fuss is 
about. What was the final total on this project? Not a
bicycle rack to 
be found. In the future I would hope the city
officials that agree to 
subsidize these types of projects would also include a
simple bike rack 
as apart of the multimillion-dollar agreement. Thank
you to the 
Metropolitan Transit Commission for adding bike racks
to the buses. We enjoyed 
the bus ride home.

(JC) Subsidy or no subsidy, I am aghast that I must
park my bike to a signpost outside of Target - how
uncivilized.  The number of bikes on the road and
parked at busy stores is directly proportional to the
civility and livability of a place.  A graceful bike
rack outside of Target would speak volumes to that

The question is not whether but when Target
corporation will install bike racks outside of their
downtown store.  Kudos to Ken for bringing up what has
irked me on many occasions.  If anyone from Target is
reading this, do your civic duty and help get us some
bike racks.

Jeff Carlson, Whittier

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Re: [Mpls] 3rd Ward Race

2002-12-27 Thread Mark Snyder
On 12/27/02 1:08 PM, "Constance Nompelis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Some notes on the recent discussion:
> Mark Snyder said: "I do wonder if Valdis will lose
> some votes because of his Republican endorsement this
> time around..."
> CN: I don't really think it hurts a candidate to have
> MORE support than lesIndependentsants and some
> Democrats supported Valdis last time around, and this
> year the MRC has joined them.  Valdis is fiscally
> conservative, which is a trait appreciated by most
> Republicans, among others.  Valdis is bringing people
> together rather than splitting them apart.

I apologize if my earlier comments suggested that having the Republican
endorsement was a bad thing.  The point I wanted to make was that
historically (at least recent history), Republican candidates have not fared
well in Minneapolis.  I don't think anyone can really dispute that.

One might conclude from that trend that Minneapolis residents generally do
not agree with what they perceive to be the Republican agenda, in which
case, I think my question was fair because in 2001, Valdis ran as an
independent and some (especially DFLers) who supported him then might be
less inclined to do so again if he's running with Republican endorsement.

However, I suppose it's also possible that the lack of success among
previous Republican candidates in Minneapolis might simply be a reflection
of those individuals not connecting with Minneapolis voters, in which case,
perhaps Valdis might be someone who could break that trend.  Like I said, he
certainly ought to be considered among the frontrunners.

I also hope those who read W. Brandon Lacy Campos' interview with Shane
Price noted that Valdis is certainly not the only candidate who supports
federal mediation.  And Valdis is certainly not the only candidate who
recognizes the need for greater fiscal responsibility.  I would argue that
Shane Price's experience with working for Hennepin County makes him unique
in understanding just where some of the duplications and overlaps lie among
services provided by the city and the county.

And as I stated earlier, while many candidates make the claim that they are
the ones to unify the diverse neighborhoods of 3rd Ward, Shane Price is the
one candidate in this race who has demonstrated an ability to draw support
from both North and Northeast residents together in last year's 3rd Ward
campaign.  Not only did Shane receive roughly 50-50 support from both sides
of the river in the primary, but he did so again in the general election,
when 54% of his votes came from the NE precincts and 46% came from the N

Valdis may be getting "great response" from Northside residents now, but I
would be surprised to see him go from getting only 13% of his support from N
precincts last year to getting something approaching half as Shane did.

Mark Snyder
Windom Park


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[Mpls] Brown Tones Special Issue: Brown Spotlight on Brother Shane Price

2002-12-27 Thread Brandon Lacy
Brown Tones

A Progressive Voice in Regressive Times

Vol. 1 Special Issue 27 December 2002

Brown Spotlight: Brother Shane Price

This Brown Spotlight was to have appeared in the December 20, 2002 issue of 
Brown Tones. Unfortunately, I did not receive the interview responses before 
I left town for the Christmas holiday. I intended to include this Brown 
Spotlight in the January 3, 2002 issue of Brown Tones, but due to the 
timeline of the impending election, I have decided to produce a special 
issue of Brown Tones featuring Brother Shane Price. Shane Price is the Third 
Ward Green Party candidate for Minneapolis City Council.

In each issue of Brown Tones I will spotlight a person of color that is 
working for change in his or her community. Some of the people spotlighted 
you may know from reputation, others may be folks of whom you have never 
heard. But, all those spotlighted will have one thing in common: an 
uncompromising commitment to building a just world.

Shane Price, a long time peace and justice activist from North Minneapolis, 
is running in a special election to replace former Minneapolis City Council 
member Joe Biernat who resigned after being found guilty of exploiting his 
office for personal gain. This is Shane Price’s second run for the 
Minneapolis City Council. In 2001, he placed second, with 36% of the vote, 
to Joe Biernat.

Shane Price, or Brother Shane as he is referred to by his neighbors and 
friends, describes himself as a peacemaker, servant leader, mediator, and 
community organizer. Brother Shane has worked for change in government, 
education, community organizations, churches, and on the street for a 
decade. He passionately organizes for and represents the values of social 
and economic justice, non-violence, grass roots democracy, and environmental 

Currently, Brother Shane works for Hennepin County. He coordinates the 
African American Men Project (AAMP) where he manages a $500,000 budget and 
staff of six. Brother Shane has also developed and implemented a state and 
county sponsored peacemaking initiative to address child abuse and neglect 
issues—the first of its kind in the country. Brother Shane also is the 
director and co-founder of the Social Justice and Cultural Wellness Center, 
a 501c3, where he has organized an annual Peace March since 1995. In his 
work at the Social Justice and Wellness Center and through the Peace March, 
Brother Shane has worked with thousands to begin healing the community from 
wounds caused by prostitution, murder, drugs, unemployment, and apathy.

Brother Shane draws deeply on his own experience with the streets of North 
Minneapolis and his spiritual beliefs to paint a picture of hope and justice 
for the Third Ward.

I greatly appreciated the chance to communicate with Brother Shane’s 
campaign. I asked Brother Shane to respond to five short questions 
concerning his campaign, his work for peace and justice, city government, 
and communities of color in Minneapolis.

Brown Tones: Currently, only one person of color, Natalie Johnson Lee, 
serves on the City Council. What do you believe are the major roadblocks 
keeping communities of color frombeing fully represented on the Council? How 
will you deal with serving the needs of the 3rd Wardand also being (along 
with CM Johnson Lee) the sole elected voices of communities of color incity 
government? (Communities of color currently make up roughly 35% of the 
population of Minneapolis).

Brother Shane: I believe that people who have been historically oppressed in 
this country have internalized their oppression. I call this internalized 
oppression the "Eternal Klansman". Some of us know the "Klansman exists and 
some of us don't. It [Eternal Klansman] limits progress, opportunity, dreams 
and steals away God's gifts. For those of us who don't know it exists, it 
encourages negativity, laziness, procrastination, and the attitude that 
someone else is to fight for your rights, handle your responsibility, raise 
your kids, etc. because you do not believe you can do those things for 
yourself. People that internalize this oppression have little or no hope 
that there will be change. The Hope and Change message is hurry and get 
free. Your first chance is December 30.

As one of the very few elected voices for communities of color I will offer 
support and agreement with Natalie Johnson Lee who is already seated and 
overwhelmed by hearing from people of color from every ward. They seek her 
assistance because she is the "only one." I would provide her with an 
opportunity to share the responsibility of hearing the joys and concerns of 
the people of the City of Minneapolis.

The City of Minneapolis is a corporation. It is designed to do business and 
provide services on your behalf. If you are a taxpayer you are a shareholder 
in the corporation. As at taxpayer, you have a vested financial interest in 
maintaining a quality of life for your children and your community. As in

Re: [Mpls] 3rd ward-a seat/(Wo)Man Vs Machine/Meshoegosity!

2002-12-27 Thread PennBroKeith
In a message dated 12/27/02 9:34:24 AM Pacific Standard Time, 

>   So Joe, $5,000 would at best almost pay the postage. So is 
>  the printing and presorting perhaps an in kind donation from a scab 
>  printer and mailhouse located in the 3rd ward? Joe, what printer and 
>  mailhouse might that be? And how much was the donation?
>   Inquiring minds want to know...
>   Dyna Sluyter in Hawthorne
Keith says; Miss Sluyter: Please stop tossing dirty names at a small business 
in the hood. I believe an 'in kind' donation from a small, independent 
business surviving in the hood is sweeter money then 'Machine made money'. 
Much DFL Money has a "union-bug mark'  on it, it is extracted from many 
honest hourly wage earners and can be available to buy gold plated plumbing 
for ' made (wo)men ' in the DFL Machine. Go ask Joe. That gold plated 
plumbing is financed by the union sleeper-hold on major construction 
contracts here in town. We all pay more and the return to union bosses, and a 
Machine, is huge. 

Why pummel an independent voice in the hood (BTW, not my first pick) and 
support the Machine that left you locked in your home for safety?

Keith Reitman  NearNorth  Go Shane 

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[Mpls] No Bike Racks At Down Town Target!

2002-12-27 Thread ken bradley
Hello Minneapolis Folks:
I spent this beautiful day biking with my son along the Mississippi; we stopped on Nicollet Island to visit a friend and headed into downtown to do a little shopping. On December 27, the bike rack at the IDS building was filled to capacity, and many sign posts were being used, the occasional garbage cans, and anything else bikers could find to lock down to as a substitute for bike racks. We have a very active biking community even during our cold winter months.
My son wanted to browse with his holiday dollars at the new Target. I have a difficult time saying no to his requests even if I have been a critic of the city using millions of tax dollars for this project. What could I do now, its built and we might as well see what all the fuss is about. What was the final total on this project? Not a bicycle rack to be found. In the future I would hope the city officials that agree to subsidize these types of projects would also include a simple bike rack as apart of the multimillion-dollar agreement. Thank you to the Metropolitan Transit Commission for adding bike racks to the buses. We enjoyed the bus ride home.
Ken Bradley Corcoran Neighborhood

 List Manager <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Strib's Steve Brandt looks at the North Side Economic Development Council: BrauerList manager___Minneapolis Issues Forum - A City-focused Civic Discussion - Mn E-DemocracyPost messages to: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]Subscribe, Unsubscribe, Digest, and more: you Yahoo!?
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Re: [Mpls] MCDA small business loans

2002-12-27 Thread steven meldahl

How the heck can you pay $30,000 for a new 
boiler???  If the building where you replaced the boiler is the one just 
down from the Art Institute, you got screwed.  Unless you replaced all the 
plumbing runs and radiators.
Steve Meldahl
Jordan (work)

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Thursday, December 26, 2002 10:51 
  Subject: [Mpls] MCDA small business 
  Thank goodness for the MCDA small business loan program! A 
  few years ago the Hennepin History Museum needed to replace an 80+ year old 
  boiler. With the help of the MCDA we were able to deal with this emergency by 
  taking a loan of $30,000 to pay for the boiler--half at around 9% from 
  Franklin Bank (our neighborhood bank) and half at 2% or so from the MCDA. This 
  program helped us maintain our home in the Whittier neighborhood and the 
  blended rate was something our small nonprofit budget could 
  cope with. Thank you MCDA!
  Kelly O'Brien
  HHM Board President

[Mpls] Matt Thoren

2002-12-27 Thread Anne McCandless

I would like to correct some information that I put 
out earlier about candidate Matt Thoren.  I  had been asked about his 
involvement in the Jordan Area Community Council which had apparently been 
listed in his bio or campaign information.  I stated that he was 
not now and had not ever been involved JACC.   In fact, he has 
informed me that between about 1989 and 1991, he was involved and 
attended meetings.  My sincere apologies to Mr. Thoren for my 
Anne McCandless

[Mpls] third ward and then some....

2002-12-27 Thread Many Crows
I will be glad when the election is over, hopefully I will stop
receiving lit from Don and Olin. Every single you think that
might be a bit much. Again, I wonder how a real community voice could
rise above the din of the money fueling this silly stupid little race.
That's when you know politics is crooked. All the money being spent for
such small peanuts. Or is it the "power" associated with being the next
city council member from the 'oh my' the third ward.
And yes, I've sought help and I will be leaving this list, I've finally
admitted I am powerless to the charms of David and his listoh my
It's been wierdthat's says alot coming from a guy like me, many
crows. "You people" have some issues that are definitely not Mpls
related. I wish you all the luck in the world spinning your wheels, and
oh me, oh my, all the complaining, bitching, moaning and well you
know.My messenger friends, strangely are better adjusted than some
here. And you know who you are. Now dash away, dash away, dash away,
all, before I reconsider this too damning. Damn the torpedoes..

Many Crows
In the trees


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Re: [Mpls]

2002-12-27 Thread Gypsycurse7
In a message dated 12/27/2002 4:43:27 PM Central Standard Time, 

> I think it's coming from one of those pro-anorexic groups--they think
>  that Robin Garwood and Eric Makela "grossly overweight."  
Maybe ther're being "humorous" (I have to admit the depiction of the DFL in 
the trampoline cartoon was funny, but I better not describe it - not suitable 

Linda Mann

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Re: [Mpls]

2002-12-27 Thread Rosalind Nelson
I think it's coming from one of those pro-anorexic groups--they think
that Robin Garwood and Eric Makela "grossly overweight."  

Rosalind Nelson

Andy Driscoll wrote:
> I'm prepared to speculate that this is coming from - horrors! - those who
> think themselves left of the Greens in power - not the right. This entire
> thing has the unmistakable stench of those calling themselves green who hate
> electoral politics and keep wanting the party to abandon any claims and
> aspirations to power by conventional means.
> Greens of this ilk hate the DFL more than they hate the parties on the right
> and worse, disaffected DFLers who defect to the Green Party - as I once did.
> A day's monitoring of the Green Party listserv will enlighten all on this.

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[Mpls] Re: Third Ward~candidate issues, concerns..etc......

2002-12-27 Thread Jhpalmerjp
(VF) especially since I myself, thought you were Keith Ellison.  I think you know I am 
BlackHaving said this are you trying to tell me that only white people support 
Olin??? I think if you look around, there are many other blacks that are jumping at 
the chance to elect Olin Moore, Including myself.

JP: I've looked around, and no, I haven't noticed other Blacks, jumping at the chance, 
but I have REALLY noticed you and only you.  Maybe because you've been one of the most 
vocal supporters on this list for Olin.after losing your bid for endorsement, that 
is.  What I'm confused about is if you think Olin is such a great candidate, and the 
3rd ward really needs Moore, again why you ran in the first place.  Every post lately 
you've put on here has been about how much the 3rd Ward needs Moore.  Which would seem 
to contradict you're running in the first place, unless the reason you ran didn't have 
to do with actually getting elected.  I do notice that of all the Olin supporters, 
you're the one who is responding to the racial questions.  Something, I'm sure which 
will change shortly after this in order to deflect this point.

And I'm not quite sure how you made the leap from Olin's supporters haveing trouble  
telling Black people apart to no Black people support Olin.  But considering your 
comment about also confusing me and Keith, I think you only underscored my earlier 
point about his supporters and perhaps shed light on yours.

(VF) I really resent the fact that race has even crept into this debate. We are 
supposed to be about fairness for everyone, and I am sooo tried of hearing what 
Don Samuels can do for black males, if this is the case, let him continue to do the 
job unelected, or better yet why has he not done the job all over Minneapolis instead 
of just Jordan. 

JP: I don't think I even need to add anything to this  

(VF)But, if an endorsementis won, then oh my!, the delegates are the best friends.

JP: I think you missed the point on this which wasn't a complaint that the delegates 
were family and friends (that's the way the game is played, and smartly if you're 
planning a run to get them there), but rather a praise of Don who didn't have these 
and yet still received enough votes to make it through the 1st Ballot.

(VF) Didn't Don get the list? it was available to all that asked.

I think what Dennis was saying was how many of the delegates live in the new 3rd ward. 
 Something Greg Abbott alluded to.  I think he may have been trying to get to the 
point of the delegates not living in the new 3rd ward since the candidates living 
there seemed to much of an issue.

(VF) I agree, but why is it that everything you write about Olin is about somebody 
throwing or hosting a party, or why is it that every time you get, you try and smear 
him and his wife. 

I think maybe you haven't read my posts directly which have asked about specific 
policy and experience issues.  The questions about parties, etc. have been in direct 
response to you and other supporters attacking Don and the other candidates without 
having the consistency of asking or expecting the same thing from Olin.  And I'm not 
sure how relating the events that happened is trying to smear someone, unless by smear 
you mean tell the truth.

(VF) You are right, but they are not telling me anything, they are asking me,A big 

Well you've got to make up youre mind on this, either the people are telling [YOU] who 
to vote for, or they're asking for your support.  More importantly, that's exactly 
what an endorsement is supposed to be for, to tell you who your party says you should 
vote for.  You don't need to decide, because these 72 people have decided for you.  
And this is who you should vote for.  So again, I'm wondering how you can feel this 
way and still support an endorsement.  Of course, I'm still wondering why you'd run in 
the first place if all the 3rd Ward votes need is Moore

(VF) Then where the honor in the above statement??? Especially if you think your 
candidate is all that and is the best voice for the community, why not let the voters 
decide...your words not mine.

JP: We will, all of them will decide.  Why is this such an issue is the question.  If 
Olin is this great candidate, who is exactly the person the 3rd Ward needs, and can do 
so much more than any of the other candidates, why are any of his people wasting time 
attacking other candidates?  If he is really the choice of everyone as you've been 
saying, there shouldn't even be a need to respond to anything.  The people should just 
rise up and carry him into office.  But that hasn't happened.  There's been repeated 
slanderous attacks on Don and his campaign.  For someone who supposedly isn't as good 
as Olin or others, he seems to be getting the most attacks.  And for the record, Don's 
supporters have only responded to attacks, never initiated any.  Again, you have to 
wonder about a candidate that is supposedly the bes

[Mpls] Political Mailings

2002-12-27 Thread Anne McCandless

Okay everyone, let's look at this in an impartial 
way.  I just went to my mail box and gathered in the latest batch of 
mailings from the candidates.
One flyer, very professional, large, colorful, 
traditional pictures of candidate shaking hands, little kids, etc.  Even 
useful with a map of the precinct and a list of polling places, which a noticed 
after I picked it out of the trash can to look for the union button, which was 
Second flyer, postcard sized, catchy take off on 
Uncle Sam poster, Precinct number and address of polling place on the back (or 
front??? it's a postcard), sized to easily fit into purse or pocket and useful, 
even if one doesn't vote for that candidate. I'm afraid allot of people are 
going to go to the place they voted last, which isn't necessarily where 
they are supposed to vote Monday. No union button. 
Third one, a take off on the 12 days of 
whatever.non-denominational, eye catching, you want to look at it 
and wind up reading it. Very unique.  No union button.
Now don't get me wrong. My father was a Teamster 
for over 50 years.  His father owned a coal company in NE Mpls during the 
30's and 40's and made dad sign up, even paid his dues for him during the 
War.  Union wages and benefits supported me growing up and I later was a 
member of the Teamsters for a few years myself.  But I cannot see knocking 
the small printer just because they aren't union.  I know that three 
pieces of printing are not a good example of the business as a whole. I also 
know that the designers of these pieces may or may not also work for the 
printer. That said, if I were trying to grab attention and get my message 
out, I have to go with #2 or #3.  Again, I'm no expert, just a 
Anne McCandless

Re: [Mpls] MCDA small business loans - How do I get one?

2002-12-27 Thread Sheila Delaney
This reply is so off the mark. Just check into the reality of who receives 
these funds before you mock them. I understand that they are not your 
neighborhood businesses in North Oaks, but many receipients are vibrant, 
successful,for-profit businesses run by solid business people who are valued 
by many residents of Minneapolis for the services/goods that they provide.
Sheila Delaney
Lyndale, Ward 10

From: "Victoria Heller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Mpls Forum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Mpls] MCDA small business loans - How do I get one?
Date: Fri, 27 Dec 2002 13:32:17 -0600

I probably don't qualify, because.

I have no experience at losing money.
I have excellent credit.
I have never defaulted on a commitment.
I create new, private sector jobs.
I actually pay taxes.
I have never run a non-profit organization.
I don't waste money.
My business idea is a winner.
I don't need anyone else's property - I already own it.

Despite these obstacles, I'll give it a try  - because it's always
preferable to use someone else's money when pretending to take a risk.

So here's the deal - I want to open a new shop called..
"Beauty Bar - Martinis and Makeovers"

I'll call the MCDA on Monday to see what I need to do to get this show on
the road. Stay tuned.

Vicky Heller
Cedar-Riverside and North Oaks


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[Mpls] MCDA small business loans - How do I get one?

2002-12-27 Thread Victoria Heller
I probably don't qualify, because.

I have no experience at losing money.
I have excellent credit.
I have never defaulted on a commitment.
I create new, private sector jobs.
I actually pay taxes.
I have never run a non-profit organization.
I don't waste money.
My business idea is a winner.
I don't need anyone else's property - I already own it.

Despite these obstacles, I'll give it a try  - because it's always
preferable to use someone else's money when pretending to take a risk.

So here's the deal - I want to open a new shop called..
"Beauty Bar - Martinis and Makeovers"

I'll call the MCDA on Monday to see what I need to do to get this show on
the road. Stay tuned.

Vicky Heller
Cedar-Riverside and North Oaks


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Re: Re: FW: [Mpls] 3rd ward- a council seat up for auction?

2002-12-27 Thread JIM GRAHAM

- Original Message -
From: Vince Washburn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, December 27, 2002 11:51 AM
Subject: Fwd: Re: FW: [Mpls] 3rd ward- a council seat up for auction?

> What is the difference between a union and scab
> printer and why is one better than the other?

Vince the difference is the union bug at the bottom of the printed material
piece.  This denotes it was printed by "Union" labor.  It is supposed to be
the litmus test for liberal democrats.  If it is not there you are supposed
to vote against the person.

I am a democrat but I really take exception to the "Scab printer" remark.
Small neighborhood printers very often are family run and operated small
businesses, who only employ family members and are non-union.  I think they
should be able to be used for political work for that community.  They also
should be able to print material as a donation to a candidate.

Scab usually denotes labor that replaces legitimate Union labor during labor
conflicts with management; in order to break the union.  It is NOT supposed
to be for non-union shop employees.  What about non-union labor working at a
regular job that is sometimes paid more and have at least as good benefits
as a union shop?  Are they scabs also? I think not.

While I think Olin Moore would be a great addition to the City Council, and
I have seen some of Don Samuel's "outside" supporters on the other side of
this DFL litmus test making other different "DFL" commitments, I see nothing
wrong with a legitimate business making a legitimate contribution of
printing labor.  I also think Don Samuel's campaign has nothing to be
ashamed of it  uses printers within that community.  Is there a competing
"Union" printer in North Minneapolis?  What could possibly be wrong with
patronizing your own communities businesspeople and your friends.  The DFL
needs to take a serious look at this test, and make an exception for those
using "businesses" in their own communities .

People should refrain from calling legitimate small businesses and those
working in our communities "Scabs".  I think "Non-Union" would have been
quite enough for those who care about such things.

Jim Graham,
Ventura Village - South Minneapolis but still affected by who the 3rd Ward
folks elect. (So do a good job)

The people are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our liberty.
- Thomas Jefferson


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[Mpls] 3rd Ward Race

2002-12-27 Thread Constance Nompelis
Some notes on the recent discussion:

Mark Snyder said: "I do wonder if Valdis will lose
some votes because of his Republican endorsement this
time around..."

CN: I don't really think it hurts a candidate to have
MORE support than lesIndependentsants and some
Democrats supported Valdis last time around, and this
year the MRC has joined them.  Valdis is fiscally
conservative, which is a trait appreciated by most
Republicans, among others.  Valdis is bringing people
together rather than splitting them apart.

Then Robert Yorga said that Valdis is "hardly known in
the north...[and]...understands very little of
whatactuallyally happening over there."

CN: I'm not sure why Robert thinks Valdis isn't known
in the north.  We've had great responses from the
north residents and neighborhood groups.  It helps,
additionally, that Valdis is the only candidate (to my
knowledge) who is actively working to promote federal
mediation between the police and community members -
an effort which will directly impact north
neighborhoods in a positive manner.

Robert also said of Valdis: "At least he's beholden to
the Republicans.  At least he would probably look at a
situation and give it some thought, not needing to be
told what to do."

CN: I think maybe Robert meant to say that Valdis is
NOT beholden to the Republicans?  (Otherwise the
statements don't really make sense together.)  As
previous Deputy Chair of the MRC (currently on leave
to work on this campaign) I can say that no one is
ever beholden to the Minneapolis Republicans... we
don't operate that way.  The MRC endorses based upon
qualifications, as I would hope the other city parties
do.  We do our best to determine whether a candidate
will be able to advance the agenda of fiscal
responsibility and common sense governance, and if it
seems that they can, we endorse.  

I think it's important to note that we have
Independents, Democrats, and Republicans all working
together to elect Valdis.  This campaign is about
bridging gaps and working through differences.  Valdis
is reaching out to the entire ward, and his efforts
are being met with positive responses all over.

Happy Holidays,

Connie Nompelis
Friends for Valdis

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Re: [Mpls]

2002-12-27 Thread Conor Donnelly
The green trampoline cartoon is hilarity. 

If you take offense, then may I suggest a refresher course in the "Get your war
On" school of sarcasm and satire.

Please try and accept this work for what it is. Or, if you feel that our current
state of politics is lacking in vice or folly then just ignore this kind of
thing, and by all means, don't take it personally. Keep your eyes on the road,
things are just fine.

Conor Donnelly

Main Entry: sat·ire 
Pronunciation: 'sa-"tIr
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle French or Latin; Middle French, from Latin satura,
satira, perhaps from (lanx) satura dish of mixed ingredients, from
feminine of satur well-fed; akin to Latin satis enough -- more at SAD
Date: 1501
1 : a literary work holding up human vices and follies to ridicule or
2 : trenchant wit, irony, or sarcasm used to expose and discredit vice
or folly
synonym see WIT

Main Entry: cur·mud·geon 
Pronunciation: (")k&r-'m&-j&n
Function: noun
Etymology: origin unknown
Date: 1577
1 archaic : MISER
2 : a crusty, ill-tempered, and usually old man

Dana Bacon wrote:

> Linda Mann hits the nail on the head when she asks
> to do more than complain about the
> weather. As a Minneapolis DFLer, I gladly admit to
> belonging to an imperfect party. However, it’s a party
> that takes Minneapolis’ well-being seriously, as I
> would like to think most people do. If
> wishes to provide a constructive
> satirical service to Minneapolis, it might consider
> adding a mirror to its list of writing tools.
> Dana Bacon
> Page neighborhood

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Re: [Mpls] Federal Mediation

2002-12-27 Thread WizardMarks


The other group named the Community Negotiating Team was formed at a 
community meeting. 80 community members attended this meeting; they elected 
the CNT to represent the community in Federal Mediation. 

WM: This is a hard thing to understand Zack. The original request was 
made by the Ministerial Alliance (MA). There appeared to be no follow-up 
on the part of the city. However, next thing we know, a mediator from 
D.C. has time available to do federal mediation. It seems to me that her 
appearance could indicate that something was done. Inquiries were made 
and the result was the appearance of a federal mediator. I would say 
that the MA was taken quite seriously.
But Zack, you have only described that the MA made the request, not that 
in making the request they had somehow established themselves as a 
legitimately elected community group.

This left the community with two legitimate groups of representatives. The 
ministerial Alliance is willing to merge with the CNT and become a mediation 
team that is respected and recognized by the community as a whole. The CNT 
however has declined to merge. This action by the CNT has mediation for the 
city of Minneapolis in serious jeopardy. The process is voluntary and the 
city may pull out at any time. The city has said that it is committed to 
assuring that the entire community respects and recognizes the community 
negotiating team. If they are not, mediation will not happen.

WM: It would be important for me to know why the CNT declined. Looking 
from this distance, it looks as though, at the election meeting, members 
of the MA walked out for one reason or another, thereby not getting 
elected to the team. If I had been there and elected by the community, I 
would have declined as did the CNT. They walked away. I would love to be 
a member of the CNT, but I didn't have the time to devote to the issue 
when it emerged. However, I'd be kicking myself in the butt for having 
walked out had Idone what the MA did.

The merged team of representatives would be comprised of the African 
American, Somali, Latino/Hispanic, Asian, Native American, GLBT, African 
Immigrant, Community Service Organizations and Clergy. The total number of 
this team would be 18. 

WM: Who comprises the team as the result of the election? That's the team.

My question is this, who thinks that the two mediation teams should merge and 
become one team that the Federal mediator recognizes as the communities 
negotiating team? Who supports such a merger?

WM: Regardless of what groups or who I think would make the dream team, 
this is the team we get due to our own negligence or mistakes. I cannot 
override the election. Are you saying that the position of the MA is 
that unless they are seated they will work to make sure that the 
mediation does not happen or cannot be effective? That's pretty hard 
core. It also overrides the 75 other people who took the time to 
organize and be there and stay to vote their consciences.  It makes the 
MA look really bad.
I trusted that those who turned out for the vote were those who had 
advocated long and hard for a change in the way poor communities of 
color and police deal with each other. This mediation is step one of 
many, many steps and will take at least a generation to inculcate. This 
mediation is an opportunity for police and community to actually listen 
to each other and to implement solutions which could improve peoples' 
lives. Is the MA willing to crush this hope simply because it's four 
members were not included?
Maybe I'm over-dramatizing here, but this is the feeling I get from what 
you have said here.

WizardMarks, Central


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Fwd: Re: FW: [Mpls] 3rd ward- a council seat up for auction?

2002-12-27 Thread Vince Washburn
> > dyna
> > what's 
> > you're secret? Scab printers usually charge about
> > the same as the 
> > union printers, so there's no cost saving there. I
> > thusly suspect the 
> > only reason for going to a scab printer is to
> thumb
> > the candidate's 
> > nose at union folks. And yes, the piece was
> > presorted, but even if 
> > the mailing is fully carrier route presorted the
> > Postal service will 
> > still charge at least 25 cents/piece to mail it.
What is the difference between a union and scab
printer and why is one better than the other?

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[Mpls] Spelling bee

2002-12-27 Thread Shawne FitzGerald
Metro spellers cut out of spelling bee
Allie Shah
Star Tribune

Allie Shah clarified in an e-mail "the Scripps Howard organization
has very strict rules about who can sponsor a bee. According to their
rules, only a newspaper or media organization can sponsor the local
spelling bees that qualify students for the national contest."

The Star Trib and PP don't sponsor spelling bees.  Maybe our community
newspapers and their advertisers will take up the slack.  Maybe the
corporate partners in our MPS schools would partner with community
newspapers and fund the spelling bee costs.  Who cares if the kids win -
let's get them fired up about words for a bit!

Shawne FitzGerald


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[Mpls] 3rd ward- a council seat up for auction?

2002-12-27 Thread dyna
	On Tuesday Jonathan Palmer wrote about Don Samuel's campaign:

 Over the last five days his campaign has mailed over 20,000 pieces 
of literature into the Ward.

	Today you state:

.  The total printing and mailing budget was less then $5,000 and we 
are within budget.

	20,000 pieces for $5,000= 25 cents a piece! Joe, what's 
you're secret? Scab printers usually charge about the same as the 
union printers, so there's no cost saving there. I thusly suspect the 
only reason for going to a scab printer is to thumb the candidate's 
nose at union folks. And yes, the piece was presorted, but even if 
the mailing is fully carrier route presorted the Postal service will 
still charge at least 25 cents/piece to mail it.

	So Joe, $5,000 would at best almost pay the postage. So is 
the printing and presorting perhaps an in kind donation from a scab 
printer and mailhouse located in the 3rd ward? Joe, what printer and 
mailhouse might that be? And how much was the donation?

	Inquiring minds want to know...

		Dyna Sluyter in Hawthorne


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Re: [Mpls]

2002-12-27 Thread Dana Bacon
Linda Mann hits the nail on the head when she asks to do more than complain about the
weather. As a Minneapolis DFLer, I gladly admit to
belonging to an imperfect party. However, it’s a party
that takes Minneapolis’ well-being seriously, as I
would like to think most people do. If wishes to provide a constructive
satirical service to Minneapolis, it might consider
adding a mirror to its list of writing tools.

Dana Bacon
Page neighborhood

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[Mpls] Federal Mediation

2002-12-27 Thread ZippinZack
The ministerial Alliance team is 2 Native Americans, 1 Somali, 1 Asian, 1 
Latino/Hispanic, 1 Clergy, 1 African American, 1 African Immigrant, and City 

Also note that not all CNT members were elected at the R. Green meeting. 
Meeting participants were told that the Latino/Hispanic, Asian and Somali 
communities had selected their reps sometime before the meeting.

The question is, will we let Federal Mediation go because the community 
cannot pull together?

Zachary Metoyer
8th ward

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2002-12-27 Thread Victoria Heller
I'm happy to report that I've been invited to publish on this site.

Watch for several new series - 

Translating the ? (Wishy washy weenie words)

Left Brain/Right Brain:  Debates between the Feeling/Thinking People

Minneapolis Whistleblowers aren't just Whistling Dixie any more!

DooDoo Economics

You know your in Minneapolis when...
  (there's NO traffic on government holidays!)

Vicky Heller (aka Plucky Pucker)
Cedar-Riverside and North Oaks


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[Mpls] Toy donations

2002-12-27 Thread David Brauer
Post-Christmas, we find ourselves with an embarrassment of kid toys. We'd
like to find a good Minneapolis place to donate some (in good condition, of

I remember Wizard mentioning a "toy lending library" of some sort - I'd like
more specific info on that. Also, other good city organizations, please,
with contact info if you can.

Feel free to reply to me directly, or the list.

David Brauer
King Field


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RE: [Mpls] Re: Is Police Chief tryng to stop mediation...

2002-12-27 Thread David Brauer
Tim Connolly followed up my City Pages post with one "aye" and two "nays."
I'd like to clarify one of Tim's nays...

> I don't find the article melodramatic. Believe me this
> is pretty serious, dare I say, dramatic to those who
> face the continual humiliation of racial profiling or
> loss of life due to excessive use of force.

My original post tried to stress that only the packaging (headline) and
emphasis (Olson) was melodramatic. I think overall, G.R. did a good job
getting many perspectives in - so good that the headline and the phrase
"divisive trick" stood out.

Of course, the whole subject is (literally) deadly serious. All the more
reason not to leap to inflammatory conclusions unless the facts are solid. 

Tim's larger point, about how the community picks its representatives and
Olson's need to stay away from that, is an excellent response to my
criticism of the Community Negotiating Team, as is Shawn Lewis's follow-up.
I appreciate the eyewitness insights. I'll ponder their points, and let
others suss out responsibility for now. But it's always great when the list
can contribute sources we journalists didn't have time/space for.

David Brauer
King Field


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[Mpls] Community Negotiating Team is legitimate, Coalition of BlackChurches is not

2002-12-27 Thread Shawn Lewis
I was asked to be a community observer to witness
the meeting that took place at the Marriott Hotel
on Tuesday, December 17, 2002. Others were present
as well, Booker T. Hodges IV and Travis Lee, for instance. The purpose of this meeting 
for the 9 member Community Negotiating Team (CNT)
to listen to the concerns of this group called, "Black Ministerial Alliance" aka 
Coalition of Black Churches/African American Leadership Summit. At their side of the 
table, Rev. Randy Staten, Rev. Jerry McAfee, Rev. Clarence Hightower and Rev. Albert 
Gallmon. Plus, Keesha
Gaskins of the Mpls NAACP and Harry "Spike" Moss,
City, Inc. Presiding over this meeting was Senior
Federal Mediator, Patricia Campbell Glenn.

Basically, CNT voted (7-2) to not allow the 
merger of the two groups. Looking back on the community selection process, Ms. Gaskin 
made a 
decision not to come to the Nov 19th meeting to 
pick community representatives, Mpls Urban League
walked out, Spike Moss stated over the summer that
Federal Mediation was a "waste of time." so he did not show up, either. Now, however, 
he wants into the process like Zachary Metoyer who recently quit, but now wants back 

By the way, the media does not want to report the fact that the Mpls Urban League has 
on its Board of Directors a Deputy Mpls Police Officers, named Gregory S. Hestnes
( for yourself.

Have a happy new year.
Shawn Lewis, Field Neigbhorhood

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[Mpls] MCDA small business loans

2002-12-27 Thread Kelly O'Brien

Thank goodness for the MCDA small business loan program! A few 
years ago the Hennepin History Museum needed to replace an 80+ year old boiler. 
With the help of the MCDA we were able to deal with this emergency by taking a 
loan of $30,000 to pay for the boiler--half at around 9% from Franklin Bank (our 
neighborhood bank) and half at 2% or so from the MCDA. This program helped us 
maintain our home in the Whittier neighborhood and the blended rate was 
something our small nonprofit budget could cope with. Thank you 
Kelly O'Brien
HHM Board President

[Mpls] Article: MN Spokesman: Leaders of African American Community

2002-12-27 Thread Shawn Lewis

Where do ‘community leaders’ come from?
By: Booker T Hodges
Minnesota Spokesman-Recorder
Originally posted 12/24/2002 

Who picks the leaders of the African American
 community? Is it me? Is it you? Is it 
the community? Or is it whoever gets to 
the media first when something unfortunate 
happens in the African American community? 
Lastly, what gives anyone the right to stand 
in front of the camera and say that he or 
she represents the African American 
I feel that it is important that these 
questions be answered. During the past 
two weeks, I and 10 others went around 
the Twin Cities area asking people the
question, “Who are the leaders in the African
 American community in the Twin Cities area?” 
We went to shopping malls, downtown areas 
during lunch hours, night clubs and street 

Booker T. Hodges welcomes reader comments to bookert@

Shawn Lewis, Field Neighborhood
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RE: [Mpls] 3rd ward- a council seat up for auction? No.

2002-12-27 Thread Joseph Barisonzi

As the person helping to coordinate Don's mailings I must protest Dyna's
false allusions and numbers.  Don's campaign budget for the City Council
is a reasonable amount in the $7,000/range.  The total printing and
mailing budget was less then $5,000 and we are within budget. Our per
piece cost is not fundamentally different from the cost of the 3+ DFL
endorsed candidate's full color postcards which have been mailed to
voters. Don does not putting any of his own money into the race. Our
fundraising from neighborhood supports has been more generous. His
ability to connect with people has made him remarkable successfully,
especially in light of not receiving any of the PAC money available to
party endorsed candidates. 

A total of five holiday cards were sent to a target list of likely
voters.  These holiday cards played on a variety of primarily secular
holiday songs.  They were designed by someone with a Jewish background,
and reviewed by a full scope of third ward residents from different
cultural and religious backgrounds.  People found them a humorous way to
introduce a candidate to the voter during the middle of a festive
holiday season. My favorite was the "Silent Night - Silent Night" card.
My partner's favorite was the "12 Days" piece.  

Most of all I would like to defend our designer and printer whom Dyna
referred to as "scab".  Our printer is a minority-owned business located
in the heart of the North Minneapolis portion of the Third Ward.  We
chose our printer to reflect Don's commitment to the small businesses of
the Third Ward.  The majority of the employees of the digital design and
print company live in the Third Ward. They are paid a competitive wage.
This state-of-the-art company is a dynamic shop of people working on the
cutting edge of digital media production.  They are an incredible asset
to the North and Northeast community.  Don is proud to have had an
opportunity to utilize their talent.  They made a significant
contribution to the campaign's ability to introduce Don to a broader

A budget in a campaign is a double-edge sword.  If a candidate is
unsuccessful raising sufficient funds to mount a credible campaign they
are accused of not being a serious contender -- if too much is raised
they are susceptible to challenges 

I hope that Don strikes the balance which is reflective of his values.

Joseph Barisonzi

FN:Joseph Barisonzi ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
TITLE:Community Knowledge Specialist